Hacker Reading U2

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Chapter 2: Tìm thông tin chi tiết

Salmon breed in fresh waters and spend their adult life in the sea. When the adults reach a
certain age, they migrate back towards the rivers where they were spawned and begin to
swim upstream. Spawning occurs in fast-flowing, oxygen-rich water where the bottom
consists of small stones and gravel. Once they have bred, it is usual for the adult salmon to
die. In which conditions do salmon lay eggs?

Exercise 1:
1. At a certain time each day or each year, a chicken lays an egg, people feel sleepy, and a
tree loses its leaves. All of these things, and many more, happen in a certain way. They take
place because of something called an internal clock.' The word 'internal' means 'inside of,'
and the internal clock is inside a certain part of every plant and animal. The internal clock
receives a signal or message from the world around it. Some of these signals include light,
heat and darkness. Where does an internal clock get signs from?

2. Bat wings are made of greatly lengthened hand and arm bones covered by a wide
membrane or skin. The skin is attached to the lower leg near the ankle so the wing is length
of the body. Using powerful muscles, the bat doesn't just flap its wings up and down like a
bird, but rather swims through the air reaching forward in an action much like a breast
stroke of up to 20 beats a second. It can also glide on air currents much like a gull or hawk.
What motion does a bat make when it flies?

3. In October 1920, people began to panic and sell their shares rapidly. On a single day.
almost 13 million shares were sold on the New York Stock Exchange. This started the crisis
known as the 'Wall Street Crash.' It soon affected the whole world. Many people lost all
their money, banks and businesses closed, and unemployment began to rise. The situation
was made worse by a drought in the Great Plains.
What economic effects did the Wall Street Crash have?
4. The chameleon goby, a native fish of China, Korea, eastern Siberia, and Japan, was
introduced into San Francisco Bay during the 1950s. It uses old oysters or clam shells as its
nesting site, and lays eggs on the inner surface of the shell in a single layer. But because
there are no oyster beds in the Stain Francisco Bay, the chameleon goby usually uses cans
and bottles as spawning sites. Why would the goby use discarded drinks as nests?

2. Đọc hiểu thông tin được thay đổi cách diễn đạt
A fan is a device used to induce airflow and generally made from broad, flat surfaces which
revolve. Although the air circulated by a fan is refreshing, fans do not actually reduce air
temperature. in order to make the room colder, an appliance like an air conditioner is
Fans are used
(A) to lower the temperature
(B) to lower the humidity
(C) to move the air

1. Before 1860, rubber was harvested from trees in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The
process was costly and it was difficult to ensure a constant supply. Then, botanists
attempted to grow the rubber plants in greenhouses. This was successful, so the seeds were
transported to Singapore and other British colonies in Asia. Organised farms, called
plantations, were established and allowed widespread cultivation to occur.
After being transplanted, rubber trees were
(A) grown on a large piece of land
(B) transferred to Britain to reduce its processing cost
(C) most abundant in the Amazon Rainforest

2. The region of Scandinavia is located in Northern Europe, and takes its name from the
Scandinavian Peninsula. This area includes continental Denmark and the two largest
countries on the peninsula, Norway and Sweden. Finland is sometimes included, although
many Finnish nationalists oppose this practice. In English, the nations that make up
Scandinavia are often known as the Nordic Countries.
Among the Nordic countries,
(A) Finland is in favor of its Scandinavian identity
(B) Norway is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula
(C) Denmark is considered as the smallest one

3. In the 1920s, women's attire reflected their new economic and social freedoms. Women's
fashion reflected their rebellious spirit and a desire to stray from tradition. Women's clothes
became easier to put on, more casual, and comfortable. The hemlines of skirts became
shorter, for example, and women started to wear more pantsuits.
Women's clothes in the 1920s
(A) were sewn larger and loose-fitting
(B) represented an improved status
(C) followed traditional style

Luyện tập: Tìm thông tin chi tiết

Flight has always been a goal of mankind. However, early experiments using bird suits and
other contraptions often ended in failure. The first real successes in manned flight came
from the hot air balloon.

In 1783, French scientist Jean-Francois De Rozier ascended more than 80 metres in a

balloon. It was tied to the ground using a rope, and it safely landed after 15 minutes in the
air. A few months later, he made a similar flight but without being tied down. He travelled
nearly 9 kilometres and rose 200 metres above the earth's surface. Rozier could achieve this
by heating the balloon with fire using straw as fuel.

Over the years, designs became increasingly complex. Improvements, such as the use of
hydrogen as fuel, led to many major accomplishments by adventurers like Swedish pilot Per
Lindstrand. In 1987, Lindstrand crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a hot air balloon. Using the
largest hot air balloon in history at the time, her covered more than 4,600 kilometres in only
33 hours. In 1991, he traversed the Pacific Ocean in a hot air balloon. With the goal of
setting a new world record, Lindstrand used the jet stream, and finally succeeded in
establishing a new record for distance.

Complete the sentence below

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for the answer.
Write your answer in box 1 on your answer sheet.

1. The balloon flown by Jean Francois De Rozier used ……………….for fuel.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in box 2 on your answer sheet.

2. Lindstrand used the jet stream

A. to fly faster than anyone else.
B. to propel his balloon higher.
C. to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
D. to set a world record.

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