Empathic Communication and Gender in The Physician-Patient Encounter

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Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216

Empathic communication and gender in the physician–patient encounter

Carma L. Bylunda,b,*, Gregory Makoulc
Department of Communication Studies 121 BCSB, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
Department of Community and Behavioral Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
Program in Communication & Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Evanston, IL 60611, USA


Although empathy in the physician–patient relationship is often advocated, a theoretically based and empirically derived measure of a
physician’s empathic communication to a patient has been missing. This paper describes the development and initial validation of such a
measure, the Empathic Communication Coding System (ECCS), which includes a method for identifying patient-created empathic
opportunities. To determine the extent to which empathic communication varies with physician and patient gender, we used the ECCS
to code 100 videotaped office visits between patients and general internists. While male and female patients created a comparable number of
empathic opportunities, those created by females tended to exhibit more emotional intensity than those created by males. However, female
patients were no more likely than male patients to name an emotion in their empathic opportunities. Physician communication behavior was
consistent with the literature on gender differences: female physicians tended to communicate higher degrees of empathy in response to the
empathic opportunities created by patients. The ECCS appears to be a viable and sensitive tool for better understanding empathy in medical
encounters, and for detecting modest gender differences in patients’ creation of empathic opportunities and in physicians’ empathic
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Empathy; Gender differences; Physician–patient relationship; Physician–patient communication

1. Introduction tional level, however, the relationship between feelings,

empathy, and communication is unclear. Indeed, among
The importance of empathy in the physician–patient scholars examining physician empathy, some have focused
relationship appears to be widely accepted in the medical on the cognitive dimension [1,10], the affective dimension
literature. Medical students and physicians are advised to be [4,7,13], or the behavioral dimension [6]. Others have
empathic and to learn the skill of empathic communication included all three dimensions in their conceptualizations
[1–7]. Patients who report that their physicians have of empathy stating, for example, that physician empathy is
empathic qualities also report better satisfaction with care ‘‘a physician’s cognitive capacity to understand a patient’s
[8,9]. The presence of empathy in a physician–patient needs, an affective sensitivity to a patient’s feelings, and a
relationship may also lead to savings of time and expense behavioral ability to convey empathy to a patient’’ ([14],
[10]. Further, a patient’s perception of a physician’s lack of p. 435). The latter part of this definition is the one most
caring has been shown to be correlated with the decision to germane to those examining physician–patient interaction.
pursue litigation [11]. In other words, the construct of interest is not a physician’s
This widespread interest in empathy is noteworthy. It is internal empathy, but how that empathy is communicated.
also somewhat troubling because ‘‘the idea of empathy itself Accordingly, we use the term ‘‘empathic communication’’
conceals several contested meanings within the discourse of in this article to refer to the behavioral aspect of empathy.
medicine’’ ([12], p. 14). Spiro [4] set the tone for an edited Researchers have attempted to study empathic commu-
book on empathy in medicine by casting empathy as ‘‘more nication in several ways. Some have borrowed measures
than just an intellectual identification; empathy must be from psychotherapy [15–18]. This cross-contextual applica-
accompanied by feeling,’’ (p. 2) going on to say that in tion of measures is problematic because of low reliability
the absence of feeling, there is no empathy. At the opera- [17] and because physician responses to patients in a med-
ical setting ‘‘do not require the depth of empathy necessary
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1-319-353-2257; fax: þ1-319-335-2930. in a therapeutic relationship’’ ([16], p. 754). Others have
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.L. Bylund). used global ratings of verbal and nonverbal physician

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208 C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216

empathic communication [19–21]. Global ratings may be more questions. Second, patients of female physicians tend
useful in capturing raters’ perceptions of empathy; however, to play a greater role in partnership building, in harmony
these conceptualizations will likely vary, muddying the with the finding that female physicians are more likely to use
already murky waters. Another method, written responses partnership-building styles. Third, female physicians’
to hypothetical scenarios [6], does not provide testing of real patients are more likely than male physicians’ patients to
interactions and, thus, has limited validity. After reviewing engage in positive talk. Again, reciprocity seems to be in
the literature on measuring empathic communication, we effect here, as female physicians are more likely to use
concluded that despite the case made for empathy, and positive talk. As will be explained in more detail, the
perhaps due to its varying conceptualizations, a theoretically Empathic Communication Coding System (ECCS) captures
based and empirically derived measure of empathic com- many of these physician communication behaviors, includ-
munication in the context of a physician–patient clinical ing emotionally focused talk, psychosocial discussion, posi-
encounter was missing. tive talk, and positive nonverbal communication.
The purpose of this article is two-fold: (1) describe a new Further, general research on communication and gender
measure of empathic communication that draws on past has shown differences in the ways women and men interact,
research, communication theory, and patients’ definitions of and it is reasonable to assume these differences may present
empathy; (2) report findings on the extent to which empathic themselves in the medical context [26]. For example,
communication varies with physician and patient gender. To females are more likely to disclose emotions than males
provide a contextual backdrop, we will briefly review rele- [27,28]. Such a difference is important to consider when
vant literature on gender differences, proposing four testable examining patients’ talk. Specifically, we posit that there
predictions in the process. will be differences in the opportunities female and male
patients give physicians to be empathic in the three ways.
Here we use the term ‘‘empathic opportunity’’ to mean
2. Review of the literature specific statements by patients which make that a physician
could respond empathically. First, female patients will
2.1. Gender and physician–patient communication create a greater number of empathic opportunities than will
male patients. Second, female patients will name emotions
As a prelude to focusing on the relationship between in a greater proportion of empathic opportunities than will
gender and empathic communication, it is important to male patients. Third, female patients will create more
review key findings regarding both physician and patient intense empathic opportunities than will male patients.
gender differences in terms of a broad scope of commu-
nication behaviors. 2.2. Gender and empathy
The best source to date on physician gender and medical
communication is a meta-analytic review by Roter et al. [22] Empathy in the physician–patient relationship is not a
that provides an overall picture of physician gender differ- new concept. The use of the term empathy in medicine was a
ences in medical encounters. They found female physicians result of a gradual dismissal of the term sympathy [29].
to be more likely to use psychosocial discussion, positive By the end of the 1800s, the term ‘‘sympathy,’’ once thought
talk, and emotionally focused talk than their male counter- to be important in medicine, had become ‘‘not only femin-
parts. In addition, female physicians use more partnership- ized, (but) . . . devalued and sentimentalized’’ (p. 23). By the
building techniques with their patients than male physicians. 1960s, More [29] writes that there was increased concern in
Further, female physicians use more positive nonverbal medicine about the provider–patient relationship. Empathy
communication and tend to spend longer with their patients became ‘‘the ideal mediator between comfort and risk, not
than male physicians. Yet, there seems to be no difference only in psychiatry but in all clinical medicine’’ (p. 31). Such
between male and female physicians in the amount of empathy was not the feminized sympathy, but a ‘‘detached
biomedical information discussed, quality of information concern’’ for patients, allowing physicians to keep bound-
given, or social conversation exchanged. aries emotionally from their patients (p. 31).
However, interpersonal communication is transactional in Recent research suggests that empathic communication is
nature. Since physicians and patients influence each other more frequently associated with female physicians. In addi-
during interaction [23], physician gender differences in tion to the research cited in the previous section indicating
communication should not be the only focus. Patients’ female physicians’ propensity to have more emotionally
expectations and consequently patients’ communication focused talk, other research indicates that female physicians
with male versus female physicians is also of interest are likely to show empathic communication behaviors in
[24]. Hall and Roter [25] also report on how patient beha- their patient interactions. A survey of 714 physicians found
viors may differ depending on the physician’s gender. First, that female physicians rated themselves as more empathic in
patients of female physicians provide more biomedical and their communication than male physicians [30]. In other
psychosocial information than patients of male physicians. research, female residents in internal medicine tended to
This is consistent with the finding that female physicians ask receive higher ratings on humanism than did male residents
C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216 209

[31]. Additionally, nonverbal behaviors shown more often windows of opportunity were defined as instances ‘‘during
by female physicians such as nodding and smiling [32] have which patients discussed their concerns about personal,
also been linked to perceptions of physician empathy [33]. emotional, and/or family issues’’ (p. 1667). Suchman et al.
We expect to find similar results, providing one validity test [36] defined an empathic opportunity to be ‘‘a direct and
for our new measure of empathic communication: we pre- explicit description of an emotion by a patient’’ (p. 679) and
dict that female physicians’ responses to empathic oppor- a praise opportunity to be ‘‘a direct and explicit description
tunities will be more empathic than will male physicians’ of a praiseworthy behavior by a patient’’ (p. 681). Similarly,
responses. one task in Makoul’s SEGUE Framework for teaching and
assessing communication skills [37] focuses on responding
to a patient’s overt statement of accomplishment, progress,
3. Methods or challenge.
Our definition incorporates these concepts: the empathic
Because the measure we used in this study is new, we first opportunity begins with a clear and direct statement of
provide details of its development, followed by the meth- emotion, progress, or challenge by the patient. Although
odological details of the study on gender and empathy in some have included less direct patient behaviors (e.g.
medical encounters. potential empathic opportunities and indirect clues) in
research on physician empathy [36,38], we reasoned that
3.1. Instrument development if physicians do not respond to explicit patient statements of
emotion, progress, or challenge, it is unlikely they would
The first step in this study was to develop a measure, the respond to more subtle empathic opportunities. Table 1
Empathic Communication Coding System (ECCS) [34], displays the operational definitions used to identify the three
which allowed us to measure empathic communication in types of empathic opportunities and gives examples of real
the physician–patient encounter in a reliable and valid patient statements that fit these definitions (see [34] for full
manner. This system has two parts: identifying patient- identification rules).
created empathic opportunities and coding physician
responses to those empathic opportunities. 3.1.2. Coding empathic responses
The second part of the ECCS is a system to code physician
3.1.1. Identification of empathic opportunity responses to empathic opportunities. This is a hierarchical
The purpose of using the empathic opportunity as the unit coding scheme by which physician responses are placed into
of analysis in physician–patient visits is to provide a finite one of six levels, ranging from Levels 0 to 5 as shown in
set of patient statements and physician responses that can be Table 2 (see Appendix A for details and [34] for full coding
coded for empathic communication. To this end, we first rules). In developing this measure, it was important to attend
developed a system for identifying these empathic oppor- to what was missing in the literature—a theoretically based
tunities, building on previous research. Branch and Malik and empirically derived measure based in the physician–
[35] showed how experienced clinicians used ‘‘windows of patient context. Developing this system required attention to
opportunity’’ to understand their patients’ concerns. These two questions: what communication behaviors should be

Table 1
Identifying empathic opportunities

The empathic opportunity begins with a clear and direct statement of emotion, progress or challenge by the patient:
Statement of emotion: The patient describes him or herself currently feeling an emotion. Emotion is defined as ‘‘an affective state of consciousness in which
joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced.’’a
‘‘My biggest fear is—I don’t think I’m going to get ovarian cancer or breast cancer—but I do think that I’m going to get colon cancer.’’
‘‘I’m just scared because I never went through nothing—I’ve never had nothing wrong with me.’’
Statement of progress: The patient states or describes a positive development in physical condition that has improved quality of life, a positive development in
the psychosocial aspect of the patient’s life, or a recent, very positive, life-changing event.
‘‘I’ve been exercising more than last time when I had seen you.’’
‘‘We just got married.’’
Statement of challenge: The patient states or describes a negative effect a physical or psychosocial problem is having on the patient’s quality of life, or a
recent, devastating, life-changing event.
‘‘But sometimes it’s hard just eating three ounces of meat, you know what I mean?’’
‘‘I just haven’t had the energy to do my job as much anymore.’’
Definition from Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 1998.
210 C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216

Table 2 student did to show empathy for what the simulated patient
Empathic communication coding system levels said about quitting smoking. Empathy was clearly defined
Levels 3–5—Explicit recognition of patient perspective on the questionnaire as understanding and relating to what
Level 5—Statement of shared feeling or experience the simulated patients had to say.
‘‘I understand how scary this must be for you. My husband recently The results of both questionnaires provided an empirical
had a biopsy and we were really scared.’’
base for determining the scope of communication behaviors
Level 4—Confirmation that are perceived by patients as empathic. Verbal commu-
‘‘You sound like you are very busy. I can see why it would be tough for
nication behaviors included the following: confirming state-
you to find time to exercise.’’
ments, offers of help, questions, sharing experiences, talk
Level 3—Acknowledgment about emotions, telling stories about others, and telling the
‘‘You mentioned that you’ve been feeling sad. Would you tell me more
about that?’’
patient that he or she was not alone. Respondents also
reported that nonverbal communication behaviors including
Level 2—Implicit recognition of patient perspective
eye contact, smiling, and nodding, and the perception that
PT: ‘‘This headache makes it difficult for me to work.’’
MD: ‘‘Yes, how is the insurance business lately?’’ the physician is ‘‘listening,’’ indicated empathy. From these
respondents, we learned that patients’ perceptions of how
Level 1—Perfunctory recognition of patient perspective
A physician’s automatic, scripted-type response (e.g. ‘‘uh-huh’’) to an
physicians communicate empathy are generally much
empathic opportunity while the physician is doing something else, broader than definitions offered in the literature, which often
often with the physician having his/her body oriented away from the focus on communication about feelings [4].
Level 0—Denial of patient perspective Theory: creating a hierarchy of empathic
The physician either ignores the patient’s empathic opportunity or communication behaviors. With a practical understanding
makes a disconfirming statement. of patients’ perceptions of empathic communication, the
second step was to group these communication behaviors
in a hierarchical system, with the aim of reflecting
included in the coding scheme and how should these com- different degrees of empathy. We turned to interpersonal
munication behaviors be hierarchically ordered. We used communication literature and theory for guidance. The
questionnaires, communication theory, and a validation test hierarchical system developed by Burleson [39–42] to
to attend to these issues. code the sensitivity of comforting strategies was of great
relevance. The three major levels of this system are, in Questionnaires: characterizing empathic commu- descending order: Explicit Recognition and Elaboration of
nication. We conducted two questionnaire-based studies to Individual Perspectivity; Implicit Recognition of Individual
learn about physician behaviors that patients perceive to be Perspectivity; and Denial of Individual Perspectivity. These
empathic [34]. The first was a survey completed by 42 adult three levels formed the initial skeletal structure for our
patients (28 females), which asked general questions about coding system.
empathic communication, focusing on communication Two areas of communication theory helped us to further
behaviors and words that a physician might use to convey develop the hierarchy. First, we turned to relational com-
empathy. The survey used open-ended items such as asking munication theory [43], which holds that in interpersonal
patients how they know if their physician understands and interactions, all messages have both a content and a rela-
relates to their emotional feelings and asking them to write tional message. The content message is conveyed by the
out verbatim what a physician might say or do in a certain words spoken or the gestures made. The relational message,
situation that would indicate empathy. which indicates how the content message should be under-
The second questionnaire was completed by 10 simulated stood, may be based on additional verbal messages, the
patients (three females) working in Northwestern University context of the communication, or nonverbal messages [43].
Medical School’s Communication Skills unit for first-year This theoretical perspective was helpful in delineating types
students [37]. During the last session of this 12-week unit, of responses that physicians might give following a patient’s
each student (n ¼ 163) had a 10-min encounter with a empathic opportunity. We recognized that physicians may
simulated patient who ‘‘had’’ a tension headache. The give a content message of listening to the patient by giving
simulated patients were instructed to create, within every both verbal and nonverbal feedback, but that the relational
encounter, a specific empathic opportunity about quitting message might differ. For example, one physician could be
smoking, coupling either positive (i.e. quit) or negative (i.e. saying ‘‘uh-huh’’ as her body is oriented towards the patient
tried to quit but could not) outcomes with either high (i.e. and she is making eye contact; another could saying ‘‘uh-
named emotion) or low (i.e. statement of fact) emotional huh’’ while shuffling papers, typing on a computer, or
intensity. Immediately after each visit, the simulated patient writing a prescription. While both physicians would be
used the questionnaire to rate the level of empathy demon- conveying a content message of acknowledgment, the first
strated by the student in response to the statement about sends a relational message that what the patient is saying is
smoking, and to record what, if anything, the medical important enough to require the physician’s full attention,
C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216 211

while the second suggests that what the patient is saying is Table 3
not as important as what the physician is doing. Thus, the Mean empathy rating per ECCS level
acknowledgment level was placed higher than the perfunc- Category Category description n Empathy ratinga
tory level.
Mean S.D.
A second theoretical perspective from which we drew is
facework. In his classic article on facework in social 5 Shared 22 5.77 0.53
4 Confirmation 102 5.42 0.74
interactions, Goffman [44] defines face as ‘‘the positive
3 Acknowledgment 20 4.40 1.57
social value a person effectively claims for himself by the 2 Implicit 0 – –
line others assume he has taken during a particular con- 1 Perfunctory 1 4.00 –
tact’’ (p. 5). Facework, Goffman explains, is the action 0 Denial 0 – –
taken by the interaction participants to either maintain face a
On a scale from 1 to 6, with 1: very strongly disagree and 6: very
or save face. We argue that when a patient creates an strongly agree that ‘‘this medical student showed empathy for what I said
empathic opportunity, the patient is making him or herself about quitting smoking.’’
vulnerable to a face threat. Goffman’s writings support this
stance: patients’ empathic opportunities. We then compared these
codes to the simulated patients’ ratings of student empathy,
‘‘. . . when a person volunteers a statement or message,
expecting to see a positive association between the codes
however trivial or commonplace, he commits himself
and the ratings. This test suggested that the hierarchical
and those he addresses, and in a sense places everyone
ordering of levels was consistent with simulated patient
present in jeopardy. By saying something, the speaker
perceptions of empathic communication: as shown in
opens himself up to the possibility that the intended
Table 3, medical students’ responses to empathic opportu-
recipients will affront him by not listening or will think
nities that were coded as Level 5 had a higher mean empathy
him forward, foolish, or offensive in what he said’’
rating than those coded as Level 4, which were higher than
(p. 37).
those coded as Level 3. Only one student gave a response
Brown and Levinson [45] built upon facework in devel- that was coded at a lower level. Given this conceptual and
oping Politeness Theory. This theory explains that people operational support, we applied the ECCS to study the
(e.g. physicians) use a particular type of strategy (called relationship between gender and empathic communication
positive politeness) when responding to another’s (e.g. a in primary-care encounters.
patient’s) self face-threatening act. In fact, Brown and
Levinson list empathy as one of the types of positive 3.2. Participants
politeness strategies, that the speaker (physician) is ‘‘claim-
ing common ground’’ with the hearer (patient) (p. 102). The 100 videotaped encounters used in this study were
This theoretical base reinforces the logical ordering of the drawn from a total of 500 visits (average of 25 patients to
empathic communication behaviors in two ways. First, it each of 10 general internists in Chicago and 10 general
adds support for our four major categories of empathic internists in Burlington, VT) that had been videotaped as
communication behavior. In particular, it supports the pla- part of ongoing research by the Program in Communication
cement of the perfunctory recognition (Level 1) as being & Medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School
more face saving than a denial (Level 0) but less face saving of Medicine. For this study, we randomly selected encoun-
than an implicit recognition (Level 2). Second, based on the ters from each of the 20 physicians until we found five
extent of facework involved, there is support for placing encounters per physician in which the patient had created at
confirmation (Level 4) and shared feeling (Level 5) above least one empathic opportunity. We reviewed 168 tapes to
acknowledgement (Level 3). find these 100 physician–patient encounters. The 100
patients who created at least one empathic opportunity were Validation: testing the hierarchy. Despite a very similar to the 68 patients who did not in terms of age,
foundation in interpersonal communication literature and social class, education level, and perceived physician–
theory, it was essential to examine if the levels were patient familiarity. However, the samples did differ in length
meaningful from a practical standpoint. The set of of encounter; on average, encounters with at least one
videotaped encounters between simulated patients and empathic opportunity were 35% longer than encounters with
medical students provided data for initial validation of the no empathic opportunities (25:20 versus 18:47, t ¼ 3:28,
hierarchy. One hundred and fifty (92%) of the first-year P ¼ 0:001, d:f: ¼ 159:58).
medical students agreed to have videotapes of their Physician age ranged from 30 to 48 years (mean ¼ 37:7,
encounters included in this part of the study. Five of the S:D: ¼ 5:3), with an average of 7.8 years in practice. The
videotaped encounters were either lost or had technical physician sample in this study was 20% female, a repre-
problems, leaving 145 encounters for analysis. sentative figure given that 23% of American physicians were
The first author used the ECCS levels to code medical female during the period in which these data were collected
students’ verbal and nonverbal responses to simulated [46].
212 C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216

3.3. Measures To obtain a complementary indicator of emotional inten-

sity, two undergraduate research assistants were trained to
3.3.1. Empathic communication coding system code the transcribed empathic opportunities. This second
coding process characterized if and how patients named an Identifying empathic opportunities. Before the first emotion when creating an empathic opportunity. The stu-
author watched the encounters to determine those that had dents coded the empathic opportunities into one of seven
empathic opportunities, she and a research assistant worked categories. The first two, progress and challenge, were
to gain agreement on identifying empathic opportunities used for empathic opportunities that fit the definitions of
using the Empathic Communication Coding System. Both progress and challenge as shown in Table 2. The other five
separately watched 10 encounters and identified the categories—anxiety, like, dislike, hope, and miscellaneous
empathic opportunities contained within, discussed these, emotion—were used when a patient named an emotion in his
and then viewed again encounters about which they had or her empathic opportunity. After achieving inter-coder
disagreed. During this process, small changes were made to reliability on 32 empathic opportunities (Cohen’s Kappa ¼
clarify the coding rules. Average agreement per encounter 0:81), the students coded all remaining empathic opportu-
was determined to be 80%. nities with good reliability overall (Cohen’s Kappa ¼ 0:79).
The first author then watched randomly selected encoun- They then worked together to resolve differences in coding,
ters, as described in Section 3.2. She found a total of 249 resulting in 100% agreement. For analysis, the five emotion
empathic opportunities across these 100 encounters. All categories (anxiety, like, dislike, hope, and miscellaneous)
statements beginning empathic opportunities were tran- were collapsed into one ‘‘named emotion’’ category, allowing
scribed and the segments containing empathic opportunities us to compare the extent to which patients stated a progress,
and the physician responses were dubbed onto a master tape challenge, or emotion within an empathic opportunity.
to facilitate subsequent coding. Coding physician responses. Two undergraduate 4. Results

research assistants were trained to code the physician
responses to the 249 empathic opportunities using the 4.1. Empathic opportunities and gender
hierarchical coding system. The students watched and
individually coded the videotaped segments of the 249 We first examined the effects of patient gender on the
empathic opportunities and physician responses. They also number, specific emotional content, and emotional intensity
worked from transcriptions of the patients’ statements that of empathic opportunities.
began the empathic opportunities. Reliability checks were
conducted periodically during this coding and inter-coder 4.1.1. Number and specific emotional content
reliability over all 249 empathic opportunity responses was The mean number of empathic opportunities per encoun-
acceptable (Cohen’s Kappa ¼ 0:73). The two coders then ter was 2.49 (n ¼ 100, S:D: ¼ 1:6, minimum/maximum ¼
discussed the responses they had coded differently, a process 1/9). A one-tailed t-test revealed no significant difference in
resulting in 98.8% agreement. The first author acted as the the number of empathic opportunities created by female and
final judge for the three responses about which the coders male patients. We also calculated a ratio for each patient of
were unable to agree. empathic opportunities with a named emotion divided by
the total number of his or her empathic opportunities. A
3.3.2. Emotional intensity ratings one-tailed t-test indicated that there was no difference in
Eighteen of 21 undergraduate students enrolled in a health emotional-content ratios across gender: both male and
communication course at Northwestern University rated the female patients named emotions in approximately half of
emotional intensity of videotaped empathic opportunities on their empathic opportunities. As neither number of empathic
a 5-point scale, with 1: low and 5: high. All students were opportunities nor naming of emotions varied with gender,
instructed to focus on the patient’s emotional intensity (i.e. the data do not support the first two predictions.
not the physician’s) during the empathic opportunity, think-
ing about what the patient said and how he or she said it. The 4.1.2. Intensity of empathic opportunities
students were split into three groups of six, each of which The mean emotional intensity score across all empathic
rated one-third of the 249 empathic opportunities. The opportunities was 3.30 (n ¼ 249, S:D: ¼ 0:72, minimum/
average measure intraclass correlation, which represents maximum ¼ 1:33/5.00). An intensity score was calculated
consistency of values within cases, was 0.82 for Group 1, for each patient by averaging his or her emotional intensity
0.74 for Group 2, and 0.85 for Group 3. Mean ratings (i.e. the scores across the total number of empathic opportunities he
average of six scores) are used as our index of emotional or she created during the videotaped encounter. A one-tailed
intensity for each empathic opportunity, providing a more t-test revealed that the 57 female patients created more
stable and valid estimate than one based upon individual emotionally intense empathic opportunities than did the
ratings. 43 male patients. The mean intensity score for female
C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216 213

Table 4
Frequencies of ECCS codes of physician responses

Category Category description n (N ¼ 249) Percentage When able to respond (%)

5 Shared 4 1.6 1.7

4 Confirmation 35 14.1 15.0
3 Acknowledgment 165 66.3 70.8
2 Implicit 11 4.4 4.7
1 Perfunctory 8 3.2 3.4
0 Denial 10 4.0 4.3
– Patient did not give MD chance to respond 16 6.4 –

patients was 3.41; for male patients it was 3.14 (t ¼ 2:08, physician–patient communication to facilitate research
P < 0:05, d:f: ¼ 93:97). This modest but statistically about physician empathic communication. While identifica-
significant difference was consistent with our third predic- tion of empathic opportunities in this coding system was
tion. limited to the most obvious examples, there were a con-
siderable number of empathic opportunities evident in our
4.2. Physician responses and gender sample: nearly three in five observed physician–patient
encounters contained at least one empathic opportunity.
We also examined the relationship between physicians’ The hierarchical coding portion of this measure was
gender and their responses to empathic opportunities in developed specifically for the physician–patient context,
order to address our final prediction. Unfortunately, we were based on patient perceptions of physician empathy and
unable to perform a 2  2 analysis of patient and physician grounded in a theoretical approach from the interpersonal
gender because our sample included only five encounters communication literature. An initial test of this coding
between female physicians and male patients. scheme with simulated patients and medical students
As shown in Table 4, physician responses to the empathic demonstrated validity. Further, the finding that female phy-
opportunities created by patients were coded most fre- sicians communicated more empathy than did male physi-
quently as acknowledgment (66.3% overall; 70.8% when cians provides another indication of the instrument’s
the patient gave his or her physician a chance to respond). validity, as its use resulted in a finding suggested by other
Since there were different numbers of empathic opportu- research.
nities per interaction but the same number of interactions per One may question the advantage of using a coding system
physician, we used the interaction as our unit of analysis rather than having either the patients or outside observers
when comparing levels of empathic communication. This rate the empathy present in the physician’s response to
required creating a mean empathy score for each interaction an empathic opportunity. We offer three answers to this
by averaging the physician response scores across all question: first, having patients rate their physicians’
empathic opportunities within an interaction. A one-tailed empathic communication to a specific empathic opportu-
t-test comparing male and female physicians’ empathy nity after the encounter may be plagued by poor recollec-
scores revealed that females gave higher empathic responses tions, unless it is done during stimulated recall, a very time-
than did males. Female physician’s mean empathic level intensive process. Second, using coders who have attained
was 3.27, male physicians mean empathic level was 2.90 reliability means that researchers can be assured that the
(t ¼ 2:62, P < 0:01, d:f: ¼ 40:7). Thus, our fourth pre- same conceptual and operational definitions of empathy are
diction was also supported by the data. being used—which is not the case with patient or outside
observer ratings. Third, a successful and valid empathic
communication coding system is useful to educators in
5. Discussion helping future physicians to learn how to communicate
The research reported in this article is important in two
regards: (1) it introduces and tests a new measure; (2) it 5.2. Gender, empathy, and the physician–patient
provides additional perspective on the relationship between encounter
gender and empathy in physician–patient communication.
The research reported herein also helps us understand
5.1. ECCS more about gender, empathic communication, and the phy-
sician–patient encounter. Patients who did and those who did
This article introduces a new measure for physician not create empathic opportunities were found to have
empathic communication—the Empathic Communication remarkably similar demographic characteristics. Moreover,
Coding System. Such a measure is needed in the study of contrary to reports that, in general, men are less likely than
214 C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216

women to communicate emotions [27,28], male and female In addition to different contexts, different cultures’ con-
patients were equally likely to name an emotion in their struals of empathy and appropriate behavior in the physi-
empathic opportunity. Further, male patients in this sample cian–patient encounter deserve close attention.
created as many empathic opportunities as did female
patients. Although these observations did not support our 5.4. Future research
predictions, they are consonant with Hall and Roter’s [25]
finding that male patients and female patients have no Future research in the area of gender and physician
difference in propensity for emotional talk. Evidently, some- empathic communication could lead in several directions.
thing about the physician–patient context eliminates, for More purposeful sampling would allow us to look specifi-
patients, gender differences that are apparent in more gen- cally at empathy in different types of gender pairs, which we
eral interpersonal communication. were unable to do here because of a small cell size, and
However, male and female patients were not entirely examine if physician empathic communication is a phenom-
similar in their communication regarding empathic oppor- enon affected by patient gender. Gender and physician
tunities: female patients tended to create more emotionally empathic communication may also differ depending on
intense empathic opportunities than did male patients. While context. It may be useful to see if the tendency for female
the relationship with gender was not particularly strong, it is physicians to be more empathic than male physicians holds
extremely interesting because the greater intensity was not up across various practice types and patient situations.
due to more naming of emotions. We presume that intensity Finally, patient outcomes should be evaluated as they relate
may have been communicated through nonverbal channels, to levels of physician empathic communication. For
a potential link worthy of study given the significance for instance, it will be important to discover whether empathic
both theory and practice. communication is linked to outcomes such as satisfaction
We also examined physician responses to empathic and health status.
opportunities by using the ECCS response coding scheme,
and found physician gender to be a significant predictor of
the level of empathic communication shown to a patient. 6. Summary and practice implications
This result is bolstered by Roter et al.’s finding that female
physicians are more likely to participate in psychosocial The ECCS encompasses a range of communication beha-
discussion, emotionally focused talk, and positive talk [22], viors, and appears to be a valid and valuable instrument for
as well as literature indicating that females are more apt to measuring empathic communication in physician–patient
talk about emotions [27,28]. encounters. Regarding patient gender, males and females
It is also interesting to note that on the whole, patients do created comparable numbers and types of empathic oppor-
not expect, nor do they get, the ‘‘shared feeling’’ [4] type of tunities, but those created by female patients tended to be
empathy. Instead, physicians in our study seemed to lean more emotionally intense. Additionally, female physicians
toward acknowledging (70.8%) and confirming (15%) communicated higher degrees of empathy to patients who
patients’ empathic opportunities. Our surveys suggested that created empathic opportunities. Further research should
such responses met patient conceptualizations and expecta- examine empathic communication and gender in different
tions regarding empathy. contexts, with attention to patient outcomes.
Beyond the focus on gender, the concepts and findings
5.3. Caveats from this research have implications for physicians, medical
educators, and researchers examining physician–patient
It is important to note that the relationship between communication. For instance, a better understanding of
empathy and empathic communication may not be straight- patients’ expectations for physician empathic communica-
forward. That is, a physician may feel empathy for his or her tion may change the way empathy is talked about, taught,
patient but may not be ready, willing, or able to show it and assessed. Our results suggest that physician empathic
through empathic communication. Thus, it is important to communication should be conceived of more broadly than
remember that the ECCS is intended to measure observable sharing the patient’s feeling [4] since patients interpret other
behavior only, not empathy as an internal process. The communication behaviors as empathic. Toward that end, the
ECCS is limited in its ability to fully account for the effect ECCS provides a useful vocabulary and a promising method
of physician nonverbal behavior on empathic communica- for pursuing the meaning and the outcome of empathic
tion levels. Although it does capture nonverbal behaviors communication in medical encounters.
that indicate listening and perfunctory responses, it does not
examine the more complicated matter of when the nonverbal
behavior contradicts or takes away from a verbal, highly Acknowledgements
empathic response. On a broader level, this research may
only be generalizable to the context studied (i.e. internal This work was funded, in part, by a grant from the Arthur
medicine visits associated with academic medical centers). Vining Davis Foundations.
C.L. Bylund, G. Makoul / Patient Education and Counseling 48 (2002) 207–216 215

Appendix A. ECCS: response coding scheme oriented away from the patient. These scripted responses can
either be verbal or nonverbal. (If they are nonverbal or verbal
A.1. Levels 3–5—Explicit recognition of patient backchanneling cues, the 10 s or longer rule from Level 3
perspective applies.)

A.1.1. Level 5—Shared feeling or experience A.1.6. Level 0—Denial of patient perspective
A response should be categorized in this level if the This response is characterized by the physician either
physician makes an explicit statement that he or she either ignoring the patient’s empathic opportunity or by making a
shares the patient’s emotion or has had a similar experience. disconfirming statement. Examples might include:
If the physician uses the words, ‘‘in my experience,’’ code it
 The physician making an immediate topic change.
as Level 5.
 The physician not responding at all, but starting or con-
tinuing a physical task (patient exam, writing in chart,
A.1.2. Level 4—Confirmation
typing on computer).
Responses in this level convey to the patient that the
 The physician making a disconfirming statement to the
expressed or inferred emotional feeling progress or chal-
patient about what was said.
lenge is legitimate. This can be done in several different
ways depending on the empathic opportunity. For example,
this type of response may be a congratulatory remark, an References
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