Acing 5G Pricing: How To Price 5G For Optimal Monetization

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Acing 5G pricing
How to price 5G for optimal monetization

Leading telcos have switched on their 5G networks and launched commercial offers to acquire early adopters. With the scale
of investments required for 5G, the consumer pricing strategy becomes a critical lever for recouping these investments.
In this viewpoint we aim to provide a framework for increasing customers’ willingness-to-pay for 5G services and B2C 5G
pricing guidelines, in order to achieve optimal monetization. In summary, operators must leverage the key benefits of 5G,
i.e., data generosity, quality of service, and new applications and services, to increase customers’ willingness to pay for 5G
services and aim for price premiums. In parallel, they must address the downward pricing pressure from 5G device costs,
market competition, and initial coverage and quality glitches.

5G is now a reality 5G use case readiness

Every month, more operators are announcing commercial VR cloud Health Virtual
gaming wearables robots
AR maps
launches of their 5G services. Countries such as South Korea,

the US, the UK, Finland, and Austria have taken big steps Early
alarms events
VR movies
in bringing the 5G experience to their consumers. South Home
AR/ VR -
broadband In-vehicle
Korea reached 1 million subscribers within 69 days of the streaming VR
5G commercial launch, compared to 58 days for 4G in 2011. eMBB
Other countries have launched multiple pilots and will start
commercialization soon. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 3
In parallel, a new set of consumer applications are emerging, Source: Arthur D. Little analysis

fuelled by 5G and built on technologies such as augmented

such as AR maps, VR shopping and virtual event experiences are
reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and cloud gaming.
expected to materialize.
The 5G ecosystem is heating up Success of 5G in the near-term hinges on successful adoption of
We expect most 5G consumer use cases to go mainstream the initial use cases. This requires robust 5G rollout (to meet the
within two to three years of 5G’s launch, as operators finish speed and capacity needs of these new applications) and well-
deployment, 5G handsets hit the market, and new services priced commercial offerings.
achieve maturity. 5G use cases can be categorized based on Current 5G pricing varies drastically across operators
their time-to-market and complexity in development/adoption
Operators worldwide are experimenting with pricing and
(see figure). As anticipated, enhanced-mobile-broadband
structuring of 5G tariff plans. Based on recently launched 5G
(eMBB) will be the first 5G commercial use case, followed by
tariff plans, we have observed various models across markets
applications such as enhanced in-vehicle “infotainment”, real-
– while a few operators have slashed their price-per-gigabyte
time traffic alerts, real-time video streaming, and 3D gaming.
(PPGB) compared to 4G, others are charging a premium.
In two years, we can expect to see use cases such as virtual-
However, most have set 5G pricing at similar levels to those of
reality movies, games, learning, and wearables that require low
latency and high throughput. In three to five years, use cases

5G pricing benchmarks In initial months of launch, introducing 5G exclusively on new

Operator Premium against 4G plans? Unlimited data plans tariff plans with large or unlimited data allowance, priced at a
~10% discount  premium (versus existing smaller plans) would generate an uplift
~10% discount  as and when early 5G adopters migrate from smaller, cheaper
No premium  plans. For operators already offering unlimited or large 4G data
No premium  plans, introducing 5G exclusively on those plans will also enable
No premium  upselling to customers on basic plans. However, for customers
At premium pricing  already on these large data plans, there is limited room for an
No premium  uplift.
At premium pricing 
No premium  2. Differentiate on superior network quality
Discounted against 4G Price on par with 4G Higher price than 4G As per claims from vendors, 5G is expected to offer 1-10
Source: Operator websites
Gbps peak data rate, 99.999% reliability and less than 1 ms
The discounters and no-changers hope to make money from latency. This differentiated network quality is another lever
increased 5G data usage (instead of higher unit prices) and 5G which increases customers’ WTP for 5G services. To monetize
applications adoption. optimally in 5G era, operators must structure their offerings
based on tiers of network quality parameters, such as speed,
So, how do operators price 5G for optimal latency and reliability, as volume-based tiering becomes
monetization? meaningless in markets with high penetration of large or
We have identified a set of levers that operators can use unlimited data plans. For example, gamers will be happy to
to increase customers’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for 5G pay a price premium for a low-latency plan, professionals for
services, and price them in a manner that will result in optimal a high-reliability plan, and AR/VR enthusiasts for a high-speed
monetization. plan. Finland-based operator Elisa has introduced two new
speed-tiered 5G tariffs: 1Gbps for €50 ($56) per month and
1. Increase data allowances 600Mbps for €40 ($45) per month. On similar lines, AT&T has
also indicated potential pricing of 5G tariff plans based on data
5G networks will be able to transmit greater amounts of data
speeds. 2

without bottlenecks by making use of higher-frequency bands,

and 5G use cases will naturally consume more data for better However, operators need to invest in upgrading network
experiences. Average usage of 200GB/month is realistic if we management and provisioning tools to ensure that such
assume current mobile cellular data usage and add to it the differentiated quality of service is delivered in reality to 5G
consumption required for one hour of 360-degree video, one subscribers.
hour of VR on the move, one hour using AR maps, and four
hours of video streaming in 4K per month. In South Korea, 3. Bundle new breed of 5G applications and services
5G customers are already using three times more data per Just as operators leverage bundling of zero-rated Netflix or
customer than 4G customers over the same time period. Spotify and social media add-ons to generate ARPU uplifts
The data generosity in 5G tariff plans will increase customers’ today, 5G will bring opportunities to sell a new breed of
WTP (effectively the ARPU), as it will meet their usage digital services. This is expected to increase customers’ WTP
requirements and at lower PPGBs. and support premium 5G pricing. 5G apps, services and
engagement models will mature soon, and so will monetization

Factors determining customer’s WTP for 5G

3 Operators can
monetize new data- 4
intensive over-the-top Expensive new 5G
2 Operators can seek
services such as AR/VR device requirements put
experiences and cloud- downward pressure on 5
premiums for faster pricing of 5G services
based gaming apps
speeds, lower latency Aggressive
1 and enhanced reliability competition results in
Increased data volume of the 5G network pricing pressure
increases customers’
Efforts to switch
willingness to pay
(e.g., devices)
New 5G
applications and
Offers from
Better network services Willingness to pay
Increased quality for 5G services
4G prices data quantity

Source: Arthur D. Little analysis

2 Acing 5G pricing

opportunities. In the short term, operators can monetize new

Case study: SK Telecom’s early success in 5G
data-intensive over-the-top (OTT) services, such as cloud-based
gaming and e-learning applications. For example, SKT has In April 2019, all three South Korean operators
started selling its video app, Oksusu’s zero-rated VR experiences simultaneously switched on their 5G networks. After 2
and 4K UHD videos as an add-on service. quarters of 5G journey, market leader SK Telecom stands
out, in terms of its success with 5G. Its attractive 5G offers
Taking learnings from the 4G era, operators need to be part of
the overall digital ecosystem, which thrives on the advanced
infrastructure built by operators, without restricting themselves
n Tiered plans with higher monthly data allowances of
to serving as “pipes”. We expect existing OTT monetization and 8/150/200/300 GB monthly data.
partnership models, such as download, subscription and usage- n ~10% discount against similar LTE plans.
based commissions, advertising, and geo-analytics services to n Promotions for unlimited monthly 5G data.
further increase in the 5G world.
This resulted in a notable uplift for SKT in Q3 2019:
Notably, cost-to-serve per GB of 5G data will be significantly n > 1.5 million 5G subscribers, representing a market
less than 4G data, thanks to enhanced spectral efficiency and share of 44% within 7 months of launch.
traffic capacity of 5G. This will result in a steeper cost elasticity
n 65% increase in average monthly data usage from
curve than the price-elasticity-of-demand (PED) curve. It will
20.4GB (in 4G) to 33.7GB (in 5G).
enable operators to price 5G at much lower PPGBs than 4G
and thus stimulate data demand. Moreover, operators will be n ARPU uplift of ~1.3% for Q3 and 1.7% since 5G launch
able to increase the PED by offering better network quality and in April.
creating more value through added features, which would justify
a premium ARPU. Verizon in the US, and SK Telecom in Korea have introduced 5G
plans bundled with smartphones (in addition to SIM-only plans).
4. Enable migration to 5G handsets
5. Gain advantage before the market becomes
5G requires customers to purchase new devices – from
5G-enabled smartphones to VR wearables. This will require
investment from customers, which is a key barrier to As with 4G, early 5G movers will get a short window of
technology adoption. Given that 5G handsets were launched opportunity to project an image of superior network quality
only recently, they are priced high - for example, Samsung’s versus competition and price 5G on their own terms. However,
first 5G smartphone, the Galaxy S10 5G, is set at around 1,200 in competitive markets where operators are pursuing 5G neck
USD. This reduces customers’ WTP for 5G tariff plans and puts and neck, the competition is a key lever that can push consumer
downward pressure on 5G price points. On the flip side, due 5G pricing downwards. As seen in South Korea, 5G tariff plans
to high device price-points, handset bundling is expected to are priced at a 10 percent discount versus comparable 4G plans.
come back into prominence and result in increased customer These operators’ hope is that customers will move to larger,
stickiness. Several early movers, such as Vodafone/EE in the UK, more expensive data bundles, to satiate their increasing 5G data
5G pricing guidelines

Stages Pricing action Impact

Leverage “5G” branding to position operator as an

Enhance market positioning and brand perception
Introduce 5G devices with attractive financing
Enable early adopters
5G monetization journey

Launch 5G in existing or new bundles with

Attract customers to premium 5G bundles
large/unlimited data
Innovator's play Upsell large 5G bundles to customers on mid-large
Generate an ARPU uplift where possible
4G data bundles
Price 5G at 4G levels, at least till 5G coverage and Attract more customers and manage their
quality is able to meet basic customer expectations expectations

In unlimited data tariffs, introduce speed-/latency- Effectively monetize UL data plans, as monetization
/reliability-based tiers based on data volumes will slowly lose significance
Bring 5G to the masses, capturing customer
Competitive play Introduce 5G in smaller data bundles

As 5G use-cases evolve, introduce use case-based Monetize 5G using innovative add-ons (e.g. AR/VR
service packages & pricing experiences) targeted at specific segments
Commodity play
Source: Arthur D. Little analysis

Acing 5G pricing 3

Challengers in the consumer mobile market are expected Contacts

to price 5G at similar levels or at discount versus current 4G Austria Middle East
prices to gain market share. Pricing 5G similarly to 4G (without [email protected] [email protected]
charging a premium) initially isn’t a bad move because premium Belgium The Netherlands
pricing raises customer expectations of network quality, which [email protected] [email protected]
may not be consistent in the first few months of 5G launch. In China Norway
the US, Verizon pulled back a $10 increase for 5G in its unlimited [email protected] [email protected]
plans after receiving customer complaints about spotty coverage Czech Republic Russian Federation
and quality. [email protected] [email protected]

For 4G, an extreme discounting example was observed in India: France Singapore
duvaud-schelnast.julien@adlittle. [email protected]
Reliance Jio disrupted the market by offering 4G services for com
free for six months. The zero price tag helped the company Spain
Germany [email protected]
acquire a significant market share with over 100m+ customers [email protected]
in record time, and at the same time, customers couldn’t Sweden
India [email protected]
complain about technical glitches because the service was for [email protected]
free. Therefore, delaying monetization to acquire a solid base is a Switzerland
Italy [email protected]
viable strategy, especially for challengers. [email protected]
Japan [email protected]
Way forward for executives [email protected]
Operators must leverage data generosity, QoS, and new 5G Korea [email protected]
applications and services to increase customers’ WTP for 5G [email protected]
services and aim for an ARPU uplift. At the same time, they Latin America [email protected]
need to address downward pressure due to device costs, [email protected]
market competition, and initial coverage/quality glitches. The
right balance between the above factors will help achieve Authors
optimal monetization. Karim Taga, Agron Lasku, Paritosh Mukhija, Pranav Prince,
Even though the extent of these individual factors varies, Kumar Dhruv Soni
based on market context, operator positioning and strategy, we
recommend some common 5G pricing guidelines as operators
Arthur D. Little
embark on their 5G monetization journeys (see figure above). Arthur D. Little has been at the forefront of innovation since
1886. We are an acknowledged thought leader in linking
At the 5G commercial launch, an operator could gain first-
strategy, innovation and transformation in technology-intensive
mover advantage and leverage an “innovator’s play” with
and converging industries. We navigate our clients through
strengthened brand positioning founded on 5G, attractive 5G
changing business ecosystems to uncover new growth
device schemes, and focus on premium large-data-volume
opportunities. We enable our clients to build innovation
tariff plans. This would enable the operator to acquire early
capabilities and transform their organizations.
5G adopters and potentially gain an ARPU uplift by upgrading
mid-to-large 4G customers to 5G. As the 5G ecosystem gains
Our consultants have strong practical industry experience
maturity, the operator should introduce speed-, latency-,
combined with excellent knowledge of key trends and
and reliability-based tiers in tariff plans (for monetization of
dynamics. ADL is present in the most important business
unlimited data plans). We expect 5G pricing to eventually
centers around the world. We are proud to serve most of the
enter a “commodity play” in its matured state. The key for
Fortune 1000 companies, in addition to other leading firms and
gaining pricing advantage then, would be to leverage use case-
public sector organizations.
based service packages. This would allow the operator to still
differentiate and monetize 5G using innovative 5G add-ons.
For further information please visit or
While these guidelines offer valuable actions, how quickly an
operator moves from one action to another depends on its
market context. Copyright © Arthur D. Little Luxembourg S.A. 2019.
Arthur D. Little is helping leading telecom players globally All rights reserved.
in defining and implementing their 5G strategy and value
propositions. Please reach out for more details.

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