I-ET-3500.00.6500-291-PAZ-001 Rev G
I-ET-3500.00.6500-291-PAZ-001 Rev G
I-ET-3500.00.6500-291-PAZ-001 Rev G
0 Original
A Item 5 is renumbered, Item is modified and items 5.6 and 5.7 are included
B Items 5.3 and 5.4 are changed and items 5.8 and 5.9 are included
C Item 5.1 is revised and item 5.10 is included
D Item,, Table 1, and are changed
E Item 5.1 changed and renumbered to 5.2;
Item 5.2 changed and renumbered to 5.4;
Item 5.6 changed and renumbered to 5.8;
Item 5.7 changed and renumbered to 5.9;
Item 5.10 changed and renumbered to 5.13;
Item 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 renumbered to 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9 respectively;
Items 5.8 and 5.9 renumbered to 5.11 and 5.12 respectively;
Items 5.1, 5.3 and 5.10 were included in this revision;
F Items 5.1 and 5.2 changed.
G General Revision
Item 5.8 included
Section 6 included
1. Purpose 3
2. Terms and Definitions 3
3. Abbreviations 3
4. General Requirements, Restrictions and Applicable Documentation 3
5. Non-Standardized Prototype Qualification Tests 3
5.1. Curved Collapse Test 3
5.2. Dynamic Tension-to-Tension Riser Top Connection Test 5
5.3. Pressure Armour Fatigue Test 12
5.4. Test for Verification of the Pipe Thermal Exchange Coefficient 16
5.5. Dynamic Test-Assessment of the Alternative Bend Stiffener Design and Bellmouth Interface 19
5.6. Pull-In Test (only for risers to be installed in I-tubes) 22
5.7. Cyclic Test for Pipes with Internal Pressure Sheath made of Alternative Polymers to PA 23
5.8. Internal Pressure Sheath Fatigue Test 25
5.9. Alternative Dynamic Fatigue Test 27
5.10. Outer Sheath Repair Performance Test 29
5.11. Abrasion/Wear Test 31
5.12. External Pressure Test of Buoyancy Modules 32
5.13. Axial Clamp Capacity Tension Test 33
5.14. Corrosive Annulus Conditions for Dynamic Tests 34
6. Modifications and Additions to Standard Tests 37
6.1. General 37
6.2. Fullscale Tests 37
6.2.1. Burst Test 37
6.2.2. Axial Tension Test 37
6.2.3. Collapse Test 39
6.2.4. Crush Strength Test 40
6.2.5. Combined Bending and Tension Test 41
6.2.6. Combined Tensile and Pressure Test (for Riser Applications Only) 42
6.2.7. Dynamic Fatigue Test 44
6.2.8. Outer Sheath Holding System Test 46
6.2.9. External Sealing System Test 47
6.2.10. Internal Pressure Cycling Test (for Smooth Bore pipes only) 48
6.3. Qualification Tests of Vent Valves 49
6.4. Basic Procedures for The Field Test of Flexible Pipes 51
For the purpose of this specification, terms and definitions of NI-2409-A/2003 are applicable
(including those of its Annex C), unless otherwise defined below.
Unless otherwise specified, the same abbreviations found in NI-2409 are applicable (including
those of its Annex C).
4.1. The general requirements, recommendations and conditions found in ANNEX C and
in Sections 5.2, 5.5, and 8 of NI-2409 are applicable, unless otherwise specified.
4.2. Appendix B of API RP 17B 3rd Edition shall be adopted for the Cyclic Test for Pipes
with Internal Pressure Sheath made of Alternative Polymers to PA-11 or PA-12, but
modified as specified hereafter. It should be noted that plasticized PVDF, as per
Appendix A of API RP 17 B, is not accepted because of the need of long-term pre-
deplastification, prior to the end fitting assembly (because, when necessary, pipe re-
termination shall be as fast as possible). Regarding the test defined in item 5.5
below (Cyclic Test for Pipes with Internal Pressure Sheath made of Alternative
Polymers to PA-11 or PA-12), previous qualification to any pipe supply (as per NI-
2409 and Appendix B of API RP 17 B) is required.
4.3. As per item 1.7 of NI-2409, sections and subsections of ISO-13628-2 which are not
found in NI-2409 are in force. It implies that if an item of NI-2409 (hereafter
mentioned), is not found in such Standard, the corresponding topic of ISO, with the
same numbering, is adopted.
4.5. Whenever required, the “Complementary Information on Use Conditions for Flexible
Pipe Design and Material Selection and Qualification” Technical Specification (I-ET-
3000.00-1500-291-PAZ-001) shall apply.
Basic Non Standardized Test Procedures described hereafter shall be detailed and submitted by
the manufacturer to Petrobras and IVA (Independent Verification Agent).
The purpose of this test is to verify the pipe resistance to external pressure when subjected to
The minimum length of sample shall be 10 times the internal diameter. The bending radius shall
be the smallest possible between 1.5 times the storage bending radius and the operational
bending radius.
The test set-up consists of a sample bent over a curved cradle structure placed inside the
hyperbaric chamber. The set-up should be such that end-cap loads are eliminated through the
installation of a rigid bar outside the pipe (in order to hold the end fittings in place). However, the
rigid bar may be omitted if the manufacturer wishes to demonstrate that the pipe design is
suitable for compression loads.
In addition, this test may be carried out with a sample that has already been subjected to a test
that simulates typical installation condition (crush strength test or bending and tension test,
according to NI-2409). The purpose is to verify the pipe resistance to external pressure after
5.1.2. Procedure
The sample shall be mounted in a curved configuration inside the hyperbaric chamber. The
samples shall remain at atmospheric internal pressure for the whole test.
Prior to the test, the internal diameter and ovalization of the curved sample shall be measured.
The measurements shall be taken at three sections centered in the highest curvature point
(usually middle of the sample) and spaced by 0.5 m. The diameter shall be measured at two
positions, 90º apart, one of them being in the bending plane.
The test shall be carried out in three stages: pressurization to project specific external pressure,
pressurization to design maximum external pressure and pressurization to collapse. During all
stages, the ambient temperature and the external pressure (hyperbaric chamber pressure) shall
be continuously monitored and recorded.
Stage 1: The external pressure shall be increased up to 105% of the installation external
pressure at a maximum rate of 10 MPa/min. The external pressure shall be kept within 100% and
110% of the project specific external pressure for a 24 hour period after stabilization is confirmed.
Stage 2: The external pressure shall be increased up to 105% of the design maximum external
pressure at a maximum rate of 10 MPa/min. The external pressure shall be kept within 100% and
110% of the design external pressure for a 6 hour period after stabilization is confirmed.
Stage 3: The external pressure shall be increased until collapse occurs at a maximum rate of 10
MPa/min. Before the collapse pressure is reached, the external pressure shall be stabilized
during two intermediate pressure steps for 15 minutes. The intermediate steps shall be equally
spaced between the design external pressure and the predicted collapse pressure.
For the first stage of the test, there shall be no pressure drop to a value lower than the project
specific external pressure. Also, there shall be no leakage through the sample during the whole
test period.
For the second stage of the test, there shall be no pressure drop to a value lower than the design
external pressure. Also, there shall be no leakage during the whole test period.
For the third stage of the test, the measured collapse pressure shall be equal or greater than the
predicted pipe curved collapse pressure estimated by the manufacturer. Also, the ratio between
the design pressure and the measured collapse pressure shall be equal or greater than the
utilization factor as per Table 6 of NI-2409.
5.2.1. Description
For the purpose of this dynamic test, test sample is defined as the assembly of a section of pipe,
end fittings attached at both ends, fasteners and all devices and components that simulate the
riser top connection, with exception of the bend stiffener. The end fittings mounted on the sample
shall have all functional components identically to the actual production end fittings, this includes
the annulus venting system and all sealing systems, as well as any modifications needed for the
riser monitoring systems to be used in the field.
The test set-up is basically the one shown in Figure 28 of API RP 17B – 2nd Edition, but without
bending the sample (no bend stiffener is required). Test sample is hung vertically and cyclic
tension-to-tension (no bending) load is applied to the lower end while it is under internal pressure
(test fluid is water), “simulating” the riser top connection at the riser hang-off (e.g. Floating
Production Storage and Off-loading – FPSO vessel). Alternatively, test sample could be
positioned horizontally and a system to reduce the sample sag bending may be used, provided
that it does not damage the sample or impose detrimental effects to the test (See Section 5.2.3
5.2.2. Purpose
The first purpose of this test is to verify the design methodology used to calculate the fatigue
safety factor and predict the pipe service life (focus on fatigue and wear phenomena) and also to
verify the structural integrity of the riser top connection for the specified service life under
equivalent or tenuously increased operational conditions (i.e. only tension-to-tension cyclic
loading is applied until the maximum allowed accumulative damage for the specified service life is
achieved). The structural integrity is also verified, at the test later stages, after the loading is more
severely increased and when the end of the fatigue life approaches under controlled conditions.
The second purpose of this test is to qualify the procedure used for the end fitting assembly.
The test loading shall be planned so that the theoretical accumulated fatigue damage – AFD –
achieved in the service life phase is 0.1 (or, if required by Petrobras, 0.303 if the flooded annulus
condition is to be simulated in the test – even with the annulus in the dry condition - in order to
check compliance with the safety factor of 3.3) and increased in order to lead the sample to the
theoretical failure - equal to 100 %, as per manufacturer design methodology, allowing the
verification of the applicable fatigue safety factor for the specified annulus condition (dry, wet or
flooded, whatever is applicable). The performance of the riser for the specified service life is
verified by inspecting test sample in intermediate stages of the dynamic test and, also, by
monitoring the sample throughout testing.
The minimum length of test sample, excluding the end fittings length, shall have, at least, four
pitches of the outer tensile armour wires. Even though the sample might be subjected to
increased tension-to-tension cyclic loading, end fittings of the sample shall be representative of
the field assembly and keep the same design characteristics and assembly procedure of the ones
to be used in the riser to be supplied.
5.2.3. Procedure
The sample preparation shall include the actual FAT used for pipes manufactured for field
application. The sample preparation may include a special procedure for its alignment in order to
assure a straight configuration before the end fitting mounting. Pre-loading necessary for
accommodation of the structure shall also be applied to the sample.
The assembly of the end fittings shall be documented through photos and sketches in a report to
be submitted to Petrobras prior to test starting, which content shall be mutually agreed. The
manufacturer shall also photograph, measure and record the gaps between adjacent wires for
both, internal and external, tensile armours in the end fittings, as well as any other maximum
geometrical acceptable deviation or tolerance detected (in the wire bending process or in the
anchoring region). The manufacturer shall also assure that every detected maximum geometrical
deviation or tolerance can be traced throughout the test, up to the end of the dissection process.
An assembly report containing the gaps data and any other detected maximum deviation shall be
delivered to Petrobras prior to test start. The test may only begin after Petrobras’ approval of this
The point of application of the load shall be representative of the actual field conditions. The
tensile loads shall be applied either to the flange or to the end fitting outer casing depending on
the specific riser hang off type to be used in the field. If the sample is tested at the horizontal
position, the manufacturer shall verify the effects on test results of the sample sag and adopt
solutions that minimize them and so the test will be more representative of the field configuration.
For instance, the manufacturer may use vertical supports in such a way that the sample can slide
over it and so reducing the effect of eventual sag. In this case, the manufacturer shall present
analysis showing that the supports do not impose friction forces in the sample that could induce
detrimental effect or damage to the sample or to the test monitoring systems.
Prior to the Tension-to-Tension Test itself, the sample shall be subjected to:
• 10 tensile load cycles corresponding to the predicted offshore leak test (1.1 x design
pressure) condition for the top connection, being the pressure applied after the 1st tensile
load cycle. The other tensile cycles are applied with the test internal pressure (1.1 x
design pressure)
• Five load cycles representative to normal recurrent condition while under the maximum
design internal pressure;
• A pre-load that leads the stresses in the tensile armour to the utilization corresponding
abnormal condition (Table 6 of N-2409) without internal pressure;
• Five load cycles representative to normal recurrent condition with no internal pressure;
The manufacturer shall use these results to evaluate the influence of the internal pressure on the
stress distribution along the anchoring system.
During the pre-load tests the manufacturer shall observe eventual non-linearity on the structural
pipe response by evaluating all strain gauge measurements located in the pipe body. If so, the
manufacturer shall assess if this effect would cause any impact on the fatigue damage calculation
as the stress measurements may be different from those predicted by design tools.
Prior to start the cyclic loading, the manufacturer shall submit a pre-load report in order to
demonstrate that the instrumentation is working properly and that the pipe structural response is
in accordance with the manufacturer’s predictions. The start of the service life phase is
conditioned to the Petrobras approval on this report.
The cyclic tensile loading of test sample shall be carried out in blocks, with a defined loading
amplitude, and frequency. The first set of blocks shall be applied in order to allow the
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Following this first set of blocks, sets of blocks corresponding to theoretical AFD of 80%, 100%,
200%, 300% and 400% (stages 2 to 6) shall be applied (Test extension above AFD = 100% is
required in order to verify any eventual conservative approach of the manufacturer design
The predicted fatigue damage calculated by manufacturer shall be presented in the test
procedure considering both the design SN curve and the mean SN curve.
As the mechanism of fatigue crack nucleation may be affected by the magnitude of the loads,
which in field present random characteristic, the loads shall be applied in decreasing order by
starting with higher tension range for any set that has more than one load block.
When the specified sample annulus condition is wet or flooded and if the sample is tested at the
horizontal position, the sample shall be disconnected from the test bench and turned 180 degrees
around its longitudinal axis, at least 6 times up to the AFD=100% is achieved, in order to mitigate
eventual detrimental effects of an eventual uneven distribution and flow of corrosive components
(e.g. CO2, H2S and seawater) between the upper and bottom sample cross section. The interval
of each sample disconnection and connection shall be evenly distributed during the predicted test
duration and foreseen test stoppages. During such sample handling, all measures shall take be
taken in order to avoid damage to the test monitoring systems.
If the tested sample is from a production or import riser, the internal pressure shall be equal to the
operating pressure. For all other risers, the internal pressure is to be equal to the maximum
design pressure. The total number of cycles for each test phase is defined in the Table below.
For all cases, the cycling frequency shall not exceed 1.0 Hz, with a recommended value of
0.2 Hz. Note that a high frequency may reduce the total test period but may generate
unacceptable temperature increase because of friction between the layers. In order to define the
cycling rate, the manufacturer shall evaluate the influence of local test site conditions, including
temperature, machinery, and cooling requirements. The manufacturer shall design the test
equipment in such a way that sample internal pressure is kept within 100% and 110% of the
testing pressure during the tensile load cycling, for all blocks. For such purpose, the test sample
shall be connected to a pressure accumulator.
The manufacturer shall assure a full time test surveillance by skilled personnel and appropriated
test controls, alarms and shutdown devices in order to assure that the number of tensile wire
ruptures does not far exceed that one predicted by the design tools. Therefore, at the test
completion, the sample will be dissected and examined at its early stage of failure, being possible
to understand the failure sequence and to get clear conclusions.
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The standard annulus fluid to be used for this test is air. Alternative tests may be required in order
to qualify the riser for corrosion-fatigue case. For this case the manufacturer shall use S-N curves
obtained for the predicted annulus environment as per the Use Conditions Technical
Specification [Item 4.5] (wet or flooded annulus). For additional requirements, see item 5.13 of
this Spec.
The following variables and events shall be continuously monitored and recorded throughout the
a) number of cycles;
b) internal temperature;
c) external ambient temperature;
d) epoxy temperature;
e) internal pressure (including 24-hour pressure charts of hydrostatic tests);
f) applied tension load;
g) acoustic emission and accelerations of the sample;
h) tensile armour wire strain inside and outside the end fitting;
i) pipe twist;
j) visual aspect of the outer tensile armour wires;
The manufacturer shall have a qualified method for monitoring either the acoustic emission or the
accelerations of the sample. The technique already qualified shall be used as the primary
continuous monitoring system. The other technique shall be used as a secondary continuous
monitoring system to check the results. However, if the manufacturer has another qualified
continuous monitoring system (e.g. fiber optics for detecting vibration or magnetic monitoring of
wire), it may be used to replace the secondary monitoring system if: (i) it is capable of detecting
the rupture of any wire of any tensile armour layer and (ii) is accepted by Petrobras for the
specific test. Qualified monitoring system is herein understood as technique already validated in a
riser full scale test with, at least, 95% of reliability for the wire rupture detection.
The acceleration monitoring system shall be comprised of at least one 3-direction accelerometer
mounted on the pipe body sample and one 3-direction accelerometer mounted on each end
fitting. The acoustic emission monitoring system shall have at least 15 acoustic sensors mounted
in different parts as follows:
a) 4 sensors on each end fitting in order to detect eventual rupture of tensile armour
b) 1 sensor outside each the end fitting, but close to it (e.g. at the interface with the
test bench) in order to allow the assessment and filtering of any noise that is not
related to armour wire failure;
c) 5 sensors along the sample tubular body and installed at the outer sheath or
directly in the tensile armour wires, being 1 sensor assembled close to each end
Besides the acceleration and acoustic monitoring, the sample shall be instrumented with strain
gauges. Strain gauges shall be mounted in 100% of the outer tensile armour wires of the tubular
body of the sample, at a pipe section close to the end fitting where the load will be applied (for
this purpose, a window has to be opened in the outer sheath). If any strain gauge located in the
pipe body presents failure during the test, it shall be replaced. Strain gauges shall also be
mounted inside the end fitting in 3 wires from each tensile armour layer, 120º apart from each
other, in the following positions of the anchoring system:
(i) one on external face close to the wire tip
(ii) Four at the end fitting entrance where the wire changes its direction, being two on
the external and two on the internal face.
Note: If the manufacturer plans to carry out the anchoring tensile armour test in the same sample, the
position and the number of the strain gauges inside the end fitting shall comply with I-ET-3010.00-1500-
The manufacturer shall determine and inform the tensile load and internal pressure used to set
the initial zero for the strain gauges. Also, after the end of the tensile cyclic test, for each 10 outer
tensile armour wires, the manufacturer shall install a new strain gauge and carry out at least 10
tensile load cycles of the current loading block in order to assess if the gauges installed during
the test suffered any significant degradation.
All the monitoring systems (wire rupture and loading) shall have the same time origin and time
synchronized so the recorded signals can be scrutinized and correlated in order to facilitate the
identification of the moment of any wire rupture or event.
Sample shall be gamma-ray inspected for tensile armour rupture, pull-out or displacement inside
the end fitting and 1 meter below it. Gamma-ray inspections shall be carried out in at least the
following parts of the test:
In order to maintain the reference, the position of all gamma-ray inspections shall be kept the
same. X-ray/Gamma-ray shall be carried out in such a way that the tensile armours are checked
in the full cylindrical areas of the end fitting and in the selected pipe region (So some overlap in
the inspection is necessary).
Gamma-ray procedure shall be previously qualified in order to optimize the quality of the
generated image. The qualification process shall be witnessed and approved by an IVA and
submitted to Petrobras for approval.
After the 1st (AFD equal to the predicted one for the specified service life) and 3rd (AFD = 100%)
stages the sample shall be submitted to a 24-hour hydrostatic test at internal pressures of,
respectively 1.25 and 1.00 times the maximum design pressure.
5.2.8. Dissection
Dissection of the sample (i.e. both end fittings – parts inside its body - and the tubular body) shall
be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures of the tensile armour wires. In addition,
dissection shall be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures of both end fittings
body/connector, fasteners and all devices and components and layers fixing and sealing
For traceability of measurements (e.g. strain gauges) and findings, the dissection shall be
conducted to record and report, through photos and sketches, any evidence of non-conformities,
defects, degradation, deformation (e.g. tensile wire tip shape), wire tip displacement in the resin,
or wear of the dissected items. The affected wires shall have their numbers recorded in order to
allow an in-depth analysis of the issues, findings, measurements, and previously noted
geometrical deviation or tolerances for each wire (e.g. gaps between the wires). The fasteners
used to attach the pressure armour to the end fitting body shall be inspected by magnetic
particles. If any of these evidences is related to the non conformities detected during the
assembly process, the report shall include and explain such relations.
Every wire failure shall be examined in order to characterize the failure mechanisms. If a wire
failure has no characteristics of fatigue failure, further examination (e.g. micrography and
microscopy) shall be carried out. For any wire ruptures outside the end fitting, the manufacturer
shall also carry out micrography and microscopy.
Every wire failure in the end fitting entrance region (where wire changes direction inside the end
fitting) shall be examined against cracking by magnetic particles.
The allowable number of broken wires for the 1st stage - AFD corresponding to service life - is 0
(zero) for AFD=0.1 or AFD = 0.303 (See Section 5.2.2 above). For the 2nd (0.8 AFD) and 3rd (1.0
AFD) stages of the test, a guideline for criteria definition is found hereafter. For these stages, as a
general directive for the test block definition, 8% and 10% (respectively) of the wires are expected
to break. For any purpose, cracked wires shall be considered as broken wires.
The manufacturer shall include in the test procedure its prediction for the number of wire
breakages for each stage of test, except for the first stage, where the allowable number of broken
wires is 0 (zero). This prediction shall be calculated according to Annex I - Statistical Criterion for
Tension-Tension Fatigue Test. The probability of occurrence of having a number of broken wires
higher than the allowable number of wire ruptures defined by the statistic criterion shall be 1%.
For this purpose, the manufacturer shall consider single wire SN curves with a probability of
failure adopted in the design methodology. In addition, the manufacturer shall ensure that the
allowable number of wire ruptures defined by the statistic criterion will not cause sample
abnormal behaviour (e.g. excessive sample twist or sample catastrophic failure) that leads to
jeopardizing the failure analysis and test conclusions.
The methodology described above does not account for stress redistribution upon wire breakage
or an increase in the stress of the wires adjacent to the broken wires; however the tensile stress
in the armour wires is monitored during the test through other means. Therefore, at the end of
each stage, the manufacturer may choose to use the acquired data to recalculate the number of
allowable wire ruptures for the next stages. Any change in the predicted number of broken wires
or in the predicted service life, arising from the mentioned recalculation, shall be submitted to
Petrobras in the form of a report containing the calculation results and justification for the
If the manufacturer wants to include additional criteria to the above (for instance, change of pipe
stiffness and torsion imbalance), they shall be proposed in the test procedure.
The stress redistribution upon wire breakage or an increase in the stress of the wires adjacent to
the broken wires shall be evaluated and minutely presented in the test analysis report.
After the 1st wire rupture the manufacturer shall assure that the test supervisor is present for the
remaining test duration so that the samples will not have a severe damage that could account for
difficulties in the analysis of the dissection and the understanding of the main failure drivers. The
occurrence of wire rupture above the stopping criteria will be interpreted as test failure (in this
case cracked wire will not be considered because the monitoring systems cannot detect cracks).
If the predicted number of wire ruptures is achieved, for every subsequent wire rupture detected,
the test shall be paused and the sample carefully evaluated in order to assure that no rapid
sample degradation will occur. The overall condition of the layers, total number of broken wires,
sample twist, and axial stiffness shall be checked. The reference values for such properties shall
be previously established by the manufacturer. The wire breakage event and the results of the
evaluation shall be reported to Petrobras for further evaluation. The test shall only be restarted
upon Petrobras’ agreement.
Even if the conditions above are met, if the number of broken wires reaches twice the number of
predicted broken wires for that specific stage, the test shall be stopped and the sample dissected.
If any leakage is detected, the test shall be paused and an inspection shall be carried out to
identify the source of the leak. If the leak is at the blind flange connection, the manufacturer shall
fix the sealing system, repressurize the sample and continue the test. Leaks of any other sources
shall imply in test termination and will be considered as a test failure.
Test sample shall have passed the test sequence without leakage or pipe rupture up to the
theoretical predicted AFD = 100 %. The applicable defects, failure modes and mechanisms found
in Tables 3, 22, 29 and 30 of API RP 17B 3rd Edition are also applicable to this AFD. When
criteria are not available for some defects found in these Tables, test procedure issued by the
manufacturer shall include the criteria for such defects.
Additional to the information presented in these Tables, the following paragraphs present specific
acceptance criteria for tensile armour wire rupture or cracking. The manufacturer shall get
confirmation of the proposed criteria from the IVA, which shall be based on the manufacturer
design methodology. The degradation evidence recorded during test shall be consistent with the
predicted figures and characteristics mentioned in the test procedure and shall match the
performance requirements for the application.
Leakage or tensile armour pull out are considered as test failures. If any of them occur, the test is
rejected. In this case, the manufacturer shall evaluate the reasons for such failure, correct any
problems or deviations and redo the test. Any wire breaks outside the end fitting will only be
accepted if in accordance with the manufacturer’s methodology, that is, the predicted probabilities
of failure inside and outside the end fitting are compatible for the specific AFD considering a
previously agreed allowance. Otherwise, the test will be rejected. Also, cracked or loosened
pressure armour holding system is considered as a test failure.
The acceptance criteria for wire ruptures are based on the manufacturer’s prediction for broken
wires on each stage (for the 1st stage no wire rupture is allowed). In the test procedure, the
manufacturer shall present the allowable number of tensile armour ruptures for each stage of the
test according to the methodology from Appendix A – “Assessment of The Allowable Number of
Damaged Wires During The Tension to Tension Test”. The sample passes the test if the number
of wire ruptures for each stage is equal or inferior to that previously specified by the
manufacturer, which may include a tolerance in order to allow for the uncertainties (e.g. those
due to increase of stresses in the adjacent wires to a failed wire).
The test result and methodology will be rejected if any of the following occurs:
a) Any wire rupture before the AFD = 0.1 (or AFD=0.303 as per Section 5.2.2 above)
corresponding to the service life is achieved;
b) If the number of broken wires before 80% AFD is greater than the one predicted by the
c) Unpredicted structural component failures or leakage, as discussed above.
If the test and methodology are rejected, the manufacturer shall verify and improve the design of
the tested products and redo the test in a redesigned sample (or manufacturer a new sample,
with an improved manufacturing process or end fitting assembly procedure).
If the number of broken wires between 80% and 100 % AFD is greater than the one predicted by
the manufacturer, the test will be partially approved. If the pipe reaches AFD greater than 100%,
the test result will be approved and the methodology validity shall be checked and adjusted (if
necessary) by the manufacturer and verified by the IVA. In this case, the manufacturer shall
recalculate the riser service life and submit an improvement plan to solve the issue including,
whatever is applicable, the raw material quality, the adjustment of the design methodology, the
review of the manufacturing process, and a validation program.
5.3.1. Description
For the purpose of this dynamic test, test sample is defined as the assembly of a section of pipe,
end fittings attached at both ends, fasteners and all devices and components that simulate the
actual riser. Bend stiffeners may be necessary, depending on the manufacturer product, design
methodology, and the test set-up. For this test, two identical samples of the same product shall
be used.
Cyclic bending up to the operating MBR is applied while the sample is under internal pressure
(standard test fluid is water) in order to check the fatigue safety factor for the riser most critical
curvature point, i.e. the riser top connection, the TDP zone or the sag/hog for compliant riser
configurations. Additionally, tensile load may be applied to the sample in order to assure the
sample integrity or if required by the manufacturer and accepted by Petrobras.
Note: For the purpose of this test, pressure armour means an individual layer or a set of layers (e.g. pressure armour
and back-up pressure armour).
5.3.2. Purpose
The first purpose of this test is to verify the design methodology used to predict the pipe service
life (focus on pressure armour fatigue and wear phenomena) and the structural integrity of the
riser’s most critical curvature points.
The second purpose of this test is to qualify the pressure armour anchoring system design at the
end fitting.
Two samples are used in this test. The first sample is tested until 80% accumulated fatigue
damage (AFD) to verify if the pipe is fit for purpose. If the first sample meets the acceptance
criteria, a second sample shall be tested up to failure in order to check the fatigue safety factor. If
required in contract, the test may be carried out up 100% AFD, in order to verify the accuracy of
the design methodology.
Whenever necessary, test loading shall be increased in order to lead the sample to the
theoretical failure (theoretical AFD, as per manufacturer design methodology). The performance
of the riser for the specified service life is verified by dissecting and inspecting the test sample at
the end of each test and, also, by monitoring the sample throughout the tests.
In principle, the minimum length of test sample should be, at least, two lengths of the pitch of the
outer tensile armour wires added to 4.5x (times) the storage MBR. However, the manufacturer
shall establish the proper sample length in order to make the test feasible. The sample shall be
subjected to cyclic curvature up to the operating MBR (i.e. 1.5 x storage MBR) while under
internal pressure. The sample might also be subjected to tension, if required and justified by the
manufacturer. The end fittings of the sample shall be representative of the field assembly and
keep the same design and characteristics of the ones to be used in the riser to be supplied.
5.3.3. Procedure
The assembly of the end fittings shall be documented through photos and sketches. The samples
shall be subjected to the FAT normally used for the production pipes.
If the manufacturer predicts a hydrostatic test in order to change the residual stress state of the
pressure armour, such test shall be carried out prior to the beginning of test and under the same
conditions as the regular production test.
The cyclic tensile loading of test sample shall be carried out in blocks, with a defined loading
amplitude, and frequency. The first set of blocks shall be applied in order to allow the
achievement of the theoretical fatigue damage corresponding to the maximum allowable
accumulated fatigue damage for the service life, 0.1 or 0.303 (stage 1). This very first set of
blocks shall be organized in such a way that the first blocks amount to at least 0.001 AFD. This is
done in order to eliminate the fatigue endurance limit.
For the 1st sample, a second set of blocks shall be applied, corresponding to theoretical AFD of
For the 2nd sample, a third and a forth stages shall be applied up to, respectively AFD = 100%
and sample failure, in addition to the 1st and 2nd sets of blocks, similar to those applied to the 1st
For the first set of blocks (service life), the minimum bending radius achieved shall be equal to
the operating MBR and the internal pressure equal to the operating internal pressure. The total
number of cycles for this block shall be around 2 million and the mean stress imposed to the
pressure armour shall be equal or greater than the ones to be experienced by the riser under
operation conditions.
For the subsequent blocks (stages 2, 3 and 4), the manufacturer shall define the internal
pressure required to achieve such damage levels, as per its design methodology.
The manufacturer shall design the test in such a way that no failure in the tensile armour wires or
in the tensile armour anchoring system inside the end fitting occur. If any of these failures occur,
the test is rejected and shall be redone by the manufacturer.
For all cases, the cycling frequency shall not exceed 1.0 Hz, with a recommended value of
0.2 Hz. Note that a high frequency may reduce the total test period but may generate
unacceptable temperature increase because of friction between the layers. In order to define the
cycling rate, the manufacturer shall evaluate the influence of local test site conditions, including
temperature, machinery, and cooling requirements. The manufacturer shall design the test
equipment in such a way that sample internal pressure is kept within 100% and 110% of the
foreseen testing pressure during the load cycling, for all blocks.
If the manufacturer shows, through calculations, that even for the most severe scenarios for the
pressure armour, the governing failure mechanism is tensile armour fatigue, the test procedure
may be changed.
In this case, test procedure and setup shall aim at maximizing the fatigue damage in the pressure
armours while maintaining the pipe integrity. For this purpose, additional monitoring systems may
have to be used and the test shall continue until 5 wire breaks are detected in the tensile
armours. Only one sample shall be used, but the same 2 000 000 cycles shall be kept and the
first cycles shall still be set to generate fatigue damage of at least 0.001 in both armours. The
acceptance criteria shall then refer to the AFD corresponding to the 5th tensile armour rupture
instead of 80% and 100% AFD on the pressure armours.
The standard annulus fluid to be used for this test is air. Alternative tests may be required in order
to qualify the riser for the corrosion-fatigue case. For this case the manufacturer shall use S-N
curves obtained for the predicted annulus environment as per the Use Conditions Technical
Specification [Item 4.5] (wet or flooded annulus). For additional requirements, see item 5.13 of
this Spec.
The following variables and events shall be continuously monitored and recorded throughout the
a) number of cycles;
b) internal temperature;
c) external ambient temperature;
d) bending radius (see Note);
e) internal pressure (including 24-hour pressure charts of hydrostatic tests);
f) applied tension load;
g) pipe twist;
Note: The manufacturer shall predict the test bending radius based on its design methodology, considering the pipe
bending stiffness, temperature, etc.. The predicted test bending radius shall be checked (and adjusted) before test
After the 1st (AFD equal to the predicted one for the specified service life) and 2nd (AFD = 80%)
stages, the samples shall be submitted to a 24-hour hydrostatic test at internal pressures of,
respectively 1.25 and 1.00 times the maximum design internal pressure.
5.3.8. Dissection
Dissection of the sample (i.e. both end fittings – parts inside its body - and the tubular body) shall
be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures of the pressure armour wires. For
traceability of measurements and findings, the dissection shall be conducted to record and report,
through photos and sketches, any evidence of non-conformities, defects, degradation,
deformation and wear of the dissected items. The fasteners used to attach the pressure armour
to the end fitting body shall be inspected by magnetic particles.
Any pressure armour wire crack or failure shall be examined in order to characterize the failure
mechanisms. If a wire failure has no characteristics of fatigue failure, further examination (e.g.
micrography and microscopy) shall be carried out. A failure originated due to a defect of the
pressure armour wire (from the wire subvendor) or from the pipe manufacturing process will be
considered by Petrobras as a test failure.
During the dissection process, magnetic particle or eddy current NDE shall be carried out in the
pressure armour wires in order to search for eventual cracks in the pressure armour at the region
which was subjected to the most critical curvature (at least 2m of the pipe length shall be
examined). For such purpose, the layer shall be unlocked in order to allow the inspection. The
dissection process shall also search for cracks and ruptures in the internal pressure sheath,
which are not allowed for this test.
If any leakage is detected, the test shall be paused and an inspection shall be carried out to
identify the source of the leak. If the leak is at the blind flange connection, the manufacturer shall
fix the sealing system, repressurize the sample and continue the test. If this leak is detected
during the 24h pressure hold period, the 24h countdown shall be reset. Leaks of any other
sources shall imply in test termination and will be considered as a test failure.
Also, if any structural failure is detected, for example pipe burst, pipe rupture or pressure armour
deformation above the predicted values, the test shall be immediately stopped and the sample
Test sample shall have passed the test sequence without leakage, pipe bursting or rupture, or
unpredicted deformation up to the theoretical predicted AFD of the second stage, that is, 80% for
the first sample. For the second sample, the criterion is to achieve an AFD as close as possible to
100%, which shall be compatible with the failure probability of the SN curve adopted by the
manufacturer in the riser design. The applicable defects, failure modes and mechanisms found in
Tables 3, 22, 29 and 30 of API RP 17B 3rd Edition are also applicable to these AFD. When criteria
are not available for some defects found in these Tables, test procedure issued by the
manufacturer shall include the criteria for such defects.
Leakage or failures at the anchoring systems are considered as test failures, as well as
unpredicted deformation. If any of them occur, the test is rejected. In this case, the manufacturer
shall evaluate the reasons for such failure, correct any problems or deviations and redo the test in
a sample containing the design / manufacturing improvements.
The test result and methodology will be rejected if any of the following occurs:
b) Cracks or ruptures are found in the pressure armour during the 1st sample dissection;
c) Unpredicted structural component failures, deformation or leakage, as discussed above.
If the 1st sample (tested to 80% AFD) successfully passes the test, the second sample shall be
tested to failure. Regarding the 2nd sample test, the pipe service life shall be reevaluated (as 80%
of the proposed service life) and the methodology validity shall be checked by the manufacturer
and verified by the IVA if the following occurs:
a) Pipe rupture or burst prior to 100% AFD, taking into account the allowance related to the
probability of failure from the SN curve;
If the test and methodology are rejected, the manufacturer shall verify and improve the design of
the tested products and redo the test in a redesigned sample. If the test is partially approved, the
methodology shall be reevaluated. The manufacturer shall present an improvement plan for the
tested products and the service life shall be recalculated.
If the manufacturer has a thorough previous history of pressure armour fatigue tests and its
methodology accounts for it, cracks may be accepted in the pressure armour. In order for any
cracks to be deemed as acceptable, besides the review of the test history and manufacturer
methodology, the test referred herein shall prove that the crack does not propagate or that it
propagates in way that all safety and utilization factors are still complied with at the end of the
service life.
5.4.1. Scope
This procedure describes basic test requirements to measure the Thermal Exchange Coefficient
(TEC) of insulated flexible pipes under atmospheric and hyperbaric pressure conditions as well
as checking the intermediate sheath sealing (ref. item of NI-2409A).
Test methodology to measure the thermal exchange coefficient of subsea insulated flexible pipe
is based on the controlled heating in the interior of the sample and measurement of the inner and
outer pipe surface temperatures.
The TEC evaluation shall be carried out by using at least one of the following methodologies:
Direct Method: Direct measurement of the radial heat flux crossing the pipe sample wall and
measurement of the inner and outer pipe surface temperatures. In this methodology the TEC
value is determined by direct measurement of the radial heat flux by the heat flux sensors
together with inner and outer sample surface temperature difference and geometric parameters.
Indirect Method: Estimation of the radial heat flux crossing the pipe sample wall and
measurement of the inner and outer pipe surface temperatures. In this methodology the
estimation of the radial heat flux is given by the difference between the total energy generated by
the heaters installed in the interior of the sample and heat losses through the steel end fittings
and connectors at the pipe end sections. The heat losses from the pipe ends shall be evaluated
and monitored during all the tests.
Following documents and information shall be provided by manufacturers for Petrobras’ approval
prior to testing. They may be detailed in, at least, two technical documents: Engineering
Technical Report and Test Plan.
i. Definition of the methodology to be used during the test, previously described above.
ii. Heat loss calculation from the pipe ends. This evaluation shall be in accordance with the
selected test methodology and the proposition of test set-up. The engineering study shall
be carried out by taking into account the heat flux transferred through the sample
extremities and through all flexible pipe layers, where it shall be based on the following
criteria: the heat flux at the extremities must be lower than 15% of the total internal
transferred heat. From this study, all test details shall be defined such as: test pipe
section design, pipe sample length, internal heat power source, test temperature levels,
pressure steps, layout design for the test setup, expected distribution of temperature
and/or heat flux sensors and method for evaluating the heat losses from the line ends
during test execution.
iii. Estimation of the uncertainty on all test parameters. This estimation shall be in
accordance with the selected test methodology and the proposition of test setup. In order
to assure that test uncertainties are properly determined, materials used in the flexible
pipe structure and at the test system (e.g. thermal insulation of the end fittings/flanges)
shall have, as applicable, known thermal properties. The manufacturer shall also provide
the method for uncertainty analysis.
iv. Calculation method for determining the experimental TEC values associated with the
values of uncertainties.
v. The manufacturer shall document the thermal properties for each pipe layer material,
such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal expansion. The thermal
conductivity of the insulation layer shall also be documented for both dry and flooded
(fresh water and seawater) conditions where applicable, and for the design and operating
temperatures and pressures.
i. Detailed procedure for conducting the test, schedule, test apparatus, measuring
instrumentation, pipe specimen, number of sensors and safety precautions. This detailed
plan shall also include and describe the method for flooding of the test sample annulus to
be used during the flooded tests.
ii. Drawings and flexible pipe detailed description. The manufacturer shall document as a
minimum the following information: principal dimensions, layer descriptions, thermal
properties including thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal expansion, theoretical
TEC, design pressure, design temperature, etc.
Following documents and information shall be provided by manufacturers for Petrobras’ approval
after testing.
a) Calibration certificates of the instruments and measurement tools utilized in the tests.
b) A technical report should be supplied to be able to track all information regarding the
prototype, including test procedures, results, and relevant occurrences of the qualification.
This report shall be delivered at the end of the qualification process.
System International (SI) units shall be used for all technical documentation.
The experimental TEC value shall be evaluated at least four pressure steps (pressure inside the
hyperbaric chamber), being divided into two test phases (different annulus conditions).
a) First (1st) test phase: Dry Annulus Test (sample outer sheath is intact).
For the first (1st) test phase, the pressure, for the final step, must be compatible with that
corresponding to the pipe specified maximum water depth. Pressures and temperatures inside
and outside the sample, and, also the heat flux shall be automatically monitored and recorded
during test. Test duration shall be in such a way that adequate temperature stabilization is
assured. The internal and external fluctuation of the temperature in the final 24 hours of the test
must be considered in the test uncertainty analysis.
b) Second (2nd) test phase: Flooded Annulus Test (damaged outer sheath or long term water
For the second (2nd) test phase, the sample is subjected, to similar sequence (four pressure
steps) of the dry annulus test, with exception that it is externally pressurized at a pressure 10%
above of that corresponding to the specified design maximum water depth. Also, this pressure is
kept for a 72-hour period (soaking time for insulation water absorption), before data for TEC
evaluation is gathered. After this period and being the temperature fluctuation under proper limits
(see above), TEC is evaluated at the same way as described for the 1st test phase.
c) After the 2nd phase is concluded, test sample shall be dissected. End fittings shall be
internally verified against water ingress beyond the sealing systems of the internal pressure
sheath and of the intermediate pressure sheath, if it exists and sealed in the end fitting (for
this purpose, end fittings and pipe sample must be dissected).
Test area shall be isolated and controlled, in order to prevent that an unexpected failure does not
cause personnel risk or damage to the test equipments.
All instruments, including temperature and heat flux sensors, shall be calibrated and tested
against standards previously traced to national standards.
Pressures and temperatures inside and outside the sample, and, also the heat flux shall be
automatically monitored and all data recorded during test.
The sample should be instrumented with, at least 16 temperature transducers installed, equally
distributed along the sample, 8 placed internally (i.e. 4 transducers placed at the sample bottom
and 4 at the top) and 8 externally (ditto), respectively, in contact with the carcass and the outer
sheath. Other 8 temperature sensors are installed in contact with end fittings flanges, 4 at each
sample extremity, being 2 located inside and 2 outside. Pipe end fittings shall be thermally
insulated in order to avoid border effects.
The test sample shall be placed inside a hyperbaric chamber. Sample is filled with water and its
extremities are sealed and thermally insulated in relation to the external environment. Sample
can be internally pressurized in order to reduce the thickness of the blind flanges (alternatively,
inside pressure can be the atmospheric pressure). The pressure inside the sample is kept
constant during test. The chamber is filled with water and pressurized. The temperature
transducers and the heat flux sensor must be previously calibrated in these pressures.
The general uncertainty value for estimation of the TEC shall be calculated and informed by
manufacturers to Petrobras prior to testing (ref. item
For both test phases, the final TEC combined uncertainty must be lower than 5%. The effect of
the heat losses at the sample borders must be evaluated and taken into account in the test
uncertainty analysis.
For evaluation of test results, combined standard uncertainty or, if applicable, expanded
uncertainty shall be used for TEC calculation (Ref. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainties in
Measurement – First edition – ISBN92-67-10188-9 International Organization for Standardization
- ISO).
TEC obtained from the 1st (Dry Annulus) and 2nd (Flooded Annulus) test phases (respectively,
being the pipe annulus dry and the outer sheath partially removed), shall be equal or less than
both values: a) the value specified by the purchaser and (b) the value predicted by the
No water ingress shall be detected for both cases: (a) underneath the outer sheath, after the
conclusion of the 1st test phase, and (b) underneath the intermediate sheath (if it exists and
sealed in the end fitting) and inside the end fittings (beyond the sealing systems, as per above),
after the conclusion of the 2nd test phase.
5.5. Dynamic Test – Assessment of the Alternative Bend Stiffener Design and
Bellmouth Interface (only for risers to be installed in I-tubes)
5.5.1. Description
The objective of this test is to qualify the new concept of the bend stiffener assembly while
checking the sample integrity, under simulated operational conditions, which includes the effects
of the interaction and displacements between the test sample and the fixed structure (i.e. I-tube
and bellmouth). The performance of the riser, for the specified service life, is verified by
inspecting the test sample during and after test against defects mentioned in Acceptance Criteria
(Ref. item 5.3.3 below). A test sample, with the same characteristics of the one defined in item C–
2.7.1 of Annex C of NI-2409 shall be used for this test.
If the bend stiffener assembly design considers the clamping in the outer sheath, the bellmouth
dogs are not used to sustain the bend stiffener own weight or extra loading such as dynamic and
friction forces between elements in contact. It should be noted that, in the case, distributed
centralizers over the riser shall be used and the cap will sustain the own weight of the bend
stiffener assembly (and also extra loading such as dynamic and friction forces between elements
in contact). If the bidder is proposing risers for more than one of the specified applications, it shall
consider that the test herein specified will be required only for the riser with the largest diameter.
A typical test set-up is defined in item C- of Annex C of NI-2409, but a dummy bellmouth/I-
tube shall be included in order to allow the assessment of the effects of the interaction and
displacements between the test sample (bend stiffener assembly included) and the bellmouth/I-
tube when dynamic loads are applied, i.e. mainly tension, bending and vibration. The dummy
bellmouth/I-tube length shall reproduce the length in contact with the bend stiffener assembly as
found in the field installation. Further, the displacements between the sample and the bellmouth/I-
tube, the variation of elongation of the sample, corresponding to the field installation (from the
riser top end fitting to the top of the bend stiffener), shall be simulated by the insertion of a special
device such as a spring of equivalent elongation/stiffness. Also, if, for the field installation, there is
a change in the axis of I-tube/bellmouth assembly (normally an angle of 7 degrees), it shall be
reproduced in the test bench.
The minimum length of test sample is the same as per item 5.3.1 above, with exception that the
required insertion of a device, for simulation of the riser field elongation (Ref. item above), shall
not reduce the sample length between the top end fitting and the top of the bend stiffener
(minimum of 1 pitch of the outer tensile armour wires, excluding the end fitting).
Test sample shall be subjected to the maximum operating pressure, conservative tensile and
bending loads and vibration related to the dynamic environment. The variation of the tension load
shall be in such a way that it simulates the displacements between the sample and the
bellmouth/I-tube. Thus, the bend stiffener centralizer (which sustains the bend stiffener assembly
weight and all dynamic and friction forces between the movable components and the I-tube) shall
be subjected to tensile loads, parallel to the axis of the riser. The test shall also simulate the
(i) The bending in the top region of the riser and the effects of the increased axial load
that acts at the centralizer due to the increasing of the friction forces between the cap and
the I-tube and
(ii) The vibration of the riser top region due to the current, in the perpendicular direction
regarding the riser longitudinal axis.
5.5.2. Procedure
The same basic procedure defined above in item C-2.7.1 of Annex C of NI-2409 shall be
adopted, unless otherwise defined herein in this section (5.3). The manufacturer shall submit the
test procedure, which shall include details of the bend stiffener assembly and of the dummy
bellmouth/I-tube, including drawings, specification of materials, gaps between sliding
components, tolerances, and assembly procedures (e.g. for control of the process of
compression of clamps and fasteners).
The total number of cycles in all blocks and the corresponding tensile cyclic loading shall be
based on the environmental data and floater data specified by PETROBRAS. It shall be between
2 million and 4 million to achieve the specified service life. Considering the test purpose, the
definition of the total number of cycles depends also on the magnitude of the variation of riser
elongation, for the field assembly (Ref. 5.3.1 above). Thus, the manufacturer shall demonstrate
that the proposed number of cycles will simulate the field assembly, for the specified service life,
considering the following: (i) the effects of the interaction and displacements between the
movable sample and the fixed structure, and (ii) the possibility of the bend stiffener hanging
system to loosen as a consequence of, for instance wearing and abrasion. The bending radii
shall achieve the minimum values obtained from the global dynamic analysis, performed by the
manufacturer. Cyclic tensile and bending shall be applied in phase (maximum and minimum
tension associated with respective maximum and minimum bending). Simultaneously to tension
and bending loading, the riser sample shall be subjected to vibration in the perpendicular
direction to the riser longitudinal axis to simulate Vortex Induced Vibrations (in the sample bottom
termination, opposite to the top end fitting), considering one of the following conditions:
Sample shall be hydrostatically tested at 1.25 times the maximum design pressure (24-hour
holding period after stabilization) after the total number of cycles is achieved.
The following variables shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test:
a) number of cycles;
b) internal temperature;
c) external ambient temperature;
d) internal pressure (including 24-hour pressure charts of hydrostatic tests);
e) applied tension load;
f) actual angles applied;
g) applied vibration (frequency and amplitude);
h) phases for the applied tension and bending loads;
i) sample elongation measured at the bend stiffener region;
j) displacement between the centralizer and the pipe outer sheath, if any;
k) displacements between the centralizer and the dummy I-tube/bellmouth.
Dissection of the test sample shall be performed as per PETROBRAS specification or procedure,
when applicable. It shall be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures. Dissection
shall be focused on the following:
a) pipe structure over an area including the bend stiffener assembly region, 2 meters
above and below this assembly and inside the end fitting body (top and bottom end
b) end fitting parts and components inside its body.
In addition, dissection shall be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures of the end
fitting body/connector, bend stiffener, centralizer cap, fasteners, pipe sample and all devices and
components that simulate the riser top connection. It shall be conducted to record and report,
through photos and sketches, for traceability of measurements and findings, evidence of non-
conformities, defects, degradation, or wear of the dissected items.
Test sample shall have passed the test sequence without leakage, failure or defects up to the
total number of cycles is achieved and hydro test conclusion. The lists of defects are found in
Tables 25 and 26 of API RP 17B - 2nd Edition. Special attention shall be given regarding defects
of the sample in the region of the bend stiffener assembly such as: damages to the sample outer
sheath (e.g. abrasion, tearing and wrinkle), abrasion/cracking/rupture of the tensile and pressure
armour wires, abrasion/cracking/rupture of components of the bend stiffener assembly. Further,
sliding of the bend stiffener assembly in relation to the pipe is unacceptable.
When criteria are not available for some defects found in the lists mentioned above, test
procedure, issued by the manufacturer, shall include these criteria for those defects. The
manufacturer shall get from the IVA confirmation of the proposed criteria, which shall be based
on the manufacturer design methodology. The recorded degradation evidence shall be consistent
with the predicted figures and characteristics mentioned in the test procedure and shall match
with the performance requirements for the application.
5.6.1. Description
A test sample composed of a riser section, the riser top connection (i.e. pull-in head, end fitting,
and bend stiffener assembly), and an end fitting installed in the other extremity shall be pulled-in
through test bench that simulates the field pull-in operation. The dummy bellmouth/I-tube
assembly shall have dimensions and tolerances that simulate the field assembly. The sample
shall be subjected to the test tensile load, to the bending caused by the geometric features of the
I-tube (e.g. the I-tube direction change, i.e. the angle of 7 degrees), and to the friction forces
between the movable sample and the bell-mouth/I-tube.
Considering that, for the pull-in operation, it is required that the riser top end fitting be lifted 150
mm over its final position at the hang-off system, this operation shall be simulated during the test,
including the lowering operation. Thus, at the bellmouth entrance, the corresponding traveling of
the bend stiffener assembly, for the full range in both directions (forwards and backwards), shall
reproduces the equivalent riser top connection movement.
Bidder shall define the length of the test sample based on the need of simulation of the pull-in
operation. If the bidder is proposing risers more than one of the specified applications, it shall
consider that the test herein specified will be required only for the riser with the largest diameter.
The objective of this test is to check if the proposed riser top assembly (i.e. pull-in head, end
fitting and bend stiffener assembly) will keep its integrity (including the outer sheath and the
underneath layers) during the whole pull-in operation, considering the protections of the riser as
specified, as applicable.
5.6.2. Procedure
The simulated pull-in operation shall be repeated at least 5 times in order to reproduce the full
range of the entrance angle of the sample into the bellmouth. At the bellmouth entrance, the
corresponding traveling of the bend stiffener assembly, for the full range in both directions
(forwards and backwards), shall reproduces the equivalent riser top connection movement. If
applicable, test shall include pull-in operation for the first and the second riser end connection.
During the whole test, the sample shall be submitted to the installation design tensile load.
The following variables shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test:
After each simulated pull-in operation, the sample shall be inspected against damages in the
outer sheath and bend stiffener assembly. Also, the proposed protections of the riser (Ref.
polymeric guide, coating of the centralizer and the coating of the pipe outer sheath, as per item
5.5.1 above) shall be inspected against damage.
Sample outer sheath shall be intact (i.e. no tearing, winkle or abrasion is allowable), bend
stiffener assembly and the riser protections (Ref. item shall keep their functions
preserved after all the test steps are concluded (e.g. no tearing or cracking is allowable).
Displacement between the bend stiffener assembly and the pipe outer sheath is unacceptable.
Seizing of the bend stiffener assembly inside the I-tube/bellmouth is not allowed.
5.7. Cyclic Test for Pipes with Internal Pressure Sheath made of Alternative Polymers
to Polyamide
5.7.1. General
The test shall be carried out after the manufacturer has fully qualified the polymer material and
the end fitting/pipe interface, respectively, as per Section 6 of NI-2409 and Appendix A or B of
API RP 17B (High Temperature End Fitting Qualification Test Protocol). The results of these
qualifications have to be reviewed and certified by IVA, previously to the start of the testing herein
The main purpose of this test is to evaluate the interaction of the internal pressure sheath with
end fitting and pipe layers, as realistically as possible in order to check pipe for the applicable
failure modes. This test procedure is expected to qualify a large range of pipe applications and
not only for a specific pipe project. Pipes shall be qualified, unless otherwise specified, basically,
for the temperature, pressure, and flexing cycles hereafter mentioned.
The qualification herein intended is limited to the materials, pipe structure, end fitting dimensions
and manufacturing tolerances and clearances applicable to the pipe proposed for the field
application. The manufacturer, in the test procedure, shall propose qualification of ranges of
these dimensions, tolerances and clearances.
The finishing of the internal pressure sheath, including the one after machining for the end fitting
assembly, shall be specified in the test procedure for checking after dissection.
Usually, only polymers with low volatile content are accepted by Petrobras and so, for these
polymers Appendix B of API RP 17B: 2002 shall be used. However, if a polymer with volatile
content is being tested, Appendix A of API RP 17B: 2002 shall be used instead.
5.7.2. Description
For the purpose of this cyclic test, test set-up shall comply with the requirements of item 4.1.1 of
Appendix A/B of API RP 17B (it shall be duly modified in order to achieve the test purposes
herein defined), for both conditions: static temperature (and pressure) cycling and, subsequently,
dynamic flexing to the operating minimum bending radius. The objectives of this test are the
- to evaluate the interaction of the internal pressure sheath with end fitting and pipe
layers, and to check pipe for the applicable failure modes;
- to qualify risers or flowlines with internal pressure sheath made of alternative material
to polyamide;
- to qualify pipes for a large range of temperature, pressure and flexing cyclic loading,
with focus on the characteristic failure modes of this sheath, for the service life of 30
- to check the design tools used by the manufacturer to qualify pipes according to
Appendix A/B of API RP17B.
5.7.3. Procedure
A test sample composed of a pipe section, representative of the manufacturing run, shall comply
with requirements of items 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 (optional, by the manufacturer), and 3.5 of Appendix A/B
of API RP 17B.
The test procedure to be submitted to Petrobras shall comply with Section C-1 of Annex C of NI-
The manufacturer shall specify, in the test procedure, the characteristics and the chemical
composition of materials such as the plasticizer, the polymer (including blend, if any), and the
protective extruded layer or tape layers.
If applicable, the objective weight percent change (Ref. Topic 5[a] of Appendix A/B of API RP
17B), must be included in the test procedure to be submitted by the manufacturer, as well as the
criteria for defects in layers that interface the internal pressure sheath, such as sacrificial, back-
up or anti-wearing layer(s).
In order to fulfill item 3.3 of Appendix A/B of API RP 17B, the manufacturer shall also define, in
the test procedure, a way to identify pipe structures and end fittings (Ref. Item 8.1.3 of N-2409)
which design and manufacturing process are covered by the present test.
The main (relevant) dimensions of the sealing and fixing system components shall be measured
and documented during end fitting mounting. The internal pressure sheath diameter and
thickness shall be measured (after machining) in at least 4 radial positions (0-45-90-135) and 3
longitudinal positions centered around the main sealing system. This information shall be
included in the test procedure.
This fullscale test shall include devices or systems that allow the monitoring or inspection of the
relative displacement between the internal pressure sheath and end-fitting parts.
Sample shall be subjected to the test described in item 4 Appendix A/B of API RP 17B – 3rd
Edition with the following modifications or inclusions, as follows:
• Full scale test sample shall be used (i.e. Mid-scale test is not accepted - Ref. Topic
4.3.2 of Appendix A/B of API RP 17B);
• The details of monitoring and inspection assemblies shall be defined by the
manufacturer considering the previous results obtained as per item 3.4 of Appendix
A/B of API RP 17 B;
• Minimum test temperature for PVDF is –20°C. For ot her materials, it shall be defined
as the minimum design temperature;
• Maximum test temperature for PVDF is +130°C or hig her, depending on the polymer
grade. Lower maximum test temperatures may be accepted by Petrobras if the PVDF
grade being tested cannot achieve +130°C. However, the acceptance of such
limitation depends on the project-specific maximum design temperature. For other
materials, it shall be defined as the maximum design temperature;
• The cooling rate is 4°C /min;
• The heating rate shall be compatible with the starting of operation (start of flow);
• Pressure variation (item 4.2.3 of Appendix A/B of API RP 17B) is from 0 to the
specified maximum design pressure;
• The pressure rating is 20 MPa/min;
• At least 300 temperature and pressure cycles shall be applied during Blocks 1 to 5
(blocks 2 to 4, if applicable). A different number of cycles may be agreed depending
on the target application and the Petrobras intended use for future applications.
b) Dynamic Flexing of the Sample (as per block 5 of Item of Appendix A/B of
API RP 17B):
• The sample is filled again with oil, as per item 4.1.3 of Appendix A/B;
• Cyclic bending is up to the operating MBR. Dynamic flexing shall achieve the total of
1600 cycles of flexures;
• At least 40 thermal and pressure cycles shall be carried out (additional cycling may
be required in order to achieve 20 cycles without any dimensional change or a steady
rate of change, as per API). Each thermal and pressure cycling shall be carried out
after the pipe sample has been subjected to 40 flexures.
c) Dissection of the Sample (as per block 6 of Item of Appendix A/B of API RP
• The sample section (about 1 meter length) which was subjected to the maximum
stress/strain from the flexures, as applicable, shall be dissected for inspection;
• Microscopic inspection shall be performed in the following regions of the internal
pressure sheath (internal and external layer surfaces): (i) the one(s) subjected to the
maximum stress/strain from the flexures, as per above, and (ii) the regions under the
seal/grip ring in the two end fittings;
• A second test pipe (sample) is not foreseen because the manufacturer should have
already achieved the qualification as per item above.
The acceptance criteria for the testing shall include compliance with item 5 of Appendix A/B of
API RP 17B, with the following inclusions:
• The following defects are not acceptable: wear out, abrasion, microcracks, and
• The criteria for defects in layers that interface the internal pressure sheath, such as
sacrificial, back-up or anti-wearing layer(s), as per manufacturer test procedure.
5.8.1. General
The purpose of this test is to verify the internal pressure sheath material against fatigue under
bending cycles, in the pipe body and end fitting interface.
The pipe sample shall be comprised of at least carcass, internal pressure sheath and pressure
armour and shall be terminated using the standard sealing system to be used in products to be
supplied. The length of the sample and the necessity of including ancillaries (e.g. bend stiffeners)
shall be established by the manufacturer as it depends on the pipe characteristics, test bench
chosen by the manufacturer, and tests conditions specified below.
- to qualify risers or flowlines with internal pressure sheath made of alternative material to
- to qualify pipes for a large range of temperature, pressure and flexing cyclic loading, with
focus on some characteristic failure modes and failure mechanisms of this sheath, for the
service life of 30 years;
- to check the design tools used by the manufacturer to qualify pipes according to Appendix
A/B of API RP17B.
During the end fitting assembly, the main (relevant) dimensions of the sealing and fixing system
components shall be measured and documented during end fitting mounting. The internal
pressure sheath diameter and thickness shall be measured (after machining) in at least 4 radial
positions (0-45-90-135) and 3 longitudinal positions centered around the main sealing system.
This information shall be included in the test procedure.
The pipe sample shall be first filled with a CO2 solution and pressurized to the maximum design
pressure. The pressure shall be kept for a time long enough to allow the internal pressure sheath
to achieve the full effects of creeping and swelling to take place. The minimum soaking time is 1
month. This test phase is applicable if the internal pressure sheath is intended to be used in pipe
conveying fluids with CO2.
The test set up shall include devices or systems that allow the monitoring or inspection of the
relative displacement between the internal pressure sheath and end-fitting parts.
The manufacturer shall specify, in the test procedure, the characteristics and the chemical
composition of materials such as the plasticizer, the polymer (including blend, if any), and the
protective extruded layer or tape layers.
After this period of saturation, at least 10 rapid decompression cycles shall be carried out, in
order to further account for eventual swelling effects from decompression. A minimum rate of 70
bar/min shall be used.
After the decompression cycles, the bore should be emptied and then filled with water or oil. A
thermal shock shall be applied to the pipe, varying temperature from ambient to maximum test
temperature. This procedure shall be repeated after every 100 000 cycles, to a total of 10 times.
The maximum test temperature shall be defined as the maximum operating temperature or the
maximum design temperature, to be agreed between Petrobras and the manufacturer.
The pipe shall then undergo at least 1 000 000 bending cycles, from a straight configuration to
the operating MBR (as per Section 5 of N-2409), ordered as follows:
- 100 000 cycles with maximum operating temperature and maximum operating pressure;
- 100 000 cycles with maximum operating temperature and atmospheric pressure;
- 400 000 cycles with ambient temperature and maximum operating pressure;
- 400 000 cycles with ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.
The test procedure shall include the applicable failure modes and mechanisms regarding all
layers present in the test sample.
Alternatively, if the manufacturer has sufficient background data in mid and fullscale tests proving
that the polymer to be tested does not undergo significant swelling, that is <5% in volume, the
CO2 soaking period might be reduced and account only for creep effects and the decompressions
cycles may be omitted. In this case, thorough documentation shall be presented to and agreed by
The internal pressure sheath shall be fully evaluated and checked for creep, marks, cracks,
whitening, wear and abrasion.
There shall be no leakage, wear out, abrasion, cracking, splitting, blistering or other degradation.
There shall be no evidence of movement under the seal grip ring, or the movement shall be
steady, predictable and progressing at a rate that does not cause failure within 30 years.
The criteria for defects in layers that interface the internal pressure sheath, such as sacrificial,
back-up or anti-wearing layer(s), as per manufacturer test procedure.
5.9.1. Description
For the purpose of this dynamic test, test sample is defined as the assembly of a piece of pipe,
end fittings attached at both ends, fasteners and all devices and components that simulate the
riser top connection. It also includes all accessories and ancillary components of this assembly.
Test set-up is the same of that described in item C- of Annex C of Petrobras standard NI-
2409. The purpose of this test is, basically, the same as described this item C- with
exception that, for the 1st phase, the structural integrity of the sample (pipe, bend stiffener, etc.) is
verified for the specified service life, while, priority is given to check the bend stiffener design
predictions under simulated operational conditions. Thus, for the 2nd phase, the bend stiffener
design methodology and manufacturing processes are verified by applying cyclic loading until the
theoretical accumulated fatigue damage equal to 95 % is achieved [see Note 1], as per
manufacturer design methodology (if necessary test loading shall be increased in order to allow
the achievement of the this damage and the conclusion of the test in compliance with the Project
schedule). The performance of the product for the specified service life is verified by inspecting
test sample in intermediate stages (including the end of the 1st phase) of the dynamic test. The
manufacturer shall present, in the test procedures, detailed analysis report showing the bend
stiffener and pipe conditions foreseen after the test is completed. It includes design aspects such
as (i) premises regarding the need of some metallic elements of the stiffener to be bonded to the
elastomeric material and (ii) criteria for defects.
Note 1: “Fatigue” shall be understood herein as fatigue of the materials used in the bend stiffeners
construction (e.g. elastomers and steels) or any combination of fatigue and degradations mechanisms such
as abrasion and creep which are considered by the manufacturer to design the bend stiffener in order to
comply with the specified Design Failure Factor – DFF – specified in Table 6B of NI-2409.
The minimum length of test sample shall be as per item of standard API RP 17B.
Test sample shall be subjected to maximum operating pressure and a conservative tensile load
related to the dynamic environment.
5.9.2. Procedure
The cyclic loading of test sample should be divided into a minimum number of 5 blocks (typically
7), each one with different angle amplitude, frequency, and a number of cycles. The frequency
shall not exceed 1.0 Hz, with a recommended value of 0.2 Hz. Higher frequencies may be used
for smaller angle ranges. Note that a high frequency may reduce the total test period but may
generate unacceptable temperature increase because of friction between the layers. Local test
site conditions, including temperature, machinery, and cooling requirements, shall influence the
cycling rate. An example of a typical cycling program is shown in Table 21 of API RP 17B.
For the 1st phase of the test, the total number of cycles in all blocks and the corresponding
tensile cyclic loading shall be based on the environmental data and floater data specified by the
purchaser. It shall be between 2 million and 4 million to achieve the specified service life. The
bending radii shall achieve the minimum values obtained from the global dynamic analysis,
performed by the manufacturer. Cyclic tensile and bending shall be applied in phase (maximum
and minimum tension associated with respective maximum and minimum bending). For the 2nd
phase of the test, an extra cycling is necessary for achieving 95% of accumulated theoretical
fatigue damage of the bend stiffener. For this purpose, the manufacturer shall propose, if
necessary, the increasing of the test loading in order to allow the achievement of this damage.
For this extra cycling, the manufacturer may propose one single block of cyclic tensile and
The following variables shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test:
a) number of cycles;
b) internal temperature;
c) external ambient temperature;
d) internal pressure (sampling record of pressure during dynamic test and 24 hour
pressure charts of hydrostatic tests);
e) pressure and temperature inside the hyperbaric chamber (external hydrostatic test of
the bend stiffener);
f) applied tension load;
g) actual angles applied;
h) phases for the applied tension and bending loads.
After the end of 1st test phase, the sample shall be subjected to a 24-hour hydrostatic test
(internal pressure of 1.25 times the design pressure) and visually inspected against defects.
Then, X-ray/Gamma-ray shall be carried out in order to check the sample against tensile armour
wire rupture, pull-out, disarrangements or displacement inside the end fitting and 1 meter below
it. The X-ray/Gamma-ray shall be carried out in such a way that the tensile armours are checked
in the full cylindrical areas of the end fitting and in the selected pipe region (So some overlap in
the inspection is necessary).
In order to allow comparisons, the sample shall be X/Gamma-rayed before the starting the 1st test
phase. For the same purpose, the position of all X-ray/Gamma-ray inspections shall be kept the
Further, the tensile loaded driven end fitting (i.e. the one farthest from the bend stiffener) shall be
cut off for removal and inspection of the bend stiffener. The bend stiffener regions, for which
manufacturer design methodology (Ref. item above) requires to have metallic and
elastomeric elements bonded together, shall be subjected to NDE (such as ultrasonic inspection)
in order to verify the compliance with the design requirements. If the carrying out of NDE is
unfeasible, the bend stiffener shall be subjected to 24-hour external hydrostatic test, at 1.10 times
the pressure equivalent to the specified maximum water depth. The eventual water ingress shall
be verified during the bend stiffener dissection, at the end of the 2nd test phase. A new end fitting
shall be assembled in order to allow the carrying out of the 2nd phase.
After the end of the 2nd phase, the sample shall be subjected to 24-hour hydrostatic test (internal
pressure of 1.00 times the design pressure) and visually inspected against defects.
Subsequently, the sample (i.e. pipe, end fitting and bend stiffener) and shall be dissected.
Dissection of the pipe sample shall be carried out in order to check layers for findings and
eventual failures from the end fitting region up to 1 meter below the bend stiffener far extremity.
In addition, dissection shall be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures of the bend
stiffener (i.e. all components such as elastomeric body, torus, and stud bolts), end fitting -
body/connector and parts inside its body – (i.e. non tensile loaded driven end fitting, the one
nearest to the bend stiffener), fasteners and all devices and components that simulate the riser
top connection. It shall be conducted to record and report, through photos and sketches, for
traceability of measurements and findings, any evidence of non-conformities, defects,
degradation, or wear of the dissected items, as applicable.
Test sample shall have passed the test sequence without leakage, failure or defects up to the
bend stiffener theoretical predicted Accumulated Fatigue Damage – AFD - equal to 95 % is
achieved. No defects are allowable among those listed in Tables 30 and 31 of API RP 17B 3rd
Edition (note that a single wire failure shall be considered a test failure) up to this AFD of 95 % is
achieved, whenever applicable. Also, no failure modes mentioned in Annex B of NI-2409/ ISO-
13628-2 are allowed. The absence of defects shall be confirmed during the sample dissection
through visual inspection, X-ray/Gamma-ray and non-destructive tests (dye penetrant and
magnetic particle tests).
When criteria are not available for some defects found in these lists, test procedure, issued by the
manufacturer, shall include these criteria for those defects. It includes, if any, design assumptions
related to the preservation (or watertightness) of bonded areas for the specified service life (i.e.
elastomer body permanently bonded to certain metallic structural parties of the bend stiffener).
The manufacturer shall get confirmation of the proposed criteria from an IVA, which shall be
based on the manufacturer design methodology. The recorded degradation evidence shall be
consistent with the predicted figures and characteristics mentioned in the test procedure and shall
match the performance requirements for the application.
5.10.1. Description
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the performance of the outer sheath repair procedure
proposed by the manufacturer for use during the pipe installation and operation, on board of the
installation/retrieval vessel.
Test sample is defined as the assembly of a piece of pipe and end fittings attached at both ends.
The length of the sample shall be compatible with the ,test benches chosen by the manufacturer
(i.e. test benches used to bending, tensioning and externally pressurizing the sample, as
described below).
Sample preparation includes the performance of a simulated repair of the pipe outer sheath, with
a length of 1 meter along the sample, including a complete removal of the outer sheath in this
region. If repairing of the holding bandage is feasible, it shall also be simulated in the sample.
The repaired pipe section shall be located in such a way that it is subjected to the most severe
loading condition defined below for the test sequence.
5.10.2. Procedure
At the 1st stage, the test sample shall have its outer sheath pulled in its longitudinal direction, by
means of a traction system. This system shall not compress the outer sheath against the sample
internal layers, allowing free sliding of this layer when it is under tension load. The outer sheath
is tensioned gradually at a maximum rate of 100 kN/min, step by step, until a representative
installation tension load on the sample outer sheath is achieved.
At the 2nd stage, if applicable, the test sample shall be subjected to combined bending and
tension, simulating the passage of the pipe over the sheave of an installation vessel, as per API
RP 17B, item The axial load is applied at a rate not greater than 1 % of the Laying
Tension per second up to 110 % of its value. The allowable variation of this load shall be ± 2 %.
This load is held for a minimum period of 1 hour.
At the 3rd stage, the sample shall be subjected to 5.000 cycles, from the straight line up to the
operating MBR, being the second set of 5.000 cycles applied after rotating the sample, 1800 apart
from the pipe axis (and keeping the same moment direction).
At the 4th stage, with the sample inside the hyperbaric chamber, the external pressure is
increased at a maximum rate of 10 MPa/min until a value between 1,0 times and 1,2 times the
design external pressure. If the sample length does not fit in the hyperbaric chamber dimensions,
sample can be shortened and an extra end fitting can be assembled, provided that the whole
length of the simulated repair is placed inside the chamber. A tube, communicating the annulus to
the outside of the chamber shall be installed in order to allow the detections of water ingress
during test. Alternatively, end fittings can be removed and the external sealing can be done over
the outer sheath, provided that the whole length of the simulated repair is placed inside the
chamber. The pressure is kept within this range during a minimum 24-hour period, after
confirmed stabilization. Additionally, sample shall have its outer sheath removed in order to check
eventual water ingress in the annulus.
The following variables shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test:
a) applied tension load and rate with time (1st and 2nd test stages);
b) number of cycles and bended radius for each sample position (3rd test stage);
c) pressure and temperature inside the hyperbaric chamber, including 24-hour pressure
charts (4th test stage);
d) external ambient temperature (all test stages).
The test shall be considered approved if no leakage is detected during the 24-hour period from
the external environment to the annulus. Also, no water ingress shall be detected after the outer
sheath removal.
5.11.1. Description
When the flexible pipe is subjected to an axial tension, the pipe can elongate and slide relatively
to the bend stiffener. This relative movement results in the abrasion of the flexible pipe outer
sheath or of its external protective layer, which is intensified in the trumpet region.
Due to this relative movement, bend stiffeners (sliding type) of risers to be connected in I-tubes
are equipped with a polymeric liner with a trumpet shape that is used to reduce friction and limit
the wear of flexible pipe outer and protective sheathes. The wearing of the liner must be suitable
to avoid maintenance and protect the riser outer and protective sheathes for all service life.
The purpose of this test is to measure the wearing between the outermost layer of the flexible
pipe and the polymeric liner and build the contact pressure x wear rate curve for the respective
materials. The test shall account for the material water absorption and creeping effects. The test
sample may be scaled if the manufacturer design methodology accounts for the corresponding
effects. The sample’s outermost layer material shall be the same as in the actual pipe, as well as
the polymeric liner curvatures in the liner material sample.
If necessary, a full-scale abrasion test may also be required by Petrobras. In order to optimize
cost and rig usage, this full-scale abrasion test may be carried out in the same sample
undergoing the Dynamic Fatigue Test.
5.11.2. Procedure
Prior to cyclic testing, the materials being tested (liner and riser outermost layer) shall be
subjected to water absorption and creeping test according to the manufacturer’s procedures.
Such procedures must be qualified by an IVA and submitted to Petrobras for approval before
In order to simulate the actual tribology of the operating conditions, the testing device shall allow
for the samples to remain underwater during the whole test. The water shall be kept at ambient
temperature and atmospheric pressure.
The polymeric liner material shall be pressed against the material from the outermost layer of the
flexible pipe or vice-versa. In order to generate a contact pressure x wear rate curve, tests at
different contact pressures shall be carried out.
Once the force has been applied, the cyclic relative motion between the samples shall start. The
contact pressure, movement period and amplitude shall be calculated from the Project specific
data and be defined based on the manufacturer’s methodology, which shall be previously
qualified by the IVA and approved by Petrobras.
Regardless of the total number of cycles, the manufacturer shall stop the test to measure and
record the thickness of samples in, at least, 3 (40%, 60%, and 80%) or more intermediate steps
before the final measurement, when the total number of cycles is reached.
a) number of cycles;
b) contact pressure/load between the samples;
c) relative displacement in the pipe’s axial direction;
d) relative displacement in the pipe’s radial direction;
e) water temperature;
f) ambient temperature;
The wear of both materials (rate of thickness loss) for the three intermediate steps and at the end
of the test shall be in accordance with the manufacturer methodology. The test results shall also
demonstrate that that the wear rate will not increase with the increasing number of cycles.
For risers with a protective outer layer (double outer sheath), this protective layer can be fully
consumed. However, no wearing to the underlying layer is allowed for the whole service life.
For risers with a single (one) outer sheath, 50% of wearing is allowed, at the end of the service
life. The manufacturer shall prove that the remaining thickness is compatible with the annulus
pressure in function of the use of vent valves.
The wearing of the polymeric liner must be suitable to avoid maintenance and protect the riser for
the whole service life. The maximum wearing allowed shall be 50% of the liner thickness.
5.12.1. Description
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the performance of buoyancy modules (Ref. Item 3.1.50 of
NI-2409) proposed by the manufacturer for use in flexible risers with alternative configurations to
the free-hanging catenary. Also, this test is to check hypothesis and predictions adopted by the
manufacturer through its design methodology.
5.12.2. Procedure
A full-scale buoyancy module, representative of the manufacturing process, shall have its
protective external coating removed at specific regions. Square windows in the coating,
measuring about 100 x 100 mm, shall be removed from the following regions: (i) at the cylinder
generatrix, in the middle of the module length and at each 0.3 m apart from the mid-section of this
generatrix, (ii) in 3 other cylinder generatrix, at the same positions of case (i), 900 apart from the
first windows (iii) at both circular base rings of the cylinder, in its mid-wall, each 900 apart.
Prior to the test, in the test procedure, the manufacturer shall present a methodology for
predicting the buoyancy loss due to water absorption rate, bulk modulus, and inelastic
compression and any other parameters that may affect it, as well as criteria for defects. These
predictions shall be made considering the following scenarios for the external pressure:
(i) 1.1 times the service depth for 168 hours;
(ii) corresponding to the utilization factor of 0.5 for 24 hours;
(iii) corresponding to the service depth for the entire service life.
At the 1st test phase, the sample shall be placed into a hyperbaric chamber and subjected to a
168-hour external hydrostatic test, at a pressure equivalent to 1.1 times the maximum water
depth to which the module will be subjected during its service life. The buoyancy variation is
continuously monitored through an electronic load cell. From the readings, the parameters taken
into account by the manufacturer’s methodology shall be determined in order to allow the
comparison of the test values with the hypothesis/predictions adopted by the manufacturer.
Sample shall be removed from the chamber and subjected to inspection.
At the 2nd test phase, in order to check the hydrostatic resistance utilization, the sample shall be
placed again in the chamber and subjected to an external hydrostatic pressure equivalent to the
following ratio: maximum service water depth/module utilization (UF = 0.5) for a period of 24
hours, and than re-inspected. The parameters used by the manufacturer’s methodology shall be
evaluated and compared to the theoretical values.
After removing the buoyancy module from the hyperbaric chamber, it shall be subjected to visual
inspection for checking against deformation and defects.
The module shall be dissected in order to check against internal defects. Further, five samples
weighting about 50 g of the buoyancy material shall be removed 20 mm underneath the external
surface of the cylinder, for checking against the hydrostatic collapse criteria.
The following variables shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test:
• The net buoyancy loss due to water absorption at the operating water depth shall not
exceed the predicted values after the two stages of the test;
• Through calculations, it shall be confirmed – by extrapolation – that net buoyancy loss
after 6 weeks and at the end the specified service life – for the riser – will not exceed
the predicted values, considering in these criteria the loss of buoyancy caused due to
water absorption and dimensional changes due to phenomenon such as creep and
• Through calculations, it shall be confirmed – by extrapolation – that at the end the
specified service life, compressive creep will not cause a volume change exceeding
• Elastic compression of buoyancy material at the specified maximum water depth shall
not exceed 1.5% volume change;
• During the inspection (at the end of the 1st and 2nd test phases) and dissection of the
module (at the end of 2nd phase), defects such as material disbonding, cracking,
excessive deformation (criterion to be previously defined by the manufacturer) shall
not be found. Also, results of the analysis of the five samples mentioned in paragraph
2.4, shall not show collapsed spheres, for a confidence interval of 3 standard
• Test results shall comply with the manufacturer design hypothesis and predictions
regarding water absorption (for the test period and for the extrapolated service life),
bulk modules, and inelastic compression.
5.13.1. Description
The purpose of this test is to determine at what force in the flexible pipe the clamp used to attach
the buoyancy modules in pipe will start to slip, and, also, to check the compliance with the safety
5.13.2. Procedure
The clamp shall be assembled around a sample of the flexible pipe including all the components
of the clamp assembly and actual production fasteners. The test shall verify the clamp capacity
and associated safety factor against the most critical combination of load conditions for any of the
installation, operation or retrieval phases. The axial force shall be increased until slippage occurs
and the maximum applied axial force shall be recorded.
For the duration of the test the axial force and axial displacement of the buoyancy module shall
be recorded.
The axial force which slippage occurs shall be greater or equal to 2 times the maximum axial
force calculated for any of the installation, operation or retrieval phases.
The materials that compose the flexible pipe may present different behaviors under loading when
exposed to certain environments. SN curves may be calculated from small and mid scale tests;
however some effects may only present themselves at full scale tests. In order to better simulate
the actual field conditions, Petrobras may require some or all of the full scale fatigue tests to be
carried out with bore (no hydrocarbon required) and annulus conditions similar to those
experienced in the field. The samples shall be subjected to dry, wet or flooded annulus conditions
as per the Use Conditions Technical Specification [Item 4.5] and test prescription by Petrobras for
the contract.
5.14.2. Purpose
The purpose of applying the corrosive annulus condition is to verify the product design and the
fatigue safety factors for the flexible pipe when subjected to the operational annulus conditions.
The test can also verify possible influence of the bore condition in the carcass fatigue. Prior to the
test, the manufacturer shall issue a test procedure to Petrobras containing the predicted bore and
annulus environment as per the Use Conditions Technical Specification [Item 4.5]. After the
procedure has been approved by Petrobras, the manufacturer shall carry out the tests on the
required structures under the predicted annulus conditions.
5.14.3. Procedure
Before the test, the sample vent systems shall be tested in order to assure that they are not
clogged. In addition, the vacuum test shall be carried out in order to assure the annulus integrity.
Afterwards, the vent system outlets shall be connected to the annulus environment control
In order to achieve the predicted annulus environment, the pipe bore shall be pressurized with a
fluid representative of the field conditions (no hydrocarbon required) so that the annulus condition
will be achieved by permeation and diffusion. This fluid shall be circulated in a controlled manner,
so that the fluid composition, temperature and pressure remain within a certain range of the
predicted fluid conditions.
If the annulus fluid is predicted to have H2S, due to its toxicity, the manufacturer may use another
fluid to achieve similar reduction in fatigue resistance. In order to do so, the manufacturer may
calculate the equivalent CO2 partial pressure/fugacity in order to achieve the same fatigue life
reduction expected for the predicted H2S partial pressure/fugacity and use this equivalent CO2
partial pressure/fugacity in the test. For the purpose of calibrating the design predictions under
SN curve for CO2 and H2S with SN curve generated only with CO2, the manufacturer may adjust
the existing curves by means of additional tests, for a narrow stress range, which would allow the
downgrade of the existing curve. Alternatively, Petrobras may request the manufacturer to use
H2S in the tests, in order to represent the field conditions in a more accurate manner.
For flooded annulus condition simulation, synthetic seawater may be used, as per ASTM
standard. At the end of the testing period, the sample annulus shall be flushed with an
appropriate corrosion inhibitor in order to prevent the corrosion process from continuing through
the sample storage period prior to the dissection.
Since possibly toxic fluids and work fluids containing gases are to be used, the manufacturer
shall have, prior to the test start, an approved HSE plan to cope with the possible hazards
inherent to the pressurization and flow of such fluids.
The following additional variables shall be continuously monitored and recorded throughout the
The fatigue test starts only when the steady state condition is achieved in the sample annulus.
The manufacturer shall include in the test procedure the required measures that will assure the
control of the annulus environment. The test procedure shall provide the acceptance ranges for
each of the above parameters and explain how the tolerances will not be exceeded. The test
bench annulus exhausting system shall have materials selected in such a way that no CO2 or
H2S consumption occurs before the point of its control.
The test supervision shall allow a 24h annulus control in order to avoid a possibly more severe
environment that could cause unacceptable damage to the test sample.
For safety purposes, the manufacturer may choose to carry out the hydrostatic tests (required in
the specified fatigue tests) using water as the work fluid. If the manufacturer decides to use fluids
containing gases, additional safety precautions are required. For instance, prior test start, the
pipe bore and the annulus should be flushed in order to dispose of the toxic gases.
5.14.6. Dissection
Since toxic gases that can permeate to the annulus space are being used, the operators involved
in the dissection processes could be subjected to toxic environments. Therefore, prior to the
dissection of the sample, the manufacturer shall vent the annulus and bore to a safe area and
then flush both environments with fresh air or N2 to guarantee that no toxic gases or gases at
toxic levels are found within these environments.
6.1. General
The following sections comprise additions and modifications to the tests already related and
describe in ISO 13628-11 and in Annex C of NI-2409. For the sake of simplicity, the whole text for
all tests was kept and the index “C”, from Annex C, was changed to “6”, for Section 6.
The requirements and specifications defined here shall apply and shall overrule those presented
originally in the ISO, API and N-2409 standards. Description Procedure
Additionally, every sample to undergo the Burst Test shall have at least 2 welds in the pressure
The measured burst pressure shall be greater than the predicted and abide to the utilization and
safety factors required by ISO 13628 and NI-2409. Further, the following shall not occur: Description
The purpose of this test is to verify the pipe elongation, diametric deformation, and twist against
the design predictions and pipe tensile capacity. This test shall check the consequences on pipe
performance characteristics such as reduction of structural capacity to buckling and pull out or
rupture of tensile armours from the end fittings.
Also, this test shall check the axial stiffness informed by the manufacturer. If required, this test
may also check the structural damping of the pipe, with the same purpose.
The manufacturer shall previously inform the pipe maximum tensile capacity and the theoretical
curve “Tension x Axial Deformation” for the test conditions. The final test results shall be in
accordance with these predictions.
A second stage of this test shall be performed up to sample rupture. Failure mechanism and
location shall be recorded. When internal diameter pig measuring is required, the manufacturer
shall previously inform the maximum allowed deformation for which the pipe hydrostatic collapse
resistance criteria are not affected, for the specified maximum water depth.
Unless otherwise specified above, the test shall comply with item of API RP 17B. Procedure
As per API RP 17B item (Procedure) with the following additions or modifications:
The sample is axially loaded in steps until the Design Tension. During loading, and after
unloading the following parameters shall be continuously registered and recorded:
c) external diameter and perimeter (measured over the outermost tensile armour or
holding bandage).
d) stress in outer tensile armours, continuously logged through strain gauges mounted
on each of the external tensile armour wires.
If required, one or more pigs shall be used to check the reduction of the internal diameter before
and after the test. Also, Petrobras may require strain gauges to be mounted inside the end fitting
in order to evaluate stress in the wires and the anchoring system behaviour.
After measuring the above parameters, the sample is axially loaded until failure, at the rate not
exceeding 300 kN/min. An intermediated visual inspection shall be performed after the tension
load achieves 1.50 times the Design Tension, in order to check the sample against failures.
The acceptance criteria for sample longitudinal elongation, horizontal and vertical diametric
deformations, and twist, for loaded (Design Tension) and unloaded conditions, are given in Table
Table 6-1 Acceptance criteria for elongation, diametric deformation and twist
Parameter Loaded
Longitudinal Elongation -1.5 % ≤ ∆LL ≤ + 1.5 % -0.5 % ≤ ∆LR + 0.5 %
External Diameter -3.0 % ≤ ∆DVL ≤ + 3.0 % -1.0 % ≤ ∆DVR ≤ + 1.0 %
Deformation -3.0 % ≤ ∆DHL ≤ + 3.0 % -1.0 % ≤ ∆DHR ≤ + 1.0 %
Twist 0.6 degree/m 0.2 degree/m
In addition to the criteria in the Table 6-1 above, the following applies:
a) For longitudinal elongation, axial stiffness of the pipe obtained from the test shall be in
accordance with manufacturer predictions.
b) For unloaded condition criteria for pipe internal diameter deformations shall comply with
the manufacturer carcass design tolerance.
c) Failure mechanism and location shall be as predicted by the manufacturer. The measured
failure tension shall be greater than 1.50 times the Design Tension.
d) No structural damage of the end fitting itself (e.g. cracking or rupture of its structure) or of
pipe layers (e.g. wire rupture) shall be observed before the test maximum tension load is
achieved (i.e. up to 1.50 times the Design Tension).
Note: If mutually agreed and if the design predicted elongation is larger than the test criteria for
longitudinal elongation (Ref. Table 6-1), these criteria can be relaxed, provided that (i) the design
predictions are confirmed during the test and (ii) the product complies with the specifications and
functional requirements (Ref. Section 4 of NI-2409). Alternatives
As per API RP 17B, item, but keeping the same criteria specified above in item Description
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the pipe resistance to external pressure and also to verify
the adequacy of the end fitting inner sealing system(s), for the external pressure.
If mutually agreed, before the contract execution, this test can be carried out with sealed
simplified end caps that simulate the end fittings.
The test description found in API RP 17B, item applies, but a minimum length of 10 times
the internal diameter for shall be adopted for the test sample.
In addition, this test may be carried out with a sample which has already been used in a test that
simulates typical installation conditions (crush strength or combined bending and tension test).
The purpose is to verify the pipe performance against hydrostatic collapse after being subjected
to typical and representative installation loading. Procedure
The test shall be performed in 2 stages: verification of the adequacy of the end fitting inner
sealing system(s), for the design external pressure, and collapse the sample after increasing
external pressure. During both stages, external pressure and ambient temperature shall be
continuously monitored and registered.
Prior to the test, the sample shall have its internal diameter measured in at least 4 circunferential
directions (0-45-90-135) at least every 1 meter (for example, using a PIG). Carcass pitch,
thickness and profile shall be measured (as applicable) and documented during the cutting and
preparation of the sample (note that this also applies to samples coming from crushing and
combined bending and tension tests).
At the first stage, the external pressure is pressurized at a maximum rate of 10 MPa/min until a
value between 1.0 times and 1.2 times the design external pressure. The pressure is kept within
this range during a minimum 24 hour period, after stabilization is confirmed.
At the second stage, the external pressure is increased at a maximum rate of 10 MPa/min.
Before the predicted collapse is reached, the pressure shall be stabilized during at least 15
minutes in 2 intermediate pressure steps (equally estimate in relation to the predicted collapse
pressure). Sample is than led to the collapse.
For the first stage, acceptance criteria are: no external pressure drop, measured inside the
hyperbaric chamber, to a value lower than the design external pressure and no leakage are
accepted, during the whole test period.
For the second stage, the measured collapse pressure shall be equal or greater than the
predicted pipe hydrostatic collapse resistance estimated by the manufacturer [Ref. clause 5.2.3 of
NI-2409]. Also, the measured collapse pressure shall be equal or greater than the ratio between
the design external pressure and the specified utilization, as per Table 6 of NI-2409. Description
The crush strength test is performed to determine the suitability of a particular design for
installation with tensioners while the pipe is loaded to the laying tension. The number of tensioner
belts shall be as specified for the installation vessels.
The test set-up shall represent the tensioner system on the particular installation vessel, with the
same number of belts, geometry of shoes and degrees of freedom of the actual system. Shoes
length shall be at least 0.40 m. The minimum length of the sample shall be 10 times the internal
diameter. Procedure
The pipe sample shall be positioned - empty without internal pressure - on the test rig. The
positioning shall be adjusted to the worst possible condition, that is, with the larger outer sheath
external diameter 45° apart from the crushing pads.
With the pipe in place, prior to the test start, a measuring PIG shall be inserted into the pipe bore,
under the center of the crushing region. This device shall continuously measure and log the
internal diameter at least 4 circunferential directions (0-45-90-135) during the whole test.
Before the compressive load is applied, the sample is uniformly axial and uniformly loaded, at a
rate not exceeding 300 kN/min, until the laying tension is achieved. This load shall be kept
constant, within + 4% maximum variation, during the whole test period. The tensile load and
elongation shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test.
The radial compression load is increased from zero up to the Design Crushing Load, at a rate not
greater than 1 % of the maximum load per second (1 %/sec). The radial compression load shall
be kept constant (within ± 2 %), for a period of at least 1 hour or until the deformations have
Loaded and residual maximum diametric deformations (∆DMax) and residual maximum ovalization
(OVMax) of the pipe shall be obtained as the following:
a) internal diameter deflection (or radial deflection) shall be measured in the sample
cross section positions located underneath the shoes (and, if applicable midway
between adjacent shoes);
b) ∆DMax calculated as the ratio between the highest measured internal diameter
deflection (or twice the highest radial deflection) and the initial diameter;
c) OVMax calculated, for the deformed section, as per item 3.1.75 of NI-2409.
The acceptance criteria for the maximum diameter deformation and maximum ovalization, for
loaded and unloaded conditions are given in Table 6-2.
If the maximum carcass design tolerance specified by the manufacturer for hydrostatic collapse,
as per item paragraph a) of NI-2409 is greater than the one indicated in the Table 6-2 for
unloaded condition (i.e. ± 0.2 %), it shall prevail over the criterion defined herein.
Additionally, the axial stiffness of the pipe obtained from the test shall be in accordance with
manufacturer predictions.
Also, the same sample shall be subjected to the hydrostatic collapse test and the measured
collapse pressure shall comply with the same acceptance criteria of the Collapse Test presented
If the pipe is insulated, the sample shall be dissected up to the insulation layer in order to verify
the integrity of this material, prior to the carrying out of the collapse test. The manufacturer shall
previously inform in the test procedure the criteria for integrity of the insulation material. Description
As per API RP 17B, item, but test sample shall have a minimum length of 20 times the
internal diameter excluding both end fittings. As a general rule, half of the test sample shall be
positioned in a straight manner, while the other half of it is bent over the sheave. Procedure
With the pipe in place, prior to the test start, a measuring PIG shall be inserted into the pipe bore,
in the center of the sheave (additional PIGs may be used in the contact points). This device shall
continuously measure and log the internal diameter at least 4 circumferential directions (0-45-90-
135) during the whole test.
The internal diameter shall be measured at every 0.5m, in at least 4 circumferential directions (0-
45-90-135) before and after the test.
The axial load is applied at a rate not greater than 1 % of the Laying Tension per second up to
110 % of its value. The allowable variation of this load shall be ± 2 %. This load is held for a
minimum period of 1 hour. The axial load is released, and the diameter measurements retaken.
All measurements shall be made directly on the sample outermost tensile armour or holding
a) sample longitudinal elongation in the straight sample section, which shall have at
least 4 times the pipe internal diameter (reference marks shall be positioned at a
minimum distance of 2 diameters from the end termination);
b) horizontal and vertical external diameter (DV and DH), in the curved section of the
pipe, with one location being the contact face of the pipe.
c) internal diameters measured continuously with the PIGs.
After carrying out the measurements, the whole sample region in contact with the sheave shall be
subjected to the Collapse Test
The acceptance criteria for the internal and external diameter deformation, sample ovalization,
and longitudinal elongation, for loaded and unloaded conditions, are given in Table 6-3.
In addition to the criteria in the Table 6-3 above, the following applies:
a) For longitudinal elongation, axial stiffness of the pipe obtained from the test shall be in
accordance with manufacturer predictions;
b) For unloaded condition, criteria for pipe internal diameter deformations shall comply with
the manufacturer carcass design tolerance;
c) No structural damage of the end fitting itself (e.g. cracking or rupture of its structure) or of
pipe layers (e.g. wire rupture) shall be observed;
d) The result of the hydrostatic collapse of the sample segment subjected to this test shall
abide to the acceptance criteria of the Collapse Test described herein.
6.2.6. Combined Tensile and Pressure Test (for Riser Applications Only) Description
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the riser resistance to the combination of internal pressure
and axial load. Also, the test shall check the predicted failure tension load informed by the
The test sample shall have a minimum length of 20 times the inside diameter, excluding both end
fittings. Test samples for the Combined Tensile and Pressure Test shall have at least 2 welds on
the pressure armour. Procedure
One end of the sample is fixed and the other end is free for rotate. The sample shall be mounted
in a straight manner, full of water (no internal pressure), in a suitable test device. Internal
pressure is then set to the maximum operating pressure (pressurization rate not exceeding
10 MPa/min) and kept constant during the test within the range (-0/+20%). Internal pressure shall
be continuously monitored and registered, during the whole test period.
The sample is axially loaded in steps, at a rate not exceeding 300 kN/min, until the Design
Tension (calculated from the global analysis, for normal operation conditions) is achieved. During
loading and after unloading the following parameters shall be registered and recorded:
c) external diameter and perimeter (measured over the outermost tensile armour or
holding bandage);
d) stress in outer tensile armours, continuously logged through strain gauges mounted
on each of the external tensile armour wires.
After measuring the above parameters, the sample is axially loaded until failure, at the same rate
mentioned above. An intermediated visual inspection of the sample shall be performed after the
tension load achieves 1.50 times the Design Tension, in order to check against failures.
Also, if requested by Petrobras or defined by the manufacturer, the sample may have strain
gauges installed inside the end fittings to monitor stresses in the anchoring region of the wires.
The acceptance criteria for sample longitudinal elongation, horizontal and vertical diametric
deformations, and twist, for loaded (design tension) and unloaded conditions, are given in Table
Table 6-4 Acceptance criteria for elongation, diametric deformation and twist
Parameter Loaded Unloaded (residual)
In addition to the criteria in the Table 6-4 above, the following applies:
a) In addition to the criteria for longitudinal elongation, axial stiffness of the pipe obtained
from the test shall be in accordance with manufacturer predictions.
b) Failure mechanism and location shall be as predicted by the manufacturer. The measured
failure tension shall be greater than 1.50 times the Design Tension.
c) No structural damage of the end fitting itself (e.g. cracking or rupture of its structure) or of
pipe layers (e.g. wire rupture) shall be observed before the test maximum tension load is
achieved (i.e. up to 1.50 times the Design Tension). Description
For the purpose of dynamic test, test sample is defined as the assembly of the piece of pipe, end-
fittings attached at both ends, bend stiffener, fasteners and all devices and components that
simulate the riser top connection. It also includes all accessories and ancillary components of this
A schematic showing the overall definition of the dynamic test program, including riser and bend
limiter design, is shown in Figure 27 of API RP 17B. A typical test set-up is shown in Figure 28 of
API RP 17B. Test sample is hung vertically from a rocker arm which can apply cyclic rotations. A
tension load is applied to the lower end. The objective of this test is to determine the structural
integrity and fatigue life design of the top connection, under simulated operational conditions, and
to check the design methodology. If necessary, test loading shall be increased in order to lead
the sample to the theoretical failure (theoretical accumulated damage equal to 100 %, as per
manufacturer design methodology). The performance of the riser for the specified service life is
verified by inspecting test sample in an intermediate stage of the dynamic test. Alternatively, test
sample could be positioned horizontally or, even, vertically, but up side down.
The minimum length of test sample shall be as per item of API RP 17B.
Test sample shall be subjected to maximum operating pressure and a conservative tensile load
related to the dynamic environment. At purchaser discretion, test pressure can be changed to
design pressure, if previously specified.
If specified, pipe annulus region may be filled with corrosive fluids, in order to simulate sour
service conditions. The recommendations and requirements found in items of API RP
17B shall be adopted and the instructions and requirements presented in item 5.14 of this
specification shall be followed. Procedure
The cyclic loading of test sample should be divided into a minimum number of 5 (typically 7),
each one with a different angle amplitude, frequency, and a number of cycles. The frequency
shall not exceed 1.0 Hz, with a recommended value of 0.2 Hz. Higher frequencies may be used
for smaller angle ranges. Note that a high frequency may reduce the total test period but may
generate unacceptable temperature increase because of friction between the layers. Local test
site conditions, including temperature, machinery, and cooling requirements, shall influence the
cycling rate. An example of a typical cycling program is shown in Table 21 of API RP 17B.
The total number of cycles in all blocks and the corresponding tensile cyclic loading shall be
based on the environmental data and floater data specified by the purchaser. It shall be between
2 million and 4 million to achieve the maximum service life accumulated fatigue damage, that is
0.1 or 0.303. Additional cycles shall be carried out to achieve 100% of the accumulated
theoretical fatigue damage. The bending radii shall achieve the minimum values obtained from
the global dynamic analysis, performed by the manufacturer. Cyclic tensile and bending shall be
applied in phase (maximum and minimum tension associated with respective maximum and
minimum bending).
The loading blocks shall be organized in such a way that the first set of blocks amount to a
damage of at least 0.001 in the tensile armours in the first set of load blocks.
The recommendations and requirements found in items of API RP 17B shall be
The following variables shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test:
a) number of cycles;
b) internal temperature;
c) external ambient temperature;
d) internal pressure (sampling record of pressure during dynamic test and 24 hour
pressure charts of hydrostatic tests);
e) applied tension load;
f) actual angles applied;
g) phases for the applied tension and bending loads;
h) pipe twist;
i) if specified, pressure and temperature in the annulus region (filled with whichever
specified, CO2 or H2S);
j) acoustic emission and accelerations of the sample;
k) tensile armour wire strain in the pipe body;
l) visual aspect of the outer tensile armour wires.
The end of the dynamic fatigue test is defined when the theoretical predicted failure of test
sample (accumulated damage equal to 100 %) is achieved. In order to achieve the accumulated
damage = 100 %, purchaser can propose an increase of the tensile load for the last block of the
test. NDE (preferable gamma ray for wire rupture detection) for internal inspection of test sample
shall be carried out at intermediate steps of accumulated fatigue damage and also before cyclic
testing (for the purpose of comparison of previously defined spots). These intermediate steps,
unless otherwise specified, are the following:
a) when the accumulated damage achieves 0.1 or 0.303, depending on the particular
annulus conditions for the test;
b) when the accumulated damage achieves 0.8.
The purpose of these NDE is to check against eventual failures in any part of test sample (e.g.
rupture of any individual tensile wire, outside or inside the end fitting body, failure of bend
stiffener metallic parts, pull-out or displacement of tensile wires inside end fitting). Test sample
shall be hydrostatically pressure tested at a minimum 1.25 times the maximum design pressure
(hold period of 24 hours, after confirmed stabilization) when the first stop is made, at 0.1 or 0.303.
When 100 % accumulated damage is achieved, test sample shall be hydrostatic pressure tested
at 1.00 times the maximum design pressure (hold period of 24 hours, after confirmed
stabilization). Afterwards test sample shall be dissected.
Dissection of the test sample shall comply with purchaser specification or procedure, when
applicable. It shall be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures. Dissection shall be
focused on the following:
a) pipe structure over an area including the location of highest curvature variation and
inside the end fitting body;
b) end fitting parts and components inside its body.
In addition, dissection shall be carried out to check for findings and eventual failures of the end
fitting body/connector, bend stiffener, fasteners and all devices and components that simulate the
riser top connection. It shall be conducted to record and report, through photos and sketches, for
traceability of measurements and findings, evidence of non-conformities, defects, degradation, or
wear of the dissected items.
Test sample shall have passed the test sequence without leakage, failure or defects up to the
theoretical predicted accumulated fatigue damage equal to 100 % is achieved. The lists of
defects are found in Tables 25 and 26 of API RP 17B and item B-3.3 of Annex B of standard
ISO 13628-2.
When criteria are not available for some defects found in these lists, test procedure, issued by the
manufacturer, shall include these criteria for those defects. The manufacturer shall get obtain IVA
confirmation of the proposed criteria which shall be based on the manufacturer design
methodology. The recorded degradation evidence shall be consistent with the predicted figures
and characteristics mentioned in the test procedure and shall match with the performance
requirements for the application. Alternatives Description
The purpose of this test is to verify the adequacy of the system designed to hold the outer sheath
in the flexible pipe end fitting. Procedure
The test sample with end fittings assembled in both extremities shall have its outer sheath pulled
out in its longitudinal direction, by means of a traction system. This system shall not compress the
outer sheath against the sample internal layers, allowing free sliding of this layer when it is under
tension load.
The sample shall be prepared with 2 end fittings, each representing the extreme tolerances of the
manufacturing and assembly processes. One end fitting shall have components with dimensions
corresponding to the maximum possible clearances. Meanwhile, the other end fitting shall have
components with dimensions yielding the maximum possible interference. These dimensions
shall be measured and registered for the test report.
Note: Simplified end fittings can be used if they simulate the actual outer sheath anchoring
The load shall be increased gradually at a rate not exceeding 300 kN/min. up to the outer sheath
tearing ultimate loading, defined as the load which causes the outer sheath rupture.
The test procedure shall indicate the predicted tearing load and the maximum calculated strain
predicted for the service life (including installation and effects from combined bending and
C- Outer sheath shall tear and no slippage from the end fitting is acceptable. Description
The purpose of this test is to verify the adequacy of the external sealing system of the flexible
pipe end fitting after the outer sheath is subjected to a tension representative of a typical pipe
installation load. Procedure
The sample shall be prepared with 2 end fittings, each representing the extreme tolerances of the
manufacturing and assembly processes. One end fitting shall have components with dimensions
corresponding to the maximum possible clearances. Meanwhile, the other end fitting shall have
components with dimensions yielding the maximum possible interference. These dimensions
shall be measured and registered for the test report.
At the first stage, the test sample shall have its outer sheath pulled out in its longitudinal direction,
by means of a traction system. This system shall not compress the outer sheath against the
sample internal layers, allowing free sliding of this layer when it is under tension load.
The test elongation shall be at least 1.5 times the largest elongation predicted for the whole
service life, including installation and retrieval, combining the effects of bending and tension. The
outer sheath is tensioned gradually at a maximum rate 100 kN/min, step by step, until this test
elongation is achieved on the sample outer sheath.
At the second stage, with the sample inside the hyberbaric chamber, the external pressure is
increased at a maximum rate of 10 MPa/min until a value between 1.0 times and 1.2 times the
design external pressure. The pressure is kept within this range during a minimum 24-hour
period, after confirmed stabilization.
For the second part of the test, the manufacturer shall use devices or resources to detect the
possible ingress of water into the annulus. Previously used means include dyed water or indicator
During both stages, ambient temperature, loading and applicable deformations shall be
continuously monitored and registered.
The test shall be considered approved if no leakage is detected during the 24-hour period and if
the dissection of the test sample provides clear evidence that there was no water ingress in the
6.2.10. Internal Pressure Cycling Test (for Smooth Bore pipes only) Description
The purpose of this test is to verify the adequacy of the internal sealing system under cyclic
The sample shall be prepared with 2 end fittings, each representing the extreme tolerances of the
manufacturing and assembly processes. One end fitting shall have components with dimensions
corresponding to the maximum possible clearances. Meanwhile, the other end fitting shall have
components with dimensions yielding the maximum possible interference. These dimensions
shall be measured and registered for the test report. Procedure
At the first stage, the sample, with end fittings assembled in both extremities, shall be mounted in
a straight manner, full of water (no internal pressure), in a suitable test device. The test sample
shall be subjected to 500 cycles of internal pressure from the atmospheric pressure (plus 1 MPa)
to the maximum design pressure (plus 1 MPa). Internal pressure cycling shall be performed at a
rate not exceeding 10 MPa/min.
At the second stage, the sample shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test (1.5 times the maximum
design pressure, 24 hour hold period after stabilization).
Finally, at the third stage, with the sample inside the hyberbaric chamber, the external pressure is
increased at a maximum rate of 10 MPa/min until a value between 1.0 times and 1,2 times the
design external pressure. The pressure is kept within this range during a minimum 24 hour
period, after confirmed stabilization. For this stage, the outer sheath shall be previously removed
or perforated so that water ingress into the annulus of the pipe occurs.
During all stages, ambient temperature and internal and external pressures shall be continuously
monitored and registered, as applicable.
The test shall be considered approved if no leakage from pipe bore to annulus is detected during
the 2 first test stages. Also, during the third stage, no leakage shall be detected through the
sealing system of the leak proof intermediate sheath.
6.3.1. General
Representative samples of each type of vent valve used in the end fitting shall be subjected to a
qualification test program. For tests specified below, manufacturer shall determine the sampling
of each test in order to assure that test results are consistent. As a minimum, at least 3 samples
of each type of valve shall be subjected to each test specified hereafter.
6.3.2. Scope
The qualification program of vent valves shall include at least the items to The
tests listed in items through shall be carried out in this order, intertwined with test after each test. If the manufacturer wishes to check or carry out tests in parallel or out of
this specific order, additional samples (to the 3 requested here) shall be used.
The purpose of this test is to verify the performance of the valve after long term exposition to high
Submerge valve samples in a water bath with depth of 200 mm, during a 30 day period, and
measure the crack and reseat pressures, as per item Water shall be kept at a
temperature equal or superior than the maximum design temperature of the pipe (end fitting) in
which the valve shall be installed.
The purpose of this test is to verify the reproducibility of the crack and reseat pressures of the
valve after cycling the inlet pressure while keeping the external environment (valve outlet) at a
pressure equal to the hydrostatic head of the specified water depth for the pipe.
Samples of the valve shall be subjected to 5.000 cycles, being each cycle defined as 1 valve
opening + 1 valve reseat. Pressurized air is used in the valve inlet while the valve outlet is
pressurized to the hydrostatic head. By using water, valve outlet is constantly pressurized to the
hydrostatic head equivalent to the specified water depth for the pipe (Pext). Inlet pressure - Pin -
shall vary from a pressure 20 % below the valve reseat pressure to the one 20 % above the valve
crack pressure. For this, valve shall be subjected to the maximum inlet pressure for a period of
time of 0 seconds while, at the external stead pressure (i.e. Pin = Pext), the inlet pressure shall
be kept for 2 seconds. Test is performed at the ambient temperature. Afterwards, samples are
subjected to the test defined in item
The purpose of this test is to verify the performance of the valve after long term exposition to
Immerge valve samples into a 10 m deep seawater bath, keeping them for 6 months. After that,
measure the crack and reseat pressures, as per item
The purpose of this test is to verify the reproducibility of the crack and reseat pressures of the
valve samples after subjecting them to degradation caused by seawater and sand.
Immerge valve samples into salt water bath (at the ambient temperature) and cover them with a
layer of sand having thickness equal 50 mm. The sand grains shall have outside diameter
between 0.074 mm and 0.250 mm, with the addition in weight of 30 % of silt with OD < 0.074 mm.
Samples shall be kept in the bath for a period of 1 month with a daily cyclic of valve opening and
close. Crack and reseat pressures, as per item are measured. Afterwards, valves are
inspected against internal and external corrosion and internal abrasion.
The purpose of this test is to verify the valve external sealing system against seawater ingress.
Samples coming from the tests described above in items, and shall have
their outlet hydrostatically pressurized, at the ambient temperature, in a range of pressures
between 0.03 MPa up to the pressure equivalent to the hydrostatic pressure of the specified
water depth. During test, valve inlet is under pressurized air. Test criteria is that valve shall avoid
water ingress after 10 cycles of valve opening/closing. Additionally, valves shall be
externally/internally inspected. No corrosion and abrasion is allowed, but, in case of the valves
coming from the test defined in item, some abrasion is allowed provided that the leakage
criterion above is respected.
Samples shall be kept in the bath for a period of 1 month with a daily cycle of valve opening and
close. Crack and reseat pressures, as per item are measured. Afterwards, valves are
inspected against internal and external corrosion and internal abrasion.
The purpose of this test is to verify if the valve crack and reseat pressures present values in a
narrow range after 6 cycles of valve opening/closing. This test standardizes the method of
measuring the valve crack and reseat pressures mentioned above in items to and establishes an additional criterion to tests described in these items.
Valve outlet shall be connected to the bottom of a water column of 100 mm, open to the
atmosphere. Inlet of valve samples are subjected to pressurized air. Cycles of valve
opening/closing shall be performed at a pressurization/depressurization rate of 0.05 MPa/seg.
The valve maximum opening pressure shall be kept constant during a period of 60 seconds. The
end of a cycle is defined as the time when no bubbles are noted (i.e. valve closing is assured).
Crack and reseat pressures are measured at the end of each of the 6 cycles. Test acceptance
criteria is the following:
a) for the 6 cycles, the specified crack pressure (Pc) is kept in the range
Pc ± 0.05 MPa;
b) minimum allowable reseat pressure (Pr) = 2/3(Pc).
The purpose of this test is to obtain the characteristic curve of the valve, Flow Rate x Inlet
Pressure which shall match with the design premises.
Valve outlet shall connect to the bottom of a water column of 100 mm, open to the atmosphere.
Valve inlet pressure is varied in the full valve design range. For this, pressurized air is used in
order to confirm that the flow rate specified in the valve design is fit for purpose, i.e. flow rate shall
exhaust the gas trapped in the pipe annulus without permanent deformation of the pipe outer
sheath. The flow rate measuring shall be within ± 5 m3/h.
Acceptance Criteria
6.4.1. Objectives
This Section presents the “Basic Procedure” to be used in the field test of a flexible pipe as part
of its qualification program. A “Detailed Procedure” shall be prepared by the manufacturer and it
shall be based on this “Basic Procedure”. The objectives of the Field Test can be summarized as
a) verify the resistance of the pipe to the loads and conditions imposed during a first
end connection, and verify if pipe’s characteristics allow the performance of first end
b) verify the resistance of the pipe to the loads and conditions imposed during a
second end connection, and if pipe’s characteristics allow the performance of
second end connections;
c) verify the resistance of the pipe to the loads and conditions imposed on bottom
when pipe is bent up to minimum curvature and is cycled at a specific water depth.
6.4.2. Introduction
The Field Test shall be performed in representative samples of the flexible pipe (minimum length
of 90 times the pitch of the outermost tensile armour), at a specific water depth (± 1 %), according
to the following sequence (different samples per test):
The DIP test shall be performed in both dry and flooded annulus conditions. Unless otherwise
specified, the DIP tests with dry and flooded annulus are performed in the same sample. To flood
- 52 of 60
the sample annulus, the gas relief plugs shall be removed by ROV. These plugs shall be
designed to match the ROV interface and shall not lose their tightness upon collisions with the
structure itself, with the sea bottom, with the laying vessel or with any other foreign body. All the
other tests shall be performed in the dry annulus condition.
As a general directive, for first and second subsea end connection tests, manufacturer shall
previously define the configuration of the pipe catenary and hunch, as well as their main
dimension ranges due to the uncertainties of the pipe behaviour under the installation conditions.
For this purpose, manufacturer shall predict the loads to be imposed to the VCM (momentum,
twist and forces) by the pipe end fitting and vice-versa. During these tests, ROV checking of the
interface pipe/VCM will be used to estimate the inclination and rotation of the VCM and, also, to
verify the premises considered in the test procedure (such as pipe characteristics - for instance,
axial and bend stiffness) and the compliance to the test acceptance criteria.
This test simulates a typical situation in which the pipe first extremity, with the VCM, is lowered,
approaches the dummy manifold hub up to coupling, and then is laid on sea bottom. See Figure
6-1 for details.
The loads imposed to the pipe (curvature, compression and torsion) shall not cause any damage
to them. Additionally, it shall be demonstrated that the pipe’s residual twist or bending stiffness
does not make impossible the execution of the operation.
Note: The measurements of pipe external diameter, as described in item, shall also
be used for the purpose of checking the pipe ovalization and performance during this
This test simulates a typical situation in which the pipe is laid at the sea bottom while the second
extremity, with the VCM, approaches the dummy manifold hub up to coupling. See Figure 6-2 for
The loads imposed to the pipe (curvature, compression and torsion) shall not cause any damage
to it, including tensile armours buckling. Additionally, it shall be demonstrated that the pipes
residual twist or bending stiffness does not make impossible the execution of the operation. This
method has some key points that shall be taken into account:
a) a hunch made by cable on a short region of the pipe (near the connection point)
provides the flexibility required to make feasible the coupling;
b) after coupling, the cable is released and the pipe lays down over the sea bottom
without being controlled by the surface.
Note: The measurements of pipe external diameter, as described in item, shall also
be used for the purpose of checking the pipe ovalization and performance during this
This test simulates a typical situation during the pipe laying, for which pipe catenary vertical top
angle is less than 1 deg. The pipe is bent to the qualification radius and is kept in this position for
at least 4 hours.
The combination of loads acting on pipe in this situation (external pressure pipe end effect, cycled
bending, torsion) shall not cause any damage to the pipe (e.g. buckling of the tensile armor
The sample shall have two regions of interest (for dry and flooded test conditions), both with the
same length of at least 20 times the pitch of the outermost tensile armour and located at least, 15
pitches away from the end fittings. Each region shall be at least 20 pitches apart from the other.
Before beginning the test, each region shall be marked and measured as following:
a) in its mid section, and from this point, at every 0.5 m, to both sides, a ring mark
shall be painted over the cross-section circumference;
b) along its whole length, at least 3 marks are continuously painted in the axial
direction, 120° apart each one from the other.
c) measurements of pipe horizontal and vertical diameters (DH and DV) and pipe
perimeter are done for the positions mentioned in (a) above. DH or DV shall be
refernced in one of the 3 lines mentioned in item (b);
d) both end fittings shall be identified (upper and lower ones) and all the
measurements shall be done in such a way that the traceability of the recorded
values and the comparison of gathered values, before and after testing, are
e) the markings shall be indelible throughout the test and must not wear off or fade in
contact with water, reels or the laying system of the vessel.
The pipe is launched by the installation vessel. Thus, once the pipe section is in the touch down
point (TDP) region, the catenary is adjusted so that the center marking of the pipe reaches the
qualification radius, i.e. the minimum radius through which the pipe shall not show any lateral
displacement or loop formation (the qualification radius must be greater than the specified
operating MBR).
After all the necessary adjustments to reach qualification radius are done, this catenary
configuration is kept for 4 hours, when vessel movements and environmental conditions are
monitored and registered. ROV shall also inspect the pipe and record the images in video-tape.
The bending radius at test section (above the TDP) can be determined from a digital photo taken
from the ROV monitor and calculated with the help of the ring marks over the sample. Computer
software may be used to aid in the determination of the bending radius. Alternatively, the
manufacturer may propose and use devices in the pipe to provide on-line or off-line monitoring of
the bending radius throughout the test.
In order to verify ovalization, two caliper collars for each section to be tested shall be installed in
the test sample. These calipers are hold in position by means of propylene ropes attached to the
top end fitting. The caliper clearance shall be defined by the manufacturer, based on the
manufacturing and design tolerances of the pipe. Each caliper shall have two rods in the radial
direction to allow the propylene rope to be attached. These rods shall extend to have a clearance
of at least 300mm to the pipe outer sheath. Each rod shall be fitted with a pad eye to allow the
ropes to be attached and to slip freely.
While laying the pipe, before starting with the actual test step, when the pipe test section is set in
the vertical position, the ROV shall cut the rope of the first collar. By gravity, the caliper collar
shall drop from the top end fitting towards the bottom one (or from the top holding collar to the
stopper positioned in the bottom level). From then on, after each test step, the ROV shall cut the
rope of other caliper collar that shall drop towards the bottom.
Right before recovering, when the sample is vertical, the last caliper collar shall be run along the
sample, in order to localize and verify any residual deformation. General Criteria for All Tests and Pipe Handling Test
a) Tensile armours of the sample shall not present buckling in any direction.
b) Sample shall not present kink or corkscrew (corkscrew is defined as an increase of the
pipe diameter due to the change of the lay angle of some few tensile armour wires).
c) Sample shall not have any damage in its outer sheath that allows the water ingress into
the annulus space, nor any slippage of the outer sheath from the end fitting.
e) Sample shall not present any visually identifiable structural or functional damage.
f) Caliper collars shall run through the sample from the top to the bottom. If not, further
dissection results shall not indicate buckling evidences.
Note: Purchaser could consider optimization of test samples (e.g. one single sample for more
than one test) if:
- NDE, made available by manufacturer, is able to confirm the criteria listed hereafter, in
such a way that dissection, at the end of all tests, is unnecessary;
- Planned simulation covers all in service conditions.
After retrieval and during sample dissection, the following criteria shall be verified:
g) Tensile armours of the sample shall not present buckling in any direction.
h) Deviation of the nominal tensile armour lay angle shall be less than ± 5 deg or the
corresponding pitch values.
i) Maximum allowable gap between 2 adjacent wires shall not be greater than 3 times the
width of the tensile armour wires, at the same pitch region of these wires and in the
interest region under analysis.
j) Tensile armour wires shall not be found excessively loose in such a way that they can be
easily moved, e.g. by hand without effort.
k) Sample shall not have residual deformation greater than 1 % in any measurement of
external diameter, at a certain pipe section (DH or DV).
l) For verification of residual twist, sample successive axial marks shall be within
0.2 degree/meter along its lengthwise.
Notes: In case criteria of topics (i) to (l) are not achieved, further investigation should be
performed by manufacturer in order to demonstrate that pipe is keeping its resistance after field
test. Additional Criteria for the First and Second Connection Tests
During First and Second Connection Tests, the following criteria shall be verified:
a) The loads imposed to the sample (curvature, compression and torsion) shall not cause any
damage to them. Additionally, it shall be demonstrated that the pipe’s residual twist or bending
stiffness makes feasible the carrying out of the operation.
b) After the cable connected to the sample is paid out from the vessel, sample shall be entirely
laid on sea bottom.
Appendix A
For example, assuming that the scope is to test 1 wire and applying a stress (∆S1), the damage
AFD = 1 will correspond to a certain number of cycles (N1) considering a SN curve with 10%
failure probability. In that case the probability of failure of the wire is the failure probability of the
SN curve, i.e. 10%.
Now assuming that the same test is executed 3 times (N1 cycles), the possible combination of
results and respective probability is presented below. ( red = failure, green = no failure).
• Failure Probability = 10% = 1/10
• No Failure Probability = 100 – 10 = 90% = 9/10
By this way is possible to define a plot of the probability of occurrence to get 0, 1, 2 or 3 broken
wire (k) at completion of the 3 (n) tests performed.
Extrapolating for a number n of tests, the probability of occurence to get a number k of broken
wire, being p the failure probability of the SN curve, can be found with the following formula:
In the case of a tension-to-tension test, the idea is to consider that each armour wire is loaded
with the same tension, and therefore that the number of wire would be considered as the number
of independent test performed on a single wire (a discrimination may be done between 1st
armour layer and 2nd armour layer).
Based on the probability calculated with the formula above described, it is possible to assess the
cumulative probability to have a certain number of wires broken during the test. A criteria of 99%
of occurrence may be proposed.
The figure below presents the example of a flexible riser with 51 wires and a SN curve failure
probability of 10%. Considering 99% of occurrence, the maximum allowable number of broken
wires is 10 wires. This can be compared to the API criterion which allows only 5% of broken wire.
Number of wire n = 51
Failure probability (SN curve) p = 10 %
API criteria: 5% of the total number of wire
20,0 100,0
18,0 90,0
16,0 80,0
14,0 70,0
10,0 50,0
8,0 40,0
6,0 30,0
1% of occurence
4,0 20,0
2,0 10,0
0,0 0,0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of broken wire (k)
The graph below illustrates the influence of the failure probability of the SN curve on the
allowable number of broken wires.
API criteria
SN 2.5%
20,0 SN 5.0%
SN 10.0%
Probability (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Using the same methodology, we can assess the number of allowable broken wire whatever the
cumulative damage (AFD) of interest as it can be seem in the figures below.
o ∆S1 ; N1 – AFD = 1.0 – prob. failure of 10%
o ∆S1 ; Nd – AFD = Nd/N1 – prob.failure p