Interface.: Perform A Search

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Perform a Search

EarthExplorer allows users to search, download, and order data held in USGS archives
through many query options. EarthExplorer uses tabs in the search application to move
through each portion of the process. The Data Search Functions on the left side of the
main EarthExplorer interface (Figure 1).

Note: August 21, 2019 transitioned from Google Map Interface to Leaflet Map

Note the default for the Map Interface is Light Gray Map. To change the map interface display -

Click the overlay icon ( ) and choose the layer(s) ( ) to display on map.

Figure 1 - Body/Data Search Functions on Left

The EarthExplorer search process/component is divided into four main areas (Figure 2):

• Search Criteria Tab – Provides the interface for entering various search options.
• Data Sets Tab – Provides the interface for selecting the datasets to be searched.
• Additional Criteria Tab – Provides an interface for entering additional search criteria
specific to the selected datasets.
• Results Tab – Provides the interface for displaying a textual and graphical view of the
query results.

Figure 2 - EarthExplorer Search Tabs


Search Criteria Tab - The Search Criteria tab provides a location to enter search criteria for an
area of interest. Users have the option to either type the location criteria via the textual
information component or with the Leaflet Map interface.

Figure 3 - Search Criteria Tab

The search criteria options include:

• Geocoder ① - Dropdown for Address/Place, Feature (GNIS), and Path/Row - Choose
search type enter desired information.
• Upload shapefile or KML file ② - Upload a shapefile or KML file as the query area
• Map Interface ③ - Enter the area of interest through the Leaflet Map interface
• Polygon - Enter coordinates (Add Coordinates) to define an area of interest. The
area selected is updated as changes are made
• Circle - Enter a center point and radius of area of interest. The area selected is
updated as changes are made
• Define Area of Interest (AOI) - Define a single point or multiple points on the Map
• Use Map - Zoom to area of interest on map interface
• Predefined Area ④ - Select from a list of predefined areas for a query
• Dates Selected ⑤ - Enter a date or date range
• Cloud Cover ⑥ - Use slider to select desired/undesired Cloud Cover for query. only be

applied to data sets that support cloud cover filtering ( in the data set list denotes
cloud cover support). This feature coming soon.
• Result Options ⑦ - Modify the number of scenes returned from a search.

Enter Search using Geocoder ① - The Geocoder dropdown component allows you
to enter a specific address, coordinates, United States or World feature, or Landsat
Worldwide Reference System (WRS) Path/Row.

• Address/Place - Enter a specific address; for example, in the Address: field, type
Rushmore. Press Enter or click ‘Show’ to display the list of locations associated with
information entered. Click the desired address and pin mark will be placed on the map
along with the latitude and longitude displayed under the ‘Coordinates’ section.

• Feature (GNIS) - Select either a US or World Feature. Click the ‘Feature’ button
to display the US/World Feature Search dialog box. Type in a geographic feature
name or select a State/Country, Feature Class or Feature Type from dropdown menu.
A pin mark will be placed on the map along with the latitude and longitude displayed
under the ‘Coordinates’ section.

• Path/Row - Select the Path/Row option to enter WRS1 or WRS2 path row
Select the Path/Row button to display the Path/Row WRS criteria dialog box Select
either WRS1 or WRS2 and then type the Path and Row for the desired area. Click
‘Show’ to identify the path/row location on the map. A pin mark will be placed on the
map along with the latitude and longitude displayed under the ‘Coordinates’ section.

• Enter Search Using Uploaded shapefile or KML file ② - Upload a shapefile or

KML file as the query area. Files are limited to one record containing one polygon
or line string with a maximum of 30 points.

Map Interface ③ - Enter the area of interest through the Leaflet Map interface
using Polygon (Add Coordinates), Circle, Define Area of Interest (AOI), or Use
Map methods to select area of interest.
• Polygon - Enter coordinates (Add Coordinates) to define an area of interest. The
area selected is updated as changes are made
• Circle - Enter a center point and radius of area of interest. The area selected is
updated as changes are made
• Define Area of Interest (AOI) - Define a single point, multiple points (Polygon), or
Circle on the Map Interface by clicking on the map.
• Use Map - Zoom to area of interest on map interface

• Polygon - Define an area of interest by manually typing the latitude/longitude in the

Coordinates tab. To enter latitude/longitude coordinates manually, select the
‘Degree/Minute/Second’ or ‘Decimal’ option. This method displays how the
latitude/longitude information is entered. Click ‘Add Coordinate’ to display the ‘Add
new Coordinate’ dialog box.

To enter latitude/longitude
coordinates manually, select the
‘Degree/Minute/Second’ or ‘Decimal’
option. This method displays how
the latitude/longitude information is

Click ‘Add Coordinate’ to display the

‘Add new Coordinate’ dialog box.
Enter degrees, minutes, and
seconds of a point in the dialog box.
After clicking Add, the dialog
disappears, the point displays on
the map, and the coordinates are
displayed. Use this method to enter
multiple points

• Circle - Define an area of interest by manually typing the center point

latitude/longitude in decimal degrees and setting the radius.

Enter center point coordinates in

latitude/longitude in decimal degrees.
Choose a unit of measure for the radius
and enter desired value.

• Define Area of Interest (AOI) - Define a single point, multiple points

(Polygon), or Circle on the Map Interface by clicking on the map.

Define Area of Interest by clicking

points on the map interface. The
points are added in the coordinate
section. The coordinates can be
removed or edited within this

• Use Map - On the map interface manipulate the map to display the Area of
Interest within the map window. Then Click ‘Use Map’

Predefined Area ④ - Select from a list of predefined areas for a query. The available
predefined areas include U.S. States, Area Type, and Area. Select desired State, Area
Type (Congressional District, County, State), and Area. Click ‘Add’ and the area will be
highlighted on the map and area name displayed in the coordinates section.

Dates Selected ⑤ - Enter a date or date range


The Date Range option provides a method

for entering a beginning and ending date
range to refine the search criteria. It is not a
required field to modify the default date
range; however, a date range is highly
recommended to reduce the number of
search results returned from a search.
‘Search Months’ allows you to specify which
months to search within the date range

Cloud Cover ⑥ - Use slider to select desired/undesired Cloud Cover for query. only be applied
to data sets that support cloud cover filtering ( in the data set list denotes cloud cover
support). This feature coming soon. Cloud Cover options still available in ‘Additional Criteria.

Results Options ⑦ - Modify the number of scenes returned from a search.

Number of records to return. The

EarthExplorer interface allows you to
select the number of records to return from
a search. Use the ‘Results Options’ tab to
select the maximum number of scenes

Once you enter the search criteria, you are ready to select the ‘Data Sets’ tab at
the top or bottom of the ‘Enter Search Criteria’ form. Information on Select Data
Set Help Documentation.

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