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Paralleling Switchgear:

The sequence of operation for a paralleling switchgear project can be complex.

Because no two power systems are exactly the same, each should be custom-
designed to meet the requirements and challenges associated with the
project application. To reduce guesswork and ambiguity during system design
and operation, Kohler Power Systems has developed sequence charts that
document how a system will respond to both normal operations and system
failures. This intuitive approach helps ensure that the system will operate as
designed with no surprises.

A concise, detailed sequence of operation is perhaps the single most important

step when designing paralleling switchgear (or any system capable of automatic
operation). A traditional narrative-based sequence of operation may not clearly
illustrate the timing of events or combine normal operation with how the system
responds to failure. Kohler’s unique chart-based sequence of operation offers a
number of benefits including step-by-step explanation of sequence, timing and
response to failure. These multipurpose charts can also be used for submittal
reviews, test procedures, and operation and maintenance manuals. They
provide a single point of reference when seeking to understand the operation of
the paralleling switchgear.

This article describes the sequence chart approach, how a chart is custom-
created for an individual system and its benefits in the design, testing and
training processes.
There are four distinct stages of designing a
paralleling switchgear system.


The single-line drawing illustrates how Controls enable a system to perform the
components of the electrical system are specified sequences, allow for operator
connected and the available routes through interaction and provide all required metering
which power may travel in the system. and protection. During the control selection
phase, consideration should be given to both
the level and redundancy of the automatic
controls, as well as to any manual controls
required for operator intervention in the event
The sequence of operation describes the steps of an automatic control failure.
the system will take to change from one state to
another, such as moving from “on utility power”
to “on generator power.”
A well-written sequence will describe both
normal operation and any alternate sequences The structure of the paralleling switchgear
the system takes if there is a failure during lineup is the physical representation of the
normal operation. single line. It contains the circuit breakers,
controls and meters.


UA Bus A GMA Gen Bus GMB Bus B UB

Section 1 Modes of Operation STATE


1 Utility A and utility B out of tolerance. Utility A Failure timer starts. A

1.1.1 Loss of utility 1.1.2 Return of utility Utility B Failure timer starts. B
The loss of starts engine start delay timer in the The return to utility is controlled by the return to
PLC. If this timer expires, than the following utility control switch 2 Both utility failure timers expire or Utility breaker UA opens. C
sequence occurs: one timer expired while the other
Utility breaker UB opens. D
is still timing.
1. The closed utility breaker opens. Return to utility control switch All available generators start.
Required GOL Bypass timer starts.
2. The generators start.
3 Utility breaker UA is open. Bus A Open Transfer timer starts.
3. The first generator to reach 90% of rated Manual The system remains on generator
voltage and frequency closes onto the bus. power until the operator depresses the
Startup Shed Option:
First-on logic prevents both generators from Return or Auto pushbutton. The Utility Based on the Load-Management settings,
closing onto the bus simultaneously. stable timer does not time. loads on bus A are shed.

4. The other generator synchronizes to the 4 Utility breaker UB is open. Bus B Open Transfer timer starts.
bus. When synchronized, its circuit breaker Auto When utility returns, the utility stable
closes. timer in the PLC starts. When the utility Startup Shed Option:
stable timer expires the system Based on the Load-Management settings,
5. With both generators on-line, the tie breaker automatically starts the return to utility loads on bus B are shed.
closes. sequence.
5 The first generator reaches rated The first generator breaker closes.
voltage and frequency.
NOTE: Using the HMI, the operator can If the system is on generator
preset the system to automatically signal a Return
power and utility power is available,
load shed and then close the tie breaker if depressing the Return pushbutton 6 The remaining generators independently The remaining generators independently synchronize to E, F
the second generator fails to go on-line. initiates the return to utility sequence. reach rated voltage and frequency. the bus and close their respective circuit breakers.

6. If the generator management control is in

AUTO, the system will monitor the power 7 Required generators are online and the Generator main breaker GMA closes. G
demand of the load, if the load demand is If open transfer mode is selected bus A Open Transfer timer expired.
below the setpoints set by the operator, the
system will automatically take a generator 1. The tie breaker and the generator breakers
off-line. If the load should increase, the open. 8 Generator main breaker GMA is closed. Bus A is on generator power.
system will automatically place the
generator back on-line. See section 5.7 for a 2. After the open transfer delay timer expires, Required GOL Bypass timer stops.
description of the generator management the utility breaker closes.
logic. Generator Stabilization timer starts.
3. The generators shut down after completing
7. If the system becomes overloaded or if a a cool down cycle. 9 Generator Stabilization timer expires and Generator main breaker GMB closes. H
generator fails, the system will close a set of bus B Open Transfer timer expired.
normally open dry contacts signaling 4. If closed transfer mode is selected
downstream load to shed.
10 Generator main breaker GMB is closed. Bus B is on generator power.
1. The generators synchronize to the utility.

2. When synchronized, the utility breaker

closes. 11 Bus A and B on generator power. Startup Shed Option: I
Based on the Load-Management settings,
loads are added to the bus A and B.
3. The generators soft (ramp) unloads.
Generator Management Option:
4. When the power flow across the tie breaker Becomes active if in Auto and all loads have been added.
reaches its unloaded trip point, the tie
breaker and the generator breakers open.
UA Bus A GMA Gen Bus GMB Bus B UB
5. The generators shut down after completing FINAL
a cool down cycle. STATE

Traditional Narrative-Based Chart Kohler Chart-Based Sequence of Operation

2 / Paralleling Switchgear

Single-Line Diagram


GM2 F5
M1 GM1 G2

Each stage builds on the previous one; following • They eliminate the ambiguity of knowing how the
them in order is key to a successful project. system responds to both normal operations and
While progressing through each design stage, it system failure.
is important to review decisions made in the
prior stages to be sure they remain valid and • They are easier to read than a typical flowchart.
make any necessary adjustments if changes are
made. For example, if the drawing is revised to • They clearly show system response, timing
add a bus tie breaker to the single line, it is of response, and what the system and operator can
important that the sequence is updated to do if the system fails to respond properly.
indicate the purpose of the tie breaker and its
role in the sequence of operation. • They provide a checklist for testing and
commissioning the paralleling switchgear.
Each of the four stages used to design
paralleling switchgear is vital to the creation Each sequence has two charts—the sequence itself
of a cohesive system. However, the most and the response to abnormal conditions.
challenging—and often the most important for
proper operation—is establishing the sequence • The sequence lists the steps the system
of operation. This is especially important for will take from the initial state to the final state as
complex projects with multiple utilities, where a well as the expected system response to each step.
detailed and precise sequence of operation
provides the foundation upon which the project • The response to abnormal conditions
is built. Critical to the sequence of operation is describes the system response and the
an understanding of how the system works action an operator can take if the system
normally and how it responds if there is a failure does not respond as expected to an event.
in the normal sequence, such as a breaker
failing to open or close. The chart-based method describes the operation
that a typical paralleling switchgear sequence
takes in a series of steps that transition from an
NEW APPROACH-SEQUENCE CHARTS initial state, such as “on utility power,” to a final
The unique charts developed by KOHLER state, such as “on generator power.” The number
Power Systems are a distinctive approach of charts for an individual project will vary
to documenting the sequence of operation. depending on the number of normal states and
These intuitive charts offer benefits for everyone the different types of transitions, such as open or
involved in the design and operation of closed, between the states.
the project.
Paralleling Switchgear / 3
Let’s look at the five steps we take in creating the chart, and how they illustrate–in sequence—the
system’s loss of both utilities. The sequence to transfer from utility power is described in a series of
steps. Within each step are an event and a corresponding system response to the event.
Simultaneous responses to the same event are shown as separate response lines.

THE FIVE STEPS IN CREATING A The power of the chart becomes evident in the next step of
the sequence. When both utility failure timers expire or one
SEQUENCE CHART timer expires while the other is still timing, the following
things happen simultaneously:
• Utility breaker UA opens
The initial state shows the status of each breaker
in the power transfer sequence and the power
• Utility breaker UB opens
status of each bus in the system.
In the initial state, the system is on utility power, Utility • All available generators start
Breaker A (UA) and Utility Breaker B (UB) are closed, and
main breakers Generator Main A (GMA) and Generator • Required GOL (Generator Online) Bypass timer starts
Main B (GMB) are open. The chart shows the status of each
breaker that is part of the power transfer sequence and the The chart not only shows how a system
power status of each of the three buses in the system. responds to an event but also when each
response occurs. By showing each response
on a separate line, the operator can refer to the
DEFINE THE TRIGGERING EVENT corresponding step on the “response to
abnormal conditions” chart to determine how
The triggering event starts the sequence.
to correct an “if fail” scenario.
Examples might be the receipt of a remote start
signal, the utility being out of tolerance or an
operator pushing a button. For example, in Step LIST THE FINAL STATE OF THE SYSTEM
1, when UA and UB are out of tolerance, both the
The final state of the system is described for
UA Failure timer and the UB Failure timer start.
each breaker within the power transfer sequence
The “if fail” column directs the operator to the correspond- and the power status of each bus in the system.
ing letter on the “response to abnormal conditions” chart,
explaining how the system reacts if it does not respond as
expected. In this example, the “if fail” describes the
response that occurs if utility power returns before the Each system response is reviewed to determine
failure timers expire. if an “if fail” scenario is needed. In general, an
“if fail” scenario is required for any response that
involves a breaker opening or closing or a timer
LIST EACH EVENT (STEP) AND starting. This step preplans how the system
CORRESPONDING RESPONSE should respond if a breaker fails to open or close
or if something happens and a fail-safe timer
Each step required to transition from initial state
expires. Responses that require an “if fail”
to desired final state is described. Each row in
scenario include a generator failing to start, a
the sequence lists the required change in system
generator failing while running or generators
state and the corresponding system response.
becoming overloaded. In an “if fail” scenario, the
For example, if a system is performing an open
“if fail” column in the sequence chart references
transfer back to the utility after a power outage,
the corresponding step in the “response to
one of the events might be the opening of the
abnormal conditions” chart, describing the
generator main breaker and the startup of the
system’s automatic response to that failure and
open transfer timer (event/corresponding system
the actions an operator should take to correct
response). See chart on Page 5.
the system.

4 / Paralleling Switchgear


UA Bus A GMA Gen Bus GMB Bus B UB



Utility A Failure timer starts. A

1 Utility A and utility B out of tolerance.
Utility B Failure timer starts. B

3 5 Utility breaker UA opens. C

Both utility failure timers expire or one Utility breaker UB opens. D

2 timer expired while the other is still timing. All available generators start.
Required GOL Bypass timer starts.

Bus A Open Transfer timer starts.

3 Utility breaker UA is open. Startup Shed Option:

Based on the Load-Management settings,
loads on bus A are shed.

Bus B Open Transfer timer starts.

4 Utility breaker UB is open. Startup Shed Option:

Based on the Load-Management settings,
loads on bus B are shed.

The first generator reaches rated

5 voltage and frequency.
The first generator breaker closes.

The remaining generators independently The remaining generators independently synchronize to

6 reach rated voltage and frequency. the bus and close their respective circuit breakers.
E, F

Required generators are online and the

7 bus A Open Transfer timer expired.
Generator main breaker GMA closes. G

Bus A is on generator power.

8 Generator main breaker GMA is closed. Required GOL Bypass timer stops.

Generator Stabilization timer starts.

Generator Stabilization timer expires and

9 bus B Open Transfer timer expired.
Generator main breaker GMB closes. H

10 Generator main breaker GMB is closed. Bus B is on generator power.

Startup Shed Option:

Based on the Load-Management settings, I
11 Bus A and B on generator power. loads are added to the bus A and B.
Generator Management Option:
Becomes active if in Auto and all loads have been added.

UA Bus A GMA Gen Bus GMB Bus B UB


Paralleling Switchgear / 5
Response to Abnormal Conditions Chart



A Utility A power returns Bus A remains on utility A. No operator action required.

before Utility A Failure
timer expires.

B Utility B power returns Bus B remains on utility B. No operator action required.

before Utility B Failure
timer expires.

C Utility breaker Utility A remains failed, Option #1:

UA fails to open. Utility B remains failed: Reset the Fail to Open alarm. System attempts to open utility breaker
Bus A is without power. Generator UA. When breaker opens, transfer automatically continues.
main breaker
GMA does not close. After Option #2:
the required generators Manually open utility breaker UA. Transfer automatically continues if
are online, generator main breaker system is in Auto.
GMB closes.
Option #3:
1. Place system in Manual. 3. If required, shed load.
2. Manually open utility 4. Manually close generator
breaker UA. main breaker GMA.

Utility A remains failed, No operator action required.

Utility B returns: Bus A is without
power. The system transfers bus
B from generator power to utility B
power following the expiration of
the Utility B Stable timer.

Utility A returns, Utility B remains Operator may manually transfer bus B from generator power to utility A
failed: Bus A remains on utility A. power.
Bus B remains on generator power.

Utility A and Utility B return: No operator action required.

Bus A remains on utility A.
The system transfers bus B from
generator power to utility B power
following the expiration of the
Utility B Stable timer.

D Utility breaker UB Utility B remains failed, Utility A Option #1:

fails to open. remains failed: Bus B is without Reset the Fail to Open alarm. System attempts to open utility breaker
power. Generator main breaker UB. When breaker opens, transfer automatically continues.
GMB does not close.

6 / Paralleling Switchgear


Implementing a chart-based sequence of Kohler’s chart-based approach to the sequence
operation instead of a narrative-based sequence of operation provides a more effective way to
provides a way to comprehensively cover the look at sequencing. It ensures the stage is
“what ifs” while the project is still in the design described without ambiguity, and each step is
stage. In addition, the sequence of operations clearly explained. More important, if a system
chart serves as a checklist during testing to failure occurs, the system’s response is already
provide better quality assurance. In many cases, known—often eliminating guesswork and
by simulating the sequence of operation and minimizing system interruption. Making complex
documenting it, the equipment performs at a systems simple—that’s the Kohler difference.
higher level, onsite start-up time decreases and
reliability increases.

Paralleling Switchgear / 7

A global force in power solutions since 1920, Kohler is committed to reliable,

intelligent products; purposeful engineering and responsive after-sale support.
Kohler’s acquisition of SDMO in 2005 created one of the world’s largest
manufacturers of industrial generators. The companies have a combined 150 years
experience in industrial power and now benefit from global R&D, manufacturing,
sales, service and distribution integration.

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