5 Engine and Fuel Control System: 5.1 Main Tasks of The System

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5 Engine and Fuel Control System

The following description of the engine and fuel control system explains
the principles of fuel and engine control as well as the architecture of the
most commonly used designs of fuel control systems. All modern turbofan
engines are controlled by full authority digital engine control (FADEC)
systems. Despite this fact, large numbers of older hydromechanically con-
trolled engines are still in use. To give an overview of these kind of sys-
tems, they are described as well.

5.1 Main Tasks of the System

The main task of the engine and fuel control system is the metering of the
fuel flow to the combustion chamber under the operating conditions of
steady state, acceleration and deceleration. The system must achieve this
with the aim to keep the engine on the thrust level demanded by the pilot.
To prevent the exceedance of the operating limits, limiting functions en-
sure the operation within the limits for shaft speeds, temperature and pres-
sures. To accomplish this task the engine control system also controls the
functions of the other engine systems. These systems are known as the en-
gine subsystems for the description of the fuel and control system.

5.2 Speed and Thrust Control

For the control principle of a turbine engine the shaft speed and the thrust
are the two most important parameters. The simplest control system is a
shaft speed control system. As long as the power lever angle is constant, it
keeps the shaft speed constant. A typical application for a constant shaft
speed control system is the APU. If an aircraft engine is controlled by a
shaft speed control system, the thrust will change with changing air density
and the pilot has to readjust the thrust levers to keep the required thrust
constant. For the operation of an aircraft engine a thrust control system is
most suitable. Here the pilot can directly select the thrust needed for a
flight maneuver and the control system keeps this thrust constant.
86 5 Engine and Fuel Control System

Fig. 5.1 Fuel demand curve of a turbine engine

5.2.1 Shaft Speed Control

In a speed control system the shaft (or rotor) speed is the main control pa-
rameter. The fuel control unit (FCU) uses a speed governor to adjust the
shaft speed to the value demanded by the input of the power lever. For the
calculation of the fuel flow the FCU follows the fuel demand function of
the specific engine. In Fig. 5.1 this function is shown based on the N2
speed of a twin-spool engine. It contains the graph for the steady state fuel
demand at the N2 speed and the two limit lines, one for the surge limit and
the other for the flameout limit. The fuel flow for the acceleration must be
between the steady state line and the surge limit. For the deceleration the
fuel flow must be between the steady state line and the flameout limit.
To adjust the calculated fuel flow to the current air density at the com-
bustor inlet, the FCU needs at least the inputs of the compressor inlet tem-
perature (CIT) and the compressor discharge pressure (CDP or Ps3) addi-
tionally to the N2 speed and the power lever input. With these inputs a
simple speed control system can operate. Figure 5.2 shows these inputs
into an FCU for a speed control system.
To operate as a control unit for a turbine engine the FCU must have a
minimum of functions. These are established in functional subsections of
the FCU. As an example let’s have a closer look at the hydromechanical
FCU. For the operation as a speed control device it needs the following
• The fuel metering section
• The governing section
• The limiting section

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