The Eclipse Project

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NASA SP-2000-4523

The Eclipse Project

Tom Tucker

NASA History Division

Office of Policy and Plans
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546

Monographs in
Aerospace History
Number 23
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Tucker, Tom, 1944-

The Eclipse Project/by Tom Tucker.
p. cm. -- (Monographs in aerospace history; no 24) (NASA history series) (NASA
SP-2000 ; 4524)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Eclipse Project (U.S.)--History. 2. Rockets
(Aeronautics)--Launching--Research--United States. 3. Towing--Research--United
States. I. Title. II. Series: IIl. NASA history series IV. NASA SP ; 4524

TL789.8.U6.E42 2000

For sale by the Superintendant of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Internet: Phone: (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250
Mail Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001
Table of Contents

Foreword ....................................................................................................................................... iv

Preface ........................................................................................................................................... v

The Eclipse Project ......................................................................................................................... 1

Start Up .................................................................................................................................. 1

The Elements .......................................................................................................................... 4

Names ................................................................................................................................... 17

Subsystems and Worry ......................................................................................................... 18

Space .................................................................................................................................... 32

The Proof .............................................................................................................................. 33

Documents ................................................................................................................................... 45

Eclipse Flight Log, Doc. 1 ....................................................................................... 46

Kelly Patent Number 5.626,310, Doc. 2 .................................................................. 49

EXD-01 Flight 5, Docs. 3-7 ................................................................................. 60

EXD-01 Flight 6, Docs. 8-13 ............................................................................. 75

EXD-01 Flight 7, Does. 14-21 ............................................................................ 87

EXD-01 Flight 8, Docs. 22-30 ............................................................................... 101

EXD-01 Flight 9, Docs. 31-40 .......................................................................... I I4

EXD-01 Flight 10, Docs. 41-52 ......................................................................... 130

Eclipse Acronyms and Definitions, Doc. 53 .......................................................... 148

Note, Dan Goldin to Ken [Szalai], Doc. 54 .............................................................. 149

Project Pilot's Slides about Eclipse, Doc. 55 ................................................................ 150

Index .......................................................................................................................................... 169

About the Author ....................................................................................................................... 171

Monographs in Aerospace History ............................................................................................ 171


The Eclipse Project by Tom Tucker provides a readable narrative and a number of documents that record an
important flight research effort at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center. Carried out by Kelly Space &
Technology, Inc. in partnership with the Air Force and Dryden at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave
Desert of Calitornia, this project tested and gathered data about a potential newer and less expensive way to
launch satellites into space. Whether the new technology comes into actual use will depend on funding,
market forces, and other factors at least partly beyond the control of the participants in the project. This is a
familiar situation in the history of flight research.

Frequently, the results of discoveries through flight research are not implemented immediately after
projects are completed. A perfect example of this phenomenon is the lifting-body research done in the
1960s and 1970s that finally lead to new aerodynamic shapes in the world of aviation and space only in the
1990s. Even then, the lifting-body shapes (for the X-33 technology demonstrator and the X-38 prototype
crew return vehicle) were only experimental. Other technologies emerging from flight research, such as
movable horizontal stabilizers, supercritical wings, winglets, and digital fly-by-wire moved more rapidly
into actual use in operational flight vehicles, but it was never crystal clear at the start of a flight research
project whether the results would simply inform future practice or would be adopted more or less com-
pletely by air- and spacecraft designers.

Regardless of the eventual outcome in the case of the Eclipse Project, it was a unique and interesting
experiment that deserves to be recorded. Tom Tucker has told the story in an interesting way that should
make the monograph a joy to read. I thank him for his hard work, writing skill, and his flexibility as the
monograph went through the coordination process. He was busy with teaching and writing another book;
yet he unfailingly responded to my requests for technical changes in the monograph as various participants
refined the details of the events surrounding the tow testing of the QF-106 behind its C-141A tow vehicle.

As editor of the monograph, I also want to express my appreciation to Jay Levine for his expert work as
layout artist and to Carol Reukauf, Mark Stucky, A1 Bowers, Bob Keltner, Fred Johnsen, and Bill Lokos for
their comments on the drafts of the study. Their assistance has made the account much fuller and more
accurate than it could have been without their taking time in very busy schedules to apply their personal
knowledge and expertise to the text at hand. I recommend the result to anyone interested in the history of
aviation and space technology. It will be especially valuable to anyone undertaking tow testing in the

J. D. Hunley, Historian
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
5 December 2000


When I was writing this history of a space technology issue, 1 was also busy at work on a book about
Benjamin Franklin's lightning science and deeply immersed in 18th century culture. In pursing the 18th
century project, I found myself seeking out dust-covered documents from archives. What a relief it was to
research the Eclipse story whose participants were all among the living and so willing to provide infl_rma-
tion. Eclipse was a joint effort uniting the efforts of three agencies, and to them all I owe a debt of gratitude,
to Kelly Space 8,: Technology, the U.S. Air Force, and NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.

Another Enlightenment perspective guided my approach to the Eclipse project. In the 18th century, scien-
tists and technologists focused on certain key issues, such as a practical means of finding longitude at sea
and locating the Northwest passage. The solutions to these problems would have dynastic import for nations,
and individuals or groups finding practical solutions would earn a fortune worth a king's ransom.

In our day, there has been a similar key issue, one just as important to the course of human history, just as
potentially rewarding for those who find the solution. In the aerspace industry, it has become a sort of
invisible barrier. For more than twenty years, the cost for space launch has remained about $10,000 per
pound. No innovation has appeared to solve this problem. Among the scores of creative, exciting ideas
conceived by small start-up companies trying to meet the challenge was the Eclipse project. Behind the tiny
Eclipse project resonated a large issue.

I owe a great debt to the many individuals, programs, and organizations which enabled me to write this
history. First, I am grateful to the NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program which brought me to
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center out in the Mojave Desert and supplied me with every kind of support
needed for research and writing. At Dryden Center, Don Black and Kristie Carlson provided nmch courtesy
and good advice. At the Stanford University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Melinda Francis
Gratteau, Program Administrator, and Michael Tauber, Co-director of the Program, aided me invaluably with
their help, consideration, and provision of opportunities. The programs which brought me in contact with
scientists and engineers who were NASA ASEE fellows at the NASA Ames Research Center helped me in
thinking about and clarifying this invention-history project.

Many people inside and outside the three participating agencies gave generously of their time and expertise
in interviews and correspondence. These included: Bill Albrecht, Mike Allen, Don Anctil, Bob Baron, AI
Bowers, Tony Branco, Dana Brink, Robert Brown, Randy Button, Bill Clark, Mark Collard, Bill Dana,
Dwain Deets, Casey Donohue, Bill Drachslin, Ken Drucker, Roy Dymott, Stuart Farmer, Gordon Fullerton,
Mike Gallo, Joe Gera, Tony Ginn, Ken Hampsten, Stephen Ishmael, Mike Kelly, Bob Keltner, Kelly
Latimer, Bill Lokos, Mark Lord, Trindei Maine (again), Jim Murray, Todd Peters, Bob Plested, Debra
Randall, Dale Reed, Carol Reukauf, Wes Robinson, Kelly Snapp, Phil Starbuck, Mark Stucky, Gary
Trippensee, Daryl Townsend, Mark Watson, Roy Williams, and Joe Wilson.

Readers of drafts along the way offered many valuable comments. I especially thank: AI Bowers, Fred
Johnsen, Mike Kelly, Carol Reukauf, and Mark Stucky. I am grateful to Dennis Ragsdale and Erin Gerena of
the NASA Dryden Library for tracking down my numerous research requests. Steve Lighthill, Jay Levine,
and the NASA Dryden Graphics Office as well as the NASA Dryden Photo Lab went above and beyond the
call of duty in giving this project the benefit of their talents. Steve Lighthill also deserves recognition lk)r his
expert work arranging for the printing of the monograph through the Govermnent Printing Office.

Last and most, I owe a debt to Dill Hunley, editor, historian, advisor, facilitator. IYiend, and when a phrase
needed a different turn in the face of an impossible deadline, co-author. He made this book much better than
it started.

Tom Tucker
Rutherfordton, NC
12 December 2000
The Start Up of feet overhead in the desert sky-a rope
that has outslithered any mathematical

Eclipse If you wander the halls and look in office prediction, a mesh of energies,
to unknown forces.
a witness
spaces at NASA's Dryden Flight Re-
Project search Center in the Mojave Desert
northeast of Los Angeles, you'll see that If you stare too long, you imagine the
Tom Tucker
nearly every researcher has walls deco- scent of jet fumes, the deafening roar of
rated with mementos from projects engines, the rope itself powering off the
completed. Trophies, keepsakes, awards- wall toward you. It represents a curious
these often take shape as photographs. project, one that generated controversy at
Hundreds of projects have resolved on the research center and at NASA Head-
these walls into 8-by-10-inch glossies. quarters in Washington, D.C. This was so
because its central technology, for all the
When you look in some offices, however, leading-edge electronics and aeronautics
you see what looks like a yachting developed around it. was the rope. NASA
trophy. It's a snippet of heavy-duty rope. involvement began in 1996 when a small
It is installed on a generic memento start-up company first approached NASA
plaque, but it was also recently the Dryden from just over the next mountain
centerpiece in a futuristic project range in San Bernardino.
brought to Dryden by a small venture
company named Kelly Space & Tech- Mike Kelly, founder of Kelly Space &
nology, Inc. This company hoped to Technology (KST), is a pleasant-looking
demonstrate a new approach to satellite man in his mid-forties with graying hail,
launching by first towing a space and when he speaks, he often brings both
launch vehicle to altitude behind a hands up as if trying to frame an idea in
transport airplane. midair. He has an engineer's hesitation
when he starts talking, which soon
Aerospace engineer Jim Murray keeps a disappears as his enthusiasm takes over.
unique memento of his participation in He remembers when he had the tow
the aerotow project-a large, messy launch idea. It came to him late in the
jumble of monster rope that dangles from winter of 1993. He was working out of his
the ceiling. It's the only trophy in his home office, then in Redlands, California,
office space. When Murray leaned just after he and TRW had parted ways. For
forward one day under the fluorescent some time, he had been thinking about a
glare, rubbing his hand back through an problem in the communications industry:
unruly mop of hair so that he reminded the stiff costs of placing satellites into orbit.
me of the inventor in the movie Back to Despite the rapid growth of lntemet and
the Future, he preferred to talk of his telecommunications technology, despite
current assignment, designing an airplane many breakthroughs in efficiencies that had
to fly the atmosphere on Mars. But 1 lowered costs, there had been no break-
couldn't help noticing the rope over his throughs in the satellite delivery system.
shoulder. The high cost of launch had not changed
for several decades. It is difficult math-
It is an eerie, snarled trophy-utterly ematics to estimate exact costs for this
unlike the polite snippets of rope that service with its federal subsidies, but a
decorate other offices. In a glance, you launch price tag might come in near
can see the lengthy strand in an entangle- $10,000 a pound.
ment no human fingers have devised.
You assume correctly that it represents "I was sitting at my desk," recalls Kelly.
the aftermath of some violence thousands "I had been thinking for a long time

James Murray, interview by author, 14 June 1999. and the author's observations during it.
aboutstrategiesfor takingoff fromthe havea technology for carryingvegetable
groundwitha reusable rocket."During cargoes. Althoughtheirairplanes could
oneperiodatTRW.hehadinvestigated carrytheweight,theproblemwaslow
reusablelaunchvehicles,RLVsthe density.Theairplanes couldnotcarrythe
industrycallsthem.Hethoughtaboutthe volumesof something likeFrench
Shuttleapproach, howthepiggyback lettuce,for instance,
worked,andhethoughtof Pegasus, how cargoprofitable.Shehadreplied,why
theunder-wingstowingworked.And notpull a bigairplanewithplentyof
thenhethoughtof pullingglidersona volumebehinda smallairplanewithan
rope.: engine? A gliderona ropeoffersa simple
Themomentwasthegenesis of his weight).
mentatthemoment,merelya sense of "Youcanpull morethanyoucancarry,"
onehazyconceptamongmanypossibili- saysKelly.Thepointcanbeintuitively
tiestofile awayfor laterevaluation.
"But grasped withoutunderstanding
I wentlbr a walk,"hesays,"andthe lift andthrust.Consider,
towingideacameback,andI began movingheavyboxes.Considercarrying
sayingtomyself,'youknowthismakesa theloadin yourarmsandwalking.
lot of sense,'andtheideasbegantocome Considerinsteadputtingtheboxesona
fastandfurious.BythetimeI gotbackto sledandpullingthesledbyropeon
mydesk,it hadme." snow.Thedifferenceis rocketlaunch
versustow launch.
If youkeepaddingweightto aspace
launchvehicle,reasoned Kelly,toget AsKelly'sideagrew,itsefficiencies
morethrustyouaddmorepropellant- seemed to multiply.Forexample,wherea
whichaddsmoreweightandaddsgreater spacelaunchpadmightcostasmuchas
operating costs.ButKelly'sconcept-and $75millionto constructandisexpensive
it wasa leapforanengineer/manager tomaintain,Kelly'sideadepended ona
whohaddevotedhiscareertoballistic conventional airportrunway.Whereone-
missiles-was to adaptto spacelaunch shotrocketsarecostlydisposables, Kelly
technology whatwasessentially the envisioned histransportandhissecond-
technology of a glidertowedonarope. stagevehiclereturninghometothe
It takesformidableenginethrusttogeta imposedcostlydelaysonlaunchpad
launchvehicleto20,000feet.Kelly takeoffs,Kelly'sapproach offered
reasoned, whynotlet a transportairplane flexibility in departures iteandschedul-
doall thatfirst-stagework?Kellynext ing.
pursueda bit of research in theSan
Bernardino PublicLibraryanddiscov- Theideasfloodedaroundhimonthat
eredhistoricalprecedent. Hefoundthat brisklate-winterafternoon. In termsof
in the 1920sa Britishwoman,thero- spacelaunch,hehadmovedfromthe
mancenovelistBarbaraCartland,had ballisticmissileparadigm to thecommer-
addressed thesameproblembecause she cialairlineparadigm. By thetimehe
wantedfreshvegetables fromtheConti- approached thesidewalktohisRedlands
nentonherplate.At thetime,airplane home,Kellyhadcoveredquiteabit of
peopleexplained to Cartlandtheydidnot ground?

: MikeKelly,interview
by author,
sotospeak, onitsexternal

another Air Force unit, and NASA
Dryden would contribute its flight
A fewyearslater,Mike Kellyturnedup research expertise.
atNASADrydenwith hisexperiment. In
theinterim,hehadformedhiscompany, From the start, Eclipse flight issues
KellySpace& Technology, lbund divided experts at Dryden. Would the
partnersandinvestors, andhireda small rope introduce some new and possibly
teamof engineers,manyof themretirees dangerous dynamic to the airplanes'? The
fromaerospace enterprises
in theSan KST visionaries and many of the Dryden
Bernardino valley.Hehadfileda patent people, who were recreational glider
for hiswinterafternoon pilots and had experience being towed on
brainstorm."SpaceLaunchVehicles a rope all the time, saw no problem. One
ConfiguredasGlidersandTowedto of the early project managers, Bob Baron,
LaunchAltitudeby Conventional addressed this issue in the cover designs
Aircraft"hecalledit, andthepatentwas on Eclipse reports. He had an artist
latergrantedon6 May 1997. a introduce images of the transport in front
of the interceptor and then draw a white
After six months in business, KST had line from the tail of the C-141A to the
encountered a kindred spirit on the nose of the F- 106 to represent the rope.
issue of low-cost access to space. He Ultimately, the rope path proved fascinat-
was Ken Hampsten of the Air Force ingly different. But at the time, there was
Phillips Laboratory, 5 who had pub- no available evidence to the contrary.
lished a new topic for SBIR, Small Baron reduced the problem lk)r his report-
Business Innovation Research, a broad readers. He reduced it to a reassuring
federal program that encourages straight line.
groundbreaking and creativity in small
companies. That year Hampsten asked There arose a growing suspicion,
for proposals to be submitted in the however, among many engineers and
area of space launch technology. In pilots at the center, within and outside
April 1995, he chose KST from more of the project, that the hazards were not
than thirty applicants and gave it funds as minimal as those attending recre-
for a Phase I SBIR grant, a feasibility ational gliding, not so negligible as to
study on paper. With that success be reduced to a straight line-that
behind them, the Kelly people next somehow dangling a 30,000-pound
applied for and received a Phase tI Cold War interceptor on a barge rope
SBIR grant for a study that would be a might be dangerous.
demonstration of concept in real flight.
Kelly wanted to do a subscale demon- Curiously, there was little literature on
stration of bigger things that lay ahead. the subject. There existed no validated
He wanted to take off and tow a high- modelings of towed flight reality. Re-
performance delta-wing aircraft behind search through the library at Dryden
a transport aircraft. His hope was an initially turned up the pioneer Anthony
alliance. The Air Force Flight Test Fokker patenting tow technology in 1919.
Center (AFFTC) at Edwards Air Force misty accounts of extensive German
Base (AFB) would supply and fly the aerotow experimenting before and during
transport (a C-141A). The towed World War lI, and some brief accounts of
airplane would be lent or bailed from the United States working on the WACO

4Mike Kelly, United States Patent 5,626,310, "Space Launch Vehicles Configured as Gliders and Towed to l.aunch
Altitude by Conventional Aircraft," 6 May 1997 (See document 2 of this monograph).

5Redesignated the Propulsion Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory in October 1997.
glider/' Mostly,theresearch
turnedup upside down as if they were toothpicks
anecdote. by the wake of Boeing 747s. There was
the case of test pilot Jerauld Gentry who
did notbodewell. flew on tow in the lifting-body program
and twice rolled over on tow release. 9
Oneaccountcamefrom the legendary Perhaps the earliest local anecdote
Royal Navy Test Pilot, Captain Eric concerned a tow crash in September
Brown. Rogers Smith, who was then 1944. The test pilot had walked away
Chief Pilot at Dryden, had a personal unscathed, and the incident-reported in a
connection to Brown and asked for his sort of deadpan, gosh-gee-whiz, 1950s
input. Brown had flown the German-built style by eyewitnesses in their sworn
Me 163A and Me 163B when they were statements-assumed the proportion of
towed in flight tests by Spitfires. He comic legend on the base. 1° But the
wrote, "If the tug's slipstream was story of a nylon rope rubberbanding back
inadvertently entered, a very rough ride at the towed airplane seriously concerned
ensued and control was virtually lost the Eclipse investigators.
until the towed aircraft was tossed out of
the maelstrom.": They felt even more troubled by the
accounts from Europe. There was the
During the same period, a B-29 towed incident involving the Germans who
the Me 163 at Muroc Army Air Field suffered 129 deaths in a 1941 towing
(now known as Edwards AFB). Brigadier accident. The ropes to their vast glider,
General Gustave Lundquist-writing later the Gigant, snarled in a crash that made
about the experience-stated, "This aviation history. _
sounds simple enough, although it was
anything but. In fact, it was the scariest The Elements
experience I have ever encountered in all
my flying. ''s Kelly planned to use a modified Boeing
747 for his ultimate tow plane. No
The desert base had more history to offer. expensive design, no lengthy develop-
Several older Dryden pilots had flown ment, no vast web of flight qualification
wake turbulence tests in the 1970s and testing awaited KST. The towed airplane
witnessed Cessnas and Learjets tossed was named the Eclipse Astroliner, and it

"James E. Murray, Albion H. Bowers, William A. Lokos, Todd L. Peters, and Joseph Gera, An Overview of an
E._perimental Demonstration Aerotow P,vgram (Edwards, CA: NASA TM-1998-206566, 1998).

: Eric Brown. personal letter, 17 June 1997.

Gustave E. Lundquist, "From the PT-3 to the X-t: A Test-Pilot's Story," ed. Ken Chilstrom and Penn Perry, Test Flying
at Old Wright Field (Omaha, NE, 1993).

R. Dale Reed with Darlene Lister, Wingless Flight: The L(fting Body Story (Washington, DC: NASA SP-4220, 1997),
pp. 60-62. The phrase "on tow" simply means that the aircraft was being towed by another vehicle.

'_'U.S. War Department Report of Aircraft Accident, no number, (Moffet Field, CA, 5 September 1944).

_' The Gigant's technical designation was the Me 321. It was a large glider aircraft that could be towed by a single large
aircraft or up to three twin-engine aircraft. The Discovery Channel has shown a video of the glider accident on its Wings
of the Luftwaffe series produced by Henninger Video, Inc. See also Jane's 100 Significant Aircraft, 1909-1969, ed. John
W. R. Taylor (London: McGraw-Hill, 1969), p. 108, and especially William Green, The Warplanes of the Third Reich
(Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1970), pp. 645-648. Thanks to A1 Bowers and Fred Johnsen for
guidance to the sources listed here.
0,000 ft nose
opens, satellite pay-
load is released

_aunch vehicle

accelerates to higher
altitudes using its
rocket engines

_cle released,
towing aircraft reilu_
5) Space launch vehicle reenters
and glides through atmosphere,
jet engines activated, pilot
lands craft

1) Sp:¢:/tu;ch;ehicle S Towing aircraft


was a conceptual re-combination, with its

Figure 1.
essential element the wing root and From the beginning, the rope was there:
Aerotow space
fuselage of another airplane, the Patent 5,626,310, column 7, paragraph 2
launch concept
Lockheed L-1011, and its motors, flight- of Kelly's claim text, "The launch vehicle
control systems, instrumentation, and would be coupled to the tow aircraft by a
(Design 980440 thermal protection all borrowed fiom flexible cable .... "The rope was destined
by the Dryden other current and flight-qualified aircraft. to become part of space technology, but its
Graphics Office) pedigree dated back over the centuries.
To test this concept, Kelly needed The apprehension about the concept was
airplanes, vehicles whose identities were there in the beginning, too. Column 7,
at that point unknown. Because the paragraph 2 of the patent continued: "...
Astroliner was a delta-winged vehicle, the cable.., would be attached to the
Kelly sought out a delta-winged intercep- aircraft.., at or near the tow aircraft's
tor so that it would provide a proof of his center of gravity. This is done to minimize
concept using an aerodynamically similar the overturning moments which would be
towed vehicle. He also was looking for a applied to the aircraft by the tow line. ''L'
transport aircraft that would be a scaled- And as he and his partners discovered,
down version of the airplane that would aeronautical data on overturning moments
tow the Astroliner in his concept. _2 generated by tow-rope configurations
turned out to be nil.
Kelly needed a transport airplane, an
interceptor airplane, pilots, crews, flight- The primary objective of the Phase 1
test engineers, and a rope. SBIR study had been to define a basic

_2Comments of Mark P. Stucky, project pilot, on the original draft of this study, 16 September 1999.

_3Kelly, patent.
system for a tow demonstration includ- From the standpoint of cost, steel was a
ing the tow and towed aircraft, tow rope, tempting choice, but a steel cable of
test criteria, and operational procedures. equivalent strength would weigh five
One of the more critical tasks was the times as much as Vectran@. The large
selection of a towline. Planners investi- strength-to-weight ratio and resistance to
gated four materials: high-strength steel temperature degradation decided the
and three synthetic-fiber ropes-Kevlar®, Eclipse team on Vectran®. _4
Spectra®, and Vectran®. Tracor Aero-
space, a Phase 1 sub-contractor, recom- As a shock absorber of dangerous
mended Vectran® as a result of the oscillations, nylon had appeal. Not only
company's experience in towing targets. was nylon of interest because it could
damp energy exchange between aircraft,
Rope is old technology, dating back to but the Air Force already had extensive
ancient Egypt. Rope of earlier centuries experience with nylon rope (when a
was hemp, and the earliest ropes were C-141A at Edwards set the world record,
hand-woven with strands no longer than 70,195 pounds for heavy cargo drop, it
the six-foot lengths supplied by bushes extracted and dropped the load on nylon
along the Nile. When KST Manufactur- chute lines)J 5 But nylon was good and
ing Manager Roy Hofschneider went bad-it damped energy, which was good,
looking for a Vectran® vendor, he and stored energy, which was bad. And
discovered a small New York-state unfortunately, nylon weakened as it was
supplier, Cortland Cable, which had stretched. In effect, it destroyed itself, the
primarily produced high-test fishing line fibers actually cutting one another,
but then branched out into the manufac-
turing of rope for barge towing. Ulti- The Vectran® rope, on the other hand,
mately, Cortland Cable would supply the got stronger when stretched-at least the
project with 1,000-foot lengths of a first time. In fact, an initial stretching of
synthetic rope, every strand woven in the rope became part of every Dryden
and never broken or spliced but continu- flight preparation. Vectran® had interest-
ous from end to end, as specified by the ing abrasion qualities, too. When the
Eclipse team. polymer rope began to wear, it fuzzed up
on the outside and thus protected the
Vectran® was, indeed, an amazing inner rope from wearing. Yet despite the
material. It was a liquid-crystal polymer rope's great strength, Vectran® also had a
fiber with many virtues. It had the weakness-it was vulnerable to sunlight.
qualities required for the difficult task at After the ropes were prepared for flight,
hand, including strength, the ability to the crew had to find a closed storage area
damp vibration, minimal inclination to where it could safely store the puzzling
absorb moisture, high dielectric and rope, which was used only for one flight
chemical resistance, a high melting per 1,000-foot length.
point, strong disinclination to degrade in
extreme temperatures, and great ability
to withstand the effects of abrasion. The
other synthetics shared many of these From the start, Kelly's concept required a
attractions, but Vectran® offered the best big tow airplane. It had to be a real brute.
match with operational requirements. In his patent under "Summary of the

_ Above three paragraphs based upon comments provided by KST on coordination, 15 November 2000.

_sMark Watson, interview by author, 29 June 1999. Robert Brown of Lockheed Martin confirmed that a C-141A had
dropped a sequence of loads weighing a total of 70,195 pounds at El Centro Naval Air Station in July 1965 by calling
the Air Mobility Command History Office, whose archives contained that information.
Sideview of the

Invention,"Kellyexplains,"Thetow number61-2775andwasthefirst toroll

aircraftcontributesonlythrust,notlift, tooff theassembly line.It wasa pre-
thelaunchvehicle.''_ Thetowplane productionmodeldevotedtotesting.
hadto havepoweranddeliverit during Althoughtheairplanehadloggedamere
thecriticalmillisecondsof takeoff. 10,000hours,itsdayswerenumbered. A
calendar datewouldsoonarriverequir-
TheCV-990firstgleamed withpromise as ingperhaps morethana milliondollars
atowaircraft.TheKellyengineers were in maintenance expenditures, which
intrigued.Althoughtheyknewthetransport wouldnotbeforthcoming. Thetransport
hadsomeperformance shortcomings, there withtheillustrioushistorywasitself
wasaCV-990atNASADrydenFlight abouttobecomehistory.
Research Centeralreadyinstrumented for
research butatthetimedevoted totesting Capt.StuartFarmer,theAir Force
Shuttletires.KSTnegotiated tousethis C-141AtestpilotontheEclipseproject,
aircraftbutcouldnotgainaccess. Where compared thetransportheflewto the
couldit finda testbed? B-52in thesluggishness of itsresponse.
A C-141AStarlifterrestedontherampat "As farasroll andpitchcontrol[were
Edwards Air ForceBase.Thisairplane concerned]," hegrinned,"it's kinda
andits ilk hadbeenworkhorses for the deadbeat. ''_vButtheairplanehad
Air Forcefora generation. Theywerenot power.In theequationof operations
fancytransports. TheC-141Acrewknew whichKellyhadsketched, in thepartof
thisparticularvehicleverywell.It theequation t hatrepresented thrust,this
possessed aspecialhistoryandhadeven was, a sAir Force Loadmaster Ken
seta world'srecordforheavycargo Druckerlaterexplained,"oneoverkill
chutedrop.Theairplaneboreserial airplane."_s



Kelly negotiated withtheAir Forcefor the invention, the pilot would be op-
months.At onepoint,hereceivedan tional. But for test flight, Kelly needed a
offerof "limitedsupport."Of course, real research pilot very badly.
whensomeone comesalongaskingfor a
four-engine jet transport,flight crew, "I was the new kid on the block," says
maintenance crew,airplanemodifica- Mark Stucky, a young former Marine test
tions,andinstrumentation, tooffer pilot who came to the Dryden research
"limitedsupport"is onewayof saying pilot's office early the next spring. He
no. Thenextmonthsresultedin intense had the trim build all the pilots do, green
negotiationandleveraging. eyes, and an expression somewhere
between politeness and amusement. He
Curiously,theskepticism aboutEclipse arrived with a nickname, Forger, that had
mayhavekepttheprojectafloat.Be- nothing to do with aeronautics, which in
causetheprojectwasviewedin various fact dated back to some obscure event in
Air Forceunitsassounderfunded, so his college days, but instantly, it seemed,
unlikely,noonetooktheresponsibility the whole base knew him as Forger.
for killing it off. Eclipsecontinued
survive. Coincidentally, more than a year before,
Forger had a glimpse of the Eclipse
At somepointin thesummerof 1995, proposal. It was at NASNs Johnson
Eclipseestablished a relationship with Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas.
Dryden.Thereweremeetings with Gary His boss had called the former Marine
Trippensee, whowouldbeassigned as into the offices to look at some papers
thefirstNASAprojectmanager, and from Kelly. His supervisor knew he had
StephenIshmael,whowasadvisingthe years of experience flying gliders and
projectfroma pilot'spointof view. sailplanes on tow and wanted his think-
NowheredidDrydenpledgeflightsafety ing on the feasibility of aerotow involv-
responsibility.NordidDrydenoffera ing jets. At the time, the possibility that
pilotto fly. Eventually,thissituation Forger might ever work for NASA
wouldchange.However,atthetime, Dryden, let alone pilot Eclipse, seemed
Ishmaelreceivedanassignment toa as remote as flying around the rings of
management positionwith theX-33 Saturn. He thumbed the neatly drawn
projectinvolvinga prototypetbra pages. What did he think, inquired his
possiblefuturelaunchvehicle,t'_and boss as they stared at a drawing of the
Eclipsewasgivena differentpilot. pilot in the airplane pulled by a rope.

"I would love to be that guy," Forger
Pilot: in column 4, paragraph 2 of the
Patent under "Summary of the Inven- If you ask him now, Forger tells you he
tion", Kelly described the towed plane as was assigned by Dryden as project pilot
having "a control system which permits on Eclipse "because no one thought it
it [to] fly either autonomously or under would happen. ''2' In February 1996, his
remote control. ''z_ In the final version of assignment to Dryden offered him a

'_In a conversation with NASA Dryden Chief Historian J. D. Hunley, Ishmael indicated that during this period of
negotiation, he contemplated the possibility of becoming the project pilot as an employee of KST. As suggested in the
narrative, this never came to pass.

_"Kelly, Patent 5,626,310.

-" Interview of Mark Stucky by author, 15 June 1999.

chancetoaccumulate somelocal-style giving it inputs the whole time. ''23 But
if onlyin themeetings that day as he scanned control strips, he
andbriefings. realized Forger, upon request, could be
either. 24
JoeWilsonremembers watchingForger
fly theF-18HighAngle-of-Attack Yet as Forger established a reputation at
Research Vehicle.Wilson,acontrolsand the center that spring, Eclipse flight
is a sandy- remained unlikely. A plane had not yet
haired,tall manwitheyesthatgleamwith been identified. The KST engineers knew
curiosity,whofunctionsatDrydenasthe that many airplanes might serve as the
Boswellof thecenter. 22Overtheyears, towed vehicle. They preferred a delta
hehaskeptjournals,partlyoncomputer, wing. That is, they preferred the wing of
in whichherecordsthedailyeventsat a Space Shuttle, the shape that enables
Dryden,nothingby wayof officialreport, reasonable handling characteristics when
butpersonalnotesonwhathehasseen the airplane descends from space into the
andheardin thisalmostsmall-town atmosphere. Over at KST, one of the
community of experimenters. company's major investigators, engineer
Don Anctil, came up with the idea that
Wilsonremembers watching Forgerflying they might be able to use an airplane that
descentsfrom40,000 was nearing the end of its operational
feetandthenafterwards trackingtests days decaying in the humid, sweltering
wherehefollowedanother airplane
athigh Florida subtropics. This was the F-106,
speedandthroughabruptrolls,tryingto which Anctil had worked on years ago as
keeptheairplanein hisgunsights.No a young structural engineer at Convair in
matterwhattheotherpilotdid,hewasin San Diego.
smoothtraceonthat,"saysWilson,"you The F- 106 was a remarkable airplane. It
knowyou'vegotagoodpilot."Howgood had an incredibly robust structure, beautiful
wasForger? Wilson'seyesgetbig. clean lines, and power to spare. If you
asked the Air Force pilots who flew and
"Ver)',veD" good," he nods his head. serviced the old warrior, they smiled-it was
a Cadillac; they loved it; they had a soft
But there's a tricky paradox confronting spot in their hearts lbr it. They bestowed
research engineers, Wilson says. "Smooth upon it the affectionate nickname, _'Six."
pilots can lead you down the primrose
path." He explains that there are two The F-106 was born in the mid-1950s, an
piloting styles. "There are low-gain all-weather interceptor created to defend
pilots," he says, "and high-gain pilots. A the country from enemy weapons sys-
low-gain pilot-if you look at the charts- tems. It still holds the official world
seems barely to touch the stick, ahnost as speed record for single-engine aircraft,
if the airplane is flying itself. A high-gain 1,525.95 miles per hour set at Edwards
pilot is working the stick constantly, AFB in 1959. z5 Pilots remembered it as a

:z James Boswell was the biographer of Samuel Johnson. His name has become a synonym for an admiring biographer or

_ Joe Wilson, interview by author, 22 July 1999.

_,4Joe Wilson, interview by author, 28 June 1999.

z5According to KST reviewers of a draft of this monograph. Of course_ this has to be qualified to air-breathing engines,
as the X-15 with a single rocket engine went 4,520 mph unofficially on 3 October 1967.
forgivingflyerbothathighandlow to look at the F-106s. It resembled a trip
speeds,andit boastedthelowestacci- to a used car lot to kick the tires. Which
dentrateof anysingle-engineaircraftin of the remaining airplanes might serve
theAir Force.In thosedaysseveral the project? But a larger issue was not
missileshadbeenstowedin itsweapons completely defined-corrosion. Years of
bay,oneof whichmighthaveanuclear sitting exposed to the salty air beneath
warhead, a speartobehurledin some the Florida sun had taken a toll on all
final,desperatewar.2_ aluminum parts in these airplanes.

Whenthewindsof historyshiftedto a KST had sent two veteran engineers as

no its representatives. The KST lead was
longerhada mission.Followingtheirde- Don Anctil, an engineer whose experi-
commissioning, theyhadbeenstoredat ence included work on numerous aircraft
theAir ForcedepotatDavis-Monthan including the F-102, F-I 11, and C-5A as
AFB in Tucson,Arizona.Theywerelater well as prototype design on the F-106.
removedfromstorage,modifiedfor The other was Bill Drachslin, a designer
targetserviceasunpiloteddrones, who had worked on many different
redesignated QF-106s,andtransferred to missiles and in his early years had been
TyndallAFB,Florida.Oncea monthone an Air Force maintenance crew chief on
luckyindividualwasrewarded with a the F-86 in Korea. Anctil rubbed his
"hot" missileto demolishanother106. 27 grisly chin and stared at the Air Force
Few of the airplanes remained. Down at faces across the table. His West Coast
Tyndall near Panama City, the last ones buddies had been taunting him. They
were parked, Cold War interceptors on snorted that Anctil might be on a mission
the tarmac waiting to be used for target to retrieve "tuna cans" and "hangar
practice. queens," industry terms for airplanes no
longer suitable to fly.ZS
Could the F-106 be the towed airplane
for the Eclipse project? Could KST The initial briefing did not bode well.
negotiate an agreement to pull the old The commander spoke. He had orders to
warrior on a rope? Another question release a pair of F- 106s, but he also had
intrigued KST engineers. Could the crash movies to show them first. The
F- 106 later be modified, outfitted with a hopeful aspect of the F-106, he ex-
rocket, and used as an operational launch plained, was that the Air Force "had lost
vehicle? aircraft but no pilots to date." What was
the problem? In essence, the problem
On 22 May 1996, an Eclipse team was a 38-year-old airplane. The bad news
representing KST, Dryden, and the AF was four crashes resulted because of
Phillips Lab made the journey to Tyndall failures in the aging landing gear. Cracks

z_See, e.g., Jane's All the World's, 1964-65, ed. John W. R. Taylor (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964), p. 219; E
G. Swanborough with Peter M. Bowers, United States Militao' Aircmp Since 1909 (London & New York: Putnam,
1963), pp. 154-155.

27 The F-106 was variously called the F-106 interceptor and the Delta Dart. At Tyndall after the airplane was modified
as an unpiloted vehicle, it was named the QF-106, and at NASA Dryden for the Eclipse project, it was named EXD-01
tot Eclipse Experimental Demonstrator number I. Both of these designations were local to very specific times and
places. In conversation, Eclipse personnel who worked with the airplane during all of these stages often referred to the
airplane simply as the F- 106 or even 106. It is important to recognize these various names. But for the sake of simplicit2_.
throughout this history, the airplane will usually be referred to as the F-106.

2_Don Anctil, interview by author, 14 July 1999. Comments of KST reviewers.

had also been discovered in the wing inconvenience. The command was
spars of several aircraft, causing minor looking lk_rward with anticipation to an
fuel leaks. The good news'? Four times arrival of F-4s, a new generation of target
pilots ejected safely. But when the drones. As Anctil tried to listen between
Eclipse team went outside to the steamy the lines and plumb beneath polite
heat of the tarmac and hangar and talked phrases, his eyes grew wide. His pencil
to the crews, they received another scribbled on the yellow pad. "'If selected
message, one with a different emphasis. aircraft are modified beyond the normal
F-106 envelope, Tyndall does not want
Every airplane waiting in the ro_s had a them back under any conditions." His
personality, and the mechanics who eyes grew even wider and he scribbled
worked on them knew it. They knew faster: ("Personal note: Tyndall does not
every inch of these aircraft. The mainte- want them back period!!")>
nance crew had picked the two best they
could find. They scurried about with Another issue resolved as neatly. Mike
records, logbooks, and grease stained Kelly had voiced the hope of acquiring
service manuals. Fon,er_ , Dryden's, Tony two different models, the F-106A, the
Ginn (a young engineer assigned to the original single-seat interceptor, and the
project) and KST's former crew chief, F-106B, a later modified two-seater.
Bill Drachslin, climbed over the vehicles, Kelly had public relations uses in mind
peered inside, and took photographs. lkw the second seat. He was a realist. He
There were no hydraulic leaks, n_ fuel was not demanding or pressuring.
spills, no cracks in the control surfaces. Clearly, there were downsides with
In the briefing room, the message had having two different vehicles to maintain.
been that the F-106 was marginal. And the Air Force's "'horror movies"
raised liability issues. As the question
Out in the hangar, the emphasis was was discussed in a tiny meeting room at
different. "Safe enough," said lhc me- Tyndall, Dryden's Tony Ginn jotted in his
chanics. Age, of course, would remain a notebook, "Why risk two lives? "'_''
problem. For instance, most of the
F-106"s parts could not be replaced, But Ginn did not have to voice his
simply because replacements were no opinion. The Air Force's Dick Chase in a
longer available in warehouses. The fuel briefing pointed out that many significant
system was not maintainable if anything differences existed between the models
went wrong-it required 196 fuel valves. including different pilot training, mainte-
The tires were worn. The landing-gear nance procedures, aerodynamics, fuel
support structure was suspect. systems, paperwork, official reporting,
and correspondingly different simulation
But as Forger, Ginn, Hampsten, and test operations. A bonus of keeping
Drachslin, and Anctil looked tip beneath two F-106As was that one could be
the airplanes the mechanics had picked "'cannibalized" to supply, the other with
for them, they exchanged smiles. These replacement parts that otherwise would
were flyable aircraft. be unavailable. Chase finished his
presentation and sat down. The two-seat
And the news got better. When Anctil issue vanished.
attended subsequent meetings, he had the
impression that at the Air Force's admin- In the months that lk)llowed, Forger, too,
istrative level, the F-106s were almost an grew attached to the F- 106. When asked

> Don Anctil, personal meeting note,,,.

_ Tony Ginn, interview by author. 27 July 1999.

about it recently, he leaned back in his fashion, making scathing remarks about
swivel chair in the Dryden pilots' office, working with ancient airplanes.
balancing in midair. "It was," he de-
clared, "a grand machine." Bowers remembers a silence next,
following behind him, and then a rustling
He especially liked the afterburner. The of pages as Peters scanned the data. The
F-106 had one like none he had ever young engineer's voice emerged again
seen. Typically, when a pilot selects behind him, but much softer. There was a
afterburner in modern engines, the fuel new note. It was awe.
control meters in a small amount of
additional fuel to spark plugs in the rear "F-106 rocks," he said. 31
of the engine, which safely ignite the
afterburner. Once it is lit, additional fuel In any event, the Eclipse project at last
is then available for full afterburner had an airplane to tow, a geriatric war-
thrust. This gradual "light-off" results in plane, robust in its power but question-
a smooth acceleration. But when an able, especially in a few unsettling
F-106 pilot selects afterburner, a aspects of its emergency and life-support
"bucket" of jet fuel is dumped into the systems. In the months ahead, heads
hot exhaust for a sudden and dramatic would shake, camps of debate form, and
torch ignition. There's a loud explosion, several Dryden employees would find
and the pilot slams into his seat from the themselves called upon to make dramatic
dramatic increase in thrust. decisions. But when the group returned
home on the airline from Panama City on
"It was incredible. You'd select after- 26 May 1996, questions had been an-
burner," remembered Forger, tilting swered, and a decision made.
forward in his chair, and then "there was
a very pregnant pause. Finally, a big F-106 was Eclipse.
boom and off you go."

How robust was the F- 106'? At the start,

Ed Skinner, a veteran engineer assigned Al Bowers became NASA's chief engi-
by KST to examine the plane's mainte- neer on the Eclipse project that summer.
nance records, smiled at the issue. He At the time, real flight tests were only a
observed that although the aircraft proposal, but Forger must have glimpsed
seemed as ancient as some of KST's a chance. "I recommended AI," recalls
retirees, it was well maintained and still Forger, "because he had both the engi-
in great shape for the demanding tasks neering intelligence and also the passion
ahead. to make it happen. ''32 Bowers is a genial,
dark-haired engineer in his mid-thirties
Another Eclipse worker who became an who sometimes gets so excited about a
F-106 admirer was Todd Peters, the flight validation that he has been known
youngest member of the team and an to leap up on a desktop in a technical
engineer who had recently graduated meeting, shouting and pointing to his
from college. After an early test to get data printouts. But Dryden management
some data on the F- 106, Chief Engineer had already spotted something in him far
A1 Bowers remembers walking away beyond a scientific cheerleader, appoint-
from the control room with Peters, who ing him as chief engineer on the presti-
followed behind him in typical brash gious High Angle-of-Attack Research

't Albion Bowers, interview by author, 25 June 1999.

_"Mark Stucky, interview by author, 22 July 1999.

Vehicle(HARV)project.Behindhis Theytakeoff beforethetowaircraftand
positive,upbeatapproach wasanengi- remainabovethemthroughout flight, in
neerwhocouldweighpositivesand whatis calledhightow.TheF-106,on
negativesandjudgeprocedures and theotherhand,hasa muchsmallerlift-
personnel assignmentswitha remarkable to-dragratioandacorrespondingly high
coolness andinsight.Hewouldservethe takeoffspeedof aboutI 15knots.To
demands of Eclipseverywell. acquireahigh-towpositionwould
Whilemanagement wrestledwithfund- wake turbulence from the initial low-tow
ingissues,theteambegantoaddress the takeoff position. This position would
technology. InadditiontoForgerand have been foreign to traditional glider
Bowers,therewasnowBobBaronwho experience.
replaced GaryTrippensee asproject
manager. Bill Lokoscameonboardas There were fierce differences among
leadstructures engineer,responsiblefor team members. Jim Murray recalled the
ensuringthatallmodifiedandnew seemingly endless meetings.
structures werestrongenoughtoensure "Everyone's got an opinion," he smiled:
safetyof flight; also,JimMurraybrought "they're more readily available than
to thetechnicalteamhisskillsasan ideas are." Every test program spawned
aerospace engineerandanalyst:from differences, but again and again, Eclipse
simulations cameKenNorlin;Mark created a spectrum. "It was unusual how
Collardservedasoperations engineerand extreme the positions were," nodded
theflight controller;andJoeGera,a Murray. _
respected Hungarian-born engineerwith
halfacenturyof experience in soaring, Many of the differences were between
wascalledbackoutof retirement by people who had gliding experience and
Baronastheflightcontrolsengineer. The those who did not. If you had flown
teamalsoincludedTonyBrancoandBill gliders or sailplanes or gone soaring, you
Clark,teamed asinstrumentation engi- had been at the end of a tow rope. If you
neers;RoyDymott,systems engineer: had, towing was casual. It was matter of
andthenewly-hiredDebraRandallastest fact. Some felt simply that if it flew, it
informationengineer.Latertheywould could be towed. Researchers with this
bejoinedbyaerialvideophotographers background felt that there were almost no
Lori Losey,CarlaThomas,andJimRoss. test issues. In their minds, the logical
Formanynaysayers aboutEclipseaswell next step was simple flight. Gera sums
asforNASAmanagers andpotential up this viewpoint: he says, "It was a
investorsforKST,it wasvideotapes piece of cake. ''34
provedthepointsEclipsewastryingto The gliding people tended to argue for
demonstrate. the traditional high-tow position, appar-
ently minimizing the risk involved in
Fromthestart,therewasdebate. Asthe traversing the C-141 's wake. And if
teambegantoplanflight-testprocedures, gliding people grew emotional in debate,
theinitial issuebecame "hightow,"the the response fed on the emotions experi-
traditionalapproach, versus"low tow." enced in thousands of hours of recre-
Traditionalglideraircrafthavelargewing ational flight on weekends. The clincher
areas,resultingin largelift-to-dragratios in the debate came from Jim Murray. His
andcorrespondingly lowtakeoffspeeds. simulations demonstrated that the Eclipse

James Murray interview.

_4Joe Gera, interview by author, 16 June 1999.

hadtofly low-tow.Thesimsindicated break,themoviestarsandcrewjoined
instabilitiesfortheropeandtheF-106 thecrowd.If themoviepeopleworked
whenflownhigh-tow,resultswhichwere with thestuffof dreams,
in factechoed,butmorebenignly,in peopledid,too.Asoneengineerwan-
laterflight.35 deredthroughthecrowd,heandhiswife
mightturnandfind themselves
TheEclipseprojectstayedaloftby more facewithsomestarlettheyrecognized.
thantechnology efforts.Therewasalsoa
socialcontext.On28October1996,KST Thereweretwo setsofdream-makers in
scheduled a kick-offparty.At Dryden thecrowdthatnight.
peoplewill tell youthatin thegenusand
familyof partyanimals,engineers have
In theweeksthatfollowed,theEclipse
KSTpresident MikeKelly,of course, teamsettleddownto work.Firstit tooka
wasanengineer. ButKelly,despiteall closerlookathistoricalprecedent, as
thefolkloreandjokesaboutengineers Kellyhimselfdidattheoutset.Asnoted
andtheirpoorsocializingskills,did above,theearliestpatentof theconcept
knowhowtothrowaparty.Hearranged datedfrom 1919andwasawarded tothe
a splashycelebration for Eclipsein an pioneering AnthonyFokker,butuseful
oldhangaratwhathadbeenNortonAFB informationwashardtocomeby.Be-
in SanBernardino. Therewasfood, causeof restrictions ontheuseof pow-
drink,music,andthetablesoverflowed eredaircraftin theTreatyof Versailles
withmorethansix hundredpeople. afterWorldWarI, theGermans did
Guestsincludedtwocongressmen and extensive experimentation withtowed
NASAAdministrator DanielS.Goldin. vehicles.Buttheydidnotcreateabody
Kellyhadhopedtomakeanimpactby of theoreticalliterature.Norhadthe
displayingtheF-106atthisparty.After sailplaneandglidingfliersestablished
somedebate, hehadto settlefortheC- validatednumericalmodels.A few
141Aandoneof NASA'sF-18s.When theoreticalpapershadfoundtheirway
Drydenresearch pilotEd Schneider intojournals.Murraydescribed the
departed thepartyearlyin theF-18,he flight-testinformationontowingas
swooped downoverthemerrymakers in "largelyqualitativeandanecdotal. ''36If
a fly-by,evokingoohsandahs. theDrydenEclipseteammembers needed
DanGoldingaveaspeech. Hedescribed themselves.
hisvisionof futureNASA-commercial
collaboration in spacetravel.Hereiter-
atedhis mandate, "Better,Faster,
Cheaper."AndhegaveanodtoNASA's Of all theagencies KSTnegotiated with-
collaborativepartnerin thiseffortand andtheywerelegion(MikeGallo,KST
alsoto hundreds of othersmall,visionary vicepresident formarketingandsales,
start-upcompanies feverishlypursuing once estimated thathehadnegotiated
thedreamof a breakthrough in low-cost withmorethan33federal unitsandsub-
access tospace. unitsin managing Eclipse)-Tracor Flight
Systems, Inc.,theF-106maintenance
Coincidentally, thatnighta moviewas contractor, seemed to presenttheleast
beingshotin anotherhangarnearby.On likelihoodof creatingproblems. Thiswas



QF- 106 aircraft
in flight during
February ! 997
before the

tethered flights
began. (NASA
photo EC97
43932-12 by Jim

a commercial firm. It had a hangar, had no control. A recent restructuring

first-rate technicians to service the had placed responsibilities for man-
F-106, and the original drawings flom agement of the Mojave work at Tracor
the manufacturer. The NASA pilot was headquarters in Austin, Texas. The
to fly two Air Force F-106s used by the company also had been fortunate to
Eclipse project and just park them at win a lucrative contract with the
the Tracor facility in Mojave, Califl_r- Boeing Company at the Boeing facility
nia. The support was expected to in Palmdale, California, Tracor priori-
involve a simple money transaction. lies, therefore, had shifted dramati-
There would be none of the paperwork cally since the initial arrangements
and serpentine federal-governnmnt with KST. Consequently, disputes
procedures involved in interagency began to arise between KST and
transactions. But there were glitches. Tracor over work performance and
Baron and Forger found themselves compensation. It appeared to KST that
frustrated and stalled when they tried Tracor was charging more and doing
to arrange to fly the airplane. Because less. _7 "My guess," said Bob Baron,
the planes still belonged to the Air "'was they put such a high price on it
Force, that service's local representa- because they didn't want the busi-
tive was required to enforce every ness. ''_s Clearly, Tracor had its hands
regulation. No one at Dryden enjoys full with much larger projects crucial
remembering those days. to its own future. KST also was driven
by profit. But in the mega-budget
Behind the scenes at Tracor, however, world of aerospace, it could get driven
events were occurring over which KST out by profit, too.

_7This section based on KST comments on the original draft of this monograph,

_*Robert Baron, interview by author, I I June 1999.

At this point, Dryden would cross the wanted to fly. By the late date at which
Rubicon. The decision would be made in Eclipse actually flew, Farmer would have
May of 1997 for the Air Force to transfer five other Air Force projects on his
the F-106s to NASA, which would house hands, and non-interference would
them, service them, modify and instru- become an issue. But initially, his enthu-
ment them in a Dryden hangar. (Because siasm helped keep the project alive. '_
there was only one government agency
involved in flight approval, the business The 418 'h assigned Mark Watson as its
of flight research was simplified.) And project manager, replacing Bob Plested
with these arrangements new responsi- who had guided Eclipse through the
bilities for flight safety began falling into paperwork of transferring the F- 106s to
place-not without debate. NASA. Watson is a heavy-set young man
with a shrewd ability for making things
The Air Force C-141 team had it much happen. Co-pilot Kelly Latimer came to
simpler. The Air Force owned and the project fresh from the U.S. Air
operated the C- 141A. In fact, the 418 th Force's Test Pilot School. A slender
Flight Test Squadron had a C-141A in its young woman with reddish hair in a
hangar at Edwards AFB. The 418 th had Joan-of-Arc cut and a sense of humor,
qualified Starlifter maintenance crews, she also qualifies as one of many Eclipse
and it would supply the pilots, the landmarks: when Latimer flew in the
engineers, the technicians, and the right seat on four of the Eclipse flights
ground and flight crews, albeit on a non- and the left seat on two missions, 4_ she
interference basis. In other words, became the first woman ever known to
Eclipse's work would get done, but fly as a pilot on a NASA Dryden flight
without any priority. As Carol Reukauf, research mission.
who replaced Bob Baron as project
manager, later noted, when you looked Other Air Force crew and personnel
on the Air Force priority list, there assigned included Morgan LeVake,
Eclipse was, on the bottom, number 17. 39 operations engineer; Bob Wilson, the
lieutenant colonel who oversaw safety;
The 418 th assigned Capt. Stuart Farmer Roy Surovec, the deputy Air Force
as its project pilot. Farmer, a dark-haired project manager; Senior Master Sergeant
young man with an affable manner who John Stahl, the chief flight engineer; Art
revealed a sharp interest in technical Tecson, who handled instrumentation; the
issues in the months to come, was a "new scanner, Sergeant Dana Brink, source of
kid on the block,"just as Forger had some brilliant unofficial aerial photogra-
been. For several weeks, Farmer had phy; and Sergeant Ken Drucker, the
been sitting at his pilot's desk without loadmaster, assigned vulnerable duty at
any major projects to work on. When he the end of the rope.
was called into a meeting and asked to
respond to very skeptical questions about For the Air Force, answering operations
towed flight, Farmer gave the concept questions for the C-141A was simply a
thumbs up. He later admitted he was not matter of looking in the regulations. But
sure of the aerodynamics issues. He just for Dryden-and to the dismay of the

_"Carol Reukauf, interview by author, 11 August 1999.

_"Farmer interview.

4_Her two flights as pilot rather than co-pilot were flights 8 and 9 (tethered flights 4 and 5), 28 January and 5 February
1998. Daily/Initial Flight Test Reports, C-141A, Flights F-5 through F-10, 20 Dec. 97, 21 Jan. 98, 23 Jan. 98, 28 Jan. 98,
5 Feb. 98, and 6 Feb. 98 respectively (see documents 16, 24, 32, and 44). Incidentally, Latimer was a major.

Kelly-in the hepersonally hada senseEclipseflights
of aerotow,
it wasamatterof couldbedonebutthataschairmanof the
makingengineeringscience.AsDryden Airworthiness andFlightSafetyReview
itspresenceontheproject,two Board,hisjob wastoraisesafetyques-
newgoalswereaddedto the experi- tions."I wasthedevil'sadvocate,"he
ments:one,the establishment of safe explained.44
markovertheyears,andtwo, the Names
discoveryof newtechnicalinformation,
Dryden'sprimarypurposeasa flight If you ask Mike Kelly where the name
researchorganization. Eclipse came from, he doesn't blink or
hesitate. He recalls that he and Mike
Astheprojectgainedstatus,Eclipse Gallo dreamed it up in their conference
flightbeganto seemremotelypossible. room one afternoon. What does the name
ForgerandGerabotharguedthatflight stand for? He acknowledges there is no
safetywasanon-issue, butDryden significance-it's a name with a "feel,"
of groundtestsand easy to broach in a meeting, lofty sound-
tomakesure.4z ing, a bit of verbal flare short on the
denotative aspect of language. In blunt
Duringthesummer of 1996theDryden fact, there is no eclipse in the Eclipse
pilotstookcautiousnote.Severalthought project.
thatthegreatest risksattendedthetake-
off; therewerescenarios of ropebreakor But names can decide destinies. If you
accidental release,slacksandsnarlsabout pick the right name, Dryden engineers
airplanegear.Thehazardscenarios were say, it helps when you appeal for
many.JoeWilsonremembered aconver- budget or support-especially if you
sationwithGordonFullerton,ex-astro- find yourself in competition with
naut,crackerjack pilot,anda shrewd, another project as worthy as your own.
practicalthinkeraboutflightissues. And some engineers say that the wrong
WilsonrecalledFullertoncockinghis name, an unusually clumsy one, can do
head,pointingoutthattherewasno harm. At NASA Dryden, the engineers
forgivingaltitude.In thesimulator, understood the importance of names to
Forgerhadbeendoinginadvertent bureaucratic approvals, and over at
releases at 10,000feet-atwhichaltitude, KST, they also understood the impor-
if something wentwrong,hehadsome tance of a name when approaching
timetoplananddosomething-but if investors or a bank.
something happened ontheEclipse
takeoff,Forgeronlyhadhisreflexes. 4_ A second name appeared later. It was an
unofficial name. To this date, no one
If something wentwrongwithEclipseat claims to be its coiner. It first appeared
a low altitude,it wasgoingto gowrong in public one day when Forger. climb-
fast. ing into the cockpit dressed in pilot's
suit, test point cards clipped to his
DrydenChiefEngineer(andformerChief knee pad, looked down. He saw a
ResearchPilot)Bill Danaalsoquestioned rough inscription hand-painted on the
thesafetyof Eclipse.Heexplained
that side of the F-106.

4_,Mark Stucky, interview by author, 22 July 1999.

4, Joe Wilson, interview by author, 28 June 1999; Gordon Fullerton, interview by author, 26 July 1999.

4_ Bill Dana, interview by author, 26 July 1999.

Certainlythegleamof humorblessedthe the release ironwork, gave the rope free
name,someinscriptiondreamed up play, and instrumented both azimuth and
perhapsduringa stopatadesertsaloon elevation angles of the rope.
onthedrivehome,butit alsofedonthe
dismayof expertpilotsbackatDryden The Dryden engineers moved swiftly to
concerningEclipse.It read: analysis and testing. Much of the analysis
concerned the rope. "One assumption we
DOPEONA ROPE made early on was that the lift and drag
of towrope is negligible," explained
DarylTownsend hadbeenpresentthat Bowers, "but that was an invalid assump-
day.Thecrewchiefremembered peeking tion. ''_6 If that was not surmised, much
aroundthemaintenance truck.Forger else was. As soon as they decided
wasnew.Whatwouldhedo?If hewasa whether they would operate in high tow
by-the-rules sortof guy,a stormwould or low, the engineers could start looking
follow.Drydenwasaflight research for solutions. It was a given that the rope
center,andwithoutexpertresearch would attach to the rear of the C-141A.
pilots,it couldnotdoitsbusiness.Thus, In low tow, the rope would attach to the
althoughtheywereoftenthebuttsof top of the F- 106.
jokes,pilotsalsohadtbrmidable clout,
which they could wield. But where some glider enthusiasts may
have assumed the rope had to attach near
There was no storm. The new pilot the center of gravity (CG) of the F-106,
paused. Townsend describes a smile the technical requirements for the Eclipse
perhaps, a subtle nod of the head. Subtle airplane were different. In fact, the
enough that Townsend had to ask Forger relationship of the distance of the tow
later, was he sure he didn't mind? Forger attachment to the CG as compared to the
said it was OK. distance of the control surfaces to the CG
was the exact opposite of the arrange-
The crew didn't scrub the name off. 45 ment that occurred on a conventional
sailplane. A sailplane has the rope attach
Subsystems and Worry close to the CG while the control surfaces
(elevator, rudder, and ailerons) are some
One mechanism needed for Eclipse was distance away from the CG. This means
called by the technicians the "knuckle," a the tow forces can easily be countered by
hunk of metal, three pounds or more, the aerodynamic control forces. On the
much larger than a human knuckle in F-106, the tow attachment was in front of

fact, larger than a heavyweight's fist, a the canopy while the CG was located
nasty bit of hardware in some events to many feet farther back in the center of the
come but created for elegant purposes. It airplane, much nearer to the control
was crucial. surfaces. This meant the potential existed
for tow forces that could exceed the

If the sole project intent were to pull an pilot's ability to counter them.
airplane, the knuckle could be omitted.
But if technical data was needed or if the Once the engineers had a plan for takeoff
pilot needed real-time information on configurations, they could make other
what was happening to the rope in flight- decisions. What would be the rope
and in fact he did-this knuckle was a length? How much weight would the
necessity. This universal joint attached to rope bear? What stresses did it have to

_ Daryl Townsend, interview by author, 25 June 1999.

46Albion Bowers, interview by author, 8 June 1999.

F-106tow cable
nism for the
(NASA photo
Tony Landis)

Theseandotherdifficultques- in the 1950s.(Theiremployment aspart-
tionsrequiredanswers. timeworkerswasoneof Kelly'sefficien-
cies.)In personal
remarksin interviews,
Kelly'soriginalplanhadbeentoreuse youngerEclipseteammembers often
towrope.Tobesure,theropecamein broughtupgenerationalremarks;they
expensive at$9.30a foot.Perhaps KST looked across an age gap at the older
grewimpatientwithDryden'sapproach engineers, sometinms with fascination,
to decisions
abouttherope.Orperhaps it sometimes with dismay, and occasionally
wasa generational thing-themajorityof with humble respect. One youthful
KST'semployees weregray-haired semi- engineer described the KST retiree-
retireeswhocameof ageworkingon engineers as the kick-the-tires-and-go-fly
projectsback generation ?7

47 Phil Starbuck, interview by author, 29 July 1999.

And they used that approach with unplanned blessing. But when they loosed
Vectran® rope abrasion tests. With the spring-load force of the guillotine
genuine zest and enthusiasm, two KST blade, it failed. It would not cut the tough
engineers, Archie Vickers and Bill Vectran® rope. The solution was to
Williams (system engineering manager attach the rope with a three-pin connec-
and test manager, respectively, for KST), tor designed by Dryden contract-
describe an impromptu test of cable employee Roy Dymott to a nylon strap, a
reusability. They took a length of substance the guillotine could slice. If that
Vectran® to a Hemet Valley airfield should fail, the loadmaster might cut the
where they used it all day towing gliders. nylon strap with a hand knife (a device
They beat it on concrete. They beat it on which, to outsider eyes, resembled a
gravel. Breathless, they beat it finally on small ax).
dirt and tossed it in a box where it
rumbled with sand, dirt, and rock on the The device for releasing the F- 106 from
drive home. Although they noticed slight the rope also proved an unforeseen gift.
damage, they came to the conclusion that When operations engineer Bill Albrecht,
the rope was reusable. The rope was who had long been associated with the
tough. B-52, attended a planning meeting for
Eclipse, he asked, why not use B-52
Early on, KST had investigated a cable parachute release hardware, a device that
spool to reuse the rope. After such reuse, resembled an iron jaw? 4_ This was
would the rope still be as strong? Would qualified hardware, in regular use, in
it degrade or carry over unsettling Air Force stock, and would more than
memories (energies) from the coiling? carry the load. Forger could activate
Dryden pointed out it would be less the release jaw electrically, and in case
expensive and speed up the schedule of malfunction, he had a mechanical
simply to buy multiple ropes and use backup.
each of them only once, thereby eliminat-
ing a good deal of fabrication and testing. The emergency release device for the
Dryden's agreement to purchase the F-106 was the frangible link, or "weak
additional ropes made the decision easy link" as it came to be called. The fran-
for KST. gible link-a safety mechanism-would
break before the rope or nylon ever broke.
As the rope questions were slowly Although it was designed for emergency
answered, the subsystem work moved release, on later flights the Eclipse team
along. Tony Ginn had the early inspira- started breaking the frangible link to
tion to convert an Air Force parachute release from tow because it kept the
qualification pallet to the uses of airplane instrumented knuckle assembly attached
towing. The pallet was already flight- to the F-106's release mechanism where it
qualified and designed to be attached to could readily be used again. When the
the floor at the rear of the C- 141A. This team initially used the release in the
concept saved months of development, configuration designed for the first flight,
design, fabrication, and testing. The the knuckle was on the end of the 1,000-
pallet came complete with a guillotine foot rope still attached at the other end to
designed to cut the nylon straps used to the Starlifter. It whipped so wildly in the
attach the heavy loads to the extraction hurricane-force winds that the frangible
chutes. Rope release devices constituted a link snapped and the knuckle was lost in
crucial safety issue and here was an the desert.

4_Bill Albrecht, interview by author, 17 June 1999. According to Al Bowers, the idea arose earlier among Collard,
Forger, and himself, but it could not be implemented without Albrecht's OK. Bowers' comments on a draft of this


Figure 2a.
o -1o6_ Schematic
drawing of the
/--Tow.a,e, initial tow-train
/ polymer towrope --_ _,

lj /-- 3/4" liquid crystal

(Design 980441
Nylon straps [ Nylon \
/ straps 7 \ Frangible link7 _ by the Dryden
Graphics Office)

•hr -pin Two-pin End..,ng W

connector connector _ _.


KST had designed the basic frangible break at the predicted load. The concern
link. Its initial plan had been to couple it on the issue of obtaining a consistent
with off-the-shelf load cells from a breaking load continued. The solution
commercial source. At Dryden. however, was machine-shop fabrication and
Bill Lokos redesigned the link; it was a calibration of the links, each of which
nifty solution that eliminated the need for was to be used only once. To ensure
a separate load cell on the C-141A (tow- consistency, all ten of the links to be
train) end of the assembly. To accomplish used in the ten planned flight tests
this, Lokos incorporated an integrated were made from the same lot of steel
load measurement feature using two full- bar stock that supplied the links used in
strain-gage tension bridges installed in lab testing.
the link itself, and also made other
modifications, including changes in the Along the way the team divided sharply
alloy to ensure proper hardness through- into two camps. The strength of the weak
out and changes in the neck diameter of link had to be decided upon relatively
the link (on the basis of extensive ten- early in the design phase because its
sion-failure testing). With these modifica- strength, by definition, set the maximum
tions, Bill was confident the link would loading the F-106 could be subjected to.

Figure 2b. Sche-

matic drawing of _ QF-106

the simplified
tow-train con-
Spa et _3/4"liquidcrystal J/
(Design 980497
_________._/ / pOlymer tOwrope _=_
by the Dryden
Graphics Office)

980497 i

The stronger the value of the weak link, and the speed brakes fully deployed-the
the greater the potential loading of the worst-case drag situation. He held the
fuselage and the greater the "beef-up" aircraft inches off the runway as the
required to the fuselage. The Federal airspeed bled down to 150 knots, a full
Aviation Administration's regulations for fifteen knots less than the planned tow
gliders or sailplanes stipulated that the takeoff speed. This slow speed simulated
link must break at a maximum lbrce of a rope break at the most critical time,
80 percent of the weight of the glider including several seconds for pilot
being towed. If this criterion were reaction. Forger then selected "military
applied to the F-106, the breaking power ''5° and retracted the speed brakes.
strength would be approximately 24,000 The venerable J75 engine took six
pounds. Although the Eclipse tests were seconds to spool up, during which time
not subject to FAA regulations, this the F-106 slowed precariously, but Forger
figure was a valuable reference point for was always able to maintain control until
design of the frangible link for the F-106 usable thrust was regained. The test was
tow-testing. 49 repeated numerous times, the data strips
demonstrating conclusively that the F- 106
There were those who were advocates of had the flying qualities and engine
"strong" weak links and those who response to fly out of any threatening
advocated "weak" weak links. The situation from the moment the aircraft left
"strong"-weak-link group was concerned the runway.
primarily about the hazards of a low-
altitude, inadvertent link breakage and Ultimately, the "weak" value of 24,000
felt the F-106 would crash into the desert pounds was accepted for the weak link.
if the weak link broke during the critical On the eve of the first flight, there still
takeoff phase. The "weak"-weak-link remained a number of team members who
group, of which Forger was a vocal thought the link should have been signifi-
member, was more worried about the cantly stronger. 5_
stability-and-control issues under tow
and wanted the weak link to break before Another problem was that although the
the airplane could go out of control on C-141A had an off-the-shelf tow rope
tow. For this group's argument to prevail, attachment available for a tow assembly,
its members first had to demonstrate that the F-106 did not. The KST engineers
the F- 106 could power up quickly remedied this by providing a weldment
enough to fly out of a low-altitude, apparatus that was riveted to the nose of
emergency release before disaster the F-106. It was black, a bizarre object.
ensued. Because of its shape, the crews called it
The Bathtub. Like other new structures, it
Forger's claim that he could fly the had to be tested by structures engineer
F-106 out of a low-altitude, inadvertent Bill Lokos.
release was eventually accepted. Using
the newly instrumented Eclipse aircraft, Meanwhile over at KST, Wes Robinson
he demonstrated landing approaches in led his engineers in shepherding the rope
which he swooped down with the engine through breaking tests subcontracted to a
stabilized at idle, the landing gear down, laboratory in Los Angeles. "When the

_ Based on KST and Bill Lokos' comments on the original draft of this monograph.

,0 The term "military power" refers to the use of maximum power without use of the afterburner. It is differentiated
from "maximum power," which includes the use of the afterburner.

51This section of the narrative is heavily indebted to editorial notes from Mark Stucky, 16 September 1999.

ropewasat lastcloseto failing," Herupbeatcomments in thesereports
remembers Robinson,"it gothot andit were,ina sense, directives.Theywerenot
wouldweldandI rememberthesmell, athreat.Butinretrospect, theyfirmly
thatburntplasticsortof smell.''52 pointedmanypeoplein thesamedirection
Whentheropefinally snapped,the ata pointwhenthemulti-partner effort
soundresembled a smallcannonbeing seemed in someweeksabouttocollapse.
discharged. "It wasimportant tostayonapositive
note,"shesays,"because youdon'tneed
anynegative noteswhenyouare.t'3'hJg to
gettheprojectdonein arush. "'_
EclipsehadstartedwithGaryTrippensee as
projectmanager andhadtransitioned to She was also famous for extended meet-
BobBaronandnowchanged again.Carol ings, although she insists they never lasted
Reukauf, adiminutive womanin her more than one and a half hours; they
forties,cameaboard asprojectmanager in happened every Tuesday morning in the
Aprilof 1997.Reukauf tendedtobecasual lakebed conference room, a meeting area
in manner, butbehindtheinformalappear- that looked out on the runway. The primary
ancewasawomanwithremarkable Eclipse members were required to come,
organizational abilitiesandashrewdability and her insistence kept everyone focused,
todealwithgroupsofpeople.Shecame every unit and agency in the loop. If you
aboard justasthemechanical assembly of ask today, many Eclipse members report
thefixturesontheF-106converted it toits an unusual sense of involvement and tun
tow(EXD-01 ) configuration
andthe with the unruly project. Ken Drucker of the
groundtestingbegan. Thiswasalsowhena Air Force, for instance, testifies, "'It was the
series ofsafetyreviewmeetings appeared highlight of my career. ''_'
onthehorizon,afewof themviewedas
threatening bytheteam."Therewere To the dismay of some, Reukauf in-
procedures andpapers tobefiled,"says volved as many members as she could in
Bowers, "andweknewshewouldbegood debate on issues that were related to
atit.''53 safety, instead of deterring to expert
opinion only. Bud Howell, KST repre-
Intheflight reports,however,Reukauf sentative at the weekly meetings, noted
wrotein a styleverydifferentfromthat that Carol's insistence upon hearing all
usedin typicalNASAreports.Her sides of an issue had a very positive
language seemed tocomefromtheworld effect on team morale. Forger, on the
of self-improvement andgroupsupport. other hand, recalls lengthy discussions
Forexample,herlastreportstates,"I spent "ferreting out the ridiculous. ''_7
adviseeveryonetoreflectontheirEclipse Reukauf's response? "It was good for
experience, takethepersonallessonsthat Forger," she smiles. "We needed every-
youlearnedandapply[them]toyour one to consider the ramifications of
futureendeavors. ''5_ decisions on this complex project." She

52Wes Robinson, interview by author, 30 July 1999.

53Albion Bowers, interview by author, 10 August 1999.

Project Manager's Comments, Eclipse EXD-01 Flight 10, 6 Feb. 1998, Eclipse Flight Report Isee document 41).

55Reukauf interview.

Drucker interview; Reukauf's comments on a draft of this monograph.

.sTKST comment; Mark Stucky, interview by author, 22 July 1999.

alsoemphasizes thatsheappliedthis they could gather data. Space technology?
approach "for thespecificreasonthatI Uh-hum. When the two returned to Dryden
wasconcerned thatthestronger,more the next day, word had already reached
articulatemembers of theteamtendedto project management. Reukauf spoke with
expresstheirviewstotheexclusionof each of them immediately. She came on
thosewhodifferedwiththem."Shesaw tough, but curiously, Murray remembered,
thepotentialfor damage toa teamwhose "It was very much like a mother scolding a
members alreadyhadsometimes contra- child. ''6_ It was a tone that commanded,
dictoryagendas. 5s and she halted a growing Eclipse tendency
to take legal risks on this high-visibility
Reukaufalsomadeapointattheendof project so casually.
eachmeetingtoaskfora commentfrom
eachmember. "JimMurraywouldsit Reukauf herself in a few days found an
silentlythroughoutthemeeting,"she authorized way for them to continue these
recalled,andwhenshecalledonthe valuable tests and still deal with liability
brilliantengineerattheend,"hewould issues. In fact, she found a way to use a
bringupa pointnobodyhadthoughtof- federal government credit card and adhere
andusually,hewasright.''5_In hind- to regulations about use of government
sight,herapproach createdaunified equipment. This permitted Murray,
team. Forger, and Gera to gather more experi-
mental data in an unconventional way.
Oneof thegreatdebates ragingwas
whethertherope'soscillationsmight One great fear of skeptics was that some-
developsomepitchingmotionor un- how the wake turbulence of the C-141A
stableenergy.Theantithesiswasthe would upset the F-106. In one test in the fall
straight-lineropeillustratedontheearly of 1996, the experimenters put smoke
reportcovers.JoeGeradefended generators on the wings of the Starlifter and
straight-rope theory."Youcan'tpusha flew to see what patterns were traced in the
rope,"hesaid.JimMurrayargued sky. Forger took a leading role in actual
differently.Hesuggested theremightbe flight tests addressing the issue. There were
a bungee effect."What,"heasked,"if the several factors. One was downwash, the
ropegoesboing-boing ? ''6° streaming of air off the transport's wing, a
disturbance that later Forger described as no
Later, Murray and Gera decided to put the more unsettling than driving a car on a
question to an unauthorized test. It was a gravelly road. But the big concern was
good-natured jaunt-and also a secret as far vortices, severe air disturbances coming
as management was concerned. The two from each wingtip of the mammoth trans-
signed out for a day of leave (vacation), port. The vortices proved to be small
borrowed some load instruments from the tornadoes which, as they moved away from
lab, and set off to do the experiment on their source and increased in size, for some
their own. They found a glider-towing distance at least also increased as hazards.
company with an owner cynical but willing
to pull their rented glider on an instru- In the spring of 1997, Forger flew an F- 18
mented rope behind his tow airplane so into the wake of the C-141A. He flew in

_ Comments by Reukauf on a draft of this study, September 1999.

_' Reukauf interview and corrections in her review of a draft of this study.

_' Murray interview.


The aft end of
the C-141A tow
aircraft. (NASA

photo EC98
44392-1 by Jim

near the transport's tail. He would take conditions. If the petal doors were open
stabs at the vortices with his wing tip and in the tail, however, regulations required
every time he did, the F-18 relied off. the C-141A to fly at less than 200 knots.
Even at a distance, team members could The Eclipse team asked: if the petal doors
see a vortex. "Sometimes it wouht mix were removed, did that speed restriction
with the exhaust blowing, and in the glint still exist'? The petal doors provided no
of the sun," remembered Mark Col lard, structural stability. Obviously, the restric-
"you could see it was tubular. I could see tion came from a concern with unstable
it. He could, too, at times, w'e dynamics on the opened doors.

How big across was the vortex when Lockheed. the manufacturer of the C- 141,
encountered a thousand feet behind the had performed dynamic analyses for
transport? "About as wide across as a flight with the doors open because users
volleyball," grinned Forger. "It was a needed to know' the maximunl speed for
non-issue. ''_'' So there he was up in the pallet air drops, which required, of
sky, playing volleyball with violent air. course, open doors. Authorization to fly
Later in the summer, he flew the F-106 at a greater speed with the doors either
behind the Starlifler in similar tests. open or removed would require further
There were no problems for Eclipse. analysis by Lockheed. Reukauf remem-
bered that the Eclipse leanl resigned itself
One regulation did, however, become an to the limit because there was "'no time
issue. The engineers had air-speed and [or budget] lk)r a new stability analysis."
altitude windows they wanted to investi- But to this day, Ken Drucker, the Air
gate to validate the research simulation. Force h)admasier, regrets that he did not
The hunch was that an airspeed around intervene in time with informal advice to
300 knots would provide ideal towing get the team past the barrier/'4

"-"Mark Collard, interview by, aulhon 18 June 1999.

"_Stucky interviews.

,,4Drucker interview: comments of Reukauf on a draft of Ihis _,ludy.

On many other occasions, Drucker and additional safety factors or simply
Watson did in fact help the Eclipse team curiosity about some interesting data and
navigate around Air Force regulations. the time taken to pursue it, all added up to
But the speed limit remained at 200 knots. expenses for KST-and new trips to the
investors to keep the project floating.

Later Keltner told his KST associates

Dryden and the AFFTC may have shared about Reukauf's reaction. She sat a
the same runway, but they came from two moment in silence after reading the
different cultures. Often parties to both pages, her hands folded on the table, then
agencies would have moments of culture started shaking her head back and forth.
shock. Once Watson remembers depart-
ing one of the lengthy Eclipse meetings "You know, I am really disappointed in
accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel Bob you," she said. It was couched in a sympa-
Wilson. Wilson shook his head slowly at thetic tone, but he could sense the iron in
what he had just been hearing, astonished her, too. "No question," Keltner told his
at the intense interest of the NASA colleagues, "she was one angry lady. ''67
people in issues that struck him as purely
theoretical ?,5 But curiously, the conference did seem to
clear the air. Some of the issues were
KST felt these cultural differences, too. simply non-resolvables. But Keltner
Late in the summer of 1997, KST project noticed that now at the Tuesday meetings
manager Bob Keitner paid a visit to when the Dryden data-gathers and analyz-
Dryden. He had worked on the Atlas ers threatened to stanapede, she appealed to
missile earlier in his life and later spent them to consider KST. She reined them in.
decades at TRW. He got out of his car in
the sweltering heat of the Dryden parking
lot with some trepidation. He was about
to present a list of grievances to Carol Many safety issues had to be resolved.
Reukauf. It was a curious document One concern was the cockpit canopy.
roughly printed in capital letters by hand. During a Configuration Control Board
The title was "PROGRAM DELAY meeting someone asked, what if the stress
RESPONSIBILITY." He noted quite a on the F-106 fuselage bent the fuselage to
number of these responsibilities and the point the canopy could not be jetti-
attributed a few of them to KST. He next soned? In an emergency scenario, it
had penned a section entitled "ACTS OF would entail disaster because the canopy
GOD," which left, of course, "ACTS OF had to be jettisoned from the aircraft
NASA."_,6 before the ejection seat would fire. "This
was another question that the project
There were many acts of NASA, a team judged to be a non-issue," explains
substantial number of them concerning Reukauf. "But nonetheless, regard to
Dryden's level of safety preparation and flight safety dictated a responsible pursuit
Dryden's commitment to generating data. of the real answer." The engineers moved
It was another clash of cultures, really. quickly to gauge the risk. They found a
And any slips in the schedule related to replacement canopy and Dryden's
government regulation or a need for structural testing lab under Bill Lokos'

,,5Watson interview.

_ Robert Keltner, private papers.

,,7Robert Keltner, interview by author, 30 July 1999; comments of Keltner on a draft of this study.

(NASA photo
by Tony Landis)

directionloadedthefuselagewith shot task,because thesplicehadtoretainthe

bagsandstressed thefuselagewith loads full strengthof thevirginrope.The
whichwouldbeexperienced in towing.It assignment eventuallywentto Dryden
wasnotelegant,aroughsortof test.But life-supporttechnician KellySnapp.
therough,reassuringanswerwasthatthe "BecauseIspentsometimein theNavy,"
pyrotechnicscouldstill blastthecanopy grinnedSnappwhenyouaskhimwhy.6s
free. Hewasadeptatsplicinga loopin the
Vectran®lines.It wasa skill, andif you
Oneof themanyoperational requirements thoughtthetasksimple,whenyou
identifiedintheinitialKSTtestplanwasto watchedwhatSnapphadtodo,it seemed
providea cockpitdisplayofropetension a difficultandtedioustrick.
PhilStarbuck, abrilliantyoungengineer Tobesure,it wasataskthatmighttake
(formerlyof KST).It consisted of a anoutsiderhalfa week,buttheex-Navy
horizontal rowof lightsthatwouldchange technician coulddoit-andwithout
colors,endinginredastheropeload damagingtherope,whichwascrucial-in
reached prescribed limits.Inthemillisec- perhaps halfanhour."He wasquick,"
ondscannings andjudgments required
at recalledcrewchiefDarylTownsend in
take-off,themonitorwasanecessity. admiration. 6_AndVectran® didnot
cooperate whenSnappwenttocutit. For
Someone alsohadtoweaveanattach- all theworryaboutthevulnerabilityof
mentloopin therope.Thiswasnosmall therope,hecouldwearoutsix toeight


ordullone sharp hacksaw trying to cut instance, an airplane's geographic
it. Although Snapp never damaged the rope, location and speed in flight. Most previ-
his razors did slip his own way and on several ous GPS uses consisted of linking one
occasions, the rope ascended into the skies moving unit to a stable reference point.
with his loop am/his blood stains on it. The Eclipse engineers scored high marks
when they used GPS to chart in real time
Bill Lokos ground-tested six loops distances between two moving units, the
spliced for the experiment. Every time tow airplane and the towed F-106.
the rope failed, not the loop. And during
the flight tests, the loops always held.

One of the paradoxes of the Eclipse On an August afternoon, Mark Collard sat in
project was that such a small project his office cubicle and stared at a paper. He
generated a number of landmarks. One hesitated. This was a moment when a person
of these developed when A1 Bowers and might take a long, deep breath before signing.
Ken Norlin devised a simulation for the The memo had just issued from his printer. A
C- 141A. They first modified the existing space waited at the bottom of the page for his
F- 18 simulator at Dryden to represent signature. The whole business had to do with
the F- 106. The Air Force did not have a the pyros, the tiny units of explosive hard-
C-141A sim available at Edwards, and as ware, the only devices which would enable
a result, NASA tests were producing the Eclipse pilot to eject if there were a
useful results for the F-106 but none for catastrophe. To no avail the engineers and
the Starlifter. Early on, because the support crew had searched for replacements,
transport was so much heavier than the and none were to be had. The pyros on the
F-106, the Dryden engineers had mod- F-106 were long past their expiration dates.
eled it in simulation simply as what they This document would approve an extension.
called an infinite mass. Bc_wers then
addressed the need for a C-141 sim. He searched for a pen, found one-a federal-
Once this was done, the engineers set up issue ballpoint. Such extensions were not
three simulations-of the C-141, the rope, unusual in flight research at Dryden, but if a
and the F- 106-to operate together in real problem arose in flight, the pyros had to work
time (simultaneously) with data ex- for Forger to eject successfully.
changed among them based on the
dynamics of the simulated tow rope It was not a reckless moment for Collard.
between the F-106 sim and the C-141 But the step raised questions. How much
sim. The researchers actually set up the confidence do you have in this project?
sims in separate rooms with radio How deeply do you believe the presenta-
communication between them and a tions made in your own safety briefings?
control-room unit. It provided valuable Are you sure go-fly hysteria has not
rehearsal for the complexities which taken over? Are you certain the momen-
were only beginning to be recognized. It tum of fifty people working on this
was groundbreaking. project for a year and a half is not the
energy fueling your decision?
Another landmark was the engineers'
clever GPS contrivance. GPS, Global He signed his name. And he sent it to
Positioning System, is a technology that Tom McMurtry, Director of Flight
uses satellite information to calculate Operations, who surely had his own
exact location and rate of change-for internal debate before he signed. 7°

7,,People interviewed for this history voiced two different viewpoints about the extension for use of the pyros. One
person argued, "The fact that we needed senior management to approve the extension means we were thorough."
Another view was that Collard's signature, at least, could have had career-ending ramifications.

Extensions wereanissuewiththeAir this tiny project. "Would you give me a
Force'sagingwarrior,too,andthe briefing'?" he was asked. Deers notes that
C-141Ahadrunoutof time.Therewasa this modulated into a different question,
PDMawaitingtheStarlifterthatcould "Are you sure of what you're doing? ''7-_
notbeavoidedif it weretocontinueto The informal reviews numbered in the
fly. A PDM,Programmed DepotMainte- hundreds.
nance,isa four-yearcycleof attention
thatmustbepaidtoAir Forceairplanes. Ken Drucker, the Air Force sergeant who
"Thisisserious maintenance," explained was in charge as ioadmaster at the rear of
Bob Plested, the first Air Force project the tow plane, faced reviews, too. One
manager for Eclipse. "They take the was at mess lunch with other Air Force
airplane down to Warner-Robbins AFB sergeants whose hands had been soiled
and basically take it apart and put it back with decades of jet plane grease and
together again." The cost of a PDM whose eyes had seen everything under
weighed in at nearly three million dollars. the aeronautical sun. They suggested
And there was no Eclipse budget to come loudly that if the Eclipse project put a
to the rescue. Because there were no towload at the end of the C-141 where no
other paying customers for the C- 141 A, designer intended one, the tail might
the Air Force had decided to retire it for break off. The polite phrases of the
good. earlier memos in the offices conveyed the
same message. But the mess-hall concern
"We had gotten another six months," was more bluntly put.
Plested continued, "but there were no
more extensions. It's what you call a The big reviews, however, were the
drop-dead date. The first six-month formal ones. There was the PDR, a
extension is pretty much paperwork. But preliminary design review early in the
the second is bought more dearly." When project, followed by the CDR, a critical
all the Eclipse instruments and modifica- design review once 90 percent of the
tions were stripped out of the C-141 A, drawings had been done. As flight test
wherever the airplane ended up on 18 drew near, there appeared the stern
February 1998 was going to be its final procedures of flight readiness review, the
resting place. 7_ FRR. If the FRR was hurdled, its panel
members, not the project members,
There were many safety reviews of the presented it to the Airworthiness Flight
Eclipse project. Their number was Safety Review Board. If that was cleared,
extraordinary. Some personal comments a project could fly. But in the case of
were quite intense. One individual sent a Eclipse, there were other significant
memo concerning Eclipse flights that reviews. One was the video conference in
stated, "There have always been projects the early summer of 1997 involving Dr.
where people were willing to go out and Robert E. Whitehead, the NASA Associ-
kill someone, and this is one of them." ate Administrator who headed the Office
of Aeronautics and Space Transportation
Dryden Director of Aeronautics Research Technology. He gave a thumbs up to the
and Technology Dwain Deers remembers project, satisfied the group knew what it
that at NASA Headquarters in Washing- was doing.
ton, DC-where his job took him fre-
quently-three or four times a week The least expected review came last. It
someone would come up and ask about was done by something dubbed the 1RT,

7_Robert Plested, interview by author, I l August 1999.

7_,Dwain Deers, interview by author, 4 August 1999.

theIndependent ReviewTeam,an
At thetime,theeventwastheexception
totherule.In everyreview,theEclipse .......
teamproveditscase.Reukauf,Forger, ////' /

sometimes Geradevotedcountlesshours
wantedto dowassate.Lookingback,
Reukaufthinksit wasagoodexercise,
onethatthoroughlyrehearsed themall in
theprocedures to come. 7_ And Forger,
often impatient at the sheer number of
presentations, in retrospect, also
agrees. TM


Late in August 1997, the Eclipse project

gathered impetus. As the first day of
actual flight research with the F-106 in had indicated. But as Peters stared at the Figure 3. Finite
the Eclipse configuration drew near, the image on the screen, his eyes grew wide. element model of
most junior member of the team sat The image of the finite-element stress the forward
down to check some figures. He was analysis suggests precision and math- fuselage of the
Todd Peters, a structural loads engineer. ematical certainty, but the paradox QF- 106. (Design
He brought up on his computer screen remains that every line is also, in some
980442 by the
the finite-element stress analysis of the sense, false. The model is really an
Dryden Graphics
F-106 fuselage and looked closer. illusion-a deft engineer can manage the
trick, which is to combine these illusions
To an outsider, the image might have into a sum that produces something true.
seemed lovely. You can see similar For example, when the F- 106 nose was
images in the opening montage se- analyzed, the sub-contracted engineer
quences on Discovery Channel science simplified its structure into a model to get
shows where some real-world object is his results.
transformed into geometrical lines. The
Eclipse project analysis displayed a "It's important when you simplify,"
vision of the F- 106 fuselage reduced to explains Peters, "that you don't simplify
geometrical patterns. The purpose of the an area that is crucial. If you do, the
finite-element stress analysis was to analysis can show everything is fine
discover how much stress the F-106 when it is not. ''75
fuselage could bear. The analysis had
occurred long ago. KST had subcon- According to Peters, the model seemed to
tracted the work in the days before have integrity on the screen when, in fact,
NASA assumed test responsibility. The it did not. And the next day, he took a
Dryden machine shop had already signal step. He sent a young co-op
finished most of the work the analysis engineer, Mike Allen, down to the hangar

r, Reukauf interview.

v_Slucky interviews.

> Todd Peters, interview by author, 23 June 1999.

withtracingpaper,whitepaint,flashlight, wouldnotsupportthatsubstantiala load.
andcalipers.Allenandacolleaguewould AccordingtoPeters.
thatareaof lhe
maptherivetsandstructuralsupports in fuselage
theforwardfuselage.AsPeterscontinued below10_000pounds.
sweated overrealmetal.Therewasa tiny A complexwebof complications re-
hatchonthesideof theairplane'snose.It sultedfromsuchmistakes. If Peterswere
wassosmallAllencouldonlyreachhis right,apossiblescenario turnedouttobe
handholdingthecaliperinsideand theoneseveralveteranpiloishadfretted
awkwardlypeeraroundhisanntosee. aboutearlyon-amishapal takeoffwhen
Fromthehatchontheotherside,another airplaneandpilot weremostvulnerable,
co-opshinedaflashlight.By millime- someincidentanglewherethestresses
ters,theycharted. onthefuselage laterin factdidpeakat
18,000pounds,a catastrophe whenjust
Allen,apolite,shyyoungengineering astheF-106liftedintotheair,itsnose
student,tellsthestoryof all therivets brokeoff.
measured andtodaysmilesandrecalls."I
thinkeverythingwasin goodworking Petersreportedhisfindingsupthechain
order."Buthealsorecallslateone ofcommand. Hissuperiors
afternoonduringthisintenseperiodwhen happy.Theywereall readyto fly.
Petersstopped by hisdesk. Suddenly hebecameanIssue-orfelthe
wasone-atatimewheneveryone onthe
"Howarethingsgoing?"askedAllen. projectwantedtobea non-issue andget
in theair.v<'
"We'rein deep,deeptrouble,"camethe
answer. Thenextdaythe managers scrambled. A
phone call was put through to Bob
Thecruxwasthis:theF-106wasa Keltner at KST, and there were yowls of
lightweightairframeattachedtoonebig disbelief and pain on that end. Keltner
engine.Notsurprisingly,itsnosewasnot called the subcontractor about the
designedforanytowload,letalone analysis that was being questioned, but
24,000pounds. Accordingto Peters,
what the subcontractor had no answers, for he
hadgonewrongwiththeanalysiswas had subcontracted the task to someone
complex.It turnedoutthatsomemodifi- else who could not be reached. What to
cationsdonetotheairplanewerenot do? How to figure this'? There was no
someweredoneincorrectly, answer to these untimely questions.
beenaddressed. NASA assigned Mark Lord to join Peters
in the task. Lord was more easy-going
Therewasajoint in thelongerons than Peters, a quiet engineer mellowed
(supportmembers) in thenose.If youran with a generation of experience. Lord
a finger,for instance,
alongthelongeron, began re-doing the analysis with a
youwouldfeelthebreak(aboltedjoint pencil. Engineers call this approach
thathadbeenoverlooked duringvisual classical analysis. It did not replace the
inspection againstairplanedrawings),but analysis Peters had done with the
thisimportantrealitydid notappearin software NASTRAN. Rather, it looked at
thefinite-element stressanalysisand the fuselage from a different angle and in
therebyitsauthorgavea forgivingnodto a sense fl_cused more closely. Both
loadsupto 24,000pounds.Butthejoint analyses, of course, were deft illusions

7,, In an editorial comment, Reukauf makes the point that the project was grateful to Peters, although he may have felt he
was an issue.

aimedatunderstanding something real. Space: its definition was not crucial to
At first, Lord'sworkwiththepencil intellectual property in Kelly's patent.
seemed to contradictthatof Peters.
Yes, But it was the goal. And that December
of course,theanalysisby thesubcontrac- even as the Eclipse team raced to fly its
torhadnovalidity,butLordfelt thatthe tests over the desert, some KST engineers
resultswouldturnout,in hispoliteterm, were asking themselves about modifica-
"beneficent. ''77ButasLordprobed tions to make to the F-106 afterwards that
further,hetooencountered serious might take it higher. Perhaps space
problems. wasn't so far away.

LordandPetersworkedtogether, Kelly shared this enthusiasm. He had

movingbackandforth betweentheir memories of watching Apollo flights on
analyses,comparing,puttingin a television as a child. While still an
gruelingseven-day-a-week, 7-a.m.-to- adolescent, he had penned an unpub-
I I-p.m. pushto gettheanswers.The lished novel based on somewhat-real-
resultwasthattheteamdid haveto fix world technology about teenagers flying
the fuselage.Rivetsneededto be to the Moon. Yet although Kelly was a
addedto reinforcewhathadbeen visionary, he was also a very practical
incorrectlydone.Lord designedmetal engineer. Hadn't retired Air Force Lt.
strapsto holdtogetherquestionable Col. Jess Sponable, himself a hard-bitten
panelson thefuselage. realist in aerospace, suggested that all
that was needed for economically fea-
Asthewinterholidaysof 1997ap- sible space flight was a reconfiguration of
proached,theteamracedto getfinished what had already been invented? "What
beforetheAir Forceputitstow airplane America needs is not newer launch
ontheshelf. technology," said Sponable, "but today's
technology applied to RLVs designed to
Space fly with aircraft-like efficiencies. ''7_

AI Bowers shared and shares his dream of

Space: defined in dictionaries as the
region beyond the Earth's atmosphere. space travel. His very office is something
near a museum stacked with mementos of
Of course, exactly where atmospheric
particles thin out to virtual nothingness is aerospace history, of the human race's
subject to interpretation. But NASA had effort to escape the gravitational pull of
Earth. As a child, Bowers had watched
put a number on it, defining space by the
international standard as a region begin- with excitement the Apollo missions on
ning 62 miles above the surface of the live television. Despite his heavy workload
at the center, he continued to donate time to
Earth. It was a yardstick that decided
who was an astronaut. The Air Force, on public schools, talking about space explo-
the other hand, had chosen to define ration. But when he mentions the Apollo

space as a region 50 miles off-planet, missions in his presentations, most of the

school children have no idea a human
awarding astronaut wings to X-15 pilots
who ventured that high but not up to 62 being ever stepped on the Moon. It did not
miles. TM happen in their time.

77Mark Lord, interview by author, 15 July 1999.

7_ Dennis R. Jenkins, Hypersonics Before the Shuttle: A Concise History of the X-15 Research Airplane (Washington,
DC: NASA SP-2000-4518, 2000), p. 61.

7_ Kelly interview; Lt. Col. Jess Sponable (USAF, Ret.), "The Next Century of Flight," Aviation Week & Space
Technology (24 May 1999): 94.

AndasNASAbudgetsdwindledfrom come,theengineercommands suchas
theirlevelsin theApolloera,astime "Clearedfor pitchdoublet!"thatwould
passedandtheonlyhumansontheplanet betransmittedfromthecontrolroom.He
to visittheMoonbecamegray-haired knewtheemergency procedures, the
members of theretirement
generation, mostdiredirectivesontake-off,thefive
Bowershada sharpsense of therope's stepsof "abort"leadingto thesixth:
importance. Behindthetiny Eclipse "FollowFLAMEOUTLANDING
Projectwavereda question. WhenNeil PROCEDURES."_°
in July1969,whoseshoes didhewalkin? Delays had stalled them. It was a Satur-
day morning, 20 December 1997. Three
Wasit Leif Ericsson's? weeks down-time lay ahead of them, two
weeks for the holidays and a third week
Columbus's? that annually shut down all projects for
safety workshops. Could the Eclipse
The Proof project squeeze in one flight test before
the long layup? The Air Force's "drop-
Ona bitter,coldSaturday morningin dead" date for the C- 141 A-February
December, Forgerranhiseyesoverthe 1998-would not be extended. Unfortu-
gauges in hiscockpit.Thiswastheday. nately, Dryden Maintenance had decided
Theywerereadyfor flight test.Hispilot that although the center director might
flightcardsclickedagainstanaluminum give them special dispensation for a test
cockpitpanel.Thevastwebof possibility the Saturday before Christmas, it was not
hadbeenrefinedtothesesimplyprinted likely to happen. On this assumption, the
cards.Herehewasparkedbehinda technicians had not fueled the safety
C-141A,thestenchof itsfumesbitinghis chase airplanes ahead of time. Merry
nostrils.Ashelaterreported, therewas Christmas, Eclipse! The crew waited 30
something unsettlingin it all--despite
his minutes in the cold for refueling.
experience flyingformationandflying
refueling-something thatseemed a Finally, with all airplanes fueled and in
violationof themostelementary com- position, the rope truck had done its work
mandment: nevergetbehindabig laying out the line, a carefully planned
transportontake-off. procedure carried out by a world-class
crew that had trained itself for hooking
Pilotssnapped theflightcardsona up the rope without any abrasive damage.
kneeboard mountedontheleft thigh.The It was a cautious thousand-foot march
cardswerestiff,laminated, aboutthesize down the runway between the two
of winelistsatrestauranttables.Typi- airplanes. Daryl Townsend, the big, easy-
cally,theyhadfourpunches in theleft going crew chief was in front, followed
margin,theholessometimes obliterating by a technician with what looked like a
partsof words.Theyhadindexesdis- shepherd's crook that he deftly maneuvered
playedalongthebottom. to keep the line from snarling on the nose
of the F-106 and slapping on the concrete.
Forgerknewmanyof thepassages
by The Air Force comedians liked to call this
to exercise "the parade of the Pharaohs. "'s_

_"Eclipse Project test cards, unpublished (see an example, document 21).

_ By this, apparently they meant that the cautious walk of the NASA ground crew down the runway with the technician
in back maneuvering what NASA tblk described as a "shepherd's crook" wielded to keep the rope from slapping down,
resembled the stately marches depicted in Egyptian art where some god or some ruler walked holding aloft a rod which
often had a curved neck.

Theminutes tocomewerecrucialfor
Forger•Hehadtoavoida ropeslackthat
mightsomehow initiatetheworst-case
scenario,twoairplanes tryingtotakeoff
withtheconnecting lineserpenting around
a tugthatmightdamage thetowropeor
leadtoa breakinthefrangiblelinkand
taxi-towtest(anexercise limitedtorunway
work),hehada problem. Hewastooquick
onthebrakes astheStarlifterbeganits
forward,theropeslapping ontheground,
andin ablinkhecounted threeoscillations
beforehecontrolled it,justhopingthe
notintendtoletthathappen again.

At adistanceof athousandfeet,the
C-141Awasin position,gleamingflom
theearlysun,andto hisrightandleft,
Forgersawtheropetechnicians, clear
nowfromtheflight path,theirbreaths
plumingin theair,shiftingfromoneloot
totheother,still poisedevenwhen
nothingwasleftfor themtodo,asif
somethingstill mightbeneeded.

Forger'skneesbraced.If all other

thesemoments "Eclipsereadyfor flight,"answered The "Parade of
tensioningtheropewithhisfeetonthe Forger. the Pharaohs."
brakeswerecloseto art. (NASA photo
"Roger20seconds," crackledfromthe EC98 44393-32
Thelargetransportmoved.Thebigjets Starlifter.Forthenext20seconds, by Carla Thomas)
shuddered androared,andhewatchedas everyone onradioin thecontrolroom,as
theropeslackstartedtakingup.He well asForger,wouldsitin silence.He
workedhisbrakes.Theimportantthing couldhearthewhineof thechase jets
wasnotto slaptherope,notto startsome circlingpast,readytomovein. Thenhe
oscillation.Theropeseemed todraw couldhearDrucker'svoice,curiously
almostgentlyoff thetarmacandthen modulated by radiofromthetail of the
clearedat5,000poundsjust asBowers C-141A,countingdown,"Eclipse... 5..
hadpredictedfromtheveryfirst. He • 4 .... _

calledfor Farmerto holdpositionat

6,000poundsof tension,theropestraight When LeVake called "Brake release," the
asa ruleredge. transport really started moving. The jets
roared louder. "Smooth the brakes,
"Arris'_ readyforflight,"rasped smooth them," Forger thought as he
Farmer'svoiceontheradio. relaxed his feet.

_-"The C-141A's radio call sign.

takeoff.Butashecontinued gathering
speed, herealized therewasnoradio.
WherewastheAir Force?Hecouldsee
assteeply asit could.Hecouldfeelthe
waketurbulence. Butwhereweretheradio
callsrehearsed astheC-141passed 100,
omission wasnota"RedLight."nota
hemightchoose toabort."Followthe
otherjoshingveterans atthebase.Andhe

Eclipseproject Hewasmoving. Thelift-off camewiththeStarlifterquite

QF-106and highin theenvelopeof operations.
C-141Atakeoff Suddenly, thetarmacblurred.Hewas Farmerlatercommented hefelt onthis
on first tethered racingdowntheoil-stained historyof flight asif hedragged
Runway04.Theyellowtaximarks theground.ButForgerwasoff the
flight 20 Decem-
whizzedpast.Themistychainofmoun- ground.
ber 1997.(NASA
photoEC97 thedistance. Thousand-toot
markers, tin "Eclipseairborne,"calledForger.
44357-8by Tom sheds fledpasthim. Hisgaugesaid120
Tschida) knots.Whenhehit 140knots,herotated Hehearda familiarsquawk.TheAir
theairplane to7 degrees
nose-up for Forcecamebackontheradio.Down

C-141A climb out
undertow on first
tetheredflight, 20
(NASA photo
by TomTschida)

_' Stucky interviews: report of Chief Engineer AI Bowers on Eclipse Flight 5 (1 _' towed flight), 20 December 1998 in
Eclipse Flight Report (see document 6).

below cheers erupted in the packed
control room as if a team had scored in a
sports event. Forger realized he flew near
the bottom of the planned low-tow area,
and he climbed a few degrees. The good
news was this: as he rolled out behind the
C-141A and circled the eastern shore of
the dr3; lakebed, be tracked very nicely,
almost without pilot input. He continued
the tests, step by step edging the F-106 to
different areas beneath the tow airplane.
Control was excellent.

This first tethered flight was a triumph.

And at 10,000 feet as Forger was pulled
by the Starlifter into a 40-degree roll,
Mark Collard and AI Bowers stared in
amusement at the video monitor in the
control room, its image transmitted from
the chase airplane. The engineers saw
Forger seem to rise up from his seat?*
you-so. He sums up the first flight tests. Tow rope after
"He's not going to do what I think he's "The only surprise was that there were no being whipped
going to do, is he?" asked Bowers. ss surprises," he says. sv around by the
knuckle assembly
But he was. He really was. on the first
tethered flight.
Forger raised both hands free of the But Kelly was forgetting about one
incident that no one had foreseen. As (NASA photo
aircraft's controls. The F-106 flew a
EC97 44357-23
smooth course. Forger was flying behind the C-141 on
the first flight, abruptly the rope released by Carla Thomas)

+'Forger," advised Collard over the radio, at his end. The whole 225 pounds of
+'if you are going to do this, move your Vectran® and metal for a few moments
hands so the camera can see." And the became a violence in the sky. The partici-
pilot clenched his fingers and waved his pants were unprepared for what they
fists. To anyone who had labored through saw-a vast flailing-and on the second
all the doubts, the briefings, the reviews, whipping, the metal knuckle snapped free
it was cleat this moment was not show- and rocketed off into the blue.
boating. It was validation, x6
Recovery of the knuckle remained a great
Mike Kelly remembers, too, and recounts hope for several days, and it became an
the story now without any note of I-told- extracurricular project. The pilot and

_+As Stucky commented on the first draft of this monograph, "I didn't really stand up. I was, after all, strapped into an
ejection seat. I simply twisted in my seat towards the chase video aircraft, raising my hands up over my head, and waved
them when they asked to see some motion."

ss Albion Bowers, interview by author, 25 June 1999.

*_Interview with Collard.

*_Kelly interview; of. the documents on Eclipse Flight 5 in Eclipse Flight Report (see documents 3-7).

engineers launched a searchmission. thepilot whohasnotfunctionedas
UsingGPSdatafromthetestflight, intended.
Forgerflewovertheareain asmall
airplanewhilebelowhimrumbled In anafternoonmeeting,Forgerspoke
severalof theEclipsepeoplein theiroff- up.Heofferedtheopinionthathehad
roadvehicles,tracinggrid-patternsacross inadvertently releasedtherope.The
thedesertwastelands. Thetaskproved engineers hadsituatedthepneumatic
difficult."If youlookoutthere,it seems release buttononthepilot'scontrolstick.
niceandflat,butwhenyoudrivein, it's WhenForgerhadhishandonthestick,
little ravinesandcreekwashes,"said hisindexfingerrestedahairlinefrom
crewmanRandyButton,whojoinedthe thisbutton.Hemusthavetouchedthe
pursuitY_ "It's a bigdesert,"smiled button.Hishonestyherebecamepartof
Kelly Latimer,noddingwith irony,s9 theEclipsestory.If hehadremained
Butoptimismprevailedfor a time. silent,everyone ontheprojecthalf-
Evena weeklater,a teammember guessing therelease scenario,it wouldin
madeonelast Saturdaysortiedriving a somewayhavefedtheworrythatit
jeep,wieldinga GPSandmetal- couldhappenagain.Immediately the
detector.Theyneverfoundtheknuckle, engineers offeredto move the button
however. elsewhere-perhaps its placement had not
been a great idea. Forger said they did
Theknucklehadbeen,of course,aflying not need to lose the time on installation.
weapon. AccordingtoBowerswhohasa Daryl Townsend remembered how the
geniusfor predictivenumbers,the pilot's eyes grew narrow. "It won't
knucklemighthavebeensailingat300 happen again," he said."
itselfin thesandtenfeetdeep.Whenhe And it did not.
recommendations. Number12read: When the Starlifler towed the F-106, the
"Recommend futureoperations
immedi- Air Force pilots could barely tell they
atelyoccurin thePrecisionImpactRange had a tow load. It was a subtle difference.
Area(PIRA)airspace overuninhabited in flight, they could not see the F-106,
areas.'"_ nor did they have video display. When
Forger released the rope, the Air Force
revealednothing pilots felt a gentle surging forward,
wrongwiththeF-106hardware, and nothing else. On the second test flight,
post-flightdataanalysisshowedno Farmer claimed to hear a low noise that
suddenstressonthetowline.TheDryden he thought was transmitted through the
engineerscouldtellyouof pasttest rope, a low-frequency rumbling that
flightswheresomething wentawry. disappeared after the rope release.
Reports wouldbefiledthatsomething did "Sure," grinned co-pilot Latimer, inton-
not"function."Butsometimes it hasbeen ing her disbelief2 2

_ Randy Button, interview by author, 25 June 1999.

s,,Kelly Latimer, interview by author, 6 July 1999.

"' Pilot's Flight Test Report, First Tethered Flight in Eclipse Flight Report (see document 4).

_,ETownsend interview.

< In editorial comments, Stucky wrote, "The quivering/shimmering the canvas sleeve caused to the toy, rope was, 1 feel,
the source of the rumbling in the rope that was transmitted to the C-141 and [that] Farmer could feel.'" See below for
discussion of the canvas sleeve.

But Latimer and Farmer felt some twinge View of the
of regret hearing the Air Force crew in F- 106 and the
back at the tow connection, shouting in In January, when the Eclipse team had tow rope from the
astonishment, "You should see this!This returned to flight research, the drop-dead C-141A. (NASA
is the coolest!" It was the rope they saw. It date still loomed ahead for the C-141A,
photo EC98
was moving in wild, beautiful oscillations and for practical purposes, the group
44393-52 by
nobody had predicted. Sergeant Dana could not work past 6 February 1998.
Carla Thomas)
Brink, the scanner, recalls, "Once the rope On 21 January, the airplanes ascended for
disconnected, it was like when you take their second tethered flight.
and whip a garden hose, at first the curve
gets bigger and slower at the same time." The engineers had anticipated a flight
Brink and Drucker both viewed the envelope of easy operation, one that
writhings at close hand, and at a flight proved easier in real flight than the sims
debriefing when Eclipse engineers said predicted, so easy that the rope, which in
wistfully they wished they had a better fact bowed, might as well have been
look at the rope (its thin stripe difficult to straight in certain low-tow configurations.
see by eye or chase video against the But Forger had parameters to explore in
glaring desert sky), Brink admitted he had these tests. There were places Forger tried
unauthorized photographyY ' According to fly where the F-106 "turned into a
to several project members, the bucking bronco," and he brought it back.
sergeant's pictures were the most At another point in high tow, he spiked
stunning images recorded during the his control stick (an abrupt control input
experiments. to see if the airplane would return to

'_' Dana Brink, interview by author. I July 1999.

Sideview of the stabilityor oscillate).Suddenly,
every- hookupontherunway. Thecanvas wastoo
thingchanged.Theidyllic curveof the big,andonthefirstflight,it begantearing
C- 141Atowing
ropewasturned"to anunnervingand apartintheair.
the F-106.
chaoticspaghetti-like appearance.
(NASA photo was,hesaid,aplacehedidnotwantto "At first,"recallsForger,"I couldseeit
EC9844415-19 be,but it waspartofthetest.Heimmedi- just quivering."Thenobjectsflungpast
by Jim Ross) atelypushedoveranddescended tothe him."I couldseewhatcameoff," hesays,
safetyof thelow-towposition. "I couldseeit fly.,,95

Duringgroundtests,theteamhadantici- Onthesecondflight, thecrewtapedthe

patedthat50feetofnylonattachmentat canvasdowntightly,butduringthe
theC-141Aendoftheropemightcreatea experiment it was"shimmering"and
problem. Theengineershadmovedthis interferingasanaerodynamic factorin
segment tothemiddleoftheVectran® tow thetests.Finally,fromthethirdflight on.
Theyhad theengineers decidedtodo awaywiththe
coveredthis50-footdamping section
with nylonin themiddle-Vectran® could
acanvas shroudtoprotectthenylonduring handlethedamping2 _

_,4Mark Stucky, interview by author, 22 July 1999.


_"_See Pilot's Flight Test Reports, EXD-01 Flight 5--First Tethered Flight; Flight 6_Second Tethered Flight, 21 January
1998; Flight 7--Third Tethered Flight, 23 January 1998, all IYom Eclipse Flight Report (documents 4, 8, and 15).

As Murray had guessed, there was a
dynamic in the tow line. Whenever Forger
made large control inputs to the F-106,
the Air Force pilots could feel the effects
through the rope. But Murray wanted to
know more about the loads on the rope.
All of the measurements were being made
from Forger's end of the rope. The
technicians now raced for a new measure-
ment procedure involving a load cell
signal taken at the C-141A end, which
would be recorded on a modified laptop
computer and monitored by a technician
seated in the rear of the transport. They began
gathering this data on the fifth flight? 7

No one had yet put a mathematical model

on the real ferocity of the rope.

weather report that Thursday, they saw Tow rope after

graphics of a vast cloud cover arriving. second tethered
Strong Pacific storms came blowing toward The Air Force forecast was rain starting at flight. (NASA
the desert on Thursday. The last Eclipse test dawn on Friday, low visibility, and winds
photo EC98
had been approved for Friday, 6 February. It gusting to 30 knots. Test flights simply
44390-24 by
was a crucial test-to date, all the flights had were not done in these conditions. The
Carla Thomas)
ascended no higher than 10,000 feet, but if Eclipse team was limited to winds of less
you listened to engineering anecdote, than 15 knots for takeoff, 10 knots for a
interesting things could start happening on tailwindY s
tow at 25,000 feet. Kelly's concept included
towing at these altitudes. The team needed Casey Donohue, the young Dryden
to do this experiment. meteorologist, recalls, "The El Nifio front
actually was going northwest to south-
Winter is always the worst season at east." He explains that it seemed to him
Edwards, the pilots say. And this was the the lower end of the storm crossing
E1 Nifio year. When the engineers, California would tend to snag on the
managers, and pilots looked up at the TV mountains? 'J

,,7 The numbering of the flights is somewhat confusing because Forger had flown the F-106 alone without the C-141) in
the Eclipse (EXD-01 ) configuration four times in October and early November 1997 to calibrate air data and validate
sinmlations (see document 1). Then the taxi test on 13 December counted as an Eclipse mission, making the first
tethered flight on 20 December the 5 'h flight in the EXD-01 configuration. Thus the 5 'h tethered flight mentioned above
in the narrative was actually the 9 a' EXD-01 flight. It took place on 5 February 1998, with the last flight (#6) the
lbllowing day. On the load cell, see Project Manager's Comments, Fifth Tethered/Release Flight, 5 February 1998
(document 30), Bill Lokos' Structures Report (document 36), and Jim Murray's Flight Mechanics Report for the same
flight (see document 35), all in Eclipse Flight Report. Dryden's Mark Nunelee prepared the load cell and Allen Parker
expeditiously set up the laptop computer.

"*Taking off with a tailwind is generally unacceptable. However, the Eclipse team established a tailwind limit because il
was safer to take off to the East (toward the lakebed for possible emergency landings) and prevailing winds at Edwards
AFB are fl'om the West. Comments of Carol Reukauf on a draft of this study,.

" Casey Donohue, interview by author, 12 July 1999. See also Casey's Weather Summary for Eclipse EXD-01 Flight
10, 6 February 1998 in Eclipse Flight Report (document 49).

The Eclipse team met Thursday at 3 p.m. The next morning the Eclipse aircraft
It was grim. After Saturday, the Starlifter took off on Runway 22. It was not perfect
was gone. All of the weather forecast weather. There was broken cloud cover.
services had agreed on the Friday fore- The self-effacing Donohue will try to tell
cast. you that his forecast of winds switching
to the south proved incorrect; hence, they
At the meeting, Donohue took a deep should have used another runway, as they
breath. Then he said, "There's going to had on all previous flights. The final
be a window." reports list winds at 11 and 12 knots,
higher than the tailwind limit of 10 knots.
After deliberation, the team decided But because they were not direct
not to scrap the flight; they would get tailwinds, they were within limits.
in their cars and drive out very early Consequently, the C- 141A pulled the
tomorrow; they would see. But was F- 106 up into the air.
Donohue right? Forger had a personal
contact with the Air Force weather It was an adventure. Typically test
service. He decided to get some up-to- flights are not supposed to occur when
the-second forecasting. He made the visibility is under three miles. "You
phone call. ioo want to see the ground, everything,"
explained an Air Force aviator. That
Bowers remembers the event-white he Friday, the possibility of maintaining
and Forger waited for the answer, over VMC (visual meteorological condi-
the phone they could hear the Air Force tions) did not look good. Gordon
lbrecasters laughing. The answer came, Fullerton, called Gordo by many of his
but Forger hesitantly interrupted. associates, was chase pilot. Early on in
the project, he had been skeptical about
"We hear," he said, "there's going to be a safety issues, but now he volunteered
little break tomorrow morning." "to go up and take a look around." He
came back with the message that he
"Yeah, there's going to be a break out thought the flight should be a go.
near Hawaii."
The airplanes took off and began to
That night, Bowers did not sleep well. He climb. Farmer remembers the view from
typically does not when the excitement of the cockpit of the Starlifter. He looked up
the test looms, when he knows he will and saw what seemed nearly unbroken
rise early. The clouds had already ap- dark clouds. He followed Fullerton, who
peared the evening before. He recalled, "I was leading the way in the chase airplane
got up at 2:30 next morning and went to holes in the cloud cover.
outside and looked up and there were stars
and I knew we were gonna fly.,,10_ "You know this sounds corny," Farmer
explained-seeming embarrassed as if
In a world of metal and instrumentation, he might hear from the Air Force
the Dryden people seem to take precision joshers for these remarks, But he did
for granted, but weather is something not stop. "I've never seen such a thing
else. When Bowers told about Donohue's before or since. It was like magic that
prediction, he leaned forward in his chair. day, the way holes opened up in the
"He hit it exactly," says Bowers, gleam- clouds and Gordo flew through, and I
ing in admiration. followed tugging the F-106 along

E,,,Stucky interviews.

'< Albion Bowers. interview by author, 17 July 1999.

behind.Wewereflying throughthesky news. _°5 The stills and videos taken from
lookingfor holesin the clouds. ''1°2 the NASA Dryden chase airplanes
brilliantly documented what had been
They ascended to 25,000 feet. Forger achieved.
performed his maneuvers. The rope
contributed some instabilities, but the The Eclipse project won the Team Project
F-106 was flyable. He elected to remain on of the Year Award for 1998 at NASA
tow for part of the descent, to gather more Dryden. NASA Administrator Dan
data, which he did with speedbrakes Goldin sent a note of personal thanks to
deployed so that their drag would maintain Dryden Center Director Ken Szalai. 1_
rope tension and keep the airplane stable. Many of the members of the team will
He had been releasing recently from tow tell you in retrospect that Eclipse was the
by breaking the frangible link. This time at most rewarding and exciting project they
9,000 feet, he simply released the rope. have ever worked on. In their offices,
They would not need the knuckle again. their scraps of rope hung as trophies
The long line snaked, and on its first whip, proudly display this sentiment. "It came,
cast the knuckle into the desert. When we did it, it went away," said Jim Murray
Forger landed, he was still taxiing on the with a real sense of accomplishment. 1°7
runway as the first rain began to pepper the "I came away with the memory," said one
concrete. Strong gusts began tossing wind Air Force team member, "that if you keep
socks, The E1 Nifio storm had arrived. _°3 plugging ahead, everything will work
out." Several other team members
Mike Kelly watched from the flight echoed this sense of significant lessons
control room. "This was quite a triumph," learned. As this history was written, Jim
he said. "Here was this project everyone Murray had been assigned to apply his
thought was unsafe in the beginning-no brilliance to designing an airplane
one should fly this-and now despite intended to fly on Mars in 2003. A1
adverse weather conditions, people had Bowers moved on to become chief
all this confidence in towing technol- engineer on the revolutionary Blended
ogy. ''j_ Cheers broke out across the Wing Body Project.
control room. People clapped and ap-
plauded for the many heroes on the team. With this success behind them, Mike
And Bob Keltner threaded his way across Kelly and his staff moved on with their
the noisy room to shake the hand of the agenda. They had unfinished business.
meteorologist. The Eclipse was merely one step on the
path. For awhile, KST tried to talk the Air
Force into letting it have several F-106s.
Afterwards, the emphatic triumph of the Kelly had an idea for installing a rocket
tow demonstrations made aviation on the F-106. It would be a sub-scale

_"-Farmer interview.

_"_Pilot's Flight Test Report, EXD-01 Flight 10--6 _ (Final) Tethered Flight, 6 February 1998, in Eclipse Flight Report
(see document 43).

_"_Kelly interview.

,_5See, e.g., Bruce A. Smith, "Tow Concept Tested," Aviation Week & Space Technology (9 February 1998): 93.

L,,_Note, Dan Goldin to Ken Szalai, 2 April 1998 (see document 54).

,_7Murray interview.

aircraft. He stared
back over his
shoulder at the
image and then did
not say a word but
climbed in the jeep
and drove away._'_'

This unexpected
meeting of the
C-141A with
another F- 106
perhaps symbol-
ized the unknown
outcome of the
Eclipse project.
Would it lead to a
new way to launch
spacecraft? As
these lines were
being written, the
answer was not
version of the dream, but they would clear. The project left its participants
The F- 106 taking actually use the airplane as a commer- with a sense of accomplishment. The
off for its flight cial-satellite launch vehicle. The Air data generated might find multiple
to Davis- Force refused. At the time this history applications in the world of aeronautics
Monthan Air was written, at its website KST was and space. But the puzzles and urgency
advertising for people to pay KST remained, i1(i
Force Base,
$90,000 now in order to be on the list for
Arizona, after the
tourist launches KST had planned for the In the end, the issue with the tests was
Eclipse project
year 2001. J0s neither the F-106--its aerodynamics
ended. (NASA
were known--nor the C- !41 A, whose
photo EC98 One final and strange event happened aerodynamics were also known. In the
44534-02 by with the C- 14 l A. Pilot Stu Farmer tells end, the rope was the crux of the matter.
Tony Landis) the story. He had flown the Starlifter on
its sad journey down to the air museum Mike Kelly was clear about that. He
at Dover, Delaware. When the museum shared what flew through Forger's head
staff brought the C-141A to its final in the decisive moment on take-off, the
resting place, they parked it in front of an advice from the old-timers on the base,
F-106. Farmer glanced a moment at the an admonition, a remark that was both
field attendant who seemed unaware of jest and truth.
the significance (perhaps the irony) of
the accidental juxtaposition of the two Follow the rope.

J'_'_The URL lot the website was

_'"_Farmer interview.

_" This paragraph is heavily indebted to J.D. Hunley, chief historian at NASA Dryden.



NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
History Office

Eclipse Project Flight Log

Compiled by Peter W. Merlin

June 1999

Preliminary Tests:

Fit. 01 / Test F1 /24 OCT 96 : F-18 (161703 / NASA 850) was flown behind the
C-141A (61-2775) to survey wake turbulence levels and determine the preferred tow
locations for future F-106 tow operations.

Fit. 02 / Test F3/23 DEC 96 : C-141A (61-2775) was flown with wingtip
smoke generators to study wake turbulence patterns.

Fit. 03 / Test F2/17 JUL 97 : QF-106A (60-0010) was flown behind C-141A
(61-2775) to determine the preferred tow locations for future F-106 tow operations.

QF-106A/EXD-01 (60-0130):

Fit. 01 /01 OCT 97 : Functional check flight, simulation validation, and rotational

Fit. 02/08 OCT 97 : Airdata calibration and simulation validation.

Fit, 03/08 OCT 97 : Airdata calibration and simulation validation.

Fit. 04/04 NOV 97 : Airdata calibration and simulation validation.

Taxi 01 /13 DEC 97 : High-speed tethered taxi test. Release during EXD-01
rotation, and obtain C-141takeoff performance data.

Fit. 05 / Test T1 /20 DEC 97 : First tethered flight.

Fit. 06 / Test T2/21 JAN 98 : Second tethered flight.

Fit. 07 / Test T3/23 JAN 98 : Third tethered flight.

Fit. 08 / Test T4/28 JAN 98 : Fourth tethered flight.

Fit. 09 / Test T5/05 FEB 98 : Fifth tethered flight.

Fit. 10 / Test T6/06 FEB 98 : Sixth tethered flight.

Document I. Eclipse Flight Logs compiled by Peter Merlin

QF-106A (60-0010) Flight Log

Compiled by Peter W. Merlin

October 1999

A modified production F-106A was obtained by NASA from the U,S. Air Force to support
the Eclipse project. Mark Stucky ferried the aircraft to NASA DFRC from Mojave on 1 7
June 1997. Seven NASA pilots flew the aircraft over a 10 month period. Stucky ferried
the aircraft to Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona on 30 April 1998 for storage.

Pilots included:

Mark "Forger" Stucky Dana Purifoy

James "Smoke" Smolka Rogers Smith
Thomas C. McMurtry C. Gordon Fullerton
Edward "Fast Eddie" Schneider

Fit. 01 / 17 JUN 97 : Stucky. Ferry flight from Mojave.

Fit. 02 / 15 JUL 97 : Stucky.

Fit. 03 / 17 JUL 97 : Stucky. Flown behind C-141A (61-2775) to determine the

preferred tow locations for future F-106 tow operations.

Fit. 04 / 19 AUG 97 : Stucky.

Fit. 05 / 21 NOV 97 : Stucky.

Fit. I)6 / 19 FEB 98 : Smolka. Pilot familiarization.

Fit. 1)7 / 03 MAR 98 : Stucky.

Fit. 1)8 / 04 MAR 98 : McMurtry. Pilot familiarization.

Fit. 09 / 17 MAR 98 : Schneider. Pilot familiarization.

Fit. 10 / 19 MAR 98 : Purifoy. Pilot familiarization.

Fit. 11 / 20 MAR 98 : Smith. Pilot familiarization.

Fit. 12 / 24 MAR 98 : Fullerton. Pilot familiarization.

Fit. 13 / 09 APR 98 : Stucky.

Fit. 14 / 30 APR 98 : Stucky. Ferry flight to Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona for


NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
History Office

QF-106A / EXD-01 (60-0130) Flight Log

Compiled by Peter W. Merlin

June 1999

NASA obtained a QF-106A from the U.S. Air Force for use in support
of Project Eclipse. Mark Stucky made 17 flights and one taxi test in
the aircraft. It was then returned to the Air Force for storage.

Fit. P1 / 14 FEB 97 : Local area proficiency flight from Mojave.

Fit. P2 / 18 FEB 97 : Local area proficiency flight from Mojave.

Fit. P3 / 06 MAY 97 : Local area proficiency flight from Mojave.

Fit. P4 / 08 MAY 97 : Local area proficiency flight from Mojave.

Fit. P5 / 21 MAY 97 : Ferry flight from Mojave to NASA Dryden.

Fit. 01 / 01 OCT 97 : Functional check flight, simulation validation, and rotational


Fit. 02 / 08 OCT 97 : Airdata calibration and simulation validation.

Fit. 03 / 08 OCT 97 : Airdata calibration and simulation validation.

Fit. 04 / 04 NOV 97 : Airdata calibration and simulation validation.

Taxi 1 / 13 DEC 97 : Release during EXD-01 rotation, and obtain C-141takeoff

performance data.

Fit. 05 / Test T1 / 20 DEC 97 : First tethered flight.

Fit. 06 / Test T2 / 21 JAN 98 : Second tethered flight.

Fit. 07 / Test T3 / 23 JAN 98 : Third tethered flight.

Fit. 08 / Test T4 / 28 JAN 98 : Fourth tethered flight.

Fit. 09 / Test T5 / 05 FEB 98 : Fifth tethered flight.

Fit. 10 / Test T6 / 06 FEB 98 : Sixth tethered flight.

Fit. 11 / 30 APR 98 : Functional check flight following restoration of aircraft to

original condition.

Fit. 12 / 01 MAY 98 : Ferry flight to Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona for storage.

llll|llll|LJ|lllUlt US0056263 10A

United States Patent [193 in] Patent Number: 5,626..310

Kelly [4_] Date of Patent: May 6, 1997

SPACE LAUNCH VERICLES CONFIGURED 2-99SS 3/1990 Ztpam ............................ B62D 27/06
AS GL/DERS AND TOWED TO LkUNCH 5--4472 2/1993 Japatt ........................ B62D 33K)7
pr/raary Exam/ner--Aaares Kashnikow
Assistant F_vmn/ner--Ticn Dish
Fq Inv_mor: Mtchad S. Kelly, Rcdiaads. Calif.
Arrarne_ Ag¢nt, or Fi_tie. Ptrke: & Hale, T._I-P

v3} Assignee: Kelly Space & Technology, Inc.. San [57] ABSTRACT
Berna_dino, Calif,
Orbital Xaunch vehicles equipped with a_rodynamic _g
surfaces enabling them to be towed as glidca-sbehind con-
Pll AppL No.: 342,596
vention_ a£rc1"aft, and the method of towing these launch
{22] Fried: Nov. 2L 1994 vehicles using a flexible cable to cotmect them with a
convendon_ aircraft,fog placing s_ into low earth
Int. C'q, _ ....................................................... B64D 5/00
orbit at greatly r_&lccd cost compared to current orbital
[$21 U,S. C'I.......................................... 244/_, 244/158 R lannc_ systems. The _ from the _crodynamie surfaces
[58] Field of Search ..................................... 2-4-4t158 R, 2. enables the launch vehicles to bc towed by mcan_ of a
244/3.63, 118.1, 135 C, 135 R, 172. 129.3. flcx.ibtecable from a conventional runway using existing
118.3. 16l aircraft.As with _'convendonal air-launch," this pern-dts
spacecraft launch into orbit to originate _om any conven-
[56} References Cited
tional runway condstemt with constraints of public safeW,
thus eliminating the _eed to build dedicated launch pads at
geographic locations from which a fizU on.age of orbital
2,402,918 6/tga_ Sc_¢z .................................... 244_ mc-Liaations can bc reached. The method of towing fiat
2.723,812 [1/1955 Holamana .................................. 244/3 launch vehicle, utilizing the lift of its wings to flllly off_ ct its
2,823,850 2/1958 Bergeacm ........................ 244/135 C weight, permits at least a_ orde_ of magnitude iaorca_ in the
3,437,285 4/1969 Mat_'e_ ¢t at......................... 244/63 weight of vckide which can bc launched compared to
3347,873 7/1973 Layer et _d............................... 2440
"couvcntional ai_-lau[lch" methods wh_eby the launch
3,85753,* 12/1974 Drte* et al ..................... 2avC/tTl7
vehicle is camcd on or w_ia a cottvcntionaa aircraR, This
42.35399 H/1980 Shor_. .............................. 2444129.5
4265,,tt6 5/1981 Jackson st al.......................... 24A163 in tara enables an order of magnRude increase in the weight
4,646,994 3/1987 P_tm ct _d................... 244/158 R of spacccr_l_ which eta benefit from the inherent flexibility.
4,784,354 11/1988 Tav_o .............................. 24.4¢t35 B and tow cost of "air-launch." The tow launch method also
4,8(/2,639 _1989 Haxdy et _1....................... 244/158 R requk-es fewer and simpler modiftcations to a conv_adonal
akcraR fiaan do any other current or proposed air-launch
55-4765g t_l_O I_ ............................. Ft6F 9t30
60-124384 8/1985 hpm ............................ BG2D 27t06 17 Claims, 4 Drawln_ Sheets

Document 2. U.S. Patent Number 5,626,310, assigned to Kelly Space & Technology, Inc., for
Space Launch Vehicles Configured as Gliders and Towed to Launch Altitude by Conventional

1 2
SPACE LAUNCH VEHICLES CONFIGURED conventionalaircralL_ can fly to an arbiU-ary
AS GLIDERS AND TOWED TO LAUNCH geographiclocation, whare _e launch vehicleis released
ALTITUDE BY CONVENTIONAL AIRCRAFT and propels its payload (spacecraft) into orbit. This opera.
BACKGROUND OF rIIE INVENTION AND Lion isrefen'ed to a.s"air-hunck _ and vehicles so coaRgured
PRIOR ART as "air-launched."

This invention relates genet-Mly to launch vehicles for An alternadve way of regarding air-launch, appropriate
when apptied to Munch vehicles capable o[ taking off from
placing spaccc*aft into orbit around the earth and, more
the groun& is to consider the launch a_cra/'t as a "zero-
paxticularly, to hunch vehicles equipped with Eft producing
surfaces of sufficient capac/ty to permit the launch vehicles stage." This parlance is commonly used to describe propul-
10 sion systems added to existing hunch vehicles to augment
to be '_owed as gliders behind conventional _drcrmet. Ahunch
theirperformanceby raisingthem to a ce_r, ain altitude and
vekicle so configured may be regarded as "aiz lam_ched" by
_nveatioaal a/rcra£Lor,alternatively as a launch vehicle vedocitybeforethe launch ve._cle's own propulsionsystem
can be ignited. This reduces the totalenergy the exlstlng
augmented by a conventional aircraft which serves as a
launch vehiclemust add to thepayload,and _anslatesinto
:_ tithergreaterpayload capacityc_ intoplacing the saxac
A 5mited Dumber of differing types of hunch vehicles is
payload into a more energetic orbit. Reference to the Munch
currently available for placing spacecraft into orbit around
ah'craft as a "zero-stage" would apply in cases where flue
the ca.,xh. Virtually all _e launched under rocket power from
Launch vehicle is eith_ aapable of taldag off from the ground
a fixed launch pad. This limits the rapidity with which
undo" its own power, or where the hunch vehicle was not
launches can be pea'formed to the time required to prepare
2o sp_ci_catly designed to be air-laund_ed.
the launch pad, assemble the launch veh/de on the pad.
place the spacecra_ on the vehicle, load propellant into the The advantag_ of air-launch over g_ound-latmch are
numerous,The haunch locationcan be selectedso thatno
vehicle, ve.dI'y that i_ systems are operating properly, and
perform the hunch. When the requirement arises to place a inhabitedlandmass isjeopardizedby the vehicleas itflies
spacecraft into a specific _rbital plane with respect so the over,yetthe spacecraft can bc placedintoan orbitof any
fixed stars, the oppormmty to hunch is limited to a very. 2s deskcd /ncl£natiom The varietyof missionswhich can be
short time as the orbital plane passes over the launch rite. perfca-med using this _ as a hunch phfform is thu_
TMs time, referred to as the launch window, can be as short significantly greater than that which can be performed by a
as a few seconds if the desired orbita/ plane is highly vehicleLaunched from a fixedpad. Moreover, only one
inclined to the equator and the launch pad is at a tow latitude. a/rcrai_ need be purchased,and itcan be flown from any
If any operation leading up to launch is delayed, the launch zc conventlonM airport facilky which willpermit such opera-
window may be mizse._ and the Launch may have to be tics. This is equivalent to having one "launch pad" (the
delayed undt the next opportunity. The complexity of launch a/xc_aft) which can be easilymoved to any desiredge0-
operations is often such that the next passage of the desired graphiclegation. In thealr_natlverepresentation of such a
orbital plane occurs before the vehicle cart bc made ready for system asa launchvehiclehavingan aircraft as a zero-stage,
a launch crew on site and 3_ theequivMencebecomes one of havingmuRiple launchpads
another attempt..Maintaining
r_atedly performing pre Launch operations is a significant alzeadyin placearound theworld in the form of the above
menrloned conventional a/rportfadllties.
contribut_ to the hish cost of space hunch operations.
Pad-launched vekicies can dcllver spacecraft only to Also,when launchingintospcd/ic,highlyincl£ued orbits.
certain orbitel inclinations by virtue of the geogrnphic 4_ the aircraft launched vehicle can have a hunch window
location of the launch pad. Safety concerns related _o flying whose duration i_ U_'nited only by the time the aircraft can
ov_ inhabited had masses restrict the direction in which a remain aloft. This can bc accomplishedby flying westward
vehicle can be launched from a given pad, and consequently ata La_/mdeand speedwhich p_'nitthegir_ff't to keeppace
limit the maximum iacl.ination of the orbit which can be with the orbital phne as the earth rotatesbeneath it,The
achieved. The miramum/nclination which can be achieved 4_ chances of m/ssing a launch window arc thereby sigaifi-
f_om a fixed Launch pad _s determined by and cquzl to the candy :educ_L
geographic ladmde at which the pad is situated. Though As mentioned previously, the Munch vehicle ha_ to add
propulsive maneuvers can be performed to cha, ge orbital less potential energy to the spacecraft, slncc it begins its
inclination once the spacecraftis in orbit, the weight of powered flight at a higher altitude than does a vel_cie
propellant requ/red to do so is prohibitive for changes sc launched from a ground-based pad. The ve2oclt 7 of me
greater than 5 or so degrees. aircraft is saso added to that of the Munch vehicle, so that the
Launch pad consu'uction is very costly, as is launch pad launch ",'chicle does not have to provide all of the velocity
ma/ntenancc and post-launch refurbishment. These costs are needed to much orbiL If the lannc_ veb.icic i_ roctcet
reflected in the cost of Launch. The natttm of the earth's propelled, the performance of the rocket engine can be
geography is such that only a small number of remote s_ higher than flit h hunched from the grotlnd due to the Lower
locations, at the equator, are suitable for launching into back-gs'essure on _e noz:fl.e at the launch altitude.
orbitsof arbitrary incUnadoa.For launch serviceproviders Fi_lly, for a given orbiu_ inclination, the laun,'_ vehicle
who do nothave accessto theselocations, multiplelaunch may be hunched in a due-east direction from a latitude equal
sitesatvariouslocations must be butt in _der to be ableto to thedesiredorbLtal ;ncllnation. This adds t_ velocityof
place spacecraft into orbits of arbitrary [.clination. The cost _o the earth's rotation to the veMde's initinl veaocityto the
of multiple launch sites can be la'oM'bitive, so that launch maxamum extent possible. These factorsallc_bute to a
service providers are unable to afford, enough sites to Munch vchide wMch. for a given Launchweight, can place a heavier
into orbitsof a,rbit_ary inclination. This rcanats in a restric- spacecraftinto <a'bit than it could if launcheA from the
tion of the types of missionsthatcan be performed by a ground, or the sam_ payload into more enc_ctic_a.iectodes.
8iven launch service l:zovider. _ Even more performanceenhancementisgaiaed by adding
A recently implemented improveracnt m space launch has llft/ng surfaces to the veb.icle. These useaerody_ana£C f_ce.,_
emerged whcr_n the launch vehlde is carriedon board a to auigneat the thrust produced _ the hunch vehicle's

U.S. Patent May 6, 1997 Sheet 1 of 4 5,626,310

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May 6, 1997 Sheet 2 of 4 5,626,310

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// ..(/


3 4
propulsionsystem, effectively offsetting the pc'fformance from a ground-based pad.. and laSt hun&eds of tLmcs longer.
los*usuallyIncurredbytheprop-rsionsystemhavingto Again. a heavier spacecraft structure may be required, and
offsetthevehicle'sweightbeforeactuallyprodding aceel- delicate iasmn'nents may have to be completely reAcsigned
=_om to survive.
The sole cmrent aircraft-launched system (Orbital Scl- 5 Fifth, the cost and complexity of modifications to the
ences Ccnporadon's Pegasus TM) has wing surface area only can-ieraircraRpermittingit to carry the launch vehicle
suflicient to partially offset the vehicle's weight at the speed increasedramatically withlaunchvehiclesize. In fact, such
of the launch aircraft. A.s the vehicle accelerates and, at the modificationsmay become more complex and expensive
same time, becomes lighter by virtue of expending thanbudding a launchpad.. reducingtheincentiveto ut_lSze
the wing eventuallybecomes capable of over- to aircraft launch.
coming the vehicle weight_ The performance enhancement Finally. thc_eisa risktotheaircraft crew from amultitude
potentially available from the wing is hence limited, offailures which can occurwhen separating a launchvehicle
The Pegasus TM is carried by its launch aix'cxa_, by flirter from theaircraft. A.Sone example,the launchvchicleconlzo£
attachment edther to an underwing pylon or a special fitting systemmay fail resultingin collision
withthecarrier aircraft
ts and lossof both.
beneath the aircraftfuselage.Other proposed launch
vehicles which are intended to be launched by an aircraft are While launchingof space Launch vehiclesfrom
alldesignedto be carriedby the air,aftin some fashion. has significant advantagesover ground-launch,the limits-
either on top of the aircraft, under the wing, or inside the dons assodated with current designs are signilicant- Most
cargo compartment. Some use Lifting surfaces, others do not. irnl:xxt_t Ls the limir._onon spacecraftsizeand weight
but in no case is there a design wherein the launch vehicle 2o imposed by era'rent technology. In order to more faeryreal2ze
has aerodynamic lift equal to or greater than the vehicle's the advantages of aircraft hunch of space launch vehicles, as
hunch weight at an indicated airspeed equal to that of the well as reduce its cost, risks, and other limitations, a new
launch aircraft. approach isdcsked.
Each of these launch vehicies suffers from the same set of
del_cieneies. First, the maxmmm weight of the hunch
vehicle is Limited to the weight that the cazri_ aircraft can The preset invention overcomes the deficiencies of cur-
safely Lift to the required altitude. This places an absolute rent aircraft4aunched space launch vebdcle technology
upper limit on the size and weight of the spacecraft which through theapplication of glider technology to the launch
can be launched by such launch vehicles. The weight limit 30 vehicle. Simply stated, thisconsistsof adding lifting sur-
is not necessarily equal to the cargo capacity of the carrie_ facestOthelaunchvehiclewhich arecapableof overcoming
aircraft. If the launch vehicle is mounted externally to the the vehicle's launch weight at speeds lessthan or equal to
aircraft, the interf_encedrag added to aircraft by theaddi- the takeoffspeed of a conventionalaircraftThe launch
tion of such appcnduge will requireextrapower to over- vehicle may then be towed., using a flexible cable, heh_nd a
come. In addition,the structural loads imposed on the COavent/onal aircra.t_. The launch vehicle, in tow. can then be
aireraR are greater than just the weight of the launch vehicle. _s flown to any desired geographic location in exactly the sam*
The d_ag force on the Iaunch vehicle and inertial load factors manner as a launch vehicle can'ied on or inside of an aircraft.
sdd significantly to the toads applied to the earri_ aircraft, At thehunch point the tow lintcan be r_leascdand the
A structulrai Li/l_t may be reached long before the actual launchvehicle's propulsionsystem _ in a safe,stable
weight-lifting capacity of the aircraft has been exc_ded. 4o manner, and propel the vehicle's payload into orbit.
Second. t,l_re is risk associated with caz_ng the launch The invention consists either era glider airh-ame w_th one
vehicle, which typically contains large amounts of explosive or more propulsive stages incorlxa'ated into it. or alterna-
propellant, oa or in a manned launch aircraft, Explosive tively of a launchvehicleof one or more propulsivestages
hazards are reaSonably srna/1 during Right from the runway to which suitable Et_g surfaces have b_n appended. The
to the launch point. The greatest potential for explosion is (s veMcle can be eithercompletely expendable, partially
d_g or shortly after ignition of the launch vehic2e's reusable, or complcmly reusabledepcndlng on the specific
propulsion system. Partly far this reason, most air-launch ",,chide recltdremcnts, It may be equipged wt_ landing ge_
concepts require the launch vehicle to faLl freely from the in ord_ to permit it to be recovered in the event of inabfli_/
ca_cr aircraft before their propulsion system is stated. This to launch. In any embodiment, it is equipped with mach-
reduces the achievablereliability somewhat, tn that the f_ meat points and t'*deasc mechanisms for the tow line. and a
launch vchicla is irrevocably separatedfrorn irJcattier control system which Ixa'mits it fly either autonomously or
aires'aft before it i_ known with certainty thatitsim'opulslon nndec remote coma'eL
system is functioning properly There can aLso be a net loss C.ffoutld handling and ta.kcoff would be accomplished by
of performance compared to ground launch ifthe launch mounting the vehicle on a cm-iage equipped with wheels
vehicle Ms no Liftingsurfaces,and acquiressignificant s_ and a braking sysmm capable of stopping the vehicle safely
speed duringf'rec-fa/.1. in the event of an aboeted takeoff. The carriage would be left
Third. the separationof the launch vehicle from the on the ground to save weight,and wo_ulduse iu integral
aires-aft c'_ in,educe dynamic loads to the launch vehicle I_aking system to _op automatically once thelaunchvehicle
which arc in turntransmitted tothe spacecraft. These loads has lii_d off.
can be very severe, and require a heavier space,aft m'uctu_ fo The tow aircraft contr/tmtes only thrust, not Lift, to _e
than might otherwisebe needed. launch vehicle. The total engio¢ thrustavailable from a
Fourth, extcrn, qy-carried launch vehides are mbjeeted to commercild wide-body transportjet'sengines is far in
the noisefrom the carrier aircraft's engines,and to noise excessof the air_-af't's drag.The d_crence between engine
generatedby the complex airflow aronnd the launchvehicle thrust an aircraft drag can be directly _lied to the launch
iS it proj_ts into the freestream."Ibisimposes random ss vehicle,which renO's the aplRied load with its own drag
vibration on the spacecraft. Vibration inveh can be higher force. The maximum weight of the gliderIsthemlimimd only
than those imposed on a spacecraft on a veMcte launched by itsfiR-to-drag ratio(I.:D), and isroughly equal to the

5 6
applied tow load multiplied by the L/D. To give a specittc The high-liftaspectintrinsicm the towed-gliderlaunch
example, the 747-200B at cruise may have a total available vehiclesetsitapart&ore a£Iothera/x-Lunchedor aerody-
fltmst of 67,500 pounds force at 36.000 feet cruise altitude. namically_sistedconcepts.Itoperatesin a diff_'¢nt Right
If the 747 weighs 500.000 pounds, and its L/D is 12. the drag regime thanlow-lLft vehicles,one thath_ severaladvan-
force on it at equilil:n-/um o_ise is 41,667 pounds, leaving s rages,Them ar_ also nura_ous practical bencfits which
25.900 pounds net force to apply to the tow cable. If the
accruefrom the towed-glldcr launch vehicle,such as the
Lunch vehicle has an IJD of 10. Rs rmt,xxraura weight can
above-mentionedsimpLL_carlonof aLrcra_modifications.
then be 259,000 pounds. By contrast, the maximum weight
which can bc can-tedon theaircraft's availablestructural
hard points(which _'eused fortransporting spareengines) to
is _0,000pounds. FIGS. 1-A through 1-D show one embodiment of a Munch
An /rapt/cation of the above is thatfatfewer slrucun-al vehicle of the type described hernia. FIG. I-A is a platform
modifications need to be _de to an aircraft to enableit to view, FIG. I-B a side view. and FIGS. I-C and 1-D are side
tow a heavy load than to carry a Light load. In the example views illustradng the operation of an articulating nose door.
given,a 259.000 pound launch vehicle could be towed
t_ FIGS. _A through 2-D _Uus_-atc the layout of the pro-
bchind an aircraft and exerta forceon thc dire-aft of only pulsioa systems in _s embodin_nt o( thelaunch v_hiclc.
25.900 pounds.Yet existinghard pointson the aircraf_ are
I_GS. 3-A _u'ough 2_D illustxate thetakeoff sequencefor
alreadycapable of fencing 50.000 pounds of forcc. the hunch vehicleand tow aircraft,
From thcperspectiveof theMunch vehicle,b_ng towed
relieves itof theneed to carryheavy propulsionsystems FIGS. 4.-A rktr0L_gh4-C fllus_ate the method of separating
bOOst 20 theupper stagesfrom the first stage inthisembodiment of
_-eltocarryitf_om therunway tothepoint of powered
the htoh vehicle.
anent. This simplifies the launch vehicle,and effectively
transfers the burden of gettingfrom the takeoff pointto the DETA.IIS.D DESIGN OF THE
pointof powcrcd ascentinitiation to thetow air_a_ in the INVENTION manner a_ a launch vehicle ¢_ricd aboard an aircraft.
Since thc launch vehicle is ccluipped with wings which One embodiment of the invention, in FIG. I. shows a
pcrrmt it to take off at akcra_ speeds, it could obviously take gl/d_ ai_'framc [1] equipped with wings [21 and rudder [3],
off from the ground under its own power. Rs performance into which a rocke_ propulsion system is incorporated, as
woutd bc reduced, however, since it would have to over- indicated by the nozzle [4] projecting from the aft end. FIG,
come more drag,gzavity, gad back-pressu/elosses, This is 3c I-A is a phtform view, showing a cranked-delta wing
an instance whczn the use of the term "zero-stage _ for the configuration. _ wing configt_a_ioo was chosen to gJvc
tow aircraft is ap_c_date. The method of attacking the an OlXimam balancebetween zubsonic ratioand
launch vehicle and zero-stage together, via fl_fi_e cable, is hypersonicdrag, allowingthemaximum weightto bc towed
made possible by thc aerodynamic Lift capability of the behinda coavcnlioaal alror_ wh_e imposingthe least drag
Lunch vehicle, and constitutes a signi_cant advance in the _ l_naltyat highspeeds. Other planfurms,including variable-
state of the an forlaunch vehicles. sweep and X-wing configurations would be equally suitable.
Other advantages accrue from the use of h/gh aerody- FIG. 1-B shows thevehiclein sideview.with theredder
namic Rf_of the type describedabove.The use of high-LiR [3]mo_e cl_axly indicated. FIGS. I-C and 1-D flhis_xatc one
devices in launch vehiclespermits thcm to perform iaa possibleimplementationof a means of loadingand deploy-
manner notpossibletolow-lift vehiclessucti_ PegasusTM. 4o _ng the uppc_ stages and spacecraft, through the use of an
Low-liflvehiclesmust haw highthrustinorderto minimize ardcuMSng nose door [_]. This atTangcraent /s similar to
their performance loss doe to ov_rcom/ng gravity. For a cargo doors on conventional nose-loading f_eight= aircraft,
given amount of propellant, the dareS/on of thrust is such as the 747-100F and the C-SA Gata.xy. FIG. 1-C shows
inversely proportional to the thrust level. High thrust means the door Pal"daVyopened, and FIG. I-D shows itfully
short barn _imcs.which causethevekicletoreachrelatiwly ¢_ opened.
high speeds at rdaliv_y low altitudes. This imposes a FIG. 2-A shows the vehiclein section,fl,luswating the
performancelossdue todrag thatwould noto_erwise occur.
integrated [xopulsion system [6 through 91, the bay for upper
A ['figh-ilfr va_dcle can cAJmb at a shallower angle for a stag_ and spa_ [10], and a structural interface for the
longer period of time. since it is supported entirely asrody- uppez stagesand payload till. The tanklocatedin the nose
namica£1y.Thrust is to acquireor maintain _c [6]would holdliquidoxygen (LOX) intl_sembodiment, as
speed,unli._the case of a low-RR vehiclewhich required would _ af_nosttank_81.The eente_rank[7]wou.[dhold
significant additional thrust to offset the vehic_'s wcighL kerosene. This m-raugcment was chosen topermittranffer of
The high-lift vehicle, burning the same amount of propeIlant along the length of the vehicle in such a manner
propellant, can climb to high_ altitude bdcte acquiring as to kcc_thevehiclecenter of gravity ahead of its centerof
sign_cant speed than can a low-lift ve_icle, reducing the _ p_csStL_d_ough allflight regime,_. During the transition
drag penalty. Having such signllicant force avaflabte on from subsonicto mpcrsonlc flight the centexel'pressure
demand can zl_o aid ta shaping the lrajccU_ry to minimize moves for'wardsignificantly. If thecento_of gravityis nov
gravity losses, and even in changing the flight azimW_ aRer keptin a_ relation to the cant_ ofpremm'c,the vehicle
significant speed has been acquired,witho-t an attendant becomes unstable, By depleting the LOX in tank [8] tk'_t, the
of _rform_ce.
loss 6o centez of gravity can be made to travel forw_d as propellant
At the end of the fl_ht, ff :he glider is to be recovered. is expended.Tn an abortsituation, wherein the engine 19]
_gh-liftcan work toreduceheatloadingoa thevehicle,and shuts down. the vchiclo will decelerate. The accompanying
e,xtend its range. Once the first-stage propellant has been aftward shiftin the centerof pressure locationcan be
eXpended. _e vehicle's wing loadingis so low compared to compensatedby transfvn'ing r_sidua/LOX from theforw_d
its takeoff value that heating and maneuvering loads are 6_ tl_ [6] to the a_ tank [8], thus maintaining a stable
much m_e ben/gn than would be poasiblc with a low-Lift rehtionship of centerof prcsst_e and centerof gravity
vehie2e. locations.

7 8
FIG. 2-B shows the components of the upper stage and checks are performed telemetrically through a launch cot:-
spacecraft assembly. A large sol/d prope,_Iant motor [12] sole _ocated in the tow aircralh. The iannch vehicle is also
serves as the second stage of the launch vebJ,cle. A small piloted r¢.motaly, by a pilot located in the launch aircraft and
solid propellant motor [13] serves as the third and final using standa,n:t Remotely Printed Vehicle (R,PV) control
stage. The two motors are joined by a truss or other s technologies. Once at the desired launch location, the first
structural assembly [14_, A spacecraft [1_] can then be stage locket engine is ignited, and once its operation has
joined t_ the thffd stage, resulting in the integrated space- been verified, the tow llne is cast off from the launch vehicle.
craft and upper stage assembly [16] shown in FIG. 2-C. This The launch vehicle climbs to a suitable altitude and
assembly is rhea installed in the first stage as shown in FIG. velocity, then enters coasting flight. In the embodiment
2-D. During ground operar/ons, the integrated assembly of lo shown, the first stage propellants are exhausted at an altitud_
upper stages and spacecsaft can be loaded into the launch of approxirnatcly 350.000 feet and a velocity of I4,000 feet
vebkele horizomally, through the open nose door. eliminat- per second. The flight path angle at 5rst stage shutdown is
ing the need for cranes or other heavy-Lift equipment nor- such that it can coast to 600,000 feet or more. Once the
maUy associated with pad-launched launch vehicles. TLi_ vehicle has coasted above 400.000 feet, it is out of the
represents a considerable saving in equipment cost. a_d in t_ sensible aunosph_e. Aerodynan_c foreea and free molecu-
the complexity and time required to pexform pre-flight lar heatingarcan longera concern,and theart/culating anne
assembly. Since the liquid propellants for the launch vehicle door may bc opened for deployment of the spacec_Mtand
would not be loaded until just before takeoff, the nose tank upper stage assembly.
[6_ will be empty during the loading operation of the FIGS. 4-A through 4-C illustrates separation of the first
spacecraft and upl:_ stage assembly [16], so that the hinge ,_o stage from the spacecraft and upper stage assembly dta"
gravure and opening mect',aaisms need not be excessively flight. In FIG. 4-A. the vehicle is in coasting flight. In FIG.
strong and heavy. a_B. the nose door is shown in the open posidon. In FIG.
A.II ground operations would be performed with r&e 4-C, the spacecraft and upper stage assembly is show_ a/let
launch vehicle mounted to its handling and takeoff cart [ 17], being ejecrzd from the first stage. This can be accomplished
as shown in FIGS. 3-Ad-a'ough 3-D. Mechanical attachment zs using qualified spring separation mechanisms, hydraulic
of the vehicle [1] to the cart [17] would be accomplished by rams,or othersuitable actuators.
the use of explosive bol_, or lome other mechanism wMch Once separated, the space=aft and upl>cr singe asserttbly
would securely fasten the two together, yet which could be coasts to a distance from the first gage to avoid damage to
released on command. The launch vehicle would be coupled
_c the latter from jet impingement The second and third stage
to the tow aircraft by a flexible cable [18]. This cable would motors then fire in sequence to pMce the space,aft into
have suitable attachment and release mechanisms located on
orbit. The door oa the gliderwould then be closed,and the
the launch vehicle ill, and would be attached to the tow gliderwould reenterthe aunospherefor subsequentgliding
aircxaf't [19] through a winch mechanism mounted in a flight to a recoverylanding field.
fairing [28] at or near the tow aircraft's center of gravity.
_5 Thisistheprcfca'red embodiment forinitial development,
This is done to minimize the ovem_ning moments which
because it represents the most cost-effective solution in
would be applied to the aircraft by the tow Line.
terms of initial and operational cost Commerdally available
FIG. 3-A shows the assembly during takeoff roll. Both expendable upper stages may be u_d, requiting an devel-
vehicles remain on the ground until flue tow ai.re_a_fxhas opment cost. The recovea'abte rocket-propelled glider is
passed its rotation speed, which is the speed needed to take 40 readilydeveloped using existingairfrarae and propulsion
off. Current flight practices required jet ai.roaft to take off tcchnulogies. Guidance and navigationsystems are com-
after this speed has been reached, even ff a serious mechanb mercia].ly available f_ conU_oIllng the vehicle through al2
problem arises with the aizo-af_. At this point, as shown flight regimes, including automated landing of the first stage
in FIG. 3-B, a hydraulic ram [21] on the carriage extends to and orbital injcctic_ of _e third stage.
lift the nose of the launch vehicle to its ta.k_off angle. The
4_ A _iquid propuldon system is preferred in a recoverable
mechanical linkage between the carriage and the launch rock=ts̀incei_isrnci'e readilyrefurbished and re_eL1cdthan
vetaJcle is then severed, and the launch vehicle takes off as
either a soLidor hybridrocketsystem.System safetyisalso
shown in FIG. 3-C. When the Munch vehicle has reached a
enhanced, since in an aborted fligh: situation, liquid propel-
suitable altitude, the cow aircraft can then rotate for take off
Iants can be jemsoaed from the vehicle to lighten it for
as shown J_ FIG. 3-D.
f,0 landing and reduce explosive hazard. This entrant be done
There are two reasons for this takeoff ?rocedLtre. First is with sofia propeUant motc_s, and is 0nly partly possible with
that once the launch vehicle becomes airborne, the tow hybrids. However. the inventiondoes notdepend upoa any
aixcra.R must also take off even iS it has developed a problem specific propulsion technology. Its advantages are indepen-
which will not permit it to continue the mission. In such a dent of thetypesof propulsionsystems used. and selection
situation, propellant can be jettianned rapidly frorn the ss of the types of systems need depend only on a given set of
launch vehicle ta lighten its weight for subsequem recovery. requirements. In the preferred embodiment, the Primary
The tow aircraft can execntea turn to br_,ng it back to the objective is to reduce the cost of space launch, and the
runway for em_gency landing, and the two vehicles can be selection of propulsion systems _tlects that fundamental
recovered without incident for future flight attempts. objective.
The second reason for having the Munch velfle-Je airborne _o An advantageof liquldor hybridpropulsionsystems is
first is to ensta'e that it is out of reach of the sU'ong wing=tlp theability to vary tlmm tevd at will. This permits taking full
vortices which devdop when a large aircraft takes off. or advantage of the ability to _zc gravity losses by
otherwise flies at a high angle of attack. Dinlag ascent to the climbingat shallow anglesfor extendedperiodsof tim=,in
launch point, the Munch vehicle continues to fly above the thatthroallng back the engine or enginesconservespropel-
tow aircraft to avoid these vortices. 65 lant. Bipropeilaut liquid propulsion _ysmma entail addit_onal
The launch vehicle is towed to a the desired launch safety risk comlmr_d to hybrids due to the presence of two
location, during which transpcet _ the necessary preflight Liquids. However. the tankage for Liqmd propulsion systems

9 10
can be distributed tlu'oughthe launchvehiclein a manner rnize cost and risk. Other implementalions are possible.
which makes best use of ava/.lable volume, and permits employing other types of propulsion systems, including
control of the location of the vehicle center of gravity. akbreathing systems, in rite glider, and recov_able upp_
During tow. the distance between the launch vehicle and stages. The embodiment described herein is preferred
tow oircraft can be variedusing a winch mechanism. By s mainly due to the fact that it does not tax the state of the art
in aircraft or launch vehicles, but combines elements of both
controlling the separationof the tow aircraft _d launch
in a simple fashion which nonetheless results in a significant
vehicle,random vibrationimposed on the spacecraft from advance in the state of the art.
theaircraft enginenoiseand aerodynamicbuffeting from the I claim:
tow aircraft wake canbc min/mized.This isinsharpcontrast
1, A towed glider space launch vehicle adapted to be
to o_ exlea'nal-carry air launch concepts, in which engine l0 towed by an aircraft compr_mg:
and aerodynamic noLse can impose more severe vibration a first vehiclehaving
environments on the spacecraft than the reflected rocket aerodynamic Rf'dng surfaces providing lift sufl_dem to
noise of a launch vehicle as it takes off from a ground-based support atmospheric flight of the Rrst vehicle at an
pad. airspeed less than the takeoff speed of a conventional
The launchvehiclecan also be posir;oned far enough t_ _J.r_aft,
behind and above thetow aircraft topermitignitionof the an integral payload bay.
launch vehicle's proptdsion system while the tow line is still accessmeans foringressand egressfrom thepayload
connected,withoutendangeringthecrew of thetow aircraft. bay,
This providesenhanced reliability for the launch system, means for releasable attachment of a tow cable, and
sinceproperoperationof thelaunchvehicle's enginecan be _0 a throtrleabic rocket propulsion engine for increasing
verified priorto Ltrevocablc severingo6 thetow line. Ifthe the velocity of the first vehicle;
launch vehicle's propulsion system fails to start properly, it means fc¢ receiving a spacecra_ in the payload bay
can be shut down and the tow aircraft and launch vehicle through said access means, said spacecraft ejectable
renamed m thelaunch sitesafely, Even in the event of a through said acc'_s means during flight of the _s:
25 vehicle.
catastrophic failure of the launch vehicle upon propulsion
2,A space launchvehicleas dcl_nedin claim 1 further
system ignition, the tow aircraft can be far enough away to
prevent damage _om explosive ove.rpressure or shrapnel
an upper stage laropulsion system having an interface for
impaeL The fact that the relative wLad blows from the tow
attachment of the spacecraft, said upper stage propd-
aircraft toward the launch vehicle at hundreds of miles per
30 sionwstcm receivedin the payload bay through said
hour enhancesthe safetyof the tow aircraft.
access means and ejectable through said access means
Use of expendableupper stagessimplifies the develop- dtuing flight of the first vehicle.
meat of the vehicle in this e.mbodin_nt in other respectS. By 3. A towed glider space launch system adapted to be
placing half of the prolmlsive bttrd_n on motors which are towed by a conventional aircraft compt-Lsing:
commercially available, it requires no extensive develop- _ a ftrst vehicle having
ment of upper stages. More imlxamndy, however, it simpLi- aerodynamic lifting surfaces providing LL_su_cient to
ties the task of protecting the recoverable first stage from support atmospheric flight of the _a'st veh/cle at an
aerodynarmc heating during ascent and. cspeciaily, during airspeed lessthanthe takeoffspeedcf a conventionaJ
reentry. aircraft.
During ascenLtherocket-poweredgliderdoesnotachieve an mtegral payload bay,
su_clent velocitywithinthe sensibleatmosphereto rnakc accessmeans foringressand egressfrom thepayload
aerodynamicheatingan intractable problem.Use of throt- bay,
tling in the first stage propulsion system simplifies the means for releasable attachmcm of a tow cable, sad
problem _er. since low speeds can be maintained without a throtrleable rocket propulsionengine fc)r increasing
penalty for extended periods of time. This allows the vehicle 45 the vdority of the first vehicle;
to ctLmb to a sufficient altitude to permit it to throttle up and a second vehicle received in the payload bay through said
"dash" through the hypersonic portion of flight in a rein- accessmeans and having
lively short time. an interface for attaclxment of a spacecraft, and
Reentry heatinghssignificantly lessfor thiseider than an upper stage propulsion system, said second vehicle
that experienced by a veh/de entering the atmuspher¢ from _o ejectable tl_ough saidaccessmeans.
orbit, fortwo reasons.The first isthatthe maximum velocity 4.A spacelaunchsystemas deflncdinclalra 3 whereinthe
of thefirst stageneed ucw= exceed halfof thatrequiredto first vehicleincludesa fuselageportioninco_oxuting the
achieve orbit- This in ann means that the vehicle has to integral payload bay and the accessmeans compnsas:
dissipate no mete than 25% of the emtrgy possessed by an a nose section adaptedforclosureof a main body portion
orbldngbody in ordertoslow down tosubsonicflight speed. _5 oflhe _se.lage containing the integral payload bay: and
Also,the w_ght of the _ on tai_off must be b_'ween means for articulating the noac portion between a first
threeand fivetimes thatof itsweight aRer expendingits dosed position and a second open position, said second
propcllant. The wing-loadingof theglideristhusone-thlrd openpositionexposingthespacecraft feeejcctlon from
to one-fifth of its takeoff value. This Ix_mits enm,gy to be thepayloadbay.
dissipatedovera Imrger area.resulting in lower heat transfer_0 _. A SlmC_ launchsystem as de.._ed in claim 3 wherein the
rates to the vehicle structme. Heating loads may thus be first vehicleincludesa bi--propellant tankage system for the
accommodated by applicagonof simple,durableinsulation throttleabte rocket propulsion engiae,the tankage system
mmcria/aover most of the s_ructurc, and rcf_ct_y materiels including a first forward tank and a second aft tank. said
in smgna_,on regions. forward and aft tanka m_ea'c:o_ctcdfor transfer of fluid to
Overall, ellis embodiment represents the best balance of _ coma'el position of a center of gravity for the vehicle with
davelopr_at cost and nslcand operational costand riskof resp_t to a center of pressure produced by the ac_odynamac
any near-tta'm systmm whose IX'Lmaryobjective istO mini- surfaccs.

11 12
6. A space launch syste_m as defined in c[ai.m $ wherein the spacecraft from engine noise of the tow aircra.f't
and aero-
hunch carriage further incorporates means for positioning dyaarmc buffeting of the tow aircraftwake.
the fLrSt veb.icle in a Rrst horizontal position and in a second 12. A method as defined m claim $ wherein the step of
position at a takeoff angle. flying the tow aircraftfxa-tha"comprises the step of adjusting
7. A space Munch system as defined ia claim 3 further
5 the position of the Munch vchicle in relation to the tow
comprising a launch carriage on which the hrst vehicle is
aircraftto pcr'mitignition of the launch vehicle's propulsion
severabiy mounted, s_d carriage inc_x,'porating a plurality
system whilc the tow Line remains connected wit.hourendan
wheels for rolling takeoff of the first vehicle under tow by a
gerlng the mw atrcrLfL
Launch aircraft, said carriage severed from the first vekicle
13. A method as defined m claim 12, including a proce
upon liftoff.
I0 dure for matntaining the first Munch vehicle under tow after
8, A method for Muach of a sp_.cecraft employing a first
a system failuredar£ng the gcp of igniting thc rocket cog/no
launch vehicle having aerodynamic ]J.fting
surfaces provid-
comprising the steps of:
ing liftsufficientto suppolX amaosphcric flight of the first
vehicle at an air speed Less than the takeoff speed of a detecting a launch vehicle malfunction;

conventions2 dreratt, an integral payload bay, access ,'near ,_ shutting down the launch vehicle rocket _optilsion
for ingress and egress from the payload bay. means for ea_i_: and
releasable attachrncat of a tow cable, and tkrottieable rocket maintaining the Munch vehicle is tow for rettlrn to a
propulsion eng_c, a second vehicle received in the payload landing site.
bay through said a_cess means and having an interface for 14. A method as delincd in claim 8 further iRcarporating
attachment of the spacecraft and an upper stage propul3ion a procedure for emergency return to launch site comprtsing
system and a tow aircraft, the method comprising the steps the rteps of:
detec_g a mission abort condition in the tow air.aft or
inserting the second vehicle in the payload bay of the first launch vehicle;
X5 jettisoning propellant from the launch vehicle to lighten
attaci:ing a _ow cable Irom the tow aircraft to ',he first its weight for subsequent recovery;
maneuvering the tow aircraft for return to the Panway for
accelerating the tow aircraft past its retaken speed cm a emergency landing; and
fecoverittg the tow Mrcraft and Munch vehicle by eon-
controlling the fxrst vehicle for takeoff: 3o ventional landing.
rotating the tow aircraft for takeoff upon the first launch 15. A method as dcfuled in cMim. 8 wherein the step of
vehicle againing a suitable altitude; conlrolling the launch vehicle includes the steps of:

flying the tow m.roraR to a desired launch location; throttling the Munch vehicle propulsion system for a
igniting the rocket engine of the launch vehicle; predetermined ascent proRIe to rna/ntain a predctcr-
3._ mined aerodyuam/c heating Icvck and
casting off the tow Line from the launch vehicle upon
verification of proper" rockct propulsion operation; throttling up the rocket propulsion engine for a dash to a
final hypcrsonic velocity prior to ejection of the second
controlling the launch vehicAe for climb to a predcter-
rained a/allude and velocit'y;
16. A towed glider space launch veblclc system corapris-
opening the access means :o the payload bay;
ejccr_g the second vekicle from the payload bay;
A tow aircraft adapted to tow a gLider;
operating the upper stage propulsion system for insertion
a glider having
of the spacecraft into orbit;
aerodynamic Rfting surfaces providing liftsu_cient to
closing the access means to tbc payload bay; and ,_5 support aOnospheric flight of the glider at an airspeed
controlling the first vehicle for atmospheric reentry and less than the takeoff speed of the tow a.trcraft,
gliding flight to a :ecove.*y landing field. an integral payload bay In the glider,
9. A method as de._ned in claim g wherein "..he first Munch access means for ingress and egress from the payload
vehicle includes a liquid bi-propellant system for the bay.
tl'ffottleabte rocket propulsion engine, sa/d propellant system $0 means for releasable attachment of a tow cable between
incorporating a forward tank and aa afttank interconnected the tow a/xcraft and the glider, and
for transfer of fluid.,
and the step of controlling the Munch a throttleabl¢ locket p_opulsion engine for increasing
vehicle further comprises the step of regulating extraction of the velocity of the gl.idcr.
propellant from the forward and aft tanks to achieve a means for receiving a second vehicle in the payload bay
forward sh/.ft
of the center of gravity relativeto the center of through said access m_':ans,
pressure from the lifting s_faccs to accommodate lzandtion said second ve._cle having
from subsonic to supersonic flight. an interface attachment for a spacecraR, and
10. A method as defined in claim $ fm_h_ comprising of an upper stagepropulsionsystem,said s_ond vel',/cte
the Steps of Ransfea'ring propellant be, twcert the forward _md being ejectable through said access means for launch
aft tank to control the center of gravity of ".hevch.ide in 6o dur_g flight of _e el/den.
relationship to the center of ixessttre of _e a_'_lyn_ 17, A system as delined L,l clai,m 16 wherein the th.rottle-
ligtingsurfaces to accommodate varying flightvelocity. able rocket propulsion engine is adapted to lift the glkter
I1. A method as defined in claim 8 wherein the step of above the sensible alanosphcre f_ launch of the second
flying the tow ai.r_aftRlrther colw:n'ise*the step of varying vehicle.
the distance bctw..e.n the tow aircraftand the firstlaunch
velacle to minimiac v/ta'at_on on the Munch vehicle and

First Tethered/Release Flight
December 20, 1997

Project Manager's Comments

I have never experienced a real first research flight before. There have been a
few interim roods and the like, but never anything unique like Eclipse. And I
have to say, it was a very big thrill for me_

That statement isobviously based upon the factthat I feltvery confident that
the projectteam was ready to go. And itwas.

Day of Right was another very, very cold day which give us our share of
problems. Conducting the mission on a Saturday gave use the flexibility to
focus on problem resolutionand not feelthe pressure of time. There was
enough tension (not tow rope tension)in the sequence of events, hydraulic
leaks and chase aircraft fuel problems, to name a few. But in the end, we
accomplished a highly successful and historical event.

In addition, we have completed two out of the three project objectives. 1)

Towing a delta wing airplane with a transport type airplane. 2) Towed flight
operations and procedures. The remaining objective is to validate the

As with most research efforts we were surprised by a few things. The tow
rope flailed wildly after release and whipped off the knuckle by breaking the
frangible link. And the behavior of the tow rope is not a straight line element
as was predicted. And an inadvertent tow rope release. But - the tow rope
tension was as predicted. Procedures were flawless used properly. Data
systems worked as planned. Data processing was timely. This was an
EXCELLENT first flight.

And the timing wasn't entirely an unhappy circumstance. True, it would

have been very nice to have achieved our first flight earlier in the year. But
flying before the end of the year was an acceptable substitute.

From this perspective, it looks to me like Eclipse is really going to be fun and

Carol A. Reukauf

Document 3. Eclipse EXD-01 Flight 5, First Tethered/Release Flight, 20 December 1997,

Project Manager's Comments, Carol A. Reukauf

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 5 - First Tethered Flight

The EXD pilot arrived at the aircraft at the proper time for
scheduled pilot entry to find the two chase F-lgs were still
awaiting fueling (C I) 1. MCC recommended that both test aircraft delay
their engine start until the fueling was complete. This accounted for
approximately a 30 minute delay. The chase planes were not refueled the day
prior because Maintenance felt there was the potential for the test flight to
not occur, which could cause the fueled aircraft to leak in the hangar over the
Christmas holidays. Recommend additional coordination or emphasis
on prompt refueling be completed prior to future early morning
operations (R1) _.

During the fuel delay the pilot decided to complete the EXD preflight.
Inspection revealed the pneumatic system had less than 2000 PSI. The pilot
questioned the crew chief who responded it had recently been charged to 3000
psi, and the drop in pressure was due to the 20°F temperature. He further
stated the nitrogen cylinders, which were used to charge the aircraft, had
dropped 600 psi themselves in the short time they had been outside. Attempts
to put additional pressure into the system failed.

The pilot was skeptical the engine would start and decided he should not wait
for the second chase aircraft to complete refueling hut to go ahead with
engine start. As was decided after the high speed taxi test, to avoid having to
use the cold weather sensitive MC-II start cart an Internal air start was to be
attempted, and pneumatic cylinders would then recharge the internal bottles.

The pilot attempted engine start and the engine accelerated to 20% RPM but
failed to ignite. The pilot cleared the engine and the crew was forced to again
try to recharge the pneumatics. This took repeated attempts with various
cylinders before the aircraft began taking air. Unfortunately, the MC-II was
not prepositionod in the event of a pneumatic recharging problem.
Recommend in the future we always have the MC-II In position to
aid in pneumatic charging (R2). The crew suspected internal Icing
was inhibiting pneumatic system recharging of the EXD (C2).
Eventually the crew was able to get nitrogen flow into the EXD, and it was
recharged to 2700 psi. By this time the entire operation was nearly one hour
behind the planned timeline.

Post Start and Taxi Onto the Runway

The second start attempt went well with the usual extremely slow spool-up of
the J-75 during cold weather operations with JP-8 fuel. There were no issues
with the C-141A which had already started up and was waiting patiently in the

i Numbers preceded by a "C" indicate a conclusion.

2 Numbers preceded by a "R" indicate a recommendation.

Document 4. Eclipse Pilot's Flight Test Report, EXD-01 Flight 5--First Tethered Flight, Mark
P. Stucky, Eclipse Project Pilot

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 5 - First Tethered Flight

The taxi onto the runway went better than that of the high-speed taxi test, but
the EXD pilot felt he was led too far down the runway and the truck
driver felt he should drJve referencing the EXD instead of os the
"flight lead" (C3). Since there have been no unexpected rope tensioning
issues during the taxi onto the runway, recommend using the procedures
used during the CST (truck driver leads the EXD but references the
aircraft for his positioning) (R3). Additionally, the tow rope was
not anchored to the base of the pitot boom (as had been done
previously) and the crewman handling the rope allowed the
knuckle assembly to slam against the stops (C4). This slamming could
potentially damage the cable positioning transducers. Recommend the tow
rope be anchored to the base of the pitot tube until the EXD is in
position and hold (R4).

The rope hookup was uneventful, although some relaying of information was
required between the mobile and the C-141A.

Slack Removal & Tensioning

A new person was used to hold the rope staff, and this required more
supervision by the crew chief and diverted some of the attention of the pilot
during the slack removal. By chance, the C-141A Loadmaster was also
distracted as the rope pulled tight, and no ICS or UI-IF calls were made. The EXD
pilot noticed the rope pulling tight and transmitted "hold your position" as the
tension quickly rose to 4000 Ibs. Inattention during slack removal
could cause high tension values and/or movement of the EXD
which could be a hazard to the rope handler (C5). The EXD pilot feels
that once the aircraft is in position on the runway, the lateral offset will
preclude the rope from pulling into the pitot tube and therefore the rope
handler should no longer be required. Recommend tha! once in position
and hold, the rope handler remove the anchor at the nose and
move to the side of the aircraft where he would be clear of any
hazard but still available to assist if required (R$).

A big surprise occurred when the crew chief returned to the EXD, pointed at
the nose gear and gave an emphatic thumbs down. He got on the mobile radio
and informed the team the nose wheel steering system was leaking hydraulic
fluid. The pilot had engaged the nose wheel steering system for the taxi and
only a single hard turn to align had been accomplished. He disengaged the
system, and had the crew chief reinspect. The crew chief indicated the leak
had stopped, so he signalled for the pilot to exercise the system. Repeated full
commands were done without further leaking. The most likely cause of
the nose wheel steering leak was the failure of a seal to initially
seat due to the cold weather (C6). The team was once again ready to

The photo chase tookoff early to fly the planned routing while checking for
turbulence. The video chase was tasked to do an airborne pickup and tookoff
just prior to the rope hookup. The chase's decision to takeoff early

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 5 - First Tethered Flight

avoided any interference with the runway FOD check and allowed
time for both him and the video operator to practice positioning
(C7). Recommend future video chase pilots be briefed to takeoff
just prior to the tow rope hookup (R6).

Tensioning was quickly accomplished, and the team made the "go for flight"

Tethered Takeoff
When the tower gave clearance for takeoff the chase pilot was already at the
midfieid point and radioed he would do another lap. The EXD pilot requested he
make it a short lap because he was holding the brakes under tension.
Regardless, the call for brake release came nearly three minutes
after clearance for takeoff which the EXD pilot felt was excessive
(C8). Recommend the EXD pilot ensures the airborne pickup pilot
knows the importance of anticipating the clearance for takeoff
and avoiding any unneceesary delays (R7).

The pilot anticipated the long delay from the brake release call and allowed the
tension to build to 10,000 lbs. prior to easing the brake pressure. He continued
to ease up on the pedals as the EXD built up speed. Within approximately ten
seconds of roll he was able to completely release any brake pressure and the
acceleration maintained the tension above 6000 lbs. There were no
obvious large tension oscillations during the ground roll and the
tow rope remained off the runway at all times (C9). Recommend
the same brake release procedures be used for future takeoffs

During the ground roll the pilot noticed it took rudder (nose wheel steering)
input to maintain the lateral offset from the C-141A. The C-141A rotated and
tookoff ms planned, and the EXD pilot allowed the lateral offset to null out as he
rotated. The pilot estimated the C-141A to be 200 ft. AGL but no U/IF
transmissions were heard. The EXD began getting light on its wheels around
155 KIAS. The pilot now knew without a doubt the C-14IA had to be above 200
ft., and he was now starting to apply forward stick to keep the EXD from getting
airborne. The EXD felt stable and a quick check of the airspeed indicated 170
KIAS and accelerating. The EXD pilot realized the C-14IA was not transmitting
the planned descriptive calls and elected to allow the EXD to fly.

Takeoff occurred just prior to the midflcld taxiway which matched well with
predictions and a five knot tailwind. The video chase was in proper position at
all times.

The pilot transmitted "Eclipse Is airborne" and after several seconds radioed
the tow was stable. The C-141A's check-in with Sport radar was the first
transmision that either the EXD or MCC had heard from them since the
beginning of the takeoff roll.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 5 - First Tethered Flight

The pilot estimated he was near the lower tow limit and climbed several
degrees while trimming a few clicks of nose down. The pilot radioed the ww
was extremely low gain, and in fact was stable enough that no pilot input
whatsoever was required. The flight was over 2000 ft. AGL by the east lake
shore and commenced ,he turn to the north. As per the simulation .he EXD
tracked nicely into, through, and out of .he turn without any pilot control

Preliminary indications (EXD declination @ 170 KIAS and C-141A aircrcw

comments) show that the 170 KIAS takeoff speed was ncheived just
prior to the C-141A reaching 3S0 ft. AGL (CI0). Recommend
reducing the C-141A rotation and initial pitch attitude to +4 ° to
decrease the altitude at which 170 KIAS is reached (R9).

Flight Cards
Tethered Stick Raps During Climbout. The raps were done with no adverse
reactions noted.

Tethered Doublets During Climbout. From an estimated nominal tow position of

-12 ° the pilot executed small longitudinal and lateral/directional doublets. The
EXD was stable although lightly damped.

A small area of light turbulence was encountered which was reported by both
the C-141A as wen as the photo chase F-18. The EXD pilot did not feel the bumps
of the turbulence, but noted an excitation of dutch roll similar to that seen in
the pilot-in-the-loop simulator during turbulence encounters.

The doublets were repeated at approximately -8 ° and -16 ° elevation with

similar effects. The flight leveled off at 10,000 ft. MSL prior to initiating the
lateral offset doublets.

While leveling and turning to the cast the EXD pilot observed .he canvas
covered midpoint of the tow rope to be flapping like a flag in .he breeze. After
a short period of time the rear of the canvas began splitting and flapping
violently. The pilot anticipated departure of parts of the canvas and postponed
further test cards until it occurred. Several feet of canvas were immediately
shed and passed well above the EXD.

From the EXD pilot's point-of-view, the canvased area was more lively than the
rest of .he rope. While the Vectran often appeared virtually motionless, the
canvas sleeve was always moving at a high frequency. This could have been
caused by the increased drag of the large canvas sleeve. The canvas
sleeving was not required to protect the nylon strapping during
ground operations (CII). Recommend consideration be made to
eliminate the canvas sleeve entirely or limit it to two small sleeves
around each of the two-pin connectors (RI0).

Tethered Doublets Dirty @ 10K ft MSL. This series of doublets felt similar to
those during climbout except the EXD felt looser or less damped at the upper

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 FLight 5 - First Tethered F11ght

and lower positions (approximately -10 s and -16 °, respectively). In these

positions the EXD pilot felt he had to actually fly the aircraft to keep it steady,
although it could still be flown hands off although with greater deviations.
The pilot noted the doublet induced oscillations could be seen in the tow rope
more readily than they could be felt in the aircraft, especially after several

At the upper position the tow rope appeared nearly straight which made the
EXD pilot uncomfortable due to the decreased vertical separation between the
remaining canvas and the EXD. In the lower position a very obvious rope
catenary was noted, From the EXD pilot's perspective most of the catenary
seemed to occur on the lower half of the rope.

The flight turned south, and an angle of bank of approximately 25 ° was

reached. The EXD remained stable throughout the turn although the pilot
noted aft stick pressure was required to maintain the declination angle. The
EXD was stable in small and moderately banked turns (C12).
Recommend future test points be completed to investigate the
ability for tethered flight at high bank angles (RII).

The pilot set up for the lateral offset and. as in the simulator, moving laterally
felt like trying to move a brick wall and only a few degrees of offsel was
accomplished. The pilot noted he was approximately behind the C.141A's
number 4 engine.

As expected, the pitch doublet caused a coupling in the lateral/directional axis.

The pilot was steadying the EXD for the lateral/directional doublet when the
tow rope was suddenly released under approximatciy 6000 lbs. of tension.

The knuckle assembly immediately sprang well clear of the EXD, and the tow
rope began whipping vertically. The EXD pilot radioed that a release had
occurred and cautioned the chase aircraft to remain clear of the whipping
rope. On the second hard whip. the knuckle assembly departed the tow rope
and fell to the desert below. Separation of the knuckle assembly should
be an anticipated consequence of any tow rope release (C13). Since
controllability during tethered turns is not an issue, recommend future
operations immediately occur in the P1RA airspace over
uninhabited areas (RI2).

The release of the EXD was a complete "non-event" and did not require any
immediate action. There was not any dramatic deceleration nor any tendency
to overrun the C-141A. After the knuckl¢ fell away, the EXD pilot banked the
aircraft and started to follow it down until he was reminded by the test
conducter to continue with the untethered flight cards. The pilot retracted the
speedbrakes and climbed back to 10.000 ft. MSL.

Untethered Doublets were performed in the both the dirty and clean
configurations. The EXD was stilltwo hundred pounds above bingo fuel so the
MCC requested the pilot to practice the Bungee Mode Excitation card.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 5 - First Tethered Flight

At bingo fuel the EXD setup for an uneventful straight-in SFO and full-stop no-
chute landing.

Post flight conclusions and recommendations.

Post flight inspection and purging revealed no moisture in the aircraft
pneumatic system. Recommend the pneumatic lines from the bottles
be vented with dry nitrogen and then closed prior to hookup to the
EXD (RI3).

Post flight inspection of the release showed the jaws to be nearly closed. Since
the release was tested at high loads at angles of up to 20 ° without any
inedvcrtent releases, the most likely cause of the release was a momentary
actuation of the electro-pneumatic switch. Testing of the release under
rclaUvely small loads showed that bumping the switch could cause the jaws to
open sufficiently for the D-ring to be released without the jaws going over
center. The tethered lateral offset required cross controlling of the
aircraft and left lateral pressure on the control stick (C14). The
pilot flew with his index finger resting against the bottom edge of the release
button as an aid in locating the button in the event an immediate release was
required. The stability and control of the EXD on tow indicates that
an emergency release is extremely unlikely (C15). Recommend the
pilot grasp the control stick lower down to preclude the possibility
of inadvertent release actuation (RI4).

The performance and stability of the tethered aircraft is adequate

to ensure safe takeoff from either runway 04 or 22 (C16).
Recommend the mission rules be changed to allow takeoffs in
either direction (RIS). Light turbulence did not pose a hazard to
towed operations (C17). Recommend mission rules be changed to
allow flight in foreasted and actual light and moderate turbulence
conditions (R16). Recommend the mission rules be changed to
allow takeoff in winds of up to 20 KIAS with tall or crosswind
components not to exceed 10 kts (RIT).

The stability and control of the tethered EXD warrants

investigation into eliminating the nylon strap center portion of
the tow rope (RIg).

The on-the-runway portion of the flight operation takes approximately 30

minutes. Mid-day flight operations could reduce the problems that
occur due to early morning cold temperatures (C18). Recommend
the team pursue clearance for told-day tethered operations (RI9).

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 5 - First Tethered Flight

I. The EXD pilot arrived at the aircraft at the proper time for scheduled pilot
entry to find the two chase F-18s were still awaiting fueling.
2. The crew suspected internal icing was inhibiting pneumatic system
recharging of the EXD.
3. The EXD pilot felt he was led too far down the runway, and the truck
driver felt he should drive referencing the EXD instead of as the "flight
4. The tow rope was not anchored to the base of the pitot boom (as had been
done previously), and the crewman handling the rope allowed the
knuckle assembly to slam against the stops.
5. Inattention during slack removal could cause high tension values and/or
movement of the EXD which could be a hazard to the rope handler.
6. The most likely cause of the nose wheel steering leak was the failure of a
seal to inidally seat due to the cold weather.
7. The chase's decision to takeoff early avoided any interference with the
runway FOD check and allowed time for both he and the video operator to
practice positioning.
8. The catl for brake release came nearly three minutes after clearance for
takeoff, which the EXD pilot felt was excessive.
9. There were no obvious large tension oscillations during the ground roll,
and the tow rope remained off the runway at all times.
10. The 170 KIAS takeoff speed was acheived just prior to the C-141A
reaching 350 ft. AGL.
11. The canvas sleeving was not required to protect the nylon strapping
during ground operations.
12. The EXD was stable in small and moderately banked turns.
13. Separation of the knuckle assembly should bc an anticipated
consequence of any tow rope release.
14. The tethered lateral offset required cross controlling of the aircraft and
left lateral pressure on the control sock.
15. The stability and control of the EXD on tow indicates that an emergency
release is extremely unlikely.
16. The performance and stability of the tethered aircraft is adequate to
ensure safe takeoff from either runway 04 or 22.
17. Light turbulence did not pose a hazard to towed operations.
18. Mid-day flight operations could reduce the problems that occur due to
early morning cold temperatures.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 5 - First Tethered Flight

I. Recommend additional coordination or emphasis on prompt refueling be
completed prior to future early morning operations.
2. Recommend in the future we always have the MC-11 in position to aid in
pneumatic charging.
3. Recommend using the procedures used during the CST (truck driver leads
the EXD but references the aircraft for his positioning).
4. Recommend the tow rope be anchored to the base of the pitot tube until
the EXD is in position and hold,
5. Recommend that once in position and hold, the rope handler remove the
anchor at the nose and move to the side of the aircraft where he would be
clear of any hazard but still available to assist if required.
6. Recommend future video chase pilots be briefed to takeoff Just prior _to
the tow rope hookup.
7. Recommend the EXD pilot ensures the airborne pickup pilot knows the
importance of anticipating the clearance for takeoff and avoiding any
unneccesary delays.
g. Recommend the same brake release procedures be used for future
9. Recommend reducing the C-141A rotation and initial pitch attitude to +4 °
to decrease the altitude at which 170 KIAS is reached.
10. Recommend consideration be made to eliminate the canvas sleeve
entirely or limit it to two small sleeves around each of the two-pin
11. Recommend future test points be completed to investigate the ability for
tethered flight at high bank angles.
12. Recommend future operations immediately occur in the PIRA airspace
over uninhabited areas.
13. Recommend the pneumatic lines from the bottles be vented with dry
nitrogen and then closed prior to hookup to the EXD.
14. Recommend the pilot grasp the control stick lower to preclude the
possibility of inadvertent release actuation.
15. Recommend the mission rules be changed to allow takeoffs in either
16. Recommend mission rules be changed to allow flight in forcasted and
actual light and moderate turbulence conditions.
17. Recommend the mission rules be changed to allow takeoff in winds of up
to 20 KIAS with tail or crosswind components not to exceed l0 kts.
18. The stability and control of the tethered EXD warrants investigation into
eliminating the nylon strap center portion of the tow rope.
19. Recommend the team pursue clearance for mid-day tethered operations.

Mark P. Stucky
Eclipse Project Pilot


Edipse F-g, 1 = Towed Flight 20 DEC 97


,Capt Stu Farmer 32,000 C97039OO

G. RIOHT SEAT rJe_r Ceelp_ _. START UP (_ w'r 1 CO _IE_TH|R

Maj Kelly Latimer !200,000 Ibs t 28.8% ;Clear


1622 Z / 0,6 hrs Petal Doors Removed / Tow Config 37°F/Winds 230 @ 7kts

F-18 NASA 846 / NASA 852


The objective of this flight was to perform a towed takeoff end climhout of the C-141 and EXD-01 system.
Longitudinal and lateral/directional doublets were performed by the EXD-01 while on tow in climbout and level
flight at 10,000 ft MSL.

5, RESULTS OF TESTS (C.,.--=-'=" _ _,_.. _'=._

After check in with the NASA 2 control room, the C-141 initiated engine start at 1436 Z. Starting fuel
weight was 32,000 Ibs. A delay was encountered due to the NASA chase planes requiring fuel service. The
C-141 elected to remain engines running end after e short period taxied to e position short of the
hammerhead for Runway 04.

At 1526 Z the EXD-01 was approaching engine start and the C-141 GPS data file was reset.

At 1550 Z the C-141 taxied onto the runway to begin the hookup procedure. The rope vehicle arrived at the
C-141 at 1601 Z. Hookup was completed and the three pin connector padded. The C-141 was ready to
take-up slack at 1607 Z, however, the EXD-01 crawchief noticed a possible nose wheel steering (NWS)
hydraulic leak on the EXD-01 when he removed the chocks. This caused a delay while the NWS situation
was investigated. At 1615 Z operations continued with the slack removal procedure. The C-141 began its
gradual creep forward guided by Ioedmaster verbal evaluation of the slack. As the Iosdmastar was counting
down toward slack removed, the rope was observed to come up off the ground in tension as the C-141
stopped. Tension was reported by the EXD-01 to be 4000 Ibs.

At 1619 Z the tension setting procedure was used to bring tension to 6000 Ibs. The NASA control room, the
C-141, and the EXD-01 all reported go for flight. Chase established inbound end made 45 and 20 second
calls. Countdown to brake release was made and the takeoff roll began at 1622 Z. Takeoff fuel is estimated
to be 27,000 Ibs. For the desired thrust factor (TF) of 18.0, computed and set EPR was 1.92. Acceleration
was brisk. Rotation was to a 5 degree pitch attitude. Calls were made at 200 ft AGL, 170 KIAS, and 350 ft
AGL. 350 ft AGL was reached nearly simultaneously with 170 kts. It was later discovered that these calls
were heard over C-141 interphone but did not make it out over the radio.

|. a_ __OJuau"r_ATION S

C-141 towed takeoff power settings should be confirmed prior to next flight. Either a reduction in power
setting, or a shallower climb with a lesser pitch angle should be made to ensure the EXD-01 remains in the
ideal takeoff window. On this flight, the C-t41 appeared to have e marginally steep climb at takeoff.

The C-141 tail view video camera settings are satisfactory and should remain unchanged for subsequent

A tighter time schedule for day of flight could be developed based on the activity times found during this

Morgan LaVake, Test Conductor _,_,.._. _._._

22 DEC 97
AFSC Fv,,t_ 5314 NOV 86 _c_s A_-rC FO,M_aSMARM WHICHWILL_ USUal

Document 5. Daily/Initial Flight Test Report, C-141A, 61-2775, 20 Dec. 97, Morgan LaVake,
Test Conductor

Section 5 continued .......

During the first coul01e minutes of the climb, the NASA control room reported dropout of the
telemetered data from the EXD-01. This dropout was later attributed to the loss of an electrical
generator at the ground reception and rstransmission station.

Climbout was made at 190 KIAS. The EXD-01 remained gear down and speed brakes out, During
climbout, the EXD-01 performed test cards, The initial card consisted of small control raps in the
)ongitud]nal, lateral, and directional axis, No significant results were found. This was followed by
longitudinal and lateral/directional doublets in the nominal tow, 4 degrees high, and 4 degrees low
positions. Light chop was encountered by the flight passing through approximately 9,0OO to 10,O00
ft MSL, Prior to completing doublets in the offset to the right tow position, the flight leveled at
10,000 ft MSL.

The C-141 pilot reports no noticeable effects upon the C-141 by the EXD-01 maneuvering.

At 10,O00 ft MSL, the doublet cards were repeated in level flight. Fuel weight for the C-141 was
24,000 Ibs at 1635 Z, As the EXD-01 was establishing itself for the offset to the right tow
posLt_on, the aircraft unexpectedly came off tow at approximately 1639 Z. The pilot of the C-141
did feel the "surge" of the EXD-01 tow release, There was initial confusion as to the cause of the
release, with the EXD-01 reporting a b_ea_ of the frangible I)nk, foJ_owed by report of tow knuckle
separation. Debrief and post-flight review of video footage revealed that that the likely sequence of
events was that the electrical release in the EXD-01 was inadvertently actuated. When the knuckle
released, the tow rope began violent whipping which caused fracture of the frangible link and loss of
the tow knuckle.

The flight then separated with the C-141 continuing to make an uneventful rope drop into the PB8
drop area at 1648 Z,

The C-141 returned to land on Edwards Runway 22 at 1655 Z. Landing fuel weight was 16,000
Ibs. The C-141 returned Code 1 with no maintenance writeups.

The tes¢ pallet tape was provided to NASA for processing. The NASA Ashtec GPS was removed
from the aircraft and returned to NASA for downloading.

Flight 5 (1st towed flight)
December 20, 1998

EXD-01 (NASA QEXD-01A 59-0130): Mark "Forger" Stucky

C-141AA (USAF C-141AA 61-7775): Stu Farmer, Kelli Latimer, Morgan
LaVake, John Stab1, Dana Brink, Ken Drucker

The objectives of Flight 5 for aerodynamics were to gather tow

dynamics data. All data was required to operate for mission success.

Aircraft configurations were:

C-141AA: standard; with doors removed, instrumentation pallet

operational, ballast as required, fueled to 225,000 lbs GTOW, and the
low altitude parachute extraction system test pallet for tow

EXD-01 (QF-106A): standard, with approximately 4000 lbs of fuel,

speedbrake open, and gear down for the entire flight.

Tow train: the towtrain is the nominal configuration with a standard

three pin connector, 475 foot nominal 3/4 inch Vectran rope, two pin
connector, 50 feet of 8 ply nylon, two pin connector, 475 foot nominal
tow rope, and standard end assembly, the two pin connectors are
protected by leather coverings secured and the entire nylon canter
assembly is covered with a large canvas sheath for abrasion

The flight began with delays waiting for fuel trucks, and a pneumatic
charge system for the EXD-01. Preflight checks were nominal for alpha,
beta, loads r-cal, accel rap test, and knuckle ops check. Chase was
provided by #846 (Ed Schneider/Lori Losey) and 843 (Tom McMurtry).
Weather was cold (28F) and calm; tipples were reported to not be strong
enough as to be characterized as turbulence.

Take offwas at 08:26:20, and no calls were heard from the C-141A to assist
the EXD-01 situational awarness; the EXI)-01 pilot elected to stay on tow and
continue the mission. The pilot characterized the task as low gain during
the climb. Stick raps and small doublets were performed by the pilot.
Considerable tow rope sail was seen, and the tension was excited throught
the entire flight (possibly due to the canvas sheath flapping?). The MOF
genrator failed during the climb and 26 seconds of data was lost
(08:27:38-08:28:04). Also during the climb, the canvas sheath was seen to be
shredding, and the pilotremained low during the initialstages of the
climb-out to reduce the potentialforFOD. The pilotcommented that the
aircraftwas selfrecovering,lightlydamped, but stable. An inadvertent
release occured at 08:39:10 during a lateraloffsettestpoint,and

Document 6. Aerodynamics, Eclipse Flight 5, A1 Bowers, Chief Engineer

immediately following the rope began to flailwildly and the knuckle
separated on the second oscillation.Post flightanalysis indicates this
was actuated by the pilotbumping against the release switch on the stick
during the cross control required for the lateraloffset.The off-tow card
12 was performed and the EXD-01 landed at 08:51:33 at_eran SFO.

Careful examination of the post flightdata showed the aircraftto be

markedly more stable than predicted by the simulation, and statictrims
were seen to be markedly differentfrom the sireas well. The former is
believed to be due to mischaracterization ofthe aerodynamic effectson the
rope (the rope sailinducing increased damping). The latteris obviously due
to the rope sail. Another adverse effectwas the flapping of the canvas sleeve
causing the potential forFOD and constant excitationof the bungee mode
(thisnever entirelydamped out during the entoireflight,despite the still

Take offtime: 08 23 38
Release time: 08 39 I0
Landing time: 08 51 33
Flighttime: 00 27 55
Tow time: 00 15 28
Total Tow Time: 00 15 28

AI Bowers
Chief Engineer

Flight Controls
EclipseFlight 5
December 20, 199_

Brake releaRe and initial roll.

After brake release by the C-141A, the pilot of the EXD-01 airplane smoothly
released his brakes from a pre-load tension of 6,000 lbs. Initial longitudinal
acceleration was less than .2 g s. The longitudinal bungee mode was
immediately excited at a frequency of approximately 1.6 radians/sec. Maximum
tow rope tension at the second peak of the bungee oscillation was slightly less than
13,000 lbs. Subsequently, the bungee mode damped out in about five cycles. At the
same time the tow rope tension gradually decreased to less than 7,000 Ibs. After
an initial roll lasting for about seventeen seconds, the EXD-01 entered the wake of
the C-141A. The most pronounced effect of the wake was on the angle of attack
and sideslip vanes, resulting in large amplitude oscillations (-10 degrees), but no
significant rigid-body angular velocities since the EXD-01 was still on the ground.

EXD-01 rotation and takeoff

The rotation of the EXD-01 airplane was preceded by the takeoff of the C-141A at
approximately 115 knots. Rotation of the EXD-01 was initiated while still in the
wake of the C-141A; however, when the latter was reached an altitude of
approximately 200 feet, the EXD-01, still on the ground, was completely clear of the
wake. The EXD-01 became smoothly airborne at 170 knots. Neither the 200 feet
nor the 170 knots calls by the C-141A were audible in the control room. During
rotation and takeoff of the EXD-01 the tow rope tension increased gradually from
7,000 to 12,000 lbs. Thereat_er the tow rope tension decreased and remained below
10,000 lbs for the rest of the flight. Immediately after takeoffby the EXD-01
airplane the indicated tow rope elevation angle reached a high value of about 13
degrees. This is higher than the steady state trim values predicted by the
simulator. Elevation angles greater than 10 degrees required positive, i.e. nose
down, elevator angles. Again, positive elevator angles during takeoffs had not been
observed in the simulator. During takeoff the altitude difference between the C-
141A and the EXD-01 reached 400 feet, the largest value during the entire towed
portion of the flight.

Climb and test points

During stabilized towed flight it was noted that the tow rope elevation angle was
considerably larger than the simulator prediction, requiring more nose down
elevator. Post-flight video playback of a camera located in the C-141A showed that
the tow rope in flight had the shape of a convex catenary. This shape would
account for the higher tow rope elevation angles. The tow rope tension during
stabilized level flight and mild maneuvering flight was approximately 30 percent
lower than simulator predictions. Whether this is caused by higher idle engine
thrust or lower in-flight drag requires further analysis. During the climb the
average value of the vertical separation of the two airplanes was approximately
280 feet; the +4 and -4 degree tow rope elevation increments from the nominal
value corresponded to approximate altitude differences of 310 feet and 200 feet,
respectively. The altitude differences that are being quoted here refer to the GPS

Document 7. Flight Controls, Eclipse Flight 5, Joe Gera

antenna positions rather than the c.g. positions of the two airplanes. Other than
the trim elevator and tow rope elevation angle differences, the pitch and lateral-
directional doublets were similar to simulator predictions, especially up to the
point where the protective canvas cover of the nylon webbing started to shred off
the tow rope. Afterwards, it appeared that the low-amplitude bungee oscillation
was set off at times without any pilot input. It was noted that the bungee
oscillation occurred mainly in the pitch plane of symmetry. A possible cause of
this may be the wider frequency separation of the dutch roll mode (w n ~ 1.9
rad/sec) from the bungee frequency (w n ~ 1.45 rad/sec) than that of the short-
period mode (w n ~ 1.7 rad/sec).

An unexpected release occurred during test point 5, card 7. Tow rope tension at
release was approximately 6,300 lbs. No undesirable transients were noted by the
pilots of either the C-141A or EXD.01 during the release; however, all of the metal
hardware was lost from the end of the tow rope during the subsequent large-
amplitude oscillations of the rope.

Untethered test [mints.

After tow rope release longitudinal and lateral-directional doublets were
performed by the EXD-01 at the desired test conditions in the landing and the
clean configurations.

This was a highly successful first towed flight of a pure delta-wing airplane of
relatively high wing loading. Because of the simulation and the high-speed taxi
test, there were few surprises in the stability and control area. Differences
between simulation and flight can be attributed principally to the fact that the
actual shape of the tow rope was other than a straight hne along the line-of-sight
between the attach points. This was accentuated be the presence of the 50-foot long
canvas shroud in the middle of the tow rope as indicated by in-flight photographs
of the tow rope.

Joe Gera

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 6 - Second Tethered Flight, 21 Jan 1998

This flight was a near repeat of the first tethered flight, the major change
being the streamlining of the canvass sleeving which covered the 50 ft.
section of 8-ply nylon strapping in the middle of the tow train. The new
canvass sleeve was necked down to more tightly flt the strapping and did not
cover the rear 2-pin connector (or extend aft beyond it). This change
decreased the drag of the center section, eliminated any flapping of the
canvass, and virtually stopped the tow rope "quiver."

Regardless of maneuvers the slip indicator normally showed a !/4 to 1/2 left
ball deflection. I tried trimming it to center, but it seemed unnatural so I left it
as it was.

Ground Operations
The ground operations showed improvement over Flight 5 and went like
clockwork once the aircraft took the runway. The EXD had initially bccn
fueled to 5000 lb., but an extra 1000 lb. was added to allow us more time for
research test points. I reported a 1500 lb. fuel imbalance (left side 2700 lb.,
right side 1200 lb.) on power-up. The test controller reported the control room
didn't have any issues with this, which I interpreted to mean that we would
not take any corrective measures and see what happened over time,

Tethered Takeoff
The established chase procedures worked well, and the brake release call was
expeditious. The initial takeoff roll tension was controlled, but not as smoothly
as on Flight 5.

Takeoff acceleration seemed slower than during the taxi test and first tethered
flight, particularly the portion after EXD rotation. Takeoff occurred
approximately 1000 ft past the midfield taxiway despite the absence of a
tailwind. Post-flight debrief with the C-141A crew failed to illuminate any
reason for this apparent decrease in performance. Capt. Farmer used the
recommended procedural change (after Flight 5) of decreasing the pitch
attitude 1° after raising the gear and flaps to facilitate reaching 170 KIAS at a
lower AGL altitude.

The C-141A radio calls during the takeoff matched well with my visual
estimations of declination. The heavier left wing was felt and required four
clicks of lateral trim to balance the forces. In retrospect, we should have
attempted to balance the fuel prior to flight.

The tow rope appeared significantly quietcr WITH the new canvass sleeved
configuration. There was less apparent rope sail and no quivering of the
nylon center section.

Flight Cards
Climb Rate Effects on Stability. Initially ARRIS reported setting 1000 fpm
climb but it settled out at 1500 fpm, so the card was done as planned. I
estimated a -16 ° declination at 1500 fpm. The tow rope seemed very stable as

Document 8. Eclipse Pilot's Flight Test Report, EXD-01 Flight 6--Second Tethered Flight, 21
Jan. 1998, Mark P. Stucky, Eclipse Project Pilot

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 6 - Second Tethered Flight, 21 Jan 1998

compared to the first tethered flight. When the climb rate was decreased to
1000 fpm the trim position seemed to decrease to an estimated -14 °.
Reestablishing the same declination required a slight nose down trim. The
Loadmaster observed the rope to be lightly resting on the skid plate and not
"flying" like it had on the first flight. Total fuel at completion was 4500 lb.,
and lateral asymmetry was reduced to 1200 lb..

Stability Boundary Investifation [dirty cnnfieuration't. I was able to descend

to the lower gimbaI angles with the only handling qualities difference being a
slight lateral "looseness". Climbing upward the rope appeared straight at an
estimated -5 ° declination, and the Loadmaster reported it to be one foot above
the ramp, The test controller reported the "gimbal angles," and I mistook the
call to mean that I had reached the upper gimbal angle so I aborted the point.
It was only on a later card that ! realized the upper gimba] limits had not been
reached. This is a reminder that we should never use a term which is a
"directive" call as part of "descriptive" call.

Drae Effects on Stability. As noted on 5, the EXD airspeed indicator indicated 10

kts less than the C-141A's sensitive indicator. Retracting the speedbrakes did
cause a cyclical tension oscillation as well as a slight downward pitching
moment (2 clicks of nose up trim required). Opening them resulted in a 1500
lb, tension increase. The aircraft was significantly quieter and airframe noise
eliminated when the landing gear were retracted. This was apparent in the
control room's stripchart data as well. The drag difference associated with the
landing gear seemed on par with that of the speed brakes. When the gear and
speed brakes were retracted, the white light illuminated with 2000 lb. of
tension. The tension stabilized at 3500k lb. in the clean configuration. At the
completion of this card the fuel imbalance had decreased to 1000 lb.

HOR Criteria - On Tow (dirty configurationS. The C-141A reporttxl a 1/4 ball
deflection when I lined up behind the number 4 engine. The HQR task was
easy to accomplish. 1 was able to be moderately aggressive in the initial bank
angle to capture the centerline. There was also a natural centering effect due
to the tether. It was relatively easy to capture centerline with small or no
overshoots and HQR ratings of 2. I did fee[ that if I was overly aggressive it
could cause me to get oul of phase with the system dynamics and perhaps enter
an aircraft pilot coupling.

Trim in Turns fdirty confi_urationL The EXD was very stable in turns of up to
40 ° angle of bank (hands off stability). At 45 ° I felt the EXD was becoming
spirally unstable. This may be true, or it could have been caused by being
slightly out of position (high / outside of turn). Being slightly out of position
is not easily apparent; the best way to verify it would have been to relax the
lateral input and see if the EXD would stabilize at the new position.
Unfortunately, we rolled out of the turn prior to attempting this. In
subsequent turns we never got above 40 ° bank, so ] could not reevaluate the
spiral stability at 45 ° again.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 6 - Second Tethered Flight, 21 Jan 1998

Under Tow Limit / Wake Investigation (dirty configuration). I was confused

over the point of starting this card, becasue I mistakenly felt we had reached
upper gimbals during the stability boundary investigation card. Once the
situation was clarified, I started climbing. I offset to the right for increased
clearance between the pitot tube and tow rope. ] was able to climb into the
wake where the Loadmaster reported the rope appeared to be straight out the
back of the C-141A. Chase reported the rope looked very close to the pitot boom
(the lateral offset was not apparent from his side view). Flight in the wake
appeared to be slightly easier than in the off-tow condition, as there was no
uncommanded yaw/sideslip. Small lateral inputs were required to counter
uncommanded rolling motions.

Lateral Offset (dirty configuration). Maintaining the lateral offset required

cross controlling and doing the doublets from this offset "neutral" condition.

Stability in Descent (dirty configurationS. At -500 fpm a slight pitch

oscillation was noted in the upper (-5 ° declination) position. It was still
possible to trim for hands off flight. The rope sail appeared greater at the 1000
fpm descent nominal position. In the lower position a large amount of rope
sail existed and a small approximately 3 Hz lateral oscillation was observed.

We set up to return to card 3 when ARRIS surprised us with a call indicating

they needed to RTB in ten minutes. We therefore proceeded with the tow
release. To facilitate research efficiency I recommend the C-141A
crew provide joker & bingo values in the flight crew brief and
include them in the flight fuel checks.

Normal Tow Release. This card was done at a slower airspeed (170 KIAS) and
lower altitude (2,500 ft AGL). The reasoning was the slower airspeed may
decrease the rope whipping energy and increase the chance of the knuckle
remaining on the tow rope. The lower altitude was the planned C-141A rope
drop altitude and would decrease the hazard area as well. The NASA team had
hoped the tow release could be immediately followed by the rope drop, but the
C-141A crew declined in the crew brief indicating they needed additional time
to setup.
The transition to 170 K1AS was easy to accomplish, and no transients were
noted when the C-141A lowered their flaps. The cockpit AOA gauge indicated
1/3 of the way between final approach and minimum safe speed. An offset to
the right was done, and the electro-pneumatic tow release actuated. The
release was clean at approximately 5000 lb. of tension. It was easy to clear the
rebound of the rope. The knuckle did stay attached, and the whipping seemed
of a lesser intensity. The C-141A turned to enter the downwind leg for their
rope drop, but unfortunately the knuckle whipped free of the tow rope prior
to the planned drop. Recommend the C-141A crew try to accommodate
NASA's request to meld the tow release with their rope drop
procedure. Recommend we consider intentional breakage of the
frangible link as a method to retain the instrumented knuckle.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-OI Flight 6 - Second Tethered Flight, 21 Jan 1998

Air Data Calibration. Accomplished as plaancd.

RTB and landing was uneventful.

Summary of Lessons Learned and Recommendations

I. We should have attempted to balance the fuel prior to flight.
2. We should never use a term which is a "directive" call as
part of "descriptive" call,
3. To facilitate research efficiency I recommend the C-141A
crew provide joker & bingo values in the flight crew brief
and include them in the flight fuel checks.
4. Recommend the C-141A crew try to accommodate NASA's
request to meld the tow release with their rope drop
$. Recommend we consider intentional breakage of the
frangible llnk as a method to retain the instrumented

Mark P. Stucky
Eclipse Project Pilot



Eclipse F-6, 2= Towed Flight 21 JAN 98

). LEFT SlEAT 0e_emtCm_l_ E, RJIEIL LOAD _. JON

Capt Stu Fsrmer 34,000 C9703900

O. nIGH1" SEAT 4b=, _ _. START Um GR WT t CG L WEAll,.IER

Maj Kelly Latimer 202,000 Ibs / 28.8% Clear


1531 Z / 1.2 hrs Petal Doors Removed /Tow Config 27°F1 Winds 260 @ 6kts

F-18 NASA 846

4, PURPO'_ OF FLiGHt" I TEIR" F_lllki'r6

This flight was the second towed flight of the Eclipse program. Configuration differed from the 1 = flight in
that the canter nylon webbing section of the tow rope was more tightly sheathed in its cover in an effort to
reduce the aerodynamic turbulence, instability, and rope sail seen in the rope on the first flight. Tethered test
points explored climb rate, descent, turns, the stable tow envelope in both clean and dirty configurations,
lateral offset, and the affects of varying the EXD-01 drag Iby configuration changes)•

IL RESUI.T$ OF TESTS _ i mw*v if uMl==0

The C-141 experienced a 15 minute delay in engine start due to an apparent problem with the pilot's attitude
indicator. Maintenance believes the problem may have been caused by the tie in of the test pallet
instrumentation to the system. It is reported to historically have problems operating in cold conditions.

The C-141 had an uneventful start. At 1450 Z the C-141 began taxi. Shortly after the C-141 reached the
RWY 04 hammerhead, the EXD-01 was neadng ready to taxi and the C-141 took the runway at 1502 Z.
Hook-up proceeded smoothly end the rope truck provided the connector to the C- 141 at 1511 Z. At 1517 Z
hookup of the connector on the C-141 was complete end the C-141 was ready to take up slack, As the
Ioadmsster was counting down over interphone for the slack removal, the EXD-01 called for the C-141 to
stop. This stop occurred slightly prior to total slack removal. Post flight debrief determined that the
Ioedmastar will in the future make his call on the radio rather than interphons.

The tension setting procedure was used to bring tension to 6000 Ibs. The NASA control room, the C-141,
and the EXD-01 ell reported go for flight. Chase established inbound and made 45 end 20 second calls.
Countdown to brake release was made and the takeoff rotl began st 1530 Z. Takeoff fuel is estimated to be
31,000 Ibs. For the desired thrust factor (TF) of 18.0, computed end set EPR was 1.92. Take-off was

Climbout was at 190 KIAS. The power was reduced to idle on the outboard engines st 185 KCAS to remain
below 200 KCAS in the climb. Airspeed was maintained primarily by small adjustments in pitch attitude. The
climb rate effects test points (trim shots) were taken at 1500 fpm and 1000 fpm retes of climb. The flight
leveted st 10,000' MSL.



De-heat of the cargo compartment and test pallet should be considered in an effort to increase the
reliability of the test instrumentation.

Based on the knuckle assembly remaining on the rope for well over one minute after release of the EXD-
01, it is likely possible to procedurally set up for and expedite drop of the rope over the drop zone prior to
knuckle separation, thus retaining the knuckle hardware.


Morgan LaVake, Test Conductor 22 JAN 98

AFSC Form 5314 NOV 86 Re_CES AFn'CFOMM_ UAa e4 w.¢, _ _ used

Document 9. Daily/Initial Flight Test Report, C-141A, 61-2775, 21 Jan. 98, Morgan LaVake, Test

Section 5 continued .......

Throughout the tow operations, the pilot commented on e low rumbling noise present that appears
to be transferred into the C-141 airframe through the rope. No noticable pitch motions or
longitudinal accelerations were present until the release.

The flight proceeded with the stability boundary investigation end drag effects on stability cards.
Tan8ion in the clean configuration was reported to be approximately 3000 Ibs. The turn card was
completed at bank angles of 15, 30 and 45 degrees.

During the HQR Criteria - On Tow card, the C-141 pilot reported a slightly noticeable slip with about
one quarter ball deflection of the slip indicator when the EXD-01 was offset behind an outboard

At 1558 Z C-141 fuel Iced was 21.8 Klbs. The upper tow limit and lateral offset cards were then
completed. At 1605 Z the (:::-141 began a decent to 5000' MSL and the descent card was
completed in the decent at rates of 500 fpm and 1000 fpm. The rope sail was reported noticeably
increased during the descent. The Ioadmsater reported the rope to be 1 to 1.5 ft above the ramp
edge in the decent with the EXD-01 in the 4 degrees higher than nominal tow position.

At 1610 Z 8 climb was initiated to repeat the drag affects card. However, C-141 fuel at this point
was 18,8 Klbs end It was decided to proceed with tt_ mission with no further delay or repeat.

The flight descended to 5000' MSL and slowed to 170 KIAS for the release. At 1615:50 Z the
EXD-01 was released. The release was characterized as benign with the longitudinal acceleration
defined as "gentle push'. The rope generated e I&ge amount of slack with the kickback but no
portion of the rope came in contact with the C-141 aircraft. After several seconds, the rope quickly
settled down trailing behind the aircraft. The first half of the rope was smooth until reaching the
webbing with motions gradually increasing until reaching the rope end which was whipping violently.

At 1618 Z the scanner reported that the knuckle had just separated from the end of the rope.
Approximate coordinates were 34°53.5, 117°43.7. Winds es reported by chase were 020 deg at 12
kte. The C-141 continued with the rope drop, dropping it onto the center of PB8 drop zone at
1622 Z.

The C-141 rejoined with the EXD-01 for the HQR Criteria - Off Tow card. The chase racier was
reported to have stopped operating and the EXD-01 established itself at the 1000 ft eft point by
visual reference. Time was 1627 Z and C-141 fuel was at 15.6 Klbs. Test cards wore completed at
1629 Z and the formation separated for RTB.

The C-141 returned to land on Edwards Runway 22 at 1638 Z. The C-141 returned Code 1 with no
maintenance wrlteups.

The test pallet tape was provided to NASA for processing. The NASA Ashtec GPS was removed
from the aircraft end returned to NASA for downloading. Postflight processing of the test pallet
tape revealed it to be blank with the exception of a two second segment at the beginning, It i8
surmised that this brief recording on it is part of the preflight when the tape wee loaded. The blank
tape cannot be propedy explained. The pallet operator confirms that the tape was started and the
record light was on. Instrumentation technicians inspected the pallet and made e test tape which
was found to be satisfactory.

Flight 6 (second towed flight)
January 21, 1998

EXD-01 (NASA QEXD-01A 59-0130): Stucky

C-141A (USAF C-141AA 61-7775): Farmer, Latimer, LaVake, Staid, Brink,

Objectives of this test were reprioritized from the first test flight. In
the first test mission objectives were, 1) dynamic response, 2) handling
qualities, and 3) static trim. Based on results ofthe first test mission,
the prioority was now on static trim, dynamics response and handling
qualties. The potential for adding characterization of the rope
sail/catenary was also examined, though no action was yet taken for flight.

Aircraft configuration was the same as for Flight 5, with the following

C-141A: no change.

EXD-01: no change, except for selected points which would be made with the
aircraft clean (speedbrake retracted and gear up).

Tow train:the canvas sleeve was fabricated much smaller and tighter
around the nylon straps;reinforcements were added to prevent failureof
the sleeve in flight.The ends of the sleeve were secured between the leather
protection for the two pin connectors.

No unforseen delays happened during ground ops. Chase was provided by

#846 (Ed Schneider/Lori Losey). There was no perceptible turbulence. The
day was cold(about 30F) and calm. Takeoffof the EXD-01 was at 07:31:13
hours. Trim shots on climb were made at 1500 fpm and 1000 fpm rate of
climb. Nominal testaltitderemained 10k ftmsl and 190 KEAS, and air
space over the PIRA was used as much as reasonably possible. During the
climb, it was obvious the rope was not sailingas much as before and was
much closer to a straightlinebetween the C-141A and the EXD-01. Some
laterallooseness was experinced by the pilotconcurrent with the contact of
the wake behind the C-141A. Trim in turning flightwas performed, the
spiralmode was noted to become unstable at 45 degrees angle of bank, but
not at 15 or 30 degrees. The aircraftwas cleaned up and transient tension
values as low as about 2200 Ibs were noted.

An HQR task of lateraloffsetswere performed twice, Cooper-Harper

Ratings of 2 were given. A climb through the wake turbulence was
performed. A lateraloffsetcard was performed. Trim shots in stabilized
descent was performed at 500 fpm and 1000 fpm. Some lateraloscillations
were noted at the 1000 fpm point. The rope was released at 08:16:50. Rope
flailwas again observed, though a lower airspeed release was used, and the

Document 10. Aerodynamics, Eclipse Flight 6, AI Bowers, Chief Engineer

knuckledid not depart the end of the rope behind the C-141A until 08:18:30.
An off tow HQR task was repeated, and ratings of 4 and 2 were given. The
EXD-01 landed at 08:34:32.

Take offtime: 07 31 13
Release time: 08 16 50
Landing time: 08 34 32
Flight time: 01 03 19
Tow time: 00 45 37
Total Tow Time: 01 01 05

AI Bowers
Chief Engineer

Flight Controls
EXD-01 Flight #6
January 21, 1998

Brake release and takeoff.

Initial longitudinal acceleration was smooth, approximately .2 g s. The tow plane
wake was encountered during the takeoff roll, just like in the previous flight. By
the time the EXD-01 reached a speed of 150 knots, the wake had already passed
overhead so that the rotation and takeoff took place in smooth air.

Climb to 10.000 feet.

The climb was made at 1,500 and 1,000 flYmin climb rates. The only effect of the
climb rates was a slight increase in tow rope tension during the climb in
comparison with level flight.

_tabiHt'v boundary tests.

No instability was encountered in either the high- or low tow positions. At the low
position the 20-degree gimbal limit was reached. The pilot also reported a lateral
looseness while in the lower than nominal tow position.

While the stability boundaries were probed, video coverage of the tow rope showed
that the rope can assume the shape of a convex or a concave catenary, or even that
of a straight line, depending on the vertical separation of the two airplanes.

Dra¢ cleanun tests.

From the nominal gear-down and speedbrakes-out configuration, transition was
made incrementally to the clean configuration. Approximately equal tow rope
tension reductions were noted with the retraction of the speed brakes and the
landing gear. Both increments were comparable with simulator predictions;
however, each value of the tow rope tension was approximately 1,800 lbs less than
the corresponding simulator prediction.

In the clean configuration the amplitude of the bungee oscillation was

significantly reduced to the point that it was hardly noticeable in the tow rope
tension time history. The lowest value of the tow rope tension, approximately 2,500
lbs, occurred in the clean configuration.

No degradation in controllability or in the handling qualities of the airplane was

noted in any of the reduced-drag configurations.

Turnin_ flight.
At various times throughout the flight turns at bank angles of 15, 30, and 45
degrees were made by the C-141A tow plane. The EXD-01 had no difficulties while
following the tow plane in turns. No significant trim changes or sideslip angles
were noted any time in turning flight.

Document 11. Flight Controls, Eclipse Flight 6, Joe Gera

Descents on tow
Rates of descent of S00 and 1,000 iVminute were set up by the tow plane. There
was no tendency for tow rope slack during these descents, although there was
some lateral oscillations of the tow rope noted by the EXD-01 pilot during a
downward excursion from the nominal tow position.

HandHn_ ouaHtte_ tests.

From lateral offsets, both on and off tow, the pilot aggressively flew back to the
center to capture the nominal tow position. The pilot rated all of his maneuvers a
2 on the Cooper-Harper scale. He noted that the task while on tow was
considerably different because he only had to relax the stick for the tow rope to pug
him hack to the center. Off tow aggressive roll stick inputs were needed to
reacquire the nominal tow position.

Tow tone release.

In an attempt to impart less energy to the tow rope at release, the towing airspeed
was reduced by the C-141A by approximately 20 knots prior to release. The tow
rope release hardware however stayed on the tow rope for only about a minute and
a half during the violent oscillations subsequent to the release.

Joe Gera

_tructures Report
EXD-01 Flight 6
January 21, 1998

This flight was structurally mild. Drag effects on EXD-01 stability were studied.
Load data quality was good and the zero load offsets for the prime and spare
channels were about +100 and -100 pounds respectively. This was a smaller
offset (better) than was produced during the first tethered flight. Tow rope lift off
load during tensioning procedure was about 5,500 pounds - simitar to first
tethered flight.

System Configuration was similar to the previous flight except for a revised
center nylon segment sheath. The new sheath was made of a higher strength
material and was fitted snugly so that it did not flap in the air flow. This new
design appeared to reduce rope sail and the aft edge of this sheath did not
shred as on the previous flight. The sheath is not primary load bearing
structure, but serves to protect the nylon strap assembly from possible abrasion
during the take-off roll and from flapping in the wind or buzz during up and away
flight. This new design was a noticeable improvement.

The highest tow load of the flight was about 13,800 pounds which occurred
during the early part of the take-off roll on the third cycle peak which was about
ten seconds after EXD-01 brake release. No slack was observed.

A significant finding of this flight was that going from dirty to clean EXD-01
configuration not only reduced the tow load, but improved stability (as shown by
the much smoother load signal) as well. This was not what was expected. A
noticeably stable tow rope load of about 3,500 pounds, the lowest of this flight,
was produced with the landing gear up and the speed brakes in.

A commanded normal release of the tow rope at the EXD-01 was accomplished
using the electro-pneumatic system. Release was performed at a tow rope load
of about 6,000 pounds and with a lateral offset. Rope separation was positive
and adequate. After some rope whipping the end assembly departed from the
rope alter breaking the frangible link (apparently in low cycle bending). The
end fitting did not tear through the rope loop and was recovered with the rope.
The separated end assembly was not recovered.

Bill Lokos
Structures Engineer

Document 12. Structures Report, EXD-01 Flight 6, 21 January 1998, Bill Lokos, Structures

Weather Summary
F_XD-01 Flight #6
January 21, 1998

Building surface and upper-level high pressure with a weak offshore flow over Southern
California was the situation leading to the 2nd ECLIPSE tow flight on Wednesday, January
21, 1998. Due to a passage of a cold front on Monday, the air was cold and stable
resulting in chilly overnight temperatures and some hazy skies. This cold and stable
weather was forecast to persist on fright day with variable winds with low or no
turbulence. Sky coverage was forecast to be scattered to broken at 20,000 feel Overall
conditions were expected to be good during the flight

Flight day observations were very close to forecast. The minimum temperature observed
by the runway wind towers ranged from 27 dog F to 32 deg F. The wind speeds peaked at
a value of 9 knots just before 0200 PST then gradually decreased to 3 knots by 0600 PST.
The wind speeds at takeoff time, 0731 PST, were observed to be 2 to 3 knots out of the
west of southwest. The surface winds did not exceed 4 knots throughout the fright The
wind and temperature data were observed from wind towers located along the main
n_. Tower 044 is located 4000 feet down the threshold of runway 04 and Tower 224
feet down runway 22. Both towers measure data 30 feet above ground level. No
turbulence was reported during the flight. Cloud coverage was observed as broken at
25,000 feet. No severe weather or precipitation was observed in the area.

Casey Donohue

Document 13. Weather Summary, Eclipse, EXD-OI Flight 6, 21 January 1998, Casey Donohue

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 7 - Third Tethered Flight, January 23, 1998

This flight was similar to Flight 6, the major change being the elimination of
the 50 ft. section of 8-ply nylon strapping in the middle of the tow train. The
all-Vcctran tow train had decreased damping characteristics, which caused
more tension spikes and increased workload during the takeoff roll. Flying
qualifies still remained very good to outstanding while within the stable
region of low tow.

Ground Operations
Once again we had a fuel imbalance, however this time we shutoff the low side
boost pumps and were able to have it nearly balanced prior to takeoff. Ground
operations went well and the MC-II was used for starting, It was obvious
during the slack removal and tensioning that the all-Vectran rope had much
less shock absorption than the previously used nylon strapping and Vectran
combination. The transition from an unloaded and slack rope to a loaded taut
rope was observed to be more abrupt by both the Loadmastex and myself. We
were ready for takeoff at 0721. The center section of the rope came off the
ground at 3000 lbs. of tension (as predicted).

Tethered Takeoff
The tension spikes during the initial ground roll were more abrupt but were
well controllable by close attention to the tension gauge. Once the tension was
stable during the roll, the rest of the takeoff felt very similar to previous
tethered takeoffs.

Takeoff acceleration seemed to match the slower takeoff profile seen on the
previous flight. Takeoff temperature was 32 ° F.

During climbout I noticed a small (approximately 112 °) continuous pitch


The tow rope visually appeared very similar to the Flight 6 configuration
(tailored canvas sleeve). That is to say that while there was a very noticeable
difference in rope sail and rope "noise" between the large canvas sleeved
configuration and the tailored canvas sleeve, there was much less of a visual
difference (if any) between the latter and the all-Vectran configuration.

Flight Cards
Climb Ratf EffeeL_ on Stability. No new comments.

Stability Boundary lnvestieation fdirty conft_urationL After level off, l was

at an approximately 10 ° declination and the EXD exhibited very stable hands
free stability. I descended to the lower limit (gimbals) and c|imbe_l slightly in
order to do the doublet series. Approximately 20 feet of rope sail was apparent.
The pitch response was lightly damped and slowly coupled into an unstable
lateral/directional oscillation. The laffdir response was a quicker entry into

Document 14. Eclipse Pilot's Flight Test Report, EXD-01 Flight 7--Third Tethered Flight, 23
January 1998, Mark P. Slucky, Eclipse Project Pilot

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 7 - Third Tethered Flight, January 23, 1998

the unstable lat/dir mode. It was easy to immediately stop the oscillation with
pilot input.

I climbed up to the medium high (straight rope) position. The Loadmaster

reported the rope was one foot above the ramp. Response to doublets was
stable in all axis.

In the upper position (just below the wake) the bungee mode was excited and
resulted in pitch oscillations. These oscillations were dramatic in the EXD and
could be felt in the C-141A. The response felt similar to that experienced in the
simulator. [ did not feel it was prudent to do a doublet but was able to go stick
fixed for several cycles. The period appeared to be approximately four seconds
long. The Loadmaster reported the rope to be 1.5 to 2 feet above the ramp with
a lot of rope motion on his end.

Drag Effects on Stability. Similar effects as scea on Flight 6 with perhaps

slightly sharper initial oscillations and longer damping.

Stability DQundary Investigation - Clean. More rope sail was observed in this
lower drag configuration. At the lower limit the rope the Loadmaster reported
the rope was lightly resting on the ramp. I estimated 30 feet of rope sail. I felt
a bungee-type oscillation which was not felt in the C-141A. I also commented
that the stability seemed better than in the dirty configuration.

Next I climbed upward to the medium high (straight rope) position. The
Loadmaster reported the rope to be 8" above the ramp. The aircraft had a
stable response to the doublets but an unstable lateral motion caused by a
slight heading differential caused by the doublet response. This motion had a
much longer period than a pure aircraft response. The EXD's heading would
diverge slightly until the rope pulled tight and jerked the nose around. Then
the EXD would reverse direction and the process would repeat with increasing

In the high position (just below wake) the bungee mode was easily excited and
the EXD's handling qualities felt looser. The Loadmaster reported the rope to
be one foot above the ramp.

HOR Criteria - On Tow. Both clean and dirty tasks were performed. Both were
easy tasks, which I gave ratings of "2" to. Despite the equal ratings, I would
rate the clean task between the dirty task and off-tow task. There is less
restoring force as the tow tension decreases which makes for a longer, more
tame capture.

Trim in Turn Effects. These turns were all done in the near-nominal position.
A small lat/dir then pitch oscillation was felt in the first 15" banked turn.
Increasing the turn to 30* seemed more stable with only a 1-2" lateral
oscillation and +/- 500 Ibs. tension oscillations. The 45 ° banked turn was
actually closer to 400 and was still spirally stable.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 7 - Third Tethered Flight, January 23, 1998

Upper Tow Limit / Wake Investigation - Dirty Configuration. As in Flight 6, I

offset laterally for clearance between the pitot boom and rope. This time I
climbed higher, It took nearly full aft stick to ascend into the upper reaches
of the wake. There was insufficient remaining control authority to climb
above the wake or counter the roll effects of the vortices. 1 had two vortex
encounters, both of which dropped the EXD back below the wake. At the upper
position the Loadmaster reported the rope to be 2.5 - 3 ft. above the ramp.

Stability in Descent. No additional comments from Flight 6.

Frangible Link Separalion Maneuver. Prior to attempting release, we did

several build-up maneuvers. The first time I added power and moved forward
slightly a very large amount of sail occurred. The rope was stable, and I was
confident I could generate much more slack without any tendency for the
slack to be a hazard to the EXD. It appeared the aerodynamic forces on the rope
caused it to bow upward in the center section. This was easy to mistake for
slack, but when I reduced power and the rope tightened the peak load was only
8000 Ibs.

The next attempt was taken further with a 13,000 Ibs. tension spike. The third
attempt reached 21,500 lbs. It was easy to maintain control during the tension
transients. With these amounts of slack the knuckle is at its gimbal limits, but
the tension is negligible.

Next, we set up for the planned release. The release occurred with a loud bang,
just as occurs with a normal release. ! cleared to the right. The knuckle
assembly remained stable with the remaining portion of the frangible link
remaining cocked up under the aerodynamic loads.

RTB and landing was uneventful.

Closing Comments. This was another very successful flight. Procedures

worked well, and I have no additional recommendations.

Mark P. Stucky
Eclipse Project Pilot

EXD-01 Flight 7
Third Tethered/Release Flight
January 23, 1998

Project Manager's Comments

There will be very few days like this one for me in my career in flight
research, This mission was perfectly executed. And the data we obtained was
extremely interesting.

Throughout this project I can honestly say that I think we have operated as a
very effective and integrated team. But there are occasions when individuals
and their performance stands out. When I reflect on today's effort, it is my
assessment that our pilot, Mark Stucky (Forger), was the kingpin. For the past
missions, we have all performed our various tasks and responsibilities. Yet
today, it was very clear to me that Forger's expertise and judgment made it
happen. We obtained all of our test points. The points were executed
flawlessly. We used a new rope configuration. The frangible link was broken
without a problem of any kind. This was a perfect mission. Forger, I want to
offer you my sincere compliments. And I know that I speak for the Project
when I say this.

I am glad that you all were able to participate in this rare research event.

Carol A. Reukauf

Document 15. Project Manager's Comments, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 7, Third Tethered/
Release Flight, 23 January 1998, Carol A. Reukauf

C-141A 61-2775


Eclipse F-7, 3rd Towed Flight 23 JAN 98


3apt Stu Farmer 35,000 C97039(N)


Msj Kelly Latimer 203,000 Ibs / 28.8% Clear


1523 Z t 1.4 hrs Petal Doors Removed / Tow Config 29°F/Winds 020 @ 3kts

F-18 NASA 846 & NASA 852


This flight was the third towed flight of the Eclipse program, Configuration differed from the 2nd flight in
that the nylon webbing damper section of the tow rope was removed. The tow rope on this flight was a
continuous Vectran rode. Also differing on this flight was the separation. Rather than a normal release of the
knuckle assembly from the F-106, the frangible link was intentionally broke to terminate the tow. Tethered
test points explored climb rate, descent, turns, the stable tow envelope in both clean and dirty configurations,
and the effects of varying the EXD-01 drag.

_. RESULTS OF "I'IEST8 _ m _ if m_4=4)

The C-141 made • normal engine start and began taxi to the RWY 04 hammerhead at 1433 Z. There was a
slight delay for the EXD-01 as the rope angle instrumentation was being examined. At 1456 Z the C-141
taxied onto the runway. At 1505 Z the rope was aboard the C-141 and 32,000 Ibs of fuel remained. Slack
removal procedures began at 1513 Z. Tension was set at 1520 Z. The flight was ready for takeoff at 1521
Z and chase immediately called 40 seconds. Brake release was at 1522 Z. For the desired thrust factor (TF)
of 18.0, computed and set EPR was 1.92. Towed takeoff was normal.

Climbout was at 190 KIAS and power control was similar to previous flights. In the climb, the climb rate
effects test points (trim shots) were taken at 1500 fpm and 1000 fpm rates of climb. The Ioadmester
reported the rope to appear very stable and that it was resting on the ramp edge in the climb. The flight
leveled at 10,000' MSL at 1531 Z.

The flight proceeded with the stability boundary investigation (gear down, speedbrekes out) card at 1532 Z.
The first half was performed at the lower tow position. Following this, st 1536 Z, the trim in turn card was
complmad in a right turn at bank angles of 15, 30, and 45 degrees. The EXD-01 reported marginal spiral
stability in the turn. Following the turn, the stability boundary investigation card was returned to at 1540 Z
for the upper tow position. Data was also taken at the point at which the tow rope appeared to be straight.
The EXD-01 estimated this point to be st a declination angle of 6 deg. At 1544 Z the flight entered a turn to
the left and took turn card data in the turn.



White the rope configuration of today's flight was noticeably less damped without the nylon webbing in the
tow train, handling Qualities of the system remained quite satisfactory. Testing should proceed ¢s planned.

Following today's flight, discussion occurred regarding upcoming flights, to include the flight to altitude
(1B,000 or 25,000 ft MSL). There appear to be some AFFTC safety concerns regarding the high altitude
flight that will necessitate an additional amendment to the AFFTC safety package to address. This appears
to primarily be a paperwork rather than an operational issue.


Morgan LaVake, Test Conductor _ W_ _i_,-- 23 JAN 98
AFSC Form 5314 NOV 86 _.xces AF_C FORM30SM*. S.=W.,CHW_LL

Document 16. Daily/Initial Flight Test Report, C-14IA, 61-2775, 23 Jan. 98, Morgan LaVake, Test

Section .5 continued .......

Out of the turn, the stability boundary card was again revisited at the upper position at 1548 Z.
With the EXD-01 near the upper limit of the tow envelope, there was a very noticeable bungee
mode, it could be observed visually in the rope and could be felt and seen in the C-141 aircraft
response, The bungea oscillation caused a slight oscillation in pitch of the C-141 and also resulted in
e noticeable longitudinal surging in the C-141, The pilot estimated the longitudinal accelerations
around +0.1g with a ,5 second period. A slight pitch eaclllstion accompanied the accelerations but
was easily controllable by the pilot. Airspeed excursions were less than 2 knots, At the upper limit,
the Iosdmaster reported the rope to be approximately 1.5 ft above the ramp edge,

This was followed by the drag effects on stability card at 1552 Z.

At 1,55,55,5
Z the stability boundary effects card was began in the EXD-01 gear up, speedbrakes in
configuration. C-141 fuel was 21,000 Ibs, Once again, st upper tow position, there was very
noticeable bungee mode that caused slight pitch oscillation in the C-141.

At 1612 Z the HQR Cdteria - on tow card was performed. AS the EXD-01 changed configuration,
bringing up the gear and retracting the speedbrake, the C-141 felt a slight forward surge,

At 1617 Z the upper tow limit / wake investigation card was performed, C-141 fuel load was
17,000 Ibe. The Ioadmaater observed the rope to rise to an estimated 2.5 to 3 feet above the ramp

At 1621 Z the flight descended to `5000' MSL end performed the stability in descent card in the

The flight slowed to 170 KIAS for the tow release, The build up to the frangible link separation
resulted in reported peak loads of 8,000 Ibs, 13,000 Ibs, end 21 ,`500 Ibs on successive maneuvers,
This occurred at 1629 Z. At 1630:28 Z the frangible link was intentionally broken an the flight
separated. The break maneuver was felt quite strongly in the C-141. The longitudinal deceleration
was moderate and was described by the pilot as similar to moderate braking during a full stop
landing. Due to short duration of the deceleration, the pilots did not observe • significant change in
the airspeed. Upon frangible link separation, the rope was observed to significantly recoil, but no
pert of the rope recoiled into the C-141. Rope whipping of the free rope was significant, but similar
to previous tests.

At 1636 Z the C-141 dropped the tow rope into the PB8 drop zone. The C-141 was at a minimum
fuel state and as such the untethered test card was not performed.

The C-141 landed on Rwy 22 at 1644 Z.

The test pallet tape was provided to NASA for processing. The NASA Ashtec GPS was removed
from the aircraft and returned to NASA for downloading. Postflight processing of the test pallet
tape found it to be a satisfactory recording,

EXD-01 Flight #7 (third towed flight)
January 23, 1998

EXD-0Z (NASA QF-ZO6A 59-0130): Stucky

C-14LA (USAF C-141A 61-7775): Farmer, Latimer, LeVake, Stahl, Brink, Drucker

Objectives for this test were to begin the entire test sequence over again,
using the present priorities, with an all high tech liquid crystal polymer
rope and no nylon damper in the tow train system. Priorities were: trim,
dynamics, handling qualifies, and rope characterization.

C-141: no change.

EXD-01: no change, with additional points added for clean aircrai_


Tow train: no nylon in the middle, nominal 1000 feet of tow rope.

Chase support was provided by 846 (Jim/Lori) and 852 (Rog/Jim). No

turbulence was noted, the conditions were cool (32F) and calm.

Lateral cable angle appeared wonky, and some time was lost in trying to
characterize the problem (reduced dynamic range in lateral cable angle).
The EXD-01 takeoffwas at 07 22 45. Trim shots were performed at 1000 and
1500 fpm climb.

Stabilityboundary investigationshowed much better comparison with the

sire than in previous cases,though the flightis still more forgivingthan the
sire. Longitudinal instabfl/ties (rope bungee mode) were found at high tow
positions. Low tow poositions were characterized by lateral instabilities, in
both bungee and spiral mode diovergence. In all cases, time to double
amplitudes were on the order of 7-10 seconds, and the pilot was able to damp
the motions out at will, only during stick fixed flight were the instbilities
evident. Gimbals were called several times in the low tow positions, the
card was repeated with the airplane clean, the instabilities were somewhat
worse at high tow (longitudinal),and somewhat more benign at low tow
(lateral).During thisdata MOF hitswere noted.

HQR was performed again, ratings of 2 were given twice each in both dirty
and clean configurations. Trim in turns was performed again, and 40
degrees angle of bank was noted as neutral spiral stability. Upper tow limit
was performed again, corn was garbled during this time. Stability in
descent was done at 500 and 1000 fpm.

Document 17. Aerodynamics, Eclipse EXD-01 Flight 7, 23 January 1998, A1 Bowers, Chief

The weak [frangible] link was intentionally broken in a build up fashion.
Load peaks of8k lbs, 13k lbs, 21.5k lbs were noted before breaking the weak
link at 24,300 lbs at 08 30 31. The EXD_)I performed a landing at 08 47 08.

Take off time: 07 22 45

Release time: 08 30 31
Landing time: 08 47 08
Flight time: 0124 23
Tow time: 01 07 46
Total Tow Time: 02 08 51

A] Bowers
Chief Engineer

FHght Controls
EXD-01 Flight #7
January 23, 1998

Brake release and takeoff.

Initial longitudinal acceleration was smooth, and slightly higher than during the
takeoff of the previous flight (0.35 g s). Otherwise, the two takeoffs very similar.

Climb to 10.000 feet.

During the stabilized 1,500 ft/min climb a low-amplitude (less than -1/2 deg), pitch
oscillation (with a period ofappr. 3. 5 sec) was observed. Values of the tow rope
tension were similar to those during Flight 6.

Stability boundary testL

While probing the high and low boundaries, unstable bungve oscillations were
encountered in response to both longitudinal and lateral-directional doublets at both
extreme tow positions. However, the time to double-amplitude was relatively long,
7-8 seconds, so that the pilot could easily return to the stable tow positions. The
longitudinal oscillations, set offby pitch doublets, coupled into roll oscillations, but
the lateral-directional doublets resulted only in roll oscillations. As in the previous
flight, the low tow position was limited by the 20_legree gimbal limit, while the
upper position was limited by encountering the C-141A wake. Tow rope shapes
during these tests were similar to those seen during the previous flight.

These tests were repeated in the clean configuration. It appeared that the stable
tow region was narrower, and displaced higher than what was experienced with
landing gear down and open speed brakes. However, in the stable region the clean
airplane was almost completely free of the bungee oscillation with low values of
tow rope tension (less than 5,000 lbs).

I)raff cleanun tests.

No significant effects of the all-vectran tow rope were noted during these tests.

Turninff fliffht.
Other th_an the negative 1-2 degree sideslip angles during the left turns at 30-
degree bank angle, no significant differences from the results of Flight B were

I)eseents on tow
The results of these tests were very similar to those of Flight 6.

Handlinff flualities t_t_.

No significant differences from the previous flight were noted during these

Document 18. Flight Controls, Eclipse Flight 7, 23 January 1998, Joe Gera

To'w l'*O'De l*e]_ARe.
Instead of releasing the tow rope, the pilot of the EXD-O 1 airplane intentionally
broke the frangible link at the planned flight condition. This was done by adding
increasing amounts of power while still on tow to reduce tow rope tension, then
chopping the throttle. No significant transients were noted during this

Joe Gera

Structures Report
EXD-01 Flight #7
January 23, 1998

This fright was structurally severe (but OK) - intentionally reaching Design Limit tow rope load
to break the frangible link demonstrating this release method and exploring the required
maneuver loading technique. Parametric effects on tow stability were again studied. Load data
qtmUalltywas excellent including virtually zero offset. TM was generally good, but did have two
e intervals (about 2,0 minutes and 1.5 minutes in length) during which annoying data spikes
were present. This was thought to be a radiation pattern problem.

System configuration was significantly different for this flight. The center nylon damper
segment was eliminated and the rope was 1,000 feet of continuous Vectran. This
cov_gm-atlon produced less pronounced rope sail tendencies. Mid rope lift off load during
tensioning was observed to be about 3,400 pounds (close to Bowers' prediction of 3,100
pounds). Previous configurations required more than 5,000 pounds of rope tension to lift
the mid point off the runway. This matter is not a significant factor for operational
procedures, etc. but was used as an additional tow rope load signal confidence (wa."m
fuzzy) check for each flight. Primary load signal checks are the zero load offset and the
RCAL The absence of the 50 foot nylon section also produced a system that manifested
lightly damped dynamic behavior that the control room heard called: "CLASSIC!" and
"TEXTBOOK!". The C-141A Load Master made the real time call: "excitation on rope"
during the most pronounced oscillatory event in which the loads varied from about 1,500 to
14,000 pounds at the extremes. The dynamic behavior shown on this flight was not a
problem but did indicate the potential for slack or high load production which had been a
consideration inearlier project safetyplanning.

Takeoffloadswere moderatereaching12,400pounds atthethird

cyclepeak and 12,700
pounds ataboutmain gearlift
off.No slackproblemsoccurredduringthetake-off

The EXD-OI tow release was accomplishedthroughtheplannedfrangible linkoverload.

The procedureinvolvedtheEXD-01 pilot addingpower togenerateslackwhilelaterally
offset, thenreducingpower toidletopullbacktocreatea peak load.This processwas
usedfourtimesinan incrementalbuild-upproducingpeak loadsof 9,000,13,500,
21,800,and finally 24,300pounds which successfully broke thefrangible linkand
released theEXD-01 from towed flight. The EXD-01 thenwas frcctoproceedunder
owered flight and tolandwiththeinsmunented(forropeangles) knuckleunitstill inthe
ook mechanism forreuse.Tim frangible linkfailure loadforthisflight was wed within
thenominalrangeof the24,000pound Design Limitloadforwhich theQF-106
modifications and tow train were designed. Post flight aircraft inspections showed no
structural yielding of any kind.

Bill Lokos,
Structures Engineer

Document 19. Structures Report, EXD-01 Flight 7, 23 January 1998, Bill Lobs, Structures

Weather Summary
EXD-O1 Flight #7
January 23, 1998

High pressure at the surface and aloft was the dominant feature leading to the 3rd Eclipse
tow flight on January 23, 1998. The 24 hour forecast, issued the day before, called for
stable atmospheric conditions and cold overnight temperatuw_ The temperature forecast
for takeoff time of 0715 PST was 32 deg F. The surface winds were forecast to be
variable with speeds no greater than 6 knots. Light turbulence was forecast from surface to
8,000 feel Sky conditions were forecast to be broken cloud coverage at 25,000 feet. No
precipitation or severe weather were forecast in the area.

Hight day weather observations were well within operational limits. The temperature at
takeoff time, which occurred at 07:23 PST, were observed to be in the low 30's. Winds
wore westerly at with speeds ranging from 3 to 4 knots. The wind and temperature data
were observed from wind towers located along the main runway. Tower 044 is located
4000 feet down the threshold of runway 04 and Tower 224 is 4000 feet down runway 22.
Both towers measure data 30 feet above ground level Sky conditions were observed to be
broken cirrus at 25,000 feet; right on forecast. No atmospheric turbulence or severe
weather were observed during the flight.

Casey Donohu_

Document 20. Weather Summary, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 7, 23 January 1998, Casey Donohue

_e-r_. o9 T".,--/.; - _ D--_ q._.w
Eclipse-01 Fit Date Flight No. F7

EXD-01 to C-141 Hook-up

• f

KCAS Altitude

1. ECLIPSE slow taxis into position - OFFSET upwind side w _..< 73 q

(truck drives to eenterline, 30 ft in front of hash marlcs)
2. Chock ECLIPSE wheels - _ 70 6/

3. C-141 holds in position (middle of 1000 ft hash marks) with

Before Taxi Check complete
4. Handler remains at EXD-01 nose for rope management

5. Truck pays out tow rope to the C-141& stops at midpoint

(FOD check while in transit) - 7;D.,,_
5. Simultaneously C-141 inititates ERO checklist 7,'_,- 2

6. ARRIS 09 Transmits-"Cleared to approach" - 7, t_,-z

7. Truck pays out remaining rope to the C-141
8. Remaining runway is FOD checked by NASA ground crew
(simultaneously) 6o,,_pJe_Je 7. _ 7./(."
9. NASA ground crew connects the tow rope to the 3-pin
connector "-7 ,' b 6, ,' _ q'

(NEXT PT: _)

Document 21. Example of flight test cards, Eclipse-01, Flight No. F7

Eclipse.O! Fit Date Flight No. F7
i, i i

Slack Removal

KCAS Altitude

1. Ground crew clear runway at RWY 04 last chance

(EXD-01 crew chief remains nearby)
2. ARRIS 09 performs ERO and Before Take-Off checks

3. Remove chocks from ECLIPSE

4. ARRIS 09 transmits - "Ready to take up slack"- 7 .'/_ '
5. ECLIPSE transmits - "Clear to take-up slack"- 7 :_; "_ Y

6. ARR/S 09 begins slow roll to take-up slack (on mission

frequency the load master will call "slack removed") - 7 '.
7. ARRIS 09 continues, to creep forward - 7 ./e-/.' (,//
8. ECLIPSE momtors rope load and when reaching 2000
lbs. (+/- 1000) transmits - "Hold Your Position" -
9. ARRIS 09 holds brakes and transmits - "ARRIS 09
Holding Position" -- 7 : / 5"-_ o

10. ECLIPSE transmits - "ECLIPSE Holding Brakes"- 7," ,_ (,,&

11. Crew chief clears area to last chance
12. ARRIS 09 verifies:
-Guillotine safety straps are cut
-Camera - ON
-Intercom check complete
-Line-up check complete OFF - Standby)
-TPS Pallet - "Data On"

(NEXT PT: __)

EXD-01 Flight 8
Fourth Tethered/Release Flight
January 28, 1998

Project Manager's Comments

And I thought the last flight was perfect...this one was a _ue match, except we
improved the timeUne!

Today atthedebrief I was watchingtheAFFrC team and was struckby their

demeanor. They seemed to flowas a singleentity.They had a calm look of
capability. And that is the way I pereive them during the flight operations
that we have conducted with them. Their roles and responsibilities are dear.
They have a fullunderstandingof thetask,theplan,and theintended
outcome. They arehighlyorganizedand precisein performingtheirtasks,
but areflexibleso thattheycan adapt tothechangingsituation duringthe
actualmission.It's a good learningexperienceforme to work with such a
high caliber group of people.Theirparticipation isa major factorin why we
aredoing so well.

I think because things are going so well on our missions, that this is the time
when I am supposed to dust off my "don't get too overconfident" lecture. I
don't think I will, though, because it doesn't appear to me that this is
happening. Instead, let's hope for continued favorable weather and keep
getting good data! Good job, everybody!

Carol A. Reukauf

Document 22. Project Manager's Comments, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 8, Fourth Tethered/
Release Flight, 28 January 1998, Carol A. Reukauf

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 8 - Fourth Tethered Flight, January 28, 1998

This flight built upon our previous flights with added emphasis on
documenting the tow rope position. This was accomplished by observation of
rope position by the loedmaster with simultaneous rearward and side view
photographs (from the C-141A and F-18 chase aircraft).

Ground Operations
A change was made in the slack removal and tensioning procedures. The new
procedures (which were pencil changes during the crew brief) meant that
when slack was removed, no tension was set. Chocks were then installed on
the EXD. Tension was set in one continuous step to 6000 lbs. The new
procedures worked very well, and waiting for takeoff was no longer a pilot's
isometric leg exercise. The timeline was adhered to very well and we were
ready for takeoff at 0713.

Tethered Takeoff
The winds were 250 ° at 7 kts. The initial tension build-up after the brake
release call was not as well controlled as on previous flights and peaked at
approximately 18,000 ibs, Perhaps 1 wasn't watching the tension gauge as
closely as before, or perhaps the C-141A crew added power / released brakes
more abruptly (the pilot and copilot swapped roles on this flight), i damped
the oscillations quickly and the rest of the takeoff was nominal, in retrospect,
because the rope center section stays off the runway at >3000 Ibs. of tension,
there is no reason to try to maintain loads above 10,000 lbs. during the initial
roll. For future takeoffs I recommend using 6,000 lbs. as the initial
largeted tension value immediately after EXD brake release.
Immediately after clearing the ground I closed the speedbrakes, waited several
seconds for any potential bungee mode to damp and then raised the landing
gear. it was an easy transition.

Flight Cards
Climb Rete Effect on Stability - Clean. The handling qualities seemed similar to
the previous dirty tests.

Stability Boundary Investigation - Dirty. Changes from previous versions of

this card included more discrete positions where doublets, as well as the
simultaneous rope photography was done. The new procedures worked well.

Aircraft responses were stable at the medium position with an unstable dutch
roIl mode increasing at the lower limits. An unstable bungee mode developed
in the upper position (just below the wake).

Stability Boundary_ investigation - Clean• The EXD had stable responses in the
medium and low positions. In the medium high position a lateral oscillation
occurred. In the high position an unstable bungee coupled into the dutch roll.

Document 23. Eclipse Pilot's Flight Test Report, EXD-01 Flight 8--Fourth Tethered Flight, 28
January 1998, Mark P. Stucky, Eclipse Project Pilot

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 8 - Fourth Tethered Flight, January 28, 1998

HOR Criteria - On Tow. All tasks were easy to relatively easy to perform. Tasks
were easiest in the dirty confguration and at the nominal position, The task
was slightly harder in the medium low tow position where responses felt less

Similar responses were observed in the clean configuration with less

restoring force causing a slightly higher workload. The HQR for the clean
nominal tow position task was equivalent to the dirty and low task.

Trim in Turns - Clean Confieuration. Turns were done both in the nominal tow
and in the medium high (straight rope) positions. Hands free stability was
achieved in turns of up to 45 ° bank. Approximately one click of nose up trim
was required per 10 ° of bank angle.

U_n__er Tow Limit / Wake Investi__atlon - Clean. I was able to climb to

approximately 40 ft. above the C-141A where I reached the loadmaster's limit
for rope to tail clearance. ! flew through the vortex on the descent without
any problems.

Lateral Offset - Clean. Doublets were performed from a fixed cross-controlled

"neutral" point.

Stability in Descent . Clean. At the 1000 fpm descent rate the tension forces
were very light (1,000 to 2,000 lb,). At these light values a rope "leaf spring"
motion occurs which doesn't affect aircraft handling qualities or rope tension,
Recommend the maximum descent rate in the clean configuration
be limited to 1000 fpm.

Franeible Link I,oads Excitation and Senaration, There was no problem in the
medium and medium low positions where the rope would smoothly bow away
from the nose of the EXD. But in the medium high (straight rope) position.
when the rope unloaded after the initial eension spike it suddenly transitioned
from the smooth arc to an unnerving and chaotic spaghetti-like appearance. I
immediately banked and descended to reestablish rope stability. I commented
that ! would not repeat that point again. Recommend maintaining some
tension anytime the tow rope is straight.

Actual separation was uneventful.

[_,_l_l,_[,_t_l_g. Fuel permitted a climb to above 20,000 ft. and a gliding

approach to a full stop landing.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-Ol Flight 8 - Fourth Tethered Flight, January 28, 1998

Lessons Learned and Recommendations

1. Recommend using 6,000 lbs. as the initial targeted tension value
immediately after EXD brake release.
2. Recommend the maximum de._,ent rate in the clean configuration be
limited to 1000 fpm.
3. Recommend maintaining some tension anytime the tow rope is straight.

Mark P. Stucky
Eclipse Project Pilot

C-141A ,61-2775


Eclipse F-8, 4th Towed Flight 28 JAN 98

D. LEFT SEAT/_Rnmt C4xdp_) E, FUEL LOAD F. J0N

Msj Kelly Latimer 35,000 C9703900

3. RC,H_ SEAl" ms=, _t H. START UP OR w'r I CG I. WEATHER

iCapt Stu Farmer 203,000 Ibs / 28.8% Clear


1514 Z / 1.4 hrs IPetsl Doors Removed / Tow Config 28°F/Winds 330 @ 5kts
F-18 NASA 846 & NASA 862

This flight was the fourth towed flight of the Eclipse program. The all Vectren rope was again used end the
tow was terminated with an intentional break of the frangible link. Test maneuvers ware very similar to the
previous flight with the exception of the EXD-O1 primarily performing cards in the gear up, speedbrakas in
configuration, whereas the previous flight had predominantly been in the dirty configuration. Also performed
on this flight were a series of simultaneously taken photographs from the C-141 on board photo end from the
chase photo.

s. RESULTS OF T-¢_T& _ m _ ym_

The C-141 made • norma_ engine start and began taxi to the RWY 04 hammerhead at 1440 Z. The EXD-01
was ready for taxi when the C-141 arrived, and the C-141 took the runway at 1447 Z. At 1456 Z the rope
was aboard the C-141. Slack removal began at 1505 Z. The revised slack removal procedure was used in
which the 2000 Ib pre-load was not performed. This procedure worked well and is an improvement over the
previous technique. Tension was sat at 1512 Z. The flight was ready for takeoff at 1513 Z and chase was
almost immediately in position. Brake release was at 1514 Z. For the desired thrust factor (TF) of 18.0,
computed and set EPR was 1.92. C-141 fuel at takeoff was 32,500 Ibs. Towed takeoff was normal

Climbout was at 190 KIAS as in previous flights. In the climb, test cards were performed at 1500 fpm and
1000 fpm rates of climb. Simultaneous photos were taken at each climb rate and pitch and lat-dir doublets
were performed by the EXD-01. The flight leveled st 10,000' MSL at 1521 Z.

The flight proceeded with the stability boundary investigation (gear down, speedbrekes out] card et 1521 Z.
in this card, the EXD-01 performed longitudinal and lateral-directional doublets at multiple elevation positions
relative to the C-141. At each position, simultaneous photos were taken prior to the doublet sets (no photo
was taken st the lowest tow position as the EXD-01 was out of the photographer's field of view). During
this card, a turn was entered, the EXD-01 reconfigured, and turn card data points taken. Following the turn,
the stabilityboundary investigation was returned to. At the upper tow position, the bungee mode became
quite evident upon the C-141, with significant pitch oscillations developing following the EXD-01 's
longitudinal doublet {1532 Z). At this point, the EXD-01 aircraft response appeared divergent and the EXD-
01 recovered to • lower tow position.


Proceed with planned testing.

Update test cards to reflect revised slack removal procedure (deletion of 2000 Ib pre-load prior to setting

Possibly increase drop airspeed from 140 KIAS to 150 KIAS to increase drag on the free rope and promote
clean separation et rope drop.

Morgan LsVake, Test Conductor 28 JAN 98

AFSC Fown 5314 NOV 86 _c=s x_FTcFo,, 3u M*_ M WH_, W_ BeU_

Document 24. Daily/Initial Flight Test Report, C-141A, 61-2775, 28 Jan. 98, Morgan LaVake, Test

I O5
EXD-01 Flight 8 (4th towed flight)
January 28, 1998

Flight Crew:
EXD-01 (NASA QF-106A 59-0130): Mark "Forger" Stucky
C-141A (USAF C-141A 61-7775): Stu Farmer, Kelly Latimer, Morgan LeVake,
John Stald, Dana Brink, Ken Drucker

Eclipse Flight 8 (towed flight 4) took off`at 07:14:49 and released at

08:23:00 with a landing at 08:36:38. Total flight time was 1 hour 21
minutes 49 seconds and total time on tow was I hour 8 minutes and 11
seconds. A tension spike occured right at brake release of 19,000 lbs
or so. Tow was terminated with a weak link break. The instrumented
knuckle appeared to be operable in the post flight check. Most of the
flight was flown in the clean configuration; the EXD-01 was noted to
have a decidedly different character clean. Reduced stability was
noted in some parts of the envelope.

Handling qualities (HQs) for the pilot degrade slightly due to

workload as the airplane cleans up. The HQR task used was lateral
offset. The EXD-01 lines up behind the C-141A number 4 engine, then the
pilot has to capture the centerline as quickly as reasonable. These
were performed at medium high tow position (the rope is straight is
the definition of medium high), a medium position ("nominal" tow
position), and the medium low position (where incipient instabilities
develop, or neutral stability). Desirable criteria are: No tendency
to aircraft-pilot-couple (APC), overshoot of less than 20 feet
(halfway between the number2/3 engine and the centerline of the
C-141A), and less than 2 lateral overshoots. Acceptable criteria are:
Any APC tendency is damped in less than 2 cycles, overshoots less than
40 feet, and less than 3 lateral overshoots.

This set of maneuvers was done at 10k ft msl and 190 KEAS. Dirty
medium-high HQR was rated a 2, dirty medium HQR was rated a 2, dirty
medium-low was rated a 2. The pilot required minimal compensation to
achieve the desirable task. Comments from these points (in order)
were: "no tendencies to APC, no overshoots"; "No overshoots, no
tendencies to APC, but it required more cross control to maintain
position"; and finally "Desirable performance, overshoot of about 15
feet; it is less damped here." The points were repeated with the
EXD-01 clean and the ratings were 2 for medium-high, 3 for medium, and
3 for medium-low. The comments recieved were: "overshoot of about 15
feet, equivalent the dirty med-lo point"; "the same, but more active",
and finally "no overshoots, no tendency to APC, but increased

Document 25. Aerodynamics, Eclipse EXD-01 Flight 8, 28 January 1998, A1 Bowers, Chief

Section 5 continued .......

At 1 534 Z the stability boundary effects card was repeated in the clean configuration. Again,
simultaneous photos were taken at multiple tow elevations. Additional turning card test data was
taken interspersed into this card.

This was followed by the HQR Criteria - on tow card at 1547 Z.

The upper tow limit / wake investigation card was then performed. During this maneuver, the EXD-
01 rose to an elevation well above that seen on previous tethered flights. The Ioadmester made an
advisory cell to the EXD-01 not to go higher, as the rope was estimated to be 2-3 feet from
contacting the upper empennage of the C-141.

The tateral offset - clean test card was next performed, at 1601 Z. C-141 fuel was 20,000 Ibs.

The TPS Instrumentation Pallet data tape was changed at 1604 Z prior to the next card.

At 1607 Z the flight descended to 5000" MSL and performed the stability in descent card in the

The flight remained at 190 KIAS for the tow release by frangible link separation. Load maneuvers
were 1 = performed by the EXD-01, at nominal, mad-high, and mad-low tow positions. During these
load maneuvers, the C-141 airspeed was observed to increase 2-3 knots during the momentary slack
rope period. Upon application of the EXD-01 load, the airspeed was observed to remain at the new
higher airspeed. The frangible link was broken by the intended release maneuver at 1622:57 Z.

At 1627 Z the C-141 attempted to drop the tow rope into the PB8 drop zone. The primary and
secondary guillotines were activated, but the rope remained attached to the C-141. As the
Ioadmaster was moving aft to investigate the malfunction, the rope was observed to depart the
aircraft as the C-141 entered s turn. Approximate drop coordinates as indicated by the INS were
N34=52.78 ' x Wl 17°40.68 '. Postflight inspection revealed that the nylon webbing was not
completely severed by the guillotine at the edge of the webbing.

The untethered test card was not performed.

The C-141 landed on Rwy 22 at 1633 Z.

The test pallet tape was provided to NASA for processing. The NASA Ashtec GPS was removed
from the aircraft and returned to NASA for downloading.

workload." This qualitative assessment of the aircraft flying
qualities is consistent with the stability data gathered from the

Flight 8 (fourth towed flight)

Date: 01/28/98
Take offTime: 07 14 49
Release Time: 08 23 00
Landing Time: 08 36 38
Flight Time: 01 21 49
Tow Time: 01 08 11
Total Tow Time: 03 17 02

A1 Bowers
Chief Engineer

Flight Controls
EXD-01 Flight 8
January 28, 1998

Brake release and takeoff.

Brake release was followed by an abrupt longitudinal acceleration of
0.45 g's resulting in a peak tow rope tension of just under 19,000 Ibs. Speed brakes
and landing gear were retracted immediately after liffoff. No transients were noted
during the transition.

Climb to 10.000 feet.

The climb was made at 1,500 and 1,000 ft/min climb rates with doublets performed
about each axis. No significant effect of the two climb rates on the responses was

Stability boundary tests.

Gear down, speed brakes out. At the lower limit of stability a lightly damped, but still
stable pitch oscillation was observed. However, the lateral-directional doublet resulted
in an unstable dutch roll oscillation with a time to-double-amplitude of approximately
10 seconds. At the larger amplitudes kinematic coupling induced an alpha oscillation
at twice the frequency of the dutch roll. The higher limit of stability was defined by an
unstable longitudinal bungee oscillation with a time to-double-amplitude of
approximately 4 seconds. A lateral-directional doublet coupled into the longitudinal
bungee mode. Despite the high degree of instability at both the higher and lower tow
positions the pilot could readily move a stable tow position. He stated that the unstable
modes and the techniques to suppress them reminded him of the Eclipse simulator.
Gear up, speed brakes closed. No instabilities were encountered clown to the lowest
tow positions possible without bumping into the low gimbal limit. While probing the
higher stability boundary in the medium-high tow position, an unstable lateral rope
oscillatory mode with a relatively long period ( T ~ 13 sec ) was observed. The high
tow position resulted in the longitudinal bungee mode that was less unstable than that
in the landing configuration.

The upper tow limit was probed in the clean configuration. The highest position
reported by the pilot was about 40 feet above the C-141 wing wake. The EXD-01
remained completely controllable in the high tow position in the center, and in a
laterally offset position during which the wing tip vortex from the tow plane was briefly

Turnlna fll_aht.
At various times throughout the flight turns at bank angles of 15, 30, and 45 degrees
were set up by the C-141 tow plane. As in previous flights the EXD-01 had no
difficulties while following the tow plane in turns, in fact, even in the highest bank angle
of 45 degrees it was possible to trim the EXD-01 for hands-off flight.

Document 26. Flight Controls, Eclipse Flight 8.28 January 1998, Joe Gera

Descents on tow,
Rates of descent of 500 and t,000 ft/minute were set up by the tow plane with the
EXD-01 in the clean configuration. There was no tendency for tow rope slack during
these descents, although the tow rope tension was reduced to very low values,
approximately 2800 Ibs, at times. During these low values of the tension, the tow rope
was either completely quiescent or oscillating by itself without affecting either the tow
plane or the EXD-01.

Handlin_a quelitleQ tests.

From lateral offsets, both in the clean and dirty configurations, the pilot aggressively
flew back to the center to capture the nominal tow position. The pilot commented that
the task was somewhat easier In the dirty, i.e., gear down and speed brakes out,
configuration. The Cooper-Harper ratings were 2 and 3 for the dirty and the clean
configurations, respectively.

Tow rode release.

The tow rope release for this flight was preceded by maneuvers designed to set of a
longitudinal oscillation of the tow rope, This was done by adding power by the EXD-01
until the tow rope tension was reduced to very low values, and then chopping throttle.
During one of these maneuvers the tow rope developed a substantial slack and
bundled up in front of the EXD-01 forcing the pilot to perform a quick evasive

Instead of using the tow release system, tow rope separation was effected by
intentionally braking the frangible link. The pilot of the EXD-01 added power while in a
lateral offset until a slack developed. A rapid deceleration resulting from a throttle
chop and speed brake deployment created enough tension to break the frangible link
so that the release hardware remained attached to the EXD-01, and thus could be
used again for a subsequent flight.

Joe Gera

Flight Mechanics
EXD-01 Flight #8
January 28, 1998

All flight8 data has been successfullyprocessed, and removal of time

skews and parameter biases is ongoing. Some initialresults are worth
reporting,however. The "stability boundary" testpoints yielded
preliminary flight-determined trim curves for the towed configuration
in both the "clean" and y configurations. The "high unstable"
"dirt if

testpoint in the "dirty"configurationyielded a flight-determined

long-elongation curve that was in reasonable agreement with the ground
testdata collectedat the TMT testlab. The pair ofdifferentially-corrected
GPS receivers in both aircraft proved to be fully capable of extracting this
unique piece of flight test data.

The process for documenting the rope sail via photography was fairly
successful on flight 8. Approximately half of the phots taken from
the chase aircraft appear to be useable, and almost all of the shots
taken from the C-141A appear to be useable. The photos have yet to be
measured, however. Flight 8 also provided critical experience for the

Jim Murray

Document 27. Flight Mechanics, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 8, 28 January 1998, Jim Murray

Structures Report
Eclispe Flight 8
Fourth Tethered Flight
January 28, 1998

This flight produced the highest tow rope loads to date.

System configuration was similar to last flight (one piece Vectran rope with no
nylon damping segment) with the exception of several more painted tape
marker segments.

Load signals zero toad offsets were small. The take-off roll tow load profile was
similar in shape to the previous case but produced a magnitude of about 19,000
pounds (more than 50% higher) in the first peak. This was very close to the
threshold for the Red Light call at 20,000 pounds. Frangible Link yield begins
around 21,000 pounds. This was not a problem but came close to aborting a
good flight. As anticipated the all Vectran system tends to produce greater load

A repeat of a longitudinal doublet with gear clown and speed brakes out at
10,000 MSL produced the highest maneuvering tow load reaching about
17,500 pounds. Some maneuvers produced rope waves large enough,
although at very low loads, to exceed the 20 degrees Gimbals elevation limit.

Rope sail was observed and photographed at many different conditions by the
photo chase. Video coverage, ground and chase, was again excellent.

During the beginning of the last tethered flight card a significant slack event was
produced, which while well controlled by the pilot, presented some risk of
entanglement with the pitot probe.

Having practiced the technique for intentional Frangible Link failure during the
previous flight only one attempt was necessary this time producing an abrupt
load peak reaching about 25,000 pounds neatly breaking the weak link and
releasing the Tow Rope, Post release by the EXD-01 the Tow Rope flapped
relatively mildly behind the C-141 until it was cut loose. The Guillotine
operation apparently failed (both blades) to fully cut all of the fibers of the nylon
straps resulting in several seconds of delay while the remaining nylon strands
failed due to the light drag load on the mildly flailing rope,

Bill Lokos, Structures Engineer

Document 28. Structures Report, EXD-01 Flight 8, 28 January 1998, Bill Lokos, Structures

EXD-01 Flight 8
Weather Summary
January 28, 1998

Surface and upper-level high pressure with a weak offshore flow over Southern California
was the situation leading to Flight 8 on Wednesday, January 28, 1998. Cold and stable
weather was forecast to persist on flight day with variable winds with low or no
turbulence. Sky coverage was forecast to be scattered to broken at 20,000 feel Overall
conditions were expectedtobc good fortheflight.

Flight day observations were very close to forecast. The minimum temperature observed
by the runway wind towers ranged from 28 deg F to 31 deg F. The wind speeds did not
exceed 5 knots during the ground and takeoff operation. The winds observed at takeoff
time, at 07:14 PST, were northeasterly at 3 knots. Since the winds were light and along
runway 04, there were not significant crosswinds during takeoff. The wind and
temperature data were observed from wind towers located along the main runway. Tower
044 is located 4000 feet down the threshold of runway 04 and Tower 224 is 4000 fcct
down runway 22. Both towers measure data 30 feet above ground level. No turbulence
was reported during the flight. Cloud coverage was observed as broken at 25,000 feet.
No severe weather or precipitation was observed in the area.

Casey Donohuc

Document 29. Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 8, Weather Summary, 28 January 1998, Casey Donohue

EXD-01 Flight 9
Fifth Tethered/Release Flight
February 5, 1998

Project Manager's Comments

Whew! What a flight! This mission was unique in that it included several added
non-research objectives as well as the Eclipse objectives. On top of that, the effort
to achieve the research objectives was in itself complex.

Today was Eclipse's Media Day. This was no small effort, but it was smoothly
accomplished by our joint DFRC/KST media team made up of Fred Brown and
Gray Creech on the NASA side and Emily Chase on the KST side. We had good
media representation, everyone was pretty impressed by our project activities, and
I consider the event to have been a major success!

The other unusual activitywas thata helicopterfilm crew used thismission to

obtain the footage that will become the documentation of our efforts for future
national film presentation of aerospace accomplishments. Wolfe Air Aviation, a
professional company that specializes in both commercial and entertainment
productions, provided the helicopter, pilots, and camera personnel. Jim Ross and
Lori Losey provided the initiative and contact. Charles McKee and Brent Wood
handled the contracting. Forger provided the planning and organizing interface to
the project. Marta Bohn-Meyer and Lee Duke obtained the USAF approval. And
Roy Surovec, Stu Farmer, and Bob Wilson obtained the actual signatures. Nearly
a cast of thousands! It was a very impressive effort, and it looks like the payoff
will give us great pride that our efforts on Eclipse were an aviation milestone.

The most significantof today's effortwas the pulling together allof the elements
that will enable Jim Murray to better understand the "rope sail"phenomenon.
The tiny littleload cellthatwas insertedintothe tow rope at the C-141A end was
the culmination of several major efforts.The unit was fabricatedin the machine
shop, the portable computer system was builtup in the Thermal Lab by Mark
Nunnelee (who also managed to save the day during the mission as the computer
operator flyingon the C-141A), and the entiresystem was end-end testedin the C-
141A on the ground. Meanwhile, the tow rope was marked and qualification
tested. And at the same time inflightprocedures for photographing the rope were
being developed. The most significantaspect of thisvery complicated effortwas
that itwas justconceived during the past three weeks since we learned thatthe
behavior of the tow rope in flightwas differentthan predicted. This isa superb
example of what Dryden does well. And another fineexample of the payoff of
conducting flightresearch - "...separatingthe realfrom the imagined..."

Document 30. Project Manager's Comments, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 9, Fifth Tethered/Release
Flight, 5 February 1998, Carol A. Reukauf

These efforts were all brought together and integrated into our normal flight
routine by our Operations Engineer and Mission ControUer, Mark Collard,
and the two flight crews, particularly Forger and Stu Farmer.

It was all exceedingly well planned and extremely impressive in its execution.

Congratulations to everyone involved!

Carol A. Reukauf

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 9 - Fifth Tethered Flight, February 5, 1998

This flight had special emphasis on documenting the tow rope position as well
as the load at both ends of the tow rope. A load cell was added to the C-141A
three-pin connect_r using the standard end fitting used on the EXD end. The
output was routed to a portable computer which was operated by a NASA - DFRC
specialist. Additionally, we had a civilian helicopter for filming the ground
operations and takeoff. This required special coordination for aircraft
deconfliction, to mitigate potcntial hazards, and ensure all involved would
know their roles and responsibilities. All went very well, although the
helicopter rotors did blow the rope around a bit on his first pass and blew some
sand on the runway during the takeoff. Airfield management was prepared
for the runway FOD and immediately closed and swept it after the Eclipse flight
tookoff. Lastly. we took off from Runway 22 because of the foroasted winds.
This required the additional coordination to have the military security police
close Lancaster Blvd. to minimize any potential hazards to ground traffic.

The flight cards did not flow as smoothly as on previous flights because of the
photo documentation requirements and the broken overcast which caused
delays while the flight repositionext so the rope would be visible in the

Ground Operations
Because the EXD had a single UHF radio and the helicopter was VHF only, we
used two mission frequencies. The C-141A, NASA 1, and chase F-18s monitored
both. Additionally, we had Chase #2 use the F-18's automatic radio relay
capability, the end effect being that the EXD and helicopter could monitor and
talk to each other as if they were on the same frequency.

We used very similar procedures as used on Flight 8 (altered slightly due to

film requirements). A "20 second" call was added which was broadcast by
NASA I twenty seconds after the brake release call. This call meant the
helicopter had to transition from a head-on low altitude location 8000 ft in
front of the C-141A's initial position to a position clear of the runway with a
200 ft. lateral offset.

Tethered Takeoff
Tension control and takeoff were uneventful.

Flight Cards
Climb Rate Effects of Stability - Clean. This card used a 2000 fpm climb rate
which was visibly different (steeper climb angles) than the lower climb rates
used on previous flights. I did not notice any degradation in handling

Stability Boundary Investigation - Clean. I had a natural tendency to level off

with the same trim value used during the climb and settle into a lower than
nominal tow position. Thus while the nominal climb position may have been

Document 31. Eclipse Pilot's Flight Test Report, EXD-01 Flight 9--Fifth Tethered Flight, 5
February 1998, Mark P. Stucky, Eclipse Project Pilot

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 9 - Fifth Tethered Flight, February 5, 1998

"medium", after level off I was medium low and when a lower tow position was
called for I hit the gimbal limits. Therefore, step 2c (low unstable) was not
done since step 2b was already there.

Response to doublets was stable at the lower positions. At the medium high
position the lat/dir doublet resulted in a dutch roll oscillation. Instability
increased in the high position and the unstable dutch roll was now excite, d by
the pitch doublet. It took a couple of attempts to reach the high tow (above the
wake) position (vortex encounters would drop me back below), in this extreme
high position the EXD was level with the top of the C-141A's T-tail. Unstable
rope oscillations were prevalent, and I was forced to recover immediately after
initiating the lat/dir doublet because of the proximity of the pitot tube and

Trim in Turns - Clean Configuration. Changes on this flight included a turn

series in the medium high tow position (with a straight rope) as well as a 15 ° to
15 ° banked hands off turn reversal in both tow positions. During the hands
off turn reversals the EXD lagged the C-141A. In the nominal position a dutch
roll oscillation occurred but was damping out. In the straight rope tow
position the dutch roll oscillation was unstable.

C-I41A Control Input Effects. The C-141A used a build-up approach and
although the initial doublets were small, I could see the rope oscillation and
feel a response. On the second (larger) pitch doublet the EXD climbed
approximately 75 feet, starting a phugoid type response of relatively short
period. The lat/dir inputs caused altitude changes also as well as a dutch roll
response. When the slow pitch oscillation was performed tension values at the
EXD end cycled from 1500 to 7000 lb. and the rope oscillated +/- 20 ft.

Stability Boundary lnveslieation - Dirty. Response was stable in the nominal

position. As l descended the pitch response became very lightly damped in the
medium low and coupled to a small dutch roll oscillation with an approximate
3.5 second period at thc low position. As I climbed above the straight rope
medium high position the bungee mode would be excited and resulted in quick
termination and recovery. Attempting to get to high tow resulted in full aft
stick and wallowing in the wake. Control authority was limited enough that
doublets were not performed, but I held stick fixed and an unstable oscillation
quickly developed (approx. 2.5 second period).

Stability, in Descent - Clean. At the I000 fpm rate of descent the EXD felt looser
in all axis. Opening and closing the speed brakes caused a large rope
oscillation which required actively using the speedbrakes (opening and
closing them) to dampen the motion.

We reached the 5000 ft MSL level off altitude and crossed over the North base
area on a heading for the PIRA.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
XD-01 Flight 9 - Fifth Tethered Flight, February 5. 1998

Frangible Link Separation.

There were no buildup maneuvers and the separation was uneventful.

HOR Criteria - Off Tow, The capture tasks were relatively easy with HQR ratings
of "3" due to the increase in workload to aggressively capture the centerline.
I was rushing because of the fuel and did not know (understand) the
requirement for stabilized flight on the centerline of the C-14]A prior to
offsetting and performing the HQR task, This wasted time and still did not
achieve the quality of data the researchers desired,

F.XD I./D MeaRurement. Done per the flight card.

RTB and landing was uneventful.

Mark P. Stucky
Eclipse Project Pilot


eeoJtcT-tM_O. _0 nB FLIGHT Id_ / DA1A FQm;_S Ic, OATY

Eclipse =g, 5th Towed Flight 105 FEB 9B

;), LEFT SF.AT (F_ms ; _:UI_E LOA0 F_

Maj Kelly Latimer _38,000 C9703900

; IMGNT _¢AT _ms _ H. _IAR'r Um Gel Vet / CO I. V,*IIJ,T_'Ik'_

3apt Stu Farmer 206,000 Ibs / 28.8% _Clesr

I_ 1"0 _ / _ lrMJ; K CONSIGURATION J LOAZ)m;G. ,T,O!C3"WARf IL.-_qFAcE'_'_)NOITIlONS ' ' '

1535 Z / 1.7 hrs Petal Doors Removed / Tow Config ;39°F/Winds 210 @ lOkts
_, o,ua_ Acrr _Im,_."NO .,"¢,_6E CMw ro c--as='r'6
F-IS NASA 846 & NASA B52 ÷HelD
4: PQN'QU OP FLm_r / 11aCt' _OI_'S ....

This flight was the fifth towed flight of the Eclipse program. The all Vectran rope was again used and the
tow was terminated with an intentional break of the frangible link. AS in the previous flight a series of
simultaneously telken phol[ographs from the C-141 on board photo and from the chase photo were taken.
Slack removal and takeoff for this flight were filmed from e helicopter. This flight differed from the previous
flight primarily in that e load cell-was inc_elled tO measure end record rope tension at the C-141 end of the
tow train. Additionally, this flight included a new test card, C-141 Control Input Effects, in which the C-14t
performed doublets end a pitch.oscillation with the EXD-O1 on tow.

The C-141 made a normal engine start at 1436 Z and began taxi to RWY 22 _)t 1442 Z. Upon arrival el the
lest chance area, there was a slight deJay while a fluid dripping from the C 141 was investigated. The fluid
was found to be water, it had apparently pooled in the aircraft after heavy rains in the lest several dave.

The C-141 took the runway at 1455 Z. At 1507 Z the rope was aboard the C-141. Slack removal 0span at
151B Z, The helicopter was photogr0phicalFy documenting the hookup and slack remove= procedure, Slack
remove{ generated an approximately 20001b tension and the helicopter was satisfied with the video shot, The
EXD-01 then released brakes and tension dropped, There was a hold for several minutes waiting for the
scheduled 1530 Z takeoff time to approach. This was dictated by the runway 22 takeoff and pre-coordmated
closure of Lancaster Boulevard to minimize the overflight hazard during takeoff. Additional checklist items
were completed end tension was set et 1532 Z. The flight was ready for takeoff at 15:33 Z end chase was
immediately in position. Brake release was at 1534 Z. ;:or the desired thrust factor (TF) of 18.0, computed
and set EPR was 1.93. C-141 fuel at takeoff was 33.000 Ibs. The photo helicopter was located over the
runway at the 9000' point and filmed the takeoff. Towed takeoff was normal.

Sometime during the takeoff toil, the C-141 load cell instrumentation stopped functioning. Initial diagnosis
was that the quick release connector had become undone during the takeoff. However, inspection showed it
to remain connected, Alter approximately 10 minutes, the system was restored by the NASA
insl_rumentation technician on board end daT.a was recorded for the remainder ot the flight.

Climbout was at 190 KIAS as in previous flights. In the climb, test cards were this time _rtonnned at 2000
fpm. The EXD-01 noted that th_s increased climb rate was distinctively a climb, unlike the lower 1000 and
1500 fpm climbs. Simultaneous photos.were taken a_(t pitch _ tat-d_ doub_ts were performed by the
EXD-01 in the climb. The flight leveled at 10,000" MSL.


_._CO_,U=.O_,T_ .........

Proceed with planned tesxing.

Morgan LaVake, Test Conductor 05 FEB 9_

AFSC Form 5314 NOV 86 _m*c_s _.c to,. =co ... u w.x_ wit* _ =,set)

Document 32. Daily/Initial Flight Test Report, C-141A, 61-2775.05 Feb. 98, Morgan LaVake,
Test Conductor

Section 5 continued .......

There were several minutes of delay due to Door sun oonditions for the che_e photo. The C-141
control inputs card was next performed. The C-141 performed longitudinal and then
lateral/directional doublets, This w_ tallowed by the C=141 performing a pitch oscillation with an
approxtmateSy 5 second period. Maximum pitch oscillation of the C-141 was noted to be
approximately +_2 degrees from the straight and level pitch attitude. Handling qualities of the C-141
w_re not perceived to differ appreciably from the nOt-on-tow handling, Both the doublets and the
pitch osoillstion developed rope oscillations that ware experienced by the EXD-01.

Testing proceeded with the stability boundary investigation {gear up, speedbrakes in) card at 1553 Z.
In this card, the EXO-01 performed longitudinal and lateral-directional doublets at multiple elevation
positions relative to the C-141. At each position, simultaneous photos were taken prior to the
doublet lets, In the highelrt tow position, the EXD_01 was out of the C-141 photographer's field of
view. Interspersed into this card end later throughout the flight were turns during which data was
taken. Assorted turns to both the left and right were accomplished at bank angles of 15, 30, and
45 degrees,

At 1610 Z the stability boundary effects oard was re0eated in the dirty configuration. Again,
simultaneous photos were taken at multiple tow elevations, At high tow elevations, a bungee mode
developed that caused slight pitch oscillations and • notable but slight longitudinal surging of the
C-141 as seen in previous flights. When the EXD-01 positioned at the highest tow position, the
C-141 pilot noted that it required • power increase to maintain airspeed.

The TPS Instrumentation Pallet data tape was changed at 1624 Z prior to the next card.

At 1627 Z the flight began e descent to 5000' MSL end p_rformed the stability in descent card in
the descent.

The flight remained at 190 KIAS for the tow release by frangible link separation. This time. no build
up to the break event took place. The frangible Link was broken by the intended release maneuver st
1638:42 Z.

The C-141 contmuecl anU released the rope into the PB8 drop zone. The primary and secondary
guillotines were activated in close succession, and the rope departed the aircraft upon activation of
the se_orKlary release.

The C-141 climbed to 10,000' MS[. and the EXD-01 rejoined for the HQR Criteria - Off Tow test
card. This card was accompli_r_ed in the clean configuration only.

The C-141 returned to EDW for landing but was drifted by approach for approximalely 5 minutes
8poarently due to s full pattern end busy tower controller. The C-141 landed on Rwy 22 _t 1712 Z
with approximately 14,500 Ibs of fuel remaining.

The test pallet tapes were provided to NASA for processing. Of note is that the TPS Pellet ITAS
computer, the ITAS video monitor, and the strip chart recorder were removed from the test
instrumentation pellet prior to this flight in preparation for the unpressurited flight tO 25,000' MSL.
nmT_-_t_-umentatlon "t_-_neons did however confirm that the data recorder remains fully functional with
these components removed. On the flight deck it was noted during the flight that the test
instrument= in the panel (alpha, beta, and N,) were not functioning. The NASA Ashtec GPS we_
removed from the aircraft and returned to NASA for downloading.

EXD-01 Flight9 (5th towed flight)
February 5, 1998

Flight Crew:
EXD-01 (NASA QF-106A 59-0130): Mark "Forger" Stucky
C-141A (USAF C-141A 61-7775): Stu Farmer, Kelly Latimer, Morgan LeVake,
John Stahl, Dana Brink, Ken Drucker

A load cell was added as instrumentation to the C-141A, Nearly identical

data sets are at both ends of the rope, with the exception of the rope angles at
the EXD-01 end.

The take off was nominal, and the cruise of 10k ft msl and 190 KEAS was

The tow rope was marked every 100 feet with tape and paint to photograph
the rope sail; this documentation should assist in the assessment of static
trim effects of rope sail. This flight would be the only chance at getting good
rope sail data.

Also investigated was extreme high tow (about 70 feet above the C-141A) and
instability there. Doublets were out of the question to try and characterize
the dynamics; instead the pilot held the stick fixed for as long as possible.
The dynamic oscillations quickly built the tow tensions to about 18,000 lbs
and the EXD-01 was recovered.

Because the data set was so complete at both ends of the tow train,
maneuvers were also performed by the C-14LA crew for measurement at
the EXD-01 end.

A weak link break was performed for tow separation. The C-141A dropped
the entire tow train assembly (including the load cellin the tow rope
assembly at the C-141A end) and both aircraftrecovered on the runway.

Flight 9 (fifth towed flight)

Date: 02/05/98
Take offTime: 07 35 14
Release Time: 08 38 43
Landing Time: 09 01 16
Flight Time: 01 26 02
Tow Time: 01 03 29
Total Tow Time: 04 20 31

AI Bowers
Chief Engineer

Document 33. Aerodynamics, Eclipse EXD-01 Flight 9, 5 February 1998, A1 Bowers, Chief

Flight Controls
EXD-01 Flight #9
February 5, 1998

Brake release and takeoff.

Brake release was smooth, peak longitudinal acceleration remained below 0. 3 g's
with approximately 13,500 Ibs of tow rope tension.

Climb to 10.000 feet.

The climb to the target altitude was made at 2,000 ft/min. Three axis doublets were
performed during the climbing flight. While no significant climb rate effects on the
responses were evident, the pilot commented after the flight that the climb rate was
noticeable on his relative geometry with the tow plane.

Stability boundary tests.

Gear up, speed brakes in. Because of gimbal limit, the low-unstable tow position
could not be reached. In the high-unstable position the longitudinal bungee mode
was neutrally damped. The EXD-01 airplane was flown through the wake to the high
tow position. The response of the airplane to a pitch doublet consisted of a coupled
longitudinal/lateral-directional oscillation that was neutrally damped. During the
response to a lateral-directional doublet the tow rope was uncomfortably close to the
pltot probe, so that the maneuver could not be fully investigated.

Gear down, speed brakes out. in the lowest tow position a very lightly damped dutch
roll motion was exhibited be the airplane. In the high-unstable position a longitudinal
unstable bungea mode was observed in response to both the pitch, and the lateral-
directional doublets. No doublets were performed in the tow position above the wake;
the pilot commented that in that position he reached the reached the limit of
controllability. He also commented on a drop of the airspeed of the C-141.

In the tums during this flight a slight amount of negative sideslip (less than 2 degrees)
was observed and removed by the pilot by applying of nose-left trim. As in the
previous flight, the airplane could be trimmed for hands-off flight in the turns and turn
reversals; however the pilot noted that during the reversals the EXD-01 lagged the tow
plane, and that his workload was higher in the straight-rope tow position.

Descents on tow.
During the 500-ft/min descent in the lower tow position, the EXD-01 was noticeably
looser. When the rate of descent was increased to 1,000 ft/min the tow rope tension
reduced to slightly over 1,000 Ibs, and then began a large-amplituda oscillation. The
pilot modulated the speed brakes to damp out these, and commented that the 1,000
ft/min descent appeared to be the upper limit in the clean configuration.

Document 34. Eclipse Flight Controls, EXD-01 Flight 9, 5 February 1998, Joe Gera

Handlino aualltles tests.
The handling qualities task of the previous flight was repeated off tow, behind the
C.141A. The control inputs and the resulting angular velocities were similar to the on-
tow maneuvers of the previous flight. A pilot rating of 3 was given to the task.

Effects of C-141A control inouts.

While the EXD-01 was in the clean configuration, the C-141A performed small
amplitude doublets about the pitch, and then about the lateral-directional axes. These
resulted in slow, small amplitude pitch and dutch-roll type oscillations, respectively.
When the C-141A pilot performed oscillatory pitch inputs with a 5-second period, the
tow rope response was a large amplitude, leaf-spring type oscillation.

Tow rope release.

The frangible link was separated over the PIRA in a manner similar to that used in the
previous flight.

Joe Gera

Flight Mechanics
EXD-01 Flight #9
February 5, 1998

Hight 9 had the unique addition of the load cell at the C-14L 4-
Although some of the load cell data was lost due to connector
problems, about 80 percent of the flight was recorded. The critical
phases of the operation, including slack removal, tension setting, and
the trim points, were all successfully documented. After some
dimculty, the C-141A load cell data was synchronized with the EXD-01
PCM data. Initial inspection of the load data shows the difference in rope
tension between the C-141A attach point and the EXD-01 attach point to be in
fair agreement with current "rope sail"models.

Photo documentation of the rope from photo chase and the C-141A was
made as part of the flight cards. Results from these efforts are not known at
the time of this report.

Jim Murray

Document 35. Flight Mechanics, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 9, 5 February 1998, Jim Murray

Structures Report
EXD-01 Flight #9
February 5, 1998

System configuration was similar to last flight with the exception of the addition
of a load cell between the three pin connector and the Vectran rope at the
C-141A. This 30,000 pound range load cell was the one originaity selected for
use at the EXD-01 end but later replaced by the calibrated instrumentation
added to the frangible link. The rope was 1000 continuous feet of Vectran with
many painted tape marker segments and no center nylon strap damper

Frangible link load signal zero load offsets were small. The takeoff roll tow load
profile was similar in shape to previous cases and produced a moderate
maximum magnitude of about 13,500 pounds, which occurred in the first cycle
peak after EXD-01 brake release. No slack occurred during take off.

The C-141A load cell signal was recorded and displayed real-time by a
modified lap top computer monitored by a technician seated at the video station
forward of the tow tub. This miniature data acquisition system used a non-flight
quality signal processing card which malfunctioned immediately after takeoff.
After quick troubleshooting data was restored. This malfunction was reported to
have recurred two subsequent times later in the flight and was quickly corrected
each time. These events validated the decision to place a load measurement
technician on the aircraft. It is estimated that about 95% of the tow rope load at
the C-141A end was captured and recorded. These data were down-loaded,
plotted, and transferred to other engineers the afternoon of the flight day. Post-
flight inspection of the recovered tow rope assembly showed that the C-141A
load cell assembly appeared undamaged by the rope drop procedure.

The peak maneuver load of about 16,000 pounds occurred during a

longitudinal doublet in high (unstable) tow with a dirty configuration at 10,000
feet altitude. The second highest maneuver load (14,500 pounds) occurred
during a lateral/directional doublet at the same condition.

An uneventful release was accomplished by an intentional frangible link failure

which produced a single load peak to 25,000 pounds. This allowed returning
with the knuckle assembly for reuse.

Bill Lokos

Document 36. Structures Report, EXD-01 Flight 9, 5 February 1998, Bill Lokos

ED-01 Flight 9
Weather Summary
February 5, 1998

High pressure that protected the Edwards area from storm, systems and s_ng winds....had
been replaced by a mid-lmC_c low pressure system w,suiting in _ _.a.wmay co.nmUons.
In between systems the weather was stable enough to permit Ecli .p:s¢th.gll.topemuo_.
Such a situation was expected to occur on February 5. Although me winos we.m not
strong, they were not expected to be variable as observed in previous flights. The forecast
was for the winds at flight time m blow from the southwest at speeds ranging from 8 to 10
knots. The main impact would be that tak_ff would occur on runway 22 instead of 04.
The sky coverage was forecast to be Scattered clouds at 15,000 feet and broken at 20,000
feel No turbulence or precipitation was fowcast during the flight

Flight day weather observations were wi_in operational limits. Due to the wind
observations and forecasts as of 05:00 PST, it was decided m takeoff from runway 22 for
the first time. This is to ensure that the mission would not violate the >10 knot cross/tall
wind limit. The mmlxmamre at takeoff time, which occurred at 07:30 PST, were observed
to be in the low 40's. W'mds were southerly at speeds ranging from 4 to 7 knots.
Crosswind components did not exceed 3 knots during the flight operation. The wind and
temperature data were observed from wind towers located along the main .nmway. Tower
044 is located 4000 feet down the threshold of runway 04 and Tower 224 zs 4000 feet
down runway 22. Both towers measure data 30 feet above ground level Sky conditions
were observed to be broken cirrus at 20,000 feet and scattered altocumulus at 15,000 feet.
No atmospheric turbulence or severe weather were observed during the flight.

Casey Donohue

Document 37. Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 9, Weather Summary, 5 February 1998, Casey Donohue

EXD-01 Fight 9
February 5, 1998
Instrumentation Status Report

1) New calibrations for this flight:

TOWLDP - Tow Load Primary

TOWLDS - Tow Load Secondary

2) The Knuckle Assembly from Flight #8 was also used for

Flight #9. A calibration check on cable angles LCAAGL and
VCAAGL verified the calibrations did not change.

Tony Branco
Instrumentation Engineer

Document 38. Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 9, 5 February 1998, Instrumentation Status Report, Tony
Branco, Instrumentation Engineer

WATR Support
EXD-01 Flight #9
February 5, 1998

_igsion Control Center:

NASA I (Blue Room), TRAPS 1, MFTS and MOF TM Site were used for this
flight. MOF TM Site tracked EXD-01 during takeoff and landing, and MFTS TM
site tracked the EXD-OI during flight. TVI and TV3provided ground _pport
for the EXD-01 and C-141A during take-off of flight 9. GPS data recome_ on
EXD-01, and on C-141A.

Problems encountewA:
During flight 9 the GPS receivers were not turned, on resulting in a loss
of GPS data for this flight. The problem was reduced in significance due to the
availability of GPS data from the DMA base station. However, the data from this source
is only updated once every 20 seconds.,m_
1) A new lineup was checked out for calibration changes in CIMS fde for following

Debra Randall
Test Information Engineer / FE

Document 39. WATR [Western Area Test Range] Support, EXD-01 Flight 9, 5 February 1998,
Debra Randall, Test Information Engineer/FE

EXD-01 NASA 0130
Flight # 9

.OF-106 S/N 59-0130

Flight Date: February 5, 1998

Pilot Time Logged: 1.5 hrs flying

Changes Since Flight #F8

- Structural post flight revealed no structural damage.
- No changes were made to the basic configuration of the airerafL
- The Vectranropewas marked with cloth tape and paint every 100 feet using the technique used
on the prior flight.
- The knuckle remains the same as on the last flight and a new frangible link was installed.
- A load cell was installed on the C-141 end of the tow rope between the three pin connector and
the end of the rope. An additional end fitting was use with the rope and a special fitting was
fabricated to fit the load cell and into the three pin connector. The load cell was wired to a laptop
computer that was located at the video pallet in front of the load pallet. Mark Nunnelee was the
technician that flew with the system and recorded the loads for the entire flight. A quick
dk_onnect was use on the cable to the computer for rope jettison and the load cell went with the
rope when dumped in the PIRA.
- Some procedural changes made to accommodate Wolfe Air tapping.

Flight #F9
Ground Olxn_tions:
- Ground operations were normal and were within 5 minutes of the schedule when both aircraft
took the runway. Because rwy 22 will be used on this flight, the road between General Hill and
Wolfe was be closed by the Security Police. It was scheduled to close at 0730 with a 0740 take-
off planned. We stuck to our original schedule even though the take-off time was delayed until
0740. We figured that the additional delay time would be eaten up with the helicopter taping. It
worked out well, and the flight held for just a short period of time before takeoff at 0735.
- Only minor problem when the helicopter flying around the operation got too close and blew sand
and the rope around.
- One additional call was made by the control room during the takeoff operation. We made a 20
second call and had the helicopter acknowledge to ensure he was clearing the active runway.

Flight Operations:
- No control room issue noted
- Another fuel imbalance occurred during the flight and was worked by shutting off the
appropriate boost pump.
- The Eclipse separated from the tow rope by breaking the frangible link.
- Knuckle remained intact with no damage.
- No post flight issues noted.
- A small amount of data was not gathered in the first part of the flight due to a system problem.

Mark Collard
Operations Engineer

Document 40. EXD-01 NASA O130, Flight 9. Mark Collard. Operations Engineer

EXD-01 FLight 10
Sixth Tethered/Release Flight
February 6, 1998

Project Manager's Comments

The "Luck of the Eclipse" pulled us through the weather window again today.
At first I had thought that Eclipse was just lucky when it came to weather,
then I learned that our meteorologist has an artful touch to his forecasting
ability. Thanks again, Case), Donohue. NO ONE other than Eclipse people
thought we would actually have a weather window this morning! Bad day
for rope photographs, but we did get our high altitude aero damping data!

It was a very challenging morning. I think if we had come across just one
more obstacle Mark Collard would have thrown up his hands in total
frustration. But he didn't. He patiently kept after it. And so did the rest of us.

I believe the reason we were able to handle today's effort is the same reason
that we have had such an amazing series of successes: lots of thought,
communication, and preparation. It's not magic, it's real.

I advise everyone to reflect on their Eclipse experience, take the personal

lessons that you have learned, and apply it to your future endeavors. See if
you can quantify them so that you can use them again and help improve
project processes. Coach people, advise them on their practices, and clarify
problem areas. I believe that we had some fundamental project practices that
enabled everyone to work together effectively as a team.

A couple of my observations are:

1) Our various roles and responsibilities were clear and defined. This let
indi_,iduals do their jobs and be responsible and accountable for their scope of
effort. Even though we helped each other, we knew where one job left off
and another started.

This enabled people to work extremely efficiently. An example is the Eclipse

engineering team. Al Bowers "owned" the technical decisions on the project.
He knew that neither I, the pilot, the crew chief, avionics lead, nor the ops
engineer would make them for him. He also knew and respected the
boundaries of his technical teams. He led them by orchestrating their
decisions, and provided a climate that fostered communication and healthy
debate. I felt that he was very effective.

Document 41. Project Manager's Comments, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 10, Sixth Tethered/
Release Flight, 6 February 1998, Carol A. Reukauf

2) Rigor. I think that this project team had a high degree of rigor in the way it
interfaced. This extended from simply getting to a meeting on time (which
on Eclipse was the norm), to making sure that all the elements were lined up
for ground tests. Bill Lokos and Todd Peters were always prepared and
thorough. We never had to think about it.

3) Listening. The Eclipse team listened to one another. This is tough for
most projects. Many times individuals know their technical area well. and
isolate their decisions from the influence of the rest of the team. By our being
open to listening to the considerations of other team members, there were
several significant decisions that were influenced by the input of a peripheral
person's observations. How often did Jim Colombo Murray or Joe Gera
summarize their issues very dearly and candidly? I, too, felt that some of the
group forums seemed excessive, but in hindsight, I know that they were
nearly always productive and value added.

So, today's mission concluded the flight test phase our very interesting little
flight research project - the one with the "very high cool factor," per Stephen
Hoang at FRK Now we have great data. And the fun continues for the
research folks. And for KST and their future ambitions.

It's been a great experience!

Carol A. Reukauf

Eclipse FIO Flight Notes
Recently a comment was made that we towed in the rain on the final Eclipse
tethered flight. While [ can understand how it may be perceived that this was the
case, I would like to set the record straight -- we did NOT tow in the rain or in IMC
conditions at any time.
For those of you in the business of passing judgement on the safety of flight
operations, I offer the following clarification.

Preflight Weather
The flight was scheduled for a forcasted temporary break in the weather.
Conditions consisted of cloud layers at 6,000, 12,000, and 23,000 ft. Surface winds were
southeast at ten kts. As anticipated, the weather impacted the flight plan
(maneuvering to avoid clouds) and deteriorated during the flight.

Ground Operations
The weather was looking ominous (especially just northwest of Edwards) so I
requested Gordo to take off early in the chase F-18 and give us a PIREP. He verified
we could maintain VMC with sufficient ground reference throughout the climb to
above 22,000 ft. As we progressed towards takeoff he was questioned by the control
room and he restated we could do the planned profile to altitude due to the numerous
breaks in the cloud cover and the higher ceilings to the east.

Flight Operations
We were able to easily maintain lateral and vertical spacing from the cloud
layers during the climb to above 20K feet. The final portion of the climb to 25K did
require some maneuvering and turning tn maintain VMC as we spiralled up near
some vertically developed clouds.
At altitude the nose-mounted video camera must have cold-soaked as the
telemetered video got fuzzy. We were questioned by the control room regarding our
flight conditions but I replied that we were VMC.
We performed most of the flight cards but did not camp]ere all the points or do a
couple of needed repeats because the weather was beginning to close up towards
Edwards. Although the EXD still retained the same IFR capability as a stock QF-106, we
had no intention of allowing the weather to close in beneath us since we wanted to
maintain ground reference throughout Ihe release and rope drop.
While there was rain between the flight and the airfield, we remained clear of
clouds during our tethered descent to below the lowest broken layer. I chose to
release and do a quick base key entry because Gardo was nearing bingo fuel and 1
wanted to allow all aircraft to land prior to the rain and gusty winds hitting.
Although there was a small shower just southwest of the airfiled, I could maintain
sufficient reference to perform a short right base key entry for a simulated flameout
landing. I encountered my first raindrops during the landing. As I was taxiing into
the NASA ramp the rain began in earnest.
At no time did the C-14I crew or I observe any precipitation during our tethered
flight. I don't think Gordo did either but I don't want to speak for him.

Mark P. Stucky
Eclipse Project Pilot

Document 42. Eclipse F10 Flight Notes, Mark R Stucky, Eclipse Project Pilot

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 10 - 6th (Final) Tethered Flight, Feb. 6, 1998

This final tethered flight was to study the effects of altitude on the rope and
tethered aircraft dynamics. The plan was to climb to the maximum altitude
allowed within C-141A aircrew physiological constraints (25,000 ft.), C-141A
performance limitations, or adequate tethered stability and control.

Flight above 18,000 ft. required the C-141A crew to accomplish the following
prior to climbing above 10,000 ft."
I. The orderly shutdown of the C-141A instrumentation pallet
2. Thirty minutes of pre-breathing 100% oxygen

The flight was scheduled for a forcasted break in the weather and luckily the
weather cooperated. Conditions consisted of cloud layers at 6,000, 12,000, and
23,000 ft. Surface winds were southeast at ten kts. The meteorologist predicted
the winds would switch westerly so the decision was made for a Runway 22
takeoff. The weather impacted the flight plan (maneuvering to avoid clouds)
and deteriorated during the flight.

Ground Operations
We got to a late start because of some last minute instrumentation problems
requiring a quick swap of the knuckle. Additional delays were caused by the
combination of Runway 22 operations and deconfliction with other flight
operations. The day-of-flight temperature was warmer than for earlier
flights (45°), however engine start acceleration was still slow. The weather
was looking ominous, so Gordo took off early in the chase F-18 and verified we
could maintain VMC with sufficient ground reference.

Tethered Takeoff
The winds did not switch and were right at the crosswind/tallwind limit of ten
knots. Takeoff was uneventful, and some turbulence was noted during the
turnout reversal which manifested itself as lateral looseness.

Flight Cards
Climb Rate Effects on Stability - Clean f3K ft. - 10K ft.). Because of the turn
reversals, only one data point was achieved prior to level off at 10,000 ft.

Stability Boundary Investigation - Clean. Once again, i was lower than the
standard nominal position after level off. Point 2b (medium low) was really at
the low position (so we skipped repeating it as a 2c point). The rope started
some "leaf spring" oscillations,which required climbing and speed brakes to
damp out. These leaf spring oscillations did not appear to effect the tension or
stability and control, but would increase the post flight data reduction
uncertainty because the rope angles during the photos will not exactly match
the angles when the doublets were commenced several seconds later.

Climbing up at the 2e point (unstable high - but below the wake) an unstable
dutch roll oscillation occurred which hit nearly 60 ° bank prior to initiating

Document 43. Eclipse Pilot's Flight Test Report, EXD-01 Flight 10--6 'h (Final) Tethered
Flight, 6 February 1998, Mark P. Stucky, Eclipse Project Pilot

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight 10 - 6th (Final) Tethered Flight, Feb. 6, 1998

recovery. Because of the instability and the pitot boom / rope clearance
issues, I chose not to do a laffdir doublet at the 2f (above the wake) position.
Holding fixed controls damped the oscillation immediately.

C-141A Control Input Effects. We chose not to do this card because the thirty
minute timer for C-141A aircrew pre-breathlng was Just completlng.

Climb Rate Effects on Stability - Clean (lflK ft.- 25K ft.1. Handling qualities
remained good throughout the climb. The C-141A, which initially started the
climb with the two outboard engines at Idle, was at full climb power nearing
25K It. and the climb rate bad decreased to less than I000 fpm. We were doing
quite a bit of maneuvering to steer for holes in the cloud layers so the
effective climb rate was even less. We leveled out maintaining VP-'R beneath a
cloud layer which was near 25K ft.

Stability. Boundary_ Investigation - Clean @ 25K'. In the medium low 2b position

a rope leaf spring action of approximately +/- 15 ft. occurred, In the high
(below the wake) 2e position I was forced to initiate a recovery due to lateral
oscillations in the rope. This required the use of speed brakes to dampen. An
unstable dutch roll also occurred after the laffdir doublet.

I was at this high unstable position when the C-141A started a turn. This
forced a quick descent to maintain control. The tow aircraft should
request permission or give a warning call prior to maneuvering at
unJtnble flight conditions. We were running out of time (due to chase
fuel) as well as weather so point 2f was not done,

Trim in Turns. The EXD did not appear to track as nicely in the clean
configuration at altitude. During steeper turns the AOA was approaching
"minimum safe" and there was light to moderate aerodynamic buffet.
Conditions were worse in the medium high (straight rope) position, and pilot
workload was moderate due to looseness about all axis.

DescenL We had wanted to do a manual release at altitude over the PIRA but
were constrained by the weather, so we chose to remain on tow for the descent
to VMC beneath the broken layers. The C-141A descended at nearly 2000 fpm
(the highest rate of descent for the program) which required keeping the
speedbrakes deployed to maintain rope tension and system stability.

Tension values were approximately 3000 lb, (we were still in a

descent) so I lowered the landing gear and kept the speed brakes deployed.
With a tension value above 5,000 lb., I pulled the manual release handle at
approximately 9,000 ft. and 190 KIAS. I maneuvered to the right and observed
the knuckle immediately separate from the tow rope on the first rebound.

Pilot's Flight Test Report
EXD-01 Flight I0 - 6th (Final) Tethered Flight, Feb. 6, 1998

] cleaned up the aircraft and turned to enter a right base key position for a
simulated flameout landing. I was low on energy which dictated a short and
tight pattern. Landing was uneventful and the rain began as [ taxied clear of
the runway.

Mark P. Stucky
Eclipse Project Pilot

C-14-1A 61-2775
_. ¢0_ornc_aPm.A_VlTOTur
Z, PROJECT / M'ltl_Ol_ NO =' B. IIrLlaltT NO I 0ATA IIrOlNlrs C. DATE

Eclipse F-10, 6"./Rnlll Towed Flight 06 FEB 98


Capt Stu Farmer 38,000 C9703900

_. IqOHT HAT earn"

Maj Kelly Latimer 206,000 Ibs 1 2B.8% 70 SCT 120 BKN 200 OVC, LT Pain

1601 Z / 1.6 hrs JPetal Doors Removed / Tow Config 48°F/Winds 070 @ lOk_

F- t 8 NASA 852

This flight was the sixth and final towed flight of the Eclipse program. The all Vectran rope was again used
and the tow was terminated by a normal release of the EXD-01. Planned for this flight was a towed climb to
26,000' MSL and release at that altitude. Test cards consisted of climb rate effects, stability boundary
investigation, and trim in turns. The C-141 control inputs card was planned but not completed.

There was • Might ho/d prior to engine start as a knuckle hardware Issue v_s worked by the EXD-01. The
C-141 made a normal engine start at 1441 Z and began taxi to RWY 22 at 1447 Z. The C-141 ardved at
the last chance sree for RWY 22 at 1454 Z. The EXD-01 was just nearing engine start as the C-141 arrived,
There was an extended delay prior to taking the runway while holding for a C-130J operation. Weather was
marginal due to cloud cover, bin chase took off and reported a climb in the clear could be accomplished.

EDW weather observation for this time was winds 100"@11 kte, temperature 48°F, clouds few 5,000',
scattered 7,000', broken 12,000' and overcast 20,000'. Actual weather was better than this reported
weather, but there were numerous thin broken clouds in the area.

The C-141 taxied onto the runway at 1532 Z. The tailwind caused a high concentration of C-141 engine
exhaust fumes to enter therear of the C-141 and the C-141 deployed the thrust reversers early to minimize
this. At 1540 Z the rope was aboard the C-141. Slack was removed at 1549 Z. Initially, the Ioedmaster
called slack removed but slack remained at the EXD-01 end of the rope and the C,141 continued creeping
forward until the EXD-01 celled slack removed.

The C-141 crew began breathing 100% oxygen as required for unpressurized flight above 18,000' M SL.
The communications setup for the Icadmaster, as in previous flights, required him to remain on hot mike for
interphone communications as his push-to-talk switch on the extended comm cord was used for transmitting
on misadon frequency. The breathing of the Ioedmastar on hot mike was a significant distracter for ell
communications throughout the flight.

There was a haiti for several minutes waiting for the C-130J to clear the runway end for the new takeoff
time of 1600 Z for I.anclllter Boulevard to be closed. Tension was set at 1558 Z, The flight was ready for
takeoff at 1800 Z. Chase made the airborne pickup calls end brake release was at 1600:55 Z. C-141 fuel st
takeoff was approximately 32,000 Ib$. Towed takeoff was normal.



Aircrefl tow can be safely conducted and wlth experience could be treated as a normal operation.

Use of hot mike should be avoided by personnel on oxygen.

Morgan LaVake, Test Conductor 106 FEB 98

AFSC Form 5314 NOV 86 .e,_,c. A,,TCpore 3.._ .. w_J:.w.. I_ .,lo

Document 44. Daily/Initial Flight Test Report, C-14IA, 61-2775, 06 Feb. 98, Morgan LaVake, Test

Section 5 continued .......

Climbout was at 190 KIAS and 2000 fpm rate of climb. Doublets were performed in the climb by
the EXD-01. Several turns were made during the climb for weather avoidance. There was light
turbulence for much of the climb. The flight leveled st 10,000' MSL Jn light chop at about 1605 Z.
Cruise EPR setting was approximately 1.3. The EXD-01 began the Stability Boundary Investigation -
Clean test card. Turbulence increased somewhat beyond the previous light chop. During one test
point, the EXD-01 deployed speedbrekes to recover the stable tow position. Winds aloft as
reported by chase were 20(7' @ 40 kts at 1614 Z st 10,000 MSL. At 1617 Z the flight entered
smooth air. As seen on previous flights, the EXD-01 doublets in the higher tow positions caused
slight pitch oscillations in the C-141. Attempting to maintain the high tow position above the C-
141 wake, the EXD-01 had several reported encounters with the C-141 vortices that moved him
into e lower tow position.

The NASA control room decided to delete the C-141 Control Inputs test card for the purposes of
time and fuel management. At approximately 1625 Z the TPS data pallet was shut down and
oxygen pre-breathe requirements had been met. The flight then began climbing to higher altitude.

Passing through approximately 11,500' the TPS data pellet barometric switch activated and
removed ell power from the pallet.

In the climb, power was increased with altitude to maintain the 2000 fpm rate of climb. Above
apl_roximately 20,000' the 2000 fpm climb could not be maintained and climb rate decreased to
about 1500 fpm with power set at N,T. At several times during the climb, doublets were p_formed
for data by the EXD-01. Clouds in the area necessitated moderate maneuvering for avoidance. At
1635 Z the flight leveled at 23,800' MSL to remain below the overcast. C-141 fuel was 21,000

Testing proceeded with the Stability Boundary Investigation - Clean and the Trim In Turns test
cards. At altitude, C-141 power was approximately 1.4 EPR on all four engines to maintain level

Because of cloud cover, the flight began a descent to a lower altitude for the planned tow release.
The EXD-01 released at 7,300' MSL at 1714:45 Z while the flight was in a 5OO-1000 fDm descent
at 190 KIAS. Release was by planned activation of the manual release by the EXD-OI. The knuckle
fitting was reported to separate from the rope almost immediataty after release.

The C-141 dropped the rope into the PB8 drop zone. The primary and secondary guillotines were
activated in close succession, end the rope departed the aircraft upon activation of the secondary
release. The primsw guillotine did not function at ell. The blade remained in the cocked position
and was found to be jammed in that position. Application of full force to the activation tether
would not move the release catch holding the blade in the cocked position.

The C-141 returned to EDW for landing. Weather continued to deteriorate and the C-141 al_l_roach
and landing were in light to moderate rain. The C-141 landed on Rwy 04 at 1729 Z with
approximately 12,000 Ibs of fuel remaining.

The test pallet tapes were provided to NASA for processing. The NASA Ashtec GPS was removed
from the aircraft and returned to NASA for downloading.

Flight Report
Flight 10 (6th towed flight)
February 6, 1998

Flight Crew:
EXD-01 (NASA QF-106A 59-0180): Mark "Forger" Stucky
C-141A (USAF C-141A 61-7775): Stu Farmer, Kelly Latimer, Morgan LeVake,
John Stab1, Dana Brink, Ken Drucker

The last Eclipse mission was flown on Friday, February 6, after a rapid
turnaround by the aircraft crew. This was an altitude mission, the
objective was to exceed 20k ft msl (weather permitting). The official
forecast was ominous; but local weather predictions predicted there
would be a break in the morning long enough to fly the mission.
Because of the altitude requirement and the unpressurized C-141A, a 30
minute prebreathe was required of all C-141A flight crew before
exceeding 10k ft msl. Also to monitor the crew, phys-techs
(physiology technicians) were required onboard for the entire

On this flight, a 10 knot tailwind component and a 7 knot

crosswind component was encountered. Chase reported promising
conditions, a haze layer between 15 and 18 k, but then clear air up to
a ragged ceiling at about 24k ft msl.

Takeoff was performed followed by some maneuvers at 10 k ft msl while

waiting for the 1/2 hour C-141A crew pre-breathe. After that, the flight
continued upstairs to 23k ft reel. Because of limited test time, only stability
boundaries and doublets could be performed.

The rope was marked on this day with tape and paint, but cloud cover
prevented effective photography of the rope sail. Holes in the clouds were
noted through to blue sky above, but limited use of these holes could be made
because of maneuvering limitations.

The EXD-01 pilot noted increased workload to maintain tow

position (the pilot asked the mission controller to read the cards to
him on the radio, he was unable to spend time reading the cards on his
own; a clear indication of increased workload).

It was hoped that the C-141A could tow the EXD-01 to high key position and
the EXD-OI couldexecutea releaseand landingwithouttouchingthe

Document 45. Aerodynamics, Eclipse EXD-01 Flight 10, 6 February 1998, A1 Bowers, Chief

The rain and clouds prevented such a plan from occurring, both aircraft
descended to 8500 ft msl (to remain clear of clouds), and the EXD-01 used the
manual release (thus demonstrating the last of the three release options;
electrical release, manual release, and frangible link break). The C-141A
dropped the rope, and the two aircraft landed on the main runway just as
the rain started to fall heavily.

Flight10 (sixthtowed flight)

Take offTime: 08 01 53
ReleaseTime: 09 14 51
Landing Time: 09 17 33
FlightTime: 01 15 40
Tow Time: 01 13 58
Total Tow Time: 05 34 29

Maximum Mach: 0.501(flight

I0,6th towed flight)
Maximum Altitude:
24,684ftmsl (flight
i0,6th towed flight)

Al Bowers
Chief Engineer

Flight Controls
EXD-01 Flight #10
February 6, lgg8

Drake release and takeoff.

Brake release was very smooth, resulting in less than 0.25 g's and less than 11,000
Ibs of peak tow rope tension. During the relatively steep initial climb by the tow plane
a peak tow rope tension of 12,000 Ibs was observed.

Climb tO. 10.000 feet.

The climb to altitude was made at 2,000 ft/min. The only difference from previous
flight was the presence of turbulence or 'light chop' that was reflected mainly on roll
rate response of the EXD-01.

Stability boundary_ tests.

During this flight the stability boundaries were investigated only in the clean
configuration at two test altitudes: 10,000 and 24,500 feet.

Just before moving to the lowest tow position at the 10,000 ft test altitude, the pilot
reported light chop; at the same time the lower gimba; limit was reached and large
oscillations of the tow rope were observed. The pilot used the speed brakes to damp
out the oscillations. On one occasion s brief throttle input was made in an attempt to
attenuate the tow rope tension as a large slack was being taken up. The high tow
positions just below the wake were characterized by the pilot as requiring high
workload due to the extremely dynamic behavior of the tow rope. In contrast, both the
workload and the dynamics of the tow rope were relatively mild above the wake.
At the 24,500-ft test altitude the EXD-01 airplane felt generally looser to the pilot in
spite of the smoother air at the higher altitude.

Varying the low tow positions had relatively small effect on the response of the
airplane. Even in the lowest tow position the airplane was stable both longitudinally
and lateral-directionally. In the high-unstable position the tow rope developed
extremely complex motions, but the tow rope tension remained at moderate values.
The large amplitude motion of the tow rope was damped by the pilot by modulating the
speed brakes. No maneuvers above the wake were made at the higher test altitude.

Zu.r. lg_tUgt
Trimmed flight in turns was evaluated at 24,500 feet in the clean configuration. The
EXD-01 did not track the tow plane as well as at the lower altitude and, according to
the pilot, "it had to be hand-flown continuously as a conventional sailplane."

Descents on tow.
Although there were no specific test points for rates of descent scheduled for this flight,
a long descent was made from 24,500 feet to 7,500 for the frangible link separation.
The descent was made with the speed brakes open at approximately 2,000 ft/min both
in smooth air, and in light turbulence. No tendency for tow rope slack was noted at any
time during the descent.

Document 46. Eclipse Flight Controls, EXD-01 Flight 10, 6 February 1998, Joe Gera

Tow roDe release,
A normal tow rope release, using the pneu-mechanical release system, was made at
7,500 feet over the PIRA. The pilot reported that release hardware separated from the
tow rope almost immediately.

Joe Gera

Flight Mechanics
EXD-01 Flight #I0
February 6, 1998

Initialreports from the chase photographer indicate that lighting

conditions wore poor for documenting rope sail. No useable photo data
is expected from this flight.

Jim Murray

Document 47. Flight Mechanics, Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 10, 6 February 1998, Jim Murray

Structures Report
EXD-01 Flight #10
February 6, 1998

This flight was the only one to exceed 10,000 feet altitude - going to about
25,000 feet. Additionally, it overcame the most challenging weather conditions
of the flight program threading its way in limited clear air amongst considerable
clouds and finally landing in ratn after a full flight.

System configuration was similar to last flight with the exception of having no
load cell assembly at the C-141A. The rope was 1000 feet of continuous
Vectran with the now routine painted tape marker segments.

Frangible link load signal zero load offsets were small. The takeoff roll tow load
profile was generally similar to previous cases and produced a moderate
maximum magnitude of about 12,000 pounds at rotation and a first cycle peak
of 10,500 pounds. No slack occurred during takeoff. This was perhaps the
smoothest looking (from a loads standpoint) takeoff of the flight program.

Peak maneuver loads of about 12,000 pounds occurred during a

lateral/directional doublet at 10,000 feet MSL, 190 KCAS, clean. This condition
produced a very dynamic rope response oscillating between the peak load and
zero load (slack) and was manually stopped by pilot recovery input. A second
peak maneuver load occurred at about 25,000 MSL, 190 KCAS, clean during a
longitudinal doublet performed at high tow (above wake). Here again the loads
oscillated between up to 12,000 pounds and zero load (slack), was very
dynamic and visually impressive and was manually stopped by pilot recovery
input. These maneuvers appeared to be able to produce unacceptably high
loads or excess slack.

Rope release was accomplished by pulling the manual release handle at about
190 KIAS, 7,000 feet alt, with a rope tension of 4,500 pounds. Upon release the
rope and end assembly sprang well forward and then rebounded straight back
with the end assembly apparently separating at the frangible link during the
beginning of the first whip cycle. The end assembly parts then traveled aft past
one side of the EXD-01 proving the uncertainty of post-link-failure kinematics
and showing the value of the pilot's procedure of developing lateral offset prior
to release. Of all the attention paid to the many details, this too was worth the

Bill Lokos

Document 48. Structures Report, EXD-01 Flight 10, 6 February 1998, Bill Lokos

EXDA)I Flight 10
Weather Summary
February 6, 1998

Strong mid-pacific storms that have been moving into the edwards area were a concern
leading the last Eclipse flight on February 6. The for_ast from the Air Force had rain in
the area by sunrise with winds gusting out of the south at 30 knots. The forecast was
unfavorable for flight. However, _ looking at the data it appeared that their would be an
oppommity to fly, as some of the moisture from the system would be held back by the
mounlains until the cold front, and associated precipitation, moved closer to the area. The
forecast was amended to indicate Ixoken skies at 20,000 feet and scattered to broken clouds
at 15,000 feet with a few clouds at 5,000 feet. The winds were stitl forecast to blow from
the south but at speeds near I0 to 15 knots. Precipitation was forecast to slay in the
mountain areas through mid-morning. Turbulence was forecast to be l;ght to moderate
from the surface to 12,000 feet.

blight day weather ohservafious in the early morning were close to operational limits. The
primary concern was the winds. Wind tower obs_rvatiOllS before 05:00 PSI" indicated the
winds were northeasterly at 10-12 knots. Forecasts from the Air Force indicated the winds
would turn south by 06.'00 PST with gust to 25 knots. The forecast also included rain by
08:00 PST with visibility reduced to less than 5 miles. Due to the wind forecast and
observations from nearby stations, it was decided to use runway 22 to ensure that the
mission will not violate the >10 knot cross/tail wind. As flight time approached it was clear
that the winds were not going to switch from the south. By takeoff time, 08._2 PST, the
winds were northeasterly at 10 knots. Runway 22 crosswinds were near 7 knots with a
tailwind component of 10 knots. The temperatmes throughout the morning remained in the
low 40"s. The wind and temperature data were observed from wind towers located along
the main runway. Tower 044 is located 4000 feet down the threshold of runway 04 and
Tower 224 is 4000 feet down runway 22. Both towers measure data 30 feet above ground
level. Sky conditions were observed to be broken altocumulus at 10,000 feet and scauew_
cumulus at 5,000 feel Light turbulence was experienced between surface and 8,000 feel
Rain began to fall just after 10:00 PST as both vehicles were _turning to base. Although
the pilots in the C-141A had to fly around clouds and rain showers during the flight, the
weather was acceptable for the final fright of the Eclipse program.


Document 49. Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 10, Weather Summary, 6 February 1998, Casey

EXD-01 Flight 10
February 6, 1998
Instrumentation Status Report

1) New calibrations for this flight:

TOWLDP - Tow Load Primary

TOWLDS - Tow Load Secondary

2) Originally the Knuckle Assembly from Flight #7 was to

be used for Flight #10. Upon examination of the Knuckle
Assembly on the day of flight, it was discovered that the
Vertical CPT cabling was damaged. A decision was made
to perform a quick turn around of Knuckle Assemblies.
Link #9 from the damaged assembly was installed on the
knuckle assembly used in flight #8 and *9. Comparing
vertical and lateral cable angle calibrations revealled
a maximum deveation of 1.75 deg. The differences were
noted with no saftey-of-flight or mission success
concerns. A post flight calibration check will be

Tony Branco
Instrumentation Engineer

Document 50. Eclipse, EXD-01 Flight 10, 6 February 1998, Instrumentation Status Report,
Tony Branco, Instrumentation Engineer

WATR Support
EXD.01 Flight #10
February 6, 1998

Mission Control Center:

NASA 1 (Blue Room), TRAPS 1, MFTS, and MOF were used for this flight. MOF
TM Site tracimd EXD-01 during takeoff and landing, and MFTS TM site tracked
the EXD-01 during flight TV1 and TV3 provided ground support for the EXD-01
and C-141A during take-offof flight 10. GPS data recorded at 4800, on
EXD-01, and on C-141A.

Problems eneountew#:
During flight 10 the discovery was made that MOSES was incorrectly shutdown on
February 5, 1998 after the SRA flighL This required that some of Indigo's running PAGE
displays had to be rebooted. However, this did not affect the acquisition of Eclipse flight
data or signflcanfly interrupt flight 10.

I) A new lineup was checked out for calibration changes in CIMS file for following

Debra Randall
Test Information Engineer / FE

Document 51. WATR [Western Area Test Range] Support, EXD-01 Flight 10, 6 February 1998,
Debra Randall, Test Information Engineer/FE

EXD-01 NASA 0130
Flight #I0

OF-106 S/N 59-0130

Flight Date: February 6, 1998

Pilot Time Logged: 1.3 his flying

Changes Since Flight #F9

- Structural post flight revealed no stmc'_ai damage.
- No changes were made to the basic configuration of the aircraft.
- The VecWan rope was marked with cloth tape and paint every 100 feet using the technique used
on the prior flighL
- The knuckle remains the same as on the last flight and a new frangible link was installed.
- The electro-pneumatic release circuit breaker was pulled and collared.

Ground Operations:
- During installation of the knuckle, one of the CPTs broke and the entire knuckle was changed
out in 45 minutes and the DOF cheeks were delayed by 25 minutes. The crew did an outstanding
job to pull it all together and minimize the delay.
- An additional delay was eneountered when we had agreed to allow the C- 130J aircraft on the
runway to do a taxi test prior to our take-off. They seemed to be taxiing very slowly, and took
forever to get on the runway. After all that wait, they did not perform the test due to unfavorable
- By the time we were close to taking runway 22 (again for the preAicted winds) and and it was
nearing the time for the road to be closed, somehow the Security police got the word from some
other person to close the road at 0730. When I called at 0745 to inform them we would like the
road closed starting at 0750, they informed me it was already closed.
- Just prior to take-off, range control called and informed us that we had a conflict in the PIRA
from 0800 to 0900 and that the 1=-16 had the priority. We informed the range that we would not
enter the PIRA until after 0900 but would have to transit the PIRA after takeoff to climb into the
- To top off all our other problems for the day, the weather was bad to the West and was looking
worse all the time. We were getting a lot of questions about the weather from the Director of
Operations. Chase was reporting cleat to the East and the front seemed to be stationary over
California City. Takeoff fmaily occurred at 0802.

Flight Operations:
- No control room issue noted.
- After the 30 minutes of 100% Oxygen pre-breathing, the flight was cleared to climb above
10,000 feet The Instrumentation was shutdown also prior to starting the climb, as briefed.
- The flight crews had to be creative to find holes in the clouds while climbing.
- The Eclipse separated from the tow rope using the normal tow release of opening the jaws.
However, the jaws were opened using the manual release Tee handle.
- Post flight inspection revealed no structural damage.

Mark Collard
Operations Engineer

Document 52. EXD-01 NASA 0130, Flight 10, Mark Collard, Operations Engineer

Acronyms and Definitions

AGL Above ground level

AOA Angle of attack
ARRIS C-141A call sign
Clean Low drag configruation, gear and speed brakes retracted
Dirty High drag configuration, gear down, speed brakes extended
DOF Day of Flight
End of Runway
EXD-0I, shortened. Modified QF- 106
Foreign Object Damage
GPS Global Positioning System
Handling Qualities rating
KIAS Knots indicated airspeed
IVlO2 Mission Control Center (control room)
MOF Mobile Operations Facility
MSL Mean seal level
PIRA Precision Impact Range Area
RTB Return to base
Simulated Flame Out
VMC Visible Meteorological Conditions
VFR Visble Flight Rules

Document 53. Eclipse Acronyms and Definitions

Document 54. Note, Dan Goldin to Ken [Szalai], 2 April 1998

Document 55. Eclipse Project Pilot Mark P. Stucky's slides used at briefings

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Aerotow, 3-4, 5 ill. Purpose and hallmark, 17
Air Force Flight Test Center, 3, 26 Dymott, Roy, 13, 20
418 'h Flight Test Squadron, 16
Air Force Phillips Laboratory, 3, l0 Eclipse, 4-5, 17, passim
Airspeed, see under Eclipse Airspeed and, 25
Albrecht, William P., 20 Eclipse Astroliner, 4-5
Allen, Mike, 30-32 Flights, 33-42
Anctil, Don, 9, 10 "High tow" vs. "low tow," 13-14
Apollo, 32 Simulations, 28
Use of GPS, 28, 37
B-29, 4 Various reviews, see under Dryden Flight
B-52, 7 Research Center
Parachute release hardware, 20 Vortices and towing, 24-25
Baron, Robert S., 3, 13, 15, 16, 23 Edwards Air Force Base, 4, 7, and passim
Boeing Company, 15 Egypt, 6
Boeing 747, 4 El Nifio, 40, 42
Bowers, Albion H., 12-13, 23, 30, 32, 34, 36-37, 41,42 EXD-0 I, 10 n. and see F- 106
Simulation for the C-141A, 28
Branco, Antonio E., 13 F-4, 11
Brink, Dana, 16, 38 F-18, 14, 24
Brown, Eric, 4 F- 18 High Angle-of-Attack Research Vehicle (HARV), 9,
Button, Randy, 37 12-13
F-106, 3, 9-12, 13-14, 15 ill., 18, 24, 35 ill., 38 & 39 ill.,
C-141A transport (Starlifter), 3, 6, 7 ill., 14, 16, 18, 24, 25 43 ill.
ill., 29, 33-43, 35 ill., 39 ill. Afterburner, 12
Petal doors and airspeed, 25 Canopy testing, 26-27, 27 ill.
Simulation, 28 Cockpit display of rope tension, 27
Canvas, 39 Finite element model and stress analysis, 30 ill.,
Cartland, Barbara, 2 30-32
Cessna, 4 Flights, 33-43
Chase, Dick, 11 Military vs. maximum power, 22
Clark, William, 13 Pyros for ejection, 28
Classical analysis, 31 Simulation, 28
Collard, Mark, 13, 25, 28, 30, 36 Tow configuration (EXD-01), 23
Convair, 9 Transfer to Dryden, 16
Cortland Cable, 6 Farmer, Charles Stuart, 7, 16, 34-43
CV-990, 7 Fokker, Anthony, 3, 14
"Follow the rope," 35, 43
Dana, William H., 17 Frangible link, 20-22
Deets, Dwain A., 29 Fullerton, Charles Gordon, 17, 41
Donohue, Casey J., 40-42
Dope on a Rope, 18 Gallo, Mike, 14, 17
Drachslin, Bill, 10, 11 Gentry, Jerauld, 4
Drucker, Ken, 7, 16, 23, 25, 29, 34, 38 Gera, Joe, 13, 17, 24, 30
Dryden Flight Research Center, 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 16, and Gigant, 4
passim Ginn, Anthony, 11, 20
Airworthiness and Flight Safety Review Board, Global Positioning System (GPS), see under Eclipse
17, 29 Goldin, Daniel S., 14, 30, 42
Configuration Control Board (CCB), 26
Critical design review (CDR), 29 Hampsten, Ken, 3, 11
Culture, 26, 31-32 Hofschneider, Roy, 6
Flight readiness review (FRR), 29 Howell, Homer "Bud," 23
Pilots, 9, 18
Preliminary design review (PDR), 29 Ishmael, Stephen, 8

Kelly,MichaelS.,1-3,4-5,7-8,11,14,17,36,42 SmallBusiness Innovation Research
KellySpace& Technology, Inc.,1,3,19,20-21,22-23, Smith,Rogers, 4
26,30-32,40,42 Snapp, KellyJ.,27-28
IdeaforEclipse,2 Space, defined,32
Kick-offparty,14 Space Shuttle,2
3,5,6-7,8 Spitfire,4
Robert,26,31,42 Stahl,John,16
Knuckle,18,20,36-37 Starbuck, Phil,27
Stucky,Mark"Forger," 8, I1-12,15,17,22,23,24,30,
L-1011, 5 33-42
Latimer,Kelly,16,37-38 Surovec, Roy,16
Learjet,4 Szalai,Kenneth J.,42
LeVake, Morgan, 16,34
Lifting-bodyprogram,4 Tecson,
Loads, 20-22,28,30-32,40 Thomas,
Lokos,WilliamA., 13,20,22,28,30 Towrope,1,3,5-6,21ill., 36ill., 38& 39ill.,40ill.
Abrasion tests, 20
Canopy testing,
Attachment and release mechanism, 19 ill., 22
Lord,Mark,31-32 Attachment loop, 27-28
Simulation, 28
Losey, Lori,13
Towing position, see under Eclipse, "high tow" vs. "low

Townsend, Daryl, 18, 27, 33, 37

Me163Aand-B, 4 Tracor Aerospace, 6
Me321,4n. Tracor Flight Systems, Inc., 14-15
Trippensee, Gary, 8, 13, 23
MurocArmyAir Field,4 Tyndall Air Force Base, 10
Vectran®, 6, 20, 27-28, 39
Vickers, Archie, 20
Names, importance
of, 17
NASAHeadquarters, 1 Videotapes, 13
ReviewTeam(IRT),29-30 Vortices, see under Eclipse
Norlin,Ken,13 WACO glider, 4-5
28 Watson, Mark, 16, 26
Whitehead, Robert E., 29
Williams, Bill, 20
Wilson, Bob, 16, 26
Parachute qualification
Wilson, Ronald J. "Joe," 9, 17
Pegasus, 2
Peters,ToddL., 12,30-32
PhillipsLab,seeAir ForcePhillipsLaboratory
Propulsion Directorate
ofAir ForceResearch

10,15ill., 35ill., andseeF-106

CarolA., 16,23-24,
Launch Vehicles


About the Author

Tom Tucker is a writer who has a special interest in topics relating to invention. He is the author of 7_n¢ch-
down." The Developnwnt of Propulsion Controlled Aircraft at NASA Do,den (Washington, DC: Monographs
in Aerospace History # 16, 1999) and Brainstorm: The Stories of TwenO, American Kid Inventors (New York:
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1995, revised 1998). His next nonfiction work, "Bolt of Fate: Benjamin Franklin
and his Electric Kite Experiment" is due out from Public Affairs Books in the winter of 2001. He has
published in many periodicals and also has written about baseball, including a baseball short story featured
in Sports lUustrated. He is an instructor at Isothermal Community College in Spindale, NC. He attended
Harvard College and Washington University in St. Louis, earning his B.A. and later an M.A. on a Woodrow
Wilson Fellowship at Washington University.

Monographs in Aerospace History

Launius, Roger D., and Gillette, Aaron K. Compilers. The Space Shuttle: An Annotated Bibliography. (Mono-
graphs in Aerospace History, No. I, 1992).

Launius, Roger D., and Hunley, J.D. Compilers. An Annotated Bibliogr_q_hy of the Apollo Ppvgram. (Mono-
graphs in Aerospace History, No. 2, 1994).

Launius, Roger D, Apollo: A Retrospective Analysis. (Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 3, 1994).

Hansen, James R. E, chanted Rendezvous: John C. Houbolt and the Genesis of the Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous
Concept. (Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 4, 1995),

Gorn, Michael H. Hugh L. Dryden's Career in Aviation and Space. (Monographs in Aerospace History,
No. 5, 1996).

Powers, Sheryll Goecke. Women in Flight Research at the Dlyden Flight Research Center, 1946-1995
(Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 6, 1997).

Portree, David S.F. and Trevino, Robert C. Compilers. Walking to Olympus: A Chronology of Extravehicular
Activity (EVA). (Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 7, 1997).

Logsdon, John M. Moderator. The Legislative Origins of the National Aelvnautics and Space Act of1958:
Pt_)ceedi,gs of an Oral Histo O, Workshop (Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 8, 1998).

Rumerman, Judy A. Compiler. U.S. Huma, Spaceflight." A Record of Achievement, 1961-1998 (Monographs in
Aerospace History, No. 9, 1998).

Portree, David S.F. NASA k Origins and the Dawn of the Space Age (Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 10,

Logsdon, John M. Together in Orbit." The Origins of h_ternational Cooperation in the Space Station Program
(Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 11, 1998).

Phillips, W. Hewitt. Journey in Aeronautical Research: A Career at NASA Langley Research Center (Mono-
graphs in Aerospace History, No. 12, 1998).

Braslow, Albert L. A History of Suction-Type Laminar-Flow Control with Emphasis on Flight Research (Mono-
graphs in Aerospace History, No. 13, 1999).

Logsdon, John M. Moderator. Managing ttre Moon Program: Lessons Learned.from Project Apollo (Mono-
graphs in Aerospace History, No. 14, 1999).

Perminov, V.G. The Difficult Road to Mars: A Brief Hiswry of Mars Exploration in the Soviet Union (Mono-
graphs in Aerospace History, No. 15, 1999).

Tucker, Tom. Touchdown." Ttre Development of Propulsion Controlled Aircra)q at NASA Dryden (Monographs in
Aerospace History, No. 16, 1999).

Maisel, Martin D.; Demo J. Giulianetti; and Daniel C. Dugan. The Histot 3, of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research
Aircraft: From Concept to Flight. (Monographs in Aerospace History #17, NASA SP-2000-4517, 2000).

Jenkins, Dennis R. Hypersonics Before the Shuttle: A History of the X-15 Research Airplane. (Monographs
in Aerospace History # ! 8, NASA SP-2000-4518, 2000).

Chambers, Joseph R. Partners in Freedom: Contributions of the I_zmgley Research Center to U.S. Military
Aircraft in the 1990s. (Monographs in Aerospace History #19, NASA SP-2000-4519).

Waltman, Gene L. Black Magic and Gremlins: Analog Flight Simulations at NASA's Flight Research Center
(Monographs in Aerospace History #20, NASA SP-2000-4520).

Portree, David S.E Humans to Mars: Fifty Years of Mission Planning, 1950-2000. (Monographs in Aerospace
History #21, NASA SP-2002-4521 ).

Thompson, Milton O. Flight Research: Problems Encountered and What They Should Teach Us. (Mono-
graphs in Aerospace History #22, NASA SP-2000-4522).

Those monographs still in print are available free of charge from the NASA History Division, Code ZH, NASA
Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546. Please enclosed a self-addressed 9x 12" envelope stamped for 15 ounces
for these items.


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