Modular Design of Automated Biochemistry Analyzer: Swati Kapoor Vikas Goel

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 71– No.18, June 2013

Modular Design of Automated Biochemistry Analyzer

Swati Kapoor Vikas Goel
CDAC, Mohali CDAC, Mohali

ABSTRACT labs where heavy load of blood samples is estimated.

Presently, in the market, bio-chemistry analyzers are in
Fully automatic biochemistry analyzer (FABCA) is a high different variants like colorimeter, semi-automatic bio-
performance micro-controller based Photometric biochemistry chemistry analyzer, fully automatic bio-chemistry analyzer,
analyzer used to measure various blood biochemical photometer, spectrometer etc. A biochemistry analyzer and a
parameters such as blood glucose, urea, protein, and bilirubin biology analyzer is a term that could refer to a variety of
etc. that are associated with various disorders such as different instruments that are intended to perform various
diabetes, kidney diseases, liver malfunctions and other functions like analyze and measure the actual characteristics
metabolic derangement’s. The quantization of these of samples. The most typical use of the biochemistry analyzer
parameters is helpful in diagnosing health disorder. In the is to look for the structure and functions associated with
proposed project work, it is planned to automate the filter biomolecules such as fats, proteins, enzymes as well as
selection, sample aspiration, auto-calibration and other related nucleic acid. Automation in the biochemistry analyzer brought
parameters to be controlled through micro-controller based change in the manner in which numerous laboratory functions
hardware and software system. It is proposed to automate the are completed and allows a lot of time insensitive tasks to be
sample handling system to cope up with the large no. of blood streamlined which in turn provides good throughput. These
sample at a time. The modular design of automatic automatic biochemistry analyzer products can calculate the
biochemistry analyzer (ABC) analyzer facilitate to be focus and/or figure out the features of particular substances
controlled via laptop or PC by using the interfacing/front end inside a sample quickly and with minimal operator treatment.
software or as standalone unit.
The system is planned in a way that it can be operated either
Keywords from its own control unit or directly attached to a PC or laptop
Bio-chemistry analyzer, Lamberts & Beer law, Autosampler, for its operation. Individual control cards for each module are
Optical assembly for analyzer, OD Optical Density, planned. This will help in troubleshooting of the system and
FABCA Fully automatic biochemistry analyzer, easy replacement of the defective card.
SCUSignal Conditioning Unit With a good automated analyzer, there are often dedicated
auto samplers being used combined with the instrument or
1. INTRODUCTION oftentimes, even a built-in auto sampler. These additional
An automated analyzer is a pathological lab instrument features simplify the job of biochemistry and biology analysis
designed to analyze blood bio-chemistry parameters like and because the safety associated with laboratory personnel
glucose, amylase, urea, triglycerides etc. with minimal human whenever using biological samples is usually a concern, also
assistance. Blood samples are placed in a rack of test tubes. make the current, automated biochemistry and biology
This rack is rotated through a stepper motor for positioning of analyzer easier and safer to make use of. In bigger medical
blood sample through the measurement chamber of the laboratories, for example those from hospitals, we can find
analyzer. The purpose of the fully automated bio-chemistry dedicated biochemistry analyzer systems being used, often
analyzer is intended for labs where heavy load of blood used to perform various common assessments needed from
samples is estimated. Selection of filters for a respective test, healthcare amenities. These include assessments for amounts
sample aspiration, check of water level, different reagents and of albumin, sugar, enzymes as well as creatine levels within
standard levels, washing of flow through cell, QC level, auto- the blood or even serum. These tests can be performed
calibration of peristaltic pump and many other checks are through measuring colorimetry, turbidity conductivity, and a
automated. This automation provides a lot of convenience to variety of other techniques. The automatic analyzer mainly
lab operator to concentrate on sample preparation and includes:
reporting/documentation part. Biochemical analyzer (BCA) is
a kind of instrument based on the principal of Lambert-Beer.  Sample handling system
It is often used to measure the clinical and chemistry indexes  Sample aspiration
of blood, such as, the glucose, bilirubin, albumin, uric-acid,  Reagent handling system
cholesterol, HGB, etc. Because it can truly and rapidly offer  Washing of the flow cell
test data for doctor or chemistry identifier, it plays an  Incubation of the sample at the selected system
important role in clinic diagnose and chemistry inspection. An  Automatic filter selection and gain according to the
automated analyzer is a medical laboratory instrument requirement of the test
designed to measure different chemicals and other  Automatic printed test result
characteristics in a number of blood samples quickly, with
minimal human assistance. Blood samples are placed in a rack The main components analyzer includes:
of test tubes and then this rack is rotated through a stepper  CPU
motor for positioning of blood sample through the  Signal Conditioning Unit (SCU) and ADC
measurement chamber of the analyzer. The purpose of the  Display Unit
fully automated bio-chemistry analyzer is intended for the  Motor Control Unit

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 71– No.18, June 2013


 Printer Control Unit
 Power Supply WORKS
 Optical Module In the case of existing analyzers all the filters were placed in a
 Temp. Control Assembly linear array and each filter had a corresponding photodiode of
 Keyboard Control Unit its own placed right below the filter. Once the light generated
 Flow Cell Chamber from the halogen lamp passes through the sample placed in
 Samples Holding and Control Unit the flow cell it will fall on each filter, i.e. everytime each filter
 Reagents Holding and Control Unit is exposed to the light due to which the lifetime of each filter
 Water Holding and Control Unit decreases. On the other hand in the case of FABCA, we have
 Control Serum Handling System for QC Test a circular filter wheel assembly in which each filter is placed
and only a filter for a particular test is brought in front of the
2. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION flow cell and only the lifetime of that filter reduces.
The principal of operation of a bio-chemistry analyzer is
based on LAMBERTS AND BEER’S Law of photo-
chemistry. This law relates absorption of the light to the
properties of the medium through which it travels. The
amount of light penetrating into the solution is termed as
transmittance and is expressed as the ratio of the intensity of
the transmitted light It and intensity of the incident light beam
Ii. According to the Lamberts law absorbance is directly
proportional to thickness of the sample. According to the
Beers law absorbance is proportional to concentration of the
sample. Lamberts and Beers law combines these two laws and
correlates the absorbance to both concentration as well as to Figure 2: Existing Analyzers
the thickness.
Thus according to the Lamberts and Beers law, the
transmitted light coming out of a liquid contained in a
transparent glass depends upon the concentration (C), path
length (T) and intensity of the incident light. If path length T
and intensity of the incident light are kept constant, the
transmitted light intensity will be proportional to the
concentration of the liquid contained in glass chamber.
Figure 3: FABCA

It consists of light source, homochromy device, colorimetric
cup, temperature sensor, sampling device, photoelectric
converter and microcomputer system and so on. The light
source is a 30W/12V halogen lamp and gives off the steady
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the sample absorbing white light. The homochromy device is composed of the
monochromatic light rotating wheel, interferential filter and step motor and so on.
A bundle of monochromatic light with intensity Io transmits The step motor drives the rotating wheel where there are 8
through the sample solution with concentration C, and arrives interferential filters distributed proportionally, one of them is
at the photoelectric converter. Suppose the transmitted light a standby and the others are employed for the measurement.
intensity is I, the distance that the light goes across or the light Their wavelengths are 340nm, 405nm, 510nm, 546nm,
pathway is L, then 578nm, 620nm and 670nm separately. The basic block
diagram of the fully automatic biochemistry analyzer
Io/I =eKLC , where K is absorbency (FABCA) is shown in figure 3 below. The system mainly
Thus we can conclude that sample concentration can be constitutes a light source, an optical assembly, a flow cell
measured based on relative change of the transmitted & (where the sample is placed) shown in figure 3, a peltier
incident light intensity provided if the light pathway is fixed. device (to maintain the desired temperature for the performing
According to Lambert and Beer’s law, when monochromatic the particular test on the sample in the flow cell) a filter wheel
light passes through colored solution, the intensity of the assembly, a photodiode, a signal conditioning unit (SCU),
transmitted light decreases exponentially with the increase in analog to digital (ADC), a processing unit which can be
concentration of the absorbing substance. The amount of the interfaced with a display device like LCD, or with a printer or
light energy absorbed depends on the number of molecules keyboard.. The components are discussed in brief below.
present in absorbing material and the thickness of the Keeping in view the low response of photo detector in UV
medium. Thus, intensity of light energy leaving the absorbing (340nm), all the optical components have been provided with
substance is used to provide an indication of concentration of enhanced antireflection coating in the UV region. In the opto-
that particular substance. In this system, the basic requirement mechanical assembly, special care has been taken in the
is to measure optical density/absorbance and the concentration design so that each component is properly aligned with
of the test parameter under run accurately. respect to optical axis. To get the required wavelength of light
to be passed, 6 interference filters of different wavelengths

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 71– No.18, June 2013

such as 340nm, 405nm, 505nm, 546nm, 578nm, and 630nm, selected for the test to be carried out on the sample, and then
from UV region to visible region spectrum (300nm to the filter is brought in the front of the flow cell in which the
700nm), have been mounted on the filter wheel sample is placed. Whenever a desired filter for a specific test
is selected, the filter wheel moves from its home position to
the desired position. In this way the desired filter is selected.
The movement of the filter wheel and the placement of the
corresponding filter in front of the flow cell are controlled by
a stepper motor which is programmed through the controller.
The light generated from the halogen lamp then passes
through the sample placed in the flow cell and further passes
through the filter. We have a module that is fitted with the
pair of lenses so as to provide proper pathway to the light. The
light then falls on the photodiode which converts the light into
. an output voltage.
Figure 4: Filters

Figure 7: Optical Assembly of the analyzer

4.2 Photodiode (S13368BQ)
Figure 5: Flow cell in which sample is placed It is also termed as UV enhanced photodiode. The photodiode
is placed in between the signal conditioning unit and the
These filters are selected automatically depending on the test controller. The monochromatic beam of the light that passes
performed. When the filter of required wavelength is selected, from the filter falls on the photodiode where it is converted
the corresponding gain is selected automatically. The filter into a corresponding output voltage to drive the further
wheel is driven by a stepper motor, which is interfaced with circuitry. The main features of this photodiode include:
the port of microcontroller through driver circuit. Pulses are
 High sensitivity
generated according to required sequence to rotate the motor
 Low capacitance
at required angle, which brings the filter in front of photo
detector.  High reliability
This photodiode is primarily used in applications like in
analytical instruments and optical measurement systems

4.3 Signal Conditioning Unit (SCU)

The voltage generated from the photodiode is of order few
millivolts and is not sufficient to operate the further circuitry
therefore we employ a signal conditioning unit. The signal
conditioning unit mainly constitutes an amplifier, a second
order low pass butterworth filter and a buffer. The amplifier is
mainly used to boost up the amplitude of the signal output
from the photodiode. The second order butterworth filter is
designed with cut off frequency of about 5-6 KHz. The main
aim of designing this second order low pass butterworth filter
is to remove the noise, which is done by increasing signal to
Figure 6: Block Diagram noise ratio (which in turn reduces noise). The main aim of the
buffer is to make the output impedance minimum.
4.1 Optical Assembly of the Analyzer
The operation of this optical system can be best understood by
classifying it into three parts. Firstly, that it transforms the
duplicate colored light into the monochromatic light.
Secondly is transforms the light signal of the monochromatic,
which have the information of the measured sample, as the
electric signal by use the photoelectric detector The optical
assembly of the analyzer includes a halogen lamp, a flow cell, Figure 8: Signal conditioning unit
a pair of plano convex lenses, the filter wheel assembly
attached to the stepper motor that controls its movement, and
a photodiode. The motion of the stepper motor is controlled
by the AT89C51RE2 microcontroller. Initially a filter is

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 71– No.18, June 2013

4.4 Analog to digital converter (ADC) The probe is moved down into the test tube to aspirate the
water/sample or reagent. The sampler may have number of
LTC1867 test tube positions depending upon its application and
The LTC1867 is a pin compatible, 8 channel, 12/16 bit A/D requirement. The placement of test tube should be accurate
converter with an internal reference and serial I/O. The and precise enough so that each test tube is at an equal angular
ADC’s typically draw 1.3mA from single 5V supply. The distance from one another. This ensures the proper dipping of
main features of this ADC are: the probe into the selected test tube.
 Sample Rate- 200mbps
 Automatic nap mode between conversions
 8 channel multiplexer with :
Single ended or differential inputs and unipolar and
bipolar conversion modes
 Single 5V operation
 Signal to noise ratio-89dB
 SPI/serial I/O
The main applications where this ADC is used include:
 Industrial process control
 High speed data acquisition
 Battery operated system
 Multiplexed data acquisition systems
 Imaging systems
As this ADC is housed in narrow and a compact 16 pin- SSOP
package, therefore LTC1867 ADC can be also used in space Figure 10: Automatic biochemistry Analyzer
sensitive as well as low power applications. The automatic
nap mode between conversions also benefits power sensitive
applications. 5. COMPUTATION OF OD
The optical density of the sample is given by:
5. AUTOSAMPLER Optical Density (OD) = 2 - log10(T),
An auto-sampler used in fully automatic bio-chemistry and T is Transmittance given by:
analyzer is an integral part of this instrument. It is an electro- T = It / I 0
mechanical device fitted with different probes to aspirate Where, It is intensity of transmitted light, and Io is the
water, reagents and samples from the test placed in different intensity of the incident light
holes provided in the sampler tray. Each test tube has its T is also computed by the following equations:
unique position and is programmed through the software Say, Vw and Vsample are the voltages with water and sample
section of the unit. The entire sampler unit is attached to respectively.
stepper motor shaft and the position of each test tube is Then T is given by:
controlled via the commands from software section in T = (100 x Vsample/ Vw)
synchronization with different probes. The probes are also
attached to a separate stepper motor shaft. Once a particular RESULTS & CONCLUSION
test is selected the respective test tube comes under the probe. The system is designed using the modular approach. This
enables the system to be used as standalone unit or as an
optical assembly along with sampler system and can be
interfaced with PC or laptop. In that case, the PC/laptop
resources are used in terms of memory, display, keyboard etc.
Further, the limitation on account of memory for result
storage, test storage and sorting of results becomes easier as
the same can be analyzed by using different s/w installed in
the system (PC). However, the PC or laptop needs to be
communicated over a communication channel, serial protocol
is being used in the present case. USB/four wire interface may
Figure 9: Reagent sampler also be employed with necessary modifications in the
software of the same.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 71– No.18, June 2013

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