Forward Thinking: Advanced Compression Solutions For CO, N, Propylene and Vapor

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Forward Thinking

Advanced compression solutions for CO2 , N2 ,

propylene and vapor
Compression Technology from MAN Diesel & Turbo
Always part of the solution

Exceptional challenges, extraordinary solutions. We live in an amazing time. It is a time of incredible wealth, un-
surpassed technical knowledge and ability, and unforeseen dynamic forces. Our progress fuels itself. The more we
achieve, the more energy and resources we require, and the more we produce.

This cycle represents an extraordinary challenge: While we are consuming and producing more and more goods and
energy, we need to proportionally decrease our impact on the environment. It is an incredible race, with technical
challenges of remarkable variety and complexity. These challenges call for new and forward thinking solutions. We
have to work smarter, cleaner, and more efficiently in order to meet the challenge of creating more prosperity while
protecting our environment and safeguarding our future.

With advanced CO2 , N2 , propylene and vapor compression technology, MAN Diesel & Turbo is at the core of many
progressive engineering solutions that combine environmentally conscious thinking with operational efficiency. On
the following pages, we will show you some of these extraordinary solutions with focus on CO2 applications and the
MAN Diesel & Turbo products they employ.

2 Forward Thinking
Compression of CO2, N2, propylene and vapor has technologies, namely ‘single-shaft centrifugals’ and
a long tradition in modern industrial processes and ‘multi-shaft integrally geared centrifugals’; MAN Diesel &
furthermore plays an increasing role in the present Turbo manufactures both types.
discussion of the world wide climate change. Espe-
cially in refinery and food industry applications it is MAN Diesel & Turbo provides compression solu­tions
used and a common good since several decades. for the whole range of CO2, N2, propylene and vapor
Nowadays numerous industrial procedures require related applications, with single machines or com-
them not in a gaseous but in a compressed state at plete train solutions including prime mover, auxiliaries
a specific pressure and temperature. and control system – all backed by the industry lead-
ing ‘MAN PrimeServ’ service plans.
CO2 is being used in many different industries, and
most applications require its compression. Due to the Air separation and the extraction of oxygen from air
impact of CO2 emissions on the world climate, CO2 is a pivotal process on the path to ‘clean coal’. MAN
compression technologies are an industry focus, now Diesel & Turbo is leading in this segment and offers a
more than ever. comprehensive product portfolio for a broad range of
technical approaches.
In CCS or EOR, the traditional approach to CO2 com-
pression has been to use high-speed reciprocating MAN Diesel & Turbo is your partner of choice when it
compressors. This technology shows several limits, comes to CO2 related industrial applications. No matter
among them the significant restriction of volume flows. which technology will turn out to be the method of
choice in the following years, we will put our extensive
For this reason centrifugal type compressor systems knowledge and experience to work for you. Together
have become state of the art for future CO2 projects. we can achieve profitable efficiency in the service of
Among centrifugal type compressors, there are two a clean planet.

Forward Thinking 3
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Clean solutions with MAN Diesel & Turbo compressors

The ever growing demand for energy worldwide, com-

bined with increasingly strict environmental regula- Spotlight IGCC:
tions have created the need for clean and sustainable Efficient power with ultra-low emissions
technologies for power generation and industrial ap- This type of power plant uses a technology that
plications. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) labels turns coal into gas, with a gasification unit that
a group of technologies which all serve one goal: to has been optimized for its use in combined
prevent the atmospheric release of carbon dioxide cycles. IGCC plants feature significantly reduced
from thermal power generation. sulfur dioxide, particulates and mercury emissions,
and are highly efficient energy producers. When
Regardless of the CO2 separation method employed, combined with CCS, IGCC plants achieve spec-
each process requires the compression of CO2 for tacularly low emissions. MAN Diesel & Turbo
future transport and storage. compressors find an important application in this
forward thinking technology.

Air separation
CO2 Separation/Gasification
Before CO2 can be compressed with MAN Diesel &
Turbo technologies for storage or EOR applications,
it needs to be separated from gas mixture. The main
processes which can achieve this separation are de-

Exhaust, flue gas scribed below

Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles (IGCC) con-
vert fuels such as coal to a synthetic gas at elevated
pressures. After the conversion of carbon monoxide
CO2 separation to carbon dioxide in shift reactors, the CO2 can be
separated from the syngas. Due to the elevated partial
pressure of the CO2 in the gas stream, this is mainly
achieved by absorption processes employing physical
solvents. The captured CO2 can then be released
from the solvent by simple depressurization.

CO2 storage

4 Forward Thinking
Industrial Application

Cement and steel CO 2

industry, petrochemicals Exhaust

Conventional Power Plant

Power generation Flue gas CO 2
Air steam turbine treatment separation

Integrated Gasification Steam Cycle (IGSC)

Air Power generation Flue gas CO 2

Air Gasifier
separation steam turbine treatment separation


CO 2
Air Air Power generation Flue gas CO 2
Boiler CO 2
separation steam turbine treatment separation
Air compressor

Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)

Air CO 2 Power generation

Air Gasifier Shift reactors
separation separation gas turbine

XTL, Coal Gasification

Air CO 2
Air Gasifier Shift reactors Product gas
separation separation

Oxyfuel Storage
The combustion of fossil fuels with almost pure oxy- If there is no economically feasible use for the sepa-
gen is another effective method for CO2 capture. The rated carbon dioxide, it needs to be safely removed
concentration of the CO2 in the exhaust gas is about to avoid negative environmental impact. The safest
five times higher than produced when combusting option is to store CO2 underground. The gas is com-
with air. The lighter and the heavier gas components pressed to a supercritical fluid state and passed into
are separated from the CO2 stream in different stages deep geological formations.
of a cryogenic purification process. Different physical and chemical mechanisms prevent it
from moving back into the atmosphere. Usually, an im-
Post-Combustion permeable layer of rock provides a natural seal for the gas.
In post-combustion CO2 capture, the exhaust gas of
a conventional power plant or other processes in Power Plant Vapor Compression by MAN
which fuel is burned at atmospheric pressure is treat-  Vapor recompression is used to increase overall
ed with a chemical solvent to dissolve the carbon plant efficiency
dioxide. The CO2 is then released by thermal regen-  Water injection cooling, enabling higher pressure
eration of the solvent. ratio, which results in improved efficiency

MAN Refrigeration in Industrial Applications

 Refrigeration processes are used in all kind of
Increasing efficiency – a key factor industrial applications
CCS requires a lot of energy, thereby increasing  Flexible/maximum effectiveness due to variable
specifications requirements to the fuel of plants speed​​, per stage feed-in possible
that employ it. To partially mitigate this effect, the  Compact design, resulting in high Mach-numbers
highest levels of efficiency in all processes are key (protects impellers)
factors for feasibility. High efficient compressors
from MAN Diesel & Turbo play an important role Our compression solutions are mission-critical elements
here. in safe stor­age, and have proven their long-term effec-
tiveness, safety and reliability in many projects.

Forward Thinking 5
Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery (EOR, EGR)
Maximally effective crude oil extraction

The CO2 from Dakota Gasification Company (ND) is transported over 330 km via pipelines to the Weyburn oil field in Canada.

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques are applied side effect. If CO2 is not available N2 production and
when the amount of oil in a field has decreased to a compression is a further option for EOR.
level where no more can be recovered with conven-
tional extraction methods like water injection. Oil and Uniquely powerful
water do not mix. When water is used to push oil through For a particularly challenging project, the Dakota
a reservoir, it leaves a significant residue behind. Gasification Company, in Beulah, ND, turned to MAN
Diesel & Turbo for their compression needs. In 2006,
Instead, CO2 flooding is a significantly more effective MAN Diesel & Turbo delivered the third unit of an
method. CO2 and oil mix above a pressure known as 8-stage integrally geared compressor for compress-
the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP). At or above ing CO2 to 187 bar – a record achievement for this
the MMP, CO2 acts as a solvent, cleanly sweeping technology in this industry. Two prototypes of this
the reservoir, leaving only very little residue behind. At RG type compressor had already been in continuous
pressures below the MMP, CO2 also assists oil pro- operation for the same customer since 2001. Their
duction by swelling the oil and reducing its viscosity. outstanding service record was the deciding factor for
This technique can also be used in natural gas fields Dakota Gas in placing their trust in MAN Diesel &
to recover additional gas from exploited fields. The Turbo. The delivery consisted of a full package, in-
elimination of CO2 from the atmosphere is a welcome cluding compressor core unit, driver, process gas

6 Forward Thinking

Saskatchewan Oil fi elds


Oil Beulah
fi elds


North Dakota

Oil fi elds
CO 2 pipeline and
potential pipeline taps

coolers, lube oil system, process piping, auxiliaries, World oil production by source
and the Turbolog control system. In this project, 120

the CO2 is compressed to 187 bar, and fed into a

205 mile long pipeline that runs north into Canada and
ends in the Weyburn oil field. Here, the compressed 80

CO2 is injected into the field. The results at Weyburn 60

have been spectacular – currently 28,000 barrels of
oil are produced every day. This represents an 18,000
barrel per day increase over the 10,000 barrels a day 20
that would be produced without the carbon dioxide
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s 8-stage integrally geared com- Natural gas liquids Crude oil – yet to be developed

pressors are a high performance solution that have (incl. EOR) or found

stood the test of time and can easily meet the de- Non-conventional oil Crude oil – currently producing fi elds

mands of even more demanding compression appli-

cations in the future. Source: Energy Outlook 2008, International Energy Agency

Forward Thinking 7
At a Glance – CO2 Compression Applications

CO2 Separation/Gasification Transport

Power plant with CCS-technology:

Pre-combustion decarbonization Compressor station

Post-combustion or
oxyfuel combustion decarbonization
CO 2

Compressor station
CO 2

Oil well CO 2

CO 2

Injection well

CO 2 injection

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

CO 2

Recoverable oil

CO 2

Oil field

Saline aquifer

8 Forward Thinking

Buffer storage

Buffer storage

Carbon Capture and Storage


CO 2

Enhanced Oil or Gas Recovery

Unmineable coal seam
CO 2 injection

Depleted oil or gas field

Saline aquifer

Recoverable oil or gas

CO 2

Forward Thinking 9
Integrally Geared Centrifugal Compressor
The RG advantage – one size fits all

For most CO2 and N2 compression applications, inte- n External connection after each stage results in
grally geared centrifugal compressors have emerged more flexibility in selecting the pressure level for
as state of the art. This technology offers several clear the dehydration system, if applicable
advantages: n Practically no limit to the possible number of
n Optimum impeller flow coefficient, since the stages in one machine (pressure ratio of 200
optimum speed can be selected for each pair of possible on a single frame)
impellers n Can be direct-driven by a 4-pole electric motor
n Axial inflow to each stage on the bull-gear, or a steam turbine on one of the
n Shrouded or unshrouded impellers can be used pinions
n Small hub/tip ratio n Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) for flow control
n Intercooling possible after each stage (impeller)

10 Forward Thinking
Typical performance curve (CO2 )

220 Reference:
Vn = 104,952
Pk = 24,509

Case 1:
180 Vn = 81,200
Discharge pressure (bar)

Pk = 18,723

160 Case 2:
Vn = 80,000
Pk = 19,562
75 70
Case 3:
120 Vn = 107,000
Pk = 24,475
30 15 -15
50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Nm 3 /h x 10 3

Type RG45-8 RG80-8 RG100-8 2xRG80-8 RG140-8 Overview of

typical sizes and flows (CO2)

Nm 3/h 20,000 65,000 120,000 130,000 205,000

Am 3/h 27,000 70,000 130,000 140,000 245,000
Kg/s ~ 12 ~ 34 ~ 66 ~ 68 ~ 110
t/day ~ 1000.0 ~ 2900.0 ~ 5700.0 ~ 5900.0 ~ 9500.0
Power 5 MW 14 MW 25 MW 28 MW 45 MW
PS (bara) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Pd (bara) 140 200 215 200 215

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s integrally geared centrifugal n Units can be built up to 10 stages (5 pinions)
compressors feature a multi-stage arrangement al- n Can be equipped with all current sealing systems
lowing up to 5 pinions. All shafts are equipped with n In full accordance with API 617
maintenance-free tilting pad bearings. The RG com- n Intervals between overhaul comparable to
pressor can contain up to ten impellers. This enables in-line designs
a very compact design.
This successful RG Design is becoming more and
Continuously improved and refined, the underlying more popular for refrigeration and vapor applications
design of these compressors has existed for over 30 as well.
years. There are multiple references for their impres-
sive performance and reliability track record.

Forward Thinking 11
Extreme high pressure:
RB type barrel compressors

The right compressor for every application, and all pressure requirements – MAN Diesel & Turbo offers a comprehensive portfolio of
products and solutions.

Type RB n Covers, seals and bearing housing

This type of compressor is mostly applied for applica- n Variable nozzle position
tions in the oil & gas industry, where it can handle a
wide variety of gases, including toxic gases. For CO2 Features
applications, we recommend barrel type centrifugal n Interstage cooling and lateral exhaust connections
compressors in cases where extreme high pressures of possible
more than 200 bar, and up to 1,000 bar are required. n Complete assembly outside of the casing
n Maintenance without removal of piping and seals
Components n Pressure up to 1,000 bar
n Exterior housing with integral inner casing n Suction volume flow from 2,000 to approx.
245,000 m3/h

Up to 20 bar 20 to 250 bar Above 250 bar

Integrally Geared Integrally Geared Barrel

n Type RG n Type RG n Type RB

Axial Barrel
n Type AR, AV n Type RB

n Type RIKT

n Type CP, SKUEL

12 Forward Thinking
Low pressure, high volume flow:
isotherm and axial compressors

In addition to gear type and barrel compressors, there Type RIKT

are some CO2 applications where the use of isotherm Isotherm compressors are single-shaft centrifugal
(Type RIKT) and axial compressors become neces- compressors with integrated cooling.
sary. Particularly in cases where high volumetric flows n Low energy consumption
and low pressures are involved, these compressors n Low noise emissions
find application. n Extremely reliable
n Compact construction

Axial compressors
Axial compressors can be used for vol­ume flows of
up to 1,400,000 m3/h and pressures of up to 20 bar.

Forward Thinking 13
Complete Trains – Fully Integrated Solutions

A complete train solution from MAN Diesel & Turbo is Drivers

more than the sum of its parts. The elements of com- The most commonly used drivers for integrally geared
ponents, testing, assembly, and service seamlessly and barrel compressors are electric motors, but steam
combine to achieve unsurpassed levels of perform- and gas turbines are also sometimes employed.
ance, efficiency and reliability.
Control and safety equipment
Typical scope of supply A complex machine train places significant demands
n Compressor unit including gears on the control and protection systems in terms of
n Driver quality and flexibility. These systems control an ex-
n Couplings tremely diverse and complex set of processes and
n Sealing system functions, from start-up to emergency shutdown. The
n Control equipment electronic control and protection systems deliv­ered
n Water or air intercoolers by MAN Diesel & Turbo have become a recognized
n Lube oil system standard of quality.
n On skid process piping
n Testing

14 Forward Thinking
Anti-surge control Flow control (typically IGV)
In the performance characteristics of a turbo com- To protect the machine train against overspeed,
pressor, the surge line is the dividing line between and to allow the flow rates of the train and thereby
ranges of stable and unstable operation. Reduction the pressures in the process to be controlled, MAN
of the volume flow rate beyond this line results in the Diesel & Turbo uses a protection system based on
separation of flow from the blading, causing the gas Simatic S7 hardware. This system provides control
to flow perio­dically from the discharge to the suction far exceeding the requirements of NEMA specification
end of the compressor – a phenomenon referred to SM 23, class D.
as compressor surging. The resulting extreme load
reversals and temperature fluctuations in the gas Depending on the specific requirements, it is designed
handling components of the machine must be avoid- for any of the following functions:
ed. This is the task of the anti-surge control system n Combined control of speed and extraction
which, by controlled opening of the blow-off or by pressures
pass valves, always keeps the compressor flow rate n Back-pressure control
in the stable range of the performance characteristic. n Inlet pressure control
n Power output control.
MAN Diesel & Turbo’s electronic control and protection
system is based on Simatic S7 hardware. This system
called turbolog incorporates components which greatly
improve the dynamic response of the controller and
thus allows the distance between the blow-off line and
the surge line to be minimized – surging is safely pre-
vented under all operating condi­
tions. In addition to
anti-surge control, an independent surge detector is
provided on MAN Diesel & Turbo compressors. During
surging, the mass flow rate temporarily drops to zero
and the temperature suddenly rises. Both values are
measured by the surge detection system, and if one of
them passes a limiting level, the blow-off valves are
opened and, if necessary, the machine train is shut down.

Forward Thinking 15
Mechanical and Thermodynamical Testing

MAN Diesel & Turbo owns and operates different test n Mechanical testing of individual turbo machines
stands for turbomachinery in order to execute fac- n Mechanical testing of complete machine
tory accep­tance tests. Test centers for compressors, trains
steam turbines and gas turbines, as well as for individ- n Thermodynamic testing with air and other gases in
ual components are integrated into the different shop open or closed loop systems or on site
locations. Individual machines and machine trains are n High pressure testing
completely assembled in the assembly bay and sub- n R&D testing
sequently transferred to the adjacent test stand.
The drivers used during testing are either those sup-
After the machinery has been erected on the founda- plied under a particular contract or the various test
tion and has been connected to the permanent piping stand drivers which are available, i.e.:
systems (steam, air, water, oil), many different kinds n An 18 MW condensing steam turbine
of tests according to DIN/VDI/ASME/API can be con- n One 12 MW and several 7 - 2.5 MW variable
ducted: speed motors

16 Forward Thinking
In total, MAN Diesel & Turbo operates 24 test stands
on an area of 10,840 m². Modules up to 600 tonnes
are by no means an exception; Cranes with a crane
hook height of 13 meters, guarantee the necessary
flexi­bility in the machine assembly and testing.

Test stands include a water cooling circuit and a

20 MW electrical power supply in addition to the steam
supply (50 bar, 500°C, 55 t/h).

Forward Thinking 17
Selected References

MAN Diesel & Turbo has delivered several integrally 8-Stage CO2 compressor RG56-8 in CIS
geared compressors with up to 10 stages for CO2 , Commissioning in 2011
N2 , Propylene and vapor applications. n Pressure from 1.1 to 150 bara
References include: n Massflow ≈ 16 kg/s
n Impeller diameters 500 – 95 mm
3 x 8-Stage CO2 compressor RG80-8 for coal gasi- n Pinion speed 8,000 – 36,000 rpm
fication plant in North Dakota. The CO 2 from this n Driven by steam turbine
plant is used for EOR in the Weyburn oilfields in
Canada 8-Stage CO2 compressor RG71-8 in Canada
2 units commissioned in 1998, with an additional n Pressure from 1.68 to 174 bara
train in 2005 n Massflow ≈ 39 kg/s
n Pressure from 1.1 to 187 bara n Impeller diameters 741 - 142 mm
n Massflow ≈ 34 kg/s n Pinion Speeds 7,830 - 25,600 rpm
n Impeller diameters 800 – 115 mm n Driven by fixed-speed synchronous electric motor
n Pinion Speeds 7,350 – 26,600 rpm
n Driven by fixed-speed synchronous electric motor 8-Stage N2 compressor RG50-8 in Northern Europe
n Pressure from 1.07 to 76 bara
10-Stage CO2 compressor RG56-10 in Russia n Massflow ≈ 11.5 kg/s
Commissioned in 1992 n Impeller diameters 515 - 167 mm
n Pressure from 1 to 200 bara n Pinion Speeds 14,000 - 29,950 rpm
n Massflow ≈ 13 kg/s n Driven by fixed-speed asynchronous electric motor
n Impeller diameters 550 – 90 mm
n Pinion speed 26,000 – 48,000 rpm 4-Stage Propylene compressor RG71-4 in India
n Driven by fixed-speed asynchronous electric motor n Pressure from 1.14 to 20.17 bara
n Massflow ≈ 74 kg/s
8-Stage CO2 compressor RG40-8 in Slovakia n Impeller diameters 730 – 510 mm
Commissioned in 2002 n Pinion Speeds 7,550 – 9,200 rpm
n Pressure from 1.1 to 150 bara n Driven by fixed-speed asynchronous electric motor
n Massflow ≈ 8 kg/s
n Impeller diameters 400 – 95 mm 3-Stage Vapor compressor RG100-3 in Scandinavia
n Pinion speed 8,000 – 41,000 rpm n Pressure from 0.4 to 2.7 bara
n Driven by variable speed asynchronous electric n Massflow ≈ 11.5 kg/s
motor n Impeller diameters 980 – 670 mm
n Pinion Speeds 9,200 – 12,100 rpm
n Driven by fixed-speed asynchronous electric motor

18 Forward Thinking
Forward Thinking 19
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the
subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to
changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This
will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially
specific site and operational conditions. Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo.
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MAN Diesel & Turbo

Egellsstr. 21
13507 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 30 440402-2639

MAN Diesel & Turbo – a member of the MAN Group

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