Past Continuous Key Ex (Pp. 18-22) PDF

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 Past Continuous: exercises.

1) Sarah did a lot of things yesterday morning. Look at the pictures and complete the

1. At 9.45 she was washing her car.

2. At 11.45 she was swimming.
3. At 9 o’clock she was reading the newspaper.
4. At 12.50 she was cooking/preparing the meal.
5. At 8.15 she was having breakfast.
6. At 10.30 she was listening to the radio/music.

2) Complete the questions. Use was/were + -ing. Use what/where/why if necessary.

1. Where were you living in 1990? In London.

2. What were you doing at 2 o’clock? I was asleep.
3. Was it raining when you got up? No, it was sunny.
4. Why was Ann driving so fast? Because she was in a hurry.
5. Was Tim wearing a suit yesterday? No, a T-shirt and jeans.

3) Look at the picture. You saw James in the street yesterday afternoon. What was he
doing? Write positive or negative sentences.

1. He wasn’t wearing a jacket.

2. He was carrying a bag.
3. He wasn’t going to the dentist.
4. He was eating an ice-cream.
5. He wasn’t carrying an umbrella.
6. He wasn’t going home.
7. He was wearing a hat.
8. He wasn’t riding a bicycle.
4) Yesterday you went to a party. This is what you saw when you arrived. Make
sentences in the Past Continuous.

When I arrived at the party …

1. Jenny/talk/to Mike.
-> Jenny was talking to Mike.
2. Annie and Pete/dance
-> Annie & Pete were dancing.
3. Sarah and Bill/sit/on the sofa.
-> Sarah & Bill were sitting on the sofa.
4. Katie/choose/a CD.
-> Katie was choosing a CD.
5. Max/drink/champagne.
-> Max was drinking champagne.
6. Beth and Dave/eat/crisps.
-> Beth & Dave were eating crisps.
7. Justin/show/Lucinda a photograph.
-> Justin was showing Lucinda a photograph.
8. Harry/smoke/a cigar.
-> Harry was smoking a cigar.
9. James/tell/a joke.
-> James was telling a joke.
 Past Simple & Past Continuous: exercises.
1) Look at the pictures and put the verbs in the correct form

2) Put the verb into the past simple or past continuous.

3) Right or wrong. Correct if wrong.

1. I walked home yesterday after the party. Right

2. I walked along the street when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody
I was walking
followed me. I was frightened and I was starting to run. Wrong
was following started
3. It was warm, so I was taking off my coat. Wrong
took off
4. The film wasn’t very good. I didn’t enjoy it very much. Right

5. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. Right

6. I was going to the cinema 3 times last week. Wrong

7. I cycled home yesterday when suddenly a man stepped out into the road in front
was cycling
of me. I was going quite fast but luckily I was managing to stop in time and
didn’t hit him. Wrong
8. We invited them to our party but they decided not to come. Right

9. He was being 35 years old when he died. Wrong

10. I was enjoying the party but Chris was wanting to go home. Wrong

D) Making sentences using the Past Simple & the Past Continuous

 Join the parts of the sentences with when or while and the correct form of the past

1. …She/swim in the sea // she /lose one of her beach shoes. (While)
She lost one of her beach shoes while she was swimming in the sea.
2. I/do my homework … // all the lights/go out. (when)
I was doing my homework when all the lights went out.
3. …They /have dinner // the cat/eat the goldfish. (while)
The cat ate the goldfish while we were having dinner.
4. My brother/cycle quite fast … // he/get a puncture. (when)
My brother was cycling quite fast when he got a puncture.
5. …I/change some money // a robber/run into the bank. (while)
A robber ran into the bank while I was changing some money.
6. I /see Jackie & Terry… // I/come back from the airport. (when)
I saw Jackie & Terry when I was coming back from the airport.

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