Jurnal Covid 19

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Received: 19 March 2020    Accepted: 20 March 2020

DOI: 10.1111/apa.15270


Systematic review of COVID-19 in children shows milder cases

and a better prognosis than adults

Jonas F. Ludvigsson1,2,3,4

Department of Medical Epidemiology
and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Abstract
Stockholm, Sweden Aim: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected hundreds of
Department of Paediatrics, Orebro
thousands of people. Data on symptoms and prognosis in children are rare.
University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden
Division of Epidemiology and Public
Methods: A systematic literature review was carried out to identify papers on
Health, School of Medicine, University of COVID-19, which is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
Nottingham, UK
2 (SARS-CoV-2), using the MEDLINE and Embase databases between January 1 and
Department of Medicine, Columbia
University College of Physicians and March 18, 2020.
Surgeons, New York, NY, USA Results: The search identified 45 relevant scientific papers and letters. The review
Correspondence showed that children have so far accounted for 1%-5% of diagnosed COVID-19 cases,
Jonas F Ludvigsson, Department of Medical they often have milder disease than adults and deaths have been extremely rare.
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska
Institutet, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden. Diagnostic findings have been similar to adults, with fever and respiratory symp-
Email: [email protected] toms being prevalent, but fewer children seem to have developed severe pneumonia.
Elevated inflammatory markers were less common in children, and lymphocytopenia
seemed rare. Newborn infants have developed symptomatic COVID-19, but evidence
of vertical intrauterine transmission was scarce. Suggested treatment included pro-
viding oxygen, inhalations, nutritional support and maintaining fluids and electrolyte
Conclusions: The coronavirus disease 2019 has occurred in children, but they seemed
to have a milder disease course and better prognosis than adults. Deaths were ex-
tremely rare.


2019-nCoV, children, coronavirus, COVID-19, newborn, SARS-CoV2

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was also previously

known as 2019-nCoV. It is the seventh coronavirus.
In December 2019, there was an outbreak of a new infectious dis- On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) classi-
ease in Wuhan in the Hubei Province of China. Coronavirus dis- fied the outbreak as a pandemic. An interactive web-based real-time
ease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by the severe acute respiratory COVID-19 reporting system, known as a dashboard, has been set up

Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2020 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

Acta Paediatrica. 2020;00:1–8.  |

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by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins

University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.2 By March 18, 2020, there
had been more than 2 00 000 confirmed cases and more than 8000
• The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has
deaths due to COVID-19. This corresponds to a 4.0% case fatality rate.
affected hundreds of thousands of people worldwide,
A number of studies have reviewed symptoms and characteris-
but data on how it affects children are rare.
tics of adults with COVID-19. Although some of these studies have
• A systematic literature review identified 45 papers and let-
also included a smaller number of children,34 the aggregated data on
ters published up to 18 March, and this showed that chil-
children with COVID-19 are rare. This paper summarises the find-
dren have so far accounted for 1%-5% of diagnosed cases.
ings of a systematic literature review on the current knowledge of
• Children often have milder disease than adults, and
COVID-19 in children.
deaths have been extremely rare.

2 |  M E TH O DS
2020, 5% were children. 51 Children constituted less than 1% of all
2.1 | Search process US hospitalisations. 51
In the early stages of the epidemic, many children with
The review was carried out at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, COVID-19 were part of family clusters with the disease.18,45 A
Sweden, and the Medline (used by PubMed) and Embase data- large number of the cases described in this review originated from
bases were searched for relevant terms related to COVID-19 and the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has nine million inhabitants.
SARS-CoV2 in children. This search was carried out by two highly Wuhan is situated 1150 km south of Beijing and 840 km west of
experienced librarians at the Institutet, and the search algorithm Shanghai and is the capital of the Hubei Province, which has 58
is presented in Appendix S1. There were 89 papers published in million inhabitants.
Medline between January 1 and March 18, 2020 and eight pub- The incubation period in children is usually about two days with
lications in Embase during the same period. Of those, 44 were a range of 2-10 days.7
deemed relevant to this review. 5-48 Also on March 18, but later
during the day, the New England Journal of Medicine published a
Letter to the Editor describing 1391 children assessed for SARS- 3.2 | Symptoms
CoV-249 (171 confirmed cases). That letter was also included in this
review. The initial search was complemented by a further Medline The COVID-19 symptoms seem to be less severe in children than in
search on March 19, 2020 by the author. This focused on 2019- adults.14 One study by Dong et al examined 2143 children who were
nCoV, but this did not yield any additional studies (Appendix S1). identified through laboratory tests by a combination of clinical mani-
This means that the current review was based on 45 scientific pa- festations and exposure history. Of these, 34.1% had laboratory-con-
pers and letters. Most of the studies originated from China and firmed disease, while the remainder had clinically suspected disease.14
it was notable that there were very few reports on children from Their symptoms were typical of acute respiratory infections and in-
Italy, Iran or South Korea, despite the large number of patients cluded fever, cough, a sore throat, sneezing, myalgia and fatigue. A
with diagnosed COVID-19 in those countries. There was no pre- number of children were wheezing. Another study from the Wuhan
specified protocol prior to the current review. Children's hospital,52 which probably overlapped with the Dong
et al study,14 reviewed 171 children with confirmed disease and pre-
sented more detailed symptoms. The most common symptoms were
3 |   R E S U LT S cough (48.5%), pharyngeal erythema (46.2%) and a fever of at least
37.5°C (41.5%).52 The authors reported that 32.1% of the children had
3.1 | Background fever above 38°C and that most of these had 38.1°C-39.0°C.52 Other
studies have suggested that fever in children is usually below 39°C.7
The review with the largest number of positive COVID-19 cases Other symptoms52 were diarrhoea (8.8%), fatigue (7.6%), rhinor-
was a Chinese paper by the Chinese Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia rhoea (7.6%) and vomiting (6.4%). Four out of 171 children (2.3%)
Emergency Response Epidemiology Team with 72,314 subjects, had low oxygen saturations of less than 92%. It should be noted that
and this found that about 2% of the 44 672 confirmed cases of some COVID-19 publications have defined low oxygen saturation
COVID-19 were children aged 0-19 years.49 Of these, 0.9% were as below 93% or 94%. A substantial proportion of children demon-
under the age of 10 years at diagnosis.49 Italian data, published on strated tachypnoea (28.7%) and tachycardia (42.1%) on hospital ad-
March 18, 2020, reported that only 1.2% of 22 512 Italian cases mission.52 In a smaller case series of 10 Chinese children diagnosed
with COVID-19 were children, with no deaths. In fact, no deaths outside Wuhan, eight had fever and six had a cough.7 In a study that
had been recorded below the age of 30 years in Italy. Of 4226 has only been published in Chinese so far, but was referenced by
COVID-19 cases detected in the United States until March 16, Yang et al,45 76.1% of 134 children with COVID-19 had fever.

3.3 | Disease severity et al of 398 paediatric cases outside the Hubei Province claimed that
most of the children recovered within 1-2 weeks.8
In the largest child case series so far, more than 90% of the 2,143
children diagnosed with laboratory-verified or clinically diagnosed
COVID-19 −19 had asymptomatic, mild or moderate disease. Of the 3.6 | Signs
remainder, 5.2% had severe disease and 0.6% had critical disease.
According to the disease severity classification used by several Early studies in adult populations found increased liver enzymes,
Chinese publications, severe disease was defined as dyspnoea, cen- anaemia and increased inflammatory markers, such as erythrocyte
tral cyanosis and an oxygen saturation of less than 92%.14 Critical sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin and sometimes
disease required respiratory failure, sometimes with acute respira- hyperglycaemia.53 Data on laboratory markers in children with COVID-
tory distress syndrome, shock and signs of multi-organ failure, such 19 were rare, according to this review. The exception was a study by
as encephalopathy, heart failure, abnormal coagulation and acute Henry et al that summarised the findings from 12 different studies
renal failure. on 66 children.17 The authors found that 69.2% of the children had
The prevalence of severe and critical disease was 10.6% in normal leucocyte counts and that neutrophilia (4.6%) and neutropenia
children aged <1 at diagnosis, 1-5 years (7.3%), 6-10 years (4.2%), (6.0%) were rare. Only two children (3.0%) experienced lymphocyto-
11-15 years (4.1%) and 16-17 years (3.0%).14 Half of the children with penia.17 C-reactive protein and procalcitonin were increased in 13.6%
critical COVID-19 in this study were less than one year of age,14 and and 10.6% of cases, respectively.17 In a separate study that was not
a high prevalence of severe disease was seen in very young children reviewed by Henry et al, lymphocytopenia was seen in 3.5% children.52
also in another study. Of 171 children treated at Wuhan Children's The clinical spectrum of children with COVID-19 has often been
Hospital, three (1.8%) required intensive care and all of those had un- similar to that of influenza. This was demonstrated by a Chinese
derlying diseases. There was one case of hydronephrosis, one child study of 366 children up to the age of 16 years, who were hospital-
was undergoing chemotherapy for leukaemia and another had intus- ised with respiratory symptoms in the early phase of the epidemic. 25
susception. Yang et al have noted that the child with hydronephrosis Many of these children did not have COVID-19 but were instead di-
in question had bilateral hydronephrosis with renal calculus.45 agnosed with the influenza A or B virus. 25
The percentage of 123 US children with COVID-19 in need of hos-
pital admission was 1.6%-2.5% with no child needing intensive care.51
3.7 | Computed chest tomography

3.4 | Deaths Lu et al reported that ground-glass opacity was seen in a third of 171

diagnosed children.52 Local or bilateral patchy shadowing was seen
In a study of 44 672 confirmed COVID-19 cases up to February in 18.7% and 12.3%, respectively. Overall, 15.8% of children did not
11, 2020 (both adults and children), there were 965 deaths (2.2%). have symptoms of infections or radiological features of pneumo-
One child died in the 10-19 year age group,49 and no children aged nia.52 A clinical diagnosis of pneumonia was made in 64.9% of the
0-9 years died. No more information was given about the child who children.52
died and whether the test for COVID-19 was performed before or A second study reviewed five children23 and reported that three
after death. The authors mentioned that some testing was carried had modest patchy ground-glass opacities on computed chest to-
out retrospectively, but they were not any more specific. The dead mography. This was consistent with data reported by Liu et al24
child was probably the 14-year-old boy described in the paper by Finally, Xia et al examined 20 children with computed tomogra-
Dong et al14 The two research groups seem to have used the same phy and found that 16 (80%) had some abnormalities, including
data source, from China's Infectious Disease Information System49 halo signs, with ground-glass opacities seen in 12 patients (60%).42
and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,14 and Another Chinese report, cited in Yang et al,45 found viral pneumo-
they seemed to cover much of the same time period. Lu et al also nia-like changes in 70.4% of 134 children undergoing chest imaging.
reported the death of a 10-month-old child with intussusception and It was unclear whether this was carried out using X-rays or com-
multi-organ failure.52 None of the 123 US children with COVID-19 puted tomography.
have died so far.51 This means that this review was able to identify
two deaths in children with COVID-19 up to March 18, 2020.
3.8 | Age

3.5 | Prognosis In the largest Chinese paediatric case series to date, of 2143 subjects,
the median age at paediatric diagnosis was seven years.14 The median
One study reported that of 171 children diagnosed and admitted was 6.7 years (range 1 day to 15 years) in 171 patients from the Wuhan
to hospital between January and 26 February, and 149 (87.1%) had Children's Hospital, who were better characterised.52 Children of all
been discharged by March 8, 2020.52 In addition, a study by Cao ages can be infected, including newborn infants and young children.41

3.9 | Newborn infants with COVID-19 blood cell count, and increased C-reactive protein) and an abnormal
chest X-ray. Dong et al reported that other infectious diseases, such
According to data from the National Health Commission of China, as influenza, were excluded before the patients were diagnosed with
cited by Cai et al,8 three neonatal cases were reported up to 20 COVID-19, but no details were given.14 This means that some of the
February. At the same time, the total number of adult and paediatric cases reported in the Chinese papers did not have laboratory-veri-
cases in China was close to 80 000. The first neonate had fever and a fied diagnoses.
cough for three days, and the second had a runny nose and vomiting
for one week. The youngest child, who was diagnosed at 30 hours of
age, after being born to an infected mother, had respiratory distress, 3.13 | Management and treatment
but no fever.
Schwartz reviewed five publications from China and was able to This review was not able to identify any drug trials or testing that was
identify 38 pregnant women with 39 offspring30: nine of the offspring specifically aimed at children. Most publications that commented on
were described in detail by Chen et al10 and another 10 by Zhu et al.48 treatment mentioned supportive treatment, including oxygen ther-
Of the 39 offspring, 30 were tested for COVID-19 and all of them apy7 and antibiotics for bacterial superinfections.7 Some,40,32 but not
were negative. Schwartz noted that none of the pregnant women all researchers,7 recommended antiviral treatment. Antiviral treat-
had developed severe pneumonia or died. The relatively mild disease ment was clearly used in severe cases, but data on its efficacy in
course in the 38 pregnant women was consistent with the conclusion children with COVID-19 are missing.
of a World Health Organization joint mission that investigated 149 Chinese physicians have recommended that children diagnosed
pregnant women and found that pregnancy did not seem to be a risk with COVID-19 undergo a chest X-ray examination, preferably com-
factor for severe COVID-19 disease.54 However, having COVID-19 puted tomography.32 A detailed epidemiological history should be
during pregnancy may still have an impact on foetal outcome, namely taken. An extensive clinical examination should be performed and
foetal distress, potential preterm birth and respiratory distress. laboratory tests taken. Differential diagnoses include influenza
virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus,
rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus and other known viral infec-
3.10 | Sex tions. They also include mycoplasma pneumoniae and chlamydia
pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia.32 Recommended treatment is
Dong et al reported that 56.6% of the 2143 patients in their study outlined in Table 1.
were boys. One Chinese consensus group recommended discharge from
hospital when three criteria were satisfied. These were that the
child's body temperature had been normal for three days, the re-
3.11 | Comorbidities spiratory symptoms had improved and the SARS-CoV2 tests were
negative. This group also stressed the importance of blocking trans-
A number of case reports have described comorbidities in children mission routes.32 The importance of potential faecal transmission
with COVID-19, but this review was unable to identify any study that remains unclear.35
quantified the prevalence of comorbidities in children. The section The secondary consequences of schools being closed and chil-
on disease severity in this paper notes that one study of 171 patients dren being confined to their home were reviewed by Wang et al.
found that the three who required intensive care all had an underly- The authors suggested that these measures may have negative ef-
ing disease. fects on the children's physical and mental health. Such adverse ef-
fects included longer screen time, irregular sleep, less healthy diets
that resulted in weight gain and loss of cardiorespiratory fitness.37
3.12 | Diagnosis In a study that was not related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sprang
et al reported that when children were quarantined and isolated
COVID-19 has mostly been diagnosed using nasal or pharyngeal after health-related disasters this could greatly increase the risk of
swabs or blood specimens that were positive for 2019-nCoV nucleic post-traumatic stress disorder (data based on survey, focus groups
acid using real-time, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reac- and interviews from 398 parents).55
tion assays. Alternative diagnostics have included genetic sequenc- Zhang and Liu reviewed the potential interventions for COVID-
ing of specimens from the respiratory tract or blood consistent with 19, but these were primarily aimed at adult patients.46 In addition to
SARS-CoV2. nutritional support, the authors mention treatment with interferons,
Clinical diagnosis has been used for some cases, at least in intravenous gamma globulin, thymosin alpha-1, thymopentin, levami-
China. Diagnoses have been based on the presence of at least two sole, cyclosporine A and traditional Chinese medicine.46 Of note, one
symptoms (fever, respiratory symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms in three patients treated with intravenous gamma globulin during the
or fatigue), combined with laboratory tests (normal or low white SARS 2003 epidemic developed venous thromboembolism.46

TA B L E 1   Recommended treatment, after Shen et al32

Breathing and airway Other support Infectious disease Experimental treatmenta 

Oxygen supply Caloric intake (for a review of nutritional Antibiotics when there are Interferon-alphab 
interventions see Zhang and Liu46) bacterial superinfections
Inhalations Water and electrolyte supply/balance   Lopinavir/litonavirb 
Keeping respiratory tract Anti-pyretics if high fever   Interleukin-6 inhibitorsb 
Regular re-examination of     Arbidol, oseltamivir, ribavirin
airways and other anti-influenza drugsb 
Non-invasive/invasive     Glucocorticoids
respiratory support/mechanical
ventilation including ECMO
Fluid resuscitation, vasoactive     Immunoglobulin
      Traditional Chinese medicine
Not yet supported by the literature.
Suggested dosages and pharmacological aspects of antiviral treatment of COVID-19 in children have been reviewed by Wang and Zhu.40

4 | D I S CU S S I O N reports of children with COVID-19 and comorbidities. In adults, can-

cer does not seem to be a risk factor for severe disease. One of the
This systematic review aimed to define the current evidence on 171 hospitalised children in the Lu et al study44 had leukaemia and
COVID-19 in children. It identified 45 relevant publications, but was receiving ongoing chemotherapy when being diagnosed with
I cannot rule out that there were other reports that my search al- COVID-19. Recommendations for the management of sick children
gorithm may have missed. The literature search was carried out in who are diagnosed with COVID-19 are appearing quickly.44 While
English, but some identified papers presented results in Chinese but death is extremely rare in children with COVID-19, it can occur in
with English abstracts or summaries. patients who are already very sick.
COVID-19 is either rare in children or it has not been diag- Coronavirus disease 2019 seems to have a milder course in chil-
nosed that often because this age group remain asymptomatic. dren than in adults, and the obvious question is why? Several sugges-
One study suggested that 86% of all early COVID-19 infections tions have been put forward. Children, especially smaller children,
in China remained undiagnosed. 56 While undiagnosed (undocu- tend to have many viral infections. It is possible that repeated viral
mented) cases may have a lower transmission rate, their greater exposure supports the immune system when it responds to SARS-
number suggests that they may have been the source of 79% of CoV-2. There have also been suggestions that the SARS-CoV-2 S
all early cases. This may have implications if children with few protein binds to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 258 and
symptoms are cared for by elderly people who constitute a risk that children may be protected against SARS-CoV-2 because this en-
group for COVID-19. zyme is less mature at a younger age. The immune system undergoes
Children have represented some 2% of diagnosed cases in substantial changes from birth to adulthood.59
49 50
China, 1.2% of cases in Italy and 5% of COVID-19-positive cases The proportion of children with COVID-19 with elevated inflam-
in the United States.51 These low figures were consistent with data matory markers has reportedly been low.17 Severe cases of COVID-
from the SARS epidemic in 2003, when 6.9% of the positive cases 19 have been linked to increased levels of procalcitonin. Henry
were children, but none died. These data, from the e-SARS database et al cited a Chinese paper that described how a young, very sick in-
in Hong Kong, were cited by Caselli et al. fant developed high interleukin-6 levels17 and trials of interleukin-6
Earlier reports regarding adults with COVID-19 indicated a high inhibitors are on their way. Other trials underway are examining the
prevalence of comorbidities.57 For example, comorbidities were re- efficacy of the drugs remdesivir and chloroquine.
ported in 26.0% of 44 672 confirmed cases recorded by the Chinese It is worth noting that studies focusing on adults have reported
Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Epidemiology very high rates of lymphocytopenia. For example, Guan et al studied
Team.49 In adults, the most common comorbidities were hyperten- 1099 subjects and found that the rate was 83.2% in adults. However,
sion, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory dis- only nine of the subjects were children.3 These adult data contrasted
ease. The report did not contain any information on the prevalence with data from a study of 171 children, where only 3.5% had lym-
of these diseases in members of the general population who were a phocytopenia,52 and the 3.0% in the case series published by Henry
similar age. However, 67.2% of those who died from COVID-19 had a et al17 Future studies on the severity of COVID-19 should focus on
comorbidity and this higher prevalence suggests that comorbidity the role of lymphocytes and their interaction with SARS-COV2. In
is a risk factor for poor prognosis. This review only identifies case the 2003 SARS epidemic, a study cited by Henry et al17 reported that

lymphocytopenia was seen in 46% of children and that neutropenia presented, and some of the children who were diagnosed with
was seen in 52%. COVID-19 did not have their diagnoses verified by laboratory
Lack of smoking in children is unlikely to explain the lower prev- tests. This has implications for prognosis. For example, Dong
alence of severe COVID-19 in paediatric patients. Smoking does et al found that children with suspected COVID-19 had more se-
not seem to be a major feature in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 in vere disease than those with laboratory-confirmed disease. This
adults.3 suggests that a number of suspected COVID-19 cases may have
It is important to note that a large share of the scientific ev- been caused by other pathogens,14 and it may still be too early to
idence so far has originated from China, and it is possible that conclude that young children have a more severe COVID-19 than
country-specific factors there differ from children in some other older children.
countries. These include differences in day care and nutritional Our key findings were that the disease course in paediatric
status and to what extent children come into contact with sick COVID-19 was milder than in adults, children had a better prognosis
individuals. and deaths were extremely rare.
An expert consensus statement published by the World Journal of
Pediatrics32 in late January 2020 included a number of recommenda- AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
tions (Table 1). However, these were clearly based on findings from We are grateful to the two librarians at the Karolinska Institutet
adults. More recent studies on children with COVID-19 are likely to University Library in Stockholm, Sweden, who performed the litera-
have an impact on future recommendations. For instance, the cur- ture search.
rent paediatric recommendations in China do not reflect the milder
disease course and the different laboratory findings seen in chil- C O N FL I C T S O F I N T E R E S T
dren.17,32 It can therefore be questioned whether children with mild The author is co-ordinating an unrelated study on behalf of the
COVID-19, normal inflammatory markers and normal oxygen levels Swedish Inflammatory Bowel Disease Quality Register that has re-
should really undergo computed tomography or chest X-ray. ceived funding from the Janssen Corporation.
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