Issn 1314-7242, Volume 12, 2018: Economy & Business

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Economy & Business Journal of International Scientific Publications

ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 12, 2018


Eleonora P. Stancheva-Todorova
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”,
125 Tzarigradsko Shose Blvd. block 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Recent developments in robotics and artificial intelligence and their applications have started to
reshape our world, bringing it closer to what famous futurologists as Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov
have predicted some decades ago. Many aspects of our lives are changing due to technological
innovations. Businesses are now exploring new opportunities for raising profitability and return on
capital ratio through revenue increase, cost reduction and new sources of value creation, trying to
overcome the negative long-lasting effects of the World Financial Turmoil from 2007 - 2008 and aiming
to become more competitive and sustainable.
The “artificial vs. human intelligence” dilemma widely debated among academics and practitioners,
encompasses many controversial issues related to the future prospects of some occupations, the required
new skill set and competences, the way humans and machines could work efficiently and effectively
Accounting profession is on its way to make a great change of the role it plays in the organization and
the functions it currently performs. The proponents of artificial intelligence revolution view this
development as a step-ahead and embrace the challenges of the future. The opponents, on the other
hand, consider it a step-back as many accountants will fail to adapt to this new business environment
and will drop behind.
This paper is aiming to discuss few of the challenges facing the accounting profession nowadays and to
shed light on some possible trends of its future development in the artificial intelligence context. Some
conclusions related to accounting education will be drawn from the perspective of the new intelligent
technologies and their business applications.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, challenges, accounting profession, accounting education

Nowadays we can hardly imagine our lives without artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. The self-driving
vehicles have become real. Our smartphones can understand speech, complete words while text writing
and provide advice in spoken language (Makridakis 2017). In fact due to the tireless efforts of computer
scientists AI has seen tremendous progress. From Deep Blue, through Watson computer to AlphaGo
and DeepMind, AI is improving due to deep learning algorithms and big data science. These last
generation computers can teach themselves based on a “software writing software” principle (Parloff
2016, p. 3). Actually the AI concept dates back to the 1950s but many of the technological breakthroughs
occurred later on in the 1980s and 1990s. As a term, AI is applied to any technique enabling computers
to mimic human intelligence and encompasses machine learning and deep learning, being its subset
(Parloff 2016).
The history of AI applications in the accounting domain could be traced back to the 1980s. An extensive
research was conducted by academics and practitioners on AI application in auditing, taxation, financial
accounting, management accounting and personal financial planning. The development and use of
expert systems (ESs) in the accounting discipline is probably the most studied area (Baldwin, Brown &
Trinkle 2006). ESs, considered as software programmes attempting to replicate human experts’
behaviour and expertise, store human knowledge and experience and transform it into rules thus trying
to solve accounting problems and perform some accounting tasks (Suton, Holt & Arnold 2016). Some
ESs have been developed for analysis of accounting-based decision processes (O’Leary 1987). O’Leary

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(2003) argues that early ESs have not lived up to their potential probably because their common feature
was that they were based on logic, if-then rules and decision trees. They could make the same mistakes
over and over again (Makridakis 2017) being incapable of learning. Beside these early, even quite
primitive attempts for automation, stands accountants’ everlasting willingness to improve efficiency and
effectiveness of their work and deliver more value to businesses. The recent technological breakthroughs
in AI are now opening a new page in accounting discipline refocusing the research from ESs applications
to some new perspectives towards accounting practitioners: how could accountants benefit from the use
of AI capabilities, what is the long-term vision for AI and accountancy, how will AI change accounting
roles in the organisation (ICAEW 2017). This new generation of machine learning systems have great
impact on economics and business but they are also bringing new life style and sociological side effects.
The increase of unemployment is considered as one of the clear impacts (Dirican 2015) and accountants
should be prepared for all the challenges of AI revolution.

AI systems will substitute accountants in some of their more routine functions as they can perform them
faster and are more accurate than humans. Being a real thread from unemployment perspective, still
there is a minimal risk of raising unemployment ratio among the profession, if accountants develop new
skill set and competences related to their changing role in the organisation. The successful strategy will
be to embrace the technological challenges and to adapt to the new business environment and
management requirements. Humans and machines can work efficiently and effectively together and AI
will never substitute human intelligence especially in the more creative work tasks. Education will play
a key role for preparing accountants for this new accounting realm.


3.1 Will AI emerging industry uphold Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics?
It seems as if we have never doubted that despite the science fiction origin of the Three Laws of
Robotics, they will always protect us from being destroyed by our clever creations. Their guiding
principles robots never to harm humans and disobey their orders have been wildly accepted as an axiom,
as a guarantee for the future of the human race. We can find many examples in the movie industry for
scenarios with robots rising against men and Ridley Scott’s Prometheus is probably a good one. David
caught audience attention with his unscrupulous android nature. Our admirations for his AI were quickly
replaced by perplexity. It seemed so easy for a robot to cross the red line despite these protective laws.
Currently we are moving between our fears and futurologists’ visions, trying to assess the risks of
exponential growth of intelligence systems applications (Faggella 2016).
Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and Bill Gates are probably the most cited distinguished men nowadays
with their arguments against the risks inherited in AI technologies. We can hardly overpass their
warnings about the end of humanity. Some of their advocates argue that the existential threat is real and
it is possible humans to be superseded by robots in the near future. They will make better decisions,
faster and free of bias. It seems that “singularity”, the moment when AI will match human intelligence,
stands for the moment when the grim ending of the mankind will begin (Kontzer 2015).
The esteemed British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking warned us in an interview for BBC that
“The development of full AI could spell the end of the human race”. His message that “Humans, who
are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded” sounds like
prophesy and echoes in many subsequent arguments and discussions (Cellan-Jones 2014). The basic
point in Hawking’s appeal is actually the AI great impact on unemployment.
Even earlier, the founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla, Elon Musk shared
with the students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology his fears that AI is a real threat for
humankind’s existence. Some years later, at the World Government Summit in Dubai, he explained one
of the threads of AI domination, saying that “Humans have already started losing their jobs to machines”

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(Sulleyman 2017) and new roles for those people should be figured out. In his opinion, the real problem
is that the process of labour displacement is very quick and disruptive.
Rob Enderle, a well-known Silicon Valley analyst, a member of the Futurist Board and the Social
Factors Board of the non-for-profit Lifeboat Foundation supports these AI concerns. According to one
of the three scenarios, developed by the Foundation, AI will replace all humans’ jobs, “resulting in
global economic catastrophe, revolutionary war, famine and the like” (Kontzer 2015). His opponent Jeff
Burnstein, president of the Robotic Industries Association, argues that the negative effects in this
scenario are considerably exaggerated and they will be compensated to certain extend as the new AI
technologies will create or enable new jobs. In fact this is exactly the economists’ point of view.
3.2 What is the economic theory explanation about the AI impacts on employment?
According to the postulates of the classical and neoclassical economic theory, the technologies have a
positive effect on employment as they increase companies’ productivity by changing their work patterns
and they create new job opportunities and types of jobs (Mensel & Tholl 2017). But these theories could
hardly explain the Great Depression of the 1930s and more precisely its destructive impact on
employment. The then-prevailing idea that full employment is automatically provided by the self-
balancing mechanisms of the free markets couldn’t interpret the worldwide economic collapse. As a
response to the inadequateness of the contemporary economic thought, the British economist John
Maynard Keynes, considered as the founder of the modern macroeconomics, introduced some
revolutionary ideas by asserting that government should interfere through public policies to moderate
the economic business cycles for achieving full employment. Keynesians believe that in periods of
economic downturns the demand is inadequate because of the decrease in consumer spending due to
uncertainty followed by less business investments and long periods of high unemployment. In their
model of economic activity wages response to changes in demand and supply is slow resulting in large
unemployment fluctuations. The only way to stabilise the economy is through government intervention.
Because of the stagflation after the World War II, characterised with both inflation and slow economic
growth, Keynesians’ ideas were waned as they couldn’t explain and offer an adequate measures for
overcoming such discrepancies. The Renaissance of Keynesian thought came with the World Financial
Turmoil from 2007 - 2008. The Harvard professor N. Gregory Mankiw stated for the New York Times
that the only one economist who could help us to understand the current economic problems would
doubtlessly be John Maynard Keynes. (Jahan, Mahmud & Papageorgiou 2014). But what about AI and
how its effect on the unemployment patterns could be explained as technologies started to replace
humans faster compared to what expected?
Nobel prize-winning economist Joe Stiglitz (2014) argued that innovations actually introduce an
economic paradox. People who lost their jobs or suffered wage reduction due to technological
innovations cannot save money and decrease their spending on goods which causes deflation. Capital
owners become less inclined to investments that create new job positions due to the shortened customer
demand. The dilemma is actually caused by the following interdependence – the more decrease in the
demand side, the more efficiency in the supply side is needed in order to compensate the negative effects
of the former (Dirican 2015; Hirst 2014). Companies are more inclined to continue with speeding up the
innovations, stimulated by the upward shift in the money supply resulted in low interest rates. As an
impact lower skilled workers will be replaced with high skilled employees and according to Stiglitz’s
survey (2014) the inequality between people and the level of unemployment will go above the socially
desirable one.
The so debated economic paradox is not a theoretical idea that burst out from a beautiful academic mind.
Innovations and AI in particular, are changing the economic patterns and societal well-being. And these
effects have already been observed and investigated by the researchers. It seems that the modern
economic thinking should reconsider some tents in the light of AI technologies and their augmented
3.3 How AI will affect the labour markets?
Makridakis (2017) asked a critical question for the role people will play in the near future after AI
substitute, supplement and/or amplify the tasks humans currently perform at their working places. He

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argues that the future could be caught up by four polarised scenarios presenting four different
perceptions about AI impacts on human lives, societal environment and labour patterns. The scenarios
are presented in table 1.

Table 1. The four AI scenarios

Scenarios General implications AI impacts on employment
Optimistic  An era of nanotechnology, genetics  Robots fully substitute humans at their
(utopian) and robotics; work;
 People use to the highest possible  Humans spend their free time on
extend computers’ capacities; leisure activities and work what they
actually want.
 Genetics enables changing of
humans genes to avoid diseases and
extend humans lives.
Pessimistic  Machines take control over the most  Humans are reduced to second rate
important decisions; status and are fully substituted by
 Humans become endangered
species;  People are not motivated to work and
leave all important decisions to
 Complex societal problems occur.
 Full labour displacement by
Pragmatic  Control over AI technologies and  People exploit the power of computers
their strict effective regulation; and augment their skills and human
decision making.
 People manage to stay a step ahead
of AI.
Doubting  AI never become threat to humanity;  In all tasks requiring creativity humans
keep clear priority over the computers.
 Computers never achieve human
ability to be creative.
Source: Makridakis 2017, pp. 50 - 52.

Some ideas behind these four scenarios are quite provocative and probably a result of our fears and
imagination. We can hardly assess the probability of their occurrence and test their objectivity but we
will refer to some recently performed surveys aiming to shed light on some possible development trends
of the labour market in an AI context. Our main concern is the existence or non-existence of a real threat
for human labour displacement. Our review encompasses several surveys – “The future of employment:
how susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”, performed by Frey and Osborne (2013) and extended by
Knowles-Cutler, Frey and Osborne (2014), Nesta’s project report “Creativity vs. robots: The creativity
economy and the future of employment” (2015), “Technology and people: The great job-creating
machine”, published under the head of Deloitte (2015) and the report “A future that works: automation,
employment and productivity” (2017), which is part of the McKinsey Global Institute’s research on how
technologies influence and change business and societal patterns.
The research of Frey and Osborne (2013) refers to the US labour market and is aiming to examine how
susceptible jobs are to computerisation. They defined three bottlenecks to computerisation and managed
to link them with nine objective variables, describing the level of perception and manipulation,
creativity, and social intelligence required to perform an occupation, as presented in table 2. The

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variables were derived from a survey of O*NET – an online service, developed for the US Department
of Labour. The unique pattern of the O*NET data, used as one of the survey’s primary data sources, is
the approach to define the key characteristics of an occupation as standardised and measurable set of
variables and provide up-to-date descriptions of the tasks, specific to the occupation. Occupations were
ranked according to the knowledge, skills, and abilities, required to perform them and categorised on
basis of the involved tasks.
By implementing novel methodology Frey and Osborne estimated the probability to computerisation for
702 detailed occupations, using Gaussian process classifier and distinguished between high, medium
and low risk occupations with thresholds at probabilities of 0.7 and 0.3. According to their estimate, 47
per cent of total US employment is in the high risk category to become automatable over a decade or
two. Their findings show that substantial share of occupations in services, sales and construction
businesses are greatly endangered to be substituted by computers which they considered to be in line
with the recent documented technological developments, mainly in machine learning and mobile
robotics (Frey & Osborne 2013, pp. 36 - 38). On the contrary, engineering and science occupations are
characterised with low susceptibility to computerisation due to the fact that they require high degree of
creative intelligence (Frey & Osborne 2013).

Table 2. Computerisation bottlenecks

Computerisation bottlenecks O*NET variables
Perception and Manipulation Finger Dexterity
Manual Dexterity
Cramped Work Space, Awkward Positions
Creative Intelligence Originality
Fine Arts
Social Intelligence Social Perceptiveness
Assisting and Caring for Others
Source: Frey & Osborne 2013, p. 31.

More surprisingly at first sight, the occupations of accountants and auditors are in the risky category as
the probability of their computerisation in the near future is 0.94 (p. 69). These findings contrast to the
research performed by Baldwin, Brown and Trinkle some years ago (2006). They argue that accounting
tasks comprise of variety of structured, semi-structured and unstructured decisions and because of the
risky environment and scarce information, auditing and assurance decisions and analysis could be
categorised as unstructured. One of their conclusions is that because of the complexity and importance
of many of the audit tasks AI applications in auditing are insufficient. The existing gap between business
and accounting domains and computer science and AI domains should be bridged by means of more
cross disciplinary research.
Further to their primary goal, Frey and Osborne analysed how wages and educational attainment relate
to occupation’s probability of computerisation. Their findings showed that there is a strong negative
relationship between them. The model used in the survey predicted a change in the labour market
polarisation trend towards computerisation being limited to low-skill and low-wage occupations only.
Creative and social skills would become workers’ guarantee for non-susceptibility to computerisation.

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The results and trends derived by Frey and Osborne (2013) were reconfirmed by Knowles-Cutler, Frey
and Osborne (2014), who extended their study to the UK labour market by using the same approach and
methodology. They estimated that 35 per cent of UK jobs are at high risk of computerisation. An
interesting conclusion relates to the education of the future and re-training of the current workforce.
According to the researchers, the education system needs to adapt to the changing world by building the
most appropriate teaching disciplines to service the demand for employees with “creative, innovative
and tech-savvy skills” that will enable them to easily switch their jobs (Knowles-Cutler, Frey & Osborne
2014, p. 20). The rapid technological changes challenge the companies and require investments in
continuous re-training of their current employees in order to keep pace with the rate of innovation
In this context it is quite logically to raise the question about the future prospects of the accounting and
auditing professions, considered in the risky category. For sure they require creative and social
intelligence for performing some of the job tasks but there is also a variety of routine tasks that would
be computerised due to the vast development of AI technologies. For instance more than 400 individual
audit tasks have been identified as a result of a substantial research work. Because some of them are
characterised as less structured as they rely on uncertain and incomplete information, they are considered
as non-suitable for AI applications (Abdolmohammadi 1991). Accounting tasks also need such detailed
analysis in order to distinguish the non-routine from routine ones. One important conclusion is that more
AI solutions should be investigated for accounting and audit (Baldwin, Brown & Trinkle 2006) decision-
aids in the current risky and uncertain environment. Despite such efforts, due to the complexity of the
business world and the importance of accounting information for the management decision process,
there is a minimal risk of raising unemployment ratio among the accounting profession because of high
level of computerisation of its work tasks. Obviously the strong AI turbulence will bring some changes
in the profession’s role and functions. The successful strategy will be to embrace the technological
challenges and to adapt to the new business and management requirements by developing new skill set
and competences. And education system should play a key role in preparing the profession for this fast
changing environment.
Inspired by the methodology used by Frey and Osborne (2013), Bakhshi, Frey and Osborne (2015)
published the research paper “Creativity vs. robots: The creativity economy and the future of
employment” as part of a project, conducted by the UK charity Nesta. Its aiming was to study the
potential impact of augmented automation on creative occupations, categorised on basis of whether they
require the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. Probably it is worth mentioning that
the question whether AI could be creative was raised in the beginning of our century by computer
scientists who proposed the Lovelace test, a variant of Alan Turing’s Imitation Game (later referred as
to the Turing test). After a decade, an Associate Professor of Computing at Georgia Institute of
Technology Mark Riedl presented Lovelace 2.0 test, designed to challenge the premise that a
computational system can originate a creative artefact like a story, poem, paining, etc. (Riedl 2014).
Bakhshi, Frey and Osborne (2015) managed to examine 702 different occupational categories in the US
and 366 in the UK using several data sources. Their growing concern about the future of employment
stems from the recent technological achievements in machine learning and mobile robotics, allowing
computers to substitute humans in performing a broad spectrum of non-routine job tasks, both manual
and cognitive. They brought our attention to the point in time, not so far ahead, when jobs, currently
considered as creative, may not be so. According to their estimates, 21 per cent of the US employment
and 24 per cent of the UK workforce are highly creative and a great share of the occupations behind
these percentages (86 per cent in the US and 87 per cent in the UK) is at low or even at no risk of
automation. One disturbing finding relates to accountants and auditors. Their creative probability is
calculated to be 3.4 and the estimated probability of computerisation is 77.4. The former is too low and
the latter is considerably high. Keeping in mind that creative skills will become more important with the
expansion of technological innovations, as concluded by Bakhshi, Frey and Osborne (2015), it is crucial
for the future of the accounting profession to keep its competitive advantages. As stated earlier, some
leading professional organisations start asking the right questions: how accountants could benefit from
the use of AI capabilities and increasingly improve the quality of their work, what will be their new
roles in the organisation and the required new skills to perform them. Many of the current job tasks and

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decisions will be automated but still accountants can be equipped with powerful new capabilities to take
on all the challenges and opportunities of the future (ICAEW 2017).
Stewart, De & Cole (2015) present different and more optimistic perspective in their paper “Technology
and people: The great job-creating machine”, published by Deloitte LLP. The economists identified four
mechanisms through which technological innovations affect employment, shown in figure 1. They
focused on the job-creating not job-destroying effects, the latter prevailing in the current discussions, as
technology debate is skewed towards destruction.

Figure 1. Four mechanisms through which technology affects employment

Direct effects

2. Sectors which are the

1. Technology substitute
source of technological
labour, raising
innovation expand rapidly,
productivity and lowering
demanding increased

3. Technology 4. Lower cost of

Indirect effects

complements labour, production and prices

leading to improved enable consumers to shift
outcomes in sectors which spending to more
subsequently expand and discretionary goods and
generate new demand for services, generating new
labour demand for labour

Source: Stewart, De & Cole 2015, p. 1.

Though chaotic and unpredictable, the analysis of the creative effects give a different aspect of the
interaction between humans and machines and deserve our attention. The researchers were inspired by
some lessons of history and examined two data sources: census records on employment in England and
Wales for every decade year since 1871 and Labour Force Survey data from 1992 (Stewart, De & Cole
2015). For instance, one of their findings showed a dominant trend of rapidly growing employment in
the caring, creative, technology and business services sectors prevailing over the agriculture and
manufacturing contracting employment since 1992. Another interesting conclusion relates to the effect
of technology by nature of the occupations. The data used in their survey revealed that both manual and
cognitive routine jobs, like bank and post office clerks and metal making and treating operators, suffered
significant substitution from technology innovations since 1992. On the contrary, technology is highly
complementary to non-routine occupations like management consultants, business analysts, care
workers and home carers where a strong employment growth effect has been observed. In fact
technology creates jobs in new sectors like the technology sector, a positive trend captured by the second
direct effect, presented in figure 1. But we also have to keep in mind one lesson gleaned from history –
technologies become obsolete in time and are displaced by improved or new ones, thus shrinking
employment in certain occupations like telephone and telegraph operators.
Let focus our attention on one of indirect mechanisms, depicted by Stewart, De & Cole. Even less
obvious, it reflects the way in which the growth in some technology intensive sectors leads to a
combination of productivity and employment expansion over time. It is worth mentioning that these

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effects caused a raise in the demand for certain specialist services, helping customers to benefit from
technological innovation and to deal with the increased complexity of the business environment.
Accountants served as a good example as their numbers in England and Wales have risen tremendously
in the last 140 years. An interesting phenomena was captured by the second indirect mechanism for
affecting employment. The increased consumer purchase power and spending, a side-effect of the first
direct mechanism, creates new demand and new jobs. For example there was a massive upward shift in
employment in bars and personal services.
Stewart, De & Cole are quite optimistic regarding the future of employment despite the faster growth in
technological improvements and labour replacements. They predicted that the required working skills
will encompass “a bigger share of social interaction and empathy, thought, creativity” in the future
(Stewart, De & Cole 2015, p. 10). An important policy challenge is figured out as the rapid technology
changes will require high-level education and continuous re-training and these issues will become a
focal point for the efforts of policymakers.
Another profound survey on the automation impacts on labour is the report “A future that works:
automation, employment and productivity”, published by McKinsey Global Institute (2017). It was
produced as part of a more comprehensive research on how data and analytics, automation, robotics and
AI will change the workforce patterns and the global economy. The performed analysis is focused on
work activities rather than whole occupations, which distinguishes it from the other reviewed studies
and in our opinion makes its conclusions about the future of human labour more accurate. Every
occupation comprises of a set of activities, each having different potential for automation. By using data
from the US Department of Labour, technical automation potential of more than 2,000 work activities
in more than 800 occupations was assessed. Some of the key findings are summarised and presented in
table 3.

Table 3. Automation technologies and their potential effects

Effects Description
Cognitive Robots and computers increase their capabilities to accomplish activities, including
capabilities cognitive capabilities as making tacit judgments, sensing emotion and driving.
Productivity  At a microeconomic level – labour cost reductions, increased throughput,
growth higher quality, and decreased downtime;
 At a macroeconomic level – an annual raise between 0.8 and 1.4 per cent.
Automation  Only few occupations could be fully automated based on the currently
potential demonstrated technologies;
 About half of the world’s workforce paid activities could potentially be
automated by adapting existing technological innovations.
Pace, extent  Would vary across different activities, occupations, and wage and skill levels;
of automation
and impact  Disproportion effects on low-, middle- and high-skill workers caused by
on workers automation could be reduced.

Effects across  A wide range of effects depending on country’s stage of development;

countries and
sectors  The sector mix and the mix of activities within sector are the key factors for
revealing automation potential.

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Key factors  Technical feasibility;

the pace and  The cost of developing and deploying automation solutions;
extent of  Labour market dynamics;
 Economic benefits;
 Regulatory and social acceptance.
Effects on  Changes in the nature of work;
 Human labour will become complementary to the work of the machine;
 Changes in companies’ organisation, industries’ competition patterns and
business models.
Issues for  Encourage investments to stimulate technological progress and innovations
policymakers through appropriate policy;
 Develop policies that help workers and institutions to adapt to the impact of
automation on employment.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute 2017.

According to the McKinsey Global Institute’s survey, every distinct work activity requires a
combination of 18 performance capabilities, grouped into five categories: sensory perception, cognitive
capabilities, natural language processing, social and emotional capabilities and physical capabilities. For
instance, among the cognitive capabilities are: retrieving information, optimisation and planning,
creativity, and problem solving (McKinsey Global Institute 2017). By adapting currently demonstrated
technology, more than 50 per cent of the paid work activities could be automated. From the occupations
point of view, less than 5 per cent have the potential of full automation and about 60 per cent have at
least 30 per cent of activities that could be performed or even outperformed by the machines. Among
the activities less susceptible to automation are: interfacing with stakeholders, managing and developing
people, applying expertise to decision making, planning, and creative tasks. These findings reconfirm
our conclusion drawn earlier that similar approach could be applied for detailed listing of the activities
performed by accountants in order to assess more precisely which job tasks have high potential for
automation. The question brings another important issue to the fore: what new functions accounting
professionals could perform for realising their full working potential and creating more value to
organisations. The use of AI capabilities brings some challenges as accountants will work alongside
intelligent systems and need to be relevantly equipped with a proper skill set to benefit from the recent
technology advances.


It is really a disturbing fact that accounting profession has been estimated as having high probability for
automation in some well accepted among academics and practitioner empirical studies. But we have to
neglect such dark prophecies as the profession is far away from its inglorious ending. AI should be
considered as a beginning of its renewal and will once again prove its potential to adapt to the recent
changes in business environment and the shift in management requirements (figure 2). In fact
accountants can benefit from the intelligent systems as by using their capabilities they will be able to
solve three broad problems (ICAEW 2017, p. 8):
 support decision-making by providing better and cheaper data;
 provide more profound analysis of data and give new insights on business;
 focus on more valuable tasks after freeing up working time due to AI applications.

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4.1 What is the potential for displacement of accounting job tasks due to AI applications?
As stated earlier, the right approach for assessing the potential for job displacement is to analyse the
task content of the accounting work. Undoubtedly some tasks can and probably will be substituted by
the smart systems and the right question is when and to what extent. The current research and
implementation projects are insufficient in light of the recent AI advances and AI capabilities for solving
real-world accounting problems. We will give some insights on recent accomplishments based on
ICAEW IT faculty study on AI and the future of accountancy (ICAEW 2017).
Bookkeeping is the most routine, time consuming and unquestionably susceptible to automation part of
the accounting work. The logic behind double entry system enables the specific coding of accounting
entries. Complex business transaction are easily disaggregated, described in accounting terms and
recorded into the ledgers. The process can be fully automated by using the machine learning
technologies. The accuracy of accounting data will be improved as well as the timing of recording.

Figure 2. Areas of AI impact on accounting profession

New skills

Accounting New tasks
profession & roles

& training

Fraud prevention and detection is another area where AI applications are possible and desirable.
Machines cannot be tempted with money or power as they are driven by predetermined rules and act
straightforwardly. There are many examples of deliberate human decisions and actions that are
damaging to companies. Asset theft, tax avoidance, skimming of cash and cash larceny, financial
statement falsification are only few from many common examples. Fraudulent activities are predictable
and identifiable due to the easy machine learning modelling of “normal” activities.
Another job task where AI is likely to be beneficial is the revenues forecasting (ICAEW 2017). In time
of uncertainty, information asymmetry and inherent risks, forecasting is not an easy work activity despite
currently applied models and techniques. The accuracy of the revenues forecast is crucial for an
operations budget and all other budgets derived from it. The use of predictive models, based on machine
learning algorithms, can improve quality of the forecast data and consequently the processes of
budgeting and strategic management. On the other hand, accountants must pay special attention to the
quality of the data set being used for the forecasting and planning purposes because of the risk of inherent
biases. They have to exercise due care when providing the data for the models (Shimamoto 2018).

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Financial accounting and reporting is another area with great potential for automation. It is worth
mentioning that even in 1980s and 1990s some expert systems were in use, mainly for cash flow
evaluation, analysis of business combinations, accounting treatment for leases and analysis of financial
reports for regulatory purposes (Yang & Vasarhelyi 1995). In the early research financial statements
were represented as sets of interrelated cross sectional equations and ESs technologies were applied. As
stated by Yang & Vasarhelyi, ESs were suitable for supporting the financial accounting domain as they
“can greatly enrich this axiom and provide the basis for many types of metaphors” (1995). A practical
challenge is the increasing number of regulations that need to be transformed into if-then rules and
decision trees suitable for AI algorithms.
Analysis of large amounts of unstructured data comprising emails, contracts, graphs, videos, blogs, etc.
can be substantially improved by application of deep learning models. Big data sets could provide new
insights on businesses leading to better decision-making and strategic business solutions. Because of
their diverse and complex nature and large volume, they require special technologies but also new job
skills for big data analytics. Accounting professionals are challenged to build such skills through proper
education and training. The lifelong learning concept is the key for successful adaptation to the
constantly changing competence requirements.
4.2 What are the new skills required of accountants to benefit from deployment of AI technologies and
create more value to the businesses?
The analysis of job-tasks displacement shall be accompanied by corresponding study of practical
challenges facing the accounting profession and more precisely the new required skill set for performing
activities in the rapidly changing environment fuelled by digital technology and increasing information
processing power (Chan 2013). The fast transformation in the business landscape due to AI applications
resulted in situations where new smart technologies were integrated into business and accounting
software and many accountants encountered them without realising their logic, capabilities and full
potential (ICAEW 2017).
One of the most required skills is the technical expertise in machine learning and the depth of knowledge
depends on the organisation’s size, investment policy and innovation strategy. Despite these factors, it
is important for accountants to understand the significance of quality of the used data. Machine learning
implies recognition and application of patterns based on existing data points or examples, deriving own
algorithms and refining them in time (Shimamoto 2018). “Teaching” the computer by using data sets
requires special attention to their quality as mentioned earlier. Internal control procedures should be
implemented to mitigate the risk associated with the inherent biases and other limitations of AI
Among the technical skills are the big data analytical skills as “there is an increasing focus on Big Data
for the accounting profession” (Gamage 2016, p. 590). As stated by Ellis King, the manager of a global
professional services recruitment company, Morgan McKinley, there is a big shift in the required skills
for entering the labour market and big data analytics plays a central role. Even young and less-
experienced accountants are expected to be creative with data and produce useful analysis thus
contributing by forecasting potential growth, new markets or competition (King 2014). According to
some recent research estimates, 77 per cent of companies, which exploit the benefits of data analytics,
achieve better financial performance (see Gamage 2016, p. 592). Moreover, decision-making driven by
data leads to 5-6 per cent efficiency gains depending on sector specifics (Tene & Polonetski 2013).
Machine learning “also benefits from having very large data sets – the more data points there are, the
more times the model can run, learn and test the accuracy of its results” (ICAEW 2014, p. 4). The report
published by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Institute of
Management Accountants (IMA) (2013) acknowledges that there are three important contribution areas:
valuation of data assets, use of big data in decision-making and use of big data in the management of
risk and accountants must be well trained to gather and analyse structured and unstructured data in order
to “seize the opportunity to become champions of big data as a source of evidence to support decision-
making – and help to redefine how business is done” (CGMA 2013, p. 22). In its report “Big Data and
analytics – what’s new?” ICAEW affirms that accounting professionals can enhance their contribution
to businesses by making use of big data and analytics, such as: “using predictive models and other

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sources of data to improve budgeting and forecasting; using more sophisticated outlier and exception
analysis to improve internal control and risk management; improving the efficiency and quality of audit
activities through analysis of whole data sets” (ICAEW 2014, p. 11). Because of their natural prudence
and scepticism they can also contribute by testing and improving the quality of data. However, they
need to be equipped with sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical skills in statistics to
communicate professionally with the other parts of the business.
In addition, communication skills and critical thinking will become increasingly important in the AI age
(ICAEW 2017). According to Jazaie, among the 10 most important communication skills for
accountants are: presentation skills (storytelling), credibility, confidence, friendliness, eye contact,
understanding people’s point of view and ability to give and receive feedback (Jazaie 2017). On the
other hand, critical thinking skills have been “widely accepted as a key requirement for success in most
practical and professional spheres, not just accounting”, since at least the 1980s (Sin, Jones &, Wang
2015, p. 432). The ability to think critically was even then considered as a prerequisite for a successful
transition from the classroom to the professional workplace. The development of critical thinking needs
to become a main objective in the accounting education.
Leadership skills will become more important with the changes of accounting roles. As the professionals
increase their participation in company’s strategic management and collaboration and partnership with
other parts of the organisation, certain types of leadership will become indispensable. Among them are:
strategic and organizational leadership; coaching and mentorship; a strong sense of ethics and cross-
functional leadership.
4.3 What are the new accounting roles and tasks across organisational boundaries?
As noted by Gamage, accountants will become more than preparers of historical financial data (Gamage,
2016). One of the shifts in accountants’ roles is a response to their intensive work with data analytics.
Complemented by business awareness and understanding, and strong numeracy skills, accountants’
capabilities are well placing the profession across organisation boundaries. Moreover, AI is accelerating
this trend.
Some of the existing accounting roles will expand due to the increase in collaboration and partnership
with other parts of the organisation. Accountants’ competences in machine learning and data analytics
will be valuable as they can provide support to other employees in understanding the complex models
and deriving the right meaning of data (ICAEW 2017).
In addition to changes in some of the current accounting roles, new job tasks will arise. For instance,
the research carried out by ICAEW highlights that “accountants will ned to be involved in training or
testing models, or auditing algorithms, …in projects to help frame the problems and integrate results
into business processes, ….in managing the inputs or outputs, such as exception-handling or preparing
data” (ICAEW 2017, p. 10).
Gamage affirms that due to their data analytical skills and financial modelling skills, accountants can
play more strategic and proactive roles in their organisations (Gamage 2016). An interesting conclusion
was drawn by ACCA and IMA in their joint report (ACCA & IMA 2013). The two professional bodies
predict that in the future accounting profession will be transformed into some kind of professional
hybrid, as shown in figure 3, due to the interaction of finance, technology and information skills and
Accountants can increase their participation in the decision-making process, strategic management and
problem solving. Their contribution as internal consultants giving advices to company’s management
will be valuable as well as their increased social role of building and strengthening relationships in the
organisation (ICAEW 2017).
4.4 Are accounting educators ready for the AI challenge?
Accounting educators are also challenged by AI augmented application. They are experiencing high
pressure from the international professional accounting and accrediting bodies to enhance the
technological content of accounting courses, including but not limited to machine learning, big data and

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analytics (Gamage 2016). Obviously universities have to play an important role in this process as
initiators for curricula review and relevant implication tests. The provocative questions of how to adapt
curricula and syllabi to the current labour market requirements and employers’ expectations from
graduates and how to develop the new skill set for the jobs of the future were raised. For example, in
regard of the increased focus on big data and analytics for the accounting profession, the Association to
Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) states the following in its Accounting Accreditation
Standard 7:
“The dynamic nature of IT developments related to data creation, data management and processing, data
sharing, data analytics, data mining, data reporting, data security, and storage within and across
organizations is critical for the development of emerging professional accountants. The underlying
learning experiences for accounting graduates demand an interdisciplinary approach that draws input
from professionals and academic scholars with expertise in information systems, statistics, computer
science and engineering, ethical issues related to IT and “big data,” etc. The focus should not be on
“accounting information systems” only, but on information storage, management, and analysis for
accounting graduates.” (AACSB 2014, p. 5)

Figure 3. New accounting and finance professional hybrids



Technology Information

Source: ACCA & IMA Report 2013, p. 31.

Obviously the interdisciplinary approach should be applied across the curriculum and accounting
educators are responsible for the timely response. Knowledge and skills in AI and data science should
be considered as a must not as a desirable competitive advantage. For instance, one practical problem is
that big data is tied to many disciplines (Gamage 2016).
The ever existing gap between universities and accounting practice has to be overcome in the era of
smart technologies. Collaboration and partnership between accounting educators and industry are
prerequisites for the successful accounting career of graduates. One of the pioneers among universities,
already integrated big data and analytics into the accounting coursework, is the School of Accountancy
at the Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University. The module “Data analytics for accountants”
is included in the curricula (

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Beyond a shadow of a doubt AI is reshaping the future of many occupations, and accounting profession
is one of the most. Many opportunities for new important roles and jobs emerge when considering the
artificial intelligence as a complement to the human intelligence. The threat for labour displacement
seems now more as a myth than a future prospect and we are facing a shift from the concerns for
automation of accounting tasks towards embracing AI capabilities by the accounting profession for its
benefits. Accounting roles are getting closer to company’s management functions.
Because AI is impacting and will further impact the role of accountant, there is a call for accounting
educators to change their mindset and develop the required skills and competences related to the smart
technologies and their augmented business applications. There is a lot of work ahead to review the
accounting curricula and prepare graduates for successful career.
Accounting researchers are also challenged by the AI issues in the accounting realm as they have to
collaborate with AI specialists and to bridge the existing gap between the accounting domain and AI
domain. More complex AI applications can be developed to solve some accounting problems more fully.
There are areas in AI technologies as fuzzy logic and neutral networks that might be successfully applied
in the accounting context (Baldwin, Brown & Trinkle 2006).
There are also important issues related to accounting regulators and standards setting bodies and the
increasing need of their institutional support. Because of the risks associated with AI applications they
have to consider the impact of the new technologies on financial reporting standards and transparency
of the data outputs, derived by application of machine learning models. One possible and desirable
scenario will be regulators to encourage and even push the adoption of intelligent technologies in the
accounting practice and their deep understanding of AI and the associated risks needs to be built
(ICAEW 2017).

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