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WG B4.

technical brochure 697
Commissioning of VSC HVDC systems

L. Brand, Convenor (AU), J. Leman, Secretary (US), J. Loncle (FR),
T. Magg (SA), A. Alefragkis (NE), T. Midtsund (NO), P. Bermel (DE), M. Minchin (UK),
S. Cole (BE), K. ou (CN), G. Drobnjak (DE), D. Russell (US),
A. Gunatilake (UK), T. Sakai (JP), D. Kell (CA), K. Sharifabadi (NO), N. Kirby (US),
J. Varnander (SE)
Corresponding Members
M. Mihalchuk (CA), J. Velasquez (DE), R. Poole (UK), D.W. Yoo (KR),
B.D. Railing (US)

Introduction The activities of the Working Group were focused on a

Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology has emerged typical two terminal, “point to point” VSC HVDC system.
as a commercially viable alternative to Line Commutated Some commentary regarding multi-terminal systems is
Converter (LCC) technology for certain applications of included, although at the time of the development of the
HVDC power transmission. With the first commercial Technical Brochure there has been limited experience with
VSC projects commissioned in the late 1990s, at the time the commissioning of multi-terminal VSC HVDC systems.
of the development of this Technical Brochure there was
over fifteen years of project and operational experience The Technical Brochure provides a practical guideline
with the VSC technology. VSC has become the preferred, if for the testing and commissioning of VSC HVDC schemes
not the only, choice of technology for specific applications, including a description of each stage of commissioning,
including low power transfer applications, the connection management of the commissioning process, tests to be carried
of weak networks, offshore wind farm connections and out, training opportunities, documentation and approaches
HVDC grid developments. to deal with practical limitations to testing on site.

Commissioning occurs during the latter stages of an Stages and sequence of VSC
HVDC project. It allows the HVDC supplier to verify and
demonstrate the performance of the installed equipment, commissioning
the functional completeness of the system and compliance
with the requirements of the relevant contracts and During commissioning of an HVDC project, the HVDC
specifications. Commissioning also allows adjustments and equipment is verified in groups and in conjunction with the
optimisation to the HVDC control and protection (C&P) converter control and protection (C&P) systems. Usually,
systems to be made and allows the owners, developers and/ this commissioning process can be divided into major stages
or end-user of the HVDC system to witness and be satisfied as shown in the figure 1.
that the project and operational requirements have been
demonstrated. The three major stages addressed in the Technical Brochure
and in this article are:
The process of commissioning VSC projects has developed  Factory tests (off-site tests)
over the first fifteen years of its commercial operation, based  Subsystem tests; and
initially on a similar process for commissioning LCC HVDC  System tests
projects (i.e. CIGRE Technical Brochure 97) and expanded
upon and modified by the suppliers of VSC technology. The sequence of testing at site would typically start at
Whilst there are many similarities in the processes and the local level with tests within each converter terminal
procedures for commissioning the two technologies, there performed and completed before moving on to the remote
are some notable and significant differences that justified converter terminals, the complete HVDC transmission
the need for a separate Technical Brochure covering the system and any interfaces such as SCADA and remote
commissioning requirements for VSC projects. control systems. •••

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WG B4.63
technical brochure 697
and software focusing on switching sequences, signal
verifications, and dynamic performance. The performance
of the control and protection system is tested in full at the
supplier’s premises whereas only a subset of the HVDC
system’s performance can be demonstrated on-site as
it is impractical to initiate the full range of operational
and dynamic conditions, such as a.c. system faults on the
actual power network. This testing is carried out with the
C&P cubicles connected to a real-time simulator where an
adequate representation of the a.c. system and its dynamic
behaviour is necessary.

Subsystem testing
Subsystem tests prove the correct interconnection and
functioning of individual equipment within a functional
group (or subsystem) and demonstrate that these items
operate and interact correctly. Typical subsystems which
are tested include cabling systems, a.c. protections and
interlocking, main circuit equipment, VSC valves, control and
protection systems and other auxiliary systems (including
cooling systems, auxiliary power, fire systems, air handling
systems and ground electrode systems).

The scope of subsystem testing, test procedures

and acceptance criteria are supplier specific and the
recommendations of the supplier will often drive these

System testing
System tests are typically comprised of the following key
testing activities:
 High voltage energisation;
Figure 1 - Major stages of Commissioning
 Terminal tests (also referred to as STATCOM tests);
 Transmission tests;
 Operation and integration tests;
Factory testing  Power quality and interference tests; and
Prior to delivering the HVDC C&P system to site, the  A.c. network and remote generation interaction tests.
correct functioning and performance of the C&P system
hardware and software needs to be verified before connection The first three tests are typically undertaken sequentially.
to the actual a.c. system. This is achieved through off-site The last three are typically scheduled during appropriate
factory tests that incorporate simulations and results from times during the terminal tests and transmission tests. It
the Dynamic Performance Study (DPS) completed prior to is advisable to carry out as many of the integration tests as
testing. possible during terminal operation as each converter terminal
 Dynamic Performance Study (DPS) – The DPS is can be tested independently. During transmission tests, more
completed prior to factory testing, but simulations and coordination between converter terminals is required which
results are used as a benchmark during factory testing. The introduces an element of complexity.
DPS typically comprises various energisation scenarios,
transient cases and fault cases and evaluates how the The scope of a typical systems test process for a VSC HVDC
HVDC system interacts with the simulated a.c. system. system is shown diagrammatically in the figure 2.
The DPS is carried out using EMT-type software together
with a comprehensive EMT-type model, in which the Before the commencement of system testing, operational
equivalent a.c. system and the HVDC system, including preparedness for energisation is critical because up to this
a representation of the actual control and protection point, all personnel at the site have most likely been operating
software, are modelled. under an “out of commission” status, where equipment and
 Factory testing of the C&P systems - This comprises apparatus that would normally be energised at high voltage is
a series of tests of the project specific C&P hardware routinely handled without any high voltage access procedures.•••

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technical brochure 697

Figure 2 - typical systems test process for a VSC HVDC system

System testing commences with the initial high voltage transmission tests or end-to-end tests which are performed
energisation. This involves the staged energisation of the with the both converter terminals connected to each other
HVDC system. The total number of stages during the initial via a d.c. cable/line or, in the case of back-to-back HVDC
high voltage energisation will depend on the location of high projects, the interconnecting d.c. bus. During these tests, the
voltage disconnectors and circuit breakers within the HVDC transmission of active power is verified.
converter circuit.
The transmission tests cover the verification of deblocking
The terminal tests are performed after the initial high and blocking sequences as part of the active power
voltage energisation. These tests are performed on a single transmission configuration. The tests verify the active power
converter terminal, disconnected from the remote converter control in conjunction with the reactive power capability of
terminal and are comprised of a set of verifications in a.c. each converter terminal, and include verifications of the P-Q
voltage control or reactive power control modes (or other characteristic and step responses to demonstrate stability of
control modes to be tested) that are conducted when the transmission. The d.c. cable and/or line is energised for the
converter terminal is connected to the a.c. network and first time at the start of the transmission tests. Many of the
deblocked for the first time, but disconnected from the d.c. transmission tests may be performed at low active power,
transmission line or cable. During the terminal tests, the typically at around 0.2 pu of the rated power of the HVDC
two converters can be operated and tested independently system. However, tests at high power are also necessary to
of each other and independently of the completion of verify the active and reactive power ratings and thermal
the d.c. cable or line. In addition to the first deblock of capability of the converter terminals.
the converter, a series of protective action tests and the
testing of the various converter control modes are typically Typical tests performed during the transmission system
performed. tests are summarised in the figure below.

After the terminal tests have been completed at each Other testing typically performed as a part of the system
converter station, the next stage of testing comprise the test program include: •••

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WG B4.63
technical brochure 697
is performed to enable customer acceptance and/or
demonstration of compliance to transmission grid codes,
ensuring that the relevant stakeholders are informed of
progress and notified of changes to the commissioning
program and coordinating the availability of the required
power flows and test energy to enable commissioning tests
to be performed.

Key elements that need to be addressed in preparation

for and during commissioning include:
 Commissioning planning and coordination;
 Customer acceptance and grid code compliance
 Coordination of testing of run-back schemes and
special protection schemes;
 Coordination of the availability of test energy;
 Site management during commissioning;
 Health, safety and environmental considerations; and
 Training opportunities for owner staff.

The commissioning process provides opportunities for

the new asset owners and operators to train their personnel
in the operation, troubleshooting and maintenance of
the equipment. The objective of this training will be
to transfer the knowledge and expertise of the supplier
Figure 3 - Typical tests performed during the transmission system tests
personnel to the operation and maintenance personnel of
the owner, so as to ensure that they will be able to continue
to run and maintain the HVDC system in accordance
with the specifications and supplier’s instructions and
 Operation and integration tests covering control system recommendations.
changeovers, change of control location, operation
from a remote location, loss of telecommunications, The content, document titles and the number
loss of auxiliary power and operation under black start of documents within the set of on-site testing and
conditions (if applicable). commissioning documentation may differ between
 Power quality and interference tests, including testing projects depending on the supplier, project scope, specific
of harmonics, audible noise and interference; and application and customer requirements. However these
 A.C. network integration tests including verifications of will typically comprise:
staged fault scenarios, run-back schemes, special protection  A site test outline;
schemes, islanded mode of operation, voltage/frequency  A test plan;
control, damping controls and other interactions. Some of  A test schedule;
these tests may not be allowed by the operators of the a.c.  Test procedures and protocols;
network however, such as staged a.c. faults.  Test records; and
 A final report.
For VSC HVDC systems, it is typical for a period of trial
operation to take place following the completion of the Practical approaches to site
system tests. The duration, purpose and requirements of
the trial operation period is as agreed between the owner testing
and the supplier and is usually defined in the contract
documents and/or the technical specifications. Some key issues associated with practical approaches
to the commissioning of VSC HVDC systems in today’s
Commissioning management, environment are covered at a high level within the
Technical Brochure including guidelines on determining
coordination and documentation what tests are to be performed on site , some practical
limitations to performing site testing and how these can
A key element of the commissioning of VSC HVDC be addressed and some commissioning issues specific
systems is the management of the commissioning to certain applications (such as off-shore wind, multi-
process and coordination with external stakeholders. terminal systems, offshore platform loads and interactions
The challenges can include ensuring sufficient testing with parallel power lines). •••

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technical brochure 697
One key practical challenge currently being experienced in each pole/system. This allows all HVDC elements
on many HVDC projects is the growing need to adapt the to be operated at rated power without affecting any
final commissioning procedures to accommodate: constraints or limitations on the a.c. network.
 HVDC power transfer limitations due to a.c. network  Theoretical calculations derived from lower power
constraints or market constraints; level measurements – A significant proportion of
 In the case of an HVDC scheme that connects to a new the HVDC system controls and capabilities can be
remote generator (e.g. remote wind farm), the situation demonstrated at lower power levels. At the high
where the commissioning of the new generator is power levels, the main considerations are the thermal
running late or over a long time period; capabilities of major items of equipment, the adequacy
 Augmentations on the a.c. network that are required of valve cooling systems and whether there are any
to allow full power flow across the HVDC system not unexpected C&P issues at the higher power levels. In
being completed on time; or some cases, it may be possible to demonstrate these
 The occurrence of extended outages on the a.c. system, through calculations, modelling and the extrapolation
including transmission lines, reactive plant and/or of commissioning results at other power levels.
generators, that significantly limit the power flow  Demonstration of maximum power during a defined
allowed across the HVDC system. period – If it is likely that higher power levels may
be achievable at a later date, preferably during a trial
There is risk to accepting a system that is not fully tested operation or warranty period, then the parties may
at rated active and/or reactive power levels, especially agree to monitor the power flows during trial operation
when rated power capacity is not expected to be available to identify periods where the required active and
for a long period of time after placing the HVDC system reactive power flows levels could be achieved for the
into service. Where these practical limitations are known required period of time, and to perform the tests at that
in advance, appropriate arrangements should be made time.
between the parties with special consideration given if  Operational planning studies – studies are performed
rated power operation is not able to be achieved during to determine what procedures and changes need to be
the commissioning period. in place before energization so the a.c. system can be
arranged by the operator to be able to test full HVDC
The Working Group has identified five approaches to power transmission where applicable.
this problem (or a combination of these five approaches)  Increased factory testing - Extend and include extra
which have been used or are currently being considered. testing during factory testing, replicating those
 Round power - If there is more than one pole/HVDC additional tests which cannot be carried out during
system in parallel, there may be opportunities to operate site commissioning due to a.c. system constraints; e.g.
in round power mode, with opposite power direction frequency control etc. 

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