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Model Research The National Advisory Committee For Aeronautics, 1915-1958, Volume 2

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NASA SP-4103


The National Advisory

Committee for Aeronautics

Volume 2

Alex Roland

The NASA History Series

Scientific and Technical Information Branch 1985

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC
NASA maintains an internal history program for two principal
reasons: (1) Sponsorship of research in NASA-related history is one way
in which NASA responds to the provision of the National Aeronautics
and Space Act of 1958 that requires NASA to "provide for the widest
practicable and appropriate dissemination of information concerning its
activities and the results thereof." (2) Thoughtful study of NASA history
can help agency managers accomplish the missions assigned to the
agency. Understanding NASA's past aids in understanding its present
situation and illuminates possible future directions.
One advantage of working in contemporary history is access to
participants. During the research phase, the authors conducted numer-
ous interviews. Subsequently they submitted parts of the manuscript to
persons who had participated in or closely observed the events de-
scribed. Readers were asked to point out errors of t_act and questionable
interpretations and to provide supporting evidence. The authors then
made such changes as they believed justified. The opinions and conclu-
sions set forth in this book are those of the authors; no official of the
agency necessarilv endorses those opinions or conclusions.

Roland, Alex, 1944-

Model research.

(The NASA history series) (NASA SP; 4103)

Bibliography: p. 305
Includes index.
!. United States. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics--History. I. Title.
II. Series. III. Series: NASA SP; 4103.
TL521.612.R58 1985 352.0085'6 83-14137
Vol. I
Foreword ........................................................................................... xi
Preface ............................................................................................... xiii
Acknowledgments ............................................................................. xix
1. The Quest for a National Aeronautical Laboratory: Progress,
Preparedness, and Progressivism, 1910-1915 ........................... 1
Like-Minded Men .......................................................... 4
The Chambers Report .................................................. 6
The Woodward Commission Debacle .......................... 10
The Smithsonian Try .................................................... 15
Caesarian Section by Dr. Walcott ................................. 20
2. War Business: A Laboratory and Licensing; Committees and
Engines, 1915-1918 ................................................................... 27
What to Do ................................................................... 27
Engines and Industry .................................................... 34
The Cross-Licensing Agreement .................................. 37
Building a Future .......................................................... 43
Defining the Future ...................................................... 47
3. Advice and Politics, 1919-1926 ................................................. 51
A National Aviation Policy ............................................ 51
The Dangers of Controversy ........................................ 58
Commerce Takes Over ................................................. 65
Saved by the Bill ........................................................... 67
4. Tunnel Vision, 1919-1926 ......................................................... 73
George Lewis: The Organization ................................. 73
The Budget ................................................................... 77
The Langley Laboratory ............................................... 80
Max Munk: The Research Program .............................. 87
5. Working With Industry, 1926-1930 .......................................... 99
The NACA Style ........................................................... 99
Industry as Client .......................................................... 108
The Uses of the Cowling .............................................. 114
Pleasing Everyone ......................................................... 119
6. The Uses of Adversity, 1931-1936 ............................................ 125
Reorganization .............................................................. 126
The Critics Attack ......................................................... 130
The NACA Defense ...................................................... 138
Decline and Recovery ................................................... 142

7. Girding for War, 1936-1941 ...................................................... 147
Domestic Distractions ................................................... 147
The Sunnyvale Laboratory ........................................... 153
The Engine Research Laboratory ................................. 160
The NACA's Role in War ............................................. 166
8. What Price Victory, 1941-1945 ................................................. 173
Before Pearl Harbor ..................................................... 173
Wartime Operations ..................................................... 178
Jet Propulsion ............................................................... 186
Looking Beyond the War ............................................. 194
9. The Writing on the Tunnel Wall, 1946-1950 ........................... 199
The New Scheme of Things ......................................... 199
The Rise of Industry ..................................................... 207
The National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan ..................... 211
Hard Times ................................................................... 221
10. New Genius, Old Bottle, 1945-1950 ......................................... 225
Director of the NACA ................................................... 225
The Transition from War to Peace .............................. 234
Satisfying Industry ........................................................ 242
Whither NACA? ............................................................ 247
11. Doubting Thomases, 1950-1955 ............................................... 259
A Reversal in War ......................................................... 259
The Fat in the Fire ........................................................ 264
The NACA Defense ...................................................... 270
Enough? ........................................................................ 279
12. The End, 1956-1958 .................................................................. 283
The Balance of Power ................................................... 283
The State of the NACA ................................................ 287
Reconstitution ............................................................... 290
From NACA to NASA ................................................... 296
Conclusion .................................................................... 300
Bibliographic Essay ........................................................................... 305
Notes ................................................................................................. 321
Index ................................................................................................. I- 1
Vol. II
A. Legislation .............................................................................. 393
B. Committees ............................................................................ 423
C. Budget .................................................................................... 467
D. Personnel ............................................................................... 483
E. Facilities .................................................................................. 507
F. Research Authorization 201 ................................................... 529
G. Reports ................................................................................... 551
H. Documents ............................................................................. 569
Vol. I
The NACA Main Committee, 1921 ............................................................. ii
Samuel W. Stratton ...................................................................................... 14
Charles D. Walcott ....................................................................................... 16
Jerome C. Hunsaker .................................................................................... 19
Brig. Gen. George P. Scriven ...................................................................... 28
First meeting of the NACA ......................................................................... 29
Main Committee at the White House, 1921 ............................................... 60
George W. Lewis ......................................................................................... 77
Wind tunnel # 1, Langley laboratory ........................................................... 83
Henry J. E. Reid ........................................................................................... 87
George de Bothezat and others, about 1920 .............................................. 90
Max Munk .................................................................................................... 94
Theodore von Kfirmfin, 1926 ...................................................................... 96
Joseph Ames ................................................................................................ 100
The NACA cowling ...................................................................................... 107
Edward P. Warner ....................................................................................... 110
Fourth annual industry conference at Langley, 1929 ................................. 112
NACA workers with cowling, 1929 ............................................................. 114
Model helicopter rotor; airspeed indicator for testing, 1921 ..................... 118
Langley nacelle tests, 1933 .......................................................................... 120
First test in Langley full-scale tunnel, 1931 ................................................ 129
Ninth annual industry conference at Langley, 1934 ................................... 142
NACA Executive Committee meeting, 1936 ............................................... 148
Power-plants engine laboratory at Langley, 1938 ...................................... 161
Annual meeting of the NACA, 1939 ........................................................... 170
Langley 19-foot pressure tunnel, 1943 ....................................................... 171
Smith J. DeFrance ........................................................................................ 174
Edward R. Sharp .......................................................................................... 176
Ditching test of a B-24, 1944 ...................................................................... 180
Test in towing tank #2, Langley ................................................................. 185
William F. Durand ....................................................................................... 190
Gen. H. H. Arnold at Lewis laboratory, 1944 ............................................ 193
In, proved supercharger design, WW II ...................................................... 194
NACA awards for WW II service ................................................................ 196
Lewis retires ................................................................................................. 198
Postwar increase in NASA work, 1947 ........................................................ 200
West area of Langley laboratory, 1948 ....................................................... 201
Airflow pattern, 1947 .................................................................................. 205
Conference at Ames laboratory, 1944 ........................................................ 206
John W. Crowley, Jr ..................................................................................... 212
Hugh L. Dryden at Langley ......................................................................... 227


John F. Victory ............................................................................................. 231

Free-flight tunnel at Langley, 1946 ............................................................. 235
Icing research ............................................................................................... 236
Dryden at Langley, 1951 ............................................................................. 238
Early analog device; Lewis control room .................................................... 240
Airflow from helicopter rotor, 1949 ........................................................... 245
Fire-prevention research .............................................................................. 248
John Stack; D-558 with NACA instrumentation ......................................... 250
Transonic-flow testing ................................................................................. 251
Snark missile in Ames full-scale tunnel ....................................................... 252
Aerial view, Wallops Island facilities, 1947 ................................................. 253
Langley supersonic wind tunnel .................................................................. 254
"Sound barrier" for NACA exhibit, 1947 ................................................... 256
Langley 16-foot high-speed tunnel, 1951 ................................................... 257
Stack receives second Collier trophy .......................................................... 257
Full-scale tunnel at Ames laboratory, 1950 ................................................ 260
Turbojet in test chamber, Lewis laboratory ................................................ 264
Test of Martin jet-powered seaplane, 1953 ................................................ 268
Individual jet-propulsion test, 1954 ............................................................ 271
Douglas Skywarrior in Ames full-scale tunnel ............................................ 272
DC-6 damaged by hail ................................................................................ 274
Test machine for structures research, Langley laboratory ......................... 279
Calibrating supersonic tunnel, Lewis laboratory ........................................ 281
James H. Doolittle sworn in as last NACA chairman ................................. 284
Reentry testing; Allen with blunt-body model ............................................ 286
Portable simulator, Lewis laboratory .......................................................... 289
NACA Executive Committee, 1957 ............................................................. 290

Vol. II

NACA appropriations by fiscal year: 1915-1935, 1936-1959 .................... 476

Total NACA appropriations by fiscal year .................................................. 477
NACA organization chart, 1918 (hypothetical) ........................................... 484
NACA organization chart, 1928 (hypothetical) ........................................... 485
NACA organization chart, 1938 (hypothetical) ........................................... 486
NACA organization chart, 1948 (hypothetical) ........................................... 487
NACA organization chart, 1958 (hypothetical) ........................................... 488
Aerial views of Langley laboratory after WW II ......................................... 509
Ames laboratory after WW II ...................................................................... 510
Lewis laboratory, 1955 ................................................................................ 511
Pilotless Aircraft Research Station, 1955 .................................................... 512
V-173 model in Langley full-scale tunnel, 1941; submarine model in
same tunnel, 1950s ............................................................................... 513
Air-return passage, Langley full-scale tunnel ............................................. 516
Langley 5-foot free-flight tunnel ................................................................. 517
Drawing of 19-foot pressure tunnel at Langley; model of F94F in test
section ................................................................................................... 519

Langley 16-foot high-speed tunnel ............................................................. 520
Inspection of rotor blades, Langley 4-foot supersonic tunnel ................... 522
Automobile parked in Ames full-scale tunnel; vanes in tunnel .................. 525
Schematic of Lewis altitude wind tunnel .................................................... 528
Profile of a boundary layer .......................................................................... 529
Shadowgraph of transition from laminar to turbulent flow ....................... 530
Smoke-flow visualization of wing at varying angles of incidence ............... 531
Separation of boundary layer ...................................................................... 532
Transition from laminar to turbulent flow; maintenance of laminar flow. 534
Camber of an airfoil section ........................................................................ 540
NACA airfoil sections .................................................................................. 540
Eastman Jacobs ............................................................................................ 545
Proposed schedule, supersonic research center ......................................... 703

Appendix A

Part I of this appendix contains the major pieces of legislation that affected the
NACA. The public law number, Congress, session, date passed, and citation in the
United States Statutes at Large are given for each act. Some of the laws are reprinted in
full; for others, only extracts of the section pertaining to the NACA are provided.
The NACA's organic legislation stated "That rules and regulations for the con-
duct of the work of the committee shall be formulated by the committee and approved
by the President." Part II of this appendix contains the various forms of the rules and
regulations under which the Committee operated over the years, from the first set
submitted to President Wilson on 23 April 1915 to the final set approved by President
Truman on 3 May 1949.
The organic act of the NACA was interpreted to be its authorizing legislation, so
its budget was not authorized annually. The Committee's appropriation legislation is
cited in appendix C, along with the handful of authorization acts passed for the NACA
in the 1950s.
The laws printed here are:

Naval Appropriations Act, 1916 (3 March 1915)

Sundry Civil Act, 1919 (1 July 1018)
Sundry Civil Act, 1927 (22 April 1926)
"Air Commerce Act of 1926" (20 May 1026)
Army Air Corps Act (2 July 1926)
Amendment of Army Air Corps Act (3 March 1027)
NACA Membership Act (2 March 1929)
"Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938" (23 June 1038)
NACA Overtime Pay Act (10 February 1942)
"War Overtime Pay Act of 1943" (7 May 1943)
"National Security Act of 1947" (26July 1947)
"Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1948" (30 July 1947)
"Armed Services Procurement Act of 1947" (19 February 1948)
"Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1949" (20 April 1948)
NACA Membership Act (25 May 1948)
NACA Professional Pay Act (13 July 1949)
"Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of 1949" (27 October 1949)
NACA Graduate School Attendance Act (11 April 1950)
Authorization Act (8 August 1950)
"Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1951" (6 September 1950)
NACA Membership Act (3 June 1954)
"Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956" (31 July 1956)
"National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958" (20July 1958)

The rules and regulations printed here are:

George P. Scriven to the president, 23 April 1915, with enclosure

C. D. Walcott to the president, 28 April 1915


Woodrow WilsontoGeneral Scriven,

H. L. Richardsonto thepresident,22 October1915,endorsed by Woodrow
George P.Scriventothepresident,25April1916
Woodrow WilsontoGeorge P.Scriven,27April1916
W.F.Durandto thepresident, 23April 1917,endorsed byWoodrow Wilson,
C.D.Walcottto thepresident,26April 1918,endorsed by WoodrowWilson,
C. D. Walcottto the president, 20 October1919,endorsed by Woodrow
Wilson,25November 1919
Joseph S.Amesto thepresident,23September 1922,endorsed
by WarrenG.
JosephS.Amesto thepresident, 27October1924,endorsed by CalvinCoo-
Joseph S.Amesto thepresident,27April 1927,endorsed byCalvinCoolidge,
J. C.Hunsakerto thepresident,
20October1944,withenclosure endorsed
J. C.Hunsaker to thepresident,
7 February 1949,withenclosure
FinalVersionoftheRulesandRegulations fortheConductoftheWorkof the
AdvisoryCommittee forAeronautics

3 March1915(38Stat.930)
An Act Making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth,
nineteen hundred and sixteen, and for other purposes.
Two paragraphs in this act created the National Advisory Committee for Aeronau-
tics. Though almost lost amidst the 25 pages of text in the United States Statutes at Large,
these few words formed the organic act by which the NACA was to operate for 43
years. The NACA section reads in full:

An Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is hereby established, and the President

is authorized to appoint not to exceed twelve members, to consist of two members
from the War Department, from the office in charge of military aeronautics; two mem-
bers from the Navy Department, from the office in charge of naval aeronautics; a repre-
sentative each of the Smithsonian Institution, of the United States Weather Bureau,
and of the United States Bureau of Standards; together with not more than five addi-
tional persons who shall be acquainted with the needs of aeronautical science, either
civil or military, or skilled in aeronautical engineering or its allied sciences: Provided,
That the members of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, as such, shall serve
without compensation: Provided further, That it shall be the duty of the Advisory Com-
mittee for Aeronautics to supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of
flight, with a view to their practical solution, and to determine the problems which
should be experimentally attacked, and to discuss their solution and their application to
practical questions. In the event of a laboratory or laboratories, either in whole or in
part, being placed under the direction of the committee, the committee may direct and
conduct research and experiment in aeronautics in such laboratory or laboratories: And
provided further, That rules and regulations for the conduct of the work of the com-
mittee shall be formulated by the committee and approved by the President.
That the sum of $5,000 a year, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for five
years is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropri-
ated, to be immediately available, for experimental work and investigations undertaken
by the committee, clerical expenses and supplies, and necessary expenses of members


of the committee in going to, returning from, and while attending meetings of the
committee: Provided, That an annual report to the Congress shall be submitted
through the President, including an itemized statement of expenditures.

Public Law 181, 65th Cong., 2d sess., passed 1 July 1918 (40 Stat. 650)
An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year
ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, and for other purposes.
Provision was made in the NACA annual appropriation for 1919 "That the Secre-
tary of War is authorized and directed to furnish office space to the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics in governmental building occupied by the Signal Corps."
The army did not always comply with this provision, but it was not formally repealed
until 1948.

Public Law 141, 69th Cong., 1st sess., passed 22 April 1926 (44 Stat. 314)
An Act Making apprqOriations for the Executive Office and sundry independent executive
bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927, and for other
The NACA's annual appropriations for fiscal year 1927 provided that the Commit-
tee's laboratory at Hampton, Virginia, should be officially "known as the Langley
Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory." It was renamed in 1948.

Public Law 254, 69th Cong., 1st sess., passed 20 May 1926 (44 Stat. 568)
Air Commerce Act of 1926
The following paragraphs assigned to the secretary of commerce functions previ-
ously performed unofficially by the NACA:

Sec. 2. PROMOTION OF AIR COMMERCE.--It shall be the duty of the Secre-

tary of Commerce to foster air commerce in accordance with the provisions of this Act,
and for such purpose--

(b) To make recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture as to necessary me-

teorological service.
(c) To study the possibilities for the development of air commerce and the aero-
nautical industry and trade in the United States and to collect and disseminate informa-
tion relative thereto and also as regards the existing state of the art.
(d) To advise with the Bureau of Standards and other agencies in the executive
branch of the Government in carrying forward such research and development work as
tends to create improved air navigation facilities. The Secretary of Commerce is au-
thorized to transfer funds available for carrying out the purposes of this subdivision to
any such agency for carrying forward such research and development work in coopera-
tion with the Department of Commerce.
(e) To investigate, record, and make public the causes of accidents in civil air
navigation in the United States.
(f) To exchange with foreign governments through existing governmental chan-
nels information pertaining to civil air navigation.

Public Law 446, 69th Cong., 1st sess., passed 2July 1926 (44 Star. 788)
An Act To provide more effectively for the national defense by increasing the efficiency of the
Air Corps of the Army of the United States, and for other purposes.
This act created the Army Air Corps. Section 10 (r) applied to the NACA.

A board to be known as the patents and design board is hereby created, the three
members of which shall be an Assistant Secretary of War, an Assistant Secretary of the
Navy, and an Assistant Secretary of Commerce. To this board any individual, firm, or


corporation may submit a design for aircraft, aircraft parts, or aeronautical accessories,
and whether patented or unpatentable, the said board upon the recommendation of
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics shall determine whether the use of
such designs by the Government is desirable or necessary, and evaluate the designs so
submitted and fix the worth to the United States of said design, not to exceed $75,000.
The said designer, individual, firm, or corporation may then be offered the sum fixed
by the board for the ownership or a nonexclusive right to the use of the design in air-
craft, aircraft parts, or aeronautical accessories and upon the acceptance thereof shall
execute complete assignment or nonexclusive license to the United States: Provided,
That no sum in excess of $75,000 shall be paid for any one design.

Public Law 748, 69th Cong., 2d sess., passed 3 March 1927 (44 Stat. 1380)
An Act To amend the Act entitled 'An Act To provide more effectively for the national defense
by increasing the efficiency of the Air Corps of the Army of the United States, and for other
purposes,' approved July 2, 1926.
Section 10 (r) of the Army Air Corps of 1926 implied that the patents and design
board could act only in accordance with the recommendations of the NACA, and that
the NACA was to determine whether designs were desirable or necessary to the United
States, This act amended the second sentence of that section so as to compose three
sentences to read as follows:

Any individual, firm, or corporation may submit to the board for its action any
design, whether patented or unpatented, for aircraft, aircraft parts, or aeronautical ac-
cessories. The board shall refer any design so submitted to the National Advisory Com-
mittee for Aeronautics for its recommendation. If and when the committee makes a fa-
vorable recommendation to the board in respect of the design, the board shall then
proceed to determine whether the use of the design by the Government is desirable or
necessary and evaluate the design and fix its worth to the United States in an amount
not to exceed $75,000.

Public Law 908, 70th Cong., 2d sess., passed 2 March 1929 (45 Stat. 1451)
An Act To increase the membership of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

America in Congress assembled, That the membership of the National Advisory Com-
mittee for Aeronautics is hereby increased from twelve members to fifteen members:
Provided, That the three additional members to be appointed by the President shall be
acquainted with the needs of aeronautical science, either civil or military, or skilled in
aeronautical engineering or its allied sciences, and shall serve as such without compen-

Public Law 706, 75th Cong., 3d sess., passed 23June 1938 (52 Stat. 1027)
Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938
This act established the Civil Aeronautics Authority and the Air Safety Board and
entirely rewrote the regulations governing civil aviation in the United States. Two of its
provisions applied to the NACA:

Section 1105. "... Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to authorize
the duplication of the laboratory research facilities of any existing governmental
Section 1107. (e) "The ninth paragraph of the Act approved March 3, 1915 (38
Stat. 930), as amended by the Act of March 2, 1929 (45 Stat. 1451; U.S.C., 1934 ed.,
title 50, sec. 151), is further amended by inserting after the words "naval aeronautics;"
in that paragraph the following: "two members from the Civil Aeronautics Authority;",
by striking out the word "eight" in that paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof the
word "six", and by striking out the colon after the words "allied sciences" and insert-
ing in lieu thereof a period and the following: "The members of the National Advisory


Committee for Aeronautics, not representing governmental agencies, in office on the

date of enactment of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, shall continue to serve as mem-
bers of the committee until the effective date of expiration of the terms of the mem-
bers whom they succeed, except that any such successor, appointed to fill a vacancy
occurring prior to the expiration of a term, shall be appointed only for the unexpired
term of the member whom he succeeds:"

Public Law 450, 77th Cong., 2d sess., passed 10 February 1942 (56 Stat. 88)
An Act Authorizing overtime pay for certain employees of the National Advisory Committee for

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

America in Congress assembled, That compensation for employment in excess of forty
hours in _ny administrative workweek computed at a rate of one and one-half times the
regular rate is hereby authorized to be paid hereafter, under such regulations as the
President may prescribe, to those employees in the field service of the National Advi-
sory Committee for Aeronautics whose overtime services are essential to the national
defense program and whose duties are determined by the President to be comparable
to the duties of those employees of the War Department, the Navy Department, and
the Coast Guard, for whom overtime compensation is authorized under existing law
and regulations: Provided, That in determining the overtime compensation of per
annum employees the base pay for one day shall be considered to be one three-hun-
dred-and-sixtieth of the respective per annum salaries.
Sec. 2. The provisions of this Act shall be effective during the national emergency
declared by the President on September 8, 1939, to exist, and shall terminate June 30,
1943, unless the Congress shall otherwise provide.

Public Law 49, 78th Cong., 1st sess., passed 7 May 1943 (57 Stat. 77)
War Overtime Pay Act of 1943
This act established uniform overtime compensation for employees of the federal
government and repealed Public Law 450 (77th Cong., 2d sess.) passed in 1942 to
authorize overtime for NACA employees.

Public Law 253, 80th Cong., 1st sess., passed 26July 1947 (61 Stat. 501)
National Security Act of 1947
This act created a National Military Establishment with three military departments
under a Secretary of Defense. Technically, the only section affecting the NACA was
section 205 (a):

The Department of War shall hereafter be designated the Department of the

Army, and the title of the Secretary of War shall be changed to Secretary of the Army.
Changes shall be made in the titles of other officers and activities of the Department of
the Army as the Secretary of the Army may determine.

This was a change in name but not substance as far as the NACA was concerned.

Public Law 269, 80th Cong., 1st sess., passed 30July 1947 (61 Star. 600)
Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1948
This act provided "That aircraft and parts, equipment, and supplies may be
transferred to the Committee by the Army and Navy without reimbursement."

Public Law 413, 80th Cong., 2d sess., passed 19 February 1948 (62 Stat. 21)
Armed Services Procurement Act of 1947
This act established procedures and regulations "applicable to all purchases and
contracts for supplies or services made by the Department of the Army, the Depart-


ment of the Navy, the Department of the Air Force, the United States Coast Guard,
and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics."

Public Law 491, 80th Cong., 2d sess., passed 20 April 1948 (62 Stat. 188)

Independent Offices Appropriations Act, 1949

This act provided "That aircraft and parts, equipment, and supplies may be
transferred to the Committee by the Air Force, Army, and Navy without reimburse-
ment," adding the air force to the provision made for the army and navy in the
previous year's appropriations act (passed 30 July 1948).

Public Law 549, 80th Cong., 2d sess., passed 25 May 1948 (62 Stat. 266)
An Act To promote the national defense by increasing the membership of the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

America in Congress assembled, That the eighth paragraph following the caption "Pay,
miscellaneous" in the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the naval service
for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and for other
purposes," approved March 3, 1915 (38 Stat. 930; U.S.C., title 49, sec. 241), as amend-
ed, is hereby amended to read as follows:


"(a) There is hereby established a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (here-
inafter referred to as the 'Committee') to be composed of not more than seventeen
members appointed by the President. Members shall serve as such without compensa-
tion, and shall include two representatives of the Department of the Air Force; two rep-
resentatives of the Department of the Navy, from the office in charge of naval aeronau-
tics; two representatives of the Civil Aeronautics Authority; one representative of the
Smithsonian Institution; one representative of the United States Weather Bureau; one
representative of the National Bureau of Standards; the chairman of the Research and
Development Board of the National Military Establishment; and not more than seven
other members selected from _)ersons acquainted with the needs of aeronautical sci-
ence, either civil or military, or skilled in aeronautical engineering or its allied sciences.
Unless otherwise provided by law, each member not representing a government de-
partment or agency :,hall be appointed for a term of five years from the date of the
expiration of the term of the member whom he succeeds, except that any member ap-
pointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of a term shall be appointed
for the unexpired term of the member whom he succeeds.
"(b) Under such rules and regulations as shall be formulated by the Committee, with
the approval of the President, for the conduct of its work, it shall be the duty of the
Committee (1) to supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of flight with
a view to their practical solution, (2) to determine the problems which should be ex-
perimentally attacked, and to discuss their solution and their application to practical
questions, and (3) to direct and conduct research and experiment in aeronautics in the
Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, the Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, the Flight Propul-
sion Research Laboratory, and in such other laboratory or laboratories as may, in
whole or in part, be placed under the direction of the Committee.
"(c) An annual report to the Congress shall be submitted by the Committee through
the President, including an itemized statement of expenditures."
Sec. 2. Each member of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics not repre-
senting a government department or agency who may be appointed initially to fill any
vacancy created by the increase in the membership of the Committee authorized by the
amendment made by the first section of this Act shall serve under such appointment
for a term expiring December 1, 1950.
Sec. 3. The following parts of Acts are hereby repealed:


(a) That portion of the ninth paragraph following the caption "Pay, miscellaneous", in
the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year
ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and for other purposes", ap-
proved March 3, 1915 (38 Stat. 930; U.S.C., title 49, sec. 243), which reads as follows:
": Provided, That an annual report to the Congress shall be submitted through the
President, including an itemized statement of expenditures".
(b) That portion of the paragraph following the caption "National Advisory Committee
for Aeronautics", in the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil
expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred
and nineteen, and for other purposes", approved July 1, 1918 (40 Stat. 650; U.S.C.,
title 49, sec. 242), which reads as follows: "Provided, That the Secretary of War is au-
thorized and directed to furnish office space to the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics in governmental buildings occupied by the Signal Corps".
(c) The portion of the first paragraph following the caption "National Advisory Com-
mittee for Aeronautics", in the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Ex-
ecutive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and
offices for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927, and for other purposes", approved
April 22, 1926 (44 Stat. 314; U.S.C., title 49, sec. 244), which reads as follows: ", here-
after to be known as the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory".

Public Law 167, 81st Cong., 1st sess., passed 13July 1949 (63 Star. 410)
An Act To amend the Act of August 1, 1947, as amended, to authorize the creation often
professional and sctentific positions in the headquarters and research stations of the National
Advisory. Committee for Aeronautics.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

America in Congress assembled, That the first section of the Act entitled "An Act To
authorize the creation of additional positions in the professional and scientific service
in the War and Navy Departments", approved August 1, 1947, as amended, is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"That (a) the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of
the Air Force are respectively authorized to establish and fix the compensation for,
within their respective departments, not more than thirteen positions each, and the
Secretary of Defense is authorized to establish and fix the compensation for not more
than six positions, each such position being established to effectuate those research
and development functions, relating to the national defense, military and naval medi-
cine, and any and all other activities of the National Military Establishment which re-
quires the services of specially qualified scientific or professional personnel.
"(b) The Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is authorized
to establish and fix the compensation for, in the headquarters and research stations of
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, not to exceed ten positions in the
professional and scientific service, each such position being established in order to
enable the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to secure and retain the serv-
ices of specially qualified personnel necessary in the discharge of the duty of the com-
mittee to supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of flight with a view
to their practical solution.
"(c) The rates of compensation for positions established pursuant to the provisions of
this Act shall not be less than $10,000 per annum nor more than $15,000 per annum
and shall be subject to the approval of the Civil Service Commission."
Sec. 2. Section 3 of such Act of August 1, 1947, as amended, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"Sec. 3. The Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics shall submit to the Congress, not later than December 31 of each
year, a report setting forth the number of positions established pursuant to this Act in
the National Military Establishment and in the headquarters and research stations of
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, respectively, during that calendar
year, and the name, rate of compensation, and description of the qualifications of each
incumbent, together with a statement of the functions performed by each. In any in-


stance where the Secretary or the Chairman, respectively, may consider full public
report on these items detrimental to the national security, he is authorized to omit such
items from his annual report and, in lieu thereof, to present such information in execu-
tive sessions of such committees of the Senate and House of Representatives as the
presiding officers of those bodies shall designate."

Public Law 415, 81st Cong., 1st sess., passed 27 October 1949 (63 Stat. 936)
Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of 1949
This act was Title I of P.L. 415. Title II authorized the Air Engineering Develop-
ment Center.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled,
Sec. 101. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (hereinafter referred
to as the "Committee") and the Secretary of Defense are hereby authorized and
directed jointly to develop a unitary plan for the construction of transsonic and super-
sonic wind-tunnel facilities for the solution of research, development, and evaluation
problems in aeronautics, including the construction of facilities at educational institu-
tions within the continental limits of the United States for training and research in
aeronautics, and to revise the uncompleted portions of the unitary plan from time to
time to accord with changes in national defense requirements and scientific and techni-
cal advances. The Committee and the Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air
Force are authorized to proceed with the construction and equipment of facilities in
implementation of the unitary plan to the extent permitted by appropriations pursuant
to existing authority and the authority contained in titles I and II of this Act. Any fur-
ther implementation of the unitary plan shall be subject to such additional authoriza-
tions as may be approved by Congress.
Sec. 102. The Committee is hereby authorized, in implementation of the unitary
plan, to construct and equip transsonic or supersonic wind tunnels of size, design and
character adequate for the efficient conduct of experimental work in support of long-
range fundamental research, at educational institutions within the Continental United
States, to be selected by the Committee, or to enter into contracts with such institu-
tions to provide for such construction and equipment, at a total cost not to exceed
$10,000,000: Provided, That the Committee may, in its discretion, after consultation
with the Committees on Armed Services of both Houses of the Congress, vest title to
the facilities completed pursuant to this Section in such educational institutions under
such terms and conditions as may be deemed in the best interests of the United States.
Sec. 103. (a) The Committee is hereby authorized to expand the facilities at its
existing laboratories by the construction of additional supersonic wind tunnels, includ-
ing buildings, equipment, and accessory construction, and by the acquisition of land
and installation of utilities.
(b) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary
to carry out the purposes of this section, but not to exceed $136,000,000.
(c) The facilities authorized by this section shall be operated and staffed by the
Committee but shall be available primarily to industry for testing experimental models
in connection with the development of aircraft and missiles. Such tests shall be sched-
uled and conducted in accordance with industry's requirements and allocation of lab-
oratory time shall be made in accordance with the public interest, with proper empha-
sis upon the requirements of each military service and due consideration of civilian

Sec. 104. The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized, in implementation of

the unitary plan, to expand the naval facilities at the David W. Taylor Model Basin,
Carderock, Maryland, by the construction of a wind tunnel, including buildings, equip-
ment, utilities, and accessory construction, at a cost not to exceed $6,600,000.
Sec. 105. The Committee shall submit semiannual written reports to the congress
covering the selection of institutions and contracts entered into pursuant to section 102
of this title together with other pertinent information relative to the Committee's activi-
ties and accomplishments thereunder.


Public Law 472, 81st Cong., 2d sess., passed 11 April 1950 (64 Stat. 43)

,'In Act To promote the national defense and to contribute to more effective aeronautical
research by authorizing professional personnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to
attend accredited graduate schools for research and study.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

America in Congress assembled, That the National Advisory Committee for Aeronau-
tics (hereinafter referred to as the NACA) is authorized to grant to any professional
employee of demonstrated ability, who has served not less than one year in the NACA,
a leave or leaves of absence from his regularly designated duties for the purpose of
allowing such employee to carry on graduate study or research in institutions of learn-
ing accredited as such by the laws of any State.
Sec. 2. Leaves of absence may be granted under authority of this Act only for such
graduate research or study as will contribute materially to the more effective function-
ing of the NACA.
Sec. 3. Leave or leaves of absence which may be granted to any employee under au-
thority of this Act shall not exceed a total of one year.
Sec. 4. Tuition and other incidental academic expenses shall be borne by the
Sec. 5. Any leave of absence granted under the provisions of this Act shall be without
loss of salary or compensation to the employee and shall not be deducted from any
leave of absence with pay authorized by any other law. Any such employee shall make a
definite statement, in writing, that he will return to and, unless involuntarily separated,
will remain in the service of the NACA for a period of six months if the period for
which he is granted such leave of absence does not exceed twelve weeks, or for a
period of one year if the period of leave exceeds twelve weeks. Any employee who does
not fulfill any such commitment shall be required to reimburse the Government for the
amount of leave granted under this Act.
Sec. 6. The total of the sums expended pursuant to this Act, including all sums ex-
pended for the payment of salaries or compensation to employees on leave, shall not
exceed $50,000 in any fiscal year.

Public Law 672, 81st Cong., 2d sess., passed 8 August 1950 (64 Stat. 418)
An Act To promote the national defense by authorizing specifically certain functions of the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics necessary to the effective prosecution of aeronautical
research, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, That the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is hereby au-

(a) to equip, maintain, and operate offices, laboratories, and research sta-
tions under its direction;

(b) to acquire additional land for, undertake additional construction at, and
purchase and install additional equipment for, existing laboratories and research
stations under its direction; and
(c) to purchase and maintain cafeteria equipment.
Sec. 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Defense or
any other governmental agency or any component thereof is authorized to transfer
supplies, equipment, aircraft, and aircraft parts to the Committee without reimburse-
ment: Provided, That such transfers shall be reported by the Committee to the Director
of the Bureau of the Budget in accordance with regulations prescribed by him: Provided
further, That this section shall not be construed as authorizing the transfer of adminis-
trative supplies or equipment: And provided further, That this section shall not be con-
strued as prohibiting the loan of items of any sort to the Committee.
Sec. 3. Statutory provisions prohibiting the payment of compensation to aliens
shall not apply to any persons whose employment is determined by the Committee to
be necessary: Provided, That no such alien shall be employed until he has been cleared


for such appointment as a result of an appropriate security investigation as determined

by the Director of the Committee.
Sec. 4. Section 1, paragraph (b), subparagraph (3), of the Act entitled "An Act to
promote the national defense by increasing the membership of the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics, and for other purposes", approved May 25, 1948, is
hereby amended by striking out the words "Flight Propulsion Laboratory" and by sub-
stituting in lieu thereof the words "Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory."
Sec. 5. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums of money as may be necessary for the
purposes of section 1 (b) of this Act, but not to exceed $16,500,000.
Sec. 6. Appropriations made to carry out the purposes of this Act shall be avail-
able for expenses incident to construction, including Administrative overhead, planning
and surveys, and shall be available until expended when specifically provided in the
appropriation Act.
Sec. 7. Any projects authorized herein may be prosecuted under direct appropria-
tions or authority to enter into contracts in lieu of such appropriation.

Public Law 759, 81st Cong., 2d sess., passed 6 September 1950 (64 Stat. 711)
Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1951
This act stipulated "That no part of this appropriation shall be available for the
operation of a field office outside the continental or territorial limits of the United

Public Law 384, 83d Cong., 2d sess., passed 3June 1954 (68 Stat. 170)
An Act To promote the national defense by including a representative of the Department of
Defense as a member of the National Advisory. Committee for Aeronautics.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, That Public Law 271, Sixty-third Congress, approved March 3, 1915
(38 Stat. 930; 50 U.S.C. 151a), as amended, be amended by striking out "the chairman
of the Research and Development Board of the Department of Defense" and inserting
in lieu thereof "one Department of Defense representative who is acquainted with the
needs of aeronautical research and development."

Public Law 584, 84th Cong., 2d sess., passed 31 July 1956 (70 Star. 761)
Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956
Title V of this act provided for additional scientific and professional positions.
Sec. 510 (b) dealt with the NACA:

The Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is authorized

to establish and fix the compensation for, in the headquarters and research stations of
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, not to exceed thirty positions in the
professional and scientific service, each such position being established in order to
enable the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to secure and retain the serv-
ices of specially qualified personnel necessary in the discharge of the duty of the Com-
mittee to supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of flight with a view
to their practical solution.

Public Law 568, 85th Cong., 2d sess., passed 29July 1958 (72 Star. 426)
National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958
This act created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Section 301
dealt with the NACA:

Sec. 301. (a) The National Advisory ('ommittee fi)r Aeronautics, on the effective
date of this section, shall cease to exist. On such date all functions, powers, duties, and


obligations, andallrealandpersonal property,

personnel (other thanmembers ofthe
Committee), funds, andrecords ofthatorganization,
shall betransferred totheAdmin-
(b)Section 2302oftitle10oftheUnited StatesCode isamended bystrikingout
"ortheExecutive SecretaryoftheNational AdvisoryCommittee forAeronautics." and
inserting inlieuthereof "ortheAdministrator oftheNational Aeronautics andSpace
Administration."; andsection 2303ofsuchtitle10isamended bystriking out"The
National Advisory Committee forAeronautics."andinserting inlieuthereof "TheNa-
tional Aeronautics andSpace Administration."
(c)Thefirstsection oftheActofAugust 26,1950 (5U.S.C. 22-1), isamended by
striking out"theDirector, National Advisory
Committee forAeronautics" andinserting
in lieuthereof "theAdministrator oftheNational Aeronautics andSpace Administra-
tion",andbystriking out"orNational Advisory Committee forAeronautics" andin-
serting inlieuthereof "orNational Aeronautics
andSpace Administration".
(d)TheUnitary WindTunnel PlanActof 1949 (50U.S.C. 511-515) isamended
(1)bystriking out"TheNational AdvisoryCommittee forAeronautics (hereinafter
ferred toasthe'Committee')" andinsertinginlieuthereof "TheAdministrator ofthe
National AeronauticsandSpace Administration(hereinafterreferred toasthe'Admin-
istrator')";(2)bystriking out"Committee" or "Committee's" wherever theyappear
andinserting in lieuthereof "Administrator"and"Administrator's", respectively;
(3)bystriking out"its"wherever it appears
andinserting inlieuthereof "his".
(e)Thissection shalltakeeffect ninetydays afterthedateoftheenactment of
thisAct,oronanyearlier dateonwhich theAdministrator shalldetermine, andan-
nounce byproclamation published intheFederal Register,thattheAdministration has
beenorganized andisprepared todischarge theduties andexercise thepowers con-
ferred uponit bythisAct.



April 23, 1915.

The President of the United States:

1. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved March 3,

1915, authorizing the appointment of an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the
Committee appointed by you assembled as directed by the Secretary of War at 10:00
A.M., this date, all members being present with the exception of Dr. Charles D.
Walcott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.
2. The Committee proceeded at once to effect a temporary organization for the
purpose of formulating and submitting for your approval Rules and Regulations for the
conduct of the work of the Committee.
3. After due consideration the attached "Rules and Regulations" have been
adopted and are submitted for your approval.

Very respectfully,
Brigadier General, _L S. Army, Chairman of the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.




1. The Committee may exercise all the functions authorized in the Act establishing
an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
2. The Committee, under regulations to be established and fees to be fixed, shall
exercise its functions for the military and civil departments of the Government of the
United States, and also for any individual, firm, association, or corporation within the
United States; provided, however, that such department, individual, firm, association,
or corporation shall defray the actual cost involved.
3. No funds shall be expended for the development of inventions, or for experi-
menting with inventions for the benefit of individuals or corporations.



1. The annual meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be held in the city of
Washington, in the District of Columbia, on the Thursday after the third Monday of
October of each year. A semiannual meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be held
on the Thursday after the third Monday in April of each year, at the same place.
2. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by the Executive
Committee, by notice served personally upon or by mail or telegraph to the usual
address of each member at least five days prior to the meeting.
3. Special meetings shall, moreover, be called in the same manner by the Chair-
man upon the written request of five members of the Advisory Committee.
4. If practicable the object of a special meeting should be sent in writing to all
members, and if possible a special meeting should be avoided by obtaining the views of
members by mail or otherwise, both on the question requiring the meeting and on the
question of calling a special meeting.
5. Immediately after each meeting of the Advisory Committee a draft of the
minutes shall be sent to each member for approval.
6. There shall be monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.


1. The officers of the Advisory Committee shall be a Chairman and a Secretary,

who shall be elected by the Committee by ballot, to serve for one year.
2. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have the
usual powers of a presiding officer.


3. The Secretary shall issue notices of meetings of the Committee, record its
transactions, and conduct the correspondence relating to the Committee and to the
duties of his office.


1. There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of seven members,

to be elected by the Advisory Committee by ballot from its membership, for one year.
Any member elected to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of his predecessor's
term. The Executive Committee shall elect its Chairman.
2. The Executive Committee in accordance with the general instructions of the
Advisory Committee, shall control the administration of the affairs of the Committee,
and shall have general supervision of all arrangements for research, and other matters
undertaken or promoted by the Advisory Committee; and shall keep a written record of
all transactions and expenditures, and submit the same to the Advisory Committee at
each stated meeting; and it shall also submit to the Advisory Committee, at the annual
meeting, a report for transmission to the President.
3. The Executive Committee is authorized to collect aeronautical information, and
such portion thereof as may be appropriate may be issued as bulletins or in other

4. There may be sub-committees appointed by the Executive Committee from the

membership of the Advisory Committee.
5. All officers and all members of committees hold office until their successors are
elected or appointed.


1. No expenditure shall be authorized or made except in pursuance of a previous

appropriation by the Advisory Committee, or by authority granted by the Advisory
Committee to the Executive Committee.
2. The fiscal year of the Committee shall commence on the first day of July of
each year.
3. The Executive Committee shall provide for an annual audit of the accounts of
the Advisory Committee, and shall submit to the annual meeting of the Advisory
Committee, a full statement of the finances and work of the committees, and a detailed
estimate of the proposed expenditures for the succeeding fiscal year.
4. The Paymaster General of the Navy shall be the disbursing officer for such
funds as may be appropriated for the use of the Advisory Committee. The Chairman of
the Advisory Committee or the Chairman of the Executive Committee, if authorized by
the Advisory Committee, shall approve all accounts for the disbursement of funds.
5. Contributions of funds or collections for any purpose for aeronautics may be
made to the Smithsonian Institution, and disbursements therefrom shall be made by
the said institution.


1. Amendments to theseRulesandRegulations
maybe madeat anystated
meetingby a two-thirds
voteof theAdvisory
subjectto approval
by the

April 28, 1915.

Dear Mr. President:

I sincerely regret that I was unable to attend the organization meeting of the
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, as I have taken a very deep interest in the
Committee. My absence was owing to the funeral of Mrs. Walcott's father, which
occurred at Bryn Mawr, on the day of the meeting.
I have given careful attention to the Rules and Regulations recommended by the
Committee for your approval. I wish to call attention to one amendment that might
greatly strengthen the work and influence of the Committee.
Paragraph 4, Article 3, provides for the appointment of Sub-Committees by the
Executive Committee, from the membership of the Advisory Committee. One of the strong
arguments used in securing the passage of the provision by Congress granting author-
ity for the appointment of the Advisory Committee, was that Subcommittees could be
appointed, with Chairmen selected from the membership of the Advisory Committee,
and the other members from the Committee or not, as might be deemed most
My suggestion is that the rule should be amended to read as follows:

4. There may be Sub-Committees appointed by the Executive Committee, the

Chairman of which shall be members of the Advisory Committee, and the other mem-
bers may or may not be members of the Advisor3,' Committee.

For instance, if the Chief of the Weather Bureau, who is a member of the Advisory
Committee, should be requested tomake an investigation of the atmosphere with
relation to aeronautics, he could call to his assistance, as members of a Sub-Committee,
the best qualified men in America to cooperate with him in the work, in connection
with the investigations of an Advisory Committee authorized by Congress and ap-
proved by the President of the United States.
A minor suggestion is that Paragraph 4, Article 1, be omitted, as it appears to
pertain to matters of administrative detail not required in the formal rules" of the

I am, sir, with respect, your obedient servant,

/s/ C.D. WALCOT'r.

June 7, 1915.

My dear General Scriven:

I must beg that you and your associates will pardon me for having taken so long
in considering and coming to a conclusion about the enclosed, but I am sure that you
will understand what has withdrawn my attention.
If it is still possible to make amendments of the proposed rules, I would suggest
that paragraph four, article three, be amended to read,


may be subcommittees appointed by the Executive Committee, the chair-
men of which shall be members of the Advisory Committee, and the other members of
which may or may not be members of the Advisory Committee."

I make this suggestion because it seems to me that it would be very wise indeed to
leave the committee free to avail itself whenever it chose of the services of men outside
of the committee who might be willing to cooperate with it. This would, of course, lie
entirely within the committee's choice but might on occasion be very serviceable to it.
Cordially and sincerely yours,

[This amendment was approved by the NACA Executive Committee on 11 June 1915,
submitted to the president as an amendment, and approved by him on 14 June 1915.]

October 22, 1915.

The President:

The following amendment to the Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the
Work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, having been adopted at the
annual meeting of the committee in accordance with Article V of said Regulations, I
have the honor to submit same for your approval:

Article III--COMMITTEES--Section 1

At end of first sentence, change period to comma, and add: "and of the Secretary
of the Advisory Committee, who shall be ex-ofticio Secretary of the Executive

The object of this change is to make the Secretary of the Advisory Committee a
member also of the Executive Committee, of which he is at present merely the
Secretary and not a voting member.
In addition, I have the honor to enclose a copy of the Rules and Regulations for
the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, as
approved on June 14, 1915.
Very respectfully,

Naval Constructor, U.S.N., Secretary.

The White House,
25 October, 1915.
Approved:/s/ WOODROW WILSON.

April 25, 1916.

The President:

I have the honor to submit for your approval the following amendment to the
Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics, which was adopted at the semi-annual meeting of the committee in
accordance with Article V of said Regulations:


Article I--MEETINGS--Section 1

Third line, change "third" to "first", so as to read: "The annual meeting of the
Advisory Committee shall be held in the City of Washington, in the District of Colum-
bia, on the Thursday after the first Monday of October of each year.

The object of advancing the date of the annual meeting is to enable the Advisory
Committee to give consideration to the preparation of estimates of expenses for the
following fiscal year, which are required by law to be submitted by October 15th of
each year.
A copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is attached hereto. I remain,
Very respectfully,
Brigadier General, U. S.A., Chairman.


April 27, 1916.

My dear General Scriven:

Allow me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of April twenty-fifth and to say
that the amendment proposed to Section I of Article I of the Rules and Regulations for
the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, of
which you advise me, has my approval.
Cordially yours,
Brigadier General George P. Scriven
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
State, War & Navy Building.

April 23, 1917.

The President,
The White House.
I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of the Rules and Regulations for the
Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics with certain
amendments that have been approved by a two-thirds vote of the Advisory Committee
as required by Article V of the Rules and Regulations.
The increase in the work of the Committee owing to the great, development in
aeronautical matters necessitates certain changes to facilitate the work of the Commit-
tee. It has been found desirable to have a secretary of the Executive Committee who
may or may not be the Secretary of the Advisory Committee, which necessitates certain
changes in Article III.
The Auditor has advised that a per diem allowance of $4.00 per day be made in
lieu of subsistence while traveling, which is the form usually adopted by the Military
Department. This is provided for in Section 5 of Article III.
The Comptroller ruled that the funds of the Committee should be expended by a
special disbursing agent, and that they could not be disbursed by the Paymaster
General of the Navy. The provision for this is provided for by the changes made in
Article IV.


In viewof theexperience of thepastyear,theAdvisory

thatamendments to theRulesandRegulationsmaybemadebytwo-thirds voteof the
Advisory Committee, subject
toapproval bythePresident.
I havethe honorto statethatthe machinery of the Boardis workingvery
andthatthematterspertaining to Aeronautics
boththeNational DefenseCouncilandtheNavalConsulting Boardareconsidered by
the AdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics,
andthatthereis the closestcooperation
between theMilitaryDepartments, theNational
Committee forAeronautics.
/s/ W.F. DURAND, Chairman.
/S/ S.W. STRATrON, Secretary.

April 26, 1918.

The President:

I have the honor to submit for your approval the following amendments to the
Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics, which were adopted at the semiannual meeting of the committee
on April 18, 1918, in accordance with Article V of said Regulations:
Section 1:
At the end of section change period to comma and add "and an Assistant Secretary
who shall be appointed by the Secretary with the approval of the Executive Commit-
Add new Section 4 as follows:
"4. The Assistant Secretary shall act as administrative assistant to the Secretary, per-
form the usual duties of Chief Clerk, and conduct such general correspondence and
perform such duties of the Secretary of the Executive Committee as may be assigned to

A copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, showing the proposed amendment, is attached

Very respectfully,
/s/ C.D. WALCOT'F, Acting Chairman.
/S/ S.W. STRATrON, Secretary

October 20, 1919.

The President:

I have the honor to submit for your approval the following amendments to the
Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics, which were adopted at the annual meeting of the committee on
October 9, 1919, in accordance with Article V of said Regulations:
Article II, Section 1, line 4--After the word "an" insert "Executive Officer and
an", making the section read as follows:


"1.TheofficersoftheAdvisoryCommittee shallbeaChairman andaSecretary,

whoshallbeelected bytheCommittee byballot,toserve foroneyear,andanExecu-
whoshallbeappointed bytheSecretary
ArticleII, Section4--Renumber asSection 5 andinsertnewSection 4 asfollows:
"4.TheExecutive Officer
theorders oftheExecutiveCom-
mittee.Heshallberesponsibleforthegeneral administration
make recommendationstotheExecutive
Committee inregard tothepreparation and
executionofresearchprograms, thepreparationofestimates,
andtheallotment and
expenditureoffunds.Heshallperformsuch otherdutiesasmaybeassigned tohimby
AcopyoftheRulesandRegulations fortheConduct of theWorkoftheNational
AdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics,showing theproposed amendments, is attached
/s/ C.D. WALCOTr, Chairman.
/s/ S.W. STRA'rrON, Secretary.
The White House,
Nov. 25, 1919.

September 23, 1922.

Mr. President:
I have the honor to submit for your approval two amendments to the Rules and
Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, which have been duly adopted by the Committee in accordance with
Article V of said Regulations:

Amendment No. 1

Article l, Section 1, first sentence--Strike out "first" and insert "third," so as to

read: "The annual meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be held in the City of
Washington, in the District of Columbia, on the Thursday after the third Monday of
October of each year."

The purpose of this amendment is to make it more convenient for all of the
members to attend the annual meeting.

Amendment No. 2

Article III, Section 1, at end of section add: "Subject to approval of the Executive
Committee, he shall fix the hours of labor and rates of pay of all employees: Provided,
That not less than four hours shall constitute a day's labor on Saturdays whenever Sat-
urdays are by law, Executive Order, or custom of the community in which employed,
declared or observed as half-holidays."

The purpose of this amendment is to enable the Committee to grant Saturday

half-holidays the year around to its employees at Langley Field, Hampton, Virginia.
The Comptroller General of the United States has advised that there would be no legal
objection to the proposed regulation. Our Committee deems it desirable in the best
interests of good administration. Langley Field is relatively isolated. Saturdays are not


onlyobserved ashalf-holidaystheyeararoundby themilitaryestablishment andits

civilianemployeesat LangleyField,butarealsogenerally
observedassuchin Hamp-
tonandNewportNews, whereouremployees actually
A copyof theRulesandRegulations fortheConduct of theWorkof theNational
AdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics,
showing theproposed amendment,is attached
Very respectfully,
JOSEeH S. A_ES, Acting Chairman.
/S/ S.W. STRATTON, Secretary.
Approved: June 13/23.

Oc_b_ 2_ 1924.

Mr. President:

I have the honor to submit for your approval three amendments to the Rules and
Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, which have been duly adopted by the Committee in accordance with
Article V of said Regulations:

Amendment No. 1

Article I, Section l--Lines 2 and 3, strike out the words "in the city of Washing-
ton in the District of Columbia"; last line, strike out the words "at the same place," so
as to make this section read: "The annual meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be
held on the Thursday after the third Monday of October of each year. A semiannual
meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be held on the Thursday after the third
Monday in April of each year."

Reason: It has been at times desirable to hold meetings of the entire Committee at
the Committee's research laboratory, and it may be desirable to hold such meetings at
other places.

Amendment No. 2

Article II, Section l--Lines 4 and 5, strike out the words "an Executive Officer"
and insert in lieu thereof the words "a Director of Aeronautical Research."

Reason: Years ago the need for a director of aeronautical research was recognized,
but no qualified man was available. Mr. Lewis, originally employed as Executive Offi-
cer, is now qualified and has in fact been performing the duties of a director of
aeronautical research. In applying the Reclassification Act, it has become desirable to
appoint him as such and to discontinue the position of Executive Officer.

Amendment No. 3

Article II, Section 4, relating to duties of the Executive Officer--Strike out the
entire section and substitute a new section, as follows: "The Director of Aeronautical
Research shall prepare programs for the allocation and coordination of scientific re-
search in aeronautics. He shall direct the prosecution of investigations conducted at the
Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory and of special investigations financed by
the Committee. He shall be ex officio a member of each standing technical subcommit-
tee. He shall conduct the correspondence relating to the duties of his office; prepare
an annual report dealing with the technical activities of the Committee; and perform
such other duties as may be assigned."


Reason: A revision in the statement of duties is necessitated by the change in

designation from Executive Officer to Director of Aeronautical Research.

A copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, showing the proposed amendments, is attached
Very respectfully,

/s/ D.W. TAYLOR, Secretary.
The White House,
October 31, 1924.

April 27, 1927.

Mr. President:
I have the honor to submit for your approval the following amendments to the
Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics which were duly adopted by the Committee in accordance with
Article V of said regulations at the semi-annual meeting of the entire Committee held
on April 21, 1927.

Amendment No. 1

Page 1, add a new rule numbered 4 as follows:

4. The Committee may consider aeronautical inventions and designs submitted to it
and make recommendations to the Patents and Design Board.

The purpose of this amendment is to provide for the discharge by the Committee
of its additional duties imposed by Section 10(r) of the Army Air Corps Act, approved
July 2, 1926, and amended by Act approved March 3, 1927, establishing a Patents and
Design Board for the consideration of aeronautical designs favorably recommended to
it by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Amendment No. 2

Article II, Section 1, amend by inserting the words underscored* and deleting the
words in parentheses.
1. The officers of the Advisory Committee shall be a Chairman and a (Secretary) Vice
Churmmt, who shall be elected by the Committee by ballot to serve for one year, and
a Director of Aeronautical Research and a (an Assistant) Secretary, who shall be ap-
pointed by the (Secretary) Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee.

The purpose of this amendment is to provide for a Vice Chairman to be elected

from the membership of the Committee, and for the appointment by the Chairman of a
Director of Aeronautical Research and a Secretary.

Amendment No. 3

Article II, Section 2, add the words underscored.

2. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have the
usual powers of a presiding officer. In the absence of the chairman the Vice Chair-
man shall act as chairman.

*For technical reasons, underlined copy in original has been printed in bold type.


The purpose of this amendment is to define the status of the Vice Chairman.

Amendment No. 4

Article II, Section 4, renumber as Section 3 and amend by inserting the words under-
scored and deleting the word in parentheses.
3. The Director of Aeronautical Research shall execute the policies and direct the ac-
tivities of the Committee. He shall prepare programs fbr the allocation and coordina-
tion of scientific research in aeronautics (. He), and shall direct the prosecution of in-
vestigations conducted at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory and of special
investigations financed by the Committee. He shall be ex officio a member of each
standing technical subcommittee. He shall conduct the correspondence relating to the
duties of his office; prepare an annual report dealing with the technical activities of the
Committee; and perform such other duties as may be assigned.

The purpose of this amendment is to define more clearly the duties of the
Director of Aeronautical Research.

Amendment No. 5

Article II, Section 3, renumber as Section 4 and amend by adding the words under-
4. The Secretary shall issue notices of meetings of the Committee, record its transac-
tions, and conduct the correspondence relating to the Committee and to the duties of
his office. He shall be ex officio Secretary of the Executive Committee. He shall
direct the administrative work of the Committee and exercise general supervision
over the expenditure of its funds and employment of its personnel.

The purposes of this amendment are to provide that the Secretary of the Commit-
tee shall be the Secretary of the Executive Committee and to define more clearly the
duties of the Secretary.

Amendment No. 6

Article II, Section 5, strike out entire section.

The purpose of this amendment is to abolish the present position of Assistant

Secretary of the Committee.

Amendment No. 7

Article IIl, Section 1, Line 14, strike out "Secretary" and insert "Vice Chairman".

The purposes of this amendment are (1) to provide for the elective position of
Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee, which experience has demonstrated to be
advisable; and (2) to discontinue the practice of electing from the membership a
Secretary of the Executive Committee, as Amendment No. 5 above provides that the
Secretary of the Main Committee shall be ex officio the Secretary of the Executive

Amendment No. 8

Article III, Section 1, Line 23, before "employees" insert "administrative".

The purpose of this amendment is to define more clearly the duties of the
Secretary of the Executive Committee.


Amendment No. 9

Article III, Section 5, amend by inserting the words underscored and deleting the
words in parentheses.
5. Members and employees of the Advisory Committee and of subcommittees may be
allowed traveling expenses and ($4.00) per diem in lieu of subsistence as authorized
by law while traveling under orders of the Committee on official business.

The purpose of this amendment is to remove the obsolete limitation of $4.00 on

the per diem in lieu of subsistence allowed in connection with official travel.
A copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the Work of the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics showing the proposed amendments is attached

Very respectfully,
/s/ JosEPH S. AMES, Chairman.
/s/ D.W. TAYLOR, Secretary.
The White House,
May 17, 1927.

October 20, 1944.

Dear Mr. President:

Attached are two copies of the Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of the
Work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics showing amendments duly
adopted by the Committee October 19, 1944, subject to your approval.
The Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1915, which established the Committee,
provides that "rules and regulations for the conduct of the work of the Committee
shall be formulated by the Committee and approved by the President."
The amendments proposed do not involve any substantive change in policy or
procedure. They are perfecting amendments to meet changes in the law and procedure
which have developed since the last revision seventeen years ago. Your approval is

Yours with respect,




Approved by the President of the United States, June 14, 1915, in accordance with the
provisions of an Act of Congress approved March 3, 1915 (U.S. Code, Title 49, Sec.
With amendments approved by the President up to May 17, 1927.
Showing amendments adopted by the Committee October 19, 1944, subject to the
President's approval: Insert matter underscored; omit matter [in parentheses].



1. The Committee may exercise all the functions authorized in the Act establishing
an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
2. The Committee ( , under regulations to be established and fees to be fixed,)
shall exercise its functions for the military and civil (departments) agencies of the
Government of the United States, and also for any individual, firm, association, or
corporation within the United States; provided, however, that such (department,) indi-
vidual, firm, association, or corporation shall, under regulations to he established and
fees to be fixed, defray the actual cost involved.
3. No funds shall be expended for the development of inventions, or for experi-
menting with inventions for the benefit of individuals or corporations.
4. The Committee may consider aeronautical inventions and designs submitted to
it and make recommendations to the Patents and Design Board.



1. The annual meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be held on the fourth
Thursday (after the third Monday) of October of each year. A semiannual meeting of
the Advisory Committee shall be held on the fourth Thursday (after the third Monday)
in April of each year.
2. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by the (Executive
Committee,) Chairman, by notice served personally upon or by mail or telegraph to the
usual address of each member at least five days prior to the meeting.
3. Special meetings shall, moreover, be called in the same manner by the Chair-
man, upon the (written) request of five members of the Advisory Committee.
4. If practicable the object of a special meeting should be sent in writing to all
members, and if possible a special meeting should be avoided by obtaining the views of
members by mail or otherwise, both on the question requiring the meeting and on the
question of calling a special meeting.
5. Immediately after each meeting of the Advisory Committee a draft of the
minutes shall be sent to each member for approval.
6. There shall be (monthly) meetings of the Executive Committee approximately
monthly, to be held at the call of the Chairman, Executive Committee.


1. The officers of the Advisory Committee shall be a Chairman and a Vice

Chairman, who shall be elected by the Committee by ballot to serve for one year, and a
Director of Aeronautical Research, (and) a Secretary, and an Assistant Secretary, who
shall be appointed by the Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee.


2. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have the
usual powers of a presiding officer. In the absence of the chairman the Vice Chairman
shall act as Chairman.
3. The Director of Aeronautical Research shall execute the policies and direct the
activities of the Committee. He shall prepare programs for the allocation and coordina-
tion of scientific research in aeronautics, and shall direct the prosecution of investiga-
tions conducted at the (Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory) Committee's lab-
oratories and of special investigations financed by the Committee. He shall be ex
officio a member of each standing technical subcommittee. He shall conduct the
correspondence relating to the duties of his office; prepare an annual report dealing
with the technical activities of the Committee and perform such other duties as may be
4. The Secretary shall issue notices of meetings of the Committee, record its
transactions, and conduct the correspondence relating to the Committee and to the
duties of his office, and, upon authorization by the Chairman, may exercise func-
tions required by law to be performed by a head of department or agency. He shall
be ex officio Secretary of the Executive Committee. He shall direct the administrative
work of the Committee and exercise general supervision over the expenditure of its
funds and employment of its personnel.
5. The Assistant Secretary shall supervise and direct the procurement of re-
search equipment, the construction of research facilities, and the procurement and
training of personnel, and in the absence of the Secretary shall direct work of the


1. There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of seven members to

be elected by the Advisory Committee by ballot from its membership, for one year, and
including further, any member of the Advisory Committee, not otherwise a member of
the Executive Committee, but resident in or near Washington, and giving his time
wholly or chiefly to the special work of the Committee. Any member elected to fill a
vacancy shall serve for the remainder of his predecessor's term. The Executive Com-
mittee shall elect its Chairman and Vice Chairman. The Secretary of the Executive
Committee shall issue notices of meetings of the Executive Committee, record its
transactions, conduct the correspondence relating to the Committee and to the duties
of his office, sign requisitions, issue travel orders, have custody of the property and
records of the Committee, and supervise the work of the administrative employees.
Subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, he shall fix the hours of labor and
rates of pay of all employees. Provided, That not less than four hours shall constitute a
day's labor on Saturdays whenever Saturdays are by law, Executive Order, or custom of
the community in which employed, declared or observed as half holidays.
2. The Executive Committee, in accordance with the general instructions of the
Advisory Committee, shall control the administration of the affairs of the Committee;
and shall have general supervision of all arrangements for research, and other matters
undertaken or promoted by the Advisory Committee; and shall keep a written records
of all transactions and expenditures, and submit the same report to the Advisory
Committee at each stated meeting; and it shall also submit to the Advisory Committee,
at the annual meeting, a prepared annual report for transmission to the President.


3. The Executive Committee is authorized to collect aeronautical information, and

such portion thereof as may be appropriate may be issued as bulletins or in other

4. There may be standing subcommittees appointed by the Executive Committee,

the Chairman of which shall be officers or members of the Advisory Committee, and
the other members of which may or may not be members of the Advisory Committee.
There may also be appointed by the Executive Committee special committees and
subcommittees; PROVIDED: That all appointments to standing and special commit-
tees and subcommittees shall be on an annual basis, subject to reappointment.
5. Members and employees of the Advisory Committee and of (subcommittees)
subordinate committees may be allowed traveling expenses and per diem in lieu of
subsistence as authorized by law while traveling under orders of the Committee on
official business.
6. All officers and all members of committees hold omce until their successors are
elected or appointed.


1. No expenditures shall be authorized or made except in pursuance of (a previ-

ous allotment) estimates approved by the Advisory Committee or by the Executive
2. The fiscal year of the Committee shall commence on the first day of July of
each year.
3. The Executive Committee shall provide for an annual audit of the accounts of
the Advisory Committee, and shall submit to the annual meeting of the Advisory
Committee a full statement of the finances and work of the Committee, and a detailed
estimate of the proposed expenditures for the succeeding fiscal year.
4. The Executive Committee shall appoint a special disbursing agent for such
funds as may be appropriated for the use of the Advisory Committee. The Chairman,
or Acting Chairman, of the Executive Committee shall approve all accounts for the
disbursement of funds.

5. Contributions of funds or collections for any purpose for aeronautics may be

made to the Smithsonian Institution, and disbursements therefrom shall be made by
the said institution.


1. Amendments to these rules and regulations may be made by a two-thirds vote

of the Advisory Committee, subject to approval by the President.


Duly adopted October 19, 1944, and recommended for the President's approval in
accordance with law (U.S. Code, Title 49, Sec. 241).
Chairman, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

The White House October 23, 1944.

February 7, 1949.

Dear Mr. President:

In accordance with action of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at
its last meeting I submit herewith Amendments to Article II of its Rules and Regula-
tions duly adopted subject to the approval of the President, as provided in the Act
establishing the Committee approved March 3, 1915 (U.S.C. 1948, Title 50, Section
The changes provide for:
a. A "Director" instead of a "Director of Aeronautical Research," and provide that he
shall be the head of the agency in all matters except those which by law or
regulation require action by the Chairman;
b. An "Executive Secretary" instead of a "Secretary." and provide that he shall be the
assistant head of the agency and shall supervise and direct its administrative work;
c. An Associate Director for Research, who shall supervise and direct the scientific and
technical activities of the agency; and
d. The elimination of the position of Assistant Secretary as an officer of the
The Chairman and members of the Committee meet monthly and constitute in effect a
Board of Directors of a typical American business corporation, serving without com-
pensation. They elect annually a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. The Regulations
provide that "The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall
have the usual powers of a presiding officer. In the absence of the Chairman the Vice
Chairman shall act as Chairman." The position of Chairman corresponds in effect to
that of a "Chairman of the Board" of a business corporation. The Director, the
Executive Secretary, and the Associate Director for Research, are the full time career
executives whose relations to the main Committee, to each other, and to the staff of
approximately 7,000 employees, are quite similar to those of a President, Executive
Vice President, and General Manager of a corporation. They are the executive officers
of the organization who actually manage its affairs.
The purpose of the changes proposed is to clarify and define the status, duties,
and relationship of the new positions of Director, Executive Secretary, and Associate
Director for Research.

/s/ J.C. HUNSAKER, Chairman.



Submitted for Approval of the President

-February 7, 1949


1. The officers of the Advisory Committee shall be a Chairman and a Vice

Chairman, who shall be elected by the Committee by ballot to serve for one year, and a
Director (of Aeronautical Research), an Executive Secretary, and an (Assistant Secre-
tary) Associate Director for Research, who shall be appointed by the Chairman with
the approval of the Executive Committee. The Executive Secretary shall serve as
Secretary of the Committee.
2. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have the
usual powers of a presiding officer. In the absence of the Chairman the Vice Chairman
shall act as Chairman.

3. The Director (of Aeronautical Research) shall execute the policies and direct
the activities of the Committee, and shall be the head of the agency in matters except
those which by law or regulation require action by the Chairman. He shall prepare
programs for the allocation and coordination of scientific research in aeronautics, and
shall direct the prosecution of investigations conducted at the Committee's laboratories
and of special investigations financed by the Committee. He shall be ex officio a
member of each standing technical subcommittee. He shall conduct the correspond-
ence relating to the duties of his office; prepare an annual report dealing with the
technical activities of the Committee and perform such other duties as may be as-
4. The Executive Secretary shall be the assistant head of the agency and shall
supervise and direct its administrative work. He shall issue notices of meetings of the
Committee, record its transactions, and conduct the correspondence relating to the
Committee and to the duties of his office, and, upon authorization by the (Chairman,)
Director, may exercise functions required by law to be performed by a head of
department or agency. He shall be ex officio Secretary of the Executive Committee.
(He shall direct the administrative work of the Committee and exercise general supervi-
sion over the expenditure of its funds and employment of its personnel.)
5. The (Assistant Secretary) Associate Director for Research shall supervise and
direct the (procurement of research equipment, the construction of research facilities,
and the procurement and training of personnel, and in the absence of the Secretary
shall direct the administrative work of the Committee) scientific and technical activi-
ties of the agency.
Approved:/s/ HARRY S TRUMAN.
MAY 3, 1949.



ApprovedbythePresidentof theUnitedStates,
June14,1915,in accordance
of anAct of Congressapproved March3, 1915(U.S.Code,Title 50,
Sec. 151).
With amendments approved by the President up to May 3, 1949.


1. The Committee may exercise all the functions authorized in the Act establishing
an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
2. The Committee shall exercise its functions for the military and civil agencies of
the Government of the United States, and also for any individuat, firm, association, or
corporation within the United States; provided, however, that such individual, firm,
association, or corporation shall, under regulations to be established and fees to be
fixed, defray the actual cost involved.
3. No funds shall be expended for the development of inventions, or for experi-
menting with inventions for the benefit of individuals or corporations.
4. The Committee may consider aeronautical inventions and designs submitted to
it and make recommendations to the Patents and Design Board.



1. The annual meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be held on the fourth
Thursday of October of each year. A semiannual meeting of the Advisory Committee
shall be held on the fourth Thursday in April of each year.
2. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by the Chairman, by
notice served personally upon or by mail or telegraph to the usual address of each
member at least five days prior to the meeting.
3. Special meetings shall, moreover, be called in the same manner by the Chair-
man, upon the request of five members of the Advisory Committee.
4. If practicable the object of a special meeting should be sent in writing to all
members, and if possible a special meeting should be avoided by obtaining the views of


members by mail or otherwise, both on the question requiring the meeting and on the
question of calling a special meeting.
5. Immediately after each meeting of the Advisory Committee a draft of the
minutes shall be sent to each member for approval.
6. There shall be meetings of the Executive Committee approximately monthly, to
be held at the call of the Chairman, Executive Committee.


1. The Officers of the Advisory Committee shall be a Chairman and a Vice

Chairman, who shall be elected by the Committee by ballot to serve for one year, and a
Director, an Executive Secretary, and an Associate Director for Research, who shall be
appointed by the Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Execu-
tive Secretary shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.
2. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have the
usual powers of a presiding officer. In the absence of the Chairman the Vice Chairman
shall act as Chairman.
3. The Director shall execute the policies and direct the activities of the Commit-
tee, and shall be the head of the agency in all matters except those which by law or
regulation require action by the Chairman. He shall prepare programs for the alloca-
tion and coordination of scientific research in aeronautics, and shall direct the prosecu-
tion of investigation conducted at the Committee's laboratories and of special investi-
gations financed by the Committee. He shall be ex officio a member of each standing
technical subcommittee. He shall conduct the correspondence relating to the duties of
his office; prepare an annual report dealing with the technical activities of the Commit-
tee and perform such other duties as may be assigned.
4. The Executive Secretary shall be the assistant head of the agency and shall
supervise and direct its administrative work. He shall issue notices of meetings of the
Committee, record its transactions, and conduct the correspondence relating to the
Committee and to the duties of his office, and, upon authorization by the Director, may
exercise functions required by law to be performed by a head of department or agency.
He shall be ex officio Secretary of the Executive Committee.
5. The Associate Director for Research shall supervise and direct the scientific and
technical activities of the Agency.


1. There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of seven members to

be elected by the Advisory Committee by ballot from its membership, for one year, and
including further, any member of the Advisory Committee, not otherwise a member of
the Executive Committee, but resident in or near Washington, and giving his time
wholly or chiefly to the special work of the Committee. Any member elected to fill a


vacancy shall serve for the remainder of his predecessor's term. The Executive Com-
mittee shall elect its Chairman and a Vice Chairman. The Secretary of the Executive
Committee shall issue notices of meetings of the Executive Committee, record its
transactions, conduct the correspondence relating to the Committee and to the duties
of his office.
2. The Executive Committee in accordance with the general instructions of the
Advisory Committee, shall control the administration of the affairs of the Committee;
shall have general supervision of all arrangements for research, and other matters
undertaken or promoted by the Advisory Committee; shall keep a written record of all
transactions and expenditures, and report to the Advisory Committee at each stated
meeting; and shall also prepare an annual report for transmission to the President.
3. The Executive Committee is authorized to collect aeronautical information, and
such portion thereof as may be appropriate may be issued as bulletins or in other
4. There may be standing committees appointed by the Executive Committee, the
Chairmen of which shall be officers or members of the Advisory Committee, and the
other members of which may or may not be members of the Advisory Committee.
There may also be appointed by the Executive Committee special committees and
subcommittees; PROVIDED: That all appointments to standing and special committees
and subcommittees shall be on an annual basis, subject to reappointment.
5. Members and employees of the Advisory Committee and of subordinate com-
mittees may be allowed traveling expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence as
authorized by law while traveling under orders of the Committee on official business.
6. All officers and all members of committees hold office until their successors are
elected or appointed.


1. No expenditures shall be authorized or made except in'pursuance of estimates

approved by the Advisory Committee or by the Executive Committee.
2. The fiscal year of the Committee shall commence on the first day of July of
each year.
3. The Executive Committee shall submit to the annual meeting of the Advisory
Committee a full statement of the finances and work of the Committee, and a detailed
estimate of the proposed expenditures for the succeeding fiscal year.


1. Amendments to these rules and regulations may be made by a two-thirds vote

of the Advisory Committee, subject to approval by the President.

Appendix B


Public Law 271 (63d Cong., 1st sess.), passed 3 March 1915, established the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, to consist of twelve members: two each
from the army and navy, one each from the Smithsonian Institution, the Weather
Bureau, and the National Bureau of Standards, and five from private life, the last to
"be acquainted with the needs of aeronautical science, either civil or military, or skilled
in aeronautical engineering or its allied sciences." The rati_ of seven government
members to five private members reflected an intent that the Committee serve the
interests of the government, not any faction or sector of the private community.
Public Law 908 (70th Cong., 1st sess.), approved 2 March 1929, increased the
membership from twelve to fifteen. It did not state whether the additional members
were to be from government or private life, only that they were to meet the qualifica-
tions established for private members in the organic act. One purpose of this legisla-
tion was to provide openings on the Committee for representatives of the aeronautical
branch of the Department of Commerce, created by the Air Commerce Act of 1926.
Between 1929 and 1933, one representative of Commerce sat on the Committee,
making a ratio of eight government members to seven private. Thereafter, two repre-
sentauves of Commerce always sat on the Committee, making the ratio for a time nine
to six. In 1938, this custom was made mandatory by the Civil Aeronautics Act (P.L.
706; 75th Cong., 2d sess.), approved 23 June.
In 1948, the ratio of government to private members was changed again by Public
Law 549 (80th Cong., 2d sess.), approved 25 May. This law raised the number of
members to seventeen. The army representatives became air force representatives, and
the government total was increased to ten by the addition of a representative of the
new Department of Defense. Again, as in 1929, the law did not say whether the
remaining seven members were to be drawn from private life or government service.
Most Committee appointments from government service were ex officio: i.e., the
incumbent of a post like head of the air force or secretary of the Smithsonian Institu-
tion was automatically appointed to the NACA. Length of service on the Committee
depended on tenure in the government post, and this varied from agency to agency.
Until 1938, appointments from private life were until the incumbent resigned; after
1938, they were for five years, though often renewed. These policies resulted in a wide
variation in average length of service as a Committee member:

Army .................................................. 3.03* years

Navy ................................................... 2.84 * *
Smithsonian ....................................... 11
Weather Bureau ................................. 14.67
Bureau of Standards .......................... 8.8
Private ................................................ 8.72
Commerce ......................................... 2.63
Defense Department .......................... 1.57
• One member served twice; these figures count him only once.
• *Two members served twice; one served three times; these figures count each of them only


The high rotation rate in the military services obviously put them at a disadvan-
tage compared to the other members. This was partially countered by allowing each
service two chairs. Seldom were both incumbents from the same service rotated
together, so there was more continuity in their representation than these figures
suggest. The Department of Commerce also had two seats to compensate for its high
rate of turnover; the Department of Defense did not.
Table B-1 is a complete listing of all members; Table B-2 is a summary of the
history of each NACA chair. A total of 120 men served on the NACA, some of them
more than once, some in more than one chair. Two men who served on the Committee
in 1958 never received formal appointment because of the pending reconstitution of
the NACA.
The Executive Committee was the real governing body of the NACA. Whereas the
Main Committee met only semiannually, the Executive Committee met almost monthly.
Until 1933, its members were chosen annually by vote of the Main Committee. The
usual practice was to elect all members of the Main Committee who resided in the
Washington area and who could devote a reasonable amount of time to Committee
work. After 1933, all members of the Main Committee automatically belonged to the
Executive Committee, but that did not greatly alter the situation. The Washington
members--usually the government members--still dominated the Executive
The NACA always had a problem of terminology with its committees, one that still
exists. Since the NACA was itself a committee, all the technical committees it spawned
were actually subcommittees, and were for a while so called. But some of these had
subcommittees of their own, inviting the label of sub-subcommittee. Moreover, mem-
bers of the NACA were accustomed to creating ad hoc committees at the drop of a
controversy. The titling of these could become still more complex.
To avoid confusion, the following arbitrary system has been adopted in this
volume. The hierarchy of committees is described as:

• The Committee. (NACA) The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; the
Main Committee. In keeping with the NACA policy, the definite article is always
used with these terms, even though the usage seems awkward today. Though
contemporaries in Europe spoke of NACA (spoken Nacka), its name in the United
States was always "the NACA" (i.e., the N-A-C-A).

• Committee. (C) This term refers to main technical subcommittees of the NACA.
Their unique attribute was that they all were in existence after World War I and
none of them were subcommittees of other technical committees. There were
eleven, of which four--Power Plants for Aircraft, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Construc-
tion, and Operating Problems--had subcommittees.

During World War I, 32 subcommittees of the NACA were formed. All but seven
of them were officially "committees." Only two of them, however, are termed commit-
tees in this volume, the two that survived the 1919 reorganization. All the rest were
terminated at the end of the war; in their brief existence they more closely resembled
what the NACA would later call subcommittees. In fact, even during the war, they were
often referred to as subcommittees of the NACA.

• Subcommittee. (SC) This was a body subordinate to another committee, usually

one of the main technical committees. Most often it was formed to give advice on
a specialized branch of the larger field of aeronautics for which its parent commit-
tee was responsible: e.g., the Lubrication and Wear Subcommittee of the Commit-
tee on Power Plants for Aircraft. Sometimes subcommittees were formed to deal


whenthe problemwassolved:e.g.,the
Subcommittee on theResearch
onMonocoque Design--which wasalso
anexampleofasubcommitteeofa subcommittee
• Special Committee. (SpC) This irregular body was formed ad hoc to deal with
occasional problems, usually political or institutional; for instance, the Special
Committee on the Site for New Engine Research Facility or the Special Committee
on Personnel.

• Special Subcommittee. (SpSC) This body was also formed ad hoc to deal with
occasional problems. These problems, however, were most often technical, as in
the case of the Special Subcommittee on the Upper Atmosphere and the Special
Subcommittee on Research Problems of Transonic Aircraft Design. Special sub-
committees were often converted into standing subcommittees, as for example
Rocket Engines and Vibration and Flutter.

Within these general categories are many anomalies. Some subcommittees, like
Meteorological Problems, had different parent committees at different times. Aircraft
Construction, at different points in its existence, was both a committee and a subcom-
mittee. Jet Propulsion was a special committee, a committee, and a subcommittee.
Many of these bodies changed names and functions over the years while retaining a
core identity that lent continuity to their existence.
The following tables reconstruct, as simply as possible, the most important techni-
cal committees in NACA's history. The criterion for inclusion is their mention in the
NACA Annual Reports. Many other ad hoc committees existed over the years, as the
NACA conducted virtually all its business by committee, especially in the early years.
The 108 technical committees on the list (under 145 different titles) were the most
important. Through them one can trace the Committee's interests and activities over
the years--and the changing state of aeronautical science as well.
Table B-3 lists alphabetically all the technical committees that appeared in the
annual reports. Some committees changed their names as time went-on. For these, one
name appears as the committee's permanent title, usually the one the committee ended
with or the one that most clearly identifies its major interest. Other titles held by the
committee at various times appear only as cross references to the main entry. Thus,
entries for Subcommittees on Supercharger Compressors and Compressors refer the
reader to the Subcommittee on Compressors and Turbines, the name held by the
committee during its last and longest incarnation. Unless otherwise noted, the full
title of all of these technical committees is Committee on . . . or Subcommittee on
• .., etc.
Table B--4 lists all the main technical committees, their other titles, their chair-
men, and the subcommittees and special subcommittees subordinate to them. Table
B-5 lists all the standing subcommittees, their parent committees, other titles, and
chairmen• The remarks section notes those that were clearly successors to other
subcommittees. Table B-6 lists all the special committees and their chairmen; none of
these had other titles or subcommittees. Table B-7 lists all the special subcommittees,
including some that were later converted to standing subcommittees. This table also
lists the parent committees and the chairmen; none of these had other titles.
Tables B-4 through B-7 list the committees in chronological order by year of
origin, and alphabetically within each year group.
Table B-8 lists the numbers of each type of technical committee by year, as given
in the annual report for each year. It shows a fairly steady pattern of growth up to
World War II. The war brought on a spate of special committees and subcommittees;


in the last years of the war, the NACA settled into the pattern that was to dominate its
remaining existence.
Table B-9 shows the composition of the technical committees at 10-year intervals
from 1918 to 1958. Members are classified by affiliation. The category Government,
Military applies to representatives of the armed forces, whether uniformed officers or
not. Government, Civilian includes all others in the service of the federal government.
Private, Industry includes all those whose principal activity was employment in the
aviation industry (either manufacture or operations) or a directly related industry like
fuels or instrumentation.

Table B-1
Members of the NACA Main Committee, 1915-1958

Parentheses around name indicate no formal appointment. Boldface under date of service
indicates membership on initial or final Committee. Parentheses around affiliation indicate

Years of Service Representing

Abbot, Charles G.: Vice chairman, 6/29/28-1/25/45 Smithsonian
EC, 1938-1943
Adams, Joseph F ................................. 11/21/52-12/31/56 CAB
Alison, John R .................................... 8/25/47--4/1/49 Commerce
Ames, Joseph S.: Chairman, EC, 4/2/15-10/7/39 (Johns Hopkins)
1920-1937; Chairman, NACA,
Arnold, Henry H ................................ 10/10/38-4/12/46 Army
Astin, Allen V ..................................... 6/5/52-9/30/58 NBS
Bane, Thurman H .............................. 5/2/19-12/15/22 Army
Bassett, Preston R .............................. 12/3/53-9130158 (Sperry Rand Corp.)
Brett, George H .................................. 3/11/39-1/23/42 Army
Briggs, Lyman J.: Vice chairman, 7/14/33-11/19/45 NBS
NACA, 1942-1945
Bristol, Mark L ................................... 4/2/15-1/10/17 Navy
Bronk, Detlev W.: Vice chairman, 6/25/48-9/30/58 (U. of Penn.), NRC
NACA, 1953-1955; Vice chair-
man, EC, 1955-1958
Burden, William A. M ........................ 8/8/42-7/1/47 Commerce
Burgess, George K ............................. 5/26/23-7/2/32 NBS
Bush, Vannevar: Vice chairman, 8/23/38-11/1/48 (Carnegie Institution)
NACA, 1939; Chairman, NACA, 6/25/48-11/1/48 RDB
1940-8/1/41 ; Chairman, EC,
Carmichael, Leonard: Vice chair- 1/14/53-9/30/58 Smithsonian
man, NACA, 1956-1958
Cassady, John H ................................. 3/11/50-5/13/52 Navy
Clark, V. E .......................................... 2/5/17-6/6/18 Army
Combs, Thomas S .............................. 9/16/52-8/2/56 Navy
Compton, Karl T ................................ 11/1/48-11/10/49 RDB
Condon, Edward U ............................. 11/19/45-9/30/51 NBS
Connolly, Donald H ........................... 9/5/40-3/19/42 CAA
Cook, Arthur B .......... .......................... 5/23/31-6/1/39 Navy
Craigie, Laurence C ............................ 12/15/51-4/19/54 Air Force
Craven, Thomas T ............................. 9/29/19-3/10/21 Navy
Crawford, Frederick C ........................ 12/16/54-9130/58 (Thompson Products,
Curry, John F ...................................... 7/10/24-12/21/26 Army


Years of Service Representing

Damon, Ralph S ................................. 12/3/53-1/4/56 (Trans World Airlines,

Davis, Thomas W. S ........................... 2/27/50-1/20/53 Commerce
Doolittle, James H.: Chairman, 6/25/48-9/30/58 (Shell Oil Co.)
NACA, 1957-1958; Chairman,
EC, 1957-1958
Duncan, Donald B .............................. 2/24/47-1/27/48 Navy
Durand, William F.: Chairman, 4/2115-11/29/33 (Stanford U.)
NACA, 1917-1918 7/23/41-8/24/45 (Stanford U)
Echols, O. P ........................................ 1/23/42-6/11/45 Army
Fagg, Fred D ....................................... 4/23/37-4/16/38 (Northwestern U.)
Fechet, James E .................................. 1/6/28-12/19/31 Army
Fitch, Aubrey W ................................. 8/17/44-7/24/45 Navy
Foote, Paul D ...................................... 10/22/57-9/30/58 DoD
Foulois, Benjamin D ........................... 8/5/29-9/10/30 Army
1/5/32-1/25/36 Army
Freeman, John R.: Chairman, 6/1/18-8/1/19 (Consultant)
NACA, 10/10/18-8/1/19
Furnas, Clifford C .............................. 1/6/56-2/15/57 DoD
Gardner, Matthias B ........................... 5/13/52-3/15/53 Navy
Gillmore, William E ............................ 12/21/26-8/5/29 Army
Gregg, Willis R.: Chairman, EC, 10/10/34-9/14/38 Weather Bureau
Guggenheim, Harry F ........................ 4/5/29-8/23/38 (Guggenheim
Harrison, Lloyd .................................. 7/8/53-7/31/55 Navy
Hayford, John F .................................. 412/15-5/26/23 (Northwestern U.)
Hazen, Ronald M ................................ 4/8/46-12/1/54 (General Motors)
Hester, Clinton M ............................... 8/23/38-8/2/40 CAA
Hinckley, Robert H ............................ 5/20/39-7/1/42 CAA
Hines, Wellington T ........................... 7/18/57-9/30158 Navy
Hunsaker, Jerome C: Chairman, 10/14/22-12/8/23 Navy
NACA, 8/1/41-1956; Chairman, 8/23/38-9/30/58 (MIT)
EC, 8/1/41-1956
Kenly, William L ................................. 6/6/18-3/10/19 Army
Kilner, Walter G ................................. 12/1/39-3/12/40 (Retired)
King, Ernest J ..................................... 7/19/33-6/15/36 Navy
Kraus, Sydney M ................................. 6/17/36-3/19/43 Navy
Land, Emory S .................................... 12/8/23-6/25/29 Navy
Lindbergh, Charles A ......................... 11/6/31-12/1/39 (None)
Littlewood, William ............................ 2/10/44-12/1/53 (American Airlines)
Lonnquest, Theodore C ..................... 6/19/47-9/16/52 Navy
McCain, John S ................................... 10/6/42-7/31/44 Navy
McCarthy, Charles J ........................... 1/14/57-9/30/58 (Chance Vought
Aircraft, Inc.)
MacCracken, William P., Jr., Vice 4/5/29-8/22/38 Commerce
chairman, EC, 10/21/37-8/22/38
McIntosh, Lawrence W ....................... 1/5/23-6/30/24 Army
Marvin, Charles F ............................... 412/15-8/31/34 Weather Bureau
Mead, George J.: Vice chairman, 10/11/39-12/1/43 (United Aircraft Corp.)
NACA, 1940-1942


Years of Service Representing

Menoher, Charles T ........................... 5/2/19-10/21/21 Army

Mitscher, Marc A ................................ 7/24/45-1/14/46 Navy
Moffett, William A .............................. 3/10/21-4/4/33 Navy
Mulligan, Denis .................................. 4/16/38-8/23/38 Commerce
Murray, Robert B ............................... 7/10/53-1/26/54 Commerce
Newton, Byron R ................................ 4/2/15-6/1/18 Treasury
Noble, Edward J ................................. 8/23/38-4/26/39 CAA
Nyrop, Donald W ............................... 4/24/51-10/31/52 CAB
Ofstie, Ralph A ................................... 3/30/53-3/5/55 Navy
Pace, Ernest M .................................... 4/9/43-10/4/44 Navy
Patrick, Mason M ................................ 10/21/21-12/13/27 Army
Pfingstag, Carl J ................................... 8/1/55-5/17/57 Navy
(Pirie, Robert B. [acting]) .................... 5/22/58-9/30/58 Navy
Powers, Edwards M ............................ 6/11/45-3/22/49 Army, Air Force
Pratt, Henry C .................................... 9/10/30-3/23/35 Army
Price, John Dale .................................. 1/27/48-3/11/50 Navy
Pupin, Michael I................................. 4/2/15-10/16/22 (Columbia U.)
Putt, Donald L .................................... 3/22/49-6/30/58 Air Force
Pyle, James T ...................................... 3/1/57-9/30/58 CAA
Quarles, Donald A .............................. 3/2/54-1/6/56 DoD
Radford, Arthur W ............................. 1/17/46-2/1/56 Navy
Raymond, Arthur E ............................ 4/8/46-12/1/56 (Douglas Aircraft Co.)
Reber, Samuel ..................................... 4/2/15-5/26/16 Army
Reichelderfer, Francis W .................... 1/2/39-9/30/58 Weather Bureau
Rentzel, Delos W ................................ 5/18/48-4/9/51 CAA
Richardson, Holden C.: Secretary, 4/2/15-2/10/17 Navy
NACA, 1916; Secretary, EC, 1916
Richardson, Lawrence B ..................... 10/11/44-12/1/46 Navy
Rickenbacker, Edward V .................... 4/14/56-9/30/58 (Eastern Air Lines, Inc.)
Robins, Augustine W ......................... 3/23/35-3/11/39 Army
Rothschild, Louis S ............................ 5/13/55-9/30/58 Commerce
Ryan, Oswald ...................................... 1/27/54-12/31/54 CAB
Sabine, Wallace C ............................... 6/6/18-11/30/18 Army
Saville, Gordon P ............................... 10/19/50-7/31/51 Air Force
Scriven, George P ............................... 4/2/15-2/15/17 Army
Spaatz, Carl ........................................ 4/12/46-6/2/48 Army, Air Force
Squier, George O ............................... 5/29/16-6/6/18 Army
Stevens, Leslie C ................................ 12/1/46-6/16/47 Navy
Stratton, Samuel W.: Secretary, 4/2/15-5/26/23 NBS
NACA, 1917-1923; Secretary, EC, 5/26/23-10/18/31 (MIT)
Taylor, David W.: Secretary, NACA, 2/16/17-10/14/22 Navy
1924-1927; Secretary, EC, 1924- 10/16/22-8/23/38 (Retired)
1927; Vice chairman, NACA,
1927-1938; Vice chairman, EC,
Towers, John H .................................. 1/10/17-8/16/19 Navy
7/6/29-5/23/3 l Navy
5/20/39-9/28/42 Navy
Twining, Nathan F .............................. 4/19/43-8/26/57 Air Force
Vandenberg, Hoyt S ........................... 6/2/48-10/19/50 Air Force


YearsofService Representing
Vidal,Eugene L..................................
Walcott,Charles D.:Chairman, EC, 4/2/15-2/9/27 Smithsonian
Warner,Edward P.............................. 4/5/29-5/14/42 (Aviation
Webster,William ................................3/10/50-7/19/51DoD
Westover,Oscar ................................. 1/25/36-9/21/38Army
Wetmore,Alexander:Vice chair- 1/20/45-12/31/52Smithsonian
Weyerbacher, RalphD....................... 5/31/34-6/15/36Navy
White,Thomas D............................... 8/26/57-9/30/58AirForce
Whitman,WalterG............................ 8/9/51-7/31/53 DoD
Roscoe C.[acting]) ............... 6/30/58-9/$0/58Air Force
Wright,TheodoreP.: Vice chair- 5/14/42-4/8/46 (CornellU.)
man,NACA,1946-1947 4/8/46-5/18/48 CAA

Table B-2

History of Each Chair on the Main Committee

POSITION 1. Filled by the army until 1947, thereafter by the air force. During World
War I, the chief of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps or the Chief Signal Officer
filled the chair. Thereafter, except for 1950-1954, the most senior air officer held the
post. Between World Wars I and II, the rank of the incumbent was major general;
thereafter, with two exceptions, it was general.

1915-1916 Samuel Reber

1916-1918 George O. Squier
1918-1919 William L. Kenly
1919-1921 Charles T. Menoher
1921-1927 Mason M. Patrick
1928-1931 James E. Fechet
1932-1936 Benjamin D. Foulois
1936-1938 Oscar Westover
1938-1946 Henry H. Arnold
1946-1948 Carl Spaatz
1948-1950 Hoyt S. Vandenberg
1950-1951 Gordon P. Saville
1951-1954 Laurence C. Craigie
1954-1957 Nathan F. Twining
1957-1958 Thomas D. White

POSITION 2. Filled by the army until 1947, thereafter by the air force. The incumbent
was generally the head of the engineering, materiel, or research and development
services for the air forces. The rank of the incumbent rose slowly at first, from captain
in 1917 to major in 1926. After that, the incumbent was always a flag officer, by 1958 a
lieutenant general.

1915-1917 George P. Scriven

1917-1918 Virginius E. Clark
1918-1919 Wallace C. Sabine
1919-1922 Thurman H. Bane
1923-1924 Lawrence W. McIntosh
1924-1926 John F. Curry
1926-1929 William E. Gillmore
1929-1930 Benjamin D. Foulois
1930-1935 Henry C. Pratt
1935-1939 Augustine W. Robins
1939-1942 George H. Brett
1942-1945 Oliver P. Echols
1945-1949 Edwards M. Powers
1949-1958 Donald L. Putt
1958 Roscoe C. Wilson (acting)


POSITION 3. After World War I, this chair was filled by the chief naval aviation
officer, the head of the Bureau of Aeronautics (a rear admiral) until 1944, thereafter
the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (air), a vice admiral.

1915-1917 Holden C. Richardson

1917-1919 John H. Towers
1919-1921 Thomas T. Craven
1921-1933 William A. Moffett
1933-1936 Ernest J. King
1936-1939 Arthur B. Cook
1939-1942 John S. Towers
1942-1944 John S. McCain
1944-1945 Aubrey W. Fitch
1945-1946 Marc A. Mitscher
1946-1947 Arthur W. Radford
1947-1948 Donald B. Duncan
1948-1950 John D. Price
1950-1952 John H. Cassady
1952-1953 Matthias B. Gardner
1953-1955 Ralph A. Ofstie
1955-1956 Thomas S. Combs
1956-1958 William V. Davis, Jr.
1958 Robert B. Pirie (acting)

POSITION 4. After World War I, this chair was held by a representative of the
technical branch of naval aviation, generally the asistant chief or other ranking officer
of the Bureau of Aeronautics. After Rear Adm. Taylor resigned in 1922, the rank of
the incumbent varied between captain and commander until World War II. A rear
admiral held the chair from 1943 on.

1915-1916 Mark L. Bristol

1917-1922 David W. Taylor
1922-1923 Jerome C. Hunsaker
1923-1929 Emory S. Land
1929-1931 John H. Towers
1931-1934 Arthur B. Cook
1934-1936 Ralph D. Weyerbacher
1936-1943 Sidney M. Kraus
1943-1944 Ernest M. Pace, Jr.
1944-1946 Lawrence B. Richardson
1946-1947 Leslie C. Stevens
1947-1952 Theodore C. Lonnquest
1952-1953 Thomas S. Combs
1953-1955 Lloyd Harrison
1955-1957 Carl J. Pfingstag
1957-1958 Willington T. Hines


POSITION 5. Always held by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

1915-1927 Charles D. Walcott

1928-1945 Charles G. Abbot
1945-1952 Alexander Wetmore
1952-1958 Leonard Carmichael

POSITION 6. Always held by the Chief of the Weather Bureau.

1915-1934 Charles F. Marvin

1934-1938 Willis R. Gregg
1938-1958 Francis W. Reichelderfer

POSITION 7. Always held by the Director of the National Bureau of Standards.

1915-1923 Samuel W. Stratton

1923-1932 George K. Burgess
1933-1945 Lyman J. Briggs
1945-1951 Edward U. Condon
1952-1958 Allen V. Astin

POSITION 8. Held from 1915 to 1939 by Joseph S. Ames, professor of physics and
later president of Johns Hopkins University, and chairman of the NACA,1927-1939.
Thereafter, the chair was held by industry representatives; the first, George J. Mead,
was also the first man from the aviation industry to sit on the main committee. His
three successors each came from aircraft operating firms.

1915-1939 Joseph S. Ames

1939-1943 George J. Mead
1944-1953 William Littlewood
1953-1956 Ralph S. Damon
1956-1958 Edward V. Rickenbacker

POSITION 9. Until 1948, this chair was held by three longstanding Committee mem-
bers from private life; thereafter it was held by the Department of Defense representa-
tive: the chairman of the Research and Development Board until 1953, thereafter by
the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering).

1915-1922 Michael I. Pupin

1922-1938 David W. Taylor
1938-1948 Vannevar Bush
1948-1949 Karl T. Compton
1950-1951 William Webster
1951-1953 Walter G. Whitman
1954-1956 Donald A. Q uarles
1956-1957 Clifford C. Furnas
1957-1958 Paul D. Foote


POSITION 10. After William F. Durand, an original member, resigned this chair in
1933, it was held by representatives of various aeronautical activities in the Department
of Commerce. Until 1938, this was a courtesy; thereafter, it was required by law.

1915-1933 William F. Durand

1933-1937 Eugene L. Vidal
1937-1938 Fred D. Fagg, Jr.
1938 Denis Mulligan
1938-1939 Edward J. Nobel
1939-1942 Robert H. Hinckley
1942-1947 William A. M. Burden
1947-1949 John R. Alison
1950-1953 Thomas W. S. Davis
1953-1954 Robert B. Murray, Jr.
1954 Oswald Ryan
1955-1958 Louis S. Rothschild

POSITION 11. The incumbent of this chair was always a private citizen. Until World
War II, academics or retirees held the chair; thereafter, representatives of aircraft
engine manu_cturers.

1915-1923 John F. Hayford

1923-1931 Samuel W. Stratton
1931-1939 Charles A. Lindbergh
1939-1940 Walter G. Kilner
1940-1941 Robert E. Doherty
1941-1945 William F. Durand
1946-1954 Ronald M. Hazen
1954-1958 Frederick C. Crawford

POSITION 12. After World War I, during which a representative of the Coast Guard
held this chair, it was occupied by representatives from various walks of private life.

1915-1918 Byron R. Newton

1918-1919 John R. Freeman
1920-1948 Orville Wright
1948-1953 Theodore P. Wright
1953-1958 Preston R. Bassett

After 1929

POSITION 13. Held by a representative of the Commerce Department until 1938,

thereafter by Jerome C. Hunsaker of MIT, chairman of the NACA from 1941 to 1956.

1929-1938 William P. MacCracken, Jr.

1938-1958 Jerome C. Hunsaker


POSITION 14. Held by a private member until 1938, thereafter by the Administrator
of Civil Aeronautics or a member of the Civil Aeronautics Board.

1929-1938 Harry F. Guggenheim

1938-1940 Clinton M. Hester
1940-1942 Donald H. Connolly
1942-1945 Edward P. Warner
1946-1948 Theodore P. Wright
1948-1951 Delos W. Rentzel
1951-1952 Donald W. Nyrop
1952-1956 Joseph P. Adams
1957-1958 James T. Pyle

POSITION 15. Held by private members; after World War II, by representatives of the
airframe manufacturing industry.

1929-1942 Edward P. Warner

1942-1946 Theodore P. Wright
1946-1956 Arthur E. Raymond
1957-1958 Charles J. McCarthy

After 1948

POSITION 16. Held by James H. Doolittle, doctor of science (MIT), vice president of
Shell Oil Company, and chairman of the NACA, 1956-1958.

1948-1958 James H. Doolittle

POSITION 17. Held by Detlev W. Bronk, physicist and physiologist at the University
of Pennsylvania, president of Johns Hopkins University (1948-1953), president of
Rockefeller University (1953-1968), and president of the National Academy of Sciences

1948-1958 Detlev W. Bronk


Table B-3
Alphabetical List of Committee Titles

Aerial Mail Service (SC), 1917

Aero Torpedoes (SC), 1917
Aerodynamic Problems of Transport Construction and Operation (SpSC), 1936
Aerodynamic Stability and Control (SC), 1946-1958
Aerodynamics (CC), 1919-1958
Aeronautic Instruments (SC), 1916-1917
Aeronautical Inventions and Designs (C), 1927-1941
Aeronautical Nomenclature (SC), 1916 (see Nomenclature for Aeronautics)
Aeronautical Research Facilities (SpC), 1939
Aeronautical Research in Educational Institutions (SpC), 1935
Aeronautical Research in Universities (SC), 1928-1930
Aircraft Accidents (C), 1928-1941
Aircraft Communications (SC), 1917
Aircraft Construction (C), 1919-1958
Aircraft Design and Associated Engineering Problems (SC), 1918
Aircraft Fire Prevention (SC), 1948-1954
Aircraft Fuels (SC), 1935-1958
Aircraft Fuels and Lubricants (SC), 1935-1947 (see Aircraft Fuels)
Aircraft Loads (SC), 1948-1958
Aircraft Materials (C), 1936-1943 (see Aircraft Construction)
Aircraft Metals (SC), 1920-1947
Aircraft Methods (see Aircraft Metals) (SC), 1946
Aircraft, Missile, and Spacecraft Aerodynamics (C), 1958 (see Aerodynamics)
Aircraft, Missile, and Spacecraft Construction (C), 1958 (see Aircraft Construc-
Aircraft, Missile, and Spacecraft Propulsion (C), 1958 (see Power Plants for
Aircraft Noise (SpSC,SC), 1952-1958
Aircraft Operating Problems (C), 1958 (see Operating Problems)
Aircraft Structural Design (SC), 1944-1947 (See Aircraft Structures)
Aircraft Structural Materials (SC), 1948-1958 "
Aircraft Structures (SC,C), 1927-1934, 1935-1943, 1948-1957
Aircraft Structures and Materials (C), 1935 (see Aircraft Construction)
Airplane Mapping Committee (SC), 1917
Airships (SC), 1927-1940
Automatic Stabilization and Control (SC), 1956-1958
Bibliography of Aeronautics (SC), 1916-1918
Buildings, Laboratories, and Equipment (SC), 1917-1918
Civil Aerial Transport (SC), 1917-1918
Combustion (SC), 1945-1958
Compressors (SC), 1945-1950 (see Compressors and Turbines)
Compressors and Turbines (SpSC, SC), 1940-1958
Coverings, Dopes, and Protective Coatings (SC), 1920-1930
Deicing Problems (SpSc, SC) 1941-1947 (see Aerodynamics, Icing Problems)
Design, Construction, and Navigation of Aircraft (SC), 1916-1917
Design of Army Semirigid Airship RS-1 (SpC), 1923-1925
Design of Navy Rigid Airship ZR-1 (SpC), 1923
Editorial (SC), 1917-1918
Encouragement and Regulation of Aircraft in Commerce (SpC), 1926


Engine Performance and Operation (SC), 1951-1958

Engine Research Facilities (SpC), 1939-1940
Engineering Problems (SpC), 1917
Exhaust Gas Turbines (SC), 1942 (see Turbines)
Exhaust Gas Turbines and Intercoolers (SpSC), 1940-1941 (see Turbines)
Fireproof Coverings (SC), 1918
Flight Safety (SC), 1955-1958
Fluid Mechanics (SC), 1949-1958
Foreign Representatives (SC), 1917-1919
Free Flight Tests (SC), 1917-1918
Fuel Injection Engine (SC), 1918
Fuels (SC), 1958 (see Aircraft Fuels)
Future Research Facilities (SpC), 1938-1939
Governmental Relations (C), 1916-1930
Heat Exchangers (SC), 1942-1946
Heat-Resisting Alloys (SpSC, SC), 1944-1946 (see Heat-Resisting Materials)
Heat-Resisting Materials (SC), 1944-1958
Helicopter, or Direct-Lift Aircraft (SC), 1917
Helicopters (SC), 1943-1958
High-Speed Aerodynamics (SC), 1946-1958
Icing Problems (SpSC, SC), 1941-1957
Induction-System De-Icing (SpSC, SC), 1940-1946
Industry Consulting (C), 1945-1958
Instruments (SC), 1928-1935
Internal Aerodynamics (SC), 1946-1958 (see Internal Flow)
Internal Flow (SC), 1947-1958
Jet and Turbine Power Plants (SC), 1944 (see Jet Propulsion)
Jet Propulsion (SpC, C, SC), 1941-1944
Landing Fields and Flying Routes (SC), 1918
Light Alloys (SC), 1917-1918
Lightning Hazards to Aircraft (SpSC, SC), 1938-1945
Loads (SC), 1958 (see Aircraft Loads)
Low Speed Aerodynamics (SC), 1957-1958 (see Propellers for Aircraft)
Lubrication and Wear (SC), 1942-1958
Lubrication, Friction, and Wear (SC), 1942-1947 (see Lubrication and Wear)
Materials for Aircraft (C), 1919-1934 (see Aircraft Construction)
Materials Research Coordination (SpC), 1944-1946
Metals (SC), 1920-1934 (see Aircraft Metals)
Metals for Turbosupercharger Wheels and Buckets (SpSC, SC), 1941, 1943
Metals Used in Aircraft (SC), 1935-1943 (see Aircraft Metals)
Meteorological Problems (SC), 1928-1958
Methods and Devices for Testing Aircraft Material and Structures (SC), 1931-
Miscellaneous Materials (SC), 1931-1934 (see Miscellaneous Materials and Ac-
Miscellaneous Materials and Accessories (SC), 1931-1943
Motive Power (C), 1916 (see Power Plants for Aircraft)
Navigation of Aircraft, Aeronautic Instruments, and Accessories (SC), 1918
Nomenclature for Aeronautics (SC), 1916-1918
Nonmetallic Aircraft Materials (SC), 1947 (see Wood and Plastics for Aircraft)
Operating Problems (C), 1942-1958
Patents (SC), 1917
Patents and Design Board (SpC), 1926


Personnel (SpC),1918
Personnel, Buildings, andEquipment (C),1919-1941
Power PlantControls (SC),1952-1958
Power PlantMaterials (SC),1956-1958 (seeHeat-Resisting Materials)
Power Plants(C),1917(seePowerPlants forAircraft)
Power Plants forAircraft(C),1916-1958
Problems ofAir Navigation (C),1928-1935
Problems of Communication (SC),1928-1930
Procedures forUnitaryFacilities (SpC),1954
Propellers forAircraft(SC),1940-1958
Propulsion Systems (SC),1945-1948 (seePropulsion-Systems Analysis)
Propulsion-Systems Analysis (SC),1945-1950
Publications andIntelligence (C),1919-1938
Quarters (SC),1917
Radiator Design (SC),1916-1917
Recovery of Power fromExhaust Gas(SC),1943-1944 (seeTurbines)
Relation oftheAtmosphere toAeronautics (SC),1916-1918
Relation of theNational AdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics to National De-
fensein TimeofWar(SpC),1938
Research Problems ofTransonic AircraftDesign (SpSC), 1948
Research Program onMonocoque Design(SC),1931-1936
Rocket Engines (SpSC, SC),1951-1958
Rotating-Wing Aircraft(SC),1940-1942
Seaplanes (SC),1935-1958
Self-Propelled GuidedMissiles (SpC),1945-1947
SiteforExperimental Field(SC),1916
SiteforNewEngine-Research Facility(SpC),1940
SiteInspection [forNewEngine-Research Facility](SpC),1940
Space Technology (SpC),1958
Specifications for Aeronautic Instruments (SC),1916(seeAeronautic Instru-
Stabilityand Control (SC), 1946-1955 (see Aerodynamic Stability and Control)
Standardization and Investigation of Materials (SC), 1916-1918
Standardization and Investigation of Materials for Aircraft (SC), 1018 (see
Standardization and Investigation of Materials)
Steel Construction for Aircraft (SC), 1017-1018
Structural Loads and Methods of Structural Analysis (SC), 1935 (see Aircraft
Structural Materials (SC), 1958 (see Aircraft Structural Materials)
Structures (SC), 1958 (see Aircraft Structures)
Supercharger Compressors (SpSc, SC), 1940-1944 (see Compressors and Turbines)
Surplus Aircraft Research (SpC), 1946
To Direct Research in Applied Structures (SpSC), 1938-1941
To Make Survey of Techniques and Equipment for Elastic Examination of
Large Aircraft Structures in Lieu of Destruction Tests (SpSC), 1038-1941
Turbines (SC), 1940-1950
Upper Atmosphere (SpSC), 1946-1951,
Vibration and Flutter (SpSC, SC), 1936, 1938-1958
Vibration of Dual-Rotation Propellers for Aircraft (SC), 1042
Welding Problems (SpSC, SC) 1941, 1943
Wood and Plastics for Aircraft (SC), 1944-1947
Woods and Glues (SC), 1920-1030


Table B-4

Chronological List of NACA Committees


Charles D. Walcott, 1916-1926
Charles F. Marvin, 1927-1930


Other Titles
Motive Power, 1916
Power Plants, 1917
Power Plants for Aircraft, 1918-1957
Aircraft, Missile, and Spacecraft Propulsion, 1958
Samuel W. Stratton, 1916-1931
George W. Lewis, 1931-1932 (acting)
William P. MacCracken, 1932-1937
Vannevar Bush, 1938
GeorgeJ. Mead, 1939-1943
William Littlewood, 1944-1945
Ronald M. Hazen, 1946-1954
Frederick C. Crawford, 1955-1958
Fuel Injection Engine, 1918
Aircraft Fuels, 1935-1958
Compressors and Turbines, 1940-1958
Induction-System De-Icing, 1940-1946
Turbines, 1940-1950
Jet Propulsion, 1944
Heat Exchangers, 1942-1946
Lubrication and Wear, 1942-1948
Heat-Resisting Materials, 1944-1958
Combustion, 1945-1958
Propulsion-Systems Analysis, 1945-1950
Engine Performance and Operation, 1951-1958
Rocket Engines, 1951-1958
Power Plant Controls, 1952-1958

Other Titles
Aerodynamics, 1919-1957
Aircraft, Missile, and Spacecraft Aerodynamics, 1958
John F. Hayford, 1919-1922
Joseph F. Ames, 1923-1926
David W. Taylor, 1927-1934
Edward P. Warner,. 1935-1941
Theodore P. Wright, 1942-1953
Preston R. Bassett, 1953-1958


Airships, 1927-1940
Aeronautical Research in Universities, 1928-1930
Meteorological Problems, 1928-1958
Seaplanes, 1935-1958
Propellers for Aircraft, 1940-1958
Rotating-Wing Aircraft, 1940-1942
Vibration of Dual-Rotation Propellers for Aircraft, 1942
Helicopters, 1943-1958
Aerodynamic Stability and Control, 1946-1958
High-Speed Aerodynamics, 1946-1958
Internal Aerodynamics, 1946-1958
Fluid Mechanics, 1949-1958
Automatic Stabilization and Control, 1956-1958
Special Subcommittees
Aerodynamic Problems of Transport Construction and Operation, 1936
Vibration and Flutter, 1936, 1938-1939
Lightning Hazards to Aircraft, 1938-1941, 1943-1944
Deicing Problems, 1941
Upper Atmosphere, 1946-1951
Research Problems of Transonic Aircraft Design, 1948
Successor to the Subcommittee on Aircraft Design and Associated Engineering Prob
lems (1918).


Other Tides
Materials for Aircraft, 1919-1934
Aircraft Structures and Materials, 1935
Aircraft Materials, 1936-1943
Aircraft Constrfictlon, 1944-1957
Aircraft, Missile, and Spacecraft Construction, 1958
Samuel W. Stratton, 1919
Charles F. Marvin, 1920-1922
George K. Burgess, 1923-1932
H. L. Whittemore, 1932-1933 (acting)
Lyman J. Briggs, 1933-1945
Arthur E. Raymond, 1946-1956
Charles J. McCarthy, 1957-1958
Aircraft Metals, 1920-1947
Coverings, Dopes, and Protective Coatings, 1920-1930
Woods and Glues, 1920-1930
Aircraft Structures, 1927-1934, 1944-1958
Methods and Devices for Testing Aircraft Material and Structures, 1931-1935
Miscellaneous Materials and Accessories, 1931-1943
Research Program on Monocoque Design, 1931-1936
Metals for Turbosupercharger Wheels and Buckets, 1941-1943
Welding Problems, 1942
Wood and Plastics for Aircraft, 1944-1947


Aircraft Loads, 1948-1958

Aircraft Structural Materials, 1948-1958
Vibration and Flutter, 1948-1958
Special Subcommittees
To Direct Research in Applied Structures, 1938-1941
To Make Survey of Techniques and Equipment for Elastic Examination of Large
Aircraft Structures in Lieu of Destruction Tests, 1938-1941
Welding Problems, 1941, 1943
Successor to the Subcommittee on Buildings, Laboratories, and Equipment (1917-
Aircraft), 1916-1918. Divided into two committees from 1936 through 1943.


Joseph S. Ames, 1919-1938
Vannevar Bush, 1939-1940
Jerome C. Hunsaker, 1941
Successor to the Subcommittee on Buildings, Laboratories, and Equipment (1917-
1918) and the Special Committee on Personnel (1918). Note that the chairman of
the NACA served as chairman of this committee.


Joseph S. Ames, 1919-1938
Successor to the Subcommittee on Bibliography of Aeronautics (1916-1918), and
Editorial Subcommittee (1916-1918), and the Subcommittee on Foreign Repre-
sentatives (1917-1919).


David W. Taylor, 1927-1934
Lyman J. Briggs, 1935-1941


George K. Burgess, 1928-1930
Edward P. Warner, 1931-1942
Derived from a special committee on nomenclature, subdivision, and classification
of aircraft accidents, 1928.


William P. MacCracken, 1928-1935


Other Titles
Operating Problems, 1942-1957
Aircraft Operating Problems, 1958

Edward P. Warner, 1942-1945
William Littlewood, 1946-1953
Ralph S. Damon, 1954-1955
Edward V. Rickenbacker, 1956-1958
Aircraft Fire Prevention, 1948-1954
Aircraft Noise, 1952-1958
Flight Safety, 1955-1958
Icing Problems, 1942-1957
Lightning Hazards to Aircraft, 1942, 1945
Meteorological Problems, 1942-1958


Lawrence D. Bell, 1945
J. H. Kindelberger, 1946
Lawrence D. Bell, 1947
H. Mansfield Horner, 1948
John K. Northrup, 1949
Robert E. Gross, 1950
Dwayne L. Wallace, 1951
William M. Allen, 1952
Ralph S. Damon, 1953
Mundy I. Peale, 1954
C. W. LaPierre, 1955
William Littlewood, 1956
Leonard S. Hobbs, 1957
John L. Atwood, 1958


Table B-5
Chronological List of NACA Subcommittees


Subcommittee of
Design, Construction, and Navigation of Aircraft
Other Titles
Specifications for Aeronautic Instruments, 1916
Joseph S. Ames, 1916-1917
Succeeded by Subcommittee on Navigation of Aircraft, Aeronautic Instruments and
Accessories in 1918.


Subcommittee of
Charles F. Marvin, 1916-1918


Subcommittee of
George O. Squier, 1916-1917
Succeeded in 1918 by the Subcommittee on Aircraft Design and Associated Engineer-
ing Problems and the Subcommittee on Navigation of Aircraft, Aeronautic Instru-
ments and Accessories.


Subcommittee of
Other Titles
Aeronautical Nomenclature, 1916
Joseph S. Ames, 1916-1918


Subcommittee of
Holden C. Richardson, 1916-1917


Subcommittee of
Charles F. Marvin, 1916-1918



Subcommittee of
Charles D. Walcott, 1916


Subcommittee of
Other Titles
Standardization and Investigation of Materials, 1916-1917
Standardization and Investigation of Materials for Aircraft, 1918
Samuel W. Stratton, 1916-1918
Succeeded in 1919 by the Committee on Materials for Aircraft.


Subcommittee of
George O. Squier, 1917


Subcommittee of
John H. Towers, 1917


Subcommittee of
Michael I. Pupin, 1917


Subcommittee of
George O. Squier, 1917


Subcommittee of
Samuel W. Stratton, 1917-1918
Succeeded in 1919 by the Committee on Personnel, Buildings, and Equipment.



Subcommittee of
William F. Durand, 1917-1918

EDITORIAL, 1917-1918
Subcommittee of
Joseph S. Ames, 1917-1918
Succeeded in 1919 by the Committee on Publications and Intelligence.


Subcommittee of
Charles D. Walcott, 1917
Succeeded in 1919 by the Committee on Publications and Intelligence.


Subcommittee of
John F. Hayford, 1917-1918


Subcommittee of
William F. Durand, 1917
Disbanded 1917; replaced 1940-1942 by the Subcommittee on Rotating-Wing

LIGHT ALLOYS, 1917-1918

Subcommittee of
Standardization and Investigation of Materials
George K. Burgess, 1917-1918

Subcommittee of
Charles D. Walcott, 1917


POLICY, 1917
Subcommittee of
John F. Hayford, 1917

Subcommittee of
Samuel W. Stratton, 1917


Subcommittee of
NACA, 1917
Aircraft Design and Associated Engineering Problems, 1918
William F. Durand, 1917-1918


Subcommittee of
William F. Durand, 1918
Succeeded the Committee on Design, Construction, and Navigation of Aircraft
(1916-1917) and the Special Committee on Engineering Problems, 1917.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Design and Associated Engineering Problems
Joseph S. Ames, 1918


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Leigh M. Griffith, 1918


Subcommittee of
Civil Aerial Transport
H. M. Byllesby, 1918
Colonel Byllesby was the only nonmember of the NACA to chair a subcommittee
during World War I.



Subcommittee of
Joseph S. Ames, 1918
Succeeded the Subcommittee on Aeronautic Instruments (1916-1917) and the
Subcommittee on Design, Construction, and Navigation of Aircraft ( 1916-1917).


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
Other Titles
Metals, 1920-1934
Metals Used in Aircraft, 1935-1943
Aircraft Metals, 1944-1945, 1947
Aircraft Methods, 1946
George K. Burgess, 1920-1924
H. W. Gillette, 1925-1928
H. S. Rawdon, 1929-1943
A. W. Winston, 1944-1945
Paul F. Voigt, 1946-1947
Abolished in 1948 when the Subcommittee on Aircraft Structural Materials was


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
Henry A. Gardner, 1920-1928
Charles H. Helms, 1929-1930
Consolidated into the Subcommittee on Miscellaneous Materials in 1931.

WOODS AND GLUES, 1920-1930

Subcommittee of.
Aircraft Construction
H. L. Whittemore, 1920-1924
George W. Trayer, 1925-1930
Consolidated into the Subcommittee on Miscellaneous Materials in 1931.


Subcommittee of
Materials for Aircraft, 1927-1934
Aircraft Construction, 1944-1958

Other Titles
Aircraft Structures, 1927-1934
Structural Loads and Methods of Structural Analysis, 1935
Committee on Aircraft Structures, 1935-1943
Aircraft Structural Design, 1944-1947
Aircraft Structures, 1948-1957
Structures, 1958
Start Truscott, 1927-1936
LymanJ. Briggs, 1937-1943
Richard L. Templin, 1944-1948, 1953
Charles R. Strang, 1949-1952
George R. Ray, 1954-1956
C. H. Stevenson, 1957-1958
Technically discharged in 1936, hut actually elevated to committee status by
division of the former Committee on Aircraft Structures and Materials. Rejoined
with Aircraft Materials in 1944, and reconstituted as a subcommittee.

AIRSHIPS, 1927-1940
Subcommittee of
Edward P. Warner, 1927-1937
Jerome C. Hunsaker, 1938-1940


Subcommittee of
Charles F. Marvin, 1928-1930
Abolished as its work was taken over by other groups.

INSTRUMENTS, 1928-1935
Subcommittee of
Problems of Air Navigation
Lyman J. Briggs, 1928-1935
Functions overlapped those of the Bureau of Air Commerce. Absorbed in the
Subcommittee on Miscellaneous Materials and Accessories.


Subcommittee of
Problems of Air Navigation, 1928-1934
Aerodynamics, 1935-1941
Operating Problems, 1942-1958
Charles F. Marvin, 1929-1933
Willis Ray Gregg, 1934-1937
Francis W. Reicheldeffer, 1938-1958



Subcommittee of
Problems of Air Navigation
Lloyd Espenschiel, 1928-1930
Discontinued because its functions duplicated those of a committee of the aero-
nautics branch of the Department of Commerce.


STRUCTURES, 1931-1935
Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
HenryJ. E. Reid, 1931-1935
Completed its assignment in 1935 with the publication of special reports; work in
this field thereafter handled by the Subcommittee on Structural Loads and
Methods of Structural Analysis.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
Other Titles
Miscellaneous Materials, 1931-1934
Miscellaneous Materials and Accessories, 1935-1943
Charles H. Helms, 1931-1934
Warren E. Emley, 1935-1943
Successor to the Subcommittee on Coverings, Dopes, and Protective Coatings
(1920-1930) and the Subcommittee on Woods and Glues (1920-1930). Abol-
ished in 1944, when the Aircraft Construction Committee was formed.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Structures of the Committee on Aircraft Construction
George W. Lewis, 1931-1936
Discharged when the Committee on Aircraft Structures and Materials was divided.


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Other Titles
Aircraft Fuels and Lubricants, 1935-1947
Aircraft Fuels, 1948-1957
Fuels, 1958


H. C. Dickinson, 1935-1938
George W. Lewis, 1939
Walter G. Whitman, 1940-1945
William H. Holaday, 1946-1949
J. Bennett Hill, 1950-1952
Daniel P. Barnard, 1953-1955
John L. Cooley, 1956-1957
James A. Reid, 1958

SEAPLANES, 1935-1958
Subcommittee of
Holden C. Richardson, 1935-1937, 1941-1945
Jerome C. Hunsaker, 1938-1940
Grover Loening, 1946-1952
Ernest G. Stout, 1953-1955
Robert S. Hatcher, 1956-1958

VIBRATION AND FLUTI'ER, 1936, 1938-1958

Subcommittee of
Aerodynamics, 1936, 1938-1947
Aircraft Construction, 1948-1958
HenryJ. E. Reid, 1936, 1938-1948
Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, 1949-1951
Martin Goland, 1952-1958


Subcommittee of
Aerodynamics, 1938-1941
Operating Problems, 1942-1945
Delbert M. Little, 1938-1945


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Other Titles
Supercharger Compressors, 1940-1-944
Compressors, 1945-1950
Compressors and Turbines, 1951-1958
Val Cronstedt, 1940-1941
Kenneth Campbell, 1942-1945
John H. Marchant, 1946
Opie Chenoweth, 1947
Arnold H. Redding, 1948
Howard W. Emmons, 1949-1951
Walter Doll, 1952-1955
John M. Wetzler, 1956--1957
George F. Wislicenus, 1958


Absorbed the existing Subcommittee on Turbines in 1951.


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
William C. Lawrence, 1940-1945
Arthur A. Brown, 1946


Subcommittee of
Other Titles
Propellers for Aircraft, 1940-1956
Low Speed Aerodynamics, 1957-1958
Frank W. Caldwell, 1940-1946
Fred E. Weick, 1947
George S. Schairer, 1948-1949
Thomas B. Rhines, 1950-1952
George W. Brady, 1953-1955
Daniel H. Jacobson, 1956
R. Richard Heppe, 1957-1958


Subcommittee of
John Easton, 1940-1942

TURBINES, 1940-1950
Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Other Titles
Exhaust Gas Turbines and Intercoolers, 1940-1941
Exhaust Gas Turbines, 1942
Recovery of Power from Exhaust Gas, 1943-1944
Turbines, 1944-1950
Opie Chenoweth, 1940-1941
John G. Lee, 1942-1947
Ronald B. Smith, 1948
Arnold H. Redding, 1949-1950
Merged in 1951 with the Subcommittee on Compressors and Turbines.


Subcommittee of
Aerodynamics, 1941
Operating Problems, 1942-1957


Other Titles
Deicing Problems, 1941-1947
Icing Problems, 1948-1957
D. W. Tomlinson, 1941
Karl Larson, 1942-1945
Lewis A. Rodert, 1946-1947
Wilson H. Hunter, 1948
R. L. Brien, 1949-1950
Arthur A. Brown, 1951-1952
Wilbur W. Reaser, 1953-1957


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft, 1944
Other Titles
Jet Propulsion, 194 l- 1943
Jet and Turbine Power Plants, 1944
William F. Durand, 1941-1944
A Special Committee in 1941 and 1943; a Committee in 1942. Abolished when the
Subcommittee on Propulsion Systems was created in 1945.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
William L. Badger, 1941-1943
Succeeded in 1944 by the Special Subcommittee on Heat-Resisting Alloys.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
G. F. Jenks, 1941-1942
E. S. Jenkins, 1943
Abolished in 1944, when the Aircraft Construction Committee was formed.


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
W. H. McAdams, 1942-1946
Created when the Special Subcommittee on Exhaust Gas Turbines and Inter-
coolers was changed to the Exhaust Gas Turbines Subcommittee.



Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Other Titles
Lubrication, Friction, and Wear, 1942-1947
Lubrication and Wear, 1948-1958
R.J.S. Pigott, 1942-1944
Arthur Underwood, 1945-1949
E. M. Phillips, 1950-1952
Robert G. Larsen, 1953-1956
Frank W. Wellons, 1957-1958
Changed to Lubrication and Wear when Aircraft Fuels and Lubricants was
changed to Aircraft Fuels.


Subcommittee of
Frank W. Caldwell, 1942

HELICOPTERS, 1943-1958
Subcommittee of
Grover Loening, 1943-1948
Richard H. Prewitt, 1949-1951
Bartram Kelley, 1952-1955
Lee L. Douglas, 1956-1958
Successor to Subcommittee on Rotating-Wing Aircraft (1940-1942), which had
been preceded by the Subcommittee on Helicopters, or Direct-Lift Aircraft


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Other Titles
Heat-Resisting Alloys, 1944-1946
Heat-Resisting Materials, 1947-1955
Power Plant Materials, 1956-1958
William L. Badger, 1944-1946, 1953-1955
Norman L. Mochel, 1947-1949
Arthur W. F. Green, 1950-1952
Rudolph H. Thielemann, 1956-1958
Formed after the discharge of the Special Subcommittee on Metals for Turbosu-
percharger Wheels and Buckets.



Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
Other Titles
Wood and Plastics for Aircraft, 1944-1946
Nonmetallic Aircraft Materials, 1947
Gordon M. Kline, 1944-1947
Succeeded in 1948 by the Subcommittee on Aircraft Structural Materials.

COMBUSTION, 1945-1958
Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Addison M. Rothrock, 1945
Glenn C. Williams, 1946-1948
Bernard Lewis, 1949-1951
John P. Longwell, 1952-1954
Alfred G. Cattaneo, 1955-1958


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Other Titles
Propulsion Systems, 1945-1948
Propulsion-Systems Analysis, 1949-1950
Joseph H. Keenan, 1945-1950
Incorporated the former Subcommittee on Jet Propulsion; abolished in 1951 after
creation of the Special Subcommittee on Rocket Engines.


Subcommittee of
Other Titles
Stability and Control, 1946-1955
Aerodynamic Stability and Control, 1956-1958
L. E. Root, 1946
Walter S. Diehl, 1947-1958


Subcommittee of
Hugh L. Dryden, 1946-1947
Russell G. Robinson, 1948
L. E. Root, 1949
John G. Lee, 1950-1951
Allen E. Puckett, 1952-1955
Clark B. Millikan, 1956-1958


INTERNAL FLOW, 1946-1958

Subcommittee of
Other Titles
Internal Aerodynamics, 1946
Internal Flow, 1947-1958
Joseph H. Keenan, 1947
Stewart Way, 1948-1950
Philip A. Colman, 1951-1953
William J. O'Donnell, 1954-1958


Subcommittee of
Operating Problems
Lewis A. Rodert, 1948-1949
Raymond D. Kelley, 1950-1954
Succeeded by the Subcommittee on Flight Safety.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
Other Titles
Aircraft Loads, 1948-1957
Loads, 1958
Richard L. Schleicher, 1948
George Snyder, 1949-1951
Jerome F. McBrearty, 1952-1956
Ralph B. Davidson, 1957-1958


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
Other Titles
Aircraft Structural Materials, 1948-1957
Structural Materials, 1958
Clyde E. Williams, 1948-1949
Edgar H. Dix, Jr., 1950-1953
Leo Schapiro, 1954-1957
John C. McDonald, 1958
Succeeded the Subcommittee on Aircraft Metals (1920-1947) and the Subcommit-
tee on Woods and Plastics for Aircraft (1944-1947).



Subcommittee of
Clark B. Millikan, 1949-1955
William R. Sears, 1956-1958


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Arnold H. Redding, 1951-1953
Perry W. Pratt, 1954-1957
Don L. Walter, 1958


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Maurice J. Zucrow, 1951-1953
Thomas E. Myers, 1954-1956
Chandler C. Ross, 1957-1958


Subcommittee of
Operating Problems
William Littlewood, 1952-1958


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Martin A. Edwards, 1952-1954
Rudolph Bodemuller, 1955-1957
C. Stark Draper, 1958

FLIGHT SAFETY, 1955-1958

Subcommittee of
Operating Problems
Charles Froesch, 1955-1958
Took over functions of the former Subcommittee on Aircraft Fire Prevention.


Subcommittee of
Warren E. Swanson, 1956-1958


Table B-6

Chronological List of NACA Special Committees


William F. Durand

Joseph S. Ames
Succeeded by the Committee on Personnel, Buildings, and Equipment (1919-


Henry Goldmark


Henry Goldmark


William F. Durand


David W. Taylor


William R. Gregg


Arthur B. Cook


Oscar C. Westover


Charles A. Lindbergh
Entitled Special Survey Committee.


George J. Mead


Vannevar Bush


John F. Victory


William F. Durand
Was a committee in 1942; became a subcommittee of Power Plants in 1944.


George W. Lewis, 1944-1945
Russell G. Robinson, 1946


Hugh L. Dryden


Theodore P. Wright


Hugh L. Dryden


H. Guyford Stever
The Stever Committee, as it was called, had the following subcommittees and
Space Research Objectives, James A. Van Allen
Vehicular Program, Wernher yon Braun
Reentry, Milton O. Clauser
Range, Launch, and Tracking Facilities, James R. Dempsey
Instrumentation, William H. Pickering
Space Surveillance, Hendrick W. Bode
Human Factors and Training, W. Randolph Lovelace


Table B-7

Chronological List of NACA Special Subcommittees


Subcommittee of
Edward P. Warner

VIBRATION AND FLUTI'ER, 1936, 1938-1939

Subcommittee of
Henry J. E. Reid
Became a standing subcommittee in 1940.


Subcommittee of
Delbert M. Little
Became a standing subcommittee in 1942 and 1945.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
L. M. Grant, 1938-1939
Robert S. Hatcher, 1940-1941


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
Richard V. Rhode


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Val Cronstedt
Became a standing subcommittee in 1942.


INDUCTION-SYSTEM DE-ICING, 1940-1941, 1943-1944

Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
William C. Lawrence
Became a standing subcommittee in 1942 and again in 1945.


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Opie Chenoweth
Became a standing subcommittee in 1942.


Subcommittee of
D. W. Tomlinson
Became a standing subcommittee in 1942.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
William L. Badger
Was a subcommittee in 1942.


Subcommittee of
Aircraft Construction
G. F.Jenks, 1941
E. S. Jenkins, 1943
Was a subcommittee in 1942.


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
William L. Badger
Became a standing subcommittee in 1945.


Subcommittee of
Harry Wexler


Subcommittee of
L. E. Root


Subcommittee of
Power Plants for Aircraft
Maurice J. Zucrow, 1951-1953
Thomas E. Myers, 1954
Became a standing subcommittee in 1955.


Subcommittee of
Operating Problems
William Littlewood
Became a standing subcommittee in 1955.


Table B-8
Total Committees, by Year

C, committees; SC, subcommittees; SpC, special committees; SpSC, special subcommittees


1915 0 0 0 0
1916 2 8 0 0
1917 2 16 1 0
1918 2 14 0 0
1919 6 0 0 0
1920 6 3 0 0
1921 6 3 0 0
1922 6 0 0 0
1923 6 3 2 0
1924 6 3 1 0
1925 6 3 1 0
1926 6 3 2 0
1927 7 5 0 0
1928 9 9 0 0
1929 9 9 0 0
1930 9 9 0 0
1931 9 9 0 0
1932 8 8 0 0
1933 8 8 0 0
1934 8 8 0 0
1935 8 10 1 0
1936 7 9 0 2
1937 8 6 0 0
1938 8 6 2 4
1939 7 6 3 4
1940 7 9 3 6
1941 7 8 1 9
1942 6 18 0 0
1943 5 13 1 4
1944 4 15 1 3
1945 5 19 2 0
1946 5 21 3 1
1947 5 19 1 1
1948 5 20 0 2
1949 5 21 0 1
1950 5 21 0 1
1951 5 20 0 2
1952 5 21 0 2
1953 5 21 0 2
1954 5 21 1 2
1955 5 23 0 0
1956 5 24 0 0
1957 5 24 0 0
1958 5 23 1 0


Table B-9
Technical Committee Memberships by Decade, 1918-1958
Technical Committee Membership, 1918

Affiliation* Total C** SC SpC SpSC

NACA, Committee ............... 33 29 (88%) 4 (12%) ...................................

(40%) (56%) (14%) ...................................
NACA, Staff ......................... 4 3 (75%) 1 (25%) ...................................
(5%) (6%) (3%) ...................................
Government, Military .......... 18 13 (72%) 5 (28%) ...................................
(22%) (25%) (17%) ...................................
Government, Civilian .......... 13 5 (38%) 8 (62%) ...................................
(16%) (10%) (28%) ...................................
Private, Industry .................. 9 1 (11%) 8 (89%) ...................................
(11%) (2%) (28%) ...................................
Private, Other ...................... 4 1 (25%) 3 (75%) ...................................
(5%) (2%) (10%) ...................................

81 52 (66%) 29 (34%) ..................


NC ................................. 14 11 (79%) 3(21%) ...................................

NS ................................. 1 .................. l (100%) ...................................
GM ................................ 1 .................. 1 (100%) ...................................
GC ..........................................................................................................................

PI ...........................................................................................................................
PO ..........................................................................................................................

16 11 (69%) 5 (31%) ...................................

*Affiliations of two members could not be determined.

**For purposes of this table only, the definition of committees and subcommittees is that
given in the Annual Report for 1918.

Technical Committee Membership, 1928

Affiliation Total C SC SpC SpSC

NACA, Committee ............... 21 18 (86%) 3 (14%) ..................

(15%) (25%) (5%) ..................
NACA, Staff ......................... 25 12 (48%) 13 (52%) ..................
(17%) (17%) (23%) ..................
Government, Military .......... 29 17 (59%) 12 (41%) ..................
(20%) (24%) (21%)
Government, Civilian .......... 31 11 (35%) 20 (57%)
(22%) (15%) (36%)
Private, Industry .................. 19 6 (32%) 13 (68%)
(13%) (8%) (23%)
Private, Other ...................... 18 8 (44%) mo(56%)
(13%) (11%) (18%)
143 72 (50%) 71 (50%) ..................

Affiliation Total C SC SpC SpSC

NC ................................. 11 9 (100%) 2 (22%) ..................
N8 ................................. 1 .................. 1 (11%) ..................
GM ................................ l .................. l (ll%) ..................
GC ................................. 3 .................. 1 (ll%) ..................
PI .................................. 1 .................. 1 (ll%) ..................
PO ................................. 1 ......................................................

18 9 6 ..................

Technical Committee Membership, 1938

Affiliation Total C SC SpC SpSC

NACA, Committee .............. 26 16 (62%) 3 (12%) 7 (27%) ..................

(15%) (20%) (5%) (88%) ..................
NACA, Staff ........................ 33 14 (42%) 10 (30%) t (3%) 8 (24%)
(19%) (18%) (19%) (12%) (24%)
Government, Military .......... 50 22 (44%) 17 (34%) .................... 11 (22%)
(29%) (30%) (31%) .................... (33%)
Government, Civilian .......... 47 20 (43%) 17 (36%) .................... 10 (21%)
(27%) (25%) (31%) .................... (30%)
Private, Industry .................. 16 8 (50%) 5 (32%) .................... 3 (19%)
Private, Other ..................... 3 .................... 2 (67%) .................... 1 (33%)
(2%) .................... (4%) .................... (3%)

175 80 (46%) 54 (31%) 8 (5%) 33 (19%)

NC ................................ 11 8 (100%) 3 (50%) 2 (100%) ..................
N8 ................................ 2 ............................................................ 2 (50%)
GM ............................... 1 ............................................................ 1 (25%)
GC ................................ 4 .................... 3 (50%) .................... 1 (25%)
PI ....................................................................................................................................

PO ................................ 0 ..............................................................................

20 8 6 2 4

Technical Committee Membership, 1948

Affiliation Total C SC SpC SpSC

NACA, Committee .............. 1 1(100%) ..........................................................

(-) (1%) ..........................................................
NACA, Staff ........................ 55 12 (22%) 39 (71%) .................... 4 (7%)
(14%) (15%) (14%) .................... (11%)
Government, Military .......... 91 15 (16%) 67 (74%) .................... 9 (10%)
(24%) (19%) (25%) .................... (26%)
Government, Civilian .......... 37 6 (16%) 29 (78%) .................... 2 (5%)
(10%) (8%) (11%) .................... (6%)


Affiliation Total C SC SpC SpSC

Private, Industry .................. 154 34 (22%) 105 (68%) .................... 15 (10%)

(4O%) (44%) (39%) .................... (43%)
Private, Other ...................... 46 10 (22%) 31 (67%) .................... 5 (11%)
(12%) (13%) (11%) .................... (14%)

384 78 (20%) 271 (71%) 0 35 (9%)

NC ................................ 1 .................... 1 (5%) ......................................
NS ................................
4 .................... 4 (20%) ......................................
GM ............................... 1 .................... 1 (5%) ......................................
GC ................................
1 ............................................................ 1 (50%)
PI .................................. 16 4 (80%) 11 (55%) .................... 1 (50%)
PO ................................ 4 1 (20%) 3 (15%) ......................................

27 5 20 .................... 2

Technical Committee Membership, 1958

Affiliation Total C SC SpC SpSC

NACA, Committee .............. 2 1 (50%) 1 (50%)

(--) (1%) (--)
NACA, Staff ........................ 112 16 (14%) 77 (69%) 5 (4%) 14 (13%)
(17%) (15%) (15%) (28%) (21%)
Government, Military .......... 147 20 (14%) 110 (75%) 3 (2%) 14 (10%)
(23%) (19%) (24%) (17%) (21%)
Government, Civilian .......... 32 6 (19%) 26 (81%)
(5%) (6%) (6%)
Private, Industry .................. 288 53 (18%) 204 (71%) 5 (2%) 26 (9%)
(44%) (50%) (44%) (28%) (39%)
Private, Other ..................... 71 11 (15%) 42 (59%) 5 (7%) 13 (18%)
(11%) (10%) (9%) (28%) (19%)

652 107 (16%) 460 (71%) 18 (3%) 67 (10%)

NC ................................ 1 .................... 1 (4%) ......................................
NS ................................ 0 ..............................................................................

GM ............................... 1 ............................................................ 1 (14%)

GC ................................ 0 ..............................................................................

PI .................................. 24 5 (100%) 16 (70%) .................... 3 (43%)

PO ................................ 10 .................... 6 (26%) 1 (100%) 3 (43%)

36 5 23 1 7

Appendix C

The NACA received its funding from two sources: direct congressional appropria-
tions, and transfers from other government agencies. By far the most important was
the congressional appropriation. Table C-I lists all major NACA appropriations by the
fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated. Note that the appropriating legisla-
tion may have passed well before or after the year for which the funds were intended.
For the sake of simplicity, four classes of appropriations have been excluded from this
(1) Deficiency-act appropriations for certified claims of less than $1,000. These
were generally for accident damage or unpaid balances on contracts. When money
was appropriated to the NACA for such purposes, the legislation is listed under
the appropriate fiscal year and the sum entered in brackets. Bracketed figures are
not included in the total appropriation.
(2) Special appropriations for NACA participation in fairs and expositions like the
Chicago World's Fair of 1933.
(3) Foreign-service adjustment pay for John J. Ide and his staff in the Paris office.
(4) Several general-appropriation acts were applicable to all government agencies.
For example, the Legislative Acts of 1919, 1920, and 1921 are not listed. Each
provided a pay raise for government employees, but the total amount going to the
NACA has not been determined. The pay raises of 1923 and 1924 are included
because the amount received by the NACA is known.
The figures in Table C-1 may vary from those reported by the NACA. There are
several reasons for this: When funds were appropriated for two years, the table will list
them under the first year, while the NACA would report them under the second. Some
appropriations were modified retroactively and the NACA did not always adjust its
records. Finally, the NACA reported only its major direct appropriations, not the
smaller deficiency acts.
The first graph traces total NACA appropriations throughout the Committee's
history. Plotting the entire record on a single scale reduces the first half of the story to
virtually a straight line of indeterminate slope; more money was appropriated to the
NACA in 1943 than in its entire first 25 years combined. The changes wrought by
World War II are nowhere more dramatically revealed than in this chart.
Table C-2 divides NACA annual appropriations into general-purpose and con-
struction categories. The figures are somewhat misleading, for (as George Lewis ob-
served in 1940) "under 'General Purposes' are listed items of permanent equipment,
such as a new wind-tunnel balance or an engine dynamometer set-up." He concluded
that "it would be difficult to break down what is actually spent on research equipment
and construction," * and no attempt has been made here to second-guess the NACA
estimates of which was which. For all their imprecision, these figures are a fair approxi-
mation of what the NACA and the Congress intended to be the Committee's major
acquisition, construction, and renovation expenses.
The second graph presents the Committee's appropriations, general-purpose and
construction, in two parts: one for 1915-1935, one for 1936-1959. Note the drastic
change in scale: the appropriation for 1936, which begins part II of the chart, was at
the time the largest in the Committee's history.

*Lewis toJ. C. Hunsaker, 3 March 1940.


Duringmostof its historytheNACAconsidered its organicactof 1915to be

NACArequests forfundswentdirectlytotheappro-
priationscommittees ofeachhouseof Congress withouttheformalityof anauthoriza-
tion act.Thereweretwoexceptions to this rule.In WorldWarI the NACAwas
considered partof the Navyfor budgetpurposes; it received its fundsthroughthe
NavalActsforfiscalyears1916through1918. Thesewereauthorized funds,approved
bythemilitaryaffairscommittees of eachhousebeforegoingto appropriations com-
mittees.In 1917theComptroller General determined thattheNACAwasanindepend-
entagency. Its fiscal-year
1919budget,andall thosethereafter, wereincludedin the
SundryCivilAct (1919-1922) or theExecutive andIndependent OfficesAct (1923-
1959).In theearly1950s, somecongressmen cameto believe thatNACAbudgets were
too largeto beappropriated withoutspecific authorization. The resulting authorizing
acts--listed in Table C-3--were mostly for construction.
Some legislation over the years set limits on how the NACA might spend its
appropriations. For example, the Deficiency Act for War Expenses of 28 March 1918
raised the limit on rent paid for office spaces from $1500 to $2332. Most of these
restrictions were included in the NACA's appropriations acts. Some legislation allowed
transfer of funds from one NACA account to another: e.g., the Second Deficiency Act
of 4 March 1931 allowed the transfer of $700 from general expenses to printing and
In every year after establishment of the Bureau of the Budget in 1922, the NACA
engaged in the same budget cycle as the other branches of the federal government.
Generally it submitted to the Bureau of the Budget in the late summer its request for
funds for the fiscal year beginning the following July. Early in the fall, generally after a
formal meeting between the chairman of the NACA and the director of BoB, a budget
figure was recommended to the president. The figure he approved was submitted to
Congress by BoB. The following spring or summer, Congress would enact the appro-
priation, raising or lowering the requested figure as it saw fit. The same procedure was
followed when the NACA needed supplemental appropriations.
From time to time the NACA received funds from other government agencies. In
the early 1920s, the army and navy transferred funds to the NACA to pay for research
services; thereafter, the NACA included such funds in its own budget requests. The
moneys later transferred to the NACA by the military were for construction. The
Committee in turn transferred funds to other federal agencies that performed research
at the NACA's request. Most of this money went to the National Bureau of Standards.
Table C-4 lists interagency transfers for which Treasury Department warrants appear
in the NACA files. Over the years, other occasional transfers took place but there is no
systematic record of them.
Table C-5 lists NACA expenditures by fiscal year. If the Committee appears to
have spent more in a fiscal year than was appropriated to it, the reason is that it was
spending the remainder of a two-year or multiyear appropriation. Note that the NACA
often returned considerable sums to the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year. Table
C-6 shows distribution of expenditures among the different NACA branches after
1940. Before that time, when the NACA consisted only of the headquarters and the
Langley laboratory, the ratio of their expenditures was about one to eight respectively.
An important question in the history of the NACA is the proportion of U.S.
aeronautical research conducted by the Committee after World War II. Reliable figures
are hard to come by, but Table C-7 provides one estimate that seems fairly accurate.
The "Federal Non-Defense" category represents almost entirely the NACA. Table C-8
divides the federal portion of these figures into categories of "Research and Technol-
ogy" and "Development." Note that approximately two thirds of the nondefense
funding was for development.

Table C-1

NACA Appropriations, by Year


Naval Act, 1916 (P.L. 271, 63/3, 3 March 1915) .................................... $5,000.00


Naval Act, 1916 (P.L. 271, 63/3, 3 March 1915) .................................... 5,000.00


Naval Act, 1916 (P.L. 271, 63/3, 3 March 1915) .................................... 5,000.00
Naval Act, 1917 (P.L. 241, 64/1, 29 Aug. 1916) ..................................... 82,515.70


Naval Act, 1916 (P.L. 271, 63/3, 3 March 1915) .................................... 5,000.00
Naval Act, 1918 (P.L. 391, 64/2, 4 March 1917) .................................... 107,000.00



Naval Act, 1916 (P.L. 271, 63/3, 3 March 1915) .................................... 5,000.00
Sundry Civil Act, 1919 (P.L. 181, 65/2, 1 July 1918) ............................. 200,000.00


Sundry Civil Act, 1920 (P.L. 21, 66/1, 19July 1919) ............................. 175,000.00


Sundry Civil Act, 1921 (P.L. 246, 66/2, 5June 1920) ............................ 200,000.00


Sundry Civil Act, 1922 (P.L. 389, 66/3, 4 March 1921) ......................... 200,000.00


Executive and Independent Establishments Appropriations, 1923

(P.L. 240, 67/2, 12June 1922) ......................................................... 210,000.00
Additional Compensation Act (P.L. 257, 67/2, 29June 1922) ............... 15,600.00
Deficiency Act (P.L. 385, 67/4, 22January 1923) ................................... [105.031
Second Deficiency Act (P.L. 1035, 70/2, 4 March 1929) ........................ [258.17]


Executive and Independent Establishments Appropriations, 1924

(P.L. 409, 67/4, 13 February 1923) ................................................. 283,000.00
Additional Compensation Act (P.L. 544, 67/4, 4 March 1923) .............. 24,000.00
Deficiency Act (P.L. 66, 68/1, 2 April 1924) ........................................... [63.48]




Executive and Independent Establishments Appropriations, 1925

(P.L. 214, 68/1, 7June 1924) ........................................................... 440,000.00
Field Service Compensation Act (P.L. 293, 68/2, 6 December 1924) .... 30,000.00



Executive and Independent Establishments Appropriations, 1926

(P.L. 586, 68/2, 3 March 1925) ........................................................ 534,000.00
First Deficiency Act, 1926 (P.L. 36, 64/1, 3 March 1926) ...................... [2.67]



Executive and Independent Establishments Appropriations, 1927

(P.L. 141, 69/1, 22 April 1926) ........................................................ 513,000.00

First Deficiency Act, 1927 (P.L. 660, 69/2, 28 February 1927) .............. [1,018.59]



Independent Offices Act, 1928 (P.L. 600, 69/2, 11 February 1927) ...... 525,000.00
Deficiency Act, 1928 (P.L. 2, 70/1, 22 December 1927) ........................ 25,000.00



Independent Offices Act, 1929 (P.L. 400, 70/1, 16 May 1928) ............. 600,000.00
First Deficiency Act, 1929 (P.L. 1034, 70/2, 4 March 1929) ..................
Second Deficiency Act, 1929 (P.L. 1035, 70/2, 4 March 1929) .............. 236,770.00
Second Deficiency Act, 1933 (P.L. 442, 72/2, 4 March 1933) ............... [605.12]



Independent Offices Act, 1930 (P.L. 778, 70/2, 20 Feb. 1929) ............. 1,292,200.00
(Unexpended funds, 1928) ...................................................................... 7,800.00



Independent Offices Act, 1931 (P.L. 158, 71/2, 19 April 1930) ............ 1,321,000.00


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1932

(P.L. 720, 71/3, 23 February 1931) ................................................. 1,051,070.00


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1933

(P.L. 228, 72/1, 30June 1932) ......................................................... 920,000.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1934

(P.L. 78, 73/1, 16June 1933) ........................................................... 695,000.00
Emergency Appropriation Act, 1935 (P.L. 412, 73/2, 19June 1934) ... 7,796.86
National Industrial Recovery Act (P.L. 67, 73/1, 16June 1933) ............ 247,944.00
5 percent compensation restoration (provided in EIO Act, 1935) ......... 2,904.20



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1935

(P.L. 141, 73/2, 28 March 1934) ...................................................... 726,492.00
National Industrial Recovery Act (P.L. 67, 73/1, 16June 1933) ............ 478,300.00
5 percent compensation restoration (provided in EIO Act, 1934) ......... 50,986.93



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1936

(P.L. 2, 74/1, 2 February 1935) ....................................................... 839,500.00
Second Deficiency Act, 1935 (P.L. 260, 74/1, 12 August 1935) ............ 338,050.00
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (P.L. 11, 74/1, 8 April 1935) ....... --660.65
First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1936
(P.L. 739, 74/2, 22June 1936) ......................................................... 1,367,000.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1937

(P.L. 479, 74/2, 19 March 1936) ...................................................... 1,177,550.00
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1937
(P.L. 121, 75/1, 28 May 1937) ......................................................... 453,000.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938

(P.L. 171, 75/1, 28June 1937) ......................................................... 1,280,850.00

First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1938

(P.L. 440, 75/3, 5 March 1938) ........................................................ [235.38]



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1939 (P.L. 534, 75/3,

23 May 1938) .................................................................................... 1,700,000.00
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1939
(P.L. 61, 76/1, 2 May 1939) ............................................................. 2,363,980.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1940

(P.L. 8, 76/1, 16 March 1939) .......................................................... 2,180,000.00


Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1939

(P.L. 361, 76/1, 9 August 1939) ...................................................... 2,000,000.00
First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1940
(P.L. 447, 76/3, 6 April 1940) .......................................................... [117.60]


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1941

(P.L. 459, 76/3, 18 April 1940) ........................................................ 8,000,000.00
Civil Activities National Defense Appropriation Act, 1941
(P.L. 667, 76/3, 26June 1940) ......................................................... 3,200,000.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1942

(P.L. 28, 77/1, 5 April 1941) ............................................................ 13,601,910.00
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1941
(P.L. 150, 77/1, 3July 1941) ............................................................ 1,340,000.00
Second Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942
(P.L. 282, 77/1, 28 October 1941) ................................................... 1,424,000.00
Sixth Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942
(P.L. 528, 77/2, 28 April 1942) ........................................................ 3,500,000.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1943

(P.L. 630, 77/2, 27June 1942) ......................................................... 19,082,736.00

First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1943

(P.L. 11, 78/1, 18 March 1943) ........................................................ 5,494,000.00
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1943
(P.L. 140, 78/1, 12July 1943) .......................................................... [245.78]
Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1943
(P.L. 132, 78/1, 12July 1943) .......................................................... 852,000.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1944

(P.L. 90, 78/1, 26June 1943) ........................................................... 19,454,500.00
First Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1944
(P.L. 216, 78/1, 23 December 1943) ............................................... 17,287,715.00
First Deficiency App.ropriation Act, 1944
(P.L. 279, 78/2, 1 April 1944) .......................................................... 1,650,000.00
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1944
(P.L. 375, 78/2, 28June 1944) ......................................................... [69.75]




Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1945

(P.L. 358, 78/2, 27June 1944) ......................................................... 23,233,830.00
First Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1945
(P.L. 529, 78/2, 22 December 1944) ............................................... 7,401,000.00
[ 136.00]
First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945
(P.L. 40, 79/1, 25 April 1945) .......................................................... 10,307,500.00
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945
(P.L. 132, 79/1, 5July 1945) ............................................................ [21.75]


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1946

(P.L. 49, 79/1, 3 May 1945) ............................................................. 26,014,393.00
First Supplemental Surplus Appropriation Rescission Act, 1946
(P.L. 301, 79/2, 18 February 1946) ................................................. -- 2,000,000.00
First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946
(P.L. 269, 79/1, 28 December 1945) ............................................... [97.84]
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946
(P.L. 384, 79/2, 18 May 1946) ......................................................... [28.061
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act, 1875
(18 Stat. 110, 20June 1874) ............................................................ 37,267.63


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1947

(P.L. 334, 79/2, 28 March 1946) ...................................................... 29,673,000.00
Deficiency Appropriations, 1947 (P.L. 25, 80/1, 29 March 1947) ......... 1,040,000.00


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1948

(P.L. 264, 80/1, 30July 1947) .......................................................... 43,449,000.00

Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1949

(P.L. 491, 80/2, 20 April 1948) ........................................................ 47,905,000.00
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1949
(P.L. 119, 81/1, 23June 1949) ......................................................... 747,000.00


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1950

(P.L. 266, 81/1, 24 August 1949) .................................................... 53,000,000.00
Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1950 (P.L. 583, 81/2, 29June 1950) ..... 75,000,000.00


General Appropriation Act, 1951

(P.L. 759, 81/2, 6 September 1950) ................................................ 58,000,000.00




ThirdSupplemental Appropriation



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1953

(P.L. 455, 82/2, 5July 1952) ............................................................ 66,286,100.00


First Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1954

(P.L. 176, 83/1, 31 July 1953) .......................................................... 62,439,000.00


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1955

(P.L. 428, 83/2, 24June 1954) ......................................................... 55,620,000.00
Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1955
(P.L. 24, 84/1, 22 April 1955) .......................................................... 240,000.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1956

(P.L. 112, 84/1, 30June 1955) ......................................................... 72,700,000.00


Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1957

(P.L. 623, 84/2, 25 June 1956) ......................................................... 75,887,500.00
Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1957
(P.L. 814, 84/2, 27July 1956) .......................................................... 789,000.00



Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1959

(P.L. 85-352, 85/1, 28 March 1958) ................................................ 9,920,000.00
Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1958
(P.L. 85-69, 85/1, 29June 1957) ..................................................... 106,000,000.00
Temporary Appropriations, 1959 (P.L. 85-472, 85/2, 30June 1958)... 1,356,209.00



Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1959

(P.L. 85-844,85/2,28 Aug. 1958) .................................................. 101,100,000.00


Table C-2

NACA Appropriations, Yearly by Category

General Purposes Construction Total(dollars)

1915 5,000.00 ........................ 5,000.00
1916 5,000.00 5,000.00
1917 18,515.70 69,000.00 87,515.70
1918 82,000.00 40,000.00 112,000.00
1919 167,000.00 38,000.00 205,000.00
1920 169,600.00 5,400.00 175,000.00
1921 192,000.00 8,000.00 200,000.00
1922 197,000.00 3,000.00 200,000.00
1923 215,600.00 10,000.00 225,600.00
1924 307,000.00 ........................ 307,000.00
1925 470,000.00 470,000.00
1926 494,000.00 40,000.00 534,000.00
1927 513,000.00 513,000.00
1928 525,000.00 25,000.00 550,000.00
1929 623,770.00 213,000.00 836,770.00
1930 745,000.00 555,000.00 1,300,000.00
1931 886,000.00 435,000.00 1,321,000.00
1932 1,051,070.00 ........................ 1,051,070.00
1933 920,000.00 920,000.00
1934 705,701.06 247,944.00 953,645.06
1935 777,478.93 478,300.00 1,255,778.93
1936 1,176,889.35 1,367,000.00 2,543,889.35
1937 1,277,550.00 453,000.00 1,630,550.00
1938 1,280,850.00 1,280,850.00
1939 1,723,980.00 2,340,000.00 4,063,980.00
1940 1,849,020.00 2,330,980.00 4,180,000.00
1941 2,800,000.00 8,400,000.00 11,200,000.00
1942 6,220,465.00 13,645,445.00 19,865,910.00
1943 13,113,736.00 12,315,000.00 25,428,736.00
1944 19,635,415.00 18,756,800.00 38,392,215.00
1945 26,557,330.00 a 14,385,000.00 40,942,330.00
1946 24,014,393.00 37,267.63 24,051,660.63
1947 27,615,000.00 b3,098,000.00 30,713,000.00
1948 33,570,000.00 9,879,000.00 43,449,000.00
1949 38,652,000.00 10,000,000.00 48,652,000.00
1950 43,000,000.00 85,000,000.00 128,000,000.00
1951 45,750,000.00 17,318,000.00 63,068,000.00
1952 50,650,000.00 18,350,000.00 69,000,000.00
1953 48,586,100.00 17,700,000.00 66,286,100.00
1954 51,000,000.00 11,439,000.00 62,439,000.00
1955 51,240,000.00 4,620,000.00 55,860,000.00
1956 60,135,000.00 12,565,000.00 72,700,000.00
1957 62,676,500.00 14,000,000.00 76,676,500.00
1958 76,076,209.00 41,200,000.00 117,276,209.00
1959 78,100,000.00 23,000,000.00 101,100,000.00

a$4,611,330trans_rred _om the navy and the Federal Works Admin.

b$110,872trans_rred _om the navy.


NACA Appropriations by Fiscal Year." 1915-1935; 1936-1959


General purposes

1.0 (in millions of dollars)


1915 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35



1.0 (in hundreds of millions of dollars)





36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59


Total NACA Appropriations by Fiscal Year

(in millions of dollars)


I00 1.5

I 1 1935-

1.0 i_

_0 --

.5 jw


1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960

Table C-3
NA CA Authorizations

Naval Act, 1916 (P.L. 271, 63/3, 3 March 1915)

This act was interpreted as the general authorizing legislation for all NACA
activities. Not until the 1950s was the adequacy of this legislation questioned, specifi-
cally for authorizing construction.

(P.L. 672, 81/2, 8 August 1950)

This act authorized $16,500,000 for general purposes for advancing aeronautical

(P.L. 403, 82/2, 23June 1952)

This act authorized construction at Lewis and Langley laboratories totaling

(P.L. 37_1, 83/2, 27 May 1954)

This act authorized $5,000,000 for construction and equipment.

(P.L. 44, 84/1, 23 May 1955)

This act authorized $13,300,000 for construction and equipment.

(P.L. 253, 85/1, 2 September 1957)

This act authorized $45,450,000 for construction and equipment.

(P.L. 617, 85/2, 8 August 1958)

This act authorized $29,933,000 for construction and equipment.


Table C-4
Interagency Transfers of Funds

To the NACA From the NACA

1921 $73,500 Aviation, Navy .......................... $40,000 Bureau of Standards

1922 $12,000 Air Service, Army ..................... $35,000 Bureau of Standards
........ $79,500 Aviation, Navy ..........................
1923 $43,800 Aviation, Navy .......................... $27,000 Bureau of Standards
........ $15,600 Air Service, Army .....................
1924 $27,000 Aviation, Navy .......................... $28,000 Bureau of Standards
1925 $11,600 Air Service, Army ..................... $32,000 Bureau of Standards
1926 .................................................................. $32,600 Bureau of Standards
1927 .................................................................. $34,000 Bureau of Standards
.......................................................................... $2,500 Forest Products Lab
1928 .................................................................. $34,900 Bureau of Standards
.......................................................................... $2,500 Forest Products Lab
1929 .................................................................. $43,372.15 Bureau of Standards
.......................................................................... $2,500 Forest Products Lab
1930 .................................................................. $46,000 Bureau of Standards
1931 .................................................................. $51,000 Bureau of Standards
1932 .................................................................. $49,500 Bureau of Standards
.......................................................................... $360 War Department
1933 .................................................................. $42,400 Bureau of Standards
1935 .................................................................. $5,600 Dept. of Commerce
1936 .................................................................. $36,400 Bureau of Standards
1937 .................................................................. $62,600 Bureau of Standards
1938 .................................................................. $66,871 Bureau of Standards
1939 .................................................................. $68,634 Bureau of Standards
1940 .................................................................. $70,000 Bureau of Standards
1941 .................................................................. $100,000 Bureau of Standards
1942 .................................................................. $100,000 Bureau of Standards
1943 $330,000 Emergency Funds for the $142,300 Bureau of Standards
1944 .................................................................. $131,634 Bureau of Standards
1945 $111,330 Federal Works Agency ........... $145,300 Bureau of Standards
1946 $4,500,000 Navy* ................................... $127,000 Bureau of Standards
1947 $110,872 Navy* ...................................... $107,584 Bureau of Standards

*I find no Treasury Warrants for these funds.


Table C-5

NACA Expenditures, by Fiscal Year

1915 ................................... $3,938.94 1937 ................................... $1,461,018.65

1916 ................................... 4,904.28 1938 ................................... 2,114,460.69
1917 ................................... 87,515.70 1939 ................................... 2,228,773.59
1918 ................................... 112,000.00 1940 ................................... 3,158,713.06
1919 ................................... 204,381.27 1941 ................................... 8,135,846.98
1920 ................................... 174,296.75 1942 ................................... 11,785,906.95
1921 ................................... 199,959.21 1943 ................................... 23,947,549.88
1922 ................................... 193,859.26 1944 ................................... 29,799,387.14
1923 ................................... 214,151.53 1945 ................................... 33,191,515.21
1924 ................................... 286,698.27 1946 ................................... 32,050,966.52
1925 ................................... 382,805.96 1947" ................................ 35,190,095.00
1926 ................................... 561,125.88 1948 ................................... 37,543,270.00
1927 ................................... 531,142.58 1949 ................................... 48,682,884.00
1928 ................................... 535,548.78 1950 ................................... 54,484,474.00
1929 ................................... 624,558.88 1951 ................................... 61,586,792.00
1930 ................................... 979,691.73 1952 ................................... 67,396,908.00
1931 ................................... 1,556,891.00 1953 ................................... 78,585,105.00
1932 ................................... 1,105,692.72 1954 ................................... 89,515,996.00
1933 ................................... 920,113.94 1955 ................................... 73,796,890.00
1934 ................................... 898,428.23 1956 ................................... 71,099,314.00
1935 ................................... 1,168,980.50 1957 ................................... 76,065,305.00
1936 ................................... 1,261,337.94 1958 ................................... 83,378,118.00

Source: 1915-1922, 1929, NACA Annual Report; 1923-1958, The Budget.

*Figures were rounded off to the nearest dollar after 1946.


Table C-6

NACA Expenditures (after 1940), by Subdivision

HQ Langley Ames Lewis Wallops HSFS

1940 $157,946 $1,641,150 $104,020

1941 196,935 2,091,889 229,307
1942 328,979 4,215,736 828,921 $421,798
1943 371,353 6,002,447 1,604,651 4,559,693
1944 416,586 7,667,537 2,535,386 7,972,423
1945 407,806 10,832,226 3,050,071 10,455,750
1946 764,200 13,616,625 4,921,660 13,930,715
1947 623,612 11,826,315 3,962,356 12,354,438
1948 1,392,862 13,694,187 5,134,140 12,708,420
1949 788,356 15,327,202 6,126,230 14,315,302 $643,376 $326,922
1950 895,124 16,705,748 6,990,932 16,043,756 466,407 685,072
1951 1,081,842 17,631,974 7,535,318 16,416,186 803,904 919,281
1952 1,200,617 19,692,928 8,277,495 18,381,205 777,545 1,208,163
1953 1,137,088 19,261,787 7,794,571 17,292,736 594,371 1,368,065
1954 1,340,524 19,503,862 7,980,951 17,598,976 756,093 1,437,368
1955 1,338,752 20,117,456 8,498,011 18,207,519 687,925 1,705,182
1956 1,541,237 22,083,125 11,269,561 21,996,415 910,217 1,913,134
1957 1,623,981 27,796,270 13,267,350 25,662,580 1,001,005 2,117,607
1958 1,958,201 32,774,912 20,312,089 30,461,848 2,323,465 2,565,353

Source: 1940-1955, The Budget; 1956-1958, NAC A Annual Report.


Table C-7
U.S. Postwar Expenditures for Aeronautical Research
(in millions of dollars)

Federfl De_use Feder_ Non-

De_nse Industry Total

1945 311 31 23 365

1946 418 38 28 484
1947 349 31 37 417
1948 362 44 48 454
1949 . 414 55 70 539
1950 441 60 91 592
1951 684 66 164 914
1952 1,102 116 277 1,495
1953 1,535 79 339 1,953
1954 1,686 56 343 2,085
1955 1,600 48 320 1,968
1956 1,658 52 353 2,063
1957 1,802 51 392 2,245
1958 1,909 60 356 2,325

Source: R&D Contributions to Aviation Progress, Vol II, Appendix 9, p. 6. The authors of this
study note that "the accuracy of the annual funding data . . . is . . . questionable, hut the
magnitude of the expenditures and the resulting trends are, probably, about as representative of
actual conditions as can be expected to be portrayed." (p.4)

Table C-8
Government Aeronautical R&D Funding, by Type of R&D
(in millions of dollars)

Research& Techno_gy Deve_pment

Fed Def Non-Def To_l Def Non-Def Total Total

1945 65 11 76 246 20 266 342

1946 86 13 99 332 25 357 456
1947 75 11 86 274 20 294 380
1948 82 15 97 280 29 309 406
1949 98 19 117 316 36 352 469
1950 113 19 132 328 41 369 501
1951 194 23 217 490 43 533 750
1952 316 40 356 786 76 862 1,218
1953 425 27 452 1,110 52 1,162 1,614
1954 453 19 472 1,233 37 1,270 1,742
1955 431 17 448 1,169 31 1,200 1,648
1956 449 19 468 1,209 33 1,242 1,710
1957 488 19 507 1,314 32 1,346 1,853
1958 499 17 516 1,410 43 1,453 1,969

Source: Same as Table C-7, p. 14.

Appendix D

Especially for the early years of the NACA, reliable information on its staff is hard
to come by. The Committee prided itself on identifying and rewarding highly compe-
tent people, but it also insisted on teamwork and on individual willingness to sacrifice
for the good of the organization. George Lewis distrusted and eschewed organization
charts, which he thought would fragment the staff and impede free exchange of ideas
and information across organizational and disciplinary boundaries. As a result, no
comprehensive picture of the NACA personnel structure is extant. The following tables
contain what fundamental information is available.
Table D-I gives total numbers of permanent NACA employees, in headquarters
and field categories. For the years 1915-1920 and 1922-1923, these figures are from
unpublished NACA sources. Figures for all other years appear in The Budget of the
United States. Total and average salaries are shown for each year.
Table D-2 lists key positions in the NACA between 1938 and 1958. For each
laboratory and station, the key positions in effect at the end of the NACA's life are
listed first, giving the various titles of the position and its incumbents. Following these
are lists of positions in existence after 1938 but discontinued before 1958. Data in this
table come from the annual Official Register of the United States, for the years 1938-1958.
This source has the advantage of publishing information the NACA seems never to
have compiled for itself, but unfortunately did not provide organization charts and was
not published before 1937. This table is something of a Who's Who within the NACA,
but it does not necessarily include all important members of the staff; for example,
Robert T. Jones and Richard T. Whitcomb are conspicuous by their absence.
The accompanying hypothetical organization charts for the years 1918, 1928,
1938, 1948, and 1958 represent in most instances the author's guess at how organiza-
tion charts would have looked had the NACA undertaken to prepare them in August of
those years.


m _o_O







I m _

i i i




___2_'1 h


- ._!_

Table D-1

Manning Level

HQ Field Total Total Salaries Salary

1915" .................................. 1 0 1 $1,200 $1,200

1916" .................................. 1 0 1 1,200 1,200
1917" .................................. 5 0 5 5,500 1,100
1918" .................................. 37 **3 40 62,220 1,556
1919 .................................... 33 ***11 44 86 650 1,969
1920 .................................... 36 ***27 63 125 380 1,990
1921 .................................... 22 44 66 123 967 1,878
1922 .................................... 13 56 69 ****98 245 1,424
1923 .................................... 8 75 83 ****100 092 1,206
1924 .................................... 23 77 100 204 436 2,044
1925 .................................... 23 107 130 270 192 2,078
1926 .................................... 24 121 145 302 648 2,087
1927 .................................... 24 141 165 341 574 2,070
1928 .................................... 29 156 185 387 372 2,094
1929 .................................... 21 177 198 448,771 2,266
1930 .................................... 38 202 240 532,265 2,218
1931 .................................... 43 240 283 624,931 2,208
1932 .................................... 44 268 312 675,176 2,164
1933 .................................... 44 268 312 671,321 2,152
1934 .................................... 41 266 307 668,640 2,178
1935 .................................... 38 250 288 655,860 2,277
1936 .................................... 50 343 393 861,719 2,193
1937 .................................... 48 398 446 950,415 2,131
1938 .................................... 50 430 480 1,042,510 2,172
1939 .................................... 53 447 500 1,064,871 2,130
1940 .................................... 64 598 662 1,418,385 2,143
1941 .................................... 80 797 877 1,875,414 2,138
1942 .................................... 132 1,642 1,774 3,492,210 1,969
1943 .................................... 131 2,634 2,765 5,702,099 2,062
1944 .................................... 124 4,370 4,494 9,748,786 2,169
1945 .................................... 119 5,958 6,077 13,999,593 2,304
1946 .................................... 117 5,336 5,453 15,549,016 2,851
1947 .................................... 157 5,773 5,930 19,322,625 3,260
1948 .................................... 125 6,138 6,263 21,438,303 3,423
1949 .................................... *'141 6,915 7,056 25,068,351 3,553
1950 .................................... 157 7,129 7,286 29,061,389 3,989
1951 .................................... 172 7,533 7,705 32,682,192 4,242
1952 .................................... 168 5,540 7,708 35,226,912 4,570
1953 .................................... 168 7,487 7,655 36,365,275 4,751
1954 .................................... 157 7,000 7,157 36,708,193 5,129
1955 .................................... 155 7,415 7,570 39,505,216 5,219
1956 .................................... 163 7,765 7,928 44,586,938 5,624
1957 .................................... 258 7,889 8,147 49,250,032 6,117
1958 .................................... **276 7,765 8,041 51,376,373 6,389

*At end of calendar year ** Estimate *** LMAL figures **** Figures for these vears,
published in The Budget of the l'nited States, are inexplicably out of line with those for previous and
subsequent years.


Table D-2
Key NACA Positions, 1938-1958

Director of Aeronautical Research ................................................. 1938-1949
Director ........................................................................................... 1950-1958
George W. Lewis (1938-1947)
Hugh L. Dryden (1948-1958)
Secretary and Field Coordinator .................................................... 1938-1945
Executive Secretary ......................................................................... 1946-1958
John F. Victory (1938-1958)
Clinton H. Dearborn (1951-1954)
Clotaire Wood (1955-1958)
ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR ............................................................... 1952-1958
Robert E. Littell (1952-1958)
Information and Editorial Specialist ............................................... 1951
Assistant to the Executive Secretary ............................................... 1952-1958
Walter T. Bonney (1951-1958)
Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary .................................. 1954-1957
Legal Adviser .................................................................................. 1958
Paul G. Dembling (1954-1958)
SECURITY OFFICER .................................................................................... 1951-1958
Robert L. Bell (1951-1958)
Associate Director of Aeronautical Research ................................. 1948-1949
Associate Director for Research ..................................................... 1950-1958
John W. Crowley, Jr. (1948-1958)
Chief, Research Administration ...................................................... 1949
Assistant for Research Administration ............................................ 1950-1951
Technical Assistant for Research Management .............................. 1952-1955
Chief, Research Administration Division ....................................... 1956-1958
Thomas T. Neill (1949-1958)
Chief, Office of Aeronautical Intelligence ...................................... 1942-1951
Chief, Research Information Division ............................................ 1952-1958
Margaret M. Muller (1942-1949)
Eugene B. Jackson (1950-1956)
Bertram A. Mulcahy (1957-1958)
Research Consultant ....................................................................... 1948-1950
Assistant Director for Research ...................................................... 1950-1951
Assistant Director for Research (Aerodynamics) ........................... 1952-1958
Ira H. Abbott (1948-1958)


Chief,Aerodynamics .......................................................................
Chief,Aerodynamics Division .........................................................
MiltonB.Ames, Jr. (1949-1958)
Coordinator ofResearch ................................................................
ChiefofCoordination Division......................................................
ChiefofResearch Coordination .....................................................
Chief,Research Coordination Division ..........................................
S.PaulJohnston (1940-1941)
G.Robinson (1042-1947)
Thomas L.K.Smull(1949-1958)
AssistantDirectorofAeronautical Research ..................................
AssistantDirectorforResearch ......................................................
AssistantDirectorforResearch (Propulsion) .................................
AddisonM.Rothrock (1948-1958)
Chief,Propulsion andAircraftConstruction .................................
Chief,AircraftPropulsion Division................................................
WilliamH.Woodward (1952-1958)
Assistant Director of Aeronautical Research .................................. 1948-1949
Assistant Director for Research ...................................................... 1950-1951
Assistant Director for Research (Aircraft Construction) ................ 1952-1958
Russell G. Robinson (1948-1949)
Richard V. Rhode (1950-1958)
Franklyn W. Phillips (1950-1958)
Assistant Secretary and Executive Officer ...................................... 1937-1945
Executive Officer ............................................................................. 1946-1958
Edward H. Chamberlin (1937-1958)
BUDGET OFFICER ....................................................................................... 1948-1958
Ralph E. Uimer (1948-1958)
Chief, Personnel Division ............................................................... 1942-1945
Personnel Officer ............................................................................ 1946-1958
Rosa D. Smith (1942-1945)
Parmely C. Daniels (1946-1947)
Robert J. Lacklen (1948-1958)
Chief, Purchase Division ................................................................. 1942-1947
Chief of Procurement and Contract ............................................... 1948-1949
Chief of Procurement and Contract Division ................................. 1950-1952
Chief of Procurement and Supply Division .................................... 1953-1955
Procurement and Supply Officer .................................................... 1956-1958
Virginia M. Kerlin (1942-1947)
Ralph E. Cushman (1948-1958)


Chief, Finance Division ................................................................... 1942-1947
Chief of Finance .............................................................................. 1948-1949
Fiscal Officer ................................................................................... 1950-1958
Ruth Scott (1942-1949)
William M. Thompson (1950-1958)
PROVEMENT DIVISION ......................................................................
Policies and Procedures Officer ...................................................... 1950-1951
Management Improvement Officer ................................................ 1952-1956
Assistant to the Executive Officer, Management Improvement
Division ........................................................................................ 1957-1958
William M. Shea (1950-1958)
SAFETY OFFICER ......................................................................................... 1953-1958
George D. McCauley (1953-1958)
Discontinued Positions
Chief of Military Liaison ................................................................. 1942-1943
Chief of Military Research .............................................................. 1944-1945
Assistant Director of Aeronautical Research .................................. 1946-1949
Assistant Director for Research ...................................................... 1950-1951
Charles H. Helms (1942-1951)
Chief of Division of Research Information .................................... 1946-1947
Chief of Research Information ....................................................... 1948-1949
Research Information Officer ......................................................... 1950-1951
E. Eugene Miller (1946-1951)
CHIEF, DRAFTING DIVISION ..................................................................... 1942-1947
Henry E. Lorentz (1942-1943)
Edgar N. Hammerly (1944-1947)
CHIEF, DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS AND SUPPLIES .......................... 1942-1947
Eugene M. Reading (1942-1943)
John A. Nance (1944)
Frank J. Clarke (1945-1947)
CHIEF, CORRESPONDENCE DIVISION ..................................................... 1942-1947
Catherine Wheeler ( 1942-1947)
CLASSIFICATION-ORGANIZATION OFFICER ......................................... 1946-1947
Robert J. Lacklen (1946-1947)
CHIEF OF DIVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS .............................. 1942
Robert E. Littell (1942)
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT IN EUROPE ....................................................... 1938-1940
JohnJ. Ide 1938-1940)

Lewis Laboratory
Admimstrative Officer ..................................................................... 1942
Manager ........................................................................................... 1943-1947
Director ........................................................................................... 1948-1958
Edward R. Sharp (1942-1958)
Chief of Research ............................................................................ 1950-1952
Associate Director ........................................................................... 1953-1958
Abe Silverstein (1950-1958)


Assistant Chief of Research ............................................................ 1950-1952
Assistant Director ............................................................................ 1953-1958
Eugene J. Manganiello (1950-1958)
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT TO ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR .......................... 1957-1958
Oscar W. Schey (1957-1958)
AISON) ...................................................................................................
Assistant Chief of Research for Coordination and Liaison ............ 1952
Assistant to Director (Research Coordination and Liaison) .......... 1953-1958
John H. Collins, Jr. (1952-1958)
BUDGET OFFICER ....................................................................................... 1948-1958
William J. McCann ( 1948-1951)
Victor Gordon (1952-1958)
REACTOR FACILITY ............................................................................
Chief, Administrative and Technical Operations, Plum Brook
Reactor Facility ............................................................................ 1956-1957
Chief Administrator, Technical Services, Plum Brook Reactor
Facility ......................................................................................... 1958
James R. Braig (1956-1958)
Chief, Fuels and Combustion Research Division ........................... 1950-1956
Chief, Propulsion Chemistry Division ............................................ 1957-1958
Walter T. Olsen (1950-1958)
Chief, Thermodynamics Division ................................................... 1943-1944
Chief, Thermodynamics Research Division .................................... 1945
Chief, Fuels and Thermodynamics Division ................................... 1946
Chief, Fuels and Thermodynamics Research Division ................... 1947-1951
Chief, Materials and Thermodynamics Research Division ............. 1952-1956
Chief, Materials and Structures Division ........................................ 1957-1958
Benjamin Pinkel (1943-1956)
Samuel S. Manson (1957-1958)
CHIEF, PHYSICS DIVISION ......................................................................... 1950-1958
Newell D. Sanders (1950-1958)
Chief, Supersonic Propulsion Division ........................................... 1950-1956
Chief, Propulsion Aerodynamics Division ...................................... 1957-1958
John C. Evvard (1950-1958)
Associate Chief, Supersonic Propulsion Division ........................... 1956
Associate Chief, Propulsion Aerodynamics Division ...................... 1957-1958
De Marquis D. Wyatt (1956-1958)
Chief, Engine Research Division .................................................... 1943-1945
Chief, Engine Performance and Materials Division ....................... 1946-1949
Chief, Engine Research Division .................................................... 1950-1956
Chief, Propulsion Systems Division ................................................ 1957-1958
John H. Collins, Jr. (1943-1949)
Eugene W. Wasielewski (1950-1952)
Bruce T. Lundin (1953-1958)



AssociateChief,EngineResearch Division 1956
AssociateChief,Propulsion Systems Division 1957-1958
AssociateChief,Physics Division ....................................................
Chief,FlightProblems Research Division 1956
Chief,FluidSystems Division .........................................................
CHIEF,NUCLEAR REACTOR DIVISION ...................................................
CHIEF,RESEARCH SERVICES DIVISION .................................................
CHIEF,RESEARCH REPORTS DIVISION ..................................................
Bertram A.Mulcahy (1951-1956)
James J. Modarelli(1957-1958)
AdministrativeManagement Officer 1950-1958
JohnD.Tousignant (1948-1952)
Chief,Personnel Division ...............................................................
JohnD.Tousignant (1940-1947)
RobertW.Schmidt (1948)
Michael J.Vaccaro (1954-1958)
Chief,FiscalDivision ......................................................................
CarlH.Dawson (1945-1947)
JohnB.Clouser (1948-1950)
Edward J. Baxter(1951-1952)
LeslieF.Hinz(1953-1954, 1958)
VictorGorden (1955-1957)
CHIEF,ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION.................................... 1953-1958
Charles D.Ferraro(1955)
RobertW.Schmidt (1956-1958)
Chief,Procurement Division ...........................................................
Procurement Officer.......................................................................
Procurement andSupplyOfficer.................................................... 1953-1958
James R.Braig(1946-1947)
Eugene C.Braig,Jr.(1956-1958)
ChiefService Engineer ...................................................................
ChiefofTechnical Services ............................................................

Chief,Technical Services
Charles A. Herrmann (1948-1958)
AssistantChiefofTechnical Services--Engineering ......................
Chief,Engineering Divisions
WilliamJ.McCann (1952-1958)
CHIEF,ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION .....................................
Kenneth D.Brumbaugh (1949-1953)
MyronJ.Pollyea (1954-1958)
CHIEF,MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION ....................................
HarryKotlas (1949-1951)
Kevork K. Nahigyan (1952-1958)
Assistant Chief of Technical Services; Chief of Operations .......... 1951
Assistant Chief of Technical Services--Operations ....................... 1952
Chief, Mechanical Divisions Office ................................................. 1953-1958
Stewart V. Kramer (1951-1958)
ASSOCIATE CHIEF, MECHANICAL DIVISIONS OFFICE ........................ 1953-1958
Austin F. Reader (1953-1958)
Chief, Plant Operations Division .................................................... 1951-1952
Chief, Plant Services Division ......................................................... 1953-1958
John C. Everett (1951-1958)
CHIEF, MECHANICAL SERVICES DIVISION ............................................ 1945-1958
William E. Dewey (1945-1950)
Austin F. Reader (1951-1952)
Bruno A. Pinnow (1955-1958)
CHIEF, FACILITIES OPERATIONS DIVISION .......................................... 1953-1958
Austin F. Reader (1953-1954)
Jean N. Vivien (1955-1958)
Head, Service Section ..................................................................... 1942
Chief, Technical Service Division ................................................... 1943-1944
Chief, Fabrication Division ............................................................. 1945-1949
Dan White (1942-1950)
William E. Dewey (1951-1954)
Austin F. Reader (1955-1958)
Contract and Construction Administrator ..................................... 1950-1952
Chief, Contract and Construction Administrator's Office ............. 1953-1956
Chief, Construction Contract Administration Division .................. 1957-1958
James R. Braig (1950-1955)
Charles A. Herrmann (1956)
N. Philip Miller (1957-1958)
Chief, Buildings and Grounds Division .......................................... 1945-1947
Chief, Civil Engineering Division ................................................... 1948-1950
Chief, Facilities Engineering Division ............................................ 1951-1958
Franklin J. Hobson (1945)
Beverly G. Gulick (1946-1958)


Discontinued Positions


Chief, Drafting Division .................................................................. 1949-1950
Chief, Engineering Drafting Division ............................................. 1951-1957
Lawrence T. Stitt (1949-1957)
ITY .......................................................................................................... 1956
Michael F. Valerino (1956)
CHIEF, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION ................................ 1951-1956
Mabry V. Organ (1951-1955)
N. Philip Miller (1956)
Chief, Supercharger Division .......................................................... 1943-1944
Chief, Supercharger and Airflow Research Division ...................... 1945
Chief, Compressor and Turbine Division ...................................... 1946
Chief, Compressor & Turbine Research Division .......................... 1947-1956
Oscar W. Schey (1943-1956)
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ............................................................................... 1956
Eugene W. Wasielewski (1956)
ASSOCIATE CHIEF, TECHNICAL SERVICES OFFICE ............................ 1953-1955
Eugene W. Wasielewski (1953-1955)
ASSISTANT FISCAL OFFICER .................................................................... 1953-1954
Leslie F. Hinz (1953-1954)
SION ....................................................................................................... 1953-1954
Louis C. Gibbons (1953-1954)
CHIEF, ELECTRICAL OPERATIONS DIVISION ....................................... 1952
Walter Maxim (1952)
Chief, Machinery Operating Division ............................................. 1949-1950
Chiet, Mechanical Operations Division .......................................... 1951-1952
Thomas M. McComb (1949-1952)
Administrative Assistant .................................................................. 1942
Chief, Administrative Division ........................................................ 1943-1944
Administrative Officer ..................................................................... 1945
Chief, Administrative Department .................................................. 1946-1947
Administrative Officer ..................................................................... 1948-1949
Procedures and Methods Officer .................................................... 1950
Helen G. Ford (1942)
(Vacant, 1943)
Eugene C. Braig, Jr. (1944-1950)
EXECUTIVE OFFICER .................................................................................. 1948-1950
Robert C. Sessions (1948-1950)
Chief, Engine Components Research Division .............................. 1947
Chief, Engineering Services Division ............................................. 1946-1947
Assistant Chief Service Engineer .................................................... 1948-1950
Charles S. Moore (1943-1948)
(vacant, 1949)
William J. McCann (1950)
CHIEF, ENGINEERING DIVISIONS ............................................................ 1950
Charles S. Moore (1950)
ExecutiveEngineer .........................................................................
TechnicalAssistant totheDirector ................................................
CarltonKemper (1943-1949)
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT TOTHEDIRECTOR .......................................
RobertF.Selden (1948-1949)
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT TOTHEDIRECTOR .......................................
CHIEF,INSTRUMENT DIVISION ...............................................................
Chief,FlightResearch Division......................................................
Chief,WindTunnelandFlightDivision ........................................
Head,Inspection Section ................................................................
Chief,Engineering Services Divison..............................................
ServiceBranch Engineer .................................................................
Chief,ServiceDepartment ..............................................................
Chief,Engineering Services Division.............................................
CharlesA.Herrmann (1942-1947)
KennethD.Brumbaugh (1948)
CHIEF,ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION ....................................
RobertW.Schmidt (1946-1947)
Chief,Research Department ...........................................................
Chiefof Research ............................................................................
AddisonM.Rothrock (1946-1947)
Chief,FuelsandLubricants Division ..............................................
Chief,FuelsandLubricants Research Division ..............................
AddisonM.Rothrock (1943-1945)
CHIEF,ICINGRESEARCH DIVISION ........................................................
Chief,Construction Division..........................................................
Chief,Design Division....................................................................
ErnestG.Whitney (1942)
CHIEF,ENGINE INSTALLATION DIVISION ............................................
ErnestG.Whitney (1943-1944)
Head,Apprentice Administration ...................................................
Chief,OfficeServices Division.......................................................
George C.Lumpkin (1942-1945)
CHIEF,AUDITINGDIVISION .....................................................................
Thomas A.Pace(1942)


Harrison A. Underwood (1942)
HEAD, SPECIFICATIONS SECTION ........................................................... 1942
Howard O. Fry (1942)
Langley Laboratory
Engineer-in-Charge ......................................................................... 1938-1947
Director ........................................................................................... 1948-1958
HenryJ. E. Reid (1938-1958) "
Chief, Research Department ........................................................... 1944-1947
Chief of Research ............................................................................ 1948-1952
Associate Director ........................................................................... 1953-1958
John W. Crowley, Jr. (1944-1947)
Floyd L. Thompson (1948-1958)
Executive Assistant .......................................................................... 1948-1950
Executive Assistant and Budget Officer ......................................... 1951-1958
Rufus O. House (1948-1958)
CHIEF, RESEARCH REPORTS DIVISION .................................................. 1957-1958
Henry A. Fedziuk (1957-1958)
Assistant Chief, Research Department ........................................... 1947
Assistant Chief of Research ............................................................ 1948-1952
Assistant Director ............................................................................ 1953-1958
Floyd L. Thompson (1947)
John Stack (1948-1958)
CHIEF, COMPRESSIBILITY RESEARCH DIVISION ................................. 1944-1958
John Stack (1944-1947)
John V. Becker (1948-1958)
CHIEF, FULL-SCALE RESEARCH DIVISION ............................................ 1944-1958
Clinton H. Dearborn (1944-1950)
Eugene C. Draley (1951-1958)
Chief, Physical Research Division ................................................... 1938-1950
Chief, Theoretical Aerodynamics Division ..................................... 1951-1955
Chief, Theoretical Mechanics Division ........................................... 1956-1958
Theodore Theodorsen (1938-1946)
Carl Kaplan (1947-1955)
Clinton E. Brown (1956-1958)
CHIEF, UNITARY PLAN WIND TUNNEL DIVISION ................................ 1955-1958
Herbert A. Wilson, Jr. (1955-1958)
Assistant Chief of Research ............................................................ 1952
Assistant Director ............................................................................ 1953-1958
Robert L. Gilruth (1952-1958)
Head, Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Loads Research .............. 1942-1943
Chief, Aircraft Loads Division ........................................................ 1944-1949
Chief, Dynamic Loads Division ....................................................... 1950-1958
Richard V. Rhode (1942-1949)
Isadore E. Garrick (1950-1958)



Chief, Auxiliary Flight Research Division ....................................... 1946
Chief, Pilotless Aircraft Research Division ..................................... 1947-1958
Robert R. Gilruth (1946-1951)
Joseph A. Shortal (1952-1958)
Head, Structures Research Laboratory .......................................... 1942-1943
Chief, Structures Research Division ............................................... 1944-1958
Eugene E. Lundquist (1942-1951)
John E. Duberg (1952-1956)
Richard R. Heldenfels (1957-1958)
Assistant Chief, Research Department ........................................... 1947
Assistant Chief of Research ............................................................ 1948-1952
Assistant Director of Research ....................................................... 1953-1958
Ira H. Abbott (1947)
Hartley A. Soul_ (1948-1958)
Chief Test Pilot ............................................................................... 1938-1943
Chief, Flight Research Division ...................................................... 1944-1958
William H. McAvoy (1938-1940)
Melvin N. Gough (1941-1958)
CHIEF, HYDRODYNAMICS DIVISION ....................................................... 1938-1958
Starr Truscott (1938-1946)
John B. Parkinson (1947-1958)
Head, Stability Research ................................................................. 1942-1943
Chief, Stability Research Division ................................................... 1944-1958
Hartley A. Soul_ (1942-1947)
Thomas A. Harris (1948-1958)
Head, Instrument Research ............................................................ 1942-1943
Chief, Instrument Research Division .............................................. 1944-1958
Edmond C. Buckley (1942-1947, 1949-1958)
Morton J. Stoller (1948)
Chief, Technical Service Division ................................................... 1938-1943
Chief, Technical Service Department ............................................. 1944-1946
Chief, Administrative & Technical Service Department ................ 1947
Chief of Administrative & Technical Services ................................ 1948-1954
Chief of Technical Services ............................................................ 1955
Ernest Johnson (1938-1953)
(Vacant, 1954)
Percy J. Crain (1955-1958)
CHIEF, ENGINEERING SERVICE DIVISION ............................................. 1944-1958
John C. Messick (1944-1958)
CHIEF, MECHANICAL SERVICE DIVISION .............................................. 1944-1958
Percy J. Crain, Jr. (1944-1954)
William B. Mayo (1955-1958)
Head, Maintenance Section ............................................................ 1942-1943
Chief, Maintenance Division ........................................... 1944-1951, 1953-1958
Walter H. Reiser (1942-1951)
Mervin Forrest(1953-1958)

CHIEF,ELECTRICAL SERVICE DIVISION ................................................

JosephGetsug (1955-1958)
Administrative Officer .....................................................................
Chief,Administrative Department ..................................................
Administrative Officer .....................................................................
AssistantChiefofAdministrative & Technical Services ................1948-1949
Administrative Management Office................................................
AdministrativeManagementOffice & AssistantChief,
Administrative &Technical Services ..........................................
Chief,Administrative Services ........................................................
Edward R.Sharp(1938-1940)
W.Kemble Johnson (1940-1943, 1945)
AssistantAdministrative Management Officer...............................
H.ArthurSamet (1944-1951)
Edward A.Howe(1952-1958)
Chief,General Services Division....................................................
Chief,OfficeServices Division.......................................................
Edward T. Maher(1957-1958)
OFFICER ................................................................................................
Chief,Personnel Division...............................................................
Personnel Officer............................................................................
AssistantChief,Administrative Services & Personnel Officer....... 1955-1958
T. MelvinButter(1944-1945, 1948-1958)
CHIEF,PHOTOGRAPHIC DIVISION .........................................................
Chief,Procurement Division ...........................................................
Procurement Officer.......................................................................
Procurement & Supply Office.........................................................
Discontinued Positions


Howard H. Morris (1948-1954)
Walter C. Williams (1948)
Construction Administrator ............................................................ 1941
Chief, Construction and Design Division ....................................... 1942-1943
Edward R. Sharp (1941)
Roy W. Hooker (1942-1943)
HEAD, ELECTRIC POWER SECTION ........................................................ 1942
Gilbert T. Strailman (1942)


HEAD, STOCK SECTION ............................................................................. 1942

John A. Beigborn (1942)
HEAD, INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION LABORATORY ............................ 1942
Robert E. Mixon (1942)
HEAD, INSTRUMENT SERVICE .................................................................. 1942
James w. Elder (1942)
HEAD, PRECISION MACHINE SHOP ......................................................... 1942
Ernest J. Shave (1942)
HEAD, STRUCTURES LABORATORY SHOP ............................................ 1942
Charles W. Wolf (1942)
George M. Hearn (1942)
HEAD, MODEL SHOP ................................................................................... 1942
Percy R. Keffer (1942)
HEAD, WEST MODEL SHOP ....................................................................... 1942
William J. Lawton (1942)
HEAD, DYNAMIC MODEL SHOP ................................................................ 1942
Francis S. Wolak (1942)
HEAD, DRAFTING SECTION ...................................................................... 1942
John C. Messick (1942)
HEAD, PHOTOGRAPHIC LABORATORY ................................................. 1942
Stanley B. Clason (1942)
CHIEF, AERODYNAMICS DIVISION .......................................................... 1937-1943
Elton W. Miller (1937-1943)
HEAD, COMPUTING SECTION .................................................................. 1942
Virginia Tucker (1942)
HEAD, EDITORIAL OFFICE ........................................................................ 1942
Pearl I. Young (1942)
Thomas A. Harris (1942)
HEAD, AIR-FLOW RESEARCH .................................................................... 1942
Eastman N. Jacobs (1942)
HEAD FULL-SCALE TUNNEL ..................................................................... 1942
Abe Silverstein (1942)
HEAD, SIXTEEN-FOOT HIGH-SPEED TUNNEL ....................................... 1942
David Biermann (1942)
HEAD, EIGHT-FOOT HIGH-SPEED TUNNEL ........................................... 1942
John Stack (1942)
HEAD, NINETEEN-FOOT PRESSURE TUNNEL ........................................ 1942
Carl J. Wenzinger (1942)
HEAD. POWER PLANT INSTALLATION ................................................... 1942
Clinton H. Dearborn (1942)
HEAD, FLIGHT RESEARCH MANEUVERS ................................................ 1942
Floyd L. Thompson (1942)
CHIEF AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING DIVISION .......................................... 1938-1942
Carlton Kemper (1938-1942)
HEAD, SUPERCHARGING AND COOLING RESEARCH .......................... 1942
Oscar W. Shey (1942)
HEAD, FUELS AND LUBRICANTS RESEARCH ........................................ 1942
Addison M. Rothrock (1942)
HEAD THERMODYNAMICS RESEARCH .................................................. 1942
Benjamin Pinkel (1942)


HEAD, AIRCRAFT ENGINE RESEARCH .................................................... 1942

John H. Collins, Jr. (1942)
HEAD, OPERATIONS AND EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP ............................. 1942
John H. Hanks (1942)

Ames Laboratory
Engineer-in-charge .......................................................................... 1941-1947
Director ........................................................................................... 1948-1958
Smith J. DeFrance ( 1941-1958)
Chief, Unitary Supersonic Wind Tunnel Plan ................................ 1950-1952
Associate Director ........................................................................... 1953-1958
John F. Parsons (1950-1958)
Assistant to the Director ................................................................. 1948-1949
Assistant Director ............................................................................ 1950-1958
John F. Parsons (1948-1949)
Russell G. Robinson ( 1950-1958)
Budget Officer ................................................................................ 1948-1949
Executive Assistant and Budget Officer ......................................... 1950-1958
Ferril R. Mikle (1948-1958)
Chief, Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Division .................................... 1955-1956
Supervisory ARE,* Unitary Wind Tunnel Division ........................ 1957-1958
Ralph S. Huntsberger, Jr. (1955-1958)
Chief, Aerodynamics Division ......................................................... 1941-1942
Chief, Theoretical and Applied Research Division ........................ 1943-1958
Donald H. Wood (1941-1958)
Chief, Construction Division .......................................................... 1942
Chief, Full-Scale and Flight Research Division .............................. 1943
John F. Parsons (1942-1949)
Harry J. Goett (1950-1958)
CHIEF, HIGH SPEED RESEARCH DIVISION ............................................ 1946-1958
HarveyJ. Allen (1946-1958)
Administrative Officer .............................................................. 1941-1947, 1949
Chief, Administrative Division ........................................................ 1948
Administrative Management Officer ............................................... 1950-1958
Arthur B. Freeman (1941-1958)
PERSONNEL OFFICER ................................................................................. 1949-1958
M. Helen Davies (1949-1958)
Procurement Officer ....................................................................... 1951-1953
Procurement & Supply Officer ....................................................... 1954-1958
Alvin S. Hertzog (1951-1958)
FISCAL OFFICER .......................................................................................... 1951-1958
William V. Shaw (1951-1958)

*Aeronautical research engineer


CHIEF, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BRANCH ...................................... 1955-1958

Lucille D. Baker (1955-1958)
Chief, Service Division .................................................................... 1943-1951
Chief, Research Instrumentation and Engineering Services Divi-
sion .............................................................................................. 1952-1955
Chief, Instrument Research Division .............................................. 1956
Supervisory ARE, Instrument Research Division ........................... 1957-1958
(vacant, 1943)
James A. White (1944-1958)
CHIEF, ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION ........................................... 1956-1958
Andre G. Buck (1956-1958)
Chief, Shop Division ....................................................................... 1941-1951
Chief, Technical Service Division ................................................... 1952-1958
Edward W. Betts (1941-1958)
Discontinued Positions
HEAD, MACHINE SHOP SECTION ............................................................ 1942
Harry G. Downs (1942)
HEAD, WIND TUNNEL MECHANICS SECTION ....................................... 1942
John P. Houston (t942)
HEAD MODEL SHOP SECTION ................................................................. 1942
William Ward (1942)
HEAD, ERECTION SHOP ............................................................................. 1942
George E. Beelifant (1942)
HEAD MAINTENANCE SECTION .............................................................. 1942
Alfred E. Wilson (1942)
HEAD DRAFTING SECTION ...................................................................... 1942
Edward H. A. Schnitker (1942)
HEAD FLIGHT RESEARCH ........................................................................ 1942
Lewis A. Rodert (1942)
CHIEF TEST PILOT ..................................................................................... 1941
William H. McAvoy (1941)
HEAD SIXTEEN-FOOT WIND TUNNEL ................................................... 1942
Manley J. Hood (1942)
HEAD, SEVEN-BY-TEN-FOOT WIND TUNNEL ........................................ 1942
Harry J. Goett (1942)
HEAD, THEORETICAL AERODYNAMICS ................................................. 1942
Harvey J. Allen (1942)
HEAD, INSTRUMENT LABORATORY ....................................................... 1942
Howard W. Kirshbaum (1942)
HEAD, INSTRUMENT SECTION ................................................................. 1942
James V. Kelley (1942)
HEAD ELECTRICAL SECTION .................................................................. 1942
James A. White (1942)
Assistant to the Director ................................................................. 1948-1949
Assistant Director ............................................................................ 1950-1955
Carlton Bioletti (1948-1955)
Assistant Administrative Management Officer ............................... 1952-1955
Administrative Management Office ................................................ 1956-1957
Mamie G. Poole (1952-1957)

High-Speed Flight Station

CHIEF, NACA HIGH-SPEED FLIGHT STATION ...................................... 1952-1958

Walter C. Williams (1952-1958)
Aeronautical Research Technical Assistant .................................... 1956-1957
Head, Editorial and Library Service ............................................... 1957-1958
Helen N. Foley (1956-1958)
BUDGET OFFICER ....................................................................................... 1958
Martin A. Byrnes, Jr. (1958)
CHIEF, RESEARCH DIVISION .................................................................... 1955-1958
De E. Beeler (1955-1958)
HEAD, PROJECT COORDINATORS GROUP ............................................ 1957-1958
Milton O. Thompson (1957-1958)
ARS*, Aerodynamics Data Reduction and Analysis Branch .......... 1956
Head, Data Reduction Section ....................................................... 1957-1958
Edward N. Videan (1956-1958)
Head, Dynamic Stability and Analysis Branch ............................... 1957
Head, Stability and Control Branch ............................................... 1958
Joseph Weil (1957-1958)
Head, Aerodynamics Load Branch ................................................. 1956
Head, Aerostructures Branch ......................................................... 1957-1958
De E. Beeler (1956)
Frank S. Malvestuts, Jr. (1957)
Thomas F. Baker (1958)
ARS, Aerodynamics Performance Branch ...................................... 1956
Head, Performance Branch ............................................................. 1957-1958
Donald R. Bellman (1956-1958)
CHIEF, FLIGHT OPERATIONS DIVISION ................................................ 1955-1958
Joseph R. Vensel (1955-1958)
HEAD, FLIGHT BRANCH ............................................................................ 1956-1958
Aeronautical Research Pilot, Flight Branch ................................... 1956
Head, Flight Branch ........................................................................ 1957-1958
Joseph A. Walker (1956-1958)
Clyde G. Bailey (1956-1958)
Charles M. Hamilton (1956-1958)
BRANCH ................................................................................................. 1957-1958
Ralph H. Sparks (1957-1958)
CHIEF, INSTRUMENTATION DIVISION ................................................... 1955-1958
Gerald M. Truszynski (1955-1958)
ARS, Electrical Instruments Development Branch ........................ 1956
Head, Instrument Development Branch ........................................ 1957-1958
Kenneth C. Sanderson (1956-1958)

*Aeronautical research scientist



INSTRUMENT OPERATIONS BRANCH ....................................................
O.NormanHayes, Jr.(1956-1958)
NEER .......................................................................................................
L.Russell Mills(1956-1958)
CHIEF,ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION ........................................................
MarionI. Kent(1955-1958)
PERSONNEL OFFICER .................................................................................
FISCAL OFFICER ..........................................................................................
J. LeslieGarbett (1956-1957)
PROCUREMENT ANDSUPPLY OFFICER ..................................................
MartinA.Byrnes, Jr.(1956-1957)
HEAD,BUILDING SERVICE BRANCH .......................................................
Mechanical Engineer .......................................................................
Head,BuildingService Branch .......................................................
HaroldL.Richards (1956-1958)
Discontinued Positions

HEAD, FLU_ITER AND VIBRATION SECTION ......................................... 1957

Thomas F. Baker (1957)
ARS, Stability & Control Branch .................................................... 1956
Head, Experimental Stability & Control Branch ............................ 1957
Herbert M. Drake (1956)
Jack Fischel (1957)

Appendix E

The NACA used and was used by its facilities. For many years the NACA had the
best aeronautical research facilities in the world, and in many ways these facilities
determined what the NACA would choose to do and be required to do. Having the
world's only full-scale wind tunnel enabled the Committee to perform unique experi-
ments, but it also dictated that the research program make full use of the full-scale
tunnel. The same was true of the NACA's other research facilities, so that the agency
waged an unending campaign to coordinate the needs of aeronautical research with full
exploitation of the equipment on hand, retirement of old equipment, and development
of new.


Headquarters was always a paper mill. It never conducted original research, nor
did it maintain any research facilities other than its technical library. Editing, publish-
ing, and distributing reports was as close as headquarters came to actually doing
research; even here, the Langley laboratory performed many of the paperwork func-
tions such as printing, photography, and artwork. The NACA headquarters thus con-
sisted merely of its offices and library, located at the following sites in Washington,

1915 State, War, and Navy Building, Constitution Avenue, N.W.

1916-1918 Munsey Building, 1329 E Street, N.W.
1918-1920 Bureau of Aircraft Production, Building D, 4th Street and Missouri
Avenue, N.W.
1920-1941 Main Navy Building, Constitution Avenue
1941-1947 Leiter Mansion, Dupont Circle, 1500 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
1947-1954 1724 F Street, N.W.
1954-1958 Wilkens Building, 1512 H Street, N.W.
Dolley Madison Building, 1520 H Street, N.W., acquired for NASA


The NACA's research was conducted at its laboratories and their subsidiary sta-
tions. In order of their establishment and with their various titles, these were:
Langley Aeronautical Laboratory ............................................................ 1920-1958
Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory (1920-1948)
Ames Aeronautical Laboratory ................................................................ 1940-1958
Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory ........................................................ 1942-1958
Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory (1942-1947)
Flight Propulsion Research Laboratory (1947-1948)
Pilotless Aircraft Research Station .......................................................... 1945-1958
Auxiliary Flight Research Station (1945-1946)


HighSpeedFlightStation .......................................................................
HighSpeedFlightResearch Station(1949-1954)

A fundamental lawof fluiddynamics is thata bodyimmersed in a movingfluid
experiences thesame forcesasif thebodyweremovingandthefluidstationary, given
thattherelativespeedof thefluidandthesolidobjectis thesamein bothcases. This
meansthatthe conditionssurrounding an airplanein flight canbe replicatedby
holdingtheplanestationary andmovingtheair pastit at a velocitycomparable to
flightspeeds. Thus,windtunnels.
Advantages of windtunnelsoverflighttestingareeconomy, safety,andresearch
A modelairplane canbetestedin a windtunnelata fractionof thecostof
buildingandoperating a full-scale
prototype, andtheairworthiness of newandexperi-
mentaldesigns canbe testedwithoutriskinga pilot'slife. Wind-tunnel testingcan
simulate flightunderconditions morecontrolled andmeasurable thanwouldbepossi-
blein flighttest.Evenbeforemanfirstflew,thewindtunnelwastheprincipaltoolof
theaeronautical engineer.
All windtunnelshavecommon features thatcircumscribe theircharacteristics
capabilities.All havea testsection in whichanairplanemodelor component--or even
a complete airplane--can befixedor suspended. Thecrosssection mayberound,oval,
rectangular, or polygonal.Testsections mayvaryin sizefroma fewinchesup to the
40-by80-footdimensions of theAmesfull-scale tunnel,stillthelargestin theworld.*
Thetestsection maybeopen, closed, or ventilated.
Wind tunnels may be either return or nonreturn. Nonreturn tunnels draw air from
the atmosphere, pass it through a tube that includes a test section, and discharge it
into the atmosphere. Such tunnels are simple and inexpensive to build, but are ineffi-
cient and limited in the types of flow they can generate. Most sophisticated tunnels use
a return-type circuit in one of three basic variations. The single-return tunnel passes
the same air around a closed loop. Many such tunnels are designed so that the
laboratory building encompasses the test section, with the rest of the tunnel winding a
circuitous path outside like an overgrown appendage. The double-return tunnel is
shaped like a squared figure-eight with the corners rounded and the test section
located at the juncture of the two loops. Annular-return tunnels are doughnut-shaped
in cross section. Longitudinally, they look like a tube within a capsule; air pushed
around the inner shell of the capsule is channeled down the tube in the center, which
contains the test section. Annular-return tunnels are generally small and entirely con-
tained within their research building.
A major advantage of closed tunnels is that they can be pressurized, a technique
that remains one of the NACA's greatest contributions to wind-tunnel technology.
Comparability between conditions of wind-tunnel tests on models and conditions expe-
rienced by full-scale aircraft in flight depends on a dimensionless mathematical quantity
known as Reynolds number (named for the 19th-century British engineer Osborne
Reynolds). The Reynolds number is a flow-similarity parameter that describes forces
acting on a body in motion with respect to the fluid in which it is immersed. The
number is directly proportional to the size of the body and the density and relative

*At the time of this writing, the runnel was being modified to provide an 80- by 120-foot
tt'st seclion.


Tup, this highlighted view o f Langley laboratoq 's east area taken from directly overhead
in 1957 shows the .YAG4 towing tanks (lower nght) and the base runway. (.l'ot all the
highlighted fnczlitzes were the XACA 's.) Middle, this aenal view of the Langley laborato-
r y ' s west area shows the air force base and the east area an the background. Most clearly
zuible of the east-area facilities are the Jill-scale wind tunnel shown at the center top and
the .Yd-lCa-ltanks, extending to the lefr from the full-scale tunnel into the m e r . Bottom, a
cloFeiip aennl view of the Langley west area taken in 1919; the east area is out of the
pictiire, to the upper right. (LnRC)

Ames Aeronautical Laboratory as it appeared at the end of World War II, dominated (as
it still is) by the full-scale wind tunnel at l$t center. (ARC)

speed of the fluid, and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the fluid. Other things
being equal, a model “moving” with respect to an airstream would have a smaller
Reynolds number than a full-scale plane in flight. The easiest way to equalize the
Reynolds numbers-and thus to obtain comparable flow conditions for the plane and
the model-is to increase the speed or density of the airstream in which the model is
immersed. To increase airspeed within a wind tunnel is a complicated and expensive
undertaking that would violate equality of the ratio of airspeed to speed of sound,
another condition for strict comparability. In a return-type tunnel, however, it is
comparatively easy to increase air density by increasing air pressure. T h e NACA’s first
pressurized tunnel-Max Munk’s variable-density tunnel of 1923-could pressurize the
air to 20 atmospheres, making tunnel results o n a Yzoth-scale model comparable to
those of a full-size plane in the atmosphere.
T h e speed of a wind tunnel is the velocity of the airflow measured at the test
section. Tunnels are customarily classified in the following speed ranges:

Class Mach no. * * Mph at sea level

................ 0 to 380
. 0.5 to 0.9 ........................ 380 to 684
Transonic.. .............. ................... 0.7 to 1.4 ........................ 532 to 1,064
1,064 to 3,800
Hypersonic .......................................... 5.0 to 10.0 ....... 3,800 to 7,600
Hypervelocity ...................................... 10.0 and above 7,600 and up
**Mach no. equals stream velocitv/velocity of sound.


Aerial view of Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory as it appeared in 1955. An edge of the
Cleveland municipal airport is visible at lgt center. (L.eRC)

As aircraft speeds increased, wind-tunnel speeds had to increase. Above 300 to

400 mph, the compressibility of air begins to affect the results of scale-model tests.
Thereafter, not only the Reynolds number but also the actual mach number must be
matched between the model and the aircraft. A plane moving through the air at low
speed sets up something like a bow wave, a layer of compressed air at the leading
edges that moves ahead of the plane at the speed of sound, pushing the approaching
air out of the way. When the plane moves near or above the speed of sound, the air
has no time to get out of the way, and its collisiori with the plane produces shock
waves-patterns of energy dispersion-with unique aerodynamic effects. High-speed
wind tunnels are expensive to build and operate (the power required increases as the
cube of the speed) and present major problems in turbulence, heating, and flow
condensation, but they are indispensable to accurate testing in high-speed regimes of
flight. Some of the NACA’s greatest achievements were the development and applica-
tion of high-speed tunnels, especially in the anomalous transonic region.
In most conventional wind tunnels the air is moved by fans powered by electric
motors. Some tunnels, however, produce the airstream differently: Blowdown tunnels
use a jet of air from a pressurized reservoir. Induction tunnels use a stream of air
flowing into a vacuum chamber. Hypervelocity tunnels may combine these methods,
passing air from a pressurized vessel across the test section and into an evacuated
vessel at pressure ratios of several hundred. Although blowdown and induction-drive
systems can produce extremely high-velocity air, they are severely limited by the brief
availability of that air and their limited ability to modulate the velocity. At the extreme
end of the spectrum is the counterflow tunnel in which a model is shot from a gun into
a high-velocity airstream from a blowdown o r induction-drive system. Some wind
tunnels in the NACA laboratories shared drive systems, and some blowdown tunnels
used compressed air stored in nearby pressure tunnels.
These basic characteristics, common to most wind tunnels, by no means encom-
pass all the features, capabilities, and equipment involved in wind-tunnel research.
Almost all wind tunnels employ a complex array of balances and other measuring
devices designed specifically for the purpose. Most closed-circuit tunnels use tunnel
vanes to guide the airflow smoothly around the corners in the circuit. Most tunnels use
complex arrays of settling chambers, screens, and throat contractions to smooth and
straighten the airstream as it accelerates into the test section. A variety of model-
support systems is used, depending on the configuration of the test object. Some

51 1

tunnels use smoke to help visualize air flow. Some are rigged for Schlieren photogra-
phy, a special technique that records shock waves produced at high speeds. Some
tunnels are refrigerated to produce ice on the models like that encountered under
certain flight conditions.

Aerial view of the Pilotless Aircraft Kesearch Station, looking north along the Atlantic
Ocean, in 1955. (LaRC)

In fact, wind tunnels have been designed to replicate nearly every condition
encountered by airplanes in flight. There are vertical wind tunnels to study aircraft
spinning characteristics, gust tunnels to determine the effect of fluctuations in the
airstream, and curved-flow tunnels with variable geometry in the test section to deter-
mine flight characteristics in turns or maneuvers. There are even free-flight tunnels in
which the model floats free and the test section cants to simulate different angles of
The characteristics of a tunnel are not necessarily fixed permanently during
construction. Many NACA tunnels saw long and varied service, upgraded to incorpo-
rate advances in wind-tunnel technology that adapted them to modern regimes of
flight. The most frequent modification was repowering to produce higher velocities in
the test seciion. Improved instrumentation and mountings were less dramatic but
equally important.
The complexity of NACA tunnels-the vague distinction between a tunnel’s basic
equipment and the changing battery of auxiliary equipment that supported it, the
shared housings and drive systems that many tunnels employed, and the repeated
modifications that some tunnels underwent-makes it difficult to present a uniform
picture of tunnel characteristics. Still more difficult to achieve is an accurate estimate of
costs. The following lists contain the available data on the test section, circuit, speed,


So versatile and practzcal zs the wznd tunnel that z t is called upon for all kinds of research
tasks Above, a mockup of the Vought-Szkorsky V-173, set up zn Langley's full-scale wznd
tunnel in 1941. Below, a submanne model mounted zn the same tunnel in the 1950s;
since air and water have comparablejlow charactenstics, a boat's performance under water
could be predicted in such tests. ( L a R C )

and drive systems of all major NACA tunnels. Cost information is not sufficiently
reliable to merit inclusion, but one example will suggest the range of expenses in-
volved. The first NACA wind tunnel (the 5-foot atmospheric tunnel built at Langley in
1920) cost about $45,000. The 10- by 10-foot supersonic tunnel built at Lewis in the
early 1950s cost $35,000,000.


The wind tunnel that dominated NACA research could not provide all the answers
the Committee needed to solve the problems of flight. Over the years the NACA
constructed other research laboratories, buildings, and equipment to answer questions
not aerodynamic in nature. These facilities are especially hard to trace because they
frequently had no building of their own but occupied space in office buildings that
housed a number of research functions. No attempt has been made to inventory these
facilities in the same detail as the NACA wind tunnels, but a list of major nontunnel
facilities at Langley may indicate the great variety of NACA equipment. Langley had
more of these facilities than any other laboratory or station.

Facility Operational Date

NACA [Towing] Tank No. 1 ........................................................... 1931

Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory .............................................. 1934
Structures Laboratory ...................................................................... 1940
Seaplane Impact Basin ..................................................................... 1942
NACA Tank No. 2 ........................................................................... 1942
Helicopter Apparatus ....................................................................... 1944
Aircraft Loads Building ................................................................... 1945
Aircraft I.oads Calibration Laboratory ............................................ 1945
Physical Research Laboratory .......................................................... 1945
Instrument Research Laboratory ..................................................... 1946
Pilotless Aircraft Research Laboratory ............................................ 1946
Landing Loads Track ....................................................................... 1955
High-Speed Hydrodynamics Facility ............................................... 1956

Note the rapid tempo of expansion of facilities during World War II, a measure of the
NACA's concentration on wind-tunnel research in the 1920s and 1930s. And compare
the small number of these with the extensive family of tunnels described in the
following section.

Langley Aeronautical Laboratory

5-Foot Atmospheric Wind Tunnel (NACA Wind Tunnel No. 1)

Test section: 5-foot diameter (1.52 m), closed-throat
Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 40 m/sec (89 mph)
Drive system: 200-hp (149-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: 11 June 1920
Disposition: Dismantled in 1930
Notes: Modeled after an early tunnel at the National Physical Laboratory in Britain;
primitive for its time.
References: F. H. Norton, "National Advisory Committee's 5-Foot Wind Tunnel,"
Journal of the Societ'¢ of Automotive EngTneers (21 May 1921): 1-7; TR-195, p. 208 (dia-


Maximum speed:23m/sec(51mph)
Drivesystem:250-hp(187-kw) electricmotor/fan
Onlypressure shellremains
Notes:Designed by MaxMunk;proposed in 1921;convertedto open-throat
in April
1928afterdamage to theoriginalin fire of August1927;returnedto closed-throat
designin majorremodeling in Dec.1930because theopen-throatarrangementdidnot

20-footdiameter (6.1m),open-throat
Double return/atmospheric
Maximum speed:49.1m/sec(110mph)
Drivesystem:Two1,000-hp dieselengines
Dismantledin 1950to makewayfor 8-footTransonic
Notes:Proposed byFredWeick;designed byMaxMunkandEltonW.Miller;design
begunin 1925.

5-foot-diameter (1.52m),open-throat
Maximum speed:35.8m/sec(80mph)
Drivesystem:50-hp(37.3-kw) electricmotor/fan
Notes:Designed to investigate spinningcharacteristics;
to 4- by 6-foot
configuration in 1938.
AR 1930; TR-387

Atmospheric Wind Tunnel (AWT) (7- by 10-Foot Wind Tunnel)

Test section: 7- by 10-foot (2m by 3m), closed-throat
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 35.8 m/sec (80 mph)
Drive system: 200-hp (149-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational data: Summer 1930
Disposition: Deactivated
References: TR-412

Full-Scale Tunnel

Test section: 30- by 60-foot (9.1 x 18.3m), open-throat

Circuit/pressure: Double-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 57.2 m/sec (118 mph)


' i

The view down the air-return passage in the Langley Jill-scale wind tunnel dwa$s two
workers standing by the guide vanes. (LaRC)

Drive system: Two 4,000-hp (2,984 kw each) electric motordfan

Operational date: Spring 1931
Disposition: Operational
Notes: Underwent major rehabilitation in 1977 with no change in performance.
References: TR-459

1 I-inch High-speed Tunnel

Test section: 1 I-inch (0.3m) diameter, closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Nonretudatmospheric
Maximum speed: M I
Drive system: Compressed air from variable-density tunnel; induction drive
Operational date: 3 March 1932
Disposition: See notes
Notes: Successor to the 12-inch open-throat tunnel designed in 1927 and operated
References: TR-463

24-Inch High-speed Tunnel

Test section: 24-inch (0.6m) diameter, closed-throat
Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn, atmospheric
Maximum speed: M I
Drive system: Injector drive; blowdown from variable-density tunnel
Operational date: 3 October 1934
Disposition: See notes
Notes: Produced the first Schlieren photographs at LMAL; enclosure installed 29 Aug.
References: TR-646


15-Foot Spin Tunnel (15-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel)

Test section: 15-foot diameter/open-throat; 12-sided polygon/closed-throat 2
Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 18 m/sec (40 mph), variable to rate of fall of aircraft model
Drive system: 150 hp2
Operational date: March 1935
Notes: Modeled on British tunnel of 1932.
References: TR-557; Aero Digest (June 1935): 20-22

8-Foot High-speed Wind Tunnel

Test section: 8-foot-diameter (2.44 m), closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
! Maximum speed: M 0.75
Drive system: 8,000-hp (5968-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: March 1936
Disposition: Deactivated 1956
Notes: T h e only NACA tunnel with external concrete walls, constructed with WPA
funds; repowered in Feb. 1945 to 16,000 hp, M 1 capability; slotted throat installed in
1950; increased to 25,000 hp in 1953 to yield M 1.2; the tunnel used to verify the area
References: AR-1936

Maximum speed:25ft./sec.(7.6m/sec)
Drivesystem:5 hp(3.7kw)
Replacedby 12-footfree-flight
tunnelin 1939

Two-Dimensional Low-Turbulence
3-by7.5-foot(0.9mx 2.3m),closed-throat
Maximum speed:

Maximum speed:330mph(100m/sec),atm.pressure
Drivesystem:8,000-hp (5,968-kw)electric
Operationaldate:December 1939
Notes:Designed byJohnF. Parsons underSmithJ. DeFrance for high Reynolds-
numberresearch onproblems of low-speed high-liftstabilityandcontrol;converted
transonicdynamicstunnelin 1954.

Testsection:12-foot(3.7m)12-sided 2/8-sidedpolygon
Annularreturn/atmospherict, 2atm.(max.)
Maximum speed:50mph(15.2m/sec)
Drivesystem:600-hp (447-kw)electricmotor/fan
Notes:Undertaken in 1937on the basisof success of the 5-footfree-flighttunnel;
andairspeed oftunnelmatched tonormalglidepatternofmodel.

Pressure Tunnel

Test section: 3- by 7.5-foot (0.9 x 2.3 m), closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/150 psia
Maximum speed: M 0.22 to 0.45
Drive system: 2,000-hp (1,492-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: May 1941
Notes: Designed by Eastman Jacobs and Ira Abbott; operated briefly with freon gas as
the test medium. Still operational.
References: TN- 1283


Above, a phantom drawing of the Langley 19foot pressure tunnel shows the test section at
the front center, the turning vanes at the four corners, and the dnve f a n at the l$t rear.
The air moues clockwise. Below, a technician mounts a model of Republic Aviation’s
F94F in the test section. ( L a R C )


From the outside, Langley’s l6-foot high-speed tunnel is an imposing but comprehensible
building. Inside, however, is an awesome and beguiling world of shadows, deceptive scale,
and optical illusions. Though the wind tunnel helps the researcher see flight more clearly, it
also has the capacity to cause tunnel vision-to make the tool an end in itself: ( L a R C )

20-Foot Spin Tunnel (20-Foot Atmospheric Free-Spinning Tunnel)

Test section: 20-foot (6.1 m), 12-sided, closed-throat
Circuit/pressure: Annular-returdatmospheric
Maximum speed: 0 to 30 m/sec (0 to 66 mph)
Drive system: 400-hp (298-kw) electric motor/fan (1,300 h p overload)
Operational date: March 194 1
References: NACA L-86258

16-Foot High-speed Tunnel

Test section: 16-foot diameter, closed-throat
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: M 0.7
Drive system: 16,000 hp (1 1,936 kw) electric motor/single fan
Operational date: November 1941
Disposition: Operational as 16-foot transonic tunnel
Notes: Repowered in 1950 with 60,000-hp drive and 14-foot slotted test section (M
1.1); in 1969 added 35,000-hp plenum suction blower (M 1.3).

Stability Tunnel
Test section: Dual: 75-in (1.9 m) diameter; 6- by 6-foot (1.8 m) curved flow
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 56 m/sec (125 mph)
Drive system: 600-hp (447-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: June 1942
Disposition: Deactivated
Notes: Specially designed for testing in rotational and curved flow; transferred to
Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1958.
References: TN-2483


1 nonreturn/atmospheric
Maximum speed: M 2.5
Drive system: 1,000 hp x
Operational date: July 1942, June 19431
Disposition: Dismantled
Notes: Adjustable nozzle abandoned in favor of fixed nozzle.

Gust Tunnel

Test section: 8- by 14-foot (2.4 m x 4.3 m), open-throat 1

Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/atmospheric
Maximum speed: M 0.04 to 0.13 x
Drive system: 75 hp _
Operational date: August 1945
Notes: Designed for research on aircraft loads produced by atmospheric turbulence.

Flutter Tunnel

Test section: 4.5-foot diameter, closed-throat 2

Circuit/pressure: Closed-return/0 to 1.8 atmospheres z
Maximum speed: M Iz
Drive system: 1,000 hp 2, 1,400 hp 1
Operational date: September 1945

300-Mph 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel

Test section: 7- by 10-foots (2.1 m x 3.1m), closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 134 m/sec (300 mph)
Drive system: 1,600-hp (1,193-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: February 1945
Disposition: Dismantled 1970
Notes: Two test sections: 7- by 10-foot--300 mph; 17- by 15.8-foot--8 mph.

High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel

Test section: 7- by 10-foot (2.1 m x 3.1m), closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/pressure
Maximum speed: M 0.9
Drive system: 14,000-hp (10,444-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: November 1945
Notes: Slotted test section installed, capability to M 1; connected to 35,000-hp com-
pressor of 16-foot transonic tunnel for transonic operations, M 1.2.

l l-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel

Test section: 11- by 1 l-in (0.3 m x 0.3m)

Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/540 psi max (36 atm)
Maximum speed: M 7


Drive system: Blowdown

Operational date: 1947
Notes: Proposed by John Becker as forerunner of supersonic tunnel; pilot model for 5-
10 mach tunnel; electric resistance heater raised temperature in settling chamber to
900" F.

4- by 4-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Test section: 4.5- by 4.5-foot (1.4 m x 1.4 m), template adjusted, flexible wall nozzles
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/subatmospheric
Maximum speed: M 1.25 to 2.2
Drive system: 6,000-hp (4,476-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: 20 May 1948
Disposition: Dismantled 1977
Notes: Repowered in August 1950 to 45,000-hp, 2.5 atmospheres pressure, M 2.6.

Il'ith the stationary housing

blades rem oved, a technician

znspects tht rotor blades of the

compressor in Langley's 4fOOt
siipmonic wind tunnel.

26-Inch4 Transonic Blowdown Tunnel

Test section: 26-in octagon
Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/7 atm (max)
Maximum speed: M 0.6 to 1.45
Drive system: Blowdown
Operational date: 1950


Disposition: No longer operational

Notes: Blowdown from low-turbulence pressure tunnel, 150 psi.

Gas-Dynamics Laboratory (Hypersonic Aerothermal-Dynamics Facility)

Test section, circuit/pressure, maximum speed, drive system: Central 3,000 psi (204
arm) tank farm provides heated air to several small blowdown tunnels. Mm_ with air
is 8.
Operational date: 1951
Disposition: Operational. High-pressure nitrogen and helium supply also available

8-Foot Transonic Pressure Tunnel

Test section: 7.1- by 7.l-foot (2.2 m x 2.2 m), slotted-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/0.1 to 2.0 atmospheres
Maximum speed: M 0.2 to 1.2
Drive system: 25,000-hp (18,650-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: 1953
Notes: Plenum suction added in 1958 increased speed to M 1.3.

Unitary 4- by 4-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Test section: 4- by 4-foot (1.2 m x 1.2 m)/asymmetric nozzle

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/150 psia
Maximum speed: M 1.5 to 4.6
Drive system: 83,300-hp (62,140-kw) electric motor/4 compressor units
Operational date: 1955
Notes: Two separate test sections: low, M 1.5 to 2.9; high, M 2.3 to 4.6.

9- by 6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel

Test section: 8.75- by 6-foot (2.7 m x 1.8 m), solid wall

Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/50 to 200 psia (3.4 to 13.6 arm), 300 to 660"F (149 to
Maximum speed: M 3
Drive system: Blowdown from 600 psia tank farm
Operational date: September 1957
Disposition: Deactivated 30 September 1971
Notes: Running time was 75 sec at 50 psia, 18 sec at 200 psia; hot core capability
added in 1963 by propane burning; closed by rupture of 600-psia tank farm in 1971.

20-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel

Test section: 20-in diameter
Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn
Maximum speed: M 6
Drive system: Blowdown
Operational date: 1958
Disposition: Operational
Notes: A workhorse tunnel for inlets and complete models.


Ames Aeronautical Laboratory

7- by 10-Foot Tunnel Nos. 1 and 2
Test section: 7- by 10-foot (2.1 m x 3.1 m), closed-throat
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 112 m/sec (250 mph)
Drive system: 1,800-hp (1,343-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: No. 1: March 1940; No. 2:July 1940

16-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

Test section: 16-foot (4.9 m) diameter, closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: M 1
Drive system: 27,000-hp (20,142-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: December 1941
Notes: Repowered in 1955 to 110,000 hp (82,060 kw) with 14- by 14-foot (4.3 m x 4.3
m) transonic test section, M 1.2.

40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel

Test section: 40- by 80-foot (12.2 m x 24.4 m), closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 103 m/sec (230 mph)
Drive system: Six 6,000-hp (4,476-kw) electric motors/fan
Operational date: June 1944
Notes: Power increased in 1979 to 135,000 hp (100,710 kw), M 45; 80- by 120-foot leg
(24.4 m x 36.6 m) added.

1- by 3.5-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

Test section: 1- by 3.5-foot x (0.3 m x 1.1 m)

Circuit/pressure: Closed-circuit 1/atmospheric 2
Maximum speed: M 1.21
Drive system: 2,000 hp x (1,492 kw)
Operational date: January 1944

1- by 3-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Test section: 1- by 3-foot (0.3 m x 0.9 m)

Circuit/pressure: Closed-circuit1/4 atm
Maximum speed: M 1.4 to 2.21
Drive system: 11,500 hp 1 (8,579 hp)
Operational date: 1946

12-Foot Pressure Tunnel

Test section: 12-foot (3.7 m) diameter, closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/0.2 to 5 atmospheres
Maximum speed: M 0.98
Drive system: 12,000-hp (8,952-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: July 1946
Notes: Exceptionally low turbulence level.


The size of the Ames 40- by 8O-foot full-scale wind tunnel is evident in these two internal
photographs. Above, an automobile parked inside the tunnel (above) is about the size of each
of the six motors that power the airflow. A man stands besiiie one of the propelk blades of
the lower kft mount. Below, turning vanes in the tunnel tower over two workers on the
tunnel floor. ( A R C )


6- by 6-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Test section: 6- by 6-foot (1.8 m x 1.8 m), sliding block asymmetric nozzle
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/0.3 to 1 atmosphere
Maximum speed: M 1.3 to 1.8 (continuously variable)
Drive system: 60,000-hp (44,760-kw) electric motors/2 compressors
Operational date: 16June 1948
Notes: Modified in 1956 to provide subsonic/transonic capability, M 0.3 to 2.2.

Supersonic Free-Flight Tunnel

Test section: 1- by 2-foot closed-throat

Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/6 atmospheres
Maximum speed: M 2; gun velocity, 1,000 to 6,000 ft. sec (305 to 1,829 m/sec), Mrel 2
to 10
Drive system: Compressor system from 12-foot pressure tunnel
Operational date: 1949
Notes: Projectile fired upstream; produces shadowgraphs.
Reference: TR- 1222

2- by 2-Foot Transonic Tunnel

Test section: 2- by 2-foot (0.6 m x 0.6 m)/ventilated wall

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/0.2 to 3 atm
Maximum speed: M 0.2 to 1.4
Drive system: 4,000-hp (2,984-kw) electric motor
Operational date: 1951
Reference: NASA SP-4302

Unitary 11- by 11-Foot Transonic Tunnel

Test section: 11- by 1 l-foot (3.6 m x 3.6 m), slotted wall

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/0.5 to 2.25 atmospheres
Maximum speed: M 0.7 to 1.4
Drive system: 180,000-hp (134,280-kw) electric motor/3-stage fan
Operational date: 1955
Notes: Drive motors shared with supersonic legs.

Unitary 9- by 7-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Test section: 9- by 7-foot (2.7 m x 2.1 m), asymmetric nozzle

Circuit/pressure: Single-return/0.3 to 2 atmospheres
Maximum speed: M 1.55 to 2.5
Drive system: 180,000-hp (134, 280-kw) electric motor/l l-stage compressor
Operational date: 1955
Notes: Common drive leg with 8- by 7-foot supersonic tunnel; drive motors shared
with transonic leg.


8- by7-foot(2.4mx 2.1m),symmetricalflexiblewall
to2 atmospheres
Maximum speed:M2.5to 3.5
Notes:Drivelegsharedwith9- by7-footsupersonictunnel;drivemotorssharedwith

10-by 14-InchHypersonic Tunnel

Testsection:10-by 14-in(0.3mx 0.4m),closed-throat,
Nonreturn/6 atmospheres
Maximum speed:M2.7to6.3
Notes:Low-energy startviadouble-hinged

14-FootTransonic Tunnel
Testsection:13.5-by 13.7-foot
(4.1mx 4.2m),perforatedwall
Maximum speed:M0.6to 1.2
Drivesystem:110,000°hp (82,060-kw)
nozzleaheadof testsection.

Maximum speed: M 10
Demolishedin 1972
Notes:Runduration,180milliseconds; convertedin 1967to 42-in.shocktunnel.

Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory

Altitude Wind Tunnel

Test section: 20-foot (6.1 m) diameter, closed- or open-throat
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/0.1 to 1 atmosphere
Maximum speed: 224 m/sec (500 mph) at altitude conditions
Drive system: 18,000-hp (1_,428-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: 1944
Disposition: Deactivated 1958
Notes: Designed for altitude propulsion-system testing; used after 1958 as a rocket test


Schematic diagram of the altitude wind tunnel and associated facilities at the h i s lab-
oratory. (LeRC)

Icing Research Tunnel

Test section: 6- by 9- foot (1.8 m x 2.7 m), closed-throat
Circuit/pressure: Single-return/atmospheric
Maximum speed: 134 m/sec (300 mph)
Drive system: 4,160-hp (3,103-kw) electric motor/fan
Operational date: 1944
Notes: 2,100-ton refrigeration system cools tunnel air to -40°F (4°C): water sprays

8- by 6-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Test section: 8- by 6-foot (2.4 m x 1.8 m), flexible-wall nozzle, perforated4
Circuit/pressure: Nonreturn/maximum pressure 1.75 atmospheres at M 2
Maximum speed: M 1.4 to 2.0
Drive system: 87,000-hp (64,900-kw) electric motors/7-stage axial flow compressor
Operational date: 1949
Notes: Converted to open/closed return; added transonic section and vertical takeoff
and landing section. M 0.36 to 2.0 (primary test section).

Unitary 10- by IO-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Test section: 10- by 10-foot (3.1 m x 3.1 m), symmetric nozzle
Circuit/pressure: Return or nonreturn
Maximum speed: M 2.0 to 3.5
Drive system: 250,000-hp (186,500-kw) electric motors/fan
Operational date: 1955
Notes: Designed for propulsion-system testing; can be run open to the atmosphere.
References: T M X-71625

Appendix F
Research Authorization 201

This is the story of an NACA research authorization. It tells how and why the
authorization was opened, executed, and closed. While research authorization 201 had
some idiosyncrasies--it lasted longer than most and produced fewer practical results--
still it is sufficiently representative to give some idea of how the NACA went about
aeronautical research. It is particularly enlightening on the respective roles of head-
quarters and the laboratory in selecting and conducting research projects, on changes
in those roles over the years, on publication policies of the Committee, and on the
relations of NACA staff members with clients and colleagues.
Boundary-layer research had been going on in Europe for 20 years before the
NACA took any official interest. Only when the Europeans began to achieve some
success in boundary-layer control did the NACA launch a program of its own. The
NACA was always more interested in application than in theory; it never wanted to
understand the wind so much as to control it.
The boundary layer is a thin film that forms on the surface of a solid body moving
through a viscous fluid, like the wing of an airplane moving through the air. Within the
film, velocity increases parabolically, from zero at the solid surface up to the free-
stream velocity at the outer edge of the boundary layer. The depth of the layer varies
with the smoothness of the surface, the viscosity of the fluid, and the speed of the flow,
but it is never very large. At 5 cm from the leading edge of a flat plate moving through
standard sea-level air at zero angle of incidence and 120 m/sec, the boundary layer will
be only .04 cm deep?

Free stream


r Wall
Profile of a boundary layer. _//////////////////_/////////////,
(NASA EP-89, 1971, p. 68)

The boundary layer was first identified and labeled by Ludwig Prandtl in 1904 in a
classic paper that revolutionized this branch of fluid mechanics. The G6ttingen Univer-


sity professor actually used the term “boundary layer” only once, while he used
“transition layer” seven times. But “boundary layer” became the accepted term, and
boundary-layer theory became the descriptor of choice for the entire field. Prandtl had
based his paper on empirical investigations, but his concept remained only a theory
until it was verified in the 1930s and 1940s by more sophisticated research instruments
and techniques. Even today, some of the more complex behavior of the boundary layer
is explained only by unconfirmed theory.2
Applications of boundary-layer reserarch are as diverse as the circumstances of
fluid flow itself. Prandtl was studying the use of a jet of air to blow away sweepings in a
factory. Others looked into the flow of fuids in pipes. Many turned their attention to
the infant technology of flight, seeking to improve the flow of air over wings.
The flying qualities of wings can be enhanced in two ways, and boundary-layer
control can help in both. The first is to decrease drag, the second is to increase lift.
The most desirable way to decrease drag is to maintain laminar flow within the
boundary layer and prevent a transition to turbulent flow. Laminar flow occurs when
successive layers of air within the boundary layer slide smoothy over one another, from
the stationary film at the surface up to the free-stream velocity of the outside air.
Turbulent flow within the boundary layer occurs when these “streamlines break up and
a fluid element moves in a random, irregular, and tortuous fashion,” as when the
smoke rising from a cigarette in a still room ceases to travel smoothly up but tumbles
instead in eddies and curls. Over a normal wing, the boundary layer remains laminar
over only a small portion of the wing chord before breaking up into turbulent flow.
The area of turbulent flow experiences significantly greater skin-friction drag than the

Transition from laminar to turbulent flow can be seen occum’ng down the length .f this
missile-body model captured by shadowgraph in high-speed flow. ( A R C )

T h e second way to improve the flying qualities of a wing through boundary-layer con-
trol is to increase the lift, especially the maximum lift, of the wing. Maximum lift can be
increased by delaying the onset of separation of the boundary layer. As a wing’s angle
of incidence increases-as its leading edge is tipped up above the plane of flow of the


m 2
This smoke-flow visualization of the same wing at diffen'ng angles (6", 12", 14" top to
bottom) of incidence reveals how tipping a wing above the plant offlow can bring on
separation of the boundary layer, and stalling. ( L a R C )

53 1

free-stream air--its lift also increases, up to a point. Finally, however, the boundary
layer on the upper surface breaks free of the wing altogether, reducing lift drastically.
This is known as stalling. If the boundary layer can be kept from separating, the
maximum lift of the aircraft can be increased, an important consideration in increasing
takeoff-weight capacity and reducing landing speed. Furthermore, the same energizing
of the boundary layer that delays separation can also help to maintain the boundary
layer in fast laminar flow, increasing total lift even at low angles of incidence.

Free-stream air

y U77-77 / / LK / / / / / / /
Air_oilsu /_Separation point

Separation of the boundary layer. (NASA TN-1384, 1947)

In the early years of boundary-layer theory, two methods of boundary-layer con-

trol were proposed by the Europeans, who dominated the field. Prandtl and his
proteges at G6ttingen developed mechanisms to suck the boundary layer along the
upper surface of wings, thus maintaining laminar flow and preventing separation.
Others studied ways of blowing air into the boundary layer near the leading edge, to
energize the boundary layer and prevent separation.
The latter technique, with its promise of practical application, first drew the
NACA into boundary-layer research. In 1926, Elliot G. Reid, a junior aeronautical
engineer and a member of the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory's research
council, wrote to the engineer-in-charge of the laboratory about European work in
boundary-layer control. He noted that the research of Handley-Page and Lachmann in
England "constituted the first successful attempt to control flow in the boundary
layer," thus improving the performance of wings. He cited NACA Technical Memoran-
dum 374, published just that year, describing the work of the G6ttingen group under
Prandtl. And, most important, he referred to John J. Ide's recent visit to Vienna, where
the NACA's European representative had talked with Richard Katzmayr, director of the
Vienna Aerodynamical Laboratory. Katzmayr was trying to increase lift by blowing
compressed air over the upper surface of airfoils, and had already published some
promising results. He gave Ide an extremely optimistic account of his work to date. On
the basis of Ide's report, Reid suggested that the NACA Aerodynamics Committee
should authorize "Experiments on Airfoils with Modified Boundary Layer Flow," look-
ing into Katzmayr's blowing technique as well as the obverse method, the suction
technique advocated by the G6ttingen group.'
Reid's proposal immediately fell foul of the bureaucracy both at the laboratory
and at headquarters in Washington. It was first forwarded for comment to Max Munk.
Munk, the enfant terrtble of the NACA, was a brilliant and temperamental aerodynamicist


who had done more than anyone to set up the program and facilities of the Langley
laboratory and to distinguish the NACA by important contributions to aeronautics. Just
now he was in charge of the Aerodynamics Division, and he resented an outsider from
the Engine Research Division suggesting programs for his fiefdom. "I suggest that Mr.
E. G. Reid be advised to draw his memorandum back," he replied icily, "and to ask it
to be forwarded to the Aerodynamics Division, if he cares to." 5 Apparently Reid did
not care to, trying instead an end run around Munk directly to the NACA Aerodynam-
ics Committee. That ploy brought him into collision with George W. Lewis, the NACA
director of aeronautical research. Lewis advised the laboratory on 11 November--just
one week after Munk's rebuff of Reid--that in the future all research recommendations
would go through the Director of Aeronautical Research and would not be proposed
directly to a technical committee or subcommittee.6
The engineer-in-charge duly forwarded Reid's recommendation to Lewis, with a
copy to Munk. Munk's response, now more formal, displayed the temperament that
would finally undo him at Langley:

Each problem should recieve [sic] the fullest amount of thought and interest and
should be carried through as far as can be. Otherwise, we might degenerate into a
mere test factory. From this point of view it is desirable to have only as many problems
being turned over from outside as absolutely necessary. It is further desirable that each
staff member propose chiefly such new problems as are derived directly from the prob-
lem he is engaged in at the time. Otherwise, the conclusion can not be avoided that he
does not concentrate his entire mind on his problem; and furthermore, he is less pre-
pared to know about the desirability of his proposed problem, if it does not belong to
his present work in investigating.
To sum up, we need on the side of our staff members the serious will and the
intense interest necessary to solve problems, rather than reflecting on new problems to
be solved by someone else. ?

Part of this argument was mere selfserving rationalization, an attempt by Munk to keep
his own field inviolate and to have the last word on what was done within it. To this
extent it is petty and at odds with the way the Langley staff operated at its best--
encouraging a free flow of ideas and suggestions and cutting across administrative
boundaries as the demands of aeronautical research dictated. But Munk's argument
contained a kernel of truth, and the investigation of boundary-layer control by the
NACA might have proved more successful had Munk's advice been taken. Like all
complex research activities, aeronautical research requires an informed supervisor able
to see the big picture, to distinguish the forest from the trees, to separate the random
interesting idea from the cumulatively productive next step in a long-term investiga-
tion. Reid's suggestion, though full of interest and potential, still bore no guarantee
that it would prove the best way to use the limited personnel and facilities available to
the NACA.
The engineer-in-charge sent Munk's comments along to George Lewis. For two
weeks nothing happened. Then, on 3 December, Lewis sent Langley new photographs
and test results from Katzmayr and directed the lab to check them in the atmospheric
wind tunnel, earliest and crudest of the tunnels then at Langley. The laboratory staff
may have considered this a tentative approval of Reid's suggestion, but the real source
of this authorization apparently was in Washington. On the previous day, Captain E. S.
Land, assistant chief of the Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics, had formally requested that
the NACA test in a wind tunnel and in flight the Katzmayr method of increasing lift.s
Land was then one of two Navy members of the NACA Main Committee, a member of
the Executive Committee, and a frequent visitor to the NACA offices. George Lewis
may well have asked him if the Navy were interested in checking out Katzmayr's claim.
The lower takeoff and landing speeds resulting from improved lift could appreciably
help the Navy in its early attempts at carrier aviation.


Whetherthroughcollaboration or not,on 6 December Lewisforwarded Land's

letterfor comment to Langley witha revealing postscript: "A research authorization
(No.201)will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approvalat its next
meetingto carryout this requestof the Bureauof Aeronautics." 9 In otherwords,
Lewismighthesitate tosubmitlaboratory recommendations to theExecutive Commit-
whenopinionin theLangley staffwasdivided--but assoonashehada
Navyrequestin handhe hada research authorization in draft.Capt.Land'sletter
addednothingtothetechnical justification
for theresearch, butit didaddthepolitical
Lewisseems to havefeltheneeded.
WhileLangley waswaitingfor theExecutive Committee to acton theproposal,
thestaffagreed in conference onthedesirability of investigating Katzmayr's scheme as
wellasthesuctionmethodof boundary-layer controlrecently demonstrated byTheo-
dorevonKfirm_in, oneof Prandtl's mostaccomplished proteges.I° Flighttestingand
research in theatmospheric windtunnelwereprescribed, shouldresearch beauthor-
ized.Meanwhile, Katzmayr hadvisitedIdeandprovided full blueprints of hisinven-
tion, whichweredulyforwardedthroughLewisto Langley.ThereafterKatzmayr
persistentlysoughtwordof NACAresults,especially of comparing hisblowingmethod
withthesuction method proposed byhisrivalsatG6ttingen. Idewaseagertogivehim
the informationin returnfor his cooperation, but the Langleypersonnel at first
reported"indefinite"resultsbecause ofthe"contradictory natureof thedata"submit-
tedby Katzmayr. Bythemiddleof thefollowingyear,theywereviewingthesuction
method asmorepromising, thoughbeforetheyreached a firmconclusion theywanted
to knowhowKatzmayr hadachieved thehighpressures heclaimed. At thatjuncture,
Katzmayr disappearsfromtherecords, ll

Laminar Turbulent
boundary layer boundary layer
I. + 4

Above, transition from lam-

Conventional wing
inar to turbulent flow on a
conventional wing; below,
maintenance of laminar
boundary layer
flow along the entire wing
surface through use of suc-
tion slots. (NASA EP-89,
1971, p. 76) Suction slot "

While this modest investigation was proceeding, Lewis won the endorsement he
had promised the laboratory on 6 December. Research Authorization 201, "Investiga-
tion of Various Methods of Improving Wing Characteristics by Control of the Bound-
ary Layer," was approved by the Executive Committee and signed by its new chairman,
Joseph Ames, on 21 January 1927. Broad as the title of the authorization was, its
"Why" and "How" sections made it all too specific. The purpose of the investigation
was to "Determine the possibilities of improving wing characteristics" by using the
blowing and sucking methods suggested by Katzmayr and by the University of G6ttin-


genrespectively. The Katzmayr methodwasto be testedin the atmospheric wind

tunnelandin flight,theG6ttingen method onlyin thewindtunnel.Under"Remarks"
it wasnoted:"Investigationrequested byBureau of Aeronautics."
Withthe research authorizationin hand,the Langley staffoffereda spateof
suggestions:MaxMunksuggested roundingthetrailingedgeof a wingasa means of
controllingtheboundary layer,andrequested "thatpriorityof thisinventionbetaken
downfor the writerfor a futureapplication for a patent."The engineer-in-charge
forwardedthissuggestion witha notethatit couldbereadilyincorporated in the
programfor theatmospheric windtunnel;thisprocedure wasquicklyapproved bythe
Executive Committee andcharged to research authorization201.E. G. Reid,whoat
the beginning of thisstoryhadsuffered at Munk'shands, nowturnedthetablesby
askingMunkto describe in a memo just exactlywhathewasrecommending. When
Munkfailedto reply,theengineer-in-charge putthesame questionto himin writing.
Stillnoanswer. At last--apparentlyaftera personal interview--the
recorded formallyon hisownmemo:"Dr. Munkhasnosuggestion to make."These
wereMunk'slastdaysattheNACA,andthisbehavior wastypicaloftheanimosityand
frictionbetweenhimandthestaffthatmadehisdeparture inevitable. TM

Suggestions by other members of the Langley staff fared better. A laboratory

assistant recommended investigation of "electrical lubrication"-- electrically charging
the wing, with the expectation that the adjacent air would take on the same charge and
be repelled, thus repelling the boundary layer and eliminating skin-friction drag alto-
gether. Although entirely unrelated to the blowing and sucking methods specified in
the research authorization, this idea won quick approval from the Executive Commit-
tee. Three other engineers recommended that research on the suction method pro-
posed by G6ttingen and reported in NACA TMs 374 and 395 be conducted in the
variable-density wind tunnel. This newest tunnel, the brainchild of Max Munk, was the
NACA's first radical research tool, a device for getting results more closely approximat-
ing those of an airplane in flight (see chapter 4). Though this too was a departure from
the orginal specifications of research authorization 201--which had called for research
in the atmospheric wind tunnel--the Executive Committee nonetheless gave it similarly
quick endorsement. 1_
If a pattern was emerging here, it consisted of cautious NACA approval of a basic
research authorization, preferably based on a specific request from one of the military
services, followed by ready endorsement of laboratory suggestions on how to conduct
the research. The Committee approved new ideas from all professional members of the
staff (Munk's objections notwithstanding) and had no apparent compunction about
straying from the precise language of the authorization. The authorization served
rather as a foundation on which the laboratory, with the approval of Lewis and the
Executive Committee, could build a program of its own choice.
First hard results of this particular investigation were disappointing. Thomas
Carroll's report on "Preliminary Flight Tests of a Method of Boundary Layer Re-
moval," submitted 2 September 1927, concluded that "the improvement in perform-
ance is negligible" for the first arrangement of sucking slots that the staff tried on an
aircraft wing. One of the engineers quickly cautioned the engineer-in-charge not to
publish these results, because they were for one method of installation only; circulation
of the report, he warned, "might make persons less familiar with the subject skeptical
of any possible improvement in wing characteristics bv boundary layer control." The
engineer-in-charge concurred and advised headquarters not to publish the report, as
other wind-tunnel tests then underway might suggest better arrangements.14
In spite of this tendency to play their cards close to the vest, the Langley staff was
already amassing a useful store of knowledge. In October 1927, less than a year after
work on this research authorization began, J. S. McDonnell, Jr.--then a struggling
young engineer in private employ, later to become one of the giants of the aircraft-


manufacturing industry--wrote to ask if the NACA was doing research on the blowing
and sucking methods of boundary-layer control such as that reported from G6ttingen
in the NACA TMs or from the Army's McCook Field in the Journal of the Society of
Automotive Engineers. H.J.E. Reid was able to reply that the laboratory's research to date
indicated that overall efficiency increased with use of suitable slots, that suction was
more economical than blowing, and that a blunt nose on the airfoil appeared better
than a sharp one. These results were worth publishing, and Reid in fact stated that the
NACA was preparing a preliminary report that would include "a complete bibliography
which may be considered as a guide to the work done on this subject by other research
organizations. ''x5 Though the NACA was not itself publishing preliminary results, it
was apparently following very closely the results published by other laboratories.
Another year was to elapse before the NACA actually published its first report
under this research authorization. In the meantime it embarked on several new depar-
tures. In January 1928 George Lewis wrote the laboratory that in a recent conversation
with Orville Wright, then a member of the NACA Main Committee, the pioneer aviator
told of experimenting with a wing having a split trailing edge. This produced a
considerable negative pressure along the line of the split; at high angles of attack it was
possible that openings from the split to the interior of the wing could suck air into the
wing and perhaps control the boundary layer. Lewis directed--apparently on the basis
of this conversation alone--that Wright's concept be included in the work done under
research authorization 201.16
Henry J. E. Reid, in a letter drafted for him by Ehon Miller, new head of the
Aerodynamics Division, replied to Lewis that Langley would do the work, but the staff
was not optimistic. The split flap, they thought, would probably increase drag, decrease
lift, and produce the kind of turbulent wake that accompanies separation. Lewis re-
sponded with a Washington Navy Yard report which he believed contradicted the staff
predictions; one of the engineers at the lab countered that the trailing edge described
in that report was a downward flap only, not the split flap recommended by Wright.
When the research was concluded and a report prepared the following year, it con-
firmed the staff's skepticism. Said Reid in forwarding the report to Lewis, "The results
obtained in this investigation are mainly negative and it has been doubted whether the
paper is worthy of publication." Once more (as in the preliminary sucking-slot tests)
the staff at Langley was recommending suppression of negative results, but in this case
Lewis seems to have overridden their objections. Five months after the negative
recommendation by Langley, the same report, now edited and retitled, was forwarded
for publication as a technical note. 17
The laboratory was more successful in suppressing the results of another investi-
gation tacked onto research authorization.201. In June 1928, a Langley engineer
brought to the attention of George Lewis some Japanese research which concluded that
rows of transverse flaps across the upper surface of a wing would prevent the backflow
of air along the upper surface at high angles of attack--a precondition of separation--
with little effect on drag. Tests seemed warranted. Lewis agreed, and authorized tests
under research authorization 201. But again the results were disappointing. Early in
1929, Henry Reid forwarded to Lewis a report that he said was based on "somewhat
crude" research equipment. He did not recommend the report for publication, and he
did not have the personnel to continue the research. The chief test pilot, however, was
more optimistic about the technique, as was Lewis, who told LMAL that he found the
results interesting and wanted more research done. But there the record stops.
Queried about the Japanese technique in 1935, the laboratory staff could find no
memorandum report on its research, or even any record of tests beyond some notes in
the chief test pilot's own files. In this one case, at least, the laboratory succeeded in
smothering a project it did not want to pursue. XS


Not until the summer of 1929 did the Langley laboratory forward the first findings
under research authorization 201 that the staff judged suitable for publication. On 23
August, H. J. E. Reid forwarded a document by Montgomery Knight and Millard J.
Bamber, "Wind Tunnel Tests on Airfoil Boundary Layer Control Using Backward
Opening Slot," recommending its publication as a technical note. Two months later it
appeared as NACA TN-316. Less than two years after that came the culmination of the
work under research authorization 201, Millard J. Bamber's "Wind Tunnel Tests on
Airfoil Boundary Layer Control Using a Backward Opening Slot." In forwarding this
report to headquarters, H.J.E. Reid recommended its publication as a technical report,
the top of the NACA line and the intended end product of all research authorizations.
Reid specifically noted that "the work covered by this report was done under Research
Authorization No. 201 and completes the work to be done under this authorization."
The following year the report was published as NACA Report 385. In it, Bamber
mentioned the personnel limitations on the investigation and suggested that this re-
search was all the NACA was going to conduct on this topic. Reading the records only
to this point might lead to the conclusion that research authorization 201 had run its
course. 19
In fact, however, research authorization 201 was just getting under way. Even as
Bamber's report was being edited for publication, another report by another engineer
went from Langley to headquarters, carrying a note by Reid that the research was
conducted under R.A. 201 and did not complete the work to be done under that
authorization. And, in the same year, another young engineer at Langley, Hugh B.
Freeman, submitted a preliminary report on an investigation conducted under research
authorization 201, this time on pressure distribution about an airship model, an en-
tirely new departure in NACA boundary-layer research. 2° Langley records do not
explain why the laboratory decision was overturned and the research authorization left
open. Nor do they suggest why R.A. 201 expanded into an umbrella for work not
directly connected with the blowing and suction techniques suggested by Katzmayr and
G6ttingen, the initial targets of the research. There were other research authorizations
active under which boundary-layer investigations could be--and in fact were being--
conducted. The most likely explanation is the promise offered in Bamber's final report
of actually controlling the boundary layer by suction and blowing, and Lewis' reluc-
tance to abandon the research especially when he held an authorization explicitly
requested by one of the armed services. Better, perhaps, to keep the authorization
open and use it for targets of opportunity: if a promising new departure in research
appeared, it could be pursued within the mandate of this research authorization with-
out going back to the Executive Committee and asking for approval of what might
appear in embryo a far-fetched line of research.
Whatever the reasons, research authorization 201 remained open, and under its
protective cover all manner of boundary-layer research went on. In 1932, for example,
the newly opened NACA tow tank--a model basin intended primarily for experimenta-
tion with seaplane hulls--was drawn into a Navy investigation of soaring birds in still
air. The scheme, not especially well received at Langley, was to harness seagulls,
buzzards, and seahawks to a movable carriage in the NACA tank and pull them along
at varying speeds, to measure the lift their wings developed at different attitudes and
degrees of extension. Constructing a balance that could measure the results of these
tests became a major research project per se, and the Langley staff found itself not
only yielding up precious tank time to the enterprise but also becoming immersed in
procuring test specimens and designing and supervising construction of the balance. 2_
But these tank tests were merely a distraction and an aberration. The real center
of activity on research authorization 201 in the next phase of its 10ng career was to be
Hugh B. Freeman, the young engineer who reported late in 1931 on airship research.
In a memorandum to the chief of the Langley Aerodynamics Division in April 1932,


Freemanarguedthatboundary-layer controlhadenormous potentialthatwasbeing

Hisworkonairflowaroundairships hadconvinced himofthis,andhewas
dismayedto learnthatthe NACA'sonlymajorworkon the subjectwasBamber's
report.Freeman considered
Carroll'searlierworkon theblqwingslotin a
wingsectiona stepin therightdirection,
andheoutlineda programtocontinue that
Onthesame daythatFreeman formallypresented hisproposal, H.J.E.Reidwrote
to headquartersthatkeystaffmembers agreedon its possibilities.Recommending
of theproposed research,
Reidnotedthat"it maybeadvisable torequest an
of Research Authorization
No.201. . . to permit work being carried out in
the propeller research tunnel. It will be recalled that the above research authorization
authorizes work in the atmospheric tunnel." Why this deviation from the original
authorization needed new approval, when Lewis had freely approved R.A. 201 work in
the variable-density tunnel and the NACA tank (not to mention departing from the
type of work originally prescribed), Reid did not say. Perhaps this looked to him like a
major new investigation which should bear a reaffirmation of R.A. 201 from the outset.
Lewis apparently did not share Reid's view, but told the laboratory to draw up a
detailed program; when that reached his hands some three months later, he quickly
approved it for inclusion in research authorization 201 with no apparent endorsement
by the Executive Committee. 23
In essence Freeman proposed to investigate lowering the drag on airships by
using boundary-layer control to delay transition. This was truly a new departure in the
hist(_ry of R.A. 201. 24 Previous efforts had sought for ways to delay separation and
increase the velocity gradient within the boundary layer. Freeman would concentrate
on delaying the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. The idea was by no means
original with him, but his work on airships and his reading of earlier NACA efforts
convinced him that this was a promising line of research and one with which the NACA
should be deeply involved. He was right. It would be in this area--though not under
this R.A.--that the NACA would make its greatest contribution to boundary-layer
control, the laminar-flow airfoil.
While Freeman was occupied with this research, over the long stretch between
proposal and publication of results, word of his study was abroad in aeronautical
circles. One who heard about it was Clark B. Millikan, a young aeronautical engineer at
the California Institute of Technology who would in time become one of America's
leading aerodynamical theorists. In 1933 he was assistant to Theodore von K_rmfin,
Ludwig Prandtl's most tamous American proteg6, and in July of that year he asked the
NACA for Freeman's boundary-layer data to use in the work he and von K_rm_in
had been conducting for more than a year. George Lewis asked the Langley lab what
Miller (chief of the Aerodynamics Division) thought of the request, and Reid replied
for the laboratory "'[that] the tests made thus far are of a preliminary nature intended
mainly to establish the satisfactory working of the equipment and that the results are
not of a nature suitable for release by the Committee. ''25 The NACA's long-standing
reluctance to share preliminary data with industry, lest they be misinterpreted, was
being extended to the scientific community where colleagues customarily shared pre-
liminary results--even negative ones--so long as they advanced the common store of
knowledge. This sort of answer, unsatisfactory even to industry, was sure to be doubly
unpalatable to scientists.
Some few, however, were privy to the NACA's closed work on boundary-layer
control. George Lewis showed charts of Freeman's early results in the propeller-
research tunnel to Walter Diehl, a Navy captain who was a prolific contributor to
NA('A technical publications and for years was the Navy's principal working-level
contact with the NACA. Diehl was interested. He believed that wing flaps had largely
solved the navy's landing problems but takeoff was still a major difficulty. Some of the


current planes needed as much as 1000 feet in which to take off, a distance that could
only increase with increased speeds. Boundary-layer control offered a possible solution
to this problem. Diehl reported that an engineer at one of the leading aircraft manufac-
turers had suggested cooling engines by a blower fan in the wing; this seemed a good
source of pressurized air to be released through forward slots. Diehl recommended
tests of the idea. 26

Freeman replied for the laboratory to Diehl's letter. First he set the captain
straight: flaps had not entirely solved landing problems. Lateral control was still a
difficulty, especially if the flaps extended the full span of the wing and interfered with
the ailerons. But even here, said Freeman, boundary-layer control offered a solution,
for it promised a high lift coefficient, elimination of stalling, and a smooth flow
conducive to good aileron control at all angles of attack. He reported that data were
not yet available on the use of boundary-layer control for improving takeoff, but were
expected soon. As to the suggestion by the manufacturing engineer, Freeman treated it
with a trace of institutional defensiveness: "The scheme proposed by Mr. Leighton
seems entirely practicable. Indeed the idea had been discussed in this office (before we
heard of Mr. Leighton's suggestion) as probably the most promising method of bound-
ary-layer control for very large air transports and bombers in which the motors can be
placed inside the wing. ''27
Shortly after this exchange, Freeman submitted his first report on the work he had
been doing for more than a year and a half. His memorandum, "Some preliminary
results of force tests on a thick stub wing on which the boundary layer was removed by
suction and pressure," dated 25 January 1934, set forth lift results and promised that
results on drag would soon follow. Major conclusions were that boundary-layer control
to increase lift was "much more favorable than previous model tests have indicated,"
that separation could be entirely eliminated, that suction was more efficient than
blowing, that the power for suction or blowing could be obtained from a throttled
engine or a "windmill of practicable dimensions" (_ la Leighton), and that the results
should be checked on a full-span wing. 2s
The personnel at Langley were uniformly encouraged by Freeman's report,
though they used the cautious, dry language that characterizes engineering correspond-
ence: their comments ranged from "rather interesting" to "most promising." But
beneath the restrained wording was clear evidence of excitement. One man suggested
sending the report to Lewis, since it revealed why previous tests at the laboratory had
been unproductive: the slots had been too small. Another engineer expected that drag
would be no problem. Two others had schemes to run the blowers off the propellers;
this suggestion led Freeman to alter his plans and run more tests in the propeller
research tunnel before proceeding to full-scale inflight tests. Reid sent all this material
to Lewis (save Freeman's last reservations) and--in what was becoming laboratory style
for this research authorization--recommended getting more complete results before
considering the report for publication. 29
Before answering this correspondence, Lewis discussed it with the staff during one
of his frequent visits to the laboratory. The conferees approved Freeman's proposal
with one significant alteration: Freeman wanted to run the tests on a symmetrical
airfoil, one shaped the same on the top and the bottom. This was not surprising, given
his preference for research using theoretically satisfactory shapes, like the body-of-
revolution offered by the airship model used in his earlier work. This preference was in
tune with current theoretical literature and presumably would give results applicable to
all airfoils. Lewis and the Langley staff, however, insisted that Freeman use a NACA
2415 airfoil, a slightly cambered shape from a family of NACA wing sections just then
achieving promising results in lift/drag tests at Langley. For several years the NACA
had been running exhaustive tests on families of wings whose design components--
thickness, camber, taper, etc.--were minutely altered for each succeeding wing to


document the change in flight characteristics. This was turning out to be among the
most popular and most useful research conducted at Langley, for it gave aircraft
designers a whole range of wings from which to choose, as one might select home-
furnishing or automobile accessories from a catalogue. Wings thus developed in the
laboratory became known by the Committee's name with a number code identifying the
features of the wing. The most famous was the "two-thirty" family of wings, introduced
in 1935. s°

Chord line thickness Mean

mTr line

Angle of r __ _.__.z_--,,_
attack I f _ _-_-_--_
* " ,I The camber of an airfoil section is
\, Free-stream
the curvature of the mean line rel-
ative to the chord line. (NASA
(a) Wing cross section. EP-89, 1971, p. 100)

0006 2206 2306 2406 2506 2606 2706

0009 2209 23G9 2409 2509 2609 2709

_<_._ _ 2412 2512 2612 2712

0018 2218 2318 2418 2518 2618 2718

0021 2221 2321 2421 2521 2621 2721

4206 4306 4406 4506 4606 4706

0025 __-_ ___ _ _ _
4209 4309 4409 4509 4609 4709

4212 4312 4412 4512 4612 4712

4218 4318 4518 4618 4718

4221 4321 4421 4521 4621 4721

6206 6306 6406 6506 6606 6706

6209 6309 6409 6509 6609 67(}9

.,,-'-----_. _ __-_ ._.___._
.._.__.._ _ _ 6512 6612 6712

6218 6318 6418 6518 6618 6718

6221 6321 6421 6521 6621 6721

The NACA 4-digit family of airfoil sections." the O0-series are symmetrical, the 24- series
slightly cambered. (NASA TR-460, 1933)


Exactly. why Lewis and the Langley staff forced Freeman to use the 2415 wing
section, the written record does not say. If Lewis wanted merely to ensure mention of a
NACA airfoil in Freeman's published results, he could have prescribed any one of an
number of Committee-developed symmetrical sections. Lewis may have wanted to
spotlight the 24 group of NACA airfoil sections, just then being touted by the Commit-
tee as superior to the Clark Y and the R.A.F. 6, two of the most popular airfoils of the
time. Whatever the reason, the decision seems to have been purely political, an
instance where Lewis allowed his own judgment about the best interests of the Com-
mittee to overrule the judgment of the researcher in the laboratory. That Lewis chose
to reach this conclusion orally with the Langley staff, rather than to commit his reasons
to writing, reinforces this impression. 3x
Like a good soldier, Freeman did as he was told, bringing to the new experiments
the same enthusiasm and creativity that had marked his entrance into this field of
research. Shortly after selection of the slightly cambered NACA 2415 wing for the
tests, Freeman suggested a new slot design to improve the characteristics of such wings
at low angles of attack. He proposed a connection between the front bottom of the
wing and the rear top. Natural pressures of the airflow at low angles of attack would,
according to Freeman, suck air into the wing at the top rear and in turn suck the same
air out of the wing at the front bottom, thus moving the boundary layer across the top.
Several months later Freeman changed the proposal to put the top intake near
midchord instead of at the rear of the wing. In the meantime, he also suggested that
the boundary layer might be controlled by adding to the trailing edge of a wing a
retractable flap of adjacent tubes, using the Venturi effect to draw air into the tubes
and pull it further aft. Freeman thought the latter idea so promising that the govern-
ment might want to consider a patent. 32
To Freeman's first suggestion, Lewis gave quick assent for inclusion in research
authorization 201. But the notion of the Venturi flap drew a more cautious, more
revealing response: First Lewis observed that, at the ninth annual NACA industry
conference held recently at Langley, many considered the demonstration of boundary-
layer control in the smoke-flow tunnel and the charts illustrating the results of this
investigation to be the most interesting exhibition. Furthermore, the Navy Bureau of
Aeronautics had expressed interest, so the idea was certainly worth pursuing. But
Lewis was reluctant to continue personally evaluating every new departure in the
program without more staff work at the laboratory:

It seems desirable that when suggestions such as Mr. Freeman's are recommended,
they be circulated among the various sections of the aerodynamics division. The com-
ments received, together with further suggestions, could be studied by a special com-
mittee on boundary-layer control, resulting in a program of investigation that could be
recommended by the laboratory. 33

Perhaps Lewis was just overworked. Perhaps the technicalities of boundary-layer

control were simply becoming too much for him. Perhaps the Langley laboratory--
whose professional staff had more than doubled since it first proposed boundary-layer
research--had simply grown too large to handle on a personal basis. Whatever his
reason, Lewis was directing the laboratory to formalize its procedures for administering
boundary-layer research, and in the process was giving up to the laboratory some of his
autonomy. He approved Freeman's suggestion, just as he had approved all those
before it; if the Langley staff was going to speak with one voice on future recommenda-
tions, he would be even less likely to override their collective judgment.
Lewis's delegation of authority at this time, his loosening of the reins on the
Langley staff, should not be taken out of context. It was no more than an extension of
the policy he had followed from the outset of his NACA career. He had always insisted
upon the freest discussion and the most open flow of ideas within the Langley staff. He


distrustedorganizational arrangements that hamperedinterdisciplinary and

interdivisioncollaboration.Whenhevisitedthelaboratory, ashedidoftenin theearly
years,he convened informalstaffmeetingsat whicheveryone wasencouraged to
presenthis views.Lewisfostered, andthe laboratory ensured, informaldiscussions
whererankandprotocolmattered lessthantheworthof theideas.Themostjunior
engineer couldcornerhisdivisionchiefin thecafeteria andarguea caseoverlunch
withoutfearof overstepping bounds.In settingupa special committee onboundary-
layercontrol,Lewiswastryingto guarantee thecontinuation of thiskindof interplay
andcooperation evenif he wereunableto personally supervise andparticipate. By
doingso,hewasalsolayingthegroundwork forthecollaboration thatwouldleadto
thelaminar-flow airfoil.
Evidence of Lewis'sincreasingworkload andhisneedto delegate responsibility
camethefollowingmonthwhenP.E.Hemkeof theCaseSchoolof AppliedScience
wroteto Lewisaskingfor boundary-layer information.He wasconducting some
wind-tunnel testsof boundary-layer controlandhadlearnedof the NACA'swork
throughthelastindustry-conference report.CouldtheNACAadvisehimon thebest
positioning of slots,the bestmethodfor achieving evenair flowdistributionalong
everyslot,andthebestwingthickness? Lewis, instead offorwarding thistoLangley lab
for a draftreplyashewouldhavedonein previous years,letJohnVictoryhandlethe
correspondence, a5
Thissubtleshiftdidnot meanthatLewishadrelinquished hisfinalsay.In fact,
Lewis'sintervention in Freeman'swind-tunnel programwasabouttobearfruit.Free-
manreporteddisappointing resultsin the testson the NACA2415wing,"aswas
expected with thcuseof sucha lowcambered wingsection,"he addedsomewhat
acidly,in an"I-told-you-so" tone.Herecommended thatthetestscontinue ona more
highlycambered and tapered wing, apparently believing that, short of the symmetrical
wing section he preferred, he would get best results with a section of greater camber
than the 2415 preferred by George Lewis. Others in the division agreed, though
Eastman Jacobs--one of the most brilliant and influential men ever to work at Lang-
ley-thought that "possibly Freeman has been a little hasty in condemning the slightly
cambered airfoil." Still, he agreed with Freeman on the need for a more tapered wing,
and the two men selected a satisfactory shape. H.J.E. Reid, trying to proceed as he
imagined Lewis would wish, reported that the program would proceed with tests on
something like the NACA 8318 airfoil unless disapproved by Lewis, and he added that
"the future program will be planned to show the value of boundary-layer control in
take-off." Silence from Lewis was interpreted as assent, a8
Keeping the military services happy was not Lewis's only concern; industry too
had become interested in boundary-layer control and was increasingly difficult to put
off. Eclipse Aviation Company, for example, learned of NACA research on boundary-
layer control and wanted to know if it was too early to consider manufacturing a power
supply for the blowers to be used in wings for suction or blowing. Freeman thought
this might be an excellent chance for the laboratory to get a prototype manufactured
free for testing, but more conservative voices at Langley prevailed; Eclipse Aviation was
finally told that the requirements were not clear enough for manufacturing. 37
Of greater concern to Lewis was a request from the Northrup Company, which in
early 1935 was having boundary-layer control tests conducted at the California Institute
of Technology. Lewis discussed this and other boundary-layer research in the United
States with Donald H. Wood when the latter visited headquarters from his post in the
Aerodynamics Division at Langley. Would it be possible, Lewis wanted to know, to
publish some results of the work already done at Langley and continue the testing on
all actual airplane? As Wood made clear when he returned to Langley, 38 airplane tests
had been proposed by Freeman more than a year previously when I,ewis intervened
and insisted on tunnel tests on an NACA airfoil. "It appears now," lamented Wood,


"that airplane tests would be very useful in establishing the priority of our investiga-
tions but it is a pity that this was not realized a year ago when the tests were suggested

This lost opportunity prompted Wood to examine how the boundary-layer re-
search program at Langley had been conducted. He noted that (as had been suggested
elsewhere) "the work on the general project has not been pushed sufficiently," a failure
he attributed to shortage of personnel and the press of "other projects deemed of
equal or greater importance." Less forgivable was the "constant shuffling about of
personnel in the drafting room and shops to work on projects of momentary and
changing first importance." Compounding these shortcomings in the laboratory was
the premature announcement of research programs at the annual industry conferences.
"The fact that we announced results of incomplete tests at the last mfg conference," he
concluded, "has stimulated interest and the fact that we have published nothing now
puts us in an embarassing situation," one that "will continue . . . so long as we
continue to give out advance information each year." The only way out of the present
dilemma, he believed, was to override Freeman's reticence and get something into
print. "I know that Mr. Freeman is somewhat adverse to putting out information on the
inconclusive tests so far made," argued Wood, "but I think that under the circum-
stances it might be well to get out a confidential note on the results obtained to date.
This would place us on record and give Northrup a starting point for his tests which I
don't think he would misuse."
The chief of the Aerodynamics Division agreed with Wood, though he doubted
that design of an airplane wing could begin until tunnel tests were completed. So,
while the work proceeded apace, Freeman prepared "Large-Scale Boundary-Layer
Control Tests on Two Wings in the N.A.C.A. 20-Foot Wind Tunnel" as a Confidential
Memorandum Report. 39 In forwardin_ this report to headquarters, Reid advised that it
had not been edited and wa_ not intended for wide circulation in its present form. Its
contents would be included with other material in a future Technical Report.4°
Outsiders from industry, the services, and academia were not the only ones
inquiring after the progress of boundary-layer research at Langley and thereby affect-
ing the course of the research program. For example, Charles H. Helms, a headquar-
ters aeronautical engineer specializing in advanced design studies, patents, and inven-
tions, offered two ideas for boundary-layer control to Lewis, who sent them along to
Langley for comment. Helms suggested an endless belt along the upper surface of a
wing to keep the boundary layer moving at the speed of the airstream, and he
suggested vibration to shake the boundary layer loose. Eastman Jacobs responded with
a perfunctory "no comment." Freeman replied that the endless-beh idea, which had
been patented in Germany in 1917, was impractical, while the vibration technique was
"like attempting to lose one's shadow. No matter how quickly the surface is moved by
vibrating it, the air is forced to follow." 41
This exchange would not have affected research authorization 201 except that it
involved Helms actively in the program. Two months after Helms made his sugges-
tions, Lewis asked him to comment on a new idea of Freeman's. Prompted by a private
individual's expression of support for the Venturi effect as a means of controlling
boundary layer, Freeman dusted off his proposal of the previous year and sent Lewis
an expanded version of it for approval as part of research authorization 201. Helms's
comment was that Langley should be aiming at reduced profile drag* as the real
product of boundary-layer control, not at increased lift. as envisioned by Freeman. Said
Helms, "If there is anything to boundary layer control, and I think there is, we should
be the ones to lead the way, even to the point of actually applying it. I have been of the

*Profile drag is friction drag plus drag due to separation.


opinion for a long time that in this particular phenomenon is the graveyard of all slots,
slits, slats, auxiliary air foils, and flaps." 42
Whatever the virtues of this appraisal, it was sufficiently at odds with the Freeman
proposal to place Lewis between conflicting technical recommendations. He sent
Helms's comments to Langley for the staWs reaction before approving the Venturi
research. 4a
In the meantime, however, Freeman had drafted an entirely new proposal to bring
order out of the chaos engulfing boundary-layer research at Langley. Freeman took
time to express agreement in principle with Helms while lecturing him on the technical
inaccuracies of his analysis. 44 But past deeds seemed unimportant now, for Freeman
was caught up in a drive to have his rationalized research program in boundary-layer
control approved at both the laboratory and headquarters.
Freeman's proposal went to the chief of the Aerodynamics Division in a memoran-
dum dated 5 August 1935. In it, Freeman noted that most drag on aircraft is skin
friction. Boundary-layer phenomena influence skin friction. Two types of boundary
layers are known, laminar and turbulent, but little is known of the transition from one
to the other. It had been proposed three years earlier to study thick wings, but the
sections used were found unsuitable. Then, said Freeman, he had suggested a study of
boundary-layer phenomena about an airship hull, which seems to have been a ploy to
get around Lewis's insistence on a NACA airfoil and to work with a more theoretically
satisfactory shape. This last proposal had even been approved by the Subcommittee on
Airships, but was finally dropped because of the "stigma" attached to these craft, or so
Freeman guessed. Now he thought it was time for a comprehensive approach along all
the most promising lines. He recommended three major areas of boundary-layer
research: conventional and very thick wings, effects of surface texture, and effects of
surface lubrication--i.e., oils and soaps.
As Lewis had requested the previous year in dealing with proposals, Reid called a
conference of the leading aerodynamicists at Langley to evaluate Freeman's new pro-
posal and make a report to headquarters. Besides Wood, Miller, Jacobs, Reid, and
Freeman--the men primarily involved in boundary-layer research at Langley--the con-
ferees included Theodore Theodorsen, a theoretician comparable in position (though
not in personality) to Max Munk, and Albert E. von Doenhoff, a young engineer on the
verge of a major role in boundary-layer research at Langley. The conferees agreed in
principle with Freeman's proposal and explicitly endorsed his suggested use of a
symmetrical wing, revealing wide opposition at the laboratory to Lewis's insistence on a
NACA 2415 airfoil. They did not feel, however, that research on surface texture and
lubrication were of primary importance; rather, they recommended more promising
avenues of study. Von DoenhofFs proposal for smoke-tunnel tests of boundary layer
would be pursued unless it duplicated work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy or elsewhere, or unless Hugh L. Dryden, head of the National Bureau of
Standards's boundary-layer research program, thought it ill advised. Dryden's labora-
tory had been conducting sophisticated research on measurements of fluid flow about a
solid body, some of it under contract to the NACA, and his opinion was highly valued,
not just at Langley but also throughout the aeronautical community in the United
States and abroad. The conferees further agreed that boundary-layer research should
aim at high lift, and that several high-lift devices should be tested in the Variable
Density Wind Tunnel. Whereas this plan seemed to contradict Helms's recommenda-
tion in his critique of Freeman, it was actually (as Jacobs pointed out) the opposite side
of the same medal. As Reid reported Jacobs's thoughts on the subject--perhaps in a
conscious effort to appease Helms--he introduced what would become a turning point
in boundary-layer research at Langley:


It was agreed that Mr. Jacobs would prepare a memorandum pointing out the
possibility of increasing the speed of airplanes by the use of boundary-layer control to
obtain high lift, thus enabling the designer to cut down the wing area, increasing the
wing loading, which obviously would decrease the total drag.*5
T h e memorandum Jacobs turned in six days later may properly be called the
result of Freeman’s dissatisfaction with the pathlessness of work on research authoriza-
tion 201, Helms’s criticism of the pursuit of lift instead of drag reduction, the inde-
pendent work Jacobs had been doing under another research authorization, and finally
Jacobs’s own genius for synthesis and conceptualization. He had found that increased
wing loading of a “normal airfoil” produced “surprisingly large” increases in speed.
He hypothesized seven reasons for this, some of which he felt had been neglected. T h e
reasons ranged from the transparently logical to the seemingly incongruous. Smaller
wings, for example, would clearly result in reduced wing-surface cover weight. But the
argument that higher speed would result in fuel-weight savings sounds to the un-
initiated like hurrying up to get there before the gas runs

Eastman Jacobs, whose suggestion that

changes in airfoil shape could be used to
control the boundary lajJer led directly to
the low-drag airfoil of world War II.
(L a R C )

In addition to the favorable features of increased wing loading, Jacobs saw some
unfavorable ones. For example, structural weight increases tended to result from
shortening wings while maintaining the cross-sectional proportion. “This may be
avoided,” suggested Jacobs, “by the use of thicker sections, but the analysis has shown
that the change to thicker sections is usually not justifiable owing to their higher drag.
In fact one of the most important results of the analysis to date is the tentative
conclusion that the sections in common use on cantilever wings are too thick.” It was


indeed one of the most important conclusions, for from it would flow in time the low-
drag airfoil and a radical shift in emphasis in boundary-layer research at Langley.
Jacobs went on to suggest rethinking some of the conventional wisdom about
aircraft design in view of the potentials of increased wing loading. Aircraft of higher
wing loading required faster landing speeds, but perhaps airfields should be designed
for aircraft, not aircraft for airfields. Aircraft design should anticipate high-altitude
flying, for the difficulties involved in climbing and descending seem outweighed by the
advantages, and other difficulties appeared negligible. If high-ahitude flight were the
goal, work on turbosuperchargers and more powerful engines would be required first.
Jacobs was in fact calling for a major reexamination of the assumptions underlying
contemporary aeronautical research. To pursue the promising leads already in hand, he
insisted on more than the $300 currently allotted to his work.
Jacobs's memorandum was forwarded to Lewis together with the report of the
conference that prompted it. Lewis seems to have been overwhelmed. The laboratory
was speaking in several voices, and some were not as clear as he might have wished.
He sent the whole corpus back to Langley for yet another conference, this time to
reach a consensus on the next step in boundary-layer research. This time Miller,
Jacobs, and Reid of the first conference were joined by three different engineers in
managerial positions; absent were the junior engineers actively engaged in the pro-
gram. This more senior group concluded that, while boundary-layer control would
produce no great savings in drag at high speed, there just wasn't enough knowledge to
justify a conclusion on friction drag. The proper course, therefore, was to proceed
beyond the models and wing sections already tested and to experiment with a 15-foot-
chord wing in the full-scale wind tunnel. This, they hoped, would give them data on
friction drag around zero lift with high Reynolds number: that is, with close correlation
to actual flight conditions. Presumably they would thus gain a better idea of the most
promising path of research. 47
Data already available had begun to produce publishable results. For example,
young von Doenhofl's report "An Application of the von Karman-Miilikan Laminar
Boundary-Layer Theory and Comparison with Experiment" reached headquarters for
publication as a technical note just before the second committee met at Langley to
decide on the future course of boundary-layer research. But the heart of Research
Authorization 201--the work being done by Freeman--was still withheld from publica-
tion. Even when Edward P. Warner, formerly of the Langley staff and a current
member of the NACA itself, asked to use Freeman's confidential memorandum report
of the previous year in revising his textbook Airplane Design--Aerodynamics, Freeman still
balked. Lewis insisted that NACA publish the report in the open literature, as a
Technical Note or a Technical Report, before it turned up as a citation in a secondary
source, but Langley objected, saying that Freeman's results should not be published
until they had been checked in tests for tunnel blocking: i.e., to see if the presence of
the model in the wind tunnel created variations in the wind pattern that would
undermine the validity of the findings. These tests, said Langley, could not be com-
pleted in time to meet Warner's deadline. Warner, one of the most knowledgeable men
in the field of aeronautics at the time, was presumably competent to judge the proper
use of Freeman's preliminary results; but those results were once more withheld from
publication in an attempt to further refine and check them. It turned out in the
blocking tests that, though "the presence of a lifting body in the airstream modified the
distribution of velocity in the test section, and thereby changed the tunnel calibration
obtained with the tunnel empty," the change was less than 3 percent and could be
ignored. 48
After almost ten years, research authorization 201 was becoming a classic example
of normal research--the kind most often conducted but too seldom reported. It was in
sum a rather pathless excursion through an important field. While everyone attested to


no one seemed entirely clear as to where it should go
or how it should get there. Instead, different avenues of attack were followed simulta-
neously. New results led to refinements of the program or new lines of research. Most
often these were suggested by the staff at Langley (usually junior members), discussed
at laboratory conferences, and referred directly to Lewis for approval by him alone.
About halfway through the life of the authorization, the results had been disappointing
and the future was cloudy. In June of 1936, Smith J. DeFrance reported on a confer-
ence with Freeman and Eastman Jacobs:

It was the consensus of opinion that to date no definite program has been laid
down for the investigation of boundary layer and that such a program should be made.
The program should be divided into two parts: (a) study of the control of the boundary
layer and (b) the practical application to flight. To date not enough is known about the
control of the boundary layer to make recommendations for the practical application;
therefore, emphasis should be laid on part (a), the study of control. 49

Such a conclusion is hard to argue with, and George Lewis did not: he quickly
approved it. 5° By the same token, it represents no advance in the state of the art after
ten years of work. Surely the laboratory was now trying to look at the forest, but ten
years amongst the trees had not done much for the researchers' perspective, and Lewis
seems simply to have been rubber-stamping their recommendations.
Even though what Lewis approved was not really a program, new lines of attack
did emerge from it. For example, von Doenhoff visited Dryden at the National Bureau
of Standards to learn how to measure mean air speeds over a solid surface with a hot-
wire anemometer, a technique pioneered by Dryden and his staff. And Jacobs reported
in July 1936 the conclusion of another Langley staff conference that "adequate system-
atic investigation [of the boundary layer] requires the construction of special wind-
tunnel equipment like the proposed 2-dimensional flow tunnel." s_ This endorsement
added weight to the growing demand for a low-turbulence tunnel and brought closer
the research that would finally break the NACA through the boundary-layer research
Some results began to appear, though in the same old pattern: Freeman's report
on "Boundary-Layer-Control Tests of a Tapered Wing in the N.A.C.A. 20-Foot Wind
Tunnel," originally planned as a Technical Report, was (according to Reid) "too
incomplete and too inconclusive." 52 It was not to be published or released to manu-
facturers, but distributed only to the armed services as a confidential memorandum
report. Von Doenhoff was characteristically more open with results submitted the
following year (1937) in "Notes on a Preliminary Investigation of Boundary-Layer
Transition along a Flat Plate with Adverse Pressure Gradient." He asked that a copy be
forwarded to Dryden for comment, with a view to publication. Dryden recommended
its publication as a Technical Report, though he cautioned that part of the discussion
should be presented less dogmatically, "to convey the idea of a stimulating speculation
rather than that of an established theory" for computing scale effect on maximum lift.
Von Doenhoff complied, and the report appeared as a Technical Note three months
later. 53
In spite of von Doenhoff's example, Langley still tended to suppress less-than-
final results obtained under research authorization 201. A glaring instance occurred in
February 1938, when Clark B. Millikan tried again to obtain some preliminary results.
Millikan wrote to Lewis that he had read in the Committee's 23d annual report about
Langley's boundary-layer control work and felt that the results would be useful to him
and his staff at Cal Tech. Alive to the fact that the NACA results might still be
inconclusive, Millikan wanted to use them as a guide to keep from plowing the same
ground. "It would be very valuable to us," he told Lewis, "if we could have the benefit


of someof yourexperience beforestartingourprogram, sothatweneednotrepeat

testsforwhichyouhavealready foundanswers." 54
Eventhenormally reticentFreeman foundthisrequest persuasive, andherecom-
mendedthathislast two confidential memorandum reportsshouldbe released to
Millikan.Anotherengineer objected,however, notingthatCMRswerenormallyre-
leased onlytomanufacturers andhesawnoreason"to forgetthisrulein thepresent
case."Andothersat Langleyagreedwithhim,eventhoughMillikanhadfreelypro-
videdinformation abouthis programin his letter to Lewisandeventhoughthe
theoretical work of Millikanand von K_rm_in had beenthe foundationof yon
Doenhoff's research on laminarflow.Thelaboratory's answer to Lewisseems tohave
completely missed thereasoning behindMillikan's request:
TheLaboratory stillfeelsthatboththesepapers should nothave anywider distri-
butionthantheyhavehadin thepast. Thisfeeling isoccasioned bythefactthatthe
choiceofwings used inthese investigations
wassuch thatgenerally applicable conclu-
sionscouldnotbeobtained fromtheresults oftheinvestigations. Wehave doneno
onthissubject ofboundary-layercontrol onthewings. 5s
If thelaboratory staffers werestilltryingto chastise Lewisforinsistingon theNACA
airfoilfor Freeman's originaltestsinsteadof themoretheoretically satisfactory sym-
metricalwing,theywerecuttingoff theirnosesto spitetheirfaces.Millikanwasnot
afterfinalresults.To denyhimthebenefitof theirexperience wasto alienate people
whowouldproveimportant notonlytoaeronautics, buttothereputation oftheNACA
Buttheseearlyvagaries of research authorization 201wouldsoonbeovershad-
owedbya breakthrough thatchanged irrevocably thecourse ofboundary-layer control
research at Langley. In theverymonththatthelaboratory's newlow-turbulence wind
tunnelwentintooperation--the tunnelfor whichJacobs andyonDoenhoff hadbeen
arguingfor years--Jacobs reportedto Reidthatthe mostpromising futureresearch
wouldbe in an almostentirelyunanticipated direction."We cannow conclude
definitely,"hewrote,"thatthemostlikelyformof boundary-layer controlto reduce
dragis throughtheuseof theflowconditions andpressures ordinarilyattainable over
the sectionthroughchanges of thesectionshapeto providethedesiredcontrolto
maintain laminarflow."5nIt wasnottobesucking or blowing,then,aspresupposed in
research authorization 201,thatwouldmostsuccessfully controltheboundary layer,
butwingshape; furthermore, thegreatest advantage wouldbederivedfrommaintain-
ing laminarflow overasmuchof the upperwingsurfaceaspossible andnot (as
suggested earlier)fromenergizing or movingtheboundary layeritself.Verification of
theserevolutionary conclusions wasmadepossible bythelow-turbulence tunnel,where
Jacobs hadreduced drag30percent andmaintained laminarflowto 75percentofthe
chordof thewingbehindtheleadingedge.Muchworkremained to bedone,andhe
Lewisseems not to haveimmediately appreciated the importance of thisbreak-
throughatfirst,forheapproved Jacobs's requestonlyoncondition thatit notinterfere
withicingresearch scheduled forJulyandAugustin thelow-turbulence tunnel,s7Icing
of wingsandcontrolsurfaces on aircraftwasjust thenoneof the mostimportant
problems the NACAhadto solvefor commercial operators andthe armedservices,
andLewiswantedusableresultsassoonaspossible. Thisicingresearch hadbeena
majorjustification forbuildingthelow-turbulence tunnelin thefirstplace,andgood
politicswouldrequireusingit forthatpurpose, atleastattheoutset.In spiteof these
limitations, Jacobsfoundsufficienttunneltime to followup on the laminar-flow
Theimpactofthisdiscovery onresearch authorization 201wasswiftanddramatic.
It seems to havekilledoff interestin Freeman's workandpresaged Freeman's depar-

ture from the NACA within a few months. Shortly after Jacobs's discovery was an-
nounced, Langley had prepared a new proposal by Freeman to study boundary-layer
control on bodies of revolution, but by the end of the year Langley withdrew the
proposal on the grounds that "increased knowledge of boundary-layer conditions since
this letter was written indicates that the proposed program would hardly be worth-
while." 58
Publication policy also began to change. Langley was now willing to give wider
circulation to Freeman's 1936 report, perhaps in the belief that further research in that
area seemed unlikely. At the same time von Doenhoff began publishing in the newer
field of laminar-flow research. His first report, "A Method of Rapidly Estimating the
Position of the Laminar Separation Point," was sent to headquarters for publication as
a Technical Note within three months of Jacobs's memo. 59 Others followed less rapidly,
but upon their appearance reversed the procedure used in Freeman's case early in the
1930s. Now, the first results published were on a symmetrical airfoil in a low-turbu-
lence tunnel. Only after those theoretically satisfactory results were printed did the
NACA begin issuing data on a family of cambered airfoils, the new laminar-flow or low-
drag wings. In this research, yon Doenhoff was joined by names new to research
authorization 201. By 1942, these experiments had graduated into flight tests, and the
first practical application--a low-drag wing on an operational aircraft--was already
being used on the P-51 Mustang. n° The performance of that aircraft in World War II
was one of the gems in the NACA diadem, an example ever after of the contribution of
NACA research not only to the advance of American aeronautics but also to the
winning of World War II.
But then von Doenhoff began following the same course Freeman had taken
almost a decade before, recommending changes in the research program. In fact von
Doenhoffproposed to study the very problem for which research authorization 201 was
opened in the first place: whether blowing or suction could be used to control bound-
ary layers, on the surfaces of wings as well as internally in ducts and passages. 61
Times, however, had changed. There was a war on and George Lewis was reluc-
tant to approve new proposals as he had during the 1930s. He told Langley that von
Doenhoff's suggestion would be referred to the next meeting of the Aerodynamics
Committee, but four months went by without any action. H.J.E. Reid finally wrote to
Lewis asking about the proposal, advising the director that "the Laboratory has already
initiated work on this job pending approval of this project by your office." 62 Appar-
ently Lewis's rubber-stamping of Langley proposals during the 1930s had bred in the
laboratory a habit of autonomy that considered approval by Washington a mere bu-
reaucratic routine.
Lewis was working in a new atmosphere, however, and could not accept the old
justifications. "It would be desirable," he advised the laboratory, "if the proposed
investigation of turbulent boundary layers could be conducted in connection with some
specific project having a direct bearing on applications to wings or duct designs in
preference to a long-range study such as has been proposed by the laboratory." In
essence Lewis was saying there could be no more fundamental research for the
duration. All NACA effort must contribute to the war effort; if basic research was
authorized, it would have to show promise of practical application to the war. Reid met
Lewis's demand with a bromide so general as to be virtually meaningless. In proposing
to conduct the work under research authorization 201, he assured Lewis that the
research "is of a fundamental character and the results will be applicable to current
problems relative to military aircraft both to wing development and to ducting prob-
lems as well." Couched in those terms, the research was quickly approved by Lewis,
apparently without reference to the Aerodynamics Committee. 6a
Even the reports being generated under research authorization 201 had to be
oriented to practical applications. When a report by von Doenhoff and another engi-


neer on "Determination of General Relations for the Behavior of Turbulent Boundary

Layers" went to headquarters early in 1943, it was returned with the recommendation
of a staff engineer that it be expanded to show practical application. Reid replied that
more research was required before the practical applications could be determined,
indicating that (at least in this instance) the laboratory continued to do fundamental
research even as headquarters was insisting on practical results. 64
This demand by headquarters for practical results may account for the diminished
level of work done under research authorization 201 in the final years of the war.
Although work did continue during 1943 and 1944, it was on a comparatively reduced
scale, producing in the latter year only one advanced confidential report and one
confidential bulletin. A representative of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation who visited
Langley in January 1945 was told by the staff that "although we are very interested in
boundary layer control we have no new data on the subject." e5
As World War II drew to a close, Lewis reported from Washington a "revival of
interest in boundary layer control as a means of reducing landing speeds." He asked
the Langley staff about reissuing some of the old classified reports. A committee at the
laboratory had already addressed that question and concluded that Freeman's 1935
report was worth reissuing, but the 1936 report was not. Nor was more enthusiasm
shown when Hugh Dryden reported from Europe on the German work in boundary-
layer control during the war. The staff at Langley could find nothing new in his report,
even though Dryden (surely no novice in the field) found much of interest. 66 With
Technical Note 1007 (the reprint of Freeman's 1935 report) published in January 1946,
the Langley laboratory closed the book on research authorization 201. The laboratory
would do more work on boundary-layer control but not under this research authoriza-
tion-which, after all, had been opened nearly twenty years earlier to compare the
suction method of the G6ttingen aerodynamicists with the blowing method of Richard
Whatever the achievements and shortcomings of research authorization 201, its
history provides a classic example of the research process, with implications far beyond
the details of how the NACA conducted aeronautical research in the second quarter of
the 20th century. Among the many lessons to be learned here, a few are particularly
clear and poignant. George Lewis attempted--with diminishing success as time went
on--to maintain personal control over the research program at Langley and to channel
it in directions of political use to the NACA and immediate practical use to its clients.
The Langley staff displayed a continuing reluctance to publish preliminary results or
even to share them with knowledgeable colleagues like Clark Millikan and Edward P.
Warner. The Langley laboratory maintained an openness to new ideas and suggestions,
even from junior staff members, that seemed so extreme at times as to make of RA 201
a rudderless craft with too many hands at the sheets, precisely the problem envisioned
by Max Munk when he chastened E. G. Reid at the outset. Eastman Jacobs's discovery
of boundary-layer control through modification of airfoil shape illustrates the seren-
dipitous nature of research, and the way in which one line of investigation will often
lead to more fruitful conclusions than those anticipated. It also shows how a revolu-
tionary piece of research equipment--in this case, the low-turbulence wind tunnel--can
dramatically alter the course of research. Finally, it should be noted that boundary-
layer control is still an intriguing and elusive technique that attracts and frustrates
aerodynamic researchers even 35 years after the close of research authorization 201. If
the research under that authorization left a trail that now appears aimless and con-
fused, it was for that very reason typical of most research into the unknown.

Appendix G

The NACA produced six series of reports that were "published" in the commonly
accepted sense of that term: i.e., issued to the public. Very often the public to which
the reports were issued was a limited one--selected members of the military services or
the American aircraft industry--but the reports were nevertheless public in the sense of
being available to anyone with a demonstrable need to know the information they
Heading the hierarchy was the Technical Report (TR}, later called simply the
NACA Report. TRs were the most prestigious, the most polished, the most important,
and the most widely distributed of all NACA reports. Printed by the Government
Printing Office, bound each year with the Committee's Annual Report to Congress,
and distributed by subscription to a mailing list of laboratories, libraries, factories, and
military installations around the world, the TR was the rock to which the NACA
anchored its reputation.
Considered by the Committee to be "lasting contributions to the body of aeronau-
tical knowledge," 1 the NACA Reports generally announced the final results of a
research project. Thus they were usually the last of a series of reports, consolidating
and summarizing information disseminated in earlier interim reports. The distinguish-
ing mark of the TRs was the thoroughness with which they treated the entire topic, and
with which they were edited and checked for content and style. The rarity of mistakes
in an NACA report was a quality that aeronautical engineers around the world came to
rely upon and value.
Recognizing a need to publicize research that might be incomplete or of insuffi-
cient significance to warrant a Technical Report, the NACA instituted in 1920 a second
series called Technical Notes (TN). Reproduced within the NACA and distributed to
addressees in the aeronautical and related industries, contractors, leading universities,
and the larger public libraries, these documents reported on significant portions of
NACA research projects, on research sponsored by the NACA in colleges and universi-
ties, and on preliminary theoretical work done by the NACA. Often the information in
one or more Technical Notes would be combined, analyzed, and refined, and then
republished as a Technical Report.
Over the years, the TN came to replace the TR as the most used and most
significant NACA report. After World War II, no TRs were actually prepared as
Reports. Rather, each year's production of TNs was evaluated annually by a committee
at headquarters and those considered most worthy were republished as TRs.
Less formal still than the TN was the Research Memorandum (RM), introduced in
1946 to meet the need for rapid dissemination of defense-related aeronautical informa-
tion. Reproduced within the NACA and generally restricted by military-security classifi-
cation, Research Memorandums normally dealt with fragments of research projects.
They might advance unproven theories for discussion, or report on a specific piece of
military hardware, or present data that had not yet been completely analyzed. Their
main function was to disperse information quickly, so the editing, illustrating, and
printing were greatly expedited. In the NACA's later years, a Technical Report might
take a year or two between first draft and final publication, whereas the Research
Memorandum would take only a matter of weeks.


TheResearch Memorandum replaced sixseries ofreportsinstituted bytheNACA

beforeandduringWorldWarII to meettheneedsof theservices andindustryfor
aeronautical information relatedtothewareffort.All thesereportswereclassified and
received onlylimitedcirculation. Allweredesigned forrapiddissemination ofinforma-
A fourthtype,advance reports,presented resultsthatbeforethewarwouldhave
beenissuedasTechnical Notesor Technical Reports. Advance Confidential Reports
(ACR)dealtwithguarded subjects suchaslow-drag wings,late-compressibility wings,
andjet propulsion; withgeneralinvestigations of specificmilitaryairplanes; or with
projects designated confidential bythearmyor navy.Theyweresentbyregistered mail
andhadto bekeptin lockedfileswhennot in use.Normally theywereissuedto the
subcommittees concerned, theNACA'slaboratories, andthearmyandnavy,aswellas
representatives of theaeronautical industrywhohadsignedsecrecy agreements with
theservices andwereknownto havea needfortheinformation, z Advance Restricted
Reports(ARR)contained resultsof otherinvestigations havinggeneralengineering
applications. Distributionwasdetermined in thesamewayasfor ACRs,but secrecy
requirements werelesssevere to permitwiderusageamongthosehavinga legitimate
Bulletinswereshortprogress reports(usuallyfromoneto sixpages)onlimited
phases of longinvestigations or on resultsof verybriefinvestigations. Confidential
Bulletins(CB)andRestricted Bulletins(RB)dealtwithsubjects appropriateto ARRs.
Bulletins weredistributed in thesame wayasadvance reports.
Memorandum Reports (MR),a sixthtype,prepared chieflyfor theinformation of
oneor bothof themilitaryservices (oroccasionally for oneparticularsubcommittee),
contained subjectmatternotof general application butofinteresttoa limitednumber
of readers,generally on a specific airplaneor enginedesign. 3 Classified
versions of
thesereportswerecalledConfidential Memorandum Reports(CMR)or Restricted
Memorandum Reports (RMR).
AfterWorldWarII, theNACAreviewed its wartimepapersanddeclassified for
publicationthoseof continuing interestandsignificance. Somefewwereupgraded to
RMs,TNs,or evenTRs;mostwerepublishedin a uniqueseriescalledWartime
Reports(WR)thatappeared between1946and 1948andmadeavailable to the
NACA'sclients allthewartime research notstillclassified.
The NACApublished two otherseriesof papers,neitherof whichreported
originalresearchsponsored or conducted bytheCommittee. Technical Memorandums
(TM)reprintedreportsandarticlesfromotherresearch laboratorieswhichtheCom-
mitteefelt shouldhavewiderdissemination thantheyhadreceived in theiroriginal
form.Thesewereoftentranslations of foreign-language reportsotherwise unavailable
to theAmerican aeronautical community. Finally,between 1926and1937,theNACA
published a series calledAircraftCirculars (AC).Thesewerereprints,mostlyof pub-
lishedarticles,containing descriptions andspecifications of individualaircraft.These
twowereoftenfromforeignsources, bringingto theattention of Americans thelatest
designs fromEurope andelsewhere.
The onlyothersignificant serieswasthe ContractReports(CR).Thesewere
apparently intendedfor internalNACAusewhenworkdoneundercontractto the
NACAby an outsideorganization or individualwasnot deemedsuitablefor wider
Thelibraryat theLangleyResearch Centerholdsindexcardson a handfulof
otherNACAreports:Rls,CCRs,CIs,andMRRs.Theseappearnegligible, asdo the
fewmiscellaneous lettersandmemoranda thatservedfromtimeto timeasreports.
TableG-I explainsthe systemusedby the NACAto designate its reports.

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In the NACA's early years before the Langley laboratory was in full operation,
most of its reports were prepared outside the Committee, usually by academics under
contract to the NACA. From the 1920s on, most NACA reports were prepared by the
Committee's staff, the major exception being those prepared under contract for the
Committee throughout its history by the National Bureau of Standards. Unsolicited
reports contributed from outside the NACA received consideration for publication, but
most were rejected as being incorrect, trivial, inappropriate for the NACA, or not
new. 4

Lee M. Griftith set out the criteria for an ideal NACA report in a 4 September
1918 letter to the Executive Committee (see Appendix H). He recommended that all
NACA reports have clear applications, logical discussion, concise summation, a descrip-
tion of the research equipment employed, and a standard style. George Lewis objected
to including the description of apparatus, and not until the Committee's last ten years
did much information of this type appear in the reports. Griffith's other recommenda-
tions were followed more or less consistently throughout the NACA's history.
A characteristic feature of NACA reports is the thoroughness with which they were
reviewed and edited, a process that made the final reports late and reliable. In 1922,
reports forwarded to headquarters from Langley were reviewed by one or two critics,
presented with comments to the Publications Committee, prepared for publication,
presented to the appropriate technical subcommittee, and presented at last to the
Executive Committee. Only when the report had been approved at each of these stages
was it cleared for publication. 5
Although the procedure was streamlined in later years, by then the review and
editing by the staff at the laboratories and at headquarters had grown more
complicated. An excerpt from the NACA "Style Manual for Engineering Authors" (as
amended in 1932) shows how cautious and time-consuming the review process could

The decision concerning the type (technical report or technical note) of the final
paper to he presented is usually made when the job order is authorized. The outline
should carry this information. When the copies of the rough draft are forwarded to
Washington the letter of transmittal carries the recommendation of the division chief
about its form and only in exceptional cases is the recommendation not adopted.
Revision of outline:
The outline is then submitted to the section head and the division chief for ap-
Preparation of the rough draft:
From the revised outline the author prepares the first draft of the paper. If the
draft is well arranged and carefully written, the final report should not differ essentially
from it. The author should have the report in the exact form in which he desires to
have it printed before he presents it to the section head.
Revision of the rough draft:
The section head reads the rough draft and returns it to the author with his com-
ments. The paper is revised until it is satisfactory to both the section head and the
author. Five copies of the paper are then typed.
Criticism by division chief:
The section head then forwards one copy of the typed report to the division
chief, who may note his corrections directly on the paper (author's copy).
Editing for English:
The report is sent to the English critic for correction of grammatical and typo-
graphical errors, and for noting haziness of composition and faulty arrangement of
Correction by the author:
The author, after conferring about debatable points, incorporates the changes
proposed by the division chief and the English critic. He forwards to the stenographic
section the final corrected copy of the text and five copies of all illustrative material.


The stenographic section corrects the remaining four copies by the author's copy,
binds all copies with a set of illustrations, and forwards them to the division chief.
Editing for technical context:
The division chief appoints an editorial committee of five, including the author,
from the technical staff and forwards to each member a copy of the report with Form
L.F. 103. The group meets under the guidance of a chairman and suggests necessary
changes in the interest of technical clarity and soundness.
Final revision:
The author corrects his copy lightly and legibly in pencil. He forwards it to the
section head, the chairman of the editorial committee, and the division chief for ap-
proval. He then returns to the stenographic section the corrected copy, the four uncor-
rected copies, and the originals of the curves and sketches in their final form. From the
corrected author's copy of a report a stencil is cut and twelve copies mimeographed.
The stenographic section obtains from the photographic section any extra photographs
and from the drafting room the extra blueprints. The copies are then bound.
Transmittal to Washington:
Two copies are retained at the laboratory, one for the section files and one for
the office files. For a technical report, ten copies are sent to Washington: for a techni-
cal note, three copies. In Washington a technical report goes through the following
a. It is read by one or more critics.
b. It is presented to the Publications Committee.
c. The drawings are prepared for the printer.
d. Its publication is authorized by the Executive Committee.
e. A copy is marked for the printer.

In later years, the review at headquarters could be even more severe. In 1950, for
example, staff members at headquarters were "required to check all references and
correct the citations before the report is approved for release." 6
The accuracy and reliability of NACA reports were among their chief virtues, their
tardiness in appearing their principal flaw. The tardiness was compounded by the
Committee's policy of allowing no publication of research results before they appeared
first in a NACA report. Among criticisms of NACA reports over the years included the
Committee's reluctance to publish negative results, a tendency to report direct research
results without adequate analysis or conclusions, and, oppositely, a tendency to publish
faired curves without the data points on which they were based. 7 These criticisms
notwithstanding, NACA reports enjoyed a high reputation in aeronautical circles and
were much sought after. Many are still being used.
During its 43 years, the NACA produced more than 16,000 reports, averaging
slightly more than one a day. Tables G-2 and G-3 show the numbers of reports in
each category.
Table G-2
Principal Published Series

Number of bound
Number of reports volumes
TR ........................................................... 1,392 43
TN ........................................................... 4,410 257
RM ........................................................... 6,163 599
TM .......................................................... 1,441 73
WR .......................................................... 1,274 78
AC ........................................................... 209 7


Table G-3

World War H and Miscellaneous Series

Later Never
published in published in
a bound a bound
series series Tout l

ACR ................................................................. 223 39 262

ARR ................................................................. 346 67 413
CB ................................................................... 47 19 66
RB ................................................................... 114 40 154
MR ................................................................... 322 429 751
CMR ................................................................ 114 866 980
CR ................................................................... 212 338 550
RI .................................................................... 0 7 7
CCR ................................................................. 0 2 2
CI .................................................................... 0 3 3
MRR ................................................................ 0 8 8

Total published in bound volumes (from Table G-2) ................................... 14,889

Total never published in bound volumes ...................................................... 1,818

Total ........................................................................................................ 16,697

The expected interest in, and clearance to see, each of the Committee's reports
dictated how many copies were printed. Thousands of copies of Technical Reports
were printed and distributed around the world. In contrast, the Committee made only
10 copies of each Confidential Memorandum Report and Restricted Memorandum
Report and these were distributed only within the NACA and the armed services.
Like the Committee itself, the NACA reports were intended to advance American
aeronautics. As George Lewis advised John J. Ide in 1929, "Technical Notes, Technical
Memorandums, and Aircraft Circulars of the Committee [were] issued only for the
information of American manufacturers and aeronautical engineers." 8
Any automatic distribution overseas of these reports was intended as a courtesy
extended to friends and allies in expectation of receiving similar information in return.
For example, the Committee regularly sent its reports to the British Aeronautical
Research Committee, whose reports were received by the NACA in return. Further-
more, Ide normally got a modest number of reports to distribute at his discretion
where he thought they would elicit valuable information in return. None of this, of
course, prevented foreign governments from seeing and copying these reports in
aeronautical libraries across the United States and in select locations around the world.
It merely denied them the free receipt of the reports enjoyed by American firms and
engineers, either through automatic distribution or on request.
The total number of copies of reports distributed each year increased rapidly in
the years before World War II. In 1923, for example, the NACA sent out 36,870
reports, whereas in 1930 it distributed 112,010. World War II, however, put the
Committee's reports under two new restrictions which prevailed for the rest of its
years. First, the NACA increased its stock of proprietary information as it did more and


morecleanupandrefinement of prototypeaircraftandengines. Publication of the

resultsof thisworkwouldamountto givingawaytradesecrets. TheNACAtherefore
hadtolimitdistribution of suchreportsto thearmedservices andto themanufacturer
of origin.AfterWorldWarII, the NACAtried to returnto fundamental research
whoseresultswouldapplyto all aeronautics, but it neverentirelyfreeditselffrom
involvement withproprietary information.
WorldWarII alsobroughtthe NACAinto increased contactwith classified
information. Herethe Committee deferredalmostentirelyto the militaryservices:
NACAreportson militaryaircraftandequipment wereclassified anddistributed ac-
cordingtomilitarycriteria.Duringthewar,theservices themselves distributed NACA
Confidential Memorandum ReportsandRestricted Memorandum Reports; all others
weredistributed bytheNACAaccording to militaryguidelines. If anything, it appears
thatthe Committee wasevenmorerestrictivethanthe services in classifyingand
distributingitsreports.Forexample, untilMayof 1941,theCommittee madeall its
advance reportsconfidential, when the less severe restricted classification would have
sufficed for many. When industry complained, the NACA created the separate series
Advance Confidential Reports and Advance Restricted Reports. 9
After World War II, the NACA tried to declassify and publish the results of its
wartime research in the Wartime Reports series. Some of this information, however,
remained classified for many years after the war, and new research by the Committee
was also classified or proprietary. Some TNs and RMs published after World War II
were classified; some were not. Distribution depended on content and was determined
case by case. The Committee began a regular program of declassifying and redistribut-
ing its reports.
Table G-4 shows distribution of NACA reports during the years for which infor-
mation is available. (Figures for the blank years no doubt exist somewhere in the
NACA files, but they did not appear in the course of research for this study and they
defied repeated attempts to ferret them out.) Note the cutback brought on by the
Depression, the great increase during World War II, the precipitous decline in the
NACA's later years, and the shifting ratio of reports distributed automatically to those
distributed by request.


Table G-4

Distribution of NACA Reports, by Year (estimated*)

Total Requested distribution
1915 .................................................... 350*
1916 .................................................... 1,500"
1917 .................................................... 3,000"
1918 .................................................... 6,000"
1919 .................................................... 10,000"
1920 .................................................... 23 317
1921 .................................................... 31 659 15,244 16,406
1922 .................................................... 32366 13,860 18,406
1923 .................................................... 37261 18,905 18,356
1924 .................................................... 37141 15,469 21,672
1925 .................................................... 35844 18,939 16,945
1926 .................................................... 39207 21 029 18,178
1927 .................................................... 55,636 31 758 23,878
1928 .................................................... 70,665 49540 21,123
1929 .................................................... 104076 77 729 26,347
1930 .................................................... 112,010 76 262 35,748
1931 .................................................... 112,687 72080 40,607
1932 .................................................... 94,494 54022 40,472
1933 .................................................... 83,991 50017 33,974
1934 .................................................... 82,114 51147 30,967
1935 .................................................... 86,718 48513 38,205
1936 .................................................... 91,712 52395 39,317
1937 .................................................... 91,838 50,771 41,607
1938 .................................................... 99,933 56,822 43,111
1939 ......................................................................................................................................

1940 .................................................... 101735 64,188 37,547

1941 .................................................... 87077 56,515 30,562
1942 .................................................... 98392 52,477 45,945
1943 .................................................... 126989 63,066 63,923
1944 .................................................... 109042 42,776 66,266
1945 .................................................... 122771 51,126 71,645
1946 .................................................... 189618 58,980 130,638
1947 .................................................... 38469
1948 .................................................... 41890 10,686 31,204
1949 ......................................................................................................................................

1950 .................................................... 28,554 7,887 20,667

1951 ......................................................................................................................................
1952 ......................................................................................................................................
1953 ......................................................................................................................................
1954 ......................................................................................................................................
1955 ......................................................................................................................................
1956 ......................................................................................................................................
1957 ......................................................................................................................................
1958 ......................................................................................................................................


In 1950 the NACA published an Index of NACA Technical Publications, 1915-1949,

which was supplemented in 1951, 1953, and annually thereafter through 1960. Each
supplemental volume listed the unclassified NACA technical reports issued since the
last index and any reports from previous years declassified during the interval. Taken
together, the indexes constitute a guide to all NACA technical reports except for those
not declassified until after 1960.
Table G-5 lists subject headings in the 1957 Index. Except for category "1.4
Internal Aerodynamics," it was identical to the classification system used for all the
other indexes. Table G-6 provides the conversion scheme for correlating 1.4 in the
1915-1949 index with that category in subsequent volumes. Some other subjects were
added in later years, but the numbering did not change.
All NACA reports were categorized under one or more of the subject headings.
The multiple listing makes it difficult to get from these indexes a total count of NACA
reports, which numbered approximately 16,000 over the years; the indexes contain
more than 40,000 entries, meaning that each report was indexed under an average of
2.5 different headings.
In spite of this multiple listing, the indexes allow the researcher to draw a few
conclusions. Some subjects, for example, have hardly any entries: only 3 for diameter
as a design variable of the aerodynamics of propellers ( of these in the
late 1940s--and only 1 entry each for control of pulse-jet engines (3.2.5) and for
standard atmosphere (6.1.1). In contrast, there are 346 entries for turbojet engines
(3.1.3), 960 for roach-number effects (, and 1009 for longitudinal static stability
( x°
Clearly there were great differences in the amount of work the NACA did in the
various branches of aeronautics. Table G-5 suggests how numerous and complex those
fields were. Table G-7 shows the distribution of the NACA's reports--and, by infer-
ence, of its research--among the twelve principal subject areas. The figures are per-
centages of the total number of entries in the indexes, both for the entire history of the
Committee and for each year. Aerodynamics, which accounted for 59 percent of all
entries in the indexes, accounted for 17 percent of the 1916 entries and 68 percent of
the 1949 entries. Figures for individual years reflect the year in which a report was first

Table G-5
Subject Headings in 1957 Index of NACA Technical Publications

Number Subject-Heading Number Subject-Heading

1 ................... AERODYNAMICS ....... Dihedral
1.1 ................ Fundamental Aerodynamics .......... High-Lift Devices
1.1.1 ............. Incompressible Flow ....... Trailing-Edge Flaps
1.1.2 ............. Compressible Flow ....... Slots and Slats .......... Subsonic Flow ....... Leading-Edge Flaps .......... Mixed Flow .......... Controls .......... Supersonic Flow ....... Flap Type
1.1.3 ............. Viscous Flow ....... Spoilers .......... Laminar Flow ....... All-Movable .......... Turbulent Flow .......... Reynolds-Number Effects .......... Jet Mixing .......... Mach-Number Effects
1.1.4 ............. Aerodynamics With Heat .......... Wake .......... Heating .......... Boundary Layer .......... Heat Transfer ....... Characteristics .......... Additions of Heat ....... Control
1.1.5 ............. Flow of Rarefied Gases 1.3 ................ Bodies .......... Slip Flow 1.3.1 ............. Theory .......... Free Molecule Flow 1.3.2 ............. Shape Variables
1.1.6 ............. Time-Dependent Flow .......... Fineness Ratio
1.2 ................ Wings .......... Cross Section
1.2.1 ............. Wing Sections .......... Thickness Distribution
1.2.1. I .......... Section Theory .......... Surface Conditions .......... Section Variables .......... Protuberances ....... Camber 1.3.3 ............. Canopies ....... Thickness 1.3.4 ............. Ducted Bodies ....... Thickness Distribution .......... Nose Shape ....... Inlets and Exits .......... Tail Shape
1.2. 1.2.5 ....... Surface Conditions .......... Side Inlets
1.2. 1.3 .......... Designated Profiles .......... Side Exits .......... High-Lift Devices 1.3.5 ............. Hulls ....... Plain Flaps 1.4 ................ Internal Aerodynamics ....... Split Flaps 1.4.1 ............. Air Inlets ....... Slotted Flaps 1.4.1. l .......... Nose, Central ....... Leading-Edge Flaps 1.4. I. 1.1 ....... Propeller-Spinner-Cowl
1.2. 1.4.5 ....... Slots and Slats Combinations
1.2. i .5 .......... Controls ....... Subsonic
1.2. ! .5. I ....... Flap Type ....... Supersonic
! .2. 1.5.2 ....... Spoilers .......... Nose, Annular .......... Boundary Layer .......... Wing Leading Edge ....... Characteristics .......... Side ....... Control ....... Scoops .......... Reynolds-Number Effects 1.4. 1.4.2 ....... Submerged .......... Mach-Number Effects 1.4.2 ............. Ducts .......... Wake .......... Diffusers
! .2.2 ............. Complete Wings ....... Subsonic
1.2.2. I .......... Wing Theory ....... Supersonic .......... Wing Variables .......... Nozzles ! ....... Profiles .......... Pipes ....... Aspect Ratio .......... Bends
! . ....... Sweep 1.4.3 ............. Exits ....... Taper and Twist 1.4.4 ............. Jet Pumps and Thrust ....... Inlets and Exits Augmentors
!. ....... Surface Conditions 1.4.5 ............. Cascades


Number Subject-Heading Number Subject-Heading .......... Theory 1.7.5 ............. Airships .......... Experiment 1.7.6 ............. Biplanes and Triplanes
1.4.6 ............. Fans 1.8 ................ Stability and Control
1.4.7 ............. Boundary Layer 1.8.1 ............. Stability .......... Characteristics .......... Static .......... Control ....... Longitudinal
1.5 ................ Propellers ....... Lateral
1.5.1 ............. Theory ....... Directional
1.5.2 ............. Design Variables .......... Dynamic
!.5.2. I .......... Blade Sections ....... Longitudinal .......... Solidity 1.8. ! .2.2 ....... Lateral and Directional .......... Pitch Distribution ....... Damping Derivatives .......... Blade Plan Forms 1.8.2 ............. Control
!.5.2.5 .......... Mach-Number Effects .......... Longitudinal .......... Pusher .......... Lateral .......... Dual Rotation .......... Directional .......... Interference of Bodies .......... Air Brakes .......... Pitch and Yaw .......... Hinge Moments ........ Diameter .......... Automatic
1.5.3 ............. Designated Types .......... Jet Reaction
1.5.4 ............. Slipstream 1.8.3 ............. Spinning
1.5.5 ............. Selection Charts 1.8.4 ............. Stalling
1.5.6 ............. Operating Conditions 1.8.5 ............. Flying Qualities
1.5.7 ............. Propeller-Spinner-Cowl 1.8.6 ............. Mass and Gyroscopic Problems
Combinations 1.8.7 ............. Tumbling
1.6 ................ Rotating Wings 1.8.8 ............. Automatic Stabilization
1.6.1 ............. Theory 1.8.9 ............. Tracking
1.6.2 ............. Experimental Studies 1.9 ................ Aeroelasticity
1.6.2. I .......... Power-Driven !. 10 .............. Parachutes .......... Autorotating 2 ................... HYDRODYNAMICS
!.7 ................ Aircraft
2. I ................ Theory
! .7.1 ............. Airplanes
2.2 ................ General Arrangement Studies .......... Components in
2.3 ................ Seaplane Hull Variables
2.3.1 ............. Length-Beam Ratio i ....... Wing-Fuselage 2.3.2 ............. Dead Rise ....... Wing-Nacelle
2.3.3 ............. Steps
1.7. !. 1.3 ....... Tail-Wing and Fuselage
2.3.4 ............. Afterbody Shape ....... Propeller and Jet
2.3.5 ............. Forebody Shape
2.3.6 ............. Chines
1.7.1. ! .5 ....... Stores
2.4 ................ Specific Seaplanes and Hulls
1.7. I. 1.6 ....... Jet Interference 2.5 ................ Lateral Stabilizers .......... Specific Airplanes
2.5.1 ............. Wing-Tip Float
! .7.1.3 .......... Performance
2.6 ................ Planing Surfaces
1.7.2 ............. Missiles
2.7 ................ Hydrofoils
1.7.2. ! .......... Components in
2.8 ................ Surface Craft
2.9 ................ Ditching Characteristics
! .7.2.1. l ....... Wing-Body
2.10 .............. Stability and Control ....... Tail-Body
2. i 0.1 ........... Longitudinal ....... Jet Interference 2.10.2 ........... Lateral
1.7.2. ! .4 ....... Wing-Tail-Body 2.10.3 ........... Directional .......... Specific Missiles
1.7.3 ............. Rotating-Wing Aircraft 3 ................... PROPULSION
1.7.3. I .......... Autogiros 3.1 ................ Complete Systems .......... Helicopters 3.1.1 ............. Reciprocating Engines
1.7.4 ............. Seaplanes 3.1. !. 1 .......... Spark-Ignition Engines .......... General Studies .......... Compression-Ignition .......... Specific Types. (Diesel) Engines


Number Subject-Headlng Number Subject-Heading

3.1.2 ............. Reciprocating Engines .......... Turbulent-Flow Combustion
Turbines .......... Detonation .......... Turbosupercharged Engines .......... Effects of Fuel Atomization .......... Compound Engines .......... Reaction Mechanisms .......... Gas Generator--Turbine .......... Ignition of Gases
Engines 3.5.2 ............. Effect of Engine Operating
3.1.3 ............. Turbojet Engines Condi-
3.1.4 ............. Turbo-Propeller Engines tions and Combustion-
3.1.5 ............. Ducted Propeller Engines Chamber Geometry
3.1.6 ............. Pulse-Jet Engines .......... Reciprocating Engines
3.1.7 ............. Ram-Jet Engines ....... Spark-Ignition Engines
3.1.8 ............. Rocket Engines ....... Compression-Ignition
3.1.9 ............. Jet-Driven Rotors (Diesel) Engines
3.1.10 ........... Nuclear Energy Systems .......... Turbine Engines
3.1.11 ........... Miscellaneous Engines .......... Ram-Jet Engines
3.1.12 ........... Comparison of Engine Types .......... Pulse-Jet Engines
3.2 ................ Control of Engines .......... Rocket Engines
3.2. ! ............. Charging and Control of 3.6 ................ Compression and Compressors
Reciprocating Engines 3.6.1 ............. Flow Theory and Experiment .......... Spark-Ignition Engines .......... Axial Flow .......... Compression-Ignition .......... Radial Flow
Engines .......... Mixed Flow .......... Compound Engines .......... Positive Displacement
3.2.2 ............. Control of Turbojet Engines 3.6.2 ............. Stress and Vibration
3.2.3 ............. Control of Turbine-Ram-Jet 3.6.3 ............. Matching
Engines 3.7 ................ Turbines
3.2.4 ............. Control of Turbine- 3.7.1 ............. Flow Theory and Experiment
Propeller Engines .......... Axial Flow
3.2.5 ............. Control of Pulse-Jet Engines .......... Radial Flow
3.2.6 ............. Control of Ram-Jet Engines .......... Mixed Flow
3.2.7 ............. Control of Rocket Engines 3.7.2 ............. Cooling
3.2.8 ............. Control of Gas Generator 3.7.3 ............. Stress and Vibration
Engines 3.7.4 ............. Matching
3.3 ................ Auxiliary Booster Systems 3.8 ................ Friction and Lubrication
3.3.1 ............. Reciprocating Engines 3.8.1 ............. Theory and Experiment
3.3.2 ............. Gas Turbines .......... Hydrodynamic Theory .......... Liquid Injection .......... Chemistry of Lubrication .......... Afierburning .......... Surface Conditions .......... Bleedoff 3.8.2 ............. Sliding Contact Surfaces
3.3.3 ............. Rocket Assist .......... Sleeve Bearings
3.4 ................ Fuels .......... Cylinder and Piston Mecha-
3.4.1 ............. Preparation nisms
3.4.2 ............. Physical and Chemical .......... Slipper Plate
Properties .......... Kingsbury and Mitchell Bear-
3.4.3 ............. Relation to Engine ings
Performance 3.8.3 ............. Rolling Contact Surfaces .......... Reciprocating Engines .......... Antifriction Bearings
3.4.3. I. I ....... Spark-Ignition 3.8.4 ............. Sliding and Rolling Contact Sur- ....... Compression-Ignition faces
(Diesel) .......... Gears .......... Turbine Engines, Ram 3.8.5 ............. Lubricants
Jets, Pulse Jets 3.9 ................ Heat Transfer .......... Rockets (Includes Fuel 3.9.1 ............. Theory and Experiment
and Oxidant) .......... Cascades
3.5 ................ Combustion and Combustors 3.0.2 ............. Heat Exchangers
3.5.1 ............. General Combustion Research .......... Radiators .......... Laminar-Flow Combustion .......... Intercoolers


Number Subject-Heading Number Subject-Heading .......... Afiercoolers 4.2.1 ............. Wings and Ailerons .......... Regenerators 4.2.2 ............. Tails .......... Oil Coolers .......... Elevators and Rudders
3.10 .............. Cooling of Engines .......... Tabs
3.10.1 ........... Reciprocating Engines 4.2.3 ............. Bodies ........ Liquid-Cooled 4.2.4 ............. Propeller, Fans, and Compres- ........ Air-Cooled sors
3.10.2 ........... Gas-Turbine Systems 4.2.5 ............. Rotating-Wing Aircraft
3.10.3 ........... Ramjets 4.2.6 ............. Panels and Surface Coverings
3.10.4 ........... Pulse Jets 4.3 ................ Structures
3.10.5 ........... Rockets 4.3.1 ............. Columns
3.11 .............. Properties of Gases .......... Tubular
3.11.1 ........... Kinetic .......... Beams
3.11.2 ........... Thermodynamic .......... Sections
3.12 .............. Accessories and Accessory 4.3.2 ............. Frames, Gridworks, and Trusses
Functions 4.3.3 ............. Plates
3.12.1 ........... Fuel Systems .......... Flat
3.12.1. ! ........ Spark-Ignition Engines ....... Unstiffened ........ Compression-Ignition ....... Stiffened
Engines .......... Curved ........ Compound Engines ....... Unstiffened ........ Turbojet Engines ....... Stiffened ........ Turbine-Propeller Engine 4.3.4 ............. Beams ........ Pulse-Jet Engines .......... Box ........ Ram-Jet Engines .......... Diagonal Tension ........ Rocket Engines 4.3.5 ............. Shells ..... Turbopump .......... Cylinders
3.12.2 ........... Ignition Systems ....... Circular
3.12.3 ........... Starting Systems ....... Elliptical
3.12.4 ........... Lubrication Systems .......... Boxes
3.12.5 ........... Cooling Systems 4.3.6 ............. Connections
3.13 .............. Vibration and Flutter 4.3.6. ! .......... Bolted .......... Riveted
4 ................... AIRCRAFT LOADS AND .......... Welded
CONSTRUCTION .......... Bonded
4.1 ................ Loads
4.3.7 ............. Loads and Stresses
4.1.1 ............. Aerodynamic .......... Tension
4.1. !. 1 .......... Wings .......... Compression ....... Steady Loads .......... Bending ....... Maneuvering .......... Torsion ....... Gust Loads .......... Shear
4. i. 1. 1.4 ....... Buffeting Loads .......... Concentrated .......... Tail .......... Dynamic
4. I. 1.2.1 ....... Steady Loads ....... Repeated ....... Maneuvering ....... Transient ....... Buffeting and Gust .......... Normal Pressures
4. i. 1.3 .......... Bodies
4.3.8 ............. Weight Analysis .......... Rotating Wings
4.1. 1.5 .......... Aeroelasticity 5 ................... MATERIALS
4.1.2 ............. Landing ................ Types .......... Impact .1 ............. Aluminum ....... Land .2 ............. Magnesium ....... Water .3 ............. Steels .......... Round-Run .4 ............. Heat-Resisting Alloys ....... Land .5 ............. Ceramics ....... Water .6 ............. Plastics .......... Prelanding Conditions ,7 ............. Woods
4.2 ................ Vibration and Flutter .8 ............. Adhesives


Number Subject-Heading Number Subject-Heading

5.1.9 ............. Protective Coatings 7.3.3 ............. Wings and Tails

5.1.10 ........... Fabrics 7.3.4 ............. Windshields
5.1.11 ........... Sandwich and Laminates 7.3.5 ............. Miscellaneous Accessories
5.1.12 ........... Ceramais 7.3.6 ............. Propulsion Systems
5.1.13 ........... Titanium 7.4 ................ Noise
5.2 ................ Properties 7.5 ................ Heating and Ventilating
5.2.1 ............. Tensile 7.6 ................ Lightning Hazards
5.2.2 ............. Compressive 7.7 ................ Piloting Techniques
5.2.3 ............. Creep 7.8 ................ Physiological
5.2.4 ............. Stress-Rupture 7.9 ................ Fire Hazards
5.2.5 ............. Fatigue 7.10 .............. General
5.2.6 ............. Shear
8 ................... INSTRUMENTS
5.2.7 ............. Flexural
5.2.8 ............. Corrosion Resistance 8.1 ................ Flight
5.2.9 ............. Structure 8.2 ................ Laboratory
5.2.10 ........... Effects of Nuclear Radiation 8.3 ................ Meteorological
5.2.11 ........... Thermal
9 ................... RESEARCH EQUIPMENT AND
5.2.12 ........... Muhiaxial Stress
5.2.13 ........... Plasticity
9.1 ................ Equipment
5.3 ................ Operating Stresses and 9.1.1 ............. Wind Tunnels
9.1.2 ............. Free-Flight
5.3. l ............. Airframe
9.1.3 ............. Towing Tanks and Impacts
5.3.2 ............. Propulsion System Basins
6 ................... METEOROLOGY 9.1.4 ............. Propulsion Research Equipment
6.1 ................ Atmosphere 9.1.5 ............. Propeller
6.1.1 ............. Standard Atmosphere 9.1.6 ............. Materials
6.1.2 ............. Gusts 9.1.7 ............. Structures .......... Structure 9.2 ................ Technique .......... Frequency 9.2.1 ............. Corrections .......... Turbulence 9.2.2 ............. Aerodynamics .......... Alleviation 9.2.3 ............. Hydrodynamics
6.1.3 ............. Electricity 9.2.4 ............. Loads and Construction
6.2 ................ Ice Formation 9.2.5 ............. Propulsion
7 ................... OPERATING PROBLEMS 9.2.6 ............. Operating Problems
7.1 ................ Safety 9.2.7 ............. Mathematics
7.1.1 ............. Pilot-Escape Techniques
10 ................. NOMENCLATURE
7,2 ................ Navigation
7.3 ................ Ice Prevention and Removal 11 ................. BIBLIOGRAPHIES
7.3.1 ............. Engine Induction Systems
7.3.2 ............. Propellers 12 ................. TECHNICAL SUMMARIES

Table G-6

System for Correlating Subject-Heading Numbers

In 1915-1949 index In later indexes

1.4.1 ....................................................................................................... 1.4.1

1.4.2 ....................................................................................................... 1.4.1
1.4.2 .......................................................................................................
1.4.3 ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................
1.4.4 ....................................................................................................... 1.4.2 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... t.4.2.4
1.4.5 ....................................................................................................... 1.4.3
1.4.6 ....................................................................................................... 1.4.4
1.4.7 ....................................................................................................... 1.4.5
1.4.8 ....................................................................................................... 1.4.6
1.4.9 ....................................................................................................... eliminated
1.4.10 ..................................................................................................... 1.4.7







_ _ ! i ! i i i ! i


Appendix H

The following documents in the history of the NACA have been selected both to
reproduce important materials that are either unpublished or inaccessible and to show
how NACA people thought and wrote on issues of great concern to them. Aside from
minor corrections in spelling and grammar, the documents are reproduced in their
original form, warts and all. To save space, much introductory and concluding matter
has been deleted, as have portions considered unimportant or redundant.

1. Aeronautics: Report of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics for the Year 1909-1910
(London, 1910): 4-5 (excerpt).
2. W. I. Chambers, "Report on Aviation," app. 1 to Annual Report of the Secretary of the
Navy for 1912 (Washington, 1912): 155-69.
3. "Minutes of First Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Langley
Aerodynamicai Laboratory, May 23, 1913."
4. House Joint Resolution 413, 63d Cong., 3d sess., 1 Feb. 1915.
5. Franklin D. Roosevelt to L. P. Padgett, 12 Feb. 1915,.in House Committee on
Naval Affairs, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, H. Rpt. 1423 to accompany
H.J. Res. 413, 63/3, 19 Feb. 1915, pp. 2-3.
6. Memorandum on a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, forwarded by
Charles D. Walcott to Senator Benjamin R. Tiilman, chairman of the Committee on
Naval Affairs, 1 Feb. 1915.
7. Brig. Gen. George P. Scriven to Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 16 April
8. Josephus Daniels to the president, 30 Nov. 1915.
9. Woodrow Wilson to Josephus Daniels, 2 Dec. 1915.
10. Report of the Subcommittee on a Site for Experimental Work and Proving
Grounds for Aeronautics, 23 Nov. 1916, excerpted from minutes of Executive
Committee meeting, 23 Nov. 1916.
11. Minutes of meeting of the NACA Subcommittee on Patents, 10 July 1917.
12. John F. Hayford, "Statement of Policy," 28 April 1917, as adopted by the Execu-
tive Committee 7 Aug. 1917 and by the NACA 4 Oct. 1917.
13. Lee M. Griftith to Executive Committee, 4 April 1918.
14. George de Bothezat to Subcommittee on Buildings, Laboratories and Equipments,
15 Feb. 1919.
15. L. C. Stearns to Joseph S. Ames, 5 April 1919.
16. Research Authorization No. 201, 21 Jan. 1927.
17. Memorandum of the Special Committee on Organization of Governmental Activi-
ties in Aeronautics [11 Feb. 1920].
18. "A National Aviation Policy," NACA Annual Report, 1920, pp. 54-56.
19. Report of the NACA Subcommittee on Federal Regulation of Air Navigation, 9
April 1921, from NACA Annual Report, 1921, pp. 13-15.
20. "Report of Proceedings of Second General Conference between Representatives of
Aircraft Manufacturers and Operators and National Advisory Committee for Aero-


nautics," held at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory on 24 May 1927,

21. Memorandum, George W. Lewis to General [Herbert M.] Lord, "Some Accom-
plishments of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics," 13 Sept. 1928.
22. Frank A. Tichenor, "Why the N.A.C.A.?" Aero Dzgest (Dec. 19_0), 47 ft.
23. Memorandum, Elton W. Miller to Engineer-in-Charge, "Article in Aero Digest for
December," 19 Dec. 1930.
24. Memorandum, H.J.E. Reid to George Lewis, "Comments on the Article in the
December 1930 issue of Aero Digest, entitled 'Why the N.A.C.A.?' " 2 Jan. 1931.
25. Minutes of the NACA annual meeting, 22 Oct. 1931, pp. 10-13, adoption of rules
governing work done by NACA for industry.
26. Orville Wright to John Victory, 6 Nov. 1931.
27. Joseph S. Ames to F. H. LaGuardia, 24 Feb. 1932.
28. "Economic Value of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics," Jan. 1933.
29. The Brookings Institution, "Memorandum on Report No. 12 on Senate Select
Committee Making Recommendations Relative to National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics," 8 Nov. 1937.
30. Westover committee report, 19 Aug. 1938.
31. H. H. Arnold to George W. Lewis, 5 Jan. 1939, enclosing "Discussion of a
Proposal to Establish an Aeronautical Laboratory for Applied Research."
32. Memorandum, John F. Victory to Dr. Lewis, "'General Arnold's letter of January 5,
1939, re basic research, applied research, and production research," 9 Jan. 1939.
33. Jerome C. Hunsaker, "Memorandum on Postwar Research Policy for NACA," 27
July 1944.
34. "Notes on discussion at meeting of NACA, July 27, 1944," 8 Aug. 1944.
35. "Notes of discussions at meeting of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
April 26, 1945," undated.
36. "National Aeronautical Research Policy," approved 21 March 1946.
37. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, "A Proposal for the Construction of
a National Supersonic Research Center," April 1946.
38. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, "Appraisal of German Research during
the War Relative to That of the NACA" [Oct. 1946].
39. "Report of the Director of Aeronautical Research submitted to the National Advi-
sory Committee for Aeronautics at its annual meeting, October 23, 1947."
40. "Functions and Responsibilities of Standing Committees and Subcommittees of the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics," 1 Jan. 1950.
41. Ira A. Abbott, memorandum, "Improvement of Laboratory Inspections," 14 June
42. "NACA Policy on Release of Proprietary Information," adopted by the NACA 16
June 1949, amended 16 Dec. 1949.
43. "A Report to the Industry on the Work of the NACA Industry Consulting Commit-
tee," 30 Dec. 1949.
44. "Policy for Operation of Unitary Wind Tunnels on Development and Test Prob-
lems of Industry," approved by the NACA 6 May 1953 on recommendation of the
NACA Panel on Research Facilities.
45. "A National Research Program for Space Technology," a staff study of the NACA,
14 Jan. 1958.
46. "A Program for Expansion of NACA Research in Space Flight Technology with
Estimates of the Staff and Facilities Required," 10 Feb. 1958.


1. Aeronautics: Report of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics for the Year
1909-1910 (London, 1910): 4-5 (excerpt).

[The British Advisory Committee for Aeronautics was the model for the NACA.
The composition of the committee--representatives of government agencies involved
in aeronautics as well as civilian specialists--and the proposed areas of committee study
exactly parallel those of the NACA.]


To the Right Honourable H. H. Asquith, M.P., First Lord of the Treasury


The Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, appointed on April 30th., 1909, have
since that date held ten meetings, of which one was at the Balloon Factory, Aldershot,
one at the works of Messrs. Vickers, Sons & Maxim at Barrow, two at the National
Physical Laboratory, and the remainder at the War Office.
The work for which the Committee was appointed was defined in the announce-
ment made by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on May 5th, 1909, which
was as follows:--

"The Government is taking steps towards placing its organization for aerial navigation
on a more satisfactory footing. As the result of a report made by the Committee of Imperial
Defence, the work of devising and constructing dirigible airships and aeroplanes has been
apportioned between the Navy and the Army. The Admiralty is building certain dirigibles,
while certain others of a different type will be constructed at the War Office Balloon Factory
at Aldershot, which is about to be reorganized for the purpose. The investigation and provi-
sion of aeroplanes are also assigned to the War Office. With a view to securing that the
highest scientific talent shall be brought to bear on the problems which will have to be
solved in the course of the work of the two departments, the National Physical Laboratory
has been requested to organize at its establishment at Teddington a special department for
continuous investigation--experimental and otherwise--of questions which must from time
to time be solved in order to obtain adequate guidance in construction.
"For the superintendence of the investigations at the National Physical Laboratory and
for general advice on the scientific problems arising in connection with the work of the Ad-
miralty and War Office in aerial construction and navigation, I have appointed a special
Committee, which includes the following names:--President: The Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh,
OM., F.R.S.; Chairman: Dr. R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S. (Director, National Physical Labora-
tory); Members: Major-General Sir Charles Hadden, K.C.B. (representing the Army), Cap-
tain R.H.S. Bacon. R.N., C.V.O., D.S.O. (representing the Navy), Sir G. Greenhill, F.R.S.,
Dr. W. N. Shaw, F.R.S. (Director of the Meteorological Office), Mr. Horace Darwin, F.R.S.,
Mr. H. R. A. Mallock, F.R.S., Professor J. E. Petavel, F.R.S., and Mr+ F. W. Lanchester."

On May 20th, the following further statement was made, in reply to a question
from Mr. Balfour:--

"It is no part of the general duty of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics either to
construct or invent. Its function is not to initiate, but to consider what is initiated elsewhere,
and is referred to it by the executive officers of the Navy and Army construction depart-
ments. The problems which are likely to arise in this way for solution are numerous, and it
will be the work of the Committee to advise on these problems, and to seek their solution by
the application of both theoretical and experimental methods of research."

The work desired thus falls into three sections:

1. The scientific study of the problems of flight, with a view to their practical


2. Research and experiment into these subjects in a properly equipped laboratory,

with a trained staff.
3. The construction and use of dirigibles and aeroplanes, having regard mainly to
their employment in war.
The Advisory Committee are to deal with the first section, and also to determine
the problems which the experimental branch should attack, and discuss their solutions
and their application to practical questions. The second section represents the work
referred to the Laboratory, while the duties connected with the third section remain
with the Admiralty and the War Office ....

2. _: I. Chambers, "'Report on Aviation, " app. 1 to Annual Report of the

Secretary of the Navy for 1912 (Washington, 1912). 155-170.

[Chambers, one of the earliest advocates of a national aerodynamicai laboratory,

set forth in this report the arguments of national prestige and security behind the
movement for a laboratory. He noted the European--especially the British--advances
already made, described how the laboratory should be organized and run, and recom-
mended the Smithsonian Institution's Langley laboratory as the logical nucleus. This
last recommendation set off a bureaucratic struggle that delayed establishment of a
national laboratory for several more years. Chambers's report remains the clearest and
most prophetic single statement of the rationale for a national laboratory and its


[l'askington, September 21, 1912.

From: Capt. W. I. Chambers, United States Navy.

To: The Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department.

Subject: Report on aviation.

The status of aviation in the world to-day may be summarized as follows:
The work of established aerodynamic laboratories has transported aeronautics
generally into the domain of engineering, in consequence of which aviation has
reached a stage of development wherein the methods of scientific engineers have
replaced the crude efforts of the pioneer inventors.
The development of aviation for marine or naval purposes has naturally been
somewhat delayed, but, inspired by the early demonstrations of our Navy, the naval
powers of the world are now devoting large sums of money to this phase of develop-
ment. It may be asserted that ahhough the aeroplane has not yet arrived at the state of
perfection required by all the work contemplated for it in naval warfare, yet it is
sufficiently advanced to be of great service in many ways, should it be required for use
in emergency, and ifs satisfactory development for extensive use is fairly in sight.
Those who are engaged in the development of aviation [or war purposes do not
pretend that it is going to revolutionize warfare, but it has been fully demonstrated that
of two opposing forces, the one which possesses superiority in aerial equipment and
skill will surely hold a very great advantage.


A. They can be carried, stowed, and used by all large ships-

(I) To reconnoiter an enemy's port or to search out his advanced bases and to
assist in the operations of a blockaded or a blockading force.
(2) To locate and destroy submarine mines, submarines and dirigibles, and to
assist in the operations of submarines and torpedo boats.


(3) To damage an enemy's docks, magazines, ships in repair or under construc-

tion, dirigible sheds and other resources.
(4) To provide means of rapid confidential communication between a fleet com-
mander and the commanding officer of a cooperating force on shore, or the com-
mander of another fleet or division.
B. They can be carried by all scouts and large cruisers to extend the "eyes of the
fleet" in naval scouting.
C. They can be carried, with ample supplies and camp outfit, on board any naval
supply auxiliary for scouting at advanced bases and for extensive use with expedition-
ary forces.


France leads the world in aviation, and all that she does is worth noting. A short
time ago, in response to an inquiry by the minister of war, over 3,000 officers signified
their desire to learn aerial navigation. Germany leads in aerostation, but is making
great progress in aviation also. France has 8 dirigibles, Germany 30. The number of
aeroplanes actually possessed by each is a rapidly increasing quantity, but France will
probably possess about 350 before the end of the year, the ultimate aim being to
possess 1,000 as soon as the requisite number of pilots can be taught to use them.
It is significant of German foresight that one of the first steps undertaken, when it
was decided to construct a large aeroplane fleet, was to found an aerodynamic labora-
tory. This is at Gottingen, where the best known course of instruction in aeronautics is
ably conducted by Prof. Prandtl.
The following statement, while it does not include all large sums that are being
spent, will suffice to compare our own activity with that of some of the principal

Government Popular Total

appropriation subscription

France ............................................................. $6,400,000 $1,000,000 $7,400,000

Germany .......................................................... 1,500,000 750,000 2,250,000
Russia ............................................................... 5,000,000 (?) 5,OOO,O00
Great Britian ................................................... 2,100,000 (?) 2,100,000
Italy ................................................................. 2,000,000 100,000 2, 100,000
[apan ............................................................... 600,000 (?) 600,000
United States .................................................. 140,000 140,000

Exact details are lacking of the progress in many other countries, but all progres-
sive powers are bent on keeping abreast of the times, especially the British colonies,
Russia, Japan, and Austria. The latter country has produced one of the very best
aeroplanes in existence, the Etrich, and is also developing the hydroaeroplane.


When Congress appropriated $25,000 for the development of naval aviation last
year, three officers had been ordered to aeroplane factories for instruction, in anticipa-
tion of three machines which were finally purchased, two Curtiss and one Wright.
At that time a land aerodrome was necessary for practice, and a hangar was
accordingly built on Greenbury Point, Annapolis, Md., where a sufficient area of flat
land was prepared for an aerodrome by the leveling of some trees and the partial
filling of a swamp. This served its purpose until the Navy machines had all been


provided with hydroplanes and we had demonstrated the practicability of carrying on

instruction entirely over water. The aerodrome is now held in reserve for the housing
of spare machines, for the exercise of the land attachment of the hydroaeroplanes and
for any other emergency use.
It was originally contemplated to establish an aviation school in conjunction with
the naval engineering experiment station, where experiments could be expedited, but it
soon became apparent that the desired number of officers and men could not be
spared away from their regular duties for a sufficient period and that the progress of
instruction would be seriously delayed until the machines had been suitably developed
and equipped for issuing to ships of the fleet, where practical instruction could pro-
ceed, with ample resources, in a systematic routine way. Incidentally, it was recognized
that to get good service from these machines in the fleet constant practice would be
required and the personnel be made as familiar with them as with other articles of
This was the first object in favoring the hydroaeroplane attachment.
To-day it is recognized the world over that hydroaviation offers one of the most
promising fields of development, for the reason that a water aerodrome is nearly
always available, is safer in landing, is less obstructed, and the aerial currents over
water are less treacherous than over land. A ship provided with aeroplanes will thus
become the hangar and will be surrounded usually by an ideal aerodrome, i.e., by
water sufficiently smooth for practice.
Last December the three machines with their aviators were transferred to San
Diego, Cal., where a camp was formed with small tents fiom the U. S. S Iris and hangar
tents of the Army pattern, which had been prepared at the Mare Island Navy Yard.
Experience with these tents demonstrated certain defects and that they were not
conducive to efficient progress with a small force of men. Better tents, designed by the
Bureau of Construction and Repair, have been made to replace them.
After a season of winter work at San Diego the camp was transferred again to
Annapolis, and located nearer the engineering experiment station on the north shore
of the Severn River. This experience with tents has demonstrated that they not only
facilitate the removal of a camp from one place to another, but that it is cheaper to use
them than to provide permanent sheds of more durable material at all the places where
a camp may be established. The use of tents also enables us to be prepared, with the
advantage of experience, to transport at short notice all the material that may be
required at an advanced base.


Many officers interested in this work have applied for instruction, but, as before
mentioned, it had not been possible to detach from their regular duties, even tempo-
rarily, all who desire the experience. Eight officers have qualified.
At the end of August, 1912, a total of 593 flights had been made by the four
instruction aviators in the three machines. The record stands as follows:


Flights Totaltime Distance Passengers

In Curtissmachines:
H m+ Miles
Lieut.Ellyson..........................200 40 30 2,227 111
Lieut.Towers ..........................202 37 2 2,035 100
IntheWrig]t machine:
Lieut.Rogers .......................... 132 33 54 1,530 52
Ensign rbster...................... 59 14 54 630 9

Total ................................593 126 20 6,422 272

During flights over water the aviator can usually count on a safe place to land. For
this reason most of our hydro flying has been done at an altitude of about 500 feet.
But as scouting and reconnaissance work will require flying at an altitude of about
3,000 feet, Lieut. Ellyson has demonstrated that there will be no difficulty in flying the
hydroaeroplane at 3,000 feet or over. On one occasion he ascended to 2,850 feet in 23
minutes and 25 seconds. On another occasion, in testing a lower grade of gasoline, he
ascended 3,200 feet, but it required 44 minutes to reach the first 2,500 feet. Investiga-
tion of the different grades of gasoline shows that the difference in efficiency is
The longest flight yet made with passenger anywhere in the hydroaeroplane is that
made by Lieuts. Ellyson and Towers jointly, from Annapolis, Md., to Hampton Roads,
Va., and return, and this flight amply demonstrated three things: (1) The suitability of
the "hydro" as a type for long flights; (2) the practicability and utility of the dual
system of control; and (3) the necessity for greater improvement in motors. The return
flight was enlivened, in very cold weather, by a series of minor mishaps to the motor.
In making such flights it is still advisable to follow a shore line convenient for landing
in case of motor trouble.
Lieut. J. H. Towers, United States Navy, has recently made a flight of 6 hours, 10
minutes, and 35 seconds with the standard Navy Curtiss hydroaeroplane. This was
made in due course of regular work, but it stands as a world's record for flight in a
hydroaeroplane and the American endurance record for flight in any kind of a ma-
chine. A performance of five hours only would have been satisfactory.
As a part of the instruction and a fruitful means of informing us concerning
necessary improvements many repairs have been made by the aviators themselves, and
the enlisted mechanics detailed for the purpose have received instruction in this way. A
new Wright machine has also been built in this way from spare parts purchased from
the company.
It has not been possible, under the circumstances of a meager appropriation and
few officers, combining instruction with experimental work, to establish a thoroughly
satisfactory system of instruction as yet. The ideal would require each aviator student
to obtain a course of study in aerodynamics and meteorology up to date of about four
months, such as that recently established at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
the theory preceding the practical work, if possible. Such a course would be best
attained by the establishment of a school for aviators in connection with the lectures at
a national aerodynamic laboratory.
E.xpe_vmental work.--The work of instruction has been handicapped by a practically
continuous series of experiments, with the result that long delays in repairing have
rendered work in both particulars slower than was anticipated. On the whole, this
method of experimentation fi)r the solution of problems other than the improvement


ofminorstructural detailsandthetestof navigating instruments is veryunsatisfactory.

Importantexperiments involvingphysical research shouldberelegated to anaerody-
namiclaboratory anditsaerodrome annex.Otherimportant experiments, suchasthe
development of wireless,requiringfrequentchanges, shouldbemadeat anair-craft
factory,whereextensive repairsandreconstruction are facilitated. Specialfacilities
alreadyexistfordoingsuchworkattheWashington NavyYard.
Someexperimental workhasbeendoneon differentmethods of installingthe
wirelessplant,butintermittently, owingto theenforced absence of theexpertofficer,
whosesuggestions werebeingfollowed.Althoughtheworkis unfinished, it hasgiven
promiseof realizing a rangeof 50milesat a sacrifice of 50 poundsonlyin weight.
Mostoftheexperiments havebeendevoted toimproving mechanical detailsofthe
motorsandto tryingdifferentmodelsof hydroplanes, theresultof laboratory investi-
Muchusefulinformationhasbeengainedthusabouthydroplanes andmany
uncertainbut alluringideashavebeeneliminated. Thereareseven differenttypesof
hydroaeroplanes nowin France,but our effortshavebeenconfinedchieflyto two
distinctAmerican types,thesingleboatwithbalancing pontoons andthecatamaran
typewithtwopontoons. Bothtypeshavegivengreatsatisfaction, butthesingleboat,
whichhasbeenusedonboththeWrightandtheCurtissmachines, seems bestforour
purposes. It is superiorin roughwaterandit is thefatherof theflyingboat,toward
whichourideashavealways beeninclined.
Theflyingboatwasdiscussed in theearlydays,about1905,between Mr.Glenn
H. Curtissandrepresentatives of theBureauof Equipment. Thefirstrealflyingboat
wasmadeandtestedatHammondsport, N.Y.,a yearagolastsummer, andflownlast
winteratSanDiego,Cal.Afterseveral alterations
in thelocationof themotivepower,
theCurtissflyingboattestedthissummer, withgreatsatisfaction, by Lieuts.Ellyson
andTowers,is regarded asa decidedadvance in hydroaeroplane designandgives
promise ofextended usefulnessinroughwater.
Catapult--Tentative experiments with a compressed-air catapult for sending
aeroplanes in flight over the shortest possible track have been made and their early
completion is expected to avoid requiring a ship to carry a demountable platform.
The practicability of sending aeroplanes in flight from a suitable platform on
board ship was early demonstrated by Eugene Ely in flights from the U.S.S. Birmingham
and the U.S.S. Pennsylvania. We have frequently demonstrated the practicability of
sending them in flight from water alongside of a ship, and both Mr. Glenn H. Curtiss
and Lieut. John Rodgers have flown alongside of a ship, have been hoisted on board
and hoisted out again in a hydroaeroplane. Lieut. Ellyson has successfully performed
the daring experiment of showing the possibility and facility with which a
hydroaeroplane can be sent in flight from a ship in smooth water over an improvised
single wire cable, but I would not recommend the use of this device on a ship with
rolling motion. Lieut. Eliyson also eagerly subjected himself in a hydroaeroplane to the
extreme shock of the catapult device in order to test the effect of such a shock not only
on the aviator but on the motor attachments and other fittings. This crucial test was
entirely satisfactory in its revelations, although the aviator and machine got a ducking,
and it will probably never be required again.
There is no risk that these zealous aviators will not cheerfully undertake in the
interest of adapting the art of aviation to naval purposes, and it is worthy of note that
the work has progressed thus far without serious accident, although it has been
arduous, dangerous, and replete with temptations for the aviators to rival many of the
sensational performances that have resulted disastrously to contemporary pioneers in
civil aviation.
A simple and convenient self starter is a practical necessity to the hydroaeroplane
before issuing it fi)r ship use. Several mechanical devices have been tried with varying


butothermorepromising devicesareaboutto betriedandthereisreasonto
thattheverybestwillsoonbein useonallofourmachines.
lnstruments.--Aviators and manufacturers have been slow in making use of instru-
ments which not only make flying safer, but which may be made to relieve the aviator
of much of the nervous tension and strain of long flights and flying in uncertain
weather. A constant increase in the number of disasters has disturbed the people of
France for some time, with the result that special attention has been given to the
problem of safety; special efforts have been made not only to improve inherent stability
and structural strength, but to provide means for controlling the equilibrium automati-
One can not blame those who are already skilled in flying for being conservative
in this matter, in view of the many defective devices that have been exploited to effect
the object. There is good reason for going slowly and carefully in the test of anything
that presumes to take the place of the aviator's skill, but manufacturers and aviators are
beginning to realize that progress in aviation is greatly dependent upon the perfection
of instruments for safe guidance and automatic control, that there is something more
than acrobatic skill required to place aviation on a practical footing in the Navy, that
the elimination of man as a factor of chief importance by the supply of mechanism
which will perform the things that he is prone to do indifferently, especially under the
strain of fatigue, is a practical necessity to his success as a real aerial navigator.
Simple and reliable automatic control devices which may be added without sacri-
fice of too much weight are now being eagerly sought and some that may be rigged to
work automatically, semi-automatically, or not at all, at the will of the aviator, are being

The air compass.--Much important work for which the aeroplane will be useful in
the Navy will not necessarily require the air pilot to navigate in a fog or at night or out
of sight of his base, but in sea scouting, which I think is destined to be one of his
principal spheres of usefulness, the pilot may be caught in a fog, he may be obliged to
navigate at night and will have to lose sight of his base frequently. It must be possible,
therefore, to navigate as accurately in air as it is to navigate a ship by dead reckoning
at sea.
Motors.--Improvements have been confined principally to the correction of small
defects which have been made as soon as discovered. Much more could be said about
what is still needed. When anything goes wrong or when trouble begins in a flight that
promises well, some trifling detail of the motor is usually at fault, a small pin here, a
pump connection there, but nearly always something new and unexpected. It was so
with the early motors of automobiles and this thought inspires confidence in the
perfection of aviation motors, although the demand is still greater for increased power
or speed rather than reliability and durability.
Range of speed.--A weight-carrying aeroplane such as a hydroaeroplane necessarily
needs a motor with considerable range of speed, and the same kind of motor is needed
to reduce the danger of alighting. This is not the kind of a motor and combination of
motor and surfaces that now wins the speed contest, such as that for the Gordon
Bennett cup. I think aviation would be improved if the terms of future speed contests
were arranged so as to require each contestant to go over the course twice, the second
time at an average speed 20 per cent lower than his highest average.
Requirements.--A year ago our manufacturers requested specific information as to
the conditions to be satisfied in adapting the aeroplane for naval use. The answers at
that time were necessarily indefinite, but with the benefit of a year's experience we
have been able to issue a set of "general requirements" sufficiently broad in scope to
permit a wide latitude for ingenuity and improvement.
These requirements cover not only the peculiar conditions to be satisfied in naval
aviation, but, for the first time, require our builders to show that their machines are


designedin accordance with up-to-date practice.Buildersare requiredto provide

technicaldatawhichwill eliminate fromcompetition all whodependon haphazard
methods. Complete stressdiagrams underdifferentconditions of loadandall the
fundamental characteristics,
a knowledge of whichis indispensable to an intelligent
comparison of designs,
aredemanded. Thestampofapproval is giventotheintroduc-
tionof improved methods for theautomatic controlof equilibrium,andourbuilders
areencouraged to attaina highdegreeof efficiency, to improvethe factorswhich
governsafety,andnothingis demanded thatmaynotbereadilyaccomplished under
oftheartasit isgenerallyunderstood atpresent.

In accordance with the policy of the department, as mentioned in the last annual
report of the Secretary of the Navy, aeroplanes are now placed in the same category as
other articles of a ship's equipment, and are appropriated for accordingly, the general
architecture and constructional features being provided by the Bureau of Construction
and Repair under its general appropriation "Construction and repair of vessels," and
the motive power, including radio apparatus, being provided by the Bureau of Steam
Engineering under the appropriation for "Steam machinery," it being intended that all
bureaus will do their share in providing the specific parts which naturally come under
their cognizance in the department organization.
It seems unnecessary to place a limit on aeroplanes under these appropriations
when expenditure on boats, steam steerers, windlasses, boilers, and "all other auxil-
iaries," costing much more, is unlimited. No economy is effected by placing a limit on
any one of the numerous items under these appropriations and no extravagance can
occur by removing the limits on aeroplanes, because, regardless of limits, the amount
of each appropriation remains the same, and expenditure on each item will be jealously
guarded by the bureau concerned to carry on current work as necessities arise.
It is particularly unfortunate that the snlall limit of $20,000 is placed on aeroplane
machinery under the Bureau of Steam Engineering, because our experience shows that
each aeroplane used for instruction requires two motors to carry on the work effec-
tively. This of course will be impossible under the present limit, as the expense of
repairs is also comparatively great. The limit of $35,000 under construction and repair
is unsatisfactory also.


Little more than a year ago our knowledge of the eflect o1 air currents upon
aeroplane surfaces was almost entirely a matter of theory. The exact information
available was so meager that aeroplanes were built either as copies, slightly modified,
of other machines, or else by way of haphazard experiment. This state of affairs obtains
to some extent in the United States to-day, although in Europe aeroplane construction
is now largely based on scientific data obtained at notable aerodynamic laboratories.
The intuitive, hasty, and crude methods of the pioneer can not succeed in compe-
tition with the accurate and systematic methods of the scientific engineer, and it is
beginning to dawn upon our perceptions that through lack of preparation for the work
of the scientific engineer, i. e., through delay in establishing an aerodynamic labora-
tory, a waste of time and money, a decline of prestige, and an unnecessary sacrifice of
human life has already resulted.
Students of aviation do not need to be informed of the practical necessity for
aerodynamic laboratories. They have repeatedly pointed out, in aeronautical publica-
tions, the immense commercial advantages to be anticipated from the establishment of
at least one in this country, and they have naturally expected that some philanthropic
patriot of wealth and scientific interest would come to the rescue with a suitable


endowment fundthatwouldenablesuchworkto be startedin shortorderwithout

Government aid.Thefactthatnopatriothasresponded isdisappointing,
in viewofthe
largeprivatedonations thathavedoneso muchfor aviationin France,but in my
opinion,it simplyindicates somethinglackingin themanner ofdisseminatinginforma-
tion concerning theimportance of thesubject.I amnot willingto believethatour
peoplewill refusetoestablish onewhentheyarefullyacquainted withtheadvantages
to humanity andto saneindustrial progress,
andwhena reasonable concrete proposi-
tion is advanced for their consideration.
It is nowmypurposeto submitsucha
proposition, and,in doingso, I will followbriefly,in generaloutline,the ideas
advanced in anaddress to theFifthInternationalAeronautic
Congress by oneof the
greatestauthorities in the world,the Commandant PaulRenard,presidentof the
InternationalAeronautic Commission.

Before considering the character of the work to be done and some details of the
needed plant, it will facilitate matters to show what should not be done at such a
There are those who dream of supplying the laboratory with all the instruments
known to mechanics, to physics, and even to chemistry, in order to have a creditable
and complete national institution. They would concentrate in one locality all the
scientific instruments and acumen available, with the false idea that economy would
resuh. This would be a grave error.
The financial resources, however great, are sure to be limited, and a too ambitious
or a superfluous installation would squander the sources of power and indirectly
menace the initiative of other industries. The character of the new work to be done
demands that everything should be rejected that can be dispensed with readily in order
that appliances specially needed in the new work may be provided and that these
appliances be of the latest and most efficient types.
For the sake of economy, not only of money but of time and intellectual energy,
tests and experiments that can be executed as well or better elsewhere by existing
establishments should be avoided. For example, it is unnecessary to install a complete
set of instruments and implements for testing the tensile strength of materials or their
bending and crushing strength. Many other establishments permit of such work. If the
laboratory be located in Washington, where certain advantages exist such work could
be readily done at the navy yard, where other facilities exist such, for instance, as the
testing of models for hydroaeroplanes and flying boats. The Bureau of Standards and
Measures and other Government branches in Washington also offer facilities which it
would not be wise to duplicate in such a laboratory.
I do not think that such an institution should be burdened with measuring the
power of motors or preoccupied with the details of their performances. This may be
done at various other Government establishments, and it is understood that the Auto-
mobile Club of America is also equipped for this work.
Nor is it necessary to have a complete chemical laboratory under the pretext of
studying questions relating to the chemistry of fuel or the permeability of balloon
I do not wish to convey the idea that an aerodynamic laboratory should be
deprived entirely of such facilities and that it should be obliged to seek minor informa-
tion from other establishments when that information may be more economically
obtained by a duplicate plant on a small scale. Such duplicate conveniences, however,
should be regarded as strictly accessory; but it should be well understood that when-
ever important researches can be prosecuted as well or better elsewhere, dependence
should be placed on those other establishments where such work is a specialty.



An aerodynamic laboratory should be devoted to (1) experimental verification, (2)

experimental research. The first is concerned with testing the qualities of existing
appliances, propellers, sustaining surfaces, control mechanism, etc. Usually these tests
are made at the request of interested parties (as is now the case with water models at
the navy-yard model basin). A constructor or a designer will bring, for example, a
propeller and will wish to know its power or thrust at a given speed on the block or on
a moving appliance under the conditions of flight, or he may bring several propellers
to compare their performances and to ascertain what power they absorb at different
One of the very successful appliances devoted to this work at St. Cyr is a movable
car, in which an aeroplane may be mounted and tested at speeds in perfect safety as to
its strength, its efficiency, and the suitability of its control mechanism. This device is
specially adapted to make actual service tests of sustaining surfaces, in other words, to
try out in perfect safety the relative efficiencies of finished aeroplanes. It is a most
important adjunct, as it supplements and rounds out the important research work on
models in the closed laboratory.
Tests of this character, i.e., verification tests, constitute, so to speak, standard
work. They are performed at the request of manufacturers, clubs, independent investi-
gators, and other interested parties on condition of payment for the actual cost of the
work. They therefore contribute to the support of the establishment.
The tests of verification, however, notwithstanding their great utility, do not
constitute either the most important or the most interesting work of the laboratory.
The research work, which prosecutes continuously and patiently systematic, thorough,
and precise investigation of new ideas, or of old ideas with new applications, with the
specific intention of discovering laws and formulas for advancing the progress of aerial
navigation, is of greater importance, because it is the short cut to substantial efficiency,
economy, improvement, and prestige.
This work is concerned with developing adequate metbods of research in all
branches of aerial navigation and in furnishing reliable information to all students,
engineers, inventors, manufacturers, pilots, navigators, strategists, and statesmen. The
knowledge thus gained should be disseminated regularly through publications, lectures,
open-air demonstrations, and by exhibitions of apparatus, instruments, materials, and
models--in fact, by all the facilities of the aerodrome, the showroom, the library, and
the lecture room.
An exact knowledge of aerodynamics can best be acquired in such a laboratory by
experimentation with standard scale models in air tunnels such as those used by M.
Eiffel and others. In this way reliable data is obtained of the air resistance to be
encountered and the efficiency at various velocities, the amount of lift, the effect of
varying impact at different angles of attack on the stability--in fact, all the exact data
which, reduced to curves and diagrams, enables the engineer to design a machine in a
scientific manner. From such data the performance of a new machine can be closely
predicted. The performance of the finished product can be verified later as before
Much of .the research work will be prosecuted at the request of technical men
outside of the institution, to whom the laboratory should offer, gratuitously as far as
possible, its material and personal resources.


To obtain benefit from these researches it will be necessary to km)w that they are
worth the time and expense, and a body of men--a council or a board of governors--
should be authorized to accept or reject requests for this work. This will be a delicate


task, but the principal duty of the council should be to establish and to correct from
time to time a program of the research work to be executed by the director and his
staff and to coordinate the work to the best advantages within the limits of the money
available. The disbursement of the Government funds, however, and the responsibility
therefor should be entirely under the director.
With the actual state of aerial navigation and its deficiencies as a guide it will be
the policy of' the council to concentrate effort upon such points as seem most impor-
tant, promising, and interesting for the time being.
I do not think there would be any doubt, if we had the laboratory in working
order now, but that all questions relating to improvement in stability, automatic
control, and safety in general would have the right of way.
The council or board, which in England is called the "advisory committee,"
should be representative of other Government departments than that employing the
director, and should be independent of the director and his administrative staff. It
might be possible for the director to act as a member of the council, and, if so, it
would conduce to harmony and expedition.
The council should not be a large body, but should be composed mostly of
specialists of unquestioned ability, men interested in the sane development of aerial
navigation in various branches of the Government and in its useful and safe adaptation
to commerce and sport.
Whatever the ability of this council it should not be allowed to pretend that it has
a monopoly of aeronautic acumen. Many brilliant and worthy ideas may originate
outside of the establishment which it will be wise to investigate. And to avoid any
possibility of the council being charged with narrow prejudice, it is indispensable that it
be not composed entirely of specialists. In a few words, it should comprise representa-
tive men who are also learned and technical men, with broad vision and reputation,
whose presence will guarantee to industrial investigators that their ideas will be treated
in an unpartisan or unbiased spirit. I will not attempt to suggest the composition of
this council or board, but it is evident that the Army and Navy should each be
adequately represented on it.


If the laboratory should obtain, in addition to the funds required for prosecuting
researches by its staff, any endowments of financial aid in excess of immediate needs
(and I am confident it will eventually), it would accomplish useful work by offering
prizes and granting rewards for important results achieved outside of the institution.
The division of rewards would be one of the functions of the council, and it is possible
that this would be one of the best uses of such resources, after the success of the
laboratory is assured.
The complete role of an ideal aerodynamic laboratory can be summed up now in a
few words in the natural order of establishment: (1) Execution of verification tests by
means of nominal fees; (2) facilities to technical men for prosecuting original research;
(3) execution of researches in accordance with a program arranged by the council, and
(4) reward of commendable results accomplished outside of the laboratory.


Researches and tests can be made on either a large or a small scale, preferably on
The use of small models can be made prolific in results because of the compara-
tively small cost, provided we understand the laws governing transformation into the
full sized products. For model work a large plant is unnecessary. M. Eiffel has done
very valuable work in a very small establishment.


Certain classes of tests with large models, such, for example, as the block test of
propellers, do not require much space. But the conditions are altered when such tests
are made on a machine in motion. These more difficult tests are absolutely indispensa-
ble and very important to the usefulness of an official laboratory.
Experiments and tests with small models being comparatively inexpensive, private
establishments often undertake their execution, but when we attempt to draw conclu-
sions from their results we are obliged to admit that the laws of comparison with full-
sized machines are debatable the world over. Comparisons are sensibly true between
small surfaces and larger surfaces that have been extended proportionately to the
square of the linear dimensions, even to surfaces five or ten times larger, but when we
pass to much larger surfaces, as we are obliged to, we are forced to adopt formulas
with empirical coefficients, about which there is indefinite dispute.
The difficulty can be overcome only by precise experiments upon large surfaces,
and such experiments, whatever the manner in which they are performed, will be
costly. If privately executed, the financial returns would not cover the cost.
The laboratory should comprise, therefore, two distinct parts, one devoted to
experiments on small-scale models and the other to experiments on surfaces of large
dimensions. But in both parts precise and thorough work is necessary.
When we have studied separately each element of an aeroplane, for example, it
will be necessary to test the complete apparatus. An aerodrome annex is therefore
necessary, or, at least, the laboratory should be located in proximity to an aerodrome
of which it can make use. In order that the observations may not only be qualitative but
quantitative, it will be necessary to follow all the movements of the complete machine
to know at each instant the speed, the inclination, the thrust of the propellers, the
effective horsepower, and, in fact, to conduct a true open-air laboratory for air craft
after the manner of certain tests that have been prolific of results in France.
The English have established close relations between the royal aircraft factory and
their laboratory, the function of the former being the reconstruction and repair of
aeroplanes, the test of motors, and the instruction of mechanics.


The location of the model-testing plant, the headquarters of the administration

staff, requires comparatively small space, and there is no reason why it should be
remote from a city or from intellectual and material resources. It is advantageous to
have it easy of access to many interested people who are not attached to it.
The location of the open-air laboratory should obviously be at an aerodrome as
near as may be convenient to the model-testing plant or headquarters. Close proximity
of the two parts is desirable, but not necessary. The high price of land near a large city
obliges the aerodrome annex of foreign plants to be located at a distance, but we are
fortunate in having here at Washington ideal conditions for the location of both parts.
The model laboratory should obviously be located on the site of Langley's notable
work at the Smithsonian Institution, where the nucleus, an extensive library of records,
and a certain collection of instruments, are still available. The National Museum is also
an ideal location for the historical collection of models that will result.
No more ideal location for the annex, the open-air laboratory, or aerodrome exists
in all the world than that afforded by the as yet undeveloped extension of Potomac
Park. This is Government property which is of doubtful utility as a park only, but which
would be of immense utility and interest as a park combined with a scientific plant of
the character under consideration.
There is no reason why the public should be excluded from such a practice field,
but there is much to recommend that it be open to the public under proper regulations
as to the traffic, especially on occasion of certain tests or flights of an educational
value. It is of sufficient area, about i square mile. It is about 2 miles long, is almost


entirelysurrounded bybroadexpanses ofwater,and,whileconvenient ofaccess, is so

situatedthatthepublicmaybereadilyexcluded whentestsof a dangerous character
areinprocess ofexecution. Thefinedriveways thatwillberequired asa parkwill offer
excellentfacilities forthepractice workof theaerodrome andforthemovingtestcars
Oneofthemostattractive features ofthislocationis theadvantage it offersasan
idealaerodrome for boththeArmyandtheNavy,for bothlandandwaterflyingand
theopportunity it affordsforcooperation inallbranches oftheworkofinstruction and
experimentation. Furthermore,it is nearto theshopfacilitiesof thenavyyard,the
accommodations of theWashington Barracks,theconveniences ofvariousGovernment
hospitals,andit woulddoubtless addto theinformation andinterestof thenear-by
WarCollegeStaffandtheGeneral Boardof theNavy.Itslocationwouldenableour
statesmen m Congress anda greatnumberof officialsin alldepartments to keepin
touchatfirsthandwiththeprogress of aeronautics,
withthequalityof theworkdone,
andwith the mannerin whichthe moneyappropriated wasbeingexpended. The
educational facilitiesaffordedbytheworkandbythelectures wouldbeinvaluable to
thecourse ofintructionforArmy,Navy,andcivilstudents ofaeronautics.
As Washington is a meccafor business peopleof all partsof the country,a
laboratory locatedherewouldbeconvenient in a commercial sense,especially in view
ofitssoutherly location, whichrenderstheopenaerodrome available
outthegreater partoftheyear.Theonlyobjection thatI canseeto thePotomac Park
extension is thatthegroundwill requirea considerable clearing,
but thetreesonthe
harborsideof thelocation wouldnotnecessarily requireremoval.

It is useless to discuss here the various instruments and methods which have been
a source of some dispute abroad. All have some good feature, but time has shown
where some of the cumbersome and unnecessary installations may be eliminated to
advantage and where others may be improved. The new plant of M. Eiffel, at Auteuil,
may be regarded as a model for the wind tunnel and the aerodynamic balance. A
duplicate of that plant alone would be of inestimable value. The last volume published
by M. Eiffel is a forcible example of the value of his discoveries by this method with
respect to the angle of incidence and the displacements of the center of pressure. It
seems to merit the utmost confidence, although the details of his installation differ
from those at Chalais, at Koutchino, at the Italian laboratory, and others. This method
permits of testing the resistance of body structures, the sustaining power of surfaces,
the tractive power of propellers, and the influence of transverse or oblique currents. If
a "free drop" apparatus at uniform speed be regarded as indispensable to obtaining
the coefficients of air resistance to solid bodies of different shapes, it is possible that
the interior of the Washington Monument could be used to advantage, as was the Eiffel
Tower, without disturbance of the main function of that noble structure. This would be
an excellent place from which to observe the stability or action of falling models cast
adrift at an altitude of 500 feet under varying atmospheric conditions. The free drop of
full-sized models would of course require the use of kites or captive balloons.
The moving car previously referred to for tests of verification would be the most
useful open-air plant and would soon repay the outlay required by the value of the
information obtained from its use. A miniature duplicate of this method for preliminary
tests on models with a wire trolley would be of value in a hall of large dimensions. It
would be useful in winter work but not invaluable.
The track of the open-air vehicle at St. Cyr is too restricted to give the best
results. The car can not circulate continuously at high speed and maintain the speed
for a sufficient length of time. An ideal endless track may readily be arranged at the
Potomac Park extension, preferably of rectangular form with rounded corners. A


railwaytrackwouldbepreferable, but excellent resultscouldbeobtained fromauto

trucksrunon macadamized roadbeds. Goodresultscouldbeobtained by theuseof
suitable hydroaeroplanes or flyingboatssuitably equipped withinstruments.
At theaerodrome annexamplefacilitiesshouldbe providedfor measuring the
windvelocity atvariousheightsandat differentpoints.Theconvenient installation
recording anemometers andthe employment of kitesor captiveballoons shouldbe
AbranchoftheUnitedStates Weather Bureaucouldreadilybeestablished atthe
aerodrome herein connection withthe investigation of meteorological phenomena
affectingthe movements of aeroplanes in flight andas an adjunctto the national
Exactlymeasured basesandpostsof observation arealsorequired,aswellas
instruments of visionor photographic apparatus, to permitof followingmachines in
theirflightsandofpreserving therecords forstudy.
Oneof themostusefulinstallations for recording advanced information is an
actualaeroplane itselfequipped withinstruments adapted to record,whilein flight,
muchof theinformation thatis desired.Suchmachines arealreadyin usein France
andin England.
It will bein perfectharmonyandconvenient to thelaboratory to obtainall the
services of anaircraftfactoryfromtheWashington NavyYard,wherefacilitiesalready
existfor the reconstruction andrepairof aeroplanes, the testof motors,andthe
instruction of mechanics. Butthisshouldnotbeallowed to interfere
relyinguponprivateindustryfor the purchase of newmachines, fi)r the sakeof
encouraging theartamongprivatebuilders.
It will sufficeto merelymentionthe hangarsor shedsrequiredor the local
accessories, suchasdraftingroom,office,andminorrepairshops. Thecharacter and
locationofthesepresent nodifficulties,buttheyshouldnotbemadetheprincipalpart
of theinstitution astheyarein several elaborately equipped foreignlaboratories. The
powerplant,however, is a subject forcarefulconsideration andtheeconomy effected
byM.Eiffelin hisnewinstallation atAuteuilis worthyofstudy.

I have seen estimates varying from $250,000 to $500,000 for such a plant, but
inasmuch as $100,000, with an annuity of $3,000 donated by M. Henry Deutsch de la
Meurthe to the University of Paris for the establishment of the aeronautical laboratory
at St. Cyr, seems to have been sufficient for a very creditable though somewhat
deficient plant, I will venture an opinion that $200,000 would be sufficient in our case.
Although the same plant would cost more in this country, I assume that some of the
buildings required are already available at the Smithsonian Institution. If located
elsewhere the cost would be considerably more than the sum named.


Inasmuch as more definite information regarding the actual cost of a dignified and
creditable but modest and sufficient installation should be obtained and as the details
of the plan, the scope, the organization, and the location of such an important under-
taking should not be left to the recommendations of one man, I respectJully recommend
that a commission or board be appointed to consider and report to the President, for recommendation
to Congress, on the necessity' or desirability for the establishment of a national aerodynamic
laboratot),, and on it., scope, its organization, the most suitable location for it, and the cost of its



3. Minutes of First Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Langley

Aerodynamical Laboratory, May 23, 1913.

[Smithsonian Secretary Charles D. Walcott reported on the steps leading to estab-

lishment of this forerunner of the NACA. In almost every respect, especially the
composition of the committee and the immediate distribution of work among subcom-
mittees, this meeting presaged the NACA's first meeting two years later.]

The Advisory Committee of the Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory was formally

organized at a meeting at the Smithsonian Institution, at 10 A.M., May 23, 1913. The
following is a list of members of the Committee, all of whom were present except Brig.
General Scriven:

Captain W.I. Chambers, U.S.N.

Mr. Glenn H. Curtiss
Mr. John Hays Hammond, Jr.
Dr. W.J. Humphreys
Naval Constructor H. C. Richardson, U.S.N.
Major Edgar Russel, U.S.A.
Brigadier General George P. Scriven, U.S.A.
Dr. S. W. Stratton
Mr. Charles D. Walcott
Mr. Orville Wright
Dr. Albert F. Zahm

On motion, Mr. Charles D. Walcott was appointed temporary Chairman, and Dr.
A. F. Zahm temporary Recorder of the Committee.
Mr. Walcott briefly outlined the events leading up to the re-opening of the
Langley aerodynamical laboratory, as follows:
At the regular meeting of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution on
February 13, 1913, the Secretary presented a scheme for the establishing of an aero-
nautical laboratory under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. A committee
consisting of Judge George Gray, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, and Representative John
Dalzeil was appointed to consider the question, and also to consider the availability of
any portion of the Hodgkins Fund for the purpose of said laboratory. This committee
reported to the Board of Regents at a special meeting held on May 1, 1913, and
recommended that the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution be authorized to re-
open the aerodynamical laboratory used by the+ late Secretary Langley in pursuing his
researches relating to aeronautics, and the Board thereupon adopted the following

"WHEREAS, The Smithsonian Institution possesses a laboratory for the study of

questions relating to Aerodynamics which has been closed since the death of its
Director, the late Dr. S. P. Langley, formerly Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution;

WHEREAS, It is desirable to foster and continue, in the Institution with which he

was connected, the aerodynamical researches which he inaugurated--
RESOLVED: (1) THAT; the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution
hereby authorizes the Secretary of the Institution, with the advice and approval of the
Executive Committee, to reopen the Smithsonian Institution Laboratory for the study
of Aerodynamics and take such steps as in his judgment may be necessary to provide
for the organization and administration of the laboratory on a permanent basis.


(2) THAT; the aerodynamic laboratory of the Institution shall be known as the
Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory.
(3) THAT; the functions of the Laboratory shall be the study of the problems of
Aerodromics, particularly those of aerodynamics with such research and experimenta-
tion as may be necessary to increase the safety and effectiveness of aerial locomotion
for the purposes of commerce, National defense, and the welfare of man.
(4) THAT; the Laboratory, under regulations to be established and fees to be
fixed by the Secretary, approved by the Executive Committee, may exercise its func-
tions for the military and civil departments of the Government of the United States,
and also for any individual, firm, association or corporation within the United States,
provided, however, that such department, individual, firm, association or corporation
shall also defray the cost of all material and services of employees in connection with
such exercise of the functions of the said Laboratory.
(5) THAT; the Laboratory shall, with the approval of the Secretary of the Institu-
tion, issue bulletins and other publications for public distribution, containing such
information as may be valuable to the Government or the public.
(6) THAT; there shall be a Director of the Laboratory, who shall be appointed by
the Secretary, and who shall receive such salary as may be approved by the Executive
Committee. The Secretary is also authorized to appoint assistants and other necessary
(7) THAT; the Director shall have general supervision of the Laboratory. He shall
make an annual report to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Said report shall
include an account of the work done for any Department of the Government, individ-
ual, firm, association or corporation, and the amounts paid by them to defray the cost
of material and services as hereinbefi)re provided.
(8) THAT; the Secretary may provide or rent such temporary quarters and obtain
such permanent quarters as may be provided for by funds available or provided for the
(9) THAT; the Secretary is authorized to appoint an Advisory Committee, to be
composed of the Director of the Laboratory when appointed and one member to be
designated by the Secretary of War, one by the Secretary of the Navy, one by the
Secretary of Agriculture, and one by the Secretary of Commerce, together with such
other persons as may be acquainted with the needs of aerodromical science, the total
membership of such Committee not to exceed fourteen in number.
(10) THAT; the Committee shall advise in relation to the organization and work
of the Laboratory, and the co-ordination of its activities with those of other Govern-
mental and private laboratories, in which questions concerned with the study of the
problems of aerodynamics and aerodromics can be experimentally investigated. The
members of the Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation, but shall be
paid their actual necessary expenses in going to and returning from Washington to
attend the meeting of the Committee and while attending the same.
THAT; the Secretary is authorized, with the approval of the Executive Committee,
to open the Laboratory and begin its work, when funds are made available for the
purpose, either by private contribution, Governmental appropriation, or the authoriza-
tion by the Board of Regents of the use of funds that are now or may become available
for appropriation by the Smithsonian Institution.

At the same meeting the following additional resolutions were also adopted by the
Board of Regents:

RESOLVED: The Secretary is authorized, with the advice of the Executive Com-
mittee, to enlarge the approved scheme of the Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory
tinder the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, by adding, as means are provided,


andto grouptheseveral
and other agencies into a Bureau organization.
RESOLVED FURTHER: That all resolutions in relation to administration, person-
nel, direction, etc., that apply to the Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory, shall apply as
far as practicable to the said Bureau of Aerodromics when established.
RESOLVED: The Secretary is authorized to use such portion of the accumulated
income of the Hodgkins Fund as may be necessary in connection with the reopening
and organization of the Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory, to an amount not to
exceed ten thousand dollars.
RESOLVED FURTHER: The Secretary is also authorized to expend for the said
purpose, the annual income from a restricted portion of the Hodgkins fund not to
exceed five thousand dollars per year, for a period of five years.
RESOLVED: The Secretary is hereby authorized to visit such laboratories and
institutions in Europe as will in his judgment be of service in the organization and
administration of research under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution.
RESOLVED: The Secretary is authorized to associate with himself not to exceed
three persons in examining and reporting on the principal laboratories and institutions
engaged in aeronautical research, provided that the expenses of such examination and
report shall not exceed $2,000.
RESOLVED: The Secretary is authorized to secure, as far as practicable, the
cooperation of Governmental and other agencies in the development of aerodromical
research under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution.
RESOLVED: The Secretary is authorized to submit an estimate to the Congress of
fifty thousand dollars for the continuation of aerodromical (aeronautical) investigations
under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution.

Mr. Walcott stated that in pursuance of the Board's action, he addressed the
following letter to President Wilson:


Washington, May 8, 1913.


I have the honor to state that at the special meeting of the Board of Regents of
the Smithsonian Institution, held May 1, 1913, I was authorized, as Secretary of the
Smithsonian Institution, to re-open the Langley laboratory for the study of aerodynam-
ics, and to take such steps as may be necessary to provide for the organization and
administration of the laboratory on a permanent basis.
The functions of the laboratory will be to study the problem of aerodromics
(aeronautics), particularly those of aerodynamics, with such research and experimenta-
tion as may be necessary to increase the safety and effectiveness of aerial locomotion
for the purposes of commerce, National defense, and the welfare of man.
The Secretary was authorized to appoint an Advisory Committee and to request
the cooperation of Governmental and other agencies in the development of the labora-
tory. The functions of this Committee will be to advise in relation to the work of the
laboratory and the coordination of its activities with those of other governmental and
private laboratories in which questions concerned with the study of problems of
aerodromics (aeronautics) can be experimentally investigated.
I beg leave, therefore, to ask your approval of the cooperation with this Institution
of the Departments of War, Navy, Agriculture, and Commerce, and if this meets with
wmr assent, I have the honor to request that one member of the Advisory Committee
be designated by the Secretary of War, one by the Secretary of the Navy, one by the
Secretary of Agriculture, and one by the Secretary of Commerce.


In additiontherewill beappointed suchotherpersons ontheCommittee asmay

beacquainted withtheneeds of aerodromical (aeronautical)science,
shipnottoexceed fourteen.
Themembers of theCommittee shallservewithoutcompensation, but shallbe
paidtheiractualnecessary expenses in goingto andreturningfromWashington to
attendthemeetings, andwhileattending thesame, froma specialfundatthedisposal
It is desiredto havea representative of theWarDepartment andonefromthe
NavyDepartment ontheAdvisory Committee to representtheiraeronauticalinterests;
to havea memberfromthe Department of Agriculture to represent the Weather
Bureau, asthesubject of meteorology is onethathasa profound bearing onsuccessful
aviation;andto havea member fromtheDepartment of Commerce to representthe
Bureauof Standards, wherein thenearfutureit is hopedthatsystematic testsof
materials,motors,etc.,canbemadeunderthedirection of thatBureau.
I am,Sir,
Yourobedient servant,

The President,
The White House, Washington, D.C.

The following reply was received from the President:


Washington, May 9, 1913.

My dear Doctor Walcott:

Allow me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of May eighth, and to say that
I shall take pleasure in sending copies of your letter to the Secretaries of War, Navy,
Agriculture, and Commerce, expressing my full approval of the designation of repre-
sentatives of those Departments upon the committee which you are forming for the
study of the subject of aeronautics raider the authorization of the Board of Regents of
the Smithsonian Institution on May 1, 1913.
Cordially and sincerely yours,

Dr. Charles Walcott,

Smithsonian Institution.

Letters were subsequently received by the Institution from the Secretaries of War
and the Navy stating that on account of the magnitude of their aeronautical interests, it
was thought advisable to designate two members from their respective Departments.
In accordance with the above, the following designations of members for the
Advisory Committee were made by the heads of the Departments concerned:

Brigadier General George P. Scriven, U.S.A., Chief Signal Officer of the Army.
Major Edgar Russei, U.S.A., Signal Corps, in charge of the Aeronautical Division of the
Signal Office.
Captain W. I. Chambers, U.S.N., in charge of Naval Aviation.
Naval Constructor H. C. Richardson, U.S.N.

Dr. W.J. Humpbreys, of the U.S. Weather Bureau.

Dr.S.W.Stratton, Directorof theBureauof Standards.
followinggentlemenwhoaccepted membershipontheAdvisory
Mr.JohnHaysHammond, Jr.
Mr.Walcottalsostatedthatinvitations hadbeensenttoMr.Cornelius Vanderbilt
andMr.HaroldF. McCormick, butthesegentlemen, onaccount of pressof business
matters,wereunable to acceptmembership.
Afterdiscussion it wasdecided thatthetermofservice of allmembers andofficers
shouldbe for oneyear,to expireon or aboutMay6th of eachyear,asmaybe
determined later.In viewof the factthatMay6th hasin the pastbeengenerally
designated as"LangleyDay,"it wassuggested thattheregular annualmeeting of the
Advisory Committee beheldon May6th,asit wasthoughtprobably thatmanyof the
members wouldbeinWashington onthatday.
OnmotionofCaptain Chambers, Mr.Walcottwasthenelectedpermanent Chair-
manoftheAdvisory Committee, foroneyear.
Onmotionof Dr. Stratton,Dr.Zahmwaselectedpermanent Recorder for one
The Chairman theninformedthe Committee thathewasableto placeat its
disposala roomin theSmithsonian buildingwhichcouldbeusedbytheRecorder and
suchassistants ashe mighthavefromtimeto time,andwhereall recordsof the
Committee couldbefiled.It wassuggested thata generalletter-head beprepared for
theAdvisory Committee, thenameof eachsubcommittee to beplacedon thispaper
witha rubberstamp. TheChairman authorized theRecorder to havea stockof such
paperprepared. Provision wasalsomadefor theemployment of suchtranslating and
typewriting servicesasmightberequiredbytheSub-Committees, andalsotortheuse
of Smithsonian franked envelopes for mailingcommunications relatingto theworkof
TheChairman thenpresented a planfor theorganization of a numberof Sub-
Committees, which,afterminorchanges, wasunanimously approved bythemeeting. A
Chairman chosen fromthemembers of theGeneral Committee, wasassigned to each
Sub-Committee, withtheauthorization toaddothermembers to hiscommittee to the
numberof not morethanfourandnotlessthantwo,to beselected eitherfromthe
GeneralCommittee or fromothersources. It wasresolved thattheChairmen of the
Sub-Committees shouldreportto theChairman of theGeneral Committee thenames
of members selected bythem,andthattheyshouldmakequarterly reportsof thework
of theirCommittees, theseto beplacedin thefilesof theGeneral Committee, which
wouldlaterpublishanannualreport.All of themembers present whowereappointed
asChairmen ofSub-Committees, signified theiracceptance of theappointments.
The followingis a list of the Sub-Committees, together withtheChairman ap-
1.Sub-Committee oncollection andcorrelation of aeronautical information. Dr.
A.F.Zahm,Chairman, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
2.Sub-Committee on publication anddissemination of aeronautical information.
Dr.A. F.Zahm, Chairman, Smithsonian Institution,Washington, D.C.
3.Sub-Committee onaeronautical meteorology. Dr.W.J. Humphreys, Chairman,
U.S.Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C.
4. Sub-Committee on comparative testsand standardization of instruments,
motors,andpropellers; testsof thetensile,compressive, andbendingstrengths, and
elasticity,weight,etc.,of variousmaterials usedin aeronautical construction, and

determinationof aerodynamical constants.Dr. S.W. Stratton,Chairman, Bureauof

Washington, D.C.
5. Sub-Committee on hydro-mechanic experiments in relationto aeronautics.
NavalConstructor H. C.Richardson, Chairman, Washington NavyYard,Washington,
6.Sub-Committee onnavalaircraftdesign.CaptainW.I. Chambers, Chairman,
NavyDepartment, Washington, D.C.
7. Sub-Committee on militaryair craftdesign.MajorEdgarRussel, Chairman,
U.S.SignalCorps,Washington, D.C.
8.Sub-Committee on fieldexperiments withnavalaircraft.Captain W.I. Cham-
bers,Chairman, NavyDepartment, Washington, D.C.
9.Sub-Committee on fieldexperiments withmilitaryaircraft.Brig.Gen.George
Chairman, U.S.SignalCorps,Washington, D.C.
10.Sub-Committee on air craftcommunication. Mr.JohnHaysHammond, Jr.,
11.Sub-Committee on experimental air craftfactory.NavalConstructor H. C.
Richardson,Chairman,Washington NavyYard,Washington, D.C.
12.Sub-Committee on laboratory buildingsandequipment. Dr. C. D. Walcott,
Washington, D.C.
13.Sub-Committee on aircraftappliances.Brig.Gen.GeorgeP.Scriven, Chair-
man,U.S.SignalCorps,Washington, D.C.
14.Sub-Committee onnaturalflight.
15.Sub-Committee onmathematical principlesofaeronautics.
The appointment of Chairman for the twoSub-Committees abovewasleft in
16.Sub-Committee on AppliedAerodynamics. Dr.A. F.Zahm,Chairman, Smith-
Washington, D.C.(Organized atmeeting ofJune23,1913.)
The matterof bringingthe membership of the GeneralCommittee up to the
prescribednumberof fourteenwasdiscussed, but it wasdecided not to add to the
number at present.
The Chairman informed the Committee that the Disbursing Office of the Smithso-
nian Institution can take charge of any money given for the use of the laboratory, or
placed at the disposal of the Committee, either by individuals or by the Government,
and disburse the same.
The Chairman, Mr. Walcott, expressed the wish of the meeting that the Chairman
of each Sub-Committee should, as soon as practicable, ascertain what data, facilities,
etc., are now available to his committee; what work is now going on, and what work
should be initiated, this information to be reported to the Chairman of the General
It was the sentiment of the Committee that no funds should be expended for the
development of patents, or for experimenting with patents, for the benefit of individ-
The Recorder was requested to prepare a statement for publication, recounting
the organization of the Committee, and setting forth its scope and purposes. He was
also authorized to give the daily press an account of the first meeting.
The Chairman stated that a preliminary draft of the minutes of each meeting
would be sent to each member for his approval, with an opportunity to make any
corrections or comments desired.
It was decided that when the Committee adjourn, it meet again some time next
month, when reports might be received from the various Sub-Committees as to the
progress of their organization and work, the exact date of the meeting to be deter-
mined by the Chairman later and communicated to each member of the General




4. House Joint Resolution 413, 63rd Cong., 3rd sess., I Feb. 1915.

[The introductory paragraphs state the rationale for the actual resolution, which
became (in almost exactly this form) the organic legislation of the NACA enacted as a
rider on the naval appropriations bill for 1916. (See App. A.)]


FEBRUARY 1, 1915

Mr. ROBERTS of Massachusetts introduced the following joint resolution; which was
referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed.


To authorize the appointment of an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Whereas the United States is the only nation of the first class that does not have an
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to advise and direct in relation to experimen-
tal work of the Government, and to provide for the cooperation of governmental
and private activities in relation to the unsolved problems of aeronautics; and
Whereas the United States invented and led in the early development of the heavier-
than-air flying machine, but nothing being done by the Government to develop
the art and to encourage and assist American inventors and manufacturers beyond
the purchase of a few flying machines, and the establishment of a small plant at
the Washington Navy Yard, it has fallen behind, owing to the policy of inaction
and the lack of appreciation of the wisdom of utilizing all of the technical ability
and the inventive genius of the Nation; and
Whereas under the guidance of an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics continuity of
purpose and action in the development of this science and art is practically
guaranteed, unaffected by the change of individuals in administrative positions in
the executive departments of the Government; and
Whereas the expenditure of money appropriated could be more wisely made, and
economies secured by the prevention of duplication of investigation and experi-
ment, and the development of aeronautics in America placed upon a strong
foundation through the influence of a suitable advisory committee; and
Whereas the establishment of such committee would be in the line of the best practice
of European nations, such as Great Britain, France, and Germany, all of which
have made remarkable progress in aviation under the spirit of cooperation of
governmental and civil agencies; and


Whereas under existing law (section nine of the Act approved March fourth, nineteen
hundred and nine, Thirty-fifth Statutes, page ten hundred and twenty-seven) it is
unlawful for the President or any Government official to appoint a committee,
commission, or board on aeronautics without authorization by Congress: There-
fore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, That an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is hereby established,
and the President is authorized to appoint not to exceed fourteen members, to consist
of two members from the War Department, from the bureau in charge of military
aeronautics; two members from the Navy Department, from the bureau in charge of
naval aeronautics; a representative each of the Smithsonian Institution, of the United
States Weather Bureau, and of the United States Bureau of Standards; together with
not more than seven additional persons who shall be acquainted with the needs of
aeronautical science, either civil or military, or skilled in aeronautical engineering or its
allied sciences, three of whom may be residents of the District of Columbia, and the
others shall be inhabitants of some State, but not more than one of them from the
same State: Provided, That the members of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, as
such, shall serve without compensation: Provided further, That it will be the duty of the
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to supervise and direct the scientific study of the
problems of flight with a view to their practical solution, and to determine the prob-
lems which should be experimentally attacked and to discuss their solution and their
application to practical questions. In the event of a laboratory or laboratories either in
whole or in part being placed under the direction of the committee, the committee may
direct and conduct research and experiment in aeronautics in such laboratory or
laboratories: And provided further, That rules and regulations for the conduct of the work
of the committee shall be formulated by the committee and approved by the President.
Sec. 2. That the sum of $5,000 a year, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
for five years is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, to be immediately available, for experimental work and investigations
undertaken by the committee, clerical expenses and supplies, and necessary expenses
of members of the committee in going to, returning from, and while attending meet-
ings of the committee: Provided, That an annual report to the Congress shall be
submitted through the President, including an itemized statement of expenditures.

5. Franklin D. Roosevelt to L. P. Padgett, 12 Feb. 1915, in House Committee

on Naval Affairs, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, H. Rpt. 1423 to
accompany H.J. Res. 413, 63/3, 19 Feb. 1915, pp. 2-3.

[As acting secretary of the navy, Roosevelt was requested to comment on a joint
resolution to create an advisory committee for aeronautics. Roosevelt endorsed the
proposal, defended the navy's record in aeronautical research, and (most importantly)
suggested adjusting committee membership so that government members would out-
number those from private life. This Progressive approach became a permanent part of
the NACA canon.]

Washington, February 12, 1915.
DEAR MR. PADGE'rr: I have received House joint resolution 413, of February 1,
1915, to authorize the appointment of an advisory committee for aeronautics, which
was fi)rwarded to me by you, for the views of the department.


I heartilyindorsetheprincipleuponwhichthisjointresolution to authorize an
advisory committee foraeronautics is based. Thisnewmethod of transportation byair
craftwill in myopinonsoonbeutilizedcommercially aswellasin thedefense of our
country.Thegreatmilitarynecessity thathasbroughtsuchrapiddevelopment of air
craftaboutin Europehasdemonstrated thepractical utilityof thesevessels of theair,
andhasplacedthiscountryfarbehindin theuseofaircraft.Especially aretheprivate
engineers andcontractors behindin theirdevelopment ofaircraft.
Thisdepartment withthelargest"windtunnel"in theworldin operation at the
Washington NavyYard;themodelbasinatthesame placefortestsoffloatsforhydro-
aeroplanes; theengineering experimental stationatAnnapolis for testsof machinery;
withtheaeronautic stationandcenternowin operation atPensacola, withshopsand
facilitiesfor all practical testswithactualair craftor themeans to providefor them;
andwithofficersstudying, experimenting, andtrainingtobecome aeronautical engi-
neers,hasdonea greatdealto developthe art andthe scienceof aeronautics.
However, wewill beonlytoo pleased to haveanadvisory committee thatwill bring
aboutthecooperation of theprivateactivities andthusgreatlyincrease theeffortin
attacking theunsolved problems ofaeronautics. It isbelieved thatsucha committee is
thebestmeans requiredin placingthecountryon anequality, or evenin advance, of
othercountries in thedevelopment ofaeronautics.
I havetosuggest thatin thesecond paragraph oftheaforesaid jointresolution the
followingbeomittedasnot pertinentandbecause it is inaccurate, viz:"but nothing
beingdonebytheGovernment to develop theartandtoencourage andassistAmeri-
caninventors andmanufacturers beyondthepurchase ofafewflyingmachines andthe
establishment ofasmallplantattheWashington NavyYard."
I furthersuggest thatin thefifth line,page2,of theresolution theword"four-
teen"bechanged to"ten";in thefourthline,page3,theword"seven"bechanged to
"three";andin theseventh line,page3, theword"three"bechanged to "one."A
committee of 14seems toolarge,especially aswhenthiscommittee islawfullyconsti-
tutedit canobtaininformation or advicefromall or anysources available without
makingthe advisors a partof the committee. Thedepartments of theGovernment
mostinterestedin the development of aeronautics will be the onesthatwill be
coordinated by theadviceof thiscommittee, individually carryouttheworkrequired,
andberesponsible for theexpenditures of moneyappropriated by Congress. There-
foretherepresentatives oftheGovernment shouldalways havethecontrolling interest
in theactivities of thisproposed committee. Theinterests of privatepartiesmustbe
moreor lesscommercial andinfluenced by suchconsiderations. Weshouldguard
againstevenanysuspicion thattheworkof thiscommittee is thusinfluenced. The
abovearetheimportantreasons whyI recommend thereduced numberof members
forthisproposed advisory committee foraeronautics.
Acting Secretary.
Chairman Naval Affairs Committee,
House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.

6. Memorandum on a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, forwarded by

Charles D. Walcott to Senator Benjamin R. Tillman, chairman of the Committee
on Naval Affairs, 1 Feb. 1915.

[The excerpt from this memorandum, part of Walcott's personal campaign to

establish a national aeronautical laboratory, barely mentions laboratories. Most of the


discussion deals with U.S. resources already available in government agencies, and the
lead that the European nations had attained over the United States.]


February 1, 1915.

Dear Sir:
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of January 30, 1915,
asking for a report showing what action has already been taken by the Smithsonian
Institution regarding the Joint Resolution providing for the appointment of an Advi-
sory Committee for Aeronautics in the United States.
In response thereto, I have the honor to submit the inclosed memorandum.
I am transmitting also a report on European Aeronautical Laboratories, which
gives an outline of what was being done in Europe prior to the outbreak of the present

Very respectfully yours,


The Honorable Benjamin R. Tiilman,
Chairman, Committee on Naval Affairs,
United States Senate,
Washington, D.C.




On May 1, 1913, the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution authorized Secretary

Waicott, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to reopen the Langley
Aerodynamical Laboratory; to secure an Advisory Committee; to add, as means were
provided, other laboratories and agencies; to group them into a bureau organization;
and to secure the cooperation with them of the Government and other agencies.
The first action taken by the Secretary was to request the approval of the Presi-
dent of the United States of the designation of representatives from the Departments
of War, Navy, Agriculture, and Commerce, to serve on an Advisory Committee. On
May 9, 1913, the President approved the request, and the Departments named selected
their members for the Committee. A number of civilians were also selected for mem-
bership. The Committee was then organized, but before effective work could be
undertaken, a decision made by the Comptroller of the Treasury, stated that under
Section 9 of the Act approved March 4, 1909 (35 Stat., 1027), it was unlawful for any
Government employee to serve 'on such an Advisory Committee without authority
being granted by Congress.
The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution also authorized the Secretary
to make an estimate to Congress for the carrying on of operations in such a laboratory.
The estimate was made and explained to the Committee on Appropriations of the
House of Representatives in January, 1914 (Hearings, Sundry Civil Bill, 63d Congress,
2d Session, pages 419-429). A statement was also made in relation to the desirability
of having authority to appoint an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
No action was taken by the Committee or by Congress, and the United States
remains today the only first class nation in the world that does not have an Advisory
Connniuee or Board on Aeronautics, and one or more aeronautical laboratories de-


votedto the solution of problems which the manufacturer and practical aviator meet
with in connection with the advancement of aerial flight.
America invented and led in the early development of the heavier-than-air flying
machine, through Langley, the Wright Brothers, Curtiss, and others, and a small grant
was made by Congress to the Navy Department for experimental work in aeronautics,
but nothing was done to encourage or assist American inventors and manufacturers,
beyond the purchase of a few machines.
European Countries:--As soon as Americans demonstrated the feasibility of flight by
heavier-than-air machines, France took the matter up promptly, and utilized all the
available agencies, including the army, navy, and similar establishments, both public
and private. Large sums were devoted to the research work by wealthy individuals, and
rapid advance was made in the art.
Germany quickly followed, and a fund of one million seven hundred thousand
dollars was raised by subscription, and experimentation directed by a group of techni-
cally trained and experienced men.
Later England established an Advisory Board, placing the manufacturing and the
operation of flying machines in the charge of the army and navy, and turning over the
working out of the numerous problems arising to the Advisory Board, an annual
appropriation of $25,000 being made for expenses and investigations.
Russia also began serious investigations and construction under the Government,
and encouraged private enterprise.
When the European war broke out, France had, exclusive of dirigibles, about
1,400 aeroplanes, Germany 1,000, Russia 800, Great Britain 400, the United States 23.
The Navy has 12 of these.


The Joint Resolution authorizing the appointment of an Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics is based on the experience of the Advisory Committee of Great Britain and
study given to the subject before asking the appointment of an Advisory Committee for
the Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory of the Smithsonian Institution.
The amount of the appropriation asked is not large, but it will be sufficient to test
the working possibilities of the Committee, and the results obtained by it will deter-
mine if it will be of sufficient value to warrant an increase in the appropriations.
At the present time the United States is proposing to appropriate a million dollars
for the Navy, and a large amount for the Army, for the purchase and operation of
flying machines, but there is no provision in law authorizing the appointment of an
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and thus leading to the utilization of all of the
resources of the Government and of private laboratories and manufacturing plants, as
far as may be, in the development of aviation in America.
The Navy Department will go ahead as best it can; the War Department as it can,
and private interests as means and opportunity permit. With no central body or
clearing house for the various agencies, no place to meet and discuss problems of
research, no place to try out new ideas, and no body of expert advisers for Govern-
ment and civil interests, aeronautics in America will be simply drifting and trusting to
luck that all will come out well through sporadic and scattered efforts. What is needed
is team work that may be rendered possible by a wisely selected Advisory Committee.
A national Advisory Committee for Aeronautics cannot fail to be of inestimable
service in the development of the art of aviation in America. Such a Committee, to be
effective should be permanent, and attract to its membership the most highly trained
men in the art of aviation and such technical sciences as are connected with it.
Through the agency of sub-committees, the main Advisory Committee could avail
itself of the advice and suggestion of a large number of technical and practical men.


The work for which the British Advisory Committee was appointed was defined in
the announcement made by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on May 5,
1909 .... *



Smithsonian Institution.--The Advisory Committee may be provided by the Smithso-

nian Institution with suitable office headquarters, an administrative and accounting
system, library and publication facilities, lecture and assembly rooms, and museum
space for aeronautic models. The Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory has an income
provided for it not to exceed ten thousand dollars the first year (of which five thousand
dollars has been allotted), and five thousand annually tor live years.
l'.S. Bureau of Standards.--For the exact determination of aerophysical constants,
the calibration of instruments, the testing of aeronautic engines, propellers and materi-
als of construction, the cooperation of the Department of Commerce, by the U.S.
Bureau of Standards, would be invaluable. This Bureau has a complete equipment tor
studying the mechanics of materials and structural forms used in aircraft; for standard-
izing the physical instruments--thermometers, barographs, pressure gauges, etc.--used
in air navigation; and for testing the power, efficiency, etc., of aeronautical motors in a
current of air representing the natural conditions of flight.
In these general branches the technical staff of the Bureau is prepared to under-
take such theoretical and experimental investigations as may come before the Advisory
Committee on behalf of either tile Government or private individuals or organizations.
l'.S. Weather Bureau.--For studies of and reports on every phase of aeronautic
meteorology, besides ttle usual forecasting, the Committee should have the coopera-
tion of the Department of Agriculture, through the U.S. Weather Bureau. This Bureau
has an extensive library of works on or allied to aeronautics, an instrument division for
every type of apparatus fi)r studying the state of the atmosphere, a whirling table of
thirty-foot radius for standardizing anemometers, a complete kite equipment with
power reel, and a sounding balloon equipment with electrolytic hydrogen plant, all of
which are available for scientific investigations. For special formats, anticipating field
tests or cross country voyages, the general service of the Bureau may be called upon.
War and Navy Department._.--These Departments, while specially interested in aero-
nautics for national defense, can be of service in advancing the general science. Each
has an aeronautical library; each has an official representative in foreign countries who
reports periodically on every important phase of the art, whether civil or military; each
has an assignment of officers who design, test, and operate air craft, and who deter-
mine largely the scope and character of their development; each has its aeronautic
station equipped with machines in actual service throughout the vear. Besides various
aviation establishments, the War Department has a balloon plant at Fort Myer, Va., and
at Omaha, Neb.; the Navy has its marine Model Basin, useful for special experiments in
aeronautics, its extensive shops at the Washington Navy Yard, available for the alter-
ation or repair of air craft, or the manufacture of improved military types, and at Fort
Myer, three lofty open-work steel towers suitable for studies in meteorology or aerodv-
namics in the natural wind. Furthermore, the Navy Department has detailed an officer
for special research in aeronautics at one of the principal Engineering Schools.
Because of their fundamental interest in aeronautics, each of these Departments
would undoubtedly cooperate most effectively and be able to place at the service of the
Committee one or more skilled aviators and aeroplanes for systematic experimentation.

*Wah'ott here quoted from the report excerpted in # I.


Conclusion.--There does not appear to be any good reason why America should
not be fully abreast of, if not in advance of, other nations in the development of
aeronautics in a practical and useful way, not only for purposes of war but for other
activities where great speed in transit through the air, over mountains, bodies of water,
or like obstacles, is desirable. If as rapid progress is made in the coming decade as has
been made in the past ten years, the flying machine will become as permanent a part of
the means of rapid and safe transportation, within certain limitations, as the automobile
today is in land transportation.
While it is recognized that an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics will not create
or invent new machines, it may be the means of encouraging both Governmental and
civil activities in such a manner as to lead to results of great size to the Government
and all who are interested in the development of successful aviation as an agency of
peace as well as of war.
At the present time, the thought of aviation is in connection with war, but there is
no apparent reason why, as in the case of the automobile, the flying machine will not
be of far greater service in peaceful pursuits than in war.

7. Brig. Gen. George P. Scriven to Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 16 April


[This letter from the first chairman of the NACA, written one week before the first
meeting, is a fair picture of early military aviation in the United States. It also demon-
strates that, from the outset, the army expected the NACA to serve the purposes of the
military, even as far as endorsing military requests for increased appropriations before
Congress. Here too is perhaps the germ of the idea of a joint military/NACA research
center. The NACA rejected Scriven's final proposal for separating the Committee into
three boards, but the Executive Committee wound up as a de facto combination of the
Administrative Board and Executive Council recommended here.]

April 16, 1915.

To The Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
In connection with the Act of Congress establishing the Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, I beg to offer the following remarks for the consideration of the Commit-
It appears that the provision of the Act by which the work of the Committee will
be guided and limited is mainly covered by the following paragraph of this Act:
"That it shall be the duty of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to supervise
and direct the scientific study of the problems which should be experimentally attacked,
and to discuss their solution and their application to practical questions." From this it
should seem that the scope of this Committee's work will cover all problems arising in
the study and application of the principles of aerial flight; that is, their field of work
will include the two great branches of aeronautical science, namely, the theory, con-
struction and consideration of the heavier-than-air machine, now called the aeroplane;
and of the lighter-than-air machine--the gas-bag, in any one of its three forms, the
dirigible, the free, or the captive balloon.
Without going into details, it is not too much to say that the most important
application of aeronautics at the present time is to be found in the use of aircraft in the
military land and naval services. But even here radical differences exist, due to varying
conditions, and certain wide divergences arise in character and types of machines to be
used, which must be carefully studied and worked out by each service for itself in
accordance with needs which can only be known by each and must be decided by each.
I refer to such differences as naturally arise from flight over land and water, from
scouting against troops, and especially those which may arise in the future regarding


the dirigible which, however valuable to the Navy, has not yet proved important in land
Whatever may be the developments in the field of aeronautics of the future, and
whatever may be the applications of aircraft to the uses of the world in time to come,
such as exploration, mail delivery, commercial service, life-saving at sea, and other
uses, these developments of the actual field of work have not yet come. Not so
regarding their military value and uses, and it therefore appears to me that the
immediate problems most requiring attention are those relating to aircraft as military
machines which implies the study of aeronautics from the point of view of the National
defense, that is the consideration of aircraft as fighting and as reconnaissance machines
for service over land and sea. If this aspect of the subject is of first importance, as
seems now to be the case, I ask the Committee's attention very briefly to the aeronau-
tics work in progress and proposed by the Signal Corps of the Army, and beg to
express the hope that the Naval members of the Committee will also outline something
of the work and plans of the naval service in this respect.
In regard to the aeronautical work of the Army I may say that it is now confined
to the use of the aeroplane alone. It is not believed that any form of the lighter-than-
air machine has yet proved its value in war, and no money has recently been available
for the construction of the dirigible for land warfare, even for experimental purposes.
Not so the aeroplane--now reckoned as of first importance in the field of information
and of which it is said that "the uses of the aeroplane in their order of importance are:
first, reconnaissance; second, prevention of the enemy's reconnaissance; third, inter-
communication; fourth, observation of artillery fire; fifth, infliction of damage to the
The plan for aviation work adopted by the Army after a long and, I may say, a
hard struggle relates therefi)re to the use of the aeroplane, hydroaeroplane and flying-
boat only as a military machine, to the study of types and character of machines,
suitable for military work; to the training of officers and men and to the mechanical
auxiliary services needed by aero squadrons at centers and in the field. The plan may
be outlined in a few words.
First, the primary object to be attained has been the establishment of a prelimi-
nary training school at some point where weather and climatic conditions and terrain
are the most favorable for instruction in military flying. In other words, it has been the
endeavor first to find that locality at which the beginner may be taught to fly with the
greatest of safety to himself and in the shortest time; where he may be instructed in the
beginnings of aviation and in the work of the military aviator. Such a school is now
established at San Diego, California, where there are now on duty 30 officers and 163
enlisted men, and where there are or shortly will be 22 aeroplanes of the biplane
tractor type, and one flying boat. At this school there are excellent though inexpensive
buildings, barracks, study and lecture rooms, etc. Flights are made five days of the
week, and during 1914, 2680 flights were made, 1397 passengers carried, 824 hours
spent in the air, and a total distance of 53,560 miles traveled.* It is believed that the
school at San Diego, as established, is doing good work in the training of officers and
men in the use of aeroplanes, that is, in training them to become pilots, observers, and
mechanicians fi)r use in service with the Army, and in preparing a small carefully
selected enlisted force for the military aviation service. This is the first step that has
been taken.
The second step in the plan which is being carried out by the military authorities
is the establishment of an "Aviation Center"--

*Note: During the week ended April 3. 1915, there were 97 ilighls; 30 hours in the air; 38
passengers carried; and 2,545 miles traveled.


Thefirst:Byacenterhereis meanta highertrainingschoolformilitaryaviators,

whichshallalsobe a rendezvous anddepot,wherewillbe placedan aviationunit
calledthesquadron. Theaviation centeris intended, asintheEnglishCentralSchool,
"to teachthe thingswhichmakethe difference between the mereairmanandthe
militaryairman, andthecourse of instruction wouldinclude "progressive flying,'obser-
vation,andphotography fromtheair,meteorology, flyingby compass, signaling,and
(possibly)mechanics andtheprinciples of construction." Thissquadron asnoworga-
nizedconsists of 8 aeroplanes,manned by8 pilotsand8 observers; with4 administra-
tiveofficersin addition,andanenlisted forceof 90men.Tothesquadron shouldbe
addedfor fieldservice16motortrucksfor usein transporting spareparts,fueland
Thecenter,it willbeunderstood, shouldcontaina complete andtrainedunit;the
machines be readyfor immediate service;andthe menwhooperatethembe so
experienced andsoskillfulasto bemeasurably freefromconstraint by air currents.
Thefirstaviationcenteris aboutto beestablished atSanAntonio,Tex.Hereit
will bereadyforservice whenever needed, andwill serve andbetrainedwithtroopsof
allarmsof service ordinarilystationed atthelargegarrison of FortSamHouston. The
centerwill alsoforma depotfromwhichdetachments ofaeroplanes, hydroaeroplanes,
etc.,maybedrawnto supplytheneedsof theArmyin thePhilippine Islands, Hawaii,
Panama, andin theUnitedStates; it will alsobedrawnuponforservice withtheField
ArtilleryandCoastArtilleryin theirrangework,andforall otherneededservice.
Officersandmenwithdrawn will berecruited fromthetrainingschool. Thebuildings
for thiscenterarenowpractically plannedandreadyfor construction, the ground
Sucharethepresentplans:OnetrainingschoolatSanDiego,Cal.,anda first
aviationcenteratSanAntonio.Othercenters will nodoubtbeestablished atvarious
pointsofthecountrywhenneeded andwhenmachines andmenareavailable.
At neithertheschoolnorthefirstcenterhasconsideration beengiventhusfarto
thedirigibleor tothegasbag in anyform.Nodoubtthiswillcomelaterwhenmoney
andmenareavailable andperhaps whenthepresent Committee hasexperimented _/nd
madeitsdecision asto theairship,andhasdecided uponits useaswellasuponits
I speak nowofitsqualities asa carrier.
Asto the numberandtypesof aircraftwhichtheArmyshouldacquireat the
presenttime,little needherebesaid.I personally believe thatasa guideit maybe
considered thata reasonable ratioshouldbemaintained between thesizeof theArmy
on onehandandthenumberof aeroplanes, or dirigibles perhaps, ontheother.For
whenall is said,theair service is butanauxiliary to theArmyalthough animportant
one,andshouldtherefore beproportioned to itsprincipal, theArmyitself;but this
auxiliarymustbeelasticandcapable ofgreatexpansion incaseofnecessity. Atpresent
I haveplacedthe numberof aeroplanes of the first line at four squadrons of 8
aerot)lanes*eachand50%forreplacements, andtwotrainingmachines, thatisto say,
a totalof 50 in the first line.In the lightof experience, however, andof present
information, I nowbelieve thesenumbers somewhat smallevenfor present needs,and
it isgrowing moreandmoreevidentthatwiththefragilecharacter of theaeroplane, its
frequentinjuryanddestruction, andextended andconstant usein a greatvarietyof
service thatthereshouldbeprovided a muchlargernumberof machines for thefirst
lineanditsreplacements, thatis tosay,eachmachine musthaveoneinreserve. Butbe
thatasit may,it isa matterin whichtheAdvisory Committee is notgreatlyinterested.
Onthecontrary, however, I believetheCommittee is greatlyinterested withthetotal

*It seemsprobable thatthesizeof theairsquadron

to 12

moneycostof aviation,for withoutmonetary assistance liberallygiven,aeronautics

mustfalltothegroundin thiscountry.
Themoneyappropriated for theuseof theArmythisyear,whichis veryinad-
equate, is,alltold,but$300,000. A firstlineof,say,75machines in all(23onhand,4
squadrons, 100%replacements and,say,11trainingmachines), andtheirmaintenance
fora yearwill amount to, say,$750,000 for aeroplane service alone.Noaccount being
takenhereof thedirigible,evenforexperimental service.Thesefigures, of course, are
veryroughlycalculated, buttheyaregivenwiththeideaof showing thoseinterested in
aeronautics whatis considered asthe presentmilitaryneedsof the countryin this
respect, andwhenthepropertimecomes will befullyoutlinedandexplained.
It is not meant,of course, thattheAdvisory Committee hasmorethana general
interestin theactualmilitaryrequirements of thecountry,asthisisa matterwhich,of
course, mustbedecided by theArmyon theonesideandbytheNavyontheother.
Butin regardto moneyconsiderations andthegeneral interest-of thecountryandof
Congress in aeronautics,theCommittee has,I think,a vitalinterest,andfor thisand
otherreasons I amimpelled to invitetheattention oftheCommittee totheseriousness
of thequestion ofprovidingsufficient money for thisnewmilitarybranchofservice. It
cannot bedoubtedthattheviewsof theCommittee officiallyexpressed will havegreat
authorityandweightandthatsuchexpression will serveto checkmanyof theloose
andconfusing statements,oftenentirelyerroneous, whichappear fromtimetotimein
thepublicprintsandhaveunfortunately foundvoiceinCongress itself.
It appeared clearduringseveral of suchdiscussions of thepastwinterthateach
individual hasa theoryof hisownin regardto thevalueofaeronautics tothecountry,
andas to numbers andkindsof aircraftandamountof moneyrequiredfor this
auxiliary. Thereseemed to be no consensus of opinionregardingthe needsof the
military,andperhaps, of thenavalservice. Estimates of thesizeandcostof aeronauti-
calarmament variedlargelywiththecapriceof the speaker; there was no standard
recognized, although one existed at the War Department; there was no budget, in spite
of official reports; and statements were made of a very injurious character, often as
unfair as they were unfounded, regarding the efforts being made to create an air
service and concerning the progress of this work. The facts are that a very good
beginning [lad been made, as I know, in the Army, and I believe, in the Navy. Many of
the people making these attacks had no appreciation or knowledge of the work done
and planned.
Nothing, as it seems to me, will so readily bring order from this chaos as the
carefully considered and authoritative decisions of this Advisory Committee, approved
and transmitted to Congress by and through proper authority. From their consider-
ation it is to be hoped that it may be found to be within the scope of the Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics to receive, and support, recommendations from its military,
naval, or civilian members, concerning the needs of each service in this great new field
of work in order that this important advisory body may recommend and support with
all the authority vested in it the requests for the annual amounts of money asked by the
proper authorities of each service for the aeronautical service of the Army, of the Navy,
and of other services, with the hope that these recommendations submitted to Con-
gress and having all the force of finality and authority of this Committee shall give a
sanction to each department budget that will give Congress a satisfactory ground that
shall be standard and beyond cavil.
Such recommendations would of course be confined merely to a repetition of the
money requests made by each of the Departments and constitute a kind of aeronautical
I do not venture to offer an opinion as to the legal powers of this Committee to
make such a recommendation, simply as to money be it understood, but such action
seems both wise and proper.


ThepointthatI desireto bringoutis thatI believe nothingwill betteradvance

the causeof aeronautics in the UnitedStatesthanfor thisAdvisoryCommittee to
recommend andurgewithallits authority theappropriations for theArmyof sucha
sumof money(in accordance withits requirements); for otherdepartments somuch;
forscientific worksomuch,etc.
I begtoofferonefurthermatterforconsideration.
Themembers of theAdvisory Committee aresowidelyscattered in residenceand
havenodoubtsomanydiverseinterests thatit is not probable theCommittee asa
wholecanmeetatfrequent intervals. I therefore suggest thattherebeformed,in any
waythattheCommittee seesfit, threeworkingboards. First:AnAdministrative Board,
tobecomposed ofseven members (amajorityof thewholeCommittee), whowill give
consideration to practicalquestions of procedure; to methods of encouragement to
manufacturers of aeroplanes, dirigibles, andespecially tomakers ofmotors; to practical
testsandkindredmatters; andwhoshallhaveauthoritytoact,upontheapproval of
theentireCommittee, asanadministrative councilfor theCommittee. Themember-
shipof thisboardmightwellbemadeup of therepresentative of theSmithsonian
Institution; theArmyandNavyrepresentatives; representatives oftheTreasury Depart-
ment,andoftheAgricultural Department.
An Administrative Boardthuscomposed ofofficersoftheGovernment mightwell
constitute theworkingboardfor thisAdvisory Committee in practical, asdistinguished
fromscientific, matters. The Boardbeingmadeupof individuals livingasa rulein
Washington wouldin general beavailable atoncefor dutyandreadyto meetwithout
addedexpense. In short,theAdministrative Boardwouldbecharged withtheordinary
conduct of practical affairsoftheAdvisory Committee. Itsdecisions andactions would
ofcourse besubject totheapproval of thatCommittee asawhole.
A second, or Scientific, Boardis suggested to becomposed of theremaining five
members of theAdvisory Committee, gentlemen of thehighest scientific standingwho,
as in the caseof the BritishAdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics, wouldbe given
chargeof the scientificandexperimental sideof aeronautics, the improvements in
aerialmachines, andtheiraccessories; andof suchmatters asarementioned in the
English Reportof theAdvisory Committee forAeronautics, 1911-12, thatis,of general
questions in aerodynamics; experiments onairships andaerofoilmodels, etc.;noteson
theresistance of airshipshapes; experiments onmodelsofaeroplane wings;thewind
resistance of aeroplane strutsandanexamination of theirrelativemerits;investigation
byvisualandphotographic methods; full-scaleexperiments; propellers, theory;motors
foraeronautical purposes; materials ofconstruction, andfabrics.
It isthoughtthatthesetwoboardswillcoverthefieldofendeavor outlinedforthe
Advisory Committee, butforthepurpose of practically applyingconclusions reached,--
a thirdboard,or Executive Council,if it pleases theCommittee to socallit, maywell
It is furthersuggested thatthisExecutive Councilbecomposed of threemembers
selected by the Committee; andthatto theCouncilbegivenauthorityto actupon
business matters; tooutlinethescope of workof theothertwoboards; investigatethe
subjects to besubmitted tothemandthosethatshallbereceived fromoutsidesources
forconsideration bytheAdvisory Committee. TheCouncil mightalsobegivenpower
toauthorize theexpenditure of funds;auditaccounts andtosubmitreports;in fact,to
performthefunctions of a boardofcontrol,butalways subject to theapproval of the
entireAdvisory Committee. Thesesuggestions areonlysubmitted in a generalway,
withoutattemptatrigorous definitionunnecessary inthisplace.
In submittingthe foregoing remarksto the consideration of theCommittee, I


8. Josephus Daniels to President Wilson, 30 Nov. 1915.

[Until the NACA was decreed an independent office in 1917, its appropriation
appeared as part of the navy budget, as its organic legislation was part of a naval
appropriations bill. In this letter, Secretary of the Navy Daniels took exception to the
NACA's bid to acquire a laboratory, both because the request would further inflate his
own budget and because he considered it contrary to the original plan for the Commit-

November 30, 1915.

My dear Mr. President:
Last year, as you will remember, Congress appropriated $5,000.00 to cover the
expenses of a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Dr. Walcott of the Smith-
sonian Institute talked to you about it, if my recollection is right, and the appropriation
was carried in the Naval Bill.
The Advisory Committee has sent over estimates for next year to the amount of
$85,000.00, and requested me to include them this year in the Navy Bill. The increase
in our estimates is so large that I hesitate to include them because this Advisory
Committee was effected for the development of aviation generally, and not particularly
for the Navy. It seems to me they are asking for a very large sum, and that in-as-much
as I am asking money for the Naval Consulting Board I ought not to ask for this as well
in the Naval Bill. They maintain that this is the only way their appropriation can be
obtained. Undoubtedly this Advisory Board can do important work, but it seems to me
that when they ask for buildings and equipment they are getting outside of their
position as advisors merely, and are beginning a new establishment.
Sincerely yours,
The President,
The White House.

9. Woodrow Wilson to Josephus Daniels, 2 Dec. 1915.

[The president concurs with the thoughts expressed in Document 8. Charles D.

Walcott subsequently won the president over to the NACA view.]

The White House,

DECEMBER 2, 1915.
My dear Daniels:
I have your letter about the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and entirely
agree with the judgement you there express. I think the committee would make a great
mistake in extending its expenses as proposed and might imperil the success of the
whole plan of advice.
Cordially and sincerely yours,

Hon. Josephus Daniels,

Secretary of the Navy.


10. Report of the Subcommittee on a Site for Experimental Work and Proving
Grounds for Aeronautics, 23 Nov. 1916." excerpt from minutes of Executive
Committee meeting, 23 Nov. 1916.

[Charles D. Walcott, Charles F. Marvin, and Samuel W. Stratton had been ap-
pointed to recommend a site for the NACA laboratory. They considered such factors

"(1) Climate,
(2) Proximity to industry,
(3) Accessibility,
(4) Character of land for experimental flying,
(5) Character of facilities for over water flying,
(6) General locality as affecting attack by enemy from land or water,
(7) General locality as affecting the employment of mechanics,
(8) General locality as affecting the health and well-being of all employees and
their families .... "
In the end they endorsed the site chosen by the army. Many of the advantages cited by
the subcommittee proved to be disappointing.]

Your Committee took advantage of examinations that already had been made
under the direction of the Aviation Corps of the War Department, and thus narrowed
the search very materially. By a study of topographic maps and the Coast Survey
charts, it was soon discovered that there were very few areas that would meet the
requirements considered essential by the Committee. By a process of elimination and
by personal inspection it was finally decided that the site most nearly meeting all
required conditions was situated about 4 miles north of Hampton, Virginia, on the flat
lands facing the two branches of Back River, which opens out into Chesapeake Bay.
This site is available for purchase at the present time to the extent of 1600 acres or
more. It has large areas of cleared land now under cultivation. The removal of a few
trees, fences, and a little brush would give a clear field 2 miles or more in length by a
half a mile in width. This area could be increased materially by the cutting of a few
small groves of trees and brush. There is also available for future purchase several
square miles or more of desirable ground.
Most of the area under consideration for a site is about from 4 to 6 feet above
mean high tide, and where not naturally well drained, could be drained without undue
expense. There are several farm houses and buildings that could be made immediately
available for housing quarters, temporary shops, etc.
Onthe water front there are well-protected and broad inlets. A channel could be
readily dredged from the deep water of Chesapeake Bay to a landing station.
The requirements being so fully met by the area north of Hampton, your Commit-
tee strongly recommends that this site be secured as soon as practicable.
In view of the general importance of aeronautics in National defense and for the
civil activities of the Government and people, it is also the judgment of the Committee
that on the site proposed there shall be established a combined experimental and
proving ground, affording facilities for all departments of the Government needing
them. Such cooperation will lead to a more rapid, sound, and economical development
of aeronautics in America.

11. Minutes of the meeting of the NACA Subcommittee on Patents, lOJuly 1917.

[Negotiations leading to the cross-licensing agreement of 1917 were rocky and

complicated. The meeting reported here was dominated by the issues of membership


in the Aircraft Manufacturers Association and inclusion of engines in the agreement.

Although government members were virtually unanimous in feeling that engines
should be included, the Wright-Martin representatives' views prevailed.]

The committee met in room 518 Munsey Building at 10:30 a.m.

Dr. W. F. Durand, Acting Chairman,'_
Dr. S. W. Stratton, |
Mr. W. Benton Crisp, _ Members
Mr. Sidney D. Waldon, |
Rear Admiral D. W. Taylor, U.S.N., |
Professor John F. Hayford, !
Mr. A. H. Flint, Vice-President, Aircraft Manufacturers Association, and President,
L.W.F. Engineering Corporation,
Mr. H. B. Mingle, Counsel, Aircraft Manufacturers Association, and President,
Standard Aero Corporation,
Mr. George H. Houston, Vice-President and General Manager, Wright-Martin
Aircraft Corporation,
Mr. J. P. Tarbox, Counsel, Curtiss Airplane and Motor Corporation,
Mr. F. H. Russell, Manager, Burgess Company,
Mr. Benjamin S. Foss, Assistant Treasurer, B. F. Sturtevant Company,
Mr. Noble Foss, President, Sturtevant Aeroplane Company,
Mr. I. Uppercue, President. Aeromarine Plane and Motor Company,
Mr. F. L. Morse, President, Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corporation,
Mr. C. H. Day, Chief Engineer, Standard Aero COrporation,
Mr. J. H. Harris, Counsel, Aircraft Production Board,
Mr. Benjamin L. Williams, Secretary, Aircraft Manufacturers Association.
The Chairman stated that this meeting had been called to consider the terms of
a draft of the proposed cross-license agreement as prepared by Mr. Crisp of the
Subcommittee on Patents after consuhation with Mr. Fish and the latter's business
partner, Mr. Neave, and Messrs. Houston, Tarbox, Flint, and Russell.
Mr. Crisp stated that shortly after the meeting of the Patents Committee on
June 18, 1917, he conferred with Mr. Neave, business partner of Mr. Fish, and
practically reached an understanding on the main features of the agreement; that then
Mr. Houston, Mr. Tarbox, and Mr. Russell were called into conference, the latter
sending Mr. Flint in his place; that, as a result of careful deliberation extending over
several days, the plan as originally proposed by the committee had been modified in a
few important particulars as follows:
First, all reference to engines and engine accessories was omitted for the
reason that the principal engine patent--the Hispano-Suiza*--could not be in-
cluded in the agreement because of the special contract of the Wright-Martin
Aircraft Corporation which prevents that, and for the further reason that engine
patents in common use in this country were not considered basic.
Second, that after $2,000,000 had been paid to the Wright Company, the
subscribers to the agreement would continue to pay $200 per airplane and that
payments of the balance then due the Curtiss Company would be made at the rate
of $175 per airplane--this with a view of clearing up the situation as quickly as
Third, that the agreement contemplates additional consideration to a party or
parties who may develop hereafter an airplane, or engine, or any device of special

*A 220-hp water-cooled French engine manutactured in the U.S. by Wright-Martin Aircraft



importancecapable of usein anairplane,whichwouldalsoinclude:first,a new

basictypeof airplane;second, onewhichinvolvesa greatimprovement on the
existingin theindustry;andthird,anairplaneradicalin its departure
Mr. Crispstatedthatit is alsoprovided
in theagreement thattheGovernment
may take from any manufacturer the complete design of an airplane and place it with
another manufacturer for production, upon the manufacturer agreeing to pay 1% of
the cost of the airplane to the manufacturer from whom the design was taken; that, if
the design is placed with a manufacturer not a subscriber to the cross-license agree-
ment, he should pay $200 per airplane to the Aircraft Manufacturers' Association in
addition to the 1% of the cost to the other manufacturer.
Mr. Crisp then explained briefly the provisions of each section of the proposed
cross-license agreement.
The first matter discussed was the subject of the qualifications for membership in
the Association. Mr. Russell read the by-laws of the Association and suggested that
they could be amended to provide that any manufacturer who had obtained Govern-
ment business would be eligible for membership.
Mr. Tarbox moved that the matter of requirements for membership in the Asso-
ciation be referred to a committee of five to be appointed by the Chairman with
instructions to make a report this afternoon.
Mr. Houston offered an amendment that the committee be instructed to give
careful attention to the legal phases of limitation of stock ownership in a corporation of
this nature. This amendment was accepted by Mr. Tarbox.
Mr. Russell stated that the question of limitation of membership is a matter that
cannot be handled by a committee in a short time, and that it should receive the very
particular attention of the boards of directors of the Wright and Curtiss Companies.
After discussion and on motion duly seconded and carried, it was,
RESOLVED, that the matter of requirements for membership in the Aircraft
Manufacturers Association be referred to a committee of five to be appointed by
the Chairman with instructions to make a report this afternoon, and to give careful
attention to the legal phases of limitation of stock ownership in a corporation such
as the Aircraft Manufacturers Association.

Mr. B. S. Foss raised the question as to who was entitled to vote. After discussion
of this question, the Chairman ruled that all present would be entitled to vote.
Mr. Mingle stated that he had been appointed counsel for the Aircraft Manufactur-
ers Association, but that he had not seen a copy of the proposed cross-license agree-
ment until this morning. He suggested that inasmuch as the Association would hold a
meeting in Washington tomorrow, Mr Crisp outline the status of the agreement and
that this meeting adjourn to allow the Association to consider the proposed agreement.
Mr. Houston stated that the Association should have the general expression of
opinion of this body today as to the qualifications for membership, for consideration at
its meeting tomorrow.
The Chairman then put the above resolution to a second vote on the understand-
ing that everyone present would be entitled to a vote. After an aye and nay vote, the
Chairman announced the resolution was carried unanimously.
Mr. Crisp then suggested that particular paragraphs of the proposed agreement be
called up by the members for discussion.
Mr. Noble Foss inquired as to the reason for including propeller hubs and
radiators as a part of an airplane, rather than as a part of the engine unit.
Mr. Houston stated that the framers of the agreement had considered the prob-
ability that any further developments in radiators or propeller hubs would be along the
line of their application to airplanes and propellers, rather than along the line of their


application to engines; in other words, by including them as a part of the airplane

proper, the subscribers to the cross-license agreement would obtain the benefit of any
patented improvements which may come in either of those two factors; and that he
believed such patented improvements will come along the line of attachments to planes
and attachments to propellers.
Mr. Tarbox stated that the Patent Office classified hubs as a separate invention.
Mr. Russell stated that since there are no basic patents on engines, they had been
eliminated from the agreement, particularly because the Wright Company could not
cross-license the Hispano-Suiza engine.
In reference to the exclusion of the "Dunne" patents, Mr. Russell stated that the
Burgess Company found itself with an exclusive license in very much the same form as
the Wright Company had with the Hispano-Suiza Company. He stated that it is the
intention of the Burgess Company as soon as possible to place their contract with the
holders of the "Dunne" patents in such form as will enable the Burgess Company to
cross-license under the "Dunne" patents. He stated that the Burgess Company had a
right to cross-license to other manufacturers in this country, but that the 1% license
which they were required to pay would exclude, for financial reasons, cross-licensing
these patents.
Mr. Crisp inquired if the Burgess Company would enter into a separate agreement
that it will by a certain date agree to cross-license, to which Mr. Russell replied that the
Burgess Company would endeavor to do this, and would agree to endeavor to do so.
Mr. Houston suggested that the Burgess Company enter into an agreement with
other subscribers to the effect that it will cross-license the "Dunne" patents, provided
it receives sufficient compensation to meet the terms of its contract with the holders of
the "Dunne" patents.*
Mr. Noble Foss inquired if the Hispano-Suiza patents may not be so broad as to
be as important and controlling as the airplane patents owned by the Wright and
Curtiss Companies. Mr. Tarbox stated that the Hispano-Suiza patents could not be
construed as basic; that in order to be basic at this time, a patent would have to
embody some new principle of operation, and that it is extremely unlikely that anything
basic could be construed to exist in the Hispano-Suiza engine.
Mr. Houston stated that he believed engineers of the Wright Company would in
time be able to produce improvements in the Hispano-Suiza engine that would make
unnecessary the use of the patents controlling it.
Mr. Uppercue stated it would be a vital mistake not to embody engines in the
cross-license agreement, as the engine is the backbone of aeronautic development.
Mr. Tarbox stated that the Curtiss Company would be willing to enter into a
cross-license agreement on engines under certain conditions.
Mr. Morse stated that there are three distinct parties in interest in the proposed
agreement,ithe Government, the Curtiss and Wright Companies, and the Association;
that the introduction of the engine into the proposed agreement puts a burden on the
manufacturer, inasmuch as the agreement provides for the payment of 1% for the use
of another's designs, including engine. He suggested that engines be omitted from the
Mr. Uppercue stated that in the future the plane manufacturers would in all
probability manufacture their own engines, and that, therefore, engines should be
included in the agreement.
Mr. Mingle suggested that it might be advisable for the Aircraft Manufacturers
Association, as aircraft manufacturers and not as engine manufacturers, to recognize
and recommend to its aircraft manufacturing members a cross-license agreement cover-

*J. w. Dunne of England had designed, constructed, and flown a series of tailless swept-
wing aircraft for which he claimed unprecedented advances in stability and controllability.


ingairplanes, andmakingarrangements thatthe"Company" mentioned in theagree-

mentpayto the Association the surplusses thereinsetforth, makingthe aircraft
licensing agreement andits"Company" absolutelyanoutside interestfromtheaircraft
association itself.
Mr. HoustonstatedthattheWright-Martin Company wasnot in a positionto
cross-license theHispano-Suiza patents,butthatit wouldincludein thecross-license
agreement suchimprovements asmaybedeveloped byitsownorganization.
RESOLVED, thatit is thesense ofthismeeting thatengines shouldbeincluded
in thetermsof thecross-license agreement.
Themotionwasdulyseconded anddiscussed. TheChairman put thequestion to
anayeandnayvoteandannounced thattheayesseemed to haveit, whereupon a
divisionwascalledanda risingvotetaken.TheChairman announced the resultas
follows: eightin favor,fouropposed. Themotionwastherefore carried.
Mr.Crisprequested definiteaction,in additionto theexpression of thesense of
themeeting, onthequestion of includingenginesin thecross-license agreement. Mr.
MinglestatedthatthismatterwillbetakenupbytheAssociation immediately uponthe
adjournment of thismeeting. TheChairman statedthattheSubcommittee onPatents
wouldalsoconsider thematterpromptly.
Mr. Harrisstatedif heandAdmiralTaylorcouldberecognized asspeaking for
theGovernment, theywouldsayasamatterofrecordthattheGovernment desires
engines beincluded in theagreement.
AdmiralTaylor,in referringtoparagraph 8,"Payments totheCompany," section
(a),statedthatin hisopiniontheagreement shouldprovidethatin noeventshould
royalties continue to bepaidto theWrightCompany afterthelifeof itsalleged basic
patent.At thispoint,AdmiralTaylorandMr.Harriswithdrew.
Thequestion ofroyalties forrepairsandsparepartswasdiscussed.
Mr. Houstonstatedthatat a previousmeetingit wasagreedthatit wouldbe
difficultto measure the licenseto be paidon miscellaneous sparepartsandthat,
therefore, an arbitrarysumshouldbe paidon eachairplaneasa unit andthatthe
proposed agreement shouldignoreall sparepartsor miscellaneous businessdone.
Pursuant toprevious suggestion ofAdmiralTaylor,it wasrecorded asthesense of
themeetingthatpayments to theWrightCompany shouldcease withthelife of its
patent#821,393 and that payments to the Curtiss Company should run until the
expiration of the Curtiss patents, provided that in no event shall the total paid to the
Curtiss Company exceed $2,000,000.
The Chairman announced the special committee to consider the question of
qualifications for membership in the Association as follows: Messrs. Crisp (Chairman),
Harris, Mingle, Russell, and Houston, and the committee was instructed to hold a
meeting during the luncheon recess.
Thereupon, at 1 p.m. the Chairman declared a recess until 4 p.m.
The committee reconvened at 4 p.m. Present: Messrs. Durand (Chairman), Crisp,
Mingle, Flint, Tarbox, Houston, Russell, Day, Harris, Uppercue, B. S. Foss, Noble
Foss, and Fay L. Faurote of the Curtiss Company.
Mr. Crisp, for the committee on qualifications for membership in the Association,
submitted the following report:
A stockholder of this corporation shall be a responsible manufacturer of
airplanes, airplane engines, or parts and accessories used in airplanes; a respon-
sible manufacturer who intends to become bona fide producer of airplanes or
airplane engines, parts, or accessories; or a manufacturer to whom the Govern-
ment has given a contract for the construction of ten or more complete airplanes
or airplane engines; but no stockholder herein shall acquire or own more than one
share of the stock of said corporation.


Onmotiondulyseconded andcarriedit was,

RESOLVED, thatthe reportof thecommittee on qualificationsfor membership
in theAircraftManufacturersAssociation
beaccepted andapproved.
Mr. Minglestatedthat the AircraftManufacturers Association wouldhold an
officialmeetingtonightto discusstheprovisions of theproposed agreement by sec-
TheChairman statedthatin aninformalwayeverymember of theSubcommittee
on Patents whohadbeenpresentat previous discussions of thepatentquestionhad
expressed theopinionthatengines shouldbeincluded in thecross-licenseagreement.
Mr.Houstonsuggested thatthecross-license
agreement bere-drafted immediately
to includeenginesso thatit couldbe acteduponby the Association tonightor
tomorrow andbereadyfor approval by theSubcommittee onPatents andtheExecu-
tive Committee of the NationalAdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics by Thursday,
Therebeingnoobjection, theChairman appointed a special
committee tore-draft
the cross-license
agreement, consistingof the following:Messrs.Crisp(Chairman),
Tarbox,Houston, Mingle,andRussell.
Thereupon, at 4:30p.m.the meetingadjourned to meetThursday, July 12,at
10:45a.m.,to receivea communication fromtheAircraftManufacturers Association.

12. John F. Hayford, "Statement of Policy, " 28 April 1917, as adopted by the
Executive Committee 7 Aug. 1917, and by the NACA 4 Oct. 1917.

[During his year as chairman of the NACA, Professor John F. Hayford of North-
western University attempted to instill in the Committee a scientific and academic
approach to research. The NACA adopted Hayfbrd's statement of policy, but over the
years it adhered to some provisions more closely than to others. Although the Commit-
tee devoted considerable attention to data-gathering and comparison of test with free-
flight conditions, it rarely subsidized outside researchers in preference to its own staff.]


(Adopted by the Executive Committee August 7, 1917)

(Approved by the Advisory Committee October 4, 1917)

In supervising and directing "'The scientific study of the problems of flight, with a
view to their practical solution," the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
deems it advisable, with a view to securing maximum effectiveness, to carry out the
policy indicated in the following paragraphs numbered 1 to 5.
(1) It is of prime importance to secure instrumental records of the facts in regard
to airplanes in free flight and to use these records for co-ordinating and testing
conclusions from investigations made otherwise. In particular such records should be
(a) To determine the extent to which conclusions from separate investigations are
modified by the assemblage of parts of an airplane into one organized whole and by
the difference between free-flight conditions and the conditions under which the
investigations were made.
(b) To select and to formulate the problems which it is important to solve and to
obtain an estimate of the relative importance of these problems.
(c) To formulate a true understanding of the conditions of safety in operation, to
develop the corresponding indicators and possibly also to determine the best climbing
attitude and the economic speed.


(2)Thegroups of activities which should be fostered in the laboratory which is

under the direct supervision of the Committee are in order of their probable relative
(a) Those which contribute to the securing and interpreting of the instrumental
records indicated in paragraph (1) or which contribute to the use of such records for
the purposes indicated in that paragraph.
(b) Those which serve to suggest or to formulate new laboratory methods of
attack on specific aeronautic problems.
(c) Those activities which supplement, in a way which is clearly necessary or
desirable, the investigations which have been or are being made elsewhere.
(3) The Committee should endeavor to keep _n as close touch as is feasible with
all scientific studie_ of the problems of flight, made anywhere.
(4) The Committee should endeavor to contribute to the success of scientific
studies of the problems of flight in laboratories which are independent of the Commit-
tee, by direct conference and suggestion, by indicating the probable lines of least
resistance to progress, by formulating definite problems and general indications of
good methods of attack upon them, and by publishing general reviews or summaries of
progress to date.
(5) Whenever a choice is to be made, in attacking a definite research problem,
between subsidizing an independent laboratory (or man) and using the Committee
laboratory and its regular staff, the Committee will be guided by the relative facilities
available, but should in general favor subsidizing, in order to encourage independent

13. Lee M. Griffith to Executive Committee, 4 April 1918.

[When Lee Griffith prepared this memorandum, he was an employee of the War
Department, detailed to the NACA as an aeronautical mechanical engineer. He rose to
senior staff engineer at headquarters before leaving the Committee early in 1920. He
returned late in 1922 to become Engineer-in-Charge at Langley Laboratory, only to
depart again in 1924 after falling foul of John Victory. This memorandum is the
clearest single exposition of the policies and philosophies that were to guide the
NACA. Whether Griffith set the tone with this memo, or simply captured the drift of
events, is impossible to say. Given the Committee's somewhat erratic course in the
early years, the former seems more likely. (The chart mentioned in paragraph three is



To the Executive Committee,

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
4th & Missouri Ave., Washington, D.C.
As the result of close association with the work of the N.A.C.A. during the past
seven months, the writer has had his attention forcibly drawn to certain defects in the
present methods of conducting the functions of this Committee. I have come to the
service of the Committee from commercial life and have, as a natural result, noted with
great misgivings the effort to enlarge our work and influence by means of the prevail-
mg loose and disorganized methods. While I do not wish to appear to pose as an
efficiency authority, I do wish to bring to the attention of the Executive Committee
some rather definite suggestions and ideas regarding what to my mind are the principal
steps to be taken before the N.A.C.A. can be said to be reasonably well organized or


prepared to properly fulfill the requirements of the great field which I believe now lies
before it.
The following remarks are based on the assurance that the members of this
Committee are actuated by the ambition that the N.A.C.A. shall continue to enlarge its
value to the nation, and that the goal shall be nothing less than complete recognition
as the leading authority and guiding body in the future development of the science of
aerial navigation. Especially during times of stress, such as the present, nothing less is
to be thought of than the most complete and effective extension of the activities of the
Committee to adequately cover its every possible service to our country.
The ordinary commercial enterprise has certain very definite requirements to
meet, in order that a reasonable degree of success may reward the effort expended,
and these fundamental requirements apply to the governmental body as forcibly as to
the purely private enterprise. All are familiar with the fact that the great majority of
business failures are the result of failure to observe those laws which would direct the
effort in the right direction.
Since the middle of January of this year, the personnel under the direct supervi-
sion of the Committee has approximately trebled and the amount of work has in-
creased at a much greater rate. At the present time the force is inadequate to properly
handle the immediate work, even at the expense of the almost entire disregard of
several fields of usefulness which would seem to naturally come within our scope. On
the other hand, I believe that before much further enlargement of the personnel is
made, time should be given to the formulation of concrete conceptions regarding the
governing requirements which must become our guide in the future, if the Committee
is to continue to enlarge its authority and influence in the development of aeronautics.
The ten most important requirements to be observed in the conduct of the
activities of the Committee can be briefly stated in the following terms. The order of
arrangement is approximately that of their relative importance, at the present time and
under the present conditions.
1. A definite statement of intended services.
2. A definite statement of policy.
3. A definite plan of organization.
4. A capable manager having full authority.
5. An organization of known loyalty, skill, and renown.
6. Perfection of product.
7. Energetic and continuous publicity.
8. Efficient and adequate equipment.
9. A suitable location.
10. Definite plans for obtaining sufficient funds.
It should be interesting to take these requirements into consideration, one at a
time, and study their application to the conditions involved in the work of this Commit-
tee. Being more directly in contact with the details of the work than are the members
of the Executive Committee, I may naturally be expected to have a keener appreciation
of the difficulties under which the work is being conducted. Therefore, if my remarks
seem to be too forceful, I merely ask consideration of the fact that it is desired to bring
the ideas prominently to the front.
any enterprise cannot continue to exist unless it is rendering some very definite service
to humanity; it must supply some want, whether that want existed previously or not.
This service may consist in the supply of materials, manufactured articles, personal
services, money, etc. I, together with other members of the personnel, have very hazy
ideas regarding the nature of the services that this Committee is endeavoring to
render, or is capable of rendering. The act of Congress establishing this Committee


authorized themto"supervise anddirectthescientific studyoftheproblems offlight"

and"directandconduct research andexperiment in aeronautics." Asthemostimpor-
tantof ourpresent services wemaywritedownthefollowing:
a. Aid the co-ordination of theaeronautic activitiesof the severalgovernment
departments andprivateinterests engaged therein.
b.Conduct research, experimental anddevelopment workin thefieldof aeronau-
ticsandintimately relatedsubjects.
c. Collect,collateanddistributescientific, technical,andgeneral information on
aeronautic subjects.
d. Examine, testandevaluate ideasandpatentsrelatingto aeronautics, and
determine theiravailability forgovernment requirements or forprivateenter-
e. Secure thecommercial trialof devices provedvaluable by us,andtheiradop-
Thefieldofservices under(a)is beinginvaded onlyinaverymodest way,inspite
of the uniquepositionwhichthe Committee occupies asan entirelyindependent
government bodyandwhichpositiondistinguishes it astheonlyaeronautic authority
of unquestioned right to arbitratemattersbetween departments. The renownand
authority oftheCommittee willbegreatlyincreased bytheenergetic endeavor tohave
theservices ofthisbodyutilizedtothefullestextentin thisfield.
It goeswithoutsayingthattheservices enumerated under(b) shouldbeacceler-
atedto the greatestpossible extent,consistent with thefundsavailable for both
governmental andprivatesources, sincethisis theservice thatcanbebestrendered by
a bodyof leadingscientific mensuchasconstitute thisCommittee. Upto thepresent
time,the onlyextensive workin thisfieldhasbeenin thedomains of theinternal
combustion powerplantandthescrewpropeller, andevenhere,it canhardlybesaid
thatthevastproblems havebeenmuchmorethanlightlytouchedupon.Theother
principalitemsof airplaneresearch, theaerodynamic problems, havenotasyetbeen
eventouchedby thisCommittee excepting thepropellerapplications, althoughthe
arebeingslowlyacquired. Thelargeproblems connected withtheprovision of
satisfactory aeronautical instruments arebeingtouched uponbutlightly,although it is
understood to be theintentionto carryon thisworkin anextensive mannerin the
Committee's laboratory. Thebroadplansshouldincludeprovision forthemostcom-
pletelaboratory equipment aswellas themostcompetent personnel whichcanbe
obtained for comprehensive research workin all the various branches of the whole
subject of aeronautics.
Theservices under(c)havebegunin a modest sortofwayandpreliminary results
arebeginning to showthe valueof this work.Hereagain,it wouldseemthatthe
independent positionof theCommittee shouldmakeit theonlylogicalrecipientand
disburser of aeronautical information. This ideashouldbepersistently fostered,in
spiteof theopposition likelyto bearoused, sothatthisbodymayreallyassume the
positionof finalauthority indicated byitsveryname,National Advisory Committee for
The service (d) is theonlyonewhichis at present in anymannerbeingfully
exploited, andevenherewearenotasyetrecognized asconstituting theonlyproper
mediumforthehandling ofthesematters. Muchworkremains tobeyetdonebeforeit
becomes fullyacknowledged byall othergovernment departments thatallaeronautic
inventions andideasareto be referredto thisCommittee for the determination of
theirvalue.Ourtestingandevaluation functionsareat present beingexercised in a
smallwayonly.Ourfacilitiesfor thisserviceshouldbepromptlyenlarged andthe
abilityofthepersonnel thereinengaged increased.
Undertheheadof (e)areconsidered thoseservices which,in thelastanalysis,
determine theabilityoftheCommittee togetitswork"across". If theresultof allthe

otherclasses of service cannotbebroughtto thepointof demonstrable success, the

workhaslargelygonefor naught, andthevalueof theCommittee asa forcefor the
advancement of theartwill besmallindeed.Everyeffortshouldbemadeto getwork
Thethoughtwhichshoulddominate theconsideration of thematterunder(1)is
thatsomedefinable statement shouldbeformulated whichwillcoverclearlythewhole
fieldof theservice of theCommittee to all others,asat present conceived. Absolute
completeness is not essentialevenif it wereconsidered possible, sinceit is readily
understood thattheopportunities for service will besubjectto change fromtimeto
time.Theideais thata clearstatement at thistimewill actasa beacon to guideus
awayfromthethingswhichweshouldnotattemptto thosewhichweshouldaccom-
plish.Untilit is knownwhatwearetryingto do, it is impossible to formulate any
system or buildanyorganization forthedoingofthatthing.
2.A DEFINITE STATEMENT OFPOLICY. Thisrequirement waspartlycovered
by the "Statement of Policy"adoptedby the Executive Committee on August7th,
1917,andby themainCommittee on October4th, 1917.However, theabovestate-
mentis moreproperlyoneof programoutlinethana general policy.Policyconcerns
itselfonlywiththebroadgeneral principles ofactionandcontrol.
Perhaps oneofthemostimportant itemsunderthisheadis thedetermination and
recording of thedesirable rateof expansion of theservices, renownandauthorityof
theCommittee. In viewof theexistingencroachment of othergovernmental bodies
intothefieldswhichmaybeconstrued to belongto thisCommittee, it canhardlybe
considered thatweshoulddo lessthanperfectour service in all directions at the
earliestpossible moment. However, a clearunderstanding of suchpolicywill certainly
beaneffective stimulant totheworkofall.
Otheritemsofpolicyarecontained in therulesfor theconduct of theworkofthe
Committee, asgivenin thepamphlet "Rulesandregulations for theconductof the
workoftheNational Advisory Committee forAeronautics".
It shallbethepolicyofthisCommittee to:
--Exercise allthefunctionsauthorized in theActof Establishment. Thisshouldbe
givena veryliberalinterpretation, asenumerated partiallyunder(1)above, andshould
be subjectto occasional examination to ensure that no important function is being
--Formulate definite rules to govern its contact with other government bodies and
the methods of making its services available to the same. The same shall be done for
private institutions, businesses and individuals, and shall provide for the whole or
partial compensation of the expenses incurred by the Committee in conducting the
services rendered.
--Expend no funds in the rendering of services which do not promote the art and
science, or the industry, of aeronautics as a whole; as distinct from exclusive benefit to
individuals or individual enterprises.
--Secure the services of the most competent available men in this country for the
guidance of its various technical and scientific activities, as well as for the performance
of the same, and to compensate these men in proportion to their value to the work of
the Committee.
--Encourage the conduct of associated or independent research and development
work by other institutions, corporations and individuals, and to aid in making such
work of benefit to all interested in aeronautics.
3. A DEFINITE PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. At the present time the personnel
engaged in the activities of the Committee are working without any definite knowledge
of the duties which they are expected to perform or of the extent of their individual
responsibility to the public or to the Committee, or of the extent of the authority which
they are expected to exercise. Obviously, such a condition of uncertainty does not tend


to the development of the maximum interest in the individual duties of the employee
or of enthusiastic cooperation in the furtherance of the work of the Committee as a
whole. Also, the inevitable overlap or neglect of various specific items of the work are
conducive to constant misunderstandings, arguments, and general inefficiency. The net
result can hardly be said to benefit the work or contribute to that harmonious coopera-
tion which alone results in the greatest measure of success. The interesting or attrac-
tive work is likely to be assumed by more than one person while the duller work is
subject to neglect. The lines of responsibility and authority should be sharply defined
for each position in the organization. If the plan of organization is to remain perma-
nent, it should connect the positions only and not the individuals who may at any time
happen to fill them.
The attached chart of such an organization will serve to disclose the principal
relations and positions which appear to the writer to be necessary to provide for a clear
and logical mechanism for the conduct of the enlarged services which now lie before
the Committee. In this plan of organization, the various branches of our work are
clearly separated into the main divisions, considered from a technical standpoint, in
order that there may be the least possible necessity for a wide variation of the talent in
any main division, or the character of duties performed therein. As the general supervi-
sion of the functions and services of the Committee is performed by the acting
subcommittees in charge of the various divisions of the work, it is naturally assumed
that these subcommittees should be placed at the head of the various organization
branches having directly to do with their particular fields of work. This would certainly
seem to be an entirely logical arrangement, since the Executive Committee is the
instrument through which the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics carries out
its activities, according to the rules and regulations. Naturally the Executive Committee
looks to its various subcommittees to actually carry out the specific work in hand,
acting, of course, in conjunction with the available facilities of that branch of the
organization which is operating on that class of work under consideration.
The two broad divisions into which the organization is divided, under the General
Manager, seem to be perfectly natural and logically designated as the Engineering
Division and the Administrative Division. The further separation of the Eng. Div. into
the various subdivisions enumerated as Aeronautic Eng'g., Mechanical Eng'g., Inven-
tions, and Intelligence, can hardly be considered otherwise than fundamental. The
subdivision of the Administrative Division into Secretary, Disbursing, Purchasing,
Stenographic and Typing, also seem to be logical. Further subdivisions have been less
carefully considered, although the whole plan is the result of considerable thought, and
is offered as a basis for the construction of a finished structure which shall be ample to
provide for the future growth of the N.A.C.A. to many times its present size. It is by no
means intended or expected that all of the positions indicated are to be filled at the
present time or in the immediate future, but that in some cases a number of the
positions may at the present time be filled by one man. However, as the work increases
to such an extent as to be beyond the capacity of any department head to give it
adequate attention, the proper subdivision is at once indicated and the duties of the
head of the newly occupied position are automatically defined without the slightest
reorganization or misunderstanding. This is really one of the most important advan-
tages offered by the adoption of such a definite plan of organization at the earliest
possible moment, consistent with a proper consideration of such organization.
most important requirements to be satisfied, since in no other way than by the
establishment of such a position can the activities of the Committee be kept at the
highest pitch. Any possible supervision of the work by a committee can hardly be
expected to even approximate the degree of effectiveness offered by the provision of a
General Manager who is at all times on the job and available to eliminate any difficul-


tieswhicharisein theprosecution of thework.TheCommittee cannotbeexpected to

meetoftenerthanonceeveryweek,andthisisbynomeans sufficient tokeepthework
movingat themosteffectivespeed, evenif a committee canbeinducedto carefully
considerthedetailsof theexecution of a problem.Committee supervision is most
valuablefor the initial statement of the problemandthe generalmethods to be
adopted in itsattempted solution,followed bya general supervision approaching in its
naturethatof a consulting body,andthefinalpresentation of theresultsaftercareful
consideration in theformofa report.
Oneof thechieffunctions oftheGeneral Manager is to atalltimesrepresent the
ever-present embodiment of thespiritoftheExecutive Committee in thecontrolofthe
workandfunctions. Heit is whomustberesponsible for theuninterrupted prosecu-
tionof thevariousservices of theCommittee, andthemaintenance of the"espritde
corps"whichis so necessary to theeffectiveoperation of the organization. If the
activitiesof theN.A.C.A. aretocontinue to enlarge, it becomes increasingly important
tohavesomecontrolling officeroftheCommittee always in directtouchwiththework
andalways immediately available forconsultation andordersconcerning thedoubtful
or out-of-the-ordinary itemsof work.Thisrequirement canbestbemetby theprovi-
sionofsuchaGeneral Manager, whoshallconstitute theroutineheadof theorganiza-
TheGeneralManager mustbe givenfull authorityoverthe members of the
organization, to thesameextentasheis empowered in thecommercial field,in order
thathe maybe ableto do constructive work.Withoutfull authorityto addto or
diminishthe personnel, makeminorchanges in the practices of the work,etc.,he
cannotbeexpected to actasmuchmorethanadvisor, whoseadvicecanbeignoredby
a member of theorganization withimpunity.Of course,hisactionsareto beguided
andcontrolled bythewrittenpolicyandregulations of theCommittee.
Forthispost,a manshouldbeselected fromthebusiness worldwhohashad
extended experience in thehandling ofpeopleandtheupbuilding of organizations. He
neednotbeanengineer or scientist, although suchqualifications wouldnotbeto his
disadvantage. Myownideaof thequalifications needed tobestfill thepositionincludes
thoselikelyto be possessed by a manwhohasbeenthe mainforcein buildinga
moderate organization in theengineering mechanical field,wherehehasbeencom-
pelledto understand themanagement of menandthe fundamentals of organization
buildingaswellasthegeneral engineering problems withwhichhisestablishment has
hadtocope.A manwithsuccessful experience in thesefieldscanbesafelygiventhe
authorityandresponsibility involved in thepositionhereconsidered.
moreor lessa self-evident conditionof success, sinceit is apparentthatthe most
perfectmanagement canaccomplish butlittleif it is notsupported by anorganization
embodying theabovethreequalities. Whileallaresomewhat underthecontrolof the
management, thefirstor loyaltyisalmostentirelysoandcanbeconstrued asa definite
indexto theabilityof themanagement to developtheright"espritdecorps".The
itemsof skillandrenown areobviously bothessential to thefinalsuccess ofourwork,
andbothmaybedeveloped to a greatextentby properselection andinstruction to
secure theskill,followedto a greatextentbyjudiciousadvertising to spreadnewsof
thisabilityandsoaddto therenownof theCommittee aswellasof theindividual.
In addingto thepersonnel, careshouldbetakento ensurethatsuchnewmem-
berswillbringto theCommittee themaximum ofexperience andability,andthatthey
aregenerally respected fortheirpossession ofthesecharacteristics. Personnel additions
shouldalsoshowreasonable indicationof theirabilityto workin closecooperation
with the rest of the organization as then constituted, as many a man is absolutely
impossible from this standpoint although well qualified otherwise.


6. PERFECTION OF PRODUCT. Ourproductconsists largelyof reportsof the

resultsof our activities in thevariousservices whichweareendeavoring to render.
Whilethesereportsmaybevaluable contributions to theadvancement of theart,their
principalusefulness is lostif theadvance whichtheyrepresent is not soutilizedasto
producean actualimprovement in thepracticaldevelopment of aeronautics. If our
lightis hidundera bushel, wecannotexpectit to serveasabeacon fortheguidance
of theprogress of evolution. It makes littledifference, whether thefieldof application
fora givenimprovement, investigation, or research iswithintheGovernment or not;if
ourworkis to beofthemaximum material valuefortheadvancement of theart,our
resultsmustbeput in suchformandsofollowedupthattheirabsolute valuewill be
surelydemonstrated to all otherswhoarein a positionto ensuretheirutilization.
Underthegeneral subjectof reports,it is wellto callattentionto someof the
faultsoftheordinaryformof suchpapers, whether theybeofscientific or engineering
or nontechnical nature.First:theyareusuallywithoutanyspecific application which
will serveasanadequate illustration of theusefulness andvalueof thesubject matter
discussed. Thisalways leaves theuserin somedoubtregarding thecorrectness of his
methodof applyingthe reportedfindingsto his ownproblems andmayseriously
restricttheamountofsuchapplication. Also,in theabsence ofa specific illustration, it
maybe a difficultmatterto convince thereaderthatthematerialcontained in the
reportwillbeofmuchaidin hisspecific problems, inwhichcasethevalueofthework
is losttothatextent.All reportsofa constructive natureshould conclude withasmany
specific applicationsasarerequired to adequately present itsvaluein connection with
allof thoseapplications whichthesubject matteris intended tocover.Wherepossible,
theseapplications shouldembodynumerical illustrationswithinordinaryexperience.
Second: the logicaldiscussion is ordinarilyconspicuous by its absence, andthe
readeris leftto formhisownideasregarding thecorrectness of thetreatment bythe
author.In casethereaderdisagrees withtheauthor,heislikelytoconsider thereport
asunreliable andof littlevalue,andtherefore losethebenefitof thework,whenthe
realdifferences maybeminor.If thediscussion hadbeenfull andlogical,thereader
wouldquicklydetermine theextentandimportance of hisdisagreement and,making
dueallowance therefor,stillderivemuchvaluefromthereport.
Third: clearandconcisesummation or conclusions of the resultsof thework
represented bythe report.Too often,thereaderis compelled to wadethroughthe
bodyof thereportin orderto ascertain theresultsgained fromtheworkcovered by
thereport.Astheresultof this,thereportis eitherneglected andits possible value
lost to the prospective user,or incorrectconclusions arederivedas the resultof
inadequate consideration dueto theconsiderable timerequired for a complete diges-
tionof themattercontained.
Fourth:complete descriptions of the apparatus usedin all tests,togetherwith
complete statement of themethodof conducting suchtestsandof thedetaileddata
obtained. Whentheresultsof suchworkarefinallypresented in theformofcurves, all
of thedetermining valuesfor thecurvesshouldalsobe shownasthereis otherwise
considerable uncertainty regarding the correctness of thecurveasrepresenting the
actualrelations obtained. If suchdetermining pointsareshown, thereaderis ableto
checkthe curvesandto assure himselfthattheydo or donot reallyrepresent the
relationexisting.Also,if theapparatus andmethods arecompletely described, it is
impossible to gaina muchclearerideaof the reliabilityof the dataandresults
Fifth:standard methods for writingourreports.If allour reportsareprepared
according to established standards, whichwill coveralltheimportant pointspertaining
to suchdocuments, it becomes possible for thewriterto dothecompiling in a much
shortertimeandatthesametimeensurethateachpointofhistreatment is properly
covered. Thereaderanduserof suchreportsof standardized formwillsaveconsider-

able time by being able to promptly turn to that portion which contains the particular
phase in which he happens to be most interested at the time. Thus time is saved at
both ends and the information is translated from writer to user with the greatest
certainty and accuracy, which is the fundamental requirement of a report.
Standardized forms and instructions for the compiling of reports should be drawn
up at once before much of this sort of material has been issued. It is recommended
that these standards include complete instructions covering all the following points:
Provision of a record sheet which will show the salient facts regarding the history of
the report it covers, such as; reason for doing the work leading to the report, descrip-
tion of the work to be performed, whom requested by, benefit expected to result, work
actually performed, actual benefits resulting, person in charge of work, author of
report, all significant dates, location of tests if any are made, organization or individ-
uals directly benefiting from the work, etc. A log sheet which will show the daily
progress of all the matters under investigation or consideration, and providing enough
information about each matter so that it will be evident on inspection whether any
problems are being in any way neglected. Each report itself should include an adequate
treatment in standard sequence of each of the following subdivisions which may be
construed to apply to the case in hand: reason for making, whom requested by, scope
of actual work, results of work, interpretation of results, theoretical treatment of
subject, relation of results to the theory obtaining, summation and conclusions, method
of application to practice, illustration of application to concrete modern case, benefits
to be obtained, comparison with best previous solutions. The order, method and
extent of the treatment of each of the above subdivisions, as well as the determination
of the size and other mechanical features of the report, should be completely covered
in the form of standardized instructions.
7. ENERGETIC AND CONTINUOUS PUBLICITY. It will hardly be denied that if
the work of the N.A.C.A. is to be of the greatest benefit to the advancement of the
science of air navigation that knowledge of the Committee and its work should be
thoroughly disseminated among all those who are interested in this science, both in
this country and abroad. The more prominently this body is known, the easier it
becomes to convince others of the value of the work performed, and the easier it is to
obtain adequate financial support for the extension of the work. This publicity should
take the form of skillful and continuous presentation of the value and extent of the
Committee's contributions to this science and to the solutions of the practical problems
involved in the practice thereof. This can be obtained through the mediums of the
daily press and the technical publications, and should be made as wide as possible. All
those of the Committee's reports which are of interest to others engaged in the science
or practice of aeronautics should be given such circulation as will ensure that the
benefit thereof goes to all those who are able to make use of it. Of course, these broad
fundamental considerations are of necessity considerably modified in time of war, but
plans should be made to provide for such wide dissemination of the present informa-
tion after the reason for its suppression is removed.
So important is this matter of publicity for the Committee that the equivalent of a
publicity or advertising agent is considered to be a necessary addition to the organiza-
tion. At the present time, the duties of the position would, however, be combined with
other position or positions. A better perspective is obtained if it is considered that this
body is fundamentally like a commercial concern in that it is required to sell its product
to the public in order to continue its existence. If the public and their representatives
in Congress are not properly convinced of the value of this Committee and its work, it
certainly cannot be expected that they will provide the money or the legislation needed
to enable the Committee to adequately cover the great field of usefulness which is now
unfolding before our eyes.


8.EFFICIENT ANDADEQUATE EQUIPMENT. To a largeextent,thisrequire-

mentgoeswithoutsaying, butcertainphases of themattermaywellbethesubject of
consideration. If thetechnical reportsissuedby theCommittees areto possess the
greatest authority,theymustbe theconcrete expression of theresultsof research
conducted onthemostperfectclassof apparatus, in addition to beingtheproductof
menof unquestioned authority.As the membership of thisCommittee containsso
manyablescientists, thematterof research, testing,andscientific equipment generally
maybelightlypassed overin thebeliefthatit certainly willnotbeneglected.
Thereis,however, anotherclassof equipment aboutwhichthereis considerable
uncertainty. A portionof thescientificapparatus required is specially designed and
builtforthespecial requirements of a problem, or is ofsucha special character thatit
is not built by constructors of scientific apparatus excepton specialorder.As the
laboratory equipment of theCommittee necessarily contains somemachine toolequip-
ment,provided primarilyto handlethenumerous repairandalteration jobswhichare
always present in connection withmanyoftheproblems whicharetobehandled, there
isa strongtemptation toenlarge thismachine toolinvestment to undueproportions in
themistaken ideathatthelaboratory machine shopshouldor couldmaketheprincipal
itemsof specialapparatus betteror cheaper thantheycanbe obtained fromoutside
sources. Theaddedequipment necessitated by sucha programis veryconsiderable,
sincemanytoolsrepresent a deador nonworking investment, whichcanbe much
betterusedin financing actualresearch. In orderfor theCommittee to beableto
compete in qualityor costwithbuilders of high-grade apparatus, it isnecessary tonot
onlyspendmuchcapitalto installmachinery whichwill beidlethemostof thetime,
butanorganization of skilledmenhastobebuiltupandmaintained, propersupervi-
sionprovidedandan adequate costsystem installedto determine the truthas to
whetherthelaboratory shopis actuallybuildingitsapparatus ascheaply asit canbe
obtainedin like qualityoutside.For the amountof suchconstruction at present
contemplated, therequiredmachinery, organization andsystem couldhardlybe ex-
pectedto be in goodworkingorderby the time the construction jobs wouldbe
finished.However, if thevolumeof suchspecialapparatus buildingis likelyto be
considerable, say$10,000 permonthminimum, it wouldprobably bedesirable toadd
considerably to the presentequipment and takethe indicatedsteps.Whilethe
highgrade machine shops of thecountryareattimessocrowded withworkastomake
promptdeliveries difficult,it is always quitepossible to getreasonable deliveries by
doingsomesearching amongthelesserknownshops,evenin timeslikethepresent.
Theprimarybusiness of the laboratory is to conduct research andnot to build
machine-shop products, therefore it wouldseemto beself-evident thatthelessof the
latterisundertaken thebetterfortherealpurposes oftheCommittee.
9. A SUITABLE LOCATION. Owingto theconditions surrounding thepresent
locationof thelaboratory, whichrenderit entirelyunsuited forthegeneral offices,it is
desirable to limit thepersonnel at thelaboratory to thatrequiredfor the laboratory
operations alone.If thisis done,theLangley Fieldlocation isreasonably wellsuitedfor
thoselaboratory operations whicharetobedirectlyconducted bytheCommittee onits
ownapparatus. Thefree-flight andengine-test workin particular callforjust sucha
locationasis provided byLangley.
As it is necessary that the Administration and Engineering offices be located in an
easily accessible location for the convenience of those who are required to come into
personal contact with the Committee, it would seem that these offices can hardly be
elsewhere than in Washington, owing to the close connection with other Government
bureaus. It is highly desirable, however, that a return to a more central location be
effected as soon as possible.
10. DEFINITE PLANS FOR OBTAINING FUNDS. As practically the whole
amount of financial support received by this Committee is obtained by Congressional


appropriation, it is obviousthatfirstthepublicandthenCongress hastobeconvinced

of the necessity of suchsupportas is asked.Oneof the mostconvincing waysof
demonstrating suchnecessity is to pointto advances in thefieldof aeronautics
aredueto theservices oftheCommittee. Thishassofarbeenpossible onlyto a very
minuteextent,whichfacthasledto muchjustifiable question of thevalueof thework
of theCommittee. Again,it wouldseemasif appropriations wouldbeeasierto obtain
if theCommittee werebetterandmorewidelyknown;also,if it wereknownthatit was
conducting anextensive andcarefully plannedprogramof research andinvestigation,
of greatvaluetowardtheadvancement of thescience. In particular,
members of the
appropriations committees ofbothhouses ofCongress shouldbekeptcognizant of the
accomplishments oftheCommittee andtheireffectonadvancement.
FINAL.Thiscommunication hasgrownto muchgreaterlengththanwasintended
andit is difficultto materially condense. However,it is hopedthatitslengthwill not
barit fromconsideration, as thewriterverystronglyfeelsthatif thefundamentals
hereindealtwitharenot satisfactorily incorporated into theworkingmachinery of a
modernorganization, theN.A.C.A. is likelyto throwawaythepresent unprecedented
opportunity foritsgrowthandservice to thecountry.
It is suggested thatthe Executive Committee of theN.A.C.A.appointa special
Committee onOrganization, to becomposed ofmenwhoareabletogivetherequisite
timethereto,to consider andformulate theactionto betakenalongthelinesof the
broadfundamentals whichthewriterhasendeavored to brieflycalltoyourattentionin

Senior Staff Engineer.

14. George de Bothezat to Subcommittee on Buildings, Laboratories and

Equipments, 15 Feb. 1919.

[From 1918 to 1920 George de Bothezat was the NACA's "Aerodynamical

Expert." Like Max Munk, who followed him, he displayed a broader grasp of aeronau-
tics than many of the early NACA staff members, a penchant for research on problems
of theoretical interest, an infelicity with the English language, and a disdain for his
colleagues--all evident in this letter. All served to undercut his influence within the
NACA, though some of his suggestions were adopted over time.]

Accordingly to the desire of the Subcommittee------I am presenting herewith a
general programme of research work which could be used as general directory at
Langley Field. I will allow myself to tell in short words the general ideas that have lead
me in the composition of this programme and how I conceive its fulfilling.
From a general standpoint a programme for research must not so much consist in
a detailed enumeration of all the questions and problems that can be submitted to
research or investigation but rather give the systematization of these problems or
questions. That is what I have tried to do in the programme herewith presented. What
concerns the detailization of such a programme in each special case it must be left fully
to the liberty of those who will undertake these researches, and this is fully necessary
for the success of the researches themselves.
Experimental researches or investigations can be of two kinds: Either they simply
consist in measurements of some mechanical or physical quantities; Such measure-
ments can be considered as scientific only when they are of a high grade of exactitude;
In the other cases they simply constitute routine work. Or the experiments constitute a
verification of a general conception of the studied phenomenon. It is the last investiga-


tions that generally have the most importance. This kind of conceptional investigations
can be undertaken only when they are guided by a deep knowledge of all the studied
phenomenon in its whole and its understanding from a unique philosophical stand-
What concerns the programs of Messrs. Warner* and DeKlyn,t which I have
looked over, they consist merely in an enumeration of different problems that can be
investigated but without any systematization of those problems. These papers also
contain several theoretical conceptions which in some cases are somewhat doubtful and
afterwards contain in some cases suggestions about the results that can be expected;
what I think has to be avoided as much as possible in a research programme. So that
the papers of Messrs. Warner and DeKlyn look to me more like their own understand-
ing of several aviation problems, than a general program for research and investiga-
The reading of the papers of Messrs. Warner and DeKlyn brings me to say some
words about the general spirit that must animate all research in general but special all
aerodynamical research, the last being still a very new field of investigation.
Before a general conception of a problem to investigate is stated, one must take
account of all the works made before and submit them to a critical investigation.
Afterwards in the problem to investigate there must be reached as far as possible a
certain general theoretical standpoint and a clear understanding of the connections of
the studied problem to other problems and its relation to the general principals of
dynamics and hydrodynamics. The last constitutes only the fundamental demand of the
continuity of scientifical evolution. The problems studied in aviation do not constitute
a fully new science but are only a development of applied dynamics and hydrodynamics
and have to be studied only as such.
Thus, as a general conclusion, I will say that before attacking any investigation of
a problem we must submit it to a careful study and clearly have in mind all the
different opinions expressed about this problem, and not limit ourselves to the pure
and simple verification of a very narrow group of ideas.



A.--The study of the different parts of the aeroplane.
B.--The study of the aeroplane as a whole.

I.--Study of the parts that give lift and drag.

II.--Study of the parts that give drag.
III.--Study of the propeller.
l.--Principal objects aerofoils and rudders.
l.--Study of the laws of steady motion.
a.--Measurement of the values of different coefficients.
b.--Study of the influence of different variations of form on those coefficients.
2.--Study of the flow around aerofoils.
a.--Apparent stream deflection.
b.--Tip vortices.
c.--Fundamental and secondary wave.
d.--Pressure distribution.

*Edward P. Warner, chief physicist, NACA Hq.

1"John H. DeKlyn, aeronautical engineer, NACA Hq.


3.--Studyofthedamping phenomenon.
a.--Studyofthedamping laws.
b.--Measurement of thedamping constants.
4.--Studyof thelawsof hydrodynamical similitude.
b.--Experiments withdifferentsizes.
aswellassystems of aerofi)ilshaveto bestudiedfromall the
ll.-- The dragging parts.
Study of the different dragging parts of an aeroplane for symmetrical and asym-
metrical disposition in the flow and evaluation of the influence of the neighborhood
IlL--Study of the blade screws.
l.--Determination of the best sections to be adopted fi)r blades.
2.--Determination of the best shape to be adopted for blades.
3.--Exact measurements of all the coefficients necessary for blade screws design.
4.--Study of the blades interference on the values of the blades coetlicients.
5.--Study of the flow phenomenum around a blade screw.
6.--Study of the blade screw systems.
All this experiment must be conducted taking account of all the new concepts and
results scientifically established.
The study of all the foregoing problems must also include the study of all the
instruments themselves, which are used for measurements, as the wind tunnels, the
different anemometers, etc.

I.--General characteristics of the aeroplane.

1.--Geometrical characteristics.
2.--Mechanical characteristics.
a.--The weighing of the machine.
b.--Determination of the ellipsoide of inertia of a machine.
ll.--The steady motion of the aeroplane.
Measurement of the different forces acting on an aeroplane and study of their
laws of variation.
lll.--Stabilit 3 inz,e._l_ation.
l.--Measurement of all the moments attd fi_rccs acting on an aeroplane in its most
general ease of molion.
2.--Study of the different oscillation phenomenon of an aeroplane.
These investigations must not only seek to establish if a given machine is stable or
not but must also be directed in the sense to find out the general rules to be used in
design by aid of which could be established those dimensions of the aeroplane which
can secure complete stability. The studv of dirigibility* must be considered as a part of
the stability problem.
The Methods

All the foregoing problems can be studied or on models or on lull scale objects.
The full scale experiments can be made or in free flight tests or on special railway
carriages (more generally special electric cars).
For experiments on models the following methods can be used:
I.--The wind tunnel.
2.--The whirling arm.



Bythismethod full-scalepropellers
3.--Themethod of fallingbodies.
Thismethodis susceptible ofa considerable
in thecaseofdropping
4.--Themethod of glidingmodels.
Modelsarebroughtto glidein abigclosedspace andtheirsteady
arestudiedbyphotographical methods.
5.--Theplaneradialscrew method.
/.See my blade screw investigation/.

The Actually Standing Problems

The problems that are the most important for the development of the actual
aviation are the following:
l.--The study of the laws of hydrodynamic similitude to allow to draw exact
conclusions from model test.
2.--The study of the blade screws. The modern theoretical investigations of the
blade screws have brought that problem to such a state that only a very small amount
of measurements have to be performed to reach all the necessary data to design
propellers exceedingly satisfying all the practical demands.
3.--The study of stability. We actually possess already much data on the steady
motion of aeroplanes that allow a pretty good determination of their performance, but
we are far to possess all the necessary data to be able to fully secure the complete
stability and maneuverability of an aeroplane. That is why a special attention must he
devoted to the last questions.

15. L. C. Stearns to Joseph S. Ames, 5 April 1919.

[The Office of Aeronautical Intelligence was one of the busiest in NACA head-
quarters controlling the flow of information that was the NACA's main product. This
early scheme of organization and procedure, later refined and amended, gives the
flavor of the engineering approach to bureaucratic function and suggests the meticu-
lous attention to detail that became part of the NACA style.]

There is transmitted herewith a statement regarding the Office of Aeronautical

Intelligence which contains its authority, its history, and proposed scheme of organiza-
tion, together with rules for the proper conduct of its affairs.
The submission of further Rules may seem out of place at this time. This is not
felt to be the case, however, since previous so-called Rules, owing either to a miscon-
ception or lack of experience on my part, were not rules for the efficient functioning of
the Office of Aeronautical Intelligence, but merely a statement of the routine to be
followed in the conduct of the office details. You will note therefore that under the
scheme of organization reference is made to "Routine to Be Followed" for the filing,
reproduction, and distribution of reports. These statements of routine work are already
familiar to the present existing staff of the Office of Aeronautical Intelligence, a copy
being attached hereto.
Your attention is also called to the fact that no provision for a drafting force as
such is made for the Office of Aeronautical Intelligence, it being my opinion that all
drafting work should be under one section of the Engineering Division of the Commit-
tee's Staff....
For the positions of Technical Assistant and manager, I do not care to make any
recommendations, but in view of the fact that Mr. C. A. Chayne and myself, who at
present function in the above mentioned capacities respectively, desire to give all of


ourtimeto workof anaeronautical engineeringnature,whichrequires release from

thelargeamountofroutineworknecessary to theproperconduction of theOfficeof
it is requested
thatin forminga permanent organization for
the Officeof AeronauticalIntelligence
we benot considered ascandidates for the
unlessourservices in thosecapacities
areabsolutely neces-
Mechanical Engmeer. ]



The Executive Committee of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in
its "Rules and Regulations of the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics," approved by the President of the United States, June 14,
1915, with amendments approved by the President up to May 20, 1918; authorized
under "Regulations for Conduct of Committee," Article III, paragraph 3, "to collect
aeronautical information, and such portion thereof as may be appropriate may be
issued as bulletins or in other forms."

Under date of January 10, 1918, the Executive Committee placed itself on record
as favoring the establishment of an office of aeronautical information under the aus-
pices of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. On February 23, 1918,
action was formally taken by the Executive Committee establishing such an office, to be
known as the ()ffice of Aeronautical Intelligence.
Some action soon thereafter was taken on the part of the Assistant Secretary of
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, looking toward the building up of a
working organization; this was shortly turned over, informally, to L. C. Stearns (then
Technical Assistant on the Committee's Engineering Staff) under whom the organiza-
tion progressed until June 6, 1918, when the first Bulletin (No. A. I. 1) was issued,
containing a list of reports received by the Office of Aeronautical Intelligence up to
June 5, 1918. At that time the personnel of the Office of Aeronautical Intelligence
consisted of I.. C. Stearns, who supervised the work of the Section and supplied the
technical services, and Miss S. C. Nungesser, as index and catalogue clerk.
Under date of June 1, 1918, the Executive Committee instructed Dr. J. S. Ames to
investigate the work of the Intelligence office and submit report and recommendations.
Accordingly, therefore, rules and regulations for the conduction of the office routine of
the ()ffice of Aeronautical Intelligence were drawn up, presented to the Executive
Committee under date of June 8, 1918, and approved thereby.
Under date of August 8, 1918, the Intelligence office was placed under the charge
of the Editorial Subcommittee by the Executive Committee, which at the same time
appointed to membership on the latter subcommittee, Dr. W.C. Sabine, then Director
of Scientific and Technical Data for the Bureau of Aircraft Production, War Depart-
Under date of September 6, Dr. Sabine was appointed Director of Scientific and
Technical Data fi)r the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and placed in
charge of the ()ffice of Aeronautical Intelligence, subject to the general control of the
Editorial Committee. On November 30, 1918, Dr. Sabine resigned from his member-
ship on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. No action was formally
taken relieving him of his office as I)irector of Scientific and Technical Data, but the
control of the Intelligence office in efl'ect reverted to the Editorial Committee ....


Underdateof February 13,1919, a setofrulesandregulations, revised to tit thethen

existingpeaceconditions, wasapproved by Dr.JosephS.Ames,asChairman of the
TheOtficeof Aeronautical Intelligence beingorganized duringthewarperiod,
wascreated for theimmediate purpose of assisting in thedissemination of technical
information relatingto aeronautics amongthemilitary,navalandcertaincivildepart-
mentsof theGovernment whorequiredsuchmaterialforthe successful conductof
theirduties.Underthesecircumstances thedistribution totheindustrywasnotpossi-
ble exceptthroughthe militaryor navalauthorities, although it wasintendedto
arrange forsuchdistribution assoonaspossible underthecircumstances.
Afterthesigningof thearmistice, therefore, effortsweremadetosecure fromthe
militaryauthorities, permission todistributetotheindustry theinformation in thefiles
of theOfficeof Aeronautical Intelligence. UnderdateofJanuary 4, 1919,permission
wasreceived fromtheActingDirectorof MilitaryIntelligence to distribute"to Aircraft
Manufacturers, Designers, etc.,in goodstanding, suchtechnical reportsrelatingtothe
variousphases of research workin aeronautics" asthe National Advisory Committee
for Aeronautics hadreceived fromvarioussources duringthe war.This permission
expressly prohibited thedistribution of "infi)rmation in reference to militaryairplanes,
includingalltheirequipment andaccessories." Thishasbeeninterpreted, however, to
meanonlvinformation ofa militarynature,for obviously a reportonanextensive set
of teststo determine theproperrib or spartouseonanairplane, thoughthelatterbe
amilitarytype,isresearch infi)rmation.
It beingthedutyof theCommittee to "'supervise anddirectthescientific studyof
theproblems of flight,witha viewto theirpracticalsolution,"theencouragement of
thecommercial development ofaeronautics isnecessary, since throughthiscommercial
development andupbuildingof aviationwemayarrivemostsuccessfully andperma-
nentlyatthepractical solutionof theproblems of flight.Asa furthercorollary to the
abovedutywehavethatof providingfor theeducation of futureaeronautical and
aerodynamic engineers andspecialists throughthemedium ofexistingtechnical educa-
Theencouragement of thecommerce of aeronautics andengineering andsi:ien-
tificeducation in aerodynamics andaeronautics canbematerially assisted byextensive
andwelldirecteddissemination anddistribution of technical andresearch information
relatingtoaeronautics anditsscientific progress. It shallbethepurpose, therefore, of
the Officeof Aeronautical Intelligence to collecttechnical, scientificandresearch
information relatingto aeronautics, properlyclassify it anddisseminate the valuable
portionsthereofto theresearch educational andindustrial institutions engaged in, or
associated withaeronautical work.
The organization of the ()ffice of Aeronautical Intelligence as contained in the
Rules adopted June 8, 1918, was as follows:--
Technical Assistant in charge, I+. C. Stearns,
(]hie[ Catalogue and Index Clerk, Miss S. C. Nungesser.
The organization of this office shall hereafter be as follows:-
Manager or Executive
!. Technical Assistant
2. Collaters, or technical employees
3. Principal clerk
a. Index and catalogue clerk
b. File clerks
c. Reproductive clerks
d. Distribution clerks

Theauthority andresponsibilities shallbeasfollows:--

I. Technical andadministrative employees.
1.(a)Themanager isauthorized to exercise soleandcomplete controloverthe
execution ofpoliciesandactivities of theOfficeof Aeronautical Intelligence, andshall
beresponsible onlyto theEditorialCommittee (or to theDirectorof Scientific and
Technical Datashouldonebe appointedon the recommendation of the Editorial
Committee), whoshalldetermine thepolicies of theOfficeofAeronautical Intelligence,
andwhosechairman will callonlyuponthemanager for theexecution of suchorders
asmaybeissuedthereby, pertainingtotheOfficeofAeronautical Intelligence.
(b) All matterssuchasdocuments, correspondence, andinterviews relatingor
pertaining totheOfficeofAeronautical Intelligence, whichmayfall intothehandsof,
or beoriginated byothermembers of theCommittee's technical,administrative or field
staff,shallbecalledassoonaspossible to theattention of themanager whoshall,if
necessary, callsametotheattention of,or takethematterupwiththeChairman ofthe
EditorialCommittee (ortheDirectorofScientific andTechnical Data).
(c)Noticeofallactions pertaining to theOfficeof Aeronautical Intelligence taken
by theExecutive Committee or otherSubcommittees shallbe forwarded assoonas
possible (inwrittenform)to theChairman oftheEditorialCommittee, a copygoingto
themanager atthesametime.
(d)Thefilecopyofallletterswrittenpersonally bytheChairman of theEditorial
Committee (or Directorof Scientific andTechnical Data)pertaining to theOfficeof
Aeronautical Intelligence, shallbeinitialedbythemanager beforebeingfiled.
2.(a)All requests for reports,receipts for documents, letterstransmitting docu-
mentsandlettersofgeneral routineshallbesignedbythemanager, withsuitable title.
(AuthoritywasgrantedL. C. Stearns in letterdatedJuly 11, 1918,to sign"letters
transmitting documents .... lettersor cardsacknowledging receiptof documents.")
(Underdateof December 23,authoritywasgrantedL. C.Stearns to similarlytransmit
reportstobonafideAirplane Manufacturers, in additionto thefunction of transmitting
suchdocuments togovernment agencies.)
(b)In allcorrespondence withotherGovernment Departments requiringa formal
letter,theselettersshallbesignedby theChairman of the EditorialCommittee (or
DirectorofScientific andTechnical Data)afterbeinginitialedbythemanager.
(c)All lettersinvolvingthepolicyof theOfficeof Aeronautical Intelligence shall
besignedby theChairman of the EditorialCommittee (or Directorof Scientific and
Technical Data)afterhavingbeeninitialedbythemanager.
(d)All ordersforstenographic workrequiredin thereproduction of reportsshall
bemadeouton suitable formsfor theStenographic Department of theAdministrative
Divisionof theNational Advisory Committee forAeronautics, andshallbesignedby
(e)All ordersfor draftingworkrequiredin thereproduction of reportsshallbe
madeoutonsuitable formsfortheDraftingDepartment oftheEngineering Divisionof
theNational Advisory Committee forAeronautics, andshallbesignedbythemanager.
(t) All ordersfor photostat or blueprintworkrequiredin thereproduction of
reportsshallbemadeoutonsuitable formsfor theproperdepartment (atpresent this
workisdonegratisbytheAir Service) andshallbesignedbythemanager.
(g)All reportsreceived whicharesuitable for reproduction will besodesignated
(h)Allincoming requests forreportsshallbeapproved bythemanager.
3.Theworkof thetechnical employees of theOfficeof Aeronautical Intelligence
will be directedby the manager, to whomtheywill be directlyresponsible for the
character andamount ofsuchworkasmayasbeassigned them.


4.All reportsreproduced shallbechecked at thepropertimeduringtherepro-

ductiveprocess, certainof thetechnical employees beingassigned by themanager to
5.Themanager maydelegate to thetechnical assistants
or to theotherassistants
suchfunctions as,in theinterests ofgoodadministration, hedeems advisable.
II. ClericalEmployees.
I. Theprincipalclerkwill directtheworkof theclerical employees of theOffice
ofAeronautical Intelligence,andwill bedirectlyresponsible thereforto themanager,
whowill transmitordersto the clericalemployees onlythroughtheprincipalclerk.
2.(a)The dutiesof theindexandcatalogue clerkswill beto suitablyindexand
catalogue allreportsanddocuments received bytheOfficeofAeronautical Intelligence
(seeRoutine to beFollowed in Cataloguing Reports).
(b)Oneof theindexandcatalogue clerksshallbedesignated asbeingin charge
of thisphaseof thework,to whomtheremaining indexandcatalogue clerkswill be
responsible, andwhoin turnwill beresponsible totheprincipal clerkfor theamount
andcharacter of the workassigned to the remaining indexandcatalogue clerks.
3.(a)Thedutiesofthefileclerkswillbetoprepare andfilein suitable receptacles
all reportsor documents aftertheirindexingby theindexandcatalogue clerks(see
Routineto be Followedin Cataloguing Reports), andto removetherefromsuch
reportsor documents asmaybe calledfor by the members of the administrative,,
engineering or fieldStaffsoftheNational Advisory Committee forAeronautics.
(b)Oneofthefileclerkswillbedesignated asbeinginchargeofthisphase ofthe
workandwill beresponsible to theprincipalclerkfor theconditionandcareof the
files,aswellasthecharacter andamount ofworkoftheremaining fileclerks.
4. (a)The dutiesof the reproduction clerkwill beto providefor the proper
reproduction of reports.(SeeRoutine forReproduction ofReports.)
(b)Oneof thereproduction clerksshallbedesignated asbeingin chargeof this
phaseof theworkandwill beresponsible to theprincipal clerkfor theprovision, and
at thetimerequired,of reportsfor reproduction, andshallbe responsible for the
amount andcharacter of theworkoftheremaining reproduction clerks.
5.(a)Thedutiesofthedistribution clerkwillbetoperform thedetailsrequired in
thedistribution ofreports.(SeeRoutine forDistribution ofReports.)
(b) Oneof thedistribution clerksshallbedesignated asbeingin chargeof this
phaseof the workandshallbe responsible to the principalclerkfor the proper
execution of thedetailsin connection withthedistribution of reports,andshallbe
responsible for theamountandcharacter of theworkof the remaining distribution
Prepared: April3, 1919.
Approval: Theabovestatement of theformation, purpose andorganization of the
Officeof Aeronautical Intelligenceis approved bytheExecutive Committee, National
Advisory Committee forAeronautics.
Chairman, Executive Committee
I. Assume receipt
of areport.
1.Inspectedby thetechnical officerwhoclassifies sameby placinguponit the
2.Anabstract ofthereport,if necessary,is indicated.
3. Indicationis madeby underlining ( ) thesubjectsunderwhichthe
reportshouldbecross-indexed alphabetically.

II. Report given to Chief Index Clerk.

1. Clerk looks under general file number given to report, and determines the
serial number of this particular report (next number after that shown on last shelf
card). Clerk then writes card called shelf card (see sample, Fig. 1), which is filed in its
proper place immediately upon being made and must not be removed therefrom. This
is to prevent duplication of serial numbers and consequent confusion.
2. The serial number of the above shelf card is next written on the report itself
(thus 5123.2-13) the latter number being the serial number. The date of this indexing
is then stamped on report.

This subject is determined by Starters ............................................ (File No.) 3640

index clerk from number indi- Title ................................................ (Serial No.) 24
cated on report by technical
This is to enable a copy to be Author (This is to include all
requested by author's name. identification marks made by
Abstract. Indicate here if report is
placed other than in proper
place in general files.

FIG. 1

3. Next a card is made by the Records Clerk for record as follows (see Fig. 2):
author or originating source and serial number, if any, is placed first, then title, date
catalogued, and complete file number. These are very essential to enable the report to
be traced at any time in different ways. These cards serve as chronological record of
reports received, and are not to be filed when made (as was the case for the shelf card)
and those made since date of last casualty list are saved for making next list, after
which they may be arranged and filed according to such serial number as they may
bear, or if none appears, they are filed chronologically.
4. Cards are then made by Assistant Index Clerk for alphabetical cross-index
under subjects indicated by underlining (.__.). The portions of the title so indicated
are to appear as the leading word on the card with the balance of the title properly
grouped and following. Vertical lines (so .... ) may be used to indicate any portion of
title to be omitted in cataloguing.
5. Report itself is placed by Assistant Index Clerk in folder properly numbered to
correspond to this number on the report.
6. This is then handed to Files Clerk who files it under its number in the general
files. If this is not convenient, a dummy is placed indicating where report may be
found. In the case of a report bearing two or more numbers, a dummy is placed in the
files under the number not used, which will indicate where the report is filed.

Airplane Engineering Division, Serial # 148

Dayton, Ohio

5043.1-7 1/14/19

FI_;. 2.


Note:--h is suggested that, when a large number of reports are being indexed at one
time, one operation, such as making the shelf cards, be completed on all the reports
before passing to another operation. This will serve to add to the efficiency of the work
and eliminate confusion.
Date: 1/31/19.

Approved: L. C. Stearns.



I. Assume report in files.

I. The report has been catalogued and casualty list issued in the regular manner.
2. Reports to be reproduced are indicated on the master casualty list which is
inspected at regular intervals by the Reproduction Clerk. (Or reproduction may be
required by the Distribution Clerk. See Distribution.)
3. Reports indicated as above are secured by the Files Clerk at the request of the
Reproduction Clerk. These reports are then prepared by the Reproduction Clerk for
reproduction by separating the drawings, photographs, etc., from the typewritten body
of the report, work orders being made out for the necessary stenographic or drafting
work. These orders are signed by the technical assistant.
4. In the case of photographs or drawings and tables entailing tedious work,
requests for photographic or photostatic work are drawn upon the proper department
and are to be signed by the Executive.
5. The duplicate of the Work Order or Photostat Order when entered on Work or
Photostat Order Record by the Reproduction Clerk is to be placed in the folder of the
report whose number it bears. This is essential to prevent confusion when the originals of
the report seem to be misplaced. When report is returned to its folder, this carbon
copy may be removed and the proper entry made in the Work or Photostat Order

II. Assume completion of stenographic or drafting work.

1. Upon completion of work by the stenographic or drafting departments, the
material is given to a technical assistant to be checked.
2. Upon completion of the checking, the material is returned to the Reproduction
Clerk. If the copies and drawings are to be blueprinted, the number desired being
previously noted upon the Work Order by the Technical Assistant, blueprint requests
are made out as in the case of photostat orders. These orders are then entered and treated as
m the case of duplicate work orders.

III. Assume completion of blueprint and photostat work.

1. The prints are assembled into the form of the complete report by a clerk and
are then ready for distribution pending which they are filed in their proper folder.
Date:January 31, 1919.
Approved: L. C. Stearns.



I. Assume reproduction of several copies of report completed.

1. Lists of reports ready for distribution are made up at frequent intervals in the
form of a bulletin and sent out to the latest authorized mailing list.
2. A limited number of offices receive the reports indicated on Bulletin as well as
copies of the Bulletin.


II. Assume receipt of a request for a report.

1. Request is given to the Executive for approval after which it is given to the
Distribution Clerk.
2. If request is approved, the numbers and titles of reports are entered in the
distribution record, the Distribution Clerk indicating that this has been done by initial-
ing the order in upper right hand corner.
3. Every effort will be made to fill requests in the order of their receipt and as
promptly as possible.
4. The Distribution Clerk will prepare a list of the file numbers of the reports
wanted. This list will be handed to the Files Clerk who will collect copies of the reports
indicated. Note.--Original copies are not to be sent from the office. (See Rules.)
5. If there are not sufficient duplicate copies to meet the Distribution Clerk's
request, the Files Clerk should call same to the altcntion of the Reproduction Clerk
who will cause orders to be prepared for reproduction. In case master sheets exist, this
will mean that a blueprint order should be prepared for several copies. In case no
master sheets have been prepared, work orders for preparing same will be drawn up.
(See "Reproduction.")
6. If the required copies of reports are available, they will be sent out accompa-
nied by a letter of transmittal, the date of transmission being entered in the proper
column of distribution record. The Distribution Clerk will initial the carbon copy of the
transmittal letter when this has been done.
7. The date of the return of receipt is entered in the proper column of the
distribution record, the receipt to be initialed as above when entry has been made.
8. If report is to be returned, this date is noted ill distribution record and the
matter should be promptly followed up and an effort made to have the report re-
9. When any of the above mentioned records have been initialed as indicated, they
are ready to be filed.

Date: 1/31/19

Approved: L. C. Stearns, Executtve.

16. Research Authorization No. 201, 21Jan. 1927.

[The research authorizations tell more about the NACA research program than
any other single series of documents, not because they necessarily describe what was
done at the laboratories but because they explain the what, why, and how of the work
the Committee chose to undertake. This--the RA discussed at length in App. F--shows
the format used with little aheration throughout the NACA's history.]



Title: Investigation of Various Methods of Improving Wing Characteristics by Control

of the Boundary Layer.

By Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory.

Approved:__, 192-.
Approved: January 2 I, 1927.

Chairman, Executive ('ommittee.


Purpose of investigation (Why?) To determine the possibilities of improving wing

characteristics by blowing air through transverse slits, as suggested by Professor R.
Katzmayr, and by sucking air through transverse slits, as proposed at Gottingen
Brief description of method (How?) Tests are to be conducted in the atmospheric wind
tunnel on a model airfoil similar to that used by Professor Katzmayr. These tests
are to be followed by flight tests on a modified TS airplane.
Wind tunnel tests are to be conducted on the method used at Gottingen Univer-
sity, of sucking air through transverse slits.
Investigation requested by Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department, by letter
dated December 2, 1926 (No. Aer-M-152-FAM 301-2 Q B/HK).
Dates of reports

Copies to: E. G. Reid, J. W. Crowley, Max M. Munk, Engineer-in-Charge. Copy made

for E.W.M. 11-1-27. Files (2).

1 7. Memorandum of the Special Committee on Organization of Governmental

Activities in Aeronautics [11 Feb. 1920].

[This memo is one of the few written formulations of the division of responsibil-
ities in aeronautics among government agencies. It was prepared as part of the NACA's
campaign to establish a bureau of aeronautics within the Department of Commerce.
The campaign culminated in the Air Commerce Act of 1926.]




A. Leave to the War and Navy Departments:

1. Training of pilots, observers, photographers, mechanics, etc.
2. Authority to establish Reserve Corps of same, etc.
3. Engineering development.
4. Procurement of aircraft, etc., after submission for approval to Joint Army and
Navy Board (the existing aeronautical board). (In case of the inability of this
board to come to a decision upon any question, it may be referred to the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.)
B. Agencies, such as the Post Office Department, receiving direct appropriation for
aviation purposes, shall control their own procurement, personnel, and operation.
C. The duties of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics shall be left as at
D. Establish Air Navigation Board under Department of Commerce.
Membership: Two members each from: War, Navy, Post Office, Treasury, Com-
merce, Agriculture, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
appointed by the heads of the organizations.
Duties: 1. Receive requests for aircraft needs of civil agencies of the Government
except those for which Congress makes specific appropriations for aircraft,
and make arrangements with the military departments of the Government for
detail of the necessary aircraft, personnel, etc.


2. Formulate rulesandregulations for interstatecivilair navigation,

licenses,etc.Performthe necessary inspection,issuelicenses,enforcethe
regulations,etc.in thenameoftheSecretary ofCommerce.
3.Makeplansforairroutes,airdromes, landingfields,etc.,andin generaltocarry
outwishes of Congress sofarasthedevelopment of commercial aeronautics
bytheGovernment is concerned.
4. Submitannualreportfor inclusionwithannualreportof the Secretary of
Commerce, reviewing itsactivities
andcontaining recommendations regard-
ingallbranches of its work,includingtheneedof theuseof aircraftby the
civilagencies of theGovernment, suggestionsfor moredetailedlegislation
for the regulationof air navigation, andmattersconcerning the general
development of commercial aviation. Makespecial reportsfromtimeto time
whenin itsjudgmentcircumstances require.

18. "A National Aviation Policy, " NACA Annual Report, 1920, pp. 54-56.

[While European nations were promoting commercial aviation by direct subsidy,

the NACA recommended that the United States government foster commercial aviation
indirectly through research, regulation, and support for aids to flying and navigation.
The rationale was to underwrite a healthy industry to form the nucleus of American air
power in future wars. This broadly political recommendation, concerned with the
entire spectrum of aviation, may be contrasted with the Committee's more narrowly
focused statement following World War II (reproduced as document 36).]


Aviation activities during the war were concentrated on the development and
production of military aircraft. The selection of the landing fields that were established
was necessarily guided by military considerations. The close of the war found us with
an aeronautic industry at the stage of quantity production, a large amount of aircraft
material on hand, a large number of trained flyers, and a few scattered landing fields.
In brief, all this constituted the national inheritance from the investment of hundreds
of millions of dollars for the hurried development of military aviation during the war.
In the two years that have elapsed since the armistice a good proportion of the aircraft
material has become obsolete. A majority of the technical personnel and trained flyers
have returned to civil life and to pursuits not connected with aviation. The great
aircraft industry has almost disappeared, and some of the landing fields have been
surrendered. Those that have been retained really represent one of the most valuable
physical assets salvaged from our aircraft expenditures.
As a nation we must seek to realize clearly the lessons of the war and to profit by
them. Our efforts in the development of a military air force and the organization of an
aircraft industry during the war were remarkable accomplishments in themselves, but
the handicap of a negligible industry at the outbreak of the war and the general lack of
technical knowledge were too great to be satisfactorily overcome in a short time,
regardless of the money available. It is now our clear duty to take to heart the lessons
and mistakes of the war period and to shape a national aviation policy that will be
productive of the greatest possible structural development consistent with prudent

The Government agencies actively concerned with the use of aviation at the
present time are the Army Air Service, the Naval Air Service, and the Postal Air
Service. Other agencies such as the (;eological Survey, the Coast and Geodetic Survey,
the Forest Service, etc., have more or less need for the use of aircrafi in their work.
The National Advisory Committee ti)r Aeronautics is concerned not so much with the


promotion of theusesof aviation aswiththescientific studyof theproblems involved

andthetechnical development oftheartforthebenefitofgovernmental agenciesand
of the publicgenerally, but the committee believes thatthe useof aircraftby the
variousgovernmental agencies shouldbeencouraged where itsefficientuseispractica-
ble;alsothatthegeneral development of aviationforallpurposes shouldbeencour-
agedbytheNational Government. Thefaithfulperformance of ournational dutiesin
theserespects becomes compelling fromconsiderations ofwisemilitarypreparedness.
In timeof waraviationwill probably bethefirstarmof offenseanddefense to
comeinto action.Forthistheremustbeanestablished industryanda trainedand
activeair service. Aerialsupremacy attheoutsetofhostilities wouldbea tremendous
militaryadvantage. Ultimatevictorywouldunquestionably inclinetothesidethatcould
establish andmaintainsupremacy in theair.Hugeexpenditures of moneyin timeof
danger andfranticeffortsto trainpersonnel andtodevelop hastilyanaircraftindustry
fromalmostnothingwill notdo.Theremustbewisepreparedness; theremustbein
healthyexistence atleasta nucleus ofanindustry capable ofadequate expansion;there
mustexistcivilandcommercial aeronauticalactivities
in allpartsof thecountrywhich
wouldbethemainsupportof theindustryin timeof peace. In pureself-defense the
Government mustencourage thedevelopment of commercial aviation. Thealternative
proposition is thecreation andmaintenance of a powerful standing militaryairservice
relativelyself-reliant in timeof war.Wecannot,however, affordtheexpense which
sucha policywouldentail,andtherewouldbenoadvantage in timeof peacefrom
suchexpenditures comparable in anywayto theadvantages to be gainedfromthe
supportof civilaviation.Weshouldmaintainanactiveair servicein timeof peace
whichshouldpossess inherentstrengthandbesomething morethana merenucleus
forexpansion in timeof war.In thefinalanalysis, however, wemustdepend uponcivil
aviationto furnisha militaryreserve force.Theremarkable accomplishments of our
MotorTransportService duringthe warwereonlymadepossibleby the healthy
condition ofourautomobile industry. Theproblem is toplaceouraircraftindustry in a
healthycondition,andto do thiswemustenterwithoutdelayupona sane,sound
policyfor thedevelopment ofcivilaviation. Therelativecostof fostering anorganized
planto develop commercial aviationwouldbemuchlessthanthe wastethatwould
inevitably resultfromunprepared entryintowar.Asidefrommilitaryconsiderations,
thefostering of commercial aviation would in time yield adequate returns in itself in
the form of promoting and strengthening our means of transportation, advancing the
progress of civilization, and increasing the national wealth.
Aviation is a distinct advance in civilization given to the world by America. The
importance of the development of aviation from a military standpoint was not fully
appreciated before the war, with the consequent lack of encouragement of the develop-
ment of the art. The handicap of years of comparative inactivity has not yet been
overcome. We cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past. We cannot go back-
ward, but must go forward with the intelligent development of aviation in all its
Aviation is still in its infancy; its possibilities, while unknown, appeal to the
imagination. The forced development during the war and some of the experimental
development since have not been based upon scientific research and sound scientific
principles that make for substantial progress. Technical training is necessary, including
education in advanced aeronautical engineering; so is the actual training of a large
bodv of men in the techniqne of the care and operation of aircraft. Broadly speaking,
scientific research, technical training, and commercial aviation constitute, or should
constitute, the backbone of a national policy.
Reducing to definite fi_rm the steps which in the opinion of the National Advisory
Committee fi)r Aeronautics are wise and timely, the committee, after careful consider-


ationofall thefactswithinitsknowledge, submits thefollowingspecific recommenda-

First.Thatlegislation beenacted providingfor Federal regulation of commercial
airnavigation, licensing of pilots,aircraft,landingfields,etc.At thepresent timethere
is no authority of lawfor anyexecutive agencyof theGovernment to performsuch
duties.The committee believes thatfor the executive administration of thesenew
dutiesof government thereshouldbeestablished in theDepartment of Commerce a
bureauof aeronautics in chargeof a commissioner of airnavigation, whoshouldalso
become a memberof the NationalAdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics. Actingin
cooperation with theWar,Navy,andPostOfficeDepartments, the committee has
prepared a draftof legislation whichappears in full in a preceding sectionof this
reportundertheheading"Organization of Governmental Activitiesin Aeronautics,"
andwhichit strongly recommends fortheimmediate consideration ofCongress. In this
connection thecommittee recommends alsotheadoptionofa policyof Federal aidto
theStates in theestablishment of landingfieldsfor general usein everyStatein the
Second. ThattheCongress authorize anAmerican airplanecompetition in order
to stimulate privateendeavor in the development of newandimproveddesigns of
aircraft,thecompetition tobeunderthedirectionoftheNational Advisory Comnfittee
for Aeronautics, the entriesof the successful competitors to be purchased by the
Government ata predetermined andannounced figureandmadeavailable for theuse
ofthePostal Air Service.
Third. That adequate appropriations be madefor the militaryandnavalair
services inorderto permitthecontinuous development of theseexceedingly important
armsof the two services, andto enablethemto placeordersin sucha wayasto
maintaina nucleusof an aircraftindustrycapable of sufficientexpansion to meet
militaryneedsin timeof emergency. Thecommittee considers thisabsolutely essential.
Fourth.Thatthecontrolof navalactivities in aeronautics becentralized undera
navalbureauof aeronautics in chargeof a directorof navalaviation.At thepresent
timeresponsibility for thedevelopment of navalaviation is dividedbetween theOffice
of Operations andthe numerous bureaus of the NavyDepartment. This basisof
organization doesnotpermitfull cooperation withtheArmyAir Service or withother
governmental andcivilagencies nordoesit, in theopinionofthecommittee, promote
theefficientdevelopment ofaviation withintheNavy.
Fifth.ThattheAir MailService of thePostOfficeDepartment befurtherextended
anddeveloped. Thisservice hasgiventhebestdemonstration of thepracticability of
theuseof aircraftforcivilpurposes. It hasbeenseriously handicapped byinabilityto
secure suitableairplanes adaptedto its work.The questionis oneof design,which
shouldbe handledby the industry.The remedylies in the development of the
industry,whichcanonlybebroughtaboutat anearlydateby theindorsement and
prosecution bytheGovernment ofaconstructive, comprehensive policy.
Sixth.ThattheCongress approve theprogram ofscientific research inaeronautics
formulated by thecommittee andprovidefor theenlarged facilitiesnecessary tot its
prosecution. Continuous scientificresearch isnecessary fortherealadvancement ofthe
science of aeronautics. Thenumberandimportance of problems requiringsolution
haveincreased greatlywiththegeneral development of aircraft,andthedevelopment
of airplanes of all-metal construction will requirea largeincrease in theaerodynamic
research andengineering experimentation conducted by thecommittee attheI+angley
Memorial Aeronautical I+aboratorv atl+angley Field,Va.


19. Report of the NACA Subcommittee on Federal Regulation of Air Navigation,

9 April 1921, from NACA Annual Report, 1921, pp. 13-15.

[In response to a l April 1921 letter from President Warren G. Harding, the
NACA prepared this report, which represents its mature judgment on what should be
included in civil-aviation legislation. Note that the NACA recommends for itself "in an
advisory capacity, the coordination of all aeronautical activities of the Government."
Five appendixes expanding on provisions of the basic report have been deleted.]


Washington, D.C., April 9, 1921.

The White House.
DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: In accordance with your letter of April 1, 1921, addressed to
Dr. Charles D. Walcott, chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
this committee organized a special subcommittee on Federal regulation of air naviga-
tion, as follows:
War Department: Maj. Gen. C. T. Menoher, United States Army; Maj. W. G.
Kilner, United States Army.
Navy Department: Rear Admiral D. W. Taylor, United States Navy; Commander
Kenneth Whiting, United States Navy.
Post Office Department: Mr. E. C. Zoll, Mr. C. I. Stanton.
Department of Commerce: Dr. S. W. Stratton, Mr. E. T. Chamberlain.
Representatives from civil life: Mr. Sidney Waldon, Mr. F. H. Russell, Mr. Glenn
L. Martin.
Dr. Charles D. Walcott, chairman.
Mr. J. F. Victory, secretary.
This subcommittee has taken up, as you directed, the question of Federal regula-
tion of air navigation, air routes to cover the whole United States, and cooperation
among the various departments of the Government concerned with aviation, and, in
addition, the two questions specified in your letter:
"(a) What can and should be done without further legislative action.
"(b) What legislative action and appropriations are necessary to carry into effect
the recommendations of the subcommittee."
The report of this subcommittee is as follows:
The following general considerations on a national aviation policy are recom-
1. Aviation is inseparable from the national defense. It is necessary to the success
of both the Army and the Navy. Each should have complete control of the character
and operations of its own air service.
2. Aeronautics is a comparatively new science capable of such tremendous and
rapid development that it is of vital importance, in time of peace, to make the greatest
possible progress in the science itself. Everything should be done to stimulate inven-
tion and to encourage the practical use of aircraft of all kinds and of all the equipment
and appliances necessary or incidental thereto.
3. It is considered impracticable in time of peace to maintain a large armed air
force, but it is considered imperative that we maintain a sufficient nucleus of available
personnel, including organized reserves, and of adequate equipment of the most
modern type as a foundation upon which to build at the outbreak of war.
4. It is essential that commercial aviation be fostered and encouraged in harmony
with the military and naval aviation policies and programs. The development of avia-
tion as a whole will be made with the minimum of expense to the Government through


the adoption of a wise and constructive policy for the upbuilding of commercial
5. The air mail service is an important initial step in the development of civil and
commercial aviation. It must be maintained and extended as rapidly as possible, not
only to carry the mails but to become a potential war reserve.
6. It is a pressing duty of the Federal Government to regulate air navigation;
otherwise independent and conflicting legislation by the various States will be enacted
and hamper the development of aviation. For this purpose a bureau of aeronautics
should be established in the Department of Commerce ....
7. Approved policies with respect to the encouragement and development of
commercial aviation should be carried out by the Department of Commerce.
8. The Army Air Service should be continued as a coordinate combatant branch of
the Army. Its existing organization should be used in cooperation with the Navy, Post
Office, and other governmental agencies in the prompt establishment of national
continental airways and in cooperation with the States and municipalities in the estab-
lishment of local airdromes, landing fields, and other necessary facilities.
9. The Naval Air Service and the control of naval activities in aeronautics should
be centralized in a bureau of aeronautics in the Navy Department.
10. The continuous prosecution of scientific research in aeronautics is now pro-
vided for by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, established by law in
1915, and broad questions of policy regarding the coordination of the activities of all
governmental agencies concerned with aeronautics should be referred to that commit-
tee for consideration and recommendation.
I 1. The National Committee for Aeronautics should have authority to recommend
to the heads of the departments concerned on questions of policy regarding the
development of aviation, and to recommend to departmental heads desirable undertak-
ings or developments in the field of aviation. To provide for the more effective
discharge of these functions, the chief of the air mail service of the Post Office
Department and the chief of the proposed Bureau of Aeronautics in the Department of
Commerce should be members of tile committee.
12. Under this policy, there would be an Army Air Service under the Secretary of
War; a Naval Air Service under the Secretary of the Navy, with its activities centralized
in a Bureau of Aeronautics in the Navy Department; an air mail service under the
Postmaster General; a bureau of aeronautics for the regulation of air navigation, under
the Secretary of Commerce, and for carrying out such policies as may be adopted tor
the encouragement and upbuilding of civil and commercial aviation; a National Advi-
sory Committee for Aeronautics for the continuous prosecution of scientific research in
aeronautics, and, in an advisory capacity, the coordination of all aeronautical activities
of the Government.
Referring specifically to the detailed questions under the three headings, namely,
(1) "Federal regulation of air navigation," (2) "Air routes to cover the whole United
States," (3) "'Cooperation among the various departments of the Government con-
cerned with aviation," the committee reports as follows:


(a) Federal regulation of air navigation can not be accomplished under existing
laws. Smuggling and other illegal uses of aircraft can be prevented in a measure.
(b) It is recommended that a bureau of aeronautics be established in the Depart-
ment of Commerce... for the regulation of air navigation and for carrying out such
policies as may be adopted for the encouraging and upbuiiding of civil and commercial
aviation, and that an estimate of $200,000 be submitted for the fiscal year 1922.



(a) The Post Office Department is specifically authorized to establish an air route
between New York and San Francisco. There is some question as to whether existing
laws permit it to establish other routes.
The Army has no specific authority of law to establish air routes, but has charted
seven important mail airways as follows:
1. One route from Augusta, Me., to Camp Lewis, Wash.
2. One from Washington, D.C., to San Francisco, Calif.
3. One from Savannah, Ga., to San Diego, Calif.
4. One from Augusta, Me., to Miami, Fla.
5. One from Camp Lewis, Wash., to San Diego, Calif.
6. One from Laredo, Tex., to Fargo, N. Dak.
7. One from Chicago, I11., to Baton Rouge, La ....
(b) In order to enable the Army to carry forward its program of air routes to cover
the whole United States, it is recommended that an appropriation of $2,000,000 be
made available during a period of two years.
Attention is drawn to "Necessary aerological service and estimate of costs." It is
recommended that such portions of the appropriations asked for as are necessary to
give aerologiai service on the approximately 4,000 miles of air mail routes now in
commission be made available, and that the funds to cover additional stations along the
national continental air routes to cover the whole United States be made available as
fast as the need is indicated by the Army and the Post Office Department.
It is recommended that legislation be enacted which will definitely authorize the
Post Office Department to establish air mail routes between Chicago, Minneapolis, and
St. Paul, and between Chicago and St. Louis, and such other air mail routes as may be
determined by the Postmaster General as the need for them arises, taking full advan-
tage, wherever practicable of existing or contemplated airways.



(a) Cooperation among the air services of the Army, Navy, and Post Office with
Coast and Geodetic Survey, Bureau of Fisheries, Coast Guard, Weather Bureau, Geo-
logical Survey, and forest patrol service is being carried on with excellent results ....
It is recommended that the President direct the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics to appoint a subcommittee composed of representatives of the War, Navy,
Post Office, and Commerce Departments, and two civilians representing the aircraft
industry, who shall survey the engineering and production facilities of the aircraft
industry and shall recommend a policy calculated to sustain and develop the industry
to meet the needs of the Government.
(b) Attention is drawn to . . . forest fire patrol .... It is recommended that the
funds ($217,151) and personnel asked for be made available for the purpose specified.
In summing up this report, permit me to emphasize the immediate need of
legislation to provide for--
First. A naval air service under the Secretary of the Navy, with its activities
centralized in a bureau of aeronautics in the Navy Department.
Second. A bureau of aeronautics under the Secretary of Commerce for the regula-
tion of air navigation and the encouragement and upbuilding of civil and commercial
Third. The development of a system of national continental air routes to cover the
whole United States and to include the meteorological service essential thereto.
Fourth. The extension of the air mail service.


Fifth.Makingthe chiefof the air mailserviceandthe chiefof the proposed

bureauof aeronautics
of the Department of Commerce members of the National
C. D. WALCOTT, Chairman.

20. "Report of Proceedings of Second General Conference between Representatives

of Aircraft Manufacturers and Operators and National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, " held at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory on 24 May
1927, undated.

[The annual industry conferences at Langley Laboratory showed off the Commit-
tee's work, brought Langley staff members into contact with colleagues from whom
they were otherwise isolated, and gave the aeronautical community an opportunitv to
propose research to the NACA. The problems of cowling, streamlining, and low-speed
maneuverability raised at this conference all became major NACA research projects.]

The second general conference between representatives of aircraft manufacturers

and operators and of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics was held on
Tuesday, May 24, 1927, at the Committee's research laboratory, known as the Langley
Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, located at Langley Field, Virginia. This conference
was attended by representatives of aeronautical trade journals and of educational
institutions engaged in the teaching of aeronautical engineering, in addition to the
representatives of the industry. The National Advisory Committee fi)r Aeronautics was
represented by its Subcommittees on Aerodynamics and Materials for Aircraft and
members of its laboratory staff.
The members of the subcommittees and most of the invited guests journeyed by
boat from Washington to Old Point Comfort and were conveyed to Langley Field by
automobile, while others of the party flew direct to Langley Field and some proceeded
by train.
The Washington steamer arrived at Old Point at 6:45 a.m. Breakfast was served at
the Sherwood Inn at 7:00 a.m. At 8:00 a.m., the party left Old Point in Army
automobiles and arrived at the Officers' Club at Langley Field, at 8:25 a.m.


The opening session was held at 8:30 a.m. in the Officers' Club at Langley Field,
Virginia. Dr. Joseph S. Ames, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee fi)r
Aeronautics, acted as Chairman of the conference. A list of those present is appended.
Doctor Ames stated that the conference has been called by the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics upon action of the Executive Committee, and that the
primary purpose was to secure a discussion of problems involved in the design and
construction of aircraft, with special emphasis upon the problems growing out of the
needs of commercial aviation, with a view to the incorporation of such problems into
the research programs of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics for the
ensuing year. Before going into the problems, however, the Chairman stated that he
would like to introduce Colonel C. C. Culver, Commanding Officer at Langley Field, to
whom the Committee felt very much indebted for his interest and cooperation.
Colonel Culver welcomed the guests, saying that not only the research laborato-
ries but the military authorities at Langley Field felt honored by their presence ....
The Chairman thanked Colonel Culver for his warm welconle and interesting
address. He stated that a great deal of the success of the Langley Memorial Aeronauti-


cal Laboratory depended on the cooperation of the Commanding Officer at Langley

Field, and that Colonel Culver had done everything possible in this respect, because of
his knowledge and appreciation of the Committee's work.
The Chairman said that before the members of the conference visited the various
laboratories he wished them to understand clearly the character and scope of the
Committee's activities and the facilities and methods employed.
The Chairman then introduced Mr. H. J. E. Reid, Engineer-in-Charge of the
Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory.
Mr. Reid welcomed those attending the conference and said that he was glad of
the opportunity of meeting the representatives of the aircraft industry and obtaining
from them suggestions as to what further work the Committee could do that would be
of assistance to the manufacturers in their work. He announced that after the heads of
sections had spoken, an inspection of the laboratories would be made in three groups,
to be known as the red, white, and green groups according to the color of tags issued
to members of the conference at the time of registration. He stated that those with red
tags would be under the direction of Mr. Lewis, those with white tags would be under
the direction of Mr. Truscott, and those with green tags would be under the direction
of Mr. H.J.E. Reid.
Mr. Reid, Engineer-in-Charge, then introduced Mr. Elliott G. Reid, the engineer
in charge of the atmospheric wind tunnel.
Mr. E. G. Reid stated that during the past year his section had been studying three
major problems, which consisted of a series of pressure distribution tests on models of
wings of the Boeing PW-9, an investigation of spinning in general with particular
reference to the rather new problem of flat spinning, or autorotation, and an investiga-
tion of airfoil characteristics as affected by control of the boundary layer flow. In the
course of his remarks, Mr. E. G. Reid displayed a series of charts relating to the various
items. These included charts showing the pressure distribution over the upper and
lower wings of the PW-9, a chart showing the autorotational characteristics of different
wings and wing sections, and charts showing the effect on the air flow around a wing of
sucking in air and discharging air, respectively, through slots in the wing surface.
Mr. George J. Higgins, the engineer in charge of the variable-density wind tunnel,
was next introduced and he gave a brief outline of the work being done in that wind
tunnel. He stated that tests had been made on British models with three different wing
sections and the results correlated with those that had been obtained in England by
tests of the same models in an atmospheric tunnel and with a full-sized airplane in
flight. He said that tests had also been made on an airship model with different
fineness ratios. He exhibited charts showing the effect of"scale" on the R.A.F. 15, 19,
and 30 airfoils, and the effect of scale on the drag coefficient of a model of an airship.
Mr. Reid then introduced Mr. Elton W. Miller, the engineer in charge of the
Propeller Research Equipment.
Mr. Miller described the Propeller Research Equipment as a large wind tunnel of
the Eiffel type, in which a full-sized airplane fuselage may be mounted. He said the
purpose is to test full-sized propellers under flight conditions and measure the forces.
He stated that the air velocity is 100 miles an hour at the throat and decreases to about
12 miles an hour at the opening to the entrance cone. He exhibited diagrammatic
charts of the Propeller Research Equipment and added that it would be operated for
the first time to-day.
Mr. George L. Dawson, the engineer in charge of the Instrument Section, was
next introduced and stated that the work undertaken by that section consisted mainly
of the development of special instruments to be used by the Aerodynamics and Power
Plant Divisions in their various investigations. He showed on various charts the optical
system used on many of the N.A.C.A. instruments and the principles of the accelerom-
eter and of the pressure-measuring instruments.


Mr.JohnW.Crowley, Jr., theengineer in chargeof theFlightResearchSection,

describedthepressure distributionteststhathadbeenconducted duringthepastyear.
He saidthattherewasin progress at thepresenttimeaninvestigation of pressure
distributionoverthewingandtail surfaces of thePW-9airplane, thepressurebeing
measured at250pointsoverthewholeairplane. Bychartsheshowed theaccelerations
obtained atthecenterof gravity,thewingtip,andatthetailof aPW-9Boeing pursuit
airplanein a "pull-up";thepressure distributiononthewingsof thePW-9airplane;
andthepressure distribution
on thehull andtail surfaceof the U.S.S.Los Angeles.
Mr. Reid then introduced Mr. Thomas Carroll, Chief Test Pilot of the Committee,
who is in charge of the Flight Operations Section.
Mr. Carroll gave a brief outline of the work that has been done by the Flight
Operations Section during the past year. He said that an investigation had been
conducted on the characteristics of airplanes and seaplanes in taking off and landing
and also that a study of ground effect had been made.
Mr. Marsden Ware, the engineer in charge of the supercharger development at
Langley Field, was next introduced.
Mr. Ware described the N.A.C.A. Roots supercharger and stated that, while it is
similar in principle to the Roots supercharger that has been used commercially, it
differs in many important respects. He then brought out the points wherein the two
types differed, and exhibited charts showing the characteristics of the supercharger and
the effects obtained by fitting it to airplane engines.
Mr. W. F. Joachim, the engineer in charge of fuel-injection research, was then
introduced and stated that the National Advisory Committee, realizing the importance
of the development of aircraft in general and especially the importance of increasing
the safety from fire hazard, and also increasing the distance of flight, undertook the
study and development of the high-speed oil engine for aircraft in 1920. Since that
time considerable progress has been made in the development of this engine and Mr.
Joachim outlined briefly the investigations that had been carried on. He further stated
that it took four years to perfect the Committee's present spray photography equip-
ment with which high-speed moving pictures are taken of oil sprays at rates up to 4,000
pictures per second.
Mr. Reid then requested all those who had not registered please to do so.
The Chairman announced that Mr. Reid would like to have the names of all those
who intended to return by the Cape Charles route, so that reservations could be made.
He further added that Mr. Reid had several announcements he wished to make.
Mr. Reid stated that at 4:00 p.m. there was to be a demonstration in the hangar of
the Katzmayr effect as applied to a TS airplane and also a flight of a Vought airplane
with a cut-out center section. He said that transportation would be furnished by Army
cars and by members of the laboratory staff. Mr. Reid invited attention to the programs
which had been distributed and asked the cooperation of all in adhering to the
The members of the conference then stepped outside the Officers' Club and
posed for a group photograph, after which they divided into three groups and
proceeded on a tour of inspection of the Committee's laboratories, in accordance with
the following schedule:

.... Red White Green


Atmospheric Wind Tunnel ...................... I 1 9:45 4 11:20 2 10:25

5 11:37 3 10:42
Variable Density Tunnel ......................... I 2 10:02
Instruments Section ................................. / 3 10:20 l 9:45 4 I I:00


Red ] White
Power PlantLaboratory
......................... 4 10:45] 2 10:10 5 l 1:25
Airplanes....................... 5 11:20] 3 10:45 1 9:50
ResearchEquipment .............. 6 11:55 ] 6 11:55 6 I 1:55

At 12:30 the members of the conference reassembled in the Officers' Club for a
buffet luncheon.


At 1:30 p.m. the conference reconvened in the Officers' Club with Dr. Ames
presiding as Chairman.
The Chairman stated that, before beginning the formal proceedings for the after-
noon, he would like to announce that Mr. Lewis had telephoned to the Washington
office of the Committee to get the latest news in regard to the Italian officer, de
Pinedo, who was flying from New York to the Azores, and that the latest word received
was that he had been picked up near the Azores. This report was unconfirmed but the
press regarded it as authentic.
The Chairman then stated the object of the joint conference, his remarks being
substantially as follows:
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics called the meeting primar-
ily for its own benefit, as it is the duty of the Committee to furnish advice to
everyone interested in aeronautics and to determine by scientific experiments the
information on which this advice is based.
The primary purpose of the conference is to secure a discussion of problems
involved in the design and construction of aircraft, with special emphasis upon the
problems growing out of the needs of commercial aviation, with a view to the
incorporation of such problems into the research programs of the National Advi-
sory Committee for Aeronautics for the ensuing year.
In the past, efforts of the Committee have been concentrated mainly on
problems which have arisen in the military services, but, owing to the passage of
the Air Commerce Act of 1926 and the consequent growth of commercial aviation,
it seems desirable for the Committee to consider also problems relating particu-
larly to civil and commercial aviation. The Committee, therefore, is anxious to
have brought to its attention the problems growing out of commercial aviation
which its laboratories are equipped to study.
Having visited the laboratories of the Committee and having met the mem-
bers of its technical staff, those attending this conference probably have in their
minds a picture as to what the Committee can do. The Committee stands ready to
do anything it can. It is not interested in problems relating to any one particular
type of aircraft, it is interested in fundamental problems; but there is no funda-
mental problem which does not have a practical bearing. The Committee would
welcome any suggestions which would guide it in the problems to be undertaken.
The Chairman then stated that he thought it best to call upon a few men
individually, because he believed they would be able to start a discussion and to offer
suggestions which would be helpful. He first called upon Mr. Frank H. Russell, who
represented the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Russell stated that the problems of commercial aviation, and the building of
airplanes particularly, as distinguished from the problems of military aviation, were
coming before the manufacturers of this country with increasing force, and that Doctor
Ames's remark that the Committee is ready to assist the industry along this line came


asa verywelcomeone.Mr.Russell
of thelaboratoriesof
theCommitteehethoughtthegrowthoverlastyearwasalmostphenomenal. Hesaid
the engineers,
andseethe wonderfulequipment withoutgoingaway inspired and
The Chairmen then called upon Honorable E. P. Warner, Assistant Secretary of
the Navy for Aeronautics.
Mr. Warner stated that so far as the relation of the services to the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is concerned, he was reminded of a wonder that
had often crossed his mind as to how human beings ever existed without electric lights,
automobiles, and other conveniences that are now accepted so much as a matter of
course. He said it seemed now, after seven or eight years of intensive aeronautical
research at Langley Field and elsewhere, difficult to conceive how any use of the
airplane or any branch of aeronautical operation or aeronautical engineering could
have got along without that research, and obviously difficult to conceive how much
poorer would have been our knowledge of the data upon which the progress of
aeronautical engineering rests had there been no National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics and no laboratory at Langley Field. He stated that it was well known that
the Army and Navy have been receiving constant assistance from the National Advisory
Committee and that the services had learned to lean upon the Committee. He added
that the services have from time to time been able to give assistance by furnishing
equipment on loan. Mr. Warner said that, speaking to some degree oil behalf of the
services, he could say that the services recognized their interest in the development of
commercial aviation, in the strengthening of the industry by the expansion of its
commercial market; and as a very important means to the consequent strengthening of
tile industry, tile Navy would be glad to do everything in its power to assist the
National Advisory Committee in any work that might appear likely to be useftll to that
Mr. Warner than stated that, speaking as an individual engineer, who like all the
other members of the conference had been interested in visiting the laboratories of the
National Advisory Committee, there was one suggestion he would like to renew frnm
last year's meeting. He said at that time the Air Mail routes were just getting under way
and that the future of commercial aviation seemed rather uncertain, but that now after
an additional year of experience it was quite clear that the carriage of passengers was
going to become important as well as the carriage of mail, and he thought a study
should be made of some of the factors that bear on the comfort and convenience of the
passengers of the airplane, and especially on the question of noise and the means of
eliminating those sounds which produce unpleasant effects upon the ears of the occu-
pants of the cabin.
The Chairman then called upon Admiral H. I. Cone, Vice President and Treasurer
of the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics.
Admiral Cone stated that, judging from his long experience as an engineer, he
believed that there had never been in the history of engineering any branch that
depended more on laboratory work, and on the fundamentals of mathematics, physics,
and other sciences, than aeronautics. He said that we in this country were particularly
fortunate in having available the laboratories of the National Advisory Committee.
He said that members of the industry and all who are interested in commercial
aviation could congratulate themselves that there is a body of distinguished scientists,
physicists, mathematicians, and engineers like the members of the National Advisory
Committee [or Aeronautics who give their time and attention to helping in the solution
of the problems of aeronautics.
He said that the Gugge.nheim Fund was anxious to assist in every way possible and
was looking for ways to aid in the development of aeronautics. He said he wished to


reportthat when the Guggenheim Fund was first organized, and had no definite ideas
as to how to accomplish its purpose, it had been helped more by the National Advisory
Committee, and especially by Dr. Lewis, than he could say.
Admiral Cone said that there was probably no one who knew more the difficulties
of carrying on the work of an establishment like these laboratories than he himself. He
said that such an establishment is hampered at every turn, no matter how eager it may
be to respond to requests, by regulations of all kinds, by "red tape" with reference to
the expenditure of funds, etc., and that everyone, in dealing with the Committee,
should bear this in mind and be patient, being ready to assist in every way, as well as
demand of the Committee.
Admiral Cone thanked the Chairman for the privilege of speaking.
The Chairman called upon Mr. T. P. Wright, Chief Engineer of the Curtiss
Aeroplane and Motor Company, stating that last year Mr. Wright had given the
conference helpful suggestions.
Mr. Wright said that, in connection with the preparation of the rules for the safety
competition recently instituted by the Guggenheim Fund, a great deal of study was
given to the factors that went into the safety of the airplane and it was found that one
of the important requirements was that the airplane must have controllability at low
speeds. He suggested that this is the feature along the line of safety which calls for
more attention on the part of the Advisory Committee than any other. He pointed out
that the Committee is working on this problem in connection with the investigation of
slotted wings, and he hoped this would lead to greater knowledge of the effect of slots
and of combination of slots with aileron action, which would lead to greater improve-
ment than can be realized now. He added that he hoped the study of controllability at
low speeds and at high angles of attack, and the control of the burbling of the wing,
would be carried as far as practicable in the next year or two.
The Chairman said that at last year's conference a question was asked by Mr.
Charles Ward Hall, of Charles Ward Hall, Incorporated, which led to an investigation
taken up by the Committee. He called upon Mr. Hall for further suggestions.
Mr. Hall expressed the opinion that there was one element of investigation which
has not been carried as far as it might be, namely, the study of the effect of minute
protuberances here and there on an otherwise faired streamline body. He said that
such information was important in connection with the use of radial engines.
The Chairman remarked that, in the testing of models in the variable-density
tunnel, it is essential to reproduce on the model every point on the full-sized airplane.
He said that in an atmospheric wind tunnel such detail is not necessary, but in variable-
density, to get results free from the scale effect, it was necessary to use models accurate
in every detail.
The Chairman said that the question of sound was a very difficult one, and it was
hoped to obtain some information along this line from the operation of the Propeller
Research Equipment.
The Chairman said he would now call upon a man who had particular reason to
be proud of the product of his factory, Mr. Charles W. Lawrance, President of the
Wright Aeronautical Corporation, which built the engine used in the airplane in which
Mr. Lindbergh recently crossed the Atlantic.
Mr. Lawrance said he would like to enlarge a little on Mr. Hall's remarks. He said
that the question of the cowling of air-cooled engines was one about which very little is
known, as can be seen from examination of different kinds of airplanes. He described
two entirely different conditions of cowling, and pointed out that no definite knowl-
edge was available of the resistance conditions in the two cases. He said it would be
very valuable if in the new large sized tunnel an engine could be equipped with various
kinds of cowling and experiments conducted on the effects of the different types.


TheChairman saidthattheremarkhadbeenmadethattwoor threewindtunnels

likethePropeller Research Equipment wereneeded onaccount of thelargenumber of
problems whichneeded tobesolvedin sucha tunnel.Hesaidthatthequestion of the
cowling oftheair-cooled enginewasoneofthefirstwhichtheCommittee hadresolved
TheChairman thencalleduponMr. S.M. Fairchild,President of theFairchild
Mr. Fairchildsaidthathe hadmademanycontactsat this conference, and
suggested thatit mighthavebeenwelltohavetheconference twodays.Hesaidthat
theproblem in whichhewasparticularly interested wastheuseoflow-speed propellers
andthatsofarit hasnotbeenpossible to getveryaccurate dataalongthislinefrom
flighttests.Hepointedoutthatthenewpropeller-research equipment wouldbemost
valuable in thisconnection, astestsmaybecarriedon whichtakeintoconsideration
theeffects ofthefuselage andotherfactorswhichareapparently veryhardtocalculate.
Mr. Fairchildalsopointedout the desirability of a studyof the resistance of
cylinderheads sticking outofthevarious formsofcowling.
The Chairman nextcalleduponDr. KarlArnstein,of the Goodyear-Zeppelin
Dr.Arnstein saidthatthoseinterested in lighter-than-airdevelopment hadreason
to beverygratefulto theNationalAdvisory Committee for Aeronautics for thewind
tunneltestsofairshipmodelsin thehigh-pressure windtunnel.Hesaidthatthenew
balance wasa marvelous achievement, andwouldinsuregreateraccuracy. Hesaidthat
another important development by the Committee was the work being done toward the
solution of the high-speed oil engine and remarked that it was unnecessary to say that
the development of the oil engine would increase the safety and economy of airship
He said he was greatly impressed by the Propeller Research Equipment and hoped
airship tests would be conducted in it with full-sized airship cars.
The Chairman said he would call on the representative of the company respon-
sible for the development of a great deal of aircraft material in this country, Mr. S. K.
Colby, a representative of the Aluminum Company of America and president of the
American Magnesium Corporation.
Mr. Colby said that the question in which he was particularly interested was that of
materials, and that the display he had witnessed that morning was one that he could
not completely comprehend. He was impressed particularly with the scope of the
laboratory, with the wind tunnel and flight research carried on. He said that if there
were two or three such laboratories the answers to the questions of commercial
aviation would come a great deal sooner.
He said that the particular detail in which he was interested was magnesium. He
said it had been thought the development of this metal would grow rapidly, but it had
not grown as rapidly as was expected; that the difficulties would be solved, but had not
been solved yet.
The Chairman said that he had called upon a number of the people present whom
he happened to know personally and who knew something about the Committee. He
then requested that others in the conference suggest fundamental problems for investi-
gation by the Committee.
Mr. R. W. A. Brewer of Pitcairn Aviation, Incorporated, said he was interested in
the question Professor Warner had raised, the question of noise, to which he had
referred at last year's conference. He said that another thing on which he would like to
have information was tied up with the question of cowling, and that was the most
suitable way of handling the exhaust in the radial air-cooled engine, whether by ring
manifolds, short stacks, or what. He would like to be advised as to some way of


handlingmanifolding notonlyfromtheviewpoint of silencing, but of thecomfortof

thepassengers andof thedurability oftheproductitself.
Hesaidhewasalsointerested in thequestion of materials fromwhichcylinders
canbe made,andhebelievedthedevelopment of an improved methodof cylinder
construction wouldbea greatadvance in the commercial air-cooled engineat the
Mr.R.H.Upson,of theAircraftDevelopment Corporation, referredtothegreat
dependence of lighter-than-air designatthepresent timeupontheCommittee's lab-
oratories atLangley Field.Hesaidthattheproblemof scale effect,whichis a serious
oneevenwithheavier-than-air craft,becomes a verydominant problemwithlighter-
than-aircraft,on account of thefactthatnotonlyarethescale differences actuallyso
muchgreater butalsothetypesof full-sized lighter-than-air craftareof suchadelicate
character thattheyseemto bepeculiarly sensitive tochanges in scale.Hepointedout
thattheNational Advisory Committee hadtheonlytwotunnels in thiscountry,if not
in theworld,whicharesuitedto thesolutionof thedifficultyof scaleeffect,particu-
larlvwithreference tolighter-than-air craft,andthattheproblems ofairshipresistance
canbestudiednowhere elseasthoroughly asin eitherthehigh-pressure tunnelor the
newlargetunnel.Hesaidthattherewerecountless problems whichmightbestudied
withverygoodadvantage, includingtheshape, form,anddisposition of tailsurfaces,
andthattheinvestigation of varyingfitnessratioshadalready beenstarted. He said
thata thorough studyofthisprobleminvolves studynotonlyof thevarious curves for
variousfineness ratiosbutof thevariations in thecurveofresults forthesamefineness
TheChairman statedthattheBritishAeronautical Research Committee hasbeen
studying theproblemofa suitable designfora windtunnelsimilarto thisCommittee's
variable-density tunnel,andhadsentto thisCommittee confidential reportsprepared
byBritishscientists on themeritsanddemerits of ourtunnel.HesaidthattheBritish
wereskeptical of ourtunnelbecause theywereconvinced thatthecharacter of flowin
our tunnelwasturbulent, andthata tunnelof the Eiffeltypewaspreferable. The
Chairman pointedout,however, thattheresultsobtained bytheCommittee onmodels
testedin thevariable-density windtunnelchecked closely withactualflighttestsmade
in England on full-sizedairplanes of thesametype,whereas thesetwosetsof results
wereat variance withtheresultsof testsin thewindtunnelof theNational Physical
Laboratory on the samemodelsasweretestedin the variable-density windtunnel.
TheChairman furtherstatedthattheNational Advisory Committee hasinmindits
responsibilitywithreference toinvestigations onlighter-than-air craft.
Dr.ZayJeffries,oftheAluminum Company of America, pointedoutthatperhaps
theonlyfieldin aeronautics in whichallaircraftpeopleareinterested is thatof aerial
navigation, whichinvolves thequestions of suitable landingfacilities, andflightin fogs,
snowstorms, badwinds, andotherconditions ofbadweather. Hesaidthatanything the
NationalAdvisory Committee for Aeronautics could contribute in this field would be
applicable to the whole aircraft industry and would probably hasten the development of
commercial aviation. He suggested that someone outline for the conference the status
of aerial navigation in bad weather.
The Chairman called upon Dr. L.J. Briggs, of the Bureau of Standards.
Dr. Briggs stated that the experience of the Bureau of Standards had been entirely
in the laboratory, in the development of instruments, which, when developed, never
meet the full requirements of the flyer. He said he thought it would be much more to
the point if someone who had spent long hours in the air under the conditions referred
to would recount his experiences, and suggested that Lieutenant Shoemaker be called
Lieutenant Shoemaker said that his experience was limited to operations with the
battle fleet in West Indian waters this winter, involving flights of 700 or 800 miles. He


saidit hadbeenfoundnecessary to abandon thewind-driven earth-inductor compass

because it wasnot dependable, andthatanexcellent Britishaperiodic compass had
beensubstituted, whichgavemagnetic northat all timesandwasnotaffected by the
turningof theairplane.
Referring to Mr.Lindbergh's NewYork-to-Paris flight,Lieutenant Shoemaker said
he didnot understand howhe haddoneit. Hedescribed thedrift-indicating device
usedby theround-the-world flyers,andsaidthatin hisownexperience in seaplane
flyinghehadfoundthat,knowing theforceof thewindwhenhetookoff andjudging
itsdirection fromthestreaks hecouldseein thewater,hecouldsethiscourse toallow
for the drift. He saidthat the electrically drivenearth-inductor compass andthe
aperiodiccompass werethebestinstruments nowin useto indicatedirection,and
statedthat Mr. M. M. Titterington,of the PioneerInstrumentCompany,was
thoroughly familiarwiththeseinstruments, andalsoknewwhatnavigation instruments
wereusedbyLindbergh in hisflight.
Mr.Titterington saidthattheproblemof airnavigation wasa verydifficultone.
Hesaidthatit wouldbepossible tofly entirelyblindaslongasacoupleofstarsor the
showthatevenwiththepresent equipment thiscanbedone.Hesaidthattheproblem
oftakingoff andlandingin fogswasimportant.
TheChairman inquiredwhetheranyinstrument hadyetbeendeveloped to indi-
cateactualheightabovethegroundasdistinctfromtheindication of pressure of the
atmosphere. Mr.Titterington repliedthattherewaspromising development alongthis
line,andit wasfeltthattheproblemwouldeventually besolved.
In answerto inquiryasto theinstrument equipment carriedby I.indbergh, Mr.
Titteringtonsaidthathisinstruments werethoseordinarilycarriedby thepilot,and
includedtwosmallmagnetic compasses of theordinarytype,anearth-inductor com-
pass,anda drift indicator,aswellasa turnandbankindicator,air-speed indicator,
tachometer, andengineinstruments of thestandard types.HesaidthatLindbergh had
alltheinstruments thathecouldreadilyuse,buthadnowayof reading hispositionby
astronomical observations.
The Chairman remarked thatwhenAlcockandBrownmadetheirtransatlantic
flight in 1919,he hadaskedCommander Richardson howtheyhadsucceeded in
reaching Ireland,andtheCommander hadrepliedthatthey"hit Irelandby thegrace
Mr.Fairchild remarked thathehadbeentoldwhenhewasin Europelastsummer
thattheBritishareusinganautomatic ruddercontrolfordirectional flying,andthat
theresultsobtained wereveryaccurate. Heasked whetheranyinformation wasavail-
Oninquiryof theChairman, Mr.LewissaidthattheCommittee hadno informa-
tionregarding thisinstrument.
MajorLeslieMacDiil,U.S.A.,of the MaterielDivisionof the Air Corps,after
apologizing forintroducing thematteratthismeeting, calledattentiontothequestion
of standardization of ArmyandNavyrequirements for aircraftmateriel.He saidthat
letterswerebeingsenttothemanufacturers askingthemwhatdifferences between the
ArmyandtheNavyrequirements caused themdifficulty,andwhichtheypreferred, and
why.Heappealed to everyone to givethislettercarefulconsideration andto gointo
thematterin asmuchdetailaspossible, priorto thestandardization conference tobe
heldatMcCook Fieldwithinthenextfewmonths.
At thispointtheChairman statedthathe wouldturn overthe meetingto Dr.
GeorgeK. Burgess, Chairman of the Committee on Materialsfor Aircraftof the
NationalAdvisory Committee for Aeronautics, for a publicsession of the Materials


The Committee on Materials for Aircraft then met in joint session with the other
members of the conference, Dr. Burgess presiding.
Dr. Burgess announced that the main feature of the meeting would be the presen-
tation of a paper by Dr. E. H. Dix, Jr., of the Aluminum Company of America, on
" 'Alclad,' a New Corrosion-Resistant Aluminum Product," but that prior to the pres-
entation of this paper there were one or two items of routine business of the Materials
Committee to be taken up. After these were disposed of, Dr. Burgess made a brief
statement regarding the importance to aeronautics of the light alloys of aluminum, the
chief points he brought out being as follows:
Aluminum alloys, and especially duralumin, have been studied for a number
of years, and attempts have been made to develop an alloy better than duralumin,
but have been unsuccessful. The chief difficulty in the use of duralumin is the
intercrystalline embrittlement of the material, and there are two problems in-
volved in the study of this embrittlement, namely, that of determining and elimi-
nating the cause of the embrittlement, and that of interposing a protecting layer of
material between the duralumin and the atmosphere. In connection with the study
of these problems, the cooperation of the producing companies with the govern-
ment organizations interested has been excellent in all respects. The Aluminum
Company has developed an arrangement of metal which is called "Alclad," and
which Dr. Dix will describe to the conference.
Dr. Burgess then introduced Dr. Dix.
Dr. Dix presented a detailed discussion of the new product. He said that while, in
comparison with steel, aluminum offered high resistance to corrosion, nevertheless the
strong alloys, when used in thin sections, required some protection, especially if
exposed to mist or salt air. He stated that for the past four years the research
laboratories of the Aluminum Company of America had been studying resistance to
corrosion, and had develol_ed this new product which consists of a core of 17ST alloy
(duralumin) with a surface of pure aluminum.
Dr. Dix exhibited a number of lantern slides showing the internal structure of this
material, and submitted a number of samples, which were examined by the members of
the conference at the close of the meeting.
Dr. Burgess asked Dr. Jeffries to comment on Dr. Dix's paper.
Dr. Jeffries said it might be interesting to know that the coating of pure aluminum
on the surface of the duralumin entailed a slight loss of tensile strength, somewhere in
the neighborhood of 5000 pounds per square inch, but it was possible that with further
study of the material this could be regained. He said that it was not possible as yet to
state definitely what could be expected from this material from the point of view of
protection from corrosion. He stated that the Aluminum Company was making every
effort to develop this product as a material to be desired by the aircraft industry.
Dr. H. W. Gillett, of the Bureau of Standards, said that from tests at the Bureau of
Standards it had been found that pure aluminum was especially resistant to the
intercrystalline type of corrosion, and it was expected that tests of the new product at
the Bureau would corroborate the belief as to its high resistance to corrosion.
Lieutenant R. S. Barnaby, U.S.N., of the Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department,
raised the question of the protection of rivets used with the new material. Dr. Dix
replied that from tests made by the Aluminum Company it seemed certain that the
pure metal would form an electrolytic protection for the rivets.
Dr. Burgess stated that the Committee on Materials for Aircraft was organized
with four subcommittees, namely: Metals; Woods and Glues; Coverings, Dopes, and
Protective Coatings; and Aircraft Structures. He asked whether any members of the
conference had any suggestions to offer relating to the work of these subcommittees.


Mr. B. C. Bouhon,ChiefEngineer of the LoeningAeronautical Engineering

Corporation, saidthatonethingin whichhiscompany wasinterested, andonwhich
theArmyandNavywerenot in complete accord, wasthequestion of zincplatingfor
certaintypesoftubularstructures. Hesaidthattherewerecertainairplane partswhich
the platingprocess couldnot reachbut whichweresubjected to theacid,andhe
believedit wasinjuriousto attemptto zinc-plate suchfittingsor parts.Hesaidthere
wascontroversy between theArmyandtheNavyon thispoint,andhethoughtthe
matterwouldbeasuitable subjectforfurtherinvestigation.
Dr.Burgess repliedtoMr.BouhonthattheCommittee wouldbegladto keephis
suggestion in mind.
Astherewereno furthersuggestions, Dr.Burgess thankedthemembers of the
conference for theirattendance at themeetingof the Materials Committee, andthe
meeting adjourned.
Following themeeting, themembers of theconference madea furtherinspection
ofvariousactivities ofthelaboratory whichwereofparticular interesttothem.Demon-
strationsof theeffectof blowingair throughtransverse slitsin thewing,knownasthe
Katzmayr effect,andof awingwiththefrontportioncutawayandequipped withflaps,
for improvement in visibility,wereconducted attheCommittee's hangar andin theair
andwerewitnessed bymanymembers of theconference.
Thefollowingwerepresent attheconference:
Members of Subcommittee on Aerodynamics:
Dr. Joseph S. Ames, Johns Hopkins University, Chairman
Dr. L.J. Briggs, Bureau of Standards
Lieutenant W. S. Diehl, U.S.N.
Professor Alexander Klemin, Department of Commerce
Mr. G. W. Lewis, Director of Aeronautical Research, National Advisory Committee
for Aeronautics
Major Leslie MacDill, U.S.A.
Professor Charles F. Marvin, U.S. Weather Bureau
Captain H. C. Richardson, U.S.N.
Honorable Edward P. Warner, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Aeronautics

Members of Subcommittee on Materials for Aircraft:

Dr. George K. Burgess, Bureau of Standards, Chairman
Professor H. L. Whittemore, Bureau of Standards, Vice Chairman and Acting
Lieutenant R. S. Barnaby, U.S.N.
Mr. S. K. Colby, American Magnesium Corporation
Dr. H. W. Gillett, Bureau of Standards
Dr. Zay Jeffries, Aluminum Company of America
Mr. J. B. Johnson, Materiel Division, Army Air Corps
*Mr. G. W. Lewis, Director of Aeronautical Research, National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics
*Captain H. C. Richardson, U.S.N.
Mr. G. W. Trayer, Forest Products Laboratory
*Honorable Edward P. Warner, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Aeronautics

Representatives of Manufacturers and Operators:

Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, New York City:
**Mr. Charles L. Lawrance, Wright Aeronautical Corporation, Paterson, N.J.

*Also member of Subcommittee on Aerodynamics.

**Also representing his own company.


**Mr. F. H. Russell,
CurtissAeroplane andMotorCompany, GardenCity,
**Mr.S.M.Fairchild,Fairchild AviationCorporation, NewYorkCity
AircraftDevelopment Corporation,Detroit,Mich.:Mr.R.H.Upson
AllisonEngineering Company, Indianapolis,Ind.:Mr.J. S.Bray
Aluminum Company ofAmerica, NewKensington, Pa.:
AutoEngineWorks,St.Paul,Minnesota: Mr.J.D.Mooney
HenryBerlinerCompany, College Park,Maryland: Mr.HenryBerliner
Boeing AirplaneCompany, Seattle,Washington: Mr.E.S.Campbell
CurtissAeroplane andMotorCompany, GardenCity,NewYork:
Mr.T. P.Wright
Mr T. N.Joyce
FairchildAirplane'sManufacturing Corporation, NewYorkCity:Mr.S.M. Fair-
Goodyear TireandRubber Company, Incorporated,Akron,Ohio:
Dr.Wolfgang Klemperer
Charles WardHall,Incorporated, NewYorkCity:Mr.Charles WardHall
Keystone AircraftCorporation, Bristol,Pa.:Mr.C.T. Porter
LoeningAeronautical Engineering Corporation,NewYorkCity:Mr.B.C.Boulton
GlennL.,Martin Company, Cleveland, Ohio:
Paragon Engineers,Incorporated,Baltimore, Md.:Mr.Spencer Heath
Pioneer Instrument Company, Brooklyn, NewYork:Mr.M.M.Titterington
Pratt& Whitney AircraftCompany, Hartford,Conn.:Mr.WilliamG.Chamberlain
R.W.Schroeder, Glencoe,
Thomas-Morse AircraftCorporation, Ithaca,N.Y.:Mr.Raymond Ware
Chance VoughtCorporation, LongIslandCity,N.Y.:
Mr.Michael Watter
WrightAeronautical Corporation,Paterson, N.J.:Mr.CharlesL.Lawrance
Representatives of Aeronautical Journals and Educational Institutions:
Aviation, New York City: Mr. W. L. LePage
U.S. Air Services, Washington, D.C.: Mr. Earl N. Findley
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan: Mr. Edward A. Stalker
_ldditional Guests:

Lieutenant Colonel C. C. Culver, U.S.A., Commanding Officer, Langley Field, Va.

Admiral H. I. Cone, The Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronau-
Captain Emory S. Land, U.S.N.
Dr. F. L. Browne, Forest Products Laboratory
Dr. H. L. Dryden, Bureau of Standards
Commander E. L. Gayhart, U.S.N., Washington Navy Yard


Mr.T. H.Huff
Mr.F.H.Norton,Cambridge, Mass.
Commander E.M.Pace, U.S.N.,Bureau
of Aeronautics
Mr.H.S.Rawdon, Bureau ofStandards
Commander D.Royce, U.S.N.,Bureau
J. M.Shoemaker, U.S.N.,
Mr.R.H.Smith,Washington NavyYard
Dr.L.B.Tuckerman, Bureau of Standards
Mr.J. F. Victory,Assistant
of the NationalAdvisoryCommittee
Members of Committee "s Staff"
Mr. Thomas Carroll, Chief Test Pilot
Mr. Donald G. Coleman
Mr. John W. Crowley, Jr., head of Flight Research Section
Mr. George L. Dawson, head of Instrument Section
Mr. Smith J. DeFrance
Mr. George J. Higgins, head of Variable-Density Wind Tunnel
Mr. Eastman N. Jacobs
Mr. William F. Joachim, head of Fuel-Injection Engine Development
Mr. Ehon W. Miller, head of Propeller Research Section
Mr. William C. Morgan
Mr. Elliott G. Reid, head of Atmospheric Wind Tunnel
Mr. Henry J. E. Reid, Engineer-in-Charge
Mr. Walter H. Reiser
Mr. Oscar W. Schey
Mr. Edward R. Sharp, Chief Clerk of Laboratory
Mr. Marsden Ware, head of Power Plants Division
Mr. F. E. Weick

21. Memorandum, George W. Lewis to General [Herbert M.] Lord, director of

the Bureau of the Budget, "Some Accomplishments of the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics, " 13 Sept. 1928.

[The NACA always had to justify its activities to laymen in Congress and the
executive branch who were unfamiliar with the technology of flight. In this memoran-
dum to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, George Lewis characteristically
emphasized the practical applications of NACA research and the expected savings to
the military services and the American aviation industry.]

The activities of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics have been
concentrated on solving those problems that will increase the safety and reduce the
cost of construction and operation of aircraft. The major emphasis has been placed on
those fundamental problems dealing with these two important subjects. However, the
Committee has been mindful of the immediate requirements of the Army and Navy and
those interested in the manufacture and operation of purely commercial type aircraft.
In the past and at present the major portion of the Committee's activities has been
in connection with requirements of the Army and Navy to solve immediate problems
that will make for safer and more reliable aircraft for military purposes.
To be of maximum service to the industry, the Committee each year calls a
conference of the manufacturers and operators of commercial type aircraft, and at this
conference the representatives of the industry are invited to present those problems


thesolutionof which,fromtheirexperience, will reducethenumberof accidents and

furtherreducethe costof construction andoperationof commercial typeaircraft.
Loads on Airplanes. In the development of military aircraft one of the
outstanding contributions made by the Committee has been the determination of the
aerodynamic loads to which the aircraft is subjected in military maneuvers. The Com-
mittee has determined, by the aid of specially designed instruments which exist no-
where else in the world, the actual loads to which the wings, the control surfaces, and
other portions of the airplane are subjected in military maneuvers. The information
thus obtained has made possible the safe structural design of military aircraft operating
at speeds up to 250 miles per hour. The safety factors on which military types of
aircraft are now constructed are based on the results obtained in free flight tests,
showing the actual measurement of the air loads on the wings and tail surfaces of the
Aerodynamic Loads on Airshtps. In connection with the development of airships in the
United States, the Committee has been called upon to investigate the air loads on the
airship hull and the controls of the U.S.S. Los Angeles. This was a gigantic undertaking,
involving the construction of new types of instruments for these measurements. The
investigation has been completed and report submitted to the Navy Department, and
the design of the two new airships for the Navy is largely based on the fundamental
information obtained in the flight tests with the Los Angeles in steady flight and in air
conditions such as are encountered in service operation.
Study of Controllability and Maneuverability. Another important contribution made by
the Committee has been the development of a series of instruments that measure the
controllability and maneuverability of aircraft. These two characteristics are the deter-
mining factors that mark a poor or a good type of airplane for military purposes. Prior
to the development by the Committee of means and methods for actually measuring
the controllability and maneuverability of airplanes, these characteristics were gauged
and measured by the impressions of the pilot. Needless to say, these impressions were
often misleading, resulting in the purchase of aircraft not suitable for the purpose
intended. This contribution of the Committee will make possible the selection of
airplanes with the maneuverability and controllability characteristics desired, and will
therefore result in the elimination of the loss of money by the purchase of aircraft not
suitably maneuverable and controllable.
Spinning Characteristics of Airplanes. As a result of investigations by the Committee
on the problem of the spinning of airplanes, information has been obtained which will
make it possible to construct airplanes which will not have undesirable spinning charac-
teristics. Airplanes have been purchased in the past which had a spinning characteristic
which was not controllable, and resulted in fatal accidents and the destruction of the
airplanes. This has been one of the most serious aerodynamic problems presented to
the Committee. The solution is not final, but certain factors have been determined
which make it possible to design an airplane which will have normal spinning character-
istics. The Committee has found that it is necessary that the vertical fin and rudder be
of ample size; that it is desirable to have forward stagger; that the center of gravity
should be placed forward within a limited range of position; and that the distribution
of weights of the airplane parts should be such that the airplane will have a small
inertia coefficient.
Loads on Seaplane Floats. In the development of seaplanes and airplanes having
seaplane floats, one of the main disadvantages is the weight requirements of the boat.
This has largely been due to the fact that aeronautical engineers were in the dark as to
the actual loads imposed on the boat in landing on and taking off from the water. The
Navy Department requested the Committee to investigate this problem and to actually
measure the water pressure on the bottom of the boat in taking off and landing in
rough and in smooth water. Here again the investigation required the development of


newanduniquetypesof instrumentsthatwouldbeself-recording andwouldactually

of a pound.Thisinvestigation
completedontwotypesof seaplanes,
notonlythemaximum pressuresimposedbeing
overtheentireundersurfaceof thepontoon,
obtainedwill makepossible
theeconomicaldesignof thepontoonfrom
Propellers. The airplane propeller is one of the most important factors in the
satisfactory and economical operation of aircraft. A difference in propeller efficiency of
two or three per cent means considerable in the performance, fuel consumption, and
cost of operation of the aircraft. The Committee has investigated in the propeller
research tunnel metal propellers of the adjustable type, and determined the range of
blade setting which will give the maximum of performance. The development of the
metal adjustable blade attached to the hub of the propeller has been an important
factor in reducing the cost of operation of aircraft, as it is now necessary to have only a
few designs of blades which are standardized and which can be attached to the same
type of hub, and the variation in performance can be obtained by the adjustment of the
blades. In making this practical, the Committee has constructed and released informa-
tion on an instrument for the correct and proper setting of propeller blades in the
field. These instruments are now in use in the Army and Navy services.
Problems of Commercial Aeronautics. In mentioning the contributions made by the
Committee to commercial type aircraft, I would cite a few examples of problems
submitted to the Committee by the industry and the answers that have been obtained
to date.
Cooling and Cowling of Air-Cooled Engines. A large proportion of the commercial
airplanes now operating and being constructed in the United States use the Wright
Whirlwind engine, the engine used by Lindbergh, Chamberlin, and other transoceanic
flyers. The one single question in which the aircraft industry as a unit was interested
was to know the proper method of cowling and cooling the Wright Whirlwind engine;
to know the drag or resistance of this engine so that computations can be made as to
the performance of the aircraft.
The Committee has been actively engaged in studying on full-sized airplanes
methods of cowling and cooling Wright Whirlwind engines. A program of tests cover-
ing eight different methods has been completed, and the Committee has developed a
cowling which reduces the resistance of the engine uncowled, at a speed of 125 miles
per hour, from 208 pounds to 128 pounds. This means that if the airplane is flying at
125 miles an hour, instead of requiring 200 horse power it will require only 166 horse
power. The saving in operation of the thousands of engines of this type in service with
the improved method of cooling and cowling will be appreciable. The drag of the J-5
engine was found in the propeller research tunnel to be 85 pounds at a hundred miles
an hour.
I feel that it is important to add that, having the equipment of the propeller
research tunnel, the Committee is in a position to supply information to the American
aircraft industry which cannot be supplied anywhere else in the world. It is the only
tunnel in existence where a full-sized airplane fuselage with engine mounted and in
operation can be thoroughly investigated. The importance of information of this char-
acter in furthering the interests of American aeronautics cannot be overestimated.
Interference Effects between Wing and Fuselage. Another problem in which the manufac-
turers were greatly interested was the interference effects between the wing and the
fuselage and the possible benefit of curving the wing into the fuselage or supplying a
fillet at the connection. An investigation of this problem has been made, and the
information obtained that a fillet of 6-inch radius or 12-inch radius on an airplane of
the design of the "Spirit of St. Louis" would result in definite increase in propeller
efficiency and a reduction in the resistance of the airplane.


Development of Wing Sections. As a result of the investigations of the Committee on

the characteristics of wing sections, a large number of American aircraft manufacturers
are now constructing and operating airplanes using wing sections developed by the
Committee. When it is realized that the wing is the most important item in the design
of the airplane making for safety and economy, it is gratifying to the Committee to
note that these wings have been selected by the manufacturers without any definite or
direct recommendations by the Committee.
Oil Engme Development. The Committee, appreciating the importance of the power
plant in the successful and economical operation of commercial air transport, has had
under investigation an engine using heavy oil and eliminating ignition, carburetor, and
other accessories necessary to the operation of an engine using gasoline as fuel. The
type of engine being investigated, known as the compression-ignition engine, will use a
Diesel engine fuel, costing one-fourth as much as gasoline and operating at a higher
efficiency. The fuel consumption of the gasoline engine is approximately .5 pound per
horse power per hour. The heavy-oil engine with a higher compression and a greater
efficiency will operate at about .38 pound per horse power per hour.
There were many fundamental problems that had to be attacked in bringing about
the successful development of an engine of this type, which must necessarily operate at
relatively high speeds, that is, above 1500 revolutions per minute. The contributions of
the Committee in this field have been such that the Committee is now looked upon as
the leader in the development of engines of this character, and the investigation has
reached the point where the Government has contracted with the Westinghouse Com-
pany and the Allison Engineering Company for engines of this type.
Another important factor in connection with this development is the elimination in
a large measure of the fire hazard, because of the low volatility of the fuel used.
The importance of this investigation can be appreciated when it is realized that
the commercial aircraft of the future will probably be a large aircraft having thick wing
sections, and heavy oil engines using a reduction gear on pusher type propellers.
These engines, besides being economical, are reliable, and the use of a reduction gear
and pusher type propeller will largely eliminate noise and vibration, which do not make
for comfort in commercial aircraft.
Supercharger Development. As the average airplane will operate at altitudes from sea
level to 15,000 feet, and as the horse power of the engine varies from full horse power
at sea level to one half that horse power at 15,000 feet, owing to the decreased weight
of air available at that altitude, the Committee has seen the necessity of developing an
auxiliary to the engine known as a supercharger. This equipment consists of a highly
efficient light-weight compressor which maintains at the carburetor an air pressure
which will provide full sea-level horse power at altitudes up to and above 15,000 feet.
An appreciation of this device is realized when one considers that a large number of
our landing fields are at altitudes of 5,000 feet or more, and that in operating on our
airways aircraft must climb over mountain ranges at altitudes of 10,000 feet or more.
To maintain air speed and to provide sufficient safety in taking off and landing at these
altitudes it is necessary to retain full engine horse power, and it is probable that in the
future the supercharger will be considered an indispensable accessory to the aircraft
The Committee has been of substantial aid to the Navy in the development of this
type of equipment, and at present twenty seaplanes attached to the Pacific fleet are
fitted with the N.A.C.A. Roots supercharger, which has not only proved valuable in
increasing the performance of the aircraft at altitudes, but has also proved highly useful
as an aid to catapulting or taking off from the deck of the battleship. Where the
supercharger is used, the horse power of the engine is increased at least fifty percent
above that at normal sea-level operation.
G. W. LEwis,
Director of Aeronautical Research, Budget Officer.


22. Frank A. Tichenor, "Why the N.A.C.A. ?"Aero Digest (Dec. 1930), 47ff.

[The NACA had its share of critics over the years, but none so vocal and explicit
as Frank Tichenor. This particular attack--in which the NACA staff saw the hand of its
former employee Max Munk--contributed to the Committee's troubles in maintaining
congressional support in the early years of the Depression. Although the NACA
refused to answer Tichenor in print (in keeping with its policy of avoiding public
disputes), the staff took vehement exception to Tichenor's allegations. (See documents
23 and 24.)]


By Frank A. Tichenor

Here is a matter of such vital importance to the industry that we cannot write of it
save with plain words of considerable solemnity. It is a matter to which we respectfully
would call the attention of the President. Indeed, we do so explicitly and respectfully,
refraining from anything except such a statement as will make facts clear.
In this period of industrial readjustment, particularly in the aviation industry, our
thoughts turn to a very important basis of technical enterprise, experimental aeronauti-
cal research. A young industry is more dependent on research, and at the same time
less able to provide for it, than older and better established industries. Because the
Government has been well aware of this situation, nearly all aeronautic research in this
country has been financed and carried on by the Federal Government. Foremost in this
activity has been the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, for which Congress
has provided funds. The N.A.C.A. has obtained from Congress funds for the largest,
the most splendidly equipped and the most modern laboratories, and facilities for
aeronautic research. To all practical purposes aeronautic research in America means
N.A.C.A. research. Our thoughts turn in this hour to this research activity, and with full
concern for conditions in the aeronautic industry, we ask ourselves whether the
N.A.C.A. has discharged its duty well, whether it has given to the industry the full
return to which it is entitled for these appropriations.
How greatly aeronautic progress depends upon research has indeed been fully
realized by those in charge of N.A.C.A. work, as is indicated in the annual report of the
N.A.C.A. for 1921 (page 5):
"Substantial progress in aeronautical development must be based upon the appli-
cation to the problems of flight of scientific principles and the results of research."
Research activity of the N.A.C.A. has been going on for more than ten years. The
first appropriation for a wind tunnel having been made in 1917, this tunnel was
reported to have been completed in 1918. Experts tell us that a year is ample time to
build an ordinary small wind tunnel. Nevertheless, although the wind tunnel was
completed, it was not then put into operation. In 1919, the tunnel was again reported
not yet in operation. Finally, in 1920, the same tunnel originally reported as finished in
1918, was once more reported as finished. The year 1920, therefi)re, we are entitled to
consider as the beginning of research activity, particularly inasmuch as an engine
laboratory and free flight test facilities had been announced as completed in 1919.
This fact is important because the results of research cannot be judged from the
activity of one day, or one month or even one year. After ten vears of uninterrupted
activity, however, with continuous liberal financial support, the /_.A.C.A. can be judged
according to the results derived from its research work and an estimate can be made of
what we have a right to expect in the filture. Let us, therefore, review these resuhs and
ascertain what the N.A.C.A. has achieved.


Thestandard bywhichtheresultsof research

shouldbeappraised isdefinedby
scientifc research as of
paramount importance. For instance, almost all reports close like that of 1927 (page
76): "Further substantial progress is dependent largely upon the continuous prosecu-
tion of scientific research," and farther below on the same page, "its (N.A.C.A.'s) work
in the fields of pure and applied research on the fundamental problems of flight." The
latest report, that for 1929, states (page 87): "The most important active influence
upon aeronautics has been the farsighted and constructive policy of the Federal Gov-
ernment, liberally supported by Congress and the President, in providing for the
continuous prosecution of organized scientifc research." In the 1926 report we find
(page 69), "The more fundamental investigations are undertaken by the Committee in its
own laboratory," and (page 68), "to conduct investigations of a truly scientifc charac-
ter." (The italics are mine.)
We could easily quote other passages from N.A.C.A. publications to the same
effect. The N.A.C.A. is not an aircraft factory; it is not interested in the properties or
the development of any particular airplane. More general scientific investigations are its
domain. It is charged with the responsibility of furnishing information concerning
aeronautics as a science.
Nor do the annual reports of the N.A.C.A. leave any doubt about what is meant by
"scientific research." That of 1922 (page 48), defines the term clearly:
"By scientific research is meant the investigation by trained men in a properly
equipped laboratory of the fundamental phenomena of nature .... All progress depends
upon the acquisition of knowledge, of new knowledge. This can be obtained only by
long continued investigations directed by men who know the problems and the methods used for
their solutions. "
Perhaps the best standard by which to judge the results of ten years of N.A.C.A.
research is in terms of returns for the funds spent. Even with a small appropriation
there is no upper limit to what can be obtained in the way of research if that research
is directed "by men who know .... " There is, however, a lower limit to what ought to
be obtained for a given amount of money. It stands to reason that we can expect more
for an expenditure of $2,500 than for one of $250, and more for one of $25,000 than
for one of $2,500.
The N.A.C.A. has spent on each of its research items undertaken more than
$100,000, and we have a right to count on important results from $100,000 researches.
This average expenditure for each problem investigated is computed by dividing the
sum of the money spent by the number of problems undertaken. Thus far the N.A.C.A.
has received $4,936,370 in appropriations. Approximately $4,800,000 has been spent
(presuming the expenditure of the whole sum of $1,508,000 appropriated for 1930).
The results of its research are laid down in eighty-eight Technical Reports. All other
N.A.C.A. Technical Reports contain information obtained from outside sources, the
N.A.C.A. acting only as publisher. This means that more than $50,000 has been spent
for each report on a research project. It means much more per research, for at least
four reports are always issued on the same research. This would give $200,000 per
research item. Allowing for those research projects not yet completed for which no
reports have yet been published and allowing also deductions for other expenses of the
N.A.C.A., we are certainly justified in estimating that more than $100,000 has been
spent for each research undertaking. Since 1925, and until 1930, the annual appropria-
tion for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics has been approximately
$500,000. This year it was increased to $1,508,000. No one can claim that during any
one of the last four years more than five research problems have been finished and the


resultsmadeavailable to the public.Onehundredthousand dollarsperresearch is

perhaps toomoderate anestimate.
It is pertinentto askwhetherreallyusefulscientific resultshavebeenobtained,
andif not,to inquireaboutthereasons whyresearch soliberallysupported failedto
furnishan adequate return.This sumcannotbe considered exorbitantif valuable
resultshavebeenobtained fromit.
If wemakeamoredetailed analysisof theN.A.C.A. research ofthepasttenyears,
wefindthatit canbeclassified intowindtunnelresearch, freeflightresearch onactual
airplanes, andengine laboratory research.
In theengine laboratory, testshavebeenconducted witha viewto improving the
efficiency of gasoline aircraftengines by the choiceof thebestcompression ratios,
richness, andmixtures, andthelike.Thatworkwouldbevaluable if important results
hadbeenobtained, but wedoubtwhether, lackingthis research, anyoneexisting
enginewouldbeworse. To saytheleast,thisstudyandexperiment hasnotbeenof a
scientific nature.In addition,theDieselenginewasstudied, likewise nota scientific or
newphenomenon, andnotangible resultswereachieved, except possibly in thecaseof
thesprayresearch withsolidinjection.
The freeflightresearches gavevaluableinformation concerning themaximum
accelerations andmaximum pressures occurringin maneuvers. Alsosomepractical
information regarding theicehazard andsimilarsubjects wasobtained. Apparently the
only factdemonstrated in the studyof the supercharger wasthat sucha device
increases theavailable horsepower, andthatwasknownbefore.Thiscanhardlybe
considered anoutstanding success. Onthewholeit can,nevertheless, besaidthatthe
freeflightresearch hasbeenthemostbeneficial conducted by theN.A.C.A.At the
sametimeit canbesaidthatnofreeflighttesthasbeena scientific testnordealtwith
investigation of fundamental phenomena of nature.Testflightsconducted overa
periodof tenyears,withtheaidof goodinstruments, cannotbutyieldsomevaluable
inlormation, especially ata timewhenflyingis new,buttheyarenotlikelytoadvance
fundamental science.
The classof windtunnelresearch shouldcorrespond mostto the description
"scientific." Therefore, weoughttoconsider it in moredetailin orderto findthereat
leastsomeof thepromised scientific work.In thiscategory thepressure distribution
workof theN.A.C.A. showed onlythatwingsshouldberounded atthetips,whichwas
knownbefore,andwhichcouldbe andwasdemonstrated in the courseof natural
industrialdevelopment. Merelyto makepressure distributionmeasurements is not
scientific. Wearesometimes inclinedto believe thatit wouldbebetterforwindtunnel
research if it weremoredifficulttodo thiskindofwork;anabundance of patience is
necessary but not muchcreative mentaleffort.Theresultsarenot of greatpractical
value,because theyaremadeundersteady windtunnelconditions, whereas thelargest
pressures occurunderunsteady flightconditions. Forthisreason, thepressure meas-
urements madein flighttestsaremuchmorevaluable.
In additiontherehavebeenwindtunneltestsoncomplete airplanemodels, and
dragmeasurements on airplanes andairplaneparts.Thisresearch cannotyieldnew
resultsof general value,andis therefore outsidethescientific research theN.A.C.A. is
charged toundertake.
Duringall of thetenyears,muchtimeandefforthasbeenspenton a seriesof
testsundertaken to standardize windtunnelsthroughout theworld.Thisworkshowed
ences cannot bepredicted--which factsweknewbefore.Testsreferringto windtunnel
technique aresecondary anyhow.Someone hasclaimedthatall windtunnelscould
continueto do research evenif no airplanes existed.Theycould,but wewouldnot
accept suchworkasusefulunless sciencehadbeenadvanced.

Propellers havebeeninvestigated andfoundto possess a certainthrustand

torque.Interesting, but againnot scientificprogress, not eventechnicalprogress.
Wecomeatlastto theresearch havingmostof thescientific element in it--that
dealingwiththerotatingcylinder. Thisstirredtheimagination whenthefirsttestswere
madeandshowed undreamed-of lifts.Rightnow,a veryprominent manufacturer is
makingexperiments alongthatprinciple. Unfortunately, thefirsttestsalongthisline
werenot madebytheN.A.C.A. Onthecontrary, theN.A.C.A. refused a suggestion in
1921to measure thisphenomenon. Severalyearslater,it did repeatmeasurements
madeabroad withoutaddingonenewthought or result.
The Autogirois the mostpainfulsubjectin connection withthe N.A.C.A.re-
search.TheN.A.C.A.hadthepriorityin thisnewandperhaps mostimportantinven-
tionof recentyears.Autogiromodels wereinvestigated in 1922.It is hardto believe,
butnevertheless true,thatthesetestswereneverpublished in a Technical Report.Five
yearslater,afterthepracticalvalueof theAutogirohadbeendemonstrated abroad, the
resultswerepublished in mimeographed form,givingevidence of anopportunity to
contributetoscientificprogresswhichwaswoefully neglected.
In theinvestigation of auto-rotation
ofwings,it wasdemonstrated that,in a wind
tunnel,wingscanbemadetorotatelikewindmills. This has hardly any bearing on or
connection with the spinning of airplanes. It can hardly be called a research, but rather
only making pretense of research. No airplane designer gives any attention to such
tests, and science rejects them entirely.
A study of boundary layer control is on the program of the N.A.C.A., according to
its statement, but no report has appeared in print on the results and we have not been
apprised of any progress. This should be the most important subject of the work, but
in fact hardly anything seems to have been done except the repetition of some work
Finally there is the wing section research. This is the only line in which the
N.A.C.A. has contributed to aeronautics by way of its own experimental research. The
M wing sections were developed by the N.A.C.A., in its wind tunnel, and at least two of
them have been adopted in practice, being considered superior to older ones. Accord-
ingly, the N.A.C.A. report for 1924 (page 50) says: "satisfactory progress has been
made in the science of aerodynamics during the past year .... One important result
of wind tunnel investigations has been the development of a number of remarkably
efficient wing sections of adequate thickness for economical structures. It is desirable that
this development continue substantially along the present course. "'
This was indeed desirable, for the investigation was intended only as the first and
preliminary step of a more systematic research. Much better wing sections were
expected from the next series of tests, as the report indicates (page 59), "It is believed
that a fruitful field for research lies in the determination of these sections which have a
stable flow with good aerodynamic properties." In the interim, however, there has been
no evidence of further work and the M section research, so admirably begun, has never
been continued.
We do not believe that we have overlooked a major research item of the N.A.C.A.;
we are certain we have not overlooked a successful one. The N.A.C.A. was officially
awarded the Congressional medal for its low drag cowling. Apparently, even the
friends of the N.A.C.A. consider this the most outstanding of the research projects
completed. Yet, in the true sense, this cowling work was a development rather than an
original work. Moreover, because it had reference to special airplanes and engines, it
cannot be regarded as having general value. Therefore, it cannot be considered scien-
tific work. It does not involve the study of new and fundamental phenomena of nature.
Its doubtful value in this connection is clearly contrasted with the research of similar
aim--though along entirely different lines--carried on at the same time in England.
The Townend Ring is definitely superior to the N.A.C.A. cowling. It is the outcome of


strictly scientific research carried on with scientific spirit, involving the systematic
exploration of new and fundamental phenomena, and incurring relatively little ex-
pense. It represents more brain and less expenditure than for the N.A.C.A. cowling
The results of the N.A.C.A. experimental research are not, in our opinion, an
adequate return for the money spent. There is hardly one research project of scientific
value, and only a few of technical value. There is an enormous gap between the
principles of research laid down and those applied.
It cannot be denied that there is keen feeling of disappointment throughout the
industry about the outcome of the N.A.C.A. research. Every year the industry gathers
at Langley Field to acquaint itself with the latest results of the research going on, but
every year it is presented with stone rather than with bread. New laboratories and
instruments are exhibited but no new results worth speaking of.
Responsibility for the N.A.C.A.'s failure to make substantial contributions to aero-
nautic science does not rest entirely on the organization itself. General supervision of
the research undertaken is in the hands of committees which are composed of mem-
bers serving without compensation. Under these circumstances, they cannot give much
time to this research; and after all, they are not to be blamed for its shortcomings.
Scientific knowledge cannot be amassed by a committee any more than an opera can be
written by a committee. The capable and patriotic members of the several research
committees feel that they can give best service by keeping their hands off, by assisting
with advice and suggestion only, without showing too much initiative.
The real responsibility would seem to rest, therefore, upon the director of re-
search. Is he one who knows "the problems and the methods used for their solution"?
We fear not. But then it must be remembered that this director exercises the direction
of the research from a distance of 200 miles, and as an auxiliary duty only. His primary
duty is that of an executive. In the first place he must practice diplomacy and exercise
organizing talent: only secondarily need he exhibit any scientific spirit. Most of his
direction of the research is done over the long-distance wire, or on occasional visits.
These facts, together with his normal duties which stand in distinct contrast to the duty
of research supervision, and require entirely different capabilities, make it plausible to
believe that the director of research is not in a position properly to discharge his duty.
As one important reform that will improve the present conditions, we suggest that the
Langley Field laboratory be separated entirely from the Washington political office of
the N.A.C.A. and be put in charge of a capable research engineer who would be fully
responsible for the research and for it only.
As it is, the true initiative must come from the local head of the laboratory, and
from the heads of the single divisions. We expect most from the aerodynamic sections.
It is now a fact that both positions, the head of the L.M.A.L. and of the aerodynamics
division, have been occupied in recent years by men who are decidedly not research
engineers at all. Neither of them has ever contributed anything to science, and neither
of them expects to do so. They are mere routine engineers, and hardly that; they are
mere bureaucrats, signing letters and unwrapping red tape.
This brings us to the question of the N.A.C.A. staff. Friends of the N.A.C.A. have
claimed that the staff has suffered great losses because the industry has induced its best
men to leave by offering them lucrative positions. This does not sound probable. In
the first place, a capable research engineer does not leave his work if he has found
favorable working conditions, and is progressing satisfactorily in his work. The fact that
nearly all good research engineers have left the N.A.C.A. constitutes in itself a re-
proach to the management. From inside information we know that most engineers left
of their own initiative, because they were dissatisfied with the management. They are
now employed in industry, and most of them did not leave as friends of the ('ommit-
tee. During these ten years, the head of the laboratory at Langley Field has changed


fourtimes,andtwoanda halfyearsis abouttheaverage timetheengineers usedto

stay.Theremustbe a reasonfor thisstateof flux in the personnel. Mostof the
research engineers areyounggraduates andthefewoldermenwhohavestayed with
theorganization areforthegreatest partlesscapable thanthosewholeft.Jealousy and
pettypoliticshavealways playedtoogreatapartin theactivities atLangley Field.The
spiritof research andscientific workwasneverreallyencouraged bythemanagement.
Nobodycancarryon research worksuccessfully if heiscompelled to devotea great
partofhistimeto fightingforthecooperation of otherstowhichhehasa right,and
fightingoff theaggressiveness of hiscolleagues. Thefailureof theNational Advisory
Committee forAeronautics is thefailuretypicalof somanypublicorganizations. There
is no effective checkon whatis accomplished. If theresults of theN.A.C.A. couldbe
computed according totheirworthin dollarsandcents,theCommittee wouldlongago
havebeenbankrupt. Butit isnota money-making organization,it is a money-spending
organization. Thatleaves muchenergyfree,andunfortunately theconditions in sucha
casearefavorable to thesurvivalof thosemostunsuitable for carryingon scientific
The activityof the N.A.C.A.hasbecomea merebuildingof newlaboratories
withoutdistinctideasof whattodowiththemaftertheyarebuilt,andit hasbecome a
mereweighing andmeasuring of lessvaluethantheweighing of a groceryclerk.No
Concerted effortsaremadetoelevate science;noeffortsaremadeto applytheresults
of theteststo anylogicalsystem, todigestthem,andtointerprettheirsignificance in
thesumof general knowledge. Thetruthis thatthetestscannotbe interpreted that
waybecause theprogramhasnot beenguidedby scientific reasoning. Weighing for
weighing's sakeis not scientificresearch, but at the besta kindof indoorgolf.
Weurgethatradicalchanges in the management be madewith the viewto
improving theconditions to theendthatrealandhonest talentmaybeattracted to the
N.A.C.A. Onlythenwill therebesomeprospect of anintelligent useof theresearch
equipment anda reasonable returnforthemoney spent.
Let'sdevotea periodof thoughtto wondering if theselargeappropriations
devoted to theN.A.C.A. haveserved, areserving, orwill serve theindustry.
Let'shopethatCongress, yes,andeventhe President of theUnitedStates, will
giveconsideration totheself-same subject.
Letusspendmoney, certainly--no detailofaviation shouldbestinted--but let us
havemenin chargeof itsexpenditure whowill seeto it thatthe moneywhichwe

23. Memorandum, Elton W. Miller to Engineer-in-Charge, "Article in Aero

Digest for December, " 19 Dec. 1930:

[This rebuttal to the Tichenor article (document 22) is one of the weaker ones
that emerged from the NACA. Paragraph 6, for example, rather confirms Tichenor's
opinion than refutes it. Nevertheless, the memo provides an insight into the nature of
research as understood by the NACA, as well as examples of what the Langley staff
took pride in. A handwritten note on the original described the Aero Dzgest article as
being Max Munk's work.]

1. With reference to your memorandum of December 11, I have given some

consideration to the various questions contained in your memorandum, and before
answering them specifically, I feel that it is necessary to define fundamental phenom-
ena of nature and scientific research. A study of the phenomena of nature doubtless
includes a study of how air flows about bodies. Some phases of this study might be
classified as fundamental or basic, and others which might be the outgrowth of the first


and planned to cover in greater detail certain phenomena would not be fundamental.
They might have a definite practical object.
2. I believe very little of our work could be classified as fundamental, according to
general acceptance of the term, but defining science as "accumulated and accepted
knowledge, systematized and formulated with reference to the discovery of general
truths on the operation of general laws," and research as "careful or critical examina-
tion in seeking principles or facts," I think that practically all of our work can be
classified as scientific research. I assume that research need not necessarily be aimless
to be scientific, but that it may have a definite practical object. This is borne out by the
Organic act which charges the Committee "with the supervision and direction of the
scientific study of the problems of flight with a view to their practical solution--." The
scientific method of research is believed to be that of systematic search for truth, and
apparently it must be directed toward the discovery of general laws. Most of our work
falls under this head. I will now take up your questions,, using the corresponding
5. Some investigations are more systematic than others, and some lead to more
general conclusions than others. Among such may be mentioned the investigation of
pressure distribution and acceleration on the PW-9 pursuit airplane, the F6C-4 air-
plane, and the Douglas M-3. The distribution of pressures was systematically investi-
gated over various parts of the airplanes in question throughout various maneuvers. It
is possible from the accumulation of information to draw rather general conclusions,
and to obtain information for the study of more specific problems, such as tail loads,
leading-edge loads, and the study of load factors. Another investigation which has been
systematically carried out has been that of the maneuverability of various airplanes, and
while it has not yet progressed far enough to lead to general conclusions, there is every
reason to believe that it will do so.
6. There are two main purposes in making wind tunnel tests on complete models
of airplanes, particularly in the Variable Density Tunnel; first, to compare the aerody-
namic characteristics of airfoils with those of the complete models on which the airfoil
sections are used; and second, to show the validity of the principle on which the
Variable Density Tunnel operates. This may be done by comparing the results of tests
in the tunnel on a model of an airplane with the results of tests on the airplane in
7. The correspondence on file does not show whether tunnel standardization was
suggested and started by this Committee or by the British National Physical Labora-
tory. We have a letter from the N. P. L. dated May 27, 1922, requesting the Committee
to make tests of the N. P. L. airship models. Our Research Authorization No. 70, on
which this work was done, was approved on January 26, 1922. It seems likely that the
initiation of this R. A. resulted from some preliminary correspondence with the British,
not in our files at present.
8. Among the most systematic and hence most scientific of the investigations
conducted thus far on propellers have been those of the effect of high tip speeds on
propeller efficiency, and the effect of body interference on propeller efficiency. In the
first, two families of propellers of different pitches were used at various r.p.m.'s, and
hence at various tip speeds. This series of tests leads unmistakably to a general
conclusion regarding the effect of tip speed on propeller efficiency. In the second, a
series of propellers of different diameters was tested in front of a single body. In
another investigation, the effect of changes in blade form was studied by tests of a
systematic series.
12. The tests of twenty-seven airfoil sections in the Variable Density Tunnel was
completed in the later weeks of 1924, and the tests of seven frequently used sections,
early in 1925. It was the desire of the tunnel staff to continue this investigation, and
progress was laid out to this end .... Although this progress was approved by Dr.


MunkandbyMr.Lewis,therecords donotshowwhyit wasnotcarriedout.Theydo

show,however, thatDr.Munkhadotherplanswhichhewishedto investigate. These
1.TheSlottedWing,Technical Memorandum 282,Figure12to betestedat
several pressures.
2. FiveElevator WingSections with Flap,Figures1-5to be testedat 20
atmospheres withdifferentpositions oftheelevator proper.
3.... Investigation of Influence of AspectRatioofOneMonoplane Airfoil
onScale Effect.
4.Investigation ofOneBiplane Cellule.
All of theseinvestigations, withthe exception of thefirst, werecarriedout, and
occupied thetunnelfora periodof months. Inaddition,testsweremadeontheSperry
Messenger airplane model,andonawooden replicaof theN.P.L.airshipmodel.The
CYHairfoilwasbuiltandtested January1, 1926.Whileit was,doubtless, Dr.Munk's
intentiontocontinue thisinvestigation, sincehespeaks ofthetestsof thetwenty-seven
sections astestsof thefirstsystematic seriesof airfoils,hedidnot suggest continuing
theprogress atanytimeduringhisresidence at theLaboratory, whichcontinued until
13.The investigation of the Townendring by theBritishwasconducted in a
somewhat similarmannerto theworkonourN.A.C.A. cowling, exceptthattheirwork
wasdoneonlyonmodels,ratherthanon a realengine, andtheyhadno means of
measuring theeffecton thecoolingof theengine.It mightbethoughtby somethat
theinvestigation of theTownendringwasmorescientific because theinvestigators
startedoutto accomplish onething(tostudytheinterference of a ringin frontof a
body),andstumbled upona scientifictruthwhichcouldbeappliedto an entirely
differentproblem; while,in thecaseof ourowncowling, theinvestigators startedout
witha definitepractical problem--to solvethatof findingouthowmuchof theengine
couldbecovered bycowling,andthus,howmuchthedragcouldbereduced without
interfering withcooling.Mr.Townend wasapparently studying thequestion of inter-
ference in connection witha propellerinvestigation whenherealized thepossibility of
reducing thedragofanair-cooled enginebyapplying thering.
It is deemed to benot thepurposeof thisLaboratory to devoteitselfto funda-
mentalscientificresearch as distinguished fromthatwhichhasa definitepractical
object.It is theaimoftheLaboratory, andI believe it isin largemeasure realized,to
applyscientific methods tothesolutionofthepractical problems ofaerodynamics. The
conditions at the Laboratory, described in the abovearticle,the dissatisfaction of
personnel, andquestionable valueof someof theresults arebelieved to bemoretrue
of theperioda fewyearsago,withwhichDr.Munkis personally familiar,thanof the
presentperiod.Theinterestof thepersonnel in theworkof theLaboratory andthe
enthusiasm for theworkathandis believed to beasgreataswill befoundin many
research organizations, andmuchgreaterthanin mostGovernment establishments.
Thisisborneout,atthepresent moment, bythefactthatanumber of thepersonnel in
eachsectionof our divisionareat workwhentheyareentitledto leavefor the
remainder of theyear.Aneffortis beingmadethroughout theLaboratory to conduct
everyinvestigation in athorough andsystematic manner. Greater careisbeingtakento
secure accuracy, andresultsarebeingmorecarefully checked thaneverbefore,andI
believe thattheconclusions reached asa resultofourworkwill beof moreandmore
Senior Aeronautical Engineer.


24. Memorandum, H.J.E. Reid to George Lewis, "Comments on the article in the
December 1930 issue of Aero Digest, entitled 'Why the N.A.C.A. ?' " 2Jan.

[Answering the charges leveled against the NACA by Frank Tichenor (document
22), the engineer-in-charge at the Langley laboratory reveals information about the
workings of the laboratory that appears nowhere else in print. To the hyperbole of the
Tichenor piece, Reid responds characteristically with documentation, moderation, and
specificity. He does, however, leave unanswered several of Tichenor's general criti-

1. I have read over the article of reference several times, and have looked up some
information in the Laboratory's files which is explained below, and I am forwarding
copies of memoranda from Messrs. Miller and Kemper covering some of the statements
made in the article.
2. In looking over the article I was first impressed by the misstatement regarding
the completion date of the Atmospheric Wind Tunnel, which was not reported as
completed in 1918, but was officially opened in 1920. The Annual Report for 1919
states that the tunnel had been completed but not put into operation on account of the
inability of the local power company to supply power. It then became necessary to
install a small power plant to furnish direct current temporarily.
3. In regard to the cost of researches, or "research items", as the article states, it
is very difficult to arrive at any figure which we could call the cost of a research. A
good many of the research authorizations which have been issued have been cancelled
because the work has been done under other research authorizations or it has been
later found that the research proposed would not be fruittul. In the early days of the
Laboratory a relatively small amount of aeronautical information had been acquired,
and it was quite natural that many researches might be proposed which, in light of
further experience and information, would be proven to be of small value or
uneconomical. These researches were, of course, cancelled in many cases without ever
having conducted any research under the particular authorization. Many research au-
thorizations were so broad that they really covered a number of separate researches,
each of which led to good reports containing valuable information. It is difficult, or
almost impossible, therefore, to say just how much the so-called "research items"
undertaken actually did cost. It is known, however, that results of the researches at the
Laboratory are reported in more than 88 technical reports, the Laboratory itself having
contributed during that period 129 technical reports and 131 technical notes, all of
which are valuable. In addition, a considerable amount of money has been spent by the
Committee on research at other points than Langley Field, for which there have been
many reports and technical notes published by the Committee. No mention, of course,
is made of technical memoranda and aircraft circulars, which are of definite value to
the industry and rightly come under the work of the Committee in obtaining and
disseminating information.
4. While the appropriations during the past 11 years, including the fiscal year
1930, have been approximately $4,963,000, not all of this has been spent at the
Laboratory. It is believed that you are in a better position to know what percentage of
this amount has been spent at the Laboratory. There still remains, however, the value
of the plant equipment, including buildings, wind tunnels, hangars, airplanes, instru-
ments, stock, etc ....
5. Regarding the statement that the N.A.C.A. refilsed the suggestion in 1921 to
measure the phenomenon of the 1ili on a rotating cylinder, we lind that the Laboratory
has no information in its files regarding such a suggestion as early as that date. The
lirst mention of anything of that sort in the files is contained in the Minutes of the


Meeting of the Subcommittee on Aerodynamics, September 19, 1923, where Mr.

Bacon* reported that three cylinder models had been prepared for test at Langley
Field. This work was reported in 1924 in Technical Note 209, by E. G. Reid.
6. In regard to the autogiro, as mentioned in the article, there is no evidence in
the files to indicate that tests on an autogiro model, as such, were ever made. The
correspondence back as far as January, 1919, shows that propellers were being studied
with a view to their application to the helicopter, and in 1921 tests were carried out on
a propeller mounted in a wind tunnel, measuring the drag at various angles of yaw and
with various amounts of braking. Later on, work was done on feathering propeller
blades, and correspondence in 1923 and 1924 indicates that there was a paper pre-
pared by Bacon and Munk on "Model Tests on the Economy and Effectiveness of
Helicopter Propellers." The Laboratory correspondence does not indicate that this
type of work showed very much promise, and as I was not personnally connected with
any of that work I am not in a position to recall any of the details of the tests.
7. Mr. Miller has covered the question of the wing section research and I distinctly
recall that Dr. Munk, during his stay at the Laboratory, had other work for the Variable
Density Wind Tunnel which he wanted to push ahead of the further work on airfoils.
As you know, a systematic family of airfoils has been made up, and work will soon start
on this investigation. It is expected that results will be available from a great many, if
not all, of the family of airfoils, for presentation at the next Manufacturers' Conference.
8. It was interesting to read the startling statement in the article regarding the
Townend ring, especially the statement that it is definitely superior to the N.A.C.A.
cowling. From all accounts, it seems that every improvement the British make in the
Townend ring brings it closer to the original N.A.C.A. cowling as flown on the AT-5
airplane. The method of conducting this investigation, it would seem to me, was quite
similar to that which the British used, except that we had the definite goal of reducing
the resistance of the air-cooled engine. Fhe methods employed were much the same,
except that, instead of using rough models, the Committee used an actual engine and
airplane, which led to definite conclusions immediately.
9. It is true that a great many good research engineers have left the Committee,
but it is not true that most of them left because they were dissatisfied with the
management. There were a few engineers who left because of dissatisfaction with
conditions, but they, in general, were not to be classed as good research engineers.
There were at least two, Mr. E. G. Reid and Mr. Paul E. Hemke, who were very
strongly influenced in their decisions to leave the Committee because of their unpleas-
ant relations with Dr. Munk. For the most part, however, the engineers have left
because of the fact that many of them were interested in the industry and not in
research, and as a result of their experience at the Laboratory could command high
salaries in the industry which, it is well known, was paying abnormally high salaries to
everybody connected with it. The fact that several of the engineers who have left the
Committee have been interested in returning to the Committee, and the fact that Mr.
Weick actually has returned after serving some time in the industry, indicate that the
conditions here at the Laboratory are not as described in the article.
10. As for the Manufacturers' Conference, it is believed that the increasing attend-
ance and interest shown by the manufacturers are a definite acknowledgement of the
fact that they do get information of value from the Committee.

H.J.E. RinD,

*David L. Bacon.


25. Minutes of the NACA annual meeting, 22 Oct. 1931, pp. 10-13, adoption
of rules governing work done by NACA for industry.

[The question of using NACA staff and equipment to conduct research for industry
was a troubling one throughout the Committee's history. This, the first formal declara-
tion of policy, prompted discussion of two of the stickiest aspects of the problem: costs,
and proprietary rights. Note that in the discussion no member of the Committee
observes that the policy would favor large well-capitalized manufacturers over small
inventors of modest resources who might nonetheless have more worthwhile projects.
(See documents 26 and 42.)]

Regulations Governing Work for Private Parties. The Chairman stated that the Commit-
tee had arrived at that stage in its history where, due to the possession of unique
equipment, it was necessary to provide for the conduct of work on the request of, and
at the expense of, private parties. The Secretary stated that the act establishing the
Committee authorized it to proceed under rules and regulations approved by the
President; that Rule 2 of such rules and regulations provides that the Committee
"under regulations to be established and fees to be fixed," shall exercise its functions
for the benefit of private parties provided they defray the cost involved. The Secretary
then read a draft of proposed regulations and fees governing work for private parties
as follows:
1. Any American citizen or American firm, association, or corporation which
desires the Committee to conduct any investigation or test will make application
by letter addressed to the Committee stating definitely what is wanted.
2. If the investigation or test relates to aeronautics and necessarily involves
the use of facilities not available in the United States outside the Committee's
organization, the Director of Aeronautical Research may authorize the investiga-
tion or test to be conducted at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory.
3. The engineer in charge of the laboratory will submit to tile Committee an
estimate of the cost based on all direct labor and material, plus 100%, and the
Secretary will then require the posting of a special deposit in the form of cash or
certified check payable to the order of the National Advisory Committee tor
Aeronautics in an amount equal to the total estimated cost, and will notify the
laboratory when the required deposit has been received.
4. If a model or models are required for any investigation or test, same
should be provided by the party desiring the work and be sent, charges prepaid,
to the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory.
5. The engineer in charge of the laboratory will issue the necessary job
orders, keep an accurate record of cost, including cost of preparing report and
returning model, and will transmit report to the Committee along with statement
of cost.
6. If during the conduct of any investigation or test it appears to the engineer
in charge that the special deposit may not be sufficient to cover the total cost
involved, he shall promptly notify the Secretary. The latter will then require an
additional deposit and promptly notify the laboratory of its receipt.
7. The engineer in charge shall stop all work on any investigation or test
before the accrued costs exceed the total amount on deposit.
8. Upon completion of an investigation or test the Secretary shall cause an
amount equal to the total cost to be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of
"Miscellaneous Receipts" and the balance, if any, remaining in the special deposit
to be returned to the depositor.


9. Theresultsof all suchinvestigations andtestsso conducted shallupon

request of thedepositor bekeptconfidential asfarasthepublicisconcerned, but
shallin thediscretion oftheCommittee beavailable forGovernment use.
Dr.Burgess* referringto paragraph 8 questioned thewisdomof depositing the
amountearnedby the Government to the creditof "Miscellaneous Receipts" and
announced hewouldopposethatprovision, citingtheexperiences of the Bureauof
Standards in similarmatters. GeneralPratttagreedwithDr. Burgess. TheSecretary
statedthatas thedepositors wouldbe requiredto furnishmodelstherewouldbe
practicallyonlylaborandpowercostsinvolved, andthatitwouldnotbenecessary nor
practicable to engage additional temporary employees forsuchwork;wherefore if the
costsweredeposited to thecreditof theCommittee's appropriation theywouldatthe
endof theyearremainanunexpended balance in theCommittee's appropriation and
mightjust as wellbe deposited in the first placeto thecreditof "Miscellaneous
Receipts". He addedthatif thevolumeof suchworkincreased to theextentthatit
became necessary andpracticable to employadditional personnel onaccount of such
work,thentheCommittee wouldhaveneedfor theuseofsuchadditional fundsandat
thattimecouldmeetthesituation bychanging itsregulations.
Mr.Guggenheim** questioned theproposed policyofmakinganycharge, saying
in effectthatif theCommittee deemed theworkworthwhileit shouldbedonewithout
charge,andif it deemed theworknotworthwhileit should refuseto dotheworkeven
attheexpense of privateparties. Theobjection madetothisprocedure wasthatif the
Committee wereto do theworkwithoutchargeit mightbeburdened witha great
manyrequests, andif it weretorefusetodoworkdeemed notworthwhile,it wouldbe
in a vulnerable positionandopento charges of discrimination.Generaldiscussion
ensued in whichallthemembers participated....
A separate votewastakenon thequestion ofwhether theamountearnedbythe
Government shouldbedeposited to thecreditof "Miscellaneous Receipts" or to the
creditof theCommittee's appropriation, andtheresultwasfourvotesfor eachplan;
whereupon theChairman $ to breakthetie votedin favorof depositing suchfundsto
thecreditof "Miscellaneous Receipts."
Mr. Warner t referringto paragraph 9 raisedthequestion asto theproprietyof
allowingthe resultsto be keptconfidential andsuggested thattheybecome public
propertyeitherpromptlyor withina briefperiodof time,e.g.six months.General
discussion followed in whichtherightof theGovernment totheuseof theresultswas
notquestioned, butit wasmaintained ontheonehandthatthedepositor hada right
torequirethattheresults benotmadepublic,andontheotherhandit wasmaintained
thatsincetheworknecessarily involvedtheuseof expensive Government equipment,
theGovernment hadtherightnot merelyto theuseof theresultsfor Government
purposes butalsotherightto maketheresultspublicforthegeneral goodof aviation.
Thepointwasmadethatif theresultswerefavorable in wholeor in partthedepositor
wouldprobably advertise themandusetheCommittee's name,andmightstateonly
suchof theresultsaswerefavorable andthereby forcetheCommittee in fairnessto the
publicto stateall of theresults,andthattherefore theCommittee mightjust aswell

*George K.Burgess,
t Brig.Gen.Henry
Guggenheim Fund forthePromotion
1Edward P.Warner,


publish the results in the first place. The suggestion was made that the Committee's
report on a test omit the depositor's name and the trade name of the article tested, and
that the depositor not state the Committee's name in announcing favorable results.
After further discussion the question developed as to whether the publication of
the results should lie in the discretion of the Committee or in the discretion of the
depositor. On this question a vote was taken which showed the members divided four
to four; whereupon the Chairman, to break the tie, voted in favor of reserving to the
Committee discretion as to publication of results.
It was recorded as the sense of the meeting that the Secretary should circulate a
revised draft of paragraph 9, and subject to the approval of such draft by a majority of
the members it was, on motion duly seconded and carried,
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Rule 2 of the Rules and Regulations for
the Conduct of the Work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics the
proposed regulations and fees governing work for private parties or organizations
as revised be, and the same are hereby, approved.
The revised draft of paragraph 9 as approved subsequent to the meeting reads as
9. The results of such investigations and tests shall be furnished promptly to
the depositor, be made available for the use of the Government, and may, in the
discretion of the Committee, be published or otherwise released for the informa-
tion of the public, under such restrictions as the Committee may deem proper to

26. Orville _ight to John _ctory, 6 Nov. 1931.

[Orville Wright served on the NACA longer than any other member--28 years--
but he seldom played an active role. Like several other members from private life, he
was on the Committee to grace the letterhead and to add the weight of his reputation
to the NACA name. When he did voice a strong opinion, as in this letter, he could be
counted on to speak frankly, individualistically, and often in defense of the small
inventor and entrepreneur who harked back to the early years of aviation. Here he
takes exception to the policy established in document 25.]

November 6, 1931.

Mr. JOHN F. VICTORY, Secretary,

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Victory:

I will not be able to be present at the special meeting of the Executive Committee
of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics on next Tuesday, November 10th.
I am returning enclosed your letter of October 23rd with the draft for paragraph 9
of the new regulations governing work for private parties. I believe the draft represents
the action of the Committee and, therefore, I approve it, although I do not myself"
believe in making public the reports of investigations or tests paid for by private
parties, except with their consent. So long as this rule is retained by the Committee, no
one, I believe, who has a really novel or valuable idea will have it tested by the
Committee; and therefore all'of the tests made in the tunnel will be of inventions of
minor importance.
I think the inventor is rendering a public service, even though he may patent his
invention, when he puts the invention on the market, so that use o1" it can be secured
by the public. For this reason I think that our Committee would be serving our


Government andour peopleat largewhenit makestestsof inventions

for private
partiesona strictlyconfidential
Sincerely yours,

27. Joseph S. Ames to F. H. LaGuardia, 24 Feb. 1932.

[Congressman Fiorello H. LaGuardia was an aviation enthusiast and a friend of

the NACA. When it was proposed in the early 1930s to transfer the NACA to the
Department of Commerce, LaGuardia asked the committee for ammunition to fight the
move. In this letter, NACA Chairman Joseph Ames employed the defenses characteris-
tic of the Committee: he cited the practical uses made of the Committee's researches,
the economies it had effected, and the endorsements of its clients.]

My dear Mr. LaGuardia:

In response to your request of February 22, I am enclosing a copy of the

Seventeenth Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, blue-
penciled to indicate the principal activities of the organization, and also a memoran-
dum relating to the present and future need of continuing the Committee.
The opposition the Committee has had in the past has not been formidable nor
direct, with a single exception, and that was the action in December, 1925, by the
Department of Commerce, not appreciating the real functions of the Committee, in
incorporating in the original Senate draft of the Air Commerce Act of 1926 a section
transferring the Committee to the Department of Commerce and making the Assistant
Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics Chairman of the Committee. That was ap-
proved by the Senate Committee on Commerce without the knowledge of the National
Advisory Committee nor of the War or Navy Departments. After the bill was ordered
favorably reported, one member of the Senate committee was apprised of the opposi-
tion of the War and Navy Departments and polled his colleagues, with the result that
the bill was actually reported with a committee amendment striking out the objection-
able section.
Aside from this incident, there has been no move by any committee of Congress
to change the status of the National Advisory Committee since it was created as an
independent establishment in 1915; nor has there been any effort other than that of
the editor of the magazine Aero Dzgest, Mr. Frank A. Tichenor, who suggests that the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics be eliminated "through the simple proc-
ess of merging it with the Bureau of Standards." This reckless suggestion now current
is made by one who is not familiar with the real functions of the Committee in
coordinating the work of the Bureau of Standards, along with that of other agencies of
the Government concerned with aeronautics. Furthermore, the author of the sugges-
tion has never to our knowledge visited the Committee's laboratories, and has no
evident qualifications to evaluate the results of scientific investigations in aeronautics.
The Committee as a coordinating agency in aeronautics brings about the efficient
use of the facilities of all agencies of the Government. On fundamental problems
relating to aeronautics the Committee is a clearing house for the Army, the Navy, the
Department of Commerce, and also the aircraft industry.
The Committee has received many voluntary expressions from aeronautical au-
thorities, including the most competent engineers in the aircraft industry, compliment-
ing the organization on its effective work. For your information I am enclosing some
extracts showing some of the viewpoints of others.
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is not only an effective agency
for coordination and prevention of duplication in the field of aeronautical research, but
is also a service agency, serving the needs of the other governmental agencies con-
cerned with aeronautics. It is a recognized p_inciple in governmental organization that
coordinating agencies and service agencies should remain independent.


Theair organizations of theWarandNavyDepartments relyupontheAdvisory

Committee for the scientific knowledge andfundamental information thatunderlie
progress in militaryandnavalaircraft.TheDepartment of Commerce andtheaircraft
industry arenecessarily dependent alsoupontheCommittee forthescientific investiga-
tionandstudyoffundamental problems.
TheGovernment expends eachyearmillionsof dollarsfor thepurchase of new
aircraftfor theArmyandNavyandothermillionsthroughtheDepartment of Com-
merceandthePostOfficeDepartment to promotethecivilandcommercial useof
aircraft•Thefutureof civilaviationis dependent uponthedevelopment of saferand
moreefficienttypesof aircraft.Theincreasing importance of aircraftformilitaryand
navalpurposes makes it necessary thatAmerica havethemostup-to-date andefficient
aircraft.Thismeans thatAmerica mustkeepabreast of othernationsin thescientific
development oftheairplane.
It is nota matterof chance thatat thepresent timetheUnitedStates is at the
forefrontof progressive nationsin thedevelopment of militaryandcommercial avia-
tion.It is theresultofpersistent andcontinuous researchthathasmadeit possible for
American designers todevelop aircraftofsuperiorqualities.
I consider it a veryseriousmatterto disturbthepresent statusoftheCommittee
asanindependent establishment, asthisstatusis largelyresponsible for its success.
Anydisturbance in status willaffectadverselytheefficiency
oftheorganization andwill
undermine theveryfoundations ofouraeronautical development.
Themembership of the NationalAdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics includes
sevengovernmental representatives fromtheWarandNavyDepartments, the Bureau
of Standards, the Weather Bureau, and the Smithsonian Institution, and eight persons
appointed from private life, all of whom serve as such without compensation. Its
organization embraces eight principal committees and seven subcommittees, totaling
85 members, who also serve without compensation. It is evident, therefore, that this
Committee represents the best thought of every group concerned with the technical
development of aircraft.
I beg to assure you that I appreciate greatly your interest in the whole field of
aeronautics and especially your interest in giving our Committee an opportunity to
explain to you our point of view.
Sincerely yours,
JosEPh S. AMrs,
• . . "Some Reasons Why the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Should be
Continued as an Independent Government Establishment."
"Some Comments on the Work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics."

February 24, 1932.



Reference: Current Suggestion to Transfer the National Advisory Committee for Aero-
nautics to the Department of Commerce and to Merge It with the Bureau of Standards.
1. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is at present an independent
Government establishment created by law in 1915, charged with the duty of supervis-
ing and directing the scientific study of the problems of flight. This [unction is
extraneous to the major purpose of any other governmental agency.


2. The Committee is an effectiveagencyfor coordination andprevention of

duplicationin the fieldof aeronautical research. It is a recognized principlethat
coordinating agencies shouldbeindependent.
3. The Committee is a serviceagency, servingtheneedsof all governmental
agencies concerned withaeronautics. It is a recognized principlethatservice agencies
4. Military,naval,andcommercial aviationareundertheWar,Navy,andCom-
merceDepartments respectively. Therecanbenoquestion thatthetechnical activities
of the Aeronautics Branchof the Department of Commerce andof its Bureauof
Standards shouldbecoordinated withthoseof theWarandNavyDepartments. The
NationalAdvisory Committee for Aeronautics couldnot continue to coordinate effec-
tivelytheactivities oftheWar,Navy,andCommerce Departments relatingto aeronau-
ticalresearch if theCommittee wereunderthecontrolofeitherofthosedepartments.
5. FortheAdvisory Committee to discharge itsdutiesefficiently anddealfairly
andimpartially withtechnical matters it shouldremainanindependent establishment.
6. TheWar,Navy,andCommerce Departments nowhaverepresentation on the
NationalAdvisoryCommittee for Aeronautics. To placethe Committee underthe
controlof the Department of Commerce wouldgivea dominating influenceto its
representative, wouldhavetheeffectof denyingequality to theothermembers, and
ultimatelywoulddestroythe valueof the Committee asan impartialcoordinating
7.Thenaturalandcertainconsequence wouldbethattheairservices oftheArmy
andNavywouldcease to relyupontheAdvisory Committee astheydonowfor the
scientificstudyandsolutionof themorefundamental problems of flight,andwould
followtheirownindependent linesof endeavor, whichwouldresultin duplication,
waste,andinefficiency andretardprogress in militaryandnavalaircraftdevelopment.
8. TheAdvisory Committee wouldcease to bea "national"advisory committee
foraeronautics andwouldbecome merelyanadvisory committee forcivilandcommer-
cialaeronautics underandfortheDepartment ofCommerce.
9. TheCommittee membership includes representatives fromall governmental
agencies concerned withthedevelopment of aeronautics andeminentscientists and
aeronautical authorities fromprivatelife,includingsuchmenasDr.JosephS.Ames,
President ofJohnsHopkinsUniversity (Chairman); Dr.DavidW.Taylor,formerChief
Constructor of theNavy(ViceChairman); Dr. WilliamF.Durand,of California, an
eminentconsulting engineer; Dr.OrvilleWright,theinventorof theairplane; Honor-
ableEdwardP.Warner,formerAssistant Secretary of theNavyforAeronautics; Hon-
orableWilliamP.MacCracken, Jr.,formerAssistant Secretary of Commerce forAero-
nautics;Honorable HarryF.Guggenheim, formerPresident oftheDanielGuggenheim
Fundfor thePromotion of Aeronautics, Incorporated; andColonelCharles A. Lind-
bergh.All themembers serveassuchwithoutcompensation. Thedignityof member-
shipon theCommittee in itspresent statusof anindependent establishment andthe
satisfaction thatcomesfromservicerendered in a trulypatrioticdevotionto duty
constitute the onlycompensation of themembers. Thismadepossible thefactex-
pressed by President Coolidgein 1924that"throughthisCommittee the talentof
America hasbeenmarshaled in thescientific studyof theproblems of flight,withthe
resultthatAmerica occupies a positionin theforefrontofprogressive nationsin the
technical development of aeronautics. ThestatusoftheCommittee asanindependent
Government establishment haslargelymade possible itssuccess."
10.TodenytheCommittee acontinuance of itspresent independent statuswould
inevitably leadto lowering of thecaliberofitsmembership. TheCommittee couldnot
longexpectto holdtheconfidence of theArmyandNavyair services norexertthe
samehealthyinfluence asin thepast.Theinevitable resultwouldbethedissolution of
theCommittee andthelossto thenationoftheorganization whichhasbeenprimarily

responsiblefor theleadingpositiontakenby America in connection withaeronautical

research.Thispositionmustbemaintained if wearetocontinue tobeinadvance ofall
othernationsin thetechnical development ofaircraft.
"Throughthis committee the talentof Americahasbeenmarshaled in the
studyof theproblems of flight,withtheresultthattodayAmerica occupies a
positionin theforefrontof progressive nationsin thetechnical development of aero-
nautics.Thestatusofthecommittee asanindependent Government establishmenthas
largelymadepossibleits success."--Calvin Coolidge,President, U.S.,The White
House, Washington, D.C.,Dec.8, 1924,lettertoCongress
DwightW.Morrow,chairman ofthePresident's AircraftBoard,in referringtothe
testimonypresented attheirHearings said"--it isinteresting
to notethattheaviation
workof thePostOfficeDepartment andof theAdvisory Committee for Aeronautics
escaped all criticism."--Dwight W. Morrow(Letterto Dr. Ames Dec. 22,
"... The National Advisory Committee is an excellent example of the way to
accomplish results, that is to say, by a permanent body of men largely from within the
service who know the work and who have authority. The Committee has accomplished
real results not only in the coordination of the work of various Government branches
interested in aeronautics, but in bringing them into closer contact with the public. The
Committee's work has been of the greatest value in aiding and encouraging the aircraft
industry."--Dr. S. W. Stratton, former Director of the Bureau of Standards, October
27, 1923
"Your reports every year are better and better in every way. They contain, in my
opinion, scientific material of quite as high a value as anything produced at the
National Physical Laboratory (British) or G6ttingen (German aeronautical laboratory).
They are infinitely clearer in presentation than any British reports .... "--New York
University, Alexander Klemin, Professor of Aeronautics, April 4, 1924
"... your committee is most helpful and authoritative. You are doing a great
work and we in aviation all appreciate it."--Santa Barbara Aero Club, Earle Ovington,
Commodore, Santa Barbara, California, November 24, 1926
"'... It is quite astonishing how fast and how accurately your published reports
meet the needs of the field."--E. A. Briner, Consulting Engineer, East Orange, N.J.
"... I received the Reports almost immediately, for which favor I would like to
thank you very much. They contain such precious information that 1 wonder how I ever
got along without them until now."--G. M. Bellanca, Aeronautical Engineer, Omaha,
Nebraska, December 22, 1923


"... I wish to commend the very interesting work which you are doing, and to
have you know that we sincerely appreciate the big part which you are playing in
original research work which contributes so much to the development of aeronau-
tics."--The Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Co., F. B. Rentschler, President, Hartford,
Connecticut, December 19, 1925
"'... These reports are helpful to us beyond explanation .... Permit me through
you to extend my appreciation for the great assistance in industry the Committee has
been to us, and the gratitude of my organization for each and every one associated
with the Committee."--Charles E. Lay, Commercial Aeronautical Engineering, Cincin-
nati, Ohio, January 12, 1925


"... I have for the past year been a project engineer with the Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation. The technical data I have received from the Committee have been invalu-
able to me .... the publications of the Committee constitute by far the greatest source
of research data in this country, and no engineer who wishes to keep abreast of
developments can afford to be without them."--Richard W. Palmer, Pasadena, Califor-
nia, February 3, 1930
"'... the conference was the most impressive and instructive one of this kind that
I have ever had the privilege of attending, and you will be gratified to know that in our
research work we have already been able to derive very definite advantage and assist-
ance from the publications and work of your Committee."--Grover Loening, May 16,

"'I was very glad to receive the data on N.A.C.A. 2412 forwarded with your letter
of the 7th. It came to hand at just the right moment; in fact, I was on the point of
writing you a letter and asking you if I might not be supplied with this information.
Another good example of the very efficient service rendered by the Committee."--
Chance Vought Corporation, East Hartford, Connecticut, January 14, 1932
"'... In prosecuting this work I feel that the N.A.C.A. is making the biggest
contribution that is possible in aviation at the present time, and the fact that the results
of your work are made immediately available to the industry will do much to hasten the
progress in aviation."--Packard Motor Car Company, J. G. Vincent, Vice President of
Engineering, December 20, 1927
Your Committee is to be "... congratulated on the marvelous work done during
the past year. I cannot help but feel that the Committee's new equipment and results
achieved are among the outstanding achievements of the year in aeronautics .... "-
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, January 29, 1932
"... Your work is of great assistance to us and is highly appreciated."--Pan
American Airways, Inc., New York City, March 3, 1930
"... We wish to take this opportunity of expressing to you our appreciation of
the many courtesies extended to us by your Committee in the past. Your Reports and
bulletins have been of the greatest assistance to us."--Amphibions, Incorporated,
Garden City, N.Y., October 16, 1931
"... Many thanks to you for the copy of Technical Note No. 219, 'The Compari-
son of Well-Known and New Wing Sections Tested in the Variable Density Wind
Tunnel,' which I have just received. It is a very, very fine report and I want to
congratulate you upon the way it is presented and the abundance of information
contained therein. It is just another example of the good work that is carried on by the
N.A.C.A. and we are getting so accustomed t'o the thoroughness of your reports that,
naturally, we expect them all to be alike."--A. V. Verville, Buhl-Verville Aircraft Co.,
Detroit, Michigan, August 20, 1925
"... I never before appreciated the great importance to aviation that the National
Advisory Committee really is; the wonderful work that they are doing and the true
interest that is shown in aviation by the results of their efforts .... the value to
aviation of the research work which is represented in those volumes is immeasur-
able."--Skylark Airplane Co., Inc., Detroit, Michigan, May 5, 1927

28."EconomicValueofthe NationalAdv_o_CommitteeforA_onauti_,"Jan.

[The NACA maintained that its appropriations from Congress were cost-effective
because its research resulted in savings to the armed services and to the American
aviation industry. Nowhere was that argument more explicit than in this document,


prepared when a move was afoot to transfer the NACA to the Department of Com-
NACA research unquestionably contributed to more efficient flight in the United
States, but that tact does not guarantee the logic or the accuracy of the computations
presented here. (The Committee was careful to label them possible savings.)



The conduct of fundamental scientific research in aeronautics by the National

Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in one central Government laboratory, to meet
the needs of all branches of aviation, is not a Governmental luxury that can be
sacrificed. It is a necessity, vital for national defense because of its fundamental
influence in enabling the Army and the Navy to keep abreast of other nations in the
development of aircraft.
No money estimate can be placed on the immeasurable value of superior perform-
ance of aircraft in warfare, for aerial supremacy is quite likely to be ultimately decisive
of a war; nor can a money estimate be placed on the indeterminable savings in life and
property due to improved safety in the operation of both military and civil aircraft. The
performance, efficiency and safety of aircraft of all types have been materially improved
as a direct result of researches conducted by this Committee. The value in dollars and
cents of improved efficiency in aircraft, however, can be estimated. Six researches
completed within the last few years have been selected, which show that, when the
results are applied to airplanes equal in number to those in use during the fiscal year
1932, savings in money alone will be made possible in excess annually of the total
appropriations for the Committee for the eighteen years of its existence.


In arriving at the estimated possible savings through the use of the N.A.C.A.
cowling on all types of airplanes, the following factors were considered for each type of
airplane in use in the United States for military, naval, and commercial purposes
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1932:
1. Actual hours flown; reduction in drag through use of cowling (at cruising
speed); reduction in horsepower required through use of cowling for same cruis-
ing speed; reduction in initial cost of engine of less horsepower required; reduc-
tion in cost of airplane maintenance and operation resulting from saving in
weight, including: Saving on depreciation; saving in insurance and interest charges
on commercial airplanes and engines; saving on fuel and oil; and saving in
maintenance costs of airplane and engine.
2. From the gross saving thus computed for each airplane in service there was
deducted the cost of installation and maintenance of the N.A.C.A. cowling.
3. The remainder is the net saving per year for each airplane of a given type.
These factors applied to the airplanes in use in the United States by the Army, by
the Navy, and by commercial operators, show estimated possible savings per year as

Army ................................................................................................................ $1,686,800

Navy ................................................................................................................ 1,286,600

Total, military savings ............................................................................. 2,973,400

Commercial savings ........................................................................................ 2,325,900

Total annual savings from use of N.A.C.A. cowling ............................... 5,299,300



In arriving at the estimated possible savings through the use of the N.A.C.A.
engine-propeller position in the wings of all types of multi-engine airplanes, the
following factors were considered for each type of airplane in use in the United States
for military, naval, and commercial purposes during the fiscal year ended June 30,
1. Actual hours flown.
2. Improvement in net efficiency due to use of N.A.C.A. engine propeller location.
3. Reduction in horsepower required at cruising speed.
4. Reduction in initial cost of engines of less horsepower required.
5. Reduction in cost of airplane maintenance and operation resulting from saving
in weight, including:
(a) Saving on depreciation.
(b) Saving in insurance and interest charges on commercial airplanes and
(c) Saving on fuel and oil.
(d) Saving in maintenance costs of airplane and engine.
These factors applied to the multi-engine airplanes in use in the United States by
the Army, the Navy, and commercial operators, show estimated possible savings per
year as follows:

Army ................................................................................................................ $702,200

Navy ................................................................................................................ 342,500

Total military savings .............................................................................. 1,044,700

Commercial savings ........................................................................................ 953,600

Total annual savings through use of N.A.C.A. engine-propeller

position in muhi-engine airplanes ....................................................... 1,998,300


The conventional type of gasoline engine is a four-stroke-cycle engine: that is to

say, each piston makes two up-strokes and two down-strokes in delivering one power
stroke. In the two-stroke-cycle engine, each down-stroke of a piston is a power stroke.
Certain physical difficulties have existed, however, to delay the development of the
two-stroke-cycle engine for general use in aircraft.
The N.A.C.A. has conducted researches for several years to solve these difficulties.
It has made definite progress on the fundamental difficulties involved, as, for example,
in the scavenging of burned gases from the cylinders and in the injection of fuel under
pressure. The progress thus far made in the Committee's laboratory indicates that a
two-stroke-cycle engine having compression ignition and fuel injection can now be built
at an average weight of 1.4 pounds per horsepower as compared with the present
average weight of 2 pounds per horsepower.

Total horsepower developed in Army, Navy, and commercial airplanes

(hp) .............................................................................................................. 413,725
At average of 2 pounds per horsepower for four-stroke-cycle engine
(pounds) ...................................................................................................... 827,450
At average of 1.4 pounds per horsepower for two-stroke-cycle engine
(pounds) ...................................................................................................... 579,215

Weight saved using two-stroke-cycle engine (pounds) .................................. 248,235

Multiplied by cost per year per pound of weight flown ................................. $4.02

Annual possible saving ................................................................................... $997,905



By scientific investigations conducted by the National Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics to determine the distribution of air loads imposed on airplane structures in
flight, it is now possible so to design airplane wings as to give requisite strength with
minimum weight.
For convenience in evaluating the saving thus made possible in the annual operat-
ing costs (disregarding savings in production costs), the single-engine commercial
airplanes have been estimated at 5000 pounds each and multi-engine commercial
airplanes at 15000 pounds each.

5,000-pound airplanes, 453 at 270 pounds saved per airplane (pounds) ..... 123,000
15,000-pound airplanes, 199 at 610 pounds saved per airplane (pounds) ... 122,000

Gross weight saved on commercial airplanes operated in 1932 (pounds) .... 245,000
Annual saving at $4.02 per pound per annum ............................................... $984,900


Considering a typical cabin monoplane with N.A.C.A. 2415 wing installed in lieu
of the previous conventional wing, there would be, at a cruising speed of 120 miles per
hour, a reduction in total drag including wing and control surfaces of 17.28 pounds
per airplane.

Cost per pound of drag per hour of flight .................................................. $.031/2

Saving per hour of flight at 17.28 pounds drag saved per airplane ............ 60
Possible savings per annum at 60¢ per hour of flight per airplane,
based on number of airplanes used during 1932:
Army ..................................................................................................... $222,752
Navy ...................................................................................................... 148,647

Total savings to Government ............................................................... 371,399

Commercial savings .............................................................................. 257,358

Total savings per annum ............................................................... $628,757


The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics through researches conducted

at its laboratories at Langley Field, Virginia, has made possible an 18 percent increase
in power of aircraft engines by using large valve overlap combined with fuel injection
principle. Based on the aircraft engines in use in the United States during the fiscal
year 1932, this principle makes possible an annual economic saving of $598,742,
arrived at as follows:

Power saved (percent) .................................................................................... 18

Total brake horsepower hours developed during year on aircraft engines
of all types ................................................................................................... 413,724,750
Assuming liberal estimate of 1,000 hours' operation per year, the horse-
power developed was (hp) .......................................................................... 413,725
18% of above=horsepower saved (hp) ......................................................... 74,470
Equivalent weight saved at rate of 2 pounds per horsepower (lb) ................ 148,940
Economic value of weight saved at $4.02 per pound per annum .................. $598,742


29. The Brookings Institution, "Memorandum on Report No. 12 on Senate Select

Committee Making Recommendations Relative to National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, " 8 Nov. 1937.

[In 1937 the Brookings Institution analyzed the organization of the federal gov-
ernment at the request of the Senate Select Committee to Investigate Executive Agen-
cies of Government. The goal was to suggest economies that could be effected through
the elimination of duplication, a constant concern in Congress. Report No. 12 of the
Institution recommended that the NACA be transferred to the Department of Com-
merce. This memorandum summarizes that report. Note that the efficiency and effec-
tiveness of the NACA were never even brought into question, let alone studied; the
recommendation turned entirely on general principles of organization. Congress failed
to act on this recommendation, but the issues raised here remained a constant threat to
the NACA's autonomy and independence.]

The staff of the Institute for Government Research has reviewed the analysis . . .
and recommendations . . . contained in the section on air transportation and finds no
basis for modifying the conclusions reached relative to the recommended transfer to
the proposed Department of Transportation (the Transportation Section of the Depart-
ment of Commerce) of the functions now performed by the National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics. The reasons for this conclusion are briefly set forth as follows:
The chief purpose of the reorganization study was to discover at what points and
by what methods the functioning of the Executive branch of the government could be
improved by the elimination of overlappings, duplications, and conflicts in authority
and operation.
In the case of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics our analysis
revealed a clear-cut case of duplication in the research work which this agency and the
Bureau of Air Commerce are now authorized to carry on. Our recommendation that
the work now done by the N.A.C.A. "... should be fitted into the general research
program developed by the Department of Transportation in carrying out its air-
transport promotional work..." was designed to eliminate this duplication. We made
no analysis of the detailed functioning of the N.A.C.A., nor did we express any
judgment relative to the quality of its work. The validity of our recommendation does
not depend upon such analysis, for we did not suggest discontinuance of the func-
tion-merely its transfer from one agency to another.
Moreover, we discovered nothing in the general character of the work done by the
NACA which would require that it be divorced from effective executive control in order
to function properly. Its work is not 'in any way judicial or legislative in character. It
can properly be performed (as is the case with similar basic research work carried on
by the experimental stations of the Bureau of Public Roads) within the framework of
the appropriate executive department.
Our recommendation was, therefore, based on the following considerations:
1. Two federal agencies, the Bureau of Air Commerce, and the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, are now authorized and instructed to carry
on basic research work in the field of aeronautics.
2. One of these agencies, the Bureau of Air Commerce, is in addition charged
with primary responsibility for the promotion and regulation of air commerce in
furtherance of the declared policy of Congress to build and maintain a safe,
adequate, economical, and efficient air transport system, designed
(a) To meet the reasonable needs of the American people for air trans-
(b) To supply reasonable air mail service;


(c) To make available an air craft manufacturing industry capable of

expansion in time of national emergency to meet the military needs of the
country; and
(d) To insure the expeditious development of miscellaneous flying.
3. Basic research in the fundamental problems of flying, the physical charac-
teristics of materials and operating equipment, etc., must be carried out by the
Bureau of Air Commerce in order to discharge its statutory responsibilities.
4. The work now done by the NACA is neither judicial nor legislative in
character and consequently does not require independent organizational status.
5. Its present status is explained largely by historical factors.
All of those points might have been elaborated in the transportation report. Such
elaboration applied consistently to analysis of the 21 major federal agencies engaged in
activities affecting transportation obviously would have extended unduly this section of
the report. We did, however, indicate briefly:
1. That between 1915 and 1926 the federal government's activities in the field
of aeronautics were based almost exclusively upon military considerations . . .;
2. That the NACA was created in 1915 as a part of this limited program . . .;
3. That beginning with the Air Commerce Act of 1926 congressional policy has
progressively shifted in emphasis from the military to the economic aspects of air
transportation. , .;
4. That the work of the NACA has not been limited to its original major
purpose--basic research in aeronautics designed to serve military purposes--but
has followed the trends in the development of air transportation generally. This
observation is supported by the committee's stated objectives of its research work:
" . . . (1) to coordinate the research needs of aviation, civil and military; (2) to
define the problem to be investigated; (3) to allocate the problems to prevent
overlapping and duplication; (4) to anticipate research needs; (5) to organize and
conduct at one central governmental service laboratory (Langley Field) scientific
research on the more fundamental problems of flight, and especially those prob-
lems requested by the Army, Navy, and the Bureau of Air Commerce; (6) to
disseminate resulting new knowledge; (7) to pass upon technical merits of aero-
nautical inventions; and (8) to conduct specific investigations for and at the
expense of the aircraft industry when adequate facilities are not elsewhere avail-
5. Under the terms of the Air Commerce Act of 1926 and amendments the
Bureau of Air Commerce is instructed among other things to " . . . 'study the
possibilities for development of air commerce and the aeronautical industry and
trade in the United States, and to collect and disseminate information relative
thereto' . . . 'to advise with the Bureau of Standards and other agencies in the
executive branch of the Government in carrying forward such research and devel-
opment work as tends to create improved air navigation facilities.' . . ."
Such research work is essential to the formulation of technical rules regarding
equipment, flying, landing, the determination of responsibility for air accidents, etc.,
with which the Bureau of Air Commerce is charged ....
Consideration has been given to the question whether the fact that the N.A.C.A.
as originally set up was concerned largely with questions of national defense does not
indicate that it should be preserved as a separate agency independent of any depart-
ment. We do not think this is the case for the following reasons: (1) As already
indicated, the work of the N.A.C.A. has been steadily broadened to include other than
military aspects of the problem; and (2) the Bureau of Air Commerce has been
established to deal with problems of national defense as well as air transportation
generally. The logic of the situation clearly calls for the consolidation of these agencies
in the interests of economy.


Assuming the accuracy of our analysis of the functions of the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics and since we failed to discover any compelling reason why
its present work could not be effectively performed by the Bureau of Air Commerce (or
whatever agency might be designated to administer the general air transportation
policy of the government) our recommended transfer of the N.A.C.A. to the Bureau is
essential to the preservation of the internal consistency of the report as a whole. The
Bureau of Public Roads, for example, has for years carried on basic research work in
the strength of materials, subsoil conditions, stresses and strains upon materials, etc.,
as an integral part of its administration of the federal aid acts. These research activities
are equally as fundamental to the proper administration of the federal aid acts as are
analogous research activities to the effective administration of air transport legislation.
Both have their military implications. If convincing reasons can be found for the
severance of fundamental research policy from the administration of general air trans-
port, we would have been compelled for the sake of consistency to recommend transfer
of the fundamental highway research now carried on by the Bureau of Public Roads, to
an independent organization. We discovered no justification for such a recommenda-
tion, nor did we find any basically distinguishing features which would require that one
phase of the research function should be carried on by a department, and the other by
a semi-official organization, financed with federal funds, but divorced from any effec-
tive control of the government unit charged by Congress with responsibility for admin-
istration of the federal government's air navigation program.

30. Westover Committee Report, 19 Aug. 1938.

[Shortly before his death, Maj. Gen. Oscar Westover joined two other members of
the NACA in an attempt to formulate a policy to govern the NACA in the event of war.
Their report laid down the principles endorsed by President Roosevelt the following
year and implemented in World War II. Although this policy solved many problems for
the NACA, it left the deferring of NACA personnel from military service to be worked
out slowly and painfully during the war.]

Subject: Relation of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to National

Defense in Time of War.
To: Chairman, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
I. The committee appointed for the purpose of considering the study covering the
relation of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to National Defense in
Time of War . . . finds that the questions contained therein can be resolved into the
following elements:
a. What is the present status of the NACA in regard to National Defense?
b. (1) What should be the status and relation of the NACA to National
Defense in a national emergency? (2) Where does it fit into the scheme for
National Defense?
c. What should be the status of the personnel of the NACA during a national
d. How should the NACA obtain additional personnel, if needed for expan-
sion, in time of an emergency?
2. With reference to the questions listed in Paragraph 1, above, the following
remarks are made:
Q. a. What is the present status of the NACA in regard to National Defense?
A. Peace Status. The NACA is a Federal agency, with a mission prescribed by
law. It performs essential work for the Army, the Navy, other Federal agencies,
and for the Aeronautical Industry.


Q. b. What should be the status and relation of the NACA to National

Defense in a national emergency? (2) Where does it fit into the scheme for
National Defense?
A. War Status.
(1) The status of the NACA in a national emergency has not been fixed.
The services of the NACA are deemed to be essential to National Defense for
the successful prosecution of a war.
(2) The NACA can properly submit recommendations to higher authority
as to its proper place in the scheme for National Defense. These recommen-
dations could be that-
(a) The NACA continue to function as a separate entity, the same as it does in
peace. In this connection, a mobilization plan should be prepared and submitted
to the President for approval. Such action would place the NACA in the category
of an Independent Establishment, Board, or Commission . . .; also, on a parity
with the Armed Forces in case of an emergency, rather than as an integral part
thereof. The degree of coordination and cooperation between the NACA and the
agencies which would have paramount need for the services of the NACA should
be given careful consideration. The Armed Forces will, undoubtedly, desire a
more definite status for the NACA than one based upon coordination and co-
(b) The NACA become an adjunct of The Aeronautical Board. The Aeronau-
tical Board is a continuing Joint Board .... Since the NACA upon the declaration
of a national emergency would, undoubtedly, confine its activities to aeronautical
matters and since such aeronautical matters jointly concern the War and Navy
Departments and are handled by the Aeronautical Board, the services and re-
sources of the NACA could well be utilized by this Joint Board. Such a position
would make the NACA a part of the Armed Forces, and, on one hand, would
permit direct collaboration and/or action between the NACA and the Chief of the
Air Corps and the Secretary of War; on the other hand, the Chief of the Bureau of
Aeronautics and the Secretary of the Navy. It is realized that such action would
place the NACA, for the period of the emergency, in a more subordinate position
than that which it now enjoys; however, in the interests of National Defense, this is
believed to be a logical plan.
An effort to definitely place the NACA in such a position in the scheme for
National Defense is shown in . . . [a] proposed Mobilization Plan tor The Aero-
nautical Board. That portion of this Mobilization Plan which pertains to The
Aeronautical Board proper was drawn up by a subcommittee of that Board and
has not, as yet, received the approval of The Aeronautical Board. It is realized that
the submission of Section 3 of this plan to The Aeronautical Board would be only
as a recommendation as to the line of action which would be acceptable to the
NACA and that the final Mobilization Plan would be drawn up by The Aeronauti-
cal Board and submitted to the NACA for its comment, or approval, prior to
submission thereof to higher authority.
Q;. c. What should be the status of the personnel of the NACA during a
national emergency?
A. The committee at present consists of military and civilian personnel. No
cogent reasons can be advanced which would require a change to a military status
for such members in time of an emergency. It is believed that no advantage would
be conferred, by a military status, upon the personnel employed by the NACA,
either in its Washington offices or in the Langley Memorial Aeronautical l,abora-
tory at Langley Field, Virginia. A civilian status for such personnel will, undoubt-
edly, meet with military approval as the granting of military rank to personnel


engaged uponquasi-military workaswasdoneduringtheWorldWaris notnow

believed tobedesirable.
_. d. Howshouldthe NACAobtainadditional personnel, if neededfor
expansion, intimeofanemergency?
A. Theanswer to thisquestion is dependent uponthe decision adoptedby
the Committee as to wherethe NACAshouldbe placedin the scheme for
National Defense; forinstance-
(l) If theNACAis to remaina separate entity,thenit wouldincludein its
Mobilization Plansuitable paragraphs onthesubject ofpersonnel.
(2)If theNACAis tobecome anessential adjunct ofTheAeronautical Board,
thenthe Aeronautical Boardin its Mobilization Planshouldprovidefor the
necessary personnel toproperlycarryontheactivities oftheNACA ....
3.In connection withthisstudy,thequestion of "blanketdeferment" for NACA
personnel wasraised, andit isbelieved thatnotimeor thought shouldbegiventothis
questionasit is notconsidered to bepossible of attainment--the American Legionis
definitelyopposed to thegrantingof "blanketdeferment" to anyindustryor classof
personnel. Thesolutionrecommended isasfollows:
a.Thecaseof eachindividual employee mustbeconsidered on merit,when
waris imminent, dueregardbeinggivento thequalifications, positionheld,and
therecommendations of themanagement (NACA)astotheneedfor theservices
oftheindividual concerned.
b.Theattitudeof theWarDepartment onthismatterin thepastisbelieved
tobeessentially asfollows:
(1) No attempthasbeenmadeto placerestrictions on appointments of
Reservists fromeitherallocated or unaliocated facilities.
(2) It hasnot beenthepolicyto denyanArmyReserve" commission to an
applicant merelybecause hemaybeemployed by anallocated facility.It is true
thattheeffectonindustry bysudden withdrawal forwarservice ofemployees who
holdReserve commissions hascaused someconcern, but,because of the many
considerations involved, it hasnotbeenthought practicable toattempttoapplya
restriction toArmyReserve officersbased onwhether theycouldor couldnotbe
spared by theiremployers withoutgravedetriment toessential warproduction. A
principal hindrance tosuchaclassification is thefactthata Reserve officer'sstatus
andoccupation in civillifemaychange frequently.Eachcasemustbeconsidered
onitsmerits,whenwarisimminent, dueregardbeinggivento thequalifications,
positionheld,andtherecommendations of themanagement astotheneedforthe
services of theindividual concerned.
(3)It mustberealized thatcertaindeferments willhaveto bemadein order
to beableto supplymunitions to thefightingforcesandavoidthenecessity for
wholesale exemptions. To theendthatthismaybeaccomplished thematteris
nowunderstudyandit is believed possible toworkoutdetailed planstoapplyin
everyinstance thatwill servetominimize interference withessential warproduc-
tionandat thesametimenotdenyto theArmedForces theuseof suchmenas
maybeparticularly fittedandnecessary forthemilitaryandnavalservices.
4.Thecommittee recommends that:
a.TheNACAseeka placein thescheme forNational Defense asanessential
adjunctof TheAeronautical Boardforthedurationofa national emergency only.
b.Thepersonnel employed by theNACAcontinue on a civilianstatusafter
theoutbreak ofanemergency.
c.Thequestion of "blanketdeferment" forsuchpersonnel notberaisedasa
satisfactory solution canbeobtained byothermeans.
d.Norestrictions or objections bemadeto personnel oftheNACAaccepting
commissions withthemilitaryforcesin timeofpeace; however, duenoticeto be

giventhemilitaryforcesthattheNACAis an"Essential

Major General, Air Corps, Chief of the Air Corps, Chairman.

(s) A. B. CooK,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Chief, Bureau of Aeronautics, Member.
(s) W. R. GREGG,
Chief of Weather Bureau, Department of Agriculture, Member.

31. H. H. Arnold to George W. Lewis, 5Jan. 1939, enclosing "Discussion of a

Proposal to Establish an Aeronautical Laboratory for Applied Research. "

[Late in 1938, Clark B. Millikan of the California Institute of Technology sug-

gested to H. H. Arnold, Chief of the Army Air Corps, that the government fund an
applied aeronautical research laboratory at Cahech as a national defense measure. In
his formal proposal he chose to identify two kinds of aeronautical research, basic and
applied. When Arnold forwarded the proposal to the NACA for comment, he added a
third kind, production research. Commenting on this correspondence, John Victory
proposed still another formulation of the division of research (see document 32).
Between the lines of Millikan's proposal can be seen implied criticisms of the NACA,
an attempt by Cahech to do on the west coast what the NACA was doing at Langley,
and a catalyst for the NACA to build its own laboratory in California.]

Dear Dr. Lewis:

During a recent trip to the West Coast, Dr. Millikan brought up the subject of
Government sponsorship of aeronautical research activities and its relationship to the
National Defense. While the enclosed proposal is pertinent to the procurement of
military aircraft, it is a matter which properly falls directly within the authority and
responsibility of the N.A.C.A.
It is the opinion of the undersigned that aeronautical research activities should be
divided as follows:
(1) Basic Research. The N.A.C.A. to be directly responsible for the correlation
and coordination of all basic research conducted by Governmental establishments.
To coordinate research and development activities in the fields of Applied Re-
search and Production Research, which in so many instances will suggest new
problems for basic research.
(2) Applied Research. The Army and Navy to be directly responsible for the
coordination and immediate application of new aerodynamic theories, principles,
and discoveries to the particular problems of military aircraft. This involves close
cooperation between Wright Field, the Naval Aircraft Factory, and engineering
staffs of the aircraft factories.
(3) Production Research. The engineering staffs of the various aircraft factories
to be responsible for the conduct of the various aerodynamic tests and experimen-
tation that is connected with the successful completion and production of military
aircraft. This Production Research to be conducted in the facilities available at
Universities or other private or civilian institutions in the vicinity of the manufac-
turer concerned.
Plans for new facilities at Wright Field will be coordinated with the N.A.C.A. with
a view of making it possible to eliminate Basic Research from the Wright Field
aerodynamic experimental programs.
Since there is no definite line of demarcation between the characteristics of a
Basic Research tunnel and one primarily designed for Applied Research, there is


boundto be some overlapping between the aerodynamic research facilities of the

N.A.C.A., Wright Field, the Naval Aircraft Factory, and Educational Institutions, which
indicates quite definitely the necessity for coordination of all activities by the N.A.C.A.
With the above in mind and with the idea that your organization should be the
coordinating agency, the enclosed project from the California Institute of Technology
is forwarded for such action as is necessary. In the opinion of the undersigned there is
a need for additional Production Research facilities on the West Coast for the use of
the aircraft industry. These additional facilities are in excess of any which the N.A.C.A.
may find necessary to construct to carry on its own functions.
Sincerely yours,

Major General, Air Corps, Chief of the Air Corps.



The great expansion in the United States Air Services, which is now under
discussion as a national defense measure, will require a corresponding enlargement in
the country's aeronautical research facilities. Research in aeronautics can be divided
into two categories, which may be described by the adjectives "basic" and "applied."
The former is concerned with fundamental problems not associated with any specific
aircraft design, while the latter deals with questions arising in the development and
design of a particular machine. The two categories are far from unrelated and must be
developed together in order that research activities may have anything like their
maximum possible efficiency. The following discussion treats certain aspects of the
question of applied research in aerodynamics, but the latter's connection with the basic
field will often appear.
The fundamental tool for experimental applied research in aerodynamics is the
wind tunnel, and it seems very certain that the wind tunnel's importance in this
connection will increase rather than diminish in the future. It, therefore, appears that
an immediate consequence of any considerable aeronautical expansion will be the
necessity for an increase in the wind tunnel facilities available for applied research.

Characteristics of an Applied Research Wind Tunnel

There are certain characteristics which wind-tunnel testing in connection with
applied research should possess, but which may not be essential to basic research
a) The tests must be rapidly made and the results be immediately available.
b) Changes and modifications to the models must be relatively simple to make.
c) It must be possible to decide on modifications and further tests in the light of
data just obtained, and without delaying the testing.
d) The Reynolds number must be large enough so that critical points do not
occur between the test and full-scale values.
e) The models must be large enough to permit the accurate reproduction of
important details, but small enough so that their expense is not excessive ....
It appears that a new wind tunnel, designed primarily for applied research in
connection with airplane designers and manufacturers, should have approximately the
following characteristics in order to make the most effective possible contribution to
airplane design: It should be a closed-return type with a working section about 12 feet
in diameter, with an operating speed of about 400 m.p.h, at normal density, and should
be capable of being partially evacuated so as to permit the attainment of maximum
speeds of the order of 600 m.p.h. It must also have the features listed under a) to e) at
the beginning of this section.


Desirability of Some Decentralization of Applied Research in Aerodynamics

There are many factors which lead to the conclusion that a certain amount of
decentralization is desirable in connection with research work of the type in question.
Requirements a), b), and c) of the previous section indicate the importance of close
cooperation and contact between a manufacturer whose design is undergoing tests and
the testing personnel of the wind-tunnel agency. Such contact is enormously facilitated
if the factory and laboratory are reasonably near one another. Since the aircraft
industry in the United States, to a very large extent, located in several well-defined but
widely separated regions, a number of applied research centers is immediately indi-
cated. The flexibility in testing procedure, which is essential to satisfactory cooperation
in industrial wind-tunnel testing, is also much easier to maintain in a relatively small
laboratory than in a great central research establishment.
In any such expansion as is currently being considered, the central governmental
research organizations, such as the N.A.C.A. and the Army station at Wright Field,
would, of course, be very largely increased in size. There are, however, limits to the
amount of expansion which can efficiently be carried out with any organization in a
short time. Above these limits such an expansion is most effectively accomplished
through subdivision and the development of separate units.
Such a subdivision might even be carried to the extreme in which each factory
maintained its own laboratory and wind tunnel in which all of its individual research
work was done. This, however, would be highly undesirable. In the first place, a
laboratory capable of dealing adequately with most of the designers' problems would
involve far too much capital investment for any one company. Furthermore, a single
company could not make enough use of the required elaborate equipment to justify its
cost. There are many cooperative investigations which fall into the category of basic
research, but which are of importance to several companies at the same time. Such
investigations can be carried out much more satisfactorily by an independent than by a
company laboratory.
The combination of basic and applied research, which can be effectively handled
by an independent research organization working in close cooperation with manufac-
turers' engineers, furnishes a powerful argument in iavor of this type of laboratory. It
very frequently happens that interesting and important basic research problems are
suggested during a more or less routine industrial test. Such problems often do not
come to the attention of pure research workers, and they can almost never be pursued
in a company laboratory. They can, however, be readily incorporated into the basic
research program which an independent research laboratory would normally be en-
gaged upon as a background for its applied research activities.
Coordination is, of course, a very important element in the efficient progress of
research. However, it has often been demonstrated that coordination can he very
satisfactorily attained between several laboratories, even though they are at large
distances from one another. On the other hand, very great advantages are derived from
the stimulus of friendly competition between such laboratories. The greatest advances,
not only in experimental technique but also in the development of new ideas, very
frequently occur when several groups are attacking the same type of problem more or
less independently.
In view of the above remarks, it is interesting to note the methods adopted by the
Germans in their recent remarkable expansion in aeronautical research. The central
government agency, the D.V.L.,* was greatly enlarged, and this indeed was the most
striking feature of their program. However, another extremely important and carefully
worked out element was the setting up of five elaborately equipped research establish-

*Deutsche Versuchsanstah ffir Luftfahrt (German Aeronautical Research Establishment)


mentsat theleadingcentersof highertechnical education throughoutthecountry.

Eachof theseestablishments, underthe directionof oneof the localprofessors,
functionsasan independent research laboratory, althoughthe activities of all are
throughtheAir Ministry.A studyof therecentissues of theAir Ministry's
Luftfahrtforschung, shows that this type of organization has already proved
remarkably fruitful, as indicated by only the published output from these independent

Desirability of Locating an Applied Research Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology

At the present time, approximately 50% of all the airplane building of the country
is carried out in a relatively small region in Southern California. Practically all of the
wind-tunnel testing associated with the development of this great industry has been
done in the ten-foot wind tunnel of the Guggenheim Aeronautics Laboratory at the
California Institute of Technology (hereafter referred to as GALCIT). When this
laboratory was constructed in 1928, it was planned that the time of the wind tunnel
should be 'about equally divided between basic research and applied research or
industrial testing. However, the demands of the industry have been so overwhelming
that during the past several years it has been necessary to operate the wind tunnel 15
to 16 hours per day with two complete shifts of workers, and only 16% of its time has
been available for basic research problems. It is clear that the existing facilities are
sorely overtaxed and that any further expansion of the industry will make an enlarge-
ment of research equipment and staff essential.
A brief resum_ of the applied research activities of the wind tunnel over the eight-
year period of its operation to date will indicate something of the scope of its work. A
total of 138 reports has been prepared, covering separate investigations for manufac-
turers on 50 completely distinct models. Many of these models were tested several
times in modified forms, the later modifications being suggested by the results of the
previous wind-tunnel tests. Of these reports approximately 60% dealt with military or
naval models, while the remaining 40% were concerned with commercial aircraft. The
investigations were conducted for eighteen different companies, five major firms ac-
counting for a very large majority of all the tests. As mentioned above, the tunnel has
been operated with two shifts of workers for the past several years, during which
period its testing facilities have usually been reserved for two to three months in
advance. In addition to this industrial testing, a large number of basic _'esearches has
been carried on, particularly in the earlier years before the wind-tunnel congestion
became so severe.
The organization which has been developed as a result of the experience gained
in this work is a somewhat unusual one. The industrial testing is under the direction of
one of the members of the California Institute staff, whose applied research activities
are considered as separate from his academic ones. He is assisted by two other
members of the academic staff who are part-time members of the wind-tunnel group.
Three permanent technical assistants are also included in the organization. A consider-
able proportion of the actual running of the tunnel is done by postgraduate aeronauti-
cal students of American citizenship. All members of this group are pledged to secrecy
regarding industrial testing and are required to have no affiliations with any aircraft
company. Since 1930 the California Institute has awarded 141 degrees for postgraduate
work in aeronautics. A considerable proportion of all the United States citizens repre-
sented in this list has worked for one or more years on the wind-tunnel staff. It is felt
that the training thus received has been extremely valuable to these men in their later
careers as aeronautical engineers. In case of a large expansion in aeronautics, one of
the vital problems will be the adequate training of a sufficient number of engineers,
and such an arrangement as that just outlined should be of considerable assistance in
supplying this need.


Summarizing the abovediscussion,

it wouldappearthata modernappliedre-
search laboratory
locatedat theCaliforniaInstituteof Technology couldbeof great
1)Thegreatconcentrationofaeronauticalindustry in SouthernCalifornia,
removed fromthegovernment research centersin theeast.
2) Theprovendemand forsucha laboratory, for whichtheexistingfacilities
areveryinadequate underpresent conditions.Henceevena moderate expansion
of thelocalindustrywouldmakea materialenlargement in theappliedresearch
3) Theveryconsiderableexperienceof theGALCITwind-tunnel staffin the
fieldofappliedresearch,andthecloseconnections already developedbetween it
andtheairplane industry.
4) The possibility of effectively combining industrial testing with basic re-
search, which would be afforded by the present equipment and staff of the
5) The procedure already developed at the GALCIT for giving advanced
American students valuable experience through industrial testing, in their training
as aeronautical engineers.

Specific Proposal for an Applied Research Laboratory

In the light of the preceding discussion, the following proposal is suggested as
solving one of the problems raised by any considerable expansion in the United States
air force:
1) To establish, as a national defense measure, an aerodynamical applied
research laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, under the direction
of one or more of the departments of the United States government, such as the
War Department, the Navy Department, and the Civil Aeronautics Authority.
2) The primary purpose of this laboratory would be to carry out tests for
manufacturers engaged in producing airplanes for the government.
3) The chief element in the laboratory would be a very modern wind tunnel,
whose characteristics would be such as to permit the investigation of the major
aerodynamic problems which can be expected to arise in the near future.
4) The laboratory would work in close cooperation with the N.A.C.A., Wright
Field, and the other governmental research agencies concerned with aeronautics.
5) The details of organization and administration need not be discussed in
this preliminary memorandum. It should, however, be pointed out that a some-
what similar cooperative arrangement between the California Institute and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture has been carried on very successfully during the
past two years in connection with the latter's "Cooperative Laboratory, Soil Con-
servation Service, California Institute of Technology."
The approximate characteristics of the wind tunnel which is suggested as satisfy-
ing the anticipated requirements are as follows:

Type--Single-return, closed working section, capable of compression up to 4

atmospheres or evacuation to t/4 atmosphere, circular cross section throughout.
Dimensions--Working section diameter= 12 ft.; Working section length= 18 ft.; Contrac-
tion ratio=4; Overall length= 135 ft.; Fan diameter= 18 ft.
Construction--Welded 1/2-in. steel plate, water cooling on surface and vanes.
Power--Two 4000 h.p.A.C, motors driving oppositely rotating propeller-type fans with
adjustable pitch blades. The motors are designed for short-period operation at
50% overload.
Approximate Performance (with motors operating at 50% overload of their rated power):
Maximum speed at 1/4 atmosphere pressure=630 m.p.h.
Maximum speed at 1 atmosphere pressure=415 m.p.h.


Maximum speedat4 atmosphere pressure=260m.p.h.

Maximum Reynoldsnumberat4 atmospheres pressure
ratio6 model
andmoderate tunnelwallcorrections=16.5>(
A preliminaryanalysis
leadsto thefollowingestimate
of theprobable
costsof the
windtunnel,thenecessaryassociatedequipment,andthebuildingrequiredto house

Tunnelstructure, electric drive,coolingsystem ............................................

Balancesystems, shopfacilities, associated research equipment ................... 165,000
Building(heating, ventilating, furniture) .......................................................

32. Memorandum, John F. Victory to Dr. Lewis, "General Arnold's letter of

January 5, 1939, re basic research, applied research, and production research, "9
Jan. 1939.

[The NACA always tried to define its research in such a way as to render it unique
in the United States, duplicating no other agency or institution. In this rebuttal to
document 31, John Victory displays some of the defensiveness and sophistry that crept
into these claims. Aeronautical research is simply too complicated to be compartmen-
talized as neatly as NACA management might have wished.]

1. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics conducts scientific research

in aeronautics, including basic research and applied research. The law provides that it
shall be the duty of the Committee "to supervise and direct the scientific study of the
problems of flight with a view to their practical solution, and to determine the prob-
lems which should be experimentally attacked, and to discuss their solution and their
application to practical questions." The law also authorizes the Committee to "direct
and conduct research and experiment in aeronautics."
2. It is the policy of this administration, as it has been of previous administrations,
to avoid and prevent unnecessary overlapping and duplication in the Government
activities. In the field of aeronautical research this responsibility devolves upon the
3. An analysis of the activities of the Committee at its Langley Field laboratories
indicates that the major portion--approximately 70 percent--of its work has been
scientific investigations undertaken at the request of either the Army or the Navy to
meet present needs. Aside from the inherent and insuperable difficulty of drawing a
clear line of distinction between basic research and applied research, both of which are
now conducted and coordinated by the Committee without overlapping or duplication,
it appears quite clear that if the Committee were to be limited to so-called basic
research, so much would remain undone that is necessary to meet the needs of
military, naval, and commercial aviation, that there would inevitably ensue overlapping
and duplication by the governmental agencies concerned in the field of so-called
applied research--all at the taxpayers' expense.
4. As a substitute for the basis of clarification of functions proposed by General
Arnold, the following outline is suggested:
(1) Scient_c Laboiatory Research. The functions of the N.A.C.A. include the
supervision, direction, and conduct of scientific laboratory research in aeronautics;


the coordination of the research needs of aviation, civil and military, including the
problems of the industry, to prevent unnecessary overlapping and duplication; and
the coordination and effective stimulation and support of aeronautical research in
educational and scientific institutions.
(2) Military Experimental Engineering. The Army and Navy are directly respon-
sible for the immediate application of the results of scientific laboratory research
conducted by or under the cognizance of the N.A.C.A., and bring their research
needs to the attention of the Committee; the Army and the Navy conduct experi-
mental engineering and development work necessary to meet their needs in
connection with the design and development of military and naval aircraft and
equipment; the Army and the Navy conduct necessary research in any branch of
aeronautics for which the N.A.C.A. has no facilities or inadequate facilities--any
such research activities being coordinated through the N.A.C.A. subcommittees so
as to increase if possible the value of the results and also to avoid unnecessary
overlapping or duplication of effort.
(3) Industrial Experimentation and Development. The engineering staffs of the
various aircraft and engine factories are to be encouraged to conduct industrial
research, tests, and experiments connected with the successful design and produc-
tion of aircraft; to have access to the enlarged facilities of the N.A.C.A. for the
conduct of any wind-tunnel investigation connected with military or naval aircraft;
and to have similar access to the use of the Committee's facilities for the solution
of any other problem whenever adequate facilities are not existent or available at
the wind tunnels of educational institutions.


33. Jerome C. Hunsaker, "Memorandum on Postwar Research Policy for

NACA, " 27July 1944.

[World War II brought a dramatic rise in the size, power, and influence of the
American aviation industry, especially of aircraft manufacturers. It also brought into
positions of power in the NACA not only industry representatives, but also new officers
sympathetic to industry demands for a larger voice in NACA affairs. As NACA Chair-
man Jerome Hunsaker began considering a postwar.research policy tor the NACA, he
actively sought the opinions of industry representatives. This memorandum summa-
rizes discussions he had during a cross-country trip in mid-1944. Evolution of these
comments into a NACA policy can be traced in documents 34 through 36.]

1. The conferences with leaders of the Industry in May and June were frankly
exploratory but did, in my opinion, develop general agreement among Industry repre-
sentatives on the following points:
(a) NACA should in the postwar period concentrate on fundamental research
to advance the aeronautical sciences.
(b) Research reports should eventually be published, but the American indus-
try should be given the results a year or so ahead of foreign competitors.
(c) NACA should not develop specific products or designs, except as neces-
sary to demonstrate a principle or to prove an application.
(d) NACA should investigate the products of industry as requested by govern-
ment agencies and in this connection do such analysis and development work as
may be necessary to oyercome defects or to make improvements.


(e)NACAshouldavoidestablishment of facilities
forresearchin thosefields
is wellequipped,
i.e.,radio,metallurgy, chemistry,

2. On the following points, difference of opinion seemed to prevail:

(a) Whether or not NACA should allow the use of its facilities for the testing
(and development) for industry of specific products. The present policy of the
NACA concerning the use of its facilities for investigations for the industry of
specific products is summarized as follows:
The work desired must relate to aeronautics; must necessarily involve the use
of NACA facilities, i.e., adequate facilities not available elsewhere; work is paid for
by firm, and results are its exclusive property against remainder of industry, but
are available for use of the government.
The larger units of industry may be expected to be in opposition to the
smaller plants having access to the use of NACA facilities.
The question is, "In the postwar period should the NACA adhere to this
(b) In the discussion at Cleveland with the representatives of the industry,
there was considerable discussion about the sharing of public funds available for
development. The industry inferred that it can use such funds to better advantage
than government laboratories in developing specific products and at the same
time strengthen their own organizations.
(c) Whether or not the Cleveland laboratory constitutes a potential threat to
the engine industry. (The idea here is that private enterprise has already devel-
oped very superior engines and fuels and does not need government competition
in research, invention, and development.)
3. There is undoubtedly some misconception on the part of representatives of the
industry as to aeronautical research versus aeronautical development. The Committee's
laboratories in the postwar period would be concerned primarily with aeronautical
research. The discussion noted above had to do primarily with engine research. It was
recognized in discussion by the members of the Committee that there is a certain
overlapping between the fields of research and development.
4. While difference of opinion can be expected, it is fair to state that engineers
from industry show no reluctance to use NACA facilities and advice, and their compa-
nies express appreciation for NACA help in no uncertain terms. Doubts as to the
future role of NACA come from the heads of some of these same companies. My own
feeling is that such doubts are based on these factors:
(a) Realization that, with NACA research results and test facilities available to
all, the best engineering organizations in the engine field may lose a competitive
advantage won by their own enterprise.
(b) Observation that Cleveland seems to be concentrating on the development
of one make of liquid-cooled engine to improve its performance.
(c) Observation that NACA is leading jet-propulsion and gas-turbine develop-
ments in collaboration with firms previously outside the aeronautical engine field.
(d) Observation that current wartime NACA research activities are largely of a
developmental character, which the larger units of the industry can themselves
handle when they have a surplus of engineering manpower.
5. It is necessary that the Committee consider its future policy primarily in the
light of what the War, Navy, and Commerce Departments plan to do. In particular, our
postwar policy should take cognizance of the following changes in the distribution of
research and testing facilities since 1940:
(a) Extensive wind-tunnel and engine-testing facilities at Wright Field
(b) Additional Navy facilities at Carderock, Philadelphia, and Patuxent


(c)Wind-tunnel facilitiesatCurtiss-Wright, PrattandWhitney, Boeing,Cali-

forniaInstitute ofTechnology, NorthAmerican, andLockheed
(d)Power-plant facilitiesat PrattandWhitney,WrightAeronautical, Allison,
GeneralElectric,Westinghouse, and Allis-Chalmers, and proposedPackard
(e)A strongengineering organization in theC.A.A.,*bothin Washington and
(f)Extensive facilitiesin thefieldsofaviationphysiology, meteorology, metal-
6. I believethatwhenthewarpressure fromthe ArmyandNavyis relaxedthe
NACAshouldrevertto its prewarpolicyof concentrating on fundamental research
whichit will befreeto do to a greaterextentthanbeforethewarbecause of the
existence ofsomanynewtestfacilitiesin theArmy,Navy,andindustry.
7. In the preparation of estimates for the fiscalyear1946,the Bureauof the
Budgethasrequested four estimates: thefirst basedon continuation of the warin
Europeandin theOrientduringthefiscalyear1946;thesecond onthetermination of
thewarin Europe byJuly1,1945andcontinuation of thewarwithJapan; thethirdon
thecontinuation of thewarin Europeandtheendof thewarwithJapanbyJuly 1,
1945; andthefourthonthetermination ofbothwarsbyJuly1,1945.
In thepreparation oftheseseveral estimates, planswillbemadeforcurtailment of
staffunderthecontingency thatbothwarswill beoverbyJuly1,1945,andplacingof
certainfacilitiesin stand-by conditionas theArmyandNavydevelopment projects
decrease. In preparing theseestimates it will benecessary to havea list of Armyand
Navyresearch authorizations on whichworkshouldcontinueanda list of research
projectsof a fundamental character withparticular reference to thedevelopment of
civilaviation, whichwouldbeinitiatedbytheNACAuponthetermination of thewar.
Suchestimates will includethebacklog of fundamental researchneglected duringthe

34. "Notes on discussion at meeting of NACA, July 27, 1944, " 8 Aug. 1944.

[When the NACA Executive Committee discussed Chairman Jerome Hunsaker's

memorandum oil postwar research policy (document 33) none of the industry members
were present. All the government members displayed a familiarity with--and some
sympathy for--industry views on government research in aeronautics, especially on the
vague and shifting line between research and development. But many seemed to share
Vannevar Bush's feeling that the industry, especially the engine manufacturers, had not
yet earned the concessions they were demanding of the government. All those partici-
pating in this discussion were members of the Main Committee; their full names and
titles are listed in App. B.]

Significant discussion noted as follows:

1. "(a) NACA should in the postwar period concentrate on fundamental research
to advance the aeronautical sciences."
Dr. Bush." Observed that in the aircraft industry there are two groups, those
building for the Army and Navy and those building for the general public.
General Echols." Said the NACA should not adopt a policy ruling it out of doing
things it ought to do. We should have some policy expressing intent that the
NACA will confine itself to fundamental research. The Services will handle applied

*Civil Aeronautics Administration.


researchand development to the extentpracticable

andpasssomeof those
problems on totheindustry.Theyareconvinced theNACAwantsbigappropria-
tionsto put themout of business. Theyarealsoafraidthe Government will
operateall theGoverment-owned plants.It wouldbeveryhelpfultogetthatfear
outof theirminds.It wouldbewellto havea Governmental expressionof intent
to giveto theaircraftpeopleandto presentbeforeCongressional committees.
Therewill bemanyproblems wheretheGovernment wantssomething doneand
theonlywaytogetit donewill betodoit itself.
Dr. Briggs: This viewpoint is not peculiar to the aircraft industry. It goes
throughout all industry in relation to any activities of the Government. They are
anxious to have the Government conduct basic research but development they
want left to themselves.
1. "(e) NACA should avoid establishment of facilities for research in those fields
where industry is well equipped, i.e., radio, metallurgy, chemistry, fuel technology,
Dr. Bush." We can avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities.
Admiral Pace: I have an idea that Dr. Whitney* will consider his organization
competent to do all research necessary in the engine field.
The Chairman." They want all engine research stopped on the part of the
Dr. Bush: Inasmuch as the Germans have just sprung a clever, new engine on
us, which our industry never thought of, their attitude does not hit me very
2. "(a) Whether or not NACA should allow the use of its facilities for the testing
(and development) for industry of specific products. The present policy of the NACA
concerning the use of its facilities for investigations for the industry of specific prod-
ucts is summarized as follows:
"The work desired must relate to aeronautics; must necessarily involve the
use of NACA facilities, i.e., adequate facilities not available elsewhere; work is paid
for by firm and results are its exclusive property against remainder of industry,
but are available for use of the Government.
"The larger units of industry may be expected to be in opposition to the
smaller plants having access to the use of NACA facilities.
"The question is, 'In the postwar period should the NACA adhere to this
policy?' "
Admiral Pace: You will not want to let a strong financial concern come in and
tie up all your facilities and so keep the weaker firms out. I got the impression that
Mr. Gross_ . . . did not realize that the NACA policy would permit him to come
to the Committee and get necessary work done.
9. "(b) In the discussion at Cleveland with the representatives of the industry,
there was considerable discussion about the sharing of public funds available for
development. The industry inferred that it can use such funds to better advantage than
Government laboratories in developing specific products and at the same time
strengthen their own organizations."
Dr. Bush: Carried to its logical conclusion, the industry would let the NACA
facilities lay idle.
The Chairman: The conclusion of one manufacturer was that the NACA should
fold up. No other industry has such an organization as the NACA to help it along.
Dr. Bush." When it comes to the making of a specific product the industry can
do it better than-the Government.

*Unidentified; probably a jocular reference to Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Company

tRnbert E. Gross, president, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation


General Echols: At Wright Field we agree to that but we never make a specific
product unless we have to. The industry is afraid that we will, but we have no
intention of doing so generally.
The Chairman: The industry feels that it is faced with the problem of survival.
3. "There is undoubtedly some misconception on the part of representatives of
the industry as to aeronautical research versus aeronautical development. The Commit-
tee's laboratories in the postwar period would be concerned primarily with aeronautical
research. The discussion noted above had to do primarily with engine research. It was
recognized in discussion by the members of the Committee that there is a certain
overlapping between the fields of research and development."
Dr. Bush: While the industry might claim that on fundamental research they
could get more results per dollar, even though we granted that were the case from
the general standpoint of the public interest, there remains the fact that when the
NACA gets a result in fundamental research it becomes available to a large
number; whereas when a single firm in industry gets it, it becomes available only
after a lag. I cannot see any argument for keeping any Government research
facility idle if their use will advance the art.
Dr. Warner: The fact that no other industry has had a Government laboratory
goes along with the fact that no other industry has made such rapid technical
progress as aeronautics.
General Echols: Industry is always looking over its shoulder at its competitors.
If their research is one step ahead of their competitors they are satisfied. It has
always been apparent they are not interested in the general progress of the art.
The Government, in connection with the next war, has got to look many years
ahead and constantly do things which will cost money in the research field and
which many times may result in nothing gained.
4."(a) Realization that with NACA research results and test facilities available to
all, the best engineering organization in the engine field may lose a competitive
advantage won by their own enterprise."
Dr. Bush." The results we turn out in the engine field in the next twenty years
are not going to enable any firm to build an engine unless he superimposes on
that knowledge his own engineering. There is no limit to the engineering one can
do in improving his product. I do not see why the company that maintains its
engines on a high plane will lose anything to a competitor.
The Chairman." Several of the industry in visiting Cleveland commented that the
NACA was concentrating on the Allison engine to improve its performance. That
hurt their feelings.
General Echols: They just happened to find the NACA working largely on the
Allison engine at that time. At some other time they might see a number of 3350*
engines under study at the Cleveland Laboratory. When we have trouble with any
type of engine we have to get busy and ask the NACA to push work on a single
The Chairman: It does not please Pratt and Whitney to see the Allison engine
being benefitted by the Government.
4. "(c) Observation that NACA is leading jet propulsion and gas turbine develop-
ments in collaboration with firms previously outside the aeronautical engine field."
Dr. Bush: I do not think we need to duck that issue at all. The engine people
did not do a thing on that subject or on any other unusual engine. If we brought
new people into the engine field I think we have done a public service.
5. "(a) Extensive wind tunnel and engine testing facilities at Wright Field."

*The Cyclone 18, a Wright Aeronautical Corporation 18-cylinder 2200-hp engine used on
the B-29 bomber


and Patuxent."
The Chairman: It has been suggested to me that the NACA may be relieved of
some of the routine work for the military services.
Admiral Pace: The character of the Navy facilities at Philadelphia has not
changed. There is just more of it.
General Echols: The same is true of Wright Field.
5. "(c) Wind tunnel facilities at Curtiss-Wright, Pratt and Whitney, Boeing, Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology, North American, and Lockheed."
Dr. Bush: I don't think the industry consulted the NACA about governmental
policy before they built all their new wind tunnel facilities.
5. "(d) Power plant facilities at Pratt and Whitney, Wright Aeronautical, Allison,
General Electric, Westinghouse, and Allis-Chalmers and proposed Packard engine test
facilities at Toledo."

General Echols: The Packard Company's proposed new Toledo plant is a Re-
construction Finance Corporation proposition that was approved a long time ago.
The engine industry is quite bitter about that. I don't know if we were starting
again at this time we probably would not approve it. The industry is bitter about
the Army putting the Packard Company into the aircraft engine business and
keeping them in it.


Chairman: What we are headed toward when there is no war is to keep our
technological development going at first rate speed for the benefit of the Army and the
Navy. Our competitor is going to be the British. They have had five missions over here
recently to study recent additions to American research facilities and to learn every-
thing they can. The latest is headed by Melville Jones.* They are going throughout the
United States and they are frank in saying that what we have now is what they propose
to build only larger and better. We have a 20-foot-altitude wind tunnel at Cleveland.
They will have a 25-foot-ahitude tunnel. Their program now calls for the construction
of 12 wind tunnels which will constitute a great national research organization for the
British empire.
Dr. Lewis: It was very interesting to me because for the first two years after the
beginning of the war the British had to stop all research work and concentrate on
development, and now they realize that the science of aeronautics has advanced rap-
idly. It is very interesting that they have been over here in several missions and have
laid out a program for research and development facilities which practically duplicated
what the NACA has developed in the United States. We really have an advantage at the
present time. Sir Roy Feddent recently gave a lecture.
(Dr. Lewis then read from Fedden's lecture remarks regarding the productive
capacity of the British aircraft industry and how it had been increased several times and
how they proposed to enlarge their research facilities.)
The Chairman: That has a bearing on the estimates the NACA may present to the
Bureau of the Budget dealing with the question of how extensive should be our
aeronautical research activities when there is no war. It involves a general policy
General Echols." It appears that all of us are going to go to Congress with rather
large postwar research budgets. It happens that the NACA is apparently one of the first
that has been asked for its estimates.

*Sir Bennett Melville Jones, chairman, Aeronautical Research Council

tMinister of Aircraft Production


Dr. Lewis: I think there should be a joint effort on the part of the Army, Navy,
NACA, and CAAJ: in presenting their research needs and in drawing up some policy
that might satisfy the industry. I cannot understand why the industry feels bitter
because they must realize there is, in fact, no competition to their activity provided by
any of the NACA laboratories.
Dr. Bush: There are two questions: First, on what scale should the NACA try to
operate; and second, on what policy? On the matter of policy it seems to me that the
needs should be formulated. At first I thought there was no need for it, but after the
discussion with the industry I think there is a great need for drawing the policy which
can be placed before our group for adoption for our own guidance and then tell the
industry where to stand. There is no necessity for doing that at once. I suggest that it
would be a good idea to have a subcommittee work on that so that when we next meet
we can have something before us in definite form.
The Chairman: Would it be your idea that General Echols, Admiral Pace, possibly
Dr. Warner, and Dr. Lewis--could these four people as committee members draft a
policy for the NACA?
Dr. Bush: I would suggest that you, Mr. Chairman, sit in with the group. I would
make a motion that such a committee be asked to draw up a resolution to be presented
at the next meeting; that the four gentlemen named study and prepare a statement on
postwar policy for us.
The motion was duly seconded and carried and the Chairman announced that he
would ask Dr. Lewis to serve as chairman. The other members to be General Echols,
Admiral Pace, and Dr. Warner.

35. "Notes of discussions at meeting of National Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics, April 26, 1945, "undated.

[At the semiannual meeting of the NACA in April 1945, the issue of industry
representation on the NACA and its technical committees arose. In contrast to the
meeting summarized in document 34, industry representatives were present for this
discussion. Still, the NACA yielded nothing on industry representation, one of the most
troubling issues to face the Committee in the immediate post-war years. The tenor of
the discussion shows how adamant the NACA was on this issue--and why. All those
present, in addition to George Lewis and John Victory, were members of the NACA
Main Committee; their full names and titles appear in App. B.]

Subject: Aircraft industry point of view regarding representation on NACA.

Mr. Burden: We had a discussion with members of the industry--Don Douglas,
Gene Wilson and Bob Gross.* They expressed a desire for closer liaison with NACA
activities than has been possible during wartime. They specifically made three sugges-
tions: First, representation of the industry on the NACA working committees. The
industry now is not really informed about what is going on. They suggested it might be
possible to have their nominations made by the industry and let the NACA pick
members from their nominees.
Mr. Littlewood: My thought is if the industry were to operate through its commer-
cial agency, the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, appointments would not be
directly representative because of geographical situations. A national organizalion

:]:Civil Aeronautics Administration

*Donald W. Douglas, president, Douglas Aircraft Corporation; Eugene E. Wilson, president,
United Aircraft ('orporation; Robert E. Gross, president, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation


sideis theInstitute
of theAeronautical
andI thinkthatcouldbesuggested
to theChamber astheagency tonominate
to workwiththeNACA.
Dr. Bush: That might work on an informal basis. It might be embarrassing if it
became understood that the NACA could not function without the industry nomina-
Dr. Hunsaker. If we had suggestions from the industry we might select from such
suggestions. I had a discussion with Don Douglas on the West Coast recently. Douglas
said the committee members from his company were employees of his corporation
chosen by the NACA without his knowledge or consent; that _vhat went on in NACA
subcommittees was known only to the members thereof. The industrial units do not get
any results until a report is made--what went on was confidential discussion between
the members of the committee. He said the thing to do was to put on the committees
accredited representatives of the industry who would be their watchdog on the commit-
tee and would report to all of the industry democratically what was going on and what
was planned. I thought that was outrageous--that our committees would shrivel. We
have built up over the years quite free and frank discussions between the people who
are normally competent & exchange a good deal of advice and counsel and give us on
the Main Committee advice as to the direction on which we should go. The appoint-
ment of industry representatives sounds very innocent, but if they are appointed for
the purpose of being representatives, it would upset our applecart.
Dr. Bush: I feel strongly that we cannot get into the position where industry can
tell us who we may have on the committees. It would be fatal.
Mr. Burden: Douglas proposed that we should have the veto power.
Dr. Hunsaker." Did he propose that the people would report back to their compa-
nies what was going on?
Dr. Warner: They want members responsible to the industry as a whole.
On request of the Chairman Mr. Victory gave an analysis of the subcommittee
membership, stating that there are six major and eighteen subordinate technical com-
mittees, with a gross membership of 244, of whom approximately one-half are from
industry, including twenty airplane-manufacturing firms, six engine manufacturers, and
twenty-one other allied or supporting industries.
Dr. Hunsaker." Should we form an industrial consulting committee?
Dr. T. P. |_ght: I think we ought to adopt this first point.
Dr. Bush." On some things it would be very helpful to have a subcommittee
member from one industry visit and report to other industries, but it might be fatal.
Dr. 7". P. Wright: We are asking an aerodynamics committee member from industry
to visit other firms and bring in information.
Mr. Littlewood: The industry wants early access to the problems under discussion.
Maybe if the subcommittees were to put out interim reports more frequently that might
answer the need.
Dr. Bush: If we are having close contact with some manufacturer, it would be a big
advantage to him to have up-to-the-minute information which he might incorporate in
his product.
Dr. Hunsaker: You have Colonel Carl Greene* at Langley Field, and the industry's
designers go down there, live in his office, and sit in with our laboratory heads.
Mr. Burden: I think there must be some personal contact. The industry is unhappy
about it. We will save ourselves a lot of trouble in the long run. I do not see why it
should run us into considerable difficulties.

*Col. Carl F. Greene, U.S+ Army Air Forces, liaison officer, Langley Laboratory.


Dr. T. P Wright." I suggest that the industry nominate three East Coast and three
West Coast representatives for each committee and we select one and give him instruc-
Dr. Hunsaker: Would they be members or observers? A mere observer would spoil
Dr. Bush: I suggest the subcommittees might have meetings with the industries as
guests. I think our subcommittees must have members who take an Oath of Office and
represent only the United States Government in any units of the industry.
Dr. Hunsaker: Suppose we asked the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce "Will
you suggest three names for our consideration?" on a given committee. The committee
controls its appointments. If a member does not behave, we can bounce him.
Dr. Lew/s: Would that prevent the NACA from appointing others from industry?
Dr. Hunsaker: They would be appointed from the Institute of the Aeronautical
Mr. Burden suggested that a special committee be appointed by the Chairman to
consider the matter and report at the next meeting. The Chairman asked if there was
any objection. Hearing none, he announced he would appoint a special committee
composed of Dr. Lewis, Dr. T. P. Wright, and Mr. Littlewood.

Mr. Burden: Their second suggestion was the appointment of an advisory commit-
tee of the heads of industry who could have an opportunity to sit down with the NACA
and talk over general problems like we did last year at the Cleveland and Ames
Laboratories. In doing that we could build up good personal relations.
Dr. Hunsaker: Then they would come prepared to discuss our programs. We
practically invited that kind of relation last year by asking them to visit the Cleveland
and Ames Laboratories and to discuss problems with them. I agree that where we are
badly off in our public relations is with the financial heads of the large manutacturers.
You, Burden, might head a panel to recommend who in the industry might be honored
by our invitation. I suppose our transport industry should also have representation.
"_ir. Littlewood: I suggest that the Vice Presidents in charge of Engineering should
be the representatives.
Dr. Hunsaker: Will you, Burden, be a panel of one to make a proposal?
Mr. Burden: Yes, but I would like to work with you and Lewis on that.
Dr. Hunsaker: It is agreed that at the next meeting we will consider two methods of
adminstration and organization that bear on our relations with the industry.

Air. Burden." The third matter in which industry is concerned is the appointment of
a member of the industry on the Main Committee as an industry representative. They
suggested that the president of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce be a statutory
member. We stated we did not agree with that.
Dr. Hunsaker: The president of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce would be
an ex officio statutory member? Amend the law? Is that it?
Mr. Burden: Yes. That is it.
Dr. Bush: I do not think Congress would like that.
Mr. Victory: I suggest the importance of the members keeping in mind that the
NACA is a governmental organization created by law as such to represent the govern-
ment's interests, and that there is great danger of the Committee's losing its standing
and influence if it becomes known that it is a spokesman for industry. Some years ago
the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce appointed a technical committee to prepare a
program of problems which the Chamber recommended that the NACA investigate.


The NACA considered the matter, agreed that the problems were good and worthy of
investigation, and submitted a supplemental estimate of appropriations to finance the
work. That was the only time in the entire history of the NACA that one of its
recommendations was flatly rejected and it drew a rebuff from the Bureau of the
Budget because, as the Bureau expressed it, the NACA was not established to be a
special pleader for industry.
Mr. Burden: I don't think we ought to do it.

36. "National Aeronautical Research Policy, " approved 21 March 1946.

[The result of almost two years' discussion and negotiation (documents 33-35),
this policy statement sets forth the division of responsibilities and functions within the
American aeronautical community. Though the NACA assumed no political role
beyond coordination of parallel research activities, this document is nevertheless as
intensely poliiical as the parallel policy statement published by the Committee after
World War I (document 18). For example, the Committee clearly was arguing for
sustained appropriations, even though the war was over, and the division of functions
among major American aeronautical institutions implicitly excluded private aviation
and small inventors, operators, and manufacturers from NACA consideration. Further-
more, the NACA conceded more here to the aviation industry than ever before.]

1. Experience since the establishment of the National Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics by the Congress in 1915 has shown that the value of the airplane for
national defense and for commerce has directly followed the evolution of an advancing
technology based on research. Research made rapid strides as more facilities were
provided for the NACA. The Army and Navy explored military applications of NACA
fundamental research results with the aid of their increased facilities for testing and
evaluation. The aircraft industry, by the exercise of great initiative and technical
competence, developed superior airplanes of both military and civil types to meet ever-
increasing performance requirements.
2. The effects of accelerated enemy research and development in preparation for
war helped to create an opportunity for aggression which was promptly exploited. This
lesson is the most expensive we ever had to learn. We must make certain that we do
not forget it.
3. During the war, the NACA has greatly expanded its research facilities at
Langley Field, Moffett Field, and Cleveland, while the Army and Navy have corre-
spondingly increased their facilities for testing and evaluation. Furthermore, the aircraft
industry has been able to provide extensive development facilities of its own. As a
result, American airplanes are today superior in most respects.
4. This lead may or may not be continued in the post-war period, depending on
whether the present facilities in the country are used to full effect to advance the
science and the technology of aeronautics. Results already obtained make it apparent
that there are further opportunities for substantial improvement in the performance of
aircraft and equipment which can be realized only by vigorous research and develop-
ment programs.
5. It is possible to assume that the United Nations will, by repressive measures,
eliminate hostile competition in the air. Nevertheless, it is essential so to continue
research as to assure American leadership in military aviation development. It is
moreover certain that between the United Nations vigorous commercial competition
will take place. In fact, we already are informed of extremely ambitious plans to surpass
present American research equipment, obviously in a desire to excel in the air.
6. The Committee believes it to be in the public interest to foster a greatly
increased civil use of the airplane, for domestic and international airlines and for


private operation. A vigorous civil aviation can affect favorably our domestic and
international relations, both economic and cultural. At the same time it will contribute
to national security by the support of a reserve of airplanes; operating, development,
and manufacturing facilities; and civilians trained in the skills which are critical in time
of war.
7. The rate of growth of civil aviation will depend on the rate at which improve-
ments in safety, performance, reliability, utility, and economy can be realized. However,
to realize such improvements, research must solve some difficult problems associated
with operations over extended ranges of distance and altitude, aggravated by the
extension of airlines over areas of unusual weather and terrain.
8. Some of the results of war research can be applied by the aircraft industry
directly to new designs of civil airplanes. In many cases, however, practical applications
have yet to be discovered and require further research directed toward the solution of
specific problems. Neither the airlines nor the manufacturers can be expected to solve
these problems quickly without the assistance of intensive research by the NACA and
development by the industry.
9. The NACA should, therefore, endeavor to direct an increasing proportion of its
research effort to the technical problems of civil aviation with a view to their practical
10. Experience clearly indicates that in time of peace the application of research
results to military and naval objectives is extremely important. Possible military applica-
tions must be explored by continuous experiment and testing by professional soldiers
and sailors as a life work, and the developments of industry must be evaluated by the
military users. Such exploration and evaluation require the use of the facilities now
available to the Army and Navy.
11. The public interest requires that effective use be made of existing facilities for
research, development, and evaluation, and that they be kept modernized and new
ones added as the progress of the art requires. Outmoded facilities should not be used
simply because they exist. The results of research conducted at public expense should
be made available to manufacturers and operators in such a manner as to stimulate the
growth of healthy competition in the supply of goods and services.
12. It is recommended that the Army Air Forces, the Bureau of Aeronautics of the
Navy Department, the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Civil Aeronautics Administra-
tion of the Department of Commerce, and the NACA follow, in so far as may be
practicable, the following general policy considerations in the post-war utilization of
research, experimental and testing facilities of the Government and their relation to the
development facilities of the aircraft industry.
A. Fundamental research in the aeronautical sciences is the principal objective of
the NACA. Such research is directed toward the solution of the problems of flight and
results are promptly published. In exceptional cases research results of potential mili-
tary importance may be withheld from publication.
B. Research of the NACA is not considered completed until results are tested by
sufficient practical application. However, NACA research will not include the develop-
ment of specific aircraft or equipment.
C. Research programs of the NACA are formulated in close collaboration with
technical personnel from the Government agencies concerned and from industry
through membership on appropriate subcommittees. Members of all technical subcom-
mittees of NACA are appointed as individuals especially qualified in their particular

D. The research facilities of the NACA may be used upon request by a Govern-
ment agency in evaluation of specific aircraft and equipment, whenever facilities avail-
able to that agency are inadequate.


E.Theresearch facilitiesof theNACALaboratory maybeusedto assistprivate

individuals andcorporations whenever otherfacilitiesarenot available andNACA
facilitiesareavailable provided thattheinvestigation is considered bytheNACAtobe
worthmaking.If the investigation is considered by theNACAto be in the public
interestandtheprivateindividual or corporation agrees, theworkmaybeundertaken
atpublicexpense andtheresultspublished. If theinvestigation is primarilyofprivate
interest,thecostshouldbemetbythoserequesting assistance andtheresultsreported
F. Application of research resultsin the designanddevelopment of improved
aircraftandequipment, bothcivilandmilitary,is thefunction of theindustry, assisted
as maybe necessary by contracts for experimental articles,placedin a mannerto
stimulate competition for quality.It is recognized thattheencouragement of competi-
tiveengineering organizations isessential.
G. Theevaluation of militaryaircraftandequipment developed by theindustry,
andtheexploration ofpossible militaryapplications of research resultsareconsidered
H.Expedition of thepractical usein civilaeronautics of newlydeveloped aircraft
andequipment, in sofarasGovernment assistance maybenecessary, is considered to
bethefunctionoftheCivilAeronautics Administration.
I. TheNACAnormallywill useitsownresearch facilities,
butwill contractwith
university andotherprivateresearch organizations for workin specialfieldswhere
outsidefacilitiesandcompetence areto befound.Likewise, thefacilitiesandcompe-
tenceof the NationalBureauof Standards, ForestProducts Laboratory, andother
Government research centers willbeusedbytheNACAwhenever practicable.
J. Unnecessary duplication of facilitiesandeffortwillbeavoided byadherence to
theprinciplesstatedabove,butfor importantproblems whosepractical solutionap-
pearstobeespecially difficult,parallelattackbyseveral independent research teamsis
necessary. In suchcase,theNACA,theaircraftindustry, Army,Navy,andCivilAero-
nautics Administration, Department of Commerce andindividual scientistsandinven-
torsmayworkonvariousaspects of thesamebasicproblem. Suchparallelattackmust
becoordinated, andit is thepolicyof theNACAtoachieve suchcoordination through
themedium of subcommittees ofexperts representing allconcerned.

3 7. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, ".4 Proposal for the

Construction of a National Supersonic Research Center, "April 1946.

[The advent of jet propulsion during World War II raised the prospect of super-
sonic flight, even though the "'sound barrier" was not broken until 1947. Wind-tunnel
research at supersonic speeds required enormous amounts of power, demands that
soon would have overtaxed local utilities at existing NACA laboratories if the Commit-
tee had built all the tunnels it envisioned in the immediate postwar period. Prompted
by news that the Army Air Forces were planning their own supersonic research facility,
the NACA rushed into print with this proposal for a national supersonic research
center. This was the Committee's opening move in a three-year struggle that culmi-
nated in the National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of 1949. In the course of the
struggle, this plan was at first expanded to even more grandiose proportions, and was
then reduced drastically at the hands of the Bureau of the Budget and Congress. The
NACA never got its national supersonic research center; events were to prove that it
never needed one.]



Recent trends in the advancement of the aeronautical sciences have emphasized

the urgent need for accelerated research on aerodynamic and propulsive problems
associated with aircraft traveling at speeds greater than the speed of sound.
Supersonic research facilities of the size and speed required for conducting funda-
mental research on these problems are not available, and the utility requirements of
such facilities cannot economically be met at any one of the existing laboratory sites of
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
It is proposed that steps be taken at an early date to obtain authorization for the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to begin construction of a National
Supersonic Research Center on a site to be selected by the Committee.
Preliminary estimates of the cost of the Supersonic Center total $162,000,000 for
the first five-year period. The initial request for authorization would include appropria-
tion requests totaling $5,500,000, of which amount $1,500,000 would be required for
preliminary design studies and $4,000,000 for initiating construction during the first


Advancement of the natural sciences is the key to national security and prosperity.
In a military sense, national security demands superiority in the air. Military leaders
agree that existing air weapons will be obsolete when the barriers to supersonic flight
have been overcome. Experience has shown that a time lag of from 5 to 10 years
occurs between the discovery of a scientific principle and its practical application.
Fundamental research must therefore substantially lead development. In the interests
of defense and preservation, our nation must be the first to master the science of
supersonic flight. To this end a comprehensive integrated program of supersonic
research must be initiated and accelerated, and adequate facilities for conducting the
research must be provided.
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics was established by Act of
Congress in 1915 "to supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of flight
with a view to their practical solution." In fulfilling this responsibility the Committee
has conducted fundamental research at its three laboratories located at Langley Field,
Moffett Field, and Cleveland. These laboratories are largely devoted to research at
subsonic speeds and were instrumental in providing the basic research information that
led to the successful military airplanes of the past war. Research of limited scope has
also been conducted at supersonic speeds. Existing facilities are in no way adequate to
provide a sound scientific foundation for supersonic flight. Additional equipment is
required if leadership in this field is to be achieved.
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics has been intensively studying
supersonic research problems and the additional research facilities necessary for their
solution. A summary of this study, including an outline of suggested new research
equipment and a method of immediate approach to the problem, is given in this


Research at supersonic speeds is in an embryonic stage comparable to the state of

development of subsonic research in the early days of flying. A brief statement of the
scope of the research to be accomplished and a description of research techniques will
indicate the present state of the science and provide justification of the methods
proposed to accelerate research activity.
Research Problems. Research in all fields of aeronautics is directed toward the
ultimate solution of the practical problems of flight. In this respect the general re-


search objectives in the subsonic and supersonic regimes are similar. The solutions of
research problems, however, are not similar. In subsonic flight, pressure disturbances
are propagated ahead of a body and streamlines are deflected so as to pass smoothly
over it. In contrast, at supersonic speeds disturbances are not propagated upstream,
and the streamlines are abruptly deflected at the nose of the body by flow discontinu-
ities called shock waves. The essentially different flow mechanism of the supersonic
range requires new solutions for the major aerodynamic and propulsion problems.
Many undeveloped concepts exist in the new field that require study of:
1. The origin, propagation, structure and interaction of shock and expansion
2. The development of laminar and turbulent boundary layers and their
behavior in the presence of self-induced shock and expansion waves.
3. Upstream propagation of disturbances through wakes and boundary layers
and the nature of separation effects.
4. The nature of development of pressures on wing surfaces as affected by
airfoil contours, wing plan forms, and other geometric variables.
5. Pressure distributions and origin of drag for bodies of revolution as af-
fected by the geometry of the body.
6. The fundamentals of interaction of wing-body combinations.
7. Aerodynamic variables in the transition range from subsonic to supersonic
8. Fields of flow ahead of and behind lifting surfaces and bodies.
9. Fundamental propulsion arrangements for aircraft.
10. Aero-thermodynamic relationships for internal flow systems at supersonic
11. Non-stationary flow phenomena.
12. Surface temperatures at supersonic speeds and basic methods for heat
The foregoing list includes but a minor fraction of the many fundamental research
problems that must be investigated. In addition there are broad fields of systematic
research on each of the various components of supersonic aircraft that will provide a
firm basis for the practical application of supersonic principles and lead to the formula-
tion of new concepts.
The scope and variety of the enumerated research problems provides only a
partial indication of the magnitude of the research that must be accomplished; each of
the problems must be investigated over a wide range of airflow Mach numbers and
Reynolds numbers. Flow Mach numbers in the range from 1 to 10, that is in the speed
range from one to ten times the speed of sound, must be thoroughly studied in the
next few years to provide the basis for design of piloted and pilotless aircraft. Flight at
speeds greater than ten times the speed of sound must be tentatively explored for
bodies that are to be flown in the upper limits of the atmosphere.
The effect of Reynolds number, or scale effect, must be investigated for a range of
various size aerodynamic bodies, from small compressor blades to wings of large man
carrying aircraft. Preliminary investigations on bodies of revolution have already shown
that the scale of the body has an important effect on its aerodynamic characteristics.
Whether the flow in the boundary layer is laminar or turbulent depends upon the scale
of the tests and the effect of interactions of shocks with these two types of boundary
layers has tentatively been shown to be different.
The necessity for adequately exploring the broad range of flow Mach numbers
and Reynolds numbers with models of sufficient size so that aircraft and engine
geometry can be accurately reproduced introduces the real urgency for more extensive
research facilities.


Research Techniques. Experimental techniques utilized in subsonic and supersonic

research are similar in character, thus parallel types of research facilities are employed
in the two branches of the science. Principal techniques include:
1. Wind-tunnel investigations.
2. Flight studies with piloted aircraft and with pilotless aircraft and bodies.
3. Drop tests of bodies from high altitude.
4. Electric and hydraulic analogies.
These research techniques are all useful and continuous effort is exerted to extend
their usefulness by development of instrumentation.
The wind tunnel, however, is by far the most important aeronautical research tool.
The major portion of all aeronautical research data upon which the science of flight is
based was obtained in wind tunnels. The advantage of the wind-tunnel technique
results from the expediency with which extensive measurements can be made under
widely varying test conditions. Modern subsonic wind-tunnel technique provides instru-
mentation for recording more than a thousand simultaneous research measurements.
Acceleration and intensification of supersonic research activity requires wind tun-
nels in sufficient number and of adequate size and speed so that the useful wind-tunnel
technique can be fully exploited.
Wind tunnels for subsonic and supersonic research, although generally similar in
character, possess different degrees of flexibility with reference to possibilities of
varying operating speeds and size of models that may be investigated. Flexibility in the
use of supersonic wind tunnels is determined by the following requirements:
1. Models must be small enough in cross section so that a normal shock
resulting in conversion of the flow from supersonic to subsonic will not occur in
the test section, and
2. The models must be sufficiently short so that supersonic waves generated
at the nose of the models are not reflected back from the tunnel walls on the rear
of the models.
Flexibility in the design of supersonic wind tunnels is limited by:
1. Wind-tunnel compressor characteristics.
2. The design requirements of the mechanism for changing the wind-tunnel
Mach number.
3. Model support design requirements.
These considerations define the range of Mach numbers and Reynolds numbers
that may be investigated in a single wind tunnel, and provide the basis for establishing
the minimum number and types of supersonic wind tunnels required for adequate
coverage of the broad fields of research.
Facilities for applying other research techniques are also required to supplement
the wind-tunnel research and provide the evaluation of final results.


Supersonic wind tunnels in operation and under construction by the National

Advisory Committee for Aeronautics are as follows:



Laboratory Size of test section number Use


Langley 4 by 18 inches 1.4 Aerodynamic

Langley 9 inches 2.4 Aerodynamic


Laboratory Size of test section number Use

Ames 8 by 8 inches 2.3 Aerodynamic

Ames 1 by 3 feet 2.5 Aerodynamic
Cleveland 18 by 18 inches 2.2 Aerodynamic & Propulsion
Cleveland 20-inch-diameter 2.0 Aerodynamic & Propulsion



Ames 1 by 3 feet 3.4 Aerodynamic

Cleveland 2 by 2 feet 4.5 Aerodynamic & Propulsion
Langley 4 by 4 feet 2.2 Aerodynamic
Ames 6 by 6 feet 1.8 Aerodynamic
Cleveland 8 by 6 feet 1.8 Aerodynamic & Propulsion

The 4- by 18-inch tunnel at Langley Field is of the induction nonreturn type and
can be used only for short periods of time. It is operated by discharging compressed
air from a large tank through ejector nozzles, thereby inducing high-velocity air flow in
the tunnel test section. The 9-inch tunnel is of the direct-action return type, and is
driven by a 1,000-horsepower axial flow compressor. These tunnels are used for
preliminary investigations of the aerodynamic characteristics of very small models in
the supersonic speed range.
The 8- by 8-inch tunnel at Ames is of the nonreturn type and is powered by three
compressors totaling 4,500 horsepower. This tunnel serves as a pilot tunnel for design-
ing wind-tunnel nozzles and diffusers. The existing 1- by 3-foot tunnel is of the single
return type and is driven by compressors with a total installed horsepower of 10,000. It
is used for aerodynamic investigations of small airfoils and bodies at supersonic speeds
and for fundamental studies of supersonic-flow phenomena. The pressure in the tunnel
can be varied to permit research to be conducted over a range of Reynolds numbers.
The supersonic tunnels at Cleveland are operated by the equipment already
provided for evacuating the Altitude Wind Tunnel. During periods when the Altitude
Wind Tunnel is not in operation, its large exhauster pumps are used to draw air
through the supersonic tunnels. The primary purpose of these tunnels is to investigate
the fundamentals of small-scale propulsive systems suitable for powering supersonic

The Ames 1- by 3-foot and the Cleveland 2- by 2-foot supersonic wind tunnels
now under construction will extend the speed range available for small-scale aerody-
namic and propulsion research. The other three wind tunnels under construction
represent the Committee's most advanced effort toward the construction of equipment
for supersonic research. These tunnels are a first approach to the problem of obtaining
facilities that will provide results on models of larger sizes, higher Reynolds numbers,
and higher Mach numbers. The Langley 4- by 4-foot wind tunnel is a closed-return
tunnel and is equipped with a 6000-horsepower drive motor. It operates at reduced
pressure simulating altitude conditions.
The Ames 6- by 6-foot wind tunnel is generally similar in arrangement to the
Langley 4- by 4-foot tunnel, but operates at higher pressures with resultant higher
Reynolds numbers and a greater power absorption. Motors delivering 50,000 horse-
power drive the larger Ames tunnel. Both wind tunnels are adapted to aerodynamic


research on two-dimensional and three-dimensional models considerably larger in size

than can be tested in existing supersonic wind tunnels.
The 8- by 6-foot supersonic wind tunnel now under codstruction at the Cleveland
laboratory is a nonreturn tunnel designed specifically for research on supersonic pro-
pulsion systems. Models of engines will be operated under full power at simulated
conditions of flight and at speeds exceeding 1300 miles per hour.
In summary it may be stated that the use of the available research facilities and
those under construction will result in the attainment of further knowledge of the
mechanism of supersonic air flow, will lead to a better understanding of the require-
ments for improved airfoils, body shapes and propulsion systems, and will result in the
development of improved instrumentation and testing techniques. The results of re-
search in these wind tunnels will provide a step in the evolutionary process leading
toward a complete understanding of the characteristics of full-scale supersonic aircraft.
These facilities, however, are subject to the following limitations:
1. Many important research problems associated with stability, control, flight-
handling characteristics, and propulsion cannot be investigated at Reynolds num-
bers approaching those encountered in flight nor can certain special research
problems requiring models of larger size be adequately investigated.
2. No equipment exists or is under construction for research at Mach num-
bers above 4.5, whereas a comprehensive and integrated program of research
should include facilities for investigation over a range of Mach numbers up to at
least 30.


In order to meet the existing and urgent need for more advanced supersonic
research facilities, it is proposed that a National Supersonic Research Center be con-
structed, the first phase of the construction to be as follows:
1. Supersonic wind tunnels of comparatively large scale to cover the range of
Mach numbers of 0.8 to 10 for both aerodynamic research and research on
propulsion systems.
2. Supplementary facilities and services for exploring at smaller scale the
fundamentals of flows at Mach numbers as high as 20 to 30.
3. Facilities for full-scale research on propulsive systems that use normal fuels
or hazardous fuels.
Equipment. Preliminary studies of the proposed equipment indicate that it is not
feasible at the present time to attempt the design and construction of wind tunnels for
full-scale research on complete airplanes at supersonic speeds. In wind tunnels that can
be built at this time, however, it will be possible to conduct research at Reynolds
numbers approaching full-scale values and to investigate many aerodynamic and pro-
pulsion elements at full-scale.
The following supersonic wind tunnels are recommended for construction:

Identification Height of Test Section Mach Number Purpose

A 20 ft. to 30 ft. 0.8 to 1.6 Aerodynamic

B 10ft. to 15ft. 1.5 to 2.6 Aerodynamic
6 ft. to 10ft. 2.0 to 3.0 Aerodynamic
6ft. to 10ft. 3.0 to 4.8 Aerodynamic
C 6 ft. to 10ft. 4.8 to 7.0 Aerodynamic
6 ft. to 10ft. 7.0 to 10 Aerodynamic
D 10 ft. to 15 ft. 1.5 to 2.6 Propulsion


A--Aerodynamic research, primarily on configurations, stability, and control, and fac-

tors affecting maneuverability of piloted supersonic aircraft.
B--Research on aerodynamic elements and configurations of supersonic piloted and
pilotless aircraft, and on the aerodynamics of propulsion.
C--Aerodynamic research for new concepts, for basic design data and for specific
information, on pilotless aircraft particularly of the rocket type.
D--Propulsion research permitting duplication of internal and external conditions of
power plants and their installations under the range of altitude and temperature
conditions of interest.

• . . Each of these four wind tunnels will require drive motors of approximately
450,000-horsepower capacity.
These major facilities will be supplemented with less powerful but important
aerodynamic research facilities and services for exploring the physical nature of flows at
Mach numbers as high as 20 to 30.
Essential investigations on propulsion systems for supersonic flight will be carried
forward in special facilities that will provide sufficient dry refrigerated air to operate jet
engines of more than 40,000 pounds thrust• Since altitude exhaust facilities will also be
installed, the internal flow systems of large engines will be subjected to conditions
duplicating actual flight at supersonic speeds.
One of the extremely promising fields of research on engines for supersonic flight
is the study of fuels of high energy content per unit of volume. It is characteristic of
such fuels that the energy is released at a rate which greatly exceeds the heat output
from the combustion of normal hydrocarbon fuels. Until such ' time as the new types of
fuels can be fully investigated and brought under proper control, an element of danger
is involved in their handling. For this reason a Hazardous Fuels Laboratory will be
provided at some distance from other facilities at the laboratory site, and it will have
suitable devices to protect in every possible way the safety of the operating personnel.
Instrument-research facilities are included in the program so as to ensure proper
facilities for investigations of research instruments and techniques. The true value of
supersonic research equipment can be realized only if the scientist has at his disposal
an accurate and reliable means for measuring the many complex physical phenomena
involved in the investigation. Because of the many new problems encountered in
advanced research on supersonics, numerous new instruments must be devised and
made available to the aerodynamicist.
In addition the program contemplates the construction of the necessary service
and administrative facilities. A tentative plan for the arrangement of the proposed
facilities is presented on the following page.
Personnel. In research, the quality of the workers is all important. Key men for the
proposed National Supersonic Research Center are available in the present NACA
staff, but an intensified recruiting and training program will be required to ensure that
a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists will be available when the new
facilities are completed. It is proposed to accomplish this through the existing training
program within the NACA and by means of arrangements with universities for ad-
vanced studies in special fields of applied science.


The basic requirements of a site suitable for the construction and operation of the
research equipment herein proposed may be summarized as follows:
1. Continuous availability of low-cost electric power in accordance with the
following schedule:
Within 3 years: 300,000 kilowatts, 600,000,000 kilowatt-hours per year
Within 5 years: 500,000 kilowatts, 1,000,000,000 kilowatt-hours per year


Ultimate: The power potential of the area within transmission distance of

the laboratory site shall be capable of development so as ultimately to provide
power in quantities several times the figures indicated for the five-year period.
2. Cooling water, sufficiently clean, pure, and cool for use in heat exchangers,
in adequate quantity up to 300,000 gallons per minute.
3. Adequate land for the construction of the research facilities in an area
where the topography of the adjacent terrain is suitable for flight research with
piloted supersonic aircraft.
4. Climatic conditions which will provide clean, dry air and good flying
5. Adequate transportation and communication facilities, access to industrial
6. An area near the site suitable for the development of a community, or the
expansion of an existing community, to provide satisfactory living conditions for
No one of the Committee's three existing laboratories can meet the site require-
ments. Preliminary surveys indicate that a site meeting all requirements may be found
in at least one of the following areas:
1. The Columbia River area in the vicinity of Grand Coulee Dam,
2. The Colorado River area in the vicinity of Boulder Dam, Nevada.
3. The Central California area served by the Pacific Gas and Electric
The final selection of a site must be based upon a thorough study of possible sites
in all three areas. The advantages and disadvantages of each possible site must be
analyzed in detail on the basis of engineering, economic, and environmental consider-


The large size of the utility installations and research facilities proposed for the
National Supersonic Research Center presents a number of unprecedented problems in
engineering design. It is estimated that a period of approximately one year will be
required for preliminary engineering design studies to provide adequate information
for the preparation of detailed specifications. It is proposed to accomplish the prelimi-
nary studies by an integrated program involving pilot investigations, detailed analysis,
and study by Committee research experts, supplemented by the services of experienced
industrial engineering firms and consultants employed under contract.
It is proposed that funds be requested in an amount adequate to permit the
assignment by the Committee of an initial staff of 30 employees to this project to be
increased gradually during the period of one year to approximately 210. This staff will
be engaged (1) on research investigations using pilot equipment for the solution of
basic design problems, (2) on the preparation of design requirements and design
specifications, (3) on the design of certain equipment and instrumentation which
requires a specialized knowledge of research, and (4) in performing the essential
planning, administrative, and coordination functions involved in a construction project
of this character.
Concurrent with these activities, arrangements will be made to enter into contracts
with competent industrial engineering firms and consultants to furnish detailed design
information including plans and specifications on many phases of the project. The use
of outside services in this manner, particularly on such items as the optimum design
and layout of utility installations, road construction, land improvements, water-purifica-
tion and -cooling systems, and drive motor and compressor construction, is considered
essential to ensure the construction of a workable and economical laboratory.


The [following] chart . . . indicates the estimated schedule for the design and
construction of the facilities proposed for the Supersonic Center. It is estimated that
design information on some phases of the utility system will be available in time to
begin construction during the first year.

The amounts recommended under (a) and (b) above represent the best estimates
that can be made at this time of the sums that could efficiently be obligated during the
fiscal year 1947. As preliminary design studies are completed, the Committee will be in
a position to prepare and submit accurate estimates of the appropriations that will be
required annually to complete the project.

Tentative schedule for deszgn and construction, National Supersonic Research Center,
during first 5-year period.

Preliminary design
Design specifications I I

Utilities design I I
Utilities construction I
Research facilities design
Research facilities construction
Service facilities design Begin research activities
Service facilities construction
Administrative facilities design I
Administrative facilities construction
l llll II llll llllll Ill III I IIIIIIIIII llllll lllll l I I I l l l I l I

Start 1 st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

38. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, "Appraisal of German Research

during the War Relative to that of the NACA," [Oct. 1946].

[In response to widespread suspicion that the NACA had been bested by the
Germans in aeronautical research just before and during World War If, the Langley
laboratory staff prepared this comparison, based on the NACA's record and on investi-
gations made in 1945 and 1946 into German achievements, Although this analysis does
provide a fair summary of aeronautical progress in World War II its evaluation of the
relative achievements of the Germans and the NACA must be taken with caution. The

tone is so defensive and the treatment so one-sided (for example, the discussion of jet
propulsion) that, in keeping with Jerome Hunsaker's advice, the analysis was never


In general, the major portion of all the airfoil research carried out by the Germans
was carried out either on NACA airfoil sections or on modified NACA airfoil sections.

Furthermore, the methods used for modifying the airfoil sections were those previously
developed by the NACA. The Germans have not developed methods of relating airfoil
shape and angle of attack with pressure distribution to the degree of refinement that
has been achieved by the NACA, nor have they correlated the aerodynamic characteris-
tics of airfoil sections with their pressure distributions as closely as has been done by
the NACA.


The problem of reducing skin-friction drag of wings by maintaining extensive

laminar flow in the boundary layer was the subject of much research in many countries
before and during the war. The Germans expended considerable effort on theoretical
investigations of the stability of laminar boundary layers. Schlicting* made some of the
most significant contributions to this subject. The final results of Schlichting's calcula-
tions indicated that laminar boundary layers in a region of favorable pressure gradient
were stable to much higher Reynolds numbers than those in unfavorable gradients, but
that, in any case, if transition occurred when the boundary layer first became unstable,
the extent of laminar flow obtainable at flight values of the Reynolds number was
relatively unimportant. This result is to be contrasted with the results of NACA
investigations which showed extensive laminar flow on smooth low-drag airfoils in a
low-turbulence airstream up to Reynolds numbers of more than 40 million.
As an extension of Schlichting's work, a number of theoretical investigations were
undertaken in Germany to determine whether or not the lower critical boundary-layer
Reynolds number could be increased by means of boundary-layer suction. These
theoretical investigations indicated that the application of continuous suction, such as
might be obtained through a porous surface, might permit laminar flow to be obtained
at nearly any flight value of the Reynolds number. No experimental work was done,
however, either to develop suitable porous surfaces or to check the theory. NACA
investigations conducted prior to our entry into the war indicated that the use of
multiple suction slots did not reduce the difficulties associated with maintaining suffi-
ciently smooth surfaces for laminar flow at high Reynolds numbers.
Perhaps because the results of Schlichting's calculations indicated the improbabil-
ity of obtaining significant amounts of laminar flow at useful Reynolds numbers, the
Germans appear to have done comparatively little research work on low-drag airfoil
sections such as those systematically investigated by the NACA. Several early type
NACA low-drag airfoil sections, descriptions of which fell into German hands after the
fall of France, as well as several German-designed laminar-flow sections which were
similar to the early NACA types, were tested. In nearly all cases, however, the German
airfoils had unnecessarily small leading-edge radii and poor trailing-edge shapes with
the result that the observed maximum lift coefficients were low. Furthermore, none of
the wind tunnels in which tests were carried out had turbulence levels sufficiently low
to achieve large extents of laminar flow in the practical flight range of Reynolds
In an effort to increase the maximum lift coefficients obtainable with plain airfoil
sections, a considerable amount of German research was concerned with the develop-
ment of high-lift devices. Although some rather unusual configurations were tried,
most of the trailing-edge high-lift devices tested, such as the plain, split, slotted, and
double slotted flaps, were similar to those investigated by the NACA ....
Further increases in the maximum lift coefficient were obtained by means of
boundary-layer control. Investigations of both blowing and sucking slots were made in
Germany and, in some cases, more than one slot was used. These investigations
generally paralleled those of the NACA, although the configurations were naturally not
At about the start of the war the Germans recognized the applicability of swept
wings for flight at high Mach numbers, and most of their subsequent three-dimensional
wing research during the war concerned the properties of such wings. They noted the
characteristic boundary-layer cross flows and the poor stalling, and spent considerable
effort in testing various fixes, such as boundary-layer control, leading-edge slats and
flaps, fences, and washout. NACA wing research until 1945 was concerned mainly with

*Hermann Theodore Schlicting, director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Technical Insti-
tute of Braunschweig.


unsweptdesignsfor particularpurposes andwith correlation of sectionandwing

withspecial emphasis on wingshavinghigh-speed sections; andswept
wingshadbeenstudiedmainlywithregardto theiruseontailless airplanes. When,in
1945,thedevelopment of suitable powerplantsmadetransonic flightappearpossible,
the NACAindependently recognized theapplicability of sweptwingsfor high-speed
flight.Immediate attention wasdirectedtoresearch onsuchwingswiththeresultthat
theGerman data,whentheybecame available,weresupplemented by NACAdataat
transonicspeed wherenoGerman datawereobtained.
Withregardtothecalculation ofspan-load distributions
thatsatisfythe downwash conditionat the three-quarter chordline weredeveloped
bothby the NACAandin Germany. The theoryof thering-shape airfoilwasalso
developed in bothcountries. Lifting-surface solutionsdeveloped bytheNACAseemto
havehadnocounterpart in Germany.
TheGermanstudiesof subsonic compressibilityeffectson airfoilsections were
verysimilar,toours--forexample: (1) in thederivation of accurate potentialflows
containinga smallsupersonic region,andin thedemonstration thatsuchflowscould
not bederivedabovea certainMachnumber,(2)in theaccurate computation by the
Ackert*methodof thecompressible flowaboutaJoukowskit airfoil,(3) in effortsto
strongarm solutionsforairfoilflowswithshocks, and(4)in thecomputation of exten-
sivetablesof hypergeometric functionsfor usein compressible-flow computations.
Their experimental high-speed sectiondata,of whicha considerable amountwas
obtained,wassimilarto thatobtained in theNACAll-inchand24-inchhigh-speed
tunnels,andlargelyfollowedthepatternof thepreviously published workfromthese
tunnelsexceptthattheyalsoputgreateffortonthedevelopment of interferometry for
thequantitative studyofflowfields.AlthoughtheGermans recognized theimportance
of scaleeffect,somewhat lesseffortseems to havebeenmade thanin thiscountryto
checkresultsinlargehigh-speed tunnelsor in flight.
In thedevelopment
of wingsforuseattransonic
andexperimentalworkwasdoneon airfoilsections
bothin theUnitedStates
Airfoil section.--Early in the development of low-drag airfoil sections in the United
States, it was realized that not only would these sections have low drag at low speeds
but would have improved aerodynamic characteristics at high speeds because of lower
induced velocities than possessed by conventional sections. Consequently, a family of
airfoil sections was finally derived which had satisfactory low drag and considerably
improved high-speed characteristics as indicated by low- and high-speed wind-tunnel
tests, respectively. Sections such as these were used on two American airplanes, the
P-51 and A-26, in operational use in the European war. In Germany some theoretical
and experimental work was done in the development of low-drag and high-speed airfoil
sections, although the work was not as extensive or systematic as the American devel-
opment. The German research indicated that some of the older or conventional NACA
high-speed sections had fairly satisfactory high-speed characteristics and were ap-
parently content in using them in practically all of their installations. Research in both
countries indicated that the Mach number at which large changes in lift, drag, and
pitching moment occurred depended not only on the Mach number at which local
velocity of sound was first attained but also on the type of pressure distribution. In

*Jacob Ackert, Federal Technical Institute, Zurich

I"N. E. Joukowski, professor of mathematics, University of Moscow, author of a classic theory
of lift


addition,it wasclearlyevidentin bothcountries thattheconventional airplanewas

limitedto a maximum Machnumberof0.85to 0.90because of thelossof lift, rapid
risein drag,andstability andcontroldifficulties athighMachnumbers.
planform.--Late in the war it was recognized in the United States, as a result
of theoretical and experimental research, that wing planform had a more pronounced
effect on aerodynamic characteristics at high speeds than airfoil section. It was shown
by tests at transonic speeds that by decreasing the aspect ratio the compressibility
barrier, as evidenced by loss of lift, rapid rise in drag, and large changes in pitching
moment, could be delayed to Mach numbers over 0.90. Both theory and experiment at
transonic and supersonic speeds indicated that large sweep of the leading edge of a
wing (either forward or rearward) would result in delaying and minimizing these
compressibility effects to speeds well above the speed of sound. Research in Germany
during the war on effects of wing planform was rather extensive and covered a large
variety of wing shapes. Near the end of the war in Europe, Germany had an experimen-
tal airplane flying with wings designed on the basis of the sweep theory, and practically
all of their proposed high-speed airplanes and winged missiles included swept lifting
This extensive German research was confined by limitations of wind-tunnel tech-
niques to speeds less than about 90 percent of the speed of sound. Thus, the impor-
tant transonic region where important changes of aerodynamic characteristics occur
was left virtually unexplored by the Germans. Late in the war period the NACA
developed techniques to obtain data in this region by means of freely falling bodies
and by means of small models mounted in the high-speed flow induced about airplane
wings. These unique methods permitted the NACA to obtain data on wings and wing-
body configurations continuously through the speed of sound. New wind-tunnel tech-
niques developed by the NACA also permitted data to be obtained very close to the
speed of sound. Data obtained by these new methods and by the more recently
developed NACA techniques of rocket-powered bodies are laying the foundation of
knowledge necessary for the development of airplanes to fly at and above the speed of


At moderate subsonic speeds, the aerodynamic characteristics of bodies of rela-

tively large fineness ratio such as generally used in aircraft fuselages are not critically
dependent on body shape, provided that there are no abrupt changes in longitudinal
profile. The information generally available at the start of the war was adequate and
little further research has been done either in Germany or in America. A great deal of
theoretical and experimental research on the effects of modifications to basic body
shapes such as cockpit canopies, gun turrets, engine cowlings, and the like has been
accomplished by the NACA. As far as is now known, comparable German work was
limited to development studies for specific designs.
In the transonic speed range, from 0.8 to 1.2 times sonic speed, the NACA has
developed a new testing technique by which the drag of test bodies is determined by
dropping them from aircraft at high altitudes. The readings of instruments in the
bodies are telemetered to test equipment on the ground. Results of the first of these
tests, published in 1945, indicated large variations in flow characteristics near sonic
speed and showed that drag reductions can be effected in this speed range by increases
in fineness ratio. More recently similar results have been obtained with rocket-powered
test bodies. No known fundamental research in this speed range was accomplished in
At supersonic speeds, body drag varies greatly with shape and fineness ratio.
Theoretical studies made by NACA during the war have resulted in the development of
methods for calculating the lift, drag, and moment characteristics of slender bodies of


revolutionwithor withoutairinlets.Supersonic wind-tunnel testsmadeduringthewar

verifiedthetheoreticalresults.Originaldatafromsystematic wartimeinvestigations
supersonicprojectileshapes in Germany andItalybecame available
to theCommittee
in 1944.Thesedatawereanalyzed andpublished by theNACA.Italiantheoretical
predictionsof thenoseprofileforminimum dragwereverifiedbythesetestresults.A
greatdealofsupersonic development workonspecific projects
wasaccomplished in Germany. However, attempts toobtainfundamental aerodynamic
dataofgeneral usefulnessfromthesespecific projects havebeendisappointing.
Theaerodynamic interference thatoccurs whentwoormoreaerodynamic bodies,
suchaswingandfuselage, arecombined hasbeenthesubject ofextensiveinvestigation
both in Americaandin Germany. This problemis of criticalimportance in the
transonicandsupersonic speedranges. Noadequate theoretical
methods areyetavail-
ableto aidin the prediction of interferenceeffectsin thesespeedranges.A large
amountof dataforspecific designs hasbeenobtained in bothAmerica andGermany.
TheGerman workincludedseveral preliminarystudies ofwing-body interference
sweptwings.Similarbutmoreextensive investigationsarenowunderwayin America.

Both in this country and in Germany, the importance attached to stability and
control investigations is shown by the amount of research performed and the large
percentage of test facilities devoted to this work. In order to compare the contributions
of the two countries, the subject will be considered under headings based on the flight-
speed range concerned.
(a) Stability and Control at Low Speeds or Beyond the StalL--A large amount of wind-
tunnel research has been conducted in both Germany and the United States on special
control devices, such as spoilers, intended for use on airplanes equipped with high-lift
devices to provide low landing speed. Both countries encountered the same basic
problems of control lag and ineffectiveness, and arrived at the same solutions, which
consist of suitable spoiler design and location. Flight tests were made in both countries
on low-speed research airplanes equipped with special high-lift flaps or boundary-layer
control. The problem of adequate lateral control was not completely solved for the
airplanes employing boundary-layer control. The results of the research on spoiler
controls for use with full-span flaps in the United States were embodied in several
service airplanes, whereas in Germany these devices were not generally adopted by the
The spin-recovery problem was studied in both countries by means of free-
spinning tests of models in vertical tunnels. Both countries arrived at criteria for use by
the designer in providing satisfactory spin recovery.
Stall-warning devices utilizing pressure differences over the airfoil were perfected
in both countries.
(b) Stability and Control in the Normal Flight-Speed Range.--An important develop-
ment made during the war by the NACA was the .determination of a set of specifica-
tions for satisfactory flying qualities of airplanes. These specifications placed a mea-
surement of stability and control characteristics in flight on a quantitative basis. These
specifications were based on complete measurements of the flying qualities of 20
airplanes and were later substantiated by similar measurements on about 30 additional
airplanes. These requirements were adopted by the Army and Navy for the purpose of
selecting airplanes with desirable stability and control characteristics for combat and
service use. A similar set of specifications for desirable handling qualities was prepared
in Germany, but these specifications were based on complete tests of only five air-
planes and partial tests on a number of others. The German specifications were never
adopted as a standard by the German Air Forces but were merely set up as recommen-
dations to guide the designers and manufacturers of military airplanes.


In order to provide satisfactory flying qualities for airplanes in the design stage,
procedures were perfected both in the United States and Germany for wind-tunnel
testing of powered models of complete airplanes. These tests were generally conducted
on all new airplane designs. In addition, theoretical or empirical methods were devel-
oped in both countries to calculate the contributions of various parts of the airplane to
its stability.
Theoretical work on the dynamic-stability characteristics of aircraft was conducted
extensively in both countries. The number of separate investigations conducted in
Germany along these lines appears to exceed the number conducted in this country.
However, the main factors contributing to dynamic lateral and longitudinal stability
were discovered in both countries and the means determined for avoiding troublesome
problems, such as control-free oscillations, were the same in both countries. Other
problems of dynamic stability encountered in the tactical operation of aircraft, such as
the towing of gliders, were thoroughly investigated in both countries.
A solution of the problem of providing desirably light control forces on large and
high-speed airplanes was found to be very important by both countries in order that
satisfactory military types could be produced. For this reason a large amount of wind-
tunnel testing was conducted to develop satisfactory types of control-surface balances.
In this country this program amounted to making separate wind-tunnel tests of the
control surfaces of practically every airplane that was designed for possible military use,
in addition to numerous tests of generalized aircraft components investigated from the
standpoint of fundamental research. A similar course appears to have been followed in
Germany. In the United States the mass of data accumulated has been summarized and
correlated in several summary reports so that it is now available for use by the
designer. The correlation of German work does not appear to have progressed to such
an extent, probably because of the less centralized organization of their research
The development of servo controls both aerodynamic and mechanical types was
given increasing emphasis in both countries towards the end of the war. The theory of
such devices was well understood in both countries but the German designers appear
to have made freer use of these mechanisms in actual service airplanes than did the
American designers.
(c) Stability and Control at the Highest Speeds Reached by Conventional Aircraft.--The
onset of adverse effects of compressibility on the stability and control characteristics of
airplanes was first observed in high-speed dives of fighter-type airplanes. Wind-tunnel
and flight tests were conducted in both countries in order to study the reasons for the
diving moments and high control forces encountered in these high-speed dives. No
satisfactory solution to these problems for service-type airplanes was found by the
Germans. In this country, however, dive-recovery flaps were developed which provided
a temporary solution. Distortion of the tail surfaces and control surfaces under air
loads was found to be partially responsible for many of the difficulties encountered in
high-speed dives, and the theory explaining these effects was well developed in both
countries. Theories were also worked out to estimate the loss in aileron control due to
wing twist at high speeds. The equality of achievement of the United States and
Germany in the field of stability and control is shown by the fact that the maximum
diving speed reached by aircraft was approximately the same in both cases. This
maximum speed was limited by stability and control difficulties rather than by limita-
tions of performance characteristics.
(d) Stabilitv and Control in the Transonic Speed Range.--Investigation of the stability
and control of airplanes at transonic speeds became important with the development of
jet-propelled aircraft capable of traveling at these speeds. Conventional wind tunnels
were found to be unsatisfactory for measuring characteristics of airplanes in this speed
range. Considerable stability and control research at high supersonic speeds was con-


ducted by the Germans for application to missiles, but they had failed to develop any
means of obtaining information in the important transonic speed range. Two methods
were developed by the NACA for conducting tests in the transonic speed range. In one
of these methods, known as the wing-flow method, small models are mounted in the
high-speed flow above an airplane wing in flight. In the other method freely falling
models are dropped from high altitudes and they exceed the speed of sound in falling.
Methods for obtaining data from these falling bodies by means of radar and telemeter
equipment have been developed in this country. Preparations to build research air-
planes capable of flying at transonic speeds were made in both countries at the end of
the war. In Germany these airplanes employed sweptback wings which had been shown
theoretically to present the possibility of improving stability and control characteristics
in the transonic speed range. The beneficial effects of sweepback were discovered at
the NACA independently at a later date but not in time to prevent [sic] sweptback
wings to be applied to the first research airplane designed for transonic flight.
(e) Stability and Control at Supersonic Speeds.--Stability and control of missiles travel-
ing at supersonic speeds were studied extensively in Germany in several small super-
sonic wind tunnels. Great emphasis was being placed on the development of many
types of supersonic missiles and several large supersonic tunnels were in preliminary
operation or under construction at the end of the war. In addition, some missiles
designed for supersonic speeds had been constructed and tested. In this country
practically no data on stability and control at supersonic speeds had been obtained.

Internal Aerodynamics
The differences in the strategic requirements for American and German aircraft
resulted in considerable differences in the types of internal aerodynamic research
conducted by the research organizations of the two countries. In the United States,
major emphasis was placed on the solution of specific internal-flow problems confront-
ing long-range aircraft powered in most cases by conventional reciprocating engines.
An appreciable portion of the research effort of the NACA was allotted to the develop-
ment of installations for jet-, turbine-, and rocket-propelled aircraft and to internal-flow
systems suitable for transonic and supersonic flight only when it became apparent that
the new forms of prime movers could be perfected in time to be useful for the war
effort. In Germany, on the other hand, a large percentage of the research effort was
allocated throughout the war to the development of jet-propulsion and rocket installa-
tions for very fast short-range aircraft and to the development of induction systems
suitable for supersonic aircraft and missiles.
Cooling and heat exchangers. The NACA cooling-correlation method was adapted for
use with multicylinder aircooled engines during the war years and was further extended
to cover the case of the liquid-cooled engine. This method was successfully utilized in
the development of the engine installations for numerous military airplanes, thereby
substantially shortening the usual troubleshooting development periods. German litera-
ture reveals that engine-cooling difficulties continued throughout the war to be one of
the principal factors delaying the service use of their new aircraft.
The NACA conducted a number of projects leading to the refinement of aircraft
heat exchangers and the evaluation of the factors governing their performance. Com-
prehensive design charts were developed to aid the cooling-system designer by simpli-
fying selection procedures and permitting the rapid determination of the effects of
design compromises on cooling performance. The NACA heat-exchanger research on
the whole was confined largely to conventional production-type units. The Germans,
however, in addition to similar work, expended considerable effort in the development
of tailor-made units for specific airplanes and in research on unconventional arrange-
ments such as the regenerative cooler.



In the decade before the start of the war, the Germans made numerous important
contributions to the aerodynamics of compressors and turbines including the develop-
ment of theoretical methods for calculating the 2-dimensional characteristics of cas-
cades or rows of blades, and the development of cascade testing techniques and
methods of correlation of cascade and rotating-machine performance data. During the
war, however, their aerodynamic progress appears to have been limited to relatively
minor improvements resulting from development work on specific installations. At the
close of the war, the aerodynamic design of the German compressors and turbines still
closely followed prewar practice. Examination of the mechanical details of German gas
turbine engines reveals that important advances were made in construction techniques
and production methods. Advances were also made in the development of blade-
cooling methods during the war.
Utilizing the cascade testing technique, the NACA has conducted a fundamental,
systematic, pressure-distribution investigation of compressor-blade shapes. This work
was guided by the general principle that local velocity peaks on the blades should be
avoided, in order to minimize friction and separation losses and to delay compressibil-
ity effects. This work resulted in design charts from which efficient shapes and opti-
mum blade settings can be obtained for a wide range of compressor-design parameters.
Low-speed tests of these blades in rotating machines have indicated that important
gains in pressure rise per stage and in efficiency can be realized by their use. Theo-
retical work carried on during the war has recently culminated in a greatly improved
method for computing the flow about 2-dimensional cascades of compressor and
turbine blades.
Conventional axial-flow compressors are limited to a relative blade Mach number
of about 0.8 because of the occurrence of shock losses at higher speeds. It is theoreti-
cally desirable, however, to operate at higher speeds in order to produce higher
compression ratios. The Germans made two attempts during the war to construct a
supersonic axial-flow compressor. The first of these attempts ended in destruction of
the machine, and the second produced a very low efficiency and only slightly higher
pressure ratio than was obtainable from subsonic compressors. The NACA has been
working on supersonic compressors since 1942, starting with stationary tests in super-
sonic jets in which methods were developed for minimizing the shock losses. Continu-
ing this work, a single-stage machine has been designed, constructed, and tested. In its
present preliminary stage of development this machine has comparable efficiency,
slightly larger mass flow, and a compression ratio four to five times as large as any
previous single-stage axial-flow compressor. The knowledge gained from this experi-
mental compressor should lead eventually to smaller, lighter, and more powerful
turbojet engines.


Both the NACA and German theoretical propeller research during the war period
was devoted primarily to development of improved methods of application of the
existing theory and relating these applications to design procedures in the form of
simplified selection and design charts. In both cases this work eliminated a major
portion of the tedious calculations formerly required. The NACA work in this respect
was somewhat more complete than the German work in that it included all the
important variables in propeller design while the German work did not completely
include the effects of design camber and blade width. The German work, on the other
hand, was more extensive in the development of theories for the use of shrouds with
propellers so that the volume of technical information from the NACA and German
work was about the same.


Analytical work in compiling information available from the experimental results

and theoretical results bearing on the design of efficient high-speed propellers was
carried out more extensively by NACA than by the Germans. The smaller amount of
German analytical work is directly traceable to the lack of experimental high-speed
research on propellers and propeller-airfoil sections.


During the war no fundamental research was performed by the Germans directed
toward the attainment of improved propeller airfoil sections. The Germans used in the
design of their propellers NACA 24-series sections, which are considered one step
removed in the development of optimum propeller sections. The NACA on the other
hand undertook an extensive propeller-airfoil development program which resulted in
optimum critical-speed airfoil sections having low drag characteristics (NACA 16-series
sections). The development of these airfoils supplied sections for use in propeller
design which delayed the onset of compressibility effects to an important extent. The
low-drag characteristics of these airfoil sections produced higher propeller efficiency.
Both the NACA and German work included an extensive amount of experimental
testing to determine at high speeds the characteristics of airfoils suitable for use in the
design of propellers. The volume of technical information was about the same


No significant amount of German research on propeller characteristics was per-

formed at high speeds during the war period. It appears that the German research
effort on propellers was based upon use of available low-speed information to obtain
their propeller designs which, when in production, were to be used throughout the
remainder of the war without further change. The NACA, on the other hand, in
recognition of the advances of high-speed requirements of propellers occasioned by
the war efforts initiated an extensive program of high-speed propeller research. This
work was directed toward the procurement of information necessary for the design of
efficient high-speed propellers suitable for absorbing increased amounts of power.
Propeller dynamometers for the Langley 8-foot high-speed tunnel and the Langley 16-
foot high-speed tunnel were designed and constructed. At the same time, dynamometer
equipment for Flight Research was also developed.
Propellers were obtained from this research which had efficiencies of from 90 to
95 percent through a speed range up to approximately 500 m.p.h. These efficiencies of
these propellers are 7 percent greater at low speeds and 22 percent greater at 500
m.p.h, than could be obtained with conventional propellers in extensive use during the
war period. The NACA propellers were free from adverse compressibility effects at
speeds approximately 100 m.p.h, in excess of speeds at which serious effects were
encountered with conventional propellers available during the early war period. These
conventional propellers had essentially the same performance as the German propel-
lers. The adverse effects of compressibility on propellers at high forward speeds were
defined in these investigations for the first time. Extensive studies of the effects of
propeller shanks on the performance on propellers were made at high speeds and
changes in design camber, blade width, and pitch distribution were evaluated.


The German research pioneered the use of sweep in propellers to effect delays in
the onset of compressibility effects. These results showed for the first time that the use
of sweep in propellers resulted in delays in the onset of the effects of compressibility.
However, the best sweptback propellers developed by German research were less


efficient, even at high speeds where the adverse compressibility effects occurred, than
the high-speed propellers evolved by the NACA research.


Power plant development in Germany during the war period was in general quite
comparable with that in the United States, but differed in detail as the result of
differences in military situation, thought, and manufacturing conditions. The Germans,
envisioning a greater need for high speed than great power or long range, devoted a
much greater proportion of their efforts to development of jet and rocket power plants,
and correspondingly less to reciprocating engines. As their military situation deterio-
rated, the development became a frantic effort to obtain performance advantages, and
the newer power plants were put into service in the state of incomplete development.
The German philosophy of reciprocating-engine design favored the use of rela-
tively high compression ratio and low supercharger pressure boost, perhaps due to a
lack of high-performance superchargers. To engines of this type the shortage of high-
octane fuel was an especially serious handicap, which the Germans met to some extent
with the adoption of fuel-injection type engines. In the United States, which was ahead
of the Germans with turbo- and multi-stage superchargers, engine outputs were greatly
increased as a result of fuel and engine research. As a consequence in the field of high-
powered reciprocating engines, with which much of the war was fought, German
development lagged by approximately a year.
Jet-propulsion research was well under way in the United States at the start of the
war, the NACA having conducted full-scale tests of a unit early in 1942. Due to
difference in the military situation, jet-power-plant development was not given as much
priority here as in Germany, but rapid advances were made. Possession of superior
materials gave the United States a marked advantage, and German designs reflected
this situation. Military necessity forced Germany to early production of jet engines,
whereas the United States, which possessed lighter, more efficient, and more durable
units had not swung into large production at the cessation of hostilities.
The turbine-propeller power plant on which the Germans had been working since
before the war advanced about equally in both countries, neither of which succeeded in
bringing this important type of unit into production.
The intermittent ram jet used to power the buzz-bomb was a German develop-
ment not matched by similar research in this country. The steady-flow ram jet, or Lorin
duct, on the other hand was the subject of basic research by the NACA at the start of
the war. However, in Germany ram-jet research was prosecuted with great rigor as
contrasted with low priority in this country.
Liquid-fuel and powder rockets for assisting takeoff developed, and in use, here
and in Germany were strikingly similar in design and principle, although there were
differences in propellant preferences. Design of rocket-propeller airplanes, started in
Germany before the war, resulted in the ME-163, capable of phenomenal speed but so
limited in range that it was not regarded by the Germans themselves as especially
practical. It was in the field of long-range rocket missiles that the Germans made the
most progress. Although the United States had by no means neglected rocket develop-
ment in its application as a power plant for long-range missiles, the Germans had
investigated and overcome many of the practical problems, and several important types
had been brought into production.
Viewed as a whole, Germany contributed most in the development of long-
duration high-powered liquid-fuel rocket and the ram jet, whereas the United States
made greater advances in power, reliability, and weight reduction of reciprocating
power plants. In jet and turbine engines, developments were about equal, with Ger-
many getting into production earlier, but with the United States leading in power,
weight reduction, reliability, and economy.


At theendingof theWar,theGermans hadsuccessfully developed andoperated
subsonic ground-to-ground missiles, theV-I. Theyhadalsosuccessfully developed
several subsonic ground-to-air, air-to-ground, andair-to-air missilesbuthadinsufficient
timeto getthemintoaction.Theyhaddeveloped alsoa wingless supersonic artillery-
typemissile,theV-2. In additionto theseaccomplishments, intensive research was
underwayonstability,guidance, andaerodynamic problems of supersonic interceptor-
At the corresponding timein America,althoughguidedmissilespresented a
significant picturefromthemilitaryviewpoint, mostof theresearch efforthadbeen
directedtowardprovidingsuperiorinhabitedaircraftwithincreasing but still small
expenditure of effortontheguidedmissile.Because of thisdifference in emphasis, no
strictcomparison between American andGerman missileresearch canbedrawn.In the
fieldssuchashigh-speed aerodynamics, automatic controlandstability,andlaunching,
comparison canbe madeeventhoughprogresson thelatter two itemswasnot
essential tovictory.
Aerodynamic research waspursued withtheutmostvigorin Germany andAmer-
icathroughout thewarsinceit is thebasisfor air supremacy in boththemissileand
aircraftoperations. Workin Germany emphasized the useof numerous supersonic
windtunnels,whilein America highsubsonic tunnelswerepushedto a highstateof
refinement. In addition,in America flightmethods weredevised forextending aerody-
namicinformation throughthetransonic speedrange(speeds fromabout700to 1000
milesperhour)wheretheinherentphysical restrictionsofwindtunnelspreventtheir
use.TheGermans haddevised no means for aerodynamic research in thistransonic
speedrange,a factwhichis nowrealized wouldhavegreatlyinhibitedtheirfurther
progress withwingedmissiles andman-carrying aircraftaswell.Workin theGerman
supersonic tunnelswasdevoted largelytoreduction ofdrag,problems ofhighmoment
changes, centerof pressure shift,lift andcontroleffectiveness, anddamping derivatives
in roll,pitch,andyaw.Thisworkwasin thecategory ofinitialexploratory workand
showed someof the difficultieswhichhadto be overcome but offeredfewof the
solutions to thesedifficulties. Thebenefits of sweepback werediscovered several years
earlierin Germany thanin America but,bytheendof thewar,American information
onsweptback configurations wasequalto and,in thetransonic range,surpassed that
possessed in Germany. Neithercountry,however, hadsuccessfully usedsweptback
wingstoincrease aircraftor missile speeds inactualoperations.
American workon automatic stabilitywasdonelargelyin conjunction withArmy
andNavyglidebombsandwithcontrolled bombssuchastheAzonandRazon. This
workproceeded ona soundtheoretical basissothatcorrective measures for difficulties
observed inflighttestswerequicklyapplied.
Automatic stabilityandcontroltheorywasalsosufficiently advanced to permit
quickadjustment of theAmerican versionof the German V-1 and,in the closing
monthsof the war,U.S.Armytacticaltrialsof this weapon showedperformance
surpassing thatachieved bytheGermans although themilitaryandnavalsituationdid
not requireits use.Similarly, a zero-ramp launching technique wasdevised for V-I
missiles whichwouldpermitmobilelaunching stationsin contrast to themassive steam
rampsusedfortheGerman operations.

39. "Report of the Director of Aeronautical Research submitted to the National

Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at its annual meeting, October 23, 1947. "

[Hugh L. Dryden succeeded George Lewis as Director of Aeronautical Research in

September 1947. In this, his first formal report to the Main Committee, he outlined his


goals and impressions. The subtle changes he introduced would lead to a more rational
functioning of the overall NACA research program through increased utilization of the
technical committees, greater emphasis on basic research, and faster dissemination of
research results to meet the needs of industry.]

I have the honor to submit herewith my first report to the Committee as Director
of Aeronautical Research. In the seven weeks that I have served you in this capacity, I
have made a beginning in the large task of becoming familiar with the activities under
way at the three laboratories. I have made courtesy calls at the plants of a few aircraft
manufacturers, and I have taken part in the Budget Bureau hearings on our estimates
for the coming fiscal year. The next few months will continue to be a period of
education for me. I consider myself very fortunate to have the benefit of guidance from
Dr. Lewis, and I am happy to say that the entire staff has given me its wholehearted
support and cooperation. The Associate Director, Mr. Crowley, and the Executive
Secretary, Mr. Victory, have not only been ready to give me background information
and express their views on the problems arising from day to day, but they have also
kindly relieved me of much administrative routine.
One of the first tasks which I have set for the staff and myself is a better
formulation of the Committee's research programs. The principal tool at present for
recording and keeping track of the research programs is the research authorization, of
which there are hundreds, and the job orders, of which there are thousands. The usual
lists of investigations requested by the military services, and of the contracts with
educational institutions approved since the last meeting, have been distributed to you.
These serve the useful purpose of enabling one to trace the history of a particular task,
but are not useful instruments for the control of general research policy which I
consider to be the function of the Main Committee and the standing technical commit-
tees. I believe that our research programs must be formulated and examined from
various points of view and studied in the light of their environment, i.e., the interna-
tional situation, the current state and objectives of aeronautical development, and
developments in basic scientific research in physics, chemistry, and engineering.
At this stage in my study I can only illustrate by specific examples what I have in
mind. The urgency of aeronautical research results from the relation of air power to
national security. Aircraft having the highest speed dominate the air. The development
of the turbo-jet engine during the last war made available a large amount of power in a
small package, and thus paved the way for the attainment of much higher flight speeds
than possible with reciprocating engines and propellers. It is clear that there is no
upper limit to the possible speed of aircraft. The nation that makes the best research
effort to develop the new power plants and explore the problems of high-speed flight
can lead the world in air power. That nation must be the United States.
In this environment one of the objectives of present-day aeronautical development
is the attainment of horizonal flight of a piloted aircraft propelled at supersonic speeds
for long distances. It is the duty of the NACA to provide for the military services and
the industry, the basic data on aerodynamics and propulsion to make piloted super-
sonic flight, not only possible, but safe and reliable. A large part of the Committee's
research effort is directed toward this objective. The apex of this effort is the flight
research on high-speed research airplanes at Muroc, California, conducted by the
military services, the aircraft industry, and the NACA in cooperation. This type of
organized effort has been extremely successful and valuable, so much so that the
headquarters staff and I are studying the possibility of a similar procedure for expedit-
ing and focusing research effort on power plants of the future. It is gratifying that the
flight tests have as yet shown nothing which was not predicted from wind-tunnel, wing-
flow, and rocket tests of models.


Anotherlargesegment of theCommittee's workrelates to thetransport airplanes

of todayandthenearfuture,in particular, to theirgeneral handling characteristics
flyingqualities, theircomfortandsafety in normalflight,inflightin roughair,andin
emergency landings onlandandsea.
Otherworkisapplicable toallaircraft,to improve theirperformance, andto study
theapplication to themofimproved wingsections, controls andof suchnewdevelop-
mentsasboundary-layer suction.
Forbudgetandaccounting purposes workundersuchgeneral objectives
downinto 19research programs relatingbroadlytoresearch ontheairplane itself,to
its powerplant,andto operating problems. Programs in transonicandsupersonic
aerodynamics, stabilityandcontrol,andloads,beganabout1944,andhavegrownto a
considerable magnitude, accounting for thefactthatourbudgetestimates arehigher
nowthanduringthewaryears.Sincesupersonic aircraftmustalsooperatesafelyat
subsonic speeds, andsincetheyrequirenewwingsections andwingplanforms,a large
fractionof thesubsonic workconducted at present is devoted to supersonic aircraft.
A typicallargeareaof workin thisfieldis on wingplanforms.Fromtheoretical
considerations andlimitedexperimental data,threegeneral typesof planformshave
advantages in varioushighspeedranges. Thesearethesweptback andsweptforward,
thelow-aspect-ratio, andthetriangular. Thegeneral objective of theNACAworkin
thisareais to determine theproperties of theseplanformsovera widerangeof
Reynolds andMachnumbers sothatthedesigner mayhavethebasicdatafromwhich
to makethe bestchoicefor a particulardesignintendedto accomplish a specific
Onesegment ofthisareaofworkis thatrelatingtoaspecific triangular
selected in the lightof presenttheoryasbestfor a specific designMachnumber.
The power-plant workin 1944wasmainlyon reciprocating engines,whereas
todaytheworkislargelyonjet engines. Considered in relation to themajorgoalofthe
supersonic flightof pilotedaircraft,theNACAprogramofflight-propulsion research
breaks downintothemajordivisions of turbo-jetandturbo-prop, rocket,andramjet.
In eachof thesedivisions thereisa two-fold goal--(1)toobtainincreased performance
fora givensizeandweight,and(2)to increase thereliability andlife.Thesegoalsare
ever-receding onesasdevelopment progresses, but therearecertainlandmarks, for
example, thefueleconomy of reciprocating engines, whichresearch workersbelieve
willultimately beobtained withturbo-jet engines.
Letusconsider theprogramfor turbo-jetengines in greaterdetail.To increase
theperformance of thecomplete powerplantfor a givensizeandweight,thesame
goalmustbe setfor eachof the components, i.e.,compressor, combustor, turbine,
bearings; thecomponents mustbematched to secure theoptimum performance of all
components underthesameconditions; andtheoperating variables mustbesuitably
controlled. Considering a singlecomponent, theturbine,specific avenues of research
areopenincludingaerodynamic improvement of thebladedesign,andoperation at
highergastemperatures eitherthroughcoolingof theblades andrim or throughthe
useof materials capableof withstanding highertemperatures suchasimproved metal
alloys,ceramics, or mixturesof thetwo.Thesolutionof these problems restsonbasic
research in aerodynamics, heattransfer, engineering mechanics, propertiesofmaterials,
In a similar manner the goal of increased reliability and life leads to studies of
blade stresses, vibration and flutter, disc failures, and icing protection.
Having broken the program down into specific problems (research authorizations
or job orders) to be attacked by individuals or small groups, it is necessary to integrate
the results and study their application by research on complete power plants. It has
been the policy of the Committee to do such research on power plants under develop-
ment by the armed forces and industry, and intended for large-scale procurement. In


this way there is great incidental benefit in securing early application of the research
results. However, designers must be somewhat conservative in the development of such
power plants because the armed services must secure tactically useful power plants.
In addition to this type of breakdown of the research programs stemming from
the practical goals, there is need for another which begins with the state of knowledge
in the basic sciences. Such work lays the foundation for the future and opens the way
to more rapid accomplishment of the detailed tasks arising from our general objectives.
The Committee has already taken steps in its estimates to provide facilities for basic
research in the field of extremely high altitudes and high speeds, and already has under
way many specific research tasks arising from this type of breakdown of the research
It is quite obvious that the ramifications of an adequate research program are so
great that no single individual can master or guide the details. The technical staff" of
the Washington Office has been increased, and we have asked for a further increase in
the 1949 Budget. I believe that it is your function to determine the general policy as to
the objectives of research in relation to aeronautical development and air policy.
Through the standing technical committees, the technical goals in specific fields are
reviewed in the light of general objectives, and recommendations made to you. The
programs for particular areas within these technical fields are then reviewed in detail
by the subcommittees of our standing committees. The programs as approved by the
Main Committee are carried out by the Director of Aeronautical Research and his stall.
In my conversations with the top officials of aircraft companies, great stress was
laid on the need for the prompt dissemination of information, and the Committee was
complimented for improvement in this respect. I believe that the groundwork has been
laid for still further improvement. The establishment of an index system for all reports,
the publication of abstract cards with the reports, and the use of the memorandum
report make the results more promptly available and more useful. The best means of
rapid transmission of information so far fi)und is the technical conference of relatively
small groups of experts in a relatively narrow field. Many more of them will be held.
The next one scheduled is that to be held at the Ames Laboratory on November 5 and
6 to inform the designers of military aircraft of the latest information of use in the
design of transonic airplanes.
There are many other matters of general policy to which 1 have given some
thought and which 1 will discuss with you ti-om time to time. I have been asked to
express my personal views with regard to aeronautical research and government policy
before the President's Air Policy Commission. Copies of my statement have been
distributed to you. They should be kept confidential until released by the Commission.

40. "Functions and Responsibilities of Standing Committees and Subcommittees of

the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, " 1 Jan. 1950.

[When Hugh Dryden succeeded George Lewis as the NACA's director of aeronau-
tical research in 1947, he resolved to strengthen and clarify the role of the technical
committees (see document 39). This policy statement is one result. Most of 1)ryden's
concepts had been in effect, at least nominally, throughout most of the NACA's history,
but this is the first formal statement of what the technical committees were to do and
how. Note the attention given to the issue of industry "representation." (See document

The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics was established by the Con-
gress in 1915 and consists of 17 members appointed by the President of the United
States to include the heads of the U.S. Air Force, naval aviation, Civil Aeronautics
Administration, National Bureau of Standards, Weather Bureau, and Smithsonian Insti-


tution,togetherwith scientists
experts.A Chairman and a Vice
Chairman are elected annually. The Committee is authorized to conduct research and
experiment in aeronautics in such laboratories as may be placed under its direction,
and to encourage and support research in scientific and educational institutions by
means of research contracts. To discharge this responsibility the Committee has a
technical staff, headed by a Director, operating three major research stations, and has
organized standing committees and subcommittees (referred to hereafter as technical
committees) with advisory functions with respect to various fields of aeronautical
research. The entire organization is usually also referred to as the NACA. To avoid
confusion in this discussion the Committee of 17 men is called the Executive
The Executive Committee performs the same function in NACA as does a Board
of Directors in private industry. The Committee has the power and responsibility to
determine programs and policies, and to arrange for their execution. To assist in
planning, the, Executive Committee appoints annually the technical committees com-
posed of groups of experts in various fields of aeronautics. The military and civil air
organizations of the Government are also represented on the technical committees.
While these technical committees have the status of advisory groups, their competence
and prestige are very high and their recommendations within their field of competence
are almost certain to be adopted.
Members of technical subcommittees appointed by the NACA from outside the
Government are appointed in their professional capacities as individuals and not as
representatives of their employers. They (members) are expected, as opportunity is
given by the normal contacts of a professional man, to discuss technical matters with
their professional colleagues within their own and other organizations as required in
the planning of NACA research programs. In order to promote free discussion, the
meetings of the subcommittees are closed; accordingly, the minutes are confidential
documents and are made available only for the use of a subcommittee member and his
immediate staff. The subcommittee members from the military services and from other
Government agencies are representatives of the offices with which they are affiliated,
but the members not representing Government agencies are not representatives of any
The Director is appointed by the Executive Committee. The Director and his staff
operate the three major research stations and two field stations, and in addition supply
technical and secretarial assistance to the technical committees. The Director is ex
officio a member of all technical committees, and members of his staff are included in
their membership. Hence the Director and his staff have a direct channel for the
presentation of research proposals originating within the staff and for presenting their
views to the technical committees.
The present committees (January 1950) are as follows:

Committee on Aerodynamics
Subcommittee on Fluid Mechanics
Subcommittee on High-Speed Aerodynamics
Subcommittee on Stability and Control
Subcommittee on Internal Flow
Subcommittee on Propellers for Aircraft
Subcommittee on Seaplanes
Subcommittee on Helicopters
Special Subcommittee on the Upper Atmosphere
Committee on Power Plants for Aircraft
Subcommittee on Aircraft Fuels
Subcommittee on Combustion


Subcommittee on Lubrication and Wear

Subcommittee on Compressors
Subcommittee on Turbines
Subcommittee on Propulsion-Systems Analysis
Subcommittee on Heat-Resisting Materials
Committee on Aircraft Construction
Subcommittee on Aircraft Structures
Subcommittee on Aircraft Loads
Subcommittee on Vibration and Flutter
Subcommittee on Aircraft Structural Materials
Committee on Operating Problems
Subcommittee on Meteorological Problems
Subcommittee on Icing Problems
Subcommittee on Aircraft Fire Prevention
Industry Consulting Committee

The duties of any specific technical committee are to consider problems relating
to the assigned field, for example, propulsion of aircraft and guided missiles, and to
make recommendations to the Executive Committee for their study. In order to dis-
charge their duties the technical committees are instructed periodically to
1. Review research in progress by the NACA and by other agencies.
2. Recommend problems that should be investigated by the NACA or by other
3. Assist in the [brmulation and coordination of programs for research by the
NACA and by other agencies.
4. Serve as a medium for the interchange of information regarding investiga-
tions and developments in progress or proposed.
Problems to be investigated by the NACA may be suggested by the Director and
his staff, by members of one of the technical committees, by the military services, other
Government organizations, and in fact by any individual or organization. Authorization
for inclusion of a research problem in the program of the NACA is given by the
Executive Committee in the form of an approved Research Authorization. All research
to be conducted by the NACA with public funds requires the approval of the Executive
Committee. With the exception of investigations requested by Government agencies, it
is the policy of the Executive Committee to obtain recommendations from the appro-
priate technical committees on all proposed research, although such referral is not
mandatory. It is also the policy of the Executive Committee, in so far as practicable, to
keep the technical committees informed of the program in their fields so that their
recommendations may be intelligently made.
The Research Authorizations describe research problems for which solutions are
needed. The attack on these problems requires detailed planning, the assignment of
responsibility to laboratory groups, the determination of equipment to be used, sched-
uling of work, etc. These matters are the responsibility of the Director and his staff.
Members of the technical committees are often requested to advise on methods of
attack, and on aspects of particular investigations, and are encouraged to make recom-
mendations in these areas. The technical committees are, however, not expected to
perform administrative functions in the execution of approved research programs.

January I, 1950


41. Ira H. Abbott, memorandum, "Improvement of Laboratory Inspections, " 14

June 1949.

lira H. Abbott went to NACA headquarters in 1948 after almost two decades at
Langley. Familiar as he was with the old industry conferences, which were discontinued
for security reasons as World War II approached, and sensitive as well to the intent
behind the postwar laboratory inspections, Abbott attempted in this memorandum to
provide guidelines for uniform and effective inspections. The new inspections had even
more show and less substance than the old Langley conferences; substantive exchanges
of information were restricted almost exclusively to "classified technical conferences"
on specific topics. In the margin of the original, John Victory wrote "Good" beside the
last paragraph in section 4 and "Excellent" beside the second half of section 5; he
wrote "Fine statement" at the end of the memorandum.]

I. Although the recent Langley inspection is considered to have been highly

successful, it has resulted in several thoughts about possible improvements for future
inspections. It is recommended that these thoughts, and others that may exist, be
discussed in this office and their substance transmitted to the laboratories for general
2. Purpose. The inspections are held to acquaint leaders of the aviation industry,
military establishment, other Government agencies, educational institutions, and others
interested in aeronautics, with the research and facilities of the NACA. Within limits set
by classification, the visitors should get a general impression of the state of knowledge
and of the contributions of the Committee, but the purpose of the inspections is not to
present our latest technical information. This latter purpose is served by classified
technical conferences and by regular reporting procedures.
3. Status. Current inspections appear to be in a transitional stage between the old
engineering conferences and the type of inspection that will best serve the present
purpose. Although the talks have been simplified and generalized to some extent, there
is still a tendency to present too much detailed technical information. Comparatively
few of the visitors are technical experts. Moreover, aeronautics has become so complex
that even capable technical men cannot be expected to grasp quickly the intricacies of
the many subjects discussed during a single inspection. The visitors can be expected to
carry away only a general impression. The inspections should be conducted so that this
impression is not one of bewilderment, but rather one of confidence that the Commit-
tee knows its business and is making substantial progress through the orderly but
vigorous conduct of research in well-planned facilities.
4. Generalization. Each talk or series of talks should, if possible, cover a well-defined
technical problem. The nature and origin of the problem, its importance and relation
to the aircraft or power plant as a whole should be briefly but adequately covered. In
many cases a brief history of the problem, consisting of only a few sentences, may help
to orient the listener. The talk should explain the status of the problem, the research
attack that is being made on it, and the nature of recent contributions. One or more
examples of recent contributions should be shown and explained without being too
Visitors will tend to form impressions from the general character of the talks and
subject matter. They will not usually understand or heed subtle qualifications. Errone-
ous impressions may, therefore, result from talks that are strictly accurate. Much
misunderstanding can be avoided by plain statements that claim enough, but never too
much. Any necessary qualifications should be straightforward and unmistakable.
5. Simplification. Care should be taken to make all talks and charts understandable
to people unfamiliar with technical terms. Even such terms as Reynolds number and
Mach number arc not generally understood, or may be improperly understood. AI-


though such terms need not, and probably should not, be avoided altogether, under-
standing of the material presented should not depend upon the visitors' knowing their
meaning. Such terms as shock wave, normal shock, expansion zone, Mach lines, bound-
ary layer, and rotary derivatives are not generally understood and require some expla-
nation; perhaps only a few words. The visitors cannot be expected to know the
meaning of symbols, even the most common ones. Words should be used instead of
symbols or to supplement symbols on charts for identification of scales, and other
purposes. Formulas should generally be avoided, although simple ones may be useful
on occasion.
No more than one idea should be presented on a single chart. Such devices as
pictorial representation and bar charts should be used freely to avoid the appearance of
complexity. The use of symbols or other complicated methods for identification of
curves should be avoided. Although simplified, the charts should present quantitative
results for the benefit of those who understand their significance when the classifica-
tion and nature of the subject permits. Ingenuity will be required to simplify the
presentation without losing the technical significance.
6. Demonstrations. As a general rule, every stop should include some form of
demonstration or inspection of equipment. The visitors expect and enjoy demonstra-
tions. Moreover, demonstrations create more lasting impressions than lectures that may
be imperfectly understood. Whenever possible the visitors should see facilities or
apparatus in operation rather than stationary exhibits.
7. Staff All division chiefs, section heads, and other technical staff taking part
should understand the purpose of the inspection and the necessity for presenting the
material in a simple, effective manner. The best result will be obtained only by
everyone's working toward the same goal.
Aeronautical Consultant.

42. "NACA Policy on Release of Proprietary Information, " adopted by the NACA
16June 1949, amended 16 Dec. 1949.

[Since 1931 (see docnment 25), the NACA had reserved to itself the right to
release proprietary information obtained in the course of doing research fi)r private
parties. Orville Wright took exception to the policy then (see document 26) and many
industry representatives had since. In 1949, the NACA gave in to industry pressure and
adopted the policy reproduced here. (See also document 43.)]

In the interest of fair and equitable consideration of a manulacturer's competitive

position, it is the policy of the NACA to withhold from release, except to appropriate
government agencies and the manufacturer concerned, technical information on spe-
cific models of a manufacturer's aeronautical product undergoing active development,
except by specific agreement with the manufacturer.
With regard to technical information on specific models that have reached the
production stage or whose development has been discontinued, the NACA will observe
the following procedure:
(1) Reports containing such information will be made available to the maml-
facturer concerned for review and comment in advance of circulation beyond
government agencies.
(2) When reports C;omaining such information are distributed beyond govern-
ment agencies, the NACA, upon request, will provide the manufacturer concerned
with the list of organizations and individuals to whom the report has been sent, in


orderthat the manufacturer may supply such supplementary information as he


(3) When the NACA contemplates the formal presentation orally of such
information in advance of its release in report form, the manufacturer concerned
will have the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed discussion.

43. "A Report to the Industry on the Work of the NACA Industry Consulting
Committee, "30 Dec. 1949.

[Unlike the NACA technical committees, whose industry members did not serve as
representatives of their companies, the Industry Consulting Committee was explicitly
designed to bring within the NACA structure representatives who could voice the
concerns and interests of the entire aviation industry, though not necessarily of the
specific companies that employed them. This ICC report reflects the range of issues
considered by the committee, the tenor of its recommendations, and the strength of its
influence on NACA policy. (See documents 36, 40, and 42 for evidence of changes in
NACA policy prompted by the ICC.) As might be expected, relations between the
NACA and the ICC were occasionally more strained than this glowing report suggests.]

The NACA Industry Consulting Committee, which was established late in 1945,
has as its objective the promotion of the understanding of the mutual policy problems
of the industry and the NACA, as distinguished from detailed technical problems. The
Industry Consulting Committee has been active in expressing the industry's viewpoint
on those problems referred to it by the NACA and has brought to the attention of the
NACA those problems arising in industry relating to NACA work. It strives to assure
the continued excellent cooperation that exists between the industry and the NACA in
ever seeking to advance the frontiers of flight.
While the Industry Consulting Committee has been working closely with the
NACA, having met with the NACA on several occasions in addition to its own meet-
ings, it has in the past relied principally on personal contacts and correspondence in
advising the industry of its work. In view of this, the following report has been
prepared in order that the industry may have a better understanding and a full
appreciation of the work of the Industry Consulting Committee.


Late in the fall of 1945, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics estab-
lished the Industry Consulting Committee to "advise the NACA as to general research
policy and programs especially with regard to the needs of industry." By statute the
membership of the Committee comprises the presidents of four firms making aircraft
engines or large aircraft, the presidents of two airlines, the president of one firm
making light aircraft, and one representative of fixed-base aircraft operation. In Decem-
ber 1949 the NACA increased the size of the Committee to nine by authorizing the
addition of a member chosen from the presidents of firms manufacturing aircraft
engines or aircraft accessories. The members are appointed annually in order to
provide rotation of membership and the Committee elects its chairman and vice-
chairman annually from its membership. Dr. T. L. K. Smull, Head, Research Coordina-
tion of the NACA, serves as secretary for the Committee.
By mutual agreement with NACA and the other groups concerned, the Industry
Consulting Committee has used the technical committees of the Aircraft Industries
Association and the Air Transport Association for such technical advice as required on
airframe, engine and air transport matters. In addition, it has been the practice for the
Chairman to circularize company presidents in advance of the meetings of the ICC to


determine topics of interest to the Committee that otherwise might not have come to
their attention.


National Aeronautical Research Policy--One of the first problems considered by the

ICC was in connection with the drafting and approval of a policy on aeronautical
research that would be nationwide in scope. The Aeronautical Research Policy of the
NACA was studied by the ICC and suggestions offered regarding the relationship of
the industry to government. This study, both by the NACA and the ICC, culminated at
a joint meeting of the ICC with the NACA on March 21, 1946, with all parties
concerned agreeing that the Aeronautical Research Policy, as revised on March 21,
1946, be approved as a National Aeronautical Research Policy for the guidance of the
Army, Navy, the CAA, the NACA, and the aircraft industry.*
Recommendations regarding the Organization and Operation of the NACA Committee Struc-
ture-One of the first recommendations of the Industry Consulting Committee dealt
with membership of the NACA, when it was recommended that the NACA should have
at least three public members as follows: one member technically qualified in current
airframe problems, one member technically qualified in current aircraft power plant
problems, and one member technically qualified in current problems in the operation
of civilian aircraft. At the time this recommendation was made, the NACA had one
member actively engaged in the field of operation of civilian aircraft. Since then, as
vacancies occurred in the NACA, men were appointed whose backgrounds met the
other qualifications set forth in the ICC's recommendation.
The ICC, since its inception, has stressed the desirability of keeping NACA
technical committees small enough that they would not become unwieldy but at the
same time has stressed the desirability that the number of men chosen from industry
be increased.
It has also been brought to the attention of the NACA that it would be highly
desirable for those members chosen from industry to serve on NACA technical com-
mittees to speak with authority in their field regarding progress and work of the
NACA. At the same time, it was felt that the most effective operation of the NACA
technical committees would result if the ICC would make available to the NACA
suggestions as to men in industry they considered most competent in the various fields
covered by the NACA technical committees. With these ideas in mind, at its December
2, 1948 meeting, the Industry Consulting Committee passed the following resolution:
RESOINED, That the Industry Consulting Committee recommends that the
NACA adopt the following policy in the interest of improving the operation and
efficiency of the NACA subcommittees in planning aeronautical research in the
national interest:
(a) With a view toward obtaining the best information possible regarding
industrial specialists who are qualified and available for services on
various NACA subcommittees, the NACA shall solicit from the recog-
nized industry technical committees of the Aircraft Industries Associa-
tion a selection of candidates for each subcommittee member that may
be selected from the industry. Acceptance or rejection of such recom-
mendations shall be the sole responsibility of the NACA, and such
recommendations shall not alter the status of subcommittee members
who shall continue to serve as individuals rather than representing the
interests of any company, group, or organization.

*See documem 40.


(b) In order to promote productive exchange of basic research information

relative to planning for existing and thture research programs, the
NACA subcommittee members shall, within the limits of military secu-
rity, be (I) permitted by their employers to discuss progress (in their
field of specialization) such as shall not compromise their employer's
competitive position, (2) permitted to discuss with other specialists in
the industry information reviewed in NACA subcommittee meetings to
the extent that such discussions are in the interests of furthering the
basic research program.
The NACA, following its study of these suggestions, at its December 16, 1948 meeting,
revised the appropriate section of the statement of "Functions and Responsibilities of
Standing Committees and Subcommittees of the NACA," in such a manner that the
ICC feels that part (b) of its resolution was fully covered .... *
Members of technical subcommittees appointed by the NACA from outside
the Government are appointed in their professional capacities as individuals and
not as representatives of their employers. They (members) are expected, as oppor-
tunity is given by the normal contacts of a professional man, to discuss technical
matters with their professional colleagues within their own and other organiza-
tions as required in the planning of NACA research programs. In order to
promote free discussion, the meetings of the subcommittees are closed; accord-
ingly, the minutes are confidential documents and are made available for the use
of only subcommittee members and their immediate personal staffs. The subcom-
mittee members from the military services and from other government agencies
are representatives of the offices with which they are affiliated, but the members
not representing government agencies are not representatives of any organization.
Part (a) of this resolution was discussed by the ICC with the NACA at a joint
meeting on May 19, 1949, at which time the NACA indicated they would welcome a
roster of qualified and available people in whom the industry has confidence and who
would be available for subcommittee services and suggested that the ICC proceed with
the preparation of such a list to be submitted annually not later than October. The
ICC, with tile assistance of the AIA, has prepared the first of such rosters and
submitted it to the NACA on September 28, 1949.
The ICC is firm in its belief that the industry should encourage its personnel who
serve on NACA technical committees to take a more active part in their NACA
subcommittee work. It should be noted that the industry expects a lot on the part of
the NACA and that the industry should in turn recognize its responsibility to the
successful operation of the NACA. In keeping with this the ICC at its May 19, 1949
meeting, adopted the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the Industry Consulting Committee recommends that the
aircraft industry recognize their responsibility to contribute to the successful oper-
ation of the NACA by encouraging their personnel that serve as members of
NACA technical committees to devote the time and effort required to most
effectively carry out the duties and responsibilities of membership on an NACA
technical committee.
Recommendations regarding the Exchange and Dissemination of NACA Research Information--
Since the ICC was established, at a time when there was a major change in emphasis
being made in the NACA research program, brought on not only by the practical
application of jet propulsion, but also by the return of the NACA to more fundamental
research in lieu of the development work it has been carrying on during the war for the
military services, the ICC expressed the desire for a comprehensive report in some
detail by the NACA to the industry regarding the proposed NACA program to enable

*See document 44.


theindustryto preparethoroughly studiedandcorrelated recommendations. In re-

sponseto this,the NACA,in August1946,circulatedthroughoutthe industrya
summary of theNACA'sresearch effort.It wasreviewed in detailby theindustryand
theresults,in theformof comments submitted bytheAIA, weremosthelpful.The
comments andrecommendations of theindustryin variousphases oftheCommittee's
werereviewed bythetechnical committees oftheNACAandwereofmaterial
assistance to thesegroupsin theirevercontinuing re-examination andformulation of
the NACAresearch program.At the sametime,the ICC recommended that the
publication policyof theNACAberevisedto eliminate asfaraspossible thedelays
inherentin therelease of reportsandthatfrequent progress reportsbytheNACAbe
madeavailable for thosethatneedtheinformation. It alsonotedthedesirability of
militarydeclassification of information developed bytheNACAduringthewarin order
thatthisinformation mightbe madeavailable to the greatest possibleextentat the
earliestpossible date.Inthisregard, it shouldbenotedthattheNACAhasreorganized
its reportduplication procedure, whichgreatlyreducesthe time requiredfor the
preparation for release. Thedeclassification of information developed duringthewar
wasrapidlyeffected anda comprehensive indexofallNACAtechnical publications was
prepared andwidelydistributed throughout theindustryin 1947.Theseindexes are
nowbeingrevised andbroughtto date.Thesenewindexes will bereleased earlyin
The IndustryConsulting Committee alsourgedthattherebe morefrequent
contactbetween NACAstaffmembers andindustrytechnicians andit hasbeengratify-
ingto notethatthenumberof visitsby NACAtechnical personnel to industryhas
increased substantially duringthepastseveral years.In thisregard,to bemosteffec-
tive,theindustry in turnshouldpermitandevenfostermorevisitsbyitshighlytrained
technicalpersonnel totheNACA.
Forthepastseveral years,thequestion of thepossible release ofa manutacturer's
proprietary information bytheNACAin itsreportshasreceived considerable attention
bytheICC.Thishadbeenof particular concern in thephase of theNACAresearch on
aircraftengines andenginecomponents. The questionhasbeenreviewed anddis-
cussed in detailbytheICCaswellasbythegroupsreliedonbytheICCfortechnical
advice. Theconsideration ofthisproblemwasculminated bytheICCat itsDecember
2,1948meeting whenit passed thefollowingresolution:
RESOLVED, ThattheIndustryConsulting Committee recommends totheNACA
thefollowingpolicyconsiderations for adoptionin theinterestof improving the
manner ofcirculating reportsandengineering information resultingfromdevelop-
mentor evaluation testingof anindividual manufacturer's productconducted by
(a)A fair andequitable policyon thedistribution of engineering dataona
manufacturer's productshouldincludeprovisions forpriorreviewbythe
manufacturer of anyreportsof NACAtestingon his equipment to
determine whether or notthedesigninformation of aproprietary nature
in thereportwillbedetrimental tohiscompetitive position.
(b) Suchpolicyshouldalsoprovidefor the rightof the manufacturer to
modifyor supplement theNACAreportin orderto insurethereis no
conflictwithpatentor designrights.
(c)Suchpolicyshouldalsoprovideft)r priorreviewby themanufacturer of
anyproposed publicdiscussion by theNACAof information resulting
fromdevelopment or evaluation testingof a manufacturer's productto
assure thatsuchpublicdiscussion will notpresent designinformation of
a proprietary naturethatwouldbe detrimental to a manufacturer's
competitive position.

wasreviewed by the NACA and discussed in detail at the
meeting of the ICC with the NACA on May 19, 1949. Final action was taken by the
NACA at its December 16, 1949 meeting .... *
In its study of present NACA procedures for the dissemination of research infor-
mation by (a) correspondence, (b) visits, both by industry personnel to the NACA and
by members of the NACA staff to industry, (c) NACA technical conferences, (d) NACA
reports, both the annual reports on NACA research and status reports on research in a
given field, (e) inspections held at the NACA laboratories and (D meetings of NACA
technical committees, the Industry Consulting Committee felt that one further step
should be made by the NACA in the interest of effective cooperation between the
NACA and the industry. It was pointed out that the present urgency in connection with
the aircraft program was such that it was necessary not only for the industry to have
the results of completed research but also to have knowledge of research in progress
so that when problems arose in industry, the industry could quickly relate them to
NACA research in progress for the purpose of arranging discussions by industry
personnel at the NACA laboratories. With this in mind, the Industry Consulting
Committee at its May 19, 1949 meeting, passed the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the Industry Consulting Committee recommends that the
NACA keep the aircraft industry advised of the research in progress in the
Committee's laboratories by means of a listing and brief description of active
investigations, prepared and distributed at convenient intervals.
This was discussed with the NACA at that time and the NACA is now working on
the problem of preparing a suitable status report of active research for distribution to
the top engineering personnel in industry. It is anticipated that the first of these status
reports will be distributed in the near future.
Unitary Wind-Tunnel P/an--The Industry Consulting Committee has been kept
advised by the NACA of the steps that were being taken regarding the preparation of a
unitary wind-tunnel plan for the transonic and supersonic facilities that would be
required in the national interest. Title I of public law 415, 81st Congress, approved
October 27, 1949, authorizes the NACA and the armed services to initiate this wind
tunnel program. In that regard, the scope of the facilities included in this authorization
is in keeping with the recommendations that were made to the NACA regarding the
program by the ICC at a joint meeting with the NACA on June 5, 1947.
General--It has not been the purpose of this report to discuss in detail all of the
problems that have come to the attention of the Committee, but rather to give an
indication of the scope of the Committee's activities and to give an indication of its
accomplishments. The ICC has found the NACA to be both willing and cooperative in
striving to achieve a greater understanding of the problems of the industry. The
Committee would like to emphasize that it feels that industry in turn must not be
negligent in its responsibilities toward the effective operation of the NACA. If the ICC
is to continue as an effective advisory group to the NACA, it must have the continued
confidence and support of the industry ....

44. "Policy for Operation of Unitary Wind Tunnels on Development and Test
Problems of Industry, "approved by the NACA 6 May 1953 on recommendation
of the NACA Panel on Research Facilities.

[The language of the National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of 1949 technically
reduced the NACA to a housekeeping function for unitary tunnels built on industry's
behalf at NACA laboratories. In the event, however, the unitary plan proved to have

*See document 46.


exaggerated supersonic wind-tunnel requirements; even after meeting all the legitimate
demands of industry, the NACA staff had ample time available for its own projects in
the unitary tunnels. This pattern was evident by the time the NACA, in consultation
with the industry and the military services, prepared this policy for unitary-tunnel
operation. The NACA resisted industry pressure to charge fees on contract work done
for the military services, a practice that would have benefited the industry with no
advantage to the government.]

Public Law 415, 81st Congress, states in the section which authorized the con-
struction of unitary wind tunnels at NACA laboratories that:

"The facilities authorized by this section shall be operated and staffed by the
Committee but shall be available primarily to industry for testing experimental
models in connection with the development of aircraft and missiles. Such tests
shall be scheduled and conducted in accordance with industry's requirements and
allocation of laboratory time shall be made in accordance with the public interest,
with proper emphasis upon the requirements of each military service and due
consideration of civilian needs."
The following policy recommended by the NACA Panel on Research Facilities was
adopted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at its meeting on May 6,
1. The unitary wind tunnels shall be operated in the public interest with the
desires and requirements of industry fully considered and their rights adequately
2. Development work shall be given first priority in these tunnels, but the
NACA staff shall be given the necessary flexibility to permit utilization of the
unitary wind tunnels and other NACA equipment for the greatest public good.
3. Different treatment shall be given (a) company-financed proprietary devel-
opment projects and (b) development projects of companies carried out under
military contracl.
4. A fee covering total direct costs shall be charged for proprietary work (3a
5. Proprietary work shall be scheduled on a first-come-first-served basis,
subject to rules that safeguard against monopolization of wind tunnel time by any
single company or group.
6. A certain amount of time shall be reserved each year for proprietary
testing, the amount to be determined by experience. Initially 60 days per year, or
as much thereof as required, shall be allotted for proprietary testing for each
unitary wind tunnel.
7. No fee shall be charged for work on projects carried out under military
contract (3b above).
8. Scheduling of projects of companies having military contracts or letters of
intent shall be carried out substantially as at present. All such projects shall be
approved by one of two clearance panels before scheduling. The clearance panels
shall consist of one representative each from the Air Force, Navy, and NACA,
competent to determine military priorities in the use of NACA facilities. The
existing panel shall be continued as the Aerodynamics Clearance Panel and a
second Propulsion Clearance Panel shall be appointed. The routine scheduling of
specific dates shall be done by the NACA staff.
9. In all development testing, military and non-military alike, the manufac-
turer shall be given the greatest possible freedom within the objectives of the
scheduled program to obtain the precise information he requires, to determine
the sequence and number of test runs to be made, and to make modifications to


the program arising from the results currently being obtained, subject only to
requirements of safety and practicability and the total time assigned.
10. In order to recommend to the Executive Committee of the NACA detailed
rules and procedures within the preceding policy framework, a unitary committee
shall be established, composed of seven members, one each from the Air Force,
Navy, CAA, and NACA, and three from industry. This composition is chosen to
give industry a predominant voice as compared with any single Government
agency but not over all Government agencies combined. When the rules and
procedures have been recommended, the unitary committee shall meet only if and
when there are new problems of an important nature to be considered. The
members shall be so chosen that the committee will be competent to cover both
aerodynamic and propulsion wind tunnels.
11. It is considered desirable that the rules and procedures developed by
NACA for operation of unitary wind tunnels be coordinated with corresponding
ones of the military services so that the greatest practicable degree of uniformity is
established in the methods and operations of tunnels throughout the unitary plan.
It may even be expedient to utilize the same unitary committee and clearance

The report of the NACA Facilities Panel upon which the above policy is based was
prepared following an all-day hearing at NACA Headquarters on March 6, 1953, at
which representatives of the aircraft industry and of the Air Force, Navy, and NACA
presented their views to the Panel and responded to questions. The Panel members

J. H. Doolittle, Chairman
Rear Admiral Thomas S. Combs, U.S.N. (represented at the hearing by Rear Admiral
Lloyd Harrison, U.S.N.)
Ronaid M. Hazen
Major General Donald L. Putt, U.S.A.F.
Arthur E. Raymond
Walter G. Whitman
Theodore P. Wright

The witnesses who appeared before the Panel were:

Hugh L. Dryden (NACA)

Cohmel E. H. Wynn, U.S.A.F. (Air Research and Development Command, U.S.A.F.)
F. A. Louden (Bureau of Aeronautics, U.S.N.)
Admiral DeWitt Ramsey, U.S.N., Ret. (Aircraft Industries Association)
Major General E. M. Powers, U.S.A.F., Ret. (Curtiss-Wright Corporation)
A. T. Colweil (Thompson Products, Inc.)
C. I,. Johnson (Lockheed Aircraft Corporation)
Ralph S. Damon (Chairman, Industry Consulting Committee, NACA)
Kendall Perkins (McDonnell Aircraft Corporation)
Robert L. Hall (Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation)
John F. Victory served as secretary and recorded the proceedings.

Comment is made on paragraph 7 of the policy. Even though most of the industry
representatives who were heard by the Panel strongly supported a fee system for work
on projects under military contract, the Panel recommended against a fee for such
work, and the NACA concurred, for the following reasons:


(a) Since the costs of all investigations of this nature are paid for by the
Government, there is no useful purpose to be served by requiring the company to
pay a fee which the company in turn recaptures from the military service that has
contracted for the development.
(b) Since by law fees from a non-governmental agency are required to be
deposited in the U.S. Treasury as miscellaneous receipts and are not available for
expenditure by NACA, the net result of a fee system for military contract work
would be to reduce, at least by the amount of the fee, the funds available to the
military services for research and development. This would not be in the public
interest nor in the interest of any of the parties concerned, including industry.
(c) The fee system for military contract work involves unnecessary bookkeep-
ing and overhead as the fee has no bearing on the scheduling or conduct of the
investigation. The military services, the industry, and NACA would be involved in
sizeable estimating and accounting activities, quite unproductive and all definitely
tending to increase the cost of aircraft and missiles to the taxpayers. NACA keeps
cost records on all projects and can supply such information when required.
(d) The fee system would not adequately appraise the concurrent interests of
the military services and the public in work done under military contract. Under
the system adopted, these interests are recognized in the determination of the
amount of time to be allotted to any specific military project. Consideration is
given to the program desired by the contractor, the priority attached to the
project by the contracting agency, the programs of the other military services and
of other contractors, existing data, and the ability of the equipment to provide the
desired information. The interests of all parties involved are protected by joint
discussions in advance of scheduling.

45. "A National Research Program for Space Technology, "a staff study of the
NACA, 14Jan. 1958.

[While the Eisenhower administration was pondering the shape of the American
space program in the early days of 1958, the NACA published its bid to become the
national space agency. Or rather it proposed to continue its pattern of cooperation
with industry and other government agencies, expanding its activities to encompass
spaceflight and space research. The NACA would soon be chosen as the nucleus of a
new civilian space program, but its transmutation into the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration meant that the NACA would be forced to abandon many of the
old practices recommended in this document.]

In this technological age the country that advances most rapidly in science will
have the greatest influence on the emotions and imagination of man, will have the
greatest rate of industrial and economic development, the highest standard of living,
and the greatest military potential, and will command the respect of the world. The
scientific advances of the Soviets in their bid for world supremacy have been amply
demonstrated by the recent success of their satellite program. These advances are the
results of a far-reaching plan and sustained effort that poses a most serious challenge
to the United States and the Western world. It is of great urgency and importance to
our country both from consideration of our prestige as a nation as well as military
necessity that this challenge be met by an energetic program of research and develop-
ment for the conquest of space.
This task requires rapid extension of knowledge in regions already familiar, and
penetration into still unexplored areas. Major research fields include the following:
Space Mechanics
Space Environment


Energy Sources
Propulsion Systems
Vehicle Configuration andStructure
Launch, Rendezvous, Re-entry,andRecovery
Communication, Navigation,
Space Biology
Measurement andObservation Techniques
A major,coordinated nationaleffortis requiredforrapidandefficientexecution
of theseresearches. Urgencydictatesthe maximum effective
utilizationof existing
knowledge, andorganizations.
The possibilities openedup by spaceflightandits impacton the thinkingof
mankind ardsovastthatscientific research in thefieldshouldnot beguidedonlyby
considerations of militaryapplication.
Conversely, theurgencyfor fulfillingmilitary
needsdemands thattheresearch shouldbestronglyinfluenced bymilitaryconsider-
ations.It is accordinglyproposed thatthescientific researchbetheresponsibility of a
nationalcivilianagency workingin closecooperation withtheappliedresearch and
development groupsrequired forweapon-systems development bythemilitary.
The patternto be followedis thatalreadydeveloped by the NACAandthe
militaryservices. TheNACAis anorganization in being,already engaged in research
applicable to theproblems of spaceflight andhavinga greatmanyof the special
aerodynamic, propulsion,and structures facilitiesrequired,and qualifiedto take
promptadvantage of thetechnicaltrainingandinterestofscientists competent to help
m the research on space technology. The membership of the NACA and its broadly
based technical subcommittees includes people from both military and civilian agencies
of the government, and representative scientific and engineering members from private
life, thus assuring full cooperation with the military services, the scientific community,
and industry. This organization has proved to be an effective national research and
coordinating body.
This type of cooperation and coordination among equals, which is traditional with
the NACA, is considered to be essential. The broad scope of the scientific research to
be accomplished will require the active cooperation of many governmental and private
organizations. The alternative to cooperation would be an undesirable concentration of
research authority which would hamper the initiative and the freedom of thought on
which science lives.

During the past half century this country achieved world leadership in solving and
later exploiting the problems of flight. The NACA in partnership with the military
services, other branches of the government, the scientific community, and industry has
played a leading role in this achievement. The accomplishments of the NACA are
known and envied by aeronautical research establishments of all the larger countries of
the world.

The NACA is an experienced operating agency with great research laboratories

and a favorable reputation among scientists for its effective sponsorship of basic
research in other institutions through research contracts. Since the end of World War
II the NACA has been increasingly engaged in research applicable to the problems of
space flight and has designed and constructed the special facilities required for this
work. The NACA in 1952 formally initiated studies "of the problems associated with
unmanned and manned flight at altitudes from 50 miles up and at speeds from Mach
number 10 to the velocity of escape from the earth's gravity," a result of which is the
cooperative NACA-USAF-USN project, the X-15 research airplane designed and now


under construction for studying some of the problems of manned flight in nearby
The Soviet challenge to our leadership is of such scope and vigor, however, that
our rate of progress in solving the problems of space flight must be greatly increased.
The NACA is capable, by rapid extension and expansion of its effort, of providing
leadership in space technology.
Adequate response by the NACA to this responsibility will require a rapid expan-
sion of its efforts. A rational procedure for this expansion is proposed as follows:
1. Greatly expanded use of our applicable existing facilities through rapid
increase in staff.
2. A greatly expanded contract research program to obtain assistance from
groups outside the government which possess singular competence in specific
areas of interest.
3. Construction of needed new research facilities at existing laboratories and
at new locations when required.
As in the past, the NACA will need to supplement and complete its laboratory
findings by flight research. The capability will be needed to make space flights for
research purposes. This will require a launching site and an appropriate network of
observation stations.
In addition to the research fields previously enumerated as directly connected to
the problems of space flight, an adequate national program must provide for basic
scientific research on the phenomena of the upper region of the atmosphere and space.
These include the character and distribution of matter, cosmic rays, solar radiation,
electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields, and scientific studies of the universe from
satellites and space platforms. The National Science Foundation and the National
Academy of Sciences should be responsible for the planning of scientific experiments
and the assignment of priorities for research on space phenomena for basic scientific
purposes. In order to avoid confusion and unnecessary duplication of facilities, the
responsibility for making space flights for this scientific research should rest with the
NACA. It would be the duty of the NACA to provide the flights and to assist in all
possible ways in obtaining the required data, but financial support of the basic research
programs should rest with the National Science Foundation.
There exists a continuing need for large-scale flight effort on the frontiers of
space technology, using special research vehicles of advanced design. Cost consider-
ations alone make it impractical to separate the scientific aspects of such effort from
the military aspects. A cooperative effort is required. Consequently, these flights should
be conducted by the appropriate agencies of the Department of Defense and the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in the successful pattern of the research
airplane programs.

46. ".4 Program for Expansion of NACA Research in Space Flight Technology
with Estimates of the Staff and Facilities Required, " 10 Feb. 1958.

[In this document, the NACA projected how it would carry out the space mission
that the Eisenhower administration was about to hand it. The analysis is remarkably
prescient on propulsion, launch vehicles, and spaceflight, demonstrating those
strengths within the NACA organization that made it the logical choice as nucleus of
the new space agency. Section 4 is furthest from the mark; the capabilities envisioned
for this new laboratory were realized by expanding existing NACA laboratories and
acquiring facilities like those of the Development Operations Division of the Army
Ballistic Missile Agency at Redstone Arsenal, which became NASA's Marshall Space
Flight Center. NASA would never pursue nuclear propulsion research as extensively as


envisioned in this prospectus. The sections on contracting and budgeting proved to be

exceptionally conservative, and space science was almost totally slighted.]



At a meeting of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics on January 16,

1958, a resolution was adopted on the subject of space flight which is reproduced on
the inside of the cover of this document. The resolution states in part "that the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics has an important responsibility for co-
ordinating and for conducting research in space technology either in its own laborato-
ries or by contract, and therefore should expand its existing program and add supple-
mentary facilities to those now available as necessary."
As a guide to implementing this resolution the NACA staff has studied the
elements of an expanded research program on space flight and has prepared estimates
(1) the increase in staff and facilities required at the existing NACA laborato-
(2) the nature and scope of supplementary facilities and staff that are required
at a new laboratory, and
(3) the expansion of contract research by the NACA.
Recognizing "the urgency of an adequate national program of research and devel-
opment leading to manned satellites, lunar, and interplanetary flight" the study was
directed to achieve maximum augmented research capability at the earliest possible
Since the end of World War II the NACA has been engaged increasingly in
research applicable to the problem of space flight and has designed and constructed
some special aerodynamic, structural, and propulsion facilities required for this work.
For example, studies were formally initiated in 1952 leading to the X-15 research
airplane project, a cooperative project between the NACA, the Air Force, and the Navy.
The North American Aviation Corporation is now building the X-15 and it is sched-
uled to make its first flight in about one year. The X-15 will be used to explore
problems of manned flight into nearby space, particularly the control of the attitude of
the vehicle in space in the absence of aerodynamic forces, the safe return from space to
the atmosphere without destructive heating, and the effect of weightlessness on the
pilot. The NACA is also engaged in studies of satellite configurations suitable for safe
re-entry at still higher speeds, both for manned and unmanned flight.
The research program of the NACA has evolved in the past several years so that
over _a of the existing staff will be engaged in researches applicable to advanced
missiles and space vehicles in fiscal year 1959. A strong core of research leadership
exists in the NACA staff in many of the most critical areas of space flight technology.
This study therefore envisions expansion of the NACA staff and facilities under this
research leadership at the highest rate consistent with the hiring of qualified personnel.
In program areas in which singular competence exists in scholastic or other scientific
groups outside the NACA staff, such groups would be integrated into program through
the research contracts.
Prototype, and in some cases, large-scale facilities required for space flight re-
search exist now at the NACA laboratories. As the new staff is acquired it can be
integrated, trained, and usefully employed in the space flight program, while new and
advanced facilities are under fonstruction.
Supplementary facilities will be located at existing laboratories whenever possible
in the interests of speed and economy of effort. A new laboratory will be required at a
site appropriate for the launching of space vehicles. Systems research on flight vehicles


and on space propulsion devices will be conducted at the new flight laboratory. This
laboratory would also provide a site for rocket and nuclear propulsion research facili-
ties that cannot be located at existing laboratories for reasons of safety and required
exclusion distance.
A major expansion of the NACA flight research program is proposed. Currently
many of the problems of space flight are studied without requiring that the space
vehicle be launched into an orbit. The technique for these space-equivalent flights is
well established; they can be augmented quickly and economically without major
technical or facility developments. Concurrently, the flight of unmanned satellites can
be rapidly accomplished with extension of the instrumentation and range capabilities of
the existing launch site. Propulsion and guidance for these flights can be provided by
equipment already developed as a part of the military program.
In logical continuation of such an orderly program, larger unmanned satellites can
serve as test beds for research in space on energy sources, propulsion systems, materi-
als, structures, etc. New launching facilities would be required for these vehicles.
The goal of the program would be to provide basic research in support of the
development of manned satellites and the travel of man to the moon and nearby
planets. At each step the program would not only serve to advance the technology of
space flight but would provide space vehicles for carrying instruments in support of
national scientific groups investigating the phenomena of the upper atmosphere and of
space. For research on large and complex space systems a cooperative program with
the military services and industry, similar to the current X-15 program, will be re-
In the following sections, the proposed program of NACA research on space
flight, and the staff and facilities required to implement it, are discussed under the
following outline headings:
1. Energy Sources and Propulsion Systems
2. Materials and Structures
3. Launch, Rendezvous, Re-entry, Recovery, and Flight Simulation
4. Measurement, Communications, and Guidance
5. Space Mechanics
6. Space Environment




For flight beyond the earth's atmosphere, research is required to ensure the most
efficient utilization of energy sources that can yield the high thrust required for vehicle
launching or for deceleration in landing, the smaller thrust required for control of
speed and direction during flight in space, the high impulse required for propulsion in
space, and the power required for communications and for operations within or about
the space vehicle.
The high thrust required for launching is probably best provided by chemical and
nuclear rockets. The high specific impulse required for very long flights in space is
probably best provided by electric power generating plants that operate ion or plasma
jets; these power plants can also produce auxiliary operating power. For flights in
space of short or intermediate duration (cis-lunar flights, for example), several systems
appear competitive: chemical rockets; nuclear rockets, in which the reactor heats a
propellant; solar rockets, in which the sun heats a propellant; and ion and plasma .jets.



Chemical Rockets

Propellants. Theoretical analyses and small-scale experiments have shown the po-
tential merits of liquid-propellant combinations such as hydrogen-oxygen, ammonia-
fluorine, hydrazine-fluorine, hydrogen-fluorine, and hydrogen-ozone for long-range
flight. These, capable of providing high impulse per unit mass, yield high ratios of
payload to gross vehicle weight. High-energy-release compounds may also be incorpo-
rated into solid-propellant rockets. Theoretical performance of such propellants, under
all probable operating conditions, must be calculated. The complex analyses require
use of high-speed automatic computers, for the analyses must extend to the complete
vehicle and its flight missions. Similar analyses must be made of the applicability of
free radicals as propellants; use of these propellants is contingent on development of
techniques for producing and stabilizing free radicals in high concentrations.
Because of the large quantities of propellant involved in launching very large
vehicles, thorough investigation must be made of techniques for on-the-site preparation
of the chemicals, for their storage in the liquefied condition (at temperatures as low as
--420"F), and for their handling with full protection of personnel and neighborhoods
against toxic effect.
Propellant pumps. Effective pumping of low-temperature or highly reactive propel-
lants requires controlling the amount of cavitation, reducing pump weight (pump
weights in current design are as much as one half the total engine weight), and
providing reliable rotating seals for cryogenic-fluid pumps. Research involves study of
pump inlet head requirements and of pump stage characteristics, and evaluation of
pumps, first in complete turbopump systems and then in complete vehicle systems.
Combustion. To obtain high combustion rates and efficiencies, it is necessary to
study the effects of propellant injection, mixing, and vaporization, of chamber configu-
ration, and of the kinetics of the reaction. It is necessary also to determine causes of
and remedies for the destructive combustion oscillations that often accompany high
combustion rates. Experimental research must progress from small-scale to full-scale
rockets, because scaling laws are yet to be determined. Similar combustion problems
exist for solid propellant rockets: ignition, burning rates, temperature, and pressure
effects on burning must be determined for various high-energy grain compositions on
both a small and a large scale.
Cooling. In the liquid-propellant motor, thrust chamber and nozzle walls are cooled
by the propellants; the amount of required cooling is markedly increased by combus-
tion oscillations. The effectiveness of heat transfer is a function of coolant-passage,
thrust-chamber, and nozzle design as well as of the propellant. Nozzle-cooling may also
be required in high-energy solid-propellant motors. To establish reliable and light-
weight designs, theoretical analyses and experimental tests are required on small-scale
and, later, full-scale engines.
Turbines and gas generators. It is desirable to operate the turbine on the same high-
energy propellants as the rocket itself. It is also desirable that turbine and propellant
pump be matched so that they may operate at the same speed. The turbine must also
produce the maximum amount of work per pound of working fluid. Research is
therefore required to develop satisfactory gas generators and turbines able to withstand
high-temperature corrosive gases and to meet the requirements of low weight, low
rotational speed, high efficiency, and high reliability.
Controls and systems studies. Research is required on techniques and apparatus for
control of flow rates, flow-rate ratios, pressures, heat-transfer rates, and thrust direc-
tion in chemical rocket motors. Initial laboratory tests employ electromechanical simu-
lation of such parameters of the rocket motor as chamber-, injector-, and propellant-


Laterresearch progresses to tests on small- and large-scale
rocket engines.

Nuclear Rockets

The nuclear rocket, with potentially higher specific impulse than the chemical
rocket, offers a substantial increase in payload for a given gross vehicle weight. The
advantage of higher specific impulse is offset by higher engine weight and by handling
difficulties. The goal of nuclear rocket research is to approach the high specific impulse
theoretically possible while minimizing the engine weight and the handling problems.
Reactor composition and geometry. (1) Criticality investigation: Existing methods of
analysis must be modified, and new methods devised, to treat the epithermal and fast
reactors that may be desirable; these methods must be checked by critical experiments.
Satisfactory methods can then be used to analyze effects of fuel concentration in
various cladding materials, of moderator configuration, of pressure shells and thermal
shields, and of reflector materials and configurations on critical loading and on spatial-
and spectral-neutron-flux distributions. Desirable reactor configurations can then be
designed. Mock-ups of these on a large variable-geometry critical facility are required
to determine the necessary fuel loading as well as the variation of neutron flux with
position in the reactor and with neutron energy.
(2) Fuel-element research: Some problems in this area are-
(a) fission-product diffusion through fuel-element cladding;
(b) fuel distribution required for a desired power distribution;
(c) maintenance of fuel-element strength and life at high temperatures and'
high radiation fluxes, by appropriate metallurgical, fabrication, and assembly tech-
(d) analysis of the steady-state and dynamic heat transfer between propulsion
gas and fuel element.
Although each problem may at first be treated separately, research must even-
tually be conducted under actual reactor operating conditions, because the temperature
level, the gradients in temperature, the fuel loading, the neutron flux levels, and the
flow rates must all be approximated simultaneously. There are two ways in which this
research can be accomplished: by means of a test reactor that can supply the proper
neutron flux level, or by a full-scale nuclear rocket test firing. Both approaches must be
pursued. Experiments in a test reactor are more economical, but full-scale tests provide
a closer approximation to all test conditions and are an indispensable preliminary to
any nuclear rocket launching.
Since the required test reactor represents a considerable extension of current
reactor technology, a further desirable preliminary step is a test in an already available
reactor of lower flux- and power-density.
Reactor control. The neutron flux levels of the reactors intended for nuclear rocket
application far exceed values in existing reactors. These high flux levels, in themselves,
introduce new control problems. Typical are those that arise from the very rapid
response of the xenon burnout rate to a perturbation of neutron flux in thermal
reactors, and the low cross-sections possessed by the usual control materials for fast-
neutron radiation.
Pumps and turbines. Problems are similar to those in the chemical rocket field, but
generally more difficult. The low densities of liquid and gaseous hydrogen enforce use
of large pumps and turbines of many stages. An additional problem is the heating of
pump and turbine by radiation from the reactor.



Chemical and nuclear rockets remain attractive for many types of flight in space.
Although launching rockets may be used to furnish sufficient initial impulse so that the
vehicle coasts to its destination, a more useful propulsive means may be a low-thrust
rocket that is usable for relatively long periods during the flight. Such rockets require
long-life engines that are relatively small compared to those used in launching, since
only low accelerations are needed. Their higher thrust-to-weight ratio permits shorter
travel time to a given rendezvous than do the electrical propulsion schemes; this could
be more important than high payload in missions such as rescue operations.
As flight duration increases, the electrical propulsion devices, electric-arc-heated
jets and ion and plasma jets, appear superior; these require electric power. The
systems which generate this power can also provide the power for auxiliary operations
in or about the space vehicle.

Chemical and Nuclear Rockets

Areas requiring research for propulsion in space, as distinguished from launching,

Thrust chambers. Low chamber pressure may be desirable for the chemical rockets,
since high nozzle pressure ratios are available even for a low chamber pressure. The
results are reduction in required weights of engine and propellant systems and allevi-
ation of engine cooling and erosion problems. Undesirable effects may be: (1) combus-
tion inefficiency, since low pressures always reduce chemical reaction rate, and (2)
energy losses caused by increased initial dissociation in the chamber and decreased
recombination rates in the exhaust nozzle.
The nuclear rocket may realize considerable advantage from the use of low
chamber pressure. Here, the increased dissociation of hydrogen at low pressures
permits the addition of more enthaipy to the propellant without exceeding the tem-
perature limit of the reactor material. Of course, this means that the reactor flow
passages must be designed for low gas pressure; the supporting heat transfer studies
must include these conditions.

Exhaust nozzles. To fully expand the exhaust gases to the high pressure ratios
encountered in space will require carefully contoured nozzles. The required contours
may be significantly different for each propellant system, and must allow for the
chemical recombination that occurs as temperature decreases through the nozzle. The
recombination effects are much greater here than for conventional high-thrust rockets.
Extensive experimental investigation under simulated high-altitude conditions is there-
fore required.
Propellant tanks and pressurization systems. Lightweight propellant-pressurization sys-
tems can replace turbopump systems if low rocket chamber pressures are used. The
associated propellant tanks will require thermal radiation shields and refrigeration
equipment to permit long-term storage of liquefied gases in space. Design of tanks and
of pressurization systems presents unique problems because the tanks may be too
flimsy to contain propellant during take-off; they would then require assembly in orbit
and filling from supply ships.
Thrust modulation, starting, and termination. Space propulsion will require rocket
engines having variable thrust direction and thrust magnitude, and capable of many
start-stop cycles for maneuvering to effect rendezvous. The problem of starting chemi-
cal rockets under high-vacuum conditions must therefore be studied. This problem, as
well as that of thrust termination, may be particularly severe with solid-propellant

Solar Rockets

Solar energy may be used to heat hydrogen for use as a rocket propellant. For
flights of intermediate duration (e.g., cis-lunar ones), such a system appears competi-
tive in weight with a nuclear rocket and superior in thrust capability to an ion or
plasma jet. The problems of radiation collection by lightweight, durable surfaces must
be solved. A heat exchanger of low weight must then receive this radiant heat and
transfer it to the hydrogen, which is then exhausted through a conventional rocket

Electric-Arc-Heated Jet

Nuclear fission energy can be converted by a thermomechanical power plant to

electric energy. An electric arc can then heat hydrogen for use in a rocket. This system
is capable of providing higher specific impulse than is obtained from a nuclear rocket;
the specific impulse appears limited by nozzle cooling requirements. Research prob-
lems are electrode cooling and erosion, nozzle cooling, and electric power plant

Ion and Plasma Jets

For interplanetary travel with high payload-to-gross-weight ratios, propulsion de-

vices are desired which provide a higher specific impulse than that attainable with
chemical or nuclear rockets. The optimum specific impulse for any flight mission will,
of course, depend on the weight of power plant, shielding, and structure required to
produce this impulse. One promising technique for obtaining high values of specific
impulse is through electrical propulsion; that is, the acceleration of positive ions or
plasmas to very high jet velocities (3x105 teet per second, and higher) by electrostatic
and electromagnetic fields.
Specific problem areas are:
Ion generation. Various methods of generation must be studied, to determine which
method gives high ionization efficiency with low equipment weight. Promising methods

(a) contact of propellant having low ionization potential (e.g., the alkali
metals) with grids composed of metal having a high work function (e.g., platinum
or tungsten).
(b) electron removal from a plasma created by high intensity electrical dis-
charges, electromagnetic induction, or short-wavelength radiation.
In order to reduce weight and size, for a given thrust, attempts should be made to
produce ions with high mass-to-charge ratios; e.g., by ionizing high molecular-weight
materials or by producing charged muhimolecular particles.
Ion acceleration. Thrust per unit jet area is limited by current density, when electro-
static acceleration is used. The saturation current density can be increased if the
accelerator length is reduced, but too short a length may result in a scattered ion jet or
in electrical breakdown between the electrodes. The geometric designs that may effect
the best compromise must be studied; for example, use of a number of small units to
produce a given over-all thrust, with the length-to-diameter ratio of each unit suffi-
ciently high to reduce field divergence and jet scattering.
Improved accelerator life and reliability must be sought by studies of electrode
heating and erosion and of the application of induced magnetic fields to reduce
positive-ion contact with the electrodes.
The extent to which uncharged molecules and molecular particles can be acceler-
ated by positive-ion bombardment must be determined. If the end velocity of the
uncharged particles can be made to approach that of the ions, then high ionization


efficiency may not be required and a more favorable overall mass-to-charge ratio may
be attainable for a mixture of ionized and non-ionized materials.
Space-charge neutralization. The maximum current density that can be obtained in
the jet is limited by space-charge effects. To avoid space-charge buildup, electrons
must be ejected at the same rate as positive ions and must be made to intermingle with
the ions to form a neutral plasma within an extremely short distance of the jet exit.
Optimum electron beam configurations must be determined, as well as the best meth-
ods of securing maximum neutralization efficiency by use of electric and magnetic

Plasma generation. Electric-arc discharge and electromagnetic induction are two

promising means for plasma generation. For electric-arc plasma generators wherein a
gaseous propellant is used, research is necessary on electrode materials, spacing,
cooling, and erosion. Where the electrode material is to be used as a propellant,
research is necessary on feeding of the electrode propellant. Plasma generation by
electromagnetic induction requires search for desirable combinations of coil arrange-
ment, peak current, pulsing frequency, and propellant.
Plasma acceleration. A plasma may be accelerated by either externally applied or
internally induced magnetic fields. The positive and negative charges comprising the
plasma are accelerated without separation, so that space charge is avoided, and thrust
for a given exhaust area may be higher than that attainable in the case of ion jets.
Pertinent information on acceleration by internally induced 'magnetic fields will come
from research on controlled fusion. Acceleration by externally applied magnetic fields
will require high-field-strength electromagnetic coils, and research will be necessary to
reduce power losses by efficient coil configuration and by the use of cryogenic coil
coolants, with possible exploitation of super-conductivity. Acceleration of plasma to
high velocities will also require research on means of producing high-frequency, time-
varying magnetic fields positioned along the length of the accelerator. Investigations of
segments of full-scale systems combining practical plasma generators, plasma accelera-
tors, and the necessary electrical circuits and generators must be conducted to deter-
mine whether troublesome component interactions will occur.


The principal energy sources considered suitable for generation of electric power
in space are (1) solar radiation, (2) radioisotopes, (3) nuclear fission, and (4) nuclear
fusion. Solar radiation and radioisotopes appear most suitable for producing small
amounts of electric power for auxiliary equipment and for sustaining satellites by
means of ion or plasma jets. Nuclear-fission and solar energy sources appear most
suitable for producing the large electric power required for interplanetary flight by
means of ion and plasma jets, and nuclear-fusion energy is potentially suitable.

Solar Radiation

The solar battery is a promising source of less than a kilowatt of electric power..
Effectiveness of this device will depend on further advances in the field of solid-state
physics; such advances may also provide more efficient thermoelectric energy convert-
ers. Thermomechanical processes, like those described for nuclear fission, for convert-
ing heat from solar radiation to electric power, must also be investigated. Research
must also be directed to methods for construction of low-weight, easily-repaired,
radiation-collecting surfaces.



Energy from radioisotopes in the form of either radiolytic decomposition energy

or heat for thermomechanical devices must be evaluated as sources of electric power.
Use of polonium-210 to decompose water now appears especially attractive for less
than a kilowatt of electric power; the resulting gaseous hydrogen and oxygen can be
recombined in a fuel cell in order to produce electric power. Research should include
(1) study of means for sensitizing the reaction in order to increase the yields of
hydrogen and oxygen, (2) design of low-weight decomposition chambers and fuel cells,
(3) search for more readily available or longer lived isotopes than polonium-210, and
(4) search for suitable working substances other than water. Other related schemes,
such as the radioelectric cell, should be explored.
The capabilities of the radioisotope-thermomechanical system will be estimated
from the results of two other studies: research on the radioisotope fuel cell will guide
selection of the suitable radioisotope, and research on the fission-thermomechanical
system will supply information on effective conversion of heat to electric power.

Nuclear Fission

A thermomechanical system that uses heat from nuclear fission is considered to

hold the highest promise for producing electric power for space propulsion of manned
vehicles in the near future. In this power plant, a working fluid is heated in a reactor
and is then expanded through a turbine. Waste heat is rejected by thermal radiation
from a large radiator, and the working fluid is then recompressed to its initial pressure.
The working fluid could be a gas operating in a Brayton cycle; or the fluid could be a
liquid that is boiled and condensed in a Rankine cycle. Achieving high performance in
such a power plant involves the following problems:
(1) Choice of gas or vapor as the working fluid.--A gas cycle permits use of inert
gas, like helium, so that higher cycle temperatures are permitted and corrosion of
metallic parts is not a serious problem. A metallic-vapor cycle permits about ten-
fold reduction in radiator size for a given turbine inlet temperature; however, the
radiator still has the greatest weight of any component in the power plant.
Because of its greater long-term potential, the vapor cycle deserves the primary
effort; the gas cycle must be carried along, at a lower level of effort, as a reserve
solution in case corrosion problems prove insurmountable.
(2) Fluid properties.--The physical properties of promising metals in their liquid
and vapor phases must be determined. Typical metals of interest are mercury,
rubidium, sodium, and lithium.
(3) Convective heat transfer must be investigated for liquid and vaporized metals,
particularly during phase change in a zero-gravity field.
(4) Radiator design.--Because of its size, the radiator must be as light as
possible. Rotation appears desirable to provide (a) a centrifugal field for separa-
tion of liquid and vapor phases, and (b) an artificial gravity field for the crew.
However, vibration may be excited by the machinery and by unbalances intro-
duced by crew motions; hence vibration damping to avoid structural fatigue must
be studied. Meteoroid damage and repair of the thin shell of the radiator must
also be considered.
(5) Corrosion and mass transfer.--In addition to the usual problems of this type
associated with liquid metals, evaporation and condensation produce additional
problems. The radiator may gradually dissolve in the working fluid, and the
dissolved metal carried to and deposited in the boiler. Long-term tests are re-
quired to study this problem.
(6) Serious radiation damage to materials near the reactor after prolonged
exposure of one or more years must be prevented.


(7) Crew protection.--Shielding against radiation from the reactor is helped by

the absence of surrounding matter that would scatter radiation, but is hindered by
the requirement that shields in space must withstand abnormally high tempera-
tures. New shield materials and new criteria for radiation attenuation are required.
(8) Fuel-element fabrication.--Large quantities of uranium or other fissile ma-
terial are used up in power plants generating several megawatts. Burnable poisons
must be investigated in order to extend the fraction of a given loading of U-235
that can be consumed. The stability of the poisons and their compounds in
combination with other reactor materials must be studied. Materials and methods
must be found for fabricating fuel elements containing unusually high fractions of
fuel and poison.
(9) Reactor destgn.--For the large power plant, the high initial loading of U-
235 and the high burn-up cause unusual problems. Producing non-uniform energy
release through the core, to obtain maximum coolant-out temperature, is another
For power plants of a few kilowatts, reactor-weight minimization becomes
more important than uranium burn-up. Novel fast reactors must therefore be
(10) Generators must be designed to maintain high efficiency and to minimize
weight of the generator and its radiator by operating the generators at high
temperatures and high stresses.
(11) Turbine destgn.--The turbine would use unconventional materials, operat-
ing for a very long time at high temperature and high stress. The best compro-
mise between weight and efficiency must be established, without compromising
(12) Pump or compressor design.--Pump weight and reliability are the principal
considerations in liquid-metal systems; novel compressor design is required in
gaseous-helium systems.
Nuclear Fusion

When the methods of initiating, maintaining, and containing the fusion reaction
have been developed by laboratories now working on this project, the adaptations to
flight propulsion will require (a) basic cycle analyses, (b) minimization of size and
weight of electric- and magnetic-field generators, and (c) analytical and experimental
work on the practical problems of shielding, heat transfer, and integration with vehicle
Those aspects of fusion research that are directly applicable to plasma-jet propul-
sion can be undertaken immediately. These include methods of generating, retaining,
and accelerating the plasma, and methods of reducing size and weight of electrical
equipment. Advances toward the solution of these problems in either the thermonu-
clear field or in the plasma-jet field are helpful to both fields. Also, studies of thermo-
dynamic cycles and methods by which fusion can be applied to propulsion must be
undertaken, particularly of techniques which will combine thrust and power generation
in a single compact unit.


Advances in space-flight structures and propulsion systems are critically depend-

ent upon advances in materials and materials fabrication. The goal of developing
optimum structures and safe, efficient power plants will best be achieved by integration
of a strong materials research program with structural and propulsion research. The
required research ranges from basic studies in solid-state physics, through material
development and evaluation, to fabrication into useful structures and power plant


Materials to Contain High-Energy Propellants

Materials are needed that have high strength over a wide temperature range and
that can withstand highly reactive high-energy propellants. For example, fluorine reacts
vigorously with virtually all pliable materials, so that the problems of valve seals and
turbopump seals become extremely difficult; fluorine also can be contained only in
certain metallic containers that are scrupulously clean. At the other extreme of the
temperature range, the walls of regeneratively cooled chambers are in contact with
rocket combustion gases at temperatures of 5000°-9000 ° F.

Materials for Nuclear Reactors

Materials for fuel elements and for adjacent structural materials must maintain
high strength at high temperatures and in high radiation fields. Required research
includes the development of methods for inserting fuel into the fuel element structure,
the behavior of fuel elements when nuclear fuel is molten or near molten, and determi-
nation of fission product leakage from various fuel elements. Since high burn-up
reactors will be used in space flight, the compatibility of reactor poisons with other
reactor materials must be determined. For such reactors, where low weight and long
life are primary requirements, careful determination is required of the allowable ther-
mal stresses in materials used in fuel elements, pressure shells, and thermal shields.
New criteria for radiation shielding and new shield materials usable at high
temperatures are required.

Materials for Heat Exchangers

Stringent requirements exist for materials employed in heat exchangers using the
alkali metals as heat transfer media, in both liquid and vapor states. Both steady-state
and dynamic conditions must be considered. Thermal conductivity, diffusivity, heat
capacity, electrical and thermoelectric properties, and radiant emittance must be deter-
mined for various materials and for various material shapes. Additional properties must
be measured for the fluids themselves, in both vapor and liquid states: e.g., enthalpy,
entropy, viscosily, dimerization, heat capacity lag, surface tension, electrical resistivity,
and speed of sound.

Materials for Electrical Propulsion

The properties of superconductors and their fundamental laws of behavior have

direct application in magnetogasdynamics, electromagnetic plasma accelerators, and
fusion devices. A search is needed for high voltage insulators and for materials with
unusual magnetic properties. The ion jet will require high voltage insulators, with high
resistance to erosion, for use in the ion accelerator; the arc plasma jet will require
electrode materials with. very low erosion rates at high temperatures.

Materials and Structures for Solar Energy Collection

Solid-state physics research must develop superior materials for thermoelectric

and for photoelectric conversion of radiant energy. Stable and durable reflective coat-
ings and backing materials are needed for solar-radiation receivers. Techniques of
folding, releasing, inflating, and maintaining inflation of balloon-like collecting surfaces
must be developed.

Materials for Engine and Vehicle Structures

Engine materials that operate at thousands of degrees during powered phases of

flight may drop to nearly absolute zero during coasting phases; structural materials
may vary through nearly as wide a range. Such diverse materials must be studied as


metals,plastics,ceramics,cermets,andheterogeneous materialsandcoatingswith
propertiestailoredforusein extremetemperatures,bothhighandlow,andin extreme
temperature gradients.Materialsfor the externalshellof the vehiclemustalsobe
resistantto erosionby micrometeoroids; the ratesof erosionandpenetration of
elements subjectedtomicrometeoroid bom-
bardment mustbedetermined. Afterthemicrometeoroid's mass-andenergy-spectra
havebeenestablished byIGYprogramresults,laboratory methods of creatingsimilar
andof acceleratingthemmustbedeveloped, sothatextensive ground-based
Structures for Launching

Considerable knowledge of the problems of designing for launching has already

been acquired from experience with ballistic missiles. The aerodynamic loads and
aerodynamic heating of the vehicle are not severe, and this fact permits a light
structure. On the other hand, the payload will commonly require protection from even
these loads and heating. Jet-reaction controls impose bending loads on the vehicle;
sloshing of propellant in the tanks aggravates these forces. The principal problems
requiring study are thus payload packaging and the strength and rigidity of tank and

Structures for Space Flight

Vehicles in space have small applied loads. There are no aerodynamic or gravita-
tional forces, and vehicle acceleration will generally be only 0.1g or less. Although
these factors permit light structures, there are additional problems in structural design,
and these problems must be investigated to keep low the weight penalties they intro-
duce: a manned vehicle containing a reactor can have low reactor-shield weight if the
structure widely separates crew and reactor; the structure must resist vibratory forces
from crew motion, power plant, and other machinery; solar radiation and heat from
within the vehicle will introduce thermal distortions; it must be possible to launch the
structure in pieces and assemble it in space; critical areas must be protected from
damage by meteoroids, and the structure must accept some erosion and penetration by
meteoroids; for vehicles using liquefied gases as propellant, an insulated, pressurized
tank must be provided.

Materials and Structures for Re-entry Operations

The re-entering vehicle will be small compared with either the spacecraft or the
launching vehicle. The only items requiring safe return to earth are men, valuable
records, and specimens requiring inspection on earth. Thermal protection for re-
entering vehicles is a problem area in which we have made notable progress. The
expected extremes of the environments must be investigated, and the emphasis must
shift from mere survival to optimum design. Techniques which must be studied more
vigorously than at present include internal cooling, film cooling, transpiration cooling,
ablation, and endothermic decomposition. Low-thermai-diffusivity materials with high
heat of fusion or heat of decomposition, good mechanical strength, and low density
must be sought for use in the latter two techniques. For the other techniques,
structural constructions must be sought that allow effective cooling, that have low
weight, high strength, and resiliency, and that can be fabricated simply and reliably.

Dynamics of Structures

Because most of the large structures in the flight vehicle are of extremely light
construction, their dynamic behavior becomes of great importance. The natural vibra-
tional modes and frequencies must be determined by analysis, model experiments, and


experiments (thefreemodeof suspension mustbe simulated in full-scale
system tests);methods of dampingandof separating naturalstructuralfrequencies
fromanyforcingfrequencies ofthesystemmustbeexamined. Theinteractionsamong
powerplant,andtheircontrols mustbestudied
firstona laboratoryscale,withtheaidof simulators,
computers, andmodels; thenin
groundtestsof theentirevehicle;andfinallyin flight.Controlandstability
andcriteria,aswellasmethods of analysisandoperation, mustbeestab-
lishedasguides forfuturedesign.


The launching phase of flight is characterized by a need for large, high-impulse

rockets which are reliable and controllable, and by the need for precision guidance
equipment. The relatively high probability of accident with current liquid-propellant
rocket systems cannot be tolerated either from a safety, cost, or logistics point of view.
Ground test. Many of the problems of boosting to orbit and beyond do not require
flight facilities. For example, rocket propellant systems of high impulse and reliability
are being developed in static test stands. Similarly, lightweight structures and guidance
components are largely developed in ground tests. Aerodynamic problems such as
loads during yawed flight and during separation of stages, high-altitude separation of
the external flow by the underexpanded jet, and heating of the base region by the jet
are under study with scale models in NACA wind tunnels. In addition, wind-tunnel
tests are underway to establish promising configurations for turbojet and ramjet boost-
ers, relatively recent concepts in propulsion technology requiring intensive evaluation
of such problems as variable-geometry requirements of the induction system and
protection against aerodynamic heating. All of these research areas must be greatly
expanded if satisfactory solutions are to be reached at an early date.
Flight test. Some boost problems require information best obtained during actual
launchings. The problems include: (a) the dynamic interactions of propulsive thrust,
inertial forces, and air loads through flexible structures and fluid systems; (b) factors
affecting the performance of guidance components of various stages in the presence of
boost dynamics; (c) development of improved ground monitoring, flight path comput-
ing, and corrective techniques necessary to the precise establishment of initial orbits;
(d) booster separation and thrust cutoff; (e) flight development of ramjet boosters with
components too large for full-scale free-jet testing; and (f) flight checks on jet interfer-
ence effects and corrective measures currently under study.


One of the difficult problems which must be solved is that of achieving physical
contact between two satellites. This operation must be repeated many times in the
course of assembling and maintaining space stations or vehicles. Successful mastery of
this problem eliminates the need for gigantic boosters to put the complete system into
orbit in one launching; these boosters would be extremely large and would risk the
entire operation on one firing.
Flight paths. Special analyses pertaining to the establishment of flight rendezvous
must be undertaken. Calculation of orbits and orbit motions around the oblate earth is
a special segment of the Space Mechanics research described elsewhere. Many calcula-
tions must be made to find the simplest paths for effecting rendezvous from the
launching site or from other sites in use.
The opportunity for putting a second satellite into exactly side-by-side flight with
a preceding satellite from the same launching site and with essentially the same boost


flightplanis infrequent; the probability of rendezvous increases as the orbits approach

the equatorial orbit.
The analyses must determine not only the best times for rendezvous but the
additional energy required when perfect rendezvous are not possible or fail because of
control deviations.
The additional energy required for bringing imperfect orbits together is a function
not only of the amount of correction required but of the time allotted to achieve the
correction. Minimum-energy closing flight paths as well as those which compromise
energy for the sake of time must be studied. Correction to both orbits may prove
Propulsion. The flight-path studies are influenced by the type of propulsion system
available. The rendezvous techniques with a few large or with many small chemical
rockets will be different from each other as well as from the methods of applying
continuous ion- or plasma-jet thrust. Studies of the type described will help establish
the type of orbit-control propulsion systems to be emphasized for various missions.
Even the relatively simple motions of men moving in the space surrounding spaceships
must be studied to determine the best means of locomotion.
When ion- or plasma-propulsion systems utilize nuclear energy and shadow shield-
ing of their reactors, the most desirable closure paths may be those that do not expose
one vehicle to the radiation field of the other.
When chemical attitude-control rockets are used, an additional problem is to avoid
heating of surfaces adjacent to the jets.
Guidance. Satellite tracking and instructions from the ground will probably direct
the initial closures. Final closure will inevitably be guided by one or both of the
satellites using their own relative tracking equipment and their own computers. Re-
search leading to the development of suitable lightweight equipment is required.


One of the hazardous parts of flight in manned spacecraft is re-entry into the
atmosphere. During this phase of flight the occupant is threatened by both deceleration
loads and aerodynamic heating. In addition, he must preferably alight at a relatively
small preselected site at a relatively low, preselected velocity.
The NACA is already engaged in studies of the re-entry problem. Optimum re-
entry flight paths to minimize heating and acceleration forces due to aerodynamic drag
are being sought. These optimum paths are a function of the density of the configura-
tion, its shape and the extent to which variable geometry is utilized, its ability to cool
or dissipate heat, and its velocity and angle of entry. Not only must optimum paths be
established but the consequence of error in control must be evaluated.
Aerodynamic heating. Fundamental research is underway on boundary-layer develop-
ment, transition, and heat transfer. At the high reentry temperatures, molecular vibra-
tion, dissociation and recombination, and ionization occur in appreciable amounts.
Application of magnetic fields may serve to utilize these effects to advantage. Prelimi-
nary studies have already p_'ovided important insight into the problem, but the work
must be extended to apply more nearly to configurations suitable for manned reentry
rather than to ballistic nose cones.
Cooling. The consequences of aerodynamic heating may be combated with various
cooling techniques involving radiation, heat capacity, film cooling, free and forced
convection, and ablation. Boundary-layer theories are being developed which include
the effects of such complications as the addition of fluid to the boundary layer, such as
occurs in the case of an ablation surface or of film injection. Many empirical data are
required in the area, however.
Development of large-scale facilities to generate simultaneously the true pressure,
velocity, and temperature environment, and the gaseous constituents, has so far proven


very difficult. Small-scale facilities exist, however, and continuing research is necessary
to improve not only the facilities but interpretation of the data from them.
Loads. The aerodynamic loads during reentry not only determine the safety and
comfort of the occupant but the heat loads as well. Small-scale studies are underway to
provide experimental checks on the validity of current theories for calculating these
loads throughout the free-molecule-, slip-, and continuum-flow regimes.
Configurations under study include capsule types suitable for ballistic type decel-
eration and parachute landing, and winged glide vehicles which can be maneuvered in
the atmosphere and landed like an aircraft. Accurate knowledge of the lift and drag is
required to fly a preselected flight path. The stability and controllability of these craft
during reentry must be established to insure safe flight.
Guidance. Errors in flight path can result not only from inadequate theories or data
to use in trajectory calculations but also from inadequate guidance and control. Studies
must be conducted to establish the optimum manner of applying decelerating forces to
the reentry vehicle in order to minimize the energy required and the chance for error.
The effects of flight-path error on loads, heating, and motions must be determined.
Flight. Since many of the problems associated with reentry can be studied only by
actual flight, it is important to enlarge the program of unmanned flight testing of the
better configurations arrived at from laboratory research. Test vehicles would be
heavily instrumented to determine motions, loads, temperatures, and guidance param-
eters. Having ascertained that the vehicles can descend safely along a controlled and
predetermined flight path, the piloted phase would begin, with successively more
difficult reentries being attempted. The X-15 flight test program will constitute an
important initial step in the reentry problem.


After the space vehicle has slowed to moderate supersonic speeds where decelera-
tion loads and heating are no longer a problem, it must still be flown through the
transonic- and subsonic-speed ranges to a safe landing. The capsule-type vehicle will
simply be decelerated by aerodynamic drag to velocities at which a parachute may be
deployed for landing purposes. In event of a water landing, present techniques for
flotation, location, and pickup must be refined.
The winged reentry vehicles must be studied in existing wind tunnels to deter-
mine their flight characteristics at supersonic, transonic, and subsonic speeds, including
landing speeds. The optimum configurations for reentry probably must be modified to
insure safe flight throughout the low-speed range; these modifications must be deter-
mined concurrently with the high-speed experiments in order to avoid wasted effort.


A major question in the control and guidance of space flight and the associated
atmospheric exit and entry, is the influence of the vehicle motions on the performance
of the human or automatic controller. In many instances, these vehicle motions will
differ importantly from those experienced to date in conventional atmospheric flight.
For instance, a space or satellite flight will involve a relatively prolonged longitudinal
acceleration or deceleration in the exit and reentry. How will the human react to this
and how will his ability to perform a precise control task be impaired? What effect will
this have on the drift rate of an inertial guidance platform, or the accuracy of an
angular accelerometer? Secondly, the dynamics of the vehicle will be markedly different
from those with which we have current experience; reduced or nonexistent damping
will result in highly oscillatory or divergent pitching oscillations which in turn will have
their influence on the human or automatic controller, Finally, the controls will in some


cases be of the reaction rather than the conventional displacement type, and will
probably have strong cross-coupling effects.
All these factors emphasize the fact that past flight experience will not be an
adequate guide to the required performance of spacecraft flight controls; furthermore,
the desired experience cannot be built up in actual flight, since failure will be cata-
strophic. Thus, there is an evident need for studying the influence of vehicle motions
on a human or automatic controller. This need may be met by using motion simulators
tied in with an analog computer, that will subject the human and automatic compo-
nents to the linear and angular accelerations of a flight mission as produced by the
"controller" inputs or by outside disturbances, and by computing trajectories resulting
from these motions with a digital computer. An insight is needed into the interrelations
of controller characteristics, vehicle dynamics, and resulting flight trajectory.



Flight through space will require communication, navigation, and guidance sys-
tems of far greater range and accuracy than heretofore required for flight through the
atmosphere. Equipment now available or in advanced development stages is suitable
for guiding manned satellites into and out of orbit; the accuracies presently available,
however, are not sufficient to insure satisfactory rendezvous of earth satellites, for
precise re-entry guidance of satellites, or for lunar or planetary flights. To design
satisfactory systems, significant advances must be made in several problem areas:
(1) Navigational instruments for reference to inertially or electromagnetically
stabilized platforms, or to the earth's magnetic field, or to radio signals from the
earth, or to the positions of earth, moon, and stars, in order to provide precise
knowledge of vehicle orientation, position, and velocity; and instruments and
techniques for combined use of several aids and of smooth transfer of emphasis
from one navigational aid to another (particularly in landings) with full adjustment
of navigational programs to the capabilities of automatic and human controls;
(2) Techniques and apparatus for tracking from the ground, computing devi-
ations from a prescheduled program, and relaying corrective signals to the vehicle;
(3) Mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems for converting guidance intel-
ligence into control operations;
(4) Aerodynamic and jet-reaction control systems for boosters, and jet-reac-
tion control systems for spacecraft;
(5) Integration of power plant control with the guidance of the entire vehicle,
incorporating all vehicle stability parameters;
(6) Scheduling of dead weight disposal, of separation, and of transfer from
one method of guidance control to another;
(7) Control of vehicle direction, velocity, and acceleration, particularly in
order to affect rendezvous; and matching all requirements for judgment to the
faculties of the "pilot" (whether he is in the vehicle or on the ground), by
extensive use of pilot-training simulators that include psychophysical and physio-
logical effects;
(8)Techniques for linking various navigation and guidance components into
complete systems.
Unique design problems arise from the need to minimize mass and volume of
vehicle-carried instrumentation, because of the premium imposed by high ratios of
take-off weight to payload weight. The same requirements for extreme lightness result
in structures that are subject to considerable flexibility, particularly for boosters, high-
performance gliding re-entry satellites, permanent space stations, and interplanetary
spacecraft. The structural flexibility will result in interactions among the structure, the


controlsthatmustbe studied first in the
laboratory, using analog simulators; next, on complete ground-based systems; and,
finally, in flight.


Research must be performed on techniques and apparatus for transmission of

information to the ground for high-speed data processing, for transmission of correc-
tive guidance signals from the ground to an unmanned vehicle, and for communica-
tions between the ground and a manned vehicle as well as between manned vehicles.
Among techniques that must be investigated are simultaneous use of optical and radio-
frequency trackers, high-speed electronic computers, and ultra-stable clocks to perform
automatic computations of speed and direction; and automatic phasing of relay stations
around the earth to maintain continuous communications with an orbiting vehicle.
Basic laboratory research, by use of electro-mechanical simulators, must be supple-
mented by field measurements. Optimum frequency bands, and modulation and com-
mutation methods, must be determined that will yield highest signal-to-noise ratio and
highest information content.


Each phase of the research program requires unusual techniques and apparatus of
measurement and observation. Other measurements are the actual goals of flight in
space. The research program must therefore treat measurements both as intermediate
steps and as final goals.
The program emphasizes that work which can not efficiently be performed else-
where for reasons of urgency, economy, expense or uniqueness of required facilities, or
close interrelation with other research facilities of the organization. This implies that
great reliance is placed on fundamental instrument research performed by other agen-
cies directly concerned with physics, biology, and medicine, and on collaboration with
these agencies; that maximum possible use is to be made of available commercial
instruments and industrial skills; and that the Laboratory's own research is concerned
principally with advanced instruments whose commercial counterpart does not exist,
and with adaptation and application of existing instruments to space flight research.
Some areas in which research, development, or application is required are the
apparatus and techniques for:
(a) monitoring of static and dynamic pressures, temperatures, and flow rates
of highly reactive or erosive propellants used in chemical rockets;
(b) measurement and control of flow rates, flow-rate ratios, pressures, heat-
transfer rates, and thrust direction in chemical and nuclear rockets; systems tests
using electromechanical simulation of chamber, injector, propellant-system, or
reactor characteristics in preliminary laboratory tests; and final field tests of the
actual system;
(c) measurement and control of local fuel-element and coolant temperatures,
and of local reactivities, in nuclear power plants; and monitoring of the chemical
and physical condition of reactor- and heat-exchanger materials and structures;
(d) control and guidance of remotely-operated devices that must replace
human hands and senses in the conduct of hazardous ground tests and in the
operation of unmanned flight vehicles;
(e) measurement of such parameters of ion and plasma jets as jet thrust, jet
velocity, ionization efficiency, and potential and charge distributions;
(t) measurement of the high temperatures, velocities, and heat-transfer rates
associated with the launch and re-entry phases of flight, both in actual flight and


in laboratory simulation of flight(asin windtunnels, shocktubes,andballistic

ranges);flight(asin windtunnels, shocktubes,andballistic
(g)observation of theprofilesof fluidtemperature, pressure,andvelocityin
pumps,turbines, andheat-exchanger passages,
andatthesurfaces of nosecones,
nozzles, guidevanes,andvehicle shells;
(h) monitoringthe kinematicbehaviorandtheinternalconditionof the
vehicle--the structural
temperatures, deflections,
thecondition ofthe
powerplant,of thenavigational andguidance devices,
andof theinstrumentation;
andthephysiological condition oftheoccupants;
(i) simulationof acceleration, temperature,andpressure environments for
(j) measurement of upper-atmosphere properties
by adaptation andinstalla-
tion of nuclear-, optical-,radio-,andmass-spectrometers, magnetometers, elec-
trometers, andthermometers; sincetheenergydensity in spaceis so low,un-
usuallyhighsensitivity is required to ensurethattheinstruments areinfluenced
primarilybytheatmosphere understudyratherthanbythevehicle onwhichthey
(k)automatized collection, transmission,
andanalysisof data;
(i) engineering,
evaluation, andfieldtestingof completeinstrument systems.

Space mechanics refers herein to the study of the motion of vehicles engaged in
flight through space. The most analogous area in conventional aircraft technology is
that of mission studies. The missions to be studied are those of earth satellites, and
flight to our moon, Mars, Venus, and other planets of the solar system. In only the first
four might the vehicles be manned. The unmanned flights to the outermost planets
might not return within the lifetime of the launcher but nevertheless would be desir-
able scientific investments. The mission studies preceding even the short flights will of
necessity dwarf the efforts which are standard in aircraft practice.

Calculation of Flight Paths

It is first necessary to apply high-speed digital computers to the study of flight

paths through two-, three-, and multi-gravitational force fields. The effects of continu-
ous or intermittent propulsive thrust of arbitrary direction and magnitude must be
incorporated into these analyses. In addition, the effects of atmospheric drag must be
calculated if the flight paths dip into the dissimilar atmosphere of the various planets.
This work, already underway, must be greatly expanded.
Measured flight paths with the first, relatively simple vehicles will help determine
the accuracy of these calculations and to refine procedures. The first earth satellites are
already serving this function; they must be followed soon with lunar and planetary
probes which may carry only electronic equipment to facilitate tracking.

Navzgational Computations

Computation of the vehicle's location relative to the sun and the planets at various
points of the flight path must also be undertaken, using distant stars as references.
These calculations will not only determine the design of navigational equipment but
may influence the choice of flight path. The performance of inertial-guidance compo-
nents along the flight path must be calculated for similar reasons.
Pertinent to the general navigational problem is a study of the effect of errors in
thrust application, introduced by such factors as misalinement and inaccuracies in
thrust cut-off. The consequences of errors in navigation must also be evaluated.


Subsystem Optimization

One vital function of mission analysis is the parametric study of spacecraft systems
and subsystems. Even without optimization of the complete mission, insight may be
gained into the effects of variations in many propulsion system parameters such as
weight and impulse, or even operating temperatures and component efficiencies. Con-
figuration parameters affecting structural weight and payload may also be evaluated on
"missions" in order to provide guidance in the selection of configurations for ground
and flight tests.

Mission Studies

Each mission requires the choice of flight plan and vehicle configuration; these are
not independent. Among the gross variables entering into the flight plan are date and
time of launch; power-application schedule, including magnitude, direction, and dura-
tion of thrust; flight path; and total duration of flight.
The most important configuration parameters from a performance viewpoint are
related to the type of power plant used (for example, chemical rocket, nuclear rocket,
ion or plasma jet). With each engine type the parameters of greatest significance are
impulse and thrust-to-weight ratio.
A basic aim of the missions studies is to find the combination of flight plan and
vehicle system that will reduce flight time, increase payload-to-gross-weight ratio, or
increase accuracy of navigation. Determining optimal combinations involves analysis of
a multitude of flights. Such studies also reveal the relative importance of various
research problems.


Space environment research includes the measurement of the properties of space

pertinent to both manned and unmanned space flight; the provision of a safe environ-
ment for man for long periods of time; the solution of operational problems of final
rendezvous and assembly of vehicles in orbit; the operational problems of navigation,
operation, repair, and maintenance of spacecraft; and space exploration problems.
Means tor carrying out this research must include both experiments on the ground and
experiments conducted in space. Such experimentation will involve close collaboration
with other national scientific agencies expert in the areas of interest; in particular,
fundamental scientific observations and research in space will be under direct cogni-
zance of such agencies.


So complex and expensive an operation as launching of a satellite-, lunar-, or

interplanetary-vehicle is justified only when maximum use is made of the vehicle. This
implies that wherever feasible, the vehicle should be used not merely to collect data
about itself and about how to improve its launching, flight, and operation, but also to
collect fundamental scientific data that will expand man's knowledge. Reciprocally, such
data will assist in design of future vehicles and in planning their missions.
One such group of data involves those properties of the upper atmosphere and of
outer space that affect flight and that influence terrestrial phenomena, such as weather
and communication. Some of the physical, chemical, geophysical, meteorologic, and
electric properties that must be measured are:
(a) the subatomic, ionic, atomic, and molecular composition and density of
the atmosphere;
(b) the wavelength- and energy-distribution of cosmic-ray, ultraviolet, visible,
infrared, and radio-frequency radiation;
(c) the integrated radiation and the albedos in broad bands of the spectrum;


(d) thedistribution
of gravitational, electric, and magnetic potentials around
the earth and of their secular and random variations;
(e) the conductivity and transmissivity of the atmosphere for electromagnetic
(0 the cloud-cover distribution;
(g) the micro-meteoroid population density, speed, direction, and size; and
the systematic and random distributions and distribution laws of these quantities.
The effect of some of these physical variables on the vehicles or its contents may
in some instances be determined by appropriate ground simulation of upper-atmos-
phere conditions, but in other cases major flight research efforts are required, pro-
gressing successively through the stages of sounding rockets, unmanned spacecraft,
and manned ones.
Much of the required information will be obtained by IGY-program observations,
but these data will require collation and analysis. Continued experimentation and
analysis will be necessary to extend, verify, and (sometimes) explain the IGY data.


The biological problems of space flight stem from environmental factors such as
nuclear and cosmic radiation, variable gravity, absence of an atmosphere, and alien
planetary conditions. The effect of the space environment on nonhuman life forms
such as plants and bacteria must be investigated for application to ecological systems
and medical problems. The initial research must determine the magnitude of the
presently known biological problems, and must endeavor to un_:over new problems by
experiment and observation.
Crew environment. The health and efficiency of man demand carefully controlled
cabin conditions. An important research problem here is the development of mechani-
cal, chemical, and biological means for sustaining the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle.
Development of compact, lightweight, reliable air conditioning equipment is also nec-
Metabolism research. The reprocessing of water will be an extremely important
function in long space missions. Methods and equipment for this function must be
developed. Small, lightweight, and reliable ecological systems offer possibilities for
continuous food and oxygen supplies on longmissions; research in this area must be
pursued. Adaptation and application of medical-research instruments, techniques, and
apparatus to any particular flight mission will itself require applied research and
engineering development. Similar application engineering will be required for such
medical techniques as conditioning of the blood stream against radiation damage.


Final rendezvous and assembly of large satellites and spacecraft in orbit around
the earth require research on techniques, methods, equipment, and tools. The various
manual functions of the crew during space flight and in a satellite space station will
require research because of the variable gravity conditions. Special mechanical aids and
techniques may be necessary in the performance of navigation, control, operation,
repair, and maintenance of spacecraft and auxiliary equipment. These space operations
problems can be crudely simulated by submersion in a water tank; but determination of
the physiological effects of weightlessness requires techniques that sufficiently prolong
the period of approximately zero-g acceleration so that physiological steady-state con-
ditions may be reached. Such techniques include very-high-speed parabolic-arc flight in
a conventional airplane; free fall from high altitudes, in capsules; and flight in orbiting





Implementation of the research program outlined in the preceding section re-

quires a large and rapid expansion of the NACA staff, modification and extension of
existing NACA facilities, and the acquisition of new research facilities. Experiments
with large or hazardous systems for space vehicles will be conducted at a proposed new
laboratory in a safe location. Other research which is specifically connected with these
large or hazardous experiments will also be conducted at the new laboratory. The
existing NACA laboratories will be modified and expanded to permit additional re-
search in fundamental physics and chemistry, research on components, and small-scale
testing of a relatively nonhazardous nature; by performing such work at the existing
laboratories, large economies in time and money can be realized. Furthermore, many
of the research areas represent a natural continuation of present NACA effort, and a
nucleus of competent and trained personnel already exists.
Construction of these facilities should be started immediately and completed
within a 5-year period.


Chemical Rocket Facility

The NACA has a highly skilled and trained staff of scientists and engineers in the
field of chemical rocket propulsion. Considerable research has already been done on
basic concepts and design principles for rocket components. In order to support a full-
scale space program, the research effort on both liquid- and solid-propellant rockets
for launching, sustained flight, and re-entry must be expanded. The existing rocket
facility, principally designed for work with low-thrust engines, will be used, as in the
past, for fundamental research. A number of larger test stands is needed to determine
problem areas and to provide research rockets which will more nearly simulate the
problems of full-scale equipment needed for advanced missiles and space vehicles.
The need for storable propellants of high specific impulse becomes increasingly
important when landing and return flight is contemplated. The reliability and storabil-
ity of solid propellants makes them attractive for long-duration voyages. A facility for
an expanded research effort on storable propellants is thus proposed.
Specifically, the following items are required:
Storable Propellants Laboratory. Synthesis of storable, high-specific-impulse pro-
pellants will be studied. Chemistry laboratories for the study of advanced propel-
lant compositions are included, as well as equipment for preparing and testing
these propellants.
Rocket Dynamics Laboratory. Test stands for studying interactions among the
various parts of a complete vehicle or of its propulsion components, under simu-
lated flight conditions, are required.
Altitude Test Laboratory. A means of testing liquid- and solid-propellant rockets
under simulated high-altitude conditions is required to study problems of cooling,
nozzle behavior, and controls.
Sea-level liquid-propellant test stands. Small liquid-propellant test stands are re-
quired to study the combustion, stability, and cooling problems of high-energy
liquid-propellant rockets.
Control and Instrument Center. A single, central control and instrument building
will serve all of the rocket test stands. High-speed recording instruments will be
used for studies of transients and for short-duration runs.


Additions to Lewis Hypersonic Missile Propulsion Facility. Additions to this facility

are required for investigation of the chemical problems of dissociation and recom-
bination as they occur in rocket nozzles and in boundary layers. Atoms, free
radicals, and ions will be produced in shock tubes; the rates of dissociation,
recombination, and relaxation will be studied together with the influence of these
processes on nozzle performance, boundary layer characteristics, and cooling. A
low-pressure flow system is required to study the chemical processes previously
mentioned in an environment simulating that existing in rocket nozzles and on
missile surfaces at high altitude. A modification of the Lewis 10- by 10-Foot
Supersonic Tunnel is needed to extend chemical and aerodynamic studies to Mach
15 and simulated altitudes of 20 to 55 miles. Chemical reactions have been
studied in this tunnel at Mach 3. The modification is designed to permit normal
tunnel operation at other times.

Electrical Propulsion Facility

In this facility the basic concepts and principles governing the design of low-
thrust, high-impulse space propulsion devices, such as ion and plasma jets, will be
studied. Because ion-propulsion research requires large quantities of electric power,
and because this power is readily available at the existing laboratories, research on
other components of electrical propulsion systems is also planned.
A study of the application of thermonuclear energy to space-propulsion systems
requires many of the same laboratory tools as needed in the investigation of ion
propulsion; small-scale experiments on controlled fusion schemes are therefore con-
The large electric power supplies and vacuum systems required for the develop-
ment of ion-, plasma-, and thermonuclear-propulsion systems are also essential in other
research areas related to the space-flight problem. For example, they can be used to
produce an electric-arc-heated air jet which is needed for materials and instrument
The following items are needed:
Ion and Plasma Propulsion Laboratory. Small-, intermediate-, and large-scale ion
and plasma generators and accelerators, ranging in power from 3 to 100
Tt_ermonuclear Research Laboratory. Several small test stations with high-current
electrical service, hard-vacuum facilities, and shielding.
Power-Unit Research Laboratory. Several laboratories for development of light-
weight electrical generators and coils, and for study and development of auxiliary
power supplies using nuclear or radioisotope energy.
Space Simulation Chamber. A large vacuum tank, capable of being evacuated to
10 -6 mm Hg and equipped with a solar-radiation simulator, for solar propulsion
studies, solar-electric power unit development, and solar radiation control studies,
directed towards temperature control of spacecraft.
Electric-Arc Propulsion Laboratory. Investigations of electric-arc propulsion de-
vices are planned. Associated problems, such as electrode consumption, nozzle
heat transfer, and nozzle flow characteristics will be studied.
Building structure and utilities. Because the transmission of electric power in the
quantities required is very costly, it is necessary that the test cells with large power
requirements be grouped close to the power conversion equipment. None of the
existing laboratory buildings can be modified to accomplish this; therefore a new
building is required to house the Electrical Propulsion Facility.


Nuclear Propulsion Facility

Nuclear fission is the energy source for the two most promising space propulsion
systems. It supplies the power for the generators of electrical-propulsion devices and
the heat for nuclear rockets. A great concentration of research effort is therefore
required on this use of nuclear energy. Research on nuclear energy sources must be
closely coordinated with other spacecraft and advanced missile research in order to
achieve the most effective integration of all the sciences involved in a complete space
craft or advanced missile. The conceptual and preliminary phases of nuclear propulsion
research can be carried out at existing laboratories augmented with some new facilities.
The final stages of research on full-power reactors, complete spacecraft, and advanced
propulsion systems will be undertaken at the new laboratory.
Expansion of an existing NACA laboratory is proposed to permit study of the
fundamental concepts and principles of design of space propulsion systems, and also to
provide for the creation of new methods that exploit the full potential of nuclear-
fission energy. The items required are:
Critical-Assembly Laboratory. Critical assembly cells are provided for three types
of experiment aimed at determining the nuclear behavior of reactors. Cold critical
assemblies provide, at room temperature, data on neutron flux and power distri-
butions, control characteristics, control rod effectiveness, critical mass, and other
information necessary for the determination of transient and static characteristics
of advanced reactor conceptions. Hot critical assemblies are provided to deter-
mine the same characteristics at temperatures existing in the actual proposed
reactor. Hot dynamic critical assemblies are provided in addition, wherein full-
scale coolant flow is supplied. These tests determine the effects of hydrodynamic
phenomena, dynamic loads, and their actions on the neutron distribution and the
control characteristics.
Reactor Components Research Laboratory. Space and equipment for reactor fuel-
element research from initial small-scale testing to final test in the Plum Brook
reactor. Supplies of hydrogen, helium, liquid metals, and boiling metals will be
circulated through electrically-heated research fuel elements. Loops with circulat-
ing coolants of interest will be built and developed to test promising fuel elements
in the Plum Brook reactor. A pool is provided for final underwater tests of the in-
pile loop with the actual coolant flows, temperatures, and pressures to be obtained
m the in-pile test.
Physics, Radioisotope, and Gaseous Reactor Laboratory. A water pool is provided for
fundamental research on shielding, research on power from radioisotope decay,
and for the study of radiation effects on bearings and lubricants. Laboratories for
research in hydrodynamics, electromagnetic fields, heat transfer from partially
ionized mixtures of uranium and hydrogen, instrumentation, and fundamental
physics are supplied to study the problems of gaseous reactors.
Space chamber. A space chamber with a vacuum system is provided for testing
radiator elements for nuclear-electric space power plants. The chamber is located
near the Reactor Component Research Laboratory which supplies the high-tem-
perature gases or the vaporized metal for the tests.


The differences between the environments to which advanced missile and space-
flight airframes and power plants will be exposed, and previous aircraft and power-
plant environments requires an appreciable increase in materials- and structures-re-
search effort. New facilities required are:
Power-Plant Materials Research Laboratory. For basic research on the physics and
chemistry of solids, and applied research leading to development of materials for


(a) containment
of high-energy
(b) nuclearreactorfuel-
and(d) electrical
Spacecraft Materials Laboratory. Advances in space-flight structures are critically
dependent on advances in materials and materials fabrication. This laboratory is
for research on such diverse materials as metals, plastics, ceramics, and cermets
for structural use and on heterogeneous materials with properties tailored for
insulation, heat absorption, and controlled expansion. The research results on
materials will be integrated with parallel research on structures.
Power-Plant Structures Laboratory. This laboratory is for studies of (a) power-
plant structures for both chemical and nuclear rockets and hypersonic air-breath-
mg engines, (b) design and construction methods for large, lightweight propellant
tanks for chemical and nuclear rockets, and for pressure vessels for nuclear-rocket
reactors, and (c) cooling of surfaces exposed to very high heat fluxes.
Spacecraft Structural Components Laboratory. The extreme premium on structural
lightness' that is inherent in space flight will undoubtedly lead to unique, very-
lightly-loaded structures having very thin shells. Research on components for such
structures requires a laboratory which will include equipment for simulating much
of the significant environment to be encountered by space structures. A consider-
able expansion in size and facilities of fabrication shops will be needed to support
this research.

Temperature-Distribution-Control Laboratory. The problems of controlling the mag-

nitude and distribution of heat loads in spacecraft structures are quite diverse--
they cover a range from protection against re-entry heating to balancing and re-
distributing the human, equipment, and solar heat loads in a long-duration or
permanent spacecraft. Because of the wide diversity of the problems and of the
techniques to be used in solving them, a special laboratory is needed to study
temperature-distribution-control systems. The equipment will include a large cen-
trifuge, with heat source, for study of the problems of internally removing heat
during re-entry. The large decelerations during re-entry greatly complicate the
internal heat transfer due to free convection and surface boiling.
Structures and materials research tunnels. Tunnels are required for simulation of
the environments of re-entry and flight at hypersonic speeds within the atmos-
phere. The tunnels will be adjacent to the Electrical Propulsion Facility in order to
share the vacuum-pumping system and the electric-power supply. There will be a
pebble-bed-heated tunnel providing temperature to 4000°F and velocities to Mach
7, and several arc tunnels providing various combinations of Mach numbers,
temperatures from 10,000°F to 30,000*F, and Knudsen numbers ranging from the
continuum region to the free molecule, region.
In other facilities high-temperature gases will be produced by a cyanogen-
oxygen burner and by a nitrous-oxide compressor to provide Mach-I 5 gas streams
with temperatures from 5,000" to 10,000°F at stagnation pressures of 300 to 1000
Diffuser for 9- by 6-Foot Thermal-Structures Tunnel The existing 9x6-Foot Ther-
mal-Structures Tunnel at Langley was designed for structural research on high-
speed aircraft operating at altitudes up to about 70,000 feet. The addition of a
diffuser to this tunnel will allow it to operate at effective altitudes over 100,000
feet for structural research on boosters and spacecraft during the launching and
re-entry phases of flight.
Hypervelocity-Particle Laboratories. These will provide facilities for research on
the impact of high-velocity particles with materials of typical vehicle and power-
plant structures. Techniques for controlling size-, number-, and energy-distribu-


tionsof solidandliquidpelletsmustbe developed

as the first stepof this
Launching, Re-entry, and Recovery

Aerodynamic problems of spacecraft are essentially confined to the boost, re-

entry, and recovery phases of flight. A large effort in these research areas, directed
toward a solution of ballistic and boost-glide missile problems, and toward satellite re-
entry problems is being carried out at the existing NACA laboratories. However,
considerably more work is required before manned flight into space and manned entry
into an atmosphere are assured of success. The solution of the aerodynamic problems
of spacecraft requires that several of the existing facilities be modified, and that a
number of new facilities be added to the existing laboratories.
Specifically, the following items are required:
Atmosphere Entry Simulator. This facility will provide equipment necessary for
the investigation of entry into planetary atmospheres by vehicles of any particular
design flying an entry trajectory appropriate to that design. Vehicle motion,
heating, and surface erosion will be investigated by using various simulating
facilities, each having a supersonic nozzle that will duplicate the density distribu-
tion and composition appropriate to the particular atmosphere and trajectory
under consideration; a hypervelocity gun will launch scaled models of the pro-
posed vehicle upstream through the supersonic nozzle. This facility will provide a
natural extension of presen! NACA research with ballistic-entry simulators and will
cover the cases of gliding, grazing, and skipping satellite re-entries.
Hypersonic Free-Flight Facility. This facility will permit measurements or observa-
tions of aerodynamic forces and moments, flow-field geometry, heat transfer rates,
and boundary-layer characteristics on scale models in free flight at velocities up to
35,000 feet per second. It consists of a shock-heated, short-duration, hypersonic
wind tunnel in combination with a hyperveiocity gun for launching models up-
stream through the hypersonic air stream.
Planetary-Atmosphere Wind Tunnel. This wind tunnel will provide information
concerning forces, moments, and heat transfer rates that would be experienced by
a space vehicle while flying in the atmosphere of neighboring planets. The super-
sonic wind tunnel is capable of operating with gas mixtures that duplicate plane-
tary atmospheres. Auxiliary equipment includes compressors, evacuator, and gas-
storage spheres.
Large-Scale Hypersonic Wind Tunnel. A large aerodynamic facility capable of
operating at very high velocities with Reynolds numbers approaching those of full-
scale re-entering vehicles is needed to study aerodynamic performance and heat-
ing problems during re-entry. This need will be filled by a 4-foot-diameter blow-
down tunnel using 700-atmosphere stagnation pressure, and a 5000°F ceramic-
pebble-bed heater. The Mach number range is 18 to 40 with helium and 12 to 18
with air or nitrogen.
Extension of Langley Hypersonic Facilities. Several of the Langley Laboratory
hypersonic facilities require modernization on extension of capability in order to
study the problems associated with manned entry into an atmosphere. Included in
this category are: increased compressor and vacuum-pump capacity for the 20-inch
helium tunnel, a 4-foot-diameter Mach-15 air jet of 5000°F stagnation temperature
and 200-atmosphere stagnation pressure, a 2-foot-diameter hypersonic nozzle for
the 16-inch free piston compressor, instrumentation and recording equipment for
the 30-inch hypersonic tunnel and the 20-inch jet, and a heater for the 20-inch,
Mach-8.5 facility.


Mod_cation of Ames 8- by 7-Foot and Lewis 10- by lO-Foot Supersonic Tunnels.

Second-throat modifications of these tunnels are required to increase their peak
Mach numbers from 3.5 to about 6. This Mach number increase is required for
the study, at the Lewis Laboratory, of launching problems such as base heating,
nozzle performance, altitude starting, and stage-separation. The modification of
the Ames facility will aid in large-scale investigations of the aerodynamics and
thermodynamics of re-entry.
Hazards Laboratory. The dangers from fires, explosion, toxic fumes, and radi-
ation are very great, particularly during the launching of manned satellites. Re-
search on the prevention of and protection from such disasters requires concrete
pads and bunkers, ventilated buildings, instruments, and devices to simulate cer-
tain critical loads and temperatures.

Flight Research

During the interim period before a final flight station is selected, constructed, and
manned, significant progress can and must be made in both the manned- and un-
manned-flight phases of space research. In order to accomplish this, the facilities at the
existing NACA flight-research stations must be extended in range and capability.
Extension of Wallops Island capabilities will include increasing the range of telemeter-,
radar-, and optical-tracking systems; providing a downrange remote radar and instru-
ment station, a ship-borne downrange station, and launching, handling, guidance, and
control equipment; and expanding the Langley and Wallops support facilities.
Extension of Edwards High Speed Flight Station facilities will include:
(1) Precision Radar and Telemetering Range Extension:--The existing range
consists of three linked stations placed to handle the basic X-15 flight profile.
This profile will be extended by changes in the propulsion system and addition of
boosters. In addition, more advanced vehicles will be operated. Extensions of the
existing range and of magnetic-tape data-processing equipment are required to
handle these programs.
(2) Navigational Research Equipment:--h will be necessary to provide an
adequate navigational system, for use by the pilot, that is consistent with the
extremely high speeds and relatively short flight times involved in space and
space-equivalent flight. Research on both equipment and techniques required in
this problem area can be accomplished using the X-!5 test vehicle. Some of the
equipment required for such research includes an airborne navigational stable
platform and necessary ground support equipment.
(3) Elevated-Temperature Structural-Calibration Facility:--In flight studies of
structural problems, it is necessary to measure structural temperatures and
stresses. To interpret the results of structural-temperature and structural-stress
measurements, it is necessary first to calibrate the instrumentation, as installed in
the test vehicle, to determine effects of temperature and loading. A facility large
enough to handle a full-scale X-15 wing panel is required.
(4) Flight-Guidance Training Facility:--The increasing complexity of prob-
lems encountered in flight research at high speeds has led to the use of analog-
computer simulation as an essential preliminary to the flight test in order to
delineate problems, avoid hazardous conditions, and serve as a training device for
the pilot. A facility such as this will be needed for the X-15 and for future
(5) Recovery Research Facility:--One of the problems of manned space flight
is terminal guidance to return base. This problem can be studied in flight with the
X-15 airplane. It will be necessary, however, to augment the existing precision
radar range with an acquisition radar.


(6) Expansion of existing laboratory building:--Additional building space will

be required to house new data-reduction and analog- and digital-computer equip-
ment, enlarged instrument and radar laboratories and shops, and the enlarged
research staff required to man facilities described above. This space is best ob-
tained by enlargement of the present building.

Flight Simulation

The control and guidance of space flight and of atmospheric exit and entry is
influenced to a large extent by the effects of vehicle motions on the performance of
human and automatic controllers. Ground-based simulators are required for studying
the interrelations of controller characteristics, spacecraft dynamics, and the resulting
flight trajectory. This area of research is a logical extension of NACA work now in
progress, so that the design and operation of new equipment will lean heavily on the
experience already gained in operation of existing simulators.
Flight control equipment. The facilities described here will enable simulation of the
control problems (both human and automatic) of space flight and of atmospheric exit
and re-entry. Part of the equipment consists of (a) a six-degree-of-freedom motion
simulator for imposing linear and angular accelerations on human subjects; (b) a
whirling arm with a three-degree-of-freedom flight table for imposing motion inputs on
automatic-control and guidance components; and (c) analog and digital computers to
convert control actions of human and automatic operators into flight-path motions and
trajectories and to command the drive system to produce accelerations in response to
the control signals.


New and improved instruments and techniques will be required not only to aid in
navigation and in control of orbits, but also to provide measurements required in
laboratory research. The following facilities are needed:
Instrument Research Facilities. Expansion of current work is required to develop
the techniques and apparatus for measuring flight- and environment-variables,
and, even more urgently, for making measurements in current research at
hypersonic speeds, high temperatures, and low pressures.
Space Navzgation Systems Laboratory. Obtaining the extreme navigational and
guidance accuracy required for many phases of space flight depends strongly on
having adequate reference instruments. Research on systems for space-flight-path
selection and navigation requires a laboratory for research in analog information
transfer, optical and electronic measurement, optical- and electronic-system cou-
pling and simulation, and servo-, gyro-, and generator-performance.


Additional computing, data-collecting, and data-processing facilities are required for per-
forming the intricate computations associated with selection of orbits and flight paths
for space vehicles. Characteristics of propellants, propulsion systems, and vehicle struc-
ture must be considered. Human factors, guidance accuracies, and the limitations of
communication systems enter into the analysis.


A number of research problems in the area of space environment must be studied

by ground simulation before there is any actual flight testing. Typical of the problems
are the aerodynamic and thermodynamic phenomena that occur in the slip-flow and
free-molecule-flow regimes with ionized, dissociated, non-equilibrium gases. The
NACA has done research in these fields by using such techniques as hypervelocity


guns, shock tubes, and electric-arc-heated tunnels. This effort must be expanded;
hence additional research facilities to extend our present capabilities are required.
Magnetogasdynamics Laboratories are required, wherein ionized gases and plasmas will
be used to study magnetogasdynamic effects that occur in flight through space and in
planetary atmospheres. Studies will be made of the effects of magnetic fields on gas
flow and of the effects of this gas flow on boundary layers, heat transfer, and decelera-
tion. This research will also aid studies of communication and tracking.




A new NACA laboratory is necessary to provide the extensive facilities . . . for

flight research and for research on large-scale components and complete spacecraft
systems; these facilities also provide for necessary preflight tests of full-scale equip-
ment. Some of the required ground facilities are of such a hazardous nature that none
of the existing NACA laboratory sites provides adequate safety.
Sufficient supporting facilities are included to make the new laboratory self-
sufficient, with both the facilities and the atmosphere for a well-balanced, integrated
research effort.


Chemical-Rocket Research Facilities

The chemical-rocket research must include both use of high-energy propellants

and scaling up of efficient, small-scale rocket designs to sizes suitable for launching.
The necessary background for design of large rockets will be provided by preliminary
research on small rockets. Both liquid and solid propellants will be studied. Complete,
full-scale vehicles, that include the rocket motors, tanks, controls, turbines, and pumps_
will be tested for the full duration of thrust production.
The chemical rocket research facilities . . . must be located in an isolated area
with about 25-mile exclusion distance. In the prevailing downwind direction, an even
larger exclusion distance should be provided, if possible, for dissipation of toxic rocket
exilaust gases. The site must be large enough to allow one or two miles between large
test stands, and several thousand feet between small test stands.
Large-scale chemical-rocket facilities. Each of several vertical test stands will be capable
of testing a complete vehicle and its propulsion system in either single- or multi-stage
versions. Both liquid- and solid-propellant motors will be tested. Supporting facilities
for each stand are a water supply for cooling the jet and the flame deflector; an
expendable building for supplies, tools, operating equipment, and vehicle assembly;
an explosion-proof, concrete instrument vault at the test stand; and a remotely
located control and instrument room. These stands will vary in their thrust capacity
from 1,000,000 to 250,000 pounds. Some of these stands will use the turbopump
propellant-feed system of the final vehicle; others will have a pressurized propellant
system for testing the thrust chamber alone. All of these stands will exhaust directly to
the atmosphere .... One of these stands will be equipped with an ejector for
simulating altitude operation of the rocket with an exit pressure of 0.1 atmosphere.
Another stand will be for studying vehicle systems under dynamic conditions ....
This stand will incorporate a "soft mounting" in order to simulate the airborne
condition of the vehicle. Vibrators will dynamically excite the vehicle while it is sus-
pended in the soft mounting. Later modifications of this stand will allow "tethered
flight" for even more realistic dynamic studies.


Small-scale chemical-rocket facilities. Small-scale rocket test cells . . . will be built for
studies of gas generators, liquid-propellant injectors, thrust chambers, flow-control
systems, and exhaust nozzles. They will have a maximum capacity of 20,000 pounds
thrust. The cells will be designed for operation with fluorine and hydrogen, although
other propellants, including solids, may also be used. Additional cells will be in a
remote area for tests with ozone. All will be equipped with ejector systems for research
at simulated high-altitude conditions.
Fuel-pump research facility. This building .... is for testing full-scale pumps for
hydrogen, ammonia, hydrazine, and other fuels; reduced-scale hydrogen pumps for the
nuclear rocket may also be tested here. Liquid hydrogen will be pumped directly from
a low-pressure tank car into a high-pressure tank car. Gas turbines, operating with
liquid-propellant gas generators, will be used to drive the pump rigs. One cell will be
capable of testing turbopump units to study pump-turbine matching problems. A
common control and instrument room will be located some distance from the cells.
Oxidant-pump research facility. Test cells of this building . . . each contain a pump
stand, a gas turbine, a liquid-propellant hot-gas generator with its associated plumbing,
a pump supply tank and the necessary piping. These cells will be devoted primarily to
studies of fluorine pumps, but other oxidants may be investigated as the need arises.
One cell will be capable of testing turbopump units for studies of pump-turbine
matching problems. Fluorine will be recirculated from the pump outlet, through a
liquid-nitrogen heat exchanger, and back to the supply tank. The pump will be housed
in a small, metal-llned vault. A single control and instrument room will be located
some distance from the cells.
Turbine and gas-generator research facility,. In this building . . . gas generators using
high-energy propellants will be studied under both sea-level and high-altitude condi-
tions. Turbine studies will include evaluation of experimental turbines and fundamental
aerodynamic design studies of high-work-capacity turbines. Turbines for nuclear rock-
ets, using hot, gaseous hydrogen as the working fluid, will also be studied. A suitable
power-absorption device, such as a water brake, will be provided.
Flow-metering building. This building contains three separated test cells, for flow
studies with fuels, oxidants, and water, respectively. The facility will be used for routine
calibration of flow metering and control equipment used in rocket tests, and for
development of improved metering and flow-control equipment. Each cell will be
provided with a supply tank and a receiver tank. The supply tank will be pressurized
with high-pressure gas.
Operations and data-reduction building. This building will contain offices for research
engineers and supporting professional staff, and for data-reduction equipment and its
required operating personnel.
Chemistry laboratory. This laboratory will supply routine chemical analyses of propel-
lants, pressurizing gases, and other materials for the Chemical-Rocket Research Facili-
ties. In addition, special chemical analyses and studies of special analysis techniques
required in rocket research programs will be conducted here.
Propellant-supply and -handling facilities. Because the location of the proposed labora-
tory, as dictated by safety considerations, may be remote from commercial sources of
cryogenic fluids needed for rocket research, facilities are provided for their manufac-
ture on the site. The facilities include a combination liquid-oxygen--liquid-nitrogen
production plant, a fluorine generation plant, a liquid-ozone generator, and a hydrogen
production and liquefaction plant.
Railroad tank cars and road trailers will be used both for storing and for trans-
porting cryogenic fluids. A small number of stationary tanks for storable materials such
as ammonia and hydrocarbons will be provided, Tube tank cars, roadable tube trailers,
and compressors will be provided fi)r handling gaseous hydrogen, helium, and


Nuclear-Rocket Research Facilities

Nuclear rocket research will be carried out on two different systems: high-thrust
rockets for ground-to-orbit missions, and low-thrust rockets for missions in space. The
facilities for small- and intermediate-scale experiments on low-thrust nuclear rockets to
be carried out at existing sites are described in Section III. The facilities for small- and
intermediate-scale experiments on high-thrust nuclear rockets, and the large-scale test
facilities for both the low- and high-thrust systems, are located at the new site.
High-power-density test reactor. This . . . reactor will be for in-pile testing of single
fuel elements in closed-loop experiments. Use of such a reactor will permit studying
rocket elements at the design level of power density while consuming less time and less
money than would a comparable test in a complete reactor for a rocket. A test reactor
providing neutron flux adequate for testing rocket fuel elements requires a consider-
able extension of current reactor technology. For this reason, the hazards of its use
may require a separate, remote site.
For such a test reactor, both neutron flux and power density must be increased
about 20 times the magnitudes produced by the low-pressure, water-cooled, research
reactor common today. Preliminary calculations indicate that three different types of
reactor might be developed to meet the requirements: a supercritical-pressure, water-
cooled reactor; a helium-cooled reactor; or a liquid-metal-cooled reactor. With each
reactor system the ultimate potential would have to be approached in order to realize
the performance required. Further study is required to determine which of the three
systems would be best.
A preliminary design of a helium-cooled reactor is presented . . . in order to give
some idea of what the test reactor might be like. Thermal-neutron fluxes on the order
of 1016 neutrons per square centimeter per second are needed in the test holes.
Helium would be circulated at high pressure and be heated in the core by molybdenum
fuel elements. Water-cooled heat exchangers remove heat from the helium.
A test hole about 6 inches in diameter would be provided in a central island of
beryllium for insertion of experimental rocket fuel elements. The discharge from the
fuel element would be cooled, filtered, stored, and released to the atmosphere when at
a safe level of activity.
A hot laboratory is required for detailed examination of irradiated specimens.
High-thrust nuclear-rocket systems facility. Use of large bodies of water is planned for
the static testing of nuclear rockets. Obtaining the desired exclusion radius is facilitated
by this approach and prolonged contamination of the test site is eliminated.
The test site will contain an underwater platform that is erected in relatively
shallow water, like that on the continental shelf or adjacent to an unoccupied island or
atoll. The top of the platform will be approximately 20 feet below the surface of the
water in order to minimize neutron activation of the platform and to shield workers
above the water from any radioactivity of the platform that might remain from a
previous firing. In order to utilize the underwater platform for either static testing or
launching, an erection barge, a fuel barge, and one or two tugboats are required.
The proposed method of static-test operation is as follows . . .: The erection
barge is maneuvered to place the static-test superstructure onto the underwater plat-
form, with the nuclear rocket engine supported out of the water and with its jet
directed upward. The fuel barge is positioned and, after the fuel and control lines have
been connected to the engine, is submerged onto its supporting platform. Pumps on
the fuel barge supply fuel at any desired pressure to the turbopump. The erection
barge is then removed to a safe distance, and the engine is fired remotely.
After shutdown, fuel is pumped through the reactor at a reduced rate and dis-
charged to the atmosphere. When the afterheat decays sufficiently to be handled by a
heat exchanger on the fuel barge, a cap is used to close the nozzle exit, and the


hydrogencoolantis thenrecirculated.
A mechanism onthefuelbargethenremoves
therocketenginefromthetestsuperstructureandsubmerges it in thewater.Thefuel
bargeisrefloatedandtowedtotheenginedisassembly area,therocketengine remain-
ingsubmerged allthetime.
In additionto the nuclearrocketengineitself,the steelsuperstucture is made
by thefiring.Thissuperstructure
is hoistedoff theplatformandsunkin
Low-thrast nuclear-rocket systems facility. In this facility .... vacuum-pump capacity
will be installed to permit testing of nuclear rockets with thrust up to 2500 pounds and
chamber pressure as low as 2.4 psia. The exhaust gases from the rocket will be cooled,
filtered, compressed, and stored. When the radioactivity in the stored gases is suffi-
ciently low, these gases will be discharged through a stack.
Supporting facilities required are a critical assembly building for conducting critical
experiments for the high-thrust nuclear rocket; a rocket-assembly and pretest building;
a disassembly and hot-lab facility . . .; and a general laboratory building for small-
scale, out-of-pile research.

Nuclear-Electric Propulsion Systems Facilities

This facility . . . will provide for operation of assemblies of... various full-scale
spacecraft components to determine component interactions. Research on scaling tech-
niques will permit prediction of performance of full-scale components from tests of
smaller-scale components. Endurance and reliability will also be determined as a neces-
sary step preceding flight. Because of the potential hazards from failure of nuclear
reactors, this station will be located about 5 miles from the adjacent facilities, and a
distance of one mile will be provided between the various facilities in the station.
Low-power-reactor research facility. Nuclear reactors will be assembled and tested here
at low power (100 to 1000 watts) to obtain data on reactor criticality and neutron-flux
Small-power-plant systems facility. This facility . . . will be used for research with the
small thermomechanical electric power plants that will be utilized in early spacecraft.
For reasons of safety, the power plant components will be contained in a 20-foot-
diameter, 60-foot-long tank; this tank can be evacuated to 0.02 atmosphere to approxi-
mate space environment. The complete power plant, except for the radiator, can be
studied in this vacuum tank; thus, the tank will contain a reactor, complete shield (not
the shadow shield planned for the flight model), heat exchanger, evaporator, turbine,
generator, and pumps. In place of the large spacecraft radiator, heat exchangers will
reject waste heat to cooling water. Shielding and cooling of the tank will be provided
by immersing the tank in a 30-foot-deep water basin.
Large-power-plant systems facility. This facility . . . will permit simultaneous operation
of all components of large spacecraft power plants. A 40-foot-diameter, 120-foot-long
vacuum tank will contain all the power plant components except the radiator. The hot
working fluid leaving the turbine can be fed either to heat exchangers which will reject
waste heat to cooling water, or it can be fed to a spacecraft radiator installed in a 120-
foot-diameter, 320-foot-high tank. This tank will be cooled by water sprays and will be
evacuated by mechanical exhausters to 0.02 atmosphere to reduce windage forces on
the rotating radiator, to avoid oxidation problems, and to reduce convective heat
Hot laboratory facility. This facility . . . will provide four separate hot disassembly
and laboratory areas. Its central location will permit its use for all three reactor test
Full-scale ion- and plasma-jet systems facility. In this facility, several large vacuum-
jacketed tanks, on the order of 50 feet in diameter and 50 to 120 feet in length, are
used for ion- and plasma-jet systems research. A central exhauster system evacuates the


tanks to 10 -3 atmosphere and separate vacuum pumps further reduce the pressure to
10 -s atmosphere. A refrigeration system circulates liquid nitrogen through coils to cool
the inner tank walls. The tanks for ion-jet research contain condenser plates for
removing the ion-jet material.


Spacecraft Structures Facility

This facility provides for research on and preflight calibration of spacecraft and
power plant structures. The building includes a large area for research on fabrication
techniques and for structural and vibration tests on large-scale structures such as
complete vehicles, propellant tanks, radiators, etc. Large, relatively low-capacity loading
equipment, radiant-heating equipment, vibrators, and "soft" mounts are necessary
research items for the main structural test area. Vehicle and radiator structural tests
also require a large, refrigerated vacuum tank.


The launching facility is illustrated . . . for a seacoast location. The 10,000-foot

separation between adjacent launching pads is conservative, even for high-energy
propellants. The most hazardous operations will be confined to the central part of the
site, and the less hazardous operations will be more uniformly distributed.
The launching facility may be combined with the static-test facility either (a) by
placing the fuel-synthesis plants at the center of the exclusi9n circle and distributing
the static-test and launching stands along the coast, or (b) by placing the static-test
stands several miles inland along a line parallel to the seacoast.
A natural harbor is assumed ....
Launching facilities for chemical rockets. The launching site is provided with a number
of launching facilities capable of handling rockets that have thrusts up to 1,000,000
pounds and that utilize either solid propellants or conventional or high-energy liquid
propellants. In addition, a large platform with supporting equipment is provided for
launching rockets with less than 150,000 pounds thrust. The site will accommodate
more or larger launching facilities if required ....
Launching facilities for nuclear rockets. In the section on nuclear rocket research
facilities, the large-scale static tests were to be conducted from an ocean or gulf site,
making use of an underwater platform, an erection barge, a fuel barge, and a seagoing
tug. A rocket disassembly building and a "hot" laboratory were provided at the harbor.
These same items of equipment are intended to support the nuclear-rocket launching
site .... However, it must be remembered that some platform locations suitable for
static test may not be suitable for launchings. Nuclear rockets will probably require
launching over several thousand miles of water in order to provide reasonable prob-
ability that the rockets will fall into a safe area in the event of an aborted flight.
Ship-borne launching and tracking facilities. The technique of shipboard launching and
tracking is proposed to supplement rather than replace the shore-based facilities. This
operation would stem from a continental base whose function would be to prepare and
assemble the flight vehicles as well as to provide the necessary laboratory and logistic
support. This home base might be the main launching site previously described.
Advantages of this system include remote launching with complete freedom of
location and direction of firing. This permits freedom of choice of orbit, including
equatorial orbits not attainable from the continental USA, and also increases the
frequency with which rendezvous may be attempted with vehicles in orbits other than


Whetherlaunchingis fromseaor land,vesselsstillcouldserveasremotetracking

thusprovidingmorefreedom in choiceof launchingsiteandminimizingthe
Guidance, communications, and tracking equipment, and range stations. The final guidance
equipment is not well determined because of the rapid progress in this field. The
number of range stations depends on the site and on the extent to which the Defense
Department range stations can be shared. One new station should be in the vicinity of
final-stage burnout and another in the southern hemisphere, to permit observing the
Guidance, computing, and instruments building. This building contains the offices of the
scientific personnel at the launching site, the rocket-instrument test and development
laboratory, and two digital computers. One computer would handle operational trajec-
tory calculations and guidance problems of satellites during launching, rendezvous,
orbit, and re-entry. The other would serve as a standby and would also perform data
reduction and theoretical analyses of less urgent nature during this time.
Assembly shops. The shop is the largest building in the area. It would have area for
work on approximately 10 large rocket assemblies at one time. The final assembly area
would have a ceiling 200 feet high, with provisions for later increases, so that the
rocket assemblies could be handled in a vertical position. Supporting fabrication and
maintenance shops are included.
Supporting facilities. Additional supporting facilities required are a warehouse at the
harbor, docking facilities, air strip, hangar, roads, tracks, utilities trench, fuel tank cars
and trucks, sea water intake, and utilities buildings.


Research in physical measurements, communications techniques, controls, guid-

ance, and navigational instruments is closely interrelated. A group of four main labora-
tory buildings in close proximity with one another is required, along with one smaller
complementary structure.
Guidance and controls systems laboratory. This laboratory will provide for adjusting,
adapting, modifying, and testing control systems used in chemical- and nuclear-rocket
power plants and in the associated research facilities; and for similar operations on
guidance-control systems. In addition to conventional laboratory instrumentation for
monitoring all variables, simulators and analog computers will be coupled to control
elements through electromechanical links, in order to permit the complete systems
analysis that necessarily precedes any extensive field tests.
Measurements and communications laboratory. This laboratory will be used for mainte-
nance of primary laboratory standards, calibration of working standards, evaluation of
measurement and communications equipment, adaptation of physical, meteorological,
and engineering instruments to meet space, weight and environmental conditions
imposed by the nature of the research project, and for instrument research that must
necessarily be performed in close proximity to the other research activities it is in-
tended to aid.
Computation and data-reduction laboratory. This laboratory will house facilities for
performing intricate research computations by use of high-speed digital computers,
relaxation nets, or simulators; for automatic data analysis by use of digital-analog
computers; and for housing a central group of mathematicians to assist the research
staff in short-term data analyses and research computations.
Instrumentation laboratory. In this laboratory, both commercial and NACA-developed
instruments will be adapted, combined, and applied to form complete instrument
systems for solution of the specific problems of the rest of the Laboratory. It will
include facilities for simulating conditions of temperature, pressure, and acceleration to


will beexposed in use;andthesupporting facilities
for instrument
A largewhirling-armfacility,housedin a simpleshed-type building,will be
includedto complementtheacceleration-test
facilitiesoftheInstrumentation Labora-
tory,sothata completespace-cabin instrument
assembly maybetestedconveniently.

Space operations research facility. This building will provide for missions studies and
for research on application of biological and medical equipment and techniques. A
large area is provided for mock-up, assembly, and testing of research vehicles, exclusive
of propulsion systems, prior to launching.
Space- and planetary-environment facility. This facility will allow simulation of outer-
space conditions for research on and testing of instrument systems and equipment. A
liquid-nitrogen-jacketed cylindrical tank capable of evacuation to ultra-high vacuum is
provided. Alternatively, it will be possible to simulate atmospheric conditions on other
planets. The chamber is equipped with access doors and observation windows, and has
provisions for temperature and pressure variation.
Navzgation and flight-simulation facility. This facility is for research on navigation
techniques and pilot training. It will be a spherical structure with a star projector
located at the center. A transparent horizontal floor will bisect the interior of the
sphere; navigational- and control-equipment and pilot-training simulators will be in-
stalled near the center of the sphere.
Re-entry and rendezvous piloting simulator. This facility will provide means for research
and development on vehicle controls and instrumentation, and for training pilots for
the launching, rendezvous, and re-entry of vehicles traveling between ground and
satellite orbit. The simulator is a centrifuge having a test cab with six degrees of
freedom, and complete computing and servo-control positioners.



Timely solution of the many problems of manned space flight will require the
immediate application of a number of scientific disciplines, some of which are not
represented in the NACA's present research effort. In areas such as medicine, biology,
astronomy, biophysics, and psychology, the NACA has neither performed any direct
research nor has played any active role in directing and coordinating research efforts.
In other research areas such as communication, guidance, and navigation, the NACA
has used the end results of developments in these fields, but has not played an active
role in producing these results or in contributing in any major way to the research

It is necessary that the NACA develop competence in the application and use of
these disciplines, and that it support the basic research that will lead to worthwhile
developments in these areas. This support, in most cases, should take the form of
direct work by the NACA; in other cases, this support can more effectively and
economically be obtained by providing the NACA with the contractual authority to
coordinate and to support financially the work of other existing groups. In a large
number of areas, the end product of this contracted research would be a research
report as has been the case in the past. In other research areas, the end product of the
research effort may well be an item of hardware or research equipment, particularly
since most of the areas of space flight research require extension of previous practice.




An orderly and comprehensive program of NACA research on space flight tech-

nology, and the research facilities required to implement the program, have been
outlined in the preceding sections.
The urgent need for a rapid buildup of national capability in space flight technol-
ogy, leading to early flights of manned space vehicles, has been the most important
consideration in organizing the program. Immediate expansion of the staff and facili-
ties at existing NACA laboratories provides the earliest, best organized, and most
powerful extension of national capability in space flight research. Limitations of exist-
ing laboratories as launching sites for space vehicles, and as sites for large propulsion-
system research facilities, enforce concurrent construction of a new laboratory. To
achieve early competence at the new laboratory, its nucleus will be drawn from the
appropriately qualified staff of the existing laboratories.
The NACA will integrate in the program the talent and competence of qualified
scientific groups outside its organization, by a greatly expanded program of contracted
Estimates of the staff and costs for the program are as follows:
1. The annual NACA operating budget for personnel, supplies, and equip-
ment will be increased by 100 million dollars to provide for an increase in staff of
9,000 and for their support. This increase will provide for expansion of existing
laboratories and for operation of a new laboratory. A two- to three-year period
will be required to enlarge the staff to the target number.
2. Facilities for space flight research at the existing NACA laboratories will be
augmented at an average annual rate of 55 million dollars for the next five years.
3. The facilities and equipment required for the new laboratory are estimated
to cost 380 million dollars exclusive of the costs of the site. These funds will be
expended in about a five-year period.
4. Research will be contracted to qualified organizations outside the NACA at
an initial annual rate of 10 million dollars and, if necessary, increased above this
rate as the research program develops.


Unless otherwise indicated, all data on the NACA wind tunnels was derived from Donald D.
Baals and William R. Corliss, Wind Tunnels of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (SP-
440; Washington: NASA, 1981).
1. Research and Development Board, Committee on Aeronautics, "U.S. and Foreign Wind
Tunnels in Operation, under Construction, or Authorized," AR 26/11.5, 4 Feb. 1948.
2. The Working Committee of the Aeronautical Board, "Survey of Wind Tunnels," preliminary
copy, 1 Jan. 1947.
3. Alan Pope, Wind Tunnel Testing (New York:John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1947), pp. 16-29.
4. Bernard A. 'Goethart, Transonic Wind Tunnel Testing, ed. by Wilbur C. Nelson (New York:
Pergamon Press, 1961), pp. 383-89.


1. The example of boundary-layer depth is drawn from John D. Anderson, Jr., Introduction to
Flight: Its Engtneenng and History (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978), pp. 123-24. I have drawn
heavily on this excellent volume in preparing the discussion of the boundary layer. I have
also profited greatly from the following works: Joseph Flatt, "The History of Boundary Layer
Control Research in the United States," in G.V. Lachmann, ed., Boundary Layer and Flow Con-
trol." Its Princzples and Application (2 vols.; New York, Pergamon Press, 1961), I, pp. 122-43;
Hugh L. Dryden, "'Exploring the Fundamentals of Aerodynamics," Journal of the Washington
Academy of Scwnces 37 (15 May 1947), 145-56; Neai Teteiwin, "A Review of Boundary Layer
Literature," NACA Technical Note 1384 (1947); and H. Schlicting, "Some Developments in
Boundary Layer Research in the Past Thirty Years," Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society 64
(Feb. 1960), 64-79.
2. Hugh L. Dryden, "Fifty Years of Boundary-Layer Theory and Experiment," Saence 121 (18
Mar. 1955), 375-80. One reason for choosing "boundary layer" over "transition layer" was
that transition came to be the preferred term to describe the change from laminar to turbu-
lent flow.
3. The quote is from Anderson, Introduction to Flight, p. 118. The discussion here refers to in-
compressible flow, the kind experienced by an airplane traveling below the speed of sound.
During most of the life of research authorization 201, even the air velocity over wings
seldom exceeded the speed of sound.
4. Reid to engineer-in-charge, 2 Nov. 1926; Ide to George W. Lewis, 22 Sept. 1926; H. Lee
Dickinson to Walter Bonney, "The Katzmayr Effect," 25July 1956.
5. Engineer-in-charge to Munk, 3 Nov. 1926; Munk to engineer-in-charge, 4 Nov. 1926. On the
importance of Munk, see Joseph Sweetman Ames, "A Resume of the Advances in Theoreti-
cal Aeronautics Made by Max M. Munk," NACA Report 213 (1925).
6. Lewis to Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory (hereafter LMAL), 11 Nov. 1926. Evi-
dence that this memo was prompted by Reid's attempt to present the idea directly to the
Aerodynamics Committee is in Munk's memo, "Recommendation for new research," 16 Nov.
7. Munk, "Recommendation for new research."
8. Lewis to LMAL, 3 Dec. 1926; E.S. Land to NACA, 2 Dec. 1926.
9. Lewis to LMAL, 6 Dec. 1926.
10. J.W. Crowley to engineer-in-charge, 14 Dec. 1926; A. J. Fairbanks to engineer-in-charge, 10
Dec. 1926; GeorgeJ. Higgins to H.J.E. Reid, 10 Dec. 1926; Thomas Carroll to H.J.E. Reid,
10 Dec. 1926.
11. Ide to NACA, 8 Dec. 1926; Crowley to HJ.E. Reid, 17Jan. 1927; Katzmayr to Ide, 21 May
1927; Lewis to LMAL, 8June 1927: H.J.E. Reid to NACA, 15June 1927.


12. Munk to Lewis, "(Through official channnels)," 29Jan. 1927; H.J.E. Reid to NACA, 31 Jan.
1927; Lewis to LMAL, 4 Feb. 1927; E.G. Reid to engineer-in-charge, 14 Feb. 1927; H.J.E.
Reid to Munk, 3 March 1927, with Reid's subscript of 22 March 1927.
13. Max Sherberg to engineer-in-charge, 19Jan. 1927; Lewis to LMAL, 19 Feb. 1927; GeorgeJ.
Higgins, Eastman Jacobs, and J.M. Shoemaker to engineer-in-charge, 15 Feb. 1927; Lewis to
LMAL, 2 March 1927.
14. Thomas Carroll, "Preliminary Flight Tests of a Method of Boundary Layer Removal," 2
Sept. 1927; John W. Crowley, Jr. to H.J.E. Reid, undated; Reid to NACA, 10 Sept. 1927.
Even though RA 201 stated that the suction technique was to be tested only in the wind
tunnel, the first experiment run by the lab was a flight test.
15. J.S. McDonnell, Jr. to LMAL, 10 Oct. 1927; H.J.E. Reid to NACA, 14 Oct. 1927.
16. Lewis to LMAL, 23Jan. 1928.
17. H.J.E. Reid to Lewis, 19Jan. 1928; Lewis to LMAL, 23Jan. 1928; Reid to NACA, 15 March
1929; Reid to NACA, 27 Aug. 1929.
18. Starr Truscott to Lewis, 25 June 1928; Lewis to LMAL, 2 July 1928, forwarding Karoku
Wada, "Some Experiments on the Feathered Wing"; Reid to NACA, 9 March 1929; Thomas
Carroll to Reid, 11 March 1929; Lewis to LMAL, 20 March 1929; Reid to NACA, 10 Sept.
1935. The chief test pilot referred to in this last letter was not Thomas Carroll but his suc-
cessor, Melvin Gough.
19. Reid to NACA, 23 Aug. 1929; Reid to NACA, 1 Dec. 1930. An earlier report, Elliot G. Reid
and M.J. Bamber, "Preliminary Investigation on Boundary Layer Control by Means of Suc-
tion and Pressure with the U.S.A. 27 Airfoil," NACA TN-286 (1928), was apparently the
result of work done under a different research authorization.
20. Reid to NACA, 31 March 1931, forwarding I.H. Abbott, "Experiments with an Airfoil Model
on Which the Boundary Layer Is Controlled without the Use of Supplementary Equipment";
Hugh B. Freeman, "Preliminary Report of the Measurement of Pressure Distribution on the
ZRS-4 Airship Model," dated 25 Nov. 1931. Freeman observed in "Pressure-Distribution
Measurements of the Hull and Fins of a 1/40-Scale Model of the U.S. Airship 'Akron,' " TR-
443 (1932), that "experimental pressure-distribution results are . . . useful . . . indirectly,
in computing the frictional forces on the surface of the hull." See also Hugh B. Freeman,
"Measurements of Flow in the Boundary Layer of a 1/40-Scale Model of the U.S. Airship
'Akron, '" TR-430 (1932), which resulted from the same experiments.
21. Starr Truscott to engineer-in-charge, 5 April 1932; see also the correspondence between the
NACA and the Bureau of Aeronautics between Dec. 1932 and March 1933, leading up to
Lewis to LMAL, 5 May 1933.
22. Freeman to chief, Aerodynamics Division, 18 April 1932.
23. Reid to NACA, 18 April 1932; Lewis to LMAL, undated; Freeman to chief, Aerodynamics
Division, 6July 1932; Reid to NACA, 12July 1932; Lewis to LMAL, 18 July 1932.
24. Eastman N. Jacobs to engineer-in-charge, "Notes on the history of the development of the
laminar-flow airfoils and on the range of shapes included," 27 Dec. 1938.
25. Millikan to Lewis, 24 July 1933; Lewis to LMAL, 28July 1933; Reid to NACA, 2 Aug. 1933.
26. Lewis to LMAL, 7 Nov. 1933.
27. Reid to NACA, 14 Nov. 1933.
28. Freeman to engineer-in-charge, 25Jan. 1934.
29. Smith J. DeFrance to Ehon W. Miller, undated; Donald H. Wood to Miller, 21 Dec. 1933;
John W. Crowley, Jr., to Miller [ca. 28 Dec. 1933]; Fred E. Weick to Miller, 9 Jan. 1934;
Freeman to Miller, 2Jan. 1934; Reid to NACA, 25Jan. 1934.
30. Lewis to LMAL, 5 April 1934; Reid to NACA, 13 April 1934. On the NACA families of air-
foils, see George W. Gray, Frontiers of Flight: The Story of NACA Research (New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 1948), pp. 98-112. What the NACA was actually testing at the time were airfoil sec-
tions: i.e., cross-sections of wings and other airfoils cut from front to rear. In common par-
lance, however, many of the NACA engineers would refer to the section as simply an airfoil.
On the subject of the NACA 2415, for example, the classic report (Ira H. Abbott, Albert E.
von Doenhoff, and Louis S. Stivers, Jr., "Summary of Airfoil Data," TR-824 (1945)) says
"the NACA 2415 airfoil has a 2-percent camber at 0.4 of the cord from the leading edge and
is 15 percent [of the cord] thick."


The reasoning behind the NACA program to develop families of airfoil sections was
revealed in Eastman N. Jacobs, Kenneth E. War, and Robert M. Pinkerton, "The Character-
istics of 78 Related Airfoil Sections from Tests in the Variable-Density Wind Tunnel," TR-
460 (1933):
The forms of the airfoil sections that are in common use today are, directly
or indirectly, the result of investigations made at G6ttingen of a large number of
airfoils. Previously, airfoils such as the R.A.F. 15 and the U.S.A. 27, developed
from airfoil profiles investigated in England, were widely used. All these investi-
gations, however, were made at low values of the Reynolds Number; therefore,
the airfoils developed may not be the optimum ones for full-scale application.

The NACA intended to remedy this shortcoming by developing its own family of airfoils
based on tests in the variable-density wind tunnel, where high Reynolds numbers could be
31. The Annual Report for 1933 cited an investigation then under way on airfoil shapes:
The results of this investigation were used to determine a thickness distribu-
tion for use in the development of cambered airfoils. Three cambered airfoils
were tested; one of these, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 216
airfoil, is superior at high speeds to both the Clark Y and R.A.F. 6 propeller air-
foils having the same thickness .... The mean camber line corresponds to that
of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 24 series.
An earlier technical note had reported that slightly cambered airfoils like the 24 series were
superior to comparable symmetrical wings (Eastman N. Jacobs and Kenneth E. Ward, "Tests
of N.A.C.A. Airfoils in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel: Series 24," TN-404 [1932]) and
another report two years later found a 24-series airfoil superior to all others tested at high
speeds (John Stack and Albert E. von Doenhoff, "Tests of 16 Related Airfoils at High
Speeds," TR-492 [ i 934]).
32. Freeman to chief, Aerodynamics Division, 21 April 1934; 11 June 1934; and 9 Oct. 1934.
33. Lewis to LMAL, 25 April 1934; and 15June 1934.
34. Lewis's insistence on free discussion often made it difficult to determine where an idea origi-
nated. See H.J.E. Reid, "Notes for Dr. Hunsaker with reference to Dr. Lewis' part in estab-
lishing the Langley Laboratory," 4 Aug. 1948; and John V. Becker, "The High-Speed Fron-
tier: Case Studies of Four NACA Programs, 1920-1950," NASA SP-445 (1980), p. 22.
35. P.E. Hemke to Lewis, 17 July 1934; Victory to LMAL, 24 July 1934. Reid replied for the
laboratory that a tapered slot placed near midchord was the answer to questions one and
two. There was no firm answer to three. A slight gain in lift over drag was experienced for
coefficients of lift above .25, the gain increasing rapidly with coefficient of lift. This was due
more to an increase in the coefficient of lift than to a reduction in drag. Reid to NACA, 27
July 1934.
36. Freeman to chief, Aerodynamics Division, 15 Nov. 1934; Frederick E. Weick to chief, Aero-
dynamics Division, 5 Dec. 1934; Jacobs to chief, Aerodynamics Division, 5 Dec. 1934; Reid
to NACA, 4 Dec. 1934 [sic].
37. R.P. Lansing to Lewis, 19 March 1935; Freeman to Elton W. Miller, 2 April 1935; Donald H.
Wood to Miller, undated; Reid to NACA, 3 April 1935; Lewis to Lansing, 5 April 1935.
38. Donald H. Wood to Ehon W. Miller, 6 Feb. 1935.
39. Dated 20 March 1935. Remarks by the chief of the Aerodynamics Division were added to
Wood's memorandum, over the date of 9 Feb.
40. Reid to NACA, 22 March 1935.
41. Helms to Lewis, 13 May 1935; Jacobs to Miller, undated; Freeman to chief, Aerodynamics
Division, 15 May 1935.
42. Lewis to LMAL, 2 Aug. 1935; Helms to Lewis, 25July 1935 and 29July 1935.
43. Lewis to LMAL, 1 Aug. 1935.
44. Helms had cited in defense of his interpretation Millard Bamber's Technical Report 385.
Freeman countered that Bamber's report had shown only that measured drag could be re-
duced by suction and blowing methods of boundary-layer control; it did not include the drag
corresponding to the power consumed by the required blower. It was therefore inconclusive
on the overall effect on drag. Reid to NACA, 5 Aug. 1935.
45. Reid memorandum for files, 15 Aug. 1935. With respect to DoenhofPs proposal for smoke-
tunnel research on the boundary layer, Jacobs and Doenhoff agreed that such results must
be conducted in a near-zero-turbulence tunnel, which the Langley laboratory then lacked.


46. Jacobs to engineer-in-charge, 21 Aug. 1935. The full paragraph on these reasons follows:

3. A number of factors contributing to this result may be mentioned, some of

which have been neglected in past considerations of the problem:

a. The saving in fuel weight owing to the higher speed.

b. The saving in structural weight owing to reduced gust loads on the more
heavily loaded wing and to reduced fuel and total weight, and to a somewhat re-
duced span.
c. The saving in wing, tail, and fuselage cover weight.
d. The saving in drag owing to reduced tail and fuselage areas resulting di-
rectly from the increased wing loading.
e. The additional saving in wing drag owing to still further reductions of
wing area made possible by the reduced weights.
f. A small favorable wing-fuselage interference associated with a reduced
g. A small drag saving accompanying increased Reynolds Numbers (based
on airfoil chord) associated with the reduced span and higher speed, although the
net effect is not favorable because the Reynolds Number is reduced by the area

Jacobs added to this memorandum the caveat that the results reported should "be consid-
ered strictly confidential and subject to revision."
47. Reid to NACA, 21 Aug. 1935; SmithJ. DeFrance to engineer-in-charge, 31 Oct. 1935.
48. Reid to NACA, 17 Oct. 1935, forwarding von Doenhoff's report, which was published early
the following year as Technical Note 544; Lewis to LMAL, 13 Sept. 1935; Reid to NACA, 18
Sept. 1935; Abe Silverstein and E. Floyd Valentine, memorandum report to engineer-in-
charge, "Blocking Tests in the 20-Foot Tunnel," 13 Feb. 1936.
49. SmithJ. DeFrance to chief, Aerodynamics Division, 10June 1936.
50. Lewis to LMAL, 16June 1936.
51. Von Doenhoff to chief, Aerodynamics Division, 30 June 1936; Jacobs to chief, Aerodynamics
Division, 20 July 1936. This recommendation echoed the one that Jacobs and yon Doenhoff
had made the previous year in the conference on Freeman's proposed program of research.
See note 42.
52. Reid to NACA, I 1 Nov. 1936.
53. Reid to NACA, 19 Nov. 1937; Dryden to NACA, 14 Dec. 1937; Reid to NACA, 21 Feb.
1938. Von Doenhoff's report was published as TN-639 in March 1938.
54. Millikan to Lewis, 8 Feb. 1938.
55. Freeman to Donald H. Wood, 18 Feb. 1938; Wood to Elton W. Miller, undated; Smith J.
DeFrance to Miller, undated; Reid to NACA, 28 Feb. 1938.
56. Jacobs to engineer-in-charge, undated [ca. 27 June 1938]. The low-turbulence tunnel had
gone into operation at Langley the very month in which Jacobs sent his report to Reid, indi-
cating that this was among the first projects to win tunnel time in the new facility. Low tur-
bulence was obtained by screening the air in the tunnel and by increasing the contraction
ratio: i.e., the ratio of the widest part of the tunnel to the lowest part, the test section. The
old variable-density tunnel, with a contraction ratio of 4 to 1, had a 2-percent turbulence. By
1941 the NACA had a tunnel with a contraction ratio of 20 to ! and turbulence of less than
.015 percent. Two-dimensional flow was achieved by placing a wing section completely
across the test section, to eliminate airflow anomalies at the wing tip and the wing-to-fuse-
lage interface. See Gray, Frontiers of Flight, pp. 47-50.
57. Lewis to LMAL, 6July 1938.
58. Reid to NACA, 13 Oct. 1938. Freeman left the NACA in 1939.
59. Reid to NACA, 6 Aug. 1938, in response to a letter from Vega Aircraft Company, requesting
Freeman's results. Reid to NACA, 23 Sept. 1938; von Doenhoff's report was published as
TN-671 the following month.
60. Albert E. yon Doenhoff, "Investigation of the Boundary Layer About a Symmetrical Airfoil
in a Wind Tunnel of Low Turbulence," Advance Confidential Report, Aug. 1940; J.W.
Wetmore and J.A. Zalovcik, memorandum for files, "A Flight Investigation of the Boundary-
Layer Characteristics and Profile Drag of the NACA 27-212 Laminar Flow Airfoil," 15 Aug.
1940; wm Doenhoff and Neal Tetervin, "Investigation of the Variation of l,ift Coefficient


with Reynolds Number at a Moderate Angle of Attack on a Low-Drag Airfoil," Confidential

Bulletin, Nov. 1942; Wetmore, Zalovcik, and Robert C. Platt, "'A Flight Investigation of the
Boundary-Layer Characteristics and Profile Drag of the NACA 35-215 Laminar Flow Airfoil
at High Reynolds Numbers," Memorandum Report, May 1941; Zalovcik, Wetmore, and yon
Doenhoff, "Flight Investigation of Boundary-Layer Control by Suction Slots on an NACA
35-215 Low-Drag Airfoil at High Reynolds Numbers," Advance Confidential Report 4B29,
Feb. 1944, first submitted 8 April 1942.
61. Von Doenhoff to chief, Aerodynamics Division, 23June 1942.
62. Lewis to LMAL, 20July 1942; Reid to NACA, 26 Nov. 1942.
63. Lewis to LMAL, 19 Jan. 1943; Reid to NACA, 2 Feb. 1943; Lewis to LMAL, 8 Feb. 1943.
64. Reid to NACA, 29 April 1943; R.E. Littell to Lewis, 5 May 1943; Reid to NACA, 24 May
1943. This report (Albert E. yon Doenhoff and Neal Tetervin, "Determination of General
Relations for the Behavior of Turbulent Boundary Layers") was published in 1943 as Tech-
nical Report 772.
65. See Advance Confidential Report L4GI4 of Feb. 1944 and Confidential Bulletin L4HI0 of
Aug. 1944; I.H. Abbott to chief of research, 19 Jan. 1945.
66. Lewis to LMAL, 8 Feb. 1945; S. Katzoffto chief of research, 20Jan. 1945; Reid to NACA, 3
Dec. 1945, commenting on Dryden's letter of 8 Aug. 1945.


1. Eugene B. Jackson, chief, NACA Div. of Research Information, to Cyril W. Cleverdon, 29

Dec. 1953.

2. This, like other information presented here on advanced reports and on bulletins, is derived
from George W. Lewis to Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, 22June 1943.
3. George W. Lewis to Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, 6 Mar. 1943. As Lewis made clear in
this memorandum, distinctions among the kinds of World War II reports were fuzzy even
within the NACA. The terms confidential, restricted, memorandum, bulletin, and report were used
loosely, and the descriptions of the various documents should not be taken too rigidly. Lines
between confidential and restricted, and between bulletins and reports, were fine and
4. 57 A 415 (73), 53-2A, rejected reports.
5. F.H. Norton to George W. Lewis, 31 March 1922, and Lewis to Norton, 4 April 1922, both
in 57 A 415 (2), I-5A, 1919-1925.
6. John W. Crowley to NACA laboratories, 16 Oct. 1950, in 62 A 35 (73), 376, 8-12/1950.
7. See, for example, John F. Victory. to George W. Lewis, 10Jan. 1922, in 57 A 415 (66), 51-
6G, 1921-1923; Lewis to John J. Ide, 3 Oct. 1929, ibid., 1927-1929; Langley laboratory to
NACA, 30 March 1932, in 55 A 291 (4), RA 138; 57 A 415 (2), I-5A, 1933-; andJ.M. Shoe-
maker to Lewis, 10 Oct. 1927 (copy), in 55 A 344 (R4OZ), TN-284.
8. Lewis to Ide, 23 March 1929.
9. See R.J. Minshall to George W. Lewis, 7 May 1941, and Lewis to Minshall, 10 May 1941.
10. These figures, and those in the remainder of this appendix, were compiled by the author
from the NACA indexes, 1949-1960. Year-by-year counts of all the Committee's technical
reports in each subject area are available in the archives of this project (see bibliographic


A-26, 705
A3D Skywarrior, 272 ill.
Abbott, Charles G., 142 ill., 188, 189, 427,433
Abbott, Ira H., 345, 353, 361,380, 385, 387,487, 490, 499, 719, 720
abolition of the NACA proposals for. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
accelerometer, 119, 637
Ackert, Jacob, 705
Adams, Joseph P., 354, 356, 359,427,435
Adams, Sherman, 389
Admiralty (British), 571, 572
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 296, 298, 299
Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense. See National Defense Advisory Commission.
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (American). See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (British). See Aeronautical Research Committee.
Aerial Equipment Association, 2
Aero Club of America, 7, 10, 17, 20, 351
Aero Digest, 130, 132, 135, 356,652, 657,660, 665
aerodynamics, 92-93, 97, 103, 105, 108, 162, 186, 194, 207, 245 ill., 247, 278, 285, 289, 321, 343,
349, 361,370, 481, 572, 581-82, 587-88, 633,679, 699-700, 713, 754
Aerodynamics Division, Langley Laboratory. See Langley Laboratory.
Aeronautical Board, 167, 323, 676,677
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, 690, 693
aeronautical intelligence. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Aeronautical Patents and Design Board. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Aeronautical Research Committee (British), 3-4, 12, 21, 22, 28, 62, 185,322, 325, 557,571-72, 595,
596, 601,643. See also British Royal Aircraft Factory.
Aeronautical Society (U.S.), 4-5
Aeronautical Society of America, 42,330
Air Commerce Act, 61
Air Commerce Act of 1926, 67, 70, 75, 99, 151,357,393, 395, 423,629, 639, 665, 674
Air Commerce, Bureau of. See Commerce, Dept. of.
Air Corps, U.S. Army. See Army Air Corps.
Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory (AERL). See Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory.
Aircraft Industries Association, 214, 215, 721, 722, 724
Aircraft Manufacturers Association, 40, 41, 329-30, 336, 604, 605, 607-08
Aircraft Production Board (Council of National Defense), 39, 43, 44
Air Engineering Development Center. See Arnold Engineering Development Center.
Air Force Association, 284
Air Force, U.S., 398, 399-400
aeronautical research by, 271,273,299, 374
membership on NACA, 287, 398,426, 431,462-65, 716
and NACA research, 296, 298, 729-30
Scientific Advisory Board, 226, 284
airmail, 33, 51, 141, 327, 634, 635, 636,640
Air Mail Act of 1925, 71
Air Mail Act of 1934, 152
Air Ministry (British), 104
Air Research and Development Command Ballistic Missile Div., 293
Air Safety Board, 396
airships, 127, 599, 643, 649
airspeed indicator, 118 ill., 644


Air Transport Association, 721

Aldershof, 148, 149
Alison, John R., 427, 434
Allen, Harvey J., 133,285, 286 ill., 502, 503
Allen, James, 13
Allen, William M., 442
Allis-Chalmers, 189-90, 686, 689
Allison Division, General Motors, 651, 686,689
Alsos mission (to Germany), 211, 376
American Airlines, 182
American Philosophical Society, 230
American Physical Society, 231
American Rocket Society, 294
Ames, Adelbert, 332
Ames Joseph S., 41, 44-45, 47, 48, 53, 62, 67, 69-70, 73, 76, 77 ill., 82, 89, 90 ill., 92, 100-01, 136, 140,
142 ill., 147, 149, 153, 162, 169, 170 ill., 173, 186,226,233,274,284,330-31,342,344, 346,352,
398,411,414,427,439,441,443,445,446,447,457,484,485,486, 487,488,524, 534,621,622,
623,628,636, 639, 646, 663, 665, 666, 667
Ames, Milton B., Jr., 342,379, 382,488, 490
Ames Aeronautical Laboratory (AAL), 170, 174-75, 176, 195, 240 ill., 256 ill., 260 ill., 480, 507, 510
ill., 524, 525 ill., 526-27, 699
Anderson, Clinton, 294
Anderson, John Z., 159
Apollo program, 297
area rule, 280-81,286
Army Air Corps, 162, 360, 367
Army Air Corps Act, 70-71, 339, 374, 393, 395-96, 412
Army Air Forces, 199-200, 213-14, 216, 331, 332, 370, 373, 694, 695
Scientific Advisory Board, 184, 203, 217
Scientific Advisory Group, 203
A_'my Air Service, 61, 81, 90, 334, 478, 630, 632, 633, 634
Army Ballistic Missile Agency Development Operations Division, 293, 730
Army Material Command, 192
Army-Navy Aeronautical Board, 177
Army-Navy-British Purchasing Commission, Joint Aircraft Committee, 185
Army-Navy Munitions Board, 175
Army-Navy-NACA plan of 1 February 1944, 184
Army Signal Corps, 395, 399, 598
Army, U.S., 340-41, 397-98, 399-400, 581, 583, 635, 646, 676. See also Army Air Corps, Army Air
Forces, Army Air Service, McCook Field, Army Signal Corps, Wright Field.
aeronautical research by, 7, 21, 53, 87-88, 136, 158, 178, 196-97, 213, 289-90, 299, 343, 596, 598,
678, 684, 693, 695
membership on NACA, 39, 128, 287, 288, 289, 324, 394, 396, 398, 423, 426, 431, 462-65, 601
and NACA research, 2, 6, 20, 80-83, 103, 139, 141, 145, 154, 156, 178, 192-94, 197, 214, 238,
255-56, 397, 468, 478, 552, 597-98, 603, 648, 666, 670, 671,673, 683, 693, 722
Scientific Advisory Group, 226
Arnold, Hap, 156, 157, 158, 160, 189, 192, 193 ill., 203, 204, 213, 217, 220, 360, 363, 367, 370, 374,
427, 431, 678, 679, 683
Arnold Engineering Development Center, 214, 216, 219, 271, 376, 377, 386, 400
Arnstein, Karl R., 642, 647
Asquith, Herbert H., 3, 571
Astin, Allen V., 427, 433
atmospheric wind tunnel. See wind tunnel.
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 255, 294, 297
Atwood, John L., 442,488
Austria. See research, European.
autogiro, 131, 134, 655, 661. See also helicopter.
Automobile Club of America, 579
Auxiliary Flight Research Station, 507


Aviation Magazine, 61, 109, 115, 133, 163, 169, 330, 334, 346, 350, 356
Ayer, Bruce, 211, 375

B-17, 236 ill.

B-24, 180 ill.
B-29, 688n
B-32, 195
Back River, 80, 121, 603
Bacon, David L., 342, 661
Bacon, R. H. S., 571
Badger, William L., 452,453,460
Baeumker, Adolf, 147-48, 371
Bailey, Clyde G., 504
Baker, Lucille D., 503
Baker, Thomas F., 504, 505
Ballistic Missile Div., Air Research and Development Command. See Air Research and Development
balloon factory, Aldershot, 571
Bamber, Millard J., 537
Bane, Thurman H., 57, 60, 333, 343, 427,431
Barker, F. W., 42,330
Barnaby, R. S., 645, 646
Barnard, Daniel P., 450
Bassett, Preston R., 427, 434, 439, 487
Baxter, Edward J., 494
Becker, John V., 345, 346, 498
Beeler, De E., 504
Beelifant, George E., 503
Beigborn, John A., 501
Bell, Alexander Graham, 2, 323, 325, 585
Bell, Mrs. Alexander Graham, 2
Bell, Lawrence D., 442
Bell, Robert L., 490
Bell Aircraft Corp., 191, 192,387
Bellanca, G. M., 668
Bellman, Donald R., 504
Betts, Edward W., 503
Bibliography of Aeronautics, 46, 443
Biermann, David, 501
Bingham, Hiram, 69, 221,338, 349, 355, 357
Bioletti, Carlton, 503
Bisplinghoff, Raymond L., 450
Bleeker, M. B., 647
Bleriot, Louis, 4
blunt-body concept, 285,286 ill.
Bode, Hendrick W., 458
Bodemuller, Rudolph, 456
Boeing Aircraft Corp., 129, 376, 686, 689
Bonney, Walter T., 321, 322, 323, 343, 353, 364, 387, 388, 490
Borah, William E., 62
Bouhon, B. C., 646, 647
boundary-layer control, 131, 134, 140, 226, 529-30, 531 ill., 532, 533, 534, 535-36, 537-39, 541-50, 628
637,697, 704, 715, 765, 767-68
Bowling, Morris E., 505
Bracy, H. Burton, 494
• Brady, George W., 451
Braig, Eugene C., Jr., 494, 496
Braig, James R., 493, 494, 495
Bray, J.S., 647


Brett, George H., 363, 427, 431

Brewer, R. W. A., 642-43, 647
Brien, R. L., 452
Briggs, Lyman J., 427,433,440, 441,448, 485,486, 643,646, 687
Bristol, Mark L., 29 ill., 35, 36, 427, 432
British Royal Aircraft Factory, 3, 62, 120. See also Aeronautical Research Committee.
Bronk, Detlev W., 427, 435
Brookings Institution, 149-50, 301, 325, 332, 358-59, 673
Brown, Arthur A., 451, 452
Brown, Clinton E., 498
Brown, John S., 494
Browne, F. L., 647
Brumbaugh, Kenneth D., 495, 497
Buck, Andre G., 503
Buckingham, Edgar, 188, 369
Buckley, Edmond C., 499
"Buck Rogers," 192, 370
Budget, Bureau of the, 78-79, 108, 116, 119, 127, 128, 139, 145, 147, 149-50, 159, 165,207,214,217,228,
229, 237, 238, 256, 258, 259, 260-61, 263, 264-65, 266, 274, 279,280, 286, 289,294, 295, 299,
301, 340, 386, 387, 388, 390, 401, 468, 686, 693, 695
budget, NACA. See Funding, U.S. govt.
Burden, William A. M., 427, 434, 690, 691, 692, 693
Burgess, George K., 340, 427, 433, 440, 441, 445, 447, 484, 485, 606,644, 645, 646, 663
Burgiss Co., 604, 606
Bush, Vannevar, 153, 163, 165, 168, 169, 170 ill., 171 ill., 177, 178, 188, 189, 198 ill., 201, 202, 208,
209,210,217,252-53,284, 330,345,357,359,362,365,366, 367,371,373,375,379,427,439,
441, 457, 486, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692
Butler, Sherwood L., 500
Butter, T. Melvin, 500
Byllesby, H. H., 446
Byrd, Harry, 150, 359
Byrnes, Martin A.,Jr., 504, 505

Caldwell, Frank W., 344, 362, 451, 453

California Institute of Technology, 158, 167-68, 542, 547-48, 678, 679, 681, 682, 686. See also Jet Pro-
pulsion Laboratory.
Campbell, E. S., 647
Campbell, Kenneth, 450
Campini ducted fan, 191
Carmichael, Leonard, 427, 433
Carnegie Institution, 10, 16, 284
Carroll, Thomas, 352, 485, 535, 538, 638, 648
Case School of Applied Science, 542
Case Western University, 299. See also Case School of Applied Science.
Cassady, John H., 427, 432
Cattaneo, Alfred G., 454, 488
Census Bureau, U.S., 51
centrifugal supercharger. See supercharger.
Chamberlain, Edward H., 345, 347, 487, 491
Chamberlain, E. T., 334,633
Chamberlain, William G., 647
Chambers, W. Irving, 6-7, 8-10, 11-12, 15, 16, 572, 584, 585, 588, 590
Chance Vought Corp., 116, 668
Chayne, C. A., 621
Chenoweth, Opie, 450, 451, 460
Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, 151, 359, 393, 396-97, 423
Civil Aeronautics Administration. See Commerce, Dept. of.
Civil Aeronautics Authority. See Commerce, Dept. of.
Civil Aeronautics Board. See Commerce, Dept. of.


civil aviation. See Industry and National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
civilian-military liaison committee proposal, 297
Civil Service Commission, 276
Clark, Frank J., 492
Clark, Virginius E., 352, 355-56, 427, 431
Clark Y airfoil, 350, 541
Clason, Stanley B., 501
Classification Act of 1949, 276
Clauser, Milton O., 458
Cleveland, Ohio, 166, 364, 369, 371
Clouser, John B., 494
Coffin, Howard E., 35-36, 39, 63, 66, 328, 335, 338
Colby, S. K., 642, 646
Coleman, Donald G., 648
Collier Trophy, 114, 116, 125, 195, 235, 250, 255, 256, 261, 280, 351, 383
Collins, John H., Jr., 493,502
Colman, Philip A., 455
(3olwell, A. T., 727
Combs, Thomas S., 427, 432, 727
Comet (British jet airliner), 269
Commerce, Dept. of, 52, 54, 55, 59, 62, 63, 64-67, 70, 222, 478, 666, 333, 335, 357, 395, 667, 685
Air Commerce, Bureau of, 151, 673-74, 675
Bureau of Aeronautics, proposals for, 629-30, 632,634, 635-36
Civil Aeronautics Administration, 151, 205, 686, 690, 694, 695,716, 722
Civil Aeronautics Authority, 396-97, 398
Civil Aeronautics Board, 151, 336, 396, 435, 694
Liaison Committee on Aeronautics Radio Research, 126, 135
membership on NACA, 423, 424, 434, 587, 588, 594, 629, 636
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government, 387
Committee, NACA, 25n., 29-30, 73-74, 76, 101-02, 151, 231-32, 287-88, 405, 406, 423-65, 484-88, 716
Aerodynamics, Committee on, 74, 109, 110, 115, 126, 140, 164, 188, 226, 247, 278, 362, 380, 424,
436, 439, 448, 450, 451, 453, 454, 455, 456, 459, 460, 461,486, 487, 532, 533, 549, 636, 717
Aeronautical Inventions and Design, Committee on, 75, 102, 119, 436, 441, 485, 486
Aeronautical Research Facilities, Special Committee on, 149, 358, 436, 457
Aeronautical Research Facilities, Special Survey Committee on, 160, 186, 361, 369, 436, 457
Aeronautical Research in Educational Institutions, Special Committee on, 152,436, 457
Aeronautical Research in Universities, Subcommittee on, 102, 152, 359, 436, 440, 448
Aircraft Accidents, Committee on, 102, 436, 441, 485, 486
Aircratt Construction, Cummittee on, 424, 425
Aircraft Fuels, Committee on, 128, 436, 449, 487
Aircraft Construction 424, 425, 436, 440, 447, 449, 450,452, 454, 455, 459, 460, 487, 718
Aircraft Structures, Committee on, 102, 151, 164, 279, 362,436, 440, 448, 486, 487,645
Airships, Subcommittee on, 127,436, 440, 448, 486, 544
Buildings, Laboratories, and Equipment, Subcommittee on, 344, 436, 441, 444, 484, 618
Coverings, Dopes, and Protective Coatings, Subcommittee on, 126, 354, 436, 440, 447,645
Dual Rotation of Propellers, Subcommitee on, 181, 440
Executive Committee, NACA, 28-29, 34-35, 39-40, 41, 45, 47, 57, 60-61, 106, 110, 148 ill., 153,252,
285, 290 ill., 300, 327-28, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340, 344, 347, 354,
358, 361, 362, 363, 365, 367, 376, 380, 386, 387, 404, 405,408, 409-10, 416, 417,421-22, 424,
533, 535, 537, 555, 597, 608, 609, 622, 664,686, 717, 718
Federal Regulation of Air Navigation, Subcommittee on, 58, 60, 61, 334, 337, 633
Future Research Facilities, Committee on, 154, 437
Governmental Relations, Committee on, 33, 74, 127,437, 439,484, 485
Heat Exchangers, Subcommittee on, 181, 379, 437, 439,452
Heat-Resisting Materials, Subcommittee on, 182, 379, 437, 439, 453, 487, 718
High Speed Aerodynamics Committee, 247, 437, 439, 454, 487
Icing Problems, Subcmnmittee on, 182, 437, 442, 451, 487, 718
Industry Consulting Committee, 205,207,209, 210, 242,437,442, 487, 718, 721-25


Committee, NACA (continued)

Instruments, Subcommittee on, 102, 448, 485
Jet Propulsion, Special Committee on, 189-90, 425, 437,452, 458
Materials for Aircraft, Committee on, 74, 109, 126, 437, 440, 447, 486, 636,644-46
Metals and Aircraft Structures, Subcommittee on, 109, 645
Metals for Turbosupercharger Wheels and Buckets, Subcommittee on, 181,437,440, 452,453,460
Meteorological Problems, Subcommittee on, 102, 126, 425, 437, 439, 442, 448, 485,486, 487, 718
Miscellaneous Materials, Subcommittee on, 126, 437,449, 486
Motive Power, Committee on, 32, 37, 437, 439
New Engine Research Facilities, Special Committee on, 161, 163, 164
Operating Problems, Committee on, 182, 424, 437, 441, 448, 450, 451, 455, 456, 461, 487, 718
Organization of Governmental Activities in Aeronautics, Special Committee on, 53, 332
Patents, Subcommittee on, 39, 41, 42,329, 330, 374, 437, 445, 603-04, 607,608
Personnel, Buildings, and Equipment, Committee on, 74, 110, 346, 350, 353, 438, 441, 457, 484,
485, 486
Power Plants for Aircraft, Committee on, 73-74, 88, 109, 110, 162, 163, 164, 165, 186, 343, 362,
379, 381,424, 438, 439, 449, 450, 451, 452,453,454, 456, 459, 460, 461,484, 486, 487, 717
Problems of Air Navigation, Committee on, 102, 109, 126, 438, 441, 449, 485
Problems of Communication, Subcommittee on, 102, 126, 438, 449, 485
Proposed Consolidation of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics with the Bureau of
Standards, Special Committee on, 137
Publications and Intelligence, Committee on, 74, 438, 441,485, 486, 555
Relation of NACA to National Defense in Time of War, Special Committee on, 149, 153-54, 167,
438, 457, 675
Research Policy, Special Committee on, 145
Research Program on Monocoque Design, Subcommittee on, 126, 425, 438, 440, 449
Seaplanes, Subcommittee on, 438, 440, 450, 486, 487
Self-propelled Guided Missiles, Special Committee on, 438, 458
Site for Experimental Work and Proving Grounds tor Aeronautics, Subcommittee on, 80, 603
Site Inspection, Special Subcommittee on, 165, 438
Site, Special Committee on, 165, 362
Space Technology, Special Committee on, 292, 438, 458
special committees, 332, 417, 425-426,457-458, 462
special subcommittees, 359, 417, 425-26, 440, 441, 459-61, 462
Structural Loads and Methods of Structural Analysis, Subcommittee on. 151, 438, 448
subcommittees, 32-33, 74, 379, 405, 406-07, 411, 413, 414, 417, 421-22, 424-25, 426, 439, 440-41,
442, 443-56, 462
Vibration and Flutter, Subcommittee on, 181, 425, 438, 440, 441, 450, 459, 486, 487
Welding Problems, Subcommittee on, 181, 438, 440, 452, 460
Woods and Glues, Subcommittee on, 126, 438, 440, 447, 645
compressibility, 93, 199
compressor, 193, 370, 710
Compton, Karl T., 427, 433
Condon, Edward U., 255, 379, 427,433
Cone, H. I., 640, 641
conflict of interest. See cross-licensing agreement, industry.
Congress, House of Representatives
Appropriations Committee, 19, 121, 135, 136, 159, 265, 322, 324, 340, 342,347, 354, 357, 360,
361, 367,384, 385, 594
Armed Services Committee, 218-19, 219-20, 260, 265, 377, 385
Economy Committee, 136
Independent Offices Appropriations, Subcommittee on, 221, 264, 342, 354, 360, 361, 367
Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Committee on, 64, 269, 385
Inquiry into Operations of the U.S. Air Service, Select Committee of, 68
Naval Affairs, Committee on, 11, 14, 22, 23-24, 322, 325, 327, 337, 591, 592, 593, 594
Congress, Joint Committee on:
Atomic Energy, 294
Reorganization of Executive Departments, 67, 68


Congress, Senate
Appropriations Committee, 136, 269, 270, 364, 385
Armed Services Committee, 260, 269, 389
Commerce Committee, 64, 335
Executive Agencies of Government, Select Committee to Investigate, 673
Expenditures in the Executive Dept., Committee on, 269,385
National Defense Program, Special Committee on Investigating the, 374
Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee, 291
Space and Astronautics, Special Committee on, 297
Connolly, Donald H., 427,435
contracting. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Cook, Arthur B., 142 ill., 154, 160, 360,427, 432, 457, 678
Cooley, John L., 450
Coolidge, Calvin, 68, 69, 137,337,412, 414, 667,668
Coordinator of Research. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Corsair (navy aircraft), 129 ill.
cowling. See NACA cowling.
Craigie, Laurence C., 382, 427,431
Crain, Percy J., Jr., 499
Craven, Thomas T., 333, 366, 371, 427, 432
Crawford, Frederick C., 213-14, 388, 427, 434, 439, 488
Crisp, W. Benton, 39, 41,604, 605,606, 607,608
Cronstedt, Val, 450, 459
cross-licensing agreement, 37, 39-40, 41, 42-43, 47, 52, 61, 66-67, 68, 130, 144, 329, 330, 603-08
Crowley, John W., Jr., 212 ill., 228, 234, 246, 376, 487,488, 490, 498, 629, 638, 648, 714
Culver, C- C., 636
Curry, John F., 372, 427,431
Curtiss, Glenn H., 2, 4, 21, 38, 324-25, 329, 341,576, 585, 589
Curtiss Airplane and Motor Corp., 329, 335, 343, 604, 607
Curtiss-Burgess Co., 39, 40, 330
Curtiss hydroaeroplane, 573, 575
Curtiss-Wright Co., 163, 686,689
Cushman, Ralph E., 491

D-558, 250 ill., 382

DC-3, 236 ill.
DC-6, 274 ill.
Dalzell, John, 323, 585
Damon, Ralph S., 428, 433,442, 727
Daniels, Josephus, 31-32, 41-42, 43,324, 328, 330, 602
Daniels, Parmely C., 491
Darwin, Horace, 571
Davidson, Ralph B., 455, 488
Davies, M. Helen, 502
Davies, R. V., 647
Davis, Thomas, W. S., 386, 428,434
Davis, William V., Jr., 432
Dawson, Carl H., 494
Dawson, George L., 637, 648
Day, C. H., 604, 607
Dayton, Ohio, 166
Dearborn, Clinton H., 490, 498,501
de Bothezat, George, 89, 90 ill., 91-92, 187-88, 331, 344, 369, 618, 621
Defense, Dept. of, 263, 293, 296, 297, 299, 374, 400,401,402, 423,424, 730
Munitions Board, 266
National Military Establishment, 204, 208,217, 266, 397, 399-400
DeFrance, SmithJ., 160, 173, 174 ill., 196 ill., 361,364, 376, 487,488, 502, 547,648
DeKlyn, John H., 33, 82, 84, 327, 331,339, 341,484,619
de la Meurthe, Henry Deutsch, 584


Dembling, Paul G., 322,490

Dempsey, James R., 458
de Pinedo, 639
design, aircraft, 4, 162, 278, 395-96, 577-78, 632
engine, 120 ill., 369-70, 371,650, 671,672
wing, 345, 371, 530, 531 ill., 532, 534 ill., 535, 536, 539, 540 ill., 541, 542, 544, 545-46, 548, 549,
550, 641, 650,655, 658-59, 661, 704-06, 715, 766-67
Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, 147
Development Operations Div., ABMA. See Army Ballistic Missile Agency.
Dewey, William E., 495
Dey, William, Jr., 494
Dickinson, H. C., 450, 486
Diehl, Walter S., 454, 487, 488, 538-39,646
Dix, Edgar H., Jr., 455,645,647
Doherty, Robert E., 434
Doll, Walter, 450
Doolittle, James H., 283,284 ill., 285, 287,292, 295,300, 379, 388, 428, 435, 488, 727
Douglas, Donald W., 690
Douglas, Lee F., 453, 488
Douglas Aircraft Co., 215
Downs, Harry G., 503
Drake, Herbert M., 505
Draley, Eugene C., 498
Draper, C. Stark, 456,488
Dryden, Hugh L., 171 ill., 188, 220, 225-26, 227 ill., 228, 230, 232, 233, 234, 238 ill., 242, 245, 247,
252, 256,257 ill., 266,276,277, 278,279-80, 287, 292, 295, 297, 298,321, 349,350, 370, 377,
378, 379, 382, 454, 458, 487, 488, 490, 544, 547, 550, 647, 713, 716, 727
Duberg, John E., 499
Duncan, Donald B., 428, 432
Dunne, J. w., 606n
Dupree, A. Hunter, 143, 156-57, 197, 201, 323, 326, 331, 332, 357, 358, 361, 372, 373
Durand, William F., 12, 29 ill., 33, 41-42, 44, 46, 48, 69, 76, 165, 189, 190 ill., 285,322,323,326,328, 329
Dyna-Soar, 285, 388

Easton, John, 451

Echols, Oliver P., 370, 428, 431,686, 688,689,690
Eclipse Aviation Co., 542
Edwards, Martin A., 456
Eiffel, Gustave, 580, 581, 583, 584
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 263, 279-80, 285, 286, 290, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298-99, 300, 387, 389
Elder, James W., 501
Ellyson, Lieut., 575, 576
Ely, Eugene, 576
Emley, Warren E., 449, 486
Emmons, Howard W., 450
Engine Research Division, Langley Laboratory. See Langley Laboratory.
engineering, 7, 8
federal role, 14, 21, 22, 35, 37, 292, 368
vs. science, 12, 21, 92, 99-100, 101, 122-23, 131-33, 179, 235-38, 255, 284, 321, 652-61
engineers, 539
support for NACA, 25, 121-22, 275, 668-69, 685
vs. scientists, 3, 4, 8, 89, 92, 95-96, 104, 105, 238, 243-44, 345, 614
engines, 33, 34-35, 36-37, 41, 51, 88-89, 114, 119, 160-63, 177, 186, 190, 192,351,361,367,369-70,546,
604, 605-08, 638, 651, 654, 671, 672
Cyclone, 18, 688n
radial, 114, 641


engines (continued)
Whittle jet propulsion engine, 191
Wright Whirlwind, 352, 650
Espenschiel, Lloyd, 449
The Etrich, 573
European Office (NACA). See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Everett, John C., 495
Evvard, John C., 493
Executive Salary Act, 276, 295

F6C-4, 658
F94F, 519 ill.
F- 102, 281
facilities, NACA. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Fagg, Fred D., Jr., 428, 434
Fairchild Aviation Corp., 376, 642
Fairchild, S. M., 642,644, 647
Faurote, Fay L., 607
Fechet, James E., 428, 431
Fedden, Roy, 689
Federal Aviation Commission, 145, 152, 358, 359
Federal Power Commission, 211
Federal Works Agency, 478
Fedziuk, Henry A., 498
Ferraro, Charles D., 494
Finan, William, 295
Findley, Earl N., 647
Fischel, Jack, 505
Fitch, Aubrey W., 428, 432
Flettner cylinder, 134
Flight Propulsion Research Laboratory. See Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory.
Flint, A. H., 604,607
Foley, Helen N., 504
Foote, Paul D., 428, 433
Ford, Helen G., 496
Forest Products Laboratory, 357,478, 646, 647,695
Forrest, Mervin, 499
Foss, Benjamin S., 604, 605, 607
Foss, Noble, 604, 605, 606, 607
Foulois, Benjamin D., 339, 358, 428, 431
France. See research, European.
Freeman, Arthur B., 484, 502
Freeman, Hugh B., 537-38, 539-41, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546,547, 548-49, 550
Freeman, John R., 428, 434
Froesch, Charles, 4, 488
Frontiers of Flight (George C. Gray), 213
Fry, Howard O., 498
full-scale wind tunnel. See wind tunnel.
fundamental research. See research, NACA.
funding, U.S. govt.
applied science, 155-56, 578-79
military, 24, 51, 57, 214, 217, 400, 578, 595, 600-01,635
NACA, 31-32, 39-40, 46, 73, 77-79, 108, 117, 121, 136-37, 139, 142-45, 152, 159-60, 165, 175,
218-19, 221-22, 239, 256, 259, 263-65, 268, 270, 273, 279-80, 281, 286, 340, 384-85, 388, 393,
394-95, 398, 400, 401-02, 405, 417, 422, 467-81, 592, 602,632, 653, 716, 764
scientific R&D, 14-15, 16, 17, 19-20, 22, 280, 385, 481,372, 373, 587, 601, 617, 632
Furnas, Clifford C., 428, 433


Gabriel, David S., 494

GALCIT. See Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology.
Garbett, J. Leslie, 505
Gardner, Henry A., 447
Gardner, Lester, 61, 62,321,334
Gardner, Matthias B., 428, 432
Garrick, Isadore E., 498
Gayhart, E. L., 647
General Accounting Office (GAO), 267-69
General Electric Co., 189-90, 191, 192
Germany. See research, European.
Getsug, Joseph, 500
Gibbons, Louis C., 496
Gillette, H. W., 447,485,645,646
Gillmore, William E., 428, 431
Gilruth, Robert L., 498, 499
Glazebrook, R. T., 571
Glennan, T. Keith, 299
Glenview, Ohio, 166
Goddard, Robert, 187
Goering, Hermann, 147-48
Goett, Harry J., 502,503
Goland, Martin, 450, 488
Goldmark, Henry, 457
Goodyear-Zeppelin Corp., 642
Gordon, Victor, 493, 494
Gottingen University, 3, 148, 535, 550, 573,624
Gough, Melvin N., 499
Government Printing Office, U.S., 551
Grant, L. M., 459, 486
Gray, George, 323,345, 349, 369, 371, 376, 380, 382, 585
Great Britain. See research, European.
Green, Arthur W. F., 453
Greene, Carl F., 691
Greenhill, G., 571
Gregg, Willis R., 153, 154, 428, 433,448, 457, 678
Grey, C. G., 62, 325
Griffith, Leigh M., 48, 73, 85-86, 88, 95, 331, 338, 341-42, 344, 345, 354, 446, 484, 555, 609, 618
Gross, Robert E., 442,687, 690
Guggenheim, Daniel, 155
Guggenheim, Harry F., 150, 152, 346, 359, 428, 663, 667
Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT), 155, 156,
158, 681, 682
Guggenheim Fund for Promotion of Aeronautics, 102, 122, 149, 152, 346, 354, 370, 435, 640-41
Gulick, Beverly G., 495, 497
gust tunnel. See wind tunnel.

Hadden, Charles, 571

Hall, Charles W., 641,647
Hall, Jesse H., 494, 497
Hall, Robert L., 727
Hallet, Major, 187
Hallion, Richard P., 247, 249, 322, 323,324, 354, 382
Hamilton, Charles M., 504
Hamilton, Harry H., 500
Hammerly, Edgar N., 492
Hammond, John H., Jr., 585,589,590
Hampton, Va., 340, 603
Handley-Page boundary-layer research. See boundary-layer control.


Hanks, John H., 502

Harding, Warren G., 58, 60, 62, 78, 137, 333, 340, 411, 633
Harlow, Bryce, 389
Harris, J. H., 604, 607
Harris, Thomas A., 499, 501
Harrison, Lloyd, 428, 432, 648
Hartman, Edwin P., 182, 215, 234-35, 236, 237, 364, 368, 374, 377,380
Hatcher, Robert S., 450, 459, 488
Hayes, O. Norman, Jr., 505
Hayford_ John F., 29 ill., 57, 333, 336, 338, 344, 428, 434, 439, 445, 446, 484, 604, 608
Hazen, Ronald M., 207, 209,428, 434, 439, 487, 727
Hearn, George M., 501
Heath, E. B., 336
Heath, Spencer, 647
Heldenfels, Richard R., 499
helicopters, 97, 118 ill., 131
Helms, Charles H., 352, 354, 357, 376, 447, 449, 487,492, 543-44, 545
Hemke, Paul E., 542, 661
Henry, Dolphus E., 500
Heppe, R. Richard, 451, 488
Herbert, Frank E., 337, 342
Hermann, Charles A., 494, 495, 497
Hertzog, Alvin, S., 502
Hester, Clinton M., 428, 435
Hicks, F. C., 54, 56, 57, 62, 333, 334
Higgins, George J., 637,648
high-speed flight. See supersonic flight.
High Speed Flight Station (HSFS), 253, 480, 488
Muroc Flight Test Unit, 249, 487, 508, 714
High Speed Flight Research Station. See High Speed Flight Station.
High Speed Panel (NACA). See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Hill, J. Bennett, 450
Hinckley, Robert H., 160, 428, 434
Hindenburg, 127, 147
Hines, Wellington T., 428
Hinshaw, Carl, 158, 360
Hinz, Leslie F., 494, 496
Hispano-Suiza engine patent. See patent.
Hitler, Adolf, 147-48, 366
Hobbs, Leonard S., 442
Hobson, Franklin ,J., 322-23,495
Holaday, William H., 375, 450, 487
Hood, Manley J., 503
Hooker, Roy W., 500
Hoover, Herbert, 62, 63, 105, 135, 137, 143, 222, 281, 301,335, 336, 338, 349, 362,387
Horner, H. Manstield, 375, 442, 487
Hotel Chamberlain. See Old Point Comtbrt.
House of Representatives. See Congress.
House, Rutus O., 498
Houston, George H., 604, 605, 606, 607, 608
Houston, John P., 503
Howe, Edward A., 500
Hull', T. H., 648
Hulcher, Charles A., 497
Humble, Leroy V., 494
Humphreys, W. J., 585, 588, 589
Hunsaker, Jernme C., 18, 19 ill., 21,91,92, 127, 152, 158, 162, 163, 168-69, 170, 171 ill., 178, 184, 191,
192, 196 ill., 198 ill., 199,200,205,206 ill., 208-09,210, 213,214,225,226, 227,228,230, 232,
241,246,252,266-67,269,270,279-80, 283,284 ill., 286,287,321,324,325,337,343,344,360,


Hunsaker, Jerome C. (continued)

361,362,363,364, 369,372,374, 375,378,380, 383,386,388,414,418,428,432,434,441,448,
450, 487, 684, 686, 691,692, 703
Hunter, Wilson H., 452, 487, 497
Huntsberger, Ralph S., Jr., 502
hydrodynamics, 5, 82-83, 321

ice-research tunnel. See wind tunnel.

icing research, 195, 235, 236 ill., 256, 548, 654
Ide, John Jay, 75, 99, 147, 148 ill., 149, 184, 198, 241-42, 339, 346, 354, 467, 485, 486, 492, 532, 534,
Imperial Defense, Committee of, 571
independent air force, 59, 68
industry, 7, 17, 20, 23, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42-43, 44, 630, 681, 682
and NACA research, 34, 108-09, 113, 117, 119, 122, 128-29, 131, 136, 137, 141, 151, 155, 156,
158, 161-63, 166, 167-69, 178, 184, 186, 197, 200, 204, 205, 215-17, 218, 219-20, 234, 235,
542, 548, 557-58, 648, 650, 652-57, 660, 661, 662-64, 668-69, 684, 687-88, 690, 693-95, 722,
723-24, 725-26
conferences, 111, 112 ill., 113-14, 121, 142 ill., 162, 232-33, 246, 636-49, 656, 661, 719
economics, 51, 99, 108-09, 125, 126, 207, 372-73, 670, 671
federal regulation of, 51-52, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 332, 632
inspections, 182, 233, 246, 719-20, 725
membership on NACA, 34, 58, 61, 62, 65, 109-11, 126-27, 129-30, 163-65, 169, 170, 173, 181, 182,
189-90,205-06,207,208,209-11,242-43,273,285,288, 303,426,433,462-65,684,690-93, 716,
721, 722, 723
military, relations with, 34-35, 36-37, 39-40, 44, 46, 52, 59, 111, 151, 196-98,214-15, 247, 249, 261,
302, 640, 644, 646, 693, 695, 726
support of aeronautical research, 3, 88-89, 138-39, 158-59, 195-96, 207, 272, 687, 725
Ingraham, W. M., 38, 328
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, 284, 321, 691, 693
instruments, 119, 247, 348, 577, 637, See also accelerometer, airspeed indicator, velocity-gravity recorder.
International Aeronautic Commission, 579
International Aeronautic Congress (5th), 579
Italy. See research, European.

Jackson, Eugene B., 490

Jacobs, Eastman, 185, 188, 189, 191, 194, 369,370,501, 542, 543, 544, 545 ill., 546, 547, 548, 550, 648
Jacobson, Daniel H., 451
Jefferics, Zay, 643,645,646
Jenkins, E. S., 452,460
Jenks, G. F., 452, 460
jet propulsion, 97 134, 185-86, 187-94, 198, 200, 204, 211, 213, 247, 270 ill., 278, 343, 369-70,371, 552,
588, 695, 703, 712
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Califi_rnia Institute of Technology), 294, 300, 302
J-5 engine. See engine.
Joachim, W. F., 485, 638,648
Joint Army-Navy Board, 206, 629
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. See Congress.
Johnson, Clarence L. ("Kelly"), 195, 250, 382, 387, 727
Johnson, Ernest, 499
Johnson, j. B., 646
Johnson, Lyndon B., 291, 293, 297, 389
Johnson, W. Kemble, 500
Johnston, S. Paul, 169, 178, 367, 491
Jones, Bennett Melville, 689
Jones, Robert T., 133, 345, 354, 483
Joukowski, N. E., 705
Journal of the Society of Automotit,e Engineers, 536

54,62,333, 334
Katzmayr,Richard,532, 533,534, 537, 550, 629,
JosephH.,454, 487
KellyAirMailAct.See Air Mail Act of 1925.
Kelley, Bartram, 453
Kelley, James V., 503
Kelley, Raymond D., 455
Kemper, Carlton, 486, 497, 501
Kenly, William L., 428, 431
Kent, Marion I., 505
Kerlin, Virginia M., 491
Keys, C. M., 335, 343
Killian, James R.,Jr., 280, 291,294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 387
Kilner, Walter G., 163, 334, 361,428, 434, 633
Kindelberger, J. H., 350, 375, 442
King, Ernest J., 142 ill., 358, 428, 432
Kirshbaum, Howard W., 503
Klemin, Alexander, 153, 350, 353-54, 360, 646, 667
Klemperer, Wolfgang, 647
Kline, Gordon M., 454
Knight, Montgomery, 537
Knight, William, 332, 339
Kotlas, Harry, 495
Kramer, Stewart V., 495
Kraus, Sydney M., 363, 428, 432
Krieger, R. L., 487, 488
Kuhn, Thomas S., 134, 356

Lachmann boundary-layer research. See boundary-layer control.

Lacklen, Robert J., 491,492
LaGuardia, Fiorello H., 356, 665
Lamb, William E., 64, 336
laminar flow. See boundary-layer control.
laminar-flow wings. See low-drag wings.
Lampert, Florian, 68, 337
Lanchester, F. W., 344, 571
Land, Emory S., 428, 432, 533,647
Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory. See Smithsonian Institution.
Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory (Hampton, Va.), 46, 79-80, 81-87, 99-100, 101, 104-05,
111-12, 117, 121, 140, 141, 142 ill., 145, 149,154, 159, 161 ill., 170, 182,201 ill., 233,247,254,
323, 340, 341, 343, 345, 347-48, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355,357,358, 364, 395, 398,399, 410-11,
416, 468, 477, 480, 484, 487, 488, 507, 509 ill., 514, 539, 541-42, 543, 546, 547-48, 550, 628,
632, 636, 656, 662, 673, 683, 693, 698-99, 703, 719
Aerodynamics Division, app. 256, 260, 485, 486, 533, 537, 637
Engine Research Division, 369, 533
Flight Operations Section, 485, 638
Flight Research Section, 638
NACA tow tank, 108, 117, 185 ill., 268 ill., 509 ill., 514, 537
Power Plant Div., 485, 637
site selection, 80, 82-83, 340, 362
Langley, Samuel P., 1, 2, 8, 12, 21, 25, 321,324-25,585
La Pierre, C. W., 442
Larsen, Robert G., 453
Larson, Karl, 452
Lawrance, Charles W., 641,646

William C.,451,
William J.,501
John G.,379, 451,454
mansion, 177,507
LeMay,Curtis, 214,255
GeorgeW.,60ill.,63,66,76,77ill.,84,85,88,89,90ill.,92,95,96,97,101, 102,103, 104-07,
119-20, 121,
122, 127,
130,133, 135, 138-39, 141, 142 ill.,147,
179, 187,
188,193 ill.,196 ill.,198 ill.,202,204-05,209,211,212,
221,225,226,227,228,229,231-32,234,238,242,245-46,249-50, 286, 302,321,330,334, 335,
336,337,338,339,340,342,344,346,347,348-49,350,352,354,356,358,36 363,370,371,
375,376,379,380,411,439,449,450,458,467,477,483,485,486, 487,488,490,511 ill.,533,
659,660, 678,683,
689,690,699, 713,714,716, 767
Propulsion Laboratory,
175-76,186,193 ill.,194, 211, 233,240 ill.,264ill.,361,507, 514,
Committee onAeronauticsRadioResearch.See Department of Commerce.
Liberty engine, 186
Lindbergh, Charles A., 99, 125, 130, 142 ill., 147, 154, 160, 162, 428, 434, 457, 641, 643, 667
Littell, Robert E., 490, 491, 492
Little, Delbert M., 450, 459
Littlewood, William, 182, 207, 209, 428, 433, 439, 442, 456, 461, 487, 488, 691,692
Lockheed Aircraft Corp. 550, 668, 686, 689
Lockheed Air Express, 116
Loening, Grover, 450, 453, 487,668
Longwell, Jnhn P., 454
Lonnquest, Theodore C., 428, 432
Lord, Herbert M., 352, 648
Lorentz, Henry E., 492
Los Angeles (airship), 649
Louden, F. A., 727
Lovelace, W. Randolph, 458
low-drag wings, 195, 538, 542, 545-46, 549, 552, 704, 705
Lumpkin, George C., 497
Lundin, Bruce T., 493
Lundquist, Eugene E., 499
Lynch, Arthur J., 505

M-3 aircraft, 658

ME-163, 712
McAdams, W. H., 452
McAvoy, William H., 486, 499, 503
McBrearty, Jerome F., 455
McCain, John S., 428, 432
McCann, William J., 364, 379, 493,495, 496
McCarthy, Charles, J., 352,428,435, 440, 488, 647
McCauley, George D., 492
McComb, Thomas M., 496
McCook Field (U.S. Army), 80-81, 343, 344, 536
McCormick, Harold F., 324, 589
MacCracken, William P., Jr., 346, 359, 428, 434, 439,441,667
MacDill, Leslie, 644, 646
McDonald, John C., 455, 488
McDonnell, J. S., Jr., 535-36
McIntosh, I,awrence W., 428, 431
Maclaurin, Richard C., 7-8, 12, 13, 15, 322, 323, 324

Machnumber,697,698,699, 700, 705-06, 715, 719
Edward T.,500
James R.,323
Association,Inc.,41,51,328, 335,355
S.,188, 369
FlightCenter(MSFC), 730
Glenn L.,329,334,633
Co.,129, 268ill.
F.,29ill.,335, 428, 433, 439,440,443, 448, 484, 485, 603,646
ofTechnology, 8,12,18,163, 283,324,327, 544, 575
GeorgeJ.,163, 170,173, 175, 177,196 ill.,207,350, 361,
362,363, 364,
374,428, 433,439,458
James M.,203, 204,206ill.,207,218
onNACA committees.See Air Force, U.S.; Army, U.S.; Industry; and Navy, U.S.
Menoher, Charles T., 334, 343, 429, 431,633
Messick, John C., 499, 501
Meyer, George, 5, 10
MiG-15, 262
MiG-19, 262
Mikle, Ferril R., 502
Milburn, L. C., 647
Miller, E. Eugene, 380,492
Miller, Ehon W., 133, 345, 500, 501, 536, 538, 544, 546, 637, 648, 657
Miller, N. Phillip, 495, 496
Miller, W. H., 647
Millikan, Clark B., 454, 456, 488, 538, 547-48, 550, 678
Millikan, Robert A., 155, 157, 188, 331, 360
Mills, L. Russell, 505
Mingle, H. B., 604, 605, 606, 607, 608
missiles. See research, NACA; Research and Development Board, Guided Missiles Committee.
Mitchell, (General) "Billy," 59, 65, 66-67, 68, 69, 86, 99, 130
Mitchell, Hugh, 374
Mitscher, Marc A., 429, 432
Mixon, Robert E., 500, 501
Mochel, Norman L., 453, 487
Modarelli, James j., 494
Moffett Field, 155, 165, 173, 364, 693
Moffett, William A., 333, 334, 336, 429, 432
Mooney, J. D., 647
Moore, Charles S., 496
Morgan, William C., 648
Morris, Howard H., 500
Morrow, Dwight, 69, 337,346, 668
Morse, F. L., 604, 606
Mouhon, Harold G., 358-59
Mulcahy, Bertram A., 488, 490, 494
Muller, Margaret M., 485, 486, 490
Mulligan, Denis, 429, 434
Munitions Board (National Military Establishment). See Defense, Dept. of.
Munk, Max, 92-93, 94 ill., 95, 96 ill., 97, 98, 99-100, 103, 105, 106, 107, 122-23, 130, 131-32, 133, 134,

145, 146,158, 237,344,
AirBase, Calif.,249
Robert B.,Jr.,429,
See P-51 Mustang.
Mustin, H. C., 53, 332
Myers, Thomas E., 456, 461

NACA cowling, 107 ill., 113, 114 ill., 115-17, 131, 235, 351, 352-53, 641-42,642-43,655,659,661,670
NACA Membership Act of 1948, 265, 393
NACA Muroc Flight Test Unit. See High Speed Flight Station.
NACA Overtime Act (1942), 183, 393
Nahigyan, Kevork K., 495-
Nance, John A., 492
National Academy of Sciences, 12, 45, 158, 189, 230, 323, 369, 730
Research Board for National Security, 202, 213
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 27-28, 30-31, 43, 47-49, 53, 60 ill., 283,299-303,
321,324, 325,326,329, 333,337,344, 353,359,365,366,370,402-03,507,585. See also commit-
tee, NACA; funding, NACA; research, NACA.
abolition, proposals for, 45, 65, 67, 130, 136, 145, 149-50, 207, 336
advisory role, 71, 73, 178, 196,287,330,363,396,404,409,412,415,420,600-01,610-11,634,639,665
Aeronautical Intelligence, Office of, 33, 46, 74, 75, 99, 206, 243, 339, 380, 484, 485, 486,621-28
Aeronautical Patents and Design Board, 374
and civil aviation, 53-70, 141, 151,287,395,396-97,404,420,548,558,598,631,639,648,665,669,
693-94, 729
contracts, 33-34, 45, 46, 88, 178, 183, 198, 246-47, 327-28, 397-98, 400, 544, 555, 714, 763
Coordinator of Research, 168-69, 363, 365, 366
establishment, proposals for, 6-25, 27, 322, 326,328,479-84, 595-96
European Office, 234, 241, 243, 485, 486
High Speed Panel, 213
legislation, 393-403, 423, 468, 591-92, 602, 658
merger with Dept. of Commerce, proposals for, 64, 66, 67, 70, 130, 135, 137,222,295, 301,338,357,
665-68, 669-70, 673-75
and military aviation, 128, 141, 167-68, 178, 179, 192-93, 195, 196, 197-98, 204, 247, 249, 259-64,
270-72,287,288-89, 357,376, 396,404,420,535,548,549,558,597-98,600,631,639,648,666,
669, 683, 689, 693, 729
NACA Shore Camp, 121, 142, 353
personnel, 33, 47, 74, 75-76, 79, 95, 97, 121-23, 143, 145, 149, 167, 169-71, 173, 183-84,227-32,234,
236-38, 242, 260, 265, 268, 274-77, 286-87, 288, 338, 387, 397, 399-400, 401-02, 408, 410-17,
418,-19, 421-22, 483, 537, 543,610, 613-14, 656, 661,675, 676-78, 701, 716, 750, 764
Publications, Office of, 243-44, 381
regulations, 393,403-22
Research Analysis, Office of, 244, 245-46
Research Information, Division of (Hq), 243, 244-45
Space Flight Research Center, 296, 389
university relations, 33-34, 122, 130, 133, 135, 145, 152-53, 156-58, 164, 167-68, 170, 178, 183, 184,
196, 197, 216, 218, 237, 246-47, 381, 384, 400, 555, 678-79, 701
Western Coordination Office, 182, 183, 215, 365,380
National Aerodynamical Laboratory Commission. See Woodward Commission.
National Aeronautical Research Policy (1946), 208
National Aeronautics, 154
National Aeronautics and Space Act (1958), 296, 299, 390, 393, 402-03
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 283, 296, 299-300, 321, 328, 364, 377, 389,
390-91, 402-03, 728
National Aeronautics and Space Agency, 296
National Aeronautics and Space Council, 297
National Bureau of Standards (NBS), 5, 11, 21, 24-25, 46, 88, 128, 135, 139-40, 162, 186, 189,226,227,
322,340, 343, 357, 377,394, 395, 398, 423, 433, 468, 478, 544, 547, 555, 579, 588, 589
National Defense Advisory Commission (NDAC), 178, 185, 366

Commission (NDAC) (continued)
Act(1947), 204
Committee (NDRC), 171, 177,197,
See Defense, Dept. of.
National Physical Laboratory (British), 3, 4, 104, 116, 571, 643, 658
National Research Council, 44, 45-46, 47
National Science Foundation, 201, 202, 373, 730
National Security Council, 263-64, 280
National Supersonic Research Center, 213, 214, 216, 218, 249, 254, 376, 695, 702, 703 ill.
National Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan. See Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act, 1949.
Naval Aircraft Factory, 678, 679
Naval Research Laboratory, 300
Navy Building (Washington, D.C.), 507
Navy, U.S., 13-14, 52, 54, 61, 340-41, 397-98, 399-400, 572-77, 581, 583, 587, 588, 595, 596, 598, 633,
640, 646, 665, 667, 676, 682, 685. See also Washington Navy Yard.
aeronautical research by, 5-6, 7, 9, 21, 28, 53, 87-88, 136, 289-90,321,343,357,400,593,596,678,
683, 693, 695
Bureau of Aeronautics, 57, 115, 162, 177, 367, 533-34, 541, 629, 632, 634, 635,694
membership on NACA, 39, 128,285,287,288,324,394,396,398,423,426,462,592,593,594,601,
and NACA research, 2, 19, 23, 80, 115, 139, 141,145, 156,214,238,255-56,397,405,408,468,478,
533-34, 535, 537, 538-39, 541, 552, 602, 648, 649-50, 651,666, 670, 671, 673, 683, 693, 722,
Neill, Thomas T., 381, 488, 490
NEPA. See Nuclear Energy tor Propulsion of Aircraft.
New York University, 112, 153
Newton, Byron R., 429, 434
Nixon, Richard, 270, 385
Noble, Edward J., 429, 434
noise reduction, 111, 285
North American, 686, 689
Northrup Aircraft Corp., 542, 543
Northrup, John K., 442
Norton, F. H., 345, 648
Noyes, C. R. Finch, 334
Nuclear Energy for Propulsion of Aircrati (NEPA, U.S. Air Force program), 383
nuclear-powered aircraft. See research, NACA
Nye Committee, 141
Nyrop, Donald W., 429, 435

Oak Point Club. See NACA Shore Camp.

O'Donnell, William J., 455, 488
Ofstie, Ralph A., 429, 432
Old Point Comtort, 111, 142,636
Olsen, Walter T., 493
On the Frontier: Flight Research at Dryden, 1946-1981 (Richard P. Hallion), 249
Organ, Mabry V., 496
Organization of the Executive Branch of Government, Commission on, 222
Ovington, Earl, 668
Owen, O. W., 327

P-38, 195, 371

P-51 (Mustang), 195, 549, 705
PN-9 (Navy seaplane), 69
PW-9, 637, 638, 658
Pace, Ernest M., Jr., 432,648,687,689, 690
Pace, Thomas A., 429, 497
Packard Co., 686, 689


Padgett, L. P., 592,593

Palmer, Richard W., 668
Parker, James S., 338
Parkinson, John B., 499
Parsons, John F., 364, 502
patents, 34, 38, 39-40, 41, 75, 102, 117, 328
Hispano-Suiza engine patent, 604, 606, 607
Patents and Design Board, 347,395-96, 412,415, 457
Patrick, Mason M., 335, 337, 429, 431
Peale, Mundy I., 442
Pentagon. See Defense, Dept. of.
Perkins, Kendall, 727
personnel. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Petavel, J. E., 571
Pfingstag, Carl J., 429, 432
Phillips, E. M., 453
Phillips, Franklyn W., 488, 491
Pickering, William H., 458
Pigott, R. J. S., 453
Pilotless Aircraft Research Division. See Wallops Island Pilotless Aircraft Research Station.
Pinkel, Benjamin, 493,501
Pinkel, J. Irving, 494
Pinnow, Bruno A., 495
Pirie, Robert B., 429, 432
Plum Brook, Ohio, 285,488, 508
policy, See research.
Pollyea, Myron J., 495
Poole, Mamie G., 503
Porter, C. T., 647
Post Office Dept., 33, 52, 53, 54, 57, 61, 337,629, 630, 632,634, 635, 666
Power Plant Div., Langley. See Langley Laboratory.
Powers, Edwards M., 429, 431, 727
Praeger, Otto, 327
Prandtl, Ludwig, 3, 92, 158, 355, 387, 529-30, 532, 538, 573
Pratt and Whitney Co., 177, 351,362,365,668, 686, 688, 689
Pratt, Henry C., 429, 431,663
Pratt, Perry W., 456
President's Aircraft Board, 69, 70
President's Air Policy Commission, 716
President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), 280, 291, 294
Prewitt, Richard H., 453
Price, John Dale, 429, 432
Progressivism, 10, 16, 20, 23, 25,326
propellers. See research, NACA.
propulsion, rocket. See research, NACA.
Public Law 80-313 (1947), 275-76
Public Law 472 (1950), 277,401
Public Works Administration, 144, 358
publication. See reports, NACA; research, NACA
Puckett, Allen E., 454
Pupin, Michael I., 29 ill., 39, 429, 433, 444
Putt, Donald L., 429, 431, 727
Pyle, James T., 429, 435

Quarles, Donald A., 391, 429, 433

Radford, Arthur W., 429, 432

radial engines. See engine.
Rae, John B., 99, 116, 332, 343, 346, 350, 352, 354, 360


R.A.F. airfoils, 371, 541,637, 767

ramjet, 187, 712
Ramsey, DeWitt, 727
Rawson, H. S., 447, 486, 648
Ray, George R., 448
Rayleigh, Lord, 571
Raymond, Arthur E., 205, 209, 215-16, 218, 376, 386, 429, 435,440, 487, 727
Reader, Austin F., 495
Reading, Eugene M., 492
Reaser, Wilber W., 452
Reber, Samuel, 29 ill., 429, 431
Reclamation Service, U.S., 211
reconnaissance satellites, 280, 298, 299
Redding, Arnold H., 450, 451,456, 487
Redstone Arsenal, Ala., 293, 296, 387
Reichelderfer, Francis W., 429, 433,448, 487, 488
Reid, Elliot G., 532, 533, 535,550,629,637,648,661
Reid, HenryJ. E., 86, 87 ill., 95, 97, 99-100, 102, 142 ill., 196 ill., 257 ill., 342,345, 352,354, 356, 449,
450, 459,485,486,487,488,498,536, 538,539, 542,543,544, 546, 548, 549,637,648,660,661
Reid, James A., 450, 488
Reiser, Walter H., 353,499, 648
Renard, Paul, 579
Rentschler, F. B., 668
Rentzel, Delos W., 429, 435
reports, NACA, 186, 243-45, 301, 551-567, 615-16, 725, 769
Research Memorandum, 239, 551-52, 553, 556, 558
Technical Note, 103, 115, 179, 244, 536, 537, 546, 547,549, 550, 551,553,556, 766
Technical Report, 115, 179, 244, 537, 551, 556, 557, 766
Wartime reports, 179, 181, 234, 239, 241,244, 552, 553, 556,558
research aircraft program, 247, 250, 382
research, European, 1-2, 6, 7
Austrian, 573
British, 3-4, 104, 161, 189, 220, 331, 332, 334, 345, 368-69, 370, 371, 572, 582, 584, 595, 689
French, 3, 331, 332, 573, 579, 581-82, 584, 595
German, 3, 92, 147-49, 154, 161, 173,189, 195,204-05,211,213,262,358,360, 363,371,374,376,
550, 573, 595, 680-81,687, 703-13
Italian, 332, 573, 707
Russian, 3, 147, 184, 262,280, 290-91, 358, 368, 573, 595
vs. U.S., 3-4, 8, 9, 1!-!2, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 30, 44, 75,108,147, 149,220,262-63_ 358_ 360_ 368-69,
529, 532, 578, 593,594-95, 597,693,728, 730
research, NACA, 30, 71, 73, 74, 118 ill., 131, 140, 141, 145-46, 151, 155, 157, 167, 171, 178, 186-87,
196-99, 200 ill., 206, 216, 217, 219-20, 234, 236-39, 255-56, 258, 260, 268-69, 270-71, 273-74,
281,288-89,291-92,296, 331,337,346,358, 376,394, 398,404, 468,592,601,618-21,634, 653,
aircraft materials, 645-46
authorization, 103-04, 115, 119, 269, 529-50, 628, 658, 714, 718, 765, 766
economics, 140, 141, 259-64, 372, 648-51,653-54, 656,657,661,669-72
equipment, 211, 213, 214-15, 218-19, 220, 354, 382, 397, 401,507-28, 550, 611, 617, 731, 750-63
missile, 205, 277, 280, 283, 285, 289, 383,385, 713, 731, 754
nuclear powered aircraft, 247, 254, 277, 283, 285, 289, 383
nuclear powered spacecraft, 730-31, 732, 734-39, 751-52
policy, 17, 57, 69, 72, 87, 88-89, 98, 128-29, 156, 205, 216, 220-21, 226-27, 232, 272-73, 277-78,
291-92, 349, 549-50, 608-09, 610, 612, 639, 659, 675, 683, 684-87, 690, 693-95, 713-61, 722,
procedure, 97, 103-06, 153, 168-69, 177, 179, 550, 662-65, 714
propellers, 650, 658, 710-12
publication of resuhs, 33, 46, 74, 92, 152,179, 181,239,242-43,243-46,283,285,289,361,381,535,
536-37, 538, 539, 543, 546, 547-48, 549, 550, 551-52, 556, 560, 616, 653-54, 655, 660, 663-64,
673, 684, 714, 720-21, 724-25

213,247, 252-53,361,369, 712,732-34, 735,736,
292-93, 294, 297,298, 728-64
Board(military),203,204, 206,
217,229, 253,
See National Academy of Sciences.
Research Memorandum. See Reports, NACA.
Retriever, 121,353
Reynolds number, 93, 508, 510, 511,697, 704, 715, 719
Reynolds, Osborne, 345
Rhines, Thomas B., 451
Rhode, Richard V., 342, 459, 486, 488, 491,498
Richards, Harold L., 505
Richardson, H. L., 407
Richardson, Holden C., 27, 29 ill., 324, 352, 429, 432, 443, 450, 585, 588, 590, 646
Richardson, Lawrence, B., 375, 432
Rickenbacker, Edward V., 99, 429, 433, 442, 488
Roberts, Ernest W., 21, 23-24, 325
Robins, Augustine W., 429, 431
Robinson, Russell G., 368, 370, 383, 454, 458, 487, 491, 502
Rockefeller Commission on Government Organization; 294
Rocket and Satellite Research Panel, 294
rocket. See research, NACA.
Rodert, Lewis A., 195, 235, 255, 452,455, 487, 503
Rogers, John, 575, 576
Roma (airship), 127
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 23, 38, 138, 141, 154, 159, 165, 167, 177, 184, 201,227,325,328,333,335,418,
Root, L. E., 454, 461, 487
Roots supercharger. See supercharger.
Ross, Chandler C., 456, 461,487
Rotch, A. Lawrence, 7, 321, 322
Rothrock, Addison, M., 379, 454, 487, 488, 491, 497, 501
Rothschild, Louis S., 429, 434
Round I, Round II, Round III. See supersonic flight.
Royal Aircraft Factory (British), 370-71
Royce, D., 648
Russel, Edgar, 324, 585, 588, 590
Russel, Frank H., 334, 335, 604, 605,606, 607, 608, 633, 639-40, 647
Ryan, Oswald, 429, 434

Sabine, Wallace C., 332, 429, 431,484, 622

safety, aviation, 111,248 ill., 395, 577, 638,641, 648, 649, 651, 694
Samet, H. Arthur, 500
Sanders, Newell D., 493
Sanderson, Kenneth C., 504
Saville, Gordon P., 384, 429, 431
Schairer, George, S., 376, 451,487
Schapiro, Leo, 455
Schey, Oscar W., 493,496, 648
Schleicher, Richard L., 455, 487
Schlicting, Hermann T., 704
Schmidt, Robert W., 494, 497
Schnitker, Edward H. A., 503
Schroeder, R. W., 647
Science Advisory Committee. See President's Science Advisory Committee.
Science in the Federal Government (A. Hunter Dupree), 201

Science, the Endless Frontier (Vannevar Bush), 201, 202
Scientific Advisory Board. See Army Air Forces.
Scientific Advisory Group. See Army, U.S.
Scientific Research and Development, Office of, 171, 177, 197, 201
scientists. See engineers.
Scott, Ruth, 492
Scriven, George P., 27, 28 ill., 29 ill., 30, 31,284, 324, 326,327,403,405,408,429, 431,585, 588, 590,
597, 598, 601
seaplane, 119, 127-28, 343, 649-50
Sears, William R., 380, 456, 488
Selden, Robert F., 497
Selective Service, Bureau of, 183, 242, 275
Senate, U.S. See Congress.
separate Air Force, 58-59, 60-61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 81, 334, 336, See also independent Air Force, Unified
Air Service.
7- by 10-foot wind tunnel. See wind tunnel.
Shapley, Willis, 222, 228-29, 238, 279, 295, 377, 378, 380
Sharp, Edward R., 175, 176 ill., 196 ill., 211,212, 214, 364, 376, 485, 486, 487,488, 492, 500, 648
Shave, Ernest J., 501
Shaw, W. N., 571
Shaw, William V., 502
Shea, William M., 378, 492
Shell Oil Company, 284
Shenandoah (Army airship), 69
Shey, Oscar W., 501
Shoemaker, j. M., 643-44, 648
Shortal, Joseph A., 383,499
Signal Corps (U.S. Army). See Army Signal Corps.
Silverstein, Abe, 492, 497, 501
site selection for NACA laboratories. See names of individual laboralories.
16-foot High-Speed Wind Tunnel. See Wind tunnel.
Smith, Harold D., 202, 362, 364, 373
Smith, R. H., 648
Smith, Ronald B., 451, 487
Smith, Rosa D., 491
Smithsonian Institution, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13-14, 16, 18, 19-21,24, 25, 37-38,323,326, 327,369,405,
417, 423, 433
Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory, 394, 398, 572, 582, 584, 585-90, 594, 595, 590, 666, 716-17
Smull, Thomas L. K., 380, 381, 488, 491, 721
Snark (missile), 252 ill.
Snyder, George, 455
Soule, Hartley A., 499
sound barrier, 199, 250, 255, 256 ill., 257, 281
Soviet Union, 184
Spaatz, Carl, 196 ill., 198 ill., 429, 431
spaceflight. See research, NACA.
Space Flight Research Center. See National Advisory Committee li)r Aeronautics.
Sparks, Ralph H., 504
special committees. See Committees, NACA.
special subcommittees. See Committees, NACA.
spinning, 119, 637, 649
"Spirit of St. Louis," 650
Sputnik I, II, 283, 290-91, 302, 387
Squier, George O., 33, 46, 329, 330, 341, 429, 431, 443, 444
stability and control, 252, 280, 344, 707-09
Stack, John, 249, 250 ill., 251, 255, 256, 257 ill., 261-63, 292, 384,498, 501
Stalker, Edward, 647
Stanton, S. W., 633

Stearns,L.C.,330, 339,621,622,623, 624,627,628
C.,383,429, 432
C.H.,448, 488
Stever,H.Guyford, 292, 458
Stout, Ernest
Samuel W.,13,14ill.,15,29ill.,32,35,47,59,66,70,88,89,90,129,322,324,
341,342,343,344,409,410,411,429,433,434,439,440, 444,446,484,485,585,589,590,
603,604, 633,668
278,279, 280,379
See committees, NACA.
Sunnyvale, Calif., 154, 155, 158, 159, 160, 165, 166, 173, 360, 361,364
centrifugal supercharger, 194 ill,
Roots supercharger, 120, 342, 370, 638, 651
turbosupercharger, 193, 546
supersonic flight, 199, 205, 211-12, 247, 250-52, 271, 278
Supersonic Flight (Richard P. Hallion), 247
Supersonic Research Center. See National Supersonic Research Center.
supersonic wind tunnel. See wind tunnel.
Sverdrup and Parcel, 216
Swanson, Warren E., 456, 488
swept wings, 97,204, 205 ill., 235, 707, 713, 715

Taft, William H., 5, 10, 18

Tarbox, J. P., 604, 605,606, 607,608
Taylor, David W., 11-12, 13, 15, 83, 102,322, 323, 333, 334, 336, 344, 347,412,414, 429, 432, 433, 439,
441,457,485,604, 607,633,667
Technical Notes. See Reports, NACA.
Technical Reports. See Reports, NACA.
Technological Capabilities Panel, 280
Templin, Richard L., 448, 487
Theodorsen, Theodore, 133, 237, 380, 486, 498, 544
Thielemann, Rudolph H., 453,488
Thomas, Albert, 221-22, 241, 264-68, 269, 270
Thompson, Floyd L., 498, 501
Thompson, Milton O., 504
Thompson, William M., 492
Thrasher, Tom G., 387
Tichenor, Frank, 130-33, 134, 135, 140, 145, 146, 355, 356, 652, 657,660, 665
Tillman, Benjamin R., 21, 325, 593, 594
Titterington, M. M., 644, 647
Tomlinson, D. W., 452, 460
Tousignant, John D., 494
Toward New Horizons (Scientific Advisory Group), 203
Towers, John H., 160, 189, 327,329,429, 432,444, 575, 576
Townend, Hubert C., 116-17
Townend ring, 116-17, 131, 352, 655, 659, 661
Tozier, Robert E., 497
transonic wind tunnel. See wind tunnel.
Trayer, George W., 447, 485,646
Treasury, Dept. of, 468, 594,601
Truman, Harry S, 202, 228, 373, 419
Truscott, Star, 354, 363, 448, 485, 486, 499,637
Truszynski, Gerald M., 504

187, 188,191, 264ill.,714,715
See supercharger.
20-foot wind tunnel. See wind tunnel.
Twining, Nathan F., 429, 431
2- by 2-foot supersonic tunnel. See wind tunnel.

U-2, 280
Ulmer, Ralph E., 364, 366, 376, 491
Underwood, Arthur, 453, 487
Underwood, Harrison A., 498
Unified Air Service, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 69-70
Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of 1949, 211,215-19,220, 222, 249,254, 259, 263,376-77,386, 393,400,
403, 695, 725-28
United Aircraft Corp., 163, 164, 362
United Airlines, 163
Universities. See names of individual universities; National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Uppercue, I., 604, 606, 607
Upson, R. H., 643,647
USSR. See Soviet Union.

V-l, V-2 (missile), 377, 707, 713

Vaccaro, Michael J., 494
Valerino, Michael F., 496
Van Allen, James A., 458
Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 429, 431
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 324, 589
Van Dusen, C. A., 647
Vanguard, 300, 389
variable-density wind tunnel. See wind tunnel.
velocity-gravity recorder, 86
Vensel, Joseph R., 497, 504
Vickers, Sons & Maxim, 353, 571
Victory, John F., 30, 33, 47, 48, 60 ill., 62, 63, 65-66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 76, 78, 81, 82, 84-86, 101, 102, 106,
112-13, 121, 125, 127, 130,135, 136, 137, 138, 140,141, 142 ill., 145, 148 ill., 153, 156, 157, 160,
165, 166, 169, 171, 176, 178, 193 ill., 195, 196 ill., 198,202, 221,222,227,228-30,231 ill., 233,
242, 257 ill., 264, 265,266, 269, 270, 273, 275, 277, 284 ill., 287,294, 295,301, 322,326,328,
331,332,333,334,335,336, 337,338,340,342,344, 345,347,350,352,354,355,357,358,360,
648, 664, 678, 683, 684, 690,691, 692-93, 714, 719, 727
Vidal, Eugene L., 142 ill., 358, 430, 434
Videan, Edward N., 504
Vienna Aerodynamical Laboratory, 532
Vincent, J. B., 668
Vivien, Jean N., 495
Voigt, Paul F., 447
von Braun, Wernher, 298, 458
von Doenhoff, Albert E., 544, 546, 547, 548, 549-50
yon K_rmgn, Theodore, 96 ill., 158, 188, 203, 217, 226, 360, 361,534, 538, 548
Vought aircraft, 513 ill., 638

Wadsworth, James W., 335, 336

Walcott, Charles D., 13, 14, 15, 16 ill., 17, 18, 19-20, 21, 23-24, 25, 27, 28, 29-30, 32, 35-36, 39-40, 44, 52,
53, 54, 56-57, 59, 61, 63, 67, 69, 100,285,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,331,332,334,
335,337,339,406,409,410, 412,430, 433,439,444,445,484, 585,587,588,590,591,593,602,
603, 633
Waldon, Sidney, 58, 59, 61, 329, 334,604, 633

Dwayne L.,442
Pilotless AircraftResearch
ill.,290 ill.,383,480,487,
DonL.,456, 488
U.S.,43,52,54,213,326,394,397,478,587,588, 594,595,596,665,666,667,682,
Marsden,370, 638,648
Raymond, 647
Edward P.,82,85,86,92,109, 110ill.,127,
142 ill.,152,163,
619,640, 646, 688,690, 691
571, 572,663,667
Board, 209
Reports.See Reports, NACA.
Washington Monument, 583
Washington Navy Yard, 9, 24, 576, 584, 593
Wasielewski, Eugene W., 370, 493, 496
Watt, R. M., 5
Watter, Michael, 647
Way, Stewart, 455, 487
Wearin, Otha D., 144
Weather Bureau, U.S., 13, 394, 398, 406, 423, 433, 584, 588, 594, 596, 601,635,666, 716
Webster, William, 430, 433
Weick, Fred E., 349, 351, 352, 451, 648, 661
Weil, Joseph, 504
Wenzinger, CarlJ., 354, 501
Wellons, Frank W., 453, 488
Wentworth, John, 647
Western Coordination Office (NACA). See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Western Development Div., Air Research and Development Command. See Air Research and Develop-
ment Command.
Westinghouse, 189-90, 651, 686, 689
Westover, Oscar, 154, 159, 363, 430, 431,457, 675,678
Wetmore, Alexander, 430, 433
Wetzler, John M., 450
Wexler, Harry, 461, 487
Weyerbacher, Ralph D., 430, 432
Wheeler, Catherine, 492
Whitcomb, Richard, 280-81, 287, 387,483
White, Dan, 495
White, James A., 503
White, Thomas D., 430, 431
Whiting, Kenneth, 334, 633
Whitman, Walter G., 430, 433, 450, 727
Whitney, Ernest G., 497
Whittemore, H. L., 440, 447
Whittle jet-propulsion engine. See engine.
Williams, Benjamin L., 604
Williams, Clyde E., 455
Williams, Glenn C., 454, 487
Williams, Walter C., 487, 488, 500, 504
Wilson, Alfred E., 503
Wilson, Charles E., 263, 264 ill.
Wilson, E. B., 48, 331, 334
Wilson, Eugene E., 690
Wilson, Herbert A., Jr., 498

Roscoe C.,376, 430, 431
Woodrow, 10,16,20,24,30,32,39,42,53,322,326,407, 408,409, 410,
587,588, 602
1,83ill.,90,92-93,108, 131, 134, 144, 145, 158, 184, 211,216,219-21,227
373,376,400, 508-12,513 ill.,516 ill.,517 ill.,519 ill.,523,642,654,679-80,706, 754-55, 765
atmosphericwindtunnel, 514, 515, 538, 637, 641, 660
8-by7-foot windtunnel, 286ill.,367
40-by80-footwindtunnel, 174, 234, 272ill.,367,508, 524,525 ill.
windtunnel, 235ill.,367, 518
windtunnel, 107,117, 121, 129 ill.,252 ill.,260 ill.,367,507,508,
509ill.,510 ill.,515-16
pressure tunnel, 518, 547,548, 550, 668
tunnel, 107 ill.,108, 115, 117,128, 349, 353,367,515, 538,
637,641, 642, 650
7-by10-foot windtunnel, 174, 251ill.,367, 524
high-speed windtunnel, 174, 257 ill.,367,520 ill.,524
windtunnel, 211,213,214, 215,218,254 ill.,385,510, 514, 526,527,528,695,696, 698-
windtunnel, 250-51, 256, 510, 522ill.,526, 527
windtunnel, 520ill.
2-by2-foot supersonic
tunnel, 281ill.,699
windtunnel, 92,93,94ill.,106-07, 108, 115, 128,246,344-45,
510, 515, 535,538,
544,641,643, 658-59, 661
Winslow,Samuel E.,64,66,335, 336
George F.,450, 488
Wood,Donald H.,364,502, 542-43, 544
Woodrum, Clifton
A.,121,136, 137, 144, 150, 159, 221, 353,359, 361, 377
Woodward,Robert S.,10
Woodward,William H.,488, 491
Woodward Commission, 10-11, 12,13,14,15,19,323, 324
Orville,1-2,8,21,37-38, 142 ill.,148 ill.,166, 321, 324-25, 328,329,336,
351, 372, 430,434,
536,585,589, 664-65,667, 720
Theodore P.,349, 350, 430, 434, 435,439, 458, 641, 647,691, 692,727
Wilbur, 1-2,8,21,37-38, 321,328, 349, 372
Corp., 362,686, 689
4,328, 573,575
158,213, 382, 678-79, 680,682,685,689
Co.,38,39,40,41,328, 330, 604, 606, 607
WrightWhirlwindengine.See engine.
Wyatt, De Marquis D., 493
Wynn, E. H., 727

X-15, 278, 285, 293, 296, 298, 299, 303, 729-30, 731, 732, 744, 755
XP6M-1, 268 ill.

York, Herbert, 388

Young, Pearl I., 501
Young Turks dinner, 292

Zahm, Alfred H., 6-7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 322, 323, 324, 325, 585,589, 590, 591
Zoll, E. C., 334, 633
Zucrow, Maurice J., 456, 461

The Author

Alex Roland graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1966 with
a B.S. in engineering. He spent the next four years in the Marine
Corps, during which he served a tour of duty in Vietnam and earned
an M.A. in American history from the University of Hawaii. From 1970
to 1973 he studied military history at Duke University, taking his Ph.D.
in 1974. His dissertation was subsequently published as Underwater
Warfare in the Age of Sail (1978). From 1973 to 1981 Roland was a
historian with NASA, working on a number of projects in addition to
this volume. In 1981 he returned to Duke, where he is currently
associate professor of history, teaching military history and the history
of technology.
The NASA History Series


Anderson, Frank W., Jr., Orders of Magnitude: A History of NACA and NASA, 1915-1980 (NASA SP-
4403, 2d ed., 1981).
Benson, Charles D., and William Barnaby Faherty, Moonport: A History of Apollo Launch Facilities and
Operations (NASA SP-4204, 1978).
Bilstein, Roger E., Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the ApolloSaturn Launch Vehicles (NASA
SP-4206, 1980).
Boone, W. Fred, NASA Offwe of Defense Affairs." The First Five Years (NASA HHR-32, 1970, multilith).
Brooks, Courtney G., James M. Grimwood, and- Loyd S. Swenson, Jr., Chariots for Apollo: A History
of Manned Lunar Spacecraft (NASA SP-4205, 1979).
Byers, Bruce K., Destination Moon: A History of the Lunar Orbiter Program (NASA TM X-3487, 1977,
Compton, W. David, and Charles D. Benson, Living and Workmg in Space." A History of Skylab (NASA
SP-4208, 1983).
Corliss, William R., NASA Sounding Rockets, 1958-1968: A Historical Summary (NASA SP-4401, 1971).
Ezell, Edward Clinton, and Linda Neuman Ezell, The Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test
Project (NASA SP-4209, 1978).
Green, Constance McL., and Milton Lomask, Vanguard." A History (NASA SP-4202, 1970; also
Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1971).
Hacker, Barton C., and James M. Grimwood, On the Shoulders of Titans: A History of Project Gemini
(NASA SP-4203, 1977).
Hall, R. Cargill, Lunar Impact." A History of Project Ranger (NASA SP-4210, 1977).
Hartman, Edwin P., Adventures in Research: A History of Ames Research Center, 1940-1965 (NASA
SP-4302, 1970).
Levine, Arnold, Managing NASA in the Apollo Era (NASA SP-4102, 1982).
Neweli, Homer E., Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Soence (NASA SP-4211, 1980).
Rosenthal, Alfred, Venture into Space." Early Years of Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA SP-4301,
Rosholt, Robert L., An Administrative History of NASA, 1958-1963 (NASA SP-4101, 1966).
Sloop, John L., Liquid Hydrogen as a Propulsion Fuel, 1945-1959 (NASA SP-4404, i978).
Swenson, Loyd S., Jr., James M. Grimwood, and Charles C. Alexander, This New Ocean: A History of
Project Mercury (NASA SP-4201, 1966).

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, annual volumes for 1975-1982.
The Apollo Spacecraft: A Chronology (NASA SP-4009, vol. 1, 1969; vol. 2, 1973; vol. 3, 1976; vol. 4,
Astronautics and Aeronautics: A Chronology, annual volumes 1961-1976 with an earlier summary volume,
Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1915-1960.
Dickson, Katherine M., ed., History of Aeronautics and Astronautics: A Preliminary Biblwgraphy (NASA
HHR-29, 1968, muhilith).
Hall, R. Cargill, ed., Essays on the History of Rocketry and Astronautics: Proceedings of the Third through the
Sixth History Symposia of the International Academy of Astronautics (NASA CP-2014, 2 vols., 1977).
Hall, R. Cargill, Project Ranger." A Chronology (JPL/HR-2, 1971, multilith).
Looney, John J., ed., Bibliography of Space Books and Articles from Non-Aerospace Journals, 1957-1977
(NASA HHR-51, 1979, muhilith).
Roland, Alex F., A Guide to Research in NASA History (NASA HHR-50, 7th ed., 1984, available from
NASA History Office).
Skylab: A Chronology (NASA SP-4011, 1977).
Van Nimmen,Jane, and Leonard C. Bruno, with Robert L. Roshoh, NASA Historical Data Book, 1958-
1968, vol. 1, NASA Resources (NASA SP-4012, 1976).
Wells, Helen T., Susan H. Whiteley, and Carrie E. Karegeannes, Or/g/ns of NASA Names (NASA
SP-4402, 1976).

Recent volumes are available from Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing

Office, Washington, DC 20402; early volumes from National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, VA 22161.

U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1985 O - 470-422 Vol.2 : OL 2

I Report No. 3. Rec,p=ent's .Ca_o<j No

NASA $3--__] o__

4 Tille and Subtitle S. Report Date

6. Performing Organization Code

Model Research: The National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, 1915-1958 LBH

Aurar(s) 8. Performing Organ;zation Report No.

Alex Roland
10. Work Unit No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Addre_

History Office 11. Contract or Grant No.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, D. C. 20546
i3. Type of Report and Period Covered

!12 Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Special Publication

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

Washington, D.C. 20546

15. S4jpplementary Notes

16. Abstract

The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the predecessor of NASA,

was the premier aeronautical research organization in the United States.

It conducted "scientific study of the problems of flight with a view to their

practical solution." This institutional history traces the birth and evolu-

tion of the NACA and analyzes such recurrent themes as the roles of science

and engineering, the influence of politics on technology, the way in which

the institution shapes technology and technology shapes the institution, the

contributions of key individuals, the nature of the research process, and

the relation between military and civilian aviation. Appendixes provide com-

prehensive data on personnel, organization, funding,research programs, and


17 Key Words (Suggest_ by Authoris)) 18 Oistributi_ Statement

boundary-layer control

wind tunnel

19 Sc=curitv Oa_if. (of this re_rtl 2_). 5_curlty Cta_if (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Pr,ce
? 50
Unclassified Unclassified

,-3o_ For sale by the Nat,onal Techmca':Infernal,on Service, SprinEf,eld V,_£,nla 22161

Model Research: The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1915-1958

NASA SP-4103

by Alex Roland

Narrative history of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1915-

1958. This agency, the predecessor of NASA, was the promior _oronautical
research organization in the United States, conductfh_ "scientific study
_ of_the problems of flight__ith.a_viewto--l:heir--practiacl solution." This ........
. _ . insf_itUion_| b!sr=r_y_-traces the birth_nd_ation-of-the-NACA-and-anayze_
such recurrent themse as the roles of science and engineering, the influence
of politics on technology, the way in which the institution _hanos r-ch-
........... :nolo_-and-.technology-s.hapes-the-institution, the contributions of ................
..... kev_in&ividuals. _the nature o£--the xesearch @rocess.,--and-ghe -r_la_ion-between--
military and c/-v/-F_ion.--Appendixes provide comprehensive_ataon ....
personnel, organization, funding, research programs, and publications.

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