Instrument Lesson Plan

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Alejandra Marquez & Diana Salas

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Using rhythm instruments with a story Grade Level: K,1,2 and 3
Source:Music education

Materials needed:

shakers, eggs shakers, cowbell, “chiquita” shakers, cactus rain sticks, woodblock
and bells

Recording of “What Would I do?” by Randy Sauer

A.S “What do our instruments also sound like?” “Can they sound like animals,
movements, or the weather?”

1) Go over the different instruments we are using and their sounds with the
2) Play the recording of “What will I do” and listen through with the class
3) Ask the class to identify the different events going on in the song
a) Jump in a puddle
b) Walk in the mud
c) Hop in the grass
d) Skip in the driveway
e) Run in the backyard
f) Rain Rain Rain
4) Select 5 students to represent the different of what occured in the song with
whatever instrument or rhythm they think is best
5) Explain that during the last part of the song, for rain, everyone gets to play
their instruments to represent rain
6) Tell the students we are going to play the song again but people who have
assigned parts must play when the song says that action
7) Everyone who doesn’t have a part has to do the movements along with the
Closure: “Does anyone have a favorite sound or movement we did?”

Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, the students will learn how to
keep up with the beat of the music by using various different instruments.
Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Musical
Relate Doing the National “Core” Music Content
Standards Standards Standards
Doing the sounds to the movements
movements appropriate of the song Creating
1. Singing Imagine AS 8: Interpret
as a class movements intent and
Plan and Make
meaning in
Evaluate & Refine artistic work
2. Play
Instruments Present AS 10:
Synthesize and
Performing relate
Select knowledge and
3. Improvising Analyze
experiences to
Interpret make art

4. Composing Rehearse,
Evaluate, &

5. Reading &
Notating Responding

6. Listening


7. Evaluating Connecting
Connect #10

Connect #11
8. Integration
(outside arts)


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