Research Across Fields

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Subject Area Research Approaches

 Research studies happen in any field of
 Scientific Approach gives stress to
measurable and observable facts instead
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN of personal views, feelings or attitudes.
 It can be used in researches under the
DIFFERENT AREAS OF hard sciences or STEM and natural
KNOWLEDGE sciences.
 Allows control of variables or factors
affecting the study (Laursen 2010)

Subject Area Research Approaches Subject Area Research Approaches

 Collect data in controlled ways through  Naturalistic Approach is people oriented.
questionnaires or structured interviews  Data collected represent personal views,
 Factual data collected are recorded in attitudes thoughts, emotions and other
numerical or statistical forms using subjective traits of people in natural setting
numbers, percentages, fractions  Collecting data is done in family, homes,
 Expressed in measurable ways, these types playground, workplaces or schools
of data are called quantitative data.  Focuses on discovering the real concept or
meaning behind people’s lifestyles and
social relations

Subject Area Research Approaches Subject Area Research Approaches

 Naturalistic Approach lets you present  Researchers use unstructured interviews and
things in verbal language participant observation
 Qualitative data – exists in abundance in  Yield opinionated data through the use of
social sciences, which to other exists as soft open-ended questions and actual
sciences participation of researcher in subject’s
 Anthropology, Business Education, activities
Economics, Law, Politics and all subjects  Serve as basis for determining universal social
aligned with business and all those focused values to define ethical or unethical behavior
on helping professions such as Nursing, that society ought to know, not only for the
Counselling, Physical Therapy(Babbie 2013) benefit of every individual and community


Subject Area Research Approaches Subject Area Research Approaches

 Serve as basis for determining universal  In the field of Humanities, man’s social life is
social values to define ethical or unethical also subjected to research studies
behavior that society ought to know, not  Study of meanings, significance,
only for the benefit of every individual and visualizations of human experiences in the
community but also for the satisfaction of fields of Fine arts, Literature, Music, Drama,
man’s quest for knowledge (Sarantakos Dance and other artistically inclined
2013; Ransome 2013) subjects

Subject Area Research Approaches Hard Sciences vs Soft Science

1. Literature and Art Criticism  Triangulation or mixed method approach
- interpretative and reflective thinking in allows a combination or a mixture of
evaluating the object of their study critically research designs, data collection and
2. Philosophical Research data analysis techniques.
- knowledge and principles of being and  A qualitative or quantitative kind of
on the manner human being conduct research is not exclusive to hard sciences
themselves on earth or soft sciences.
3. Historical Research  No clear dichotomy
- events and ideas that took place in  A symbiotic relationship, in which they
man’s life at a particular period reinforce or strengthen each other

Hard Sciences vs Soft Science

 any form of knowledge, factual or
opinionated and any statistical or verbal
expression of this knowledge are deduced
from human experience that by nature is
subjective (Hollway 2013; Letherby 2013)

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