Parent Teacher Conferences 1

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Lizbeth Yaneli Padilla

Parent/Teacher Conferences

A)​ List three things you will do to prepare to conference with parents and explain how/why each
preparation is important. For example: ​I will clean and organize my room so parents can see that
I am a responsible, organized educator​.

1. I will prepare materials to make myself feel more at ease and show the parents that I am
prepared and value their time.
2. I will create a welcoming environment to show that I am happy to be with them and also
make them feel comfortable in their child’s classroom.
3. I will balance the conversation, meaning to point out good and bad things to allow
parents to see that there are strengths and weaknesses in which we can both assist the

B) ​List three things you will do to motivate parents to schedule/attend conferences about student
learning progress, explain how/why each motivator will be effective.

1. I will schedule conferences according to the availability of the parents, to show that I
really want to meet them and inform them about their kids and that it is important for
them to show up and I am doing the most to make it all possible.
2. I will prepare an outlined agenda for the parents to know what to expect and be motivated
enough to actually want to hear all the information in person.
3. I will send informative/welcoming invitations to parents so they know how they are a
critical part of their child’s academic journey.

C) ​Briefly describe​ ​two ethical guidelines you will follow when conferencing with parents, and
explain how/why each guideline is important.

1. My attitude during conferences must be at its best. Treating the parent with respect is
key, it will show the parent that I appreciate their time and also value their opinion and
that we are both rooting for the student’s success.
2. Patience is important to follow during meetings like these as a parent can dislike what
they hear, but it is best to remain calm, showing the parent responsibility and

D)​ Make a checklist of seven things you will do, or talk about with every parent when you meet
at a conference about student learning progress, and explain how/why each step is important. For
example. ​1. I will greet the parents at the door to make them feel welcome and appreciated. This
sets a positive tone.

1. I will open with positives, reminding the parents what the purpose of the meeting is.
Parents want to hear about their kid’s strengths and weaknesses but starting with
positives will make the parent feel proud and want to hear more.
2. I will discuss progress and growth, informing parents about the way their child is
academically growing and what their abilities are. This will allow them to know how
their child is doing in the classroom and how they could help/support them.
3. I will ask questions, this will help me know more about the student and how I could help.
I’ll also know about concerns the parents might have and how this could be helpful in the
4. I will avoid getting off topic, this will show that I care about the student alone and that I
am responsible, showing that they can trust me.
5. I will be honest and not sugar coat things to show that I provide accurate assessments
about their child’s academic progress.
6. I will keep in mind that it is a team effort. Discussing/communicating with parents about
their child to show that they can help and that as a team, we can make a plan to help the
student make a positive impact.
7. I will only talk about their child, I will not compare them to others. This will show that I
am focused on their child and care about them as individuals.

E) ​Developing, implementing, and conducting effective parent/guardian conferences are

effective strategies to increase communication and support family involvement. How do these
strategies positively impact student learning? Be specific and provide a concrete measurable
positive impact on learning.

These strategies positively impact student learning because as the parent gets informed
about their child’s academic progress, they’re learning about their strengths and
weaknesses and at the same time, hearing about the things they can do to support them.
As they become aware of how they’re doing, they can begin to work with the teacher as
well, helping to come up with suggestions that can help the student reach their full
potential, therefore having a positive impact on learning.

F) ​Identify why parent conferences are important in terms of the theories and concepts discussed
in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic

Parent conferences are important because they allow for teachers and parents to work
directly in the benefit of the same target, and discuss the best things that can be done to
ensure that the student reaches their best academic potential while still receiving support
and focus in two different settings, (school and at home).

“Communication is what makes a team strong.”

G) ​Describe how the strategy of creating effective parent communication and conferences meets
one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from
the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.

TPE #1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 2 “Maintain ongoing communication with students and families… to

communicate achievement expectations and student progress.”

This TPE fits into this strategy because as mentioned, maintaining communication with
parents/family will allow for the teacher to inform them about the way that their child is
doing in school. It is a more personal way of addressing the student’s progress and needs.

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