Why Does This Problem Matter To You and The Community?

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Background Paper

“Deforestation is defined by as the cutting down and removal of all or most of
the trees in afforested area. Deforestation results from removal of trees without
sufficient reforestation this process alters the hydrologic cycle, altering the
amount of water in the soil and groundwater and the moisture in the atmosphere.
Deforestation can erode soils, contribute todesertification and the pollution of
waterways, and decrease biodiversity through the destruction of habitat.
Deforestation is considered to be a main contributor to the greenhouse effect.
Some of the major environmental problems related with deforestation are
lowering biodiversity, desiccation of soil that used to be moist, increase in
temperature extremes, less recycling of water, global warming, more
desertification, and soil erosion. Forests support considerable biodiversity,
providing valuable habitat for wildlife” (Gundim, 2012).

According to Walpole (2016), the Philippines is one of the most severely

deforested countries in the tropics. During the 20th century the Philippine Forests
covers almost 70% but due to massive forest exploitation, excessive annual cuts
and weak reforestation efforts it dropped to less than 20%, and based on the
analysis almost 9.8 million hectares of forests were lost (Magararo, 2012).

As Gundim (2012) stated, forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of
them are related to money or to people’s need to provide for their families. The
biggest driver of deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut forests to provide more
room for planting crops or grazing livestock. Often many small farmers will each
clear a few acres to feed their families by cutting down trees and burning them in
a process known as “slash and burn” agriculture. Logging operations, which
provide the world’s wood and paper products, also cut countless trees each year.
Loggers, some of them acting illegally, also build roads to access more and more
remote forests—which lead to further deforestation. Forests are also cut as a
result of growing urban sprawl. Not all deforestation is intentional. Some is
caused by a combination of human and natural factors like wildfires and
subsequent overgrazing, which may prevent the growth of young trees.

On a contrary, deforestation is one of the significant worries in the present

society. In this globalization, woodland has turned into an extremely significant
things, however tragically there are as yet numerous individuals who don't
understand the significant of timberland, even they take it without seeing the
effect. Imagine, if deforestation continue there would come a time that the natural
resources and biodiversity in forests will be lost. And if there would be continuous
abuse of resources it is estimated that there would be no more rainforests left
within 15 years. That is why today, the Philippines is paying a high cost for the
demolition of its woodlands and various serious issues going up against the
country can be followed straightforwardly to deforestation.

Why does this problem matter to you and the community?

Deforestation matters because it influences the general population and

creatures where trees are cut, just as the more extensive world. Viewing on how
forest affects our lives, there are over billions of people rely on forests. According
to World Wide Fund For Nature (2015), forests provide us with shelter,
livelihoods, water, food and fuel security. All these activities directly or indirectly
involve forests. Some are easy to figure out - fruits, paper and wood from trees,
and so on. Others are less obvious, such as by-products that go into everyday
items like medicines, cosmetics and detergents. Forests also provides habitats
for biodiversity and livelihood for humans. On the contrary, the importance of
forest cannot be underestimated. We rely upon timberlands for our survival, from
the air we inhale to the wood we use. Other than giving living spaces to creatures
and jobs for people, woods likewise offer watershed security, forestall soil
disintegration and moderate environmental change.

Why is it urgent to tackle/solve such problem?

Social issues like this should need to have paid attention. We don’t need to
rely for someone to move/ take an action. Change starts within ourselves. Each
one of us can take the first move and start to make the world, a better place to
live in. As part of a citizen in a community, there are so many things to do to save
our forest, even simple thing in our life actually could have big mean if done in
large scale. First, we could plant some trees; one single tree could produce
14.000L of oxygen and become habitat for several living things (Gundim, 2012).
For the logger, they should do selective logging and replant the forest by
reforestation. After all, we hope that deforestation in Philippines could be
prevented. Forest has given a lots of things for us, in return, we should take care
of the forest because who will save the forest if not us?


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