MSMU Lesson Plan Format Grade/Class/Subject:: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.L.2.1

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MSMU Lesson Plan Format

Grade/Class/Subject: ​Second Grade Social Studies​ Teacher: ​Ms.


Time/Duration of the lesson: ​One hour and thirty minutes

English Language Proficiency of Students: (​Before classroom instruction, teachers will
understand their students’ English language proficiency, and the language demands of the
lesson’s instructional materials.)
​Bridging, Emerging & Expanding
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking.

California Content Standards:

(Which standards do you plan to teach? Paste these from the CA Content Standards)

Standard: 2.1 Students differentiate between things that happened long ago and things that
happened yesterday.
1. Trace the history of a family using primary and secondary sources, including artifacts,
photographs, interviews, and documents.
3. Place important events in their lives in the order in which they occurred (e.g., on a
timeline or storyboard).

Essential Knowledge/Skills:
(What knowledge/skills? How does this lesson build upon prior lessons? How will this
knowledge/skill enable students to understand future lessons?)
This lesson builds on prior lessons in the unit. It builds on the Family History lessons
where the students trace their familial lineage and create a family tree. This lesson also builds on
the student’s understanding of timelines which cements their understanding of long ago and
yesterday. This lesson will also build on the students understanding that Los Angeles is a melting
pot and long ago Los Angeles was not like it is today. It builds on the idea that L.A. is made up
of many traditions and cultures. All of these understandings, of each student’s family,
descendants, and their cities coming together of cultures will help students grasp the idea that
their family history is not all the same. Their familial history stems from other places in the
world, that their cultures while influenced by living in Los Angeles is unique to their family’s

Higher-Order Questions:
(What is/are the focusing question(s) for this lesson?)
What is your artifact?
Where is your artifact from?
What significance does your artifact hold?
Why is your artifact important to you?

Observable Outcomes Assessment/Checking for

What do you want students to learn? What evidence will you gather/look
Content Objectives: (What evidence will you gather to ensure
Students will be able to trace their family’s content objectives are met?)
history using artifacts, photos, and The students will have to present their
chotchkies. The students will use their artifact and will have specific questions
artifacts to describe their family’s past and they must answer. The student’s answer to
culture. these questions will determine if they’ve
met the content objective

Academic Language Objectives: (What evidence will you gather to ensure

The students will speak using standard language objectives are met?)
English grammar. The students will speak The students will have a series of
in audible complete sentences. activities, presentations and write up
that they will have to complete. Each
component will have an assessment that
checks to ensure that the language
objectives are met.

Key Vocabulary: Supplementary Materials:

​Artifacts (What resources, “realia”, visuals,
Culture documents, or manipulatives will you
Past use?)
​ his lesson will include the use of the
book ​The Matchbox Diary ​ by ​Paul
Fleischman. This book tells the story of a
young girl who finds her grandfather’s
diary. His diary consists of matchboxes
which hold chotchkies and memorabilia of
his past.

Technology in Support of Technology in Support of Learning:

Teaching/Learning: (What type of technology will the ​students
(What type of technology will you use in use to achieve and/or demonstrate the
your instruction?) objectives?)
​This video was made with the intention of
showing students that people are different This video can be used as a supporting
from one another but everyone is equal. Our video to help students better understand
differences make us who we are and no one long ago and yesterday. It is a video that
is better than anyone else. gives many examples of long ago and yesterday and culture.
ing xHln6nE&ab_channel=Cartoonstime

Anticipated Misunderstandings/Difficulties:
(What areas of confusion or difficulty do you anticipate students might encounter with this
material? How will you address them?)

Element Rationale*
Describe why you chose to do it this way.
Describe what will happen-what will teacher
and/or students do

Pre-Assessment of Students’ Knowledge or I chose to do it this way so as to have an

Ability:​(Before instruction begins, how will you informal assessment in the lesson as the
assess what students know and/or are able to do lesson and unit have formal assessments.
related to the objective?) Having students recall in a whole group
allows all students to have the same
The students will be asked to recall what they information to start. If one student does
have already learned about family, long ago, not remember something another student
yesterday, timelines, culture and heritage. This might and once shared both students
will be in the form of a short answer quiz where would know the information.
each student will be asked to write a short blurb
about what they recall for each idea.

Instruction to Support Learning: ​ nce the popcorn recall allows the
(How will you: convey information to be learned, students to have a basic level of
and integrate the content and language information, the new material in the
objectives, ensure students are engaged, link lesson may be introduced.
information to student’s lives & previous
learning, teach unknown vocabulary, and The Matchbox Diary​ is a good read for
scaffold the content? How will students be whole group instruction. . The language
grouped for each activity to support student can be understood by all levels of English
learning?) learners. Having the students pair share is
a more intimate way of students
expressing what they learned and
​ he students will begin this lesson by recalling
T gathered. This allows for all students to
what they have previously learned about family, feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.
long ago, yesterday, timelines, culture and
heritage. The students will be chosen popcorn Having one student describe what the
style to say one thing they recall. entire pod learns again gives a chance to
students who both feel comfortable
Following the popcorn recall in whole group talking and those who don't. Allowing the
instruction the class will have a read aloud of ​The students to begin to see presentations will
Matchbox Diary. ​Following the read aloud the prepare them for the end of unit
students will pair share a part they found performance task presentation.
interesting and a part they thought connected to
our recall vocabulary words. Then the students Allowing students to watch a video to
would work in pods on Activity1. deepen their understanding of culture and
diversity is critical in this lesson. While a
Following Activity 1, the students will choose one teacher may feel comfortable setting
representative to talk about what they found to the examples on diversity & culture, the
class. This will be the assessment based on teacher may be weary of stepping on any
participation and understanding. student’s toes. The video helps maintain
the teacher student relationship as well as
The students will then watch a video by Clarendon provides students with content and
Learning on Cultures of the world. This will lead understandings to a subject that can be
the class to a mini discussion on their hard to discuss.
understanding of the video. This will lead the class
to their homework. Having the students bring in an artifact
that they identify with is a great way to
The student’s homework is to go home and find an allow students to fee; comfortable and
artifact. It can be anything, a photo or chotchkies accepted in the classroom. Each student is
that they feel represent their families culture. This unique and just as equally unique is their
will lead the students to Activity 2 and then their story. By allowing students to present
Final Presentation. these artifacts each student will better
understand who everyone is and with the
​ tructured Student Learning Activities:
S right guidance each student will be able
(What activities will help students grasp and to embrace each other’s uniqueness.
practice concepts/skills? How will students be
grouped and manage their learning?)
Activity 1
The students were given Activity 1 in
In their pods, the students will discuss order to help deepen their understanding
cultures. Each student will describe a part & acceptance of culture. Having the
of what they believe is their culture. The students discuss each other's culture
students will attempt to find a similarity in allows students to see that each one of
their culture with someone in their group their classmates is unique and everyone is
and something that is different. The equal. Having the students draw all of
students will then draw on a large sheet of their cultures together helps insure the
white construction paper aspects of their ideology of unity and togetherness.
cultures At the end of the activity one Activity 2
member of the pod will share their drawing
and what each aspect signifies. . Activity 2 allows students to prepare for
Activity2 their final presentation. Allowing the
students to write down the responses to
The students will bring in an artifact that is the questions they will have to answer
representative of their culture and or during the final presentation will help
heritage. The students will then in class them recall what they want to say. It will
write what artifact they chose, why they also give some students a sense of relief
chose it, and where they got it from. In a and security because they will already
second paragraph they will write about its know the answer before they present.
significance in their culture and within
their family. Final Presentation
Final Presentation
The final presentation is a culmination of
all of the unit’s major activities. It allows
For the Final Presentation, each student
students to present who they are, where
will present a culmination of the major
they come from and their family.
activities in their unit. The students will
Allowing the student to share this
have five to ten minutes to present their
information help them feel comfortable in
family tree, family timeline, and artifact.
the classroom. Being able to be
The student should first present their
vulnerable and open up about this topic
family tree, who is at the beginning of their
will give the students a sense of security
familial lineage and where their family tree
originated. The student should also point from their classmates. It should also help
out important figures on their tree (ie. the students understand that everyone is
themselves, their parents and grandparents) shaped by their family and culture,
The student will then present their family everyone is unique and everyone is valid.
timeline. The student should explain who
is on their timeline, what events are on
their timeline and name at least two
events’ importance & one event that
happened long ago and on that occured
recently.The students should then explain
why those events are important to them
and how it affected and or shaped their
lives.Finally the students should present
their artifact. The student should explain
what it is, where it's from, and why it's
important for their family and themselves.


Differentiating Instruction for an English (How do your choices support t​ his

learner: student​?)
(Identify this student’s EL goals. Describe the
assets and challenges related to this lesson for This choice supports these students by
this English learner.​ What will you do allowing them access to a support system
specifically support t​ his student​ for this lesson?) that was previously in place. This system
being in place prior to this activity allows
​ he students will be watching videos that use a
T the students to feel comfortable in asking
English that would be understandable by the for help.
students who are bridging & emerging in English.

If students are finding the concepts of this lesson

challenging I will set up a partner system. The
students would ideally be seated in a manner
where a student who is bridging or in the lower
level of emerging would be partnered with a
higher level emerging or expanding student. This
would allow the student who may be struggling
with the concepts to have a support system in
place to clarify any questions.

Differentiating Instruction for a focus student (How do your choices support t​ his
with Special Needs: student​?)
(Identify this student’s special need and relevant
IEP goals. Describe the student’s assets and
challenges related to this lesson. What will you ​ hese choices allow for a variety of
do specifically to support t​ his student​ for this accommodations that may be needed in
lesson?) students who have an IEP or are special
needs. While some students may feel
comfortable in the original arrangements,
I​ f there is a student that requires accommodations some may not. It is important to allow all
for this lesson, then they will be added students to feel comfortable as it
accordingly. promotes learning. If the student is not
focusing on the task at hand they will be
If a student is known to not work well with others, less likely to understand and retain the
they can work by themselves so as to not create a information.
high stress environment. If the student feels ​Allowing a student who may not be
uncomfortable presenting to the entire class, they comfortable publicly speaking just yet to
may choose to present to just the teacher during present to just the teacher may help ease
independent catch up work or recess/lunch. their nerves and may help them maintain
points in ELA as they may feel more at
ease presenting in front of one person
instead of thirty.

Differentiating Instruction for a focus student (How do your choices support t​ his
needing social-emotional and academic student​?)
(Describe the social-emotional assets and
challenges for ​thisstudent.​ What will you do If a student needs social emotional
specifically support t​ his student​ for this lesson?) support, it should be done to benefit the
specific student at hand. While it is
impossible to predict which
I​ f a student has a social emotional need, he/she accommodations may be needed it is
will be provided with adequate support and important to think and prepare for them
accommodations. If they need to have an aspect of as you prepare for this lesson.
the activities or final presentation modified for ​Allowing a student who may not be
them, it should be done. They can be given extra comfortable publicly speaking just yet to
time if needed. If the student feels uncomfortable present to just the teacher may help ease
presenting to the entire class, they may choose to their nerves and may help them maintain
present to just the teacher during independent points in ELA as they may feel more at
catch up work or recess/lunch. ease presenting in front of one person
instead of thirty.

Differentiating Instruction (How do your choices support these

(What will you do for those students who already students?)
"get it" and need to be challenged in different Allowing the students who already get it
ways?) go into depth of the required content will
​If the students already “get it” they may be asked better help them understand and retain
to write more in depth on their culture fort activity what they know.

For the final presentation the student may go into

depth on any of the presentation components.
They may also choose to present two artifacts and
give more details about their culture.
Post-Assessment: By having a culminating assessment at
(How will you know if students learned both the the end of the Unit, it allows the students
content and the language objectives? What to portray the knowledge that they gained
informal and/or formal methods will you use to by exhibiting retention of information
gather evidence? What criteria will you use to they learned four- five weeks later
assess learning? How might pre-assessment be
used in your analysis of this evidence?)

​ he student’s artifact write up will be graded on

content, completion, spelling and grammar.

The students will be given time after all of the

presentations to write; what they enjoyed about
their classmate’s presentations, what they would
want to learn more about, how they felt about their
presentation and one thing they could change
about their presentations.

(How might this lesson be extended into future
content areas or lessons?)

​ his lesson could be extended by having the

students interview a family member. The students
can ask their interviewee questions about their
lives, significant events and their culture.

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