Vehicle Use and Parking: University Standard 07-025
Vehicle Use and Parking: University Standard 07-025
Vehicle Use and Parking: University Standard 07-025
1. Policy Statement
1.1. This university standard governs the use and parking of motorized and non-motorized
vehicles on Oregon State University (“university”) property.
3.2. All motor vehicle laws and ordinances of the state of Oregon and the relevant
city, specifically including, but not limited to, ORS Chapters 801 through 826
together with adopted amendments, are applicable to public roads. All
applicable provisions of state and federal motor vehicle laws are enforceable.
4. Definitions
4.1. ADA parking: Parking space(s) designated by signage, and reserved for
motorized vehicles displaying a valid Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”)
disabled persons parking permit issued by a Department of Motor Vehicles
(“DMV”) along with a valid OSU permit.
4.2. Commuter Parking Zones: Parking zones for use by non-campus residents.
4.3. Compact vehicle: A small motorized vehicle that does not exceed 5'6" wide by 15'6"
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4.5. Electric Vehicle: A plug-in electric motorized vehicle, limited to automobiles, trucks,
and motorcycles.
4.6. License Plate Recognition (LPR): Use of software and hardware to recognize
vehicle license plates.
4.7. Meter: A machine next to a parking space in a street or parking lot, into which
the driver submits payment so as to be authorized to park the motorized vehicle
for a particular length of time. May also refer to a multi-space pay station or
mobile payment application for a lot or area within a lot.
4.12. Parking space: Any space marked by painted lines or curbs, and not marked
as a “No Parking” area.
4.14. Residence hall parking zones: The parking zones for use by on-campus
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4.16. Third party-owned mobility device: A bike, scooter, or similar transportation device
that is not personally owned. An electric scooter that is part of a rental fleet is an
example of a third party-owned mobility device.
4.19. Utility/golf carts, utility cart, or golf cart: A motor or electric vehicle that has
not fewer than three wheels in contact with the ground; has an unloaded
weight less than 1,300 pounds; and is designed to be and is operated at not
more than 15 miles per hour.
4.20. Vendor: Businesses or agencies with which the university has contracted for
services or other business needs.
5.1.1. The Vice President for Finance and Administration, the Senior Associate Vice
President for Administration, the Associate Vice President for University
Facilities, Infrastructure, and Operations, the Vice Provost for Student
Affairs, the Associate Vice President for Finance & Strategic Planning, the
Director of the Department of Public Safety, the Director of Environmental
Health and Safety, the Director of Facilities Services, the Director of
Transportation Services, the Director of University Housing and Dining
Services, the Director of the Memorial Union, and their designees, are
included among those "persons in charge" of university property for
purposes of ORS 164.205(5) and this university standard.
5.1.3. Unless otherwise specified by signage, permits are required for parking
motorized vehicles on university property. Unpermitted and unregistered
vehicles are subject to fines and immobilization. Signage with the times when
valid parking permits are required are posted at each parking lot.
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5.1.5. Images of license plates and vehicles may be retained for the purposes of
verifying permitted parking on campus and collecting parking lot occupancy
data. All data collected by Transportation Services is managed in accordance
with University Policy 08-015 and the university’s General Records Retention
Schedule (section 8.5 and 8.6).
5.1.7. All persons operating vehicles on university property are responsible for
knowing and adhering to this university standard. This university standard is
enforced at all times.
5.1.9. Drivers and/or vehicle owners are responsible for fines, and towing and storage
fees resulting from violations of this university standard involving their vehicles.
5.1.10. Fines for cited violations must be paid on or before the date indicated on the
citation. Citations not paid within thirty (30) days may be sent for collection.
5.1.11. Fines not paid for cited violations by the due date indicated on the citation are
subject to additional fees as stated on the citation.
5.1.12. All penalties for violations of this standard, other than violations referred to
appropriate courts of law, will be administratively enforced by the university.
For all administratively enforced violations, a citation or notice of offense,
including the scheduled fine, will be issued to the person charged with the
violation who is in possession or control of the vehicle, parking permit, or non-
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5.1.13. The university is not responsible for any vehicle or its contents parked on university
property or environments. Individuals assume all risk of accident and property loss,
personal injury, and property damage.
5.1.14. Adult operators, including students, staff and faculty; and parents and guardians of
minors are responsible for damage to university buildings or property by their
vehicle or non-motorized vehicle and for payment of any fines.
5.2.1. LPR systems are used to manage parking. Upon registration of the vehicle with
Transportation Services and payment of applicable fees, a virtual permit is
associated with the vehicle’s license plate.
5.2.2. Parked vehicles must have a valid parking permit in areas or spaces where one
is required.
5.2.4. Permits will not be issued to persons who have an outstanding balance on
their Transportation Services account.
5.2.5. Parking permits are registered to the person to whom they are issued and shall
not be used by, or transferred to, other persons for parking unless those
persons are registered members of a carpool.
a. Only one vehicle associated with a permit may be parked on campus at any
given time.
5.2.8. Parking permit types, eligibility, and permissions are described on the
Transportation Services website.
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5.2.10. Lost or stolen parking permits, including vehicle license plates, should be
reported to Transportation Services, and the Department of Public Safety or
the Oregon State Police. A replacement parking permit may be issued after
payment of the replacement fee. Any parking charges incurred as a result of a
stolen license plate or physical permit are the responsibility of the owner until
such time as the university is informed of the theft.
5.2.11. Specialty parking spaces. Specialty parking spaces such as Service, Private,
Reserved, or Carpool spaces are assigned and renewed annually.
a. The eligibility criteria for the creation and use of Private parking spaces is
determined by the Vice President for Finance and Administration, or
b. Eligibility criteria for the creation and use of all other specialty parking
spaces is determined by Transportation Services and is listed on the
Transportation Services websites (see section 8).
5.2.12. Transportation Services may issue refunds for fees paid for parking permits
pursuant to parking permit refund information on the Transportation
Services website. Physical parking permits for which a refund is sought must
be returned to Transportation Services before the refund may be issued.
5.2.13. A refund for a permit will not be issued to a person who has an outstanding
balance on their Transportation Services account, but the refund will be
applied to the outstanding account balance. Any refund amount that exceeds
the outstanding Transportation Services account balance will be issued after
the balance is satisfied and an administrative fee is paid, as defined on the
Transportation Services website.
5.3.1. All parking areas are enforced at all times unless otherwise posted or as
provided in this university standard.
5.3.2. Responsibility for locating a legal parking space rests with the operator of the
5.3.4. Parking spaces are marked by painted lines, curbs, and signage. Any
area not specifically designated for parking is a "No Parking" area.
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5.3.5. No vehicle may be parked in more than one parking space or stall.
5.3.6. Vehicles may be parked in a loading zone or loading space for the
purpose of loading and unloading. The maximum time limit in loading
zones and spaces is thirty (30) minutes or as otherwise specified by
5.3.7. Parking spaces with a meter, or spaces numbered for use with a multi-space
pay station, require payment for permission to use the space, per the posted
hours and rates on the meter or pay station. Parking permits are not valid in
metered parking spaces or areas.
5.3.9. Non-electric vehicles are prohibited, at all times, from using spaces designated
for electric vehicle charging.
a. Motorcycles are prohibited from parking in any parking spaces not designated
for motorcycles.
b. Only motorcycles may be parked in motorcycle parking areas. Parking by any other
type of vehicle is prohibited.
5.3.11. Only compact vehicles may be parked in parking spaces marked for
compact vehicles by signage.
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parked on campus.
5.3.15. A vehicle may be immobilized, or towed and impounded at the vehicle owner’s
expense, and subject to fines and permit termination without a refund if:
g. The vehicle owner or driver is unidentifiable by the vehicle’s VIN or license plate.
5.3.16. Immobilization devices will be removed from the vehicle within three (3)
business days, excluding holidays, of receipt of fines and/or fees.
5.3.17. Unlicensed vehicles and vehicles without permits parked for more than 24
consecutive hours on university property Monday through Friday may be
considered abandoned and subject to removal at the registered owner’s
expense. After 72 hours, those vehicles may be removed at the registered
owner's expense. Vehicles displaying a current permit that remain parked in a
commuter zone more than 30 contiguous days will be considered abandoned
and subject to removal at the vehicle owner’s expense.
5.3.18. Persons are prohibited from living in vehicles of any kind on university
property. Streets, lots, and other areas are not to be used as living areas for
cars, trailers, campers, motor homes, trucks, buses, or other like vehicles.
Violators may be cited for improper parking and may be subject to campus
exclusion, or the vehicle may be immobilized or towed.
5.3.19. Tailgating, or the use of a parking space for purposes other than parking a
motorized vehicle, is prohibited unless in accordance with University Standard
07-005 or permission is granted by Transportation Services in advance of the
use. Occupants of the space may be ordered to vacate the space if the use is
5.4.1. Anyone operating a vehicle on university property shall observe signage, speed
limits, barricades, bicycle lanes, crosswalks, stop signs, and all other parking
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and traffic signs and laws, and shall drive in a safe and prudent manner. The
speed limit is 15 mph unless signage directs otherwise. Driving or parking
vehicles on sidewalks, lawns, and other areas not designated for driving or
parking is prohibited.
5.4.3. Vehicles are prohibited from entering or parking in the Campus Core, unless
otherwise authorized by Transportation Services or the Department of Public
5.5.5. Non-motorized vehicles shall not be ridden within signed dismount zones,
which indicate areas where operators of non-motorized vehicles must
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5.5.6. Non-motorized vehicles shall not be used in a way that endangers the user or
5.5.7. Bicycles must be equipped with a brake that enables the operator to
make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
5.5.8. A bicycle or its rider must be equipped with lighting equipment that must be
used during hours of darkness and during limited visibility conditions in
accordance with ORS 815.280.
iii. Blocking access to any handrail or other device used to aid entry to a
building or structure.
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5.6.1. TPO Mobility Device companies must have a valid contract with Oregon State
University to operate on campus property.
5.6.2. Each TPO mobility device must be permitted by Transportation Services and
the relevant city before operating on campus. Each unit must be labeled with
an ID number and owner information.
5.6.3. TPO mobility devices must be operated in a safe manner and be equipped in
accordance with applicable state laws and city ordinances. Riders shall
maintain a safe speed and shall obey all applicable signage, university policies
and standards, state laws, and city ordinances regarding their use.
5.6.5. TPO mobility devices must be equipped with a brake that enables the
operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
5.6.6. TPO devices may be parked, stored, or left only in areas so designated by
5.7. Appeals
5.7.1. Exclusive procedure. This section 5.7 establishes the exclusive procedure for an
individual charged with a violation of this university standard to appeal an action
taken by the university under the authority of this university standard.
5.7.3. Permissible reasons for appeal. An allegedly aggrieved individual may file an
appeal only on the basis that the university violated or is violating federal or state
law or university standards, policies, or procedures in the process. Transportation
Services may accept appeals for additional reasons at its discretion.
5.7.4. Prerequisites to filing an appeal of a citation. The citation fine must be paid on or
before the date specified in the citation. An individual who fails to timely pay the
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fine forfeits his or her right to an appeal. The Transportation Services Director or
designee, or the OSU Cascades Vice President, Finance & Strategic Planning or
designee, may waive this prerequisite for their respective campuses.
a. An allegedly aggrieved individual’s written appeal must fully specify all the reasons
and bases for the appeal, including a discussion of all relevant facts and any federal
or state laws or university standards, policies, or procedures at issue; and all ways
in which the individual has been aggrieved or adversely affected.
b. The written appeal must include all evidence that the allegedly aggrieved individual
wants the university to consider, including copies of any relevant documents.
Failure to include any reason for the appeal or any evidence in support of it will
constitute a final, knowing, and voluntary waiver of the right to assert such reason
or evidence. Irrelevant and immaterial evidence will not be considered.
a. The following individuals have the authority to decide written appeals for the
university under this section 5.7:
ii. For OSU Cascades, the Vice President, Finance & Strategic Planning, or
b. In deciding appeals under this section 5.7, the individuals listed in section 5.7.7.a.i
and ii will consider the contents of the written appeal and the university’s
Transportation Services records pertinent to the appeal.
c. The individuals in section 5.7.7.a.i and ii will issue a final written order on the
appeal in a timely manner.
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d. The final written order may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision or action at
issue in whole or in part.
5.7.8. Judicial Review. Judicial review of a university action under this standard is
available pursuant to the pertinent provisions of ORS Chapter 34.
8. Related Information
8.1. For information on parking permits, maps, shuttle services, citations,
appeals, and more, see:
8.2. ORS 352.087 Powers and duties of governing board and university with
governing board:
8.5. University Policy 08-015 University Data Management, Classification, and Incident
9. History
9.1. Adopted by OSU on July 1, 2014 as University Standard 576-030.
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10. Website
10.1. University Standard 07-025 Vehicle Use and Parking:
11. Contacts
Department Phone Website
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