Special Lecture: How To Stain and Illustrate Fish Larvae: Yoshinobu KONISHI Seafdec-Mfrdmd

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Special Lecture:

How to stain and illustrate

fish larvae

Yoshinobu KONISHI
Procedure of clearing and staining fish
Needed larvae and juveniles
chemicals Dingerkus and Uhler (1977)
and goods
Chemicals 1. Fix fresh material in 10% formalin 2-3 days.
• Ethanol 2. Wash in several changes of distilled H2O, 2-3
3. Place directly into a mixture of 10 mg alcian
• Sodium borate blue 8GN, 80 ml 95% ethanol, and 20 ml
• Glycerine glacial acetic acid, 24-48 hrs.
• Alcian blue 4. Transfer to 2 changes 95% ethanol, 2-3 hrs in
8GN each change.
• Alizarin red S 5. Transfer through 75%, 40%, and 15% ethanol,
• Trypsin 2-3 hrs in each, or until specimen sinks.
• Thymol 6. Transfer to distil. H2O, 2-3 hrs or till specimen
Goods 7. Place in an enzyme solution of 30 ml
saturated aqueous sodium borate, 70 distl.
• Laboratory H2O, and 1 g trypsin (4xpancreatin, Nutritional
Dishes Biochemicals). Change solution every 2-3
• Tweezer days. Continue until bones and cartilage are
clearly visible, and flesh retains no blue color.
Dingerkus, G. and Uhler, L. 1977: Enzyme clearing of alcian blue stained whole small vertebrates
for demonstration of cartilage. Stain Technology., 52 (4), 229-232.
Procedure of clearing and
staining fish larvae and juveniles (cont’d)
8. Transfer to 0.5% aqueous KOH, to
which enough alizarin red S has been
added to turn solution deep purple.
Leave 24 hrs, or until bones are
distinctly red.
9. Transfer through a 0.5% KOH-
glycerine series (3:1, 1;1, 1:3) to pure
glycerine. To the first two KOH-
glycerine solutions, 3 or 4 drops of
3% H2O2 may be added per 100 ml
solution to bleach pigments of dark
specimens. Specimens may be left in
the bleaching step for several days or A juvenile of Japanese anchovy
until dark pigment are removed. (Engraulis japonica) cleared and
10. Store specimens in pure glycerine to stained. (from Sumikawa and
Fujita, 1984)
which a few crystals of thymol have
been added. The thymol inhabits
growth of molds and bacteria.
Needed equipments and goods
for illustrating fish larvae and juveniles
• Binocular
• Camera lucida
• Measuring apparatus
• Optic and transmitted
illuminations for binocular
• Light for drawing paper
• Pencils (black-2B, red, blue)
• Kent paper
• Tracing paper
• Adhesive tape (or weight)
• Eraser
• Rotring pens
• Maru-pen
• Cards
• Cut glass in small slip
Procedure of
illustrating fish larvae
1. Choosing specimens to be drawn
If possible, 3 specimens of pre-,
flection and post-flection stages
2. Observing, measuring and counting
• TL, FL, SL, HL, BD, ED, SnL, PrAnL, etc
• DF, AF, P1F, P2F, PCR, Br, Myomere
• Pigmentation (by red or blue pencil)
• Spination (location, arrangement)
should be noted in a card with data of
sampling date (time), position and gear
3. Making a first sketch by pencil
on a kent paper
• Zoom-up drawing (in full size of A4)
for small-sized larva
• Cut glasses are used to keep the
specimen in a position and to make
twisted body extend.
4. Tracing a first sketch covered by a
tracing paper with rotring pens
If a size of the 1st illustration is larger
than A4, reduce in an A4 size by
a copy machine.
Other parts by a
Rotring pens used 0.1- mm Rotring
pen or a Maru
Head spination
0.2 mm Out-line of fin
0.2 mm

Out-line of body Abdominal scutes

0.2 mm 0.2 mm

Gephyroberyx japonicus larva in 11.0-mm SL (Konishi, 1999)

Konishi, Y. 1999: Developmenta and comparative morphology of Beryciform larvae (Teleostei: Acanthomorpha),
with comments on Trachichthyoid relationships. Bull. Seikai Natl. Fish. Res. Inst., 77, 23-92.

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