Nora Olivier - DP Update and Reflection

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Nora Olivier

Period 4&5
Project Reflection
During this project I grew as a writer because I learned how to format my essay in a way
that helps the reader enjoy it more. Lori gave me a suggestion to have a personal story of mine
introduce the myth and then go into facts about the myth in the next paragraph. This was very
helpful to me and made my writing a lot better. I think in my essay this was a really good way to
grab the reader's attention and make them want to keep reading. In my first draft I had a hard
time really describing the personal stories and grabbing the reader’s attention in the intro
paragraph. First draft: “When he looked inside, he saw nothing, put his head back up and gave
me a shameful rude look.” Final Draft: “When he looked inside, he saw nothing, put his head
back up and gave me a shameful, rude look. His eyes stared into my soul, and tore out my
insides.” In the final draft I figured out how to add more detail so the reader could really imagine
this actually happening. The change in these sentences made it a stronger piece of writing
because if someone was reading this to you and you closed your eyes you could imagine you
were there with them.
My biggest take-aways from this project is the fact that I didn’t know how many
adolescents are unhappy with their home life or depressed. While setting up for the exhibition I
went around the room looking at masks and quotes and what I read was so sad and surprising.
Another big take-away is how many stereotypes there are against adolescents or just teens in
general. I really enjoyed researching the stereotypes, my group made a matching game with a
debunk of the stereotype on the back. I think during the exhibition this was really helpful to the
parents because they had no idea how teens were stereotyped. At the exhibition I liked seeing all
the parents amazed at this, and the fact that my dad actually talked to me about it afterwards.
Overall this exhibition was very powerful and changed the perspective for a lot of parents.
I have grown as a project worker and a student through the course of the semester
because I really tried on this adolescents project and put my best effort into it. On the first project
we did, the Theories of Development I did a slideshow that took me maybe a day or two. It's not
just this class that I have improved on either, in math I didn’t try very hard on the tessellation
project and that brought my grade down a lot. The project we are finishing up in math right now
is one we didn’t work on for long, but in my opinion it is still better than the tessellation project.
The semester has just flown by, it feels like we should still have 2 months of school before it's
over. I have just gotten better at adding detail within my projects and just working harder overall.
Personally I think I did the most work within my group, I had a really hard time working
with the people in my group. I had to keep reminding them over and over again to do work and
get back to work. This was really frustrating to me at the start of the group work. By the week of
the exhibition I was used to them doing no work, so I did it all by myself. Since we did a
matching game there was a lot of printing, cutting, and laminating to do. This took me a pretty
long time and every time I would ask one of the people in my group for help they would
complain and act like they were five years old. If I were to do this project again I would have
gotten Lori involved so I would actually get some help from my group members.

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