IBA High Frequency Words

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1. Proselyte – convert (religion, etc.) 28.

Mulct – penalty
2. Apostate – nonbeliever 29. Deprecate – disapproval
3. Renegade – betrayer 30. Impute – accuse, attribute
4. Renege – back out (responsibility or fault) to a cause or
5. Flay, hoarse, raucous – harsh source.
(criticism, etc.) 31. Covenant – contract, deal
6. Resuscitate – revive 32. Precarious – dubious, doubtful
7. Repatriated – send someone back, 33. Contumacious, obdurate,
extradited. obstinate, pertinacious, perverse,
8. Emaciated – weak & thin. refractory, dogged, dogmatic,
9. Compendious, pithy, recapitulated – wayward, recalcitrant – disobedient,
concisely comprehensive, summarized unyielding, stubborn, unmanageable
10. Succinct, curt – brief & clear 34. Throng – gathering, conclave,
11. Extant – existent meeting
12. Cogent – persuasive 35. Retrench – reduction
13. Ineffable – undefinable 36. Vapid – tasteless
14. Ethereal, surreal – unreal or very 37. Argot, cant – jargon, vernacular
delicate, dreamlike 38. Ergo – therefore
15. Elutriate – separate 39. Modicum – small amount
16. Emanate – emit 40. Supplication – plea
17. Purloin – steal 41. Obsequious – sycophancy,
18. Virulent, deleterious, noxious, obedient
pernicious, detrimental – harmful 42. Roughhewn – mold
19. Teeming, glut, verdant, rife, 43. Varicose – swollen
surfeit, cornucopia – abundant, 44. Pedant – bookworm
copious 45. Cadaverous – corpse like
20. Factotum – servant (all purpose) 46. Recriminating – return an
21. Abstemious– sparingly, stingily, accusation
ascetic, sober, temperate, teetotal, 47. Salubrious – healthy
self-denying, moderate. 48. Piquant – vigorous, pungent
22. Finicky, punctilious, fastidious, 49. Tart, saturnine, acrimonious,
exigent , picky, persnickety – Requiring morose, acerbic, scowling, inclement,
precise accuracy, fussy, exacting, rancor, sullen – sour, bitter, harsh, ill
meticulous, careful, choosy (informal), humored
particular. 50. Svelte – refined
23. Disdain, despise, contemn, 51. Insouciant, nonchalant, slovenly –
contumely, vituperate, sneer, atrophy, neglecting, casual
vilification – scorn, insulting, look down 52. Yaw, digressive – deviate, to stay
upon, degeneration 53. Falter – become weak
24. Stuporous – stunned, sluggish, 54. Palingenesis – regeneration
lethargic, listless, slothful (formal) 55. Paltry – negligible
25. Sophomoric – second year 56. Entrain – board a train
graduate, immature and silly 57. Peremptory – bossy
26. Coquette – seductive 58. Salacious, lascivious – lustful
27. Adonis – young man 59. Variegated – variety
60. Procrastinate, moratorium, defer – 96. Frangible – fragile
postpone 97. Docile – manageable
61. Temerity – audacity, boldness 98. Cupidity, avaricious – greed
62. Imbroglio – misunderstanding 99. Protean –multifarious, multiform
63. Diffidence – self-doubt, under- 100. Fatuous, vacuous – asinine,
confident stupid, dumb
64. Cognomen – nickname 101. Adroit, facile, deft – skilled,
65. Clangorous – loud effortless
66. Sybaritic – luxurious 102. Palliate, extenuate – mitigate,
67. Prosaic – simple lessen, lighten
68. Intransigent, inexorable – adamant 103. Vilify, defile, traduce, calumniate,
69. Conciliatory – compromising besmirch, aspersion, mortify – tarnish,
70. Devious, canard, garbled – slur, smudge, malign, surly, ugly talk,
misleading, false, distorted humiliation
71. Rebuttal – refusal, reply 104. Gelid – icy cold
72. Propitiate, mollify – appease, 105. Pallid – pale faced
pacify 106. Condign – deserving
73. Absolve, unfetter – set free 107. Feckless, feeble, timid, debility,
74. Recant, rebuff, snub, impugn – frail, trepid, timorous – inept, weak,
deny, reject, retract fragile
75. Hedonist – sensualist 108. Insolent, scurrilous, affront,
76. Martinet – puritan, disciplinarian effrontery, imprudent, imperious,
77. Cretin, imbecility – retard, idiot flippant, derisive – disrespectful,
78. Seer – visionary arrogant
79. Decant – pour out 109. Affable – friendly
80. Arrant – complete 110. Fetid – foul smelling
81. Hovel – hut 111. Dour – gloomy, glum
82. Endemic – locally spread (disease) 112. Mendacious – liar
83. Pandemic – widespread (disease) 113. Phlegmatic – apathetic
84. Assuage – relieve 114. Effusive – enthused
85. Prate – blabber 115. Manumit, emancipate – liberate
86. Arrogate – claim unduly 116. Factitious – unnatural
87. Prolix , verbiage– verbose 117. Equable, staid, sedate – calm,
88. Terse, abridged, curt – concise, sober, dignity
laconic 118. Uncouth, ribald, dowdy – coarse,
89. Sedition – revolt (against unrefined, dumb
government) 119. Delectable – yummy, tasty
90. Tousle, tortuous – tangled, twisted 120. Recluse – aloofness
91. Shovel – digging tool 121. Flaccid – soft, weak, drooping
92. Groom – neat 122. Emollient – softening, creamy
93. Fecund, prolific – fertile, productive 123. Usurp, sequester – seize
94. Fortuitous – fortunate 124. Puissance – power, influence
95. Maudlin, mawkish, fervent, fiery, 125. Capacious – large in capacity
fervid, torrid, ardent, ardor, fervor – 126. Vicious – evil
sentimental, intense emotion 127. Cognizance – awareness
128. Abeyance – suspension 159. Ameliorate – make better
129. Mendicant – beggar 160. Dissemble – pretend
130. Farcical – humorous 161. Clasp – grip
131. Eschew – avoid, not use, stay 162. Salutary – beneficial
away 163. Drollery – clowning, comical
132. Recondite, abstruse, obscure – 164. Baleful, ominous, minatory –
deep, impenetrable, incomprehensible, deadly, harmful, threatening
concealed, unclear 165. Court – seek
133. Arable – cultivable 166. Lambast, fulmination, upbraid,
134. Astute – shrewd, sharp reproach, pan, castigate, berate,
135. Restitution, reinstate, reparation excoriation – criticism, censure
– redress, restoration, compensation 167. Forge – make
136. Cataclysm – catastrophe 168. Motile – mobile
137. Perspicuity, perspicacious, 169. Lachrymose, contrite, penitent,
sagacious, sapient – clear, acumen, bereft, lugubrious, elegy – sorrowful,
wise mournful, unhappy
138. Preposterous, ludicrous – idiotic, 170. Frenzy – fury
ridiculing 171. Covert, occult – secret, hidden
139. Sanctimony – holiness, purity 172. Contentious, gainsay – dispute
140. Devout – religious 173. Detestable, odious, obnoxious,
141. Extirpate – eradicate, uproot invective, vitriolic, flak, diatribe,
142. Ingratiate – gain favor belabor – offensive, abusive, verbal
143. Inseminate – sow attack
144. Capricious, whimsy, impetuous, 174. Solemn – sincere, sincere, grave
mercurial – impulsive 175. Dormant – inactive
145. Ignominious, opprobrium, 176. Abet, prompt – assist (in wrong
obloquy, turpitude, odium – doing)
disgraceful, shameful, infamy 177. Outlandish, epicene – strange,
146. Sporadically – periodically, eccentric, nonconformity
discrete 178. Conformity – orthodox, acting to
147. Sedulous, assiduous – cared accepted standards
effort, effortful 179. Tumultuous – turbulent
148. Dereliction – broken down by 180. Nebulous – unclearly defined
hard use, neglect 181. Countenance – permission,
149. Onerous, taxing – burdensome approval
150. Concomitant – sequel 182. Abound – unbound
151. Travesty, parody, jeer, scoff. 183. Sanguine – red (healthy)
flouting – spoof, mockery 184. Enamored – loved
152. Inebriated – intoxicated 185. Germane – relevant
153. Casuistry – ugliness 186. Spurious, misbegotten,
154. Iniquity – injustice, wickedness apocryphal, feigned, specious –
155. Apostasy – renunciation deceptive, erroneous, unauthentic,
156. Indentation – notch fake
157. Effulgence – radiation 187. Trenchant, sagacity – acumen
158. Murky – dark, gloomy, unclear 188. Evince – show, express
189. Aver – affirm 223. Craven, dastard – cowardly
190. Esoteric – known to a few 224. Prudish – proper
191. Foment, fret, frenetic, frantic, 225. Dissenter – protester
overwrought – agitated 226. Clamor – loud noise, cry
192. Dauntless – brave, intrepid 227. Bungle – blunder
193. Revere, deference – respect, 228. Unsung – not famous
regard 229. Unkempt, mangy – untidy,
194. Surreptitious, furtive – sneaky, shabby
stealthy 230. Unexpurgated – complete
195. Inured – toughened, habituated 231. Expatiate, distend – expand,
196. Exonerate, exculpate – acquit dilate
197. Abrogate – give up, die out 232. Obliterate, efface – extinguish,
198. Alacrity, exuberance – vigor, remove from existence, erase
liveliness 233. Schism – split
199. Frivolous – not serious 234. Famished – hungry
200. Squalid, sordid, effete, seamy, 235. Sated – satisfied
demean, miscreant, reprobate – 236. Effervescent, flatulent – vaporous
morally degraded, decayed 237. Vicarious – experienced at second
201. Indolent – lazy hand
202. Rampant – unrestricted 238. Sententious – eloquent
203. Incipient, inchoate – partly 239. Aphoristic – proverbial, maxim,
formed epigram, witty
204. Sever – break apart 240. Lamentable – unfortunate
205. Torpor – listless 241. Knavish – rascal, crafty, willy
206. Asperity – severity 242. Pummel – hit with fist
207. Intercession – intervention 243. Ambush, lurk – hide (to attack)
208. Thwart, stymie, forestall, queer, 244. Succor – assistance, relief
bilk, scotch, preclude – prevent, 245. Languid, lackadaisical, emaciation
hinder, foil – lifeless
209. Purport – purpose 246. Suave – sophisticated
210. Besiege, beset, tantalize – harass 247. Futile – ineffective, non-resultant
211. Fungible – replaceable 248. Sacrilegious – impious
212. Iridescent – polychromatic 249. Vanity – insignificance (vain-
213. Discursive – conclusive ness), overestimation, pride
214. Guile – crafty 250. Demure – shy, coy
215. Incite, instigate – provoke 251. Exhort, goad, prod, spur – cheer,
216. Quixotic – idealist, impractical encourage
217. Controvert – contradict 252. Antagonize – act against,
218. Languorous, quietus – calm, counteract
deadliness 253. Reckoned – supposed
219. Disconsolate – hopeless, dolorous 254. Diabolic – devilish
220. Munificent – generous 255. Seraphic – angelish
221. Profligate, squander, prodigal – 256. Callow, fledgling, jejune – naive
wasteful, extravagant 257. Puerile – childish
222. Obstreperous – noisy 258. Prone – lying face down
259. Supine – lying face up, 293. Desist, forbearance, forbore –
unresisting abstain, refrain, resist
260. Shrewish – nagging 294. Incisive – keen, piercing
261. Wonted – usual, practiced 295. Harp – dwell
262. Encomium, extol, rave – praise 296. Cursory – casual, not thorough
263. Adumbration, portend, 297. Enmesh, entrap – entangle, trap
prognosticate – foretell 298. Extricate – untangle
264. Nadir – depression 299. Morass – marsh, swamp
265. Potentate – dictator 300. Quandary – dilemma
266. Venerable – honored 301. Precept – principles
267. Slender, tenuous – slim, thin 302. Bigot – blind faith, prejudice,
268. Wizened – aged intolerance
269. Dulcet, cloy, mellifluous – sweet 303. Accost – approach
270. Rue, deplore, contrition, 304. Insinuating – pleasing
condemn, reprobate, ruthful – regret, 305. Insinuate – intimidate
disapprove 306. Carp, cavil, chicane, quibble,
271. Proffer – offer demur – object, oppose over irrelevant
272. Meander – ramble, move issues
aimlessly 307. Wheedle, cajole, coax, palaver,
273. Plebeian – common man fawn – flatter
274. Foolhardy – rash 308. Jagged, serrated – sharp,
275. Brawny, burly, sinewy – hefty notched, saw toothed
276. Petite – tiny, small 309. Glen – valley
277. Lax – not firm, loose 310. Frugal – economical
278. Detain – retain, hold up 311. Pertinent, apposite – apt
279. Confound – confuse 312. Stout headed, pluck – courageous
280. Blithe – carefree 313. Queasy – nervous, anxious,
281. Petulant, testy, peevish, splenetic uneasy
– irritable 314. Propound – propose
282. Buoyant – light hearted 315. Daft, paranoid – insane
283. Deride – taunt, ridicule 316. Port – left side
284. Beguiling – tempting, misleading 317. Ascetic – austere
285. Wary, leery – untrusting, 318. Harbinger – fore runner, foretell
suspicious 319. Exorcism – liberation
286. Zany – fool, clown 320. Foible, idiosyncrasy – mannerism
287. Noisome, vile, queasy – sickening, 321. Parochial – narrow minded
foul 322. Wry – ironic, bent sideways,
288. Heresy – heterodoxy, maverick, unsymmetrical
unorthodoxy 323. Promulgate – announce
289. Proliferate – grow, increase 324. Expedite, whet – quicken
290. Concede – yield, approve 325. Ilk – single species
291. Stodgy – dull, old fashioned 326. Partake – share
292. Desecrate, profane – outrage, 327. Revel – celebrate
violate 328. Splice – joint
329. Aural – ear, hearing
330. Rabid – fanatic 372. Quell – quench, suppress
331. Tepid – half hearted 373. Blemished – marred, spoiled,
332. Whet – sharpen flawed
333. Zephyr – breeze 374. Squat – short & plump
334. Typhoon – cyclone 375. Protract – lengthen
335. Agile – quick, fast 376. Recount – narrate
336. Chary – cautious 377. Candor – fair
337. Celibate – chastity 378. Wallow – lie low, rest
338. Empyreal – heavenly 379. Burgeon – flourish
339. Vitrified – glassy, shiny 380. Sinewy – heavy built, powerful
340. Vitiated, tainted – corrupted 381. Exhaustive – complete
341. Venial – forgivable 382. Morbid – unhealthy, diseased
342. Salable – saleable 383. Eclecticism – selecting what
343. Virginal – untouched seems to be the best
344. Discursive – reasoning 384. Erudite – knowledgeable, learned
345. Propinquity – proximity 385. Amenable – tractable
346. Corroborate – confirm 386. Halcyon – prosperous
347. Refute – prove false 387. Labile – unstable, ever changing
348. Aborigine – native 388. Exacerbate – worsen
349. Inadvertent – unplanned 389. Transpose – transition
350. Interdict – prohibit 390. Debacle, fiasco – collapse
351. Sedentary – still, stationary 391. Smolder – burn w/o a flame
352. Indecorous – indecent 392. Improbity – dishonesty,
353. Sapid – flavored culpability
354. Sepulchral – pertaining to the 393. Dainty – having good taste
grave 394. Truculent – aggressive
355. Encumbered – loaded heavily 395. Delineate, adumbrate, limn –
356. Befoul – make dirty or foul outline
357. Dapper – well dressed 396. Clinch – grasp or hold tightly
358. Blowzy – slutty 397. Embellish – adorn
359. Incontinent – uncontrolled 398. Rumple – disturb
360. Flamboyant – show off 399. Din – noise, commotion
361. Littoral – pertaining to the coast 400. Enticing – attractive
362. Inimical – unfriendly 401. Sere – dried up
363. Flagrant – gross 402. Spite – malevolent
364. Derogate – belittle 403. Anticipate – expect
365. Regressive – opposing progress 404. Felon – criminal
366. Benighted – darkened 405. Divest – give up, take out,
367. Desiccate – dehydrate disinvest, reduce, deprive
368. Buttress – bolster, support 406. Broach – bring up something
369. Nugatory – ineffective, 407. Incursion – penetration,
inconsequential trespassing
370. Discernible – perceptible 408. Hapless – pitiful
371. Imprudent – careless, insensible, 409. Prudence, discernment – sound
unwise judgment
410. Cessation – cease 449. Rescind – cancel
411. Splendor – grand, brilliant 450. Truce – ceasefire
412. Sentient – sensitivity 451. Ebullience – enthusiasm
413. Harangue, tirade, declamation – 452. Tout – advertise positively
bombastic speech 453. Defer – hold back
414. Fathomable – understandable 454. Sway – oscillate
415. Disaffect – alienate, estrange 455. Auspices – guidance
416. Solicitousness – concern 456. Propensity – tendency
417. Sinecure – office with minimal 457. Poise – balance
duties 458. Dissident – protestor
418. Overreach – aim too high, outwit 459. Apparition – abstract
419. Evict – force out 460. Elucidation – clarification
420. Fracas, altercation – noisy fight 461. Pantomime – dumb show
421. Sodden – drenched 462. Pirouette – dance steps
422. Concur – agree 463. Dossier – reports
423. Intercede – mediate 464. Stratum – layer
424. Cantankerous – uncooperative 465. Imbue – permeate
425. Reticent, repression, quashing – 466. Macerate – soak
restrain 467. Coda – finale
426. Conflate – mix 468. Dyspeptic – indigestion
427. Pageant – ceremony 469. Inevitable – unavoidable
428. Saunter – stroll 470. Manifest – attest
429. Arduous – laborious 471. Probity –virtue
430. Pontifical, portentous, 472. Repose – rest
ostentatious, rhetoric – pompous, 473. Gaucheness – vulgar, crude
grandiloquent, gaudy, pretending 474. Limpid – clear, transparent
431. Sedulity – diligence 475. Resilient – elastic
432. Sermon – preaching 476. Vapid – insipid
433. Hallmark – characteristic 477. Grouse – complain
434. Paradigm – typical example 478. Rekindle – arouse again
435. Waffle – equivocate 479. Gist – central point
436. Vindictive – revengeful 480. Distension – stretched, tensed
437. Contrived – manipulated 481. Corrugated – rough
438. Entreat – urge, request 482. Torridness – sparse, thin, liquid
439. Catharsis – release of emotions 483. Frigidity – coldness, coolness
440. Denunciation – malediction, 484. Whittle – cut into small pieces
accusation 485. Default – non payment
441. Smother – envelope 486. Amortize – liquidate, pay off
442. Squelch – walk through mud 487. Dissertation – thesis
443. Lumber – move clumsily 488. Abscission – cutting off
444. Swerve – divert 489. Ensemble – group
445. Reverberate – reflect 490. Epicure – gourmet
446. Trample – stomping noise 491. Prevarication – lie
447. Captious – fault finding 492. Veracity – truth
448. Ploy, stratagem – tactic 493. Cower – cowardice, run away
494. Viscid – gluey, sticky 532. Coup – feat
495. Philistine – rustic 533. Expediency – appropriate
496. Simper – smirk (smile) 534. Exigency – urgent demand
497. Leer, ogle – look with lust 535. Distraught – upset, worried
498. Epitaph – writing on a tombstone 536. Delirium – madness, agitation
499. Wagon – four wheeled vehicle 537. Tourniquet – bandage (on
500. Coercive – pressurize, compulsion wound)
501. Reconnaissance – exploring 538. Pedestal – base, stand, support
502. Glower – stare angrily 539. Propitious – favorable
503. Plummet – fall sharply 540. Conjure, elicit, engender – call
504. Swerve – turn sharply forth
505. Ebb, wane – reflux, recede 541. Allude – refer
506. Transgression – evil doing 542. Flag – ease
507. Procurement – obtaining 543. Tire – bore
508. Deigned – humility 544. Mollycoddle – effeminated man,
509. Scrupled – hesitation pampered person
510. Conviction – strong belief 545. Coddle – treat over protectively
511. Brood – irresolute 546. Covetous – envious
512. Vestiges – traces 547. Rapacious – predatory
513. Sear – extremely hot 548. Incinerate – burn
514. Runic – mysterious, Greek 549. Trepidation – fear
515. Charade – guess the word from 550. Heckle – challenge aggressively
an act 551. Sinuous – curved
516. Intricately – convoluted, 552. Braided – decorated, woven
elaborately 553. Vex, chafe, beleaguer – annoy,
517. Understudy – alternate, substitute pester
518. Incubate – grow/cultivate under 554. Acolyte – clergy
favorable conditions (of a living being 555. Suffrage – right to vote
or a disease) 556. Lair – den
519. Dilapidated – deteriorated 557. Aria – solo song
520. Camouflage – disguise 558. Admonish – discourage, warn
521. Repudiate – disown 559. Apprise – inform, notify
522. Putrefaction – to rot 560. Flounder – move with difficulty
523. Epistemology – theory of 561. Byline – author of the article
knowledge 562. Anthology – collection of poems,
524. Vertigo – dizziness, giddiness etc.
525. Dogma – doctrine 563. Incriminate – inculpate
526. Relegate – demote 564. Epithet – defamatory
527. Prerogatives – privileges nomenclature
528. Perquisites – perks 565. Formidable – impressive
529. Rebus – words replaced by 566. Curator – conservator
symbols 567. Raconteur – anecdotist
530. Peroration – concluding part of 568. Feint – mock attack
the speech 569. Levee – dam
531. Sonata – musical composition 570. Enunciate – speak
571. Stint – period 611. Impunity – exemption
572. Fickle – perfidious 612. Filigree – ornamentation
573. Disparate – different, separate 613. Skirmish – insignificant fight
574. Muffled – softened, dampened 614. Feud – bitter quarrel
575. Shard – broken piece 615. Duel – formal fight
576. Assay – test the contents 616. Valedictory – farewell (oration)
577. Dross – rubbish 617. Valiant – valor
578. Quisling – betrayer 618. Surmise – incomplete evidence
579. Sibyl – fortune teller 619. Stipulate – demand
580. Loathsome, aversion – disliked, 620. Syncopated – stressing on a beat
opposed 621. Molt, slough – cast of skin
581. Occlude, filibuster – obstruct 622. Shuck – remove from shell
582. Secrete – keep securely 623. Fumigate – disinfect, purify using
583. Hyperbole – exaggeration fumes
584. Melancholy – sadness, gloom 624. Guy – cables
585. Alcove – recess 625. Pylon – support for wires, cables
586. Ballast – device used to bring 626. Radical – revolutionary
stability 627. Disbar – expel
587. Purchase – grasp 628. Debrief – report
588. Leverage – strategic importance 629. Dirge – sad song
589. Facetious – amusing 630. Roster (no.) – roll (no.)
590. Brook – tolerate 631. Jamb – hinge
591. Emend – improve, correct 632. Waltz – victory song
592. Elude – escape 633. Curmudgeon – stupid old man
593. Discomfit – uneasy, embarrassed 634. Conspire – cabal, plot together
594. Gloat – malicious satisfaction 635. Ferret out – find out
595. Groan – moan 636. Reconcile – placate
596. Invincible – undefeated, not 637. Usury – exorbitant interest rates
subdued 638. Indiscretion, peccadillo – petty
597. Striated – banded offence
598. Doggerel, droll – comical 639. Quotidian – mundane
599. Bland – flat 640. Untrammeled – not confined or
600. Flinch – recoil limited
601. Shrill, shriek – sharp cry 641. Regress – retrograde
602. Limerick – humorous verse 642. Subterfuge – misrepresent,
603. Ostensible – apparent deceive
604. Callous – hardened, toughened, 643. Coterie – clique
605. Unassailable, impregnable –
606. Waddle – toddle
607. Proctor – supervisor
608. Redolent – pleasant odor
609. Minuet – public dance
610. Scourge – curse

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