The Luck Factor Ebook v3
The Luck Factor Ebook v3
The Luck Factor Ebook v3
Written by
The Luck Factor 2
Copyright © IQ Matrix. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
04... Introduction
05... Lucky Traits
10... Lucky Mindset
16... Lucky Actions
23... Final Thoughts
24... About Author
25... Download Free IQ Matrix Maps
26... IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership
27... IQ Matrix Knowledge Base
It is said that lucky things always happen to lucky people. It Even though attracting luck into your life is something that
is also said that you are either born lucky or you’re not. Luck you might not be able to physically control, it is however
is therefore either a part of who you are, or it is simply something that you can indirectly influence and bring forth
“apart” from who you are, and there is nothing you can do into your life.
about it.
You can for instance become luckier by taking time to
This perception of luck is the reality that most people live cultivate certain qualities and traits that will help you to
with. They see luck as a gift. When they get lucky they feel develop a Luck Attraction mindset. Likewise, learning to
fortunate, however when they suffer misfortune or miss an take specific actions will enable you to attract opportunities
opportunity, they consider themselves unfortunate. into your life that are naturally labeled as being “lucky”.
Luck therefore appears to be something that we don’t seem Luck is therefore not a result of seemingly fortunate
to have any control over. It either happens to you or it occurrences that make no sense. It actually results from a
doesn’t, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Or can series of seemingly unrelated coincidences that have
you? culminated together as a result of the traits you have
cultivated, the mindset you have projected into the world,
and the actions you have taken on a daily basis.
“Luck is not a result of seemingly
fortunate occurrences that make Let’s explore each of these areas in more detail.
no sense.”
Lucky Traits
Discipline and Commitment
The luckiest people in the world are fully committed to
Whether they’re consciously aware of it or not, lucky people
the outcome they are seeking to attain.
tend to develop and cultivate a set of qualities and traits
that naturally attract lucky events and circumstances into
This commitment translates into self-discipline,
their lives.
allowing them to focus intently on the steps they need
to take to achieve their goals and objectives. Likewise
Primary Traits this intense focus also enables them to block out all
Let’s first take a look at the five primary traits that all lucky distractions — opening them up to the possibility of
people have in common. spotting potential opportunities that may suddenly
come their way.
Resilient Willpower
The luckiest people in the world have an extraordinary
ability to persist in the face of adversity.
The luckiest people in the world are naturally
optimistic. They fully understand that being optimistic
enhances their ability to find solutions and spot
opportunities that may arise. The luckiest people in the world are generous and
giving – tending to give to others openly and freely
Where Optimists see opportunity, Pessimists only see without any hidden motives. Their generous nature
problems, excuses and heartache, and that is why they gains people’s respect and admiration, and as a result
experience what they label as being “bad luck”. they are more likely to receive the support and
assistance they need to achieve their personal goals
and objectives.
The luckiest people in the world are humble and act
with humility. This humble demeanor widens their
perspective, enabling them to focus outwards —
outside of themselves — which strengthens their ability
to spot opportunities that other people would miss as a
result of being inwardly focused.
Good Eye-Contact
The luckiest people in the world fully understand that
the best way to gain a sense of trust quickly with
another person is through gentle and direct eye-
contact. Once this trust has been established, a world
of new opportunities arises.
Lucky Mindset
Lucky people tend to attract fortunate circumstances into
their lives because they cultivate a mindset that is
hardwired to spot and take advantage of opportunities that
will help them overcome their problems. Expect Good Fortune and Positive Outcomes
The luckiest people in the world always expect that good
There are eleven critical mindset practices that you must fortune will result directly from their decisions and
begin cultivating if you seek to attract more good fortune actions.
into your life. Let’s break each of them down in detail.
Whether events are within or outside of their control,
they always expect that a positive outcome will result.
This expectation naturally raises their conscious
awareness of the world around them, which enables
them to identify opportunities that otherwise may have
been overlooked.
The moment these patterns are understood, is the moment when the floodgates of new insights and understandings
open doors to new opportunities that may not have been evident before.
Irrelevant Long-term
They see bad luck as being irrelevant in the long-term,
fully knowing that the future cannot be measured or Chance to Grow
predicted by a single event or occurrence. They perceive bad luck as a chance to expand
possibilities, knowledge and skills. In times like these,
they seek to learn more about themselves, others and
the circumstance that they face.
Perceive Bad Luck in Positive Light
The luckiest people in the world perceive
what seems to be bad luck as nothing
more than an event that is Opportunity to Learn and Minimize Future Mistakes
inconsequential to their long-term success They view bad luck as nothing more than a learning experience
and happiness. As a result they break free that enhances their understanding of their circumstances. This
subsequently provides them with an opportunity to minimize
from the shackles of misfortune by
predictable future mistakes.
viewing it in a positive yet realistic light.
Lucky Actions
Network Relentlessly and Proactively
Our daily actions either work for us or against us. When The luckiest people in the world clearly understand that
they work for us we naturally attract events and the more people they know, the greater their capacity to
circumstances that are aligned with what we want most in acquire what they want, whenever they want. For this
life. On the other hand, when they work against us, our lives very reason they network tirelessly with people from all
become riddled with problems, and as a result we label walks of life.
ourselves as being “unlucky”.
Within this final section, let’s explore the actions that lucky
people take on a daily basis that brings more luck and good
Help People Get What they Want
fortune into their lives.
The luckiest people in the world realize that in order to
get what they want, they must help other people get what
they want FIRST. This is why they focus on assisting others
with their personal goals and objectives first, without
expectation of receiving anything in return.
Visualization also enables them to prepare in advance for potential obstacles and problems that may arise along their
journey. This likewise improves their awareness and understanding of circumstances, which enhances their ability to
make more effective decisions.
Final Thoughts
I hope that this short eBook has served to inspire you to
think about luck in a new way. In fact, I actually hope that it
has challenged some assumptions you might have held
about what it takes to attract good fortune into your life.
In the end, when it boils down to it, luck isn’t about some
random event that tends to favor one person over another.
It’s rather all about a series of choices that you make on a
daily basis, that help you to cultivate the mindset, behaviors
and qualities that naturally inspire the right types of actions
that move you towards the opportunities that bring your
desires to fruition.
After all, it’s the choices you make, that seal your fate!
About Author
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