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Seat no.

“The Market Potential And Consumer Perception”
Bata Limited, Pune.
Submitted to University of Pune
Under the guidance of
“Prof.Vishwas Swami”
Submitted by
Mustafa Akbar Ganaie

Kondhwa(BK) Pune – 48

Bata India Limited
Indrayu mall kondhwa


To Whom it May Concern

This is to certify that Mr. MUSTAFA AKBAR GANAIE has visited our

organization and has collected relevant information for his project “Study
on Market Potential and Consumer Perception of BATA Footwear in


We hereby certified that the information given in this project is


Mr. Rajesh Gaikwad

(Branch Manager).
Bata Limited.


This is to certify that Project Report on “A STUDY ON MARKET


FOOTWEAR”, is Bonafied work carried out by MUSTAFA AKBAR of

BBA-3rd of Sinhgad College of Commerce for fullfillness of BBA

Degree of University of Pune . He has worked under our Guidance and

Direction.His work is Found to be Satisfactory and Complete in all Respect.


Principal Project Guide

Signature of the external Supervisor



Apart from the efforts of me, the success of any project depends largely on
the encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to
express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the
successful completion of this project.

I would like to show my greatest appreciation to our Principal

Dr.M.S.WAZAL and our project guide Mr. V. Swami I can’t say thank them

enough for their tremendous support and help. I feel motivated and

encouraged every time. Without their encouragement and guidance this

project would not have materialized.

The guidance and support received from all the members who contributed
and who contribute to this project, was vital for the success of the project. I
am grateful for their constant support and help.



2.1 HISTORY 12-16

2.5 SLOGAN 20
2.6 AWARDS 21-23


About the Study:-

Gone are the days when consumers were least bothered about their
footwear and wore whatever was offered to them how they need a strong and
sustainable brand which can offer sound tangible benefits, a footwear which
is durable, comfortable as well as stylish which can enhance their looks.

India is a country, which has always appreciated a naval ideal and a

naval product. When woodland and Mescos ventured into the Indian market
they would have not anticipated that their product would be so readily
accepted by the Indian consumers, in spite of being targeted at a premium
price, people accepted it because it was not only a new thing but also offered
value for their money. Seeing the success of this footwear MNC’s like as
Nike, Reebok, and Adidas did not wait for the second call and with their
regular promotional activities the message was clearly penetrated in the mind
of the consumers about the benefits of the brand. In spite of being highly
priced, these companies are doing well in the Indian market, for that is Nike;
Nike is constantly creating new niches and protecting niches by the designing
shoes for different sports activities. After creating marketing for a particular
niche they expand the niche by designing different versions.

In this first moving world with accelerating awareness through the
electronic and communications devices consumer consciousness has gained
the tremendous momentum. They simply do not make the purchase of a
product if they are not aware of its entity. Footwear companies are always
into vigorous research to hold the consumers into their hands by satisfying
their needs and wants. Emerging competitions from the competitors help the

consumers to enjoy the benefits of the tussle. Every company wants to

occupy the heart of every consumer and please them in a way they like. The
quotation “consumer is not a king but a queen” rightly fits in the era.

Bata limited is the largest footwear company in the Asia and always
analyses the market potentiality and consumers perception and to offer them
the product of their need, wants and demands and satisfy them to the fullest.

The study is conducted to analyses the market potentiality and

consumer perception of the Bata foot wear in Pune among its competitive and
the brand standing of Bata in Pune city.


1. To determine the percentage of people using branded footwear in Pune.

2. To determine the most preferred shoe type in Pune.

3. To determine the awareness of Bata brand among various shoe brands.

4. To find out the percentage of people using Bata shoes.

5. To determine the preference of Bata brand among various other shoe



1. It will help us to study the products offered by the company in detail.

2. It will help us get an inner view of the company.

3. It will help us to understand the company’s position in the Market.

4. It will help us to better understand the functioning of the company.


The research study entitled comparative analysis of market potentiality,

market share and consumer’s perception for Bata foot wear with special
reference to Bata family shoes in Pune under taken by the researcher covers
the following research activity.

Study on market potentiality depends on different type of market

share .the study also gives the extent of satisfaction and dissatisfaction among
the users so that the company can take the desired step to minimize the
dissatisfaction level. Study of the various factors which plays a major role in
purchasing decision with provide the opportunity for the company to get the
information about the most common factors which influences the purchase
decision. The study helps to determine the average annual expenditure of the
customers and the price that is affordable for them to purchase footwear. In
order to frame its price range

accordingly. The aim of the study is to estimate the market potentiality and
consumer perception in Pune and compare it with its competitive brands and
also forecast the various opportunities available in the market for Bata
footwear for coming years. Therefore it is expected that the research findings
would give valuable results which would benefit for the company –Bata India
limited, to make vital decision and to frame their marketing programmers
more effectively and efficiently to be a premier and a market leader in the
footwear industry.

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A. The study is limited only to formal leather shoes; and sports shoes.

B. Since the time duration of the project was 2 to 3 weeks hence it was
not possible to go for a very wide sample, so the sample size was
limited to 100.

C. In the comparative study, the researcher has considered only a few

leading footwear brands in the market like liberty, woodland, Nike,
Mescos, Reebok suggested by the company.

D. Since it is a convenient study, some sort of discrepancies might be

there in the data available.

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Our history and language are full of reference to shoes and chappals
and the time honored craft of show and chappal making. Shoemakers were
the first craftsmen to establish guilds in the middle ages and through the
builds societies of craftsmen within a common trade come a standard of
quality, which earned the shoemaker a well-established position in the
community. The quality and care the shoemaker has taken with his craft has
earned him a place in the history and Bata shoe organisation is proved to
follow in this tradition of time quality craftsmanship. Today Bata shoe
organisation is truly “Shoemaker and chappal maker to the world” and we
invite you to join us and learn a little about the long history of shoes and how
they are designed and constructed.

Primitive man made his own shoes from the skins of the wild animal
he hunted and, where the climate was cold, he tied or around his lower leg.
Primitive men were for the most part, nomadic and he bound his feet for
protection against the bites of insect, often thorny forest flow and the heat of
the earth on the dry plains. How the primitive men bound his feet dependent
on where lived and this form the very beginning we see that shoes were used
for protection but that to some extent the environment, the weather and the
land dictated style.

Thus, sandal was the earliest from of show made by a “specialist”

shoemaker. The early Egyptians made sandals, which consisted of a sole head

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to the foot by single piece of leather, which is circled the big toe. This from
of sandal is called a thongs are still popular today in certain parts of the
The Egyptian had an interesting custom, which indeed seems to be or
origin of expression under foot. The Egyptian painted or carved images of
their enemies on the bottom of their sandals. They believed, they could hurt
their foe by treading on their image, hence the expression; to be under foot”

Early shoe design was often taken from nature and in addition to
sandals the Egyptians also wore a shoe within up turned toe model on the
elephants tusk. The Mesopotamian used the same design, but with a longer
curved toe. Some believed that the Chinese might have originated the curved
toe design, as the boat with a peaked toe is quite common among the
Mongols today.
The early Greeks where barefoot except in foul weather and it was not
until the Hellenistic period around 232 BC that going barefoot out of dears
become a sign of slavery. At that time the wearing of shoes signified that the
wearer was free and beginning barefoot come to signify that the person was a
slaved. Early Greek shoes were made from one piece of leather, which was
drawn over the foot by a threaded throng and tied around the ankle.

The Romans carried their shoe style throughout the ancient world as
the conquered. They brought “Roman Style” shoes to French and to Britain.
The Moons who conquered the Spain in the 8 th century (711 AD), introduced
a beautifully – soft-dyed leather known as Cordovan. Their shoes fit snugly
and covered the foot and the ankle. They came to be called “Babylonian”

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Thus we see the different materials different regions of the known
world. As people traveled, traded, conquered, shoes style was carried from
one region to another. The shoemaker became a specialist, a respected,
influential and need member of the society. Shoes and chappals where made
for specific uses, designed for specific climates and where often decorated to
harmonies with clothing style. Leather, wood and plant elements (rice stalk in
China and palm leaves in Egypt) where the primary materials utilized in shoe
making. In Europe, however leather remained an important part of the
shoemaker craft.


In Europe, during the middle age distinct periods of style emerged
together with heavy ornamentation. Shoes of style where, of course, restricted
to the wealthy, but shoemakers, together with other craftsmen, began to
emerge as a kind of middle class between the ruling novelty and the serfs. In
the 10th century there began a long period marked by increasingly pointed
shoes. There were wasted, and often featured embroidered stitching. In the
11th century the soft, painted oriental slipper become popular. It is believed
that the crusaders probably introduced the oriental slipper. The peasants of
this period wore a wooden shoe called Sabot.
During several uprising against their landlords the peasants trampled
their crops under foot as an act of defense. Thus the derivation of the word

In the early 14th century during the early renaissance period the pointed
toe reached twelve inches beyond the foot and was stuffed with whalebone.
Men of this period held the toes of their shoes with the chains, which were
attached to greater at the knees. Following pointed toes the style became that

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exaggerated width with the sides of shoes slashed and stuffed to give the foot
and extra wide appearance, usually at the toe. Next came the Chopine from
Italy, a slipper with dramatically elevated toe. Eventually, the hell and sole
were cut separately and the sole was reduced in height. The high heel, worn
by both men and women, was introduced in the 16 th century. During the 17th
and 18th century many styles came and went and a wide materials were used.

THE FRENCH COURT OF LOUIS THE XIV dictated the shoe styles
of the period, which seemed to reflect what many people saw as the “excess”
of the court. In fact at one time, men’s shoes climb stairs backwards falling
over their shoes. As a parallel development to “dress shoes” this period also
gap reached to the development of special military boots. The Hessian were
will know and the term “Wellington” came to mean rubber boots in English
speaking countries.

In the late 18th century shoe style underwent radical changes as they
reflected popular politics. The French Revolution was followed by

period of simplicity in shoe styles as people revealed against the lavishness of

the court. Sandals, heels – kless slippers and low-cut shoes were adopted and
the only acceptable decoration was a simple buckle.
This history of shoes very much apart of all history. In the beginning,
necessity dictated style and then though conquest, travel and trade, styles
where exchanged among the people of the world materials varied and
decoration in footwear became popular to and luxurious.. Simplicity then
returned and shoes reflected the egalitarian ideas of the day. Style, decoration
and variety were to eventually return, of course.
Craftsmen shoemakers in single pairs produced one shoe; each cut,
stitched and tracked by hand in a time consuming, laborious method. The

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result; an expensive, custom-made pair of shoes design in accordance with
specifications and whims of a wealthy client, more often than not a privileged
member of a select segment of society.

The industrial revolution of the 19th century was to bring about vast
changes in the shoemakers’ craft, transforming the art though mass
production techniques into a rapid, highly automated, mechanical process.
For the first time in history, good quality people, thus achieving the long-
short-after dream.

In turn, the automation of the shoe industry gave reach to the modern
fashion – oriented footwear industry. As peoples basic demanded and sought
after more specialized footwear; footwear for sports, for leisure, for work,
footwear that satisfied needs of both fashion and function. Today the
footwear industry, the assimilation of scientific methods and the findings of
modern radical research particularly in the realm of sports medicine in
developing footwear in accordance with the

physiology of the human foot and the dynamics of the body in motion. Placed
on reality. Ever looking to the future with optimism. This is the golden profile
of Bata India.

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Asia’s largest footwear company strives to maintain its lead with an image of
superiority, professionalisms and round the clock efficiency. A visit to any
factory or office in the country bears testimony to that. Bracing to meet the
21st century, Bata is gearing itself with the latest in technology and a forward-
looking approach to human resource development. Staggering 16,000 people
work at various functional centers in Bata India. While another 2,00000 are
indirectly employed.

The world of Bata India: There are four factories, at Batanagar near
Calcutta now it is Kolkata, at Faridabad in Haryana, Bataganj near Patna in
Bihar and at Peenya in Bangalore. Taking stock of them all means accounting
for thousand of trained men and women, millions of pairs of footwear on the
production line.

The people –our assets: The Company firmly believes that giving its people
the right encouragement, yields incomparable rewards. Even with technology
and progress man doesn’t take second place at Bata India. Emphasis is given
to man management and every opportunity is given so that people can grow
with the organization. Each year a large number of regional, national and
international courses are held to train Bata employees. it is a Bata policy to
provide equal opportunity, to promote on merit and to stimulate it’s people
into thinking globally .always abreast with current trends and technology,
Bata India brings latest in line technology in factory, and the workers to many
all to mated industries where work force shrink in direct proportion to their
rate of technological thinking .Bata India keeps it’s employment levels

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The organization is the world’s largest manufacturer and marketer of

footwear. It has 83 companies spread all over the globe both in developed and
developing countries. The organization is the leader in the use of modern
technology and the latest management and marketing techniques. Its 73
manufacturing units produce a vastly comprehensive line of footwear from
women’s high fashion shoes to artic boots; men’s dress shoes to popular
sports shoes for the children. It operates 6300 company owned stores all over
the world. This includes Bata family Athletes world Bubble gummers, Rizzi,
Heyraud and Marie Claire stores. In addition Bata has around 50 thousands
retailers the combined production and sales total 270,000,000 pairs of shoes
per year. The Bata shoe organization has 67 thousands employees on its roles
today. Bata limited; the world headquarters of Bata shoe organization located
in Toronto is manned by experts in manufacturing, marketing, finance,
product development and personnel. A work force that is available for
training and guidance in all operations in the field.
Today Bata India has become a legend behind it’s a sage of
determination and pursuit of excellence. A spirit of enterprise that has made
Bata India a complex, multidimensional giant ever at the service of millions
of people in India. How did it all begin?
Today the largest footwear manufacturer is India. The biggest
footwear market has wide wingspan-it covers the entire length and breath of
the country. The company prides itself in having your manufacturing units,
two tanneries, and a number of ancillary units. Pursuing an active policy of

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encouraging exports since 1935, Bata India exports the largest number of
canvas shoes from the country.


The brand identity and position of Bata has been carefully crafted and

painstakingly embedded as a value proposition in the minds of consumers for

generations. It certainly promises a lot of value by virtue of consistent

quality and positive word-of-mouth.

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Bata India awarded the prestigious Images award 2009

Bata India, the leading footwear retailer in the country was
awarded the Images award for the Most Admired Retailer
of the Year – Fashion & Lifestyle. This was announced at
the India Retail Forum in Mumbai, where the top retail
companies in India converged.

Expanding & nurturing the largest footwear retail

A retail network of over 1200 stores gives us a reach
unmatched by any other company. The Bata Shoe Store is
amongst the most recognisable and favoured landmark in
any major market in India.

Bata India continues with its Superbrand status

The Bata brand was chosen after a very in-depth and
detailed evaluation procedure. Marketing and Business
professionals who compromise the Superbrands Council
evaluate and select on parameters like trust, emotional
loyalty and re-call of the brand which creates strong
customer loyalty.

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Bata India awarded Amity Corporate Excellence
Bata India Ltd. has been awarded the Amity Corporate
Excellence Award for Best Retail Chain. This is
the third time in a row that Bata India has been honoured
with this prestigious award for Corporate
Excellence. The Corporate Excellence Awards are held
annually by Amity International Business.

Awards - 2008

Amity Corporate Excellence

Bata India has been awarded the AMITY CORPORATE
EXCELLENCE AWARD on 21st February 2008. This
award has been given for Bata's excellent performance and
retail growth during the past year.

IMAGES Retail Award

This award was received in the footwear category on on
6th September 2007. This award was a part of Reid &
Taylor Awards for Retail Excellence presented during
India Retail Summit 2006.

Awards - 2007

Super Brands Award

It is awarded to the 1st top ten Super brands of India. Super
brand signifies the recognition that the consumer is giving
to the Brand Image, Brand Value and Brand Delivery. The
award ceremony was held in Mumbai on 12th April 2007

FMCG Consumer Reaction Award

Bata won FMCG Consumer Reaction Award in Fashion &
Specialties (Shoes) on March 2007. The Award was
presented by: Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of
Management Studies & Research (BVIMSR).

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Lycra Images Fashion Awards
Bata is honoured for 3 consecutive years as Most Admired
Brand of the year in Footwear Category on 25th January

Awards - 2006

Retailer of the Year Award

This award was received on 24th Nov 2006 in the footwear
category. This award was a part of Reid & Taylor Awards
for Retail Excellence presented during India Retail Summit

Amity Corporate Excellence Award

This award was given to Bata by Amity International
Business School on 22nd – 24th Feb 2006 for having
achieved an enviable position of one of the best and most
admired company of the world with their unparalleled

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Awards - 2005

Super Brands Awards

It is awarded to the 1st top ten Super brands of India on
23rd Sept 2005. Super brand signifies the recognition that
the consumer is giving to the Brand Image, Brand Value
and Brand Delivery

Retail Asia Pacific Top 500 Awards

Bata won the Top Retailer 2006-India Bronze award on
7th Sept 2005. This award is given by Retail Asia Pacific
TOP 500



Vision is that igniting spark that can inspire and energise people to do

better.the focus of vision is to reach out hungrily for the future and drag it

into the present.

Bata India today wishes to reposition itself as a market

driven,fashion concious lifestyle.Focus on a variety of customer groups.


A mission statement articulates the philosphy of the company with

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respect to the business in specific and society in general.once the mission

statement of company is finalised and adapted,it provides a readymade

guideline to employees of the organisation about its principles,policies and


Bata will provide its products and services to all the age groups in the

community.will also provide the finest quality through customer


Bata India Ltd.:-

S.No Name Designation

1 Mr.P M Sinha Chairman / Chair Person
2 Mr.J Carbajal Director

3 Mr.N Sankar Director

4 Mr.Uday Khanna Director

5 Mr.S Sinha Director
6 Mr.Jack G N Clemons Director
7 Mr.George Nigel John Clemons Director

25 | P a g e
8 Mr.M K Sharma Director

9 Mr.Marcelo Vilagran Managing Director


 Wide product assortment

Bata Collections target a wide range of customers and offer an

excellent price-quality ratio.
Bata’s exclusive models along with national and international
brands are carefully selected and updated in response to market

 Personalised service 

Qualified and enthusiastic sales associates who take customers’

satisfaction to heart.
In many countries customer service goes beyond the stores with
home deliveries, orders made possible via catalogues, the web or
even call centres. 

 Clear product merchandising

Easy-to-shop store layout with clear product display by category

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and by style.

 Guaranteed customer satisfaction

In any Bata store in the world we repair, exchange or refund any

products with defects. 
We exchange or refund on unworn merchandise if you change
your mind



Research is discovery of facts, developments of facts and verification of facts.

Research is an Endeavour to discover intellectual and practical solutions to
the problems through the applications of scientific methods to the
knowledgeable universe; research is the process which involves defining and
redefining problems, hypotheses and conclusion after careful testing.
Research is the last report when individuals, organizations and societies
create some problems for which there are no answers, or when there is
inconsistency among answers. It is systematic way of knowing more about
the world. Research can be done in arbitrary or in a systematic manner.
“Research is a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for
new facts in any branch of knowledge” –BY OXFORD DICTIONARY.
“A systematized efforts to gain new knowledge”. –BY REDMAN &MORY

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Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.
It may be understood as a science of how research is done systematically. In
simple word; all those methods that are used by the researcher during the
course of studying the research problem are termed research methodology.


Sources plan for primary data,

Research technique: Survey
Contact method: Personal visit to the concerned organization and individual
in addition to telephonic interviews.
Research instrument: Questionnaire.
The primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time
and thus happen to be original in character. The primary data was collected
through experiments or survey conducted in Pune.

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The research instruments in this study were the questionnaire method.

The questionnaire was used to avail the vital information needed. The
questionnaire was open as well as closed ended with multiple choice and
ranking questions. The term questionnaire refers to a self-administered
process, where by the respondents read the questions and records his answers
with out the assistance of an interviewer.

Questionnaire constructing consists of 5 steps.

1. Specifying the information needed.
2. Determining the type of questionnaire to be asked.
3. Deciding the number and sequence of questionnaire.
4. Preparing the preliminary draft of questionnaire.
5. Revising and resetting the questionnaire.

Collection of data through questionnaire was considered suitable to extract

information and draw the results since footwear is a product which is used by
every one, there fore no other method apart from questionnaire is suitable, it

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was designed after carefully consideration of the various attributes and was
pre tested to modify the questions and avoid the errors.


The intensity of possible contacts with markets. If a plant could be located in
a number of locations, it is useful to be able to estimate the probable volume
of sales which could be at each possible site. This is the market potential.

The maximum number of consumers available will usually be determined by

market research, but it may sometimes be calculated from demographic data
or government statistics. Ultimately there will, of course, be limitations on
the number of consumers. For guidance one can look to the numbers using
similar products. Alternatively, one can look to what has happened in other
countriesThe maximum potential individual usage, or at least the maximum
attainable average usage (there will always be a spread of usage across a
range of customers), will usually be determined from market research figures.
It is important, however, to consider what lies behind such usage.


Perception means adding meaning to the sensation by the help of past

experience. And it is a cognitive process. services are having the distinct
charactristics of intangibility, hetrogeneity, and most important the
consumption and production happening at same time.

The perception of customer for the price of services is different from that of
products. a person getting the sercice asseses the other persons abilities,
competencies etc. in a very short period so the relate the efficiency of the
person with the price to be paid to avail that service.

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100 consumers from different area of Pune were surveyed .

100 was the sample size and approximately 10-20 respondents from each area

were interviewed.

Collection of data through questionnaire was considered suitable to extract

information and draw the results since footwear is a product which is used by
every one, there fore no other method/Technique apart from questionnaire is
suitable, it was designed after carefully consideration of the various attributes
and was pre tested to modify the questions and avoid the errors.

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The preparation, tabulation and analysis of raw data consist of

following steps: -
1. Preparing of raw data including editing and coding.
2. Tabulating the data.
3. Determining whether significant difference exists between
categories with the help of simple statistical tools like Average,
percentage, and co-relation.
4. Making Recommendations.

Tabulating the data: After the raw data have been fully prepared the
tabulation work can begin.

Researcher should first prepare a plan specifying which items of data

are to be tabulated and whether each item is to be tabulated separately or in
combination with other items.

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In order to extract meaningful information collected data analysis is

carried out. The data is first classified as- coded, edited; and tabulated for the
purpose of analyzing the same. Simple statistical tools – percentage, Average,
and measures of dispersion-, have conducted the analysis alternatively; the
collected data has been analyzed by using diagrams, graphs and charts.

Data analysis is the process of placing data in ordered form, combing

them with existing information’s and extracting meaning from them.

Interpretation is the process of drawing; conclusions from the gathered

data in a study.

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Table 1.

Percentage of people using branded Footwear.

Foot Wear No. of respondents (%) Percentage

Branded 65 65%
Unbranded 25 25%
Both 10 10%
Total 100 100%

Source: From Survey Data

Analysis: Out of 100 Respondents, 65% people are wearing branded

footwear, 25% people are wearing unbranded
footwear and 10% people are wearing both the type of Branded and
Unbranded Footwear.

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Table No.2:

Preference of Shoe type among the customers.

Shoe Type No. of Respondents (%) Percentage

Formal Leather shoes 55 55%
Sports Shoes 35 35%
Both 10 10%
Total 100 100%

Source: From Survey Data

Analysis: Out of 100 Respondents, 55% people are wearing Formal heat wear
shoes, 35% people are wearing sport shoes and 10% people are wearing both
the type of Formal heat wear shoes and Sports shoes.

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Table No. 3

Brand Awareness of Formal Footwear shoes:

Brand Names No. of Respondents (%) Percentage

Bata 45 45%
Liberty 25 25%
Mescos 5 5%
Woodland 10 10%
Others 15 15%
Total 100 100%

Source: From Survey Data

Analysis: The above table shows that 15% of the respondents are wearing
Bata leather shoes, 25% respondents are wearing Liberty formal leather
shoes, 5% respondents are wearing Mescos ash shoes, 10% respondents are
wearing Woodland 15% are using or wearing other companies’ formal leather

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Table 4.

Brand awareness of Sport shoes

Brand Names No. of respondents (%) Percentage

Bata 15 15%
Action 10 10%
Woodland 25 25%
Mescos 5 5%
Reebok 12 12%
Nike 12 12%
Adidas 16 16%
Other 5 5%
Total 100 100%

Source: From Survey Data

Analysis: The above table shows that 15% of the respondents are wearing
Bata Sport shoes, 10% respondents wearing Action sport shoes, 25% of
respondents wearing Woodland sport shoes, 5% respondents are wearing
Mescos sport shoes, 12% of respondents are wearing Reebok, 12% of
respondents are wearing Nike Shoes, 16% of thee respondents are wearing
Adidas sport shoes, 5% of respondents are wearing other

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Table 5

Percentage of people are using Bata Kids shoes

Brand Names No of Respondents Percentage

Bata 65 65%
Liberty 15 15%
Mescos 3 3%
Reebok 10 10%
Others 7 7%
Total 100 100

Source: Primary or Survey Data.

Analysis: The above table shows that 65% of the respondents are using Bata.
15% of the respondents are using Liberty kid’s shoes, 10% of the respondents
are using Reebok Kids shoes, 7% of the respondents are using other
company’s kid’s shoes for their children.


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Table No.6

Table showing the factors influencing to buy competitors Brand

Factors No. of respondents (%) Percentage

Price 45 45%
Quality 20 20%
Style 10 10%
Durability 5 5%
Comfort 20 20%
Total 100 100%

Source: Primary or Survey Data

Analysis: From the above table we can understand that respondents of 45%
of them depends on price, 20% of respondents buy because quality is good,
10% of respondents buy because of style, 5% of the respondents buy because
of durability, 20% of the respondents buy because of comfort ability.

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45 | P a g e
Table NO.7

Table showing who influence them to buy Footwear.

Factors No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Friends 25 25%
Relatives 18 18%
Advertisement 48 48%
Point of purchase 0 0%
Past Experiences 6 6%
Others 3 3%
Total 100 100%

Source: Primary or Survey Data

Analysis: From the above table we can understand that 48% of the the
respondents are buying because of advertisements influences to them, 25% of
respondents are buy because of friends are influences them, 18% of the
respondents are buy because of the relatives are influences them to purchase,
6% of the respondents are purchase because of the past experience and other
3% of the respondents are purchasing in their own mood.


46 | P a g e
47 | P a g e
Table 8.

Table showing the income level of the customer.

Income Level No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Below 5,000 5 5%
6,000- 10,000 7 7%
10,000-15,000 18 18%
15,000- 20,000 15 15%
Above 20,000 55 55%
Total 100 100%

Source: Primary or Survey Data

Analysis: From the above table we can understand that the 55% of the
respondents income level above 20,000 ,15% of the respondents income level
between (15,000-20,000), 18% of the respondents income level between
(10,000- 15,000), 7% of the respondents income level between (5,000-
10,000), 5% of the respondents income level below 5,000.

48 | P a g e

49 | P a g e


1. TO MAKE IT ATTRACTIVE: Bata formal leather shoes, sports

shoes, kids shoes can be made more attractive by displaying the
available range and the uniqueness of the range, it should be so
displayed that the consumer is tempted to buy it.

2. TO IMPROVE DISTRIBUTION POLICY: the distribution can

be finding out which product is being demanded more and the rate
of consumption of the product and hereby supplying the product in
time to meet the demand.

3. R&D ACTIVITIES: R&D activities include-activities like making

shoes comfortable, attractive and adding features, which the
consumers and the customers of the present generation are used to
like that is snuggery, ventilations, etc.

4. SCHEMES: the company can introduce schemes to improve sales.

Schemes may include free gifts, discounts in winter seasons for the
aged customers and discount in school seasons for school shoes and
the same for casual shoes during the vacation period, and in the
months of May and June as the festival seasons.

50 | P a g e
5. The company should concentrate towards the mode of its
advertisement. While launching a new model it should give the
preference to the advertising media, which is the best source of
information. As a promotional activity company can also sponsor
some kinds of sports events etc.

6. The company can also go for making an agreement with some

government or private sectors or institutions for supplying its
product on contract basis.

7. In order to promote brand name for the Bata has to now concentrate
more on advertising in regional newspapers, magazines and TV
network that reaches the ultimate customer.

8.Bata should take rate of its close competitors and their marketing
strategies in comparison with their own and do the needful from time to
time in order to have a market share.

9. Bata should conduct regular marketing surveys to understand the

current taste and expectations of the customers.

10. More trendy and flashy design should be launched which would
sweep the customers of all ages.

11.More provision should be made by Bata for its middle class

customers by launching more products to cater to their needs and demands.

51 | P a g e

On the basis of findings made through analysis, we can conclude the

following factors-

The Percentage of people using branded footwear is very high in

Pune city.65% of the people prefer both types of shoes that is
formal leather shoe & sports shoes. The awareness of Bata brand in
formal leather shoes category is better than other brands as like as
Liberty, woodland, e.t.c.Bata is on 1ST Position, liberty and Reebok
in 2nd & 3rd place.

In formal leather shoes category Bata is having highest market share. In

sports shoes category Reebok, would be the preferred brand followed by
Nike, or woodland or any other shoes. In this comparative study’s survey
more than 80% Respondents are businessman. Some respondents are child,
they are wearing different types of kid’s shoes, housewives are also using
Batas leather sandals etc.

52 | P a g e


Books Referred
Philip Kotler, “Marketing management”, Hall of India,
Mumbai, 2000.

S.S Sherlekar, “Principle of Marketing”,

Sapna Publishers, Hyderabad, 1998.

C. R. Kothari, “Research Methodology”,

Himalaya publisher, Delhi, 1999.

- -
Journals & Magazines
Business Today
Business India
Business World

News Papers & Magazines

The Economic Times
The Asian Age
The Hindu

53 | P a g e

1. Name of Respondent:

2. Address:

3. Phone No:

4. E-mail:

5. Age group: Below l8 18-25 26-35 35-50 Above 50

6. Sex: Male Female

7. Occupation: Business Self Employed

Govt. Employee House Wife

Student If others................

5000-10000 10000-15000
8. Family Income: Below 5000

54 | P a g e
9. Do you use Branded or Unbranded footwear?

Branded Unbranded
If branded why brand is so important? I—I Indicates I—(Indicates I—I Gives
Quality Mental
Status Satisfaction
10. Which Brand of foot wears currently used by you?

55 | P a g e

56 | P a g e
11. Do you always stick to your Brand? Yes No
If no, what is your second Brand choice?

12. The Brand choice of your family?

Product Adults Teenagers Kids
Segments Male Female Male Female Boy Girl
Office Wear
Sport Shoes
Ladies Shoes
Rainy Season
School Shoes

57 | P a g e
13. What factors would you consider before selecting your foot wears?

Price Quality Style Durability Comfort

14. Who influence you to buy footwear?

Friends Relatives Advertisement Point of purchase display

Past experience Others.....................................................

15. From where do you purchase your footwear?

Company showrooms Dealers Others .................

16. In which range you want your foot wears?

Below 500 500-800 800-1500 1500-2000 Above 2000

17. What is your perception regarding the following companies? (Please indicate L for
Local, N for National and I for International)

Bata Reebok Nike woodland Adidas

Action Liberty


Thank you for your co-operation signature

58 | P a g e

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