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A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman: M2Ns-Iiia-49 M2Ns-Iiia-49 M2Ns-Iiia-49

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Baitang: Two-MOLAVE Asignatura: MATH Sinuri

PAGTUTURO Oras: 10:10-11:00 Linggo / Petsa: 019 RUSSELL L. PEREZ
Principal 1

I. Layunin: Lunes Martes Miyerkules Huwebes Biyernes

I. Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
A. Pamantayang Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Pangnilalaman understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
division of whole division of whole division of whole division of whole
numbers up to 1000 numbers up to 1000 numbers up to 1000 numbers up to 1000
including money including money including money including money

B. Pamantayang Is able to apply Is able to apply Is able to apply Is able to apply

Pangganap division of whole division of whole division of whole division of whole
numbers up to 1000 numbers up to 1000 numbers up to 1000 numbers up to 1000
including money in including money in including money in including money in
mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
problems and real- problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-
life situations. situations. situations. life situations.

C. Mga Kasanayan sa Visualizes and Visualizes and Visualizes and Visualizes and Answer test item with
Pagkatuto represents division as represents division as represents division as represents division 85% of success.
(Isulat ang code sa bawat equal sharing, equal sharing, equal sharing, as equal sharing, Follow directions
kasanayan) repeated subtraction, repeated subtraction, repeated subtraction, repeated properly.
equal jumps on the equal jumps on the equal jumps on the subtraction, equal Answer test with speed,
number line and number line and using number line and using jumps on the accuracy and honesty
using formation of formation of equal formation of equal number line and
equal groups of groups of objects groups of objects using formation of
objects M2NS-IIIa-49 M2NS-IIIa-49 equal groups of
M2NS-IIIa-49 objects
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NILALAMAN Division as Equal Jumps in Division as Formation of Writing Related Equation Writing Related Weekly Test
( Subject Matter) a Number Line Equal Groups of Objects Equation
II. KAGAMITANG K-12 CGp K-12 CGp.40 K-12 CGp 41 K-12 CG K-12 CGp
A. Sanggunian
1. Mga pahina sa Gabay 190-192 192-194 195-197 197-199 190-192
sa Pagtuturo
2. Mga pahina sa 130-132 133-135 135-137 137-139 130-132
Kagamitang Pang Mag-
3. Mga pahina sa Teksbuk      

4. Karagdagang 1.Lesson Guide in Elem.

Math Grade 2 p.177
kagamitan mula sa
2. Lesson Guide in Elem.
LRDMS Math Grade 2. 2005. pp.
3. Lesson Guide in Elem.
Math Grade 2. 2010. pp.
4. Lesson Guide in Elem.
Math Grade 2. 2012. pp.
5. Mathematics Kagamitan
ng Magaaral Tagalog
Grade 2. 2013. pp. 122-
B. Iba pang Kagamitang 1.Learning Module 1. Learning Module 4. 1. Learning Module 4. 1. Learning Module 3. 1.Learning Module
Panturo 2. Illustration of a Illustrations of objects Flashcards manila paper and 2. Illustration of a number
number line 2. Activity sheets 5. 2. Illustrations 5. marker line
3. Stones manila paper and marker Concrete objects 2. Activity sheet 3. Stones
4. Flashcards 3. Chart with story 3. Activity cards/sheets (division situation) 4. Flashcards
5. manila paper and problem and division 6. manila paper and 5. manila paper and marker
marker situations marker 6. Pebbles
6. Pebbles 7. ruler
7. ruler
A. Balik –Aral sa Reflective Approach Reflective Approach Reflective Approach Reflective Approach 1. Drill – Prepare 5 sets of 30
nakaraang Aralin o 1. Drill – Prepare 5 sets stones. Group the pupils into
pasimula sa bagong of 30 stones. Group the 1. Drill – Do this as five.

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aralin pupils into five. group activity The first player will come
( Drill/Review/ Unlocking of The first player will Let the group show the near the table. Then the
Difficulties) come near the table. following division teacher will say, count 20
Then the teacher will situations using concrete stones and divide them into
say, count 20 stones objects available in their 4. The first to show the
and divide them into 4. group. correct grouping wins.
The first to show the 1. 6 is divided into 2 Continue until all the
correct grouping wins. groups 4. 15 is divided members of the groups had
Continue until all the into 3 groups played. Use other numbers
members of the groups 2. 9 is divided into 3 such as 30, 45, 18, 36, etc.
had played. Use other groups 5. 18 is divided
numbers such as 30, into 9 groups
45, 18, 36, etc. 3. 8 is divided into 4
2. Review – Do this as
group activity.
Present the following
division situations as
equal sharing. You may
draw any shape.
1. Fifteen guavas were
shared equally to five
2. P 10.00 was shared
equally to 2 pupils.
3. Twenty pieces of
paper were shared
equally to four friends.
4. Twelve pieces of
banana were shared
equally to five monkeys.
5. Six watermelons were
shared equally to six
B. Paghahabi sa layunin Explicit Teaching Explicit Teaching Explicit Teaching Explicit Teaching Let the class sing this
ng aralin Teacher Modelling Teacher Modelling Teacher Modelling Teacher Modelling song then act the action
(Motivation) Let the class sing this words.
song then act the Play “The Boat is Ask the pupils to get one Let the class sing (Tune: Are You Sleeping)
action words. Sinking”. whole sheet of paper. “Paru-parung Bukid”.
(Tune: Are You Example: The boat is Then fold it three times The lyrics should be
Walking, walking (2x)
Sleeping) sinking.....Group and cut along the lines. written on a manila Hop, hop, hop (2x)
Walking, walking (2x) yourselves into 4. Tell the class to imagine paper. Cover some of Jumping, jumping,
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Hop, hop, hop (2x) Continue the game and that the pieces of paper the lyrics every time jumping (2x)
Jumping, jumping, process what they did. are money. They will they repeat on Now STOP (2x)
jumping (2x) What did you do? donate the money to the singing. Continue until (Connect hopping with
Now STOP (2x) PE Integration victims of typhoon. Say: all the lyrics are equal jumps in a number
(Connect hopping with Share your money to 4 covered. See if they
equal jumps in a people. Call one pupil to can memorize the
number line.) demonstrate how many song.
Music Integration pieces of money he/she The idea here is
will give to each of them. repeated subtraction
(Call some more pupils to of words.
demonstrate other Music Integration
C. Pag- uugnay ng mga Constructivist Constructivist Constructivist Constructivist Give each group a string
halimbawa sa bagong Approach Approach Approach Approach of different lengths (G1-
aralin 6m, G2-8m, G3-10m, G4-
( Presentation) Give each group a 12m, G5-14m). Instruct
string of different Group the pupils into 6 Prepare 6 candies. Call 3 Prepare 12 pieces of
lengths (G1-6m, G2-8m, groups. pupils then ask them to pad paper.
them to divide and cut
G3-10m, G4-12m, G5- Give each group the share equally the candies Ask: Who wants to the strings into
14m). Instruct them to following: (You may among them. have this pad paper? (G1-3, G2-2, G3-5, G4-4,
divide and cut the choose other objects Ask: How many pupils Give 3 pieces of paper G5-7).
strings into which are available shared the candies? to one of the pupils. Call the first group. Let
(G1-3, G2-2, G3-5, G4- inside your classroom.) How many candies did Ask: How many were four members hold the
4, G5-7). Group 1 and 2 - 15 each of them receive? left? string end to end.
Call the first group. Let pieces of pebbles each Show these illustrations: Give another 3 pieces Ask:
four members hold the group to another pupil. What is the length of the
string end to end. Group 3 and 4 - 15 Ask: How many were
string? 6 m
Ask: pieces of popsicle sticks left?
What is the length of each group Give another 3 pieces How many cuts were
the string? 6 m Group 5 and 6 - 15 to another pupil. made? 3
How many cuts were pieces of coin (play Ask: How many were How long do you think is
made? 3 money) each group left? each cut? 2m
How long do you think Say: Let us draw the Therefore if 6 will be
is each cut? 2m situation using a bar. divided into 2 meters we
Therefore if 6 will be (Post your prepared can make 3 pieces.
divided into 2 meters illustration.) Process also the other
we can make 3 pieces.
Process also the other

Page 4 of 8
D. Pagtatalakay ng What is the length of Give this instruction: Ask the pupils to write Write the repeated What is the length of the
bagong konsepto at the string? 6 m Group the materials into related equation of the subtraction of the string? 6 m
paglalahad ng bagong How many cuts were 3 groups of equal above situation. above situation: How many cuts were
kasanayan No I made? 3 objects. Make sure that Example: 6 – 2 = 4 and 6 12 – 3 = 9 made? 3
(Modeling) How long do you think there will be no objects ÷2=3 9–3=6
is each cut? 2m left. 4–2=2 6–3=3
How long do you think is
Therefore if 6 will be Ask: How many groups of 2–2=0 3–3=0 each cut? 2m
divided into 2 meters (_________) were made? If you feel the pupils Thus, the equation is: Therefore if 6 will be
we can make 3 pieces. How many were there in cannot write an equation, 12 ÷ 4 = 3 divided into 2 meters we
2.Ask: If we cut the each group? guide them with the can make 3 pieces.
string into 6 equal If we divide 15 into 3, following questions: 2.Ask: If we cut the string
parts, how long will what is the answer? 1. How many candies into 6 equal parts, how
each piece be? Say: Group the materials were there in all? 6 long will each piece be?
Let the pupils show into 5 groups. 2. How many pupils will Let the pupils show their
their solution in any Ask: How many groups share the candies? 3
solution in any way using
way using their were made? 3. How many candies will
previous knowledge. How many were there in each of them receive? 2 their previous knowledge.
each group? Then write the equation:
E. Pagtatalakay ng Gawain 1 Let the group draw on a Gawain 1
bagong konsepto at Tapusin ang number manila paper the Tapusin ang number line
paglalahad ng bagong line na nagpapakita ng materials they have na nagpapakita ng
kasanayan No. 2. division situations sa grouped. division situations sa
( Guided Practice) ibaba. Gawin ito sa Then ask them to group
iyong papel. Tingnan the objects into 3 by
ibaba. Gawin ito sa iyong
ang pahina 131 sa LM. ringing the objects. papel. Tingnan ang
Let the group post and pahina 131 sa LM.
explain their work.

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F. Paglilinang sa Ipakita ang paghahati B. Isulat ang kaugnay na B. Ipakita ang Ipakita ang paghahati sa
Kabihasan sa bawat kalagayan. division equation ng mga kalagayan sa ibaba sa bawat kalagayan. Ipakita
(Tungo sa Formative Ipakita ito sa kalagayang ito. pamamagitan ng ito sa pamamagitan ng
Assessment ) pamamagitan ng 1. Ang 8 papaya ay repeated subtraction. number line.
( Independent Practice ) number line. pinaghatian ng 4 na tao. Pagkatapos ay isulat
1. Ang 35 metrong tali 2. Ang 20 rambutan ay ang kaugnay na
1. Ang 35 metrong tali ay
ay hinati sa 7 piraso. hinati sa 5 bata. division equation nito. hinati sa 7 piraso.
2. Ang 20 sentimetrong 3. Ang 30 upuan ay hinati 1. May 9 na laruan. 3 2. Ang 20 sentimetrong
ribbon ay hinati sa 5 sa 3 baitang. laruan ang natanggap ribbon ay hinati sa 5
piraso. 4. Ang 15 bayabas ay ng bawat bata. piraso.
3. Ang 30 desimetrong pinaghatian ng 3 bata. 2. 12 abokado, 6 ang 3. Ang 30 desimetrong
kable ay pinuto sa 3 5. Ang 16 na mangga ay natanggap ng bawat kable ay pinuto sa 3
piraso. hinati sa 4 na tao. bisita. piraso.
3. 6 na piraso bawat
Valuing: Mahalaga mag-aaral. 30
bang pantay ang pirasong papel lahat.
paghahati at 4. 7 lapis bawat mag-
pagbabahagi? Bakit? aaral. 14 na lapis
5. 24 na mangga, 3
bawat pangkat.
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Gawain 2 page 132 Bumuo ng pangkat ng Gawain 2 Gawain 2 Gawain 2 page 132
pang araw araw na 1. Hinati sa 4 na piraso mga bagay na may Basahin ang mga Mayroong 15 piraso 1. Hinati sa 4 na piraso
buhay ang cocolumber na may parehong bilang upang kalagayan sa ibaba. ng cassava cake sa ang cocolumber na may
( Application/Valuing) habang 24 talampakan. maipakita ang division Isulat ang kaugnay na mesa. Kinain ni Van habang 24 talampakan.
2. Pinutol sa 4 na piraso situations sa ibaba. division equation nito. Chester ang tatlong
ang 20 talampakang 1. Ang 16 na suman ay 1. Pinaghatian ng 5 bata piraso. Ang tatay at
2. Pinutol sa 4 na piraso
tubo. hinati sa 8 tao. ang 10 mangga. nanay niya ay kumain ang 20 talampakang
2. Ang 27 bayabas ay 2. Ipinamahagi sa 6 na ng tig-iisa. Nang tubo.
hinati sa 9 na tao. tao ang 18 kilo ng bigas. dumating sina Aliya at
3. Ang 18 talong ay 3. Ibinahagi ang 16 na Van Dexter,
hinati sa 3 tumpok. damit sa 8 pamilya. pinaghatian nila ang

Page 6 of 8
4. Ang 32 Boy Scouts ay 4. Ang 6 na basket ng naiwan.
hinati sa 4 na pangkat. prutas ay ipinamahagi sa Gumamit ng drowing
5. Ang 21 na Girl Scouts 3 bisita. upang ipakita ang
ay hinati sa 3 pangkat. 5. Ang 50.00 ay word problem sa
pinaghatian ng 10 itaas. Isulat ang
namamasko. angkop na repeated
subtraction sentence
at kaugnay nitong
division sentence.
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Division can be Division can be In writing related In writing equation Division can be presented
( Generalization) presented using equal presented using equation using equal using repeated using equal jumps on a
jumps on a number line. formation of equal sharing, count the total subtraction, use the number line.
groups of objects. number of objects in the highest minuend as
set then divide it with the dividend while the
total number within the common subtrahend
group. The answer will be serves as the divisor.
the total number of
The dividend is the total
number of objects in the
set while the divisor is
the number of objects in
each group. The total
group is the quotient.
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Present the following Follow the instructions Write a division equation Present the following
division situations using below. You may use any for each of the following division situations using
equal jumps in a shape. situations. 1. Six pairs of equal jumps in a number
number line. 1. Form groups of objects slippers were equally line.
1. Divide a 28-meter to show 15 balls divided shared to three pupils.
rope into 7 pieces of into 5 groups. Equation: ________
1. Divide a 28-meter rope
equal length. 2. Form groups of objects 2. Five classmates into 7 pieces of equal
2. Divide a 36-cm to show 18 pieces of shared equally ten pieces length.
bamboo split into 6 pencils divided into 3. of rambutan. 2. Divide a 36-cm
pieces with equal 3. Form groups of equal Equation: ________ bamboo split into 6
length. objects to show 50 3. Two kids shared pieces with equal length.
3. Divide into 6 pieces erasers divided into 5 equally the two puppies. 3. Divide into 6 pieces
with equal length the groups. Equation: ________ with equal length the 18
18 feet steel bar. 4. Form groups of equal 4. Sixteen chocolates feet steel bar.
4. Divide into 2 pieces objects to show 21 books were shared equally by
4. Divide into 2 pieces of
of equal length a 10 divided into 3 groups. eight cousins.
feet coco-lumber. 5. Form groups of equal Equation: ________ equal length a 10 feet

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5. Divide a 6-meter of objects to show 35 5. Twelve pencils were coco-lumber.
tying wire into 3 pieces pieces of ballpen divided equally shared by four 5. Divide a 6-meter of
with equal length into 7 groups. indigent pupils. tying wire into 3 pieces
Equation: ________ with equal length
J. Karagdagang gawain Gawaing Bahay Gawaing Bahay Gawaing Bahay Ipakita sa Gawaing Bahay
para sa takdang aralin Ipakita ang paghahati Sundin ang mga panuto Pag-aralang mabuti ang pamamagitan ng Ipakita ang paghahati sa
( Assignment) sa ibaba. Gawin ito sa sa ibaba. bawat kalagayan sa repeated subtraction ibaba. Gawin ito sa
number line. 1. Bumuo ng parehong ibaba. Isulat ang ang kalagayan sa number line.
1. Hinati sa 5 piraso ang grupo ng bola na kaugnay na division ibaba.
tali na may habang 15 nagpapakita na ang 10 equation nito. Pagkatapos ay isulat
1. Hinati sa 5 piraso ang
metro. bola ay hinati sa 2 1. Ibinahagi sa 5 tao ang ang division equation tali na may habang 15
2. Ang cocolumber na pangkat. 10 pares ng tsinelas. nito. metro.
may habang 12 metro 2. Bumuo ng parehong 2. Ibinahagi ang 20 lata 1. 30 hotdogs. 5 2. Ang cocolumber na
ay hinati sa 3 piraso. grupo ng lapis na ng sardinas sa 5 pamilya. hotdog bawat bata. may habang 12 metro ay
3. Hinati ang 20 nagpapakita na ang 12 3. Ibinahagi sa 7 2. May 21. Bawat bata hinati sa 3 piraso.
metrong bakal sa apat lapis ay hinati sa 6 na mahihirap na pamilya ay nakatanggap ng 3. 3. Hinati ang 20 metrong
na piraso. pangkat. ang 70 kahon ng 3. 5 mag-aaral bawat bakal sa apat na piraso.
3. Bumuo ng parehong noddles. pangkat. 35 mag-
grupo ng papel na 4. Ibinahagi ang 8 kilo ng aaral lahat.
nagpapakita na ang 18 rambutan sa iyong 4 na 4. 50 minuto. 10
papel ay hinati sa 9 na kamag-anak. minuto bawat
bata. 5. Ibinahagi sa 5 bisita kalahok.
4. Bumuo ng parehong ang 10 hiwa ng cake. 5. 5 kamote bawat
grupo ng lata ng sardinas tumpok. 25 kamote
na nagpapakita na ang lahat.
20 lata ng sardinas ay
hinati sa 10 tao.
5. Bumuo ng parehong
grupo ng prutas na
nagpapakita na ang 16
na kilong prutas ay hinati
sa 8 mamimili.

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