Assessment BSBHRM611 SMCM20200252 PDF
Assessment BSBHRM611 SMCM20200252 PDF
Assessment BSBHRM611 SMCM20200252 PDF
organizational performance
Submitted by:
Nirmala Tamang
Introduction 2
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 2
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 7
Assessment Task 2: Project 8
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 37
Final results record 41
The assessment tasks for BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development are outlined
in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and
knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the
advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important
information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.
i Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix
for information on:
• where this task should be completed
• the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task
• whether or not this task is open-book.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your
work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide.
However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet,
please ensure that you use that.
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Write a paragraph to explain the purposes and benefits of an organisational development program. In
your answer:
• define performance development
• list at least five purposes
• list at least five benefits.
Performance development is the process of identifying, evaluating, supporting and developing the work
performance of employees in an organisation to benefit employees (e.g., improve skills) and achieve
organisational goals and objectives. Performance development may be proactive (e.g., anticipating of any
future needs or career goals of employees) or reactive (e.g., training in response to an existing situation or
need). It’s important to note that performance development management is an evolving concept that cannot
be limited to performance appraisal.
5 purpose:
• develop clear role definitions, expectations, and goals for all personnel.
• increase employee engagement and competency at all levels of
an organisation.
• improve communication and relationships among employees
and managers.
• boost productivity through improved performance
• develop a performance reward program to motivate and
incentivise accomplishment.
5 Benefits:
• training needs are identified.
• employee morale is boosted.
• helps to identify promotion candidates.
• supports workforce planning.
• provides employee autonomy
2. Complete the table below to describe the components, resource requirements and design principles of
an organisational performance development program. The first row has been completed as an
example for you to follow.
3. Describe the various roles and responsibilities associated with an organisational performance
development program. Complete the table to answer the question (the first row has been completed as
an example for you to follow):
Human Find resource for training and development, develop and implement
Resource a plan
s to close performance gap.
Develop the training programs, implement and administers
and training programs for company employees.
Develop training programs and review current development programs
to ensure alignment with company goals.
4. Describe how legislation addresses privacy and confidentiality in a performance development program.
In your answer:
• Name at least one legislation/act.
• Describe the legislation/act
• Provide an example of how it addresses privacy and confidentiality.
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PIPP) deals with how NSW
government agencies manage personal information. It applies to state government
agencies, statutory or declared authorities, the police service and local councils. The Act also
sets out the role of the NSW Privacy Commissioner.
The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act): Protects your privacy
rights in NSW by making sure that your personal information is properly collected, stored, used
or released by NSW public sector agencies via the Information Protection Principles (IPPs).
5. Describe how organisational policies and procedures apply to a performance development program. In
your answer:
• Name at least two policies/procedures.
• Explain of how they relate to a performance development program.
Termination policy and procedure: Termination of employment is often an inevitable outcome
of the absence of any form of performance appraisal or management, whether by the
employee resigning or the employer sacking the employee. the usual reason for wishing to
terminate an employee’s employment is that they are not performing their job to the employer’s
Disciplinary policy and procedure: Most performance related disciplinary action has its roots in
a lack of communication and guidance. If you are provided with training and support but are
still unable to meet the standards, then it will become a misconduct issue for which you can be
dismissed following the disciplinary process.
6. Explain methods that can be used to evaluate and report on performance development programs. In
your answer discuss:
• data collection methods (at least two)
• method to define outcomes (at least one)
• method to evaluate the program
• reporting methods (at least two)
Methods that can be used to evaluate and report on performance development programs are:
a. Interview: A face-to-face conversation between two individuals with the sole purpose of
collecting relevant information to satisfy a research purpose
Key Performance Indicators: Analyse the performance of employees after the performance
development program and compare with performance prior
Agree on outcomes and set goals. The points of agreement made in performance review need to be
clarified in writing promptly after the session. Ensure both participants clearly state their agreement
to these outcomes. Organisational outcomes should cover development recommendations, any
offers of rewards and issues for further discussion and resolution.
2 reporting methods:
Written reporting: most popular mode, reason being, reports can be legal records by using this mode
and can be used as reference sources
Graphic reporting: The reports may be presented in the form of charts, diagrams and pictures.
These reports have the advantage of quick grasp of trends of information presented.
Assessment Task 1: Checklist
Student’s name:
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Assessor signature:
Assessor name:
Assessment Task 2: Project
• review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works Student
User Guide
• comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
• adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
• answer all questions completely and correctly
• submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
• submit a completed cover sheet with your work
• avoid sharing your answers with other students.
i Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix
for information on:
It is important that you are able to access enough information for your
chosen business in order to be able to do your assessment. As a minimum
this should include record keeping and reporting organisational policies and
procedures and a strategic plan (or objectives). You will also need data to
monitor and evaluate your performance development program.
You will need to communicate with people who are involved with the
performance development plan. Your communication may be either directly
with actual staff members or fellow students/your assessor can play the
roles of relevant people/parties. Communication can be in any appropriate
format (e.g. face to face, video conference, email) as long as it meets the
requirements outlined in the Project Portfolio.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps
you need to take are outlined below.
2. Preparation
Make sure you are familiar with the organisation you are basing this
assessment on and have read through the necessary background
information. For the case study business, this is all of the documents
included in the Simulation Pack. If it’s your own business or a business
where you are working or are familiar with, have your business or case
study approved by your assessor.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your
assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence
– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the
Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.
You will use the work done in this section of the Portfolio to consult with
stakeholders to develop a performance development program plan in the
next activity. In preparation, read through step 4.
Meet with at least two of the stakeholders you identified as part of Section 1
of your Project Portfolio.
Consult with stakeholders to agree on desired outcomes for the
performance development program and discuss actions, timeframes and
persons responsible.
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 3. You are also
required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the
documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 3 of the Project
Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio,
answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread
for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary
attachments as indicated.
World Education is a social start-up that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students. This
company also have a competitive team in creating software, content and activities to better engage and
educate the students.
The vison of the company is to see a world without literacy.
World Education headquarters are in Sydney’s CBD but they have a development team in Bulgaria, a
manufacturing team in Hong Kong, and operation and sales/marketing staff in Colombia, Egypt, Iceland,
Russia and the Philippines.
increase sales
Enhancing employee performance may be accomplished via the use of a performance development
plan (PDP). The PDP process enables management and staff to identify learning and development
needs, establish goals, monitor progress, and create a plan to attain those goals. Businesses can't
function without managing performance. It helps them coordinate their workforce, finances, and
systems in order to achieve their strategic goals, using both formally and informally approaches.
Competitive advantage may be gained by organisations that master the art of performance
Increased productivity.
Team leaders
Board of director
Training policy
These policies are used as to develop the training schedule and make sure that employees attend the
training session and after training session their performance is checked and growth chart is prepared to
make sure that invested time and money is wortled or not. Reward and recognition policy is made and
followed because every employee need some beneficial side of their hard work and thus they may increase
their efficiency of working in hope of rewards.
Address cultural differences and diversity
Educate others.
Meet with at least two of the stakeholders you identified as part of Section 1
of your Project Portfolio.
Consult with stakeholders to agree on desired outcomes for the
performance development program and discuss actions, timeframes and
persons responsible.
• encourage discussion.
• acknowledge and consider cultural differences and other diversity
issues as you communicate.
• use listening and questioning techniques to confirm that you
understand the views of others correctly.
You will be assessed on this.
Manager; i agree with you. This will increase our sales chart and
revenue. CEO; i am also agreed. Proceed with this plan.
Me: thank you both of your approval.
An organization's brief and long targets must be constantly accomplished in an efficient and economical
manner via the use of performance evaluation, which is a process that aligns the corporate knowledge
employees and assets to stated priorities.
Feedback options:
In this structure some of the steps are included and followed to make the proper process
and functioning to get the objectives and aim accomplished.
Step 1: first of all there is need to find the proper performance expectations and make it
clear to the employees so that they work with their full efficiency and work spirit.
Step 2: after that training and coaching is given to the employees so that they can learn new
skills and talent.
Step 3: Rewards and recognition policy is established so that employees always being
motivated to do work.
Step 4: career development opportunities are also recognised to them and give them
opportunity and way by which they can develop their career much better.
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 3. You are also
required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the
documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 3 of the Project
Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.
To keep track of your company's success, you'll need to keep accurate records. Keeping track of
your business's progress will help you figure out what needs to be done. The chance of a
company's success may be increased by keeping accurate records. You can safeguard your
company, monitor your performance, and wealth management services by maintaining accurate
records. Transaction dates and quantities, legal agreements, private customer and company data,
and other information may all be found in records, whether they be paper papers or digital ones.
These are the methods by which records are collected and analysed.
Reporting methods
These are the methods to report giving or presenting the report tot eh relevant stakeholders
and giving them proper analysis of the
Use spreadsheets
PowerPoint presentations
Employee name
Employee position and level
Manager name
Manager position
Date of plan
Period of plan
Interim review date
Final review date
Performance improvement objective:
Required outcomes
Performance improvement objective:
Required outcomes
Manager signature: Employee signature:
Date: Date:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing this email to inform you that you need to complete the individual performance development plan
for review. Please see the attached file for the plan.
I am also providing some resource on mentoring and managing and diffusing emotional clients. Please see
the attached file for the factsheets.
All staff need to be familiar with the communication policy and procedures, especially in the cultural and
diversity needs during the communication with the client. Please see the attached file for the policies and
If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for the time
Kind Regards
Monitoring methods
Employee questionnaires
This mail is to inform you that our performance development plan is properly evaluated and monitoring and
reporting method is also added in the plan to make sure all the processing and growth can be recorded
properly and all the things are made clear and precise to check and revise. Employee performance
template is also attached with the mail please take a review and fill it as per your mark and also reviews the
updated plan.
Thank you,
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided
enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all
necessary attachments as indicated.
Project Portfolio
Date: 01/10/2022
Documentation reviewed
as preparation:
Section 1: Planning for an organisational performance development
The happy and good moral employee has the more productive
they become, praising the employees for their work and letting
them know that their work is recognized their over efforts are
being registered give them a boost up to work regularly and
effectively, so providing feedbacks and reviews are the nature
key points which are to be maintained with employer morale.
Attach proof to this section 1. Surveying of employees- the best way to gain
of your portfolio. information is to circulate a survey among the current
employees to understand their organisational
performance and needs.
2. Align training- this aligning training is done in order to
obtain managements operating goals such as
productivity performance quality and customer
satisfaction. In addition, this legal support can get the
best training in marketing and sales which may support
and promote the quality and quantity check of the
product enhancing the level of customer satisfaction.
Develop a Sales One The sales representatives are able to ask Achieved
Questionnaire manager month correct questions to fully understand the
demands of individual clients
• Improvement
Attach your report to this
section of your portfolio.
Attach proof how you
reported through
management structures to
this section of your
Aydiner, A. S., Tatoglu, E., Bayraktar, E., & Zaim, S. (2019). Information system capabilities
and firm performance: Opening the black box through decision-making performance and
business- process performance. International Journal of Information Management, 47, 168-
Dubreuil, P., Forest, J., Gillet, N., Fernet, C., Thibault-Landry, A., Crevier-Braud, L., &
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strengths at work: Results from an intervention program. International Journal of Applied
Positive Psychology, 1(1), 1-19.
Eckart, K., McPhee, Z., & Bolisetti, T. (2017). Performance and implementation of low
impact development–A review. Science of the Total Environment, 607, 413-432.
augen, T., Seiler, S., Sandbakk, Ø., & Tønnessen, E. (2019). The training and development
of elite sprint performance: an integration of scientific and best practice literature. Sports
medicine-open, 5(1), 1-16.
Ismail, H. N., & Rishani, M. (2018). The relationships among performance appraisal
satisfaction, career development and creative behavior. The Journal of Developing Areas,
52(3), 109-124.
Li, Y., O’Donnell, J., García-Castro, R., & Vega-Sánchez, S. (2017). Identifying stakeholders
and key performance indicators for district and building energy performance analysis.
Energy and Buildings, 155, 1-15.
Martinaityte, I., Sacramento, C., & Aryee, S. (2019). Delighting the customer: Creativity-
oriented high- performance work systems, frontline employee creative performance, and
customer satisfaction. Journal of Management, 45(2), 728-751.
Rowe, A. K., Labadie, G., Jackson, D., Vivas-Torrealba, C., & Simon, J. (2018). Improving
health worker performance: an ongoing challenge for meeting the sustainable development
goals. Bmj, 362.
Sebok-Syer, S. S., Goldszmidt, M., Watling, C. J., Chahine, S., Venance, S. L., & Lingard, L.
(2019). Using electronic health record data to assess residents’ clinical performance in the
workplace: the good, the bad, and the unthinkable. Academic Medicine, 94(6), 853-860.
Kondratenko, V., Okopnyk, O., Ziganto, L., & Kwilinski, A. (2020). Innovation development of
public administration: Management and legislation features.
Student’s name:
successfully? Comments
Develop an organisational
performance development program
• establish organisational
performance development
program procedures including
key accountabilities and
Managing a performance
development program by:
• identifying appropriate reporting
and record-keeping methods,
resources and tools (at least one
is a digital tool).
• developing a means to report
and collate outcomes of their
organisational performance
development program.
• ensuring individual performance
development plans are
completed by relevant
Assessor signature:
Assessor name:
Final results record
Date 30/09/2022
Did not
Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory submit
My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.
I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has
been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.