Excerpt From Chapter 10: Registration
Excerpt From Chapter 10: Registration
Excerpt From Chapter 10: Registration
Chapter 10
Few aspects of voice pedagogy are as perennially controversial as registers. Theories and opin-
ions abound as to their number, names, impact on the voice, and even to their very existence.
The entire issue is also a semantic minefield, requiring one to tiptoe through diverse, competing
terminology ranging from chest voice and falsetto to modal voice and flageolet. Anyone who has
been around singers for very long has almost certainly been exposed to registration concerns.
How many of the following terms are familiar to you?
The above list is far from comprehensive and deliberately excludes many common terms bor-
rowed from other languages, such as flageolet, voix mixte, voce di petto, passaggio, and
strohbass. As you can well imagine, this diverse terminology often leads to confusion and mis-
understanding, especially among singing students.
What exactly does the term register mean? One generally accepted definition is attributed to the
nineteenth century pedagogue Manuel Garcia:
“By the word register we mean a series of consecutive and homogeneous tones go-
ing from low to high, produced by the development of the same mechanical principle,
and whose nature differs essentially from another series of tones, equally consecu-
tive and homogeneous, produced by another mechanical principle” (Garcia, 1847).
Given this definition, the next task is to determine the number of registers present in the voice;
this, however, is not always easily accomplished. In many singing genres, ranging from yodeling
to popular commercial music, obvious breaks between two distinct registers are part of the sty-
listic norm. For males, there is a clear demarcation between pitches that lie within the speaking
range, almost universally identified as chest voice, and the high, light tones of falsetto. For
women, the same type of transition occurs between the low tones of chest voice, which can be
quite strong and relatively clear sounding, and the higher tones of head voice (also sometimes
called falsetto), which tend to be weaker and breathier sounding, especially in untrained singers.
Opera singers and others trained in the Western, classical tradition generally try to minimize or
eliminate noticeable changes of timbre within the total musical scale. Of course, some music is
written to highlight these changes; Fiordiligi’s aria “Come scoglio” would be much less dramatic
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were the huge leaps from high to low all sung in the same register! But since the goal usually is
to make all tones share the same basic timbre, as in point three of Garcia’s definition, it could be
said that accomplished singers learn to unify the voice into a single register. While this might be
the perception of the listener, voice science clearly shows that it is not actually the case. The
most perfectly blended voice will still exhibit at least two primary registration events related to
laryngeal physiology, accompanied by acoustic adjustments related to formant tuning. Physio-
logic events in registration are determined by changes in the voice source relating to the man-
ner in which the vocal folds vibrate and the glottis is configured. The two main options for glottal
source mode have been given many labels over time, including chest/falsetto, chest/head, and
thick/thin folds. In previous editions of this book, I used the terms thyroarytenoid and cricothy-
roid dominant production (TDP/CDP). But in an effort to avoid all semantic issues associated
with these terms—especially chest and head voice30 and the question of dominance—these two
primary registers simply will be labeled according to laryngeal function: Mode 1 and Mode 2
(Roubeau et al, 2009)31. Acoustic factors in facilitating the movement between registers, thereby
producing an “even scale,” will be discussed as the Chapter progresses.
Great controversies have arisen among singers and teachers over the terms chest and head voice. Many eschew
them because they do not accurately represent the source of the sound, preferring terms such as modal and loft
voice. Register names typically have been derived from sensation, not function. Low tones, be they called chest,
modal or heavy mechanism, tend to create sympathetic vibrations through forced resonance that can be felt in the
thorax. High tones often—though not universally—create sympathetic vibrations that are felt in the head. While nei-
ther chest nor head accurately describes all aspects of a register, they are common to our singing lexicon. In this
author’s experience, few people misunderstand the basic concept of chest voice; the same is not necessarily true for
alternate terms, including modal and heavy.
While the terms Mode 1 and Mode 2 are far from universal, they are commonly used by many members of the
voice research community, especially in Europe. Readers are welcome to substitute their preferred nomenclature for
these terms.
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Chapter 10: Registration
Figure 10-2: Mode 1 cycle of vibration showing vertical phase difference at glottis
For very high pitches, as typified by male falsetto and female flageolet or whistle voice, the glot-
tis might never completely close during Mode 2. The vocal folds, however, continue to oscillate,
alternately making the glottis wider and narrower (Figure 10-5). This change in dimension alone
is sufficient to induce pressure variations in the air that are identified as sound (10/3).
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Further information about glottal source modes is revealed through electroglottagraphic analysis
(EGG) and computer software such as Voce Vista.32 As demonstrated in Chapter 5, EGG esti-
mates glottal closing patterns by measuring resistance to signals passed through the larynx be-
tween a pair of electrodes. The
procedure is non-invasive, safe,
and totally free from discomfort;
test subjects are able to sing ab-
solutely normally while measure-
ments are taken (Figure 10-6).
Video example 10/4 demon-
strates Mode 1 and Mode 2 in
male and female voices. Re-
member that in the EGG tracing,
maximal glottal closure occurs at
the top of the graph, maximal
opening at the bottom.
Voce Vista is the creation of D. Miller, G. Nair, H. Schutte and R. Horne, in association with the University of Gro-
ningen Voice Research Laboratory.
CQ measures of >40% for Mode 1 and <40% for Mode 2 can be extremely variable—a reading of 50% is not suffi-
cient evidence to make the inference of Mode 1 vibration. It is safe to say, however, that if a pitch can be sung in ei-
ther in Mode 1 or Mode 2, CQ will be higher for the former. When using EGG to make assumptions about registration,
it is essential to consider both the CQ reading and the shape of the signal, which indicates the relative speed of open-
ing and closing portions of the cycle.
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