The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: SBD-Auxiliary Forms and Templates (Version 1, October 2010)

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The document discusses the evaluation of bids for a construction project by an evaluation committee.

The subject of procurement was the construction of an energy center.

The specified type of contract was a unit price/admeasurement contract.

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia





Pursuant to the Section 3 - Evaluation Methodology and Criteria of the Bidding

Document and Decision on the Appointment of the Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee the Evaluation
Committee comprised of the following members:
Title Name and Surname Position / Title
1. Chairperson Temesgen Genie Chairperson
2. Member Wonwesen Tesfaye Member and secretary
3. Member Mahlet Mekonnen Member
has completed the process of the examination and evaluation of bids for the following
procurement procedure:
I) General Information
Procurement Reference Number: DDIT/DDU/EC/NCB/PW/05/2013
Procurement Type
Subject of Procurement: Construction of Energy Center Construction work
Procurement Method: Open procurement
Type of Contract: Unit Price/Admeasurement
Estimated Start Date
Contract Period
Estimated End Date 180 calendar days after site handover
Estimated Value of the Contract
Contract Price Adjustment Provisions Not permitted
Date of Issue of Bidding Document:
Method of Advertisement Website

II) Timetable of Activities

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The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
The following Timetable applied to this procurement procedure:
Activity Date Time
1. Date of Publication of the Invitation to Bid
Deadline for Written Questions/Clarifications
Written Responses to Questions/Clarifications
Pre-Bid Conference
5. Modifications to Bidding Documents
Deadline for Submission of Bids
7. Bid Opening Ceremony
III) Bid Opening Details
1. Number of Bids Received 2
2. Number of Bids Withdrawn 0
3. Number of Bids Substituted 0
4. Number of Bids Modified 0
5. Number of Bids Evaluated 2
IV) Preliminary Evaluation Proceedings
i. Pre-Evaluation Preparatory Meeting
 The Chairperson and the members of the Evaluation Committee reviewed
Bidding Documents;
 The Chairperson described the purpose and scope of the procurement procedure
concerned, summarized the essential features of the bid procedure to date;
 The Chairperson identified the person for preparation of Report on Examination
and Evaluation of Bids and preparation of files on evaluated bids;
 The Chairperson briefly explained examination and evaluation methodology and
evaluation criteria determined in the Bidding Document;
 All members of the Evaluation Committee have signed the Statement on
Confidentiality and Non-Existence of Conflict of Interest;
 The Chairperson confirmed that no member of the Evaluation Committee has a
conflict of interest or is any way associated with any of the Bidders submitting bids.
ii. List of bids that Entered Bid Examination and Evaluation Procedure
The Evaluation Committee only considered those bids which were found by the Bid Opening
Panel to be suitable for further evaluation. The Minutes on the Public Opening of Bids are
attached to this report.
List of bids that entered bid evaluation procedure

No. of
Complete Name and Address of the Seat of the Bidder
Bidder Category &
Bid 1 Wondwossen Biru Habte Building Contractor BC-4
Bid 2 Legese Tesfaye Gebru General Contractor G-8

iii. Preliminary Examination of Bids

The Evaluation Committee examined the bids to confirm that all documentary evidence
establishing the Bidder's qualification requested in ITB Clause have been provided, and to
determine whether bid comply with administrative requirements of the Bidding Document.

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The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
The Evaluation Committee used the following administrative compliance grid to assess the
compliance of each of the bids with the requirements stipulated in ITB Clause.

Bid- 2

1. Bidder submitted Written statement by a power of attorney (or notary statement,

etc.) proving that the person, who signed the bid on behalf of the company/joint Yes: No: Yes: No:
venture/consortium, is duly authorized to do so (ITB Sub-clause );
Original and all copies of the bid are typed or written in indelible ink and signed
Yes: No: Yes: No:
by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder (ITB Sub-clause );
All pages of the bid, except for non-amended printed descriptive literature, are
Yes: No: Yes: No:
signed or initialed by the person signing the bid (ITB Clause );
Bid is written in language (ITB Clause ); Yes: No: Yes: No:
Bidder has submitted the duly filled in, signed, stamped, and dated Bid
Yes: No: Yes: No:
Submission Sheet Form;
Bidder has submitted the duly filled in, signed, stamped and dated Bidder
Yes: No: Yes: No:
Certification of Compliance Form;
Bidder has submitted the duly filled in, signed, stamped, and dated Technical
Yes: No: Yes: No:
Bidder has submitted the duly filled in, signed, stamped, and dated Bid Security; Yes: No: Yes: No:
The Bid Security is in accordance with ITB Clause Yes: No: Yes: No:
Offered period of validity of the bid is in line with the period stipulated in ITB
Yes: No: Yes: No:

Based on the verification of the submitted documentary evidence requested in ITB Clause the
Evaluation Committee has concluded that the following bidders have not submitted all requested
documentary evidence and have been deemed not responsive pursuant to Article 43 (5c) of the
Public Procurement Proclamation and ITB Clause . Therefore, they have been excluded from the
further evaluation and comparison, pursuant to the Article 43 (6).
No. of
Complete Name and Address of the
Bidder's Explanation for Unqualified Bidder
Seat of the Bidder

After confirming the bids comprise all mandatory documentary evidence establishing the Bidder's
qualification, the Evaluation Committee ruled on the legal, administrative technical, professional,
and financial admissibility of each bid, classifying it as compliant or non-compliant with
qualification requirements set forth in the Bidding Document.

V) Evaluation of Legal, Professional, Technical, and Financial Admissibility of Bids

1. Legal Qualification of the bidder

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The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Bid -1 Bid -2

1.1 Nationality
Yes: No: Yes: No:
Nationality in accordance with ITB Clause 4.2
1.2 Conflict of Interest
Yes: No: Yes: No:
No conflict of interest as described in ITB Clause 6.
1.3 Registration in the FPPA's Suppliers List Yes: No: Yes: No:
1.4 Debarred by decision of the FPPA
Not having been debarred by decision of the Public Procurement Agency
Yes: No: Yes: No:
from participating in public procurements for breach of its obligation under
previous contracts in accordance with ITB Clause 4.3.
1.5 Valid trade license or business organization registration certificate Yes: No: Yes: No:
1.6 VAT registration certificate Yes: No: Yes: No:
1.7 Valid tax clearance certificate Yes: No: Yes: No:
1.8 Government Owned Entity Yes: No: Yes: No:

After verifying submitted documentary evidence establishing the Bidder's legal qualification the
Evaluation Committee has concluded that the following bidder had not submitted all required
documentary evidence and therefore it should not be considered in the further evaluation and
comparison procedure:
No. of
Complete Name and Address of the
Bidder's Explanation for Unqualified Bidder
Seat of the Bidder
Legese Tesfaye Gebru General Doesn’t fulfill legal requirements (Conflict
Bid 2 of Interest, Government Owned Entity, anti –
Contractor bribery pledge form) as described above

2. Professional Qualifications and Capability of the Bidder Grid

After analyzing the bids deemed to comply in administrative and legal terms, the Evaluation
Committee ruled on the technical admissibility of each bid, classifying it as technically compliant
or non-compliant


2.1 At least 3 staff currently works for the Bidder. Yes: No: No attached payroll
2.2 Personnel for the key positions
Among the staff mentioned Bidder must demonstrate
Yes: No:
that it will have the personnel for the key positions that
meet the requirements;
1 Site Engineer Yes: No: Do not fulfill the required
document and experience
2 Site Forman Yes: No: Do not fulfill the required
document and experience
OVERALL PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE Yes: No: Do not fulfill the Overall

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Document: Bid Evaluation Report Page 4
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

professional requirement

After assessing submitted documentary evidence establishing the Bidder's technical compliance
the Evaluation Committee concluded that bids stated below are not compliant. Therefore, should
not be considered in the further evaluation, and comparison procedure:
No. of
Complete Name and Address of the
Bidder's Explanation for Unqualified Bidder
Seat of the Bidder

Wondwossen Biru Habte Building The bidder do not fulfill the required
Contractor document and specified experience as
Bid 1
per section 3 (evaluation methodology
and criteria.

VI) Conclusion

To evaluate a bid, the Evaluation Committee has only used methodologies and criteria
defined in ITB Clause and Section 3, Evaluation Methodology and Criteria.
The Evaluation Committee agreed that the bidder is not compliant due to the following
reason and descriptions given above.
 Number of Bids Evaluated were two
 The evaluation committee agreed that since the bidder failed to fulfill the criterias
mentioned on ITB Clause and Section 3, Evaluation Methodology and Criteria
(Legese Tesfaye Gebru General Contractor (Bid-2) failed to fulfill legal qualification
criterias, and Wondwossen Biru Habte Building Contractor (Bid-1) failed to fulfill
Professional Qualifications and Capability criteria. Therefore, it is not necessary
to go in to the next technical evaluation.
 The Bidders fail to meet the minimum criteria set forth in the bid document as
described above. As result, the Committee agreed that there are no compliant
bidder for this bid.

VII) Certification of the Report

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Document: Bid Evaluation Report Page 5
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
i. Signatures of Members of the Evaluation Committee
Bid Opening Panel Name and Surname Signature
1. Chairperson Temesgen Genie
2. Member Wonwesen Tesfaye
3. Member Mahlet Mekonnen
4. Member
5. Member
v. Report prepared by:
Name and Surname Signature Date
Wondewesen Tesfaye

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Document: Bid Evaluation Report Page 6

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