Edgar Notes 3

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A ‘political question’ is one the resolution of

ARTICLE VIII. THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT which has been vested by the Constitution
exclusively in either the people, in the exercise
SEC. 1. JUDICIAL POWER of their sovereign capacity, or in which full
discretionary authority has been delegated to a
Scope: co-equal branch of the Government.

1. Judicial power is the authority to settle justiciable 2. Thus, while courts can determine questions of
controversies or disputes involving rights that are legality with respect to governmental action,
enforceable and demandable before the courts they cannot review government policy and the
of justice or the redress of wrongs for violations wisdom thereof, for these questions have been
of such rights. vested by the Constitution in the Executive and
Legislative Departments.
2. Vested in the Supreme Court and such lower
courts as may be established by law.
3. Since the courts are given ‘judicial power’ and
nothing more, courts may neither attempt to 1. Defining enforceable and demandable rights
assume or be compelled to perform non-judicial and prescribing remedies for violations of such
functions. They may not be charged with rights; and
administrative functions except when reasonably 2. Determining the court with jurisdiction to hear
incidental to the fulfillment of their duties. and decide controversies or disputes arising
from legal rights.
4. In order that courts may exercise this power, 3. Thus, Congress has the power to define,
there must exist the following: prescribe and apportion the jurisdiction of
various courts.
a. An actual controversy with legally 1. BUT, Congress cannot deprive the Supreme
demandable and enforceable rights; Court of its jurisdiction over cases provided for
b. Involving real parties in interest; in the Constitution.
c. The exercise of such power will bind the 2. Creation and abolition of courts:
parties by virtue of the court’s a. The power to create courts implies
application of existing laws. the power to abolish and even re-
organize courts.
5. Judicial power cannot be exercised in vacuum. b. BUT this power cannot be exercised
Without any laws from which rights arise and in a manner which would undermine
which are violated, there can be no recourse to the security of tenure of the judiciary.
the courts. c. If the abolition/re-organization is
done in good faith and not for
6. The courts cannot be asked for advisory political or personal reasons, then it
opinions. is VALID. (same rule applies for civil
7. Judicial power includes:

a. The duty of the courts to settle actual SEC. 3. FISCAL AUTONOMY

controversies involving rights which are
legally demandable and enforceable; 1. The entire judiciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy.
and 2. Annual appropriations for the judiciary cannot
be reduced below the amount appropriated for
b. To determine whether or not there has the previous year.
been a grave abuse of discretion 3. Once approved, appropriations shall be
amounting to lack or excess of automatically and regularly released.
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the government.
Political Questions:
Composition of the Supreme Court:
1. Chief Justice and Note: The last four re the regular members of the
2. 14 Associate Justices JBC. Regular members are appointed by the
President with CA approval. Regular members
Note: Members of the Supreme Court and of other serve for 4 years, with staggered terms.
courts established by law shall not be designated to
any agency performing quasi-judicial or B. Functions of JBC
administrative functions.
1. Principal function: recommend
Qualifications of members of the SC: appointees to the Judiciary
2. Exercise such other functions as
1. Natural born citizen of the Philippines the SC may assign to it.
2. At least 40 years old
3. At least 15 years of experience as a judge or in C. Appointments to the Judiciary
the practice of law in the Philippines
4. Person of proven competence, integrity, probity 1. President shall appoint from a
and independence. list of at least 3 nominees for each
vacancy, as prepared by the JBC.
Qualifications of members of lower collegiate 2. No CA confirmation is needed
courts (CA, CTA, Sandiganbayan) for appointments to the Judiciary.
3. Vacancies in SC should be filled
1. Natural born citizen of the Philippines within 90 days from the occurrence
2. Member of the Philippine bar of the vacancy.
3. Possesses other qualifications prescribed by 4. Vacancies in lower courts should
Congress be filled within 90 days from
4. Person of proven competence, integrity, probity submission to the President of the
and independence. JBC list.

Qualifications of judges of lower non-collegiate

courts: SEC. 10. SALARIES

1. Citizen of the Philippines (may be a naturalized 1. Salaries of SC Justices and judges of lower
citizen) courts shall be fixed by law.
2. Member of the Philippine Bar 2. Cannot be decreased during their continuance
3. Possesses other qualifications prescribed by in office, but can be increased.
Congress 3. Members of the Judiciary are NOT exempt from
4. Person of proven competence, integrity, probity payment of income tax.
and independence.



1. The Judicial and Bar Council is under the 1. Members of the SC and judges of the lower
supervision of the SC. courts hold office during good behavior until
a. The age of 70 years old; or
A. Is under the supervision of the Supreme b. They become incapacitated to discharge
Court and is composed of: their duties.
1. Chief Justice, as ex-officio chairman
2. Secretary of Justice, as an ex-officio 2. Disciplinary action against judges of lower
member courts:
3. Representative of Congress, as an a. Only the SC en banc has jurisdiction to
ex-officio member discipline or dismiss judges of lower
4. Representative of the Integrated Bar courts.
5. A professor of law b. Disciplinary action/dismissal: Majority
6. A retired member of the SC; and vote of SC Justices who took part in the
7. Private sector representative deliberations and voted therein.
3. Removal of SC Justices: Powers of the SC

a. Only by IMPEACHMENT. 1. SC has ORIGINAL jurisdiction over

b. Cannot be disbarred while they hold a. Cases affecting ambassadors, other
office. public ministers and consuls.
Note: This refers to foreign
ambassadors, etc., stationed
SECS. 4-6, 13. THE SUPREME COURT in the Philippines.
b. Petitions for certiorari, prohibiton,
Hearing of cases: mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas
1. En banc; or
2. Divisions of 3, 5, or 7. 2. SC has APPELLATE jurisdiction over final
judgments and orders in the following:
Cases required to be heard en banc:

1. All cases involving constitutionality of a/an: a. All cases involving the constitutionality or
a. Treaty validity of any
b. International or executive agreement or i. treaty
c. Law. ii. international or
executive agreement
2. All cases required to be heard en banc under iii. law
the Rules of Court: iv. presidential decree
a. Appeals from Sandiganbayan; and v. proclamation
b. From the Constitutional Commissions vi. order
vii. instruction
3. All cases involving the constitutionality, viii. ordinance, or
application or operation of ix. regulation;
a. Presidential decrees
b. Proclamations b. All cases involving the legality of any
c. Orders i. tax
d. Instructions ii. impost
e. Ordinances; and iii. assessment or
f. Other regulations. iv. toll or
v. any penalty imposed in
4. Cases heard by a division where required relation thereto;
majority of 3 was not obtained.
c. All cases in which the jurisdiction of any
5. Cases where SC modifies or reverses a doctrine lower court is in issue
or principle of law laid down by the SC en banc
or by a division. d. Criminal cases where the penalty
imposed is reclusion perpetua or higher;
6. Administrative cases to discipline or dismiss and
judges of lower courts; and
e. All cases where ONLY errors or
7. Election contests for President and Vice- questions of law are involved.
3. Temporarily assign lower court judges to other
Cases heard by division stations in the public interest.
Note: Temporary assignment shall not
1. Must be decided with the concurrence of a exceed 6 months without the consent of the
majority of the members who took part in the judge concerned.
deliberations and voted thereon.
2. Majority vote in a division should be at least 3 4. Order a change of venue or place of trial to
members. avoid a miscarriage of justice.
Requisites Code: [A R S
5. Promulgate rules concerning: Co R]
a. The protection and enforcement of
constitutional rights; 1. An ACTUAL CASE calling for the exercise of
b. Pleading, practice and procedure in all judicial power
courts; 2. The question involved must be RIPE FOR
c. Admission to the practice of law; ADJUDICATION, i.e. the government act must
d. The Integrated Bar; and have had an adverse effect on the person
e. Legal assistance to the underprivileged. challenging it.
3. The person challenging the governmental act
Limitations on Rule Making Power must have ‘STANDING’, i.e. a personal and
substantial interest in the case such that he has
a. It should provide a simplified and sustained, or will sustain, direct injury as a
inexpensive procedure for the speedy result of its enforcement.
disposition of cases. 4. The question of Constitutionality must be raised
b. It should be uniform for all courts of the in the first instance, or at the earliest
same grade. opportunity.
c. It should not diminish, increase, or 5. Resolution of the issue of constitutionality is
modify substantive rights. unavoidable or is the very lis mota.

6. Appoint ALL officials and employees of the Effect of a declaration of unconstitutionality:

Judiciary, in accordance with Civil Service Law.
1. Prior to the declaration that a particular law is
7. Exercise administrative supervision over ALL unconstitutional, it is considered as an ‘operative
courts and the personnel thereof. fact’ which at that time had to be complied with.
2. Thus, vested rights may have been acquired
Decisions of the Supreme Court: under such law before it was declared
1. Reached in consultation before being assigned 3. These rights are not prejudiced by the
to a member for the writing of the opinion. subsequent declaration that the law is
2. A certification to this effect must be signed by the unconstitutional.
Chief Justice and attached to the record of the
case and served upon the parties.
3. Members of the SC who took no part, or who SEC. 14. DECISIONS
dissented or abstained must state the reasons
therefore. 1. Decisions MUST state clearly and distinctly the
facts and the law on which it is based.
2. Refusal to give due course to petitions for
Note: This procedure shall also be observed by review and motions for reconsideration must
all lower collegiate courts (CA, CTA, and the state the legal basis for such refusal.
Sandiganbayan). 3. Memorandum decisions, where the appellate
court adopts the findings of fact and law of the
lower court, are allowed as long as the decision
JUDICIAL REVIEW adopted by reference is attached to the
Memorandum for easy reference.
Definition 4. These rules only apply to courts. They do not
apply to quasi-judicial or administrative bodies
1. Judicial Review is the power of the SC to nor to military tribunals.
declare a law, treaty, ordinance etc.
2. Lower courts may also exercise the power of ARTICLE IX – THE CONSTITUTIONAL
judicial review, subject to the appellate COMMISSIONS
jurisdiction of the SC.
3. Only SC decisions are precedent, and thus, Section 1. Constitutional Commissions
only SC decisions are binding on all.
Independent Constitutional Commissions:
1) Civil Service Commission (CSC)
2) Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Section 6. RULES OF PROCEDURE
3) Commission on Audit (COA)
Why Independent?
1) Rules: The Commissions may promulgate its
They perform vital functions of government. Their own rules EN BANC.
integrity is protected by the fact that they: 2) Limitation: It shall not:
a) Diminish,
1) Are constitutionally created (Sec. 1) b) Increase, or
2) Have independent powers of c) Modify substantive rights.
appointment (Sec. 4)
3) Each Commission may promulgate its 3) Power of SC
own procedural rules (Sec. 6)
4) Fiscal autonomy (Sec. 5) a). The SC may not, under Art. VIII Sec.
5) Salaries may not be diminished during 5(5), exercise the power to disapprove rules
their office (Sec. 3) of "special courts and quasi-judicial
6) Commissioners have a fixed term bodies."
7) Commissioners are removable by b). In proceedings before the Commissions,
impeachment only. the rules of the Commission prevail.
c). In proceedings before a court, the Rules
of Court prevail.
Section 2. DISQUALIFICATIONS d). The SC may, however, in appropriate
cases, exercise JUDICIAL REVIEW

Members cannot, during their tenure: Section 7. DECISION MAKING/APPEAL

1) Hold any other office or employment; Decision-Making:

2) Engage in the practice of any profession;
3) Engage in the active management or 1) Each commission shall decide matter or cases
control of any business, which, in any by a majority vote of all the members within 60
way, may be affected by the functions of days from submission.
their office; and  COMELEC may sit en banc or in 2
4) Be financially interested, direct or divisions.
indirect, in any contract, franchise,  Election cases, including pre-
privilege granted by the government, any proclamation controversies are decided
of its subdivisions, agencies, in division, with motions for
instrumentalities, including GOCC's and reconsideration filed to the COMELEC
their subsidiaries. en banc.
 The SC has held that a majority decision
Note: The Ombudsman and his deputies are decided by a division of the COMELEC
subject to the same qualifications. is a valid decision.

2) As COLLEGIAL BODIES, each commission

Section 3. SALARIES must act as one, and no one member can decide
a case for the entire commission. (i.e. The
Salaries Chairman cannot ratify a decision which would
otherwise have been void).
1) Salaries are fixed by law and shall not be
decreased during their TENURE. Appeals:
2) Decreases in salaries only affect those members
appointed AFTER increase.
3) Incumbent members do not lose any salary.
4) Increases take effect IMMEDIATELY.
1) Decisions, orders or rulings of the
COMELEC/COA may be brought on certiorari to 1."With Original Charter" means that
the SC under Rule 65. the GOCC was created by
2) Decisions, orders or ruling of the CSC should be special law/by Congress
appealed to the CA under Rule 43. 2. If incorporated under the
Corporation Code, it does not
Enforcement: fall within the Civil Service, and
is not subject to the CSC
 It has been held that the CSC can issue jurisdiction.
a writ of execution to enforce judgments 3. Even if once government-
which are final. controlled, then becomes
privatized, ceases to fall under
THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 4. Jurisdiction is determined as of
the time of filing the complaint.
Section 1.
COMPOSITION/QUALIFICATIONS/TERM Appointments to civil service shall be:

Composition: A. Competitive positions

 According to merit and fitness to be
1) Chairman determined by competitive
2) Commissioners – 2 commissioners examinations, as far as practicable
except to positions which are policy-
Qualifications: determining, primarily confidential, or
highly technical.
1) Natural-born citizens of the Philippines;
2) At least 35 years old at the time of their B. Non-competitive positions
appointments; 1). No need for competitive examinations.
3) With proven capacity for public administration; 2). 3 kinds
4) NOT candidates for any elective position in the a) Policy-determining - formulate a
elections immediately preceding their appointment. method of action for the gov't
5) Appointees by the President to the CSC need
Commission on Appointments (CA) confirmation b) Primarily confidential - more than
ordinary confidence; close intimacy
Term: insures freedom of intercourse without
betrayals of personal trust...
1) Chairman -7 years; Commissioner1 - 5 yrs; c) Highly technical -requires technical
Commissioner2 - 3 yrs skill to a superior degree.
2) Limitation: single term only, no reappointment
3) Appointment to vacancy: only for unexpired term C. The TEST to determine whether non/competitive
of predecessor is the Nature of the responsibilities, NOT the
4) No temporary appointments, or appointments in administrative or legislative description given to
acting capacity. it.

D. Both types of positions are entitled to security of

Section 2. Scope: tenure. They only differ in the MANNER in which
they are filled.
The Civil Service embraces all:
E. Who may be appointed:
A. branches,
B. subdivisions, 1). RULE: Whoever fulfills all the
C. instrumentalities, qualifications prescribed by law for a
D. agencies of the government, particular position may be appointed
E. including GOCCs with original charters. therein.
2). The CSC cannot disapprove an
appointment just because another a). related to and affects the administration
person is better qualified, as long as the of office, and
appointee is himself qualified. b). must be substantial (directly affects the
3). The CSC CANNOT add qualifications rights & interests of the public)
other than those provided by law.
3) Security of tenure for Non-competitive positions
F. Next-In-Rank Rule
a). Primarily confidential officers and
 While a person next in rank is entitled to employees hold office only for so long
preferential consideration, it does not as confidence in them remains.
follow that only he, and no one else, can b). If there is GENUINE loss of confidence,
be appointed. Such person has no there is no removal, but the expiration of
vested right to the position and the the term of office
appointing authority is not bound to c). Non-career service officers and
appoint the person next in rank. employees do not enjoy security of tenure.
d). Political appointees in the foreign service
Tenure (Classification of Positions) possess tenure coterminous with that of
the appointing authority or subject to his
Career Service Non-Career Service pleasure.
1. Entrance based on 1. Entrance on bases
merit and fitness to be OTHER than usual 4) One must be VALIDLY APPOINTED to enjoy
determined as far as tests of merit and security of tenure. Thus, one who is not
practicable by fitness. appointed by the proper appointing authority
competitive does not acquire security of tenure.
examinations or based
on highly technical
qualifications. Abolition of Office
2. Entitled to security of 1. Tenure limited to:
tenure a) Period specified To be valid, abolition must be made:
by law,
b) Coterminous (a) In good faith; (good faith is presumed)
with the (b) Not for political or personal reasons; and
appointing (c) Not in violation of law.
authority or
subject to his Temporary employees are covered by the
pleasure, or following rules:
c) Limited to the
duration of a 1). Not protected by security of tenure - can be
particular removed anytime even without cause
project for 2). If they are separated, this is considered an
which purpose expiration of his term.
the employment 3). BUT: They can only be removed by the one
was made. who appointed them.
3. With opportunity for 4). Entitled only to such protection as may be
advancement to higher provided by law.
career positions.
No officer or employee in the Civil Service shall
Security of Tenure: engage in any electioneering or in partisan
political activity
1) Officers or employees of the Civil Service cannot
be removed or suspended EXCEPT for cause 1) Cannot solicit votes in favor of a particular
provided by law. It guarantees both procedural candidate.
and substantive due process. 2) Cannot give campaign contributions or distribute
2) For "LEGAL CAUSE" - Cause is: campaign materials.
3) BUT: Allowed to express views on political c). This exception DOES NOT APPLY to
issues, and to mention the names of the Cabinet members, and those officers
candidates whom he supports. mentioned in Art. VII, Sec. 13. They are
4) Prohibition does not apply to department governed by the stricter prohibitions
secretaries contained therein.

Right to organize
The right to organize does NOT include the right to
strike 1) Prohibitions: applies to elected or appointed
officers and employees

Sections 6-7. DISQUALIFICATIONS Cannot receive:

A. Additional - an extra reward given
Disqualifications for the same office i.e. bonus
B. Double - when an officer is
1) Losing candidates in any election given 2 sets of
compensation for 2
a). Cannot be appointed to any office in the different offices held
government or GOCC's or their concurrently by 1
subsidiaries officer
b). Period of disqualification: One (1) year C. Indirect Compensation
after such election.
2) EXCEPTION: Unless specifically authorized by
2) Elective officials law

a). Not eligible for appointment or A. "SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED" means

designation ANY CAPACITY to ANY a specific authority particularly directed
PUBLIC OFFICE or position during their to the officer or employee
tenure. concerned.
b). EXCEPTION: May hold ex officio B. BUT: per diems and allowances given as
positions. REIMBURSEMENT for expenses
 Examples: actually incurred are not prohibited
 The Vice President may be
appointed Cabinet member 3) Cannot accept any present, emolument, office,
 Congressman may sit in the title of any kind from foreign governments
Judicial and Bar Council UNLESS with the consent of Congress.

c). To be eligible to hold any other office, 4) Pensions and gratuities are NOT considered as
the elected official must first resign his additional, double, or indirect compensation.
d). Even Congress cannot, by law,
authorize the appointment of an elective THE COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS
Section 1.

a). Cannot hold any other office or Composition: (7)

employment in the government, any
subdivision, agency, instrumentality, 1)Chairman and
including GOCC's and their 2)Commissioners (6)
b). EXCEPTION: Unless otherwise allowed Qualifications:
by law, or by the primary functions of his
position. 1) Natural-born citizens of the Philippines;
2) At least 35 years old at the time of appointment B. Appellate jurisdiction over all contests
3) Holders of college degrees; and involving:
4) Not candidates for any elective position in the
immediately preceding elections. 1. Elective municipal officials
5) Majority of the Commission, including the decided by trial courts of general jurisdiction
Chairman must be: 2. Elective barangay officials
a). Members of the Philippines Bar decided by trial courts of limited jurisdiction.
b). Engaged in the practice of law for at
least 10 years: “any activity in or out of C. Decisions, final orders, or rulings of the
court, which requires the application of Commission on election contests
law, legal procedure, knowledge, training involving elective municipal and
and experience.” barangay offices shall be final, executory,
6) Appointments subject to CA approval and not appealable.
Exception: Appealable to the SC on
questions of law.
D. Contempt powers
1) Chairman -7 yrs; 3 Members - 7 yrs; 2 Members
- 5 yrs; 1 Member - 3 yrs. 1. COMELEC can exercise this
2) LIMITATION: Single term only: no power only in relation to its
reappointment allowed adjudicatory or quasi-judicial
3) Appointment to a vacancy: only for unexpired functions. It CANNOT exercise
portion of predecessor’s term this in connection with its purely
4) No temporary appointments, or appointments in executive or ministerial functions.
acting capacity 2. If it is a pre-proclamation
controversy, the COMELEC
a). Thus, the President cannot exercises quasi-
designate an incumbent judicial/administrative powers.
commissioner as acting 3. Its jurisdiction over ‘contests’
Chairman. (after proclamation), is in exercise
b). The choice of temporary of its judicial functions.
chairman falls under the
COMELEC’s discretion. E. The COMELEC may issue writs of
certiorari, prohibition and mandamus in
Section 2. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS exercise of its appellate jurisdiction. This
is not an inherent power.
3) Decide, except those involving the right to vote,
1) Enforce and administer all laws and regulations all questions affecting elections, including
relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, determination of the number and location of
initiative, referendum, and recall. polling places, appointment of election officials
and inspectors, and registration of voters.
(a) Ex: COMELEC can enjoin construction
of public works within 45 days of an
election. Note: Questions involving the right to vote fall within
the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts.
1) Exercise:
4) Deputize, with the concurrence of the President,
A. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all law enforcement agencies and instrumentalities
contests relating to the elections, returns, of the Government, including the Armed Forces
and qualifications of all elective of the Philippines, for the exclusive purpose of
ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and
1. Regional, credible elections.
2. Provincial, and
3. City officials a). This power is NOT limited to the election
b). Applies to both criminal and including limitation of places where propaganda
administrative cases. materials shall be posted, and to prevent and
penalize all forms of election frauds, offenses,
5) Registration of political parties, organizations, or malpractices, and nuisance candidacies.
coalitions/accreditation of citizens’ arms of the
Commission on Elections. 3) Recommend to the President the removal of
any officer or employee it has deputized, or the
a). The political parties etc. must present imposition of any other disciplinary action, for
their platform or program of government. violation or disregard or, or disobedience to its
b). There should be sufficient publication directive, order, or decision.
c). Groups which cannot be registered:
4) Submit to the President and the congress a
i. Religious denominations/sects comprehensive report on the conduct of each
ii. Groups which seek to achieve election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, or
their goals through violence or recall.
unlawful means
iii. Groups which refuse to uphold
and adhere to the Constitution
iv. Groups which are supported by Section 3. RULES OF PROCEDURE/DECISION-
any foreign government. MAKING

d). BUT: Political parties with religious Rules of Procedure

affiliation or which derive their principles
from religious beliefs are registerable. 1) COMELEC can sit en banc or in two divisions
2) It has the power to promulgate its own rules of
e). Financial contributions from foreign procedure in order to expedite disposition of
governments and their agencies to election cases, including pre-election
political parties, organizations, controversies.
coalitions, or candidates related to
elections constitute interference in Decision-Making
national affairs. If accepted, it is an
additional ground for the cancellation of 1) Election cases should be heard and decided in
their registration with the Commission, division. Provided that,
in addition to other penalties that may 2) Motions for reconsideration of decisions should
be prescribed by law. be decided by COMELEC en banc.
3) ”Decisions” mean resolutions on substantive
1) File, upon a verified complaint, or on its own issues.
initiative, petitions in court for inclusion of 2) If a division dismisses a case for failure of
exclusion of voters; investigate and, where counsel to appear, the Motion for
appropriate, prosecute cases of violations of Reconsideration here may be heard by the
election laws, including acts or omissions division.
constituting elections frauds, offenses and 3) EXCEPTION: COMELEC en banc may directly
malpractices. assume jurisdiction over a petition to correct
manifest errors in the tallying of results by
A. COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction to Board of Canvassers.
investigate and prosecute cases for
violations of election laws.
B. COMELEC can deputize prosecutors for Section 4. SUPERVISION/REGULATION OF
this purpose. The actions of the FANCHISES / PERMITS / GRANTS / SPECIAL
prosecutors are the actions of the PRIVILEGES / CONCESSIONS
C. Preliminary investigation conducted by Regulation of franchises
COMELEC is valid.
A. What can COMELEC supervise or regulate
2) Recommend to the Congress effective
measures to minimize election spending,
1). The enjoyment or utilization of all  organized group of persons pursuing the
franchises or permits for the operation of same political ideals in a government
transportation and other public utilities, and includes its branches, and divisions
media of communication or information.
2). Grants, special privileges or concessions Importance of registration of a political party
granted by the Government or any
subdivision, agency or instrumentality 1) Registration confers juridical personality on
thereof, including any GOCC or its the party.
subsidiary 2) It informs the public of the party's existence
and ideals.
B. When can COMELEC exercise this power 3) It identifies the party and its officers for
purposes of regulation by the COMELEC.
1). During the election period

a). Under Article XI, Section 9, the Section 7. No votes cast in favor of a political
election period commences party, organization, or coalition shall be valid,
90 days before except for those registered under the party-list
the day of the election and ends system as provided in this Constitution.
30 days thereafter.
b). In special cases, COMELEC can Prohibition on block-voting
fix a period.
1) General rule: Block voting NOT allowed
2). Applies not just to elections but also to 2) EXCEPTION: those registered under the party-
plebiscites and referenda. list system
3). Plebiscite: Submission of constitutional
amendments or important legislative
measures to the people ratification Section 8. PARTY LIST SYSTEM
4). Referendum: power of the electorate to
approve or reject legislation through an No Right to be Represented in Various Boards
election called for that purpose.
 Political parties, organizations, or
COMELEC and the MEDIA coalitions registered under the party-list
system shall NOT be represented in the
1). COMELEC cannot compel print media to following:
donate free space to the COMELEC. It may,
however, compel it to provide space after 1). Voters’ registrations boards,
paying just compensation. 2). Boards of election inspectors,
2). Power of COMELEC is over franchises and 3). Boards of canvassers, or
permits, NOT individuals. For example, 4). Other similar bodies.
COMELEC may not regulate media
practitioners, for this would violate the Poll Watchers
freedom of expression.
 Political parties, etc. are entitled to
appoint poll watchers in accordance with
Section 5. No pardon, amnesty, parole, or law.
suspension of sentence for violation of election
laws, rules, and regulations shall be granted by
the President without the favorable Section 10. Bona fide candidates for any public
recommendation of the Commission. office shall be free from any form of harassment
and discrimination.

Section 6  This section does not give candidates

immunity from suit.
Definition of Political Party  Discrimination includes unequal
treatment in the availment of media
Section 11. FUNDING Section 2. POWERS

How provided 1) Examine, audit, and settle accounts pertaining

1) Funds certified by the COMELEC as necessary A. Revenue and receipts of funds or
to defray the expenses for holding regular and property; or
special elections, plebiscites, initiative, B. Expenditures and uses of funds or
referenda and recalls, shall provided in the property
regular or special appropriations.
2) Funds should be certified by the COMELEC as Owned or held in trust by, or pertain to:
necessary. A. The Government;
B. Any of its subdivisions, agencies or
Release of funds instrumentalities;
C. Including GOCC’s with original charters.
 Once approved, funds should be
released automatically upon certification
by the Chairman of COMELEC.

2) Conduct post-audit with respect to the following:

THE COMMISSION ON AUDIT A. Constitutional bodies, commissions, and

offices granted fiscal autonomy;
Section 1. COMPOSITION/QUALIFICATIONS B. Autonomous state colleges and
Composition: C. GOCC’s and their subsidiaries
incorporated under the Corporation
1) Chairman, and Code.
2) Commissioners (2). D. None-governmental entities receiving
subsidies or equity, directly or indirectly,
Qualifications: from or through the government, which
are required by law of the granting of
1) Natural-born citizens of the Philippines institution to submit to such audit.
2) At least 36 years old at the time of their
appointment; 3) If COA finds internal control system of audited
3) Either: agencies as inadequate, COA may adopt
a). CPA’s with at least 10 years auditing measures, including temporary or special pre-
experience; or audit, as may be necessary.
b). Members of Phil. Bar with 10 years of
practice. 4) Keep the general accounts of the government,
4) Members cannot all belong to the same preserving vouchers and other supporting
profession. papers pertaining thereto.
5) Subject to confirmation of the CA.
6) Must not have been candidates for any elective 5) Exclusive authority to define the scope of
position in the elections immediately preceding COA’s audit and examination and to establish
their appointment. the techniques and methods required therefor.

Term: 6) Promulgate accounting and auditing rules and

1) Chairman -7 yrs; Commissioner1 -5yrs;
Commissioner - 2 -3 yrs. A. Including those for the prevention or
2) LIMITATION: - Single terms only; no re- disallowance of irregular, unnecessary,
appointment allowed excessive, extravagant, or
3) Appointments to any vacancy shall only be for unconscionable expenditures or uses
the unexpired portion of predecessor’s term of government funds and properties.
B. Failure to comply with these rules can because COA’s interest in such accounts is
be a ground for disapproving the merely administrative.
payment of a proposed expenditure.
7) COA has the power to determine the meaning
Note: of ‘public bidding’ and what constitutes failure
when regulations require public bidding for the
1) The functions of COA can be classified as: sale of government property.

A. Examine and audit all forms of Section 3. No law shall be passed exempting
government revenues; any entity of the Government or its subsidiary
B. Examine and audit all forms of gov’t in any guise whatever, or any investment of
expenditures public funds, from the jurisdiction of the
C. Settle gov’t accounts Commission on Audit.
D. Promulgate accounting and auditing
rules (including those for the prevention
of irregular…expenditures.
E. To decide administrative cases involving ARTICLE X: LOCAL GOVERNMENT
expenditures of public funds.
or those accounts which may be adjusted PHILIPPINES ARE THE:
simply by arithmetic process.
3) COA has authority not just over accountable
officers but also over other officers who perform 1) Provinces
functions related to accounting such as 2) Cities;
verification of evaluations and computation of 3) Municipalities; and
fees collectible, and the adoption of internal 4) Barangays
rules of control.
There shall be Autonomous regions in:
4) COA does not have the power to fix the amount
of an unfixed or undetermined debt. 1) Muslim Mindanao, and
2) Cordileras [At present, it is only the Cordilera
5) Where the following requirements are complied ADMINISTRATIVE region]
with, it becomes the ministerial duty of the COA
to approve and pass in audit vouchers for Note: 1) A third autonomous regions would
payment: require a constiutional amendment.
2) These political subdivisions, created by
A. There is a law appropriating funds for a the Constitution cannot be replaced by
particular purpose; AMENDMENT, and not by law.
B. There is a contract, made by the proper 3) While Congress can abolish or eradicate
officer, entered into in conformity with individual units, it cannot abolish an entire class of
the above-mentioned law; LGU’s
C. The goods or services covered by such
contract have been delivered or
rendered in pursuance to such contract, Section 2. Local Autonomy
as attested by the proper officer; and
D. Payment has been authorized by 1) All political subdivisions shall enjoy local
officials of the corresponding autonomy
department or bureau. 2) This does not mean that the LGU’s are
completely free from the central government.

A. Judiciary may still pass on LGU actions

6) Prosecutors may still review accounts already B. President may exercise disciplinary power
settled and approved by COA for the purpose of over LGU officials.
determining possible criminal liability. This is
1) It is subject to such guidelines and limitations
SEC. 3. Congress shall enact a local government as Congress may provide. See Local
code which shall provide for a more responsive Government Code for examples.
and accountable local government structure 2) The guidelines set by Congress should be
instituted through a system of decentralization consistent with the basic policy of local
with effective mechanisms of recall, initiative, autonomy.
and referendum, allocate among the different
local government units their powers, Accrual of taxes, fees, charges
responsibilities, and resources, and provide for
the qualifications, election, appointment and The taxes, fees and charges shall accrue
removal, term, salaries, powers and functions exclusively to the local governments.
and duties of local officials, and all other
matters relating to the organization and
operation of the local units. Section 6. LGUs SHALL HAVE A JUST SHARE

Supervision of President Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA)

1) The President exercises general supervision 1) Share of LGUs in national taxes is limited to the
over all LGUs internal revenue taxes.
2) The President exercises DIRECT supervision 2) The share of each LGU should be released,
over without need of any further action, directly to
A. Provinces the provincial, city, municipal or barangay
B. Autonomous regions and treasurer. Release is made on a quarterly
C. Independent cities. basis within 5 days after the end of each
3) This power is limited to ensuring that lower 3) The share of each LGU should not be subject to
officers exercise their functions in accordance any lien or holdback that may be imposed by
with law. the national government for whatever purpose.
4) The president cannot substitute his judgment 4) Each LGU should appropriate in its annual
for that of an LGU official unless the latter is budget at least 20% of its annual IRA for
acting contrary to law. development projects.

5) The President may, however, impose 5) Adjustments in IRA

administrative sanctions against LGU officials, A. Ground: Unmanageable public section
such as suspension for 120 days, and may deficit
even remove them from their posts, in B. President can make the necessary
accordance with law. adjustments in the IRA upon the
recommendation of the following:
6) Provinces exercise direct supervision over
component cities and municipalities. 1. Department of Finance
7) Cities and municipalities exercise direct 2. DILG Secretary
supervision over component barangays. 3. DBM Secretary

6) IRA considered for purposes of conversion from

Section 5. EACH LOCAL GOVERNMENT SHALL one political subdivision to the next. (Alvarez v.
Limitations on Power WEALTH
Share of LGUs in national wealth B) Indigenous cultural communities
C) Disabled persons
1) LGUs are entitled to an equitable share in the D) Any other sector as may be determined
proceeds of the utilization and development of by the sanggunian
the national wealth within their respective areas
in the manner provided by law.
2) This includes share the same with the Election of Sector Representatives
inhabitants by way of direct benefits.
SEC. 10. Creation, abolition and division of
Under the LGC LGU’s

1) LGUs have a share of 40% of the gross 1) Requisites

collection derived by the national government
from the preceding fiscal year from A. Compliance with the requirements of the
A. Mining taxes Local Government Code; and
B. Royalties B. Approved by a majority of the votes cast
C. Forestry and fishery charges in a plebiscite held in the political units
D. Other taxes, fees and charges DIRECTLY affected.
E. Share in any co-production, joint venture
or production sharing agreement in the 2) Thus, a province is supposed to be divided into
utilization and development of the 2 separate provinces, plebiscite will include
national wealth w/in their territorial voters of the ENTIRE province, and not just the
jurisdiction area to comprise the new province.
3) LGC requirements relate to matters such as
population, revenue, and area requirements.

Term of Office Sec. 11. Metropolitan political subdivisions

Elective local officials, now including barangay Creation:

officials have a term of 3 years.
1) Congress may create special metropolitan
Limitations: political subdivisions by law.
2) It is subject to a plebiscite
1) No elective official shall serve for more than 3
consecutive terms Jurisdiction of Metropolitan authority
2) Voluntary renunciation of office for any length of It is limited to basic services requiring coordination.
time shall not be considered as an interruption
in the continuity of his service for the full term Basic Autonomy of Component Cities and
for which he was elected. Municipalities

1) The component cities and municipalities retain

SEC. 9. SECTORAL REPRESENTATION IN their basic autonomy
LGUS 2) They shall be entitled to their own local
executive and legislative assemblies.
Legislative bodies of the local governments
shall have Sectoral Representation (under the
LGC) as may be provided by law SEC. 12. CITIES

There should be representatives from: Classification of Cities:

1) The women’s sector 1) Highly urbanized (as determined by law)

2) The workers 2) Component cities (cities still under provincial
3) Third sector (can choose from any of the control); and
following) 3) Independent component cities (non-highly
A) Urban poor urbanized cities whose voters are prohibited by
thecity charter from voting in provincial For Purpose of
1) Administrative decentralization
2) To strengthen local autonomy
Independence from the Province 3) To accelerate the economic and social growth
and development of the units in the region
1) Highly urbanized cities and independent
component cities are independent of the
province. Section 15. AUTONOMOUS REGIONS
2) Component cities whose charter contain no
such prohibition are still under the control of the Where:
province and its voters may still vote for elective
provincial officials. 1) Muslim Mindanao
2) Cordillera region

Section 13. Coordination among LGUS Factors:

Consolidation and Coordination of Efforts, 1) Historical heritage

Services and Resources 2) Cultural heritage
3) Economic and social structures,
1) It is optional on the part of LGUs as shown by 4) Other relevant characteristics within:
the use of the word “may” A. The framework of the consititution
2) It can be done for purposes commonly B. National sovereignty
beneficial to them in accordance with the law. C. Territorial integrity.

Under LGC (Section 33) Creation:

1) Consolidation and coordination may be done 1) Provided by law.

through appropriate ordinances. 2) EFFECTIVITY of such creation occurs only
2) A public hearing should be conducted and the when it is approved by a majority of the votes
approval of the sanggunian obtained. cast in a plebiscite held among the constituent
3) An LGU can: units.
3) Only those Provinces, Cities, and Geographical
A. Contribute funds, real estate, equipment Areas voting favorably in such plebiscite shall
and other kinds of property form part of the autonomous region.
B. Appoint/assign personnel under such 4) If only 1 province approved the law, NO
terms and conditions as may be agreed AUTONOMOUS REGION created, since the
upon by the participating LGUs through constitution requires more than one province to
Memoranda of Agreement. constitute one (like what happened in the
Cordillera plebiscite)
5) The question of which LGU’s shall constitute an
Section 14. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT autonomous region is one which is exclusively
COUNCILS for Congress to decide.

Who can provide for RDC

The President shall provide for RDC or other similar Section 16. GENERAL SUPERVISION OVER
bodies composed of: AUTONOMOUS REGIONS

Composition By Whom:
The President
1) Local government officials
2) Regional heads of departments and other Purpose:
government offices To ensure that the laws are faithfully executed.
3) Representatives of NGOS within the regions
SEC. 17. All powers, functions and Public officers and employees must at all times
responsibilities not granted by this Constitution be accountable to the people, serve them with
or by law to the autonomous region shall be utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and
vested in the National Government. efficiency, act with patriotism and justice and
lead modest lives.
Examples: 1) Foreign relations,
2) National defense and Security Section 2: IMPEACHMENT/REMOVAL FROM
3) Monetary Affairs OFFICE

Impeachment: (as means of removal from

Section 20. LEGISLATIVE POWERS office)

The Organic Act of Autonomous Region shall 1. Who may be impeached:

provide for legislative powers over:
1) Administrative organization; VP
2) Creation of sources of revenues; SC Justices
3) Ancestral domain and natural resources Constitutional Commission members
4) Personal, family and property relations Ombudsman
5) Regional, urban, and rural planning
development; 2. Grounds
6) Economic, social, and tourism development;
7) Educational policies; Culpable violation of the Constitution
8) Preservation and development of the cultural treason
heritage; and bribery
9) Such other matters as may be authorized by graft and corruption
law for the promotion of the general welfare of other high crimes or
the people of the region. betrayal of public trust

Limitations: Note: It is an exclusive list. Congress cannot, by

law, add to the list of impeachable offenses.
1) Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and
national laws 2. These officers cannot be charged in court with
2) To be exercised within its territorial jurisdiction offenses that have removal from office as
3. The President cannot be charged with murder.
Section 21. PRESERVATION OF PEACE AND 4. A SC Justice cannot be disbarred because this
ORDER/DEFENSE AND SECURITY would disqualify him from his position.
5. BUT AFTER an official has been impeached,
Peace and Order he can be charged with the appropriate offense.
It shall be the responsibility of the local police 6. Resignation by an impeachable official does not
agencies. place him beyond the reach of impeachment
proceedings; he can still be impeached.
Defense and Security
It shall be the responsibility of the national All Other Public Officers and Employees
1. They may be removed from office as provided
by law
2. BUT: NOT by impeachment


Exclusive Power of House of Representatives
The House of Representatives has exclusive power B. For this purpose, the Senators shall
to INITIATE all cases of impeachment. be under oath or affirmation
a. When the President of the
Procedure: Philippines is on trial, the CJ of the
Supreme Court presides. However,
1. Filling of verified complaint he/she will not vote.

a. Can be filed by: 8.) Judgment of Conviction

1. Any member of the House of This requires the concurrence of 2/3 of all the
Representatives or Members of the Senate
2. Any citizen upon a resolution of
endorsement by any Member of 9.) Effect of the Impeachment
the House or
3. By at least 1/3 of all the a. Removal from office of the official
Members of the House of concerned
Representatives b. Disqualification to hold any office
under the Republic of the Philippines
2.) Inclusion of complaint in the order of c. Officer still liable to prosecution, trial,
business with 10 session days and punishment if the impeachable
3.) Referral to proper Committee within 3 offense committed also constitutes a
session days thereafter felony or crime.
4.) Submission of Committee report to the
House together with corresponding
resolution Section 4: SANDIGANBAYAN

a. There should be a hearing Sandiganbayan = the anti-graft court

b. There should be a majority vote of
the members
c. The report should be submitted Sections 5-6, 8-14: OFFICE OF THE
within 60 days from referral, after OMBUDSMAN
hearing, and by a majority vote of
ALL its members. Composition:

5.) Calendaring of resolution for consideration 1.) Ombudsman/Tanodbayan

by the House 2.) Overall deputy
Should be done within 10 session days from 3.) At least one Deputy each for Luzon,
receipt thereof Visayas and Mindanao
6.) Vote of at least 1/3 of all Members of the 4.) Deputy for military establishment may be
House necessary to: appointed

a. Affirm a favorable resolution with the Qualifications: (Ombudsman and his deputies)
Articles of Impeachment of the
Committee or 1.) Natural born citizen of the Philippines
b. To override its contrary resolution 2.) At least 40 years old at time of appointment
3.) Of recognized probity and independence
Note: If the verified complaint or resolution of 4.) Member of the Philippine bar
impeachment was filed by at least 1/3 of all the 5.) Must not have been candidate for any
Members of the House, it shall constitute the elective office in the immediately preceding
Articles of Impeachment. Trial in the Senate shall election
proceed. 6.) For Ombudsman: He must have been for
ten years or more
7.) Trial in the Senate a. A judge or
b. Engage in the practice of law in the
A. Senate has the sole power to try and Philippines
decide all cases of impeachment
Disqualifications/Prohibitions (under Article IX, employee, office or agency, when such act or
Section 2) omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper, or
1.) Cannot hold any other office or employment
during his tenure a. The SC held that the power to
2.) Cannot engage in the practice of any profession investigate and prosecute cases
or in the active management or control of any involving public officers and
business which may be affected by the employees has been transferred to
functions of his office the Ombudsman.
3.) Cannot be financially interested, directly or b. The Ombudsman may always
indirectly, in any contract with or in any delegate his power to investigate.
franchise or privilege granted by the c. The power to investigate includes
Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies the power to impose preventive
or instrumentalities, including GOCCs or their suspension.
subsidiaries d. This preventive suspension is not a
Appointment e. “INVESTIGATE” does not mean
preliminary investigation.
1. Of Ombudsman and deputies f. The complaint need not be drawn up
in the usual form.
a. By the president from a list of at g. The “ILLEGAL” act or omission need
least 6 nominees prepared by the not be in connection with the duties
Judicial and Bar Council. Vacancies of the public officer or employee
will be filled from a list of 3 nominees concerned.
b. Appointments do NOT require h. ANY illegal act may be investigated
confirmation by the Ombudsman. In this regard,
c. All vacancies shall be filled within 3 the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction is
months after they occur. CONCURRENT with that of the
regular prosecutors.
2. Of other officials and employees of the Office of
the Ombudsman 2. Direct, upon complaint or at its own instance,
any public official or employee of the government,
d. By the Ombudsman or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
e. In accordance with Civil Service Law thereof, as well as of any government-owned or
controlled corporation with original charter, to
Term: (Ombudsman and deputies) perform and expedite any act of duty required by
law, or to stop, prevent, and correct any abuse or
1. 7 years with reappointment impropriety in the performance of duties.
2. They are NOT qualified to run for any office in
the election immediately succeeding their cessation a. The Ombudsman has PERSUASIVE
from office POWER, and may require that
proper legal steps are taken by the
Rank/Salaries: officers concerned.
b. The public official or employee must
1. The Ombudsman has the rank of Chairman of a be employed in:
Constitutional Commission (I). The Government
2. The Members have the rank of members of a (II). Any subdivision,
Constitutional Commission agency, or instrumentality thereof; or
3. Their salaries cannot be decreased during their (III). GOCC’s with original
term of office. charters
c. The SC has held that the SP may
Powers, Functions and Duties of the Office of prosecute before the
the Ombudsman Sandiganbayan judges accused of
graft and corruption, even if they are
1. Investigate on its own, or on complaint by any under the Supreme Court.
person, any act or omission of any public official,
3.) Direct the officer concerned to take the The Office of the Ombudsman enjoys fiscal
appropriate action against a public official or autonomy. Its approved annual appropriations
employee at fault, and recommend his removal, should be automatically and regularly released.
suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or
prosecution, and ensure compliance therewith.
a. The Ombudsman does NOT himself PROCECUTOR
prosecute cases against public
officers or employees. 1. Under the 1987 Constitution, the existing
b. Final say to prosecute still rests in Tanodbayan became the Office of the Special
the executive department. Prosecutor
c. The Ombudsman or Tanodbayan
may use mandamus to compel the 2. Powers
fiscal to prosecute. a. It will continue to function and
exercise its powers as now or
4.) Direct the officer concerned, in any appropriate hereafter may be provided by law
case, and subject to such limitations as may be b. Exception: Powers conferred on the
provided by law to furnish it with copies of Office of the Ombudsman
documents relating to contracts or transactions
entered into by his office involving the 3. The Office of the Special Prosecutor is
disbursement or use of public funds of properties, subordinate to and acts under the orders of the
and report any irregularity to COA for appropriate Ombudsman
Note: According to Jack, the SC was wrong
because the ConCom intended that the SP was to
prosecute anti-graft cases.
5.) Request any government agency for assistance
and information necessary in the discharge of its
responsibilities, and to examine, if necessary, Section 15: RECOVERY OF ILL-GOTTEN
pertinent records and documents. WEALTH

6.) Public matters covered by its investigation when Prescription, Laches, Estoppel
circumstances so warrant and with due process
1.) The right of the State to recover properties
7.) Determine the cause of inefficiency, red tape, unlawfully acquired by public officials and
mismanagement, fraud and corruption in the employees from them or from their nominees or
government and make recommendations for their transferees shall NOT be barred by
elimination and the observance of high standards of prescription, laches or estoppel.
ethics and efficiency 2.) Their right to prosecute criminally these
officials and employees may prescribe.
8.) Promulgate its rules of procedure and exercise
such other powers or perform such functions or
duties as may be provided by law Section 16: PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN
Note: The Office of the Ombudsman also has the
duty to act promptly on complaints filed in any form Coverage:
or manner against public officials or employees of
the government, or any subdivision, agency or This prohibition applies to:
instrumentality including GOCCs and their
subsidiaries. In appropriate cases, it should notify 1.) President
the complainants of the action taken and the result 2.) Vice-President
thereof. 3.) Members of the Cabinet
4.) Members of Congress
Fiscal Autonomy: 5.) Members of Supreme Court
6.) Members of Constitutional Commissions
7.) Ombudsman
8.) Any firm or entity in which they have
controlling interest
Section 18: Allegiance of public officers and
When prohibition applies: employees

Prohibition applies during their TENURE. Allegiance to the State and to the Constitution
Change in Citizenship/Immigrant Status
Scope of prohibition:
1.) Incumbent public officers and employees
1.) The above mentioned officials cannot who seek either:
obtain, directly or indirectly for BUSINESS
PURPOSES: a. Change his citizenship; or
a. Loans b. Acquire immigrant status in another
b. Guarantees country
c. Other forms of financial Shall be dealt with by law.
From: 2.) If Philippine citizenship is one of the
1. Government owned or qualifications to the office, the loss of such
controlled banks; or citizenship means the loss of the office by the
2. Government owned or incumbent.
controlled financial
institutions. 3.) The Election Code provides the rules with
respect to non-incumbents, i.e. persons running
2.) If the loan, etc, is NOT for business for elective offices.
purpose, e.g. a housing loan, the prohibition
does not apply. a. The Code provides that permanent
residents of or immigrant to a foreign
country cannot file certificates of
Section 17: Statements of assets, liabilities and candidacy unless they expressly
net worth waive their status as such
This renunciation must be some other than, and
When submitted: prior to, the filling of the certificate of candidacy.

Public officer and employee shall submit a

declaration under oath of his assets, liabilities and
net worth upon assumption of office and as often as ARTICLE XII – NATIONAL ECONOMY AND
required under the law. PATRIMONY

When declaration shall be disclosed to the SEC. 1. GOALS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY
Three-fold goal:
These declarations shall be disclosed to the public
in a manner provided by law in the case of: 1. More equitable distribution of opportunities,
income and wealth;
1.) President 2. Sustained increase in the amount of goods and
2.) Vice-President services produced by the nation for the benefit of
3.) Members of the Cabinet the people; and
4.) Members of Congress 3. Expanding productivity, as the key to raising the
5.) Justices of the Supreme Court quality of life for all.
6.) Members of Constitutional Commissions
7.) Other constitutional offices The State shall promote industrialization and
8.) Officers of the armed forces with general or full employment
flag rank
1. It should be based on sound agricultural
development and agrarian reform
2. It should be through industries that make full Exploration, Development and Utilization of
and efficient use of human and natural resources. Natural Resources
Industries should also be competitive in both 1. Shall be under the full control and supervision of
domestic and foreign markets. the State

Protection of Filipino enterprises 2. Means

The State shall protect Filipino enterprises A. The state may DIRECTLY UNDERTAKE
against unfair foreign competition and trade such activities
practices. B. The state may enter into CO-
Role of Private Enterprises PRODUCTION-SHARING
Private enterprises, including corporations, arrangements with
cooperatives, and similar collective organizations, 1. Filipino citizen or
shall be encouraged to broaden the base of their 2. Corporation or association
ownership. at least 60% of whose
capital is owned by such
3. Limitations:
Distinction between Imperium and Dominium A. Period: It should not exceed 25 years,
renewable for not more than 25 years
1. Imperium B. Under terms and conditions as may be
Government authority possessed by the provided by law.
State which is appropriately embraced in
sovereignty. 4. In case of water rights/water
supply/fisheries/industrial uses other than the
2. Dominium development of water power
a. The capacity of the State to own and The beneficial use may be the measure and
acquire property. limit of the grant.
b. It refers to lands held by the
government in a proprietary Small-scale Utilization of Natural Resources
character: can provide for the
exploitation and use of lands and 1. Congress may, by law, authorize small-scale
other natural resources. utilization of natural resources by Filipino citizens
2. Congress may also authorize cooperative fish
Scope: farming with priority given to subsistence
fishermen and fishworkers in the rivers, lakes,
The following are owned by the State: bays and lagoons.

1. Lands of the public domain: Large-Scale Exploration, Development and

Waters Utilization of Minerals/Petroleum/Other Mineral
Minerals, coals, petroleum, and other Oils
mineral oils;
All sources of potential energy; 1. The President may enter into agreements with
Fisheries; foreign owned corporations involving technical
Forests or timber; or financial assistance for large-scale
Wildlife; exploration etc. of minerals, petroleum, and
Flora and fauna; and other mineral oils. These agreements should
Other natural resources. be in accordance with the general terms and
conditions provided by law.
Alienation of Natural Resources

1. General Rule: All natural resources CANNOT 2. They should be based on the real contributions
be alienated to economic growth and general welfare of the
2. Exception: Agricultural lands country.
3. In the agreements, the State should promote the
development and use of local scientific and Note: A corporation sole is treated like other
technical resources. private corporations for the purpose of acquiring
4. The President should notify Congress of every public lands.
contract under this provision within 30 days
from its execution. 2. For Filipino citizens
5. Management and service contracts are not
allowed under this rule. A. Can lease up to 500 hectares
B. Can ACQUIRE not more than 12
Protection of Marine Wealth hectares by purchase, homestead or grant

1. The State shall protect its marine wealth in its Taking into account the requirements of
Archipelagic waters conservation, ecology and development, and
Territorial sea & subject to the requirements of agrarian reform,
EEZ Congress shall determine by law the size of the
lands of the public domain which may be acquired,
2. The State shall reserve its use and enjoyment developed, held or lease and the conditions
exclusively to Filipino citizens. therefore.

Section 3. LANDS OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN Means by Which Lands of the Public Domain

1. Agricultural 1. Acquired from government by purchase or grant;

2. Forest/timber 2. Uninterrupted possession by the occupant and
3. Mineral lands & his predecessors-in-interest since time
4. National Parks immemorial; and
3. Open, exclusive, and undisputed possession of
Note: ALIENABLE (agricultural) public land for a
1. Classification of public lands is an exclusive period of 30 years.
prerogative of the Executive Department
through the Office of the President, upon A. Upon completion of the requisite period,
recommendation by the DENR. the land becomes private property ipso
2. Classification is descriptive of the legal nature of jure without need of any judicial or other
the land and NOT what it looks like. Thus, the sanction.
fact that forest land is denuded does not mean B. Here, in possession since time
it is no longer forest land. immemorial, presumption is that the
land was never part of public domain.
Alienable lands of public domain C. In computing 30 years, start from when
land was converted to alienable land,
1. Only agricultural lands are alienable. not when it was still forest land
2. Agricultural lands may be further classified by D. Presumption is that land belongs to the
law according to the uses to which they may be State.

Limitations regarding Alienable Lands of the Section 4. Congress shall, as soon as possible,
Public Domain determine by law, the specific limits of forest
lands and national parks, marking clearly their
1. For private corporations or associations boundaries on the ground. Thereafter, such
forest lands and national parks shall be
A. They can only hold alienable lands of the conserved and may not be increased or
public domain BY LEASE diminished, EXCEPT by law. Congress shall
B. Period: Cannot exceed 25 years, provide measures to prohibit logging in
renewable for not more than 25 years a. Endangered forest and
C. Area: Lease cannot exceed 1,000 b. Watershed areas
for such period as it may determine.
4. Restriction against aliens only applies to
acquisition of ownership. Therefore:
Section 5. ANCESTRAL LANDS A. Aliens may be lessees or usufructuaries
of private lands
Protection of Indigenous Cultural Communities B. Aliens may be mortgages of land, as
long as they do not obtain possession
1. The State protects the rights of indigenous thereof and do not bid in the foreclosure
cultural communities to their ancestral lands sale.
A. Subject to Constitutional provisions
B. Subject to national development policies 5. Land tenure is not indispensable to the free
and programs exercise of religious profession and worship. A
religious corporation controlled by non-Filipinos
2. In determining ownership and extent of cannot acquire and own land, even for religious
ancestral domain, Congress may use purposes.
customary laws on property rights and relations.
Remedies to recover private lands from
3. “ANCESTRAL DOMAIN” disqualified aliens:
A. It refers to lands which are considered
as pertaining to a cultural region 1. Escheat proceedings
B. This includes lands not yet occupied, 2. Action for reversion under the Public Land Act
such as deep forests. 3. An action by the former Filipino owner to recover
the land
Section 7. PRIVATE LANDS A. The former pari delicto principle has
been abandoned
General rule B. Alien still has the title (didn’t pass it on to
one who is qualified)
1. Private lands CAN only be transferred or
conveyed to:
A. Filipino citizens Section 10. NATIONAL ECONOMY AND
B. Corporations or associations PATRIMONY/INVESTMENTS
incorporated in the Philippines, at least
60% of whose capital is owned by Power of Congress
Filipino citizens
1. Congress, upon the recommendation of NEDA,
2. Exceptions can reserve to Filipino citizens or to
corporations or associations at least 60% of
A. In intestate succession, where an alien whose capital is owned by such citizens, or
heir of a Filipino is the transferee of such higher percentage as Congress may
private land. prescribe, certain areas of investment. This
B. A natural born citizen of the Philippines may be done when the national interest
who has lost his Philippine citizenship dictates.
may be a transferee of PRIVATE ALND, 2. Congress shall also enact measures to
subject to limitation provided by law. encourage the formation and operation of
Hence, land can be used only for enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by
residential purposes. In this case, he Filipinos.
only acquires derivative title.
C. Foreign states may acquire land but only National Economy and Patrimony
for embassy and staff residence
purposes. In the grant of rights, privileges and concessions
covering the national economy and patrimony, the
3. Filipino citizenship is only required at the time State shall give preference to QUALIFIED Filipinos.
the land is acquired. Thus, loss of citizenship
after acquiring the land does not deprive
Section 11. FRANCHISES FOR PUBLIC Congress can only provide for the
UTILITIES formation, etc of private corporations through a
general law.
Power to grant:
2. GOCC’s
1. Congress may directly grant a legislative They may be created by:
franchise; or a. Special charters in the interest of the
2. Power to grant franchises may be delegated to common good and subject to the test of
appropriate regulatory agencies and/or LGU’s economic viability.
b. By incorporation under the general
corporation law.
Public utility

1. In order to be considered as a public utility, and Sections 18-19. SPECIAL ECONOMIC POWERS
thus subject to this provision, the undertaking OF THE GOVERNMENT
must involve dealing directly with the public.
2. Thus, a Build-Operate-Transfer grantee is NOT 1. Temporary takeover or direction of operations:
a public utility. The BOT grantee merely A. Conditions
constructs the utility, and it leases the same to i. National emergency and
the government. It is the government which ii. When the public interest requires
operates the public utility (operation separate B. May be used against privately owned
from ownership). public utilities or businesses affected
with public interest.
To whom granted: C. Duration of the takeover: period of
1. Filipino citizens or D. Takeover is subject to reasonable terms
2. Corporations or associations incorporated in the and conditions
Philippines and at least 60% of the capital is E. No need for just compensation because
owned by Filipino citizens. it is only temporary.

Terms and conditions: 2. Nationalization of vital industries:

A. Exercised in the interest of national
1. Duration: Not more than 50 years welfare or defense
2. Franchise is NOT exclusive in character B. Involves either:
3. Franchise is granted under the condition that it i. Establishment and operation of
is subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal vital industries; or
by Congress when the common good so ii. Transfer to public ownership, upon
requires. payment of just compensation,
public utilities and other private
Participation of Foreign Investors enterprises to be operated by the
1. The participation of foreign investors in the
governing body of any public utility enterprise
shall be limited to their proportionate share in its Section 19. MONOPOLIES
2. Foreigners cannot be appointed as the 1. The Constitution does NOT prohibit the
executive and managing officers because these existence of monopolies.
positions are reserved for Filipino citizens. 2. The State may either regulate or prohibit
monopolies, when public interest so requires.
3. Combinations in restraint of trade or unfair
Section 16. competition are prohibited.
CORPORATIONS Filipino citizenship or equity requirements:

1. Private corporations ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS

Social Justice
Exploitation of natural resources
1. Filipino citizens; or 1) Social justice in the Constitution is principally
2. Corporations incorporated in RP, with 60% the embodiment of the principle that those who
Filipino ownership have less in life should have more in law.
2) The 1987 Constitution advances beyond what
Operation of Public Utilities was in previous Constitutions in that it seeks
1. Filipino citizens; or not only economic social justice but also
2. Corporations incorporated in RP, with 60% political social justice.
Filipino ownership
Principal activities in order to achieve social
Acquisition of alienable lands of the public domain justice

1. Filipino citizens; 1) Creation of more economic opportunities and

2. Corporations incorporated in RP, with 60% more wealth; and
Filipino ownership; 2) Closer regulation of the acquisition, ownership,
3. Former natural-born citizens of RP, as use and disposition of property in order to
transferees, with certain legal restrictions; and achieve a more equitable distribution of
4. Alien heirs as transferees in case of intestate wealth and political power.

Practice of ALL Professions Filipino Labor

citizens only (natural persons)
 Section 3 of Article XIII elaborates on the
*Congress may, by law, otherwise prescribe provision in Article II by specifying who are
protected by the Constitution, what rights are
Mass Media guaranteed, and what positive measures the
1. Filipino citizens; or state should take in order to enhance the
2. Corporations incorporated in RP, and 100% welfare of labor.
Filipino owned
Right to organize and to hold peaceful
Advertising concerted activities
1. Filipino citizens; or
2. Corporations incorporated in RP, and 70%  The right to organize is given to all kinds of
Filipino owned. workers BOTH in the PRIVATE and PUBLIC
Educational institution  The workers have a right to hold peaceful
1. Filipino citizens; or concerted activities except the right to strike,
2. Corporations incorporated in RP, with 60% which is subject to limitation by law.
Filipino ownership
EXCEPT: Schools established by religious groups Right to participate in the decision making
and mission boards. process of employers
*Congress may, by law, increase Filipino equity
requirements for ALL educational institutions. The workers have the right to participate on matters
affecting their rights and benefits, “as may be
Other economic activities Congress may, by provided by law”. This participation can be through
law, reserve to Filipino citizens or to corporations
60% Filipino owned (or even higher) certain 1) collective bargaining agreements,
investment areas. 2) grievance machineries,
3) voluntary modes of settling disputes,
4) conciliation proceedings mediated
involving civil or political rights
Agrarian Reform A. Violations may be committed by public
officers or by civilians or rebels.
Goals: B. CHR cannot investigate violations of social
Agrarian reform must aim at C. CHR has NO adjudicatory powers over
1) efficient production, cases involving human rights violations.
2) a more equitable distribution of land which D. They cannot investigate cases where no
recognizes the right of farmers and regular rights are violated.
farmworkers who are landless to own the land they E. Example: There is no right to occupy
till, and government land, i.e. squat thereon.
3) a just share of other or seasonal farmworkers in Therefore, eviction therefrom is NOT a
the fruits of the land. human rights violation.
2) Adopt operational guidelines and rules of
3) Cite for contempt for violations of its rules, in
CARL as an exercise of police power and power accordance with the Rules of Court.
of eminent domain 4) Provide appropriate legal measures for the
protection of the human rights of all
 To the extent that the law prescribes retention persons, within the Philippines, as well as
limits for landowners, there is an exercise of Filipinos residing abroad, and provide for
police power. But where it becomes necessary preventive measures and legal aid services
to deprive owners of their land in excess of the to the underprivileged whose human rights
maximum allowed there is compensable taking have been violated or need protection.
and therefore the exercise of eminent domain. A. CHR can initiate court proceedings on behalf
of victims of human rights violations.
Reach of agrarian reform B. They can recommend the prosecution of
human rights violators, but it cannot itself
 It extends not only to private agricultural lands, prosecute these cases.
but also to “other natural resources,” even C. BUT: The CHR cannot issue restraining
including the use and enjoyment of “communal orders or injunctions against alleged human
marine and fishing resources” and “offshore rights violators. These must be obtained
fishing grounds”. from the regular courts.
5) Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons and
The Commission on Human Rights other detention facilities.
6) Establish continuing programs for research,
Composition: education and information in order to
enhance respect for the primacy of human
1) Chairman; and rights.
2) 4 members 7) Recommend to Congress effective measures to
promote human rights and to provide
Qualifications: compensation to victims of human rights
violations or their families.
1) Natural-born citizens of the Philippines; 8) Monitor compliance by the government with
2) Majority of the Commission must be members international treaty obligations on human
of the Philippine Bar; rights.
3) Term of office, other qualifications and 9) Grant immunity from prosecution to any person
disabilities shall be provided by law; whose testimony or whose possession of
4) The appointment of the CHR members is NOT documents or other evidence is necessary
subject to CA confirmation; and or convenient to determine the truth in any
5) The CHR is not of the same level as the CHR investigation.
10) Request assistance from any department,
Powers: bureau, office, or agency in the performance
of its functions.
1) Investigate all forms of human rights violations 11) Appoint its officers and employers in
accordance with law. children of school age. However, this is a moral
12) Perform such other functions and duties as rather than a legal compulsion.
may be provided for by law.
Educational Institutions

I. Filipinization
TECHNOLOGY, 1). Filipino citizens, or
ARTS, CULTURE, AND SPORTS 2). Corporations incorporated in RP and
60% Filipino-owned.
EDUCATION EXCEPT: Schools established by
religious groups and mission boards.
Goals of the State: 3). Congress may increase Filipino equity
requirements in ALL educational institutions.
The State shall promote and protect:
1) The right to quality education at all levels; B. Control and Administration:
2) The right to affordable and accessible education; 1). Must be vested in Filipino citizens
and 2). Refers to line positions, such as
3) Education that is relevant to the needs of people President, Dean, Principal, and Trustees
and society. 3). Faculty members may be foreigners.

Right to Education and Academic Freedom C. Student Population:

1). GENERAL RULE: Cannot establish
The right to education must be read in school exclusively for aliens. Aliens can only
conjunction with the academic freedom of schools comprise up to 1/3 of total enrollment.
to require “fair, reasonable, and equitable 2). EXCEPTIONS: Schools established for
admission requirements.” foreign diplomatic personnel and their
dependents, and unless otherwise provided
Power to Dismiss Students for by law for other foreign temporary
1) Schools have the power to dismiss students,
after due process, for disciplinary reasons. II. Tax Exemptions
2) Acts committed outside the school may also be A. Non-stock, non-profit educational institutions:
a ground for disciplinary action if: 1) All revenues and assets actually, directly
a) It involves violations of school policies and exclusively used for educational
connected to school-sponsored activities; or purposes are exempt from taxes and duties.
b) The misconduct affects the student’s status, 2) This is self-executory.
or the good name or reputation of the
school. B. Proprietary educational institutions, including
Regulation of Right to Education 1) Entitled to exemptions as may be
provided by law, including restrictions on
The right to education in particular fields may dividends and re-investment
be regulated by the State in the exercise of its 2) Requires an enabling statute
police power, e.g. the State may limit the right to 3) Grants, endowments, donations and
enter medical school by requiring the applicants to contributions actually, directly and
take the NMAT. exclusively used for educational purposes
are exempt from taxes, subject to conditions
Free Education prescribed by law.

1) The State shall maintain a system of free III. Academic Freedom

education in:
a) Elementary level, and A. Educational Institutions
b) High school level. Schools have the freedom to determine:
1) Who may teach,
2) Elementary education is compulsory for all
2) What may be taught, 4 (Spanish and Arabic are promoted only on an
3) How it shall be taught, and optional and voluntary basis.
4) Who may be admitted to study.

B. Faculty members
1) Full freedom in research and in the ARTICLE XVI - GENERAL PROVISIONS
publication of the results, subject to the
adequate performance of their other Sections 1-2. Symbols of Nationality
academic duties.
2) Freedom in the classroom in discussing 1) Flag
their subjects, but they should be careful not
to introduce into their teaching controversial  Red, white, and blue.
matter which has no relation to their  With a sun and 3 stars
subjects.  The design may be changed by
3) When faculty members speak or write in constitutional amendment.
their capacity as citizens, then they are free
from institutional censorship or discipline. 2) Congress may, by law, adopt a new:

C. Students (a) Name for the country,

They have the right to enjoy in school the (b) National anthem, or
guarantees of the Bill of Rights. (c) National seal.

D. Limitations Note: Law will take effect upon ratification by the

1) Dominant police power of the State people in a NATIONAL REFERENDUM.
2) Social interest of the community

E. Budgetary Priority: Section 3. State Immunity

1). Education must be assigned the highest
budgetary priority. Suability of State
2). BUT: This command is not absolute.
Congress is free to determine what should 1) The State cannot be sued without its consent.
be given budgetary priority in order to 2) When considered a suit against the State
enable it to respond to the imperatives of a). The Republic is sued by name;
national interest and for the attainment of b). Suits against an un-incorporated
other state policies or objectives. government agency;
c). Suit is against a government official, but
is such that ultimate liability shall devolve on
Religious Education in Public Schools: the government
i. When a public officer acts in bad
Religion may be taught in public schools subject to faith, or beyond the scope of his
the following requisites: authority, he can be held personally
1) Express written option by parents and guardians; liable for damages.
2) Taught within regular class hours; ii. BUT: If he acted pursuant to his
3) Instructors are designated and approved by the official duties, without malice,
proper religious authorities; and negligence, or bad faith, they are not
4) WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE personally liable, and the suit is
GOVERNMENT. really one against the State.
3) This rule applies not only in favor of the
Philippines but also in favor of foreign
Section 6. Language states.
4) The rule likewise prohibits a person from filing for
1) National language: Filipino interpleader, with the State as one of the
2) Official Languages: Filipino, and unless defendants being compelled to interplead.
otherwise provided by law, English.
3) Regional languages are auxiliary to the official
Consent to be sued 1) GENERAL RULE: NO. Whether the money is
deposited by way of general or special deposit,
A. Express consent: they remain government funds and are not
subject to garnishment.
1). The law expressly grants the authority to 2) EXCEPTION: A law or ordinance has been
sue the State or any of its agencies. enacted appropriating a specific amount to pay a
2). Examples: valid government obligation, then the money can
be garnished.
a). A law creating a government
body expressly providing that such Consent to be sued is not equivalent to consent
body “may sue or be sued.” to liability:
b). Art. 2180 of the Civil Code, which
creates liability against the State 1) The Fact that the State consented to being sued
when it acts through a special agent. does not mean that the State will ultimately be
held liable.
B. Implied consent: 2) Even if the case is decided against the State, an
award cannot be satisfied by writs of execution
1). The State enters into a private contract. or garnishment against public funds. Reason:
No money shall be paid out of the public treasury
a). The contract must be entered unless pursuant to an appropriation made by
into by the proper officer and within law.
the scope of his authority.
b). UNLESS: The contract is merely
incidental to the performance of a Section 4. THE ARMED FORCES OF THE
governmental function. PHILIPPINES

2). The State enters into an operation that is Composition:

essentially a business operation.
A citizen armed force
a). UNLESS: The operation is
incidental to the performance of Prohibitions and disqualifications:
a governmental function (e.g.
arrastre services) 1) Military men cannot engage, directly or indirectly,
b). Thus, when the State conducts in any partisan political activity, except to vote.
business operations through a 2) Members of the AFP in active service cannot be
GOCC, the latter can generally appointed to a civilian position in the
be sued, even if its charter government, including GOCCs or their
contains no express “sue or be subsidiaries.
sued” clause.
The Chief of Staff:
3). Suit against an incorporated government
agency. 1) Tour of duty: Not exceed to three years
2) EXCEPTION: In times of war or other national
a) This is because they generally emergency as declared by Congress, the
conduct propriety business President may extend such tour of duty.
operations and have charters which
grant them a separate juridical
4). The State files suit against a private
party. Definitions:
UNLESS: The suit is entered into
only to resist a claim. 1) Amendment: an alteration of one or a few
specific provisions of the Constitution. Its main
Garnishment of government funds:
purpose is to improve specific provisions of the granted it such power.
Constitution. The changes brought about by
amendments will not affect the other provisions B. Constitutional Convention:
of the Constitution.
2) Revision: An examination of the entire 1) How a Constitutional Convention may be
Constitution to determine how and to what extent called
it should be altered. A revision implies a). Congress may call a ConCon by
substantive change, affecting the Constitution as a 2/3 vote of all its members; or
a whole. b). By a majority vote of all its
members, Congress may submit to
Constituent power v. Legislative power the electorate the question of
whether to call a ConCon or not.
1) Constituent power is the power to formulate a
Constitution or to propose amendments to or 2) Choice of which constituent assembly
revisions of the Constitution and to ratify such (either Congress or ConCon) should
proposal. Legislative power is the power to initiate amendments and revisions is left
pass, repeal or amend or ordinary laws or to the discretion of Congress. In other
statutes (as opposed to organic law). words, it is a political question.
2) Constituent power is exercised by Congress (by
special constitutional conferment), by a 3) BUT: The manner of calling a ConCon is
Constitutional Convention or Commission, by subject to judicial review, because the
the people through initiative and referendum, Constitution has provided for vote
and ultimately by sovereign electorate, whereas requirements.
legislative power is an ordinary power of
Congress and of the people, also through 4) If Congress, acting as a constituent
initiative and referendum. assembly, calls for a ConCon but does
3) The exercise of constituent power does not not provide the details for the calling of
need the approval of the Chief Executive, such ConCon, Congress - exercising its
whereas the exercise of legislative power ordinary legislative power - may supply
ordinarily needs the approval of the Chief such details. But in so doing, Congress
Executive, except when done by people (as legislature) should not transgress
through initiative and referendum. the resolution of Congress acting as a
constituent assemble.
Three (3) steps necessary to give effect to
amendments and revisions: 5) Congress, as a constituent assembly and
the ConCon have no power to
1) Proposal of amendments or revisions by the appropriate money for their expenses.
proper constituent assembly; Money may be spent from the treasury
2) Submission of the proposed amendments or only to pursuant to an appropriation
revisions; and made by law.
3) Ratification.
C. People’s Initiative

1) Petition to propose such amendments

must be signed be at least 12% of ALL
Proposal of amendments: registered voters.
2) Every legislative district represented by at
Amendments may be proposed by: least 3% of the registered voters therein.
3) Limitation:
A. Congress, acting as a constituent assembly, by It cannot be exercised oftener than
a 3/4 vote of all its members. once every 5 years.
 The power of Congress to propose
amendments is NOT part of its ordinary Note:
legislative power. 1) While the substance of the proposals made by
 The only reason Congress can exercise each type of constituent assembly is not subject
such power is that the Constitution has
to judicial review, the manner the proposals are a) The Constitution does not require that
made is subject to judicial review. amendments and revisions be submitted
2) Since these constituent assemblies owe their to the people in a special election. Thus,
existence to the Constitution, the courts may they may be submitted for ratification
determine whether the assembly has acted in simultaneously with a general election.
accordance with the Constitution. b) The determination of the conditions
3) Examples of justiciable issues: under which proposed
amendments/revisions are submitted to
a) Whether a proposal was approved by the people falls within the legislative
the required number of votes in sphere. That Congress could have done
Congress (acting as a constituent better does not make the steps taken
assembly). unconstitutional.
b) Whether the approved proposals were c) All the proposed amendments/revisions
properly submitted to the people for made by the constituent assemblies
ratification. must be submitted for ratification in one
single plebiscite. There cannot be a
piece-meal ratification of
Proposal of Revisions d) Presidential proclamation is NOT
required for effectivity of
1) By Congress, upon a vote of 3/4 of its members amendments/revisions, UNLESS the
2) By a constitutional convention proposed amendments/revisions so

1) Amendments and revisions proposed by


a) Valid when ratified by a MAJORITY of Effectivity of the 1987 Constitution

votes cast in a plebiscite.
b) Plebiscite is held not earlier than 60  The 1987 Constitution took effect immediately
days nor later than 90 days from the upon its ratification.
approval of such amendments or  According to the SC, this took place on
revisions. February 2, 1987, which was the day the
people cast their votes ratifying the
2) Amendments proposed by the people via Constitution.
Military bases agreements
a) Valid when ratified by a MAJORITY of
votes cast in a plebiscite. 1) Renewals of military bases agreements must
b) Plebiscite is held not earlier than 60 be through a strict treaty.
days nor later than 90 days after the 2) Ratification of the agreement in a plebiscite is
certification by COMELEC of the necessary only when Congress so requires.
petition's sufficiency. 3) Section 25 of Article XVIII allows possible local
deployment of only AMERICAN forces.
3) Requisites of a valid ratification:

a) Held in a plebiscite conducted under the

election law;
b) Supervised by the COMELEC; and
c) Where only franchised voters
(registered) voters take part.

4) Issues regarding ratification:

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