Soal PTS Genap Kelas Xi

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Bacteria are almost found in almost every natural environment; from the depths of oceans to the
tops of mountains, from polar ice to hot springs, from soil to plant and animal bodies. Some bacteria
are beneficial for human. However, many of them are dangerous for human.
Bacteria are unicellular micro-organisms, some so small that five million of these micro-
organisms could fit on a pin-head and trillions could fill our large intestine. These small organisms
come in three basic cell shapes: spherical, rod-like and spiral.
Bacteria reproduce very rapidly and are
a widespread form of life on earth. They are found everywhere in our environment: in the air we
breathe, on the surfaces of plates and forks, on our skin, in our mouths, in lakes and rivers, in the
oceans, on plants and in the soil.
Bacteria are associated with diseases. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, blood poisoning and infection of
surgical wounds are caused by bacteria and such diseases kill thousands of people yearly.
Based on the facts above, the challenge to the medical and scientific communities is to find potent
weapons to eliminate bacteria which are harmful to men.
Adapted from: Anonymous, Challenging English Essays, Singapore, Redspot Publishing.
1. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. The size of bacteria.
B. The habitat of bacteria.
C. The reproduction of bacteria.
D. Diseases caused by bacteria.
E. What the medical and scientific communities should do dealing with bacteria.
2. How do bacteria reproduce?
A. Carefully.
B. Regularly.
C. Variously.
D. Very slowly.
E. Very fast.
3. Which statement is TRUE about bacteria?
A. Bacteria can’t be found everywhere.
B. Bacteria are micro-organisms.
C. All bacteria are dangerous for human.
D. Bacteria can’t fill people’s intestine.
E. There are no bacteria in the air we breathe.

4. What is the text above?

A. Narrative Text
B. Report Text
C. Descriptive Text
D. Exposition Text
E. Explanation Text

5. What is the Generic Structure of the text above?

A. Orientation – Complication – Resolution
B. Re-Orientation – Resolution
C. General Classification – Identification
D. General Classification – Description
E. Statement- Events- Resolution
6. “. . . to find potent weapons to eliminate bacteria . . . .” (Paragraph 5)
What is the opposite meaning of the word ‘potent’?
A. Weak.
B. Potential.
C. Strong.
D. Main.
E. Important.
7. Leo : How long have you made friends with Sandra?
Tania: We have made friends ________ we were at the elementary school.
A. wherever B. in order to
C. since D. because
E. but
8. Topan : Please be in a hurry! ________, we will be late to school.
Indra : Yes.
A. Only if B. If only
C. Unless D. Otherwise
E. Meanwhile
Text for number 9 – 15
For all colleague and Friends,

As those who are close to me know very well I’m not good at saying goodbyes. So I do
apologize if anyone offended by receiving only this letter as a sign farewell. I cannot bear meeting
everyone face to face, shaking hands and wishing each other the best of luck. I have so many people to
thank for I am blessed with amazing people that have to trust me and support everything did I do.
It is impossible to mention your name one by one in these short letters, but everybody knows
who they are and their influence on my life. I am humbly grateful to have the opportunity to
accomplish many things with amazing people.
Thank you for everyone that I have the opportunity to work and coach. I commend each of you
for a good life and wish you all the best of luck and May you continue and make an amazing
I can be contacted through emails until I arrive in the country that I’m moving at. I wish
everyone prosperous life and good health. Thank you.

Regards and best wishes

Bill Jameson

9. Why does Bill Jones write the letter?

a. to say good things to his friends
b. inform his leaving the office
c. to apologize for everything that he has done wrong
d. to thank everyone for their wishes
e. to inform about his illness

10. I commend each of you for a good life. The word commends synonym of…
a. improve
b. increase
c. enjoy
d. wish
e. hope
11.What has the writer done in the office?
a. train some employees
b. collaborate with co-worker
c. conduct a farewell party
d. support his colleagues
e. conduct a meeting

12.What was the writer’s experience during his stay in his previous office?
a. He had no friends at all
b. He had a lot of friends and colleague
c. He felt upset
d. He achieved nothing
e. He a lot of Friends

13.Why did the writer hove to leave?

a. He is sick
b. He is lonely
c. He has another job
d. all the answer is wrong.
e. He was an illness

14. I wish everyone prosperous life and good health. It’s refers to ….
a. Unwell
b. Bad
c. Luxurious
d. Well
e. Nice

15.Who is resign from the job?

a. His friend
b. His neighbor
c. His Niece
d. The writer
e. The writer’s friend

All plants need water to grow. They get their water from the soil. In some place nature
supplies all the water that is needed. But in other places people must find ways to supplement nature’s
supply. The system of supplying water to ensure proper growth of plants ant to increase the yield of
crops is called irrigation.
The use of irrigation is one of the most import agricultural practices ever developed. Only
about 15 percent of word’s farmland is irrigated land produces a much larger percentage of the world’s
food supply.
Irrigation is practiced on every continent except Antarctica
Irrigation is used to supplement rainfall. Even in humid areas, irrigation is needed to grow
certain crops. For example rice field must be flooded until harvest time.

16. The main purpose of irrigation is ……………

a. To absorb water d. to obtain water for reservoir
b. To grow certain crops e. to story water
c. To make plants grow
17. Where do the plants get water from? …………
a. The soil d. flood
b. Humid area e. river
c. Rainfall

18. Irrigation is practiced on every continent, except ………………

a. America d. Australia
b. Asia e. Antarctica
c. Africa

19. Which or the following statement is TRUE according to the text? ………….
a. Irrigation is needed to water d. Nature supplies all the water every where
b. All the world’s farmland use irrigation e. Irrigation is used in addition to rainfall
c. In the rainy season we use irrigation

20. Paragraph 2 is about ……………..

a. The use of irrigation d. How to grow certain crops
b. The world’s food supply e. How to produce crops
c. How to irrigate rice field

21.“A well-known architect is designing our new office” it means _____________

a. Our new office designs by a well-known architect
b. Our new office designed by a well-known architect
c. Our new office be designing by a well-known architect
d. Our new office is designed by a well-known architect
e. Our new office is being designed by a well-known architect

22. “Mary is sweeping the floor” it means _________

a. The floor is Being sweeping by mary d. The floor are sweeping by mary
b. The floor are swept by mary e. The floor is being swept by mary
c. The floor will sweep by mary

23. Tina is twenty two years old. She has learned English for seven years. Ana has learned English
since she was …………
a. 10 years old d. 17 years old
b. 15 years old e. 22 years old
c. 29 years old

24. Sari :”Will you attend to my birthday party tomorrow?”

John : “I’d like to, but ………….”
a. Thank you d. it’s not good idea
b. Of course e. I’m not interesting
c. I must study hard for a test

25. “The bill includes service” it means ____________

a. Service includes in the bill d. Service is including in the bill
b. Service is included in the bill e. Service be included in the bill
c. Service will be included in the bill
Text number 26 - 30

26. I love living in Australia …. the weather.

a. because
b. since
c. as
d. because of
e. But

27. The increase in the number of cans on the road has resulted …. more and more traffic jams.
a. in
b. to
c. at
d. for
e. and

28. “He got to work really, really late “Cos he missed his train”. Which cause and effect word is
‘Cos short for?
a. due to
b. because
c. as
d. since
e. neither

29. Keith lost his job due …. cutbacks in the department.

a. for
b. at
c. to
d. by
e. either

30. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been …. global warming.
a. put up with
b. put down to
c. set down to
d. put to
e. both
Dear Mr. Thompson,

I recently received a letter from Mr. Robinson, a valued customer of

ours. He purchased an Italian coffee table and four French dining room
chairs from us which your company delivered to his residence. 
He has written a complaint that the purchases arrived damaged. We
pride ourselves in the quality of our product and would like an
explanation as to how this mishap occurred. Even though the items are
insured, our reputation is at stake. 
I would be most grateful if you would reply as soon as possible so that
this matter can be resolved to everyone' s satisfaction. 

Jackie Middleton
Customer Services Manager 

31. What is the customer complaining about in his letter?

A. Late delivery of the purchasing goods.
B. The damaged purchased goods.
C. Cancellation of the delivery.
D. High price of the furniture.
E. Low quality of the Product.

32 . Who is Mr. Thompson?

A. A Valued Customer.
B. Delivery Service Manager.
C. Customer Service Manager.
D. Jackie Middleton's boss.
E. Mr. Robinson's employee.

33. Who is Jackie Middleton?

A. The director
B. The Secretary
C. The Customer Services Manager
D. The Supervisor
E. The Sales Marketing

34.” I would be most grateful…” The Antonym of the word is ……..

A. Not Pleased
B. Pleased
C. Thank you
D. Thankful
E. Beholden

35. “……that the purchases arrived damaged.” It’s refers to …

A. Obtain
B. Sell
C. Lend
D. Got
E. Goods
October 22, 2011
Jalan Malioboro No. 404 Yogyakarta
Dear Mom,
How are you doing? Is everything all right there? I’m fine here. Sorry not sending you letter for a
month. I am busy with my study.
Mom, I want to tell you that I have made some good friends here. They are Ratih, Mawar and Jiwo.
They are very kind and helpful. They are always around me when I need their help. You know, Mom, yesterday
we went to the slope of Mount Merapi. We saw the former raging of Mount Merapi. It’s horrible. I couldn’t
imagine where people should go to save their lives. I send you some of the photographs, Mom.
How’s Kitto, my cat? It’s okay, isn’t it? Thank you for looking after it, Mom. In fact, I miss you all.
Well, that’s for now. Hope to hearing from you soon.

Your loving daughter,

36. When did Angela and her friends go to the slope of Mount Merapi?
A.September 22, 2011.
B. October 22, 2011.
C.September 23, 2011.
D. October 23, 2011.
E.October 21, 2011.

37. What pet does Angela have?

A. A dog.
B. A singing bird.
C. A cat.
D. A cat and a singing bird
E. A cat and a chicken.

38. What is the relationship from the text above?

A. Mother and brother
B. Mother and Sister
C. Mother and Son
D. Mother and Daughter
E. Mother and Niece

39. What is the daughter tell to her mother?

A. She tells about mount Merapi
B. She tells about her study
C. She tells about her activities
D. She tells about her roomate
E. She tells about her friends and her trip to Mount Merapi

40. Where is the located of the daughter’s boarding house?

A. Jalan Malioboro No. 404 Yogyakarta
B. Jalan Malioboro No. 304 Surakarta
C. Jalan Malioboro No. 405 Yogyakarta
D. Jalan Malboro No. 404 Surakarta
E. Jalan Malioboro No. 304 Yogyakarta

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