g cm·s g cm Ƞ ρt cm s t

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Name: Capuno, Ashley Mabilangan, Shaniah Date performed: December 5, 2019

Gimenez, Austine Tagalog, Michelle

Course & Section: CHE157L-B01 Date submitted: December 12, 2019
Group: 1 Instructor: Engr. Ria Grace P. Abdon
Post Laboratory Report Sheet



A. Calibration of Viscometer

Calibration Ƞ ρ t Ƞ 1
( ¿ ( ¿
Liquid g ρt t2
( ¿ (s)
cm·s g
( 3¿
cm cm2 1
( ¿ ( ¿
s2 s

Water 8.00117x10-3 0.99567 99 8.117x10-5 1.020x10-4

Ethyl Acetate 4.08709x10-3 0.88850 58 7.931x10-5 2.973x10-4
Acetone 2.95415x10-3 0.78020 55 6.884x10-5 3.306x10-4
-5 -5
A: 8.582686521x10 ≈ 8.5827x10 cm2/s2

B: -0.03858144352 ≈ -0.03858 cm2

B. Effect of Concentration

XA Mass of Mass of Mass of ρ of liquid t (s) Ƞ (g/cm.s)

pycnometer pycnometer liquid (g) (g/cm3)
(g) + liquid (g)
0.10 13.055 36.821 23.766 0.91849 290 0.02298
0.20 13.055 35.925 22.870 0.88386 320 0.02438
0.40 14.040 37.844 23.804 0.91996 298 0.02365
0.60 14.040 36.702 22.662 0.87582 318 0.02401
0.80 13.626 39.470 25.844 0.99880 306 0.02636
0.95 13.626 38.091 24.465 0.94551 239 0.01955
water 14.580 40.343 25.763 0.99567 252 0.02169
Temperature of water bath: 30 °C ; note: A - 2-propanol

B. Effect of Temperature

Temperature (K) ρ (g/cm3) t (s) Ƞ (g/cm.s) ∆G° (J/mol)

303.15 0.79660 262 0.01803 14,697.49
308.15 0.79200 255 0.01745 14,870.97
313.15 0.78740 248 0.01688 15,040.97
318.15 0.78410 242 0.01641 15,217.54
323.15 0.77900 237 0.01597 15,401.21

∆H°: J/mol
∆S°: J/mol.K


Viscosity is described as the fluid’s internal resistance to flow and may be thought as a
measure of fluid friction. It can be observed physically through the thickness of the fluid wherein a
highly viscous fluid is thick like honey while water is thin thus, has a low viscosity. There are three main
factors affecting the viscosity of a substance; temperature, concentration and pressure however,
viscosity is only affected by pressure with a very high value.

A common procedure to measure viscosity is through the use of an Ostwald viscometer,

also known as U-tube viscometer. In order to collect accurate data, the viscometer is calibrated through
repeated trials. Since viscosity varies with temperature, calibration is done at a single temperature so
that all the data that will be produced is consistent with respect to temperature. It is shown in table A
the literature values needed to calculate for the constants of flow for the viscometer that is used. The
calibration is done at a temperature of 30°C. With the data gathered, it is evident that acetone is the
least viscous while water is the most viscous and ethyl acetate in between among the three samples.

To observe the effect of the varying the concentration in the viscosity of a substance, a
binary solution of water and 2-propanol is used while the temperature is constant at 30°C. However,
Table B doesn’t clearly show the significance of concentration with viscosity, this may be due to a
combination of random and systematic errors while conducting the experiment. Ideally, increasing the
concentration of a solute in a substance also increases the molecular mass, resulting to thickening of the
substance. This also results in increasing the intermolecular forces of attraction, this means that the
molecules of the substance will be closer and more attracted to one another making it more difficult to
separate. Therefore, making the substance more viscous. Also, weaker IMFA are easier to break
resulting to lower viscosity. Liquids whose molecules are polar or can form hydrogen bonds are usually
more viscous than similar nonpolar substances.

Another factor affecting viscosity is temperature. Using pure 1-propanol, meaning that
the concentration is constant, different flow time runs is conducted at different temperatures. It is
shown in Table C that increasing the temperature until 323.15 K makes the viscosity of the substance
decrease compared to that of 303.15 K. At hotter environments a substance will move faster than when
it is placed in a cooler environment. Viscosity lowers as temperature increases and as temperature
decreases, viscosity increases. This inversely proportional relationship of viscosity and temperature is
due to the movement of the molecules that compose a substance. When the temperature is high,
molecules become excited and begin to move thus, making the fluid flow faster.


1. Interpret the behavior of the obtained n-mole fraction of solute curve for 2-propanol. Propose
a model for the solution process and its flow properties in terms of the interactions of solute
and solvent.

ƞ vs. XA






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

2. Relate the strength of intermolecular forces of attraction with the viscosity of a liquid.
The Intermolecular forces greatly affects the viscosity of a liquid. The higher the intermolecular
forces or IMFA, the higher the viscosity of the liquid. It is because intermolecular forces are keeping the
molecules intact in response it has higher resistance to flow.

3. Discuss the effect of temperature on the viscosity.

One of the factors that affects viscosity is the temperature. For liquids, viscosity decreases in
higher temperature. It is because higher temperature corresponds to high kinetic energy that will result
to faster moving molecules thus lower viscosity or resistance to flow.

Through this experiment the viscosities of pure liquids and aqueous solutions were determined
at various concentrations and the result shows a directly proportional behavior. This means, the higher
the concentration, the higher the viscosity. Erying’s equation was also used to identify the effect in
temperature in the viscosity of the liquids thus having a glimpse in their thermodynamic properties. The
result shows an inversely proportional behavior between temperature and viscosity. This means that the
higher the temperature, the lower the viscosity. Due to errors in the experiment, there are discrepancies
in the result obtained. The result viscosity should decrease as temperature increases. As temperature
rises, liquid decreases their surface tension becoming more “runny” or flowing freely than they are at
cooler temperature. Therefore, concentration and viscosity are directly proportional with one another
while temperature and viscosity are inversely proportional with one another.

In order to gather a reliable and accurate data, the experiment must be done properly and
guided by the manual or procedure. This is significant because viscosity of liquids is important in the
processes within the industry. It governs the sealing effect of liquids and the rate of consumption, as
well as determines the ease with which machines may be started or operated under varying
temperature conditions, particularly in cold climates.

 Elert, G. 2019. The Physics Hypertextbook. Retrieved from: https://physics.info/viscosity/
 Rohde, A. (2018). How does Changing the Temperature Affect the Viscosity & Surface
Tension of a Liquid?, Retrieved from: https://sciencing.com/changing-temperature-affect-
 Engineers Edge. (2019). Water – Density Viscosity Specific Weight. Retrieved from:
 Literature values for the calibration are taken from
 Literature value for the density of water at 30 °C is taken from
 https://www.cscscientific.com/viscosity

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