CO Emissions From Cement Production: Cknowledgements
CO Emissions From Cement Production: Cknowledgements
CO Emissions From Cement Production: Cknowledgements
Cement is an important construction ingredient produced in virtually all countries. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a by-
product of a chemical conversion process used in the production of clinker, a component of cement, in which
limestone (CaCO3) is converted to lime (CaO). CO2 is also emitted during cement production by fossil fuel
combustion and is accounted for elsewhere. However, the CO2 from fossil fuels is accounted for elsewhere in
emission estimates for fossil fuels. The Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
(IPCC Guidelines) provide a general approach to estimate CO2 emissions from clinker production, in which the
amount of clinker produced is multiplied by the clinker emission factor.
The IPCC Guidelines recommend two possible methods for calculating the clinker emission factor. The first
method is to use the IPCC default value for the fraction of lime in clinker. The second method is to calculate the
average lime concentration in clinker by collecting data on clinker production and lime fraction by type. The
IPCC Guidelines state that the difference between the default value and a value based on collected data is
expected to be small. If clinker production data are not available, it is recommended that countries back-calculate
clinker production from the cement data while applying a correction factor for clinker imports/exports. Once an
estimate has been derived, emissions can be estimated by means of the clinker emission factor.
The IPCC recommends using clinker data, rather than cement data, to estimate CO2 emissions because CO2 is
emitted during clinker production and not during cement production. If clinker is traded internationally, using
cement production data results in a biased emissions estimate because the cement could potentially be produced
from clinker that was made in another country. Although clinker data are the preferred data source, cement data
may be more readily available in some countries. In this case, the recommended approach is to estimate the
fraction of clinker in the cement and back-calculate clinker production.
Quality assurance and quality control activities should be implemented at several stages in the emission
estimation process. At the plant level, key activities include internal quality control on production data and
emission factors, as well as documenting data and methods for reviewers. The inventory agency must ensure the
accuracy of plant submissions as well as the compiled inventory. It is also responsible for providing
documentation and sufficient information to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC). One or more types of external review may also be appropriate.
Activity/Production Data ● CKD Corrections Factor = CO2 Emissions from Clinker
Where CKD stands for Cement Kiln Dust.
Because masonry cement requires additional lime, the IPCC Guidelines provide an equation, based on masonry
cement production parameters, to estimate CO2 emissions resulting from the additional lime. The equation, and
its components, is presented in Box 1.
CO2 (tons) from CaO added to masonry cement =
a ● (all cement production ) ● ((1-1/(1 + b)) ● c) ● 0.785
a = fraction of all cement produced that is masonry cement (e.g., 0.05-0.2)
b = fraction of weight added to masonry cement by non-plasticiser additives such as lime, slag, and
shale (e.g., 0.004, 0.006)
c = fraction of weight of non-plasticiser additives that is lime (e.g., 0.7-0.9)
a ● (all cement production) = masonry cement production
((1-1/(1+b)) ● c) = fraction of lime in masonry cement not attributable to clinker
((1-1/(1+ b)) ● c) ● 0.785 = an emission factor of CO2 from masonry cement additives
EF clinker = fraction CaO ● (44.01 g/mole CO2 / 56.08 g/mole CaO)
EF clinker = fraction CaO ● 0.785
The multiplication factor (0.785) is the molecular weight ratio of CO2 to CaO in the raw material mineral calcite (CaCO3), from
which most or all of the CaO in clinker is derived. CaO content can show variations by country of origin and facility.
The IPCC Guidelines recommends two possible methods for calculating the emission factor. The Tier 1 method
uses the IPCC default value for the fraction of lime in clinker, which is 64.6 percent. This results in an emission
factor of 0.507 tons of CO2/ton of clinker, as illustrated below:
EF clinker = 0.646 ● 0.785 = 0.507
The Tier 2 method is to calculate the average lime concentration in clinker by collecting data on clinker
production and lime fraction by type. The difference between the default value and a value based on collected
data is expected to be small.
Multiply by
emission factor
2.4 Uncertainty
Parallel to the IPCC sector-specific experts meetings on good practice guidance, the IPCC is completing a
programme of work on emissions inventory uncertainty. This work will result in recommendations to the
UNFCCC on approaches to assessing and managing uncertainty. During the IPCC Inventory Experts Group
Meeting in Paris (October 1998), technical experts in the uncertainty programme came up with a series of
questions to be answered in the sectoral meetings. Specifically, the sectoral experts meetings should provide
answers to these questions in the individual source context. The questions are listed in the general background paper.
2.5 Completeness
Cement is produced in capital-intensive plants often located near limestone (CaCO3) quarries. The number of
plants is generally low (less than 100) and the plants are easy to locate and monitor, making it highly feasible for
countries to collect clinker or cement production data from each plant in the country. To facilitate creating an
up-to-date inventory, countries should monitor imports and exports of clinker.
2: Industrial processes
2A: Non-Metallic Mineral Products
2A1: Cement Production
4.1 Introduction
Inventory quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) is a process integral to the development of a credible
inventory. A well-developed and well-implemented quality assurance programme fosters confidence in the final
inventory results regardless of the purpose and goal of the inventory. A successful quality assurance programme
requires internal quality control procedures and an unbiased, external review and audit. The internal QC
activities are designed to ensure accuracy, documentation and transparency. The external review process is
designed to minimise errors that occur in the preparation of emissions inventories and reduce or eliminate
potential inherent bias. Figure 2 outlines the flow of information and processes followed at each stage of the process.
Cement Plant
Internal QC: Plant-level measurement and calculations
Documentation: Plant-level information provided to the government agency, and results of internal QC
Government Agency
Review/QA: Plant-level inputs
Internal QC: Compilation of national inventory from plant-level data
Documentation: Results of compilation and results of QA/QC
Reporting: Official submission to UNFCCC
External Review
External Review: External audit, stakeholders, peer and public review of inventory results,
external verification against other data etc.
Documentation: Results of external review
UNFCCC Secretariat
External Review: Requires standard format and transparency – ensure consistency with other
inventories and external data
assess the effectiveness of the internal QC programme, the quality of the inventory and to reduce or eliminate
any inherent bias in the inventory processes.
Several types of external reviews or audits may be appropriate such as:
• Third party audit
An audit of the documentation and calculations by an accredited organisation, expert or independent third
party ensures that each number is traceable to its origin. Given that much of the information used in
developing CO2 emission estimates from cement production may be proprietary, a third party audit that
protects confidentiality may be necessary.
• Expert (peer) review
A detailed peer review would be appropriate when a procedure for determining CO2 emissions is first
adopted or revised; it would not be needed on an annual basis. Such a review is designed to ensure that the
methodology accurately represents the plant's particular situation, is as rigorous as possible and that the
data and assumptions reflect the best available information.
• Stakeholder review
Review by cement producing companies, industrial organisations and government can provide a forum for
review of the methods used.
• Public review
Some countries make their entire inventory available for public review and comment. This process may
result in a range of comments and issues on a broader level than other review processes.
Confidential Business Information Issues
Reviewing production data involves examining data from each plant. However, given that the plant-level
production data are often considered confidential, some producers may be unwilling to release production data,
or to have production data released to the public.
The key issues relate to the methodology used to calculate clinker emissions, availability of CKD data as well as
confidentiality. The emissions equation assumes that all CaO in clinker is derived from CaCO3. As non-
carbonate sources could be potentially used by manufacturers, possible margins of error from such an
assumption should be investigated. Availability of CKD data is usually lacking and the possibility of using
default CKD correctional factors is to be further analysed. The confidential nature of business practices could
also hamper the reporting of a national inventory in a transparent manner. Options could include the development
of confidential tracking systems or the aggregation of the national total of cement production plants.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (1997). Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Reference Manual (Revised).Vol 3. J.T. Houghton et al., IPCC/OECD/IEA,
Paris, France.
Marland, G., T.A. Boden, R.C. Griffin, S.F. Huang, P. Kanciruk and T.R. Nelson (1989), ). Estimates of CO2
Emissions from Fossil Fuel Burning and Cement Manufacturing, Based on the United Nationals Energy
Statistics and the U.S. Bureau of Mines Cement Manufacturing Data. Report No. #ORNL/CDIAC-25,
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.