Vitamins and Perinatal Outcomes Among HIV-Negative Women in Tanzania

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original article

Vitamins and Perinatal Outcomes

among HIV-Negative Women in Tanzania
Wafaie W. Fawzi, M.B., B.S., Dr.Ph., Gernard I. Msamanga, M.D., Sc.D.,
Willy Urassa, M.D., Ph.D., Ellen Hertzmark, M.S., Paul Petraro, M.P.H.,
Walter C. Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H., and Donna Spiegelman, Sc.D.


Prematurity and low birth weight are associated with high perinatal and infant mor- From the Departments of Nutrition
tality, especially in developing countries. Maternal micronutrient deficiencies may (W.W.F., P.P., W.C.W.), Epidemiology
(W.W.F., E.H., W.C.W., D.S.), and Biosta-
contribute to these adverse outcomes. tistics (D.S.), Harvard School of Public
Health, Boston; and the Departments of
Methods Community Health (G.I.M.) and Microbi-
ology and Immunology (W.U.), Muhim-
In a double-blind trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we randomly assigned 8468 preg- bili University College of Health Sciences,
nant women (gestational age of fetus, 12 to 27 weeks) who were negative for human Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Address reprint
immunodeficiency virus infection to receive daily multivitamins (including multiples requests to Dr. Fawzi at the Department
of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public
of the recommended dietary allowance) or placebo. All the women received prenatal Health, 665 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA
supplemental iron and folic acid. The primary outcomes were low birth weight 02115, or at [email protected].
(<2500 g), prematurity, and fetal death.
N Engl J Med 2007;356:1423-31.
Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
The incidence of low birth weight was 7.8% among the infants in the multivitamin
group and 9.4% among those in the placebo group (relative risk, 0.82; 95% confi-
dence interval [CI], 0.70 to 0.95; P = 0.01). The mean difference in birth weight between
the groups was modest (67 g, P<0.001). The rates of prematurity were 16.9% in the
multivitamin group and 16.7% in the placebo group (relative risk, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.91 to
1.11; P = 0.87), and the rates of fetal death were 4.3% and 5.0%, respectively (relative
risk, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.05; P = 0.15). Supplementation reduced both the risk of
a birth size that was small for gestational age (<10th percentile; 10.7% in the multi-
vitamin group vs. 13.6% in the placebo group; relative risk, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.87;
P<0.001) and the risk of maternal anemia (hemoglobin level, <11 g per deciliter; rela-
tive risk, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.80 to 0.97; P = 0.01), although the difference in the mean
hemoglobin levels between the groups was small (0.2 g per deciliter, P<0.001).

Multivitamin supplementation reduced the incidence of low birth weight and small-
for-gestational-age births but had no significant effects on prematurity or fetal death.
Multivitamins should be considered for all pregnant women in developing countries.
( number, NCT00197548.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

orldwide, approximately 20 mil- city until delivery and for 1 year thereafter, and
lion children each year are born weigh- an estimated gestational age between 12 and 27
ing less than 2500 g; these births con- weeks according to the date of the last menstrual
stitute 15.5% of all births, and 96.0% of infants period. HIV type 1 serologic status was ascertained
with low birth weight are in developing countries.1 from all women who consented to participate in
Low birth weight is associated with perinatal and the trial by means of two sequential enzyme-linked
infant mortality,2 stunting by reproductive age,3 immunosorbent assay tests.14 All women provided
and chronic diseases, including coronary heart dis- written informed consent to participate. The study
ease and diabetes.4 was approved by the institutional review boards
The micronutrient status of the mother is an at Muhimbili University College of Health Scienc-
important determinant of fetal growth and sur- es in Dar es Salaam and at the Harvard School of
vival.5 Iron and folate supplements are routinely Public Health in Boston.
provided to pregnant women in many developing
countries.6,7 The prenatal dietary intake of other Study Design
micronutrients is frequently considered to be in- The women were randomly assigned to receive a
sufficient to meet increased requirements during daily oral dose of either a multivitamin supple-
pregnancy, particularly in developing countries.8 ment or placebo from the time of enrollment un-
Prenatal multivitamin supplements are routinely til 6 weeks after delivery. The supplements includ-
provided in many developed countries; however, ed 20 mg of vitamin B1, 20 mg of vitamin B2, 25 mg
this practice is not based on findings from ran- of vitamin B6, 100 mg of niacin, 50 μg of vitamin
domized trials. Two placebo-controlled trials in- B12, 500 mg of vitamin C, 30 mg of vitamin E, and
volving pregnant women in Sarlahi, Nepal,9 and 0.8 mg of folic acid. On average, these amounts
in Mexico,10 most of whom presumably were were twice the recommended dietary allowance
negative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (RDA) for vitamin E and 6 to 10 times the RDA
infection, showed no significant effects of micro- for vitamin C and several B vitamins. Vitamin A
nutrient supplements on birth weight or other and zinc were not included because earlier studies
pregnancy outcomes. In a trial conducted in Ja­ had shown harmful effects of vitamin A during
nakpur, Nepal, supplements reduced the incidence pregnancy and at delivery in HIV-infected women
of low birth weight but had no effect on preterm in Tanzania15 and Zimbabwe,16 and several trials
birth.11 Pooled analyses of data from the two tri- of zinc administered prenatally had shown no evi-
als in Nepal suggest that micronutrient supple- dence of a benefit.17 The active tablets and placebo
mentation may increase the risk of perinatal were similar in shape, size, and color and were
death.12 packaged in identical coded bottles. A list was pre-
In a randomized, controlled trial involving HIV- pared according to a randomization sequence in
positive pregnant women in Tanzania, multivita- blocks of 20; at enrollment, each eligible woman
min supplements significantly reduced the risks was assigned to the next numbered bottle. At ev-
of fetal death, low birth weight, and preterm birth ery monthly visit, a new bottle was given to each
and increased maternal CD4 cell counts and he- woman, and the pills remaining in the used bot-
moglobin levels.13 Because these benefits might tles were counted. Research assistants who as-
not apply to HIV-negative women, we conducted sessed the study outcomes were unaware of the
a similarly designed trial involving HIV-negative intervention groups. Tishcon commercially pre-
women in Tanzania to assess the effects of these pared the tablets but had no involvement in the
supplements on birth outcomes and maternal study design, implementation, or reporting of the
health indicators. findings.
Our research team provided the participants
Me thods with standard prenatal care. All women, irrespec-
tive of the assigned study regimen, were given
Patients daily doses of iron (60 mg of elemental iron) and
Pregnant women who attended antenatal clinics folic acid (0.25 mg). They were also given malaria
in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, between August 2001 prophylaxis in the form of sulfadoxine–pyrimeth-
and July 2004 were invited to participate in the amine tablets (Fansidar, Roche) at 20 weeks and
trial. Requirements for eligibility included a neg- 30 weeks of gestation. All women completed a
ative test for HIV infection, a plan to stay in the baseline questionnaire that included their socio­

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Vitamins and Perinatal Outcomes

demographic characteristics and obstetrical histo- CD8+, and CD3+ cell counts and categorical counts
ry. At randomization and at monthly visits there- reflecting the baseline median values as cutoff
after, questionnaires were administered to evaluate points (CD4+ count, <775 per cubic millimeter;
interim medical problems. Laboratory investiga- CD8+ count, <480 per cubic millimeter; and CD3+
tions at baseline included tests for syphilis, gon- count, <1350 per cubic millimeter).
orrhea, and trichomoniasis; routine urine and
stool tests; and evaluation of blood films for ma- Statistical Analysis
laria. The total and differential white-cell counts We calculated that we would need to enroll 6000
were calculated with the use of a CBC5 counter women in order to examine the effects of the vi-
(Coulter). Counts of T-cell subgroups (CD4+, CD8+, tamin supplements on the primary outcomes. This
and CD3+) in a random sample of women were calculation was based on the following assumed
calculated with the use of the FACScount or risks in the placebo group (obtained from pilot data
FACScan system (Becton Dickinson). Blood counts in the same setting): fetal death, 8.8% of pregnan-
were obtained at baseline and 6 weeks post par- cies; low birth weight, 17.6%; and preterm births,
tum. The laboratory results were available to the 22.6%. Assuming a 10% loss to follow-up, this
women’s physicians, who prescribed treatment, sample size provided a statistical power of more
if indicated. than 90% to detect protective effects of vitamin
Full-time research midwives attended to the supplementation that would be equivalent to at
women at delivery. The weights of the babies and least a 30% reduction in the rates of low birth
the placentas were measured to the nearest 10 g. weight and prematurity and a power of more than
The infants’ body length and head circumference 80% to detect at least a 25% reduction in the risk
were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm. Women who of fetal death. The sample size was later increased
did not come to the study clinic for their month- to 8468 to increase the power because the ob-
ly appointments were visited at home when pos- served rates of these outcomes were lower than
sible and were asked to come to the clinic if their anticipated. (This increase also permitted the en-
condition allowed. rollment of 2400 women who would undergo a sec-
ond round of random assignments to the same two
Study Outcomes regimens 6 weeks post partum so that we could
The primary outcomes were low birth weight examine the effects of postnatal multivitamin sup-
(<2500 g), preterm delivery (before 37 weeks of ges- plementation on infant health — a separate anal-
tation), and fetal death. Secondary outcomes in- ysis that is not reported here.)
cluded a birth weight below 2000 g, extremely pre- Treatment effects were assessed by means of
term delivery (before 34 weeks), a size at birth that an intention-to-treat analysis. For outcomes for
was small for gestational age (defined as a birth children, generalized estimating equations19 with
weight below the 10th percentile for gestational a compound symmetry working correlation ma-
age, according to the standards of Brenner et al.18), trix were used to account for correlations due to
and fetal death and death in the first 6 weeks of twinning in the analysis of infant outcomes (155
life. As in other studies of small-for-gestational- pairs of twins and 1 set of triplets). Binary end
age infants,13 we used U.S. standards, which are points were assessed with the use of the log link
considered to provide a better reflection of growth and binomial variance function, and continuous
potential unimpeded by nutritional deprivation end points were assessed with the use of the iden-
than are local norms and thus to provide a rea- tity link and the gaussian variance function.20 To
sonable “reference” population. Other secondary assess the statistical significance of treatment ef-
outcomes included the following continuous vari- fects, P values were obtained from the robust score
ables: birth weight, length, head circumference, test. To assess the statistical significance of the
gestational age, and placental weight; risk of treatment effects for end points for women, the
cesarean section; maternal mortality, including chi-square test, or Fisher’s exact test when war-
deaths up to 6 weeks post partum; hematologic ranted, was used for binary variables, and the
status, assessed on the basis of both continuous Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for continuous
hemoglobin levels and two categorical definitions variables.21 A data safety and monitoring board
of anemia (hemoglobin level <11 g per deciliter met six times during the study and reviewed the
and <8.5 g per deciliter); and immune status, as- results with regard to efficacy and the safety end
sessed on the basis of both continuous CD4+, points. The protocol called for the use of the Peto

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

stopping boundary with a nominal P value of 0.001 (Table 3). The risk of a birth size that was small
for early discontinuation.22 for gestational age was reduced by 23% in the
multivitamin group (P<0.001) (Table 2).
R e sult s We reexamined the effects of supplementation
among singleton births. As compared with place-
Of the 8468 women who were enrolled, 40 were bo, multivitamins reduced the risks of low birth
not eligible for the study. Among the remaining weight overall (relative risk, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.66 to
8428 women, data on birth outcomes were avail- 0.93; P = 0.006) and also among term births (rela-
able for 8379 (99.4%); 6 women died before deliv- tive risk, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.96; P = 0.02).
ery, and the other 43 were lost to follow-up by the Among all singleton births, the relative risks of
time of delivery (Fig. 1). Of 8379 women with birth before 37 weeks’ gestation and before 34
known birth outcomes (miscarriage, stillbirth, or weeks’ gestation were 0.86 (95% CI, 0.71 to 1.05;
live birth [with a baby born with any evidence of P = 0.14) and 0.82 (95% CI, 0.64 to 1.05; P = 0.12),
life, such as breathing or heartbeat, considered to respectively.
be liveborn]), 8137 gave birth to live babies and Among all the women, 8.4% in the multivita-
were eligible for the analyses of birth weight and min group and 7.3% in the placebo group under-
prematurity outcomes. In this group of women, went cesarean section (relative risk, 1.15; 95% CI,
a birth weight was not recorded for 271 babies 0.99 to 1.33; P = 0.06). Multivitamins had no sig-
(3.3%) because the birth occurred at home or at nificant effect on the risk of maternal death (P = 
another medical facility. 0.27). Maternal anemia was less likely in the mul-
The study groups were similar with respect to tivitamin group than in the placebo group, and
baseline characteristics (Table 1). The mean (±SD) mean hemoglobin levels and CD4+ cell counts
interval between randomization and delivery was were significantly higher among women assigned
4.1±1.0 months, and the mean interval between to receive multivitamins (P<0.001 for both com-
randomization and 6 weeks post partum was 5.6± parisons), but the absolute differences between the
1.0 months. These intervals did not differ signifi- groups were small (Table 4).
cantly between the two groups. The average com-
pliance rate (calculated as the number of tablets Dis cus sion
that were absent from the returned bottles divid-
ed by the total number of tablets the participant HIV-negative Tanzanian women who received pre-
should have taken) was 88% (median, 96%) for the natal supplementation with vitamin B complex and
period from randomization to the time of deliv- vitamins C and E did not have significantly reduced
ery and 80% (median, 86%) for the period from risks of prematurity and fetal death, but they did
randomization to 6 weeks post partum. There was have significantly reduced risks of low birth weight.
no significant difference in compliance between Multivitamins also reduced the risk of a birth size
the treatment groups for either period (P = 0.57 and that was small for gestational age and resulted in
P = 0.20, respectively). significant albeit modest improvements in hemo-
The risk of low birth weight was 9.4% in the globin levels and CD4+ cell counts among moth-
placebo group, which was substantially lower than ers 6 weeks after delivery.
the 13% rate reported in the general population.1 We previously reported that the same multivi-
Low birth weight was significantly less common tamin regimen improved outcomes among HIV-
in the multivitamin group than in the placebo infected women enrolled in a similarly designed
group (7.8% vs. 9.4%; relative risk, 0.82; 95% con- study in Tanzania.9 In the present study, which
fidence interval [CI], 0.70 to 0.95; P = 0.01) (Table involved HIV-negative women, the magnitude of
2). The mean birth weight was significantly but the benefit was smaller. The risks of low birth
modestly higher in the multivitamin group than weight and a birth size that was small for gesta-
in the placebo group (mean difference between the tional age were reduced by 18% and 23%, respec-
groups, 67 g; P<0.001). tively, among HIV-negative women, as compared
Multivitamin supplementation had no signifi- with corresponding reductions of 44% and 43%
cant effects on the risk of preterm birth (Table 2) among HIV-infected women.
or on the risk of fetal death (4.3% in the multi- Multivitamins, including B vitamins and anti-
vitamin group and 5.0% in the placebo group; oxidant vitamins C and E, may lead to better birth
relative risk, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.05; P = 0.15) outcomes in several ways. By enhancing maternal

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Vitamins and Perinatal Outcomes

8468 Women enrolled

40 Were not eligible

30 Were not pregnant
6 Were out of gestational-
age range
1 Was younger than 18 yr
1 Was HIV-positive
2 Enrolled twice

8428 Underwent randomization

4214 Assigned to multivitamin

4214 Assigned to placebo group

23 Unknown birth 26 Unknown birth

outcomes outcomes

4191 Known birth outcomes 4188 Known birth outcomes

50 Miscarriages 52 Miscarriages

144 Twins 4069 Singletons 4052 Singletons 169 Multiples

5 Stillbirths 129 Stillbirths 148 Stillbirths 15 Stillbirths

139 Live births 3940 Live births 3904 Live births 154 Live births
119 With postnatal 3762 With postnatal 3733 With postnatal 138 With postnatal
survival status survival status survival status survival status
known known known known

6 Infants died in 87 Infants died in 92 Infants died in 14 Infants died in

1 wk 1 wk 1 wk 1 wk
0 Infants died in 7 Infants died in 12 Infants died in 3 Infants died in
2 to 6 wk 2 to 6 wk 2 to 6 wk 2 to 6 wk

113 Infants alive at 6 wk 3668 Infants alive at 6 wk 3629 Infants alive at 6 wk 121 Infants alive at 6 wk

Figure 1. Study Enrollment, Randomization, and Pregnancy Outcomes.


nutritional status and immunity during pregnancy,

REG F FIGURE: maternal
1 of 1 vitamin status and2ndbirth outcomes.23-26
multivitamins may reduce the risk of intrauterine
CASE Better birth outcomesRevised
may also occur by means of
Line 4-C
infections. However, we were not ableEMail to exam-
ARTIST: improvements
ts H/T
SIZE hematologic status.
ine this hypothesis directly. In observational stud- Low hemoglobin
Combo levels are associated with in-
ies, positive associations were reported between AUTHOR,creasedPLEASE
of adverse pregnancy outcomes, in-
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset.
Please check carefully.
n engl j med 356;14  april 5, 2007 1427
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

study. Although the small increase in the HIV-

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Women in the Multivitamin and Placebo
Groups.* negative women may not be important on an in-
dividual level, a small shift of the population dis-
Multivitamin Group Placebo Group tribution toward higher hemoglobin levels may
Characteristic (N = 4214) (N = 4214)
be beneficial from the public health perspective.
Gestational age of fetus (wk) 21.3±3.5 21.3±3.5 Vitamin C and riboflavin improve the intestinal
Maternal age (yr) 25.2±5.1 25.1±5.1 absorption of iron. Riboflavin is also necessary
Education (%)† for synthesis of the globin component of hemo-
0–4 yr 11.6 11.4 globin.28
Our findings differ from those of two placebo-
5–7 yr 65.9 67.2
controlled trials among presumably HIV-negative
8–11 yr 17.3 16.4
pregnant women from Sarlahi, Nepal,9 and Mex-
≥12 yr 5.2 5.0 ico,10 which showed no significant effects of mul-
Parity (%)‡ tiple micronutrient supplements on birth weight
0 (primigravida) 45.5 45.1 and other pregnancy outcomes. In both trials,
1 27.5 27.9 the supplement included doses of micronutrients
2 14.6 15.0
containing the RDA. In a placebo-controlled trial
in Janakpur, Nepal, multiple micronutrients con-
≥3 12.4 12.0
taining the RDA resulted in a significant mean
Body-mass index (%)§
difference in birth weight of 77 g and a reduction
<22.0 26.3 26.9 of 25% in the risk of low birth weight, as com-
22.0–24.9 34.6 35.1 pared with placebo; this trial did not show a sig-
25.0–29.9 30.0 28.2 nificant effect of vitamin supplementation on the
≥30.0 9.1 9.8 risk of preterm birth.11 In a trial in Guinea-Bissau,
Hemoglobin (%)¶
which compared supplements containing one or
two times the RDA of micronutrients with place-
<8.5 g/dl 11.9 12.1
bo,29 the incidence of low birth weight was sig-
8.5–10.9 g/dl 55.9 54.9 nificantly higher among infants of mothers who
≥11.0 g/dl 32.2 33.0 received placebo than among infants of mothers
T-cell counts‖ who received supplements containing twice the
CD4+ count (cells/mm3) 807±253 804±263 RDA (13.6% vs. 10.0%; mean difference in birth
CD4+ count <775 cells/mm3 (%) 50.0 51.3 weight, 95 g) but was not significantly different
from the incidence among infants of mothers who
CD3+ count <1350 cells/mm3 (%) 50.9 50.1
received supplements containing the RDA (low
CD8+ count <480 cells/mm3 (%) 48.7 49.2
birth weight, 12.0%; mean difference in birth
* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. There were no significant differences be- weight between this group and the placebo group,
tween the multivitamin and placebo groups (P≥0.05). 53 g; P = 0.009 for linear trend in birth weight).
† Information regarding education was not available for 38 women (0.5%). The efficacy of supplements that include the
‡ Information regarding parity was not available for 45 women (0.5%).
§ The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the RDA may vary in developing countries. In our pre-
height in meters. The baseline body-mass index was not available for 1034 vious study involving HIV-positive Tanzanian
women (12.3%). women13 and in the current study involving HIV-
¶ Baseline hemoglobin measurements were not available for 1182 women
(14.0%). negative Tanzanian women, the supplement
‖ Baseline T-cell counts (CD4+, CD8+, and CD3+) were not available for 5598 contained twice the RDA of vitamin E and 6 to
women (66.5%). 10 times the RDAs for several B vitamins and vi-
tamin C. HIV-infected persons are likely to require
cluding low birth weight.27 In our previous trial, an increased vitamin intake to maintain an ad-
supplementation with vitamin B complex and vi- equate nutritional status.30 Given that the RDA
tamins C and E significantly increased the mean is the level recommended for healthy women in
hemoglobin level in HIV-positive women at 6 weeks North America, even in the absence of HIV infec-
post partum (mean increase, 0.6 g per deciliter),13 tion, this level of supplementation may be inade-
as compared with an increase of 0.2 g per deci- quate to meet the requirements of pregnant wom-
liter in the HIV-negative women in the current en in many developing countries because of the

1428 n engl j med 356;14  april 5, 2007

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Vitamins and Perinatal Outcomes

Table 2. Birth Outcomes.

No. of No. of Difference

End Point* Women Infants Multivitamin Group Placebo Group or Relative Risk P Value
Birth weight — g 7732 7866
Mean (95% CI) 3148 (3132 to 3165) 3083 (3067 to 3099) 67 (43 to 89) <0.001
<2500 g — no. (%) 306 (7.8) 368 (9.4) 0.82 (0.70 to 0.95) 0.01
<2000 g — no. (%) 85 (2.2) 109 (2.8) 0.75 (0.56 to 1.02) 0.06
Gestational age — wk 7996
Mean (95% CI) 39.5 (39.4 to 39.6) 39.4 (39.3 to 39.5) 0.2 (0.0 to 0.3) 0.02
Preterm birth — no. (%) 7996

<37 wk 676 (16.9) 666 (16.7) 1.01 (0.91 to 1.11) 0.87

<34 wk 196 (4.9) 222 (5.6) 0.88 (0.73 to 1.06) 0.17
Low birth weight and preterm 7732 7866 160 (4.1) 176 (4.5) 0.88 (0.71 to 1.10) 0.27
birth — no. (%)

Low birth weight and term birth 6437 6516 146 (4.5) 192 (5.9) 0.76 (0.61 to 0.95) 0.02
— no. (%)
Small for gestational age — 7518 7650 407 (10.7) 523 (13.6) 0.77 (0.68 to 0.87) <0.001
no. (%)†
Length — cm 5540 5640
Mean (95% CI) 47.5 (47.3 to 47.7) 47.3 (47.1 to 47.5) 0.2 (−0.1 to 0.5) 0.28
Head circumference — cm 6611 6731
Mean (95% CI) 34.4 (34.3 to 34.5) 34.3 (34.2 to 34.4) 0.1 (0.0 to 0.2) 0.17
Placental weight — g 6722 6746 <0.001
Mean (95% CI) 507 (503 to 510) 498 (495 to 501) 9 (4 to 14)
Cesarean section — no. (%) 8379 353 (8.4) 307 (7.3) 1.15 (0.99 to 1.33) 0.06

* Gestational age at birth, preterm births, and cesarean sections were considered to be outcomes for women.
† Small for gestational age was defined as a birth weight below the 10th percentile for gestational age. The analysis of this end point was re-
stricted to births at 21 to 44 weeks of gestation.

higher burden of undernutrition and parasitic in- significantly between the multivitamin and place-
fections in these countries. bo groups. Thus, the availability of standard ante-
In an analysis of pooled data from the two natal and obstetrical care that provides for early
Nepalese trials, perinatal mortality was paradoxi- identification and management of conditions as-
cally increased with multivitamin use.12 The au- sociated with obstructed labor may mitigate con-
thors suggested that higher birth weight, at least cerns about the potentially adverse effects of mi-
among short and chronically undernourished cronutrient supplements; such care was provided
South Asian women, could lead to difficulty in in the African trials that were carried out in large
labor, presumably because of cephalopelvic dis- urban centers.
proportion, with associated perinatal mortality. In our current study, the rate of low birth
The trial in Mexico did not show an adverse ef- weight in the placebo group was substantially
fect of supplementation.10 Fetal mortality was lower than previously reported rates in the general
significantly reduced (by 39%) with supplemen- population. This low rate may reflect the high
tation in our previous study of HIV-positive Tan- standard of prenatal care provided according to
zanian women.13 In the current study, supplemen- national and World Health Organization guide-
tation had no significant effect on fetal mortality; lines. Even so, multivitamin supplementation had
the same was true in the study in Guinea-Bissau.29 beneficial effects on some pregnancy outcomes.
In both the current study and the study in Zimba- It is not clear whether the effects of supplemen-
bwe,31 the risks of cesarean section did not differ tation would be different in populations of women

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 3. Fetal Loss, Miscarriage, Stillbirths, and Infant Deaths.*

No. of No. of Multivitamin Placebo Relative Risk

Outcome Time of Death Women Infants Group Group (95% CI) P Value
no. (%)
Fetal loss Any time before delivery 8379 8536 184 (4.3) 215 (5.0) 0.87 (0.72–1.05) 0.15
Miscarriage Before 28 weeks’ gestation 8379 50 (1.2) 52 (1.2) 0.96 (0.65–1.41) 0.84
Stillbirth Between 28 weeks’ gestation 8277 8434 134 (3.2) 163 (3.9) 0.84 (0.67–1.05) 0.13
and delivery
Perinatal Between 28 weeks’ gestation 7919 8048 227 (5.7) 268 (6.6) 0.88 (0.74–1.04) 0.13
and 1 week after delivery
Postnatal During the first 6 weeks after 7638 7751 100 (2.6) 120 (3.1) 0.86 (0.66–1.13) 0.28
Perinatal or Between 28 weeks’ gestation 7919 8048 234 (5.8) 283 (7.0) 0.86 (0.72–1.02) 0.08
postnatal and 6 weeks after delivery
Fetal, perinatal, Any time before delivery or dur- 8021 8150 284 (7.0) 335 (8.2) 0.88 (0.75–1.02) 0.09
or postnatal ing first 6 weeks after delivery

* Numbers and percentages of infants are shown for all outcomes except miscarriage, for which numbers and percentages of women are
shown, since miscarriage was considered to be an outcome for women.

Table 4. Hemoglobin and T-Cell Counts among Women 6 Weeks after Delivery.

No. of Difference or Relative

End Point Women Multivitamin Group Placebo Group Risk (95% CI)* P Value
Hemoglobin 6169
Mean (95% CI) — g/dl 12.1 (12.1 to 12.2) 11.9 (11.9 to 12.0) 0.2 (0.1 to 0.3) <0.001
<8.5 g/dl — no. (%) 87 (2.8) 104 (3.4) 0.84 (0.63 to 1.11) 0.21
<11 g/dl — no. (%) 593 (19.2) 671 (21.8) 0.88 (0.80 to 0.97) 0.01
CD4+ 3017
Mean (95% CI) — cells/mm3 924 (909 to 939) 888 (874 to 902) 36 (15 to 57) <0.001
CD4+ <775 cells/mm3 — no. (%) 466 (31.0) 577 (38.1) 0.81 (0.74 to 0.90) <0.001
CD8+ 3017
Mean (95% CI) — cells/mm3 654 (640 to 668) 640 (626 to 654) 15 (−5 to 34) 0.14
CD8+ <480 cells/mm3 — no. (%) 424 (28.2) 469 (31.0) 0.91 (0.82 to 1.02) 0.10
CD3+ 3017
Mean (95% CI) — cells/mm3 1669 (1643 to 1695) 1614 (1588 to 1640) 55 (18 to 92) 0.003
CD3+ <1350 cells/mm3 — no. (%) 414 (27.5) 510 (33.7) 0.82 (0.73 to 0.91) <0.001

* Mean differences are shown for continuous variables, and relative risks for categorical variables.

for whom prenatal care is less available. Future gestational age, but it had no significant effects
trials could assess the effects of varying doses and on the risks of prematurity or fetal death. In light
the addition of other nutrients not included in our of these benefits and the low cost of the supple-
regimen. ments, multivitamins should be considered for
In conclusion, prenatal multivitamin supple- all pregnant women. Many developing countries
mentation significantly reduced the risks of low have a system for providing prenatal iron and fo-
birth weight and a birth size that was small for late supplements; the supplements are produced

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Vitamins and Perinatal Outcomes

in bulk by the United Nations Children’s Fund No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
(UNICEF) at an estimated cost of less than $1 per
We thank the mothers and children, the field teams, includ-
person for the duration of pregnancy.32 The in- ing nurses, midwives, supervisors, and laboratory staff, and the
crease in cost of incorporating the RDA of addi- administrative staff who made the study possible; Said Aboud,
tional nutrients is conservatively estimated to be Illuminata Ballonzi, Julia Finkelstein, David Hunter, Sylvia
Kaaya, Karim Manji, Heavengton Mshiu, Christina Nyhus, Rui-
about 20%,32 and scaling up prenatal multiple lan Wei, and all other members of the Harvard–Tanzania col-
micronutrient supplementation could be a highly laboration; and the members of the data safety and monitoring
cost-effective approach to improving birth out- board: Paul Jacques, the late Valerian Kimati, Andrew Kitua,
Zul Premji, and Meir Stampfer. We also thank the permanent
comes among pregnant women in developing secretary of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health, the authorities
countries. at Muhim­bili University College of Health Sciences, and the
Supported by a grant from the National Institute of Child City of Dar es Salaam Regional Health Authority for their insti-
Health and Human Development (NICHD R01 37701). tutional support.

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