CLAT IMS SimCLAT 2020 Ques Ans Paper Merged

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simCLAT - 9 (2020)

(As per New CLAT Pattern)

Duration : 120 Minutes Max. Marks : 150


1. There are 150 multiple choice objective type questions.

2. Each question carries ONE mark.
3. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.
4. Candidates have to indicate the correct answer by darkening one of the four responses provided, with
HB PENCIL in the OMR Answer Sheet.
The candidate should darken the corresponding circle as indicated below:
Example: For the question, “Where is the Taj Mahal located?”.
(a) Kolkata (b) Agra (c) Bhopal (d) Delhi

Right Method Wrong Methods
_________________ ________________________________________________________

a c d a b c d a c d a c d
b b

5. More than one response to a question shall be counted as wrong answer

6. The candidates shall not write anything on the OMR Answer Sheet other than the details required
in the spaces provided for
7. Electronic gadgets like mobile phones, pagers or calculators etc. are strictly not permitted inside the
Test Centre/Hall.
8. The candidates shall not leave the hall before the Test is over.

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Section Subject Marks Q.Nos. Page No.

Section I English Language 30 1-30 3

Section II Logical Reasoning 30 31-60 8

Section III Quantitative Techniques 15 61-75 14

Current Affairs, including

Section IV 37 76-112 16
General Knowledge

Section V Legal Reasoning 38 113-150 21

Total Marks 150 150

SimCLAT - 9
SECTION - I advantage over any other reader. An understanding of the
science behind the poisons Christie used only gives a better
(English & Reading Comprehension)
appreciation of her cleverness and creativity in plotting.
Directions for questions 1 to 5: The questions in this
section are based on what is stated or implied in the 1. What can be inferred about the author’s opinion of
passage given below. For each question, choose the option Agatha Christie, based on this passage?
that most accurately and completely answers the question.
a) She admires Christie’s writing and considers her
popularity well-deserved.
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie (1890–1976), the
‘Queen of Crime’, holds the Guinness World Record as b) She is a huge fan of Christie’s books and wishes
most successful novelist of all time. She has been outsold that they were more popular.
only by the Bible and by Shakespeare (and is more widely c) She is moderately fond of Christie’s books, but
translated than the latter); Christie is also the author of the does not consider them great works of literature.
world’s longest-running play, The Mousetrap, and created d) She dismisses Christie as a ‘popular’ rather than
not one but two of the best-known fictional detectives, ‘literary’ writer, and considers her over-hyped.
Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Praise, prizes and awards
have been heaped on Christie for her work, and her books
and plays are still loved by millions. 2. What was Agatha Christie’s method of presenting

Many have attempted to divine the secret of her success. a) She kept clues well-hidden in her books, so that
Christie always considered herself a ‘popular’ writer, and readers would be unlikely to come across them
acknowledged that she did not produce great works of during their first read.
literature or deep insights into the human condition. Nor did b) She presented clues fairly and in plain sight,
she revel in gore, or try to shock her readers with gratuitous knowing that her readers would draw their own,
violence. Christie created many corpses in the pages of wrong, conclusions.
her books, but the reactions they produce are most likely c) She presented clues erratically, sometimes
to be curiosity and a smile at the prospect of clues, red giving away the whole mystery at the beginning,
herrings and brilliant deductions. She was a teller of tales, while at other times, leaving the readers in the
an entertainer, and a poser of seemingly insoluble puzzles. dark till the last moment.
d) She did not present any clues in her books.
Christie’s detective stories repeatedly demonstrate that she
was a master of misdirection. She presented clues fairly 3. What does the word ‘gratuitous’ as used in the
and in plain sight, often drawing attention to them, but safe passage mean?
in the knowledge that most readers would form their own,
wrong, conclusions. When the murderer is finally revealed a) Free of charge
readers are generally left kicking themselves that they b) Horrifying
didn’t spot the obvious, or they cry foul and go back to the c) Complimentary
beginning, only to discover the clues were there all along.
d) Unnecessary

Christie took advantage of her detailed knowledge of

4. Which of the following is true about Christie’s use
dangerous drugs to help develop her plots. She used
of poisons in her books?
poisons in the majority of her books, far more than any of
her contemporaries, and with a high degree of accuracy, a) She used them often and accurately, but did not
but she did not expect the reader to have detailed medical expect her readers to have any prior knowledge
expertise. The symptoms and availability of drugs are of their workings.
succinctly described in everyday language, and somebody b) She used them with such a degree of accuracy,
with a degree in toxicology or medicine has no real that a reader with expertise in toxicology or

SimCLAT 2020 3
medicine would have an advantage over other pulses to push blood through your body – and these aren’t
readers. gentle thrusts. They are jolts powerful enough to send blood
c) She used them rarely, and when she did, readers spurting up to three metres if the aorta is severed.
would need a degree in medicine in order to
understand how they worked. With such an unrelenting work rate, it is a miracle that
d) She used them in only a few of her books, but most hearts last as long as they do. Every hour your heart
when she did, she explained their workings in dispenses around 265 litres of blood. That’s 6,360 litres
everyday, non-medical language. in a day – more litres pushed through you in a day than
you are likely to put in your car in a year. The heart must
pump with enough force not merely to send blood to your
5. According to the passage, Agatha Christie is the outermost extremities but to help bring it all the way back
most successful novelist of all time, but her books again. If you are standing, your heart is roughly four feet
have been outsold by the Bible and by Shakespeare. above your feet, so there’s a lot of gravity to overcome
Which of the following, if true, resolves this on the return trip. Imagine squeezing a pump the size of a
apparent contradiction? grapefruit with enough force to move a fluid four feet up a
a) Agatha Christie has written more books than tube. Now do that again once every second or so, around
Shakespeare. the clock, unceasingly, for decades, and see if you don’t feel
b) The Bible and Shakespeare’s works are not a bit tired. It has been calculated (and goodness knows how,
considered novels. it must be said) that during the course of a lifetime the heart
does an amount of work sufficient to lift a one-ton object
c) Agatha Christie’s books currently sell more 240 kilometres into the air.
copies than the Bible and Shakespeare’s works.
It is a truly remarkable implement. It just doesn’t care about
d) Agatha Christie’s books have been translated your love life.
into more languages than the Bible and
Shakespeare’s works.
6. Which of the following most accurately summarizes
Directions for questions 6 to 10: The questions in this this passage?
section are based on what is stated or implied in the a) It is pointless to attribute emotional significance
passage given below. For each question, choose the option to the heart – it is merely a mechanical implement
that most accurately and completely answers the question. that pumps blood.
b) The heart is a remarkable organ, but all it does
The heart is the most misperceived of our organs. For a is pump blood – it does not care about people’s
start, it looks nothing like the traditional symbol associated emotions.
with Valentine’s Day and lovers’ initials carved into tree
c) While there are a number of misconceptions
trunks and the like. (That symbol first appeared, as if from
regarding the heart, it is a remarkable organ that
out of nowhere, in paintings from northern Italy in the
works hard constantly.
early fourteenth century, but no one knows what inspired
it.) Nor is the heart where we place our right hand during d) There are a number of misconceptions regarding
patriotic moments; it is more centrally located in the chest what the heart looks like, where it is located and
than that. Most curious of all, perhaps, is that we make it how it works.
the emotional seat of our being, as when we declare that
we love someone with all our heart or profess a broken 7. Why, according to the author, is it a good thing
heart when they abandon us. Don’t misunderstand me. The that the heart is not invested in our emotional well-
heart is a wondrous organ and fully deserving of our praise being?
and gratitude, but it is not invested even slightly in our
a) It does not care about our love life.
emotional well-being.
b) It is a pump for blood, not the seat of our
That’s a good thing. The heart has no time for distractions.
c) It cannot afford to be distracted from its constant
It is the most single-minded thing within you. It has just one
job to do, and it does it supremely well: it beats. Slightly
more than once every second, about 100,000 times a day, d) It is not particularly good even at its official job
as many as 3.5 billion times in a lifetime, it rhythmically of pumping blood.

4 SimCLAT 2020
8. What is the origin of the traditional symbol for the a) BEACD
heart? b) CEADB
a) Its origin is completely unknown. c) BDCEA
b) Its origin is tied to a mistaken belief about its d) CAEBD
location in the chest.
c) Its origin is tied to the celebration of Valentine’s 12.
Day. A. Wild potatoes have very long runners, which
d) It first appeared in paintings from northern Italy allow those new plants to propagate a good
in the early fourteenth century, beyond which its distance away from the parent; and they have
origin is unknown. small tubers.
B. It’s an abject disadvantage for a wild plant, but a
boon for one that’s teamed up with humans.
9. What does the word ‘spurting’ as used in the passage
mean? C. Domestication has trimmed the runners much
shorter, and promoted larger tubers.
a) Gushing out in a sudden and forceful stream
D. The most impressive difference between wild
b) Running at full speed over a short distance
and domestic potatoes is in the size of the
c) Moving hurriedly with short quick steps tubers and the length of the runners – the thin,
d) Sprinkling with tiny drops of liquid horizontal stems that are sent out to sprout new
E. Both these features make the potato plant less fit
in the wild, but much easier to harvest.
10. Which of the following is not true about the work
the heart does? a) AEBCD
a) It beats as much as 3.5 billion times in a lifetime. b) ACBDE
b) It can pull blood around 4 feet against the pull of c) DBAEC
gravity. d) DACEB
c) It pumps 6,360 litres of blood around the body
in a year.
d) The amount of work it does is enough to lift a
A. It appears to have been superseded by that
one-ton object 240 kilometres into the air.
of ‘celebrity’, which seems correspondingly
impossible to avoid.
Directions for questions 11 to 15: In each of the questions B. A visitor from Mars might be forgiven for
given below, some sentences are labelled with a letter. assuming that the most famous people on Earth
From the given choices, choose the most logical order of are also extraordinarily gifted.
sentences that constructs a coherent paragraph.
C. ‘Genius’ is a concept that now seems rather old-
fashioned; it has dropped out of usage somewhat,
11. and even my use of it here is prefaced with this
A. Every colour is treated in the same way, no note of apology.
exceptions. D. But we know better; we know that celebrity is
B. Silver is interesting because it isn’t really a no such guarantee of great ability, but is rather
colour. a product of our media-saturated society, our
C. All light waves can be reflected, and almost all thirst for new heroes and that of the market for
materials reflect some light. new brands.
D. It’s just our word for something that acts as a E. But is there any relation between the two?
trampoline for light, bouncing it back out into a) BEACD
the world. b) CAEBD
E. What’s special about silver is that it sends c) CBEDA
everything back indiscriminately.

SimCLAT 2020 5
14. Germany, ___(17)___ to brush up on my vocabulary by
A. Let’s remember that pesticides were born out of reading a German translation of one of my favourite books.
necessity. I kept trying to maintain the fiction that the only significant
difference between German and English is that German has
B. Thousands of years ago, the Sumerians learned der, die, das, and a number of endings, while all English
to dust crops with elemental sulphur and the has is little old the and just a few endings. But it just isn’t
ancient Romans discovered that burning coal tar true. Beyond endings, German grammar is ‘busier’ than
drove insects from orchards. ___(18)___. You have to watch out for more things, ___
C. Producing enough food to feed the growing (19)___ more hairs. And that’s also true of the Scandinavian
population was their prime goal. languages, regardless ___(20)___ their scanty little old
D. The cultivation of crops has always featured verb conjugations. It’s true of any Germanic language, from
a relentless battle against pests, a battle that Proto-Germanic on down over these past three thousand
required farmers to take up chemical arms. years. Except English.
E. Later, when the toxicity of lead and arsenic
compounds became apparent, farmers began to 16.
apply the likes of lead arsenate to their crops, a) go
without much concern for effects on human
health. b) goes
a) ADBEC c) gone
b) BECDA d) went
a) try
15. b) being tried
A. The electron-deprived ‘snatchee’ is then said to c) trying
have been oxidized.
d) was trying
B. Witness the rusting of iron – a pure example of
what oxidation can do, even to metals.
C. To a chemist, oxidation is any reaction in which
a) English
an electron is snatched away from an atom or
molecule. b) English’s
D. But oxidation is a more general chemical c) English is
process than the simple reaction of a substance d) of English
with oxygen.
E. ‘Oxidation’ most commonly refers to the 19.
reaction of a substance with oxygen in the air,
a) spoil
and it can be quite a destructive process.
b) spill
c) spilt
d) split
Directions for questions 16 to 20: Fill in the numbered a) with
blanks in the passage given below with the correct word
b) of
from the options given for each blank.
c) to
There is a great deal more about English that is curiously d) (no preposition required)
‘easy’ as Germanic languages ___(16)___. This occurred
to me several years ago when I was spending a month in

6 SimCLAT 2020
Directions for questions 21 to 25: The questions in this thereby eliminating the need to store the buffer stocks of
section are based on what is stated or implied in the extra components that result when specialized equipment
passage given below. For each question, choose the option and workers are kept constantly active.
that most accurately and completely answers the question.
21. The primary purpose of the passage is to:
Chinese firms have achieved the highest levels of a) Present the major steps of a process.
manufacturing efficiency in the world steel industry. Some
observers of China have assumed that Chinese firms use b) Clarify an ambiguity.
the same manufacturing equipment and techniques as c) Chronicle a dispute.
United States firms but have benefited from the unique d) Correct misconceptions.
characteristics of Chinese employees and the Chinese
culture. However, if this were true, then one would expect
Chinese steel plants in the United States to perform no 22. The author suggests that if the observers of China
better than factories run by United States companies. This is (mentioned in the second sentence of paragraph 1)
not the case; Chinese-run steel plants located in the United were correct, which of the following would be the
States and staffed by local workers have demonstrated case?
higher levels of productivity when compared with factories a) The equipment used in Chinese steel plants
owned by United States companies. would be different from the equipment used in
United States plants.
Economists generally attribute much of China’s rapid b) Culture would not have an influence on the
economic growth to two main factors: large-scale capital productivity levels of workers.
investment (financed by large domestic savings and foreign
investment) and rapid productivity growth. These two c) The workers in Chinese-run plants would have
factors appear to have gone together hand in hand. Other higher productivity levels regardless of where
observers link high Chinese productivity to higher levels of they were located.
capital investment per worker. But a historical perspective d) The production levels of Chinese-run plants
leads to a different conclusion. When the two top Chinese located in the United States would be equal to
steel makers matched and then doubled United States those of plants run by United States companies.
productivity levels in the mid-sixties, capital investment per
employee was comparable to that of United States firms. 23. According to the passage, which of the following
Furthermore, by the late seventies, the amount of fixed statements is true of Chinese steel workers?
assets required to produce steel was roughly equivalent in
China and in the United States. a) Their productivity levels did not equal those
of United States steel workers until the late
Since capital investment was not higher in China, it had seventies.
to be other factors that led to higher productivity. A more b) They operate component-specific machinery.
fruitful explanation may lie with Chinese production c) They are trained to do more than one job.
techniques. Chinese steel producers did not simply
implement conventional processes more effectively – they d) They produce larger lots of automotive vehicles
made critical changes in United States procedures. For than do workers in United States factories.
instance, the mass-production philosophy of United States
steel-makers encouraged the production of huge lots of 24. Which of the following best describes the
automotive vehicles in order to fully utilize expensive, organization of the first paragraph?
component-specific equipment and to fully occupy
a) A thesis is presented and supporting examples
workers who have been trained to execute one operation
are provided.
efficiently. Chinese steel-makers chose to make small-
lot production feasible by introducing several departures b) A fact is stated, and an explanation is advanced
from United States practices, including the use of flexible and then refuted.
equipment that could be altered easily to do several c) Opposing views are presented, classified and
different production tasks and the training of workers in then reconciled.
multiple jobs. Steel makers could schedule the production
d) An opinion is presented, qualified and then
of different components or models on single machines,

SimCLAT 2020 7
25. Which of the following statements is supported by a) revolution
information stated in the passage? b) dissent
a) Chinese and United States steelmakers differ in c) obedience
their approach to production processes.
d) conformity
b) Chinese steelmakers have perfected the use of
single-function equipment.
30. Like other great champions, Mary Com has also
c) Chinese steelmakers invest more capital per experienced ______ in her career, having her
employee than do United States steelmakers. moments of euphoria and tribulations.
d) United States-owned factories abroad have a) vacillations
higher production levels than do Chinese owned
plants in the United States. b) fickleness
c) discord
Directions for questions 26 to 30: Fill in the blanks with d) attenuation
the correct words.
26. While nicotine has ______ effects, alcohol causes (Logical Reasoning)
obvious and immediate changes in moods and
Directions for questions 31 and 32: Read the following
short passages and answer the questions given below
a) more pronounced each.
b) less harmful
c) equivalent 31. My last conversation was with Ryan Reeverts. He
d) less conspicuous is a junior at Southern Illinois University, majoring
in agro-business economics, and he comes from
a northern Illinois cattle, hog, hay and row-crop
27. Roman tragedy, from which Xavier borrowed operation. He’ll be going back to the family business
______, tended to assume that humanity was under after college. I asked Reeverts if he is concerned
the control of gods who were indifferent to its about anything. Reeverts started with, ‘The first
sufferings, a theme that was therefore recurrent in thing is international trade. That’s one thing that’s
Xavier’s work. been on my mind for a while. Unfortunately, there
a) in plenitude is not a really good answer to it.’
b) seldom What can be inferred based on the above passage?
c) intermittently a) Changing the nature of family farms is not easy.
d) sporadically b) Reeverts is concerned about going back to the
family business, which isn’t a very productive
28. The corrupt politician manipulated his answers,
but the scandal was brought to light when a/an c) Biology knowledge, commodity marketing
______ investigator discovered discrepancies in the skills and finance skills are part of any agro-
accounts given by various witnesses. management course.
a) unscrupulous d) The problems with the international agriculture
trade market are difficult to solve.
b) magnanimous
c) astute 32. It is said that money can’t buy happiness but Indian
d) obtuse earners beg to differ. Recently released Standard
Chartered Wealth Expectancy Report 2019 shows
29. In an authoritarian government where freedom that as much as 77 per cent of the 1,000 Indian
to speech is suppressed, even the slightest sign of respondents consider money essential to their
______ can be interpreted as treason. happiness. In fact, wealth is so important that many
Indian earners or wealth creators, as the report calls

8 SimCLAT 2020
them, are anxious about their financial future. 35. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen
Which of the following supports the argument made the conclusion?
in the passage? a) People need to exercise often in order to keep
a) About 64 per cent of the Indian affluent group themselves warm in cold climates.
respondents said they worry so much about b) There are more women than men in Sudan,
money that it affects their health. Libya and Ethiopia as compared to Alaska,
b) Indians are unable to plan their marriage Greenland and Siberia.
efficiently because of lack of funds. c) The population of places like Alaska, Greenland
c) The idea that rich Indians can buy materials and and Siberia is scarce compared with that of
bribe people when they want is true. Sudan, Libya and Ethiopia.
d) About 32 per cent of Indians feel confident d) Warm climates are easier to live in than cold
about achieving more than half of their ones.
aspirations in life, but 68% are unsure due to
family obligations. Directions for questions 36 to 38: Read the following short
passages and answer the questions given below each.
Directions for questions 33 to 35: Read the following
short passage and answer the questions given below.
36. To compensate for all the body changes, posture is
A recent study was conducted on the fitness levels of people also affected during pregnancy. Pregnant women
living in cold regions like Alaska, Greenland and Siberia tend to throw their shoulders behind, lean on their
and from hot regions like Sudan, Libya and Ethiopia. On a heels, curve their spines further and ‘waddle’ while
scale of 1 to 10, if 1 is the best and 10 is the least in fitness walking. For every pound, a woman gains during
and health, the former scored from 2 to 4 while the latter pregnancy an extra five pounds of pressure is put on
scored from 8 to 10, in matters of not just fitness, but overall the hips, knees and lumbar spinal joints. Today most
health itself. women choose to work through their pregnancies
until the birth of their baby. Be it nausea or
33. What is the conclusion that can be drawn from the fatigue, backaches or headaches, leaky bladder or
above? swollen ankles, it is hard for an expecting mum
a) People who live in cold regions are healthier to be comfortable throughout the day. Knowing
than those living in hot climates. about the constant body changes and adaptations
through pregnancy it becomes essential to make a
b) Cold climates induce people to exercise well. pregnant woman’s working environment safe and
c) Cold climates are more conducive to healthy comfortable so that she can be at her productive
living than hot ones. best.
d) Cold climates are easier on people than hot Based on the passage, what can a pregnant woman’s
ones. employer do to make the work environment more
34. Which of the following if true, would most weaken a) Remove obstacles from the pregnant woman’s
the conclusion? work station, providing her ample space to
a) Alaska, Greenland and Siberia are more move around.
conducive to healthy eating than Sudan, Libya b) Refrain from assigning pregnant women any
and Ethiopia. work during the month nearing delivery.
b) Hot places make people sweat a lot, eliminating c) Assign more tasks to pregnant women that
the toxins from their bodies. involve sudden and quick bursts of movement.
c) The people in Sudan, Libya and Ethiopia don’t d) Conduct regular meetings with the male staff to
have enough money to subsist, compared with see how the pregnant women are managing in
those in the colder regions mentioned in the the office.
d) There is no correlation between climate and 37. If you ask friends to tell you why they are planning
health. to visit Alaska in the winter, they’ll probably tell

SimCLAT 2020 9
you they’re going for the Iditarod. To ski. To catch Directions for questions 39 to 41: The following questions
a glimpse of the northern lights. Of the mere tens are based on an argument between Rohan and Ved. Read
of thousands of vacationers to Alaska in the winter the argument given below and answer the questions.
(compared to more than a million in the summer),
these are the most common reasons for visiting. Rohan: The present government is focused on eliminating
Which of these would be a strong argument that black money. It is now mandatory to use electronic payment
refutes the idea of going to Alaska in winter? gateways that are connected to bank accounts of both the
a) The Aurora Express, run by the Alaska Railroad payee and the beneficiary for all transactions. This will
once a week in the winter, takes 12 hours to ensure that all transactions are accounted for and no one
traverse from one point to the next. can hoard money illegally or evade taxes.
Ved: We deal in several cash transactions on a day-to-
b) Alaskan winters are beautiful, blue and frozen day basis. Neither the payee nor the receiver reports such
with the spectacular view of the Alaskan ranges transactions.
on all sides.
c) Alaskan winter storms are unbearable, causing
39. Which of the following is the implicit conclusion
brain strokes to many, often leading to death.
you can draw from Ved’s response to Rohan?
d) During the holidays, people are meant to enjoy
a) Cash transactions are not accounted for.
clear skies and warm weather.
b) It is possible to trade without using electronic
payment gateways.
38. The decision on a host city for the 2020 Summer
Olympics was determined back in 2013 in Argentina. c) The government’s effort to wipe out black
The three final contenders during the bid process money or illegal trading is unlikely to succeed.
were Istanbul, Madrid and Tokyo; Tokyo ended up d) The government is not serious about eliminating
ahead with 60 votes to 36 once the field had been black money.
narrowed down to Istanbul or Tokyo. Hosting the
Olympics is a complex proposition for any city:
while it offers potential economic upsides, thanks 40. What, if true, would weaken Ved’s conclusion?
to increased construction, investment and tourism, a) People will cooperate with the government in
many cities also struggle to make later use of the wiping out black money.
expansive facilities and housing that the Games
b) Most payments come with a bill, so they must
be accounted for.
Which of the following would justify Tokyo hosting
c) Cash transactions are banned in the country.
the Summer Olympics in 2020?
d) Cash withdrawals are made from a bank which
a) Tokyo was the first Asian city to host the games.
records all withdrawals.
They had initially been scheduled as host for
2016, but the geopolitics of the time necessitated
a shift. 41. If Ved knows that cash withdrawals are also
accounted for, what role does he play in his dialogue
b) The Olympics 2020 Games will see the
with Rohan?
introduction of some exciting new sports to
the line-up, too: skateboarding will make its a) Friend and philosopher
Olympic debut, as well as karate, surfing and b) Mentor
sport climbing.
c) Detractor
c) For the second time in its history, Tokyo
d) Devil’s advocate
is hosting the summer Olympics; they first
hosted back in 1964 and showcased supreme
Directions for questions 42 to 45: Read the following short
infrastructure to handle such a global sports
passages and answer the questions given below each.
d) Originally, the National Tokyo Stadium was to
42. ‘I have always thought that the best way to find out
be rebuilt to the specifications of a design by
what is right and what is not right, what should be
the late architect Zaha Hadid. That plan was
done and what should not be done, is not by giving
scrapped due to cost concerns.
a sermon, but by talking and discussing, and out of

10 SimCLAT 2020
discussion sometimes a little bit of truth comes out. I comforting herself that her daughter was a tad bit
have liked my talks with you and we have discussed higher in the hierarchy than truly dark people.
many things, but the world is wide and beyond our
Knowing which of the following would help in
world exist other wonderful and mysterious worlds.
evaluating the above argument?
None of us need ever be bored or imagine that we
have learned everything worth learning and become a) Whether many people from higher castes have a
very wise.’ wheatish skin
What could be the reasoning behind a father writing b) Whether a darker skin tone is associated with
the above in a letter to his daughter? the lower castes
a) The father wants his daughter to understand the c) Whether dark skinned people work harder
privilege she has and that she mustn’t misuse it.
d) Whether people in India prefer fair women and
b) The father wants his daughter to understand dark men
that life is beyond what they share and that true
wisdom is in always being open to learning.
45. Environmentalist: There is no use just talking about
c) The father wants his daughter to understand the the steps that we need to take to control the cause
struggle he has gone through to look after her of global warming – the emission of greenhouse
and for her to look after him henceforth.
gases – since it can never be reduced enough. Just
d) The father wants his daughter to realize the to keep greenhouse gases as their current levels
importance of marriage and children. we would need to cut industrial activity to a scale
that would lead to the worst economic recession
43. Bibingka, a type of sweet, glutinous rice cake is ever. Since this is unacceptable, there is no option
commonly eaten during the Christmas season, but to try and devise ways to cope with the rising
which begins in September in the Philippines. The temperatures and sea levels caused by global
batter is traditionally poured into a terracotta dish warming. Experts suggest that developing new
lined with a banana leaf and steamed in a clay oven crops and relocating seaside communities might be
with coals above and below. The sticky cakes were possible measures. If we do not do this, we will
initially presented as offerings to pre-colonial gods witness more loss of life due to crop failures and
or were given as gifts to honoured guests. Today floods. There is no other alternative but to take steps
Bibingka is still a special pleasure among Filipinos,
to both prevent further global warming and cope
who often have it for breakfast or straight after the
with its effects, which are here to stay.
nine-day dawn masses during the holidays.
Which of the following roles do the two boldfaced
Which of the following would explain the popularity
statements in the environmentalist’s argument play?
of Bibingka?
a) The popular delicacy is tedious to make and is a) The first presents a flawed strategy that the
high in sugar. argument refutes; the second is the evidence
that the argument presents as grounds for that
b) The popular delicacy is also enjoyed in the
Christian-majority areas of Indonesia.
b) The first presents a goal that the argument
c) The popular delicacy is not really a cookie at all
contends cannot be attained; the second provides
but rather fried dough infused with cardamom
and vanilla. the consequences of not attaining the goal that
the argument outlines.
d) The popular delicacy is a rich and sweet cake
deeply rooted in the culture of the Philippines. c) The first presents evidence that the argument
uses to refute a flawed strategy; the second
presents the alternative strategy to deal with the
44. My skin colour was particularly concerning to my effects of the problem.
mother, since we were an upper-caste Brahmin
family. Anytime someone would call me dark, my d) The first presents reasons that the argument uses
fair-skinned mother would correct them and tell to refute a flawed strategy; the second predicts
them I was ‘wheatish’, one of the many euphemisms the consequences of not adopting the alternative
in India for brown skin. Clearly, it was her way of strategy that the argument outlines.

SimCLAT 2020 11
Directions for questions 46 and 47: Read the following landing in Oakland while en route to Honolulu.
short passage and answer the questions given below. According to a report by the Federal Aviation
Administration, the number of bird strikes has
We have hardly evolved from medieval times when skills increased nearly six-fold since 1990 to a record
were passed on from parents to their children. Most political 10,343 in 2012. (source: a BBC report).
leaders today choose one of their sons to succeed them. Which of the following can be inferred from the
Doctors ensure that their children get into medical school. above paragraph?
Lawyers almost always enrol their children in law school. a) Airplanes pose problems to birds, injuring them
You’re hardly likely to find a CEO who wouldn’t get their while they fly.
children to succeed them. Thus, a child born to a singer
becomes a singer as also a writer begets another writer. b) Airplanes will have to change course in order to
avoid bird hits.
c) Flights rerouting owing to bird hits is on the
46. Which of the following does not follow the logic rise.
given in the paragraph?
d) Birds flying around airports are endangered.
a) The fashion designer inaugurated her son’s
collection amid the crème de la crème. 49. Many tests on placebos continue to show that they
b) The minister’s daughter won the election in the work, even though placebos do not contain the
neighbouring constituency. drug the patient believes it has. Many a patient has
recovered from illnesses by simply swallowing
c) When the CEO announced his retirement,
the board elected his successor from the rival
company. Which of the following can explain the paradox of
the above?
d) The rock star’s son is nominated for the best
male singer award this year in the Grammys. a) The patient need not know that they are
consuming placebos.
47. Which of the following, if true, would weaken b) The patient’s faith that a treatment works cures
the argument that parents choose their children’s him better than any drug.
professions? c) A doctor is sometimes forced to administer
a) Children have a mind of their own and would a placebo when he is not sure of the line of
like to choose their own career paths. treatment.
b) A child who sees his / her parents successful in d) Many drugs have adverse effects, but placebos
a career feels inspired to choose the same. have none.
c) With a multitude of careers that have come Directions for question 50: Consider following short
up lately, people have ample choices for their passage followed by three statements and answer the
careers. question given below.
d) Admission into professional courses today is
competitive and parents can’t ensure their kids’ 50. The Human Rights Activists have condemned the
admission into any institute they like. recent encounter killing of the alleged rapists. They
have demanded an enquiry into the incident where
the police shot down the rapists in an encounter.
Directions for questions 48 and 49: Read the following
short passages and answer the questions given below I. Fake encounters are a way of providing speedy
each. justice to the victims.
II. The Police had implicit sanction from a complicit
state government to carry out the encounter.
48. A Southwest Airlines plane recently made an
emergency return to Tennessee’s Nashville III. The police have a video recording of the alleged
International Airport after hitting birds at take-off. rapists trying to escape while snatching a gun
There was a similar incident at Chicago’s O’Hare from one of the cops.
Airport a few weeks ago and another involving Which of the above statements, if true, would impair
an Alaska Airlines flight that made an emergency the Human Rights Activists’ allegations against the

12 SimCLAT 2020
a) Only III 53. Which of the following could be a reason there are
b) I and II few banks in rural areas?
c) II and III a) The central bank is yet to decide on an agenda
for rural areas.
d) I and III
b) Cooperative banks are considering extending
their branches in rural areas.
Directions for question 51: Read the following short
passage and answer the question given below. c) Operating expenses for banks in rural areas are
more than the earnings.
51. The head of the household was shocked to see the d) Private firms are looking at rural areas with their
monthly energy bill amounting to Rs. 15,000. He own agenda.
ordered his family members to restrict the use of
electrical items such as the television, computer, Directions for questions 54 to 56: Read the information
music system, etc. to a maximum of 3 hours a day given below and answer the questions that follow.
while keeping the usage of large appliances like AC,
Three children Chinna, Nani and Indu were asked about
refrigerator, washing machine, etc. constant. He
some missing cookies by their Mother. While one of them
was glad to see the next bill reduced to Rs. 2,000.
pulled the chair, the 2nd one took out the jar and the 3rd
Which of the following best explains the huge one took the cookies out of the jar. When asked, each of
difference in the monthly bills in the above passage? them gave 2 statements exactly one of which was false
a) ACs, refrigerators and washing machines and the other was true. Following the given conditions we
consume more power than televisions, definitely come to know who took the cookies.
computers and music systems. Chinna: I took out the jar. Nani’s 1st statement is false.
b) The bill that shocked the family patriarch was Nani: Indu pulled the chair. Chinna did not take out the jar.
a mistake by the energy company, which later
Indu: Nani took the cookies. I did not pull the chair.
refunded the amount to him.
c) The two children in the family were preparing
for their exams in the month preceding the high 54. Who pulled the chair?
bill. a) Indu b) Chinna
d) Their neighbours’ bills were erratic too. c) Nani d) Cannot be determined

Directions for questions 52 amd 53: Read the following 55. Which among the following statements made by
short passage and answer the questions given below. three of them is "FALSE statement"?
a) Chinna did not take out the jar.
Some private firms have sought permission from the central
bank to open new private banks in rural areas that have b) Indu’s first statement.
neither nationalized nor cooperative banks. c) Indu pulled the chair.
d) Chinna's 1st statement.
52. Which of the following is a conclusion that can be
drawn from the above? 56. In how many different ways can the conditions be
a) The central bank is considering opening such met?
branches in rural areas. a)
1 b)
2 c)
3 d)
b) Cooperative banks want to extend their branches
in rural areas. Directions for questions 57 to 59: Read the information
c) Nationalized banks are not keen on opening given below and answer the questions that follow.
branches in rural areas.
d) Private firms are looking to extend their T is the sister of D. D is married to P. P is the son of M. T is
Corporate Social Responsibility. the mother of J. Y is the father of U. Y has only one son and
only one daughter. U is the daughter of T. Q is the son of D.

SimCLAT 2020 13
57. How is P related to T? 61. What is the percentage increase in the sales of A in
a) Brother b) Uncle 2000 over 1995?
c) Brother-in-law d) Cousin brother a) 90% b) 60%
c) 80% d) 50%
58. How is J related to D?
a) Son b) Niece 62. Find the average growth rate with which the market
has grown for the period 1995-2000?
c) Daughter d) Nephew
a) 18% b) 10%
c) 5% d) 12%
59. How is Q related to M?
a) Son-in-law b) Grandson 63. If the new entrant 'F' has grown at the expense of
c) Nephew d) Son 'B', 'C' and 'E', what would be the change in the net
value of sales of 'E' in 2000 had 'F' not been entered
the market?
Directions for questions 60: choose the correct alternative.
a) $111 million b) $340 million
60. In a box of 42 balls there are twice as many red balls c) $247 million d) Cannot be determined
as blue balls and twice as many blue balls as black.
How many balls of each color (Red, Blue and Black 64. What is the increase in sales (in $ million) of A, B
respectively) are there? and C put together over the 5 years?
a) 20, 14, 8 b) 24, 12, 6 a) 103 b) 1202
c) 22, 18, 2 d) 18, 16, 8 c) 667 d) 854

SECTION - III 65. If the market grows at 10% p.a. over the next 2 years
(Quantitative Techniques) and 'D' has 1/3rd of the total market share, then, what
would be its market share in 2002?
DIRECTION for questions 61 to 65: Go through the pie a) $ 1.5 b) $ 1.6
charts shown below and answer the questions that follow. c) $ 1.23 d) $ 1.35
Pie charts given below represent the market share of
different players in electronics market in 1995 and 2000. A
new player 'F' has entered the market in the given period.
(Assume these are the only players in the market).

1995 2000

Market size = $ 2.3 billion Market size = $ 3.7 billion
Market size in Percentage

14 SimCLAT 2020
DIRECTIONS for questions 66 to 68: Read the data given below and answer the questions that follow.

Pune Nashik
Type Colour Colour
Black Red Blue White Silver Black Red Blue White Silver
A 40 25 55 75 15 45 32 40 60 20
B 20 35 60 80 20 30 37 39 81 35
C 35 30 50 90 35 40 42 41 6 37
D 45 40 45 85 40 35 39 37 90 42
E 50 35 35 60 30 50 44 43 77 22
F 55 42 40 65 52 47 34 45 87 17

The above table gives the number of vehicles (in thousands) 71. What is the average number of farmers from village
of different models and their colours sold in two cities - A and village B together?
Pune and Nashik - in a year. a) 540 b) 1080
66. The difference between the white-coloured vehicles c) 236 d) 304
sold in the two cities of which of the following Directions for questions 72 to 75: Read the information
models is the minimum? given below and answer the questions that follow.
a) A b) C
c) D d) None of these A company is the producer of Dining Tables and it used to
sell these tables at production cost through a distributor on
67. What is the difference between the number of blue- a condition that on selling the stock of every 50 tables, the
coloured vehicles of model 'C' sold in Pune and distributor will get Rs. 1500 as commission. The distributor
is responsible for selling all those tables to retailers.
number of red-coloured vehicles of model 'F' sold
Distributor marks the tables at the price which is 40%
in Nashik?
above the production cost (cost price) and allows a discount
a) 8,000 b) 10,000
of K%. Distributor sells a total of ‘X’ tables which is 25 less
c) 12,000 d) None of these
than total received stock by distributor. Total production
price of the whole stock of tables received by distributor to
68. The total number of silver-coloured vehicles sold in sell to retailers is Rs. 41.25 lakhs. The commission received
Nashik is approximately what percentage of that in by distributor is Rs. 7500 and he made a profit of Rs 3.75
Pune? lakhs on selling the tables.
a) 130 b) 140 c) 90 d) 100
72. What is the value ‘K’?
Directions for questions 69 to 71: Read the data below and a) 14.28 % b) 7 %
answer the questions that follow. c) 16.67% d) 21.43 %
There are two villages A and B whose population are 900
73. What will be the ratio of (K% of 1100) : (X + 25)?
and 1500 respectively. 20% of total population of village
A is farmers and 60% of total population of village B is a) 6 : 77 b) 600 : 70
farmers. Ratio of male to female farmers in village A and B c) 6 : 7 d) 3 : 7
is 2 : 3 and 4 : 5 respectively.
74. If Instead of a ‘K’ distributor allows a 10%
69. Total number of female farmers from both villages discount on each table, then the percentage profit of
is how much percent more or less than the total distributor will be?
population of village B. a) 26% b) 28.6% c) 25% d) 30%
a) 59% b) 59.5%
c) 60 d) 60.5% 75. If the distributor allowed two successive discounts
of 5% and 10% on marked price, then find the profit
70. What is the ratio of male farmers from village A to made by distributor on selling one table will be?
female farmers from village B? a) Rs. 1455 b) Rs. 1323
a) 27 : 100 b) 9 : 50 c) Rs. 3250 d) Rs. 2955
c) 27 : 125 d) 18 : 125

SimCLAT 2020 15
SECTION - IV c) Greenland
d) Poland
(Current Affairs, including General Knowledge)
78. World Economic Forum is headquartered in
Directions for questions 76 to 80: Choose the correct ____________
alternative. a) Geneva
As per the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Report b) Washington
2019, India has slipped to rank [X] globally in terms of c) New York
gender gap amid widening disparity in terms of women's d) Paris
health and survival and economic participation -- the two
areas where the country is now ranked in the bottom-five, 79. Which of the following reports is not published by
an annual survey report showed. World Economic Forum?
a) Global Competitiveness Index
While [Y] remains the world's most gender-neutral country, b) Global Travel and Tourism Competitiveness
India has moved down the ladder from its 108th position Index
last year to rank below countries like China (106th), Sri c) Human Capital Index
Lanka (102nd), Nepal (101st), Brazil (92nd), Indonesia d) World Democracy Index
(85th) and Bangladesh (50th). Yemen is ranked the worst
(153rd), while Iraq is 152nd and Pakistan 151st. 80. Gender gap report is calculated based on the
difference between men & women on some key
"The time it will take to close the gender gap narrowed parameters. Which among the following is not one
to 99.5 years in 2019. While an improvement on 2018 -- of them?
when the gap was calculated to take 108 years to close -- it a) Health
still means parity between men and women across health, b) Education
education, work and politics will take more than a lifetime c) Economy
to achieve," the WEF said. d) Occupation
Directions for questions 81 to 85: Choose the correct
WEF, an international organisation for public-private
cooperation, said this year's improvement can largely be
ascribed to a significant increase in the number of women
[V] of Russia and Norway’s Magnus Carlsen defended their
in politics.
titles in the women’s and men’s blitz competition 2019
The political gender gap will take 95 years to close,
compared to 107 years last year. Worldwide, women now Koneru Humpy, who had claimed the World Women’s
hold 25.2 percent of parliamentary lower-house seats and Rapid Chess Championship title after drawing the
21.2 percent of ministerial positions, compared to 24.1 per Armageddon game against [W] of China on Saturday, was
cent and 19 percent, respectively last year. placed second with seven points from nine rounds after the
opening day of the blitz competition. However, the 32-year-
However, the economic opportunity gap has worsened, old Indian failed to continue in the same vein and ended the
widening to 257 years, compared to 202 years last year. The tournament with 10.5 points out of 17 games.
report said one of the greatest challenges to closing this gap
Koneru started the second day of the blitz competition by
is women's under-representation in emerging roles, such as
winning the first two games. She then shared the lead with
cloud computing, engineering and data and AI.
Lagno after round 13 with two draws.
76. Which number does [X] represent in the above After round 13, Humpy and Lagno had 10 points each but
passage? the Indian then drew against Russia’s Alisa Galliamova in
a) 112 the 14th round to drop to the second position.
b) 115
c) 116 Humpy, who had taken a two-year sabbatical from 2016
d) 130 to 2018 after she became a mother, then lost the final three
games to bow out of contention.
77. Which country topped the Gender Gap Report 2019,
represented by [Y]? 81. Koneru Humpy won the Women’s World Rapid
a) Sweden Chess championship 2019. Sshe belongs to
b) Iceland ___________.

16 SimCLAT 2020
a) Orissa someone who intends to stay in that area for the coming
b) Andhra Pradesh six months or more. Based on this, a citizen will be issued
c) West Bengal a national identity card. The NPR is being seen by many
d) Kerala as the first step in implementing the National Register of
Citizens (NRC) in India.
82. Who won the Women’s World Blitz Chess Till date, chief ministers of three states — West Bengal
Championship 2019, represented by [V] in the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Kerala Chief Minister
above passage? Pinarayi Vijayan and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok
a) Kateryna Lagno Gehlot — have announced that they will not work on the
b) Anna Muzychuk NPR.
c) Valentina Gunina
The NPR data was last updated in 2015 with door to door
d) Nana Dzagnidze
surveys. The digitisation of the updated information has
been completed.
83. Whom did Koneru Humpy defeat to win the
Women’s World Rapid Chess Championship 2019? The government is planning to update the National
(Represented by [W]) Population Register along with the Houselisting phase of
a) Lei Tingjie Census 2021 during [X] in all the states/UTs except [Y],
b) Ekaterina Atalik according to the website of the Office of the Registrar
c) Alisa Galliamova General, and Census Commissioner.
d) Anna Muzychuk
86. What is the relation between NPR and Census?
a) There is no correlation between the two activities
84. Who has won the most number of World Chess
b) The Census update is the last phase of the NPR
Championships titles till date?
a) Garry Kasparov
c) Both are independent exercises. The data
b) Viswanathan Anand
collected in NPR will be utilized by the census.
c) Vladimir Kramnik
d) The Census update is the first phase of the NPR
d) Magnus Carlsen
85. Koneru became the second female player, after 87. The Census process and an update of the National
____, to exceed the 2600 Elo rating mark Population Register across the country are to take
a) Susan Polgar place from _____________, represented by [X] in
b) Hou Yifan the above passage.
c) Judit Polgar a) May - November 2020
d) Maia Chiburdanidze b) March - September 2020
c) April - September 2020
Directions for questions 86 to 90: Choose the correct
d) April - October 2020
The Cabinet approved the National Population Register 88. When was the first census conducted in independent
(NPR), reported PTI quoting officials. Union Ministers India?
Piyush Goyal and Prakash Javadekar addressed the media a) 1948 b) 1961
and stated that the Cabinet has approved an expenditure c) 1957 d) 1951
of Rs 8,754.23 crore for the exercise of Census of India
2021 and Rs 3,941.35 crore for updation of the National 89. Which state is represented as [Y] in the above
Population Register (NPR). passage?
a) Manipur b) Sikkim
Addressing the media, Prakash Javadekar said, "No proof c) Assam d) Mizoram
to be given to anyone during the process (NPR). Whatever
you will say, would be correct. All states will use NPR 90. Which government introduced NPR and when?
data," said the minister, adding that no biometrics will be a) Congress led UPA government in 2010
required and it will apply to all Indian citizens. b) BJP government in 2014
c) Congress government in 2006
The National Population Register, seeks to make a database d) None of these
of the usual residents of the country. Usual resident is a
person who has lived in an area for six months or more, or

SimCLAT 2020 17
Directions for questions 91 to 95: Choose the correct 95. What is the name of the movement started by Greta
alternative. Thunberg for protest against the lack of action on
climate change summit?
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg won [E] for
a) #FridaysforNature
"succeeding in turning vague anxieties about the planet into
b) #FridaysforFuture
a worldwide movement calling for global change". Sixteen-
c) #FridaysforEnvironment
year-old was an anonymous student in August 2019, when
d) #FridaysforClimate
she began staging "school strike" protests outside the
parliament. Directions for questions 96 to 100: Choose the correct
She has given a series of impassioned speeches on world
stages, including one at the UN climate summit in New You may soon have to install FASTag or electronic toll
York in September in 2019 where she warned world leaders: collection device in your vehicle or be ready to cough up
"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your double the toll fees as all lanes at the toll plaza will be
empty words. We'll be watching you." converted into FASTag lane shortly. All lanes in the fee
plazas shall be declared as “FASTag lane of fee plaza",
The teenager, who has faced fierce criticism from world according to a road ministry circular.
leaders including Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro,
was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in March. The FASTag is an electronic toll collection device installed in
announcement came as Miss Thunberg gave a speech to the the vehicle to enable drivers to drive through toll plazas
COP25 climate summit in [F] in December 2019, where she without having to stop. The move is part of the government’s
arrived last week after sailing from the US larger plan to promote digital payments at toll plaza and
decongest national highways, thereby ensuring seamless
She accused delegates at the summit of prioritising image movement of vehicles.
over action. “The real danger is when politicians and CEOs
The circular, which is yet to be made public, further said to
are making it look like real action is happening when in fact
monitor movement of oversized vehicles, one lane in the
almost nothing is being done apart from clever accounting
toll plaza will be kept as ‘hybrid lane’ accepting FASTag
and creative PR."
and other modes of payment. However, such a lane will also
91. Which among the following awards, represented be converted into a FASTag lane in a time-bound manner.
by [E] in the above passage was won by Greta FASTag is attached to the windscreen and uses [X]
Thunberg? technology to enable direct toll payments while the vehicle
a) Time Magazine's youngest ever “Person of the is moving. The toll fare is deducted from the bank account
Year 2019” linked to FASTag.
b) Fortune Magazine’s “Celebrity of the year” Currently, there is a provision of making a vehicle owner
c) Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament, pay twice the toll fee amount under the National Highways
and Development for 2019 Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008.
d) None of the above The ministry has now said imposition of higher toll fee
must be ‘strictly implemented’ if a non-FASTag vehicle
92. The COP25 Climate summit was held in [F] in enters the FASTag lane.
2019. What does [F] stand for?
“Logistics and other implementation problems, which may
a) Madrid b) Paris
lead to law and order problems at fee plazas, may please
c) Stockholm d) Zurich
be identified and resolved," the circular addressing the
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) said, adding
93. Greta Thunberg belongs to ________
availability of adequate number of FASTags should be
a) Spain facilitated to encourage payments at the toll plaza.
b) Sweden
c) Switzerland 96. FASTag works on [X] technology. [X] stands for
d) Austria ____
a) RFID technology
94. Which among the following was/were the stated b) Ultrasonic
goal(s) of COP25 summit 2019? c) Radar
a) To establish rules for carbon markets d) GPS
b) To establish mechanisms for compensation to
climate-hit countries 97. Which among the following statements is true
c) Neither a nor b regarding FASTag?
d) Both a and b

18 SimCLAT 2020
a) FASTags have an expiry date, i.e, they can be It was a gold rush for the Indian in the swimming pool with
used only for a specific duration Kushagra Rawat picking the first top prize of the day in
b) FASTags are not available on e-commerce men’s 400m freestyle event with a time of 3:49.76 while
platform such as Amazon. compatriot Anand Shylaja took the silver in 4:01.02 for an
c) No bank is pre-assigned to the FASTag at the Indian 1-2 finish.
time you purchase it from a POS terminal or
online Supriya Mondal then added another gold in men’s 200m
d) The limited KYC FASTag account holder butterfly, clocking 2:02.45, while another Indian, Mihir
cannot have more than Rs 1 lakh in their FASTag Ambre took the bronze with a time of 2:09.14.
prepaid wallet.
101. South Asian Games were held in _____________ in
98. FASTags are part of the National Electronic 2019
Toll Collection programme developed by the a) Nepal
___________. b) Sri Lanka
a) RBI c) Bangladesh
b) NASSCOM d) Myanmar
d) IRCC 102. _______________________ won the gold medal in
women’s 62 Kg wrestling, represented by [X] in the
99. Who is the current Road Transport and Highways above passage
Minister of India? a) Kavita Devi
a) S Jaishankar b) Vinesh Phogat
b) Nitin Gadkari c) Sakshi Malik
c) D.V. Sadananda Gowda d) Babita Kumari
d) Ravi Shankar Prasad
100. Which is the longest national highway in India? 103. The South Asian Games 2019 mascot was
a) NH44 _____________
b) NH2 a) Miraitowa
c) NH1 b) Blackbuck (Krishnashar)
d) NH27 c) Borobi
d) Bhin Bhin
Directions for questions 101 to 105: Choose the correct
alternative. 104. Where were the first ever South Asian Games held
in 1984?
Swimmers and wrestlers continued their complete a) India
domination in their respective disciplines as India continued
b) Nepal
its commanding performance on yet another medal-laden
c) Sri Lanka
day to leave rival countries far behind in the South Asian
d) Pakistan
Games 2019.

India’s total medal count stood at 312 medals (174- Gold, 105. How many members joined South Asian Games
93- Silver, 45-Bronze), leaving behind Nepal and Sri Lanka 2019?
behind. a) Seven
b) Eight
Handball players added one gold and one silver by winning c) Six
the women’s event while finishing runners-up in the men’s d) Ten
Directions for questions 106 to 110: Choose the correct
[X] won the gold medal in women’s 62 Kg wrestling at alternative.
the South Asian Games as Indian wrestlers continued their
complete domination in wrestling. A bill which seeks to merge the Union Territories of [a], and
[b] was passed by Lok Sabha on Wednesday(27 Nov 2019).
In fencing also, India picked up all the three gold on offer The bill was passed by voice vote with the government
by finishing on top of the podium in the team events of stating that the merger will fast-track development of the
men’s epee, men’s sabre and women’s foil. two union territories.

SimCLAT 2020 19
Responding to the brief debate on the territories (Merger Directions for questions 110 to 113: Choose the correct
of Union Territories) Bill, 2019, Minister of State for alternative.
Home G. Kishen Reddy said that the measure will help in
strengthening administrative efficiency services… A Saudi Arabian court this week (third week of December
…Members who participated in the discussion demanded 2019) sentenced five men to death, convicted three to jail
that the merged UT should have an assembly on the lines terms and acquitted three others for the gory murder of
of Puducherry. dissident Saudi journalist [x] in October 2018. The verdict,
“Merging of both the UTs will help in strengthening the described by some as a “mockery of justice”, appears to
administrative services. It will also give proper services. have accepted the official Saudi version of the events
It will also lead to the proper developed of these UTS,” surrounding his assassination in Saudi Arabia’s Istanbul
Mr. Reddy said. Merging will also help in cutting down consulate in Turkey — that Saudi intelligence officials
administrative cost, he said, adding it was the demand of carried out an unsanctioned, rogue operation to execute a
the people to merge both the UTs. vocal critic of the authoritarian regime in Riyadh.
The move comes three months after Jammu and Kashmir However, multiple reports and accounts point to an
was bifurcated into the UTs of Jammu and Kashmir, and operation likely planned at the highest level of government:
Ladakh. a de facto indictment of Saudi Crown Prince, his top adviser,
“In view of the policy of the government to have ‘Minimum Saud al-Qahtani, and the former deputy intelligence chief,
Government, Maximum Governance”, considering small Ahmed al-Assiri. Turkish intelligence inputs include video
population and limited geographical area of both the Union evidence that two Saudi hit squads arrived at the consulate
Territories and to use the services of officers efficiently, it the day before [x] was killed, and grisly audio recordings
has been decided to merge the 2 UTs into a single UT,” Mr. and other proof of a scuffle, followed by his suffocation,
Reddy had said introducing the bill earlier. and then the sawing of his bones. Unsurprisingly, his body
The country currently has [x] Union Territories after the was never recovered, and the Saudi establishment initially
creation of the UTs of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. claimed that [x] had left the consulate premises. Later, after
However, with the merger of 2 UTs, the number of UTs will further Turkish evidence was provided that a body double
come down to [y]. had left the consulate shortly after he was killed, Riyadh
fell back on the “rogue agent” theory.
106. In the above passage, what UTs have been replaced The flip-flopping statements on what transpired, the
by the letters [a] and [b]? closed-door trial that led to this week’s court verdict, and
a) Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar the resolute denial that the Crown Prince or Mr. al-Qahtani
b) Puducherry and Andaman and Nicobar had masterminded this scheme, have done much to degrade
c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman And Diu the Saudi regime’s overall credibility. Subsequent reports
d) Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh by CIA and UN experts found it “inconceivable that an
operation of this scale could be implemented without the
107. The above news item is _________ in its writing. Crown Prince being aware, at a minimum, that some sort
a) Introspective of mission of a criminal nature, directed at [x], was being
b) Critical launched.” There has also been political blowback against
c) Informative Riyadh: in December 2018 a bipartisan group of U.S.
d) Analytical Senators introduced a sharply-worded resolution rebuking
the Crown Prince for being “complicit” in the assassination,
108. The number of UTs in India are now despite resistance from the White House. When he became
______________. Crown Prince in 2017, it was on the ostensible promise
a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 of reforming the Saudi socio-economic system toward
more freedom and transparency, perhaps even a hint of
109. The line of discussion, picked up during the democracy and modernity. Yet that promise was quickly
discussion on the bill in Lok Sabha, pertained to belied when he conducted a major purge of prominent Saudi
__________. Arabian royals, senior ministers, and business chiefs, in an
a) opposition as regards the merger. apparently ruthless bid to consolidate his grip on power.
b) comparison with Jammu and Kashmir and the While Crown Prince may continue to enjoy the trappings of
high handedness of the cabinet global influence based on Riyadh’s vital energy links with
c) setting up of a legislative assembly for the oil-importing nations, and through his reciprocal cordial
combined UT. ties with U.S. President Donald Trump, it is doubtful
d) fast tracking the development of the two UTs. whether the stiflingly autocratic Saudi governance structure
can continue in its present form without being undermined

20 SimCLAT 2020
by serious fault lines that are sure to emerge in a statement that the decision by the special court “has
been received with a lot of pain and anguish by the rank and
110. The above passage is talking about which slain file of the Pakistan Armed Forces”.
journalist? It further said that an “ex-Army Chief, Chairman of Joint
a) Néhémie Joseph Chief of Staff Committee and President of Pakistan, who
b) Mohamed Ben Khalifa has served the country for over 40 years, fought wars for the
c) Amjad Hassan Bakir defence of the country can surely never be a traitor”.
d) Jamal Khashoggi Pervaiz Rashid, a senior leader, told The Hindu the party
initiated Mr. Musharraf’s trial based on a principle. “A
111. Who among the following is the Crown Prince of principle that has not been upheld since we got independence
Saudi Arabia? in 1947. By not upholding this principle, the spirit of our
a) Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum independence was tarnished.”
b) Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Today, this principle has been established, said Mr. Rashid.
c) Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud “It will not be possible after today’s verdict that anyone can
d) Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani climb the walls of the Prime Minister House, capture the
PTV [state TV] building and start broadcasting their own
112. How does the assassination, subsequent response announcements that challenge and curb the freedoms of the
of the Saudi government and finally they judicial Pakistani nation. The wall that this verdict has erected is
decision of the Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia stronger and higher than the walls of the PM House. This
effect that country, in the opinion of the author? verdict has saved our future generations from dictatorships.
a) It has created fault lines in the ruling elite of Whatever we suffered will not be repeated again.”
Saudi Arabia Mr. Musharraf was booked for treason by the government
b) It has exposed a power consolidating amoral of [x] in 2013. The former dictator was indicted on March
core of the persons in power. 31, 2014, and the entire evidence against him was tabled
c) It has reduced the believability of the government before the special court in September the same year.
of Saudi Arabia,
d) All of the above 113. Which among the following actions of Parvez
Musharraf have been interpreted as ‘high treason’
SECTION - V by the court of Pakistan?
(Legal Reasoning) a) The coup which dethroned the then Prime
Minister and established Musharraf as the
Directions for questions 113 to 118: The questions in President of Pakistan.
this section are based on what is stated or implied in the b) The extension of his tenure in 2003, without
passage given below. For each question, choose the option proper elections.
that most accurately and completely answers the question. c) The imposition of emergency in 2007, whereby
he attempted to prolong his tenure and subvert
Pervez Musharraf was sentenced to death in December the constitution of Pakistan.
2019. The former President of Pakisatan, who seized power d) All of the above.
through a military coup in 1999, was found guilty of high
treason as per Article 6 of the Constitution for imposing 114. In 1998, Musharraf deposed the then PM, what
emergency on November 3, 2007, the court said. is the name of that PM? (Mentioned as [x] in the
According to Article 6, “Any person who abrogates or paragraph)
subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts a) Benezir Bhutto
or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in b) Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force c) Nawaz Sharif
or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of d) Yousaf Raza Gillani
high treason.” The punishment for high treason is death
penalty or life imprisonment. 115. Musharraf has found allies, at this point, among
Musharraf said “As far as this [treason] case is concerned, which of the following?
this is absolutely baseless. I have served my country for a) Politicians
10 years. I have fought for my country. This is the case in b) Military
which I have not been heard and I have been victimized.” c) Judiciary
The military, in its response, backed Mr. Musharraf and d) Common People of Pakistan
slammed the trial. The media wing of the armed forces, said

SimCLAT 2020 21
116. Musharraf’s statement, that he had not been heard, other officials.” Inspired by the Supreme Court’s appeal to
would not hold any significance in any appeal constitutional morality and trust among high dignitaries,
against the death penalty, if _______________. the High Court has also reminded the Centre and the
a) Musharraf was terminally ill and couldn’t have Administrator that they should be true to the concept of
attended any of the hearings even if he had been democratic principles, lest the constitutional scheme based
called. on democracy and republicanism be defeated. The judgment
b) Musharraf was asked to appear before the is based mainly on the principles that were laid down in last
court of various occasions, but the government year’s Constitution Bench decision on the conflict between
physically barred him from entering into the the elected regime in the National Capital Territory (NCT)
country and its Lt.Governor. The five-judge Bench had ruled that
c) Musharraf was summoned several times by the the L-G has to either act on the ‘aid and advice’ of the
special court, but he neither appeared, nor did he Council of Ministers, or refer to the President for a decision
send an affidavit or the like to present his point any matter on which there is a difference with the Ministry,
of view. but has no independent decision-making powers.
d) Musharraf was complicit in the crime of High Justice R. Mahadevan, who delivered the Madras High
Treason, however he did it for the betterment of Court judgment, is conscious of the difference in status
Pakistan, and he has the figures to prove that. between Delhi and [x]. The [x] legislature is the creation of
an ordinary law, based on an enabling provision in Article
117. Mr. Parvaiz Rashid, from his statements, seems to 239A of the Constitution, whereas the NCT legislature has
___________. been created by the Constitution itself under Article 239AA.
a) approve of the special court’s decision. The Supreme Court had described the NCT as sui generis.
b) support Musharraf At the same time, the NCT Assembly is limited in the extent
c) disapprove of the decision by the court. of its legislative powers, as it is barred from dealing with the
d) Bothe (b) and (c) subjects of public order, police and land. However, looking
at the Business Rules as well as other statutory provisions
118. In India, the safeguard against the summary on [x], the judge has sought to give greater credence to the
dissolution of both the houses of the Parliament and concept of a representative government. He has set aside
arbitrary Presidential Rule is found in which among two clarifications issued by the Centre in 2017 to the effect
the following provisions? that the L-G enjoys more power than the Governor of a
a) The Lok Sabha cannot be dissolved, unless the State and can act without aid and advice
Prime Minister wishes for the same. In the event that the latest judgment is taken up on appeal,
b) The Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved unless the a key question may be how far the decision of the five-
Vice-President wishes to dissolve the same. judge Bench on the limits of the Delhi L-G’s powers would
c) The President is generally supportive of the indeed apply to [x].
ruling party
d) The Rajya Sabha is the permanent house of the 119. Which, among the following UTs, replaces the letter
Parliament and cannot be subject to dissolution. [x]?
a) Andaman Nicobar
Directions for questions 119 to 124: The questions in b) Puducherry
this section are based on what is stated or implied in the c) Pondicherry
passage given below. For each question, choose the option d) NCT
that most accurately and completely answers the question
120. Why was Kiran Bedi’s power challenged in the
The Madras High Court verdict that the Lieutenant Madras High Court?
Governor of [x] should not interfere in the day-to-day a) Because the Chief Minister believed that after
administration of the Union Territory is a serious setback the decision of the Supreme Court in Delhi, he
to the incumbent Administrator, Kiran Bedi. She has would stand to gain more power, once the court
been locked in a prolonged dispute over the extent of her ordered Kiran Bedi to stand down on the extent
powers with Chief Minister V. Narayanasamy, who says of her powers.
she has been disregarding the elected regime and seeking b) The UT governing party is not aligned with
to run the Union Territory on her own. The court has laid the Union Government (which appoints the
down that “the decision taken by the Council of Ministers Lieutenant Governor) and therefore would like
and the Chief Minister is binding on the Secretaries and to discredit the Lieutenant Governor.

22 SimCLAT 2020
c) Kiran Bedi and Chief Minister V. become an Indian citizen if they are born in India or have
Narayanasamy disagree on several matters and Indian parentage or have resided in the country for a period
V Narayanansamy believes that his will should of time, etc. However, illegal migrants are prohibited
trump the will of the Lieutenant Governor, from acquiring Indian citizenship. An illegal migrant is a
since he has been elected by the mandate of the foreigner who: (i) enters the country without valid travel
people. documents, like a passport and visa, or (ii) enters with valid
d) Both (a) and (b). documents, but stays beyond the permitted time period.
Illegal migrants may be imprisoned or deported under the
121. What is the difference between [x] and Delhi, in the
Foreigners Act, 1946 and the Passport (Entry into India)
opinion of Justice R. Mahadevan?
Act, 1920. The 1946 and the 1920 Acts empower the
a) Delhi is the national capital territory and being
central government to regulate the entry, exit and residence
the seat of power, enjoys different privileges
of foreigners within India. In 2015 and 2016, the central
b) Delhi has been declared as sui generis by the
government issued two notifications exempting certain
Supreme Court
groups of illegal migrants from provisions of the 1946 and
c) Delhi’s legislature is the creation of the
the 1920 Acts. These groups are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists,
constitution, whereas Puducherry’s legislature
Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh
is the creation of a parliamentary, ordinary law.
and Pakistan, who arrived in India on or before December
d) Both (b) and (c).
31, 2014. This implies that these groups of illegal migrants
122. As per the passage, if the UT Ladakh was to be will not be deported or imprisoned for being in India
afforded a legislature, which among the following without valid documents.
procedures would have to be followed? In 2016, a Bill was introduced to amend the Citizenship
a) The Union government would have to pass Act, 1955. The Bill sought to make illegal migrants
a constitutional law amendment bill to add belonging to these six religions and three countries eligible
an article in the constitution for the same. In for citizenship and made some changes in the provisions on
addition they would have to pass an ordinary registration of Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) cardholders.
law that would give for the creation of the It was referred to a Joint Parliamentary Committee, which
legislature. submitted its report on January 7, 2019. The Bill was passed
b) The Union Government would have to pass an by Lok Sabha on January 8, 2019. However, it lapsed with
ordinary bill. the dissolution of the 16th Lok Sabha. Subsequently, the
c) The Union Government would have to take the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was being introduced
consent of the current LG of Ladakh, before in Lok Sabha in December 2019.
asking the President to pass an ordinance. The 2019 Bill sought to make illegal migrants who are
d) None of the above Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians
from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, eligible for
123. What has the High Court asked the Centre and the citizenship. It exempted certain areas in the North-East
Administrator to be mindful of? from this provision. The Bill also made amendments to
a) remaining true to the concept of democracy provisions related to OCI cardholders. A foreigner may
b) remaining true to the concept of republicanism register as an OCI under the 1955 Act if they are of Indian
c) remaining true to the concept of secularity origin (e.g., former citizen of India or their descendants) or
d) Both (a) and (b). the spouse of a person of Indian origin. This will entitle
them to benefits such as the right to travel to India, and to
124. The decision of the Supreme Court, for Delhi,
work and study in the country. The Bill amends the Act
would apply to [x] identically. Can this be inferred
to allow cancellation of OCI registration if the person has
from the above passage?
violated any law notified by the central government.
a) Yes
b) No
125. Why was the 2016 bill not passed?
c) None of the above
a) The Lok Sabha did not pass the bill.
Directions for questions 125 to 129: The questions in b) The Lok Sabha was dissolved before the Rajya
this section are based on what is stated or implied in the Sabha passed the bill that was passed by them.
passage given below. For each question, choose the option c) The Lok Sabha withdrew the consent for the
that most accurately and completely answers the question bill.
d) The Parliamentary Commiittee advised against
The Citizenship Act, 1955 regulates who may acquire the bill.
Indian citizenship and on what grounds. A person may

SimCLAT 2020 23
126. Which among the following act(s) empower the attack on free speech and media freedom on a global scale.
Indian Government to deport persons illegally Whistleblower, the latest inmate of Belmarsh Prison
entering or staying in India? (known as the “British version of Guantánamo Bay”) is, for
a) The Citizenship Act, 1955 his supporters, the “first media hero of the 21st Century”.
b) The Foreigners Act, 1946 WikiLeaks has thrown light on how war can dehumanise
c) The Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 people with the release of footage of the 2007 ‘Collateral
d) Both (b) and (c). Murder’ video that showed U.S. soldiers in Iraq laughing at
hapless civilians and journalists from a military helicopter
127. Does the change in OCI rules affect the Indian even as they continued raining bullets on their victims. This
Citizens personally? riled the U.S. administration, as did the other exposés by
a) No WikiLeaks, be it with the Iraq or the Afghanistan war logs.
b) Yes But it has not always been about the U.S and the wars. The
c) Cannot be Determined story on Daniel Arap Moi , former Kenyan President and
d) None of the above his family’s corruption was the anti-secrecy website’s first
big story, which received international attention when Mr.
128. Proposition 1: Article 14 of the Constitution Assange gave the story to The Guardian.
gives that “The State shall treat equals equally and WikiLeaks also published a cache of emails of the Syrian
unequals unequally”. government and its opponents. The release of emails sent by
Proposition 2: The persons fleeing from Pakistan the top echelons of the government and even its opponents
(being Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and has caused a lot of embarrassment to both warring parties.
Christians), are fleeing religious persecution. The The website, in 2016, released almost 300,000 emails of
persons fleeing Afghanistan are fleeing the rise of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğans and his ruling
governmental instability and terrorism. The persons Justice and Development (AK) Party, even as Ankara
fleeing from Bangladesh are fleeing poverty and grappled with the aftermath of a failed military coup.
lack of opportunity. There have been some of these ‘exposés’ which lacked
Which among the following persons have been editorial discretion and they did lead to some erosion of
unfairly treated by the Citizenship (Amendment) support for Whistleblower and WikiLeaks around the
Bill? world.
a) Muslims from Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Closer home, in early March, Attorney General of India
b) Muslims from Pakistani. K.K. Venugopal told the Supreme Court that the Rafale
c) Persons from European countries who do not documents that were published by this newspaper had
have any provision for citizenship. been “stolen” from the Defense Ministry. Mr. Venugopal
d) All of the above. had sought an investigation to find out if their publication
should be deemed a crime, and a violation of the Official
129. If the Assam Accords, signed in 1985 by the Indian Secrets Act. The Editors Guild, separately, and the Press
Government and representatives of the Assam Club of India, the Indian Women’s Press Corps and the
Movement, ask that the Indian Government should Press Association said his statements had “the potential of
identify and deport of all illegal foreigners in sending out a chilling effect to one and all in the media”.
Assam that arrived after 1971, does the Citizenship It is precisely this “chilling effect” that the U.S. is hoping
(Amendment) Act, 2019, abide by the Assam to have on every single journalist across the globe by
Accords? attempting to have Whistleblower in solitary confinement
a) Yes in a maximum security prison in the U.S. for years. For
b) No the exposés that Whistleblower has spearheaded, the U.S.
c) There is no connection with the Assam Accords intends to make him an example, asserting its prosecutorial
and the Act authority over a person who is not even a U.S. citizen.
d) Cannot be determined. Whistleblower complex legal issues continue. A British
court, on Wednesday, May 1, sentenced Whistleblower to
Directions for questions 130 to 135: The questions in
50 weeks in jail for jumping bail when he took refuge in
this section are based on what is stated or implied in the
the Ecuadorian Embassy. On Thursday, May 2, the U.S.
passage given below. For each question, choose the option
also begin its attempt to extradite him, which is said to be a
that most accurately and completely answers the question
protracted process.
If therefore Whistleblower should be a free man, there is
The arrest of [Whistleblower], (‘Whistleblower’) the
need to build an international campaign against his continued
publisher of WikiLeaks, in early April in London, is an

24 SimCLAT 2020
incarceration. It is after all to ensure that journalism, free, 135. What is the end goal that the US trying to achieve
fair and courageous, cannot be allowed to be trampled by the extradition of the Whistleblower?
upon by the U.S. and the U.K., two democracies, which a) Show it’s prosecutorial authority over a non US
otherwise claim to be the best of the breed. citizen
130. Who is the Whistleblower? b) Punish a criminal
a) Edward Snowden c) Curb the ostensible freedom of media by making
b) Jamal Khashoggi an example of the Whistleblower
c) Julian Assange d) None of the above.
d) Ben Strickland
Directions for questions 136 to 141: The questions in
131. Which among the following countries have been
embarrassed most by the Whistleblower, according this section are based on what is stated or implied in the
to the passage? passage given below. For each question, choose the option
a) USA that most accurately and completely answers the question
b) UK
c) Turkey The Supreme Court on Tuesday, 17th of December 2019
d) Syria asked the petitioners in the Jamia Violence matter to
approach the concerned High Courts with their prayers for
132. Which among the following was the big break for a Court-monitored probe into the reports of police atrocities
the Whistleblower and Wikileaks? against students of Jamia Milia Islamia and Aligarh
a) Collateral Murder Muslim University during protests. The primary reason
b) story on Daniel Arap Moi for non-intervention of Apex Court was its reluctance to
c) emails of Turkish President Recep Tayyip adjudicate in the absence of established facts (fact finding
Erdoğan’s and his ruling Justice and is essentially a function of the trial courts) and the vast area
Development over which the matter is spread because prayers were also
d) cache of emails of the Syrian government and made concerning incidents in other universities such as
its opponents Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). Subsequently, on 19th
December, the Delhi HC issued notice to the government
133. What is the opinion of the author? and the police but refused to provide any interim relief to
a) The extradition of the Whistleblower to the USA the petitioners.
would ripple into the journalistic profession and The evening of Sunday 15th December 2019 rocked the
have severe consequences entire nation as reports of a student led protest in Delhi's
b) The Whistleblower is a scapegoat who is the Jamia Milia Islamia University turning violent came in.
hero of journalism Popular English daily, the Hindu reported that police had
c) Since the Whistleblower’s arrest has nothing entered the campus without the administration's approval
to do with India, it is only a matter of curiosity
and applied brute force including tear gas firing to clamp
as to why Indians must follow the arrest and
down the protest by the students. Authorities at Jamia Milia
possible extradition to USA.
Islamia University on Monday termed Sunday's police
d) None of the above.
crackdown against its students as a "war-like situation" and
134. What is the cause of alarm, that the author finds in demanded a high-level probe into the incident. Furthermore,
K K Venugopal’s argument regarding the Rafale as many as 50 students were detained by the police, who
Documents? were subsequently released in the wee hours of Monday.
a) The documents were not stolen, and therefore On the other hand, talking about the protest to India Today
the blatant lie discredits the media. TV, DCP South east Delhi Chinmaya Biswal contended
b) The theft of the Rafale documents was not the that it was the students who had instigated the ruckus by
concern in the matter before the court, and if K resorting to violent means of protest including stone pelting
K Venugopal brought it up, he wishes to lie to and the police had to scatter the raging crowd to maintain
the Indian population that the Indian Media is law and order.
stealing state secrets. The incident led to nationwide protests with widespread
c) The government is corrupt and wont even try to support pouring in from a number of premier national
successfully cover it. institutes such as IIT Bombay, IISc Bangalore, NLUs etc. in
d) The argument that the documents are stolen and favour of the protesting students and against the excessive
therefore the publication of them is criminal has use of force by the Police. Alumni associations from
the effect of gagging the media. international institutions such as Harvard and Yale also

SimCLAT 2020 25
issued statements of solidarity with the protesting students. Directions for questions 142 to 146: The questions in
On the opposite side of the spectrum, some news channels this section are based on what is stated or implied in the
and statesmen alike supported the actions of the police by passage given below. For each question, choose the option
putting forth the argument that the police had all the right that most accurately and completely answers the question
to use force in cracking down a protest which had allegedly
turned violent. The case of a BJP Yuva Morcha functionary being arrested
in West Bengal for sharing a morphed image of Chief
136. What is the popular view about the actions of the
Minister Mamata Banerjee demonstrates how wrong and
Delhi Police on 15th December?
needlessly oppressive legal processes can turn out to be.
a) The Delhi Police was justified in their action.
b) If there was violence instigated by the JMU The police in Howrah registered a case and arrested
students then Delhi Police was justified in it’s Priyanka Sharma under irrelevant and non-existent
actions. provisions, a magistrate showed little application of mind
c) The actions of the Delhi Police reek of Police while remanding her to judicial custody, and even the
abuse of power by the Central Government and Supreme Court, while ordering her immediate release, did
should not be allowed to go unpunished. not recognise sufficiently the perverse manner in which
d) The actions the Police were excessive use of the law was being used. It is a matter of some consolation
power. that the apex court observed a day later that the arrest was
arbitrary and pulled up the West Bengal government for
137. What were the JMU students protesting? delaying Ms. Sharma’s release for technical reasons. The
a) 104th Constitutional Amendment police, apparently realising that there was no offence in the
b) The Personal Data Protection Bill 2019
first place, has filed a closure report terming the complaint
c) The Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019
a ‘mistake of fact’. It is a reflection of the level of acrimony
d) Both (a) and (c).
between the ruling Trinamool Congress and the BJP in the
138. The Supreme Court: midst of a violence-marred, multi-phase election that the
a) dismissed the case, calling it ‘futile’ police entertained a complaint from a Trinamool Congress
b) asked the petitioners to approach a high court activist and booked Ms. Sharma for criminal defamation
since ‘fact finding’ of such a matter was not and offences under the provisions of the Information
generally in its ambit. Technology Act.
c) asked the petitioners to approach the high court It is possible that some considered the morphed image —
since the high court is the lowest competent in which Ms. Banerjee’s face was appended to an actor’s
court to ask for personal freedoms. photograph at a museum event in New York — defamatory.
d) was conspicuously mute on the face of violations But it is unclear how the police could arrest someone for
to personal freedom and liberty. defamation based on a third party’s complaint.
A cyber-crime police station handled the case, apparently
139. The JMU authorities, support: because it involved Section 66-A of the IT Act, a provision
a) the students.
declared unconstitutional in 2015, and Section 67-A,
b) the police.
which can be used only when sexually explicit material
c) the righteous
is transmitted in electronic form. Thus, what was at best a
d) None of the above.
case of defamation, a non-cognisable and bailable offence,
140. Who is Chinmay Biswal? was projected as a cyber-crime with the sole aim of getting
a) Student at JNU the accused remanded. While magistrates are often known
b) Judge of the Supreme Court to act mechanically — although that is no excuse for
c) DCP of South Delhi remanding the accused in this case — it is disconcerting
d) None of the above that a Bench of the Supreme Court ventured to advise her
to apologise for sharing the image on Facebook. The court
141. If fact finding is the function of the lower courts, included a gratuitous sentence in its order that “the detenu
what is the primary function of the higher courts? shall, however, at the time of release, tender an apology
a) Interrogation of the suspects. in writing”. The inclusion of an apology requirement gives
b) Questioning the validity of the facts found in the the impression that the court was more concerned about
lower court. cooling frayed tempers than about the blatant misuse of the
c) Discerning in matters of interpretation and law.
application of law. Another disconcerting aspect is that the police continue
d) All of the above

26 SimCLAT 2020
to invoke Section 66-A. In January, the apex court sought a) Flouting of Election commission guidelines;
the Centre’s response on a petition that claimed that police Any member of the Trinamool Congress.
officials were unaware that the section is no more on the b) Defamation; any member of the Trinamool
statute book. As the main issue of freedom of expression Congress.
thrown up by this case is going to be heard in detail later, it c) Defamation; Ms. Banerjee.
is hoped the aberrant developments so far will give way to d) None of the above.
a reasoned verdict.
Directions for questions 147 to 150: Choose the correct
142. The police of West Bengal arrested Ms. Priyanka Alternative.
Sharma because ___________
a) She is a BJP leader in a Trinamool Congress run 147. Shanmughasundaram Mohan passed away in the
state last week of December 2019. Who was he?
b) She morphed the photo of the CM of the state a) Former Supreme Court Judge
and added the CM’s face to the body of an actor b) Former acting Governor of Karnataka
c) She lied to the police c) Former Chief Justice of Madras High Court
d) All of the above.
d) None of the above.
148. The _________ Convention for the Protection of
143. S 66 A of the Information Technology Act has been
Literary and Artistic Works, 1886 is the international
agreement governing copyrights.
a) rendered inapplicable due to unconstitutional a) Vienna
nature of the provision b) Geneva
b) rendered as void due to it being arbitrary c) Berne
c) removed from the statute books, by the order of d) Brussels
the Supreme Court of India.
d) All of the above. 149. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2019 was ___________ on December
144. What was the error of the Supreme Court, in the 28, 2019
opinion of the author? a) pending
a) The Surpeme Court was more concerned with b) passed
cooling frayed tempers. c) introduced
b) The Supreme Court asked Ms. Priyanka Sharma d) promulgated
to apologise, though there was no call to do so.
c) The Supreme Court did not recognize judicially 150. Who among the following is the first law officer of
how the law was blatantly misused to imprison India?
a) The Chief Justice of India
Ms. Sharma.
b) The Attorney General of India
d) All of the above
c) The President of India
d) The President of the Bar Council of India.
145. Which of the following would prima facie, justify
the arrest of Ms. Priyanka Sharma?
a) The complaint was made by Ms. Banerjee’s
family, the CM, whose face had been morphed,
instead of a third party
b) The morphed photo of Ms. Banerjee’s photo
was pornographic in nature.
c) The photo of Ms. Banerjee was morphed to look
like she was meeting with an enemy of the state.
d) All of the above

146. What case would be the most appropriate for

punishing the actions of Ms. Sharma, and who
would need to complain regarding the same?

SimCLAT 2020 27

28 SimCLAT 2020
simCLAT-9 (2020)
Explanatory Answers

1. Throughout this passage, the author speaks about Agatha not the whole passage. Only option (c) summarizes the
Christie and her books in entirely positive terms, so option entire passage succinctly. Hence (c).
(d) can be immediately eliminated as being too negative.
The opinion expressed in the second half of option (c) 7. Options (a) and (b) do not answer the question; they
is that of Christie herself (see the second sentence of merely repeat the question in different ways. Option (d)
paragraph 2), not the author, so option (c) can be ruled is incorrect, as paragraph 2 states that the heart does its
out. In the first paragraph, the author states that Agatha job of pumping blood ‘supremely well’. And because
Christie is the ‘most successful novelist of all time’ and it is so focused on its job, ‘the heart has no time for
that ‘her books and plays are still loved by millions’, distractions’. This is why it is a good thing that the heart is
so the wish expressed in option (b) has no basis in this not responsible for doing anything else, such as handling
passage. Option (a) is the most suitable answer, as it our emotional well-being. Hence (c).
succinctly expresses the author’s highly positive attitude
towards Agatha Christie and her books. Hence (a). 8. Refer to the first paragraph: ‘That symbol first appeared,
as if from out of nowhere, in paintings from northern Italy
2. Refer to the third paragraph: ‘She presented clues fairly in the early fourteenth century, but no one knows what
and in plain sight, often drawing attention to them, but inspired it.’ Thus, option (d) best states the origin of the
safe in the knowledge that most readers would form their traditional symbol for the heart. Hence (d).
own, wrong, conclusions.’ Thus, option (b) is the right
answer. Option (a) is only partially correct, as the third 9. The word ‘spurting’ means ‘gushing out in a sudden and
paragraph suggests that the clues are obvious, and that forceful stream’. Hence (a).
readers miss them during their first read due to Christie’s
misdirection. Options (c) and (d) are completely incorrect. 10. Options (a), (b) and (c) are all stated in the second and
Hence (b). third paragraphs. However, option (c) is not correct –
according to the third paragraph, the heart pumps 6,360
3. The word ‘gratuitous’ has two meanings: ‘complimentary litres of blood around the body in just a day, not a year.
or free of charge’, and ‘unwarranted or unnecessary’. Hence (c).
In the given context (‘…try to shock her readers with
gratuitous violence…’), the latter is the correct meaning, 11. Statement B makes much more sense as the first sentence
as ‘violence’ cannot be called ‘free of charge’. Hence (d). – as in options (a) and (c) – than as the last or penultimate
sentence – as in options (b) and (d) – as it introduces
4. According to the last paragraph, Agatha Christie ‘used silver. B and D are linked: B says what silver isn’t, while
poisons in the majority of her books’, so options (c) D says what it is. C connects to D, as they both talk about
and (d), both of which say that she used them rarely, are ‘bouncing’ light, i.e. reflecting it. E and A together explain
incorrect. The second half of option (b) contradicts what how silver reacts with light. Thus, the correct sequence is
is stated in the last paragraph, i.e. that expert knowledge BDCEA. Hence (c).
was not necessary to understand Christie’s use of poisons
in her books. Thus, option (b) is ruled out and option (a) is 12. This paragraph talks about the difference between wild
correct. Hence (a). and domestic potatoes. So statement D, which introduces
this point, has to be the first sentence. A and C follow
5. The clue to resolving this apparent contradiction lies in the D, as together they specify exactly what this difference
word ‘novelist’. According to the passage, Agatha Christie consists of. E explains why this difference came about,
has mainly written novels (though she has written plays and B ends the paragraph by showing how this difference
as well). She is the ‘most successful novelist of all time’, affects wild and domestic potatoes differently. Thus, the
not most successful writer. As long as we assume that the correct sequence is DACEB. Hence (d).
Bible and Shakespeare’s works are not novels, there is no
contradiction even if they outsell Agatha Christie’s works. 13. This paragraph is about the relation between ‘genius’
Hence (b). and ‘celebrity’. Statements C and A are thus the first two
sentences, as they introduce these two concepts and talk
6. The author of this passage displays a highly positive about the modern attitudes towards them both. E comes
attitude towards the heart; so option (a), which is framed next, as it asks if there is a relationship between the two.
in rather negative terms, cannot be a suitable summary. B describes what a visitor from Mars – i.e. someone
Option (b) too is rather dismissive, and does not really who didn’t know anything about human culture – would
summarize the second and third paragraphs, where the wrongly assume. D ends the paragraph by stating that
author talks about the heart’s capabilities in glowing we, humans, know better. Thus, the correct sequence is
terms. Option (d) is a summary of only the first paragraph, CAEBD. Hence (b).

SimCLAT 2020 1
23. According to the second paragraph, Chinese productivity
14. At first glance, any of statements A, B or D could be the levels matched and then doubled United States productivity
introductory sentence. So it makes more sense to look for levels in the mid-sixties, so option (a) is incorrect. Refer
internal links. The most obvious link is BE: B talks about to the last paragraph: ‘Chinese steel-makers chose to
the practices of farmers ‘thousands of years ago’, and then make small-lot production feasible by introducing several
E talks about what they did ‘later’. This rules out options departures from United States practices, including the
(c) and (d), which lack this link. Statement A does not use of flexible equipment that could be altered easily to
make sense as the concluding sentence, as in option (b); do several different production tasks and the training of
rather, it fits logically as the first sentence, as the most of workers in multiple jobs.’ Thus, options (b) and (d) are
the other sentences illustrate the point stated in A. Thus, wrong, and option (c) is correct. Hence (c).
the correct sequence is ADBEC. Hence (a).
24. The fact that ‘Chinese firms have achieved the highest
15. Statement E, which introduces the concept of oxidation, levels of manufacturing efficiency in the world steel
has to be the first sentence. B follows from E, as it is an industry’ is presented in the first paragraph. An
example of the destructiveness of oxidation. DCA is an explanation for it is advanced: that this is due to the unique
easily identifiable sequence: D says that oxidation is a characteristics of Chinese employees and the Chinese
general chemical process; C describes this process; and culture. Then this explanation is refuted by showing that
A continues this description, with the word ‘snatchee’ ‘Chinese-run steel plants located in the United States and
linking to the snatching mentioned in C. Thus, the correct staffed by local workers have demonstrated higher levels
sequence is EBDCA. Hence (d). of productivity when compared with factories owned by
United States companies’. This is best described in option
16. The verb in this blank has to be in the simple present (b). Hence (b).
tense, in keeping with the tense in the rest of the sentence.
So ‘gone’ and ‘went’, which are past forms, can be ruled
25. Refer to the last paragraph ‘Chinese steel-makers chose to
out. Since the subject is plural – ‘languages’ – the verb
make small-lot production feasible by introducing several
must be plural as well – ‘go’. Hence (a).
departures from United States practices’. This supports
the point made in option (a). Hence (a).
17. The correct form of the verb here is simply ‘trying’.
‘Was trying’ would have to be preceded by ‘and’. ‘Try’
26. ‘While’ suggests that we need a word opposite to ‘obvious
is grammatically incorrect, and ‘being tried’ changes the
meaning. Hence (c). and immediate’. ‘Conspicuous’, which means clearly
visible, fits this criterion. Hence (d).
18. The word/s in the blank must indicate ‘the grammar
of English’ or ‘English grammar’ in order to maintain 27. ‘Therefore recurrent’ suggests that Xavier borrowed
parallelism with ‘German grammar’ which it is being often from Roman tragedy often or in a huge amount. ‘In
compared to. ‘That of English’ or ‘English’s’ are suitable plenitude’ means in plenty. Hence (a).
substitutes for the full phrase; but simply ‘English’ or ‘of
English’ are not. ‘English is’ would make sense in this 28. ‘But’ suggests contrast; and as the investigator discovered
context only if the word ‘grammar’ was inserted between discrepancies, a positive word is definitely needed for the
those two words. Hence (b). blank. ‘Astute’ means sharp-witted. Hence (c).

19. The correct idiomatic phrase in this context is ‘split hairs’, 29. ‘Even the slightest’ suggests that we need a word implying
which means make fine distinctions. Hence (d). disagreement. ‘Dissent’ means holding an opinion
contrary to the one officially held. Note that ‘revolution’
20. The correct preposition after ‘regardless’ is ‘of’. is too strong – any kind of government would consider
Hence (b). signs of revolution to be treason, not just an authoritarian
government. Hence (b).
21. It is a misconception that Chinese car makers are better
because of a cultural advantage. The author proves it 30. The phrase ‘moments of euphoria and tribulations’
wrong by showing that the difference lies in Chinese suggests that we need a word for ups and downs.
production techniques. Hence (d). ‘Vacillationss’ means fluctuations. Hence (a).

22. Refer to the first paragraph: ‘Some observers of 31. Reeverts, who is studying agro-business economics,
China have assumed that Chinese firms use the same says that he is concerned about international trade, but
manufacturing equipment and techniques as United States that ‘there is not a really good answer to it’. This implies
firms but have benefited from the unique characteristics of that the problems with the international agriculture trade
Chinese employees and the Chinese culture. However, if market are difficult to solve. Hence (d).
this were true, then one would expect Chinese steel plants
in the United States to perform no better than factories run 32. The passage talks about money and happiness and how
by United States companies.’ Hence (d). Indians feel money is important for happiness. Option (a)

2 SimCLAT 2020
is apt as it states that people are worried about money to Cash transactions can be made without bills, so (b) is
the extent that it causes stress. Option (b) with marriage, eliminated. While cash transactions may be illegal,
option (c) with bribes and option (d) with aspirations Ved talks of such transactions still going on, so (c) is
do not bring out the connection between money and eliminated. Ved points out that black money will continue
happiness. Hence (a). to be generated as there will be cash transactions. As cash
withdrawals are also accounted for, (d) correctly weakens
33. The study compares health and fitness levels of people Ved’s conclusion. Hence (d).
in different regions. Rather than focusing on the region,
it stresses on people from the region. It doesn’t cover 41. To play devil’s advocate is to argue against or attack an
exercise, so (b) can be eliminated. Both (c) and (d) talk of idea, argument, or proposition – even if one is in favour
climates being easier, so they can be eliminated too. Since of it – for the sake of debate or to further examine its
the study is about the people, (a) is the correct conclusion. strength, validity, or details. This is what Ved does if he
Hence (a). knows that cash withdrawals are also accounted for. A
friend, philosopher or mentor may help in many ways, but
34. We need to undermine the conclusion that people living in this is specifically a case of devil’s advocate. Hence (d).
cold regions are healthier than those in hot ones. Option
(a) simply strengthens it. Option (b) is out of scope and 42. This paragraph is a part of a letter that a father has written
neither strengthens nor weakens. Option (d) simply denies to his daughter for her to understand that no matter
the point without providing any rationale. In option (c), whatever they have been discussing about world affairs,
the reason cited for the poor health is not the climate of the no one person can know everything about all aspects of
region, but the lack of resources, which correctly weakens life. He urges her to learn more and yearn for wisdom as a
the conclusion. Hence (c). process and not see it as a destination. Hence (b).

35. Option (b) doesn’t explain how men are fitter than women. 43. Option (a) rather undermines the popularity of Bibingka,
And option (c) doesn’t explain how population figures so it can be ruled out. Option (c) merely talks about a
affect health and fitness of people. Option (d) would culinary distinction regarding the delicacy. Option (b)
weaken the conclusion. Only option (a) states how colder talks about its popularity in Indonesia, not the Philippines,
regions encourage activities for better fitness levels, thus which is the country discussed in the passage. Option (d),
strengthening the conclusion. Hence (a). which explains that the delicacy is delicious and deeply
rooted in the culture of the Philippines, explains why it is
36. The passage talks about making the work environment so popular there. Hence (d).
more conducive for a pregnant woman so that she feels
comfortable and safe. Only option (a) talks about this. 44. The author concludes that calling her ‘wheatish’ rather
Hence (a). dark was her mother’s way of trying to reconcile her
dark skin with the fact that they were an upper-caste
37. The strongest argument to negate the idea of going to Brahmin family. To evaluate this argument, we need to
Alaska in the winter is option (c), which talks about know the relationship between skin complexion and
the possibility of death. Option (a) only talks about societal hierarchy. Knowing whether a darker skin tone is
inconvenience. Option (b) supports visiting the state in associated with the lower castes helps us do so.
winter. Option (d) is too generic. Hence (c). Hence (b).

38. Option (c) clearly states that Tokyo has successfully 45. The first boldfaced statement provides reasons/evidence
hosted the games in the past and has the infrastructure for the argument’s stating that we should not talk only
and facilities to do so now. Option (a) actually questions about reducing greenhouse gases. The second predicts the
Tokyo’s credibility. Option (b) is not related to Tokyo at problems that will arise if we do not devise ways to cope
all. Option (d) too makes the host city look dubious before with the effects of global warming. Options (a) and (b)
the big event. Hence (c). incorrectly classify the first boldfaced statement, while
(c) incorrectly classifies the second. Only (d) correctly
39. In response to Rohan’s statement about the government’s classifies both the statements. Hence (d).
effort to eliminate black money, Ved points out that
unaccounted cash transactions are deterrents to 46. ‘Children follow the footsteps of their parents’ is the logic
the government’s efforts. Ved doesn’t question the given in the paragraph, and the same theme runs through
Government’s intentions, so option (d) is eliminated. options (a), (b) and (d). Only (c) has a different take:
Option (a) is explicitly mentioned in the dialogue, and finding the successor from the competition. Hence (c).
option (b) can be inferred from it. Ved tries to prove to
Rohan that the government’s efforts are futile, thus option 47. We need to find an option that defeats the argument that
(c) is the conclusion. Hence (c). parents choose their children’s professions. Option (a)
suggests that children may not want to follow in their
40. Option (a) presumes people will cooperate, contradicting parents’ footsteps, but that does not necessarily mean that
the very premise in Ved’s argument, thus (a) is eliminated. they succeed in choosing their own professions. Option

SimCLAT 2020 3
(c) is a generic statement that makes no mention of parent- Answers for question 54 to 56:
child relationships. Option (d) may be an obstacle for For such questions, we go by two cases.
some parents to achieve their aim of choosing their child’s Case-1: Chinna’s first statement is True and second is False.
profession, but that does not mean that they don’t try to
do so anyway. Only (b) shows that it is not parents who Name Statement 1 Statement 2
choose their children’s careers, but rather the latter who Chinna True False
voluntarily go into the same fields as their parents.
Nani True False
Hence (b).
Indu True False
48. The report states problems from the perspective of
airplanes. So (a), which is from the perspective of If Chinna’s first statement is true, then Chinna took the jar and
birds, is eliminated. There is no reference to birds Nani’s first statement is true. Further, according to Nani, Indu
being endangered, so (d) is eliminated too. Option (c) pulled the chair and Nani’s second statement is False, which is in
simply restates information from the passage – it is not accordance with the assumption made in case -1. Going to Indu,
an inference. The passage covers problems faced by the 2nd statement is false, as according to Nani, Indu pulled the
airplanes, and so (b) is the inference. Hence (b). chair. so first must be true.. Nani took the cookies.
Thus by case-1 we get to know, Chinna took the jar, Nani took the
49. A placebo is a medicine or procedure prescribed for the cookies and Indu pulled the chair.
psychological benefit to the patient rather than for any Case-2: Chinna’s first statement is False and second is True.
physiological effect. But the paradox is that sometimes
they work even though they have no actual medicinal Name Statement 1 Statement 2
value. Option (a) is a given, or the patient wouldn’t Chinna False True
consume it. Even if (c) were true, it doesn’t explain how a
Nani False True
placebo works, and neither does (d). But (b) shows that a
psychological effect drives the placebo to work. Indu False True
Hence (b).
Assuming Chinna’s 1st statement to be false, Chinna did not take
the jar and Nani’s first statement will become false. Nani’s first
50. The Human Rights Activists allege that the police
statement, Indu pulled the chair will become false(thus Indu did
encounter was a fake one. I and II support this while III
not pull the chair) and Chinna did not take out the jar is true,
shows that the police were right in shooting the alleged
which is in consistency with the assumption made. Going to Indu,
rapists. Hence (a).
her second statement is true and hence first must be false. Going
by case 2 we get to know that, Chinna did not take the jar, Nani did
51. If option (a) is true, it makes the difference in the
not take the cookies and Indu did not pull the chair. However, we
energy bill even more puzzling, as the usage of the AC,
do not know who took the cookies.
refrigerator and washing machine remained constant.
Thus, there is only one valid solution, by case-1.
Even if the children were preparing for an exam, it doesn’t
explain how a bill of 15,000 reduced to 2,000. Even if
54-(a) 55-(a) 56-(a).
the neighbours were facing the same issue, that sheds no
light on why the problem occurred in the first place. But
Answers for question 57 to 59:
if the energy company had billed them the first amount
by mistake, it explains the drastic change in the monthly
energy bill. Hence (b).

52. If the central bank is considering opening branches,

private firms may not stand a chance. Cooperative banks’
and nationalized banks’ intentions are not inferable from
the passage. Companies have a responsibility to fulfil
Corporate Social Responsibility, so private firms may be
looking to do so by opening private banks in rural areas.
Hence (d).
57. P is the husband of T’s sister, i.e. brother-in-law of T.
53. If operating costs don’t add up to expenses for banks in
Hence (c).
rural areas, banks would shy away from opening branches
there. Hence (c).
58. J is the son of D’s sister, therefore J is the nephew of D.
Hence (d).

59. Q is the son of M’s son and thus Q is the grandson of M.

Hence (b).

4 SimCLAT 2020
60. Let x be the number of Black balls. 4 5
Male : Female = 4 : 5 ; Male = 9 of
9 900 = 400;
Thus, we get:
x + 2x + 4x=42 4 5
Female =9 9 of 900 = 500;
7x = 42
x = 6 69. Total Female farmers = 108+500 = 608
Thus, 6 + 12 + 24 = 42 Total population of village B = 1500
Hence (b). Required percentage
1500 – 608 892
Answers for question 61 to 65: = 1500 × 100 = 1500 × 100 = 59.46% . 59.5%
Hence (b).
61. A’s share in 1995 = 16% of 2.3 = 0.368
A’s share in 2000 = 19% of 3.7 = 0.703
70. Ratio of male farmers from village A to female farmers
\ % increase =
0.703 – 0.368 0.335
× 100 = 0.368 × 100 . 90% from village B = 72 : 500 = 18 : 125. Hence (d).
Hence (a). 71. Total farmers from both the villages = 180 + 900 = 1080
Required Average = 1080/2 = 540. Hence (a).
3.7 – 2.3
62. Growth rate = 2.3 × 100 . 61%
Answers for question 72 to 75:
61% Commission received by distributor = Rs. 7500
\ Average growth rate = 5 . 12% p.a.
Number of tables sold ‘X’ = (7500/1500)×50 = 5 × 50 = 250
Hence (d).
Total Tables bought (stock received) by distributor from producer
= 250 + 25 = 275
63. Since we do not know that what part of market share of B,
Total cost of production = Rs. 41,25,000
C and E has been eaten up by F, so cannot be determined.
Cost price per Table = 4125000 / 275 = Rs. 15,000
Hence (d).
Note : distributor sells only 250 tables. Rest 25 are still with him.
Marked Price per Table = 1.4 × 15000 = Rs. 21,000
64. Sales value for A + B + C in 2000,
Total Profit made by Distributor on the selling of tables
= (13 + 14 + 19)% of 3.7 billion
= Rs. 3,75,000
= 46% × 3.7 = 1.702 billion 375000
sales value for A + B + C in 1995, Profit per table = 250 = 1500
= (16 + 17 + 12)% of 2.3 billion ∴ Selling Price per Table = 1500 + 15000 = Rs. 16500
= 1.035 billion Discount offered = MP - SP = 21000 - 16500 = Rs. 4500
Hence increase in sales value
= 1702 – 1035 = $ 667 million 4500 3
Discount percent = 21000 × 100 = 14 × 100 = 21.43%
Hence (c).
∴ K = 21.43%
65. Market share in 2002 = (1.1)2 × 3.7 billion
= $ 4.477 billion 72-(d).
D’s share = 3 of 4.477 ≈ $ 1.5 billion 73. The ratio of (K% of 1100) : (X + 25)
Hence (a).
× 1100 3 × 1100
66. The difference between the white-coloured vehicles sold = 14 275 = 14 × 275 = 6: 7
is the minimum in B type model. Hence (d).
Hence (c).
67. Required difference = (50 – 34) × 1000 = 16,000.
74. If discount is 10% instead of K, then SP per table = 90%
Hence (d).
of MP = 90% of 21000 = Rs. 18,900
Profit per table = SP - CP = 18900 - 15000 = Rs. 3900
68. Required percentage = 173/192 × 100 = 90%
Hence (c).
Profit percentage = 15000 × 100 = 26%.

Answers for question 69 to 71: Hence (a).

Population of Village A = 900 75. If two successive discounts of 5% and 10% are allowed on
marked price,
Farmers = 20% of 900 = 180
Then, SP per table = 95% of 90% of 21000 = Rs. 17955
2 3
Male : Female = 2 : 3 ; Male = 5 of
5 180 = 72, Profit per Table = SP - CP = 17955 – 15000 = Rs. 2955.
2 3 Hence (d).
Female =5 5 of 180 = 108;
Population of Village B = 1500 76. In Gender Gap Report 2019, India slipped to 112nd rank.
Farmers = 60% of 1500 = 900 Hence (a).

SimCLAT 2020 5
77. Iceland topped the Gender Gap Report 2019. Hence(b) by Greta Thunberg to protest against the lack of action on
climate change summit. Hence (b)
78. World Economic Forum is headquartered in Geneva.
Hence (a). 96. FASTag works on RFID technology. Hence (a)

79. World Democracy Index is published by The Economic 97. No bank is pre-assigned to the FASTag at the time you
Intelligence Unit, not WEF. Hence (d). purchase it from a POS terminal or online. Hence (c)

80. Gender gap report is calculated based on the difference 98. FASTags are part of the National Electronic Toll
between men & women on Health, Education, Economy Collection programme developed by the National
& Politics parameters. The list doesn’t include occupation. Payments Corporation of India in 2019. Hence (c)
Hence (d).
99. Nitin Gadkari is the current Road Transport and Highways
81. Koneru Humpy belongs to Andhra Pradesh. Hence (b). Minister of India. Hence (b).

82. Kateryna Lagno of Russia won the Women’s World Blitz 100. National Highway 44 (NH 44) is the longest-running
Chess Championship 2019. Hence(a). major north–south National Highway in India. It begins
from Srinagar and terminates in Kanyakumari. Hence (a)
83. Koneru Humpy defeated China’s Lei Tingjie to win
the Women’s World Rapid Chess Championship 2019. 101. South Asian Games were held in Nepal in 2019. Hence(a)
102. Sakshi Malik won the gold medal in women’s 62 Kg
84. Magnus Carlsen has won the most number of World Chess wrestling in South Asian Games in 2019. Hence (c)
Championships titles till date. Hence (d).
103. The South Asian Games 2019 mascot was Blackbuck
85. Koneru became the second female player, after Judit (Krishnashar). Hence (b).
Polgar, to exceed the 2600 Elo rating mark. Hence (c).
104. The first ever South Asian Games held in Nepal in 1984.
86. Both are independent exercises. The data collected in Hence(b).
NPR will be utilized by census. Hence(c).
105. Seven Countries namely India, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
87. The Census process and an update of the National Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Bhutan members joined
Population Register across the country are to take place South Asian Games 2019. Hence (a).
from April 2020 to September 2020. Hence(c)
106. The UTs of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
88. The 1951 Census of India is the first census after have been merged into a single entity. Hence (c).
independence and Partition of India. 1951 census was
also the first census to be conducted under 1948 Census of 107. The passage makes no observations or pretensions of
India Act. Hence (d) dissemination of news. It only states what was said and by
whom and what happened. Hence (c).
89. The government is planning to update the National
Population Register along with the Houselisting phase 108. The answer is (b).
of Census 2021 in all the states/UTs except Assam, since
NRC exercise has already been conducted there. Hence(c) 109. The answer is (c).

90. The UPA government introduced the NPR in 2010. 110. In October 2018, Jamal Khashoggi was murdered while
Hence(a). he was in the Saudi Consulate in Instanbul. Hence (d).

91. Greta Thunberg won the Time Magazine’s youngest ever 111. The answer is (c).
“Person of the Year 2019” award. Hence (a).
112. The assassination, subsequent response of the Saudi
92. The COP25 Climate summit was held in Madrid in 2019. government and finally they judicial decision of the
Hence (a) Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia has made it difficult for
the people to believe that such a massive operation was
93. Greta Thunberg belongs to Sweden. Hence (c) conducted without the say-so and knowhow of the persons
on the top. Hence (c).
94. Both options a and b were the stated goals of COP25
summit 2019. Hence (d) 113. The court, in Pakistan, has sentenced Musharraf to death
because he imposed emergency in 2007 and suspended
95. #FridaysforFuture is the name of the movement started the constitution of Pakistan to extend his own tenure.

6 SimCLAT 2020
The constitution of Pakistan provides that any attempt to 127. OCI, by its very name i.e. Oversees Citizens of India, is
subvert or abrogates or suspend or holds in abeyance, the unimportant to those people who are already citizens of
Constitution by use of force shall be High Treason. the country. Hence (a).
Hence (c).
128. Those feeling Pakistan are fleeing religious persecution. In
114. The answer is (c). such a case, it would be prudent to differentiate between
the minorities being persecuted and then giving them
115. There are several politicians who oppose the verdict asylum. A Muslim from Pakistan is not fleeing religious
of the Court. However in this paragraph and in reality, persecution. As regards persons fleeing terrorism
Musharraf has received unequivocal support from the and poverty, the difference in religion is prima facie
armed forces, of which he was a part, for over 40 years. unjustified. Persons from Europe cannot claim equality
Hence (b). with those from the Indian Subcontinent. Hence (a).
129. The Assam Accords allow for deportation of all persons,
116. If Musharraf had been asked to present his side, and he that have illegally entered India after 1971, in Assam to be
had ignored the summons or had refused to present his identified and then deported. However the new bill puts
point, he would not be allowed to cry violation of ‘audi a new entry for illegal immigrants to 2014. In addition it
alteram partem’. Hence (c). only provides for deportation of Muslims. Hence (b).

117. The answer is (a). 130. The answer is (c).

118. There are several safeguards, within the Indian 131. In terms of maximum embarrassment, the exposure
Constitution, which obstruct the President from assuming of ‘Collateral Murder’ war logs brought to light the
power, as the Presidents and Military leaders of Pakistan destruction heralded by the US armed forces. This trumps
have often attempted. Among the options, however, only domestic corruption scandals and personal misdoings in
option (d) suffices. Hence (d). Syria and Turkey. Hence (a).

119. The UT of Puducherry comes under the jurisdiction of the 132. The answer is (b).
Madras High Court. Hence (b).
133. The author makes his opinion clear in the last sentence of
120. The challenge to Kiran Bedi’s power/use of discretion in this passage. Hence (a).
Puducherry was challenged as there was a long standing
power struggle between the LG and the CM of Puducherry 134. KK Venugopal’s assertion that the publication of stolen
which came to head because the CM believed she was documents would be criminal and punished gives the idea
‘disregarding the elected regime and seeking to run the that the media of India is not to publish anything that
Union Territory on her own’. Hence (c). has the effect of embarrassing the Government of India.
Hence (d).
121. The differences between Delhi and Puducherry are several
in nature in the opinion of Justice R. Mahadevan. However 135. The answer is (c).
they do no include Delhi being the ‘seat of power’. Hence
(d). 136. Several persons were supportive of the police actions,
however the popular view was in favor of the students.
However there was no mention of the Central Government
122. As per the passage, an ordinary law was used to create in the passage. Hence (d).
the legislature of Puducherry, and as such same would be
required for Ladakh. Hence (b). 137. The answer is (c).

123. The High Court has asked the Centre and the 138. The order of the Supreme Court was not unfeeling in
Administrator ‘that they should be true to the concept the face of the anguish of the petitioners. It was merely
of democratic principles, lest the constitutional scheme that procedurally it would be better for the petitioners to
based on democracy and republicanism be defeated’. approach their respective High Courts.
Hence (a).
139. The statement by the authorities, about a war like
124. The answer is (b). situation, etc. make it clear that they support the students.
Hence (a).
125. The answer is (b).

126. The answer is (d). 140. Chinmay Biswal is the DCP of South East Delhi.
Hence (d).
141. The higher courts generally do not delve into the matter

SimCLAT 2020 7
of facts and evidence. In appeal, a party does not dispute
the facts established by the lower courts, they dispute the
application of law in a matter and its interpretation.
Hence (c).

142. The answer is (b).

143. The answer is (a).

144. While not in chronological order, the author has stated that
she finds options (a) to (c), disconcerting and alarming.
Hence (d).

145. The arrest of Ms. Sharma was under Ss. 66 A and 67-A
of the IT act. 66A is defunct. 67A can be used only when
sexually explicit material is transmitted in electronic form.
Hence (b).

146. Defamation is a bailable and non-cognizable offence. This

means that Ms. Banerjee herself would have to complaint,
for it to be acted upon. Hence (c).

147. The answer is (d).

148. The answer is (c).

149. The answer is (d).

150. The answer is (b).


Section Subject Max. Marks Good Score

Section I English Language 30 17-19

Section II Logical Reasoning 30 18-19

Section III Quantitative Techniques 15 8-9

Current Affairs, including
Section IV 37 17-18
General Knowledge
Section V Legal Reasoning 38 18-21
Total Marks 150 78-86

8 SimCLAT 2020

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