To Assess The Clinico-Epidemiological Profile and Out Come of Paediatric Patients With Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection During The Pandemic at Government Medical College Anantapuramu

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

To Assess the Clinico-Epidemiological Profile and Out

Come of Paediatric Patients with Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) Infection during the Pandemic at
Government Medical College Anantapuramu
Dr. G. Krishnamurthy
PG Resident Department of Pediatrics ,GMC, Ananthapur

Dr. Suhasini MD (Professor and HOD) Dr. N.Praveen Deen Kumar. MD (Assoc Prof), Dr Shankar Narayana MD(Asst Prof),

Abstract:- countries[1].On 11 March 2020-WHO declared covid-19 as

Introduction: Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is pandemic[2]. Children suffering with Covid 19 infection were
pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome increased though at the beginning of pandemic paediatric
corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This has begun in China cases were less.
and had spread to other countries. On 11 March 2020-
WHO declared covid-19 as pandemic. Children suffering In December 2019, cluster of pneumonia cases of
with Covid 19 infection were increased though at the unknown etiology were identified in Wuhan city, China, later
beginning of pandemic paediatric cases were less. novel corona virus was identified on 12-January-2020[3]. In
Materials and methods: This study was conducted in one the early stages of epidemic infection was mainly seen among
of the Covid-19 tertiary care hospital in pediatric wing. the adults through these infected adults spread to the family
This was a retrospective study conducted in patients including children.
admitted between may-2021 to October 2021. Clinical
profile and outcomes were studied for children aged 1 First confirmed paediatric case of SARS-CoV-2 infection
month to 12 years admitted in Covid-19 tertiary care reported in Shenzhen in china[4] on 20-January-2020. First
hospital with positive nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-CoV- infant case was reported from xieogan in China in 26-January-
2 infection. Diagnosis clinical grading and treatment of 2020[5]. Most of the children were infected via family
covid-19 cases was done based on guidelines by Govt of members[6]. Main source of infection are patients infected by
India. covid-19 either symptomatic or
Results: The median age (IQR) of children admitted were 9 asymptomatic[4].Transmission of disease was mainly by
(4-13 years) and male children (N=54, 55.6%) outnumber direct inhalation of infected droplets generated by coughing
females with a male: female ratio of 1.25:1. There was no and sneezing by infected person. Another mode of
relationship between gender and incidence of COVID transmission was through direct contact with surfaces and
infection in children (p=0.12, Chi square test). fomites contaminated by respiratory secretions. Though virus
Conclusion Severe life-threatening illnesses in the form of also been isolated from feces. Feco-oral route of transmission
ARDS, GBS, KD and other multisystem involvement are is not established. Incubation period in children is ranged from
seen in these patients. Therefore, it is mandatory in current 2-10 days. Median incubation period was established to be 5.1
scenario to have a high degree of suspicion for COVID-19 days. Very few may develop symptoms after 14 days of
in children admitted in pediatric intensive care units quarantine but 97.5% of those who develop symptoms will do
(PICUs) with an unexplained diagnosis, persistent fever so within 11.5 days of infection[6,7].Clinical features are
and high levels of inflammatory markers. similar to acute viral respiratory tract infection-fever, cough,
sore throat, breathlessness and other constitutional symptoms
Keywords:- Corona Virus Disease, IQR, Pediatric Intensive are headache and body pains. But in those with comorbidities
Care Units. often progress to multi organ dysfunction. Though respiratory
symptoms predominate in children but symptoms of
I. INTRODUCTION gastrointestinal system like vomiting and diarrhoea also
seen.(8) Varied clinical presentation is seen in paediatric
Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19)is pandemic caused population and CT chest findings also different from adult
by the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 population and co infection is also common in paediatric
(SARS-CoV-2). This has begun in China and had spread other pneumonia patients[9].Large proportion of infected children

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
appears to be asymptomatic but may contribute to multisystem syndrome (PIMS-TS)was also included in the
transmission. Symptomatic cases in paediatric population are study. Records consisting of demographic details[18,19].
less severely affected and shows better prognosis than adults, Exposure history, clinical features, course in the hospital,
but severe cases were diagnosed in those with coexisting severity and outcome. Clinical data was collected for 103
conditions[10,11]. children aged between 1 month to 12 years diagnosed with
Covid-19 and admitted in PICU and isolation ward in tertiary
Initiallyit was thought that children do not require care hospital between May 2020 to October 2020.
hospital admission because milder course of the illness but
later showed that covid-19 can cause moderate to severe Initially suspected cases were detected to paediatric
respiratory illness requires hospital admission including covid Triage where testing was done. All positive cases are
ICU[12].Infants were at highest risk of developing severe admitted. Based on clinical status-asymptomatic, mild
covid-19 infection[13]. symptomatic stable cases were kept in isolation ward and
severe cases were admitted in ICU. Suspected cases were
Virus was present in bronchopulmonary lavage fluid, ultimately confirmed by one of the following diagnostic
sputum, nasal swabs, pharyngeal swabs, feces. RT-PCR of outcomes using nasopharyngeal swab 1. RTPCR 2. RAT[22].
nasopharyngeal swabs n has been used to confirm the clinical Swabs were analyzed in laboratories authorized by Govt of
diagnosis[14].In paediatric patients common CT-Chest India.
findings are ground glass opacities, local bilateral shadowing,
sub pleural lesions in lower and posterior segments, where as According to age patients were classified as <1 year, 1.1-
in adults-large percentage of bilateral patchy shadowing 6 years,6.1to 12 years. Recorded clinical data were-fever
pattern is seen. But chest finding are not correlating with (>38.30c), cough, dyspnea, Rhinorrhea, vomiting, abdominal
clinical recovery[15-17].CT Scan can be used cautiously in pain, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, irritability, headache, myalgia,
children with suspected pneumonia in the view of adverse arthralgia, seizures.
Based on physical examination and vital signs a severe
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS condition was defined by the pressure of tachypnea,
respiratory, distress, tachycardia, features of under perfusion,
This study was conducted in one of the Covid-19 tertiary alteration in the state of consciousness, oxygen saturation
care hospital (designated state Covid hospital) in pediatric <92% at room air and organ dysfunction.
wing. This was a retrospective study conducted in patients
admitted between may-2020 to October 2020. Clinical profile Criteria for admission into PICU-respiratory distress/low
and outcomes were studied for children aged 1 month to 12 spo2/shock, poor peripheral perfusion/lethargy in infants and
years admitted in Covid-19 tertiary care hospital with positive young children/sick looking /seizure, encephalopathy.
nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Diagnosis
clinical grading and treatment of covid-19 cases was done Pre-existing comorbidities were recorded in the
based on guidelines by Govt of india[20]. following categories-malignancy, neurological disorders,
congenital heart disease, immune compromised states, chronic
The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical pulmonary, endocrinal and renal disorders and obesity.
standards of the institutional ethical committee. Performed
literature search in pub med central, Scopus, standard All date collected was analyzed. Continuous variable was
reference-based search, journals. Terms used for literature presented as the median and range. Categorical variables were
search-Covid-19, SARS CoV-2, children, infants, paediatric presented as frequency as well as in percentage. Level of
population, SARI, PIMS.Covid-19 cases tested positive in our statistical significance was <0.05 at confidence interval of
hospital and those positive cases referred from other health 95%.
facilities in the age group of one month to 12 years were
admitted and included in the study. All symptomatic children III. RESULTS
who were under taken international travel in the last 14 days
or all hospitalized children with severe acute respiratory The median age (IQR) of children admitted were 9 (4-13
illness or asymptomatic with direct contact of confirmed case years) and male children (N=54, 55.6%) outnumber females
were taken as suspected cases[21]. These cases are tested and with a male: female ratio of 1.25:1. There was no relationship
positive cases were included. Excluded cases are covid between gender and incidence of COVID infection in children
positive neonates (less than 28 days). Paediatric inflammatory (p=0.12, Chi square test.

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 1 : age distribution
Total Children Tested Positive Age Asymptomatic Mild symptoms Unstable Comorbidities
(N=103) <1 year (N=20) 5 5 10 8
1.1-6 year (N=40) 18 16 6 5
6.1-12 year 23 16 4 10

Table 2: Comorbidities and other associated conditions Outcome

Name of Comorbidities and other conditions Number Outcome Duration of hospital stay
Cancer - - -
Asthma 5 4-Good 1-Death 3-to-1-week days 2 days
Obesity 1 Good 5 days
Congenital heart disease X x X
Seizure disorder 5 Good 1 week
Febrile Seizure 6 Good 1 week
CPMR 5 Good 1 week
Diabetes (Type I) 1 Good 10 days
Nephrotic syndrome 2 Good 7-8 days
Acute Glomeruco nephritis 1 Good 1 week
Post varicella 2 Good-1 1 week
Death-1 2 days
Appendicular perforation 1 Good 3 days
Thalassemia 2 Good
Immuno compromised 1
(Retroviral + ve)
Musculoskeletal disorder 1 Good 1 week
Post case of Hirsch sprung 1 Good 14 days
B/L HUN + Right Nephrectomy + Left Pyeloplasty 1 Good 1 Week
Protein Energy Malnutrition 3 Good-2 1 week
Death-1 2 days
Failure to thrive 4 Good-3 10 days
Death-1 1 Day

Table 3: symptoms
<1 year 1.1-6 years 6.1-12 years
Fever 7 17 16
Cough 7 8 8
Cold 4 4 5
Respiratory Distress 6 4 4
G.I Symptoms 6 3 5
Seizures 4 5 2
Sepsis ± Shock 4 2 1
UTI - - 2
Asymptomatic 5 18 23

Table 4:oxygen,MODS,comorbidities
Age Requires O2 Requires MV Requires inotrope support MODS Comorbidities Expired
<1 year 12 2 (2) 10 6 8 2 (2)
1.1-6 years 8 2 7 4 5 2
6.1-12 years 5 1 4 2 10 1

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Most of the COVID-19 infections are asymptomatic in Our study shows that pediatrics patients with COVID-19
children as well as adults and many of them are not reported. have a simple transmission mode, either by close contact with
Therefore, we confined our study to symptomatic cases only. infected adults or by exposure to epidemic areas. Most
Pediatric observational studies published early in the spread children are asymptomatic. Atypical or severe manifestations
across China reported similar clinical findings with fever can be seen in 22% of children and require intensive
being the most common symptom followed by cough and sore monitoring. Severe life-threatening illnesses in the form of
throat. In our study too, the main clinical features of COVID- ARDS, GBS, KD and other multisystem involvement are seen
19 in children were fever, cough, nausea, vomiting. Among in these patients. Therefore, it is mandatory in current scenario
critically ill children most common complaints were fever, to have a high degree of suspicion for COVID-19 in children
breathing difficulty and seizures. Four patients out of 10 with admitted in pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) with an
severe COVID-19 in our study presented initially as viral unexplained diagnosis, persistent fever and high levels of
encephalitis and therefore had seizures as a common inflammatory markers.
complaint. The severe disease and critical disease (ARDS,
respiratory failure, shock, myocardial failure, and multiorgan REFERENCES
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