Irish Naturalists' Journal Ltd. The Irish Naturalist

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A Rare Blind Amphipod from Lough Mask

Author(s): Wm. Fras. de V. Kane

Source: The Irish Naturalist, Vol. 12, No. 10 (Oct., 1903), pp. 273-274
Published by: Irish Naturalists' Journal Ltd.
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Accessed: 27-04-2020 11:53 UTC

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1903. Note&. 273
plant of fairly wide range in Central E:
A. iliata, R. Br., and discusses its affinit
Scop., and especially with that form of i
Beurl., var. cartisiliqun, Rouy and Fonc
seaboard of Great Britain, Sweden, and

Irish Marine Annelids.
Prof. W. C. M'Intosh of St. Andrews, i
Vol. xi., 7th S., 193. continued his inte
Annelids under the title of " Notes from
The species of Onuphis and their allies are
article. The Irish forms mentioned are On
tub ico/a and H. sicu/a, .Einice vittata and E
which was first described by Miss Buch
Society, 1893, from the deep water off th
turned up in Norwegian waters. Then-
tumbriconereis hibernica, L. graci/is and A
Irish species.

Entomostrmac observed at Loug

The following species of Cladocera hav
gathering along the shores of L. Gur, i
corded in the account of the joint excur
Field Clubs (su.pra, p. 209):-SinocepkhaZ
ceriodaphnia quadrangula, 0. F. Miill., abun
Mull., a few corresponding to Plate xxxi
Alona costa/a, Sars.; Chydorus spisaricus, M
Drumreaske, Monaghan.

A rare blind Amphipod from L

In a gathering, dredged lately from the
noticed a very small orange-coloured Ni
Norman, F.R.S., for identification. He
a most interesting discovery. N:karj
genera are inhabitants of wells and cav
and Aistralia. The last valuable addition
poda I received (except one species I fou
were five species most kindly sent to m
France and Algeria by M. Chevreux, th
on Amphipoda. Besdes. the well qnd cav

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274 TheIrish Naturalist. October,
described from lakes-one described about forty years ago from the
of Geneva; the -other lately sent me by the describer, Prof. G. O. S
from the Caspian. Now your L. Mask species comes very near, if it be
the same, as the Genevan species. I have only as yet roughly exami
it, but all its organs must be compared. Such of your- specimens as
the last uropods are females. A great point of interest is that this l
dwelling species is blind, just as is the case with thie well-dwelling o
The readers of the Irish Naturalist will remember that in I9OI (vol.
p. 9I) a notice appeared noting the existence of one of these crust
in, the wells of Dublin. I send this preliminary notice of this Amph
from L. Mask, as it proves how much of interest still awaits resear
into our Irish fauna.
Drumreaske, Monaghan.

Irish and British Woodlice.

In a "Supplemental List of British Land Isopoda" (Ann. and N
Nat. Bist., vol. xi. (7th s.), igo3, Canon Norman refers to the fact th
Trickoniscus vividus had now been recorded from another Irish loca
viz., Cappagh, Co. Waterford-though it has not yet been foun
Great Britain.
Mr. de V. Kane's note of the occurrence in Co. Clare of Hapto
thalmus Meng (Irish Naturalist, ix., p.. 246) is now confirmed by Ca
Norman, and he also notes that a new Porcelio-viz., P. Ratzeburgi-
been taken in England since his original paper on the British L
Isopoda was published.

Three New Irish Beetles from Co. Dublin.

In the Entom. Mo. Mag. for the current year (2), vol. xiv., p. 40, M
Stanley W. Kemp reyords the capture of three beetles in Co. Dubl
that are additions to the Irish list. They are Hydroporus Ionsicor
Sharp, fromi, Kippure (2,200 feet elevation); Phytosus. nigridentris, Ch
from Baldoyle; and Omalium rugulizpenne, Rye, which occurs commio
along the north D-ublin shore at the North Bull; Baldoyle, and Sutt

Silpha subrotundata.-Speoies or Variety?

A short article, by the Rev. W. F. Johnson, in 'the samie volume of
Enitom. Mo. Mag. - (pp. 99-OO), supports the view that this interes
Irish beetle 4hould be regarded as a distinct species, and not as a m
variety of S. atrata. It is noteworthy that in the Isle .o Man, as n in th
cotntry, the latter form isiteplaced by S. 'rotundat4.

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