A Novel Method of Dyeing Nylon With Cold Brand Reactive Dyes and Assessment of Its Fastness Properties 2165 8064.S2 002 PDF
A Novel Method of Dyeing Nylon With Cold Brand Reactive Dyes and Assessment of Its Fastness Properties 2165 8064.S2 002 PDF
A Novel Method of Dyeing Nylon With Cold Brand Reactive Dyes and Assessment of Its Fastness Properties 2165 8064.S2 002 PDF
Journal of Textile Science & Engineering
ISSN: 2165-8064
A Novel Method of Dyeing Nylon 6, 6 with Cold Brand Reactive Dyes and
Assessment of its Fastness Properties
Sumithra M* and Arasi D
Department of Costume Design and Fashion, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India
Nylon is a synthetic fiber made from petroleum products which was developed as an alternative to silk. Nylon is
valued for its light weight, incredible tensile strength, durability, and resistance to damage. It also takes dye easily,
making the fabric available in a wide array of colours for consumers. Nylon has conventionally been dyed by using
Acid dyes on a major extent. In this study Nylon 6,6 was dyed with commercial di-chlorotriazinyl reactive dyes .using
100% nylon woven fabric was taken for this study. Nylon fabric GSM was 50 g/m2, EPI-20 and PPI-32. The pH was
kept at 4 and the temperature was maintained at 98°C, this temperature was used in subsequent experiments. The
blue reactive dyes and acid dyes are used for dyeing and it was concluded as good to excellent fastness to washing
and rubbing. And light fastness was almost equal for both reactive dyed and acid dye. In acid and reactive dyes Blue
MR had good colour variation,good colour strength.
Keywords: Acid dyes; Blue color; Fastness properties; Nylon fabric, As a group, acid dyes can be divided into two sub-groups: acid-
Reactive dyes leveling or acid-milling. These dyes are normally very complex in
structure but have large aromatic molecules, having a sulphonyl or
Introduction amino group which makes them soluble in water [6].
Nylon is valued for its light weight, incredible tensile strength, The main objectives of the study are as follows:
durability, and resistance to damage. It also takes dye easily, making the
fabric available in a wide array of colors for consumers [1]. • To develop a new method to improve colour yield of di-chloro-tri-
azinyl reactive dyes on Nylon.
Reactive dyes were commercially introduced over 40 years ago for
cellulosic fibres and now form one of the most important dye classes • To improve fastness properties of di-chloro tri-azinyl reactive
for that fibre. The mechanisms of the interaction/reaction of reactive dyes on nylon.
dyes with cellulosic fibres are well understood. The dye is first absorbed • To compare fastness properties of reactive dyes and acid dyes on
by the fibre and then reacts with it by either a substitution reaction for Nylon Fabrics.
dyes containing, for example, a Monochlorotriazine (MCT) group or an
• To develop a reactive dyeing technology for dyeing of Nylon that
addition reaction for dyes with a vinyl sulphone (VS) group [2].
is applicable to industrial and domestic levels.
Characteristically high wet fastness is derived from dyes thus
covalently bound to the fibre. 1t is known that the reactive dyes Materials and Methods
developed for cellulosic fibres or for wool can be applied at the boil to Selection of fabric
nylon under weakly acidic conditions (pH 4.0-6.0) and that covalent
Four meters of bleached 100%woven nylon fabric of 50 g/m2, 20-
bonds form between the dye and the amino groups of nylon, without
EPI, 32-PPI and Weight of the Fabric-82.82 g is selected for this Study.
an alkaline fixation step. Since reactive dyes typically do not include
The fabric was purchased from komarapalayam, Salem.
heavy metals such as chromium, the characteristically high wet fastness
of the dyes comes with the concomitant advantages of brightness Methods
and low environmental impact. Despite the obvious advantages, the
The method adopted for this study is
commercialization of reactive dyes for nylon has not gained widespread
success [3].
Acid dyes are highly water soluble, and have better light fastness
than basic dyes. The textile acid dyes are effective for protein fibres such
as silk, wool, nylon and modified acrylics. They contain sulphonic acid *Corresponding author: Sumithra M, Department of Costume Design and
groups, which are usually present as sodium sulphonate salts. These Fashion, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India, Tel: +91-422-
430-33; E-mail: [email protected]
increase solubility in water, and give the dye molecules a negative
charge [4]. Received April 04, 2014; Accepted April 16, 2014; Published April 18, 2014
J Textile Sci Eng Textile Recycling and its Applications ISSN: 2165-8064 JTESE, an open access journal
Citation: Sumithra M, Arasi D (2014) A Novel Method of Dyeing Nylon 6, 6 with Cold Brand Reactive Dyes and Assessment of its Fastness Properties.
J Textile Sci Eng S2: 002. doi:10.4172/2165-8064.S2-002
Page 2 of 3
Selection of Fabric-Komarapalyam The fastness properties to washing, rubbing are tested for the dyed
fabrics under ISO test conditions as prescribed below.
Pre - Treatment Process (Desizing) • Wash fastness testing IS:764-1979
• Rubbing fastness testing IS:776-1956
Dyeing of Fabric
• Light fastness testing AATCC 16E
• ∆E and Strength of Dyes Macbeth 7000A Spectrophotometer
Acid Dye Reactive Dye
J Textile Sci Eng Textile Recycling and its Applications ISSN: 2165-8064 JTESE, an open access journal
Citation: Sumithra M, Arasi D (2014) A Novel Method of Dyeing Nylon 6, 6 with Cold Brand Reactive Dyes and Assessment of its Fastness Properties.
J Textile Sci Eng S2: 002. doi:10.4172/2165-8064.S2-002
Page 3 of 3
4. Soleimani GA, Taylor JA (2006) Dyeing of nylon with reactive dyes. Part 1. The
Wool, Acrylic, Polyester, Nylon, Cotton and Acetate was almost equal effect of changes in dye structure on the dyeing of nylon with reactive dyes.
Dyes and Pigments 68: 109-117.
in both the cases.
5. Soleimani GA,Taylor JA (2006) Dyeing of nylon with reactive dyes. Part 2.
The fastness to dry and wet rubbing was also equal in both the The effect of changes in level of dye sulphonation on the dyeing of nylon with
cases. The fastness to 10 hrs of light exposure was better in case of Acid reactive dyes. Dyes and Pigments 68: 119-127.
dyed Nylon fabrics. Among the dyes used for dyeing, Blue MR had 6. Soleimani GA, Taylor JA (2008) Dyeing of nylon with reactive dyes. Part 3:
good colour strength. Cationic reactive dyes for nylon. Dyes and Pigments 76: 610-623.
This article was originally published in a special issue, Textile Recycling and
its Applications handled by Editor. Dr. Yves-Simon Gloy, RWTH Aachen
University, Germany
J Textile Sci Eng Textile Recycling and its Applications ISSN: 2165-8064 JTESE, an open access journal