GRE Synonyms

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GRE Synonyms

1. Astute — shrewd
2. Abeyance — temporary suspension
3. Abstemious — temperance in indulgence, ascetic
4. Abstruse — difficult to understand, inscrutable, enigmatic, obfuscated, recondite
5. Alacrity — liveliness, eagerness
6. Ameliorate — make better
7. Apocryphal — of questionable authority
8. Apprise — inform
9. Approbation — official approval
10. Awe-inspiring — redoubtable
11. Banal — familiar by overuse, trite, vapid, hackneyed
12. Belittle — disparage
13. Betray — perdify
14. Calumny — make false statement to injure reputation, denigrate, polemic (attack),
15. Canonical — traditional, probity
16. Cautious — chary
17. Circumscribed — limited
18. Condone — make exception
19. Contrite — feeling/expressing pain
20. Cogent — compelling, convincing
21. Complaisant — willing to help others
22. Conscientious — meticulous, sedulous
23. Cowardly — craven
24. Credulous — gullible, imprudent, amenable, tractable
25. Curio — small article of interest, is unusual
26. Debauchery — hedonistic, self-indulgence
27. Deceive — chicanery, subterfuge
28. Demur — object, show reluctance
29. Denouement — finale, climax, outcome
30. Disaffected — discontented
31. Egregious — stand out negatively, shockingly bad
32. Elegy — dirge
33. Enervate — sap energy from, pine, torpor(inactivity), weaken, undermine,
tenuous, phlegmatic
34. Engender — give rise to
35. Exacerbate — worsen
36. Exculpate — absolve, vindicate, disabuse, exonerate
37. Extant — existent
38. Fearless — intrepid, not timorous
39. Favourable — propitious, efficacious (intended)
40. Felicitous — apt, pleasing, bucolic(of country)
41. Florid — fancy, rosy
42. Fortuitous — by happy chance, no apparent cause
43. Gainsay — deny, speak against
44. Germane — apt
45. Gossamer — light, delicate
46. Guilt — contrition
47. Habitual — inveterate
48. Harangue — tirade, diatribe, long pompous speech
49. Hate — odious
50. Hostile- inimical, virulent
51. Humorous — facetious
52. Impertinent — disrespectful, gall, impudent, presumptuous, effrontery
53. Impulsive — capricious
54. Incisive — able to draw fine distinctions, trenchant
55. Ingenuous — naïve, innocent
56. Ingratiate — gain favour deliberately, obsequious, inveigle (obtain by)
57. Insidious — subtly destructive, pernicious
58. Mislead — dissemble
59. Mockery — travesty
60. Mollify — appease, assuage, emollient
61. Moribund — stagnant, dying
62. Opprobrium- harsh censure, public disgrace from shameful conduct, ignominious
63. Parochial — narrow in outlook
64. Parsimonious — extremely frugal, miserly, penurious
65. Perfunctory — cursory
66. Pertinacious — obstinate, headstrong, perverse, tenacious, refractory, intransigent,
67. Petulance — bad-tempered, pique
68. Pithy — terse, laconic
69. Plebiscite — referendum, poll
70. Poor — impecunious
71. Precipitous — hastily
72. Preclude — make impossible
73. Prevaricate — speak evasively
74. Prevent — frustrate, stymie, occlude
75. Prodigal — rashly/wastefully extravagant
76. Provincial — not sophisticated, gauche, quixotic
77. Pugnacious — belligerent, truculent, contentious
78. Qualify — limit, make less severe, mitigate, abate, attenuate
79. Querulous — habitually complaining
80. Rapacious — ravenous, greedy, avaricious
81. Recidivism — tendency to relapse
82. Reproach — upbraid, chastise, castigate, lambaste, admonish, pejorative, askance,
astringent, vituperate
83. Renegade — one who abandons a group
84. Reserved — taciturn
85. Rest — quiescent, halcyon, phlegmatic
86. Rudimentary — inchoate
87. Solicitous — attentive, eager
88. Spurious — specious, plausible but false, mendacious (tendency)
89. Superficial — glib
90. Unaffected — inure, impunity (immunity from), phlegmatic
91. Unavoidable — inexorable
92. Underscore — give extra weight
93. Underwrite — financially support, solvent
94. Unnecessary — obviate
95. Urgent- exigent
96. Vaunt — exult, boast
97. Venal — corruption-susceptible
98. Volubility — talk/write easily, loquacious
99. Widespread — ubiquitous
100. Zealot — fanatic

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