Booting An Intel Architecture System

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Booting an Intel Architecture System, Part I: Early Initialization

The boot sequence today is far more complex than it was even a decade ago. Here's a
detailed, low-level, step-by-step walkthrough of the boot up.

Taking a lot of little steps along a path is a good analogy for understanding boot flow in Intel
Architecture-based systems. The minimum firmware requirements for making a system
operational and for booting an operating system are presented in this article. The vast majority
of systems perform these steps in this article to do a full or cold boot. Depending on the
architecture of the BIOS, there may be multiple software phases to jump through with different
sets of rules, but the sequence for waking up the hardware is, at least in the early phases, very
much the same.

Hardware Power Sequences: The Pre-Pre-Boot

When someone pushes the power button, the CPU can't simply jump up and start fetching code
from flash memory. When external power is first applied, the hardware platform must carry out
a number of tasks before the processor can be brought out of its reset state.

The first task is for the power supply to be allowed to settle down to its nominal state. Once the
primary power supply settles, there are usually a number of derived voltage levels needed on
the platform. For example, on the Intel Architecture reference platform the main input supply is
a 12-volt source, but the platform and processor require voltage rails of 1.5, 3.3, 5, and 12
volts. Voltages must be provided in a particular order, a process known as power sequencing.
The power is sequenced by controlling analog switches, typically field-effect transistors. The
sequence is often driven by a Complex Program Logic Device (CPLD).

Platform clocks are derived from a small number of input clock and oscillator sources. The
devices use phase-locked loop circuitry to generate the derived clocks used for the platform.
These clocks take time to converge.

It is only after all these steps have occurred that the power-sequencing CPLD can de-assert the
reset line to the processor, as illustrated in Figure 1. Depending on integration of silicon
features, some of this logic may be on chip and controlled by microcontroller firmware that
starts prior to the main processor.

Figure 1: An overview of power sequencing.

A variety of subsystems may begin prior to the main host system.

The Intel Manageability Engine (ME), available on some mainstream desktop and server-derived chips, is one
such component. The main system firmware does not initialize the devices composing the ME. However, there
is likely to be some level of interaction that must be taken into account in the settings of the firmware, or in the
descriptors of the flash component, for the ME to start up and enable the clocks correctly. The main system
firmware also has the potential to make calls and be called from the ME.

Another example is micro engines, which are telecommunications components used in the embedded-systems
world. Micro engines have their own firmware that starts independently of the system BIOS. The host system's
BIOS must make allowances for them in the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) memory map
to allow for proper interaction between host drivers and the micro-engine subsystem.

Once the processor reset line has been de-asserted, the processor begins fetching instructions. The location of
these instructions is known as the reset vector. The reset vector may contain instructions or a pointer to the
starting instructions in flash memory. The location of the vector is architecture-specific and usually in a fixed
location, depending on the processor. The initial address must be a physical address, as the Memory
Management Unit (MMU), if it exists, has not yet been enabled. The first fetching instructions start at 0xFFF,
FFF0. Only 16 bytes are left to the top of memory, so these 16 bytes must contain a far jump to the
remainder of the initialization code. This code is always written in assembly at this point as there is no software
stack or cache RAM available at this time.

Because the processor cache is not enabled by default, it is not uncommon to flush cache in this step with
a WBINV instruction. The WBINV is not needed on newer processors, but it doesn't hurt anything

Mode Selection

IA-32 supports three operating modes and one quasi-operating mode:

 Protected mode is the native operating mode of the processor. It provides a rich set of architectural
features, flexibility, high performance, and backward compatibility.
 Real-address mode or "real mode" provides the programming environment of the Intel 8086 processor,
with a few extensions, such as the ability to switch to protected or system management mode. Whenever a
reset or a power-on happens, the system transitions back to real-address mode.
 System management mode (SMM) is a standard architectural feature in all IA-32 processors, beginning
with the 386 SL. This mode provides an operating system or executive with a transparent mechanism for
implementing power management and OEM differentiation features. SMM is entered through activation of an
external system interrupt pin, which generates a System Management Interrupt (SMI). In SMM, the processor
switches to a separate address space while saving the context of the currently running program or task. SMM-
specific code may then be executed transparently. Upon returning from SMM, the processor is placed back into
its state prior to the system management interrupt. The system firmware is usually responsible for creating an
system management interrupt handler, which may periodically take over the system from the host OS.
Legitimate workarounds are executed in the SMI handler, and handling and logging-off errors may happen at
the system level. As this presents a potential security issue, there is also a lock bit that resists tampering with
this mechanism. Vendors of real-time operating systems often recommend disabling this feature because it
could subvert the OS environment. If this happens, then the additional work of the SMI handler would need to
be incorporated into the RTOS for that platform, or else the potential exists of missing something important in
the way of error response or workarounds.
 Virtual-8086 mode is a quasi-operating mode supported by the processor in protected mode. This mode
allows the processor to execute 8086 software in a protected, multitasking environment.

The Intel 64 architecture supports all operating modes of IA-32 architecture plus IA-32e mode. In IA-32e
mode, the processor supports two sub-modes: compatibility mode and 64-bit mode. Compatibility mode allows
most legacy protected-mode applications to run unchanged, while 64-bit mode provides 64-bit linear
addressing and support for physical address space larger than 64 GB.

Figure 2 shows how the processor moves between operating modes.

Figure 2: Switching processor operating modes.

When the processor is first powered on, it will be in a special mode similar to real mode, but with the top 12
address lines asserted high. This aliasing allows the boot code to be accessed directly from nonvolatile RAM
(physical address 0xFFFxxxxx).

Upon execution of the first long jump, these 12 address lines will be driven according to instructions by
firmware. If one of the protected modes is not entered before the first long jump, the processor will enter real
mode, with only 1 MB of addressability. In order for real mode to work without memory, the chipset needs to
be able to alias a range of memory below 1 MB to an equivalent range just below 4 GB. Certain chipsets do not
have this aliasing and may require a switch to another operating mode before performing the first long jump.
The processor also invalidates the internal caches and translation look-aside buffers.

The processor continues to boot in real mode. There is no particular technical reason for the boot sequence to
occur in real mode. Some speculate that this feature is maintained in order to ensure that the platform can boot
legacy code such as MS-DOS. While this is a valid issue, there are other factors that complicate a move to
protected-mode booting. The change would need to be introduced and validated among a broad ecosystem of
manufacturers and developers, for example. Compatibility issues would arise in test and manufacturing
environments. These and other natural hurdles keep boot mode "real."

The first power-on mode is actually a special subset of real mode. The top 12 address lines are held high, thus
allowing aliasing, in which the processor can execute code from nonvolatile storage (such as flash memory)
located within the lowest one megabyte as if it were located at the top of memory.

Normal operation of firmware (including the BIOS) is to switch to flat protected mode as early in the boot
sequence as possible. It is usually not necessary to switch back to real mode unless executing an option ROM
that makes legacy software interrupt calls. Flat protected mode runs 32-bit code and physical addresses are
mapped one-to-one with logical addresses (that is, paging is off). The interrupt descriptor table is used for
interrupt handling. This is the recommended mode for all BIOS/boot loaders.

Early Initialization
The early phase of the BIOS/bootloader initializes the memory and processor cores. In a BIOS constructed in
accord with the Unified EFI Forum's UEFI 2.0 framework, the security and Pre-EFI Initialization (PEI) phases are
normally synonymous with "early initialization." It doesn't matter if legacy or UEFI BIOS is used. From a
hardware point of view, the early initialization sequence is the same.

In a multicore system, the bootstrap processor is the CPU core (or thread) that is chosen to boot the system
firmware, which is normally single-threaded. At RESET, all of the processors race for a semaphore flag bit in
the chipset The first finds it clear and in the process of reading it sets the flag; the other processors find the
flag set and enter a wait-for-SIPI (Start-up Inter-Processor Interrupt) or halt state. The first processor
initializes main memory and the Application Processors (APs), then continues with the rest of the boot process.

A multiprocessor system does not truly enter multiprocessing operation until the OS takes over. While it is
possible to do a limited amount of parallel processing during the UEFI boot phase, such as during memory
initialization with multiple socket designs, any true multithreading activity would require changes to be made to
the Driver Execution Environment (DXE) phase of the UEFI. Without obvious benefits, such changes are unlikely
to be broadly adopted.

The early initialization phase next readies the bootstrap processor and I/O peripherals' base address registers,
which are needed to configure the memory controller. The device-specific portion of an Intel architecture
memory map is highly configurable. Most devices are seen and accessed via a logical Peripheral Component
Interconnect (PCI) bus hierarchy. Device control registers are mapped to a predefined I/O or memory-mapped
I/O space, and they can be set up before the memory map is configured. This allows the early initialization
firmware to configure the memory map of the device as needed to set up DRAM. Before DRAM can be
configured, the firmware must establish the exact configuration of DRAM that is on the board. The Intel
Architecture reference platform memory map is described in detail in Chapter 6 of my book, Quick Boot: A
Guide for Embedded Firmware Developers, from Intel Press.

System-on-a-chip (SOC) devices based on other processor architectures typically provide a static address map
for all internal peripherals, with external devices connected via a bus interface. Bus-based devices are mapped
to a memory range within the SOC address space. These SOC devices usually provide a configurable chip-select
register set to specify the base address and size of the memory range enabled by the chip select. SOCs based
on Intel Architecture primarily use the logical PCI infrastructure for internal and external devices.

The location of the device in the host's memory address space is defined by the PCI Base Address Register
(BAR) for each of the devices. The device initialization typically enables all the BAR registers for the devices
required for system boot. The BIOS will assign all devices in the system a PCI base address by writing the
appropriate BAR registers during PCI enumeration. Long before full PCI enumeration, the BIOS must enable the
PCI Express (PCIe) BAR as well as the Platform Controller Hub (PCH) Root Complex Base Address Register
(RCBA) BAR for memory, I/O, and memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) interactions during the early phase of boot.
Depending on the chipset, there are prefetchers that can be enabled at this point to speed up data transfer
from the flash device. There may also be Direct Media Interface (DMI) link settings that must be tuned for
optimal performance.

The next step, initialization of the CPU, requires simple configuration of processor and machine registers,
loading a microcode update, and enabling the Local APIC (LAPIC).

Microcode is a hardware layer of instructions involved in the implementation of the machine-defined

architecture. It is most prevalent in CISC-based processors. Microcode is developed by the CPU vendor and
incorporated into an internal CPU ROM during manufacture. Since the infamous "Pentium flaw," Intel processor
architecture allows that microcode to be updated in the field either through a BIOS update or via an OS update.

Today, an Intel processor must have the latest microcode update to be considered a warranted CPU. Intel
provides microcode updates that are written to the microcode store in the CPU. The updates are encrypted and
signed by Intel such that only the processor that the microcode update was designed for can authenticate and
load the update. On socketed systems, the BIOS may have to carry many flavors of microcode update
depending on the number of processor steppings supported. It is important to load microcode updates early in
the boot sequence to limit the exposure of the system to known errata in the silicon. Note that the microcode
update may need to be reapplied to the CPU after certain reset events in the boot sequence.

Next, the LAPICs must be enabled to handle interrupts that occur before enabling protected mode.

Software initialization code must load a minimum number of protected-mode data structures and code modules
into memory to support reliable operation of the processor in protected mode. These data structures include an
Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT), a Global Descriptor Table (GDT), a Task-State Segment (TSS), and,
optionally, a Local Descriptor Table (LDT). If paging is to be used, at least one page directory and one page
table must be loaded. A code segment containing the code to be executed when the processor switches to
protected mode must also be loaded, as well as one or more code modules that contain necessary interrupt and
exception handlers.

Initialization code must also initialize certain system registers. The global descriptor table register must be
initialized, along with control registers CR1 through CR4. The IDT register may be initialized immediately after
switching to protected mode, prior to enabling interrupts. Memory Type Range Registers (MTRRs) are also

With these data structures, code modules, and system registers initialized, the processor can be switched to
protected mode. This is accomplished by loading control register CR0 with a value that sets the PE (protected
mode enable) flag. From this point onward, it is likely that the system will not enter real mode again, legacy
option ROMs and legacy OS/BIOS interface notwithstanding, until the next hardware reset is experienced.

Since no DRAM is available at this point, code initially operates in a stackless environment. Most modern
processors have an internal cache that can be configured as RAM to provide a software stack. Developers must
write extremely tight code when using this cache-as-RAM feature because an eviction would be unacceptable to
the system at this point in the boot sequence; there is no memory to maintain coherency. That's why
processors operate in "No Evict Mode" (NEM) at this point in the boot process, when they are operating on a
cache-as-RAM basis. In NEM, a cache-line miss in the processor will not cause an eviction. Developing code
with an available software stack is much easier, and initialization code often performs the minimal setup to use
a stack even prior to DRAM initialization.

The processor may boot into a slower than optimal mode for various reasons. It may be considered less risky to
run in a slower mode, or it may be done to save power. The BIOS may force the speed to something
appropriate for a faster boot. This additional optimization is optional; the OS will likely have the drivers to deal
with this parameter when it loads.

Memory Configuration and Initialization

The initialization of the memory controller varies slightly depending on the DRAM technology and the
capabilities of the memory controller itself. The information on the DRAM controller is proprietary for SOC
devices, and in such cases the initialization Memory Reference Code (MRC) is typically supplied by the vendor.
Developers have to contact Intel to request access to the low level information required. Developers who lack
an MRC can utilize a standard JEDEC initialization sequence for a given DRAM technology. JEDEC refers to the
JEDEC Solid State Technology Association, which was formerly known as the Joint Electronic Devices
Engineering Council. JEDEC is a trade organization and standards body for the electronics industry.

It is likely that memory configuration will be performed by single-point-of-entry and single-point-of-exit code
that has multiple boot paths contained within it. It will be 32-bit protected-mode code. Settings for buffer
strengths and loading for a given number of banks of memory are chipset specific.

There is a very wide range of DRAM configuration parameters, including number of ranks, eight-bit or 16-bit
addresses, overall memory size and constellation, soldered down or add-in module configurations, page-closing
policy, and power management. Given that most embedded systems populate soldered-down DRAM on the
board, the firmware may not need to discover the configuration at boot time. These configurations are known
as memory-down. The firmware is specifically built for the target configuration. This is the case for the Intel
reference platform from the Embedded Computing Group. At current DRAM speeds, the wires between the
memory controllers behave like transmission lines; the SOC may provide automatic calibration and run-time
control of resistive compensation and delay-locked look capabilities. These capabilities allow the memory
controller to change elements such as drive strength to ensure error-free operation over time and temperature

If the platform supports add-in-modules for memory, it may use any of a number of standard form factors. The
small-outline Dual In-Line Memory Module (DIMM) is often found in embedded systems. The DIMMs provide a
serial EPROM that contains DRAM configuration information known as Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data. The
firmware reads the SDP data and subsequently configures the device. The serial EPROM is connected via the
System Management Bus (SMBus). This means the device must be available in the early initialization phase so
the software can establish the memory devices on-board. It is also possible for memory-down motherboards to
incorporate SPD EEPROMs to allow for multiple and updatable memory configurations that can be handled
efficiently by a single BIOS algorithm. A hard-coded table in one of the MRC files could be used to implement an
EEPROM-less design.

Once the memory controller has been initialized, a number of subsequent cleanup events take place, including
tests to ensure that memory is operational. Memory testing is now part of the MRC, but it is possible to add
more tests should the design require it. BIOS vendors typically provide some kind of memory test on a cold
boot. Writing custom firmware requires the authors to choose a balance between thoroughness and speed, as
many embedded and mobile devices require extremely fast boot times. Memory testing can take considerable

If testing is warranted, right after initialization is the time to do it. The system is idle, the subsystems are not
actively accessing memory, and the OS has not taken over the host side of the platform. Several hardware
features can assist in this testing both during boot and at run-time. These features have traditionally been
thought of as high-end or server features, but over time they have moved into the client and embedded

One of the most common technologies is error-correction codes. Some embedded devices use ECC memory,
which may require extra initialization. After power-up, the state of the correction codes may not reflect the
contents, and all memory must be written to. Writing to memory ensures that the ECC bits are valid and set to
the appropriate contents. For security purposes, the memory may need to be zeroed out manually by the BIOS
— or, in some cases, a memory controller may incorporate the feature into hardware to save time.

Depending on the source of the reset and security requirements, the system may or may not execute a
memory wipe or ECC initialization. On a warm reset sequence, memory context can be maintained.

If there are memory timing changes or other configuration alterations that require a reset to take effect, this is
normally the time to execute a warm reset. That warm reset would start the early initialization phase over
again. Affected registers would need to be restored.

From the reset vector, execution starts directly from nonvolatile flash storage. This operating mode is known as
execute-in-place. The read performance of nonvolatile storage is much slower than the read performance of
DRAM. The performance of code running from flash is therefore much lower than code executed in RAM. Most
firmware is therefore copied from slower nonvolatile storage into RAM. The firmware is then executed in RAM in
a process known as shadowing.

In embedded systems, the chip typically selects ranges that are managed to allow the change from flash to
RAM execution. Most computing systems execute-in-place as little as possible. However, some RAM-constrained
embedded platforms execute all applications in place. This is a viable option on very small embedded devices.

Intel Architecture systems generally do not execute-in-place for anything but the initial boot steps before
memory has been configured. The firmware is often compressed, allowing reduction of nonvolatile RAM
requirements. Clearly, the processor cannot execute a compressed image in place. There is a trade-off between
the size of data to be shadowed and the act of decompression. The decompression algorithm may take much
longer to load and execute than it would take for the image to remain uncompressed. Prefetchers in the
processor, if enabled, may speed up execution-in-place. Some SOCs have internal NVRAM cache buffers to
assist in pipelining the data from the flash to the processor. Figure 3 shows the memory map at initialization in
real mode.
Figure 3: The Intel Architecture memory map at power-on.

Before memory is initialized, the data and code stacks are held in the processor cache. Once memory is
initialized, the system must exit that special caching mode and flush the cache. The stack will be transferred to
a new location in main memory and cache reconfigured as part of AP initialization.

The stack must be set up before jumping into the shadowed portion of the BIOS that is now in memory. A
memory location must be chosen for stack space. The stack will count down so the top of the stack must be
entered and enough memory must be allocated for the maximum stack.

If the system is in real mode, then SS:SP must be set with the appropriate values. If protected mode is used,
which is likely the case following MRC execution, then SS:ESP must be set to the correct memory location.

This is where the code makes the jump into memory. If a memory test has not been performed before this
point, the jump could very well be to garbage. System failures indicated by a Power-On Self Test (POST) code
between "end of memory initialization" and the first following POST code almost always indicate a catastrophic
memory initialization problem. If this is a new design, then chances are this is in the hardware and requires
step-by-step debug.

For legacy option ROMs and BIOS memory ranges, Intel chipsets usually come with memory aliasing
capabilities that allow access to memory below 1 MB to be routed to or from DRAM or nonvolatile storage
located just under 4 GB. The registers that control this aliasing are typically referred to as Programmable
Attribute Maps (PAMs). Manipulation of these registers may be required before, during, and after firmware
shadowing. The control over the redirection of memory access varies from chipset to chipset For example, some
chipsets allow control over reads and writes, while others allow control over reads only.

For shadowing, if PAM registers remain at default values (all 0s), all Firmware Hub (FWH) accesses to
the E and F segments (E_0000–F_FFFFh) will be directed downstream toward the flash component. This
will function to boot the system, but is very slow. Shadowing can be used to improve boot speed. One method
of shadowing the E and F segments of BIOS is to utilize the PAM registers. This can be done by changing the
enables (HIENABLE[] and LOENABLE[]) to 10 (write only). This will direct reads to the flash device and
writes to memory. Data can then be shadowed into memory by reading and writing the same address. Once
BIOS code has been shadowed into memory, the enables can be changed to read-only mode so memory reads
are directed to memory. This also prevents accidental overwriting of the image in memory.

AP Initialization

Even in SOCs, there is the likelihood of having multiple CPU cores. Each core may be visualized as a Board
Support Package (BSP) plus an AP. The BSP starts and initializes the system. The APs must be initialized with
identical features. Before memory is activated, the APs are uninitialized. After memory is started, the remaining
processors are initialized and left in a wait-for-SIPI state. To accomplish this, the system firmware must:

 Find microcode and copy it to memory.

 Find the CPU code in the Serial Peripherals Interface (SPI) and copy it to memory — an important step
to avoid execution-in-place for the remainder of the sequence.
 Send start-up interprocessor interrupts to all processors.
 Disable all NEM settings, if this has not already been done.
 Load microcode updates on all processors.
 Enable cache-on mode for all processors.

From a UEFI perspective, AP initialization may either be part of the PEI or DXE phase of the boot flow, or in the
early or advanced initialization. There is some debate as to the final location.

Since Intel processors are packaged in various configurations, there are different terms that must be
understood when considering processor initialization. In this context, a thread is a logical processor that shares
resources with another logical processor in the same physical package. A core is a processor that coexists with
another processor in the same physical package and does not share any resources with other processors. A
package is a chip that contains any number of cores and threads.

Threads and cores on the same package are detectable by executing the CPUID instruction. Detection of
additional packages must be done blindly. If a design must accommodate more than one physical package, the
BSP needs to wait a certain amount of time for all potential APs in the system to "log in." Once a timeout occurs
or the maximum expected number of processors "log in," it can be assumed that there are no more processors
in the system.

In order to wake up secondary threads or cores, the BSP sends a SIPI to each thread and core. This SIPI is sent
by using the BSP's LAPIC, indicating the physical address from which the AP should start executing. This
address must be below 1 MB of memory and must be aligned on a 4-KB boundary. Upon receipt of the SIPI, the
AP starts executing the code pointed to by the SIPI message. Unlike the BSP, the AP starts code execution in
real mode. This requires that the code that the AP starts executing is located below 1 MB.

Because of the different processor combinations and the various attributes of shared processing registers
between threads, care must be taken to ensure that there are no caching conflicts in the memory used
throughout the system.

AP behavior during firmware initialization is dependent on the firmware implementation, but is most commonly
restricted to short periods of initialization followed by a HLT instruction, during which the system awaits
direction from the BSP before undertaking another operation.

Once the firmware is ready to attempt to boot an OS, all AP processors must be placed back in their power-on
state. The BSP accomplishes this by sending an Init Assert IPI followed by an Init De-assert IPI to all APs in the
system (except itself).

The final part of this article, which will appear in January, covers advanced device installation, memory-map
configuration, and all the other steps required to prepare the hardware for loading the operating system.

This article is adapted from material in Intel Technology Journal  (March 2011) "UEFI Today: Bootstrapping the
Continuum," and portions of it are copyright Intel Corp.
Booting an Intel Architecture System, Part II: Advanced Initialization

Once the processor is running and memory has been initialized, timers and devices must be
started up and a memory map laid out. Only then, can the OS be loaded.

In the first part of this article, I covered hardware power-up issues, processor operating-mode
selection, early initialization steps, memory initialization, and application processor initialization.
This article — the final installment — shines a light into advanced device initialization, memory-
map configuration, and all the other steps required to prepare the hardware for loading the
operating system.

Advanced Device Initialization

Advanced initialization follows early initialization, as you might expect. This second stage is
focused on device-specific initialization. In a UEFI-based BIOS solution, advanced initialization
tasks are also known as DXE and Boot Device Selection (BDS) phases. The following devices
must be initialized to enable a system. Not all are applicable to all embedded systems, but the
list is prescriptive for most. This list is applies specifically to SOCs (systems on a chip) based on
Intel architecture:

 General purpose I/O (GPIO)

 Interrupt controller
 Timers
 Cache initialization (this could also be accomplished during early initialization)
 Serial ports, console in/out
 Clocking and overclocking
 PCI bus initialization
 Graphics (optional)
 Universal Serial Bus (USB)
 Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA)

General-Purpose I/O: GPIOs are key to platform extensibility. GPIOs can be configured for
either input or output, but can also be configured to enable native functionality. Depending on
weak or strong pull-up or pull-down resistors, some GPIOs can function as strapping pins that
are sampled at reset by the chip-set, and then have a second function during boot-up and at
run-time. GPIOs may also act like sideband signals to allow for system wakes.

SOC devices are designed to be used in a large number of configurations. The devices often
have more capabilities than the device is capable of exposing on the I/O pins concurrently. That
is because multiple functions may be multiplexed to an individual I/O pin. Before the pins are
used they must be configured to implement a specific function or serve as general-purpose I/O
pins. The system firmware developer must work through 64 to 256 GPIOs and their individual
options with the board designer of each platform to ensure that this feature is properly enabled.

Interrupt Controllers: The Intel Architecture supports several different methods of handling

interrupts. No matter which method is chosen, all interrupt controllers must be initialized at

When the Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) is the only enabled interrupt device, the
system is in PIC mode. This is the simplest mode. All APIC components are bypassed and the
system operates in single-thread mode using LINT0. The BIOS must set the IRQs per board
configuration for all onboard, integrated, and add-in PCI devices.

The PIC contains two cascaded 8259s with fifteen available IRQs. IRQ2 is not available because
it is used to connect the 8259s. On mainstream components, there are eight PIRQ pins
supported by the PCH, named PIRQ[A# :H#]. These route PCI interrupts to IRQs of the
8259 PIC. PIRQ[A#:D#] routing is controlled by PIRQ routing registers 60h—63h
(D31:F0:Reg 60- 63h). PIRQ[E#:H#] routing is controlled by PIRQ routing
registers 68h—6Bh (D31:F0:Reg 68 — 6Bh). This arrangement is illustrated in Figure
1. The PCH also connects the eight PIRQ[A#:H#] pins to eight individual I/O Advanced
Programmable Interrupt Controller input pins, as shown in Table 1.

Figure 1: Platform controller hub PIRQ-to-IRQ routing.

Table 1: Platform controller hub PIRQ routing table.

The Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (LAPIC) is inside the processor. It controls interrupt
delivery to the processor. Each LAPIC has its own set of associated registers as well as a Local Vector Table
(LVT). The LVT specifies the manner in which the interrupts are delivered to each processor core.

The I/O Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (IOxAPIC) is contained in the I/O Controller Hub (ICH) or
the I/O Hub (IOH). It expands the number of IRQs available to 24. Each IRQ's entry in the redirection table
may be enabled or disabled. The redirection table selects the IDT vector for the associated IRQ. This mode is
available only when running in protected mode.

The boot loader typically does not use Message Signaled Interrupts (MSIs) for interrupt handling.

The Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) is located at memory location 0p. It contains 256 interrupt vectors. The IVT
is used in real mode. Each 32-bit vector address consists of the CS:IP for the interrupt vector.

The Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) contains the exceptions and interrupts in protected mode. There are 256
interrupt vectors, and the exceptions and interrupts are defined in the same locations as in the IVT. Exceptions
are routines that handle error conditions such as page faults and general protection Real-mode Interrupt
Service Routines (ISRs) communicate information between the boot loader and the OS. For
example, INT10h is used for video services such as changing video mode and resolution. Some legacy
programs and drivers, assuming these real-mode ISRs are available, call INT routines directly.

Timers: A variety of timers can be employed in an Intel Architecture system:

 The Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) resides in the IOH or ICH and contains the system timer, also
referred to as IRQ0.
 The High Precision Event Timer (HPET) resides in the IOH or ICH. It contains three timers. Typically, the
boot loader need not initialize the HPET, and the functionality is used only by the OS.
 The Real Time Clock (RTC) resides in the IOH or ICH. It contains the system time. These values are
contained in CMOS. The RTC also contains a timer that can be used by firmware.
 The System Management Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) timers reside in the IOH or ICH. They include
the Watch Dog Timer (WDT), which can be used to detect system hangs and reset the system.
 The LAPIC contains a timer that can be used by firmware.

Memory Caching Control: Memory regions that must have different caching behaviors will vary from design
to design. In the absence of detailed caching requirements for a platform, the following guidelines provide a
safe caching environment for typical systems:

 Default Cache Rule: Uncached.

 00000000-0009FFFF: Write Back.
 000A0000-000BFFFF: Write Combined/Uncached
 000C0000-000FFFFF: Write Back/Write Protect
 00100000-TopOfMemory: Write Back.
 Top of Memory Segment (TSEG): Cached on newer processors.
 Graphics Memory: Write Combined or Uncached.
 Hardware Memory-Mapped I/O: Uncached.

While MTRRs are programmed by the BIOS, Page Attribute Tables (PATs) are used primarily with the OS to
control caching down to the page level.

Serial Ports: An RS-232 serial port or UART 16550 is initialized for either run-time or debug solutions. Unlike
USB ports, which require considerable initialization and a large software stack, serial ports have a minimal
register-level interface requirements. A serial port can be enabled very early in POST to provide serial output

Console In/Console Out: During the DXE portion of the UEFI phase, the boot services include console in and
console out protocols.

Clock and Overclock Programming: Depending on the clocking solution of the platform, the BIOS may have
to enable the clocking of the system. It is possible that a subsystem such as the ME or a server platform's
Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) has this responsibility. It is also possible that beyond the basic clock
programming, there are expanded configuration options for overclocking, such as:

 Based on enumeration, enable or disable clock-output enables.

 Adjust clock spread settings. Enable, disable, and adjust amount. Note that settings are provided as
fixed register values determined from expected usages.
 Under-clock CPU for adaptive clocking support.
 Lock out clock registers prior to transitioning to host OS.
PCI Device Enumeration: PCI device enumeration is a generic term that refers to detecting and assigning
resources to PCI-compliant devices in the system. The discovery process assigns the resources needed by each
device, including the following:

 Memory, prefetchable memory, I/O space.

 Memory mapped I/O space.
 IRQ assignment.
 Expansion ROM detection and execution.

PCI device discovery applies to all newer interfaces such as PCIe root ports, USB controllers, SATA controllers,
audio controllers, LAN controllers, and various add-in devices. These newer interfaces all comply with the PCI

It is interesting to note that in UEFI-compliant systems, it is not during the DXE phase but during BDS that
most required drivers are loaded.

Graphics Initialization: The video BIOS or Graphics Output Protocol (GOP) UEFI driver is normally the first
option ROM to be executed. Once the main console-out is up and running, the console-in line can be configured.

Input Devices: Refer to schematics to determine which I/O devices are in the system. Typically, a system will
contain one or more of the following devices:

 Embedded Controller (EC): An EC is typically used in mobile or low-power systems. The EC contains
separate firmware that controls power-management functions as well as PS/2 keyboard functionality.
 Super I/O (SIO): An SIO typically controls the PS/2, serial, and parallel interfaces. Most systems still
support some of the legacy interfaces.
 Legacy-Free Systems: Legacy-free systems use USB as the input device. If pre-OS keyboard support is
required, then the legacy keyboard interfaces must be trapped. Refer to the IOH/ICH BIOS Specification for
more details on legacy-free systems.

Once the processor is running and memory has been initialized, timers and devices must be
started up and a memory map laid out. Only then, can the OS be loaded.

USB Initialization: The USB controller supports both Enhanced Host Controller Interface
(EHCI) and Extensible Host Controller Interface (xHCI) hardware. Enabling the host controller
for standard PCI resources is relatively easy. It is possible to delay USB support until the OS
drivers take over. If pre-OS support for EHCI or xHCI is required, then the tasks associated with
the USB subsystem become substantially more complex. Legacy USB requires an SMI handler be
used to trap port 60 and 64 accesses to I/O space, converting these to the proper keyboard or
mouse commands. This pre-OS USB support is required if booting to USB is preferred.

SATA Initialization: A SATA controller supports the ATA/IDE programming interface as well as
the Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI). In the following discussion, the term "ATA-IDE
Mode" refers to the ATA/IDE programming interface that uses standard task file I/O registers or
PCI IDE Bus Master I/O block registers. The term "AHCI Mode" refers to the AHCI programming
interface that uses memory-mapped register and buffer space and a command-list-based model.

The general guidelines for initializing the SATA controller during POST and S3 resume are
described in the following sections. Upon resuming from S3, system BIOS is responsible for
restoring all the registers that it initialized during POST.

The system BIOS must program the SATA controller mode prior to beginning other initialization
steps. The SATA controller mode is set by programming the SATA Mode Select (SMS) field of the
port mapping register (D31:F2:Reg 90h[7:6]). The system BIOS may never change the
SATA controller mode during run-time. Please note that the availability of the following modes is
dependent on which PCH is in use. If system BIOS is enabling AHCI Mode or RAID Mode, system
BIOS must disable D31:F5 by setting the SAD2 bit, RCBA + 3418h[25]. The BIOS must
ensure that it has not enabled memory space, I/O space, or interrupts for this device prior to
disabling the device.
IDE mode is selected by programming the SMS field, D31:F2:Reg 90h[7:6] to 00. In
this mode, the SATA controller is set up to use the ATA/IDE programming interface. The 6/4
SATA ports are controlled by two SATA functions. One function routes up to four SATA
ports, D31:F2, and the other routes up to two SATA ports, D31:F5. In IDE mode, the Sub
Class Code, D31:F2:Reg 0Ah and D31:F5:Reg 0Ah are set to 01h. This mode may
also be referred to as "compatibility mode," as it does not have any special OS driver

AHCI mode is selected by programming the SMS field, D31:F2:Reg 90h[7:6], to 01h.

In this mode, the SATA controller is set up to use the AHCI programming interface. The six
SATA ports are controlled by a single SATA function, D31:F2. In AHCI mode the Sub Class
Code, D31:F2:Reg 0Ah, is set to 06h. This mode does require specific OS driver support.

RAID mode is selected by programming the SMS field, D31:F2:Reg 90h[7:6] to 10b.

In this mode, the SATA controller is set up to use the AHCI programming interface. The 6/4
SATA ports are controlled by a single SATA function, D31:F2. In RAID mode, the Sub Class
Code, D31:F2:Reg 0Ah, is set to 04h. This mode does require specific OS driver support.

To allow the RAID option ROM to access all 6/4 SATA ports, the RAID option ROM enables and
uses the AHCI programming interface by setting the AE bit, ABAR + 04h[31]. One
consequence is that all register settings applicable to AHCI mode set by the BIOS have to be set
in RAID as well. The other consequence is that the BIOS is required to provide AHCI support to
ATAPI SATA devices, which the RAID option ROM does not handle.

PCH supports stable image-compatible ID. When the alternative ID enable, D31:F2:Reg

9Ch [7] is not set, the PCH SATA controller will report the Device ID as 2822h.

It has been observed that some SATA drives will not start spin-up until the SATA port is enabled
by the controller. In order to reduce drive detection time, and hence the total boot time, system
BIOS should enable the SATA port early during POST (for example, immediately after memory
initialization) by setting the Port x Enable (PxE) bits of the Port Control and Status
register, D31:F2:Reg 92h and D31:F5:Reg 92h, to initiate spin-up.

Defining the Memory Map

In addition to defining the caching behavior of different regions of memory for consumption by
the OS, it is also firmware's responsibility to provide a "map" of system memory to the OS so
that it knows what regions are available for use.

The most widely used mechanism for a boot loader or an OS to determine the system memory
map is to use real mode interrupt service 15h, function E8h, sub-function 20h
(INT15/E820), which must be implemented in firmware.

Region Types: There are several general types of memory regions that are described by this

 Memory (1): General DRAM available for OS consumption.

 Reserved (2): DRAM addresses not for OS consumption.
 ACPI Reclaim (3): Memory that contains ACPI tables to which firmware does not require
run-time access.
 ACPI NVS (4): Memory that contains all ACPI tables to which firmware requires run-time
access. See the applicable ACPI specification for details.
 ROM (5): Memory that decodes to nonvolatile storage (for example, flash).
 IOAPIC (6): Memory that is decoded by IOAPICs in the system (must also be uncached).
 LAPIC (7): Memory that is decoded by local APICs in the system (must also be uncached).

Region Locations: The following regions are typically reserved in a system memory map:

 00000000-0009FFFF: Memory
 000A0000-000FFFFF: Reserved
 00100000-xxxxxxxx: Memory (The xxxxxxxx indicates that the top of memory changes
based on "reserved" items listed below and any other design-based reserved regions.)
 TSEG: Reserved
 Graphics Stolen Memory: Reserved
 FEC00000-FEC01000*: IOAPIC
 FEE00000-FEE01000*: LAPIC

Loading the Operating System

Following configuration of the memory map, a boot device is selected from a prioritized list of
potential bootable partitions. The "Load Image" command, or Int 19h, is used to call the OS
loader, which in turns load the OS. And off we go.

This article is adapted from material in Intel Technology Journal (March 2011) "UEFI Today:
Bootstrapping the Continuum," and portions of it are copyright Intel Corp.

White Paper:Minimum Steps Necessary to Boot an Intel Architecture Platform

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