Seminar Report On Facts Devices

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SESSION (2019-2020)






ABSTRACT........................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLES ..........................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................... vi
1.1. Introduction…………………………………………………………..1
1.2. Advantages of FACTS devices………………………...……………..2
1.3. Project objective………………………………………...……………2
1.4. Organization of report……………………………………...………..2
2.1. Overview…………………………………………..………………….4
2.2. Configuration of FACTS devices………………………………....…5
2.2.1. Shunt devices…………………………………………………...5 Static Var compensator(SVC)………………………….6 Static synchronous compensator(STATCOM)………..7
2.2.2. Series devices…………………………………………………...8 Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)……....8 Static synchronous series compensator………………10
2.2.3. Series and shunt devices……………………………………...10 Unified power flow controller………………………..11
3.2. Simulation of a transmission line without introduction of FACTS
3.2.1. Result of simulation…………………………………………...13
3.3. Simulation of a transmission line with the introduction of FACTS
3.3.1. Introduction of fixed capacitor thyristor reactor………......15 Result of simulation…………………………………....16 Effect of change of value of fixed capacitor.......17 Effect of change in firing angle the thyristor…19
3.3.2. Introduction to unified power flow controller………….…..20 Result of simulation……………………………………21 Effect of injected voltage……………………......22 Effect of resistive shunt current ………….……23
4. CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………..26
5. REFERENCES………………………………………………………….27

S.K.Chaudhary Educational Trust’s



This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “FACT DEVICES” has
been submitted by SUMAN SHARMA, B.Tech final year (EE) whose Roll
NO. is 16ESIEE048, in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of
Technology Degree of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota in the session
2019-2020.It has been found to be satisfactory and here by approved for the




(Seminar incharge) (EE Department)


This report contains the study of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) equipment
operation in transmission systems. In the present scenario the demand for electrical energy
has increased manifold. This has led to the facing of power transmission limitation crisis by
energy transmission systems. The limitations occur due to maintaining a balance between
supplying the allowed level of voltage and maintaining stability of the system. Due to the
power crisis the FACTS devices play a crucial role in the present scenario. In energy
transmission systems FACTS are effective equipments on power control. They help
facilitating the improvement in power transmission capability while minimizing the
transmission losses and impact on the environment. They also aid in the improvement of
power quality while maintaining the stability of the system.

The principal operating modes and applications of FACTS equipment in transmission and
distribution system such as Static Var Compensator (SVC), Static Synchronous
Compensator (STATCOM), Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC), Static
Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is
discussed in this report. The characteristics of FC-TCR and UPFC were studied and their
models were simulated in Matlab using simulink. In Fixed capacitor Thyristor Controlled
Reactor the regulation of power flow was done by changing the firing angle of the
thyristor. The compensation obtained was better than that of a normal transmission line. In
case of Unified Power Flow Controller the injected voltage and the injected current were
the control parameters. The power flow can be regulated by changing the magnitude or
phase of the injected voltage while for the injected current the value of the injected current
and the shunt resistance are varied for regulating power flow.


I am grateful to The Department of Electrical Engineering, Shankara Institute of

Technology, Jaipur for giving me the opportunity to carry out this project.

I would like to thank Mr. RAKESH KANWADIYA, Head of the Department, Electrical
Engineering for his guidance, support and direction.

I feel privileged to express my deep sense of gratitude to my inspiring teacher Mr. SUNNY
KUMAR and MR. VIKRAM, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shankara Institute of
Technology. I feel indebted to him for his unstinted guidance, invaluable suggestions and
constructive criticism, which enabled me to accomplish this task.

Last but not the least, I want to acknowledge the contributions of my parents and family
members and friends for their constant and never ending motivation.


1. Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for different values of Capacitance.…...18
2. Variation Of TCR Current and Powers For Different Firing Angles………………….19
3. Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for different Magnitude Of Injected
4. Variation in Powers and Currents for different Phase Of Injected Voltage…………...23
5. Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for constant shunt resistance with varying
reactive shunt current………………………………………………………………….23
6. Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for constant shunt resistance with varying
reactive shunt current………………………………………………………………….24



1 Overview Of major FACTS devices …………………………….………4

2a TCR/FC Configuration………………………………………………….6
2b TCR/TSC Configuration………………………………………………..6
3 Voltage/Current Characteristics Of SVC ………………………………..7
4 STATCOM Structure ……………………………………………………7
5 Voltage/Current Characteristics of STATCOM ………………………...7
6 Principle setup of TCSC ………………………………………………...9
7 Operational characteristics of TCSC ……………………………………9
8 Principle Setup Of SSSC……………………………………………….10
9 Transmission line model for 11kv……………………………………...12
10 Graph of Real Power Vs Time for Transmission line………………...13
11 Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time for Transmission line……………14
12 Transmission line model for 11kv with a Fixed Capacitor Thyristor
Controlled Reactor………………………………………………………..15
13 Graph of Real Power Vs Time………………………………………...16
14 Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time………………………………………………..16
15 Graph of Real Power Vs Time for C=300µF……………………….…17
16 Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time for C=300µF …………………….18
17 Transmission line model for 11kv with Unified Power Flow
18 Graph of Real Power Vs Time ………………………………………..21
19 Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time……………………………………21
20 Graph of Effective Current Vs ………………………………………..22


Electrical energy plays an important role in the present industrial society and has immense
importance to a nation‟s welfare and development. Hydro, thermal and nuclear power
plants account for almost all of the energy generated. A lot of this energy is used for
industrial, commercial, home, space and military applications with the application of power
electronics. Power electronics technology has advanced a lot over the last two decades and
as a result of this the reach of power electronics applications has spread to all voltage
levels, starting from EHV transmission to low voltage circuits in the end user facilities.
HVDC terminals, Static Var Compensation (SVC) systems, load transfer switches, static
phase shifters, active line conditioning, energy storage, isolation switches and
instantaneous backup power systems, renewable energy integration, and various other
applications are the commonly observed power electronics applications.

The major concern in world-wide distribution systems at present is power quality. For
instance consumers like industrial plants mainly deal with automated processes and if the
line voltage is not up to the levels of the expected quality due to voltage sags or flicker,
they may incur economic losses. Therefore proper quality attached to the line voltage at the
point of common coupling is very necessary. This quality cannot be achieved with
conventional equipment in majority of the cases. In the last decade, improvement of power
quality has been one of the most vital subjects in the development of distribution and low
voltage systems. Development of devices like IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors)
and IGCTs (Insulated Gate Commutated Thyristors) has made it possible to build PWM
converters. These converters are widely used for adjustable speed drives and are mass
produced for power ratings in the MVA range. The converters, along with conventional
equipment and use of new improved control algorithms, are used for mitigation of power
quality problems. They are also known as power conditioners.

1.2. Advantages of FACTS Devices

FACTS devices provide the following advantages
 Improvement in power transmission capability
 Improvement in power system stability and availability
 Improvement in power quality
 Minimizing the environmental impact
 Minimizing transmission losses

1.3 Report Objective

The main objective of this report is to study the equipment operation of Various FACTS
devices used in transmission systems.

1.4. Organization Of The Report

This documentation deals with the study of the different FACTS equipment devices
employed in transmission systems. This thesis consists of four chapters.

Chapter 1 is an introduction and gives the overview of the report along with its main

Chapter 2 discusses briefly about the concepts of FACTS and the theory about FACTS

Chapter 3 contains the simulation of the Various FACTS equipments in

MATLAB/SIMULINK® and discusses the results.

Chapter 4 concludes the thesis and gives a brief summary of the work done.



2.1 Introduction

In the past few years the demand for electrical energy has increased significantly and as a
result energy transmission systems are facing power transmission limitation crisis. The
limitations occur due to keeping a balance between maintaining stability and supplying the
allowed level of voltage. As a result of this the practical operation capacity of the system is
far less than the real capacity. This results in non-optimal operation of the energy
transmission systems. One among the solutions to this problem of increasing power
transmission capacity is construction of new transmission lines. This is not feasible both
economically and practically. Due to the developing semiconductor industry and its
applications in power systems, the concept of FACTS is offered, to enhance the real
capacity of transmission lines without having to construct any new transmission lines. The
major drawback in using thyristor switches is that the control for turn-off capability is not
possible. Hence in a cycle, switching more than once is not possible. After the invention of
IGBT and GTO which are semiconductor devices with controlled turn-off capability the
transmission system was revolutionized. This development resulted in the use of VSCs in
the field of energy transmission. The advantage of this is the generation and absorption of
reactive power without the use of devices like capacitor or reactor. All FACTS equipment
designed by Voltage Source Converters is known as FACTS new generation devices. The
approach of engineers towards planning and operation of power systems will be changed
by the implementation of FACTS devices. The equipments can be applied in series, shunt
or shunt-series in transmission lines, and the control of the operation parameters in
transmission systems in steady state and system dynamic behavior in transient state can be

FACTs Devices has following applications

 Power flow control

 Increase in transmission capability
 Voltage control
 Reactive power compensation
 Stability improvement
 Power quality improvement
 Power conditioning
 Flicker mitigation
 interconnection of renewable and distributed generation and storages

The use of FACTS-devices is achieved through switched or controlled shunt compensation,

series compensation or phase shift control. The devices work electrically as fast current,
voltage or impedance controllers. The reaction time allowed by power electronic is very
short and goes down to far below one second. A structured overview on FACTS-devices is
given ahead. The devices are mapped to their different fields of applications.

2.2 Overview

The growing capabilities of power electronic components have led to the development of
FACTS devices. For high and even highest voltage levels, devices for high power levels
have been made available in converters. The network elements influencing the reactive
power or the impedance of a part of the power system are the overall starting points.

Fig.1: Overview Of major FACTS devices

Fig. 1 gives a depiction of number of basic devices separated into the conventional ones
and the FACTS-devices is done. For the FACTS side the taxonomy is in terms of dynamic
and static. The term dynamic implies the fast controllability of FACTS-devices facilitated
by the power electronics. This is one of the main differentiation factors from the

conventional devices. The term static implies that no moving parts like mechanical
switches are present in the devices to perform the dynamic controllability. Hence most of
the FACTS-devices can be static as well as dynamic.

The left hand side column in Fig. 1 shows the conventional devices build out of fixed or
mechanically switchable components like resistance, inductance or capacitance together
with transformers. The FACTS-devices along with these elements use additional power
electronic valves or converters to switch the elements in smaller steps or with switching
patterns within a cycle of the alternating current. The left hand side column of FACTS-
devices employs the use of thyristor valves or converters. These valves or converters are
well known since several years. They have low switching frequency of once a cycle in the
converters and hence the have low losses. The thyristors can be also used to simply bridge
impedances in the valves.

The right hand side column of FACTS-devices has more advanced technology of voltage
source converters based mainly on Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) or Insulated
Gate Commutated Thyristors (IGCT). Due to a pulse width modulation of the IGBTs or
IGCTs, a free controllable voltage in magnitude and phase is provided by voltage source
converters. The modulation frequency is high. As a result of this low harmonics are
allowed in the output signal and disturbances coming from the network are even
compensated. But with an increased switching frequency, the losses increase as well. This
is the only disadvantage. This can be compensated by special designs of the converters.

2.3 Configuration of FACTS Devices

2.3.1 Shunt Devices

SVC or the version with Voltage Source Converter called STATCOM is the most used
FACTS-device. These devices operate as reactive power compensators. The following are
the major applications of the shunt devices in transmission, distribution and industrial

 Reduced network losses by reduction of unwanted reactive power flows

 Maintaining contractual power exchanges with balanced reactive power
 Compensation of consumers and improvement of power quality especially with
huge demand
 fluctuations like industrial machines, metal melting plants, railway or underground
train systems
 Compensation of Thyristor converters e.g. in conventional HVDC lines
 Improvement of static or transient stability.

In industrial applications almost half of the SVC and more than half of the STATCOMs are
used .Power quality is the requirement of industry as well as commercial and domestic
groups of users. The interruptions of industrial processes due to insufficient power quality
or flickering lamps are not any more entertained. Weak network connections with severe
voltage support problems are given a special attention. Static Var Compensator (SVC)

Static Var Compensator is based on thyristor controlled reactors (TCR), thyristor switched
capacitors (TSC), and/or Fixed Capacitors (FC) tuned to Filters. A TCR has a fixed reactor
in series with a bidirectional thyristor valve. There are various types of TCR reactors like
air core type, glass fibre insulated, epoxy resin impregnated.

Fig. 2a: Configuration of TCR/FC Fig. 2b: Configuration of TCR/TSC

A capacitor bank which is in series with a bi-directional thyristor valve and a damping
reactor which also has a function of detuning the circuit to avoid parallel resonance with
the network consists the TSC. For an integral number of half-cycles of the applied voltage
the thyristor switch acts to connect or disconnect the capacitor bank. For satisfaction of a
number of criteria and requirements in the operation in the grid a complete SVC based on

TCR and TSC may be designed in many ways. In Fig. 2a and 2b two very common design
types are shown. Both have their specific merits.
In Fig. 3 below the V-I characteristics of the SVC is shown

Fig.3: Voltage/Current Characteristics of SVC Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)

In transmission lines STATCOM is applied in shunt and it has the capability to

dynamically adjust the required reactive power within the capability of the converter. The
controlled current drawn by the converter has two components: active component and
reactive component. The active component automatically meets the requirement of active
power in DC link capacitor, whereas the reactive component of current is used for desired
reference level. Fig.4 shows the structure of the STATCOM while the operational
characteristic is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig.4: STATCOM Structure Fig.5: Voltage/Current Characteristics

The control characteristic for the voltage is determined by the steepness of the static
line between the current limitations. The STATCOM has the advantage that the reactive
power provision is independent from the actual voltage on the connection point. This
can be inferred from the diagram for the maximum currents being independent of the
voltage in comparison to the SVC in Fig. 5. This means, that even during most severe
contingencies, the STATCOM keeps its full capability.

In STATCOM there are two modes of operation. They are as follows:

 Reactive power (Var) control mode:-

An inductive or capacitive reactive power request is taken to be the reference

input in reactive power control mode. The Var reference is transferred into a
corresponding current request by the converter control and the gating of the converter is
adjusted to establish the desired current.

 Automatic voltage control mode:-

The voltage control mode is normally used in practical applications. In voltage

control mode to maintain the transmission line voltage to a reference value at the point
of connection the converter reactive current is automatically regulated.

2.3.2 Series Devices

From fixed or mechanically switched compensations the series devices have further
developed to the Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC) and Voltage Source
Converter based devices. The major applications are :

 Reduction of series voltage decline in magnitude and angle over a power line
 Reduction of voltage fluctuations within defined limits during changing of
power transmission line.
 Improvement of system damping response. damping of oscillations
 Limitation of short circuit currents in networks or substations
 Avoidance of loop flows resp. power flow adjustments Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)

Specific dynamical issues in transmission systems are addressed by Thyristor

Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSC). In case of large interconnected electrical systems it
increases damping. It also overcomes the problem of Sub- Synchronous Resonance (SSR)
[2]. Sub-Synchronous Resonance is a phenomenon that involves an interaction between
large thermal generating units and series compensated transmission systems. The high
speed switching capability of TCSCs provides a mechanism for controlling line power
flow. This permits increased loading of existing transmission lines, and also allows for
rapid readjustment of line power flow in response to various contingencies. Regulation of
steady-state power flow within its rating limits can be done by the TCSC. The TCSC
resembles the conventional series capacitor from a basic technology point of view. All the
power equipment is located on an isolated steel platform, including the Thyristor valve
which is used for controlling the behavior of the main capacitor bank. Similarly the control
and protection is located on ground potential along with other auxiliary systems. The
principle setup of a TCSC is shown in Fig.6 and Fig. 7 shows its operational diagram. The
boundary of the operational diagram is determined by the firing angle and the thermal
limits of the Thyristors.

Fig. 6: Principle setup of TCSC

Fig. 7: Operational characteristics of TCSC

9 Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)

The SSSC is connected in transmission line in series and it injects a voltage with controlled
magnitude and angle into it. The flowing power on the line is controlled by the injected
voltage [2]. The injected voltage is however dependent on the operating mode selected for
the SSSC to control power flow. The principle setup of a SSSC is shown below in Fig. 8

Fig. 8: Principle Setup of SSSC

There are two operations as follows:

 Line impedance compensation mode:-

When the injected voltage is kept in quadrature with respect to the line current, so that the
series insertion emulates impedance when viewed from the line, to emulate purely reactive
(inductive or capacitive) compensation. This mode can be selected to match existing series
capacitive line compensation in the system.

 Automatic power flow control mode:-

The magnitude and angle of the injected voltage is controlled so as to force such a line
current that results in the desired real and reactive power flow in the line. In automatic
power flow control mode, the series injected voltage is determined automatically and
continuously by a closed-loop control system to ensure that the desired real and reactive
power flow are maintained despite power system changes.

2.3.3 Shunt and Series Devices Unified Power Flow Controller

The UPFC is a combination of a static compensator and static series

compensation. It acts as a shunt compensating and a phase shifting device
simultaneously. The UPFC consists of a shunt and a series transformer, which
are connected via two voltage source converters with a common DC-
capacitor. The DC-circuit allows the active power exchange between shunt
and series transformer to control the phase shift of the series voltage. The
series converter needs to be protected with a Thyristor bridge. Due to the high
efforts for the Voltage Source Converters and the protection, an UPFC is
getting quite expensive, which limits the practical applications where the
voltage and power flow control is required simultaneously.

Chapter 3
Simulations and discussions
3.1 Simulation of Transmission Line Without FACTS Devices:-

Fig.9: Transmission line model for 11kv

Fig.9 shows a transmission model of 11kv. The transmission line is considered to be a short
transmission line hence the capacitance of the line is neglected. The line parameters are
given subsequently. The line length is 50 km. The resistance of the line is 0.1Ω/km and the
inductance is 460 mH /km. The load impedance is (1+j0.02) Ω whereas the source
impedance is taken to be (5.5+j0.05) Ω. The current and voltage measurement blocks are
used to measure the voltage and current at source. By the use of Active and Reactive Power
Measurement Block, the real and reactive power in the load is measured.

3.1.1 Results of Simulation

Fig.10: Graph of Real Power Vs Time

Fig.11: Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time

The value of Real power obtained from the simulation was found to be 0.12 MW as shown
in Fig.10.The power flow was obtained without any compensation. The value of reactive
power obtained from the simulation was found to be 0.35 MVAR as shown in Fig.11. The
power flow was obtained without any compensation. By introducing FACTS controller in
the transmission line the power flow can be increased.

3.2 Simulation of Transmission Lines with Introduction of FACTS

3.2.1 Introduction of Fixed Capacitor Thyristor Reactor

Fig.12: Transmission line model for 11kv with a Fixed Capacitor

Thyristor Controlled Reactor

In Fig. 12 above the model of Fixed Capacitor-Thyristor Controlled Reactor (FC-TCR)

with a line voltage of 11kV is shown [9]. The transmission line is considered to be a short
transmission line hence the capacitance of the line is neglected. The line parameters are
given subsequently. The line length is 50 km. The resistance of the line is 0.1Ω/km and the
inductance is 460 mH /km. The load impedance is (1+j0.02) Ω whereas the source
impedance is taken to be (5.5+j0.05) Ω. The current and voltage measurement blocks are
used to measure the voltage and current at source. By the use of Active and Reactive Power
Measurement Block, the real and reactive power in the load is measured. The value of the
capacitor is taken to be 200µF. It can be changed according to need.

15 Results of Simulation

Fig.13: Graph of Real Power Vs Time

Fig.14: Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time

The value of Real power obtained is 0.17 MW as shown in Fig. 13.The power flow was
obtained with compensation. The value of reactive power was obtained to be 0.5 MVAR as
shown in Fig.14. The power flow was obtained with compensation. By introducing FACTS
controller in the transmission line the power flow is seen to be increased.

The power in the load in case of a FC-TCR can be regulated by two factors

1. The capacitance C

2. The delay angle of the thyristor Effect of Change in Value Of Fixed Capacitor

The change of power flow with change in the value of the capacitance is studied. The value
of C is taken to be 300µF and the corresponding Graphs of active and reactive power is

Fig.15: Graph of Real Power Vs Time for C=300µF

Fig.16: Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time for C=300µF

After simulation the value of real power was found to increase to 0.26M W (from Fig. 15)
while the reactive power was found to increase to 0.74 MVAR (from Fig. 16). It concludes
that with the increase in the value of the capacitor the real and reactive power in the load
were also found to increase. The change in values of active and reactive power was noted
with the change in the value of fixed capacitor and tabulated. The table is given below

Table 1: Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for different values
of Capacitance


1 200 0.17 0.5
2 300 0.26 0.74
3 400 0.41 1.22
4 500 0.78 2.22

From Table 1 it is seen that with the increase in the value of the fixed
capacitor the active and reactive power values show an increase.
18 Effect of Change in Firing Angle of The Thyristor
The current in the reactor is varied by varying the firing angle of the thyristor. The method
is known as firing delay angle control method. The variable Var absorption of the thyristor
capacitor reactor opposes the variable Var generation of the fixed capacitor to give the total
Var output. The thyristor controlled reactor is off at the maximum capacitive Var output[8].
For decrement of the capacitive Var output the current in the reactor is increased by
decreasing the delay angle. The change in power flow with change in the value of firing
angle of the thyristor is studied. The thyristor angle was varied from 0º to 180º and the
corresponding changes in the values of active power; reactive power and the current
through the thyristor controlled reactor were noted down and tabulated. The table is given

Table 2: Variation of TCR Current and Powers for Different Firing


Serial no. firing angle(in Current Real power(In Reactive

degree) through TCR MW) power(in
reactor(in MVAR)
1 30 130 0.17 0.5
2 60 117 0.18 0.52
3 90 78 0.2 0.58
4 108 55 0.21 0.62
5 120 42 0.235 0.68
6 135 20 0.246 0.71
7 150 7.8 0.25 0.73
8 180 0.5 0.26 0.74

From Table 2 it is seen that with the increase in firing angle the capacitor current
varies from maximum value to zero. Subsequently the real power and the reactive
power increase for increase in the firing angle.

3.2.2 Introduction of Unified Power Flow Controller

Fig.17: Transmission line model for 11kv with Unified Power Flow

20 Results of Simulation

The circuit was simulated in Matlab using simulink. The Graphs of the real power, reactive
power and effective current are plotted. The Graphs are given below

Fig.18: Graph of Real Power Vs Time

Fig.19: Graph of Reactive Power Vs Time

Fig.20: Graph of Effective Current Vs Time
The value of real power was obtained to be 0.23 MW as shown in Fig. 18 and the value of
reactive power was obtained to be 0.66 MVAR as shown in Fig.19. There is a increase in
the values of power. By introducing FACTS controller in the transmission line the power
flow increased.
. Effect of Injected Voltage

The injected voltage has two factors that can be regulated: Its magnitude and phase

Table 3: Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for different Magnitude of
Injected Voltage.


1. 0 0.135 0.38
2. 500 0.15 0.43
3. 1000 0.16 0.47
4. 2000 0.19 0.56
5. 3000 0.22 0.65
6. 4000 0.255 0.73

It can be seen from Table 3 the real and reactive powers increase with the increase in the
magnitude of the injected voltage.
Table 4: Variation in Powers and Currents for different Phase of Injected Voltage


0 420 480 0.21 0.61
30 410 470 0.205 0.6
60 390 420 0.185 0.53
90 330 390 0.15 0.44
120 290 330 0.118 0.33
150 240 300 0.82 0.25
180 240 270 0.076 0.215
210 260 280 0.08 0.23
240 300 320 0.1 0.29
270 360 390 0.135 0.39
300 400 410 0.17 0.5
330 410 460 0.2 0.58
360 420 480 0.21 0.61

It can be seen from table 4 that with the increase in phase of the injected voltage the values
of the active and reactive power decreases from 0º to 180º and then from 180º onwards it
again starts increasing to the maximum value at 360º. It is concluded that the power flow in
UPFC increases with increase in the magnitude of the injected voltage and decreases with
the increase in the phase of the injected voltage. Effect of Resistive shunt current

To control the effective current in the circuit a shunt resistance is connected in parallel with
the resistive shunt current source.

Table 5: Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for constant shunt resistance
with varying resistive shunt current


10 50 0.13 0.37
100 0.14 0.4
200 0.15 0.45
300 0.17 0.51


50 50 0.19 0.53
100 0.2 0.58
200 0.23 0.64
300 0.25 0.72
100 50 0.2 0.59
100 0.21 0.6
200 0.23 0.67
300 0.25 0.77
500 50 0.2 0.58
100 0.21 0.61
200 0.24 0.69
300 0.26 0.785

Table 6: Variation in Real Power and Reactive Power for Varying shunt resistance
with constant resistive shunt current source


10 5 290 0.07 0.24
10 355 0.12 0.36
15 395 0.14 0.42
20 400 0.151 0.48
22 400 0.158 0.16
25 402 0.16 0.48
20 1 215 0.046 0.137
5 295 0.07 0.24
10 350 0.13 0.36
15 390 0.14 0.42
20 400 0.16 0.46
22 400 0.162 0.47
50 1 220 0.098 0.14
5 300 0.14 0.27
10 380 0.155 0.46
15 405 0.165 0.5
20 405 0.17 0.52
22 402 0.18 0.53
100 1 220 0.049 0.135
5 305 0.09 0.273
10 380 0.135 0.39
15 400 0.151 0.46
20 405 0.16 0.5
22 405 0.17 0.51
200 1 230 0.105 0.525
5 310 0.15 0.31
10 390 0.175 0.45
15 400 0.19 0.52
20 405 0.12 0.57
22 405 0.17 0.58
300 1 220 0.2 0.59
5 315 0.205 0.35
10 385 0.23 0.51
15 400 0.215 0.59
20 405 0.23 0.64
22 405 0.26 0.

From Table 5 it is seen that for a constant shunt resistance the active and reactive power
values increase for an increase in the value of resistive shunt current. From Table6 it is seen
that for a constant resistive shunt current the active and reactive power values increase for
an increase in the value of shunt resistance.


The fundamental of FACTS was studied in this project and the literature review was done.
The various operation modes and characteristics of the FACTS equipments were also
studied. On simulation of the characteristics of a transmission line with and without the
introduction of FACTS equipment in SIMULINK the following results were obtained .The
real power without introduction of FACTS devices was obtained as 0.12 MW and after
introduction of FACTS devices(FC-TCR) was 0.17 MW. The reactive power before the
introduction of FACTS devices was obtained as 0.35 MVAR and after introduction of
FACTS devices (FC-TCR) was 0.55 MVAR. An increase in power flow after introduction
of FACTS device was observed. The variation of Real and Reactive power with change in
capacitance was observed and tabulated. An increase in real and reactive power was
noticed with increase in capacitance value. The variation of Real and Reactive power with
change in firing angle of thyristor was observed and tabulated. An increase in real and
reactive power was noticed with increase in the firing angle of the thyristor.

On introduction of Unified Power flow Controller the real power was measured to be 0.23
MW and the reactive power was measured to be 0.66MVAR. An increase in power flow
after introduction of FACTS device was observed. The variation of Real and Reactive
power with change in magnitude and phase of the injected voltage was observed and
tabulated. An increase in real and reactive power was noticed with increase in the
magnitude of the injected voltage while there was a decrease in the real and reactive power
with the increase in phase of the injected voltage. The variation of Real and Reactive power
keeping resistive shunt current constant and varying shunt resistance and keeping the shunt
resistance constant and varying the resistive shunt current was observed and tabulated. An
increase in real and reactive power was noticed in both the cases with increase in the value
of the varying component.


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