Some Features of The Unsteady Pressure Field in Transonic Airfoil Buffeting

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VOL. 17, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 1980 J.

ARTICLE NO. 79-0351R

Some Features of the Unsteady Pressure Field

in Transonic Airfoil Buffeting
Frederick W. Roos*
McDonnell Douglas Corporation, St. Louis, Mo.

Comparisons are made between the unsteady transonic flowfields of two airfoils: a Whitcomb supercritical
airfoil, and a conventional NACA 0012 section. Wind tunnel experiments on these airfoils included penetration
into buffeting as a result of high cl and/or high M^. Fluctuating surface pressure, lift, and shock location were
measured on both airfoils. Two-point pressure cross-correlations were used to determine coherence and
propagation direction of pressure fluctuation patterns on the upper surface of each airfoil. Between the upper-
surface shock and the trailing edge (a region with intense pressure fluctuations), pressure disturbances
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propagated upstream in attached flow, but traveled downstream when extensive separation existed. In the latter
case, convection velocities were found to be frequency dependent. Another cross-correlation, relating surface-
pressure fluctuations to unsteady lift, was employed to establish which regions of the pressure fields were of
primary importance in producing buffeting forces. While many of the principal features of the pressure/lift
cross-correlations were common to both airfoils, some specific differences were found. For example, the
supercritical airfoil exhibited less periodicity in its cross-correlation. This result was attributed to the flat-
topped, aft-cambered shape of the supercritical airfoil section, which reduced the coupling between shock
oscillations and lift fluctuations.

Nomenclature Introduction
= pressure coefficient = (p —px) Iq^
= pressure coefficient for locally sonic flow
= pressure coefficient at trailing edge
T RANSONIC buffeting limits the maneuverability of
combat aircraft, and consequently remains the subject of
continuing study. 1>2 Because of the highly complex nature of
= air foil chord, m this challenging problem, involving the interaction between an
= section lift coefficient =L/q00c unsteady, separated, three-dimensional, transonic flow and a
= unsteady bending moment coefficient = m'b/Mb multi-component, three-dimensional structure that is
D = drag force per unit span, N/m vibrating in several modes, theoretical prediction of buffeting
f = frequency, Hz intensity will remain an impossibility for a long time to come.
f* = dimensionless frequency -fcl U^ Although rapid progress is currently being made in com-
L = lift force per unit span, N/m putational fluid dynamics, the calculation of even the two-
M = Mach number dimensional flowfield of a rigid airfoil in transonic buffeting
= mean spanwise bending moment at midspan, has yet to be accomplished. On the experimental side, at-
m-N tempts to use wind-tunnel measurements of surface-pressure
= fluctuating spanwise bending moment at mid- fluctuations to predict flight buffet loads have proven to be
span, m - N very difficult. 3 ' 4 Sophisticated models of transonic buffeting
P = static pressure, Pa flows must be developed before buffeting of aircraft, or even
q = dynamic pressure = p U2 /2 two-dimensional airfoils, can be predicted correctly by either
R(X,T) = autocorrelation coefficient of unsteady variable numerical or semiempirical methods. Definition of the
*(0,Eq.(2) necessary flow models depends upon the experimental
R(x,y,r) = cross-correlation coefficient relating unsteady determination of the significant details of transonic buffeting.
variablesx(t) andy(t), Eq. (3) McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories (MDRL) has
Rec = Reynolds number = U^c/v^ been conducting an investigation of transonic airfoil
U = streamwise flow speed, m/s aerodynamics in cooperation with the Douglas Aircraft
= pressure fluctuation convection speed, m/s Company (DAC) and the NASA Ames Research Center
= unsteady downwash velocity at upper edge of (ARC). One element of this program has been research into
wake near trailing edge, m/s the unsteady aerodynamics responsible for buffeting. An
= chordwise distance, m initial series of experiments dealt exclusively with a Whit-
= chordwise displacement of shock, m comb-type supercritical airfoil.5'6 Within the ranges of cl and
= kinematic viscosity, m 2 /s MO,, studied, regions of intense pressure fluctuations were
= density, kg/m 3 identified, variations of fluctuating pressure power spectra
= cross-correlation time delay, s with local flow conditions were determined, and spanwise and
= root-mean-square value of unsteady component chordwise coherences of pressure fluctuations and wake
of variable downwash velocity oscillations were established.
( )c = freestream value Further transonic airfoil buffeting experiments were
performed recently. These new experiments covered greater cf
Presented as Paper 79-0351 at the AIAA 17th Aerospace Sciences and MOO ranges for the Whitcomb-type supercritical airfoil,
Meeting, New Orleans, La., Jan. 15-17, 1979; submitted Feb. 16, including penetration into heavy buffeting. In addition, a
1979; revision received March 5, 1980. Copyright © American In- comparable set of tests was performed on the conventional
stitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1979. All rights NACA 0012 airfoil section to provide a hitherto unavailable
Index categories: Nonsteady Aerodynamics; Transonic Flow.
set of unsteady-flow data for comparison with the super-
* Scientist, McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories. Member critical airfoil results. New instrumentation provided lift
AIAA. fluctuation and shock oscillation measurements.

The objective of these experiments was to clarify and define standard statistical procedures.9 Intensities, or root-mean-
the unsteady pressure field acting on the airfoils as each square levels, of fluctuating variables were evaluated, and
airfoil developed buffeting through increasing cl and/or M^. auto- and cross-correlations were computed. Power spectra
Cross correlation of unsteady variables was used to determine were generated by Fourier transformation of autocorrelation
the coherence, spatial and temporal scales, and propagation functions. In terms of arbitrary fluctuating variables x ( t ) and
directions and speeds of unsteady pressure disturbances in the y ( t ) , the various statistical quantities were defined as follows:
flow. Intensity

Equipment and Procedures X =

-oo T Jo (1)
The experiments were conducted in the NASA Ames Two-
by-Two-Ft Transonic Wind Tunnel, a continuous-flow
facility that has been modified for two-dimensional testing. Autocorrelation coefficient
The 15.24-cm chord airfoil models spanned the 61-cm wide
test section and were supported by rotatable windows that
provided angle-of-attack variation. Figure 1 illustrates the test / fr
liml (2)
equipment installation. r-oo T Jo
Two airfoils were tested in this series of experiments. The
supercritical section was identical to Whitcomb's original Cross-correlation coefficient
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11 % thick single-element supercritical airfoil, 7 except that the

model tested was modified to have a 1 % thick trailing edge to
permit installation of static and dynamic pressure in- 1 i f
= -r7 lim_ (3)
strumentation in the trailing edge region. The conventional x'y' r-oo T Jo
airfoil tested was the NACA 0012 section.
Located at midspan on each airfoil was a chordwise row of Additional details concerning the experimental setup and
static pressure orifices. High-frequency-response, the data reduction procedures are given in Ref. 10.
semiconductor strain-gage pressure transducers were installed
adjacent to the pressure taps on both upper and lower surfaces Results and Discussion
of the airfoils. Signal conditioning equipment for these Each airfoil was tested over a range of M^ and c, values
transducers included an analog summing circuit that ap- around a baseline condition that represented a typical airfoil
proximated the instantaneous lift force. The supercritical cruise condition. For the supercritical airfoil, the baseline
airfoil model also contained a strain-gage bridge circuit for condition was M 00 =0.82, c/ = 0.53; the corresponding
sensing spanwise bending vibrations. condition for the 0012 section was M 00 =0.68, c, = 0.42.
Additional instrumentation included a dynamic-response Holding either M^ or c/ fixed, the other variable was in-
pressure probe for monitoring background disturbances in the creased until the airfoil passed through the onset of flow
test section, and a sting-mounted probe traversing unit. The separation effects and into heavy buffeting.
traversing rig was capable of movements in the streamwise
and vertical directions, and was used to position two probes in Airfoil Pressure Distributions
the airfoil flowfield simultaneously. One of these probes was
a two-sensor, X-configuration, hot-film anemometer probe, Figures 2 and 3 show how the Cp distribution for the
used to sense downwash fluctuations near the airfoil trailing supercritical airfoil evolved with increasing c, and M^,
edge. The other was a newly-developed shock-position- respectively. In all cases, the upper-surface boundary layer
sensing probe, 8 employed to monitor oscillations of the was tripped by a transition strip located at 35% chord. Both
upper-surface shock that stood on the airfoil in transonic sets of pressure distributions show clearly the characteristic
flow. Probe operation is similar to an anemometer probe in aft loading of this airfoil. Also evident is the pronounced
connection with a standard constant-temperature anemometer rearward shift of the shock as either cl or M^ is increased. In
unit. both cases, this trend is reversed upon the appearance of flow
Dynamic data were recorded on FM tape during the wind separation, which is always of the trailing-edge type on this
tunnel tests. Subsequent digital data analysis followed supercritical airfoil. The c, = 0.91 curve in Fig. 2 represents a
case of heavy buffeting, with separation occurring at the foot
of the shock and extending beyond the trailing edge. On the
other hand, Fig. 3 reveals that the highest Mach number
studied, M 00 =0.90, was insufficient to produce significant
buffeting, despite penetration well beyond the drag rise,
which occurred at Mx «0.81 at this cl level.6 Flow separation
and trailing edge Cp divergence are clearly present at
A/oo =0.87, but the shock pressure rise remains localized at
M^ =0.90, indicating the absence of buffeting fluctuations
Tunnel even though the separation occurs near the shock.
The variation of the pressure distribution on the con-
ventional NACA 0012 airfoil as M^ increased at constant c, is
shown in Fig. 4. This section carries essentially all its loading
forward; the only significant loading of the trailing-edge
region occurs at the highest Mach number (M^ =0.80), for
which separation extends from the shock to the trailing edge.
On this airfoil, separation first appears as a bubble at the base
of the shock (M00=0.74). This bubble grows toward the
trailing edge (M 00 =0.77) until the flow becomes fully
separated and heavy buffeting results. The chordwise shifting
Slotted top and bottom walls.
of the shock is similar to, but less extensive than, the shock
movement on the supercritical airfoil. Development of the
Fig. 1 Experimental arrangement for two-dimensional transonic conventional airfoil Cp distribution with increasing cl at
airfoil buffeting studies. constant M^ is similar, particularly in the manner in which

-1.4 -1.6

c/ = 0.42 ±0.02
-1.2 -1.4 Rec = 2 x 1
(boundary layer
tripped @ 18%c)



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0.4 I— R e = 2 x 106
(boundary layer tripped @ 35%c)

Fig. 2 Evolution with Increasing lift of pressure distribution on Fig. 4 Pressure distribution on NACA 0012 airfoil as a function of
supercritical airfoil. increasing Mach number.

M = 0.82
Rer = 2 x 10°
(boundary layer
0.20 tripped @ 35%c)

-0.8 -

-0.6 -

-0.4 «-


Fig. 5 Evolution with increasing lift coefficient of upper-surface

fluctuating pressure distribution on a supercritical airfoil (shaded area
indicates location of shock region).

slightly (usually moved upstream by a few percent chord).

This effect was observed with both airfoils.
Several cases, run both with and without the shock probe in
place, were compared to evaluate the extent of probe in-
Fig. 3 Development of pressure distribution on supercritical airfoil ter ferences both statically and dynamically. Results of this
as Mach number is increased. comparison show that probe interference produced no
significant qualitative effect on onset or extent of flow
separation, nor on the intensity or spectral content of pressure
shock-induced separation appears as a local bubble that grows fluctuations.
with increasing cl until it reaches the trailing edge. The
evolution with increasing c/ differs from Fig. 4 primarily in Pressure, Lift, and Shock Position Fluctuations
the development of greater suction and correspondingly Local surface pressure fluctuations on the supercritical
stronger shocks. airfoil increase dramatically in intensity with the development
The change in sign of ACp over the last 10-20% chord that of extensive separation, as Fig. 5 indicates. Although the most
exists for all Cp distributions except that at the highest M^ in intense fluctuations are always those associated with the
Fig. 4 resulted from a minor probe interference problem. In shock wave, heavy buffeting results when the increased
many cases, especially when the shock was well forward on fluctuation level caused by flow separation spreads forward to
the airfoil, the mechanism holding the shock-position-sensing the shock. Figure 6 gives the evolution of the C'p distribution
probe was close enough to the upper surface of the airfoil to with increasing M^. Although the fluctuating pressures near
alter the flow near the trailing edge. The interference was the trailing edge did intensify at the high Mach numbers,
manifested in two ways: Cp was increased over the aft portion buffeting did not commence, as was indicated by the mean Cp
of the upper surface, and the shock location was shifted distributions of Fig. 3. The moderately high Cp levels aft of

c / = 0.55 0.04
Rec = 2 x 106 (x' s /c) Supercritical airfoil
(boundary layer c, c/ = 0.42 ± 0.02
tripped @ 35%c) 0.03

Cp 0.10. (x s /c) -0.10



0 0.20
0.75 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92
0.70 ' 0
Fig. 6 Chordwise fluctuating pressure distribution for supercritical Fig. 9 Variation of supercritical airfoil flowfield unsteadiness with
airfoil: evolution with Mach number variation (shaded area indicates increasing Mach number.
location of shock region).

0.04 -0.10

c/ - 0.42 0
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Rec = 2 x 106
(boundary layer
tripped @18%c)
0.02 i



0.68 0.70 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80 0-82


Fig. 10 Influence of Mach number on lift fluctuations and shock

0.60 0 oscillations for a conventional (NACA 0012) airfoil.
Fig. 7 Chordwise fluctuating pressure distribution on conventional
NACA 0012 airfoil: variation with increasing Mach number (shaded
area indicates shock region).
significant flow separation and buffeting occur
simultaneously as lift increases on this supercritical airfoil;
I I I I I / this is true of most airfoils. The fact that c/, c'm, and Cp>tc all
Supercritical airfoil (est) < vary similarly validates the analog technique employed in
MOO = 0.82
approximating the lift fluctuations. Finally, the directly-
Rec = 2 x 106
measured unsteady movements of the upper-surface shock
(boundary layer tripped)
remain at low amplitude until appreciable flow separation
0.03 -0.10
occurs. Once separation develops, the coupling of fluc-
tuations of the shock and the separated flow region results in
0.02 0 c
p,te greatly increased amplitudes of shock motion and lift fluc-
The relationship of these same variables as Mach number
changes is shown in Fig. 9. It is evident that buffeting loads do
not develop simultaneously with the CAte divergence, (which
0 I—————I————I—————I—————I—————I—————I 0.20
0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
signals the appearance of trailing-edge separation). This
buffet-resistant behavior of the supercritical airfoil is
Fig. 8 Lift fluctuations and shock oscillations as a function of in- beneficial to the transonic performance of a combat aircraft.
creasing static lift on a supercritical airfoil. Recently reported flight-test results obtained by the USAF-
NASA TACT supercritical-wing F-lll with wings unswept
indeed have shown a constant, high value of buffet-onset lift
coefficient throughout the Mach number range, a marked
the shock at low cl (Fig. 5) and low M^ (Fig. 6) resulted from improvement over the standard F-111A with its conventional
upstream-propagating shocklets. 5>1° wing section.12 The NASA F-8 supercritical-wing airplane has
Fluctuating pressure intensities on the conventional airfoil likewise demonstrated a higher-than-cruise value of buffet-
vary similarly, as Fig. 7 demonstrates. Again, the most in- onset lift coefficient at all Mach numbers, and has also shown
tense pressure fluctuations are produced by shock un- that Cpjte divergence is not a valid buffet-onset indicator for
steadiness, and significant buffeting develops when the supercritical wing. 13
separation extends from shock to trailing edge. In this case, The high (x's/c) level at the lower Mach numbers in Fig. 9
though, the rise in C'p from separation effects first appears is associated with the ease of chordwise shock movement
just downstream of the shock instead of at the trailing edge, resulting from the low pressure gradients existing in the
because the separation begins as a bubble (recall Fig. 4). The midchord region.
region of increased C'p grows toward the trailing edge in direct In contrast to the supercritical airfoil, no anomalies appear
correspondence with the expansion of the shock-induced in the development of separation and buffeting on the NACA
separation bubble. 0012 airfoil as Mx is increased, as Fig. 10 indicates. All three
A comparison of several measures of buffet onset and variables break at approximately the same value of M^,
intensity is given in Fig. 8. Divergence of the trailing-edge providing consistent identification of buffet onset.
pressure coefficient is a common indicator of the onset of The results presented so far have involved only local
separation effects, while a rapid increase in airfoil or wing measurements (e.g., pressure fluctuation intensity at a point)
bending moment fluctuation intensity reliably indicates buffet or global features (e.g., lift fluctuations.) Cross correlation
onset.11 The agreement of these variables suggests that was used to establish the spatial and temporal structure of the

0.8 Conventional 0.80
Supercritical 0.82
(P90'P90- r ) 0.6 Supercritical 0.84
(P80-P90' r )



Fig. 11 Disturbance propagation in a supercritical airfoil flowfield: 0.10 1.0 10

normal case (no separation).
Fig. 13 Pressure fluctuation convection velocities downstream of
shock-induced separation.
c/ = 0.91
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100 i—-

-20 -15 -10 - 5 0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 12 Disturbance propagation in a supercritical airfoil flowfield: r (ms)
heavy buffeting case.
Note: Contours represent increments of 0.1 in cross-correlation coefficient
Fig. 14 Cross correlation of surface pressure and lift fluctuations on
a supercritical airfoil in the absence of buffeting.
unsteady pressure fields acting on the airfoils. As Eq. (3)
indicates, the cross-correlation coefficient provides a time-
averaged measure of how closely one unsteady variable is cross correlation between the pressure at 90% chord and the
related to another, taken at a time interval r later. Variation unsteady downwash component of flow velocity just aft of
of r and the spatial relationship of the two unsteady variables the trailing edge [R(ww,p90,r) in Fig. 12] shows a small peak
can provide many clues to the characteristics of unsteady at a time delay that is consistent with the pressure-pressure
flowfields. cross-correlations, indicating that the coherent pressure
disturbances are associated with structures that are being
Two-Point Pressure Cross Correlations carried downstream with the flow. Comparable results were
Two-point pressure cross correlations were used to obtained with the conventional airfoil, leading to the con-
determine coherence and propagation direction of pressure- clusion that this phenomenon, too, is a general one for airfoils
fluctuation patterns on the upper surface of the airfoils, undergoing transonic buffeting.
especially in the important region of intense pressure fluc- As noted previously, it is possible to derive disturbance-
tuations between the shock and the trailing edge. The trans- propagation speeds from cross-correlation data. By bandpass
ducer nearest the trailing edge (at 90% chord for the super- filtering the signals before cross-correlation, the frequency
critical airfoil, $1% chord for the 0012) was used as the dependence of these convection speeds can be established.
reference in each cross correlation. For completely attached Convection speed data for three cases of heavy buffeting are
flow, the set of cross correlations in Fig. 11 shows that the plotted in Fig. 13, which shows that the smaller-scale pressure
well-correlated pressure disturbances propagate upstream disturbances (associated with the higher frequencies) are
from the trailing edge to the shock. An average propagation convected downstream more rapidly than are the large-scale
speed can be identified in a cross correlation, using the spatial pressure variations. These results are similar to those obtained
separation between the measurements and the time delay from supersonic experiments with step- and ramp-induced
corresponding to the correlation peak; for the data of Fig. 11, separations in two- and three-dimensional flows. 14 Evidently
this speed is about 27 m/s (upstream). Since the local flow the different pressure-disturbance scales are associated with
over this part of the airfoil is nearly sonic, the apparent different levels within the separated shear layer, assuming
propagation speed is consistent with the idea of upstream that the convection speed for a given disturbance corresponds
acoustic propagation of pressure disturbances from the to the local mean flow velocity. Traveling at nearly the free-
trailing-edge/near-wake region. While these data were ob- stream speed, the smallest-scale pressure disturbances ap-
tained with the supercritical airfoil, similar results were parently arise from the outer edge of the shear layer. This
derived with the conventional section, and the phenomenon is phenomenon contrasts with surface-pressure measurements
therefore believed to be characteristic of airfoils in transonic made beneath attached turbulent boundary layers, which
flow. show a slight reduction of convection speed with increasing
Results differ markedly when the flow is fully separated frequency, in both low-speed15 and supersonic14 flows. On
from the shock to the trailing edge, resulting in heavy buf- the other hand, velocity fluctuation measurements made near
feting. Such a case for the supercritical airfoil yielded the the outer edge of an attached turbulent boundary layer have
cross-correlations shown in Fig. 12. The peak time delays are also shown higher convection speeds for higher frequencies.16
positive instead of negative, indicating that the correlated The mechanism by which these small-scale structures near the
pressure disturbances are moving downstream. Even the outer edge of the separated shear layer produce the major

contribution to the high-frequency pressure fluctuations at the aerodynamics and airfoil motion, these pitching moment
wall beneath the separation remains to be defined. fluctuations differ from those associated with the torsional
Pressure disturbance propagation appears to be more buffet response sometimes exhibited by finite wings.4'17
complex when partial separation exists (e.g., shock-induced Changes in the location and/or strength of the shock in turn
separation followed by reattachment). In such cases, the affect the flow separation, and the convection of such changes
cross-correlations clearly show both up- and downstream is indicated by the sweep of the correlation contours toward
propagation of pressure fluctuations, indicating that both the the trailing edge with increasing T. Other noteworthy features
acoustic and convective modes were active. Frequency- of the correlation map in Fig. 15 are the low correlation level
resolved cross-correlations show that the higher frequencies on the forward part of the airfoil and the slight periodicity
(/* > ~ 7) travel downstream with the frequency-dependent (one cycle identifiable on either side of r = 0).
speed characteristic of the convective mode, while the lower The next three pressure/lift cross-correlation maps were
frequencies show a mixed behavior. This kind of mixed-mode obtained with the conventional NACA 0012 airfoil. The first
disturbance propagation appears on the 0012 section of these, presented in Fig. 16, represents the airfoil in a
whenever the flow reattaches, whether or not significant buffet-free condition (M00=0.68, c, = 0.42). As with the
buffeting exists, and also appears on the supercritical airfoil supercritical airfoil, the unsteady lift that does exist is
when trailing-edge separation occurs downstream of (rather
than at) the shock (e.g., M^ = 0.87 and 0.90 in Fig. 3).
Pressure/Lift Cross Correlations
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To properly characterize the buffeting process, it is

necessary to establish which regions of the pressure field are
significant contributors to the overall lift force fluctuations;
these fluctuations are usually the forcing function in aircraft
buffeting. This determination was made through study of
cross-correlations between the various fluctuating pressures
measured on the airfoil upper surface and the unsteady lift
force acting on the airfoil.
The pressure/lift cross correlations are presented in the
form of space-time cross-correlation maps. These maps can
be interpreted as averaged x-t diagrams of the pressure -20 -15 -10 -5 0 E 10 15 20
disturbances that correlate with the unsteady lift. The func- r (ms)
tion plotted is in coefficient form, i.e., the cross-correlation Note: Contours represent increments of 0.1 in cross-correlation coefficient
has been normalized by the root-mean-square values of the Fig. 15 Cross correlation of surface pressure and lift fluctuations on
two correlated variables, as was indicated in Eq. (3). Because a supercritical airfoil in high-lift buffeting.
of sign conventions on pressure and cif a positive pressure
change on the upper surface of the airfoil normally
corresponds to a reduction in clf so that the resulting cross-
correlation is negative. The convention on r for this cross
correlation is such that r>0 means a delay of the lift force
relative to the pressure.
A space-time pressure/lift correlation map corresponding
to buffet-free flow about the supercritical airfoil is shown in
Fig. 14. This case is included as a reference condition against
which other cases will be compared. The shock region in-
dicated in Fig. 14 is simply the pressure-rise region of the Cp
distribution. The low-level cl fluctuations arise mainly from
pressure fluctuations in the vicinity of the shock, which is
undergoing moderate-amplitude chordwise excursions
(M^ =0.82 point in Fig. 9). The correlated pressure variations
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
change phase across the shock, so that the unsteady pressures r (ms)
up- and downstream of the shock tend to cancel each other. Note: Contours represent increments of 0.1 in cross-correlation coefficient
Finally, the distortion of isocorrelation contours near the Fig. 16 Cross correlation of surface pressure and lift fluctuations on
trailing edge at slightly negative r is associated with upstream- a conventional airfoil with no buffeting.
propagating pressure disturbances; this distortion would be
more pronounced if higher frequencies had been included in
computing the cross-correlation (only frequencies below 1 kHz E3 Separation
were involved). Shock
The cross-correlation map that represents a case of heavy c/ = 0.014
buffeting at high lift (M00=0.82, c, = 0.91) is different. As
Fig. 15 shows, the strongest correlation again occurs in the
vicinity of the unsteady shock (which is also the location of
the most intense pressure fluctuations, Fig. 5), but the
magnitude of the correlation has increased from the buffet-
free case. A strong correlation of opposite sign near the
trailing edge (another region of high pressure-fluctuation
intensity) seems to be associated with the previous half-cycle
of pressure fluctuation at the shock, and indicates that the
trailing-edge flow is a central element in the buffeting process. 0 E 10
-20 -15 -10 -5
The time-dependence of the boundary between the regions of r (ms)
positive and negative correlation suggests that pitching Note: Contours represent increments of 0.1 in cross-correlation coefficient
moment fluctuations may accompany the lift unsteadiness. Fig. 17 Cross correlation of pressure and lift fluctuations on a
Since they are not the result of any coupling between unsteady conventional airfoil at high lift.

upstream of the shock, with the contours skewed by the low

speed associated with disturbance propagation around the
supersonic zone, the contribution of pressure fluctuations in
this area to the unsteady lift is insignificant, as it is with the
supercritical airfoil.
The one striking difference between the pressure/lift cross-
correlation maps for the two airfoils in buffeting is the almost
complete absence of periodicity in the supercritical airfoil
correlations, compared to the pronounced periodicity evident
in the correlations for the conventional NACA 0012 section.
The greater periodicity seen in the lift and pressure fluc-
tuations for the conventional airfoil in buffeting results from
-20 -15 -10 0 E 10 15 closer coupling of three elements of the unsteady transonic
T (ms)
Note: Contours represent increments of 0.1 in cross-correlation coefficient
flowfield for that airfoil: the shock, the separated flow, and
lift. As discussed earlier, the type of flow separation is dif-
Fig. 18 Cross correlation of local surface pressure and lift fluc- ferent for the two airfoils. The curvature of the upper surface
tuations on a conventional airfoil in high-Mach-number buffeting.
that results from the rearward camber of the supercritical
airfoil promotes a trailing-edge separation that develops well
before buffet onset (recall Fig. 9). Even when separation
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produced mainly by pressure fluctuations near the shock. reaches the shock so that buffeting exists, pressure distur-
However, in this case the pressure fluctuations clearly bances that arise in the shock-induced separation region and
originate at (or aft of) the trailing edge and propagate forward are subsequently convected downstream lose coherence before
until they affect the shock. reaching the trailing edge (Fig. 15); consequently these
At the highest lift measured (c, = 0.74 at M^ =0.68), the pressure disturbances do not have an organized effect on
0012 airfoil presents an interesting case of incipient buffeting circulation adjustment (which corresponds to lift variation) at
(Fig. 17). The flow remains attached at the trailing edge for the trailing edge. On the conventional 0012 airfoil, flow
this condition, and there is a large shock-induced separation separation begins as a shock-induced separation bubble that
bubble on the airfoil. The strongest pressure/lift correlation grows until it reaches the trailing edge. In this case, convected
appears to be more closely associated with the separation pressure fluctuations remain coherent all the way to the
bubble than with the shock. Because the flow reattaches, the trailing edge, and therefore have a more profound effect on
contours of strong correlation do not stretch toward the circulation changes that occur there.
trailing edge as prominently as they do when the flow is fully Shock-displacement/lift-fluctuation cross correlations
separated. The pronounced positive correlation at the trailing revealed that coupling between shock motion and unsteady
edge again appears to result from the prior half-cycle of lift lift during buffeting is also greater for the conventional
and pressure fluctuation. The greatest positive correlation for airfoil. The magnitude of the peak correlation is higher and
r>0 occurs not near the trailing edge, but under the the periodicity is more pronounced for the 0012 airfoil,
separation bubble. As is true for the supercritical airfoil, the consequences of the differences in chordwise pressure
time-dependent boundary between the positive and negative gradients on the upper surface of the two airfoils. The steep
correlation zones may be an indication that pitching moment chordwise gradients on the 0012 section mean that small
fluctuations exist. One result peculiar to this map is the displacements of the shock correspond to appreciable lift
substantial negative pressure/lift correlation near the leading changes and substantial variations in shock strength. Because
edge of the airfoil (where fluctuation intensities were low). of the flat upper surface, the supercritical airfoil has a
The pronounced periodicity of the pressure/lift cross- correspondingly flat upper-surface pressure distribution that
correlation map in Fig. 17 was characteristic of the 0012 allows the shock to move chordwise with comparatively little
airfoil. Heavy buffeting of this airfoil, which occurred at change in lift, and almost no change in strength.
M^ =0.80, c/ = 0.44, resulted in similarly strong periodicity,
as Fig. 18 shows. Comparison of Figs. 17 and 18 reveals that Conclusions
the frequency indicated by the cross-correlation map is not the Experimental study of unsteady pressure fields that are
same in the two cases. There is no connection between this responsible for transonic airfoil buffeting has provided new
periodicity and spanwise bending vibrations of the airfoil insight into the structure of the associated unsteady flow
model. The frequency appearing in these cross-correlation mechanisms.
maps varies according to flow conditions and is always For both a conventional NACA 0012 airfoil and a Whit-
greater than the spanwise bending mode frequency. comb-type supercritical section, the surface-pressure and lift-
Many of the features of the pressure/lift cross-correlation force fluctuations are associated primarily with the upper-
for the conventional 0012 airfoil in heavy buffeting are surface shock and the region of separated flow between the
similar to those of the supercritical section, suggesting that shock and the trailing edge. On the aft-cambered supercritical
these features are common to transonic airfoil flows in airfoil, separation and the corresponding increase of C'p
general. As with the supercritical section, the strongest always begin at the trailing edge; for the conventional 0012
correlation is associated with movement of the shock wave airfoil, the C'p rise first appears beneath a shock-induced
and the resulting shock-induced separation, and a significant separation bubble that grows toward the trailing edge with
correlation of opposite sign again appears near the trailing increasing c, or M^.
edge. The manner in which the correlation contours sweep Between the upper-surface shock and the trailing edge (a
toward the trailing edge with increasing T again identifies this region of intense pressure fluctuations), pressure disturbances
phenomenon with a shear-layer convection process. The fore on both airfoils are propagated upstream acoustically when
and aft phase reversal of the correlation in Fig. 18 is similar to the flow is attached, but are convected downstream in fully
that shown by the supercritical airfoil, although the negative separated flow. In the latter situation only, the pressure
peak is stronger and the positive peak is weaker for the fluctuation convection speed is strongly frequency-dependent,
conventional section. This difference in relative strengths of with the higher frequency (smaller scale) disturbances moving
positive and negative correlation peaks implies that pitching more rapidly.
moment fluctuations may be less important, relative to lift Cross correlations relating local surface pressures to lift
fluctuations, for the conventional airfoil than they are for the fluctuations were helpful in defining the spatial and temporal
supercritical section. Although slight correlation does exist structure of the buffet-producing unsteady pressure field. For

both airfoils, pressure fluctuations at the trailing edge are out Roos, F.W., "Surface Pressure and Wake Flow Fluctuations in a
of phase with those near the shock, in terms of contribution to Supercritical .Airfoil Flowfield," AIAA Paper 75-66, Pasadena,
unsteady lift. This suggests that pitching moment fluctuations Calif., Jan. 1975.
might also be present in airfoil buffeting. Hurley, F.X., Spaid, F.W., Roos, F.W., Stivers, L.S. Jr., and
The supercritical airfoil differs from the conventional Bandettini, A., "Supercritical Airfoil Flowfield Measurements,"
section in two aspects: 1) a reduced tendency to develop Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 12, Sept. 1975, pp. 737-744.
Whitcomb, R.T., "Review of NASA Supercritical Airfoils,"
buffeting fluctuations as flow separation effects grow with 1C AS Paper No. 74-10, presented at the 9th Congress of the In-
increasing M^ and 2) less-periodic lift and pressure fluc- ternational Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Haifa, Israel, Aug.
tuations once significant buffeting does develop. These 1974.
differences are attributed to reduced coupling of lift, shock Roos, F.W., "Hot-Film Probe Technique for Monitoring Shock-
location, and flow separation fluctuations for the super- Wave Oscillations," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 16, Dec. 1979, pp. 871-
critical airfoil, which results from the characteristic flat- 875.
topped, aft-cambered shape of the supercritical section. Bendat, J.S. and Pier sol, A.G., Random Data: Analysis and
Procedures, Wiley, N.Y., 1971.
Roos, F.W. and Riddle, D.W., "Measurements of Surface-
Pressure and Wake-Flow Fluctuations in the Flow Field of a Whit-
Acknowledgment comb
Supercritical Airfoil," NASA TN D-8443, Aug. 1977.
Huston, W.B., "A Study of the Correlation Between Flight and
This research was conducted under the McDonnell Douglas Wind-Tunnel Buffet Loads," AGARD Rept. I l l , 1957.
Independent Research and Development Program in co- Monaghan, R.C., "Flight-Measured Buffet Characteristics of a
Downloaded by UNIV OF ADELAIDE (INTERNET) on February 1, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.57965

operation with the NASA Ames Research Center. Supercritical Wing and a Conventional Wing on a Variable-Sweep
Airplane," NASATP-1244, May 1978.
DeAngelis, V.M. and Monaghan, R.C., "Buffet Characteristics
of the F-8 Supercritical Wing Airplane," NASA TM 56049, Sept.
References 14
Coe, C.F., Chyu, W.J., and Dods, J.B. Jr., "Pressure Fluc-
Unsteady Airloads in Separated and Transonic Flow, Proceedings tuations Underlying Attached and Separated Supersonic Turbulent
of 44th Meeting of AGARD Structures and Materials Panel, Boundary Layers and Shock Waves," AIAA Paper 73-996, Seattle,
AGARD-CP-226, Lisbon, Portugal, April 1977. Wash., Oct. 1973.
2 15
Aircraft Stalling and Buffeting, AGARD-LS-74, presented at the Willmarth, W.W., "Pressure Fluctuations Beneath Turbulent
von Karman Institute, Brussels, and NASA Ames Research Center, Boundary Layers," Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 7, 1975,
Calif., March 1975. pp. 13-38.
3 16
Mullans, R.E. and Lemley, C.E., "Buffet Dynamic Loads During Cliff, W.C. and Sandborn, V.A., "Measurements and a Model
Transonic Maneuvers," McDonnell Aircraft Co., AFFDL-TR-72-46, for Convective Velocities in the Turbulent Boundary Layer," NASA
1972. TND-7416, Oct. 1973.
4 17
Cunningham, A.M. Jr. and Benepe, D. B. Sr., "Prediction of Moss, G. F. and Pierce, D., "The Dynamic Response of Wings in
Transonic Aircraft Buffet Response," Proceedings of the 44th Torsion at High Subsonic Speeds," Proceedings of 44th Meeting of
Meeting of AGARD Structures and Materials Panel, AGARD-CP- AGARD Structures and Materials Panel, AGARD-CP-226, Lisbon,
226, Lisbon, Portugal, April 1977. Portugal, April 1977.

From the AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series

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The current generation of internal combustion engines is the result of an extended period of simultaneous evolution of
engines and fuels. During this period, the engine designer was relatively free to specify fuel properties to meet engine per-
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