Friction Sample Question Answers

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Friction Sample Question

1. What is friction? Why does it occur? Mention the laws of static friction.
2. What is boundary lubrication? Mention the main difference between the solid friction and
viscous friction?
3. Mention some examples where friction is utilized.
4. Determine the minimum force required to pull a body on a rough horizontal plane.
5. Show that limiting angle of friction equals angle of repose.
6. Determine the minimum force required to pull a body upward on a rough inclined plane
when the force is applied (i) horizontally, (ii) parallel to the plane.
7. Determine the minimum force required to stop the downward motion of a body on a rough
inclined plane when the force is applied (i) horizontally, (ii) parallel to the plane.
8. Find the force required to move a body on a smooth inclined plane.
9. Find the (force) efficiency of an inclined plane when a body moves (i) upward, (ii) downward
with force acting (a) horizontally, (b) parallel to the plane.
10. Problems: examples 10.1, 10.2 and exercise # 1 (p.320).

Answer to Friction Questions

1. An opposing force acts in the opposite direction of the movement of a body at the interface of
the contacting substance. This opposing force is called the force of friction or simply friction.
Friction occurs due to the relative motion of rough contacting surfaces as a result of interlocking
caused by surface unevenness of the bodies in contact. At the solid-fluid interface friction occurs
as a result of adhesion of fluid particles due to their viscosity.
Laws of (solid) static friction:
a. Friction always acts in the opposite direction a body tends to move.
b. The magnitude of friction is exactly equal to the force, which tends the body to move.
c. The magnitude of the limiting friction (F) bears a constant ratio to the normal reaction
between the two surfaces (RN). Mathematically F/RN = constant (µ, coefficient of friction)
d. The force of friction is independent of the area of contact, between the two surfaces.
e. The force of friction depends upon the roughness of the surfaces.
2. In boundary lubrication, rubbing surfaces have a very thin layer of lubricant in between. Here
surfaces contact at different points. However, the lubricant is absorbed on the surfaces and forms
a thin film resulting in lower friction.
In solid or dry friction, the friction is experienced between two dry and unlubricated surfaces in
contact. It is due to the surface roughness. In viscous friction, a thick layer of the lubricant
remains in between the rubbing surfaces which actually do not come in contact and thus do not
rub against each other.
3. Some energy is wasted in overcoming the friction, so it is usually considered undesirable. But
it plays an important role thus desirable in some cases; e.g. walking on a road, motion of
locomotive on rails, transmission of power by belts etc.
4. Consider that a body A of weight (W) is resting on a horizontal
plane B as shown in the figure. Let an effort P is applied at an
angle θ to the horizontal such that the body A just moves. The
various forces acting on the body are shown in the figure.
Resolving the force P into two components, i.e. P sin θ acting upwards and P cos θ acting
horizontally. Now for the equilibrium of the body A,
RN + P sin θ = W; or RN = W – P sin θ ...(i) and P cos θ = F = μ.RN ...(ii) ...(∵ F = μ.RN)
Substituting the value of RN from equation (i) into (ii), we get
P cos θ = μ (W – P sin θ) = tan φ (W – P sin θ) ... (∵ μ = tan φ)
sin φ
(W−P sin θ )
= cosφ
P cos θ .cos φ = W sin φ – P sin θ. sin φ; or, P cos θ.cos φ + P sin θ.sin φ = W sin φ
P cos (θ – φ) = W sin φ ... [_cos θ. cos φ + sin θ.sin φ = cos (θ – φ)]
W sin φ
cos(θ−φ) ; ...(iii) Now, for P to be minimum, cos (θ – φ) should be maximum, i.e.,
cos (θ – φ) = 1, or θ – φ = 0°, or θ = φ. In other words, force P would be minimum if its
inclination with the horizontal is equal to the limiting angle of friction.
∴ Pmin = W sin θ ...[from equation (iii)]
5. The angle that the resultant (reaction R) of surface normal
reaction RN and the limiting friction F (= μ.RN = μ.W) makes
with the normal reaction RN is defined as the limiting angle of
friction. From the figure, tan φ = F/RN = μ RN / RN = μ
If the angle of inclination α of a plane to the horizontal is such
that a body resting on the surface begins to move down the plane,
then the angle α is called the angle of repose. The weight of the
body (W) can be resolved into the following two components:
1. W sin α, parallel to the plane B. This component tends to slide
the body down the plane.
2. W cos α, perpendicular to the plane B. This component is
balanced by the normal reaction (RN) of the body A and the plane
B. The body will only begin to move down the plane, when
W sin α = F = μ.RN = μ.W cos α ...(∵ RN = W cos α)
∴ tan α = μ = tan φ or, α = φ ...(∵ μ = tan φ)
α is the plane inclination and ɵ is the
angle between the effort P and weight
W. The limiting frictional force F =
μRN acts in the direction opposite to
the motion of the body, as shown in
the figure. The resultant reaction, R
between the plane and the body is
inclined at an angle φ, the limiting
angle of friction, with the normal
reaction RN. Angles are shown on the
left. Using Lami’s theorem:
P W W sin ( α +φ )
= P=
sin { 180−( α + φ) } sin [ 180− { θ−( α +φ ) } ] ; or, sin {θ−( α + φ ) }
(i) If θ is 900, i.e., force is applied horizontally, then
W sin ( α +φ ) W sin ( α +φ )
P= = =W tan( α +φ )
sin { 90−( α +φ ) } cos ( α + φ)
(ii) In case θ is 900+α, i.e., force is applied parallel to the plane, then
W sin ( α + φ ) W sin ( α +φ ) W ( sin α cos ϕ+cos α sin φ )
P= = = =W ( sin α + tan φ cos α )
sin { 90+α −( α + φ ) } cos( φ) cos φ

= W (sin α + μ cos α ) ( ∵ μ = tan φ)

7. α is the plane inclination and ɵ is
the angle between the effort P and
weight W. The limiting frictional
force F = μRN acts in the direction
opposite to the motion of the
body, as shown in the figure. The
resultant reaction, R between the
plane and the body is inclined at
an angle φ, the limiting angle of
friction, with the normal reaction
RN. Angles are shown on the left.
Using Lami’s theorem:
P W W sin ( α −φ )
= P=
sin { 180−( α −φ ) } sin [ 180−{ θ−( α −φ ) } ] ; or, sin {θ−( α −φ ) }
(i) When the force is applied horizontally, θ = 900,
W sin ( α−φ ) W sin ( α−φ )
P= = =W tan( α−φ )
sin { 90−( α−φ ) } cos( α−φ )
(ii) When the force is applied parallel to the plane, θ = 900+α
W sin ( α −φ ) W sin ( α −φ ) W ( sin α cos ϕ−cos α sin φ )
P= = = =W ( sin α −tan φ cos α )
sin { 90+α −( α −φ ) } cos ( φ ) cos φ

= W (sin α−μ cos α ) ( ∵ μ = tan φ)

8. α is the plane inclination and ɵ is the angle between the effort P and weight W.
Applying Lami’s theorem for three
system of forces:
P0 W
sin( 180−α ) sin [ 180−( θ−α ) ]
W sin α
P0 =
sin ( θ−α )
P0 =W sin α For θ =
90 +α

P0 =W tan α For θ = 900

9. (i) Plane efficiency for upward movement can be defined as: P , or
W sin α sin [ θ−( α +φ ) ] sin α sin θ . cos ( α + φ )−cos θ . sin ( α + φ )
η= x = x
sin( θ−α ) W sin ( α +φ ) sin θ cos α −cos θ sin α sin( α +φ )
cos θ
sin α
sinθ cos ( α + φ )−
.sin ( α +φ ) ]
cos α cos θ sin(α +φ)
sin θ . sin α (

sin α sin θ )
cot ( α +φ ) −cot θ
cot α −cotθ
cot ( α +φ ) tan α
η= =
(a) For horizontal loading θ = 900; cot θ = 0. ∴ cot α tan ( α +φ )
(b) For force acting parallel to the plane θ = 900+α.
cos ( α +φ ) sin α
cot ( α + φ )−cotθ cot ( α +φ ) −cot( 90+ α ) cot ( α + φ ) +tan α sin ( α + φ ) cos α
= = =
cot α −cot θ cot α −cot (90+ α ) cot α + tan α cos α sin α
∴ η= sin α cos α
cos ( α +φ ) . cos α + sin ( α +φ ) . sin α cos ( α +φ−α )
sin ( α + φ ) . cos α sin ( α +φ ) . cos α cos φ sin α cos φ
= 2 2
= = x sin α . cos α =
cos α +sin α 1 sin ( α +φ ) . cos α sin ( α +φ )
sin α . cos α sin α .cos α
(ii) Plane efficiency for impending downward motion is defined by: P0 ; or
W sin ( α−φ ) sin ( θ−α ) sin ( α−φ ) sin θ cos α −cos θ sin α
η= x = x
sin [ θ−( α −φ ) ] W sin α sinθ cos ( α −φ )−cos θ sin ( α −φ ) sin α

cos θ
sin ( α −φ )
sinθ cos α −
sin θ
sin α
] =
cot α −cot θ
cos ( α−φ ) cos θ sin α cot ( α −φ ) −cot θ
sin θ sin ( α −φ )
[ −
sin ( α −φ ) sinθ ]
cot α tan ( α−φ )
η= =
(a) For horizontal loading θ = 900; cot θ = 0. ∴ cot(α−φ ) tan α
(b) For force acting parallel to the plane θ = 900+α.
cos α sin α
cot α −cot ( 90+α ) cot α +tan α sin α cos α
η= = =
cot ( α−φ )−cot ( 90+α ) cot ( α −φ )+ tan α cos ( α−φ ) sin α
sin ( α −φ ) cos α
2 2
cos α +sin α 1
sin α cos α sin α cos α sin ( α −φ ) cos α sin ( α−φ )
= = = =
cos α cos ( α−φ ) +sin α sin ( α −φ ) cos ( α −φ−α ) sin α cos α cos φ sin α cos φ
sin ( α −φ ) cos α sin ( α−φ ) cos α
Exercise # 1 (P. 320)
Find the force required to move a load of 300 N up a rough plane, the force being applied parallel to the
plane. The inclination of the plane is such that a force of 60 N inclined at 30º to a similar smooth plane
would keep the same load in equilibrium. The coefficient of friction is 0.3.
plane, P = W (sin α + μ cos α )
When force is applied parallel to the ;
Given W = 300 N, μ = 0.3. Plane inclination, α should be found from the next part of the problem
(equilibrium of the body on the smooth plane).
For the smooth surface, the applied force is inclined 300 to the plane (ψ = 300). So the angle between the
surface reaction RN and P0 is 600; because RN is perpendicular to the plane. The value of P0 is given as 60
N. The angle between RN and W is (1800 - α ). Using Lami’s theorem for the equilibrium of a body
under 3 forces:

P0 W P0 W
= ;
sin(180−α ) sin 60 or, sin α = sin 60
P 0 sin 60 60 x sin 60
sin α= =
W 300 = 0.1732

cosα=√ ( 1−sin2 α )=√ ( 1−0. 17322 ) =0 . 9849

∴ P=300 x (0 . 1732+0 .3 x 0. 9849 )=140 .6 N
Example 10.1. A body, resting on a rough horizontal plane required a pull of 180 N inclined
at 30º to the plane just to move it. It was found that a push of 220 N inclined at 30º to the plane
just moved the body. Determine the weight of the body and the coefficient of friction.
Solution. Given: α = 30º, Let W = Weight of the body in newton, RN = Normal reaction,
μ = Coefficient of friction, and F = Force of friction.
First of all, let us consider a pull of 180 N. The force of friction (F) acts towards left as shown
in the figure below.
Resolving the forces horizontally,
F = 180 cos 30º = 180 × 0.866 = 156 N
Now resolving the forces vertically,
RN = W – 180 sin 30º = W – 180 × 0.5 = (W – 90) N
We know that F = μRN or 156 = μ (W – 90) ...(i)

Now let us consider a push of 220 N. The force of friction (F)

acts towards right as shown in the left figure.
Resolving the forces horizontally,
F = 220 cos 30º = 220 × 0.866 = 190.5 N
Now resolving the forces vertically,
RN = W + 220 sin 30º = W + 220 × 0.5 = (W + 110) N
We know that F = μRN or 190.5 = μ (W + 110) ...(ii)
From equations (i) and (ii), W = 1000 N, and μ = 0.1714.
Example 10.2. An effort of 1500 N is required to
just move a certain body up an inclined
plane of angle 12º, force acting parallel to the plane. If the angle of inclination is increased to
15º, then the effort required is 1720 N. Find the weight of the body and the coefficient of friction.
Solution. Given : P1 = 1500 N ; α1 = 12º ; α2 = 15º ; P2 = 1720 N
Let W = Weight of the body in newton, and μ = Coefficient of friction.
First of all, let us consider a body lying on a plane inclined at an angle of 12º with the
horizontal and subjected to an effort of 1500 N parallel to the plane as shown in Fig. (a).

Let RN1 = Normal reaction, and F1 = Force of friction.

We know that for the motion of the body up the inclined plane, the effort applied parallel to
the plane (P1), 1500 = W (sin α1 + μ cos α1) = W (sin 12º + μ cos 12º) ...(i)
Now let us consider the body lying on a plane inclined at an angle of 15º with the horizontal
and subjected to an effort of 1720 N parallel to the plane as shown in Fig. (b).
Let RN2 = Normal reaction, and F2 = Force of friction.
We know that for the motion of the body up the inclined plane, the effort applied parallel to
the plane (P2), 1720 = W (sin α2 + μ cos α2) = W (sin 15º + μ cos 15º) ...(ii)
Coefficient of friction
1720 W (sin 15+μ cos 15 )
Dividing equation (ii) by equation (i), 1500 W (sin12+μ cos 12 )
1720 sin 12º + 1720 μ cos 12º = 1500 sin 15º + 1500 μ cos 15º
μ (1720 cos 12º – 1500 cos 15º) = 1500 sin 15º – 1720 sin 12º
μ = 30.62/233.525 =0.131
Weight of the body
Substituting the value of μ in equation (i),
1500 = W (sin 12º + 0.131 cos 12º) = W (0.2079 + 0.131 × 0.9781) = 0.336 W
∴ W = 1500/0.336 = 4464 N Ans.

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