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Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science

Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola

ISSN 1516-635X Apr - Jun 2004 / v.6 / n.2 / 105 - 110 Albumen Foam Stability and S-Ovalbumin
Contents in Eggs Coated with Whey Protein

Author(s) ABSTRACT
Alleoni ACC2
Antunes AJ3
Food products such as breads, cakes, crackers, meringues, ice creams
and several bakery items depend on air incorporation to maintain their
CNPq Fellowship texture and structure during or after processing. Proteins are utilized in
Universidade do Norte do Paraná, UNOPAR,
Londrina - PR, Brazil. the food industry since they improve texture attributes through their
ability to encapsulate and retain air. The objectives of this work were to
quantify s-ovalbumin contents in albumen and to determine alterations
in egg white foam stability in fresh eggs, and in eggs coated and non-
Mail Address coated with a whey protein-based concentrate film (WPC), stored at
25°C for 28 days. The volume of drained liquid was higher in non-coated
Ana Cláudia Carraro Alleoni
Rua Athaualpa Vaz de Mello, 179 eggs than in coated eggs stored at 25°C at all storage periods. The
13.405-120 - Piracicaba, SP difference on the third day of storage was in the order of 59% between
coated and non-coated eggs, while on the twenty-eighth day it was
E-mail: [email protected]
202%. During the storage period, an increase in pH and drainage volume
was observed for non-coated eggs. After three days, the non-coated
eggs showed a s-ovalbumin content 33% higher than coated eggs; this
Keywords increase jumped to 205% at 28 days of storage. There was a positive
correlation between s-ovalbumin content and the volume of drained
Albumen foam, albumen proteins, s-ovalbumin,
protein coating.
liquid for coated and non-coated eggs; in other words, when the s-
ovalbumin content increased, there was an increase in the volume of
drained liquid and a decrease in foam stability. WPC coating maintain
egg quality, since it is an effective barrier against the loss of CO2, avoiding
changes in the pH of egg white.

To Granja Bandeirantes, Comércio de Ovos e INTRODUCTION

Cítricos, located in Sumaré, SP, for egg supply.

Foams are used in the food industry in the manufacture of breads,

cakes, crackers, meringues, ice creams, and several other bakery products
(Pernell et al., 2002). These food products depend on air incorporation
to maintain their texture and structure during or after processing. Proteins
encapsulate and retain air, improving desirable textural attributes (Phillips
et al., 1994). Proteins form and stabilize foam due to their amphilic
Part of the PhD Dissertation of the first author, behavior (polar/non-polar) (Du et al., 2002).
Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp),
Foaming properties of albumen are affected by several factors, such
SP, Brazil. as protein concentration (Britten & Lavoie, 1992), composition (Johnson
& Zabik, 1981), pH (Hammershfj et al., 1999), ionic strength (Kato et al.,
1983), intermolecular interactions (Kinsella, 1984), heating, presence of
salts, and composition of the liquid phase (Du et al., 2002), which may
change the configuration and the stability of protein molecules. These
changes might affect the formation of the film and its properties on the
interface, thus modifying foaming properties (Du et al., 2002).
Egg white is a mixture of proteins that possess excellent foaming
properties, since each of its components performs a specific function.
Arrived: december / 2003
Globulins facilitate foam formation, while the ovomucin-lysozyme
Approved: august / 2004 complex (Cotterill & Winter, 1955) confers stability to the foam, and

Albumen Foam Stability and S-Ovalbumin Contents in
Alleoni ACC, Antunes AJ Eggs Coated with Whey Protein Concentrate

both ovalbumin and conalbumin are heat-related (Yang Eggs were stored in egg cartons, inside a BOD
& Baldwin, 1995). Conalbumin, lysozyme, ovomucin, (Biological Oxygen Demand) incubator at 25ºC.
and ovomucoid alone have little or no foaming ability, Determinations were made with three replicates per
but the interaction between lysozyme and globulin is method and per analysis, at 3, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28
important to foam formation (Johnson & Zabik, 1981). days of storage. The experimental design was a 2×6
Ovalbumin is the largest protein in egg white and it factorial arrangement, in which the main sources of
contributes to foam formation properties in food variation were coating and time.
systems where eggs are utilized as an ingredient. This The coating solution was prepared according to
phosphoglycoprotein represents 54% of the total the methodology described by Gennadios et al.
protein in the albumen. S-ovalbumin is derived from (1993), containing 8% protein from the whey
ovalbumin, and was first reported by Smith (1964) and protein concentrate (WPC), 3.5% glycerol, and
Smith & Back (1965). It is formed during the period of completed with 100g water (w/w). The solution
storage of shelled eggs and in ovalbumin solutions. was homogenized and submersed in water at 90ºC
There is no difference in aminoacid composition for 30 min. After cooling to 25ºC, pH was adjusted to
between ovalbumin and s-ovalbumin. Ovalbumin 7.0 with 1.0 N NaOH.
deamidation may occur under alkali treatment or The albumen pH was obtained with a Micronal B374
through egg white storage (Kato et al., 1986). In most potentiometer. The egg white was separated from the
cases, the transformation of ovalbumin into s-ovalbumin yolk. After stirring lightly, pH was obtained. Foam
brings about an increase in pH and temperature. stability was measured by the Mckellar & Stadelman
The constituents of heterogeneous protein systems, (1955) method. Egg whites (28g) were placed in a 250-
such as the egg white, have different isoelectric points mL plastic beaker and kept in a double boiler until the
and exhibit different charges. In the egg white, the temperature of the egg white reached 30°C. The egg
electrostatic interactions contribute to the formation whites were beaten for 120 s (value in the range
of an excellent heat-stable foam (Johnson & Zabik, recommended by Trziszka, 1993) at 2,200 rpm with a
1981). brand multimixer. The amount of drainage was
Coated eggs keep internal quality due to the measured with a graduated cylinder after the foam was
reduction of the breakage of eggshell and egg microbial allowed to rest for 30 min.
contamination (Wong et al., 1995). Edible coating The s-ovalbumin content of the egg white was
maintains the functional properties of foods by decreasing measured by the method of Smith & Nguyen (1984).
moisture loss and gas transport (O2 and CO2) (Donhowe Five grams of egg whites were placed in a 100-mL
& Fennema, 1994). Edible biopolymer coating made from beaker, and 25 mL of 0.5 M phosphate buffer pH 7.5
whey proteins has attracted an increasing amount of were added; the mixture was agitated for 5 min with
research and industry attention, since it is an alternative a m agnetic stirrer. A fterw ards, 5 m L of the
of food packaging with reduced environmental and suspension were placed in two test tubes; one of
waste-disposal costs (Fang et al., 2002). the tubes was heated at 75°C for 30 min. Upon
The objective of this study was to evaluate changes cooling, 5 mL precipitating solution were added and
in albumen pH, in egg white foam stability through the solution was transferred to centrifuge tubes, with
drainage, and in s-ovalbumin contents in egg whites the addition of another 5 mL precipitating solution.
of chicken eggs coated with a whey protein concentrate, After resting for 10 min, the tubes were centrifuged
as a function of storage periods. at 10,000 rpm for 5 min and the supernatant was
filtered. Two mL of the supernatant was placed in a
MATERIAL AND METHODS test tube with 4mL Biuret solution. This supernatant
aliquot was left to rest for 30 min, and the absorbance
Eggs were collected right after laying in a poultry was read at 540 nm, in a Beckman DU-70
farm located in Sumaré – SP, Brazil. We utilized eggs spectrophotometer.
from Hy-line w36 laying hens fed maize-based diet. The Multiple comparisons of the m eans w ere
eggs were sanitized with 1% sodium hypochlorite for performed for statistical analysis involving storage
30 s. A group of dried eggs were then immersed for 1 times and coating and non-coating process. An
min in a solution of whey protein concentrate (WPC), orthogonal contrast (treatments x fresh eggs) was
and dried at ambient temperature for 24 h. A second applied. Means were compared by Tukey’s test, when
group of eggs was not coated. applicable.

Albumen Foam Stability and S-Ovalbumin Contents in
Alleoni ACC, Antunes AJ Eggs Coated with Whey Protein Concentrate

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION coated eggs was three times greater than in coated
eggs within this pH range.
The statistical analyses for volume of drained liquid The pH in the aqueous phase determines the
from egg white foam and for s-ovalbumin content magnitude and the nature of protein charges and
indicated that there were interactions between coating therefore affects the foam (Kinsella & Phillips, 1989).
and storage time. Therefore, regressions were applied The pH values in egg whites of coated eggs were always
in both cases, and the results were interpreted within smaller than the values for non-coated eggs (Table 1).
each storage period. Results from fresh egg (day 0) were This could be due to the effect of coating on impairing
used as reference. albumen CO 2 loss through the shell, which would
prevent expressive increases in pH.
Foam Stability (expressed as drainage) During the entire storage period, the albumen pH
In all storage periods, the volume of drained liquid of coated eggs remained around 8, while the variation
from the albumen foam was greater in the non-coated in volume of drained liquid was 1.5 mL at three days
eggs (Table 1). As time passed, the films became and 3.3 mL at the end of the period. The foam stability
progressively thinner and ruptured. Throughout the behavior could be related to the pI values of most egg
storage period, the fluid is lost by lamellar water white proteins, which are between 4 and 6. Thus,
drainage, resulting in a foam collapse (Phillips, 1981). proteins are negatively charged in the albumen. The
During drainage, the van der Waals forces increase positively charged lysozyme (pI=10.7) has a vital role in
between films in adjacent bubbles (Phillips et al., the formation and stability of the egg’s albumen foam
1994). (Poole et al., 1984). During foam formation, lysozyme
On the 3rd day of storage, the difference in drainage and other negatively charged proteins may migrate to
volume was in the order of 59% between coated and the air-liquid interface. On this interface, lysozyme
non-coated eggs, while on the 28th day it was 202%. interacts electrostatically with other negatively charged
The results for volume of drained liquid were fitted to proteins, causing a reduction in the repulsive
linear regressions with r2 = 0.86 for non-coated eggs, electrostatic interactions on the protein layer and in
and r 2 = 0.84 for coated eggs. The pH and the volume albumen foam stabilization (Poole et al., 1984; Clark et
of drained liquid in coated eggs were 8.01 and 1.5 mL, al., 1988; Damodaran, 1989; Damodaran, et al., 1998).
respectively (Table 1). In non-coated eggs, the pH was Considering only the non-coated eggs, an increase
9.09, and the volume was 2.38 mL, in the same period. in pH and drainage volume was observed during the
At 28 days of storage, the difference between coated storage period. The high drained liquid value is related
and non-coated eggs was greater (Table 1), with a to an increase in egg white pH, which interferes in the
13.3% increase between pH values, and a 202% lamellar fluid viscosity, causing an approximation
increase between drainage values. Thus, the amount between the adjacent air bubbles. Consequently,
of liquid drained from the egg white foam of non- bubble rupture and coalescence will occur, resulting in

Table 1 - Volume of drained liquid, s-ovalbumin contents and pH of egg white foam stored at 25°C, as a function of storage period
and coating with whey protein-based film (WPC).

Storage Period Coating (WPC) pH Albumen Drained Liquid ML S-ovalbumin%

Fresh egg - 7.93 d ± 0.16 1.08 j ± 0.04 18.15 k ± 0.13

3 days With1 8.01 d ± 0.13 1.50 i ± 0.03 18.52 j ± 0.06
Without 9.09 b ± 0.17 2.38 h ± 0.04 24.68 g ± 0.31
7 days With 8.03 d ± 0.10 2.36 h ± 0.16 23.33 h i ± 0.32
Without 9.24 b ± 0.06 5.04 d ± 0.15 55.02 e ± 0.56
10 days With 8.07 c d ± 0.15 2.59 g h ± 0.19 23.21 i ± 0.13
Without 9.35 a b ± 0.06 6.28 c ± 0.08 61.99 d ± 0.27
14 days With 8.21 c ± 0.10 2.89 f ± 0.05 22.95 i ± 0.25
Without 9.47 a ± 0.10 8.52 b ± 0.23 65.34 c ± 0.44
21 days With 8.23 c ± 0.14 2.89 f g ± 0.17 23.86 g h ± 0.55
Without 9.46 a ± 0.08 9.86 a b ± 0.12 72.75 b ± 0.77
28 days With 8.33 c ± 0.17 3.30 e ± 0.12 26.71 f ± 0.07
Without 9.44 a ± 0.08 9.96 a ± 0.08 81.46 a ± 0.58
1 - Means in the columns followed by same letter are not different (p > 0.05).

Albumen Foam Stability and S-Ovalbumin Contents in
Alleoni ACC, Antunes AJ Eggs Coated with Whey Protein Concentrate

liquid drainage and foam destabilization (Phillips et al., lysozyme; these temperatures are near the denaturation
1994). temperature of both proteins. As heat is applied, the
Even though the positive effect of lysozyme on the tertiary and the secondary structures of the ovalbumin
properties of several acid proteins can be experimentally molecule become denatured, causing strong
observed, there is no direct evidence of the formation hydrophobic interactions between proteins, which lead
of an electrostatic complex between lysozyme and the to aggregation (Du et al., 2002). It is possible to stabilize
acid proteins in the film absorbed on the air-water foams using denatured ovalbumin (Relkin et al., 1999).
interface (Damodaran et al., 1998). However, several Under acidic conditions, ovalbumin has greater flexibility
acid proteins form insoluble electrostatic complexes with and surface hydrophobicity.
lysozyme (Poole et al., 1984; Damodaran & Kinsella, Ovalbumin plays an important role in egg white foam
1986), and insoluble complexes are usually not good stability (Relkin et al., 1999; Hagolle et al., 2000; Du et
foaming agents (Damodaran et al., 1998). al., 2002). Considering the results obtained for non-coated
eggs at 28 days of storage, in which the s-ovalbumin
S-Ovalbumin content reached 80 % and the amount of ovalbumin in
S-ovalbumin content was higher in non-coated eggs the egg white decreased, a greater loss of egg white
in all storage periods (Table 1). At three days, the non- foam stability was observed in that storage period.
coated eggs showed a content 33% higher in relation Schäfer et al. (1999) stored eggs for six weeks at
to coated eggs. At 28 days of storage, however, this 30°C and evaluated the composition of proteins in the
difference was three times higher. egg white. No changes in lysozyme activity or in the
The pH in coated eggs stored at 25°C was around amount of conalbumin were observed during storage.
8, and the s-ovalbumin content remained around 18%. However, the ovalbumin pI decreased, which is in
Only at the 28th day its content reached 27%. Alleoni agreement with the formation of s-ovalbumin during
(1997) worked with periods and two chicken egg storage. Changes were more influenced by temperature
storage temperatures, and obtained similar values at than storage period.
the refrigeration temperature as those obtained for In eggs stored without coating, the activity of
coated eggs in the present study. That author reported lysozyme does not decrease during storage, and the
s-ovalbumin contents equal to 18.4%, 26.2% and amount of conalbumin does not change (Schäfer et
24.3% in eggs storage at 8°C for 7, 14, and 21 days, al., 1999). Therefore, the s-ovalbumin contents increase
respectively. In the present study, the s-ovalbumin values in the same proportion as the volume of drained liquid.
of coated eggs were 23.3%, 22.9% and 23.9%, for In the present work, the smallest values for volume of
the same storage periods. When the eggs were stored drained liquid and for s-ovalbumin contents were
at 25°C, Alleoni (1997) obtained 55.7%, and 69.3%, obtained with coated eggs. Under these conditions,
for 7 and 14 days, respectively, while in the present the pH was maintained near 8. The smallest rate of
work, contents were 55.0% and 65.3% in the same conversion of ovalbumin into s-ovalbumin is verified at
storage periods. Therefore, WPC coating had the same pH 8.5 (Smith & Nguyen, 1984).
effect as the refrigeration temperature. In non-coated eggs, egg white pH varied from 9.1
Ovalbumin can be adsorbed in aqueous solutions to 9.4 during the storage period, while the volume of
on the air-water interface and acts as a surfactant, drained liquid ranged between 2.38 and 9.96 mL (Table
reducing the surface tension and forming a cohesive 1), and the s-ovalbumin contents ranged between 24.7
film. The behavior of proteins on air-water interfaces and 81.5 % (Table 1). Thus, this protein could be related
influences the formation and stability of foam (Du et to a decrease in foam stability, despite the fact that the
al., 2002). As the pH increases, part of the egg white mechanisms involved are still unknown. The correlation
ovalbumin is transformed into s-ovalbumin. In view of between s-ovalbumin content and the volume of
this, the amount of ovalbumin in the egg white drained liquid were positive for both coated and non-
decreases, and this could interfere with the formation coated eggs (Figures 1 and 2).
of a cohesive film on the air-water interface, causing a As s-ovalbumin content increased, the volume of
decrease in foam stability. S-ovalbumin is less drained liquid also increased, i.e., foam stability
hydrophobic than ovalbumin (Nakamura et al., 1980; decreased. Therefore, it can be concluded that WPC
Schäfer et al., 1999). coating maintain egg quality, since it is an effective
Hagolle et al. (2000) obtained the best foaming barrier against the loss of CO2, avoiding changes in the
properties at 85°C for ovalbumin and at 75°C for pH of egg white.

Albumen Foam Stability and S-Ovalbumin Contents in
Alleoni ACC, Antunes AJ Eggs Coated with Whey Protein Concentrate

30 90 28d

y = 3,63x + 13,77
75 y = 6,57x + 13,72 10d
S-ovalbumin (%)

S-ovalbumin (%)
r 2 =0,92 21d r 2 = 0,94 21d
25 10d 7d
7d 60

20 0d

3d 30
15 15
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 1 3 5 7 9
Liquid Drained (mL) Líquid Drained (mL)

Figure 1 - Linear correlation between the volume of drained Figure 2 - Linear correlation between the volume of the drained
liquid and s-ovalbumin contents of coated eggs, during the liquid and s-ovalbumin contents of non-coated eggs, during
storage period. the storage period.

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