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BVS – Quick Reference Guide

The BVS Quick Reference Guide provides details of the most common features of BonVoyage in a concise format
to help familiarize you with the program.

Program Start Click the BVS System icon on your desktop, or click START | (ALL) PROGRAMS | StormGeo,
and then click Bon Voyage 8.6

Initial Setup Open BVS, click OPTIONS | VESSEL SETUP. Enter call sign, vessel name, IMO number,
length (LPP), beam, vessel type, NCR power, & NCR fuel rate and click OK.

Right-Click on the chart and choose NEW TRACK, or from the program menu click
Create New Track FILE|NEW. Enter Track Name and click OK, and follow steps below:
1) Right-click departure point and edit track type: Choose NAVIGATE GC or
2) Position Details: Click on the first character in the POSITION field and edit as
desired. Numeric value or Port Name can be entered. Port names can only be
entered for DEP/ARR point, not for WAYPOINTS.
Note: position format 53°42’N 16°32’W can be entered as 53 42N 16 32W or
53.70N 16.53W
3) Departure Date / Time: Click the TIME field and enter desired information.
4) Speed: Click the SPEED field, type the desired value, and select the appropriate
entry (SC, RPM, SOG, etc.)
5) Click on the chart after editing is finished to close the popup menu.
Modify also the arrival point accordingly.

Alternate Editing Route Points can be edited in a table format by selecting from the menu: View | Track Input
Track Editing
Select Track Click the desired voyage track. It will become highlighted.

Make Track Active Right-click the desired voyage track and select Make Track Active. The Active Track is
considered to be the intended sailing track.
Insert Waypoint Right-click on the chart. Choose Insert Waypoint.
Delete Waypoint Right-click the specific waypoint & choose Delete Point.

Change Track Type Right-click desired waypoint and choose Navigate GC or Navigate RL. Navigation from this
waypoint will be updated.

Right-click the waypoint to be edited and modify the position, time & speed fields.
Edit Waypoint Position Note: position format 53°42’N 16°32’W can be entered as 53 42N 16 32W or 53.70N

Input Position Report Right-click on the chart and choose Insert Reported Point. Right-click the new point and enter
required position and time details. Click OK.
Chart Manipulation
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to adjust the chart to a desired location.
Double-click a location on the chart to center the chart to the cursor position.

Re-Frame Drag the right mouse button over a selected area of the chart. This will create a new zoom

Zoom Out Roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in. The DOWN arrow on the keyboard can also be
used to zoom out.

Zoom In Roll the mouse wheel backwards to zoom out. The UP arrow on the keyboard can also be
used to zoom in.

Optimization Please review the next two pages of this document for additional information regarding dual
speed optimization.
Copyright © 2021 StormGeo. All Rights Reserved
BVS – Quick Reference Guide

Right-click on one of the positions and click Optimize | Set Begin Point or use the “B” key on
Set Begin Point the keyboard. (The default Begin Point is the departure point or the last reported point.)
Right-click on the desired position and select Optimize| Set End Point or use the “E” key on
Set End Point the keyboard. (The default End Point is the arrival point.)
Optimize Time (Best Arrival) Right-click on the track (or the chart). Select OPTIMIZE|TIME.
To create a route with least fuel cost (or least fuel consumption), right-click on the track (or the
Optimize Least Fuel Consumption (or Cost) chart). Select OPTIMIZE | LEAST COST/FUEL.
Ensure that a fixed time has been entered for your Arrival Point. Right-click on the track (or
Optimize Least fuel with a Fixed ETA the chart). Select OPTIMIZE | LEAST COST/FUEL FIXED ARRIVAL.
Even if data is already being received in scheduled deliveries for a previous BVS version, you must send in
Data Request a new scheduled request using BVS 8 interface to receive new BVS data items.
This feature allows you to collect data immediately if you have an Internet connection. There
is also an Email Backup option which provides you with an emailed forecast update when
Broadband Data Collection Broadband access is not available. Please review the User Manual for more information:
Appendix, Section D-4.
Forecast Length. In the next several tabs, select High-Res area(s), desired forecast items,
Scheduled Data Request etc. and click NEXT until the schedule tab appears. Select delivery hours and active calendar
days and click FINISH. If receiving data by email, submit the resulting file to
[email protected] each time you require changes to your ongoing deliveries.
The file is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\StormGeo\BVS8\data\ABCD-SchedReq.txt
(“ABCD” would be with your actual call sign).

Click DATA|ONE-TIME DELIVERY OF WEATHER DATA. Follow same procedures as above,

Immediate Delivery of Data except you will not be prompted to create a delivery schedule. Submit the resulting file to
[email protected]. This will generate a ONE-TIME, Immediate forecast delivery.
An Immediate request will not modify your active schedule. The resulting file is:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\StormGeo\BVS8\data\ABCD-ImmedReq.txt (“ABCD” is
replaced with actual call sign).
A forecast update file will be delivered as an email attachment with the file extension “.RKW”.
Processing Incoming Forecast This file can be double-clicked (or ‘opened’) to update your BVS chart.
If collecting data by Broadband, the RKW files are automatically processed.
For more details see the Resonance Quick Reference Guide.
Resonance Feature Ensure that a voyage track is created and displayed on the chart to view resonance settings
and potential alerts.
Accessing Resonance Display From the menu click View| Snapshot.

Resonance Configuration Insert appropriate values in the Alert Thresholds fields and ensure that the appropriate Roll
Period is entered. Draft should be input in the ROUTE INPUT tab, in the Departure Point row.

Keyboard Shortcuts BonVoyage provides some keyboard shortcuts to give quick access to some of the program’s
functions. See table below (also, the User Manual gives additional shortcuts):

Key combination Description Key combination Description

Inserts the point over which the mouse Selected waypoint (mouse hover)
Insert cursor is hovering E Key becomes the Optimization End Point
Removes the point over which the
Delete mouse cursor is hovering Ctrl+T Optimizes for Time.
Changes navigation to a great circle
G Key (mouse-hover waypoint). Ctrl+F Optimizes for Least Fuel Cost/Cons.
Changes navigation to a rhumbline Optimizes for Least Fuel Cost/Cons.
R Key (mouse-hover waypoint). Ctrl+L with a FIXED arrival.
Moves back in forecast time step
B Key Selected waypoint (mouse hover) Left Arrow
becomes the Optimization Begin Point Right Arrow Advances forecast time step
Contact Applied Weather
[email protected] Send TXT request files to this automated Server.
Send BVS TRACKS (your ‘active track’, or actual sailing track) to
[email protected]
[email protected] Send All program inquiries to the StormGeo Support Staff at this address.
[email protected] To request shore-based routing services.
BVS – Track Optimization Guide

The BVS Track Optimization Feature can provide the user with an optimum sailing track. The optimization outcome varies
according to the configuration used. This guide will provide details for each optimization type and will assist the user in
understanding the required steps to create the desired track.

There are several optimization options:

 Single Speed, Least Time- Creating a track with the best arrival time option
 Single Speed, Least Cost or Fuel Consumption- Creates a track with minimum fuel consumption
 Single Speed, Lease Cost/Fuel Consumption with a Fixed Arrival Time- With an RTA (Required Time of
Arrival) input, a track is created with minimum fuel consumption.
 Dual Speed, Least Cost with a fixed arrival time- Similar to the previous option, but with an economical speed
down in ECA zones while maintaining required arrival time.
 Dual Speed (Least Time or Least Cost) with an open arrival time- A BVS-calculated arrival time is given along
with reduced speed in ECA areas for a more economical sailing option.
Wx Thresholds

The Wx Thresholds tab is displayed next to the Costs tab.

Note that BVS creates an optimized track based on both:
1) the optimization option that you choose and
2) the values in the WX THRESHOLDS tab

With the values that are entered in the example shown on the
left, the optimization process would try to avoid Significant
waves over 7 meters and Seas/Swells/Wind over 5 meters.

Please adjust these values accordingly or leave blank if you

wish to optimize without weather constraints.

Single Speed Optimization

To generate a track using Single Speed Optimization, the

Costs fields would remain blank.
1 Copyright © 2021 StormGeo. All Rights Reserved
BVS – Track Optimization Guide

Least Time
Least Cost/ Least Fuel Consumption
From the Route Input tab (left panel), ensure that no fixed
arrival has been entered for the Arrival Point. This will allow
Note: the date/time is NOT BOLD for desired outcome. BVS to calculate the arrival time.

From the tool’s menu, click the “Least Time” radio button

Click the Optimization icon in the route input panel or in the

Route Input Panel Upper Right Section of Chart
upper right are of the chart display.

A least time optimized route will be created with the filename

ending in “_opt”

Alternatively, Select the “Least Cost/Fuel” radio button.

Route Input Panel Upper Right Section of Chart Click Optimize icon and an optimized route will be created with
the filename ending in “_opf”, taking into consideration least
fuel consumption. BVS will calculate the arrival time.
Similar to Least Cost/Fuel Single Speed optimization described
Least Cost/Fuel with a Fixed Arrival.
above, this option allows the user to enter a fixed arrival time.
In the track file, adjust the date and time of the Arrival Point to
the required arrival and the field now becomes bold. Note that
this point could be the end of voyage, or the end of a specific
Note: the user-defined date/time is now bold and should VIA (mid-port arrival point). The optimization process will use
show required arrival time. the appropriate calm sea speed to achieve the required arrival
Select the “Least Cost/Fuel Fixed Arrival” radio button.

Route Input Panel Upper Right Section of Chart Click the Optimize icon and a fixed arrival optimized route will
be created with the filename ending in “_opa”
1 Copyright © 2021 StormGeo. All Rights Reserved
BVS – Track Optimization Guide

This option is made available once you enter Main

Dual Speed Optimization Engine Fuel costs in the COSTS dialog.

Dual Speed, Least Cost with a Fixed Arrival Time

The first step is to enter Fuel Costs.

The example to the left shows the minimum required


 Main Engine Fuel cost per Metric Ton in US

Dollars (outside of ECA). Example: IFO cost
 Main Engine Fuel cost $USD/MT (within the ECA
area): Example: LSFO cost

Next, Enter a fixed arrival.

In the track file, adjust the date and time of the Arrival
Point to the required arrival and the field now becomes
Note: the user-defined date/time is now bold and should show
bold. Note that this point could be the end of voyage, or
your required arrival time.
the end of a specific VIA (mid-port arrival point).
Click Optimize and a fixed arrival optimized route will be
created with the filename ending in “_opa”.

Route Input Panel Upper Right Section of Chart The optimization process will use the appropriate calm
sea speed to achieve the required arrival time. You
should notice an economical speed adjustment will be
shown in ECA areas.

NOTE: When using this option, BVS will control all speed
entries at every waypoint. A user-attempt to modify the
Dual Speed (Least Time or Least Cost) with an
speed value at any given waypoint, BVS will revert the
open arrival time speed to the calculated value.

However, Reported Points will not be modified.

This example shows Daily Hire Rate of $10000 / day.
The minimum entries should be:
Daily Hire Rate: $1
Misc. Daily Costs: $1

Enter data in at least one of these fields then click another field
for the program to accept your update.
This will give you access to the checkbox “Enable Dual Speed
Optimization of Open Arrivals”.

However, note that more realistic daily costs will provide BVS
with required information to compare daily costs vs. ECA fuel
costs (and thus generate a least-cost voyage) when creating a
track that passes through an ECA zone.
1 Copyright © 2021 StormGeo. All Rights Reserved
BVS – Track Optimization Guide

From the Route Input tab (left panel), ensure that no fixed
arrival has been entered for the Arrival Point. This will
Note: the date/time is NOT BOLD for desired outcome. allow BVS to calculate the arrival time.

From the tools menu, click the “Least Time” radio button

Click the Optimization icon in the route input panel or in

the upper right are of the chart display.

Route Input Panel Upper Right Section of Chart

A least time optimized route will be created with the
filename ending in “_opt”

The optimization process will use the appropriate calm

sea speed to achieve the required arrival time. You
should notice an economical speed adjustment will be
shown in ECA areas.
Alternatively, Select the “Least Cost/Fuel” radio button.
Click Optimize icon and an optimized route will be
created with the filename ending in “_opf”, taking into
consideration least fuel consumption. BVS will calculate
Route Input Panel Upper Right Section of Chart the arrival time.

The optimization process will use the appropriate calm

sea speed to achieve the required arrival time. You
should notice an economical speed adjustment will be
shown in ECA areas.
From the Route Input tab (left panel), ensure that no fixed
arrival has been entered for the Arrival Point. This will
Note: the date/time is NOT BOLD for desired outcome. allow BVS to calculate the arrival time.
BVS provides some keyboard shortcuts to give quick access to some of
Keyboard Shortcuts the program’s functions. See table below (also, the User Manual gives
additional shortcuts):

Key combination Description Key combination Description

Selected waypoint (mouse hover) Selected waypoint (mouse hover)
B Key becomes the Optimization Begin Point E Key becomes the Optimization End

Ctrl+T Optimizes for Time. Ctrl+F Optimizes for Least Fuel

Optimizes for Least Fuel
Cost/Cons. with a FIXED arrival.
Contact Applied Weather
[email protected] Send TXT request files to the BVS automated Server for weather updates.
Send BVS TRACKS (your ‘active track’, or actual sailing track) to
[email protected]
[email protected] Send All program inquiries to the StormGeo Support Staff at this address.
[email protected] To request shore-based routing services.
1 Copyright © 2021 StormGeo. All Rights Reserved

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