Digital Receivers and Transmitters Using Polyphase Filter Banks For Wireless Communications

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Digital Receivers and Transmitters Using Polyphase Filter Banks

for Wireless Communications

fred harris, Fellow, IEEE, Chris Dick, Member, IEEE, Michael Rice, Senior Member IEEE

Abstract: This paper provides a tutorial overview of mul- Motivation: Radio receivers and transmitters perform a
tichannel wireless digital receivers and the relationships sequence of invertible signal transformations in order to
between channel bandwidth, channel separation, and communicate through imperfect band limited channels.
channel sample rate. The overview makes liberal use of The transformations applied to waveforms are associ-
figures to support the underlying mathematics. A mul- ated with disjoint frequency spans classically called
tichannel digital receiver simultaneously down-convert a baseband, intermediate frequency (IF), and radio fre-
set of frequency division multiplexed (FDM) channels quency (RF). Early radios performed the desired trans-
residing in a single sampled data signal stream. In a formations using appropriate linear and non-linear
similar way, a multichannel digital transmitter simultane- lumped and distributed analog circuit elements.
ously up-converts a number of baseband signals to as- The confluence of three technology areas has had
semble a set of FDM channels in a single sampled data profound effect on the way we manipulate baseband and
signal stream. The polyphase filter bank [1] has become low IF signals. Two of these areas, enabled by the tran-
the architecture of choice to efficiently accomplish these sistor and later by integrated circuits (ICs), are the ana-
tasks. This architecture uses three [2, 3] interacting log-to-digital and digital-to-analog converter (ADC &
processes to assemble or to disassemble the channel- DAC) and the programmable microprocessor. The third
ized signal set. In a receiver these processes are an in- technology area is algorithm development by the digital
put commutator to effect spectral folding or aliasing due signal processing (DSP) community. These technologies
to a reduction in sample rate, a polyphase M-path filter coupled with an educated and motivated work force led
to time align the partitioned and resampled time series in inexorably to insertion of DSP in the signal-processing
each path, and a discrete Fourier transform to phase path of radio receiver and transmitter systems.
align and separate the multiple base-band aliases. In a Intel’s former CEO Gordon Moore [4], observed that
transmitter these same processes operate in a related the cost of performing a specified processing task on an
manner to alias baseband signals to high order Nyquist IC drops by a factor of two every 18-months or equiva-
zones while increasing the sample rate with the output lently, the amount of processing that can be performed
commutator. at a fixed cost doubles every 18-months. This relation-
This paper presents a sequence of simple modifica- ship, known as Moore’s law appears to be unique to the
tions to sampled data structures based on analog proto- semiconductor industry. A similar cost-performance
type systems to obtain the basic polyphase structure. curve does not exist for general circuit components. A
We further discuss ways to incorporate small modifica- consequence of Moore’s Law is the migration from de-
tions in the operation of the polyphase system to ac- signs that assemble and integrate sub-system to designs
commodate secondary performance requirements. that are full systems on a Chip (SOC).
MATLAB simulations of a 10, a 40, and a 50 channel An important participant in the semiconductor arena
resampling receiver are included in the electronic ver- is the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) [5]. The
sion of this paper. An animated version of the 10- FPGA consists of a vast array of configurable logic tiles,
channel resampling receiver illustrates the time and fre- multipliers, and memory. This technology provides the
quency response of the filter bank when driven by a signal-processing engineer with the ability to construct a
slowly varying linear FM sweep. custom data path that is tailored to the application at
hand. FPGAs offer the flexibility of instruction set digital
Manuscript received 2-May, 2002 signal processors while providing the processing power
and flexibility of an ASIC. The FPGA enables significant
fred harris is with the Department of Electrical Engineer- design cycle compression and time-to-market advan-
ing, San Diego State University, tages, an important consideration in an economic cli-
Chris Dick is with Xilinx, San Jose, CA. mate with ever decreasing market windows and short
Michael Rice is with the Department of Electrical Engi- product life cycles.
neering, Brigham Young University

DSP based processing of baseband and low IF sig- BB Digital BB
nals offer cost and performance advantages related to IF
manufacturability, insensitivity to environment, ability to Band
absorb design changes, and ease of feature insertion for Proc

Splitter Network
product evolution and differentiability. The DSP segment L0-1_A


of a radio enhances the radio while reducing its cost thus L0-1_C

enabling larger market penetration as well as new mar- L0-N_B
ket formation. DSP and RF and microwave communica- BB Digital BB
tion systems are tightly coupled. RF ADC Base
The authors have written this paper to help the RF Proc
and microwave engineer acquire an understanding of
the key work performed by their DSP partners in pursuit L0-N_A
of their common goal, the design and production of
competitive, high quality, RF communication and RF Figure 1. First Generation RF Architecture of N-Channel
monitoring systems. We start the paper with a review of Receiver
a standard architecture for analog transmitters and re-
ceivers. Here the interface between continuous and Figure 2 shows a base station companion radio
sampled data is located at the end of the signal- transmitter formed by N sets of dual conversion sub-
processing path and operates at the highest signal to transmitters that modulate and up-convert multiple simul-
noise ratio with the lowest sample rate. We then present taneous narrowband RF channels. Note that the signal
variants of the standard architectures in which the oper- flow for the transmitter chain is simply a reversal of the
ating conditions change to process signals at higher dy- signal flow of the receiver chain.
namic range and at higher sample rates. A common L0-1_B
Digital BB
variant of the high sample rate option is IF sampling. IF
High sample rate converters offer the option in a re- Band
ceiver to acquire large segments of input bandwidth and
Combiner Network

absorb much of the signal processing tasks and func-


tions in DSP algorithms. The dual task of assembling

large segments of bandwidth in a transmitter is implied
but is not addressed here. The receiver processing in- BB Digital BB
cludes, partitioning, filtering, translation, and demodu- IF
lated. The remainder of the paper is restricted to descrip- Band
tion of various techniques to accomplish single or multi- DAC

ple channel extraction of signal bands from the band- L0-N_A

width collected by high bandwidth converters. L0-N_C

Introduction: Base stations for cellular mobile commu- Figure 2. First Generation RF Architecture of N-Channel
nication systems [6] offer an example of a radio receiver Transmitter
that must down-convert and demodulate multiple simul-
taneous narrowband RF channels. The traditional archi- Gain and phase imbalance between the two paths
tecture of a radio receiver that performs this task is containing the quadrature mixers, the analog baseband
shown in figure 1. This architecture contains N sets of filters, and the ADC in an N-Channel receiver or N-
dual-conversion sub-receivers. Each receiver amplifies channel transmitter is the cause of cross talk between
and down-converts a selected radio-frequency (RF) the in-phase and quadrature (I/Q) components [7]. This
channel to an intermediate frequency (IF) filter that per- in turn results in coupling between the many narrowband
forms initial bandwidth limiting. channels sometimes called ghosts or images. This spec-
The output of each IF filter is again down converted tral coupling can be described compactly by examining
to baseband by matched quadrature mixers that are fol- the model shown in figure 3. Here the composite I-Q
lowed by matched base-band filters that perform final gain and phase imbalances have been assigned to the
bandwidth control. Each quadrature down converted quadrature term as the amplitude and phase shift of the
signal is then converted to their digital representation by sinusoid.
a pair of matched analog-to-digital converters (ADC). We can examine the unbalanced complex sinusoid
The output of the ADCs is processed by digital signal presented to the mixer pair and compare its spectrum to
processing (DSP) engines that perform the required that of the balanced spectrum. The complex sinusoid
synchronization, equalization, demodulation, detection, shown in eq-1 is expanded in eq-2 to explicitly show the
and channel decoding. positive and negative frequency components. Equation 3

uses the small signal approximation to obtain a simple 1%. Third generation wireless systems impose severe
estimate of the effects of gain and phase imbalance on requirements on level of I/Q balance. The need to
the positive and negative frequency components of the achieve extreme levels of I/Q balance motivates us per-
quadrature mixer signal. Figure 4 presents a graphical form the complex conversion process in the DSP do-
visualization of these same spectral components. main.

_ε )
A cos(ω0t) 2

| H(f)|

I(t) A

f 2


| H(f)|
2 α
f Q(t) A 2
Im ag

-A (1+ε)sin(ω0t+ α) ω

Figure 3. Quadrature Down Converter With Gain and

Phase Imbalance
Figure 4. Spectral Components of Unbalanced Complex

g (t ) = A[cos(ω 0 t ) − j (1 + ε ) sin(ω 0 t + α )] (1) Figures 5 and 6 present block diagrams of a second-

generation multichannel receiver and transmitter in
which the conversion from analog to digital (or digital to
 A A 
g (t ) =   − (1 + ε ) cos(α ) − analog) occurs at IF rather than at baseband. Examining
 2 2  the receiver, we see that the down conversion of the
separate channels is performed by a set of digital down
A   + jω t converters and digital low pass filters. The digital proc-
j  (1 + ε ) sin(α )  e 0 +
2  ess can realize arbitrarily small levels of imbalance by
(2) controlling the number of bits involved in the arithmetic
 A A  operations. Precision of coefficients used in the filtering
  + (1 + ε ) cos(α ) − process sets an upper bound to spectral artifact levels at
 2 2  –5 dB/bit so that 12-bit arithmetic can achieve image
A   − jω t levels below –60 dB. Thus the DSP based complex
j  (1 + ε ) sin(α )  e 0 down conversion does not introduce significant imbal-
2  ance related spectral terms. Similar comments apply to
the DSP based up-conversions in the digital transmitter.
ε α The rule of thumb here is that the levels of spectral im-
g (t ) ≅ A − j  e + jω 0 t + ages are controlled to be below the quantizing noise
2 2 floor of the ADC or DAC involved in the conversion
 ε α process. A second advantage of digital translation proc-
A(1 + ) − j  e − jω 0 t ess is that the digital filters following or preceding the
 2 2 mixers are designed to have linear phase characteris-
tics, a characteristic trivially simple to realize in digital
Besides the obvious coupling between the quadra- non-recursive filters [18].
ture components at the same frequency due to phase The dynamic range and conversion speed of the
imbalance, we see a coupling between positive and ADC and the DAC becomes the limiting factor in the ap-
negative frequencies due to both amplitude and phase plication of the architectures shown in figures 5 and 6.
imbalance. To achieve an imbalance related spectral The dynamic range of the converter is determined to first
image 40 dB below the desired spectral term, each im- order, by the number of bits in the converter with each
balance term must be less than 1% of the desired term. bit contributing 6-dB [8]. The Nyquist criterion [9] estab-
It is difficult to sustain, over time and temperature, gain lishes the minimum sample rate to obtain an alias free
and phase balance of analog components to better than representation of the sampled signal. The Nyquist crite-

rion directs us to select the sample rate to exceed the log 2 (2 b f SAMPLE ) = k (4)
two-sided bandwidth of the signal. Converters have the
property that the product of sample rate and number of
conversion levels is a constant [10]. This relationship is b = log 2 {k} − log 2 ( f SAMPLE ) (5)
shown in eq-4 where b is the number of bits in the con-
verter. Equation 5, a rearrangement of eq-4, shows how Dynamic bits
Range 18
the number of bits varies inversely with the sample rate.
100 dB 16
Digital BB 15
Base 80 dB 13
Digital IF 12
Proc 11
60 dB 10
IF 9

50 dB 8

RF L0-1_C
Digital BB 5
L0-A 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 log 2 (fS)
Base 6 7 8 9
Band 10 10 10 10 fS
Figure 7. Scatter Diagram Showing Speed-Precision
L0-N_C Performance of ADCs

Figure 5. Second Generation RF Architecture of N- A final comment on ADCs is that the spurious terms
Channel Receiver generated by converter non-linearities often exceed the
quantizing noise levels described by the –6dB per bit
rule. The true performance measure of the ADC is the
Digital BB full bandwidth, full-scale spurious free dynamic range
(SPDR) [11].
Digital IF Base
Proc The limited dynamic range available from high speed
IF ADCs restricts the range of applications for the architec-


L0-1_C tures presented in figures 5 and 6 to IF center frequen-

cies to the low to mid 100’s of MHz. To extend the appli-
Digital BB cation range of digital N-channel receivers and digital N-
Base channels transmitters we often use a hybrid scheme in
Band which the initial complex down conversion is performed
with analog I-Q mixers and the channelization is per-
formed digitally after the ADC. The first conversion can
be considered a block conversion to baseband that de-
livers the frequency band of interest to the DSP arena
Figure 6. Second Generation RF Architecture of N-
for subsequent channelization. The hybrid forms of the
Channel Transmitter
digital N-channel receiver and the digital N-channel
transmitter are shown in figures 8 and 9 respectively.
Figure 7 is a graphical presentation of this relation-
DSP techniques are applied to the digitized I-Q data to
ship along with a scattering of data points showing the
balance the gain and phase offsets in the analog ADC
conversion speed versus precision performance exhib-
and DAC. DSP based I-Q balance correction is a stan-
ited by a number of current (mid-year 2002) ADCs. A
dard signal conditioning task in high-end as well as con-
useful rule of thumb is that a converter operating at 10-
sumer based receivers and transmitters.
MHz sample rate can deliver 16-bit performance and
that for every doubling of the sample rate results in a 1-
Digital Down Conversion: In the previous section we
bit (or 6-dB) reduction in conversion precision. The
described the process of sampling an analog IF signal or
sloped line in figure 7 matches this rule. The intercept of
complex analog baseband signal containing the set of N-
this performance line is related to the aperture uncer-
frequency division multiplexed channels to be further
tainty of the conversion process, a parameter that im-
processed or channelized by DSP techniques. We con-
proves slowly in response to advances in semiconductor
sider the input signal to be composed of many equal-
bandwidth, equally spaced, frequency division multi-

plexed (FDM) channels as shown in figure 10. These that frequency is the time derivative of the time evolving
many channels are digitally down-converted to base- phase angle θ(t) and has units of radians/second. The
band, bandwidth constrained by digital filters, and sub- sampled data sinusoid is obtained by replacing the time
jected to a sample rate reduction commensurate with the variable “t” with the sampled time variable “nT” as shown
bandwidth reduction. in eq-7. Note that the units of the sample time variable
are samples and seconds/sample respectively. The an-
Digital BB gle formed by the product 2πfk and T or by the equivalent
term 2πfk/fS, where fS=1/T, is shown in eq-8. Here the
product term 2πfk, denoted by θk, has units of radi-
BB Digital BB ans/second by seconds/sample or radians/sample.



Digital BB g (t ) = exp( j 2 π f k t ) (6)
L0-1_C Base
g (n) = g (t ) t = nT = exp( j 2 π f k nT ) (7)

Figure 8. Second Generation Hybrid RF Digital g (n) = exp( j 2 π n) = exp( j θ k n) (8)
N-Channel Receiver fS
Narrowband -jθ0n
Digital BB e
Wideband Wideband Base Low-Pass Filter
BB Digital BB Band
L0-1_B Proc h(n)
RF M-to-1



Digital BB Low-Pass Filter
L0-1_C Base h(n)

FDM -jθkn
Figure 9. Second Generation Hybrid RF Digital fs e
N-Channel Transmitter Low-Pass Filter
fBW -jθM-1n
F0 F1 F2 e
FM-2 FM-1
Low-Pass Filter
...... h(n)
f M-to-1
M Figure 11. Conventional Channelizer as a Replica of
fs Analog Prototype: Down-Converters, Base-Band Filters,
and Resamplers
Figure 10. Input Spectrum of Frequency Division Multi-
plexed Signal to be Channelized An alternate implementation performs the channeli-
zation as a single merged process called a polyphase N-
The signal processing task can be performed as a Path filter bank [12] as shown in figure 12. The poly-
replica of the analog prototype solution by a DSP based phase filter bank partition offers a number of significant
set of independent down-conversion processes as indi- advantages relative to the set of individual down conver-
cated in figure 11. For clarity of presentation, we de- sion receivers. The primary advantage is reduced cost
scribe how digital frequency denoted by the angle θk is due to major reduction in system resources required to
derived from analog frequency fk. This change of vari- perform the multichannel processing.
ables is shown on equations 6 through 8. Equation 6 The first sector in the communications community to
presents a complex sinusoid of frequency 2πfk. We note make wide use of this form of the transmultiplxer was the
Bell System network that used this structure in the early

1980’s to modulate and demodulate analog single side The expression for y(n,k), the time series output from
band (SSB) FDM supergroup containing 60 4-kHz chan- the k-th channel, prior to resampling, is a simple convo-
nels [13]. We now present a tutorial review to describe lution as shown in eq-9.
how the conventional channelizer is converted to the
y ( n , k ) = [ x ( n ) e − jθ k n ] * h ( n )
standard polyphase channelizers [14, 15]. This review
contains simple equations and informative block dia- N −1
grams representing the sequence of modifications that = ∑ x ( n − r ) e − jθ k ( n − r ) h ( r )
affect the transformation. We then extend the tutorial to r =0
incorporate a number of variations to perform secondary
processing tasks along with the basic channelization The output data from the complex mixer is complex
task. hence is represented by two time series, I(n) and Q(n).
The filter with real impulse response h(n) is implemented
Polyphase as two identical filters, each processing one of the quad-
rature time series. The convolution process is performed
by a simple digital filter that performs the multiply and
h1(n) add operations between data samples and filter coeffi-
cients extracted from two sets of addressed memory
registers. One register set contains the data samples
while the other contains the coefficients that define the


fs TDM filter impulse response. This structure is shown in figure

hM-2(n) Coefficient Registers

hr(n)= h(r+ nM)

..... x(n+ 1) Data Registers
Figure 12. Polyphase Channelizer: Resampler, All-Pass x(n) x(n-1) x(n-2) x(n-3) x(n-N)
Partition, and FFT Phase Shifters

Transforming the Channelizer, First Step: The block

diagram of a single channel of a conventional channel- y(n) ....
izer is shown in figure 13. This structure performs the
standard operations of down conversion of the selected
channel with a complex heterodyne, low-pass filtering to Figure 14. Conceptual Digital Filter: Coefficients and
reduce bandwidth to the channel bandwidth, and down Data Registers, Multipliers, and Adders
sampling to a reduced rate commensurate with the re-
duced bandwidth. We mention that the down sampler is We can rearrange the summation of eq-9 to obtain a
commonly referred to as a decimator, a term which related summation reflecting the equivalency theorem
means to destroy every tenth one. Since nothing is de- [16]. The equivalency theorem states that the operations
stroyed, and nothing happens in tenths, we prefer, and of down conversion followed by a low-pass filter are to-
will continue to use the more descriptive name, down tally equivalent to the operations of a band-pass filter
sampler. followed by a down conversion. The block diagram dem-
onstrating this relationship is shown in figure 15, while
-j θ n the rearranged version of eq-9 is shown in eq-10. Note
here, that the up-converted filter, h(n) exp(jθkn), is com-
LOW-PASS M-to-1 plex and as such its spectrum resides only on the posi-
tive frequency axis without a negative frequency image.
H(Z) This is not a common structure for an analog prototype
x(n) y(n,k) y(nM,k) because of the difficulty of forming a pair of analog quad-
rature filters exhibiting a 90-degree phase difference
One for each Channel across the filter bandwidth. The closest equivalent struc-
ture in the analog world is the filter pair used in image-
Figure 13. k-th Channel of Conventional Channelizer reject mixers.
Applying the transformation suggested by the
equivalency theorem to an analog prototype system
does not make sense since it doubles the required

hardware. We would have to replace a complex scalar filter output rather than at the filter input. Examining fig-
heterodyne (two mixers) and a pair of low-pass filters ure 16, we note that following the output down conver-
with a pair of band-pass filters, containing twice the sion, we perform a sample rate reduction by retaining
number of reactive components, and a full complex het- only one sample in every M-samples. Recognizing that
erodyne (four mixers). If it makes no sense to use this there is no need to down convert the samples we dis-
relationship in the analog domain, why does it make card in the down sample operation, we choose to down
sense in the digital world? The answer is found in the sample only the retained samples. This is shown in fig-
fact that we define a digital filter as a set of weights ure 17.
stored in coefficient memory. Thus, in the digital world, We note in figure 17, that when we bring the down
converter to the low data rate side of the resampler, we
are in fact also down sampling the time series of the
Digital -j θkn complex sinusoid. The rotation rate of the sampled com-
Band-Pass plex sinusoid is θ k and Mθ k radians per sample at the
input and output respectively of the M-to-1 resampler.
H(Ze ) Digital
y(n,k) y(nM,k) -j Mθkn
x(n) Band-Pass e
One for each Channel
Figure 15. Band-Pass Filter, k-th Channel of Channelizer H(Ze )
x(n) y(nM,k)
N −1
y ( n, k ) = ∑ x(n − r ) e
r =0
− j ( n − r )θ k
h(r ) One for each Channel

Figure 17. Down Sampled Down Converter,

N −1
Band-Pass k-th Channel
= ∑ x(n − r ) e
r =0
− jn θ k
h ( r )e jr θ k
This change in rotation rate is an aliasing affect, a sinu-
N −1 soid at one frequency or phase slope, appears at an-
= e − jn θ k ∑ x ( n − r ) h ( r ) e jr θ k other phase slope when resampled. We now invoke a
r =0 constraint on the sampled data center frequency of the
down converted channel. We choose center frequencies
we incur no cost in replacing the pair of low pass filters θ k which will alias to DC (zero frequency) as a result of
h(n) required in the first option with the pair of band pass the down sampling to Mθ k. This condition is assured if
filters h(n) cos(nθk) and h(n) sin(nθk) required for the Mθ k is congruent to 2π, which occurs when Mθ k = k 2π,
second option. We accomplish this task by a simple or more specifically, when θ k = k 2π/M. The modification
download to the coefficient memory. The filter structures to figure 17 to reflect this provision is seen in figure 18.
corresponding to the two sides of the equivalency theo- The constraint, that the center frequencies be integer
rem are shown in figure 16. Note the input signal inter- multiples of the output sample rate assures aliasing to
acts with the complex sinusoid as a product at the filter base band by the sample rate change. When a channel
input or as a convolution in the filter weights. aliases to base band by the resampling operation the
resampled related heterodyne defaults to a unity-valued
cos(nθk) cos(nθk) scalar, which consequently is removed from the signal-
processing path. Frequency offsets of the channel center
x(n) h(n) x(n) h(n) cos(nθk) frequencies, due to oscillator drift or Doppler effects, are
y(n) y(n)
h(n) h(n) sin(nθk)
removed after the down conversion by a baseband
phase locked loop (PLL) controlled mixer. This base-
-sin(nθk) sin(nθk) band mixer operates at the output sample rate rather
than at the input sample rate for a conventional down
Figure 16. Block Diagrams Illustrating Equivalency Be- converter. We consider this required final mixing opera-
tween Operations of Heterodyne and Baseband Filter tion a post conversion task and allocate it to the next
With Band-Pass Filter and Heterodyne processing block.
The operations invoked by applying the equivalency
We still have to address the matter of the full com- theorem to the down conversion process guided us to
plex heterodyne required for the down conversion at the the following sequence of maneuvers: i) slide the input
heterodyne through the low pass filters to their outputs,

Transforming the Channelizer, Second Step: Examin-
Digital ing figure 18, we note that the current configuration of
Band-Pass the single channel down converter involves a band pass
M-to-1 filtering operation followed by a down sampling of the
-j 2π k
filtered data to alias the output spectrum to baseband.
H(Ze M ) Following the idea developed in the previous section that
y(nM,k) led us to down-convert only those samples retained by
x(n) the down sampler, we similarly conclude that there is no
need to compute the output samples from the pass band
One for each Channel
filter that will be discarded by the down sampler. We now
Figure 18. Alias to Base Band, Down Sampled Down interchange the operations of filter and down sample
Converter, Band-Pass k-th Channel with the operations of down sample and filter. The proc-
ess that accomplishes this interchange is known as the
ii) doing so converts the low pass filters to a complex Noble Identity [17], which we now review.
band pass filter, iii) slide the output heterodyne to the The noble identity is compactly presented in figure
downside of the down sampler, iv) doing so aliases the 20 which we describe with similar conciseness by “The
center frequency of the oscillator, v) restrict the center output from a filter H(ZM) followed by an M-to-1 down
frequency of the band pass to be a multiple of the output sampler is identical to an M-to-1 down sampler followed
sample rate, vi) doing so assures alias of the selected by the filter H(Z)”. The ZM in the filter impulse response
pass band to base band by the resampling operation, tell us that the coefficients in the filter are separated M-
and finally, vii) discard the now unnecessary heterodyne. samples rather than the more conventional one sample
The spectral effect of these operations is shown in figure delay between coefficients in the filter H(Z). We must
19. The savings realized by this form of the down con- take care to properly interpret the operation of the M-to-1
version is due to the fact we no longer require a quadra- down sampler. The interpretation is that the M-to1 down
ture oscillator nor the pair of input mixers to effect the sampled time series from a filter processing every M-th
frequency translation. input sample presents the same output by first down
sampling the input by M-to-1 to discard the samples not
Fk used by the filter to compute the retained output samples
and then operating the filter on the retained input sam-
...... ples. The noble identity works because M-samples of
f delay at the input clock rate is the same interval as one-
Specta, Input Signal M sample delay at the output clock rate.

M-to-1 M-to-1
f H(Z ) H(Z )
Spec ta, Complex Passband Filter x(n) x(n) y(nM)
y(n) y(nM)
Figure 20. Noble Identity: A Filter Processing Every M-th
Input Sample Followed by an Output M-to-1 Down Sampler is
f the same as an Input M-to-1 Down Sampler Followed by a
Spec ta, Bandpass Filtered Output Signal Filter Processing Every M-th Input Sample.

We might ask, “Under what condition does a filter

...... ...... manage to operate on every M-th input sample?” We
f answer this query by rearranging the description of the
filter to establish this condition so that we can invoke the
Spec ta, Downsam pled Output Signal noble identity. This rearrangement starts with an initial
partition of the filter into M-parallel filter paths. The Z-
transform description of this partition is presented in
Figure 19. Spectral Description of Down Conversion Re- equations 11 through 14, which we interpret in figures 21
alized by a Complex Band Pass Filter at a Multiple of through 23. For ease of notation, we first examine the
Output Sample Rate, Aliased to Baseband by Output base-band version of the noble identity and then trivially
Resampling extend it to the pass band version.

N −1
H ( Z ) = ∑ h( n) Z − n M −1
n =0 H (Z ) = ∑Z −r
H r (Z M )
= h(0) + h(1) Z −1 + h(2) Z − 2 + (11) r =0
M −1 ( N / M ) −1 (14)
h(3) Z −3 + L + h( N − 1) Z −( N −1) = ∑Z
r =0
∑ h(r + nM )Z
n =0
−M n

Anticipating the M-to-1 resampling, we partition the

sum shown in eq-11 to a sum of sums as shown in eq- down sample the separate outputs, only performing the
12. This partition maps a one-dimensional array of output sum for the retained output sample points. With
weights (and index markers Z-n) to a two dimensional the resamplers at the output of each filter, which oper-
array. This mapping is sometimes called lexicographic, ates on every M-th input sample, we are prepared to
for natural order, a mapping that occurs in the Cooley- invoke the noble identity and pull the resampler to the
Tukey fast Fourier transform. In this mapping we load an input side of each filter stage. This is shown in figure 22.
array by columns but process the array by rows. In our The input resamplers operate synchronously, all closing
example, the partition forms columns of length M con- at the same clock cycle. When the switches close, the
taining M successive terms in the original sum, and con- signal delivered to the filter on the top path is the current
tinues to form adjacent M-length columns till we account input sample. The signal delivered to the filter one path
for all the elements of the original one-dimensional array. down is the content of the one stage delay line, which of
course is the previous input sample. Similarly, as we
H(Z) = h(0) + h(M + 0) Z−M + h(2M + 0)Z−(2M+0) +L traverse the successive paths of the M-path partition, we
find upon switch closure, that the k-th path receives a
h(1)Z−1 + h(M +1)Z−(M+1) + h(2M +1)Z−(2M+1) +L data sample delivered k-samples ago. We conclude that
h(2)Z−2 + h(M + 2)Z−(M+2) + h(2M + 2)Z−(2M+2) +L (12) the interaction of the delay lines in each path with the set
of synchronous switches can be likened to an input
h(3)Z−3 + h(M + 3)Z−(M+3) + h(2M + 3)Z−(2M+3) +L commutator that delivers successive samples to succes-
M M M M M M sive legs of the M-path filter. This interpretation is shown
−(M−1) −(2M−1) −(3M−1) in figure 23.
h(M −1)Z + h(2M −1)Z + h(3M −1)Z +L

We note that the first row of the two dimensional ar-

ray is a polynomial in ZM, which we will denote H0(ZM) a M
H0 (Z )
notation to be interpreted as an addressing scheme to
start at index 0 and increment in stride of length M. The
second row of the same array, while not a polynomial in
ZM, is made into one by factoring the common Z-1 term M
and then identifying this row as Z-1 H1(ZM). It is easy to Z H1 (Z )
see that each row of eq-12 can be described as Z-r
Hr(ZM) so that eq-12 can be re-written in a compact form
as shown in eq-13. M
Z H2 (Z )
H ( Z ) = H 0 ( Z M ) + Z −1 H 1 ( Z M ) +


Z − 2 H 2 ( Z M ) + LL +
.. ..

.. ..

− ( M −1) M
Z H ( M −1) ( Z )
Z HM-1 (Z )
We rewrite eq-13 in the traditional summation form as
shown in eq-14, which describes the original polynomial
as a sum of delayed polynomials in ZM. Figure 21. M-Path Partition of Prototype Low-Pass Filter
The block diagram reflecting this M-path partition of with Output Resampler
a resampled digital filter is shown in figure 21. The out-
put of the filter is the resampled sum of the output of the We now complete the final steps of the transform that
M separate filter stages along the M-paths. We pull the changes a standard mixer down converter to a resam-
resampler through the output summation element and pling M-Path down converter. We note and apply the

frequency translation property of the Z-Transform [18]. band pass filter by associating the complex heterodyne
This property is illustrated and stated in eq-15. Interpret- terms of the modulation process either with the filter
ing the relationship presented in eq-15, we note that if weights or with the delay elements storing the filter
h(n), the impulse response of a base band filter, has a Z- weights.
transform H(Z), then the sequence h(n)e+jθn, the impulse
response of a pass band filter, has a Z-transform H(Z e-
jθn if H ( Z ) = h(0) + h(1) Z −1 + h(2) Z −2 + L
). Simply stated, we can convert a low pass filter to a
+ n( N − 1) Z −( N −1)
N −1
H0 (Z ) = ∑ h( n) Z − n
n =0

M-to-1 and
Z H1 (Z ) G(Z ) = h(0) + h(1)e jθ Z −1 + h(2)e j 2θ Z −2 + L
+ h( N − 1)e j ( N −1)θ Z −( N −1)
H2 (Z )
= h(0) + h(1)[e − jθ Z ]−1 + h(2)[e − jθ Z ]−2 + L
+ h( N − 1)[e − jθ Z ]−( N −1) (15)

N −1

= ∑ h(n)[e − jθ Z ]−n

.. ..

M-to-1 n =0

Z HM-1 (Z ) then
G(Z)= H(Z) Z=e- jθ Z = H (e − jθ Z )
Figure 22. M-Path Partition of Prototype Low-Pass Filter
with Input Resamplers
We now apply this relationship to eq-10, or equiva-
lently to figure 23 by replacing each Z with Z e-jθ, or per-
haps more clearly, replacing each Z-1 with Z-1 ejθ, with
H0 (Z ) the phase term θ satisfying the congruency constraint of
the previous section, that θ=k(2π/M). Thus Z-1 is re-
placed with Z-1 ejk(2π/M), and Z-M is replaced with Z-M
ejkM(2π/M). By design, the kM-th multiple of 2π/M is a mul-
tiple of 2π for which the complex phase rotator term de-
H1 (Z ) faults to unity, or in our interpretation, aliases to base
band (DC). The default to unity of the complex phase
rotator occurs in each path of the M-path filter shown in
figure 24. The non-default complex phase angles are
H2 (Z ) attached to the delay elements on each of the M paths.
For these delays, the terms Z-r are replaced by the terms
Z-r ejkr(2π/M). The complex scalar ejkr(2π/M) attached to each
path of the M-path filter can be placed anywhere along

the path, and in anticipation of the next step, we choose


to place the complex scalar after the down sampled path

filter segments Hr(Z). This is shown in figure 24.
HM-1 (Z ) The modification to the original partitioned Z-
Transform of eq-14 to reflect the added phase rotators of
figure 24 is shown in eq-16.
Figure 23. M-Path Partition of Prototype Low-Pass Filter
2π M −1 2π
with Input Path Delays and M-to-1 Resamplers Replaced −j k j rk
by Input Commutator H ( Ze M
)= ∑ Z −r e
r =0
H r (Z ) (16)

The computation of the time series obtained from the time offset are in fact the input delays shown if figure 22
output summation in figure 24 is shown in eq-17. Here and in eq-18. Each of the aliased center frequency ex-
the argument nM reflects the down sampling operation periences a phase shift shown in eq-18, equal to the
which increments through the time index in stride of product of its center frequency and the path time delay.
length M, delivering every M-th sample of the original
output series. The variable yr(nM) is the nM-th sample φ (r , k ) = ω k ∆Tr
from the filter segment in the r-th path, and y(nM,k) is the
nM-th time sample of the time series from the k-th center fs
frequency. Remember that the down converted center
= 2π k rTs (18)
frequencies located at integer multiples of the output
f 1 2π
= 2π s k r = kr
j 0k2π M fs M
e M

H0 (Z ) The phase shifters of the DFT perform phase coher-

2π ent summation, very much like that performed in narrow
j 1k
e M band beam forming, extracting from the myriad of ali-
ased time series, the alias with the particular matching
H1 (Z ) phase profile. This phase sensitive summation aligns
2π contributions from the desired alias to realize the
j 2k
M processing gain of the coherent sum while the remaining
alias terms, which exhibit rotation rates corresponding to
H2 (Z ) the M roots of unity, are destructively canceled in the
.. ..

j (M-1)k2π The inputs to the M-path filter are not narrow band, and
e M
phase shift alone is insufficient to effect the destructive
cancellation over the full bandwidth of the undesired
HM-1 (Z )
spectral contributions. Continuing with our beam-forming
perspective, to successfully separate wideband signals
with unique phase profiles due to the input commutator
Figure 24. Resampling M-Path Down Converter delays, we must perform the equivalent of time-delay
beam forming. The M-path filters, obtained by M-to-1
sample frequency are the frequencies that alias to zero down sampling of the prototype low-pass filter supply the
frequency under the resampling operation. Note the out- required time delays. The M-path filters are approxima-
put y(nM,k) is computed as a phase coherent summation tions to all-pass filters, exhibiting, over the channel
of the M output series yr(nM). This phase coherent sum bandwidth, equal ripple approximation to unity gain and
is in fact, a DFT of the M-path outputs, which can be lik- the set of linear phase shifts that provide the time delays
ened to beam-forming the output of the path filters. required for the time delay beam forming task.
The filter achieves this property by virtue of the way
M −1 2π
j rk we partitioned the low-pass prototype. Each of the M-
y (nM , k ) = ∑ y r (nM )e
r =0
(17) path filters, filter hr(n) for instance, with weights h(r+nM)
is formed by starting with an initial offset of “r” samples
and then incrementing by stride of M samples. The initial
The beam-forming perspective offers interesting in- offsets, unique to each path, are the source of the differ-
sight to the operation of the resampled down-converter ent linear phase shift profiles. It is for this reason, the
system we have just examined. The reasoning proceeds different linear phase profiles, that the filter partition is
as follows: the commutator delivering consecutive sam- known as a polyphase filter. The phase shift and group
ples to the M input ports of the M-path filter performs a delay profiles for a 10-path filter are shown in figures 25
down sampling operation. Each port of the M-path filter and 26. These figures are part of the output suite of fig-
receives data at one-Mth of the input rate. The down ures formed by the MATLAB m-file filter_ten contained
sampling causes the M-to-1 spectral folding, effectively in appendix-1 of the electronic version of this paper on
translating the M-multiples of the output sample rate to the CDROM accompanying this issue. This file synthe-
base band. The alias terms in each path of the M-path sizes a 10-stage polyphase channelizer and presents
filter exhibit unique phase profiles due to their distinct input and output time series and spectra.
center frequencies and the time offsets of the different
down sampled time series delivered to each port. These

Spectral Phase Response of Ten Polyphase Filters can use the DFT to simultaneously apply the phase
shifters for all of the channels we wish to extract from the
-1 aliased signal set. This is reminiscent of phased array
beam forming. For computational efficiency, the FFT
algorithm implements the DFT.
-3 It is useful to once again examine figure 12 in which
the polyphase filter and FFT was first presented as a
Phase Shift (θ/2π)

channelized receiver. Think of the many input arms of
-5 the FFT as being coupled through a set of distributed
phase rotators to each output port of the FFT with each
output port accessed through a different vector of phase
-7 slopes. Readers may recognize that the phase shifts
between input and output ports of the FFT are the same
as those forming the Butler Matrix used in phased array
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
beam forming [19, 20].
Normalized Frequency (f/fs)
At this point it is instructive to make a comparison of
the conventional mixer down converter and the resam-
Figure 25. Phase Profiles for Ten-Stages of Ten Path pled polyphase down converter. The input to either
Polyphase Partition process can be real or complex. In the mixer down con-
verter model, a separate mixer pair and filter pair must
Spectral Group Delay Response of Ten Polyphase Filters
-7 be assigned to each channel of the channelizer and that
these mixers all operate at the high input data rate, prior
to down sampling. By way of contrast, in the resampled
polyphase there is only one low pass filter required to
-7.6 service all the channels of the channelizer, and this sin-
Group Delay (dθ/dω) (Samples)

gle filter accommodates all the channels as co-
occupying alias contributors of the base band bandwidth.
This means that all the processing performed in the re-
-8.2 sampled polyphase channelizer occurs at the low output
sample rate. When the input signal is real, there is an-
other significant difference between the two processes.
In the mixer down converter model the signal is made
-8.8 complex by the input mixers as we enter the process,
which means that the low pass-filtering task requires two
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Normalized Frequency (f/fs)
0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
filters, one for each of the quadrature components, while
in the resampling channelizer the signal is made com-
Figure 26. Group Delay Profiles for Ten-Stages of Ten plex by the phase rotators as we leave the process, con-
Path Polyphase Partition sequently we require only one partitioned low pass filter
to process the real input signal.
Before moving on to the next topic, let us summarize
A useful perspective is that the phase rotators follow- what we have accomplished to this point. The commuta-
ing the filters perform phase alignment of the band cen- tor performs an input sample rate reduction by commu-
ter for each aliased spectral band while the polyphase tating successive input samples to selected paths of the
filters perform the required differential phase shift across M-path filter. Sample rate reduction occurring prior to
these same channel bandwidths. When the polyphase any signal processing causes spectral regions residing
filter is used to down convert and down sample a single at multiples of the output sample rate to alias to base-
channel the phase rotators are implemented as external band. This desired result allows us to replace the many
complex products following each path filter. When a down-converters of a standard channelizer, implemented
small number of channels are being down converted and with dual mixers, quadrature oscillators, and bandwidth
down sampled, appropriate sets of phase rotators can reducing filters, with a collection of trivial aliasing opera-
be applied to the filter stage outputs and summed to tions performed in a single portioned and resampled fil-
form each channel output. We take a different approach ter.
when the number of channels becomes sufficiently large. The partitioned M-path filter performs the task of
Here sufficiently large means on the order of log2(N). aligning the time origins of the offset sampled data se-
Since the phase rotators following the polyphase filter quences delivered by the input commutator to a single
stages are the same as the phase rotators of a DFT, we common output time origin. This is accomplished by the

all-pass characteristics of the M-path filter sections that Arbitrary Bandwidth, Spectral Spacing, and Output
apply the required differential time delay to the individual Sample Rates: We now address the interaction and
input time series. The DFT performs the equivalent of a coupling, or lack of coupling, between the parameters
beam forming operation; the coherent summation of the that define the polyphase filter bank [21]. We observe
time aligned signals at each output port with selected that the DFT performs the task of separating the chan-
phase profiles. The phase coherent summation of the nels after the polyphase filter so it is natural to conclude
outputs of the M-path filters separate the various aliases that the transform size is locked to the number of chan-
residing in each path by constructively summing the se- nels and this is a correct assessment. We then note that
lected aliased frequency components located in each the filter bandwidth is determined by the weights of the
path, while simultaneously destructively canceling the low pass prototype and that this bandwidth and spectral
remaining aliased spectral components. shape is common to all the channels. We comment on
This section of the presentation emphasized the filter length later when we address total computation
structure of an N-channel polyphase receiver. A similar complexity of the polyphase channelizer.
exposition can be mounted for the N-channel polyphase In standard channelizer designs the bandwidth of the
transmitter. Rather than repeat the many steps that took prototype is specified in accord with the end use of the
us to the polyphase structure from the more conven- channelizer outputs. For instance, when the channelizer
tional structure, we will merely comment that the trans- is used as a spectral analyzer, the channels may be de-
mitter is the dual process of the receiver. The dual proc- signed to have a specified pass band attenuation such
ess simply reverses all signal flow of the original proc- as –3 dB, or –1 dB or –0.1 dB at their crossover fre-
ess. In the dual structure, we enter the N-channel proc- quency and have a specified stop band attenuation at
ess at the FFT and leave the process by the polyphase their adjacent center frequency. Overlap of adjacent
commutator. Reversing the signal flow results in a proc- channel responses permits a narrow band input signal to
ess that up-samples and up-converts rather than one straddle one or more output channels, which is a com-
that down converts and down samples. The two proc- mon occurrence in the spectral analysis of signals with
esses are shown in figure 27. arbitrary bandwidth and center frequencies. On the other
hand, when a channelizer is used to separate adjacent
communication channels which are characterized by
known center frequencies and known controlled, non-
y(n,0) h0(n)
overlapping bandwidths, the channelizer must preserve
separation of the channel outputs. Inadequate adjacent
y(n,1) h1(n)
channel separation results in adjacent channel interfer-
y(n,2) h2(n) ence. Typical spectral responses for channel bandwidths
h3(n) corresponding to the two scenarios just described are
shown in figure 28.

FDM The polyphase filter channelizer uses the input M-to-
1 resampling to alias the spectral terms residing at mul-
y(n,N-1) hM-1(n) fs tiples of the output sample rate to base band. This
hr(n)= h(r+ nM) means that for the standard polyphase channelizer, the
output sample rate is the same as the channel spacing.
For the case of the spectral analyzer application operat-
Polyphase ing at this sample rate permits aliasing of the band
edges into the down sampled pass band. When oper-
fs ated in this mode, the system is called a maximally
h1(n) decimated filter bank. For the case of the communication
ADC channelizer, operating at this rate satisfies the Nyquist
h2(n) y(nm,2)
FDM M-PNT criterion, permitting the separation of the channels with
FFT an output rate that avoids band edge aliasing. An ex-

ample of a spectrum that would require this mode of op-

hM-2(n) eration is the Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
hM-1(n) y(nm,N-1) channels of a digital cable system. Here the channels
hr(n)= h(r+ nM)
are separated by 6-MHz centers and operate with 20%

Figure 27. N-Channel Transmitter and N-Channel Re-

ceiver: Dual Circuits Formed With Polyphase Filters,
FFT, and Commutator

output sample? Increasing the output sample rate of the
Channelizer for High Quality Spec trum Analyzer polyphase channel bank by a factor of two makes sub-
Crossover sequent interpolation tasks less expensive since the
Transition BW
BW spectra of the output signals would already be oversam-
pled by a factor two with increased spectral separation.
Operation in this mode would also permit channelization
of overlapped channels without aliasing of the spectral
transition bands. The alias free partition is handy in ap-
Channel Spac ing plications requiring perfect reconstruction of the original
time series from spectrally partitioned sub channels, a
Channelizer for High Quality FDM Receiver requirement sometimes imposed in receivers used for
Transition BW Channel BW Electronic Warfare (EW) applications. For the record, a
polyphase filter bank can be operated with an output
sample rate any rational ratio times the input sample
rate. With minor modifications the filter can be operated
f with totally arbitrary ratios between input and output
sample rates. This is true for the sample rate reduction
Channel Spac ing
imbedded in a polyphase receiver as well as for the
sample rate increase embedded in a polyphase transmit-
Figure 28. Spectral Characteristics of Two Channelizers ter.
with Same Channel Spacing One for Spectral Analysis We first examine the task of increasing the output
and one for FDM Channel Separation sample rate from the polyphase filter bank from fs/M to 2
fs/M. We accomplish this by controlling the commutator
excess bandwidth, square-root Nyquist shaped spectra, delivering input data samples to the polyphase stages.
at symbol rates of 5.0 MHz. The sampled data rate from We normally deliver M inputs to the M-stage filter by de-
a cable channelizer would be 6.0 Mega samples/sec and livering successive input samples starting at port M-1
would satisfy the Nyquist sample criterion. progressing up the stack to port 0 and by doing so de-
Another example used on the upstream cable link liver M inputs per output for an M-to-1 down sampling.
(subscriber to head end) is a set of channels operating To obtain the desired (M/2)-to-1 down sampling, we de-
at 128 kHz symbol rate, with square root Nyquist spectra liver M/2 successive input samples starting at port (M/2)-
having 50% excess bandwidth. The channels are sepa- 1 progressing up the stack to port 0. The M/2 addresses
rated by 192 kHz, which matches the two-sided band- to which the new M/2 input samples are delivered are
width of the shaped channel. Here too, when operated at first vacated by their former contents, the M/2 previous
192-kHz the sample rate, matched to the channel spac- input samples. All the samples in the two-dimensional
ing, satisfies the Nyquist sample rate criterion. Systems filter undergo a serpentine shift of M/2 samples with the
that channelize and supply samples of the Nyquist M/2 samples in the bottom half of the first column sliding
shaped spectra most often present the sampled data to into the M/2 top addresses of the second column while
an interpolator to resample the time series from the col- the M/2 samples in the top half of the second column
lected Nyquist rate to two times the symbol rate. For the slide into the M/2 addresses in the bottom half of the
two example cited earlier, the 6 Ms/s, 5-Msymbol TV second column and so on. This is equivalent to perform-
signal would have to be resampled by 5/3 to obtain 10 ing a linear shift through the prototype one-dimensional
Ms/s, and the 192 ks/s, 128 K-symbol reverse channel filter prior to the polyphase partition. In reality, we do not
signal would have to be resampled by 4/3 to obtain 256 perform the serpentine shift but rather perform a swap of
ks/s. These are not difficult tasks and it is done quite two memory banks as shown in figure 29 for successive
regularly in single channel receivers. This represents sequences of length 32 being delivered to a filter bank
significant computational burden if we are to perform this with 64 stages.
interpolative resampling for every channel. We continue this discussion with comments on the
The conventional way we use the M-path polyphase 64-stage example. After each 32-point data sequence is
filter bank is to deliver M-input samples to the M-paths delivered to the partitioned 64-stage polyphase filter the
and then compute outputs from each channel at the rate outputs of the 64-stages are computed and conditioned
fs/M. The thought may occur to us, “Is it possible to op- for delivery to the 64-point FFT. The data shifting into the
erate the polyphase filter bank in a manner that the out- polyphase filter stages causes a frequency dependent
put rate is higher than one M-th of the input rate?” For phase shift of the form shown in eq-19. The time delay
instance, can we operate the bank so that we deliver due to shifting is nT where n is the number of samples,
M/2 inputs prior to computing an output sample rather and T is the interval between samples. The frequencies
than delivering M input samples before computing an of interest are integer multiple “k” of 1/M-th of the sample

rate 2π/T. Substituting these terms in eq-19 and cancel- would require a complex multiply at each transform out-
ing terms, we obtain the frequency dependent phase put port. Alternatively, we can cancel the frequency de-
shift shown in eq-20. Here we see that for time shifts “n” pendent phase shift by applying a circular time shift on
equal to multiples of M, the phase shift is a multiple of 2π N/2 samples to the vector of samples prior to their pres-
and contributes no offset to the spectra observed at the entation to the FFT. As in the case of the serpentine shift
output of the FFT. The M-sample time shift is the time of the input data, the circular shift of the polyphase filter
output data is implemented as a data swap. This data
swap occurs on alternate input cycles and a simple two-
n+ 31 n-33 n-97 n+ 63 n-1 n-65 state machine determines for which input cycle the out-
put data swap is applied. This option is shown in figure

0 0
n n-64 n-128 n+ 32 n-32 n-96
n-1 n-65 n-129 n+ 31 n-33 n-97

64 STATE-0
Stage 31 31 PNT SHIFT-0
Poly 32 32 FFT
n-32 n-96 n-180 n n-64 n-128 Filter

63 63

Current Top Bloc k A1 A2

B1 B2 B3
0 32

A1 A2 Form er Top Block

B1 B2 B3
64 64
Stage 63
Figure 29. Data Memory Loading for Successive 32- 31 PNT STATE-1
Poly 32 0 FFT
Point Sequences in a 64-Stage Polyphase Filter Phase

shift applied to the data in the normal use of the poly-

phase filter. Now suppose that the time shift is M/2 time 63 31

samples. When substituted in eq-20 we find a frequency

dependent phase shift of kπ from which we conclude that Figure 30. Cyclic Shift of Input Data to FFT to Absorb
odd indexed frequency terms experience a phase shift of Phase Shift Due to Linear Time Shift of Data Through
π radians for each successive N/2 shift of input data. Polyphase Filter

θ (ω ) = ∆ t ⋅ ω (19) We are now prepared to examine the process that

permits resampling of the polyphase filter bank by any
rational ratio. We first demonstrated the modification to
1 2π nk
θ (ω ) = nT ⋅ k = 2π (20) the standard polyphase structure to support N/2 down
M T M sampling. The modifications involved a serpentine shift
of input memory and a circular shift of output memory
This π radian phase shift is due to the fact that the that are both implemented by data swaps.
odd indexed frequencies alias to the half sample rate There are relatively few papers in the open literature
when the input signal is down sampled by M/2. We can that describe arbitrary resampling embedded in the poly-
compensate for the alternating signs in successive out- phase filter bank. Our group at SDSU had written an
put samples by applying the appropriate phase correc- application note in 1989 [3] that demonstrated how to
tion to the spectral data as we extract successive time obtain arbitrary sample rates from the polyphase filter
samples from the odd-indexed frequency bins of the bank by use of the commutator mechanism with serpen-
FFT. The phase correction here is trivial, but for other tine data shifts just described. An earlier contribution [22]
down sampling ratios, the residual phase correction presented the technique for absorbing the phase shifts

at the output of the FFT as circular shifts of the data vec- are about to develop and describe the operation of the
tor at the input to the FFT. Numerous papers have been circular buffer stage and state machine scheduler.
written describing arbitrary resamplers for baseband in- Our first task is to modify the input commutator to
terpolators. We believe this paper is the first open litera- support the 48-to-1 down sample rather than the stan-
ture description of the two merged techniques for poly- dard 64-to-1 down sample. This is an almost trivial task.
phase channelizers. The technique is based on the ob- We arrange for the modified resampling by keeping the
servation that the commutator is the component in the 64-path filter but stripping 16-ports from the commutator.
polyphase filter bank that effects and controls the re- The commutator for the standard 64-point polyphase
sampling, not the spacing between the adjacent chan- filter starts at port 63 and delivers 64 successive inputs
nels. This is true even though it was the resampling to ports 64, 63, 62, and so on through 0, the modified
process that first guided us to select the channel spacing commutator starts at port 47 and delivers 48 successive
so we could access the aliasing to baseband. As we just inputs to ports 47, 46, 45, and so on through 0. Input
demonstrated, there are two modifications to the poly- memory for the 64-path filter must be modified to support
phase-resampling filter required to obtain arbitrary re- this shortened commutator input schedule. The mapping
sampling. These modifications would normally lead to an structure of the reindexing scheme is best seen in the
exercise in time varying reside index mapping of the two- original, one-dimensional, prototype filter shown in figure
dimensional input data array. If we limit the presentation 32 and then transferred to the two-dimensional poly-
to the index mapping process we would develop little phase partition.
insight into the process and further would be bored to
tears. Instead we derive and illustrate the modifications
by examining a specific example and observe the proc- 64-to-1
64 Input 64 Transfer 64 50 Output 50
ess develop. Buffer PolyPhase
64-Point Buffer
x(n) Filter FFT
fsin= 12,288
Second Example Processing Task: Here we describe
fsout= fsin/64= 192
a more general resampling channelizer and present the
process that guides us to the solution. The problem is 48-to-1
this: we have a signal containing 50 FDM channels Circular
50 Output 50
Buffer Filter Buffer FFT
separated by 192 kHz centers containing symbols modu- x(n)
fsin= 12,288
lated at 128 kHz by square-root Nyquist filters with 50%
excess bandwidth. Our task is to base-band channelize fsout= fsin/48= 256
all 50 channels and output data samples from each
channel at 256 ks/s, which is two samples per symbol. Figure 31. Maximally Decimated Filter Bank Structure
We start by selecting a sample rate and transform size and Modified Two-Sample-per-Symbol
matched to the channel spacing. We select a 64-point Filter Bank Structure
FFT to span the 50 channels with the excess bandwidth
allocated to the analog anti-alias filter. Thus the sample Figure 32 presents the memory content for a se-
rate for the collected spectra is 64 times the 192 kHz quence of successive 48-point input data blocks pre-
channel spacing or 12.288 MHz. These are complex sented to the 64-point partitioned prototype filter. In this
samples formed from either a base band block conver- figure we have indicated the interval of 64-tap bounda-
sion or a digital down conversion and resampling from a ries that become the columns of the two-dimensional
digital IF, often centered at the quarter sample rate. The array as well as the boundaries of successive 48-point
desired output sample rate is 2 times 128 or 256 kHz. input blocks that are presented to the input array. Suc-
The ratio between the input and output sample rates is cessive input blocks start loading at address 47 and
the resampling ratio, which is 12288/256 or 48-to-1. work up to address 0. The beginning and end of this in-
Thus our task is to use the 64 point DFT to separate and terval are denoted by the tail and arrow respectively, of
deliver 50 of the possible 64 channels spanned by the the left most input interval in the filter array. As each new
sample rate, but to deliver one output sample for every 48-point input array is delivered, the earlier arrays must
48 input samples. Figure 31 is a block diagram of the shift to the right. These shifting array blocks cross the
original maximally decimated version of the 64-stage 64-point column boundaries hence move to adjacent
polyphase channelizer and the modified form of the columns in the equivalent two-dimensional partition. This
same channelizer. The difference in the two systems crossing can be visualized as a serpentine shift of data
resides in the block inserted between the 64-stage poly- in the two dimensional array, or equivalently as a circular
phase filter and the 64-point FFT. Remarkably, the in- row buffer down shift of 48 rows in the poly phase mem-
serted block performs no computation but rather only ory with a simultaneous column buffer right shift of the
performs a set of scheduled circular buffers shifts. We input data column. The operation of this circular buffer is
illustrated in figure 33, which indicates the indices of in-

put data for two input cycles. Here we see that between array index the circular offset of the vector can be
two successive input cycles the rows in the top one- scheduled and controlled by a simple state machine.
fourth of memory translates to the bottom fourth while Figure 33 shows the location of the two origins for four
the bottom three-fourths of rows translates up one-fourth successive 48-point input arrays and the amount of cir-
of memory. We also see that the columns in the bottom cular offset required to align the two prior to the FFT.
three-fourths shift to the right on column during the circu- Note that the offset schedule repeats in four cycles, four
lar row translations. The next input array is loaded in the being the number of input intervals of length 48 that is a
left most column of this group of addresses. multiple of 64.
Length 64 column of
polyphase partition n+ 47 n-17 n-81 n+ 95 n+ 31 n-33
Length 48 Input Array

1 n-96 n+ 80
n+ 32 n-32 n+ 16 n-48
n+ 31 n-33 n+ 79 n+ 15 n-49

n+ 16 n-48 n+ 64 n n-64
n+ 15 n-49 n+ 63 n-1 n-65

2 1

Circ ular Shift n n-64 n+ 48 n-16 n-80

data origin
n-1 n-65 n+ 47 n-17 n-81
Deliver Deliver
Next48 Next-48
Input Input
FFT origin n-16 n-80 Samples n+ 32 n-32 n-96

3 2 1
Figure 33. Memory Contents for Successive 48-Point
Circ ular Shift data origin Input Data Blocks Into a 64-Point Polyphase Filter

The cyclic shift for schedule for the array ŷ(r,48n)

FFT origin FFT origin prior to the FFT is shown in figure 34,
4 3 2 1
0 0 0 48 0 32 0 16
Circ ular Shift data origin
15 15 15 64 15 47 15 31
16 16 16 0 16 48 16 32

FFT origin FFT origin FFT origin 31 31 31 15 31 64 31 47

32 32 32 16 32 0 32 48

Figure 32. Memory Contents for Successive 48-Point 47 47 47 31 47 15 47 64

Input Data Blocks Into a 64-Point Prototype Pre- 48 48 48 32 48 16 48 0

Polyphase Partitioned Filter and FFT

64 64 64 47 64 31 64 15

Returning to figure 32, the one-dimensional proto- STATE-0 STATE-1

type, we note that every new data block shifts the input
data origin to the right by 48 samples. The vector
ŷ(r,48n) formed as the polyphase filter output from all 64
path filters is processed by the FFT to form the vector Figure 34 Cyclic Shift Schedule for Input Array to FFT
Ŷ(k,48n) of channelized (index k) output time series (in-
dex 48n). On each successive call to the FFT, the origin Appendix-II in the electronic version of this article con-
of the sinusoids in the FFT is reset to the beginning of tain a MATLAB m-file that implements the 50-stage
the input array. Since the origin of the input array shifts polyphase channelizer described in this section. The
to the right on successive inputs while the origin of the program plots the impulse response of the prototype low
FFT simultaneously resets to the beginning of the input pass filter and the frequency response at the input sam-
array, a precessing offset exists between the origins of ple rate and the output sample rate. It then plots the
the polyphase filter and of the FFT. We align the origins, spectrum and the input signal formed as a sum of sinu-
removing the offsets, by performing a circular shift of the soids distributed over the span of frequencies matching
vector ŷ(r,48n) prior to passing it to the FFT. Since the the bandwidth of the channelizer. Finally a series of plots
offset is periodic and is a known function of the input are generated showing the time series from 60 of the

channelizer outputs. Here we observe the transient of the level of integrated side lobes. See, for instance, the
the filtering process in the occupied and unoccupied filter design package QED-2000 available from Momen-
channels as well as the effect of filtering and aliasing tum Data Systems. An alternate scheme to control spec-
spectral translation of the occupied channels. The code tral side lobe decay rate involves modifying the end
is well annotated and the reader is invited to modify the points of the filter impulse response to suppress the out-
input time series and probe the performance of the lier samples responsible for the constant level spectral
channelizer with a variety of test signals. side lobes. See, for instance, the MATLAB examples in
the appendices of the electronic version of this paper.
Polyphase Computational Complexity: This section An important consideration and perspective for filters
compares the computational workload required to im- that have different input and output sample rates is the
plement a channelizer as a bank of conventional down ratio of filter length (with units of operations/output) to
converters with that required to implement the polyphase resample ratio (with units of inputs/output) to obtain the
resampling approach. Here we call on the example of filter workload (with units of operations/input). A useful
the 50-channel channelizer to supply actual numbers. comparison of two processes is the number of multiplies
We first determine the length of the finite impulse re- and adds per input point. We count a multiply and add
sponse (FIR) prototype filter required to satisfy the filter with their requisite data and coefficient fetch cycles as a
specifications. We note that the filter designed to operate single processor operation and use the shorthand nota-
at its input rate (12288 MHz) has its specifications con- tion of “ops” per input.
trolled by its output rate (256 kHz). This is because the A single channel of a standard down converter
filter must satisfy the Nyquist sampling criterion after channelizer requires one complex multiply per input
spectral folding as a result of the down sample opera- point for the input heterodyne and computes one com-
tion. The length of any FIR filter is controlled by the ratio plex output from the pair of 512 tap filters after collecting
of input sample rate to filter transition bandwidth and the 48 inputs from the heterodyne. The 4 real ops per input
required out-of band attenuation as well as level of in- for the mixer and the 2 (512/48) = 22 ops per input for
band ripple. The specifications of the filter used in this the filter result in a per channel workload of 26 ops per
paper are listed in figure 35. input which occur at the input sample rate.
The polyphase version of the down converter col-
Pass Band
BW= 192 kHz
BW= 64 kHz
Spectral Replic ate
at Output Rate
lects 48 input samples from the input commutator, per-
forms 1024 ops in the pair of 512 tap filters and then
performs a 64-point FFT with its upper bound workload
of 2N log2(N) real ops. The total workload of 1024 ops
-256 -160 -128 -96 96 128 160 256
for the filter and 768 ops for the FFT results in 1792 ops
performed once per 48 inputs for an input workload of 38
Filter Spectrum at Output Sample Rate (256 kHz)
real ops/input. The higher workload per input is the con-
sequence of forming 64 output channels in the FFT but
Stopband Ripple
60 dB
Passband Ripple preserving only 50 of them.
0.1 dB
Now we must be careful: the workload per input
-6144 0 6144
sample for the standard channelizer was found to be 26
Filter Spectrum at Input Sample Rate (12288 MHz) ops, and for the polyphase channelizer was found to be
38 ops: where is the promised advantage? The advan-
Figure 35. Spectral Characteristics of Prototype Filter at tage is that the polyphase 38 ops per input built all 50
Output and Input Sample Rates channels, and the standard down converter’s 26 ops per
input built only one channel and has to be repeated 50
Standard design rules determine the filter length times. Isn’t that impressive? Comparing numbers we see
from the filter specification and for those indicated in fig- that we should use the polyphase form even if we are
ure 35, the filter length was found to be 512 samples and forming just a few output channels, because the poly-
the Remez algorithm [23, 24] was used to supply the phase down converter requires less computations than
filter impulse response. A side comment is called for even two standard down converters.
here. Filters designed by the standard Remez algorithm On a final note, when we compare hardware re-
exhibit constant level out-of-band side-lobe levels. The sources, we observe that the standard channelizer must
spectra corresponding to these side-lobes folds back build and apply 50 complex sinusoids as input hetero-
into the filter pass band under the resampling operation dynes to the input data at the high input sample rate and
resulting in integrated side lobe levels considerably further must store the 50 sets of down converted data for
above the designed attenuation level. Modifying the the filtering operations. On the other hand, the poly-
penalty function of the Remez algorithm so that the side phase filter bank only stores one set of input data be-
lobes fall off at approximately 6-dB per octave reduces cause the complex phase rotators are applied after the

filter rather than before and the phase rotators are ap- here. For instance, we have designed a number of poly-
plied at the filter output rate as opposed to the filter input phase resampling structures for 3rd generation (3G) [27]
rate. wireless applications that employ from three to eleven
channels, using 5-point and 15-point transforms. These
Applications: The polyphase filter structure we have applications have required sample rate changes from
just reviewed and demonstrated can absorb a number of 3.84 MHz to 6.144 MHz and to 15.36 MHz requiring ra-
different system specifications. We now discuss some of tios of 3-to-5 and of 2-to-5.
the options. When the FDM signal is a collection of inde- In a fashion similar to the process we have pre-
pendent signals, as might occur in a multiple access ap- sented here to design down-sampling polyphase re-
plication, the many signals do not share a common time ceiver channelizers we can also design polyphase up-
reference or a common carrier frequency reference. The sampling channelized transmitters. In fact when we de-
channels likely differ in small carrier and timing offsets sign polyphase receivers, we are often obliged to design
that must be resolved in subsequent modem processing. polyphase transmitters to test the receivers. An unex-
For this situation it is appropriate for the channelizer to pected result discovered when we designed the trans-
only perform the standard down conversion, bandwidth mitters for a given receiver is that they are not each
reduction, and sample rate reduction. For this application other’s duals because they are, in fact, not performing
the filter passes the selected channel bandwidths with- the inverse operators. For instance, in the receiver ex-
out further spectral modification. This form of multiple ample we developed here, we formed a 48-to-1 down
channelization is also appropriate for analog modulation sampler in a 64-point DFT, which is a ratio of 3/4. The
such as the 30 kHz narrow-band FM channels found in modulator on the other hand forms channels at 128 kHz
analog wireless Advanced Mobile Phone Service symbol rate at a common sample rate of 64 times 192
(AMPS), or the old standby SSB super-group. kHz, an up sample of 96 in the 64-point DFT, which is a
In another application, the multiple channels are ratio of 2/3.
tightly coupled with negligible frequency offset and only Finally, we note that there are filter structures [28]
differ in local time base for the modulation. For this case that permit the substitution of recursive polyphase filters
we can require the polyphase filter bank to perform the for the non-recursive filter we have examined in this pa-
functions of the matched filter. The filter passes the se- per. The recursive filter options offer a reduction in work-
lected channel bandwidths while performing the spectral load by a factor of 3 to 6 and are available with both non-
shaping required of the matched filter. Since the data is uniform phases and an equal-ripple approximation to
formed at 2-samples per symbol, subsequent processing linear phase. A minor drawback here is that the recur-
only has to align the phase of each channel and interpo- sion in the filter prohibits computation pipeline delay,
late to the correct timing phase of the complex envelope. which limits the maximum output sample rate to the
We note that the timing interpolation process requires range of 200 to 400 MHz.
significantly fewer resources than does the simultaneous
interpolation matched filter and timing task. Conclusions: We have presented a description of the
In yet a third application, the multiple channels share process by which a multichannel polyphase filter bank
a common clock and carrier reference hence are fully can simultaneously perform the uncoupled tasks of down
synchronous and exhibit negligible frequency offset. For conversion, bandwidth limiting, and sample rate change.
this case we can ask the polyphase filter bank to perform We included a tutorial derivation of the polyphase filter
the functions of the matched filter and to participate in bank as a sequence of transformations that rearrange
timing recovery [25, 26]. Since in the example cited, we the operations of mixing, filtering and resampling to ob-
are down sampling by a factor of 48-to-1 there are 48 tain remarkably efficient processing structures. The se-
different contenders for the arbitrary origin of the process quence of transformations included application of the
task. We can have the timing recovery loop advance or equivalency theorem, alias based spectral translation,
retard the start of the vector load of the polyphase filter. sometimes referred to as IF sampling and of the noble
Using the processing origin to shift the sample time rela- identity. We also demonstrated that the ratio of input
tive to the underlying modulation epochs offers fine grain sample rate to output sample rate could differ from the
time offsets equal to 1% of symbol interval without the conventional resampling ratio, the number of stages in
need for additional interpolation. the polyphase partition. The modification to the conven-
The example we used to demonstrate the polyphase tional polyphase channelizer required the insertion of
resampling channelizer implemented a 1/48 resampling circular buffers between the input commutator and the
in a 64-stage channelizer. Any ratio of small integers can polyphase filter and the insertion of a second circular
be implemented using variations of the technique we buffer between the output of the polyphase filter and the
have presented. Also the number of polyphase filter FFT phase rotator. A number of excellent tutorials [29,
stages in a multi-channel receiver does not have to be 30, 31, 32] are available in the literature that present
large to warrant the application of the process described aspects of some of the material presented here from a

number of different perspectives. Readers may find 9. J.G Proakis and D.G. Manolokis, “Digital Signal
value in examining other author’s perspectives after be- Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applica-
ing exposed to ours. tions”, Third Edition, 1996, Section 1.4.
We examined a specific example of a polyphase re- 10. D. Steinbrecher, “Broadband High Dynamic Range
sampling channelizer to better illustrate the processes A/D Conversion Limitations”, International Confer-
required to obtain arbitrary resampling in the filter bank. ence on Analogue to Digital and Digital to Ana-
Comments on variations to the modified polyphase logue Conversion, 17-19 September 1991, Swan-
structure were included to give the reader a sense of the sea, UK.
wide range of applicability of this process. Finally we 11. MAXIM Application Notes, “Defining and Testing
compared the workload of a standard mixer based down Dynamic Parameters in High Speed ADC. Part –I
converter filter bank with that of the polyphase resam- and Part-II”, Feb. 2001 and Jan 2001.
pling form. We invite readers to e-mail requests to the http://www.maxim-
author for the MATLAB code that implements the 10-
channel and the 50-channel channelizer described in http://www.maxim-
this paper. The electronic version of this paper has the
MATLAB files attached as appendices. A MATLAB script 12. M. Ribeyre, “Exploration of Transmultiplexers in
for an animated version of the 10-channel channelizer is Telecommunication Networks”, IEEE Trans.
also included in the appendices as is a 40-channel Commun., COM-30 July 1982, pp.1493-1497.
modulator that performs a 1-to-56 up sampling with a 13. M. Bellanger and J. Daguet, “TDM-FDM Transmul-
companion 40-channel demodulator that performs a 28- tiplxer: Digital Polyphase and FFT”, IEEE Trans.
to-1 down sampling embedded in the channelization Commun., Vol. COM-22, Sept 1974, pp.1199-
processes. 1204.
14. f.j. harris, “A Fresh View of Digital Signal Processing
References: for Software Defined Radios, Part I”, International
1. N.J. Fliege, “Polyphase FFT Filter Bank for QAM Telemetry Conference (ITC), San Diego, CA, 21-
Data Transmission”, Proc. IEEE ISCAS’90, 24 October 2002.
pp.654-657, 1990. 15. f.j. harris, “A Fresh View of Digital Signal Processing
2. R.E. Chrochier and L.R. Rabiner, “Multirate Digital for Software Defined Radios, Part II”, International
Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1981. Telemetry Conference (ITC), San Diego, CA, 21-
3. f.j. harris, “On the Relationship Between Multirate 24 October 2002.
Polyphase FIR Filters and Windowed, Overlapped 16. J. Wozencraft and I.M. Jacobs, “Principles of Com-
FFT Processing”, Twenty-third Annual Asilomar munication Engineering”, John-Wiley, 1967, Sec-
Conference on Signals and Computers, 1989. tion 7.2.
4. Gordon Moore, “Cramming more Components onto 17. P.P. Vaidyanathan, “Multirate Systems and Filter
Integrated Circuits”, Electronics, Vol. 38, No. 8, Banks”, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
April 18 1965, also available at 18. S.K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach”, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill,
5. C. Dick, “The Platform FPGA: Enabling the Software 2001
Radio”, SDR’02, 2002 Software Defined Radio 19. J.L. Butler, in R.M. Foster (Ed), “Microwave Scan-
Technical Conference, 11, 12 November 2002, ning Antennas” Volume III, Chapter 3, Academic
San Diego, CA. Press, 1964.
6. A.M. Badda and M. Donati, “The Software Defined 20. Bruno Pattan, “Robust Modulation Methods & Smart
Radio Technique Applied to the RF Front-End for Antennas in Wireless Communications”, Prentice
Cellular Mobile Systems”, in Software Radio Hall, 2000, Chapter 9, “The Butler Matrix”
Technologies and Services”, Editor Enrico Del Re, 21. f.j harris and C. Dick, “Performing Simultaneous Ar-
Springer-Verlog 2001. bitrary Spectral Translation and Sample Rate
7. f.j. harris, “On Measuring the Gain and Phase Im- Change in Polyphase Interpolating and Decimat-
balance and DC Offsets of Quadrature A-to-D ing Filters in Transmitters and Receivers”, 2002-
Converters with an Adaptive Canceling Filter”, Software Defined Radio Technical Conference,
Twenty –first Annual Asilomar Conference on San Diego, CA, 11-12 November 2002.
Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, 22. D. Elliot, Editor, “Handbook of Digital Signal Proc-
CA, 2-4 November 1987. essing: Engineering Applications”, Academic
8. B. Sklar, “Digital Communications: Fundamentals Press, 1987, Chapter 8, “Time Domain Signal
and Applications”, Second Edition, Prentice- Hall, Processing with the DFT”, pp 639-666.
2002, Section 12.2. 23. J.H McClellan, T.W. Parks, and L.B. Rabiner, “A
Computer Program for Designing Optimum FIR

Linear Phase Digital Filters”, IEEE Trans. On Au- 29. P.P Vaidyanathan, “Multirate Digital Filters, Filter
dio and Electroacoustics, Vol. AU-21, No. 6, pp. Banks, Polyphase Networks and Applications: A
506-526, December 1973. Tutorial”, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 78, pp 56-93, January
24. MATLAB help menu for remez.m 1990
30. R. D. Koilpillai, T.Q. Nguyen, and P.P. Vaidyana-
25. f.j. harris and M. Rice, “Multirate Digital Filters for than, “Some Results in the Theory of Crosstalk
Symbol Timing Synchronization in Software De- Free Transmultiplexer”, IEEE Trans. SP. Vol.39,
fined Radios”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in pp. 2174-2183, October 1991.
Communications, Vol. 19, pp. 2346-2357, Dec. 31. H. Scheuermann and H. Göckler, “A Comprehen-
2001. sive Survey of Digital Transmultiplexing Methods”,
26. M, Rice and f.j harris, “Polyphase Filter Banks for Proc. IEEE, Vol. 69, No. 11, November 1981, pp-
Symbol Synchronization in Sampled Data Receiv- 1419-1450.
ers”, MILCOM-2002, Anaheim, CA, 7-10 October 32. K.C. Zangi and R.D Koilpillai, “Software Radio Is-
2002 sues in Cellular Base Stations”, IEEE Journal on
27. D. Metri, “Reconfigurable Receivers for 3-G Applica- Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 17, No. 4,
tions”, Master’s Thesis, San Diego State Univer- April 1999, pp. 561-573
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28. M. Renfors and T. Saramaki, “Recursive N-th Band
Digital Filters, Parts I an II”, IEEE Trans. CAS,
Vol. 34, pp. 24-51, January 1987

Appendix-I: MATLAB Simulation of 10-Stage Polyphase Channelizers
function filter_ten(flag)
% filter_ten(flag) flag=0 for flat sidelobes, flag=1 for falling sidelobes

hh1=remez(169,[0 40 60 500]/500,[1 1 0 0],[1 100]);

frq=[0 40 60 99 100 149 150 199 200 249 250 299 300 349 350 399 400 449 450 500]/500;
gn= [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
pn= [ 1 100 140 180 220 260 300 340 380 420];

if flag==1

title('Impulse Response: Prototype Filter')
xlabel('Normalized time nT/T')
axis([-500 500 -90 10])
title('Frequency Response: Prototype Filter')
xlabel('Frequency (kHz)')
ylabel('Log-Magnitude (dB)')


xx=[xx zeros(1,200)];

title('Real Input Time Series')
xlabel('Normalized time nT/T')

axis([-500 500 -90 10])
title('Spectrum of Real Input Series')

xlabel('Frequency (kHz)')
ylabel('Log-Magnitude (dB)')



for nn=1:10:2500

for mm=1:10

title('Time Series, Channels 1-5')
axis([-50 50 -80 10])
title('Spectra, Channels 1-5')


axis([-50 50 -80 10])


axis([-50 50 -80 10])


axis([-50 50 -80 10])


axis([-50 50 -80 10])

for mm=1:10
title('Spectral Magnitude Response of Ten Polyphase Filters')
xlabel('Normalized Frequency')
axis([0 0.5 0.0 1.2])


for mm=1:10
plot([7.55 8.45],[5.628 1.128],'r')
title('Impulse Response of Ten Polyphase Filters')
xlabel('Normalized Time')
axis([-1 17 -0.2 6])

for mm=1:10
title('Spectral Phase Response of Ten Polyphase Filters')
axis([0 0.5 -9 0])
xlabel('Normalized Frequency (f/fs)')
ylabel('Phase Shift (\theta/2\pi)')

for mm=1:10
vv2=64*filter([1 -1],1, vv);
title('Spectral Group Delay Response of Ten Polyphase Filters')
xlabel('Normalized Frequency (f/fs)')
ylabel('Group Delay (d\theta/d\omega) (Samples)')
%axis([0 0.5 -9 0])
axis([0 0.5 -9 -7])

% pause
% figure(5)
% plot(0,0)
% hold
% for mm=1:10
% plot(0:1/64:1-1/64,unwrap((angle((fft(hh2(mm,:),64)))))/pi)
% end
% hold
% grid
% title('Spectral Phase Response of Ten Polyphase Filters')
% axis([0 0.5 -9 0])
% xlabel('Normalized Frequency (f/fs)')
% ylabel('Phase Shift (\theta/2\pi)')
% figure(6)
% plot(0,0)

% hold
% for mm=1:10
% vv=unwrap(angle(fftshift(fft(hh2(mm,:),64))))/(2*pi);
% vv2=64*filter([1 -1],1, vv);
% plot(0:1/64:1-1/64,fftshift(vv2))
% end
% hold
% grid
% title('Spectral Group Delay Response of Ten Polyphase Filters')
% axis([0 0.5 -9 -7])
% xlabel('Normalized Frequency (f/fs)')
% ylabel('Group Delay (d\theta/d\omega) (Samples)')
% gg=get(gca);
% set(gca,'gridlinestyle','-')


function polyphase_50a
% demonstration of resampling polyphase filter bank

% building filter
hh=remez(511,[0 96 160 192*32]/(192*32),[1 1 0 0],[1 13]);

% examine prototype filter

axis([-10 520 -0.005 0.022])
title(' Impulse Response, Prototype Filter’)
axis([-32 32 -80 10])
xlabel('Normalized Frequency f/f_C_h_a_n_n_e_l')
ylabel('log magnitude (dB)')
title('Frequency Response, Prototype Filter')

% zoom to passband and compare with spectral copies at output rate

axis([-2 2 -80 10])
title('Frequency Response, Prototype and Replicates at Output Rate')

% building sample input signal: can replace with any other signal set
% channel 0 is empty.
for rr=1:25

% mapping one-dimensional prototype filter to two-dimensional filter


% defining two-dimensional array of commutated input samples


% defining initial condition of 4-state state machine


% filtering data

for nn=1:48:4800

% circularly roll and shift data array


%load input data array


% form inner products

for mm=1:64

% circular shift output array dd

if state==1;
elseif state==2;
dd_shift=[dd(49:64) dd(1:48)];
elseif state==3;
dd_shift=[dd(33:64) dd(1:32)];
elseif state==4;
dd_shift=[dd(17:64) dd(1:16)];

% phase shift via fft


% output 60 channelized time series
for kk=1:12
ss=sprintf('time series:, channel %2i ', -28+kk);
axis([0 100 -1.1 1.1])
for kk=1:12
ss=sprintf('time series:, channel %2i ', -17+kk);
axis([0 100 -1.1 1.1])
for kk=1:12
if kk==6
ss=sprintf('time series:, channel %2i ', -6+kk);
axis([0 100 -1.1 1.1])
for kk=1:12
ss=sprintf('time series:, channel %2i ', 5+kk);
axis([0 100 -1.1 1.1])
for kk=1:12
ss=sprintf('time series:, channel %2i ', 16+kk);

axis([0 100 -1.1 1.1])


function receiver_40z;
% receiver_40z is a demo of a 40 channel receiver, demodulating 30 channels,
% of nominal symbol rate 20 MHz, separated by 28 MHz centers (1.4 times symbol rate)
% input sample rate is 40*28 = 1120 MHz.
% receiver performs a 40 point transform on the output of a 40-stage polyphase filter
% the polyphase filter operates at input rate but outputs at 2 samples/symbol or
% 40 MHz. The resampling rate is 1120/40 = 28-to-1, thus output from 40-channels are
% computed once for every 28 input samples. channelizer is not matched filter,
% prototype filter is 10% wider than two sided bandwidth of input signal to accommodate
% frequency uncertainty of separate channel centers.

%while igo==0
% igo=1;
%chan=input('enter channel number (-15 to +14) -> ');
% if chan>14
% igo=0;
% end
% if chan<-15
% igo=0;
% end

%if chan<15
% chan=chan+1;
%if chan<0

% signal generator section



for nn=1:100

rr_b_ext=[rr_b rr_b rr_b rr_b rr_b rr_b rr_b];


for mm=1:56

if flag==5;


title('real part of composite time signal')
axis([-20 20 -60 10])
title('Spectrum: composite time signal')



%receiver section

%hh=remez(319, [0 14 27 560]/560,[1 1 0 0]);

ff=[0 12 17 56 57 84 85 112 113 140 141 168 169 196 197 224 225 252 253 280 281 308 309
336 337 364 365 392 393 420 421 448 449 476 477 504 505 532 533 560]/560;
gg=[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ];
dd=[ 1 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41];



for nn=1:28:5600-28


for mm=1:40
if flg==1
elseif flg==2
r1=fftshift(fft([y(29:40) y(1:28)]));
elseif flg==3
r1=fftshift(fft([y(17:40) y(1:16)]));
elseif flg==4
r1=fftshift(fft([y(5:40) y(1:4)]));
elseif flg==5
r1=fftshift(fft([y(33:40) y(1:32)]));
elseif flg==6
r1=fftshift(fft([y(21:40) y(1:20)]));
elseif flg==7
r1=fftshift(fft([y(9:40) y(1:8)]));
elseif flg==8
r1=fftshift(fft([y(37:40) y(1:36)]));
elseif flg==9
r1=fftshift(fft([y(25:40) y(1:24)]));
elseif flg==10
r1=fftshift(fft([y(13:40) y(1:12)]));



for kk=1:30
if kk==16

axis([0 200 -10 10])


for kk=1:30
if kk==16

axis([-1 1 -60 10])
plot([-0.95 0.95 0.95 -0.95 -0.95],[-59 -59 9 9 -59],'r')


%title('prototype receiver filter')

%axis([-20 20 -80 10])
%title('spectrum: receiver filter')


%title('prototype transmitter filter')

%axis([-20 20 -80 10])
%title('spectrum: transmitter filter')


(CALLS filter_ten_a_call IN-APPENDIX-V.)


% Animated spectra and time response of 10-stage polyphase filter bank.

% Can move single tone through filter bank via a slider control or by a scheduled sweep

clear all

xx= exp(j*2*pi*(0:2499)*freq);

axis([0 100 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);


axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1]);

% flag1=1 slider control, flag1=0 scheduled sweep
% flag2=1 time display, flag2=0 frequency display

slider_1=uicontrol('style','slider','units','normalized','pos',[0.65 0.90 0.19

'set(gca,''view'',[0 0.5]),',...

slider_1_min=uicontrol('style','text','units','normalized','pos',[0.62 0.90 0.025

'string', num2str(get(slider_1,'min')));

slider_1_max=uicontrol('style','text','units','normalized','pos',[0.84 0.90 0.025


slider_1_cur=uicontrol('style','text','units','normalized','pos',[0.78 0.87 0.055


slider1_title=uicontrol('style','text','units','normalized','pos',[0.690 0.87 0.10

'string','Center Frequency');

'position',[0.6 0.830 0.055
'position',[0.67 0.830 0.055

'position',[0.74 0.830 0.055
'position',[0.81 0.830 0.055


(CALLED BY filter_ten_a IN APPEDIX-IV.)

function filter_ten_a_call(freq,flag1,flag2)
% called by filter_ten_a

if flag1==1
xx= exp(j*2*pi*(0:n_dat-1)*freq);

frq=[0:1/2500:1 1-1/2500:-1/2500:-1 -1+1/2500:1/2500:-1/2500];
phs=filter([1 0],[1 -1],frq);


if flag2==1

axis([0 100 -1.1 1.1])
title('Input Time Series')

txt=text(105,0.0,['Sample # ',num2str(mm,3)]);

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(-1)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '-0.15 -0.05')


axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(0)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '-0.05 +0.05')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(-2)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '-0.25 -0.15')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(+1)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '+0.05 +0.15')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(-3)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '-0.35 -0.25')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(+2)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '+0.15 +0.25')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(-4)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '-0.45 -0.35')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(+3)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '+0.25 +0.35')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])
text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(-5)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '-0.45 +0.45')

axis([0 10 -1.1 1.1])

text(10.6, 0.3, 'bin(+4)')
text(10.2, -0.3, '+0.35 +0.45')
hp=remez(99,[0 40 60 500]/500,[1 1 0 0],[1 1]);


hold on
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(11:100) fhp(1:10)],'r--')
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(21:100) fhp(1:20)],'r--')
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(31:100) fhp(1:30)],'r--')
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(41:100) fhp(1:40)],'r--')
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(61:100) fhp(1:60)],'r--')
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(71:100) fhp(1:70)],'r--')
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(81:100) fhp(1:80)],'r--')
plot(-0.5:1/100:.5-1/100,[fhp(91:100) fhp(1:90)],'r--')
hold off
axis([-0.5 0.5 0 1.1])
title('Input Spectrum and Channel Bandwidths')
txt=text(0.55,0.5,['Sample # ',num2str(mm,3)]);

axis([-0.1501 -0.0499 0 1.1])
text(-0.043, 0.65, 'bin(-1)')
text(-0.048, 0.35, '-0.15 -0.05')

axis([-0.05 0.05 0 1.1])
text(0.057, 0.65, 'bin(0)')
text(0.052, 0.35, '-0.05 +0.05')

axis([-0.25 -0.15 0 1.1])
text(-0.143, 0.65, 'bin(-2)')
text(-0.148, 0.35, '-0.25 -0.15')


axis([0.05 0.15 0 1.1])
text(0.157, 0.65, 'bin(+1)')
text(0.152, 0.35, '+0.05 +0.15')

axis([-0.3501 -0.2499 0 1.1])
text(-0.243, 0.65, 'bin(-3)')
text(-0.248, 0.35, '-0.35 -0.25')

axis([0.15 0.25 0 1.1])
text(0.257, 0.65, 'bin(+2)')
text(0.252, 0.35, '+0.15 +0.25')

axis([-0.45 -0.35 0 1.1])
text(-0.343, 0.65, 'bin(-4)')
text(-0.348, 0.35, '-0.45 -0.35')

axis([0.25 0.35 0 1.1])
text(0.357, 0.65, 'bin(+3)')
text(0.352, 0.35, '+0.25 +0.35')

axis([-0.55 -0.45 0 1.1])
text(-0.443, 0.65, 'bin(-5)')
text(-0.448, 0.35, '-0.45 +0.45')

axis([0.35 0.4501 0 1.1])
text(0.457, 0.65, 'bin(+4)')
text(0.452, 0.35, '+0.35 +0.45')

%hh=remez(169,[0 40 60 500]/500,[1 1 0 0],[1 100]);
frq=[0 40 60 99 100 149 150 199 200 249 250 299 300 349 350 399 400 449 450 500]/500;
gn= [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
pn= [ 1 100 140 180 220 260 300 340 380 420];



for nn=1:10:n_dat-10
rr=[fliplr(xx(nn:nn+9)) rr(1:90)];
for mm=1:10
yy2=[fft(vv).' yy2(:,1:99)];
if flag2==1





set(txt,'string',['Sample # ',num2str(n2-1)])


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