Reflection 1

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Week 2 - Introduction to Social Psychology

This was the first multimedia presentation that was assigned to me by any class, which

made me nervous and overwhelmed. However, after reading Chapter 1 of the textbook and

completing the assignment and assessment that went along with it. I realized I knew more than I

would have given myself credit for. This project specifically was not my best work, but it was

the project that challenged me to go beyond what I was used. I learned how to interview my

friends and get their perspective about social psychology. The responses were diverse which

showed how differently people think.

My opinion-editorial was interesting to research about because I was the one who picked

the article that was significant to me. Instead of just reading about research and what social

psychologist did, I participated in research and shared my findings with supporting evidence with

my friends and the rest of the class. This type of project made a 2-dimensional type of

information turn into a 3-dimensional type of learning. It was incorporated into my long-term

memory because of the amount of time I spent on it. It’s the end of the semester now, but I can

still recall a lot of information from this project.

In the beginning, I thought that 15 minutes was a long time for a presentation, but I went

over that time when I first recorded my presentation. In my second attempt, I had to talk

abnormally fast for a PowerPoint presentation. It was my fault because I did not plan it well. In

my feedback by Dr. Stansbury, I was told not to read from the slides and to provide only

highlights of information. I was also told to slow down when I talked and to fix some minor

errors in APA citation. Also, there were positive feedbacks as well which told me I was doing
things right. The visuals and the transitions from slides were great. I took the positive and need

for improvement feedbacks seriously and applied to the rest of projects.

This feedback made me realize that I needed to plan for each week. Since I was reading

from the slides, the presentation took longer than 15 minutes so that’s why I talked fast to get in

all the information. For the rest of my project, I was conscious of how fast I was talking and I

avoided reading from the slides. I condensed the amount of words on each slide so that I was not

tempted to read from it.

I am a very visual learner. My learning improves when I am more involved with a class.

Even though, this was online. I felt that I was gaining a lot of information because I was given

the right guidelines but I was also not limited by them. This project helped me take the chapter

concepts and apply them to real-life. This was better processed in my mind. This type of project

can be used in a lot of my courses; it gave me a lot of room to be creative and demonstrate my

knowledge to others. I can take concepts from other textbooks and visualize it into my own

understanding. I discovered things that I did not know about PowerPoint which I will be using in

other courses.

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