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Soal Bahasa Inggris TKJ dan TSM

Question no. 1 and 2 to the following dialogue

Manager : “Can you say your name again?”
Tina : “Tina Sulaeman.”
Manager : “Address?”
Tina : “Jalan Sawo thirteen, Kebayoran Baru.”
Manager : “Latest education?”
Tina : “Law. I graduated from the Faculty of law.”

1. What is Tina Sulaeman’s latest education?

a. education institution
b. Faculty of Education
c. law institution
d. professional lawyer
e. Faculty of Law

2. Where does the applicant live?

a. Jalan Sawo thirteen, Kebayoran Baru
b. Jalan Sawo sixteen, Kemayoran
c. Jalan Seno thirteen, Kebayoran Baru
d. Jalan Jambu thirteen, Kemayoran
e. Jalan Sawo thirty, Kebayoran Baru
Jawaban: a

Questions no. 3 and 4 refer to the following dialog.

Anita : “There is a vacancy in today’s daily.”
Dina : “What job is offered?”
Anita : “A part time chef in a Chinese restaurant in Jakarta Hotel.”
Dina : “I would apply for the job.”
Anita : “There is another vacancy: a waitress in an Italian restaurant.”
Dina : “I see. Thank you for the information.”

3. What job would Dina Apply for?

a. a teacher
b. a chef
c. a restaurant manager
d. a waiter
e. a hotel manager
Jawaban: b

4. What is the name of a hotel mentioned by Anita?

a. Chinese Hotel
b. Italian Hotel
c. Jakarta Hotel
d. International Hotel
e. National Hotel

Questions no. 5 and 6 refer to the following text.

Hayati Hutabarat says that she has downright satisfaction from her position in the company.
But what about some other things in life. There are still important for many women to have
things like marriage and children. Does Hayati regret for not having time for these things?

5. What is the text about?

a. Unmarried women
b. Career women
c. Married women
d. Women’s position in a company
e. Women’s lives

6. What things are still important to many women?

a. Position in the company
b. Satisfaction in career
c. Having time for children
d. Career in the company
e. Marriage and children

Questions no. 7 and 8 refer to the following text

Farmer in Lampung and West Java are likely to face difficulties with rice harvest in the next
two months because hundreds of thousands of hectare rice field have been under threat from
a long drought. Therefore, the government has started worrying the two provinces.

7. What is the text about?

a. the next rice harvest
b. farmers in Lampung
c. rice fields
d. possible failure in the next harvest
e. farmers in West Java

8. What threatened the rice fields?

a. a long drought
b. the rainy season
c. wet fields
d. next harvest
e. difficult farmers

Questions no. 9 and 10 refer to the following text.

A supporter of the national education bill display a sign reading “Endorse the national
education bill right now” to every motorist passing the back gate of the House of
Representatives compound in Senayan, Central Jakarta. Thousands of members from Islamic
groups gathered outside the compound on Thuesday demanding that the bill be endorsed.

9. The topic of the passage is about….

a. national education
b. education bill
c. supporter of the bill
d. a supporter’s idea
e. a public demand

10. “…. That the bill be endorsed”

The word endorsed is close in meaning with….
a. talked
b. discussed
c. approved
d. decided
e. resumed

Questions no. 11 and 14 refer to the following text.

Satellite Space-eyes does not look like the satellites of the 1980’s. It has large wings
that gather solar power. The power is for the motor. It keeps the satellite in the same place
above the earth. All the big farmers in the area have paid for the cost of Satellite Space-eye.
Constants in one of those farmers, his home computer makes the connection with
Satellite Space-eye. He asks to see picture of the field in the south-west corner of his farm.
The picture appears on a TV screen. It is a picture of a green wheat field. Everything looks
fine. He then asks the computer to show the same area, but in colours. The colours show the
different temperatures in the field. He knows healthy wheat plants will all be green. The TV
screen blinks and a beautiful picture appears. It has many shades of blue, red, and green.
Constants looks closely at the large red spot near the middle of the wheat field. He
knows that something is wrong in the wheat field. He knows that something is wrong in the
wheat field. The red colour means the spot is warmer than its surroundings. It may be due to-
lack of moisture or not enough nutrients in the soil. Insect eating the wheat can also show a
red spot.
Constants tells the computer to tell him more about the warm spot. The computer
points out that the problem is a shortage of nitrogen in the soil. He asks the computer to
predict the harvest if he adds the fertilizer. He then tells the computer the current market price
for wheat. He also tells the price of the fertilizer. He asks for a costing. He wants to know if it
will give him a profit to add the fertilizer. The computer gives him the answer, is it a science
fiction? No, it is happening now.

11. The text tells about….

a. Constant and his wheat field
b. the use of Satellite Space-eye in farming
c. the blue, red, and green colors in the TV screen
d. the meaning of the colors appeared in the TV screen
e. the ability of the computer to predict

12. The main idea of paragraph two is….

a. Constant is one of the farmers who makes use of the Satellite Space-eye
b. Constant’s home computer is connected to Satellite Space-eye
c. the picture appears on the TV screen comes from Satellite Space-eye
d. various information can be served by Satellite Space-eye
e. the Satellite Space-eye sent Constant what he wanted

13. The red color showed on the TV screen means that….

a. the plants are healthy
b. the soil does not have enough nutrients
c. the temperature is low
d. the plants are not disturbed by any insect
e. the wheat field is in good condition

14. What can also show a red spot on the TV screen?

a. insect eating the wheat
b. fertilizer
c. wheat plants
d. different area
e. nutrients

Questions no. 15 and 18 refer to the following text.

Dear Rossa,
I am a guy, twenty-eight years old. I have a problem with a girlfriend. She is twenty-
five years old. We have been dating each other for years, since we were high school student.
Now we have jobs. I feel very sure that we love each other. Now it is time for me to get
married. Unfortunately, her parents never approve our relationship ever since the very first
time. My family, anyhow, does not really mind. At first I thought my girlfriend had the power
to defend our love. But then she surrendered. She loves me and she loves her family too. On
the one hand she said, “I’ll be happy if my family is happy.” It means she had to get approval
from her parents.
For this, I was shocked. My heart was broken. She ended our relationship just at the
time when I was ready to marry her. When I was with her, we were very happy. We had a lot
in common and there were no conflict. The truth was, we separated only because of her
parents. They want her to marry her cousin, her aunt’s son (this is one of the traditions in the
For the being I am very upset. When I miss her I call her. Then we can eat together,
talk together. The real problem is, she cannot refuse what her parents want.
So, should I forget my girlfriend, the only one that I truly love? Or else, should I just wait,
and dream that one day she will be back to me?
Rio, Padang

Dear Rio,
You call her your girlfriend, but she has chosen her own way. For this reason I’d say
that there is nothing you can do except forget her and go on with your normal life. Hopefully
you can find another love and life happily forever.

15. The main idea of the first paragraph is that….

a. the writer wants to get married
b. the writer has been dating for years
c. the writer has a problem with his girlfriend
d. the writer feels sure that they love each other
e. the writer’s parents disapprove of this relationship

16. Which of the following sentence is TRUE according to the text?

a. Rio is not ready to get married.
b. Rio’s parents disagree with his marriage.
c. Rio and his girlfriend often got conflicts.
d. Rio’s girlfriend didn’t really love Rio.
e. Rio’s girlfriend couldn’t defend her love for Rio
17. Why do the girl’s parent disapprove of their marriage? Because….
a. they don’t like Rio
b. the girl is still studying
c. Rio and his girlfriend often got conflicts
d. they keep the Karonese tradition
e. the girl has chosen another guy

18. Rio cannot forget her girlfriend because….

a. she is very pretty
b. she is very faithful
c. she is his true love
d. she is his first love
e. she is his last love

Questions no. 19 to 23 refer to the following text.

Uday and Qusay are dead and the delighted British and American governments
suggest that Iraq will be a safe place. Yes, the Iraqis may well feel safer. And with the
dictator’s sons out of the way forever, Iraqis are more confident about continuing the
resistance against the American occupies.
Shortly before their deaths were announced, Richard Gephardt, Democrat presidential
hopeful, delivered a blistering attack on Bush’s foreign policy which was driven, he said, by
“machismo” and “arrogant unilateralism”. Bush, he continued, treated U.S. allies “like so
many files on America’s windshield”. He added: “Foreign policy isn’t a John Wayne movie.”
The attack on the villa where Saddam’s sons were hiding might be seen as driving
home the point. Instead, the announcement that they had been killed by the U.S. troops in a
shoot-out is welcomed by Tony Blair as “great news”.

19. The text mainly discusses about….

a. Uday and Qusay who killed U.S. troops
b. Uday and Qusay who are killed by U.S. troops
c. Richard Gephardt who attacked Bush’s domestic policy
d. The attack on the villa where Saddam Husein was hiding
e. Tony Blair who is welcomed by Saddam’s sons, Uday and Qusay
20. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that….
a. U.S. troops killed Saddam in the attack on the villa
b. Uday and Qusay had killed U.S. troops and Tony Blair
c. Tony Blair attacked the villa where Saddam’s sons were hiding
d. Saddam was killed by Tony Blair and U.S. in Saddam’s son’s villa
e. the announcement of Saddam’s son’s death is welcomed by Tony Blair

21. Which statement is correct according to the text?

a. John Wayne movie was presented to Bush arrogantly.
b. Tony Blair received the “great news” of Bush and Gephardt’s death.
c. John Wayne was a movie star who attacked the villa of Saddam’s sons.
d. Richard Gephardt attacked Bush’s foreign policy after Uday and Qusay’s death.
e. The news of Uday and Qusay’s death made the British and American government

22. “The attacked on the villa where Saddam’s son’s were hiding might be seen as driving
home the point.” (Paragraph 3)
The word attack has similar meaning with the word….
a. raid
b. resist
c. shield
d. defend
e. withdraw

23. “…. had killed Uday and Qusay.”

a. The Iraqis
b. Tony Blair
c. U.S. troops
d. John Wayne
e. Richard Gephardt
Questions no. 24 to 26 refer to the following text.
At present, aeroplaners are playing a very important role to …. (24) …. one place to another.
People can go round the world just in a two-day flight by the world’s first supersonic airliner,
Concorde, wich …. (25) …. at a height of over 18.000 meters and …. (26)…. a speed of over
2.000 km per hour.

24. a. disjoin
b. part
c. connect
d. separate
e. divide

25. a. goes
b. files
c. jumps
d. drives
e. comes

26. a. cuts
b. continues
c. moves
d. reaches
e. limits

27. Erwin: “I want you to meet William, a new student. He is from Australia.”
William: “How do you do?”
Danny: “….”
a. How do you do?
b. Hi, how are you?
c. Are you all right
d. Nice to meet you too.
e. See you later.
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: Respon untuk sapaan How do you do? Adalah How do you do?

28. X : “I have to go to school, but look at the sky. It is very cloudy. I think It is going to
Y : “….”

a. You don’t take an umbrella

b. I should take an umbrella
c. You are going to take an umbrella
d. I may take an umbrella
e. You should take an umbrella

29. Toni left for Bandung this morning.

What did you say?
a. I said that Toni leaves for Bandung
b. I said that Toni will leave for Bandung.
c. I said that Toni would leave for Bandung.
d. I said that Toni had left for Bandung.
e. I said that Toni was leaving for Bandung.

30. X : “I need to talk to you. Could we meet at Ninety Nine café?”

Y : “What time?”
X : “After work at six p.m..”
Y : “….”
a. Surely no, wait for me there
b. Okay I’ll be there
c. I’m sorry I meet you there
d. Sure, but I work over time
e. Next time, I will be there
31. X : “Here we are. Let’s see the menu.”
“There is a tomato juice and an orange juice.”
Y : “What do you prefer?”
X : “….”
a. I prefer orange juice better
b. I prefer orange juice than tomato juice
c. I like orange juice better to tomato juice
d. I like orange juice to tomato juice better
e. I’d rather have orange juice than tomato juice

32. X : “Would you like milk or sugar in your coffee?”

Y : “Neither, thank you.”
X : “Excuse me, what do you want?”
Y : “….”
a. coffee not tea
b. tea not coffee
c. nothing to drink
d. black coffee without sugar
e. either not milk or sugar in the coffee

33. X : “Could you tell me when I can see the director, please?”
Y : “….”
a. I will give you some money now
b. You can give me your schedule tomorrow
c. Yes, you could tell me now
d. He will have a holiday tomorrow
e. Let me check the schedule first

34. Devi: I saw Mr. Sofyan come by bus this morning. Where is his car?
Aldi: His car is broken so he asked the mechanic to repair it.
Devi: I see.
From the dialogue we can conclude that….
a. Mr. Sofyan had repaired his car
b. Mr. Sofyan had his car repaired
c. the mechanic asked to repair the car
d. the mechanic asked Mr. Sofyan to repair the car
e. the mechanic and Mr. Sofyan repaired the car

35. Although the telephone was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, the first
transatlantic telephone cable went into operation eighty years later.
When did the transatlantic telephone cable go into operation?
a. When Alexander Graham Bell was still alive.
b. Soon after Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
c. Before Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention.
d. In 1796
e. In 1956

36. Read the passage then correct the words which have wrong spelling.

A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or in the sea is rapidly displace
on a massive scale. Eartquake, landslide, volcanic eruptions and large meteorite impacts all
have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effacts of a tsunami can range from unnoticable
to devastating.
The term tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning harbour (‘tsu’) and wave
(‘nami’). Although in Japanese tsunami is used for both the singgular and plural, in English
tsunamis is well-establised as the plural. The term was created by fishermen who retuned to
port to find the area surrounding the harbour devastated, although they had not been aware of
any wave in the open water.
37. Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs into the right composition

How was the plastic invented?

Today, plastic has become an integral part of our life. Its uses are endless. Transparent
plastics are used for making lenses and the windows of aeroplanes. Polythene bags, again a
plastic product, are now being used in almost all walks of life. Articles of domestic use like
buckets, cups, brushes, combs, cabinets for radios and transistors etc, are also being made
from plastics. Toys and sports goods made from plastic have flooded the markets every
where. The yarn for making terylene cloth is in fact made from plastic. Today scientists have
even succeeded in developing heat insulating plastics. Foam cushions, seats in trains cars and
aeroplanes – all are made from plastics.

Now, plastic are used as surgical aids also. There is hardly any field of life in which
plastics are not used

The manufacture of plastic in commercial scale was started for the first one by Leo
Hendrik Backeland. He made it form phenol formaldehyde. Subsequently new techniques
were developed for the production of the plastics. Today scientist have discovered many raw
materials which are used in the making of various kinds of plastic products.

The word “plastic’ has originated from the Greek word ‘plastikos’ which means to
mould. It is made from simple organic chemicals. It has many varieties and is available in
many colors and varieties. The plastic was invented by Alexander Parkes of England in 1862.
in those days it was called ‘parkesine’ after him. In fact, this plastic was nitro-cellulose made
soft by putting oil and camphor into it.

38. Based on the text above answer the following questions

What kind of text is it?
What is the purpose of the text?
What parts of the General Structure of a text are paragraph 1 and 4?
What parts of the General Structure of a text are paragraph 2 and 3?
39. Rewrite this passage. Use the correct capitalization and punctuation!
How Planes Fly
a plane needs air pressure under their wings to stay up in the air as they move forward the
higher air pressure underneath their wings pushes them upward and gives them lift
the smooth streamlined shape of the plane allows air to fly easily over its surface this helps to
reduce the drag causes by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly
through the air
planes move forward using engines this movement is called thrust moving forward keeps a
stream of moving air passing over the wings which allows the plan to stay up in the air if the
engines fall the plane will begin to descend very quickly.

40. Put the Verbs in brackets into the correct tenses

A. If you ….. (be) a professional basketball player, who ….. (you/play) for?
Answer: Were / would you play

B. If he …. (not study) now, he won’t have time later

Answer: Doesn’t study

C. If Susan had taken the map, she ….. (not get) lost
Answer: Wouldn’t have got

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