Tutorial Online Bahasa Inggris 1 (MKDU4107) : Tugas I

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Fakultas: FISIP
Tugas I
Tutorial Online Bahasa Inggris 1 (MKDU4107)
I. Nouns

Select the answer choice that identifies the noun in the sentence.

1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.

A. take
B. all
C. your
D. energy

2. The works of many great poets have been placed on reserve.

A. many
B. great
C. placed
D. reserve

3. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883.

A. Bridge
B. was
C. opened
D. in

4. Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War.

A. and
B. were
C. during
D. War

5. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage
rather than bone.

A. true
B. because
C. their
D. Bone
6. Joe, have you met your new boss?

A. have
B. met
C. your
D. boss

7. Sue's parents tried living in the north, but they could not adapt to the cold.

A. north
B. but
C. not
D. adapt

8. Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for younger students.

A. mastering
B. important
C. younger
D. students

9. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant disregard for diplomatic

A. seize
B. its
C. flagrant
D. neutrality

10. The Trojans' rash decision to accept the wooden horse led to their destruction.

A. their
B. led
C. accept
D. destruction

II. Verbs

Identify and write down the verb in the sentences below.

11. The girl and her sisters watchtelevision every day.

Answer: Watchtelevision

12. His classmates study before a test.

Answer: Study
13. A lady with 10 cats lives in that big house.
Answer: Lives

14. The committee decides when to adjourn.

Answer: Decides

15. Cats and dogs love to run.

Answer: Run

In each of the following sentences, choose whether the bolded verb is transitive or

16. I worked all night.

A. transitive
B. instransitive

17. He gave the book to the teacher.

A. transitive
B. instransitive

18. They laughed at the joke.

A. transitive
B. instransitive

19. She slept for eight hours.

A. transitive
B. instransitive

20. I like her.

A. transitive
B. instransitive

III. Adverbs

Select the answer choice that identifies the adverb in the sentence.

21. I have been a fan of mystery stories since I was quite young.

A. fan
B. quite
C. a
D. since
E. young
22. Some stories are incredibly exciting from start to finish.
A. some
B. are
C. incredibly
D. exciting
E. from

23. In many cases, I can scarcely prevent myself from peeking at the last chapter to see
the ending.
A. many
B. from
C. at
D. prevent
E. scarcely

Complete the sentences with the best adverb.

Hint: Not every adverb is needed.

slowly      carefully    beautifully       well        loudly         carelessly        easily      

excitedly        finally      suddenly        quickly            quietly

24. We knew that she had got the job when we saw her excitedly talking on the phone.
25. He carelessly put the vase on the table. It fell to the floor.
26. Sharon is throwing a party on Saturday. She quickly finished her PhD.
27. Let’s walk carefully . I don’t want to be the first one at the meeting.
28. Why does he always have to talk so well You can hear him in the next room!
29. Although she speaks five languages, she did not do easily on the translation exam.
30. I was so surprised. His new apartment was beatifully decorated.

IV. Adjective

Select the adjective in each sentence.

31. Sir Garfield Sobers is a famous cricketer.

Answer: a famous

32. Amanda is the fastest swimmer on our team.

Answer: the fastest

33. The vicious dog attacked the postman.

Answer: postman
34. Melayna told us a sad story yesterday.
Answer: story

35. The sums we did yesterday were difficult.

Answer: diffcult

36. We had to climb the winding stairs to see the ocean.

Answer: to climb

37. Chynna bought an expensive watch.

Answer: expensive

38. We all drank the refreshing water from the pipe near the steps.
Answer: refreshing

39. The rumblings from the destructive volcano could be heard from a distant.
Answer: destructive

40. Brandon gave a vivid description of the thief to the police.

Answer: description

V. Choose the correct answer for the bold and underlined words.

41. The guide decided to go home because the rain started to fall.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

42. I will go to the play, but you will need to go to the football game with me.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

43. If they plan to sleep here tonight, they will need to sleep on the floor.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

44.The team with the most points wins.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase
45. Defending that person’s behavior makes you look just as ridiculous.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

46. When the doorbell rings, the dog goes nuts.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

47. After losing our luggage, we went to the store and bought new clothes.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

48. Maybe we should go to the store before spending all of the grocery money.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

49. You can learn from television, but it can also rot your brain.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

50. She preferred eating at the local deli for lunch.

a. independent clause
b. dependent clause
c. phrase

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